Finishing the arch with decorative tiles. Finishing the arch with decorative stone in the apartment. Rules for applying glue

Decorative rock great material for finishing, both facades of buildings, and for an internal interior. This material easy to process, cut and drill.
It is easy to work with him. However, in order to obtain an aesthetic good result, it is necessary to strictly follow the cladding technology.


Let's prepare the tool first.
You will need:

  • Construction mixer
  • Building level
  • Cutting machine or cutting machine
  • Putty knife
  • Bucket
  • Metal brush
  • Paint brushes
  • rubber mallet
  • Trowel
  • Construction tape measure
  • Grout syringe
  • Household spray gun
  • Wooden or plastic wedges of the same thickness

Consumables - making the right choice

You will also need consumables:

  • Adhesive for decorative stone

Our advice - when purchasing glue, carefully read what is written on its packaging. The instruction must accurately indicate its properties.
For gluing decorative stone of different weight, there are different varieties glue. Therefore, first select a decorative stone that suits you, then purchase glue, and not vice versa.
Price in this case plays a secondary role, the main quality.

The decoration of arches with decorative stone suggests that in addition to laying stone on vertical surface, you will also need to overlay the vault. In this case, the peeling force will constantly act on the glued stone.
Therefore, the implementation of all recommendations for selection right glue are especially important.

Important - when carrying out work on the installation of decorative stone at an ambient temperature below +5 degrees, it is necessary to use glue of a certain brand. Consider all this when choosing.

You will also need:

  • Matching color grout
  • Primer

The arch, as one of the ways to design a doorway, is usually installed in the transition between the hallway and the living room.

This is, in fact, the first element of decor design that can surprise the guests who have come.

Now arched structures are very popular, they have a variety of shapes, sizes and designs.

arch decoration decorative stone is the most sought-after way to make it more functional, sophisticated and trendy.

You can decorate the arch in several ways:, plastic panels, wooden doorway.

But all of them are no longer relevant: they are not environmentally friendly, since they do not let air through, plaster is very susceptible to mechanical impact, and the tree does not always meet the high requirements of trendy design.

To date, the most popular way to decorate arches is to decorate them. artificial stone, which, compared with natural, has a lot of advantages.

In addition to everything, it has a high wear resistance of the surface and is able to retain its original appearance for a long time.

Artificial is better than natural!

Perhaps such a statement can be perplexing, since there is a general opinion that natural is always better than artificial, but not in this case.

Firstly, the artificial (decorative) material is one hundred percent natural and consists of expanded clay, pumice, cement and other natural fillers, and is only obtained in an industrial, artificial way.

It is strong, durable and no less beautiful.

Secondly, there are several advantages of decorative stone over natural:

  • It is almost three times lighter than its natural counterpart, which allows the use artificial material on arched structures of different strength;
  • Available for purchase on construction market and is many times cheaper than natural;
  • Shape, texture, color can be exactly the same popular species natural stones used in decoration;
  • Ease of maintenance of the decorated surface;
  • Even an amateur can decorate an arched space with such material, the product is malleable during trimming and grinding sharp corners.

Thirdly, the material is immune to high humidity, temperature extremes, the effects of fungus, corrosion and decay.

This certainly makes it a leader among similar ones when choosing a product for room decor.

The main stages of work: where to start?

When decorating an arched space with artificial decor, there are three main stages:

  • Preparation of the working surface of the wall and working equipment;
  • Basic work on finishing the inner and outer surface of the arch;
  • Surface decoration.

The first stage includes preparing the base for laying artificial stone and the necessary working equipment.

In the first case, special care is not required, the main thing is that the surface be cleaned of dust and primed.

For better bonding of the adhesive, wall and decor, notches are applied to the base of the wall before laying the layer.

To work, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Priming composition;
  • Fake diamond;
  • Mortar or construction adhesive;
  • Grout for seams;
  • Auxiliary tools (pencil, ruler, sandpaper, plastic spatula, construction syringe).

It should be borne in mind that the cement mortar (glue), its composition and proportions, must correspond to the selected type of material.

The second stage is the decoration of the arch with decorative stone, in a word, its laying on the prepared surface.

The first row of material is formed at the junction of the arch and the wall according to the “bottom up” principle, the second according to the same principle, but in a checkerboard pattern.

The complexity of the work of the second stage lies in applying decorative elements to the arched shape of the arch with the designation of additional markings of the required radius.

As well as trimming the product according to the intended pattern, followed by grinding the cut edges.

The time for drying the adhesive layer depends on the type of solution chosen, most often it is about two days.

Artificial stone can be laid out in two ways: without seams and with jointing.

In the case of using the second method, after the glue has completely dried, the gaps between the tiles are rubbed with a construction syringe or a plastic spatula with a special compound.

The third stage of finishing work is decorating the surface, that is, giving it a finished look.

It is important to remember that applied adhesive composition must dry completely, otherwise, when processing the seams, the carefully laid out chess pattern may be disturbed.

Decoration includes: primary processing of seams with a composition for grouting gaps between products, giving the finished surface the desired shade with an airbrush.

Also cleaning the masonry from excess glue and grout, surface treatment with polishing and water-repellent agents.

Laying of artificial stone can be carried out on a special construction adhesive, cement and sand mortar or liquid nails, adhesive base is selected depending on the type of wall surface and the type of decorative product.

At self-cooking adhesive solution, it is necessary to use it in small portions, otherwise it may dry out and partially lose its properties.

You should not immediately lay an artificial stone, first you need to mix it together from several different packages.

There are many options for how to make the interior original and attractive. One solution is to create from a doorway beautiful arch. But such a design by itself may not be enough. In some cases, you can not do without a spectacular finish. And for this, artificial stone is very often used.

About arches

The arch represents architectural element, which in the interior plays the role of an opening. It is known that there are references to the first arches from the times of the Ancient East.

Given such a long history, to know the reasons for the creation arched structures does not seem possible. For a very long time, the building was built of stone and brick. It is already in our days that drywall, wood, plywood, and also OSB boards, chipboard or fiberboard.

About decorative stone

This material is not just a great way to decorate the interior, it perfectly performs a protective function. Therefore, he was so fond of designers. Of course, if an artificial stone is used indoors, then its protective functions come down to resisting only random mechanical damage. And this material is used pointwise in the interior, the maximum that can be finished in one room is a wall. But most often the material is used as an addition to existing elements.

Benefits of a stone arch

This design option has almost no drawbacks. After all, the material does not rot, does not corrode and fungus. Decorative artificial stone consists of environmentally friendly components, therefore it is safe for health.

Why can't you use natural material? The fact is that, firstly, it is very expensive, and secondly, not all structures can withstand the weight natural stone. The same granite is three times heavier than its artificial counterpart.

There are a number of other advantages of this approach:

  • no special care is required - any detergent that does not contain abrasives will do;
  • you can use an artificial analogue of any natural stone- manufacturers began to make very high-quality imitation;
  • decorating stone arches with your own hands does not require special skills, so the procedure is easy.

Materials for creating a structure

Creating a stone arch in an apartment requires the use of a specific list of materials that need to be prepared in advance:

  • the decorative stone itself;
  • pencil;
  • sandpaper;
  • primer;
  • mortar or glue;
  • grout for seams.


Finishing the arch with decorative stone starts from the traditional stage of surface preparation. It is necessary to smooth out the bumps using sandpaper, and then putty them using a pre-primer.

Preparation of the adhesive solution

You can lay a decorative stone on a special glue, on cement-sand mortar or liquid nails.

Clutch quality finishing material with a base depends on the roughness of the back side of the tile and the quality adhesive mixture. If the solution needs to be prepared on its own, this should be done in small portions, since it sets quickly enough, losing its properties. You need to mix the powder and water in a convenient capacious container using a mixer (it can be a drill with a special nozzle). You need to mix until you get the consistency of thick sour cream.


Laying is done from the bottom up. You need to start from the corner of the opening-wall. The seam should be left approximately 4-5 mm. If used corner stones, they need to be glued from below. If flat ones are used, laying should be done with an overlap.

During the procedure, do not forget to check the horizontal laying. On an arc, elements can be trimmed to meet the required radius. This can be done with wire cutters or a grinder with a special nozzle.

The edges must be sanded with a file. When the finish is finished, you need to wait for the mortar or glue to dry. After that, you need to do the refinement of the seams. For these purposes, we use a grout of the appropriate color. To perform the procedure, it is better to use a construction syringe. Otherwise, you can use rubber spatula. You can make the tool yourself. To do this, cut off a square piece of polyethylene, fold it in the form of a cone, fix it with tape. The tip of this element must be cut so that the resulting size corresponds to the size of the seams between the stones.

Next, one of these tools needs to press the grout into the seams in order to completely fill them. In this case, everything must be done carefully so that the material does not fall on front part products. It remains to wait until the grout dries - the decorative stone arch is ready.

Seamless laying

In this case, the tiles are laid tightly to each other, so finishing the arch with artificial stone requires painstaking work. Glue or mortar is applied to the stone. If the laying is done from top to bottom, you can get a smooth border with clear lines.

Since the edges of the finishing material are well prepared, no pick-up time is required when laying, so the procedure is carried out quickly. At the end, the surface can be opened with an impregnation that will repel water and protect against the effects of chemicals.

Stone arch is inexpensive, but looks great

The design of the arch with a stone allows you to give this element of the interior more expressiveness and style. The room takes on a more refined and attractive look. This option looks especially good in the corridors and living rooms. In a word, the effect of such a finish is amazing, as you can see by looking at the photos of the options.

Behind last years more and more popular is the decoration of arches with stone. The resulting unusual appearance of the room, for example in the hallway, gives the room individuality, originality and solid appearance, expanding the space and creating a feeling of spaciousness.

The decoration of arches with decorative stone has not only beautiful design but also practicality. After all, the stone does not require when using a perfectly smooth base, while there is no need to level the surface. Many apartment owners want, but do not know how to finish the arch with stone. The information below will help you figure this out.

And what advantages will the surface have if the arch is finished with stone?

Scheme of masonry arch arch: B - the height to which you want to raise the top of the arch, C - half the width of the opening, R - radius.

Finishing arches with stone, as mentioned above, creates not only a pleasing external interior. Decorative stone has correct forms and is light in weight, which greatly simplifies the work carried out. This material is absolutely harmless from the point of view of ecology, it is not subject to corrosion, fungi and other bacteria. The stone does not need special care, you can wash it with any ugly detergent, it has a wide range of colors and textures (imitation of brick or in the form of tiles), in addition, the style of execution can be different (antique or modern).

The stone is especially valuable for such advantages as reliability and durability. Typically, arches are included in the design when designing the interior of corridors near entrance doors. This part of the apartment is characterized by a high probability of pollution and damage to the walls.

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What tools and materials are required for finishing arches with stone?

When conducting work, the main difficulty is the fact that it is necessary to veneer not only flat surface, but also the inner rounded part of the arch. If you carefully familiarize yourself with all the nuances of the process, then stone finishing will no longer seem so complicated, it can be done by hand.

To finish the arch, before starting work, you need to prepare the following tool:

  • pliers;
  • pick;
  • roller;
  • saw;
  • primer;
  • building level;
  • putty knife;
  • knife for construction work;
  • sandpaper;
  • pencil.

In addition, you will need:

  • stone;
  • liquid nails or glue;
  • cement mortar;
  • grouting solution.

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Preparatory stage of work

Stone tiles can be attached not only to cement, but also with liquid nails.

Before starting work on facing with stone arches, the following operations are required:

  • stone selection. If the surface of the arch is made of drywall sheets, it's too heavy stone tiles able to deform or destroy it. As a rule, narrow plates are purchased for finishing arches, since it is easier to fasten them to the arcuate inner part;
  • surface preparation. The surface must be carefully inspected for possible defects.

The stone can only be fixed to a solid, clean surface.

It is strictly forbidden to stick a stone on a dusty or dirty plane. This will lead to poor-quality fasteners, and the stone will soon fall off. The surface must first be treated with a special impregnation. Penetrating into the material, it significantly strengthens it. If the surface is too smooth, then with a pickaxe it will be necessary to make notches. They will help improve the adhesion of the stone plate to the arch. At the end, the arch is treated with a primer.

Cooking cement mortar. The composition depends on the type of stone used. The classic mortar includes sand, cement, lime and glue. The exact proportions of all components depend directly on the stone. Therefore, this issue is best resolved with experts. If a decorative stone that is light in weight is used, then it will be easy to glue it to a pre-treated surface using special glue or liquid nails.

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How to finish the arch from the outside?

Stone laying is carried out according to the following sequence:

After facing the arch, at least 24 hours must pass, after which all seams must be wiped with a special solution.

  1. Laying the 1st row. The walls bordering the arch also need to be finished. The first tile is attached at the junction of the arch with the wall. Start work from the bottom. To get a neat, even row, you need to use a building level and plastic crosses.
  2. The 2nd row is also placed at the intersection of the arch with the wall. However, the 1st stone of this row should protrude beyond the joint at a distance equal to the thickness of the tile. Facing tiles attached to outside corners overlap. This will allow not to close them in the future, and the masonry will become more durable. It turns out that the tiles should be stacked in a checkerboard pattern. The number of tiles depends on the length of the rows.
  3. Approaching the roundabout finishing tiles first applied to the wall on which it will be mounted, and then, being careful, cut in an arc (keeping the radius of curvature). Using a pencil, the stone is marked according to the rounding.
  4. You can carefully cut the stone by going through it several times beforehand. construction knife according to the marked markup. After that, all excess is removed with ordinary pliers. In addition, you can cut the tiles using special tile cutters or a grinder. The cut surface is processed sandpaper. All other elements bordering the arch, if necessary, are adjusted in the same way.

If you need to finish the arch with decorative stone, contact the database of Yudu masters. Our specialists will Finishing work any complexity qualitatively and inexpensively. Leave a request for services at any time.

What work is carried out by the masters

Finishing the arches in the apartment with decorative stone is carried out in several stages:

  • selection and purchase of materials (you can do it yourself or entrust our craftsmen)
  • surface preparation for better adhesion of materials, aesthetics and long service life of the coating (if decorative stone is applied to a dusty and dirty surface, the new coating will quickly move away from the wall)
  • primer
  • finishing work using lime, sand, glue - the master will determine the adhesive solution depending on the choice of material

Our experts will help you choose the materials that best solve the problems of your interior. It can be porcelain stoneware, quartz, acrylic, gypsum stone. Each material has its own texture, which will give the room an original and aesthetic appearance. To consult with our masters, ask them direct questions in the chat.

Cost of services

The following aspects will influence how much it will cost to finish the arch with a decorative stone:

  • type of material
  • area of ​​processed surfaces
  • volume of services of masters
  • task urgency

To get an idea of ​​the prices in advance, view the personal profiles of our masters - many of them indicate how much it costs decorative trim arches in the apartment with stone. But performers write averages - to find out a more accurate amount, write to the selected masters directly.

Leave a request in the feedback form on this page so that the decoration of the interior arch with a decorative stone is done efficiently and inexpensively. Describe your conditions for price and urgency, indicate your preferences for appearance materials. Our masters will write to you and offer services - interior arch the apartment will look nice and neat.
