What will happen if cacti make eyes. DIY cactus. How to make cacti with your own hands from stones? Pebble cactus

Do you want to transform window sills and bookshelves but not enough interior items? Then why not make these same interior items on your own, and even with your child.

In this article, we bring to your attention a very simple but fun master class on how to make a cactus with your own hands from the most ordinary stones. Such plants will not require any care, but at the same time they will become an excellent art object in your home, and maybe even a creative gift for friends, relatives and acquaintances.

To make such charming cacti, you will need the following materials: stones, acrylic paints, "live eyes", small flower pots and glue.

Stones must first be washed with soap and dried.

Now you can cover the stones with green acrylic paint. It may not necessarily be green paint, you can also use light green.

When the green layer of paint dries, arm yourself with a thin brush and apply white elements to the green stones, they will be needles. Needles can look like dots, stripes, crosses on homemade cacti.

Marsik liked to sit on the windowsill. Mom specially moved the flower pots so that Marsik could comfortably sit at the window and watch the world “behind the glass”. The rooms overlooked a wide avenue, along which eight rows of cars moved in an endless stream in both directions. Cars snorted, trolleybuses let out sparks, sometimes cars with flashing lights rushed by - all this Marsik was not at all interested in.

He was interested in birds - pigeons and crows, from time to time flickering in the sky. Marsik sat on the windowsill and "counted" the crows. The appearance of each bird was a signal for a big hunt. Marsik's ears were moving forward tensely, he craned his neck and ducked, preparing to jump. A little more - and Marsik would definitely, just definitely catch this crow. Right behind the tail. If only she were a malicious creature! - did not disappear from view. Here the hunter, unfairly bypassed by fate, looked around, looking for a way to cope with disappointment, and decided to start weeding!

In the spring, my mother planted tiny sprouts of new flowers in small pots. They were still weak and did not have time to properly grasp the ground with their roots. Marsik looked at these sprouts appraisingly for some time and came to the conclusion that their presence on the windowsill was completely inappropriate. After that, he grabbed some sprout with his teeth by a small leaf, shook it and pulled it out of the pot. Marsik threw some plants right there - next to the pot. And for some time he dragged some in his teeth all over the apartment - like a mouse. Traces of his agricultural activities were found either on the floor or on the bed. Even in the bathroom.

Why did you do that? Why don't these poor bushes suit you? - Mom tried to understand Marsik, his insistent desire to eradicate green spaces.

She dug into the ground what could be brought back to life, and tried to hide small pots between large ones. flower pots. But Marsik, with the virtuosity of an experienced detective, looked for hidden plants, pulled them out of their hiding place with his tenacious Mongol paw, and again pulled them out of the ground.

Then my mother threatened to give Marsik to Yuri Kuklachev, the famous cat trainer: maybe in the circus the kitten's ability to weed will be found useful application. Or, mother came up with an even more terrible punishment for Marsik, she would begin to rent him out to peasant farms. There he will work from dawn to dusk, weeding beets and carrots. True, there is a danger that after Mars work, nothing will remain in the beds at all ...

And I'll tell the farmers to smear the weeds with glue! Mom fantasized. Then she stroked Marsik and said: - You are bored, cat, in a stone bag. So you come up with at least some entertainment for yourself.

Summer is coming, Marsik. We'll go to Pokrov, - Kostya promised the cat. We also have beds there. And no one likes weeding. You will be in charge!

* * *

The sun really baked quite like summer, beckoned to the street and promised new life. Buds were bursting on the trees, young grass was breaking out of the ground, and Grishka had rather noticeable antennae. In connection with these special circumstances, an idea came to his mind - as fresh as grass, kidneys and antennae - to get a girlfriend.

You can get a dog or a cat; a rat or a hamster, - mother was indignant. - But a girl! You can fall in love with a girl. You can dream about a girl. You can finally marry a girl! But start...

Maman, you have outdated views! Grishka explained importantly. Everyone is getting girls now. Imagine you are walking down the street. Well, you go to yourself and - nothing of the sort. And if you go with a girl, you can immediately see: you are cool!

What is visible from this?

Well, you hold her hand or hug her. Here it is visible.

How can you see that you got a girl? Maybe she turned you on? Here Marsik, for example, is sure that he brought us to himself. Really, Marsik?

But Marsik did not want to answer. And Grishka began to laugh, as if his mother had said something completely absurd. Something that just doesn't exist in the world. And Kostya, although he suspected a dangerous truth in his mother's words, nevertheless was on Grishka's side. Kostya, in the depths of his soul, also dreamed of having a girlfriend: walking with her, holding her hand and telling her friends: “Meet: MY girlfriend!”

Perhaps he did not even dream of a dog.

* * *

Kostya was riding a bicycle along the embankment and suddenly heard:

Hey man! Stop!

From surprise, he braked sharply: who called him? This someone will get it now! Kostya jumped off the bike - and found: Grishka was standing in front of him and holding his hand. unknown girl. The girl was wearing a short pink T-shirt that went very well with her blond hair. Between the T-shirt and jeans, a strip of bare belly shone. With her free hand from Grishka, the girl pressed a book in a bright brown glossy cover against a pink T-shirt. Kostya immediately noted that the cover glitters very beautifully against the background of a pink T-shirt. The girl held the book in such a way that one could read: "Harry Potter." The letters "I love ..." were written on top of the T-shirt. But what exactly is "I love", blocked the book. Therefore, it turned out "I love Harry Potter."

Get acquainted! This is Lena! My girlfriend! Grishka said.

Kostya did not really know what they say in such cases - when they first meet a brother with HIS girlfriend. So he smiled rather stupidly and asked:

What are you doing here?

Are we? Grishka glanced at Lena with merry patronizing. - We walk. We bask in the sun.

Kostya felt that Grishka was literally puffed up with pride, and, not knowing what to do next, began to pull the bicycle bell.

ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding

What do you think, if you bring Lena to visit us? Well, for lunch? Mom doesn't get scared?

What is she afraid of? - Kostya felt like an authorized representative of his mother's interests.

In fact, he wasn't quite sure that Mom had nothing to fear. Kostya was looking for some solid arguments to convince himself and Lena and Grishka that this was really the case. But all the arguments have gone somewhere. They suddenly evaporated, these arguments. And Kostya blurted out the first thing that came to mind:

She has no time to be afraid now. She thinks about Winnie the Pooh.

About Winnie the Pooh? Lena was surprised.

Winnie the Pooh - my mother's favorite literary bear - every minute Kostya felt more and more stupid. He turned eighty this year.

Is this Winnie the Pooh from the cartoon? - said Lena. - Is he that old? And I thought! He's a little Winnie the Pooh! - Lena laughed shimmeringly and sang:

I am a cloud, a cloud, a cloud,

I'm not a bear at all!

Grishka also began to laugh and sing along in a thick baritone:

Oh, how nice the cloud

Fly across the sky!

He waved his hands, depicting something between a cloud and a bee, and began to circle around Lena.

Little one! From a cartoon! And so old! - Lena continued to pour.

Well, actually, he is not from a cartoon, - Kostya felt that he was starting to get angry - from this unreasonable common fun of them. - It's from a book. Then they made a cartoon about him. And he's not old. It's just been invented for a long time. And mom school holiday trains. She has no time to think about anything else. Therefore, she will not be afraid, - Kostya made an unexpected conclusion. - So, come on.

And to change the subject, he nodded at the shiny cover, which Lena pressed to her stomach. On "I love Harry Potter":

Are you reading? Like?

Highly! - Lena said this with a special expression on her face, which allowed her to unmistakably identify a spiritual being in her. - True, I have read a little so far: five pages from the beginning and three from the end.

From the end? - Kostya is not that surprised. Just thought I'd clarify.

You know, you always get so excited about the characters while you're reading. You’ll fray all your nerves, - here Lena squinted her eyes a little to look in the bicycle mirror and assess the damage caused by such unrest. The damage turned out to be not as strong as she feared, and Lena summed it up quite calmly: - So I'm looking at how it ends. To not worry too much. Plus, you need to be aware.

Know what?

Well, someone will ask you how it all ended. Do not you know. Haven't read it yet. And it's kind of awkward. That's what I want to be aware of.

Ah! - then Kostya decided that it was time to say goodbye. - Well, I went! Bye!

Bye-bye, - Lena smiled sweetly.

Bye, brother. See you! - at parting, Grishka decided to let in a little family warmth.

* * *

Mom, Grishkin's girl's name is Lena. She reads Harry Potter, - Kostya shared fresh information with his mother. - And yet - they will come to dinner with us. On Sunday.

On Sunday?

I invited them. Unintentionally. It just somehow worked out.

Mom sighed.

We'll have to cancel the rehearsal, - and suddenly began to fuss. - Maybe fry cutlets? How do you think? The Pope, however, will not be. He works this Sunday. It's for the best. Come on, we ourselves first ... Well, let's get to know each other.

On Sunday, Grishka and Lena came for dinner. Lena was wearing a short blue T-shirt, under which a strip of bare belly shone. With one hand Lena was holding on to Grishka, and with the other she was clutching a book in a dark purple cover with white streaks. On top of the T-shirt you could read the words "Everything will be", and on the cover - "Murakami". It turned out "Everything will be Murakami."

Have you read Harry Potter yet? Kostya was surprised.

I still have time, - Lena answered evasively. - And Murakami is also a very fashionable writer. And the cover is beautiful.

To once again make sure of own words Lena looked at herself in the mirror. Kostya had to admit: Murakami's purple cover really suits the T-shirt. Much better than the brown Harry Potter.

And what - do you like Murakami? Mom interrupted ceremoniously.

Oh, I like it very much. True, I have read a little so far: five pages from the beginning and three from the end. You know, you get so excited about the characters while you're reading. You'll fray all your nerves. Here I am looking to see how it ends.

Here Kostya felt like Archimedes, who discovered the New Law. He might feel like someone else. For example, Newton or Einstein. But I felt like Archimedes. Because of Grishka. I looked at him at that moment, and Archimedes came to mind.

Archimedes became famous for climbing into a bath filled to the brim with water. Grishka always did the same: he poured a full bath of water and climbed into it. Water splashed onto the floor. Dad usually came running here, forced Grishka to get out and wipe the puddle - so that not a drop would seep into the neighbors on the lower floor - and only after that Grishka could continue to take a bath.

With Archimedes it was different. Maybe he didn't have a dad. Or neighbors. Archimedes climbed into a full bath, and a puddle formed on the floor. But no one began to pull him out of the bath. Archimedes sat quite calmly and looked at the puddle. I looked and looked and suddenly realized: he displaced the water! In the volume that he took himself. As a result, Archimedes nevertheless jumped out of the bath, but not in order to wipe this displaced volume. He realized that he had discovered the New Law, and he ran naked through the city, shouting "Eureka!"

Kostya could hardly restrain himself from shouting "Eureka" - after all, he also opened New law! Reading law. Titled "Five Plus Three". You read five pages from the beginning, three from the end - and always in the know!

Kostya saw that his mother, too, suspected the existence of this law, and therefore looked at Lena in a different way. Not quite right.

And you, Lena, don't like to worry? she said very politely.

Grishka sensed something was wrong and hurried to switch the arrows:

This maman likes to worry about us, - he laughed. - Really, maman? Do you worry all the time - with or without reason? And here comes Marsik! - Grishka decided that Marsik would help defuse the situation. - Look, Marsik, this is Lena! My girlfriend.

Marsik stretched out his neck and began to sniff what Grishka's girl smelled of.

Oh what a cat! Lena squealed and squatted down. - Oh, how pretty! Why is his muzzle so asymmetrical? Is the cheek on the left black, and on the right - with a white speck? Need to smear! And that's not pretty. Let both cheeks be the same. Come, come here! All cats love me,” she said, turning slightly towards us. - Immediately on the hands go.

But Marsik does not go into the hands of anyone, ”mother carefully remarked. - He is very independent and does not like being petted.

Well, yes! Does not love! Now love! How cute! - Lena suddenly rapaciously grabbed Marsik and pressed him to her. - Good!

Marsik tensed and froze. Then he suddenly twitched, rested his hind paws on Lenin's bare belly, wriggled out of his hands and gave a gallop.

Lena's bare strip under her T-shirt began to show red traces of Marsik's claws. Like in the children's book "Magic Pictures".

Here you go! I did warn you! Wait! I'll get the peroxide now, - out of frustration, my mother switched to "you" without warning.

While she burned the claw marks on Lenin's stomach, Grishka fussed around, encouraging Lena with stupid jokes and dubious promises that "everything will heal before the wedding."

We never punish Marsik, - my mother remarked dryly. - He perfectly understands the word "impossible." Besides, he scratched you by accident - because he was scared.

Well, okay, Lenka! You are the one to blame! Grishka suddenly turned to his mother's side. - You shouldn't have taken him. Why complain now?

But how can I walk down the street with such markings? What will people think of me? - And Lena, seeking consolation, squinted her eyes towards the mirror.

Kostya wanted to say that you can keep the "Murkas" a little lower, and then the red dots will not be visible. But my mother suggested a more convenient option.

I'll lend you the powder. Powder the wounds, and there will be no traces, ”she assured Lena. - Now let's have lunch. Have you come for lunch?

Let's, let's! Grishka began to fuss. - What do we have today? Really cutlets?

Cutlets, cutlets, - mum grumbled conciliatoryly.

I love cutlets. Lenka, come on. Oh, maman, you know, we brought you a present. Here. Lena chose!

Grishka rushed back into the hallway, dragged a package into the kitchen and took out a small prickly cactus in a pot.

Really funny? - Lena has already relaxed and allowed herself to look imperceptibly into the mirror again.

Pieces of paper depicting eyes and a nose were attached to the thorns of the cactus.

Grisha said you don't like cut flowers. And we decided to give you a flower in a pot. You like?

Why do cactus have eyes? Mom didn't understand.

Maman, well you absolutely! This is for fun! As in a joke: a sad cactus sits in a pot. They ask him: cactus, cactus, why are you sad? And he replies: I'm not a cactus. I am a hedgehog. Stuck in a hole.

And I also know a joke, - Kostya intervened. - They ask the hedgehog, why are you so prickly? And he replies: I'm not a hedgehog, I'm a mouse. I'm just sick.

Mom felt that resistance was useless.

With eyes so with eyes, - she agreed languidly. - Let it stay here for now. And you go wash your hands.

Grishka gave Lena a tour of the apartment, and her mother began to set the table. She went from the kitchen to the room, and Lena and Grishka went from one room to another, from the room to the bathroom and back. And Kostya also walked back and forth. Therefore, a fair amount of time passed when everyone finally gathered again in the kitchen. The table was set as New Year. And there, among the plates of salads, between the herring and stuffed tomatoes, stood a small flower pot. The earth was scattered around him. And inside - where the cactus with eyes was supposed to sit - there was nothing.

Where is the cactus? Lena was surprised.

Everyone wisely remained silent. Kostya looked for Marsik with his eyes, but he was not visible. “The cactus is thorny, after all,” Kostya thought absently. - Why did Marsik grab him? Really - for thorns?

Mom quickly brushed the earth off the table and commanded:

All. Let's sit down! Lena, where do you want to sit? Sit in this chair. We always seat dear guests in it.

Everything could have turned out differently if you hadn't been in the kitchen wall cabinet. It's not even the locker, but the mirror that adorned its door. Without this mirror, Lena might have looked at the place for dear guests, where she was to sit. And so she looked at herself in the mirror and sat in a chair with her back, holding it by the handles. And when she sat down in this chair, her face suddenly stretched strangely. And the eyes and mouth suddenly became round. For a second or two Lena looked past us with unseeing round eyes, and at first her mouth was also just round. Then there was a deafening screech. Lena jumped up from her chair and, without ceasing to squeal, rushed into the bathroom.

Really? Mom gasped. - Did Marsik throw the cactus into the chair?

There is no cactus here, - said Kostya, examining the surface left by Lena. - One eye. - And pointed to pieces of paper stuck to the villi of the chair.

So much the worse for Lena! Mom said bitterly.

Despite the tragedy of the situation, Grishka could not help but admire Marsik's bloodthirstiness.

Is this a cat vendetta? Revenge for the fact that they grabbed him and wanted to make him symmetrical? he clarified.

No need to ascribe evil intentions to Marsik, - Mom interrupted Grishka irritably. He didn't mean anything bad. Threw a cactus where it was necessary. Without any ulterior motives. Kostya thought that Lena would hardly be able to explain this. She had already stopped screaming, locked herself in the bathroom and turned on the water to drown out her sobs and the useless attempts of "outsiders" to come to her aid. She couldn't have said, “Please free me from this cactus! He stuck in me there and there!” She couldn't even tell Grishka that, because even though Lena was Grishka's girlfriend, she wasn't to the same extent! Therefore, Lena suffered alone in the bathroom and somehow saved herself. Then her mother gave her a sedative. But that didn't help much.

And in the end, Lena told Grishka that she no longer wanted to know either him or his malicious cat. At the same time, Lena very expressively looked around at all the others, so that they would not be mistaken at their own expense. She slammed the door and left without using the powder. As if she had deliberately planted a cactus in her chair.

* * *

Several days have passed. Grishka tried to return the world around him to its former outlines, but nothing worked out for him. He called Lena - she hung up. He stood at her window - she did not go out. Then Lena suddenly called herself and declared that she was ready to become Grishka's girl again if he brought the skin of his ugly cat to her feet.

She doesn't know that it was Marsik who tore the cactus out of the pot, did she? Kostya was surprised.

Maybe you guessed it? Grishka suggested.

Say! Where else have you seen cats capable of weeding?

In addition, Marsik did not know that she would sit in this chair. He is not to blame for anything!

Yes, she's just stupid! Grishka suddenly said. - I also wanted to color it. Do you remember? All cats love her! Right!

Look, maybe mom was right. Maybe she thinks that it was she who turned you on, and not you?

Well, you say!

But Grishka was suddenly comforted. And I decided that it’s not worth getting girls yet. Here they brought Marsik - and that's enough.

Currently, there is a lot of information, photos, master classes on performing various crafts from any materials. Craftswomen, mothers who are fond of this type of creativity are not averse to trying their hand at making new crafts, both for themselves, for sale, and for joint creative activities with children. This article offers a variety of ideas and options for how to make a cactus.

Before starting to make crafts, many begin to think about the question: What can I make a cactus from with my own hands?

But do not worry, there are many different options, not only different techniques, but also using various materials. We list some of them: knitted needles, crocheted, dried, sewn from various fabrics and materials, fashioned, made from paper, stones and many others.

Many needlewomen use cactus and succulents in their creative works, because with its brightness and unusualness it attracts attention, gives a lot of ideas for creating your creative works.

Now we will consider several manufacturing options that are very effective, beautiful, functional and unusual. Although at first glance, it seems that it is difficult to fulfill them, but here it is proposed step-by-step instruction for the manufacture of cacti, following it with you, you will definitely get a very beautiful and original flower.

Cactus from paper, cardboard

There are a lot of manufacturing options. First you need to make a cactus template that you came up with to make, but don't be upset if you can't, you can download and print already ready-made templates and use them.

Also, to create a finished exposure, you can make a pot, for example, from a disposable tea / coffee mug, from a used can, a glued paper cone, any plastic box of the required size, etc.

Take a template and cut it out. We choose the desired color of paper and make blanks. We cut everything, fold it and glue it (cacti and needles are painted with paints), if necessary, a pot is made. Can also be made bright flower and glue it to the cactus.

The pot can be pasted over with multi-colored tape and add additional decorative elements. The craft can be used as a handmade gift, and it will also enliven and decorate any interior.

Pebble cactus

This version of the craft is very unusual, but most importantly, it will warm with memories of summer, the sea, sunny days and highlights.

You need to take a pebble various sizes, rinse, dry. Acrylic paints paint the pebbles, apply the background, sides, needles, you can also draw all kinds of flowers different colors and forms. Wait for complete drying.

At this time, take a flower pot required size and fill it with stone chips, leaving a third of the pot empty. In the pot, firmly insert the painted pebbles into the crumbs.

Key rings cacti

Key chains are very functional and will serve as toy and decorative cacti. They will attract attention with their unusualness, pricklyness and functionality.

For manufacturing, you need a small amount of yarn of various colors and hosiery knitting needles, we will knit the intended shape of the cactus (circle, oval), we will hammer its inside with a padding polyester and put it aside for a while. Let's take the plastic of brown or other tones and blind the pot right size and roast it in the oven.

With PVA glue, generously lubricate the tip of the cactus and attach it to the pot, wait for it to dry completely. We carefully attach the iron ring to the top of the cactus. You can crochet a flower in bright colors and attach it to the side. It will turn out very beautiful and functional!

Knitted cactus pillows

Pillow, knitted with your own hands, and even in the form of a cactus!!! How attractive, original, convenient. This pillow will decorate the interior, be comfortable and functional.


Before you start, you need to remember that you need to knit it in the shape of a cactus so that there is a more realistic similarity effect, plus it is advisable to choose a type of knitting that is similar in texture to a cactus and do not forget to add small parts- beautiful flower.

Take the yarn of the required color, knitting needles, choose the pattern you like and start knitting, after knitting, connect the seams, fill with padding polyester. Knit a flower from bright yarn.

Needle bed - do-it-yourself cactus

There is a different set of photos of crafts in the form of a cactus made various methods. For example, needles crocheted, knitting needles, made of fabric and felt.

Any hostess needs a needle bed, it will be especially pleasant to use it if you know that it was made with your own hands and with love and, of course, it will decorate the work area with its unusualness.

Pincushion knitted

To do this, take the yarn of the intended color, knitting needles, knit with an “elastic band” to the required size, take a needle and sew. We fill it with padding polyester, shape it into a circle and sew up the bottom. We take flower pot, pour expanded clay or pebbles for gravity, cut out a circle from the foam plastic the size of the upper diameter of the pot and cut a circle in the center for attaching the connected cactus.


We paint the resulting circle in Brown color, glue the edges of the foam and gently insert the cactus into it so that the foam does not break. We are waiting for complete drying. At this time, we are preparing flowers - they can be made of paper or crocheted, attached to a cactus. The final stage- decorate with needles - pins.

Crocheted needle bed

The implementation of this craft is not much different from that described above. Only a hook is used, and all materials and methods are the same.

It is necessary to crochet a cactus, fill it with synthetic winterizer, decorate with a flower and needles - pins. Prepare a pot and a foam hole in advance, grease the inner hole with glue and carefully insert the cactus.

Pincushion made of felt or fabric

These needle beds are suitable for those who cannot knit or want to try. new way manufacturing. Felt - the material is very easy to use, it does not crumble and it is pleasant to work with it. The fabric is more whimsical, but each needlewoman chooses the material she likes.

When using any materials, the craft will always be unique and made with love. Decide on the material. We make a template, we make samples according to it. We sew them, you can leave the seams outside, or you can turn the sample inside out.

We fill the cactus with synthetic winterizer. You can prepare a pot for a needle bed or sew on a ribbon to hang. Beautifully decorate a cactus by making a flower, eyes, mouth, nose, insert pins - everything is at your discretion and taste.


DIY photo of cacti

This beautiful flower will be a cheerful decoration of the kitchen or children's room. It is done simply and quickly. You can make these flowers with your brothers or sisters and then give them to your mother or grandmother.

The height of the finished craft is only 6 cm. First you need to figure out what kind of cactus you want to make. Now you need to pick up corrugated paper of the right colors: for a pot, for a cactus and for a flower. You also need to take plasticine, close in color to the selected paper.

So, let's begin:

1. Make a pot small size(slightly larger than a thimble) and fashion the base for a cactus of the chosen shape (round, elongated, flattened, etc.). The pot can be wrapped with a flagellum twisted from a strip corrugated paper. Or you can wrap it with a strip of corrugated paper folded in half.

2. The base for the cactus must be well fixed on the pot, for this you can take half a toothpick. For trimming, you will need squares of green corrugated paper with a side of 15-18 mm and a tool (ballpoint pen, wooden skewer, toothpick with a sharp end cut off or another thin stick). Put the stick in the middle of the square, close its corner to the corner, crumple the paper around the stick, twisting it between your fingers to form a tube. Without removing the tube from the tool, stick it horizontally into the plasticine, starting from the bottom. Do it in rows from bottom to top.

3. If you want to make cactus eyes, then cut them out of cardboard or use ready-made ones. So that they are at the same height with the surface, place plasticine balls under them. This cactus is still bald, but already looks around in surprise. Choose a place where the flower will be located, stick a flattened ball there, fill the rest of the surface with tubes.

4. For a flower, take a strip of paper measuring 3x10 cm, fold it several times. Cut out the petals of the desired shape. Lay the stick along the petal for two thirds of its length. Squeeze the petal around the stick.

5. Stick a stick with a petal from the very edge of the plasticine disk. Stick all the petals in a circle and fill the middle with tubes of squares with a side of 15 mm. Make a cheerful friend for a cactus...
