Slatted ceiling in the bathroom: how to install it yourself. Aluminum panel ceilings in the interior of the bathroom Aluminum ceilings in the bathroom

When decorating a bathroom, you have to solve many problems, and the main one is how to simultaneously protect yourself from leaks from above and make the ceiling smooth and beautiful. Fortunately, the solution to this problem has long been found: these are aluminum ceiling panels for the bathroom.

It remains only to understand their types and features in order to choose the most suitable option.

Types of aluminum ceilings

Two main types of suspended structures are made of aluminum: rack and cassette. They differ from each other both in appearance and in the way of installation.

Cassette aluminum systems

Aluminum cassettes are square or rectangular panels. They can be all-metal and perforated, differ in color and surface texture.

The aluminum cassette ceiling for the bathroom can be mounted to an open or hidden suspension system:

  • Open grid system is a frame made of profiles having a section in the form of an inverted letter T. The profiles are mounted in such a way that cells are formed according to the size of the cassettes. After that, the aluminum panels are inserted into these cells from above and are held in them, based on the horizontal shelves of the profile, which remain open and visible. Therefore, the profiles of an open suspension system must also have a decorative coating.

  • In the case of a hidden suspension system aluminum panels are attached to the profile from below by means of special clips. The cassettes are in close contact with each other, completely hiding the suspension system and forming a continuous surface.

On a note. It is worth noting that such aluminum ceiling panels are used very rarely for the bathroom, as they look better on large surfaces. But if you like cassette ceilings, then it's up to you to decide whether to use them in your home or not.

Slatted aluminum ceilings

Aluminum is more diverse and in demand today. They are produced by many manufacturers, including in our country.

The products of each manufacturer differ both in the size and shape of the rails themselves (decorative aluminum strips) and in the design of the suspension system. Unlike a cassette ceiling, only a suspension system of the same brand is suitable for a rack ceiling.

In appearance, they are also divided into open and closed structures:

  • In open-type structures, aluminum batten panels are fastened with small gaps. The resulting gaps can be left open - to ventilate the inter-ceiling space or give the ceiling an original look. And you can close it with special narrow inserts to match the main trim or contrast.
  • Closed-type designs are characterized by the fact that each rail has a "tongue" that slightly overlaps the edge of the adjacent rail. To give such a coating a decorative effect, to revive a solid surface, the alternation of rails of different colors can.

Talking about what aluminum rack ceilings are for a bathroom, it should be noted that in addition to differences in color and mounting method, they can be very different in appearance, depending on the profile of the rail itself.

You can easily distinguish German slatted ceilings from Italian ones:

  • The German design of slatted ceilings is distinguished by a clear rectangular profile of the slats. The slats themselves can be of different widths, all-metal or perforated, with open or closed joints, but their edges are always straight.

  • The Italians also produce open and closed kits, and the edges of the rails are not straight, but rounded. This gives the surface relief and expressiveness. Italian rack panels can also have an additional decorative relief - their surface is not flat, but wavy.

The same Italian manufacturers produce factory-curved aluminum slats to create a non-standard wavy surface shape.

Designer aluminum ceilings

For those who are looking for non-standard solutions, we can suggest using not quite ordinary aluminum slatted ceilings for the bathroom.

Their originality is in the profile of aluminum rails, which is unusual for a ceiling:

  • Cubic profile. The decorative rail is made in the form of a U-shaped profile, all three sides of which are approximately the same length. On the cut, such a rail has the shape of a rectangle or square. The coating of such rails is distinguished by its bright relief and excellent appearance.
  • V-profile. The rail on the cut resembles the Latin letter V with the edges bent inward. The relief jagged surface of the ceiling is very original, especially when using panels of different colors.
  • Plate profile. Decorative slats in this design are in the form of a curved plate, and are attached to the frame vertically, not horizontally. In addition to the original appearance, such a ceiling has excellent ventilation characteristics.

Features of aluminum ceilings

To begin with, let's try to figure out why coatings from this particular material have become so popular for finishing ceilings in bathrooms, and not only in them.

Material Properties

The panels from which the coating is assembled have many positive properties, thanks to which they have become so popular and in demand.

  • Durability. Aluminum is practically resistant to corrosion, in addition, the panels are covered with anodized or laminated film. Therefore, such structures serve for a very long time, without losing aesthetic appeal over time.
  • Ecological cleanliness. Unlike many other materials, aluminum does not emit harmful substances into the surrounding air.
  • moisture resistance- this is exactly the property that aluminum ceilings for the bathroom should fully possess, since this room is more at risk of flooding from above than others. And the very atmosphere in the bathroom is characterized by high humidity, which has a detrimental effect on the condition of surfaces that are not resistant to moisture.

  • Incombustibility. In the event of a fire, the aluminum ceiling will not support combustion and will not become a source of acrid smoke.

  • hygiene- a particularly important quality for the bathroom. Such a plane can be washed with any detergents that do not include abrasive substances.

Perhaps the only drawback of such systems is the rather high price compared to other materials that are popular for bathroom decoration - plastic panels and stretch ceilings.

Design advantages

  • Aluminum is one of the lightest metals, due to which the construction of a suspended structure from it does not require the installation of a strong frame.
  • Like any other suspension systems (see), the aluminum ceiling for the bathroom allows you to arrange additional sound insulation and hide any communications in the interceiling space.

  • Ease of installation and dismantling is one of the main advantages of aluminum structures. Having elementary construction skills, it will not be difficult to install such a coating. Especially in a small space like a bathroom.

  • The possibility of combining with other types of coatings (see).

On a note. In addition to all these advantages, aluminum panels have one more thing: they are incredibly diverse in shape, color, surface type. With their help, you can create any design with your own hands, from strict and concise to bright and extravagant.


And after watching the video in this article, once again make sure that aluminum slatted bathroom ceilings are one of the most beautiful and practical finishing options.

The bathroom belongs to the type of premises in which the operating conditions are difficult. In addition, it is always necessary to maintain perfect cleanliness here. In this regard, it is important to pay maximum attention when choosing finishing materials. And since this room has a high level of humidity, the aluminum ceiling in the bathroom will be the best option for how to decorate the interior. The main advantages of this material include good moisture resistance and the fact that it is completely safe for humans.

Consider a few more advantages of such a modern solution that can create a magnificent view. And besides this, we will touch on a number of features, and also consider what types of such a ceiling exist.

Aluminum in the interior of the bathroom

The range of most stores allows you to give the interior of the bathroom an exceptionally original look that will appeal to every person. It offers consumers a wide selection of suspended ceilings of different colors and textures. There are even mirror designs. This is not only functional, but also a stylish, simple solution that is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent.

In addition, the use of aluminum fully complies with all the requirements that apply to the finishing of the bathroom ceiling:

  • Execution of technological functions.
  • A harmonious combination of beauty with technological design.
  • The ceiling must be durable, environmentally friendly, and also endure the effects of most external factors.

All these requirements are quite strict, and for this reason, not every material meets the specified conditions. But, as you can see from the photo, the aluminum ceiling in the bathroom, in turn, fully meets all these requirements. In not the most simple conditions that are inherent in the bathroom, the coating does not lose its quality and performance characteristics.

As a rule, the humidity level in such a room can reach up to 90%, and the temperature can reach a critical point. As a result of this combination of heat and a large amount of moisture, ideal conditions are formed for the reproduction and development of numerous fungi, including mold.

That is why it is highly not recommended to use drywall or wood in the decoration of bathrooms. Otherwise, such a coating begins to deform over time, which only spoils the appearance of the interior. Of course, plastic panels can also be used, which also withstand high humidity. However, in the opinion of most owners of apartments or private real estate, this option is noticeably inferior to aluminum structures in terms of aesthetics.

The ceiling in the bathroom of aluminum panels has significant advantages, which, in fact, is the reason for the wide popularity among many residents of apartments and private houses. Regardless of the type of construction (and we will definitely consider them, but a little later), we can highlight the general advantages of aluminum coating for the ceiling:

  • And since we are talking about a room where there is always a high level of humidity, the main advantage is moisture resistance. Under the influence of steam or moisture, the ceiling of such material does not deteriorate.
  • Durability - with proper installation of an aluminum structure, it can last for decades. At least until such time as the need arises for the repair of the entire premises.
  • Easy to clean - all that is required is to wipe the ceiling with a damp cloth, removing dust accumulated during operation. Heavy soiling can be dealt with with any non-abrasive detergent.
  • Due to the variety of shapes and shades of aluminum structures, you can choose the right option for your bathroom interior that you will like.
  • Aluminum is a lightweight material and therefore there is no need to build a complex and heavy frame.
  • In addition, the metal itself is absolutely clean from an environmental point of view, and therefore the ceiling is devoid of various harmful impurities. He is also not flammable.
  • Suspended ceiling in the bathroom made of aluminum panels, in addition to functionality, performs aesthetic tasks. Under it, you can hide the draft ceiling, wires, ventilation.
  • Availability - this option is much cheaper when compared with stretch and drywall counterparts.
  • Easy to install and dismantle - you can handle the work yourself, without outside help.

At the same time, there are a number of disadvantages, but they are not so many. And the main disadvantage is the reduction in the height of the walls of the room. However, this applies to any suspension type design. If only one section of the coating is damaged, it will not be possible to replace it only - it is necessary to partially dismantle the ceiling.

Nevertheless, despite such non-obvious disadvantages, they are largely covered by the obvious advantages of the aluminum suspended structure.

Varieties of aluminum ceiling

Now it's the turn to get acquainted with the main types of aluminum ceiling. Modern aluminum ceilings are made mainly of two types:

  • cassette;
  • rack.

There is also a separate variety, referred to as a special design.

Cassette ceilings

The main elements in the bath are special square or rectangular modules. Depending on the design, the surface can be corrugated or smooth - as you like. But besides this, there is an opportunity for applying a textured pattern, with which the ceiling in the bathroom will look more original.

According to the type of installation, such ceilings can also be divided into two subspecies:

  • open;
  • closed.

The open structure is formed from a T-profile. The finished frame is a network of cells, the size of which is comparable to the dimensions of the panels. The plates themselves are inserted into the cells and rest against the horizontal shelves of the profile in such a way that some part of it remains open. In this regard, the profile for such a system is selected with a decorative coating so as not to spoil the whole picture of the interior.

In closed ceiling coverings, the cassettes are attached to the aluminum profile from below. It also requires a frame, which is pre-mounted before installing the panels. As fasteners here are special clips-clamps. As a result, the modules are located close to each other, and so much so that they form a continuous solid surface.

Lath coatings

Cassette suspended structures are relevant mainly in bathrooms with a large area. Aluminum slatted ceilings for the bathroom are the most common analogue in relation to small spaces. In this case, the length of the elements varies in the range of 1.5-3 meters. Due to such wide popularity, there are many manufacturers, which in turn favorably affects the renewal of the range of this type of product.

There are also two types of systems:

  • closed;
  • open.

In a closed-type ceiling structure, the rails are not mounted close, but at a short distance from each other. The result is gaps that can be left untouched to ventilate the ceiling. Otherwise, if someone does not like this view, they can be closed with decorative strips. At the same time, they can be in tune with the main panels or have a different color, the main thing is to maintain harmony with the overall interior design.

The aluminum ceiling in a closed-type bathroom is formed from slats, which have a special “shelf” on one side that covers the junction with an adjacent element.

Special Design

Such ceiling coverings are rare to find on sale, as they are usually made to order in accordance with the needs of a particular consumer.

A similar design solution is assembled from rails of various shapes:

  • U-shaped - if you look from the end, you can see a rectangle or square.
  • V-shaped - from the end part it looks like the Latin letter V.
  • Plate elements are a special kind of decorative modules in the form of curved plates. The fastening of such rails is carried out vertically.

These are distinguished by a pronounced relief and are an actual solution for bathrooms, mostly large ones. For many professional designers, this is a good tool for creating a unique image, taking into account the individual needs of customers.

Design features of the aluminum ceiling in the bathroom

Every professional in the construction industry is well aware that the technological and structural properties of aluminum are at a high level. And any of us, ordinary consumers, knows that aluminum is a light metal. This quality, in fact, is due to the ease of installation of the ceiling covering. And due to the high strength characteristics, the coating is sufficiently durable and stable.

Thanks to the same lightness of the material, each owner of an apartment or a private house is able to realize his plans almost alone. Although with the support of acquaintances and close people, all work will be more fruitful and faster. But the huge popularity of aluminum ceiling coverings is also due to easy dismantling, which every home master can do.

Preparatory stage

The installation of an aluminum ceiling includes several stages, among which there is a certain preparation. First you need to take all the necessary measurements. This will determine the number of rails and other necessary elements.

The total length of the supporting profile for creating an aluminum ceiling in the bathroom should be equal to the perimeter of the room. The number of stringers (carrier tires) is determined as follows - they are attached to the base surface of the ceiling with a pitch of 1200 mm. In this case, these elements are located perpendicular to the rails. For fixing ceiling tires, suspensions are needed, the number of which depends on the total length of the stringers.

As for the number of rails, their number is selected depending on the area of ​​​​the bathroom. If the design is made of an open type, accordingly, the step of the slats is taken into account. To install a closed system, it is enough to divide the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room by the area of ​​​​one element, rounding the result to an integer.

Tools for work

In the work of installing an aluminum ceiling, you can not do without the use of some tools. To do this, you will usually need:

  • drill;
  • building level or spirit level (laser or bubble);
  • scissors and a hacksaw for metal;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • pliers;
  • tape measure, pencil.

As for the materials themselves, these are the rails themselves, suspensions, holders, guide profiles. For a closed system, inter-gap inserts will be needed. In addition, fasteners in the form of dowels and self-tapping screws are required.

Mounting technology

Now, in fact, the step-by-step process for creating a suspended aluminum rack ceiling in the bathroom.

This procedure, in turn, consists of several main stages:

  • Installation of guides.
  • Suspension fastening.
  • Installation of load-bearing tires.
  • Rail installation.

Guides are mounted around the perimeter of the room, for which you must first designate the location of the new ceiling. That is, it is worth retreating 50-60 mm from the black surface and make a mark around the entire perimeter by drawing a straight line.

For suspensions, it is also necessary to mark the places of their installation. The first mark should be located 350-400 mm from the wall surface. Then - in increments of 1 meter. Hangers are attached using screws with dowels, and the accuracy is checked by a level.

Ideally, the distance between stringers (carrier rails) should not exceed 1000 mm. Regarding the rails, the traverses are attached perpendicularly in line with the guide profile, which should already be in place - along the perimeter. The tires are fastened to the suspensions with a screwdriver or a screwdriver, as you like. At this stage, you should be extremely careful to avoid even the slightest mistakes. The quality of the future ceiling directly depends on this.

The protective film must be removed from each rail, and then cut according to the dimensions of the bathroom. Further manipulations are already easy to perform - you should insert them into the guides and snap them along the length with clamps. If a closed structure is formed, it is necessary to ensure that the elements are located close to each other, excluding gaps and cracks. The height of the tires can be adjusted if necessary during operation. If they are fixed on the ceiling, then this is done by changing the screwing depth of the screws, otherwise - by means of adjustable suspensions.

At the very last stage of the installation of the aluminum ceiling in the bathroom, a decorative plinth should be installed. In his absence, the interior of the bathroom will seem unfinished. Well, after that, you can put things in order in the room, sweeping away all the garbage and tidying up the tools. This completes the installation of the ceiling - it remains to evaluate the result.

For many of us, the bathroom is associated with a room that should be of a high level of design and in which there should be perfect cleanliness. This perception of the bathroom puts forward the corresponding requirements for interior decoration and interior. The finished ceiling in the bathroom in this regard plays, if not a key role, then one of the most important. What materials are used in this case, and what should be the design of ceiling structures - a problem with two unknowns.

First. What finish to choose to work with the ceiling part? And the second. Would an aluminum paneled bathroom ceiling be the right engineering solution?

Let us consider in detail what metal ceiling structures look like and how practical they are in operation.

Aluminum ceilings for the bathroom - is it a good choice?

In order to make the ceilings in the bathroom of high quality, you need to know the following:

  • ceilings in the bathroom should perform technological functions;
  • the beauty and aesthetics of the ceilings in the bathroom should not be an obstacle to the manufacturability of the finished structure;
  • the ceiling surface in the bathroom must be durable, sustainable, environmentally friendly.

The aluminum ceiling in the bathroom is one of the design options that meets the above requirements in many ways. From a practical point of view, bathrooms are a place with difficult technological conditions, so not every finishing material will behave normally in a situation where there is high humidity inside.

On a note: the bathroom has a humidity level of 90% or more. Increased humidity and high temperatures become a favorable environment for the development of fungal growths and mold.

Wood and drywall are not suitable for such purposes. For these materials, the bathroom imposes too heavy a mode of operation. Plastic panels, despite their high manufacturability, are considered too cheap a finishing option for some consumers. In such a situation, it's time to pay attention to the ceiling surfaces made of aluminum. Despite the fact that the idea of ​​metal ceilings looks doubtful, the final result will exceed your expectations.

First: A bathroom with light metal ceilings is always stylish and beautiful.

Secondly: the rack arrangement of the panels and the external data of the finished ceiling structure visually increase the internal volume of the bathrooms.

Thirdly, the aluminum ceiling for the bathroom is durable, environmentally friendly and very convenient from a practical point of view. You can wash and clean such structures using ordinary detergents, while maintaining the former attractiveness and aesthetics of the ceilings.

Basic technological properties of aluminum panels

The popularity of metal ceilings is primarily due to the high technological properties of aluminum itself. Moisture resistance is one of the main properties of aluminum. By itself, white metal quite calmly tolerates contact with a humid environment. Finishing panels laminated with anodized film are absolutely not subject to corrosive processes.

Note: Of all the metals used in building design, aluminum is the most inert material. Aluminum does not react with water, is poorly susceptible to corrosion and does not lend itself to rapid aging.

Aluminum has a stable structure, so metal products do not emit harmful components into the surrounding space. In direct contact with an open flame, white metal panels will not burn and release components harmful to health.

From the point of view of hygiene and sanitary standards, using white metal for decoration is ideal. Constant wet cleaning with conventional detergents will make the surface of the ceilings in the bathroom almost sterile.

Design features of aluminum panels

Do not lag behind the technological properties and design characteristics of aluminum finishing materials. You should know that aluminum is one of the lightest metals. This explains its popularity in the field of practical application. Aluminum suspended structures do not need a powerful frame. Due to their strength, aluminum panels themselves provide sufficient stability and strength to suspended ceilings.

Do not forget about the high manufacturability of parts and elements made of white metal. If you have certain skills and knowledge, you can independently install the ceiling part in the bathroom. For small rooms, especially in a city apartment, the installation of aluminum ceilings will not take much time.

At this stage, it is important not only the speed and ease of installation of aluminum structures, but also the dismantling of panels, if necessary.

Important! Aluminum is one of the few metals that has a noble appearance, which allows this metal to be used in a wide variety of industries. Therefore, often in the field of design, aluminum panels and other finishing elements made of this metal of a wide variety of shapes, colors and types are used.

Due to this quality of the material, the necessary aesthetics are achieved when installing suspended ceilings in residential premises. The reflective surface of the aluminum panels favorably reflects on the entire external appearance of the interior space, emphasizing the design elements of the bathroom.

In some cases, apartment design experts recommend using metal parts and elements in combination with other finishing materials. Combined bathroom ceilings are no longer a rarity today, especially since such surfaces have a number of advantages compared to similar products.

Types of aluminum ceiling tiles

In most cases, installation using metal parts is carried out in two ways:

  • creation of rack systems;
  • a set of cassette aluminum systems.

In each individual case, laying technologies and, accordingly, the appearance of the finished surface differ. Consider separately each type of ceiling structures made of white metal.

A set of cassette aluminum structures

White metal cassettes are individual square or rectangular pieces. Depending on the design option, you can successfully use all-metal or perforated products, which are distinguished by the structure and texture of the surface.

Important! The cassette white metal panel ceiling set can be mounted directly on an open or closed suspended structure.

Let's take a closer look at how they differ:

An open suspension system (structure) is a frame consisting of T-shaped aluminum profiles. The profiles are set in such a way that as a result the frame would be divided into cells. Aluminum panels are inserted into empty cells, based on profiles that are visually open. In this case, the profiles perform both an assembly and a decorative function.

The hidden suspension system involves the additional use of hidden clamps for fastening metal panels. Due to the tight contact of the cassettes, the solidity and integrity of the ceiling surface in the bathroom is achieved.

On a note: this type of suspended aluminum structures is rarely used for finishing bathrooms. The reason lies in the fact that such ceilings look good in large areas.

Rack structures made of white metal

If we talk about the mass use of metal ceilings for bathrooms, then here the primacy belongs to rack suspended structures. At the disposal of the consumer today there is a fairly large selection of such products. And the sale presents slats of the most diverse shapes and sizes. For slatted ceilings, only the appropriate type of suspension system is suitable.

There are also two types of suspension systems: open and closed.

For open structures, the rails are fastened at small intervals. The resulting spaces can be used for natural ventilation of the draft surface and interceiling space. In addition, this arrangement of panels creates a unique aesthetic appearance of the ceiling surface. If there is no need for ventilation, the gaps between the planks are covered with plastic of a different color.

The figure below shows an example of the installation of rack-type white metal ceilings with inserts.

For the closed type, metal elements with a special tongue are used. Due to this detail, the edge of the adjacent plank overlaps. Due to the alternation during the set of metal strips of different colors, you can get an original version of the design.

The figure shows two types of metal panels, for suspended structures of closed and open type.


Considering the device, design, types of ceilings made of aluminum panels, design options, we can definitely say that this method of finishing ceilings has the right to be implemented. Comparing the cost of drywall and plastic suspended structures installed in the bathroom, aluminum bathroom ceilings will be more expensive. However, the investment will pay off. Such ceiling surfaces will become a real decoration of any bathroom, in a large house or in a city apartment.

The quality of the material and installation methods provide the necessary reliability and strength of structures. From a technological point of view, aluminum ceilings are very practical and convenient. With a naturally appealing appearance, white metal pairs beautifully with paint. In order to update the ceilings in the bathroom, you can paint the old suspended structure in any color using silicate, acrylic or silicone paints.

Due to moisture resistance and corrosion resistance, slatted ceiling coverings are often used in wet areas, such as in a swimming pool, bathroom or kitchen. The slatted ceiling in the bathroom will withstand high humidity and direct exposure to water. It is easy to clean, durable and low maintenance. In addition to practicality, such ceiling coverings are distinguished by a variety of design and beauty. Aluminum rails allow you to mount curved surfaces and multi-level ceilings with smooth transitions between tiers.

The design of rack systems consists of bearing profiles, stringers, hangers and rails.

The last product is made from different materials:

  • tree;
  • plastic;
  • become;
  • aluminum.

Before installing such a suspension system in the bathroom, you need to choose strips from a material that is suitable for use in a room with wet processes:

  1. Wood products differ in beauty and ecological cleanliness. However, they do not tolerate high humidity conditions, are susceptible to damage by microorganisms, and do not differ in fire resistance and durability. That is why it is better to refuse the use of wooden planks in the bathroom.
  2. Plastic slats allowed to operate in a humid environment. The products are lightweight and easy to care for. Plastic panels do not rot and are not damaged by mold. However, PVC products are considered combustible. In case of fire, they release toxic compounds. The service life of plastic is shorter than that of metal rails. The material turns yellow over time.
  3. Steel panels are affordable. They are usually used in industrial premises. Even durable steel is not protected from corrosion, so products made from this material are not used in places with high humidity. Galvanized coating is applied to steel panels to protect against corrosion. Although such elements are cheaper than an aluminum product, galvanized suspended ceilings are not distinguished by their beauty and variety of design.
  4. The best option - aluminum ceiling in the bathroom. Aluminum panels are light, moisture resistant, durable and fireproof. They are not spoiled by mold and rot, they are not subject to corrosion. The surface is easy to clean and does not require special care. These ceilings are durable and beautiful, because there are many options for decorative design. You can use white, colored, matte, glossy, chrome, mirror and polymer rails.

Important! Ceilings in the bathroom made of aluminum panels are the best solution for a wet room. Due to the variety of textures, colors and shapes, you will get an original and durable coating.

Pros and cons of rack coatings in the bathroom

Rack ceiling systems provide the following benefits:

  • Aluminum panels do not rust, do not change color, do not oxidize, do not burn. They are not affected by various microorganisms. They are resistant to moisture and can withstand direct water ingress.
  • Installing a slatted ceiling in the bathroom with your own hands is a fairly simple matter that even a beginner can do. Simplicity and speed of assembly is ensured by the presence of the necessary components, holders with locks, profiles and hangers.
  • Behind the suspended ceiling, you can lay communications, install lighting, hide defects in the base and protruding building structures.
  • Several panels are easy to dismantle to replace or provide access for maintenance and inspection of utilities.
  • The coating can be used with different types of fixtures.
  • The aluminum surface can be washed. She does not require special care.
  • The base ceiling does not need preparation and leveling.
  • Smooth metal reflects and refracts light well, which provides good illumination of the room and saves on electricity.
  • Thanks to self-assembly, the cost of the rack system is lower than the purchase and professional installation of a stretch fabric. Even the high price of slatted ceilings in the bathroom per square is not so scary, because the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is small.
  • A wide range of colors, surface textures and overall dimensions, as well as the ability to create multi-level coatings and curved surfaces are also considered advantages.
  • An impressive service life, reaching up to half a century.

Cons of ceiling structures made of aluminum panels:

  1. The price per m2 of an aluminum rack ceiling is $8.4-19.2/m². And keep in mind that the price of installing a rack ceiling by professional craftsmen is $ 8 / m².
  2. Another disadvantage of these structures is to lower the height of the room. The minimum value by which the ceiling falls is 5 cm. If there are built-in lights or hidden lighting, then the surface drops even lower.
  3. The main disadvantage of such systems is the impossibility of replacing one element. If you need to dismantle one rail, you will have to disassemble part of the coating before it.

Mounting technology

Now let's talk about how to install a rack ceiling in the bathroom. Thanks to step-by-step instructions, all the work can be done independently.

Measurements and calculation of the necessary materials

Based on the perimeter and area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bathroom, the calculation of the amount of materials is performed as follows:

  1. The total length of the supporting profile, which is attached to the walls of the room, is equal to the perimeter of the bathroom.
  2. The number of ceiling rails (stringers) is determined taking into account that they are attached to the base surface after 1200 mm. Moreover, these elements are located perpendicular to the direction of laying the rails.
  3. To attach the stringers, you will need suspensions. Their number is equal to the total length of the ceiling tires, divided by 1.2 m. It is with this pitch that adjustable suspensions are attached.

Important! If the height of the room is small, the base ceiling is fairly even, and communications will not be laid in the overhead space, then you can do without suspensions. Stringers are attached directly to the main ceiling.

  1. The number of rails is calculated by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. If the design is open, then we take into account the step of the slats. For closed systems, it is enough to divide the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bone rail and round the value to the nearest whole element.

Tools and materials for work

Of the materials you will need ceiling rails, holders, suspensions, guide profiles. For closed systems, buy gap inserts. You will also need dowels and screws to fix the elements.

Stock up on the following tools:

  • ladder or scaffold;
  • perforator and drill;
  • laser level;
  • screwdriver;
  • pliers;
  • tape measure, pencil and ruler;
  • scissors for metal work;
  • paint cord.

Important! Before installing the frame, the base ceiling is cleaned of old, poorly fastened finishes. Places with mold are subjected to antiseptic treatment. At the preparatory stage, the laying of engineering communications is carried out.

Mounting the rack ceiling frame

Before assembling the supporting frame, the walls and ceiling in the bathroom must be marked. To do this, from a low angle, we lay down the mark by which our ceiling is lowered. We make the same marks with the help of a laser level in other corners. We connect all the points with lines that we draw with a masking cord. On the ceiling, we make markings for the installation of stringers and suspensions.

After breaking down, we proceed to assemble the frame:

  1. We install load-bearing profiles along the lines on the wall surface. We fix them on self-tapping screws and dowels, which we install in 50 cm increments. We place the extreme fasteners from the walls at a distance of no more than 5 cm.
  2. According to the markings on the base ceiling, we mount adjustable suspensions. To fix each element, we use two dowels and a self-tapping screw. The extreme suspensions are mounted from the walls in 300 mm increments, and the elements in the middle of the row are installed after 120 cm.
  3. We attach stringers to the suspensions. At the same time, each holder is cut to length according to the size of the room, but so that a gap of 1 cm remains at the ends. Due to this, the material can expand freely when the temperature in the room changes.
  4. We adjust the height of the suspensions with special clamps so that all the stringers are located in the same plane.

Installation of metal rails

Before installation, we unpack each rail and remove the protective film from the surface. We cut the product to the size of the room. In this case, the length of each element should be 0.5 cm less than the distance between opposite carrier profiles.

We put the ends of the rails into the grooves of the wall bearing element. We fix the lock along the longitudinal side on the stringer. To snap the rail into the groove of the ceiling holder, it is enough to press the element firmly against the grooves with the locks.

The last element of the coating is cut in width. Then, we insert the cut edge of the plank into the groove of the wall profile. We insert one end to the stop into the groove of the wall element, and we insert the second end into the groove of the product on the opposite wall, slightly shifting the rail. We snap the longitudinal lock onto the ceiling rail.

In the process of assembling the coating, we cut holes for lighting fixtures in advance. Installation of fixtures and their connection is carried out after the installation of all rails.

The bathroom plays an important role in every person's life. Here, each of us spends a lot of time, putting ourselves in order, doing personal hygiene.

When it comes time to renovate this room, it becomes not an easy task. The bathroom makes its own demands on the material and finishing technology, because there is always high humidity.

Finishing the ceiling in this room is just as important as finishing the walls or repairing communications. Today you will be offered a large number of options from a variety of materials, but we advise you to choose aluminum bathroom ceilings. They are most suitable for this room and win in terms of performance in comparison with other common finishing methods.

For clarity, we present a small comparison table with other types of finishes.

By installing an aluminum ceiling in this room, you will get one of the best solutions for wet rooms and a modern design look.

Aluminum ceiling, the best solution for the bathroom

Aluminum ceilings, what they are

At first glance, a ceiling made of such a material does not immediately inspire confidence, but any experienced builder or plumber will tell you that aluminum will be the best solution in the bathroom. This is a practical type of finish, and the design itself is extremely resistant to moisture and reliable. Due to the peculiarities of the appearance, such a ceiling received its own name among the people - “rack”.

Outwardly, it is a structure consisting of panels, the length of which depends on the size of the room. The panels have a standard width of 10 cm, a length of up to 4 meters, if necessary, you can order panels with other parameters suitable for your bathroom.

Also, the panels have three design options: open, closed and with decorative inserts.

The aluminum ceiling in the bathroom can be of various colors and shades, it can have a laminated surface. The growing popularity of this solution is forcing manufacturers to produce panels in various sizes and colors, you will definitely have plenty to choose from.

Aluminum ceiling has three varieties:

Advantages and disadvantages of aluminum ceiling

Aluminum as a metal has a whole range of advantages that give the following advantages of the ceiling structure:

  1. Light weight. The aluminum ceiling does not require a powerful frame, it is lightweight and easily held in a medium-sized room on three or four profiles.
  2. Lifetime. This type of ceiling, provided that it is installed without violating technology, will serve you faithfully for more than a decade. Even if negligent tenants flood you from above, the ceiling will not suffer. Moisture resistance. Aluminum is completely neutral to humidity in the bathroom. Unlike other metals, it does not rust.
  3. Ease of maintenance. Caring for such a ceiling in the bathroom is very simple, just wipe it with a damp cloth and then dry it to give the surface a shine. Do not use dry detergents with solid particles, they scratch the surface of the panels.
  4. Ease of installation. With due attention, using all the recommendations and rules from the instructions, an aluminum ceiling can be installed in 1 day. Special skills are not needed. If required, any ceiling panel can be replaced without dismantling the entire structure.
  5. Soundproofing. The aluminum itself is good at blocking out sound, so you can relax in the bathroom without the noise from the occupants upstairs.
  6. Environmental friendliness, safety. Aluminum does not burn, does not emit gases when heated or in contact with household chemicals. It fully complies with the ISO 9001 standard.
  7. Variability of design solutions. Aluminum ceiling can be made with multi-level transitions both horizontally and vertically.
  8. Variation of lighting zones. Lighting in a room with such a ceiling has practically no restrictions. You can highlight any area with light, and the mirror surface of the panels will create pleasant reflections.

Flaws. They are few, but they are:

  1. When installing, you need to be careful when working with panels (rails), they easily bend and scratch. From such damage, the panel will lose its aesthetic appearance.
  2. Price. The aluminum ceiling in the bathroom will not be cheap, you will have to spend money.

Do-it-yourself aluminum ceiling installation

Aluminum ceiling installation. Scheme.

Suspended ceiling design diagram

Of the tools you will need:

  • screwdriver or perforator;
  • meter;
  • ruler;
  • laser level (you can also use a regular one);
  • Bulgarian;
  • self-tapping screws, dowels;
  • pencil.

Aluminum ceiling installation
Fixing rails for ceiling mounting

Installation of an aluminum ceiling for a bathroom is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Marking and installation of guides. With the help of a marker and a level, we make markings in the bathroom. We mark the line of the future ceiling, it is usually 8-10 cm lower than the base one. If there are communications on the ceiling, then this figure may be higher. We determine whether the panels will be installed horizontally or vertically. We measure the room, cut and install profiles.
    Fastening rails to the ceiling frame

    Mounting frame for aluminum ceiling

  2. Hanger installation. We make marks at the installation site of future load-bearing tires. The first tire should be at a distance of 40 cm from the wall, the rest are attached parallel to the first with an indent of 1 meter. Hangers are fixed with dowels and screws.
  3. Tire mounting. This is the most important point on which the strength of the future structure depends. We install the traverses strictly perpendicular to the plane of the future ceiling, their height should be in line with the profiles.
  4. Installation of panels (rails). We remove the factory packaging, protective film from the rails. We cut them taking into account the dimensions, then we fill them in the guides and fasten them with clamps. If necessary, change the height of the tires. All rails must be installed butt-to-butt to each other, without gaps.

    A good example of a slatted ceiling design node

  5. Plinth installation. Skirting boards are installed last and hide the gaps between the wall and ceiling.

    Skirting boards are installed last

Installation completed!

Lighting, which lamps to choose?

For aluminum ceilings in the bathroom, a wide variety of fixtures are used, ranging from spotlights to incandescent lamps.

When choosing them, you need to pay attention to several nuances:

  1. Lighting power and colors should be in harmony with the room, harsh light is unpleasant for the eyes and causes discomfort.
  2. The dimensions of the lighting device should not stand out sharply against the background of the ceiling.
  3. Do not buy cheap lamps, they often burn, and to replace them you will have to disassemble part of the ceiling every time, this is not difficult, but it is better to buy normal lighting fixtures right away.

Spotlights suitable for aluminum ceilings

Maintenance of aluminum ceiling structures

Caring for such a ceiling in the bathroom is a pleasure! For cleaning, you only need a cleaning solution and two cloths. The first is to wash the panels, the second is for wiping and creating a shine effect.

Such a ceiling is cleaned for several minutes, the physical costs are minimal, you don’t even have time to get tired! All the water that condenses on the panels will not leave unpleasant streaks when evaporating, this is a feature of the material. When cleaning, do not use powder detergents, they can leave noticeable scratches on the panels.

For cleaning, you only need a cleaning solution and two cloths.
To create a glossy effect, after wiping wet, take a dry cloth and wipe the ceiling well

aluminum ceiling cost

The cost of the material varies, it depends on the manufacturer, on the quality and dimensions of the material.

Prices for standard accessories:

  • One rail 3 meters long costs 120 rubles, 4 meters long costs 200 rubles.
  • Guides, depending on the quality, cost 200 - 650 rubles. (thing).
  • Decorative inserts, skirting boards cost 200 - 600 rubles. (thing).
  • Fasteners, mechanisms cost 50 - 300 rubles.

If you decide to use the services of a master during installation, then such specialists, as a rule, charge 500 - 700 rubles for installation of 1 m2.

Video: Making a slatted aluminum ceiling in the bathroom

Video: Installing a slatted ceiling in the bathroom
