Do-it-yourself bathroom tile replacement. How to inexpensively update old tiles in the bathroom. Laying a new coating

Almost any bathroom is fully or partially lined with ceramic tiles. Today, this material is considered, perhaps, unsurpassed for rooms with high humidity. Approximately 80% of the collections of all global tile manufacturers are dedicated specifically to bathrooms. Laying and replacing tiles in the bathroom are in incredible demand. This is especially true for cities such as Moscow or St. Petersburg, where you can buy tiles of any price range. different manufacturers, such as, for example:

  • Russian Kerabud and Ukrainian Atem
  • Polish Cersanit, Oposzno and Paradyz
  • Spanish Peronda, Venis and Rocersa
  • Italian Ragno, Atlas Concorde and Caesar

Each collection is presented not only in different price ranges, but also in various sizes and forms. Therefore, laying or replacing tiles should only be carried out by an experienced specialist, who can be easily found on the Youdo crowdsource exchange.

Why do you need to replace tiles?

Bathroom tiles, especially floor tiles, are often exposed to external impacts. In addition, the replacement of tiles in the bathroom may be necessary in the following situations:

  • the house has shrunk, the wall has sagged, and the tiles have crumbled, or have chipped and cracked
  • over time, the old grout mixture spilled out of the seams, and dry adhesive mixture, as a result of which voids appeared under the tile, and it failed
  • the bathroom is being renovated, for which it is necessary to remove all or part of the old tile

In each of these situations, the replacement of tiles will take place taking into account certain features.

Bathroom tile replacement

Despite the specifics of the work on replacing tiles in the bathroom, depending on the situation that caused it, there is a general algorithm for carrying out this procedure:

  • removal of damaged tiles or their row with complete cleaning of the surface on which they were located
  • restoration of the base of the wall or floor on which the new tile will be laid
  • direct laying of new material using a level and a rubber mallet
  • decorative Finishing work after laying the tiles, including grouting the joints with special grout mixtures

Bathroom tile is one of the best materials that not only has a pleasant appearance, high strength, but also long service life. It withstands temperature extremes and is tolerant of water. But even tiles can expire.

Over time, tiles become duller. It may show cracks or chips. One way to solve this problem is to replace the tiles. But doing a complete renovation in the bathroom is extra costs funds and time. There are other ways to update tiled flooring, which will be discussed below.

Replacing cracked tiles

For many, the situation is familiar when, from excessively strong mechanical impact the tile has cracked or cracked. For the sake of one or more damaged tiles, it is not at all necessary to start a repair, because it is enough to simply replace the damaged tiles.

It’s worth starting with the selection of tiles that are suitable in color and style. If you still have materials after the repair, that's great. Then you can simply replace the damaged element with a whole one. But what if there is no exactly the same tile left?


  • If the damaged element is located in a place that is unlikely to be looked at, then you can find a tile that more or less matches in color and exactly matches the size of the defective one.
  • If the tile is cracked open space, but you can’t find the same one, you can cheat a little. Instead of a damaged part, you can use some decorative element the same size. If it looks strange in a single copy, then replace several whole tiles with the same decorative details. Yes, it is a little more expensive and troublesome, but what to do?
  • Finally, you can replace the cracked tile with a tile of the same size, but cover it with a vinyl sticker.

The next important question is how to remove the damaged tile and not ruin the rest?

  • Around the damaged part, the grout must be completely removed with a scraper.
  • Several holes are drilled in the center of the damaged part.
  • Next to the holes, you need to install a chisel and split the tile with strong but careful blows.
  • Fragments are also removed with a chisel, moving from the central part to the edges.
  • The composition on which the tile was glued is carefully removed from the wall.

Actually, that's all, you can install a new tile. There is a risk that new part will be eye-catching.

To prevent this from happening, follow these steps:

  • apply glue to the surface of the wall and level it with a spatula over the entire area;
  • on the free place install a new tile, and leave mounting crosses at the seams (then the seams will be of the same thickness);
  • if the tile protrudes a little, then lightly tap on it so that it snaps into place;
  • when the glue hardens, remove the mounting crosses and fill the joints with grout.

Renovation of tile joints

Sometimes the overall picture also depends on the type of tile joints. For example, the tile looks great, but the seams are darkened or yellowed, chips have appeared on them, and due to this, the bathroom takes on an untidy look.

In order for the tile joints to always look like new, they must be properly cared for: use special means. Also needed good ventilation This will help prevent mold growth.

To return the seams to their former well-groomed appearance, updating the grout will help. For this you need:

  • remove the old grout with a spatula. You need to work with great care, as you risk damaging the tile. Can be used store funds to remove grout. After applying a special liquid, the composition softens, and it becomes very easy to clean the seams from the old grout;
  • prepare a new grout composition. It is recommended to choose a color for it to match the tone of the tile. But you can also try to beat the contrast;
  • apply a new composition rubber spatula;
  • when the grout dries, its excess is removed with a damp cloth or sponge. The tile needs to be well polished.

If the tiles in the bathroom are in good condition, updating the grout will give a great result, as if you just had a renovation.

The algorithm of work when replacing several tiles that are damaged for some reason is the same as when replacing one tile. The only difference is that you have to remove several tiles at once. It is easier if they are located next to each other, but if they are apart, then they must be removed very carefully so as not to damage neighboring elements.

To keep the tiles at the same level as the others, use mounting crosses. They guarantee the same width of the joints and allow you to install new tile smooth.

Vinyl stickers are simple, fast and cheap way make a cosmetic update of the tiles. Now manufacturers provide a huge selection of stickers in various color variations and with patterns, so you can easily pick up something to match the tile.

Keep in mind that vinyl decals will not last long. Over time, they peel off and need to be replaced. But at the same time, this is not only a disadvantage, but also an advantage, because you can periodically change the design of the bathroom.

Vinyl stickers are glued elementary. Remove from the back protective layer paper and attach the sticker to the desired surface, and then gently smooth it out. The main prerequisite is the cleanliness of the tiles. Before sticking something, the surface must be degreased, otherwise the sticker will begin to bubble after a while, and you will have to change it pretty quickly.


We talked about the use of vinyl stickers. But when painting tiles, the result will be more resistant. In doing so, you will be able to show a little creativity. You can simply completely repaint the tile, or you can apply a pattern to it. Let's consider both methods.

If the tile is old and has lost its presentable appearance, then it is easier to repaint it completely. To obtain an effective result, careful surface preparation is required, as well as a competent choice of paint.

With this decision, the stages of work will take place in the following sequence:

  • First, the tile is cleaned with detergents and then washed thoroughly running water;
  • the surface of the tile must be degreased. Acetone or alcohol will help here. Just wipe the tile well with any of these substances;
  • it is necessary to remove the glossy layer, so the tile is polished with a fine-grained sandpaper;
  • a layer of epoxy primer is applied to the surface, which dries within a day;
  • the tile is polished again;
  • after preparation, you can apply epoxy paint or special coloring compositions for tiles;
  • The first layer needs to dry for at least 12 hours. After that, a second layer is applied. If you are using light-colored paint, then you will need to wait until the second coat dries and apply the third.

Until quite recently, ceramic tiles were considered the best approach to choosing a finishing material for bathrooms, and such projects were used by almost all designers without exception.

Many people still keep the old tiles in the bathrooms safe and sound: for a very long time this material was considered the standard for finishing these rooms. The bathrooms, all the walls of which were tiled, were something similar to operating rooms in hospitals, and if such decoration frightened the owners with something, then at least the wall near the sink should have been tiled.

Thinking about how you can replace the tiles in the bathroom is quite difficult, because it closes the walls from the water splashing in the shower and it is very easy to clean it from the soot that appears during cooking. Until quite recently, it was impossible to come up with anything more convenient and practical, so consumers did not think too much about which alternative to tiles in the bathroom could get the right to exist.

Manufacturers at that time produced tile in a huge assortment and the same huge quantity, since there was a constant demand for this product. Gradually, even special sets appeared, which, along with tiles, included borders designed in the same style as tiles, as well as various accessories to create a comfortable and cozy environment.

Nowadays, no one is considering tiles as the only finishing option, since there are already several options for replacing it, which are quite suitable for rooms with an excess of humidity. Designers planning new solutions for kitchens and bathrooms are well aware of what can be used instead of tiles in the bathroom.

Many already know that although the tile was considered the most best material for wall decoration, while it was perhaps the most expensive of them. Modern materials differ not only in that they are much cheaper, but also in the fact that it is quite possible to make repairs using them on their own, without inviting professional craftsmen. Most often, tiles are replaced with vinyl siding or plastic panels, since these materials are by far the cheapest. The walls do not need to be leveled before finishing with these materials, and their installation is so simple that it can be done even by a completely inexperienced craftsman.

When choosing panels for the bathroom, you should remember that they must be moisture resistant. Modern siding has only a few options color solutions, and panels allow you to create much more original interior because they can be decorated with a variety of patterns.

PVC panels in the bathroom

Before replacing the tiles on the panel, you should carefully measure the dimensions of the room, especially if we are talking about a room with a small area. The panel installation technology provides for a shift of each wall by 5 cm, since specially designed profiles are used to fix the coating. Sometimes the panels are attached not to the profile, but to wooden bars, then the shift can be reduced to 2 cm.

In very small bathrooms, the tiles are removed, while treating the walls with an antibacterial composition to prevent the occurrence of mold fungi. The joints of the panels will need to be carefully treated with sealant. If the panels are mounted according to all the rules, they will perfectly protect the walls from moisture, and the huge range of colors and patterns presented in modern stores will make it easy to choose the right panels for any interior.

Use of wallpaper and other materials

If you plan to paste over the walls in the bathroom with waterproof wallpaper, then the walls will need to be carefully prepared for this: remove the old tiles, level and treat with a special antibacterial compound. Glue the wallpaper on the dried surface of the walls, using waterproof glue for this.

Liquid wallpaper in the bathroom

Liquid wallpaper, which has moisture-resistant elements in its composition, is also very popular in our time. These wallpapers are applied to the walls with a plastic spatula, as a result of which they form a unique texture as a result. Modern stores sell liquid wallpaper of the most different colors, and if desired, they can be additionally painted with waterproof paint.

Liquid wallpaper in the bathroom

Walls decorated look very nice original plaster"Bark beetle", which is interspersed with large particles. Finished walls they look like an old tree that has been eaten away by bugs. Before applying this plaster, the old tiles are removed from the walls, and then they are treated with an anti-fungal and mold remedy. After plastering, the walls can be painted with waterproof paint.

Decorative plaster in the bathroom

Simply painting the walls in the bathroom was not accepted before, since there were no paints on the market other than oil paints. Nowadays, there are latex paints of various colors. Before painting, the surface of the walls is treated with a primer for vapor barrier, and the paint itself is applied in several layers. The composition of this paint is completely safe, and it is odorless and waterproof.

However, you should be aware that before coating latex paint walls will need to be perfectly aligned, and in addition, regular maintenance is needed for such walls.

More expensive alternatives

If the bathtub repair is not planned to be carried out in economical option, then materials that replace tiles can be found much more.

Marble wall decoration in the bathroom

Natural marble or granite tiles are fashionable finish enough time already. Fixing tiles from natural stone produced special glue made on the basis epoxy resin. Approximately the same composition was developed for grouting, which must be carried out without fail. Before replacing the old tiles with natural tiles you should completely remove it, and then perfectly align the walls.

It is not easy to carry out such work on your own, so it is better to turn to professionals, although they take a lot of money for their work.

Marble tiles in the bathroom

A finishing material called agglomerate is made from cement with a synthetic filler. The performance of this material is no worse than that of ceramic tiles, while allowing you to create unique interiors, because when heated to a temperature of 650 degrees, it is easy to bend it to create a curved tile.

Wall linoleum is a fairly new finishing material that is gaining popularity very quickly. For its production, PVC is used with various additives that significantly increase its strength. Mounting wall linoleum is easy and convenient, even inexperienced home craftsmen can do it. A variety of colors contributes to the growth of the popularity of this material, despite the fact that it is still very expensive.

Linoleum on the walls in the bathroom

An excellent option for rooms with increased level humidity are MDF panels. These hygienic and durable panels are offered not only in different colors, but often imitate tiles, stone or wood. MDF panels are produced in sheet, rack or tile versions.

Method of mounting MDF panels

In order to decorate the room yourself MDF panels no special skills required. To work, you will need the following:

  • screwdriver;
  • perforator;
  • hacksaw and scissors for metal;
  • SD and LD profile;
  • 25 mm self-tapping screws;
  • silicone-based adhesive sealant.

Before starting work, the wall should be primed with an antiseptic solution, mark and install the profile. In addition, before attaching the panels, care should be taken to lay electrical wiring and other communications. If the walls are smooth, the panels can be glued waterproof glue directly on them, and if not, then they are glued to the profile. It is very important not to forget to process silicone sealant joints between panels.

PVC panels in the bathroom

Finishing the ceiling and floor in the bathroom

Modern Decoration Materials allow not to use tiles in wet rooms, not only on the walls, but also on the ceiling and floor. Porcelain stoneware flooring is perfect for the floor.

For the bathroom, it is better to choose porcelain stoneware with a rough surface so that the wet floor is not too slippery.

Often in the bathroom, mosaics are used to finish the floor, but the seams between separate elements should be sealed with a vitreous mixture.

If the bathroom interior is intended to withstand nautical style, then on the floor you can lay sea ​​pebbles. Under such a coating, it is best to lay a warm floor.

A stone floor is considered a good alternative to tiles, but remember that artificial materials not only cheaper than natural ones, but also much more practical.

In the bathroom, you can even arrange a wooden floor, but the wood is covered protective impregnation and use wood species of wood that are moisture resistant (wenge, mahogany, teak). This finish is environmentally friendly and aesthetic, in addition, the wooden floor is warm enough and does not require additional heating.

Laminate on the floor in the bathroom

Great popularity for decorative finishes the sexes are considered to be quite practical materials like laminate and pvc tiles.

The most popular bathroom ceiling finishes are plastering and suspended structures. Plastering and subsequent painting is a classic a budget option, which, unfortunately, compared to suspended structures considered impractical.

Slatted ceiling in the bathroom

It may happen that the “classic of the genre” - tiles - is fed up, and you want to somehow change the design of the bathroom, make it more original. Let's try to get to the heart of the matter and find out what finishes you can choose and how to replace the tiles in the bathroom so that the space of this room does not lose its beauty and functionality, but at the same time is completely transformed.

It is advisable to use materials that meet certain requirements dictated by the specifics this room. First of all, it is moisture resistance, practicality and, of course, aesthetics.

Create a cozy and comfortable interior bathroom can be used as a finish:

  • waterproof wallpaper;
  • paint;
  • mirror and glass tiles;
  • mosaic;
  • wood;
  • phototile;
  • fake diamond;
  • the liquid wallpaper.

If you are looking for an acceptable replacement option for the floor, then good decision can become styling artificial stone or screed floors.

Self-leveling floors in the bathroom look interesting and unusual

Before replacing the tiles in the bathroom with any Alternative option, you need to make sure that the preferred material will outperform, or at least be as good as, decades of proven tile.

Plastic panels

The material is attractive for practicality, simple installation technology and affordability. Amazing variety of species plastic panels, excellent in texture, tint solutions and sizes. They can have a glossy or matte finish. The most demanded PVC panels white color, pastel colors and imitation of natural stone - onyx, marble, etc. You can purchase panels that are difficult to distinguish from tiled lining.

Decorate bathroom interior modern style possible with plastic panels

This bathroom finish does not require alignment of the walls, it is moisture resistant. It is advisable to use panels for the ceiling. The disadvantages of the material include not very high strength characteristics. If you neglect the careful sealing of the seams, mold may appear on the inner surface of the panels. The material is attached to the crate.

Wallpaper in the bathroom - unusual, but quite possible

Good alternative tiles in the bathroom - the use of wallpaper, which is recommended to be combined, for example, with tiles or decorative panels. The usual paper version is unsuitable for the bathroom. You can only use products with the marking "three waves", indicating increased moisture resistance. The facing material is coated with a water-repellent layer, withstands temperature changes and is immune to the penetration of hot steam.

Vinyl or fiberglass moisture-resistant wallpaper is a great replacement for boring tiles. But this option for changing the interior requires the use of a moisture-resistant primer, and the glue must contain antifungal components.

Vinyl wallpaper with 3d glitter will look very unusual on the walls of the bathroom.

Very practical in bathrooms - washable wallpaper. Their surface is covered protective film and less susceptible to the damaging effects of moisture.

Washable wallpaper for bathrooms

As additional protection from moisture, the joints of the canvases are coated with silicone sealant. Wallpapers with bright, colorful patterns and patterns are perfect. It should be borne in mind that the life of the wallpaper in the bathroom is quite short. The option will be of interest to lovers of frequent changes.

Glass and mirror tiles

Glass tiles are an elegant and original, but rather expensive way of finishing. The material is durable, does not deform, long time does not lose its attractiveness. An extensive range of formats and colors allows you to implement almost any, even the most daring, design ideas. Such a surface is hygienic and safe. It is easy to care for it with glass cleaners.

Mirror tiles on the ceiling in the bathroom will visually expand the space.

An excellent choice for a bathroom can be a tile imitating granite, phosphorus, silver, or a material with the effect of an icy surface. For connoisseurs of original and elegant design, glass tiles truly open up unlimited possibilities. This cladding is suitable for both walls and floors.

Mirror tiles - lovely decoration for the bathroom

An excellent effect can be achieved by combining ceramic and glass tiles, especially since the same thickness of the materials somewhat simplifies working with them. Calling on your imagination to help, you can create unique, inimitable compositions.

Bathroom interior combines glass and ceramic tiles

Often, glass decor is used to decorate the bathroom, which is produced in the form of tiles. different color having a thickness of 4 mm. Their size is usually 100x100 or 65x65 mm. Such a facing material is used to create decorative panels and mosaic patterns.

Mosaic on the bathroom wall

A great alternative to bathroom tiles is mirror tiles. The room, lined with such material, has an exclusive, stylish look. At correct selection adhesive mixtures, the tile is securely held on the surface for a long time, it is not afraid of either heat or moisture. Mirror tiles visually increase the space of the room. More often the color of the reflective layer is silver, but other dyes (blue, gold, pale pink, etc.) can also be used.

Plastic mirror panels look like tiles, but it is a flexible material suitable for applications not only on flat surfaces. With large panels, finishing work progresses faster. This is facilitated by the low weight of the sheets. The panel is a plastic base coated with a reflective film. It can be transparent or glossy, sometimes it has a decorative pattern. It can be given any shape using an ordinary clerical knife.

Plastic mirror panels

You can list all the ways to design a bathroom for a long time, especially when you consider the many various ways combination of materials. Nobody better specialists who know all the intricacies of working with each specific finish option will not complete this task. Therefore, in the absence of practical skills and experience in this area, the most rational decision there will be an appeal to professionals.

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Replacing tiles in the bathroom - an overview of the work performed

Hello. This time you will learn about what to do if the tiles in the bathroom have come off. That is, I will tell you how to properly dismantle the old cladding and how to install a new tile in its place with your own hands. In addition, I propose to consider the main reasons why ceramics move away from the walls and from the floor.

Removing the old cladding

How to understand that the old tile needs to be dismantled? Among hallmarks I note the following:

  • The appearance of cracks on the surface of the joint filler;
  • Buoyancy (backlash) of the tile relative to the entire lined plane;
  • Partial collapse of the cladding.

Dismantling of the old cladding can be done in two ways:

  • Knocking down by hand with a hammer;
  • Dismantling using a perforator.

Consider how to beat off the old tile in more detail.

We dismantle the coating with a hammer and chisel

How to beat off tiles in the bathroom with a hammer? To work, you need a large hammer and chisel. The work instruction is simple - we rest the sharp edge of the chisel against the tile, and from the opposite end we strike with a hammer.

If the adhesive is still relatively strong, the lining will fly off in pieces. If the glue is fragile or the laying was carried out on conventional DSPs, then the chisel will enter the gap between the tile and the wall. In this case, we will have to pry and tear off the lining, as shown in the previous photo.

When working with a hammer and chisel, there is a high probability of injury. Therefore, we try to hit the chisel, and not the hands. We try to make the hammer hit exactly in the center of the chisel, since in this case it will be more likely that it will not jump off to the side. Finally, before using the hammer, make sure that the metal head of the hammer is firmly attached to the handle.

We dismantle the coating with a perforator

How to remove old tiles in the bathroom using a power tool? Instructions for working with a perforator are as follows:

  • Having previously lubricated the shank, we install the chisel-shovel into the puncher;
  • We switch the tool to shock mode (a hammer is drawn);
  • We beat off the tile without exerting strong pressure on the tool.

From time to time we check the degree of heating of the perforator in the area where the motor is located. If the punch is hot, stop working temporarily until it cools down.

In conclusion, a few words about the safety of dismantling. When working with a hammer or perforator, be sure to use protective glasses and work gloves. Do not work in open shoes as this is fraught with injury.

In order not to get hurt by falling tiles, work in closed shoes, and best of all in special work boots. If the bathroom is cramped, I recommend working in a respirator, as this will protect the respiratory organs from dust, which will be a lot.

Causes of peeling of the cladding and the formation of cracks in the seams

So, the old tile is knocked down, but before installing new finishing materials in its place, I propose to find out why old cladding falls into disrepair.

The reasons why the ceramic cladding falls off and exfoliates are as follows:

  • Excessive mechanical loads on the surface of the cladding;
  • Exceeding the service life of finishing materials;
  • The use of insufficiently high-quality adhesive mixtures;
  • Use of insufficiently hydrophobic grout;
  • Laying tiles on an insufficiently dried screed;

What measures can be taken to prevent the raft from becoming unusable?

On the first point - we try not to drop above the floor metal objects and distribute the weight of the furniture evenly across the floor. After all, this is the reason why the lining of the walls and ceiling is cracking.

By the way, if a tile in the amount of one or two pieces has fallen off as a result of careless handling, this is not at all a reason to change the entire lining. You just need to replace the damaged ceramics and nothing more.

On the second point - ceramic cladding has a certain service life, as a rule, it is 10-15 years. After this time, the adhesive loses its former strength and a complete replacement of the tile will be necessary.

Not enough high quality glue is also a reason for complete replacement ceramic cladding. By the way, the glue may be of poor quality initially due to the low quality of the ingredients used in the production. Also, the quality of the adhesive may be low due to improper preparation of the solution before use.

Insufficient and insufficient mixing, adding the mixture to water, and not vice versa - these are all the reasons why the prepared glue will not provide the required adhesion when dried.

Insufficiently hydrophobic grout- this is the main reason that moisture penetrates to the layer of tile adhesive on which the cladding is held. As a result, the finishing resource is reduced significantly.

Therefore, when finishing the bathroom, I suggest using moisture-proof two-component polymer grouts to fill the joints. By the way, such grouts, unlike conventional cement counterparts, are resistant to mold.

Most backfire will be provided if the tiles were laid on an insufficiently dried screed.

By the way, such a deviation from the technology of facing laying is more than common, as the specialists who have taken up the repair of your bathroom are in a hurry. Time is money, and therefore the lining is placed on a damp screed or on damp plaster.

As a result, wet plaster changes its volume during drying, and the tile falls over time. To prevent this from happening, we start laying work no earlier than 28 days after laying the screed or after plastering.

Laying a new coating

So, the old tile is knocked down, and we know what reasons could affect the reduction of its operational life. It remains to find out how to properly update the cladding so that the new coating lasts for a long time without the need for repair.

Consider the steps listed in the diagram in more detail.

Preparatory work

Execution instruction preparatory work next:

  • After the old lining is knocked down, we level the surface so that the relief does not exceed 2 mm;
  • We clean the surface from dust and dirt;

  • We cover the surface areas at the joints between the walls and the floor with a layer of waterproofing;

  • We cover the entire surface with a layer of penetrating primer, selected in accordance with the type and composition of the surface.

In order to ensure the optimal result of the preparatory work, when applying waterproofing and primer, you must wait for the complete drying of each layer and only then apply the next layer.

Mortar preparation and tiling

  • To begin with, we lay the tiles on the walls, and therefore we make the appropriate markings, which will account for the penultimate row from the bottom or the dividing border;
  • Using a clean container and a perforator with a mixer type nozzle, we prepare a solution from a special water-frost-resistant mixture, such as, for example, Ceresit CM16;

The result of the implementation will largely depend on the correct preparation of the glue. installation work. Therefore, we use the proportions of the dry mixture and water in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. In addition, thoroughly mix the solution in order to achieve its uniform consistency.

  • We let the prepared solution stand for 5 minutes, after which we proceed to laying, starting from the corner and moving towards the opposite corner of the room.

Correctly select the size of the teeth on the comb. The selection algorithm is simple - teeth with a width and height of 8 mm are suitable for small tiles, large teeth are suitable for larger tiles.

  • If communications are hidden and located in a layer of plaster, we mark the tiles and drill them with crowns matched to the size;

  • We lay tiles throughout the room in the direction from bottom to top, leaving the bottom row without tiles;

Ceramic tiles, especially if their price is low, can be uneven, that is, the difference along the edges can be up to 1 mm. Therefore, before proceeding with laying, we open the pack and select tiles of the same size so that the row is even.

  • We turn to the flooring in the direction from the opposite wall to the front door;
  • After the floor is lined and the glue has dried, we finish the lining of the lower row of walls;
  • Cooking grout mixture by carefully mixing the components;
  • We apply grout in the gap between the tiles;
  • Approximately 3-5 minutes after applying the grout, we form a seam;
  • After the grout has dried, we finally wipe the lined surface from the remnants of the mixture;

  • Using silicone or acrylic sealants, we fill the remaining gaps between the cladding and plumbing equipment, pipes, etc.
  • If you are interested in ensuring that the laid tiles do not fall over time, make sure that at least 65% of the wrong side facing material was covered with glue;
  • Be sure to make a gap to compensate for thermal expansion, for this we use special plastic liners;
  • Inserts (crosses) are selected according to the size of the tile than more tiles, the larger the liner;

  • Throughout the laying work, we check the positioning of the tiles horizontally and vertically with a water level and just a flat bar;
  • At the end of the laying work, we wait for the time required for the glue to dry completely and after that we apply the grout;

  • For application, we do not use a metal spatula, but use its rubber counterpart, since rubber, unlike metal, will not leave stripes on ceramics;
  • We use elastic grout, since this material does not crack after the seam dries;
  • If it is planned to install a bathtub before laying the tiles, we try to install the plumbing in such a way that the surface is not located strictly along the horizon, otherwise the skew of the tiles will increase with each row and will be excessive closer to the ceiling.


So, now you know how to remove the old tile and how to install a new one in its place. I hope that this article will help you in facing the bathroom in your apartment or house.

If you have any questions, ask them in the comments to read. I will try to answer all questions immediately. Also, don't forget to watch the video in this article.

August 26, 2016

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