What is the difference between acrylic and vinyl. Which is better: vinyl or acrylic siding. Factors affecting the choice of siding

Siding has grown in popularity in recent years. Previously, 25-30 years ago, the inhabitants of our country could see beautiful and bright multi-colored houses, only leafing through magazines that leaked into our reality from under the Iron Curtain. Now siding can already be seen in our domestic magazines, and in hardware stores, and on real houses. And if you wish, you can see this wonderful material on the walls of your house.

Suffering from the inaccessibility of this material in a short time was replaced by the complexity of the choice, as the market offers siding from the most different materials, different colors, textures, fastening systems and prices. And from the whole ocean of questions that a person may have when choosing, we decided to consider only one: which siding is better - acrylic or vinyl? It is possible that having decided on this, the potential buyer will have at least two times fewer questions.

Why is siding being increasingly chosen as the exterior of a house?

Increased attention to the facing of the house with siding is not only a tribute to fashion, but only in part. And this popularity facing material acquired due to a combination of its characteristics and qualities. What arguments does siding have in its favor?

  • Of course, people who buy siding, first of all, want to improve the appearance of their homes. Moreover, both new and already quite "old". For cladding with siding, it is not necessary to level the walls, all irregularities are compensated by the frame and crate. Sometimes you can watch how an unsightly house with all the signs of a noble old age suddenly turns into a “candy house” in a few days. Let this be just a bright wrapper, but still the appearance of the house greatly affects the mood of the owners of the house and the choice of potential buyers of suburban real estate.

  • Siding protects the walls of the house from external adverse influences. This is especially true for wooden houses. Under the siding, the walls are not threatened by either wind or precipitation, which can contain very aggressive chemical compounds in industrial areas that have a bad effect on building materials.
  • Siding itself is able to withstand the effects of natural factors. He is not afraid of precipitation, winds too, but subject to the installation technology. The only drawbacks are the susceptibility to ultraviolet rays included in the solar spectrum and the fragility of polymer panels in severe frosts. The first disadvantage is now almost overcome, thanks to the use of new materials and technologies. The second minus is also partially overcome by introducing special modifiers into the composition of the panels, but no one has yet canceled the careful attitude that should apply to any finish.
  • Siding allows you to hide a lot of interesting and necessary things underneath. First of all, it concerns heaters. To make the cladding of a house out of siding and at the same time not to place a heater under it is just a crime. In addition to insulation, vapor-permeable moisture-proof membranes are recommended for use, which protect against direct exposure to water, but allow water vapor to pass through. The walls of the house will not be sealed, but will be able to "breathe", but on condition that basalt mineral wool is used as a heater.

  • Facing from siding allows you to make a ventilated facade near the house. This approach significantly increases the service life of the insulation, increases its thermal insulation qualities, and allows you to quickly and without hassle get rid of excess moisture that has appeared on the walls.
  • The use of siding in the cladding allows you to get away from the traditional troublesome and wet plastering processes. The speed of finishing increases significantly, costs decrease, and ease of installation allows you to do everything yourself.
  • The service life of siding cladding allows you to do it once and for many years or until you get tired of it. According to manufacturers, the service life of some types of siding is at least 50 years.
  • Siding is very easy to care for. Most often, it can simply be washed with a stream of water without the use of any special detergents.

  • Siding has an acceptable price, presented in the widest range, mounting technology available as in stock necessary information, and the simplicity of self-execution without expensive special tools.

Enough arguments have been made in favor of siding to explain its widespread use. Undoubtedly, this wonderful material will continue to be widely used in individual housing construction, and in the middle, most massive class. It is clear that elite suburban housing will continue to be used for decoration and facing brick, and clinker tiles, but for most residents of the post-Soviet space, siding will be just a salvation.

How to compare acrylic and vinyl siding

Imagine yourself in the place of a buyer who came to a huge store where siding is presented from all possible materials, any color, any manufacturer and different price categories. And it is necessary to choose only one from all the variety. This task is, of course, not an easy one. Therefore, it is necessary to break it down into several simple ones. And each such simple task is, at its core, a question that buyers ask when choosing a siding.

  • Buyers, first of all, are interested in the appearance of the siding, and only then all its characteristics. With the current wide selection, this is not a problem, since both vinyl and acrylic siding can be selected in any color and texture.

  • The second issue is durability. Always and everywhere they ask the question of how long the siding will retain its “fresh” look, as at the time of purchase, and only then they are interested in the durability of the material itself.
  • Often, especially residents of the northern regions, are interested in how siding perceives temperature changes: does it become too brittle in severe frosts. Residents of the south are interested in the behavior of siding in extreme heat - whether it will “float” and whether it will emit unpleasant odors, which, in combination, are often harmful to health.
  • If the buyer is going to install the siding on his own, then the installation technology is of interest. There are no questions about this, since sellers are willing to provide information. Yes, and on the Internet you can always find both official information from manufacturers, and personal experience, which they are willing to share on construction and repair forums.
  • The level of environmental literacy and consciousness of the population of our country is growing and this cannot but rejoice. According to some sellers, there are buyers who ask not only about the harm to their own health, but also about how siding affects the environment.
  • Of course, you are always interested in what brand the siding is produced under and in what country, since this is also of great importance.
  • The price of siding is always of interest, but what is strange is that this question is almost never in the first place if people buy just for themselves.

Acrylic siding prices

acrylic siding

Characteristics of vinyl and acrylic. How do they affect the quality of siding

In many ways performance characteristics siding determines the material of its foundation. In our case, vinyl and acrylic. However, it should immediately be said that good siding has not been made uniform in composition for a long time by monoextrusion, that is, pushing the molten mass through an extruder. Modern technologies allow you to make siding two-layer: the lower layer provides mechanical strength, and the upper one has both a protective and decorative function. Therefore, there is equipment that makes it possible to obtain two-layer sheets bonded at the molecular level from the melts of two components. This process is called co-extrusion. And this technology is used to get the vast majority of siding.

Considering the multi-layer construction of the siding and the presence of many modifiers, dyes, stabilizers and other additives in its composition, it can be stated that one hundred percent "racial" purity of vinyl and acrylic siding does not exist in principle. We can only say that these materials form its basis and determine its properties.

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC, vinyl,PVC)

The most common is vinyl siding. It owes its name to its main component, which makes up more than 80% of its composition. It is none other than polyvinyl chloride (PVC) - one of the types of plastics that has found the most wide application among their peers in the class. Russian name This material is PVC, and in the rest of the world it is called PVC.

Polyvinyl chloride is a wonderful material and is the best suited for finishing. More than 60% of vinyl produced in the world is used specifically in construction - for the production of siding, finishing panels, window and door profiles, window sills and other products. Such a demand for polyvinyl chloride is easily explained, since with a relatively cheap process technological production, PVC has a number of good properties:

  • PVC has high mechanical strength, wear resistance, rigidity. Moreover, all these qualities are combined with a low specific gravity (density), which is 1.35-1.43 g / cm³.
  • Vinyl is weather resistant. All naturally occurring solvents, the main of which is water, have no effect on it. PVC does not "know" what corrosion and biological damage are.
  • The temperature resistance of polyvinyl chloride is also on top. Pure, without any additives, PVC can be used for a long time at a temperature of 60°C. it begins to melt at a temperature of 150-200°C, and begins to burn only at 500°C. Moreover, after the source of high temperature disappears, the combustion immediately stops. In other words, PVC does not support combustion.
  • PVC is a very good dielectric, and it is not for nothing that it is widely used for insulation in cable and wire products. The same property is very useful in finishing materials, the ability to conduct electricity is simply inappropriate here.
  • Vinyl building materials compare favorably with their durability.
  • PVC is very easy to process with a simple tool.

It is known that ideal materials do not exist, and PVC has weak spots that need to be taken into account:

  • When PVC is heated to temperatures up to 100°C, it begins to decompose and release hydrogen chloride HCl, known to us as hydrochloric acid, into the surrounding air. This can lead to irritation of the upper respiratory tract and mucous membranes of the eyes. But under standard operating conditions, such a temperature can appear only in extraordinary cases.
  • At low PVC temperatures becomes more fragile, but almost all building materials have this unpleasant property. The main thing is that low temperature does not cause degradation of the material.
  • The main disadvantage of vinyl is photodegradation when exposed to ultraviolet light. With prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, high-energy photons of ultraviolet light break down PVC molecules. This phenomenon is fought and quite successfully with the help of special additives. Which ones we will tell below.

In its pure form, polyvinyl chloride is almost never used. It is always "customized" under desired application by adding various ingredients. What is added to vinyl siding?

  • First of all, it is actually polyvinyl chloride itself, which is in finished siding about 80%. But he is different. It is best if only primary raw materials are used for production, but in reality this is far from the case. In the chemical industry, secondary raw materials are widely used, which are obtained by processing products that have already been in use. This noble mission contributes to the preservation environment, but does nothing to improve the quality of PVC siding. The best manufacturers add no more than 5% recycled PVC to their products and honestly report it, while some other unscrupulous manufacturers can “sin” with a large percentage of gray-back PVC (recycled PVC) and not tell the buyer anything about it. In appearance, this difference can not always be determined. Therefore, it is worth buying only siding from a good, honest manufacturer from no less good and honest sellers.
  • Titanium dioxide is also the most common additive in vinyl siding. This compound is also called titanium white, and also as a food additive E171. It is added only to the top layer during the co-extrusion process and serves to give stability to the top layer, preventing damage by UV rays. As a result, the color of the siding is less prone to fading. But titanium dioxide works only with light and soft tones of the siding color, more expensive chemical compounds are used on brighter and darker ones. The top layer contains no more than 10% titanium dioxide.

Titanium white or titanium dioxide - an indispensable additive in the top layer of light-colored siding
  • Calcium carbonate - this compound is always used in the production of plastics, especially PVC. This component is introduced into the lower layer, and it is from 10 to 15% of its composition. It is a filler and in addition contributes to the uniform coloring of PVC throughout the volume.
  • Butadiene is a compound that is included in PVC composition used to make siding. Its content is no more than 1%, but even such a small proportion makes it possible to stabilize PVC, and most importantly, to increase its elasticity and wear resistance. To be precise and honest, butadiene is not included in its pure form, since it is a gas. Styrene-butadiene thermoplastics are used, which are added to polyvinyl chloride. The same compound is necessarily used for the production of high-quality synthetic rubbers and road bitumen, which retain their elasticity over a wide temperature range.

    vinyl siding prices

    vinyl siding

  • Various modifiers that improve the impact resistance of the siding are also introduced into its composition. Their share is very small, but they significantly add strength properties. Specific chemical composition and the content of these modifiers are the know-how of manufacturing companies and, for obvious reasons, are not disclosed.
  • To color the siding in the desired colors, concentrated pigments are introduced into it, which should give the desired color and shade and at the same time be resistant to fading from exposure to UV rays. Of course, their composition is also the intellectual property of the manufacturer and is not subject to publication.
  • Good siding is never glossy. Therefore, in the process of its production, matting additives are always added to the top layer, which remove the original gloss.
  • Antistatic additives are also required, since the properties of dielectrics are known to accumulate static electricity. Few people will be pleased to receive an electric discharge from the walls of their home.

Polyvinyl chloride siding dominates the market, primarily due to the fact that it began to be produced much earlier than the newer acrylic. This gain in time allowed vinyl siding to firmly establish itself as a leader. But his position becomes somewhat precarious, as new material- Acrylic siding

Acrylic and its derivatives used for the production of siding

The concept of acrylic is very broad and it includes a very large group synthetic materials both solid and liquid. For the first time, under the concept of acrylic, a fabric made of acrylic fiber appeared, and then they began to appear various polymers. This name was “kindly shared” by acrylic acid, which has the chemical formula CH 2 \u003d CH-COOH. Based on this compound and others, very a large number of fibers, polymers in liquid and solid form. In order not to delve into the wilds of chemical synthesis, since most readers will still not understand anything, let's say that the material from which siding is made is called acrylic-styrene-acrylonitrile in the strict language of the scientific world. Another name for ASA plastic ( international name ASA), and in the BASF concern this polymer is called in its own way - Luran S. It is quite clear that the siding is called acrylic, and not acrylic-styrene-acrylonitrile, for good reason, since sellers would have to develop diction, articulation and eloquence, and potential buyers would immediately be frightened by a tricky name.

ASA plastic is a thermoplastic polymer, and its melting and polymerization temperature is approximately the same as PVC. This allows co-extrusion to make compositions of PVC and ACA polymer bonded at the molecular level. What this gives, we will consider below.

What are the properties of thermoplastic ACA copolymer (hereinafter referred to as acrylic)? Why can it be used for siding?

  • Acrylic has high rigidity, hardness and impact resistance.
  • Acrylic retains its strength at temperatures up to 80-90°C, perfectly withstands short-term heating up to 100-110°C. When heated, unlike vinyl, acrylic does not emit any volatile compounds. It has virtually no odor.
  • Acrylic products withstand low temperatures well. Acrylic becomes brittle only at temperatures from -25°C to -40°C (depending on the presence and amount of antifreeze additives).
  • Acrylic is resistant to water, acids, diesel fuel, mineral oils. Detergents can be used to care for the acrylic coating.
  • Acrylic has a density lower than that of PVC, it is in the range of 1.06-1.10 g / cm³.
  • Acrylic has excellent biological resistance, fungi or mold will never settle on its surface.
  • One of the main properties of the ACA copolymer is resistance to ultraviolet radiation, it does not cause photodestruction. Thanks to this, acrylic can be painted in different, even bright colors that won't fade over time. In addition, opaque acrylic is a reliable barrier to ultraviolet light photons.
  • Acrylic is very easy to process and recycle without emitting toxic gases, as is the case with vinyl. When processed, recycled acrylic practically does not lose its properties.

The combination of these properties determines the widespread use of the ACA copolymer. It is used for making outdoor plastic parts cars, cases for household appliances, sports equipment, details of sea and river vessels, toys, plumbing items and other things. In the recent past, siding has also been made. Obtaining acrylic in the form of an ACA copolymer is a complex and expensive technological operation, which is not available to all chemical concerns. Therefore, this material is much more expensive than PVC. This is its disadvantage. Perhaps the only one.

The most famous manufacturers of ACA copolymer (acrylic) are:

  • Saudi Arabian company SABIC produces an ASA copolymer under the brand name Geloy ASA.
  • LG Chemicals of South Korea manufactures this material under the name LG ASA.
  • BASF in Germany produces an ACA copolymer called Luran S.

All manufacturers of quality acrylic siding purchase raw materials mainly from these companies, as they are of excellent quality.

What is acrylic siding

Now we offer, together with readers, to understand such a concept as acrylic siding. And the first thing I want to say is that 100% acrylic siding simply does not exist. If there was such a thing, it would cost such fabulous money that no one would pay attention to it. Let's take an example. One of the best manufacturers siding is the Canadian company Mitten, which gives a 50-year written guarantee for its siding, provided that original components are used. They report absolutely honestly about their siding on their official website, calling it vinyl. True, in the description of their Sentry Mitten collection, which has the richest color gamut, it is indicated that the thickness of the panel is increased to 1.2 mm, and Acrylic Color Technology (a.c.t.) is used for color stabilization and management. That is, acrylic is mentioned, and it is used specifically for coloring and ensuring color fastness. But there is not a single word that the siding is acrylic.

Now let's take one of the leading Russian siding manufacturers - Tecos. In particular, the siding from the Tecos - Ardennes collection, which has the most intense color palette, is very interesting. What is written in the description of this collection on the official website (quote): “Please note that products in Arabica and Burgundy colors are produced using acrylic polymer, which has the highest degree of UV resistance and, thanks to this, additionally protects the color from fading.” By the way, we forgot to inform you that this refers to the section of the site "PVC siding panels". There is simply no such thing as acrylic siding.

If in any search engine give the request “Tecos acrylic siding” (any other is possible), then in a fraction of a second an impressive list of sellers will be issued, who, without any twinge of conscience, in the description of the product of this respected manufacturer, indicate acrylic in the “material” column. And this despite the fact that the manufacturer gave very correct information about his product. And unfortunately, a lot of sellers sin with such a violation as providing deliberately false information about a product. We decided to go further and find at least one certificate of conformity on the Internet, which would indicate that the siding is acrylic or ASA copolymer. And none were found. Where sellers proudly state that the siding is acrylic and there is a link to certificates, these documents state the following: “PVC wall panels of the Siding type, or just PVC siding. And nothing more.

The manufacturer's website states that this is acrylic siding, and the certificate of conformity says PVC siding. Who to believe?

It turns out that the statement that the siding is completely acrylic is not entirely correct? In other words, are the sellers lying? Yes, in fact it is. But we do not want to upset the readers of our portal and hasten to reassure that the ACA copolymer is really used in the production of colored siding as an outer layer. High-quality siding is painted throughout, including the outer acrylic layer, which itself does not fade under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, and also prevents its penetration into deeper layers. A thin outer layer of painted acrylic is enough to look presentable for decades and protect the full thickness of the panel. Therefore, a good manufacturer pursues a very noble goal - to save the buyer's money. And the name "acrylic" is a marketing ploy of sellers that does not detract from the merits of vinyl siding with an acrylic front layer.

Siding prices

How is acrylic siding produced? Given that both PVC and ACA copolymer are thermoplastic plastics, there is no fundamental difference in their extrusion. The outer layer is acrylic and the inner layer is vinyl. They are connected by co-extrusion, which makes the panel almost monolithic, which under no circumstances will delaminate. What links are included in the technological chain of siding production?

  1. Raw materials (acrylic and vinyl) are melted, each in its own bunker. This is to ensure that the components do not mix until the sheets are formed. Yes and temperature regime one polymer may be slightly different from another.
  2. Dyes are introduced into the melts with special dispensers. In high-quality siding, coloring goes throughout the volume, so dyes are added to both PVC and acrylic. At the same stage, other components are introduced into the composition in strict accordance with the technology.
  3. The melt of compounds (thermoplastics) with the help of screws is fed to slotted dies, and PVC has its own die, and ACA copolymer has its own. The dies have strictly calibrated holes, so the sheets come out of the desired thickness. The spinnerets are positioned so that after the formation of the canvases it is possible to lay them one on top of the other while not completely cooled down. This is done to ensure that different materials are reliably "sintered" with each other.

  1. Next, the already formed two-layer canvas, which has not yet been completely cooled, must be given the desired texture and profile. To do this, the canvas first passes through the rollers that form the texture, and then is fed into the sizing mill, where the profile of the future siding is formed. This is done with shafts. desired shape. The process of rolling through the shafts always goes with lubrication of their surface so as not to damage the workpiece.
  2. The final stage is cutting holes for fasteners and draining condensate, and then cutting a continuous web into segments of the desired size.

We have shown the technological process schematically, in fact it is much more complicated. The siding production equipment is high-tech and automated. It costs a lot of money and requires constant Maintenance highly qualified personnel and periodic replacement. The best manufacturers care about their reputation, so they replace their equipment with a clear regularity. But, of course, they do not throw the old into a landfill, but sell it on the secondary market. And who buys it? Of course, these are other companies that also produce siding. Only their siding will be somewhat different. Therefore, we will never get tired of telling readers that siding should be chosen only from the best manufacturers. Unfortunately, most of them are not domestic.

Video: Siding Extrusion Line

Now we will try to answer the main question that was asked in the article: which siding is actually better - acrylic or vinyl. We use the information that we have read earlier and reduce everything for clarity in a tabular form. We will call the column in the table acrylic siding, but we already know that this is actually a vinyl “brother” with an outer layer of ACA copolymer (acrylic).

IndexVinyl sidingAcrylic siding
Mechanical strength, wear resistance.It is at a sufficient level, subject to literacy installation. Also, a lot depends on the percentage of recycled materials in the siding, the presence of additives and modifiers, as well as the manufacturer.Strength and wear resistance is largely determined by the characteristics of the vinyl base. Acrylic has high strength, elasticity and wear resistance. It also depends a lot on the manufacturer.
Chemical resistanceInert to water, oils, alkalis, alcohols, technical gases, many acids found in everyday life. It is possible to use synthetic detergents, but only those approved by the manufacturer.It has a slightly higher chemical resistance than vinyl. The range of detergents allowed for cleaning is wider.
Temperature resistanceIt can be operated at temperatures from -40°C to +60°C. At low temperatures ah has increased brittleness, and at temperatures above +70°C it begins to “float”. Also, this indicator is highly dependent on the manufacturer and the presence of various additives in the composition.Can be used over a wider temperature range than vinyl, but the overall durability of acrylic-faced siding is largely determined by the properties of the substrate.
Biological stabilityhighhigh
ToxicityWhen heated strongly, it begins to release hydrogen chloride. New siding may have bad smell, which quickly evaporates during operation.Not toxic. Even strong heating does not lead to decomposition with the release of toxic components.
Dielectric PropertiesDoes not conduct electricity, but is capable of accumulating static electricity, which leads to "sticking" of dust to the surface. High-quality siding from well-known manufacturers is less prone to the accumulation of static electricity due to the introduced antistatic additives.Does not conduct electricity. Much less likely to build up static electricity than vinyl siding.
fire safetyLow degree of flammability (G2 group). Does not support combustion. When the source of ignition disappears, it self-extinguishes.
UV resistanceVinyl is subject to photodegradation, but the use of special additives can slow down this process.Acrylic is not subject to photodegradation, and its layer on vinyl backing is a reliable barrier against the penetration of ultraviolet rays.
DurabilityQuality pastel-colored vinyl siding can last 50 years or more, and more. bright colors 25-30 years old.The service life of vinyl siding with an acrylic outer layer is longer. This is especially true for samples that have a dark color and bright saturated shades.
PriceIt is greatly influenced by the manufacturer and quality of siding. In general, it is significantly less than the more technologically advanced one. For 1 m² of vinyl siding, prices start at about 150 rubles.More expensive than vinyl siding, but longer life over time eliminates unnecessary costs at a glance. For 1 m² of sideboard with an outer layer of ACA copolymer, prices start at 250 rubles.

The table shows that more technologically advanced siding - with an acrylic front layer, is significantly more expensive. And its main advantage is that there is no photodestruction of the upper layer. Otherwise, the characteristics are very similar in many respects. So is it worth spending extra money when you can get by with a cheaper option? Our set of recommendations will be as follows:

  • Both manufacturers and designers recommend using siding in soft pastel colors for home decoration. Such cladding will not get bored for a long time and the gradual photodestruction, which is expressed in the appearance of whitishness, will be almost imperceptible. It is known that pastel shades obtained by adding white to some color. The process of burning out just manifests itself in the addition of white. In this case, the choice should be unequivocal - high-quality vinyl siding from a good manufacturer.
  • If the owners decide to use siding in the decoration dark colors and rich shades and want the facade not to fade for a long time, then, of course, the choice should be in favor of siding with acrylic coated face layer. True, at the same time it is necessary to measure the choice with your own financial possibilities. The choice should also be only in favor of well-known manufacturers.
  • If the house that needs to be lined with siding is located in the southern latitudes and is located in a place constantly illuminated by the sun, then the choice in favor of acrylic siding will be fully justified.
  • If the siding is supposed to be washed frequently using household chemicals, then siding with an acrylic front layer will respond best to this. This may be in those regions where there is a large amount of dust and soot in the air due to natural causes or the location of some industrial facilities nearby.
  • It happens that when facing houses, a combination of light and dark siding is made to highlight architectural elements and emphasize uniqueness. Then you can buy vinyl siding in light colors, and acrylic siding for dark colors.

Unfortunately, not all domestic producers reach the quality of European and American colleagues. If in America vinyl siding began to be produced already in the 50s of the XX century, then in the post-Soviet space the traditions of production are far from being so rich. It is possible that over time the situation will improve, because we have learned to do good pipes And window profiles. We learned how to make paving stones and facing bricks. Once the turn will reach the siding. True, analyzing the messages of the construction and repair forums, one can already find good reviews for Russian siding. We hope that every year there will be more of them.

A brief overview of prices for different types of siding

We felt that the topic of the article would not be fully disclosed without a review of siding prices in various online stores. We will try to consider different manufacturers, and vinyl siding, and with top layer from ACA copolymer (acrylic).

ImageName, manufacturer, panel sizeDescriptionPrice in rubles (as of March 2017)
Vinyl siding Kaykan (Canada), Prova series. Panel length 3660 mm, working width 230 mm, thickness 1.3 mm.High quality vinyl siding painted with high quality dyes throughout. There are 15 panel colors available in the series.250 rub. for 1 panel, 22 pieces per pack.
Vinyl siding Kaykan (Canada), DaVinci series. Panel length 3810 mm, working width 200 mm, thickness 1.1 mm.Vinyl siding in bright colors. Produced by co-extrusion, the outer layer is made using a special UV-protective compound Duraton. Available in 3 colors: Ivi Green (Green), Midnight Blue (Blue) and Colonial Red (Red).420 rub. for 1 panel, 24 pieces per pack.
Vinyl siding Mitten (Canada), Oregon Pride series. Panel length 3660 mm, working width 230 mm, thickness 1.02 mm.High quality vinyl siding painted throughout. The series is available in 14 pastel colors.369 rub. for 1 panel, 22 pieces per pack.
Vinyl siding Mitten (Canada), Sentry Mitten series. Panel length 3660 mm, working width 230 mm, thickness 1.2 mm.High quality co-extrusion vinyl siding in vibrant colors. The outer layer uses the exclusive Acrylic Color Technology, which gives the desired color and protects it from UV rays. The series is available in 10 colors.720 rub. for 1 panel, 22 pieces per pack.
Siding vinyl American Siding (Türkiye), Plus series. Panel length 3660 mm, working width 204.70 mm, thickness 1.1 mm.Vinyl siding available in 10 pastel colors.150 rub. for 1 panel, 25 pieces per pack.
Siding vinyl American Siding (Türkiye), Platin series. Panel length 3660 mm, working width 204.70 mm, thickness 1.1 mm.Vinyl siding in bright colors. Available in 2 colors: Brick (Tile) and Pine-Green (Pine green).210 rub. for 1 panel, pack of 25 pcs.
Siding vinyl American Siding (Türkiye), Private series. Panel length 3660 mm, working width 204.70 mm, thickness 1.1 mm.Laminated vinyl siding. Available in 2 colors: Antic Brown (Brown), imitating wood (block house), as well as Paciffic Blue (Blue).350 rub. for 1 panel, 25 pieces per pack.
Vinyl siding Tecos (Russia), series "Natural wood effect - rounded timber", panel length 3660 mm, working width 203 mm.High quality vinyl siding imitating timber. It is represented by two types: "Canadian oak" and "Lebanese cedar".320 rub. for 1 panel, 18 pieces per pack.
Vinyl siding Tecos (Russia), "Ardennes - ship timber", panel length 3660 mm, working width 230 mm, thickness 1.2 mm.High quality vinyl siding painted in vibrant burgundy.260 rub. for 1 panel, 18 pieces per pack.
Vinyl siding Alta Profile (Russia), Canada Plus series, panel length 3660 mm, working width 230 mm, thickness 1 mm.Vinyl siding with an ACA copolymer outer layer. Presented in 12 colors.250 rub. for 1 panel, 20 pieces per pack.

The choice of siding is huge and the above table does not reflect even a hundredth of what can be found on the building materials market. In any case, in each individual region, some types of siding will be available, but others will not be available. Or you will have to order in advance and wait for a while. The main thing is to make a choice, and this is very difficult.


Despite its high price, siding with an ACA copolymer (acrylic) coating in the front layer is still actively moving into the market. Every year its share in the total number is growing. But, as we have already found out in the article, its use must be reasonable and economically justified. We, as consumers, should be pleased that more and more manufacturers are using new technologies in their products. It still affects the price, and in our favor.

And finally, it's time to answer the main question of the article: which siding is better - acrylic or vinyl? And perhaps the best answer is that the best is the siding that lined the facade of your house!

Video: How to choose vinyl siding. Pros and cons of finishing material

Video: How to choose siding

Having decided to choose such a product as a finishing material, use the entire range, which is distinguished by a variety of textures and shades. Siding is a durable material, it is able to reliably retain its original properties for three decades. Since the finishes are presented with choices, homeowners want to know what material for wooden house it is better to use vinyl or acrylic, or maybe metal.


Such material is used not only for decorating the facade. It is also used as a protection of walls from negative atmospheric influences. Siding hides the flaws of the facades, it removes condensate along its inner plane. By choosing just such a finish option, the homeowner gets a huge variety of decor options - with different structures and color schemes.

Precisely because siding is represented by a retail network in such a large assortment, homeowners are perplexed which material to choose - vinyl, or maybe acrylic or metal.

Criteria for choosing material for sheathing

To choose the right finishing material, carefully understand how the options for its execution differ, evaluate all the operating factors:

  1. Price. The decisive parameter that usually influences the choice. The difference in this regard is decent: vinyl material is cheaper. If you calculate the total area of ​​​​finishing, which will be obtained when facing the entire facade, it turns out such a huge difference that homeowners stop doubting what to prefer.
  2. Accessories. It is imperative to take into account the need to purchase additional accessories for installation. If you choose an acrylic finish, they will also cost more, which will increase the total cost.
  3. Climate. Of no small importance in the choice of skin is the nature of the climate for a particular area. When ultraviolet rays actively affect the cladding, prefer a material that is resistant in this regard. Then better fit acrylic. To save money, we recommend that when buying a material, make a calculation in such a way that only those surfaces that face the sun are sheathed with expensive plates. Cover the rest of the walls with vinyl siding, choosing the appropriate combination of shades.
  4. Mounting option. Although the principle of assembling any lamellas is almost the same, there are, nevertheless, slight differences in different materials. They are in different mounting locks. Since this parameter does not affect the overall functionality of the cladding, it can be ignored. The installation algorithm is almost identical: first, the walls are prepared, then the frame is created. After they are attached to the facade of the strip.

Regarding further operation, the requirements are identical: it is allowed to wash any material with mild, non-aggressive detergents. If necessary, damaged elements are easily changed without disturbing the rest of the surface at all.

Summarizing the listed properties, it is necessary to emphasize that the acrylic material wins only in terms of greater variety. color solutions and resistance to ultraviolet rays. Only the homeowner decides whether such benefits are worth paying more for them.

Features of vinyl siding

When vinyl material is chosen for cladding, the homeowner will not have to worry about the appearance of the facade, periodically tinting it. At least 10 years, an excellent look of such a finish is guaranteed, you will have to spend minimal effort on care.

Vinyl practically does not burn out, it perfectly resists low temperatures (as well as extremely high temperatures, reaching +50 °). When deciding to purchase vinyl siding, consider its advantages and disadvantages in advance. Advantages:

  • the material is not afraid of mold infection, it does not let in harmful insects;
  • the material is not afraid of moisture, does not rot at all;
  • Homeowners are attracted to vinyl because it is a dielectric, so it is safe to run electrical wiring over it.

Features of acrylic siding

Connoisseurs recommend acrylic material because of its certain advantages over vinyl material. At the same time, it has other advantages. Among them, high resistance to intense ultraviolet radiation. The material perfectly retains the strength parameters for the entire long period of operation.

Acrylic panels do not weaken in the places where they are fixed. Such material freely withstands high temperatures (up to 85 °). The cladding is absolutely not afraid of chemical solvents, so it is allowed to clean it with synthetic, fairly aggressive detergents. Although acrylic siding is not as combustible, a fire will still completely engulf the house in flames.

Features of metal siding

Any metal siding is recommended only for facing non-residential premises. Such a material has increased strength, it perfectly resists shock loads. Color palette metal products is represented by a full palette. Such panels are indispensable if the construction has increased requirements regarding fire safety, resistance to mechanical damage and durability.

But metal weighs much more than vinyl with acrylic, so it is allowed to use it for facing a residential country house, but only if there is a powerful foundation designed for increased loads. It is easy to maintain the material, it allows the use of any type of detergent.

If you decide to use metal cladding, it is better to choose aluminum siding. It perfectly resists corrosion, has a low specific gravity, the degree of combustibility of the material is low. To prolong the service life of aluminum cladding, it is recommended to periodically perform anti-corrosion measures. They consist in applying a PVC film to the panels or painting them.

Color spectrum aluminum panels represented by all shades of the rainbow, their surface is found smooth or embossed. A significant drawback of such products is poor resistance to mechanical stress, after which noticeable dents remain on the skin.

metal siding- airtight material that can corrode. Also among the shortcomings big weight, considerable cost of panels.

Solving the difficult question on the topic of which siding should be purchased for facing your own residential building, you need to compare all the advantages and disadvantages of each of the recommended materials. It is required to clearly decide for yourself which parameter to take into account - one-time costs or a long term of operation. We hope that the publication will help you make the right and informed choice.

Relatively recently, siding has become one of the most popular materials for facade decoration. The task of this cladding is to decorate the external walls and protect their surface. With it, you can hide the shortcomings of the draft base and ensure the removal of condensate.

If you are deciding which siding is better - acrylic or vinyl, you should read the reviews about it. From them you can find out that a huge variety of colors and textures of siding is on sale today, which allows you to make the building individual. This material is one of the most durable, and it is ready to serve for 30 years or more.

It is easy to install with your own hands, and also easy to care for. This cladding has a great many advantages, and the range is huge, and therefore consumers often face a problem when choosing. Having visited the store, they are wondering which siding is better - vinyl or acrylic.

What are the criteria for comparison?

Today, cost is no longer the main factor when choosing building materials. The main parameter is specifications. Before deciding which siding is better - vinyl or acrylic for a private house, you need to pay attention to the following features:

  • durability;
  • aesthetics;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • ease of installation;
  • resistance to external events.

With regard to durability, the material after installation for a long time should retain its original appearance, as well as the invariance of qualities. As for aesthetics, it is better to choose siding for exterior design. If you are deciding which siding is better - vinyl or acrylic, you also need to pay attention to how well the material tolerates temperature changes, which can be not only seasonal, but also daily. In a sharply continental climate, the temperature can change dramatically within 24 hours. At the same time, it is important that the finish is resistant to atmospheric phenomena. You should also pay attention to the ease of installation.

Should You Choose Vinyl Siding?

This material is made from high quality PVC. The panels are usually two-layer, their inner surface is impact-resistant, while the outer one is highly resistant to fading. If you cannot decide which siding is better - vinyl or acrylic, then you should pay attention to the strengths of the first of the mentioned finishes, such as:

  • ease of installation;
  • no need to update coverage;
  • UV resistance;
  • resistance to mold and fungus;
  • reducing the cost of cladding;
  • unpretentiousness in care.

As for the ease of installation, it is complemented by unpretentiousness in operation. Finishing can be installed on any frame, and due to the small mass of the panel, they do not have a strong impact on the foundation. It is also convenient that fasteners are supplied in the kit, as well as installation instructions.

When consumers decide which siding is best - vinyl or acrylic, they also pay attention to whether there will be a need for periodic updating of the finish. As for vinyl siding, it does not need to be tinted and updated during operation, which distinguishes it from wood panels. The manufacturer guarantees that the original attractiveness will be maintained for at least 10 years. And if you choose the best siding, it will be ready to last up to 25 years.

Additional benefits of vinyl panels

The material described above almost does not burn out, it is resistant to destruction when exposed to high and low temperatures, as well as to precipitation and wind. This material can be used in a wide range from -50 to +50 °C. If you have thought about the question of which siding is better - vinyl or acrylic - then you should take a closer look at each of them.

For example, the first one is not afraid of mold, does not rot over time and does not rust. The material does not conduct electricity, which is especially important for free-standing buildings. Less money will be spent on cladding a house with vinyl siding than when using other types of finishes, such as wooden lining, which must be periodically tinted, and the cladding itself is 1.5 times more expensive. Vinyl siding is unpretentious and easy to maintain, but for the full picture it should be compared with acrylic variety this finish.

Is Acrylic Siding Worth It?

The above and acrylic siding are similar in characteristics, but the latter is made using a different technology. Acrylic panels have absorbed all the advantages of a vinyl counterpart and have many other advantages, among them are:

  • high strength;
  • the ability to keep the shape;
  • immunity to solar radiation;
  • resistance to chemical solvents;
  • almost complete fire safety;
  • long service life.

Acrylic panels are less susceptible to solar exposure and perfectly tolerate exposure to direct ultraviolet rays. The strength of the product does not decrease during the entire period of operation. There is no loosening at the attachment points.

When exposed to high temperatures, the original shape of the products is preserved. Geometric dimensions will be maintained even at +85 °C. Solvents can get on their front surface, which products are not afraid of. Therefore, they can be looked after even with the help of synthetic detergents.

If you, like many other consumers, are deciding which siding is better to choose - vinyl or acrylic - then you should consider each of them. For example, the latter almost does not burn, and when exposed to a flame, it releases a minimal amount harmful substances. The cost of wall cladding with this siding will be higher than when using vinyl panels, however, acrylic products are ready to serve much longer, they will last up to 50 years or more, so the ultimate benefit is obvious.

Additional facts in favor of vinyl siding

Vinyl siding is positioned as an inexpensive and easy-to-install material. It can be found almost everywhere today. Among his additional features it is necessary to highlight natural shades, which are represented by 12 options from domestic and foreign manufacturers.

Products have soft matte colors that mimic the natural cut of wood. You can pick up vinyl siding in imitation of decorative plaster. This material has an outer surface of zinc oxide, which guarantees color stability.

Not to mention the light weight. When finishing the facade of old buildings, it is better to use vinyl siding, which will not put additional stress on the foundation and walls of the house. Such a cladding is not exposed to moisture, and the installation features are the possibility of installing additional layers of hydro and thermal insulation.

Recently, the decoration of buildings and structures with siding has become increasingly popular.

The purpose of the siding

The purpose of this material is not only to decorate the facade, but also to protect outer surface walls from negative external influences. Among other things, this material is able to hide surface imperfections, providing condensate drainage along the inner surface of the finish. Having decided to choose siding for finishing, you can take advantage of the huge range of material that may have different colors, as well as textures. Siding is considered a durable material that is ready to last for three decades or more. Due to the fact that the described finish is on sale in a large assortment, consumers often ask themselves the question of which siding is better - vinyl or acrylic.

Criterias of choice

The cost acts as the main point when choosing a finishing or building material. However, consumers also pay attention to technical features, as well as quality characteristics. These include parameters, among which are the durability of the finish, its service life and the ability to maintain its original appearance for a long time. Thinking about which siding is better - vinyl or acrylic, consumers also pay attention to resistance to temperature changes, which can be daily and seasonal. Weather resistance and ease of installation are also important.

Features of vinyl siding

If you do not know what to choose - acrylic or vinyl siding, then you should consider each type of material separately.

For example, vinyl siding is produced using high quality PVC using extrusion technology. The panel includes two layers - internal and external. The first one is impact resistant, while the second one is highly resistant to sunlight. Among strengths Vinyl siding can be distinguished by ease of installation, as well as unpretentiousness in operation. Thinking about which siding is better - vinyl or acrylic, it is worth considering that the first type of material can be installed on any frame, and you can do without outside help, which becomes possible due to the insignificant mass of a separate panel. This attracts home craftsmen for the reason that they have the opportunity to save on the expensive services of professional craftsmen.

Operation features

By choosing a vinyl material, you will not need to periodically touch up the panels or maintain them. appearance. For 10 years, you can count on a finish that looks great and requires little to no maintenance. Such a material almost does not burn out over time and is resistant to destruction when exposed to extremely low temperatures, the same can be said about high temperatures reaching +50 degrees.

If you decide to opt for vinyl siding, the advantages and disadvantages of this material need to be considered. Among the first, one can additionally highlight the fact that the material is not subject to infection by fungus and mold. It is not attacked by harmful insects. The material does not rot or rust. Owners of private houses choose vinyl siding for the reason that it does not conduct electricity, which is important for free-standing buildings.

Features of acrylic siding

If you still have not decided which siding is better - vinyl or acrylic, you should consider the latest type of material, which is made on the basis of acrylic polymers. Experts recommend choosing an acrylic material for the reason that it has all the advantages of a vinyl material and has some other advantages. Among them, a higher resistance to ultraviolet radiation can be distinguished. This material does not reduce its strength characteristics during the entire period of operation. The panels have no loosening at the fixation points. This material can be used with more high temperature, the mark of which reaches 85 degrees. This facing is absolutely not afraid of the effects of chemical solvents, which allows cleaning with synthetic detergents. If you are thinking about the question of which siding is better - acrylic or vinyl, you should read the reviews about these materials before purchasing.

Fire safety

Almost does not burn, and if it is affected by a flame, then the lining begins to emit harmful substances, but in the most minimal quantities. There is a downside, which is expressed in higher finishing costs compared to vinyl siding. However, it is important to take into account a longer service life - half a century or more. That is why it is easy to see the final benefit.

For house cladding, along with traditional materials (plaster, brick), polyvinyl chloride (PVC) panels are used. They are called siding, from the American word siding - outer skin. Siding can be made from PVC, steel, aluminium, ceramic, cement and wood materials. Acrylic and vinyl siding refers to a PVC product. Gained its popularity through ease of installation and relatively inexpensive price. It is non-toxic, almost does not burn, melts with strong fire, releasing a small amount of harmful substances, withstands temperature extremes at correct installation, maintenance does not require special costs. Produced in various colors.

Application area

Mainly intended for exterior finish buildings, cladding of new and old exterior walls. Repair and reconstruction of balconies, loggias, trade pavilions, industrial premises inside and outside. Protects well from external factors.

Manufacturing technology

The manufacturing process for acrylic and vinyl siding is almost the same. The extrusion method is used. This method consists in forcing through the profiling holes of the extruder (this is such a device designed to soften and give certain form through the forming head) of the molten plastic mixture (compound) using a press. At the exit we get a plastic tape. There are 2 ways to get siding: mono-extrusion and co-extrusion. The difference between them is that the second method uses two layers of PVC, which are connected at the molecular level by a co-extruder.


The siding consists mainly of PVC with various additives:

  1. Calcium carbonate.
  2. Titanium dioxide.
  3. Butadiene.
  4. Natural mineral pigments.
  5. Lubricants.
  6. modifiers.

The siding strip consists of two layers. The outer layer provides protection from the sun and rain. The inner layer is responsible for strength and geometric shapes panels.

The difference between acrylic and vinyl siding is that polymer is added to the outer layer of acrylic siding during production. This polymer is a thermoplastic acrylate, which helps to increase the strength of the material.

Types and forms

According to the method of fastening, siding is divided into horizontal and vertical. In appearance it is divided:

  • Ship board, the most common type.
  • Herringbone, used in wood siding.
  • Block-house or “under the log”, imitates wood paneling, for this, a laminating film is used in production.
  • Basement siding.

It can be one, two or even three sectional, convex or concave. Vertical siding is mainly used for sheathing non-residential premises.


The sizes do not differ. They are the same for both vinyl and acrylic. Everything depends on the form. Length 3000-4000 mm, width 200-270 mm, thickness 0.7-1.2 mm.

Installation is the same for both types of siding. First, the frame is attached to bearing wall. It can be metal or wood. If necessary, the insulation is fixed with the help of a mesh. Then the starting rail is installed. Further fittings: corner, near-window, near-door, edging, finishing and other trims. Next, we alternately insert each into each other, but do not pull hard and, when tightening the screws, leave a backlash for thermal deformation. The assembly ends with a bar J. Connecting bars are used to lengthen the siding strip.

Main differences

In principle, acrylic siding is an improved vinyl siding. Due to the addition of a plasticizer, acrylic siding has better protection against temperature fluctuations and impact sunlight, has the best durability in comparison with a vinyl siding, the increased term of operation without change of appearance almost twice. Due to the addition of special mineral dyes, it has richer, brighter colors and shades. But the price will naturally be higher. Therefore, when choosing siding, you need to consider the following:

  1. What is the function of a sheathed building?
  2. In what climate zone will the installation be carried out,
  3. Lifespan of siding
  4. Price,
  5. Manufacturer country. Domestic will last an order of magnitude less than imported.

For example:
If this industrial building, then it is more profitable to mount vinyl vertical siding. If this is a residential area, then horizontal acrylic siding is better. There is a variant of the combined assembly. On the front, sunny side, take a more expensive one, on a shady one, it's cheaper.
