Functional renovation in a one-room apartment. Interior of a one-room apartment: arrangement of comfortable and practical housing. Examples of repairing a one-room apartment in Provence style

Equipping the interior of a one-room apartment is a serious task, especially if several people live in it. It is important to think through every little thing, taking into account the interests of everyone. And comfort should not argue with aesthetics. But nothing is impossible!

When creating a modern and practical interior, you often have to resort to the help of designers. And this is an additional financial cost. Take advantage of the recommendations of professionals collected in this article and try to transform a one-room apartment yourself!

Formation of the interior of a one-room apartment: key points


Having played with the location of the walls, you will change the interior beyond recognition. Here are some radical transformations of a one-room apartment:

  • Enlarge a small kitchen due to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. In our cultural tradition, the kitchen is a place of good gatherings with guests. Let it become the front part of the apartment, taking on the role of the living room and dining room. The rest of the room will turn into a secluded master bedroom.
  • Avoid tight corridors. The hallway is not at all obliged to huddle there. By removing the wall, you will make the hallway part of a new bright room. And a little trick will help not to carry dirt from shoes throughout the apartment. Make a rectangular recess in the floor at the front door. Change shoes in it, leaving street shoes there. Sand and dirt will not go beyond this "bath".
  • In houses with a modern layout, a one-room apartment can have a decent area (about 50 sq.m. or more). It is easy to redraw such a room into a two-room one: divide it into a bedroom and a living room or allocate a separate full-fledged nursery.

Do not stop at the proposed options and come up with your own. It all depends on the initial data of the apartment, the number of people living in it and their needs.


As old as the world, advice: use light colors for finishing small rooms. It is believed that cool tones (blue, lavender) better "push" the space. But warm ones (golden, ivory, creamy, delicate peach, caramel) give the feeling of a sunny day even in bad weather.

The opposite trend: to give the room depth, the walls are painted in rather dark saturated colors. At the peak of popularity, emerald green and especially dark blue. These colors are quite calm, their intensity does not overwork.

Compromise lovers can use the trendy dark color for only one or two walls.


In a one-room apartment, furniture of simple shapes, without pretentious details, is justified. Modern polyfunctional transformer models will become a lifesaver. The table-bed in the daytime will serve as a desk, and in the evening it will easily turn into a comfortable sleeping place. Wardrobe sofa, sofa bed, chair beds, folding tables - all this wonderful furniture is indispensable in the interior of a one-room apartment.

The interior of a small one-room apartment: the design of the hallway

Assessing the interior of the hallway, guests subconsciously form an opinion about the owners of the home. Let's pay due attention to its arrangement!

In a small one-room apartment, the hallway area is also small, so it should be decorated in bright colors. If you do not like the monophonic version of the wall decoration, choose a material with a medium-sized, not very colorful pattern. A large print in a small room will “overload” the space, while a small and bright print will ripple in the eyes.

Do not forget about mirror surfaces and photo wallpapers with an "infinity effect".

If there is a niche in the corridor, equip a dressing room in it. If not, get by with a small wall hanger and shoe rack. A narrow chest of drawers will also come in handy, where you can put various little things.

Your task is to arrange the pieces of furniture so that the hallway space remains as free as possible.

Bathroom in the interior of a one-room apartment

In small apartments, the bathroom is usually combined. If it is divided into a bathroom and a toilet, the partition can be dismantled - this will slightly increase the area. Give up the bathroom in favor of a shower, and give the vacant space to the washing machine.

A pleasant innovation in the world of plumbing are hanging toilets. They have no lower leg, and the drain tank “hides” into the wall. This "lightens" the space and gives it freedom.

From furniture, use only the most necessary: ​​a washbasin with a cabinet (it will serve as a good storage for cleaning products and detergents) and shelves for toiletries.

Like the rest of the interior of a small one-room apartment, the bathroom requires good lighting. It also creates a feeling of spaciousness. Bright lights and multi-level lighting will come in handy here.

Don't forget about light colors. Tiles can be medium or small sizes. A winning option in the design of a small bathroom will be mirrored surfaces and glossy stretch ceilings.

Important: If a family of three or more people lives in an apartment, for the convenience of users, it is better to refuse the idea of ​​​​a combined bathroom.

Arrangement of a kitchen in a small apartment

The layout of small-sized Soviet-era apartments completely deprived the kitchen space. In 6-9 squares, you need to squeeze in a cooking area with appropriate appliances and furniture for storing food and kitchen utensils. Use only the essentials: a stove, a sink, a refrigerator, a cutting surface with a cabinet, as well as a couple of hanging cabinets for cereals and dishes.

In the dining area, place a folding transforming table, using the advice of Dekorin. If space allows, complement it with a compact sofa. Based on the needs of the family, it can be with a bed or with a box for storing kitchen utensils.

Important: Do not try to emphasize the separation of the dining and kitchen areas with contrasting finishing materials! Such crushing will make the room visually even smaller and cramped.

To the light colors of the interior of a small kitchen, you can add small elements of bright decor (vases, wall panels, etc.). Close the window with roller blinds or transparent tulle without abundant assemblies - this way the room will seem more spacious.

Room design in the interior of a one-room apartment

Arranging a room in a one-room apartment is the most important task, because here every square meter should be used as efficiently as possible. It is necessary to take into account the needs of all family members and equip:

  • place for active recreation;
  • bedroom
  • wardrobe;
  • work area for schoolchildren, students or working at home;
  • children's corner, if the family has a baby.

According to modern trends, the interior of a one-room apartment is best designed in a minimalist style. His motto: nothing superfluous, practicality and versatility of interior items.

Actively use furniture transformers, which have already been mentioned above.

If the room is equipped with a storage niche, turn it into a closet with a mirrored door, equipping shelves and hangers inside. A spacious niche can even play the role of a self-contained mini-room for one of the family members.

In a room with a high ceiling, use the second tier for a bed.

A real bonus in the interior of a one-room apartment is a balcony. Depending on your needs, it will turn into a dressing room, an office with a library, a rest room, a workshop and even a full-fledged nursery. The main thing is not to spare money for its warming.

It is most correct in a small room to give preference to light, light colors and place the necessary accents with bright decorative elements.

For windows, you can use blinds, light roller blinds or tulle, and place curtains in darker shades around the edges. This design will create the illusion of a panoramic window and visually expand the space of the room.

Modern interior of a one-room apartment of 30 sq.m.

30 sq.m. - an excellent area for modeling a spacious and stylish studio apartment.

Of course, you will first have to find out exactly which of the walls are not load-bearing and take permission to dismantle them. If a complete rejection of the wall partition is impossible, arches and load-bearing columns will come to the rescue. They will become not only a decorative element, but will also take on the main burden.

The interior of a one-room studio apartment needs proper zoning. To do this, several basic techniques are used, which can be combined with each other:

  • Decoration of a multi-level room with the help of a step-podium. Place on it a cooking area, a mini-office or a guest area with a soft sofa and armchairs. A bed can be hidden inside the podium.
  • Zoning with finishing materials of different colors and textures.
  • The use of low solid partitions, as well as sliding panels made of tempered glass. Sliding partitions are more functional. They allow you to maintain the integrity of the space or isolate part of the apartment at the right time. For example, to prevent the spread of odors and fumes from the kitchen area or to hide the mess in it, along with dirty dishes.
  • Dividing into zones with the help of furniture. Traditional delimiting elements are a rack, a bar counter or a sofa set “facing” to the recreation area.

Studio interior 30 sq.m. gives more scope for color experiments. Contrasting zones will look interesting here.

Free space will allow you to purchase a full-fledged kitchen set with a large number of cabinets. They will help to avoid the accumulation of kitchen utensils in prominent places, which is unacceptable for a studio where everything is in plain sight.

Important: The studio is ideal for a single person or a young couple with the same lifestyle and routine. Otherwise, its inhabitants are threatened with psychological discomfort. They will interfere with each other and suffer from the inability to retire.

We hope our review gave you a couple of ideas on how to make the interior of a one-room apartment modern, comfortable - and individual.

Interior of a one-room apartment: arrangement of comfortable and practical housing updated: June 6, 2018 by: Kyiv Irina

Does your odnushka need redevelopment? The decision depends on many factors, objective and subjective.

Objective reasons for redevelopment

In which building is the apartment? New building or second home? If the first, then, most likely, redevelopment will not be needed - modern apartments are being built with fairly large kitchens, the same rooms and balconies. Rare odnushka found less than 38-40 square meters. To make a comfortable space with such footage is real and without redevelopment.

If the apartment is in a secondary building built in the Soviet period (for example, in Khrushchev or Brezhnevka), redevelopment is a way to rationally allocate space and highlight functional areas.

Another objective reason is the presence of load-bearing walls inside the apartment. In no case should they be demolished - this threatens with fines from public utilities and will become a big problem in future resale. Again, in new buildings, load-bearing walls in odnushki are often made between the kitchen and the only room - in this case, legal redevelopment is simply impossible.

Subjective reasons

Subjective reasons are your personal requirements. If you are making a single room just for yourself or plan to live there together with a partner, you can do without redevelopment. will help to highlight the desired zones. If a family with an adult child settles in a odnushka, it is often impossible to do without redevelopment, because you will have to find a place for two sleeping areas, a common living area (even if combined with a kitchen). At the same time, it is desirable that the zones are also isolated.

Most likely, redevelopment will never be agreed upon if:

  1. You want to add a balcony. According to modern standards, balconies are considered common property, and should not be subjected to increased load. Another thing - loggia. They are attached and insulated.
  2. You encroach on common house areas - part of the corridor, the attic of the house or even the basement. A possible option is a documented refusal of neighbors in your favor, but in practice there are very few such cases.
  3. You want to move a residential area to a non-residential area (for example, make a kitchen in place of a room). This is illegal and threatens to inconvenience the neighbors, since all communications are connected to a certain room and are the same for the entire "riser".

2 Light colors for decoration and furniture

Be sure to provide several "levels" of light: general lighting, such as a chandelier or built-in spots, sconces, table lamps, as well as directional light - above the working area in the kitchen or above the mirror in the bathroom.


There is no place for useless decor in a small apartment - it will simply clutter up the space. Frankly, useless decor is a taboo for any apartment, but especially in a one-room apartment.

Look for options that will simultaneously perform some function in the interior. For example, a floor lamp with an interesting design or cool cutting boards that can be left in plain sight and thus decorate the kitchen.


Bright accents in the form of decor are the main rule for a bright interior. Monochrome design has its place, but it can get boring and can be easily refreshed with a few bright accents. For example, colored pillow cases or a bright sofa cover.


Everyone probably knows about the role of mirrors and reflective surfaces for small apartments. They are the best . Of course, you should not abuse it - not everyone is comfortable in a room where there are a lot of mirrors. But thinking about mirror inserts or, for example, choosing glossy facades for the kitchen is a good solution for a single room.


In a small apartment, you need to use every square centimeter usefully. The windowsill is no exception. Make it a work area in the kitchen or use it instead of a dressing table in the bedroom. Eight more great ideas.

13 Built-in wardrobe up to the ceiling

The rule of small apartments is oversized furniture. But there are exceptions. Built-in wardrobe to the ceiling - what you need odnushka. It is desirable if the facades are in the tone of the wall decoration in order to additionally “disguise” the overall furniture.


If you have a suitable niche or want to organize it yourself, then you can do without a closet - and shift the entire storage load to the dressing room. By the way, some storage experts argue that for small-sized dressing rooms - even better. There you can think over the right number of shelves, rails and storage accessories and thus use every centimeter.


For example, a washing machine with a drying function or an oven with a built-in microwave oven. Do not give up on modern gadgets - look for opportunities to build in the equipment you need, even in conditions of lack of space.

16 Long curtains or lack of them

Long curtains for the ceiling are the decoration of the room and. Visually, they stretch its height. If you want the room to have as much light as possible and stick to the Scandinavian style, you can ditch the curtains altogether.

17 Furniture-transformer

This is what every small apartment should have. For example, a folding table is a real salvation for a small kitchen, and in a room there is an opportunity to organize a full-fledged workplace and not sacrifice space.

Today, transforming beds have become very popular - for example, a hidden bed in a closet. Thus, it is realistic to organize a living and sleeping area, even in a very small odnushka.

Well, the most obvious "transformers" are a folding sofa or spare dining chairs that are easy to fold and store in a closet or closet. Both solutions will come in very handy if you invite guests and decide to keep them overnight.


Speaking of functional furniture, we mean. For example, a sofa with a book shelf, an ottoman with a storage compartment, a bed with a lifting mechanism or drawers on the base. Think about such ideas during the renovation.

19 Accessories for beautiful and practical storage

They will come in handy not only in odnushka, but in this case they will help not to look for a place for things that need to be hidden, but, on the contrary, to put them on display. In a beautiful wicker basket, you can store things after washing, which have not yet been stroked. In a nice box - mismatched papers, bills, keys or change - what usually lies on the shelves of a rack or bedside table and creates a mess.

Photo: Instagram homebasketsfromjulia


The easiest way is to buy some blankets and new pillow covers. All! Beautiful textiles are the final touch in creating a beautiful and comfortable apartment. And in small spaces, textiles play the role of that very useful decor - it does not take up much space, but decorates the interior.

Young people and couples most often buy one-room apartments. New housing bought on the secondary market is not important. Before you enter it, it is supposed to make repairs to a one-room apartment. Only the concept is very loose and can mean both a simple wallpaper plywood and redevelopment. We will demonstrate several results of repairs of varying degrees of "severity" in the article. They are completely different, in style and purpose, but all about remodeling 1-room apartments. Looking at the photo, you can apply some ideas in your own practice.

General principles and techniques

One-room apartments usually do not differ in large areas. The dwellings of the old building - in Khrushchev - are about 30 square meters. m, but in new buildings it is already a little more: maybe 40 sq.m or more. In any case, you have to carefully consider the layout and arrangement of furniture: every centimeter counts.

Where to start repairing a one-room? It is necessary to draw a plan with dimensions, and on a scale. The next step is to look at what can be improved.

Moving the door closer to the load-bearing wall

First of all, pay attention to the location of the doors. In old layouts, they were often made in the middle of the wall. This is very uneconomical from the point of view of the use of the area: too large a zone goes into the "dead". We walk in it, and there is no way to put anything. It is much more convenient if the doors are moved closer to one of the walls. Which one is up to you to choose. Moreover, this is a restructuring, not a redevelopment, but it must be registered.

Combining a bathroom

The biggest problem with small-sized housing is very small bathrooms. In old houses, they are just tiny. They don't even have a washing machine. Since the rest of the premises are not pleasing with space, we have to arrange restructuring in order to find a place. Therefore, when starting to repair a one-room apartment, very often they demolish the partition between the bathroom and the toilet. They are definitely not carriers, so there are no problems with matching. This solution alone can give the necessary centimeters.

The second thing they often do is to replace the bathroom with a shower cabin. This decision is not acceptable for everyone, but there is still a little more space. You can either make it yourself from brick, tile, driving the wall into half a brick or putting . How to make a shower cabin yourself read

Remove the partitions between the bathroom and the toilet - one of the repair options

Demolition of pantries

Most of the layouts have pantries. But their location is often so unfortunate that it is better without them. But the vacated space can be taken for appliances or made in this place, a built-in wardrobe. Let them take the same amount of space, but their functionality is much wider.

Demolition of pantries is already a standard solution

Combining rooms with a balcony

Since today new heaters have appeared that make it possible to achieve a high degree of thermal insulation with a small thickness, it has become possible to combine rooms with balconies or loggias. Not only the walls are well insulated, but also the ceiling with the floor. Moreover, it is useful to make floor heating: it is difficult to transfer batteries (project, coordination), but laying a heating cable is possible and relatively easy. A project for such heating is not required.

When combining rooms with a balcony, please note that you can only remove the part that was under the window. Those walls that from floor to ceiling are strictly forbidden to touch. Such an alteration will never be legalized for you: after all, these are external load-bearing walls and they are responsible for the integrity of the building.

Studio apartment

Another solution popular among young people: the demolition of almost all partitions. Only the bathroom and toilet remain fenced off. All other walls are removed. It turns out the so-called From an ordinary one-room apartment with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bjust over 30 meters, with this type of repair, you can make quite a decent room. There are downsides to this solution: the kitchen is practically combined with the rest of the premises and the smells of food will spread throughout the apartment. Therefore, it must have a powerful hood. This solves the problem.

This option can be modified - make the walls beveled, etc. Just remember that you can expand the area of ​​​​bathrooms and kitchens only at the expense of technical premises. Since in this case this happens at the expense of the hallway, there are no problems. But in this area you will have to do reinforced waterproofing: several layers will be required for sure. Be prepared for the fact that this will be spelled out in the draft agreement.

You will find some ideas for repairing a one-room apartment in the video. The real object, filmed before the repair, then - the main stages and already "after".


Having decided what you want to do in your one-room apartment during the repair, you can submit the project for approval. It's not a fast thing. In the meantime, take care of the calculation of materials and their purchase. The advice is this: start a separate notebook or file - whoever is used to it. For each type of work, allocate a separate page where you write everything that needs to be done about this. First, all the work that is needed, then - in detail all the required materials. And right down to nails, anchors, screws (with dimensions), adhesive tape and other trifles, which are innumerable.

Arranging furniture in a one-room apartment is a creative process

After completing the development for each type of work, make a general list of materials: sum up the quantity. Then you can start looking for places to buy. Some can be found online, some in stores. Small things are often taken carelessly, but they prefer to make more or less large purchases by visiting stores. And this is correct: the quality cannot be determined from the picture. Therefore, first call, check the prices, then go to the addresses, look and feel. And feel free to ask questions. While you collect all the materials, the documents will be ready.

That's when the actual work begins. Do repairs in the apartment on their own or hire a team - everyone decides this issue for himself. If you hire different people for different types of work, careful control is necessary during the entire process, since having done their “piece” of work, they will disappear. Those masters who come after them will nod that their predecessors did everything...wrong.

It is impossible to give clear instructions on what to do and why: there may be too different jobs, but in the general case, the order is as follows:

  • Dismantling / installation of partitions.
  • Modernization of engineering systems (ventilation, plumbing) and electrical wiring (, electrical wiring in rooms through).
  • Window replacement.
  • Alignment of walls, ceiling, plaster.
  • Heating system installation.
  • Filling / flooring.
  • Finishing work.
  • Furniture arrangement

If some work is not needed, just omit them. But if a major overhaul is planned, then all of them are necessary, especially in old apartments.

Repair of a one-room apartment: interior design

If the renovation is going on in an already lived-in apartment, you are definitely connected with those items that you already have. Some of them will be replaced, but most will usually remain. Since the premises are already inhabited, you can already imagine quite clearly where you can put new things / equipment, and when looking at them in a store or in a photo, you can quite accurately determine how much they will “fit” into the existing space and environment.

One of the ways to increase the area during the repair is to dismantle the partitions. Only this is an option - no one will ever agree on moving the kitchen to the place of the bedroom. Miracles can only happen on the first floor

When planning the interior in a new building, everything is more complicated and easier. Easier - you start everything from scratch and no old things. You can choose a style, color, texture, without being tied to existing elements. But the room is still unfamiliar, and it is difficult to imagine how this or that thing will look. In this case, design programs that allow you to present projects in volume will help. Just drawing a plan is not enough: not everything that looks good on a piece of paper will also be good in volume. Often there are other situations: what looked bad on the sheet turns out to be a godsend in volume. Therefore, first develop a plan on a sheet, and then transfer it to a three-dimensional image. Only immediately with the dimensions, otherwise it is a waste of time.

At this stage, keep track of the little things. In which direction does the door open, what size is it, and how convenient it will be. And this applies not only to doors - entrance and interior, but also doors in cabinets and lockers. At the same time, we do not forget about the aisles: in order to be able to pass normally, the places should be 70-80 cm, but a little more is better. Further we will be based on concrete examples.

From a one-room 32-meter apartment to make a two-room

In a typical Khrushchev building with an area of ​​32 meters, repairs were made, during which a separate bedroom was allocated. And the modifications are minimal. The partition enclosing the corridor (rather, just a door) was removed, the side wall was continued, with its help they fenced off part of the living room, turning it into a bedroom.

Just pay attention: the apartment is corner. The room has two windows. This made it possible to get two full, albeit small rooms.

When designing the interior you want to see after the renovation in your one-room apartment, rely on your daily activities.

Let's start with the doors. Here you are. You need somewhere to put your bags, sit down, take off your shoes, hang up your clothes. Place all this in the hallway. First of all, the closet. In this case, he took a seat opposite the door. In the photo - the entrance hall in this apartment, a view from the kitchen. To make the room lighter and more voluminous, the door in the closet opposite the kitchen is made of a mirror. It reflects the light, illuminating during the day better than lamps.

If you look from the side of the door, there are two doors on the right: to the bedroom and living room, straight ahead - the kitchen.

Next is the kitchen. Arriving with packages, you will inevitably find yourself there. Here, like everyone else: refrigerator, stove, sink. The refrigerator is located to the left of the window. All other equipment is along one wall, with a small "entry" on the side.

There is a sofa in the living room along one of the walls. At first they planned a corner, but I liked it more.

This small room still fit a coffee table and cabinet with appliances.

Now it's a bedroom. There is a full bed in it, there was even a place for a chest of drawers, above which there was a TV. Between them remains the standard width of the passage: just 70 cm.

It turned out pretty cute and functional. The pictures were taken immediately after the repair: many little things are simply not there yet, so everything looks somewhat official. The hosts (a young couple) have already received guests. 8 people fit in their small living room))

Repair in a one-room apartment 40 meters

An apartment for a young couple, designed by a specialist. Almost no remodeling has been done. The main alterations touched the bathroom.

The remaining "advantages" of the layout were beaten with the help of "design tricks". The plan of this 1-room apartment after renovation looks like this.

There is a small built-in wardrobe in the hallway. It is simply necessary. A small wall was specially placed under it.

The most serious limbers touched the bathroom: instead of a toilet, they made a technical room. There is a washing machine, boiler, storage systems.

In the bathroom, in order to fit everything you need in a small area, they abandoned the bathroom. It was replaced with a shower box. It turned out compact.

The color scheme of the kitchen is very interesting: gray tones with bright pink accents. The table of an unusual shape is made to order, as well as.

So that the cabinets do not take up much space, it was decided to occupy only one wall. There's even a big fridge here. So that the place above it does not “walk”, a locker is hung above it. Also note that the wall cabinets are almost the height of the ceiling: what is used infrequently was placed on the upper shelves.

To prevent the pink stools from looking too defiant, photo wallpapers are pasted on the wall. They harmonize the entire interior.

View from the stove

Lots of interesting solutions in the room. To the right of the entrance there was previously an empty seat. It is occupied by a full wall closet. This solved two problems: there is where to put things, and the room was made more square.

It is divided into two zones by a translucent shelf-partition: work and rest. Zoning is emphasized by different wallpapers, as well as by the presence of a carpet in the recreation area.

Accommodate all the necessary zones and adapt them to the life scenario of the owners. Make them functional and aesthetic. Here, perhaps, is the main task that the modern design of a one-room apartment of 2017 sets for itself.

Kitchen area, dining room, bathroom, dressing room, place to relax and sleep. Sometimes a nursery, an office or a living room are added to this. Well, if for all these needs there is at least 40 square meters. m. But sometimes you need to create a miracle for 20 square meters. m, connecting imagination and all available design techniques.

The interior of a one-room apartment does not shape the lifestyle of the owners, but adapts to it. Based on this principle, the number of required zones and their sizes are formed. So, a spacious kitchen area will not be appropriate in the apartment of a person who is used to eating out.

Stages of creating an interior design for a one-room apartment in 2017:

In addition, current trends indicate a reduction in the area allocated for a bed. It should still be comfortable, but at the same time as concise as possible. Massive wardrobes and chests of drawers have faded into oblivion or have been transformed into disguised built-in niches.

The design of a one-room apartment largely depends on the composition of the family. For a couple, such styles as modern, classic, hi-tech are well suited. Provence and shabby chic can be attributed to the female direction. And for men - loft and minimalism. Of course, this is a conditional division.

Each project is individual and focuses primarily on personal preferences and purpose of living space. For example, a bachelor's apartment can be both a place for noisy parties and a cozy lair for sleeping and relaxing.

A popular option is still a studio apartment. With proper zoning, this solution allows you to create a cozy space even on an area of ​​​​18 square meters. m. And functionality and ergonomics come to the fore, not forgetting about aesthetics. Where to start? Having decided on the requirements for future living space, it is necessary to proceed to detailed planning. In the future, this will avoid many problems, and repairs will not drag on for many months.

Design project of a one-room apartment

First, let's look at the main stages of developing a design project:

  1. drawing up a measurement drawing;
  2. planning of functional zones;
  3. if necessary, a plan for the dismantling and installation of partitions is drawn up;
  4. drawing up furniture options;
  5. planning the arrangement of plumbing;
  6. development of a floor plan (if necessary, with a scheme of warm floors);
  7. development of a ceiling plan;
  8. development of the layout of sockets and lighting equipment;
  9. preparation of color solutions;
  10. selection of decorative elements;
  11. creation of 3D visualization.

However, this information is not enough to answer the question “how to make a design project for a one-room apartment with your own hands?” Therefore, let's separately decipher each stage using a specific example.

It all starts with measurements. They must be as accurate as possible, since the correctness of all project documentation depends on this. Pay special attention to the height of the walls, as even in new buildings it may differ. Based on the measurements, we draw up a measurement plan. Next, we develop options for arranging furniture, appliances and sanitary equipment with an indication of the dimensions.


The design project of a one-room studio apartment necessarily includes a plan for openings and installation / dismantling of partitions. Here, separate footnotes indicate the insulation of walls, the construction of podiums and other similar information. It should be noted that some types of redevelopment must be agreed with the appropriate authority.

Now we move on to the plans for finishing the floor and ceiling, in which we work out the types and boundaries of coatings / cladding materials. For the ceiling, we also mark the lighting fixtures, select the lighting scenario. Here the design project of a one-room apartment enters a very important stage - the development of an electrical circuit. Here we indicate the switches and their types, bindings to the nearest partition, the location of the sockets and their types.

Next, we make a scan of the rooms. On the plan of the apartment, each room and wall is assigned a serial number. Then we indicate at what height this or that element will be placed, we develop color schemes. After that, it is necessary to draw up a detailed estimate, in which we indicate the number of consumables and facing materials and the cost.

The final stage is the creation of 3D visualization. The most popular programs for creating a design project for a one-room apartment: 3D Studio MAX, Sweet Home 3D, FloorPlan 3D. These are programs with different levels of complexity. With a lack of experience and a short repair time, the best solution would be to turn to professional designers.

The interior of a modern one-room apartment can be compared to a multitool tool. It is just as versatile and functional. Everything here is aimed at visual expansion of space, competent use of usable space without loss of comfort. After all, there are only about 36 square meters for everything about everything. m.

The hallway is usually used as a mini dressing room. Floor-to-ceiling mirrored doors without visible frames will be appropriate here. If for some reason this is not possible, an interesting idea is to attach a mirror to the front door. This technique will lengthen the corridor / hallway. If the wall with built-in wardrobe is adjacent to the bathroom, then you can sacrifice some of the space for the washing machine. The result is a small niche that will save a lot of space.

Sometimes there are quite bold ideas for the interior of a one-room apartment. For example, if the layout allows, you can equip a kitchenette in the hallway. This option is suitable for those who mainly eat out.

The design of the bathroom in the interior of a one-room apartment is also aimed at visually expanding the boundaries, since most often this zone has a rather small area. A light palette will come to the rescue - from finishing to plumbing. A good solution would be a mirrored ceiling and a transparent glass sink. Shower doors should also be transparent. This will give the room the necessary lightness.

In order not to clutter up the space with various small items, it is necessary to provide closed storage systems. The external organization and orderliness of the room will also achieve the effect of airiness. The main decorative element can be a mirror in the original frame. One accent will be enough. A sliding door can also be a convenient functional element. Remember that all ideas must first be drawn up on paper or in a specialized program.

The kitchen in the studio apartment is combined with the rest of the space. Let's look at the most stylish ideas. We combine the kitchen and the living room, which in turn is separated from the bedroom by a false partition or screen. This technique allows you to turn a one-room apartment into a two-room apartment. In addition, we have a full-fledged dining area, which can also serve as a place to relax and receive guests.

Another option is not to take the dining area outside the kitchen. Instead, zone the space with the help of a bar counter and a sofa, which is installed with its back to it. A good solution for an area of ​​​​30 square meters. m or less. In addition to a sleeping place and a recreation area, it allows you to equip a small working area. Most often, it is taken out to the balcony, combined with the room.

The design of the kitchen in a one-room apartment also suggests the option of arranging the kitchen set in one line. In this case, each module must be carefully considered. Retractable "carousels" and all kinds of niches with a large number of compartments are used.

The kitchen in a one-room apartment can be separate. This will avoid the demolition of the wall and additional costs. In addition, the main area will be isolated from odors, which are an integral part of cooking. In the room you can place a large sofa in the seating area and equip a mini-study.

On a very small area of ​​17 sq. m as a bed choose a folding sofa, which in the daytime is a recreation area. A more spacious quadrature allows you to separate a full bed. There are many zoning techniques, thanks to which the bedroom in a one-room apartment becomes a secluded and comfortable space.

A practical choice is a double-sided wardrobe that can be used to store clothes and other things. On the one hand, it can be closed with mirrored doors, on the other, it can have open shelves.

Some layouts provide a special niche in which a double bed fits freely. From the side of the hallway, it can be separated by a closet, and from the living area, you can isolate yourself with thick curtains from ceiling to floor. A good solution would be to arrange a podium with drawers for storing bed linen, blankets and pillows.

The competent design of a bedroom in a one-room apartment largely depends on the right lighting. If the bedroom has only one window, the divider cabinet should not be high so that natural light enters the second part of the room. Another option is to separate the sleeping area with glass sliding doors.

The design of a one-room apartment for a family with a child requires a special approach. The task is complicated by the addition of another large zone, which is divided into several small ones. Furnishings are a particular problem. After all, the question arises: “where to put a crib in a one-room apartment?”

A good solution could be to divide the room into two zones - a parent's bed with a large folding sofa and a children's area with a furniture set, which includes a bed, a workplace and a small storage closet. Of course, a lot depends on the age of the child.

A place for a newborn in a one-room apartment can be equipped in a very small area. You just need to put a cradle and a changing table, and use wall decor in the form of paintings, paper and felt crafts as an accent.

To equip a children's corner in the apartment, use bunk sets. There are very original models that provide not only a sleeping place, but also a closed play area in the form of architectural niches. Of course, the design of a nursery in a one-room apartment will require rich imagination and careful preparation. But thanks to modern furniture and a rich choice of materials, nothing is impossible.

With proper design and planning, a small studio apartment can turn into a stylish and functional home. Numerous design techniques will allow even 17 square meters. m to arrange all the necessary zones. Of course, you can’t count on a gym and a library, but a gentleman’s set will definitely fit.

There are general rules that you should follow. The interior of a small one-room apartment does not tolerate dark colors. In any case, in large numbers. It is better to take white, pale beige, cream shades as a basis. If you want bright colors, you can make an exception to the rule. One of the rooms, for example the kitchen, is decorated in deep colors - blue, brown, green. But at the same time, the furniture should be necessarily light, preferably white.

Sometimes there are layouts with narrow elongated spaces. A rectangular room is not the best option for furnishing, but it is a solvable problem. The room can be made visually wider with the help of several tricks.

Opposite walls are painted in different shades. For example, in white and light beige. Or one of them is decorated with photo wallpaper with a perspective. Thanks to this, even a space of 20 sq. m takes on a completely different look. The floor is decorated with a carpet with a small pattern. It is also worth considering the right lighting scenario. Instead of one pendant lamp, several light sources are used. The window opening is not hung with curtains, but left as open as possible. Blinds and Roman blinds are also suitable. The furniture is used laconic, in light upholstery. Much depends on the finish.

Repair of a small one-room apartment, most likely, will not do without redevelopment. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to organically enter all the necessary zones and adapt them to the life scenario of the owners. A studio apartment is most often the most successful solution for a modest square.

First, let's understand the terminology. A smart apartment is a small living area. In fact, this is an updated version of the good old living rooms. The minimum quadrature starts from 18 sq. m. However, there is a significant difference. Smart in translation from English means "smart". A smart interior knows how to dispose of every centimeter of usable area.

Setting up a smart home is no easy task. That is why some developers offer housing with ready-made furniture. If you want to implement your own project, you need to sit down for a design project or turn to professional designers.

It should be noted that smart housing is not a budget option at all. It would seem that modest dimensions should have a beneficial effect on the overall estimate. After all, you need less finishing materials. This is true, but there is one "but". All furniture should ideally be made to order. Literally every millimeter counts here. Of course, you can find ready-made solutions with the necessary parameters. However, this requires a lot of time.


The answer to the question "how to furnish a smart apartment?" furniture-transformer will become. The word "smart" also applies to her. One set may include a sofa that transforms into a double bed, a small table and a wardrobe with a built-in ironing board.

The kitchen in a smart apartment should be as inconspicuous as possible. For "camouflage" use white floor-to-ceiling facades with doors that open with a push. It is important not to save on fittings so that it lasts as long as possible. An interesting idea is a mobile table on a rail built into the windowsill. This will not only save 10-15 centimeters, but also provide freedom of maneuver. One way or another, the window sill area must certainly be used as a dining table or an additional work surface.

The design of a smart apartment can be compared to shooting a short video, when you need to put a colossal meaning into a few minutes. However, this is bearing fruit. Space of 15 sq. m turns into a cozy and comfortable home with a unique character. This type of apartment is well suited as a first self-contained home.

So that the repair of a one-room apartment does not drag on for a long period of time, it is necessary to start with drawing up a detailed estimate. We divide the expenses into several groups (select items depending on the type of repair):

  1. repair team;
  2. draft and finishing materials, as well as their delivery and unloading;
  3. plumbing equipment;
  4. lighting;
  5. pieces of furniture;
  6. textiles and decorative elements;
  7. loading and garbage collection.

It is also necessary to provide a reserve for unforeseen expenses. Do not start repairing a one-room apartment without having a full estimate on hand. Otherwise, completions and postponement of deadlines simply cannot be avoided.

Cosmetic repair of a one-room apartment

This is the most affordable way to refresh the interior. At the same time, even a change in the design of the walls can change the space beyond recognition. The best time for repairs is spring. But you can buy materials already in the winter. If you wish, you can cope with this task on your own. If you need to do repairs as quickly as possible, and there is no month or two left, it is better to hire a professional construction team.

Photo 26

Cosmetic repairs of a one-room apartment often do not provide for leveling the walls. And this means that you need to choose the right finishing materials that will hide this flaw. Painting and decorative plaster are not suitable. In this case, dense wallpaper is needed. Non-woven and vinyl types of this material are suitable. The former have a pleasant matte texture and are well suited for the bedroom. The second ones tolerate wet cleaning better, and therefore are applicable in the kitchen and in the corridor / hallway.

You can reanimate the floor with the help of carpet, which can even be laid on top of the old coating. Linoleum is also suitable. It is necessary to select a material with a high level of wear resistance. Suitable 31-32 class of operation.

Overhaul of a one-room apartment

The overhaul of a one-room apartment consists of the following stages:

  1. development of a design project and budgeting;
  2. purchase of draft and finishing materials, tools;
  3. installation of plumbing equipment, radiators, electrical wiring;
  4. replacement/installation of windows and doors;
  5. bathroom decoration;
  6. kitchen finishing;
  7. decoration of the hallway and bedroom;
  8. loading and garbage collection.

Most of these items will require the help of a professional construction team. You must select a team that has a leader. This will greatly facilitate the control process. A convenient, but not cheap option is to order a complete design project with the service of architectural supervision.

Dismantling work can be done on your own. This will cut the budget a bit. But it’s not worth saving on electrical wiring and materials.

Repair of a one-room apartment with a niche

Repair of a one-room apartment with a niche provides for an emphasis on space zoning with the help of finishing materials. Often, a niche is converted into a sleeping area, visually separating it with the help of wall decoration or flooring. Sometimes the construction of additional architectural structures is required - a podium, a false partition, and so on.

Another option is to arrange a working area in a niche. An interesting solution could be a two-level podium, at the bottom of which a pull-out bed is built. This technique is especially good for small spaces.

Repair of a one-room apartment in a new building

Most often, developers transfer the living space to the owners in the following configuration: floor screed, wiring for plumbing, fine plastering of walls. Windows and radiators can also be installed. The rest of the work will have to be done independently. Repair of a one-room apartment in a new building has exactly the same steps that were described above. But special attention must be paid to additional sound insulation. In the future, this will significantly increase the level of comfort of living in a new house.

Design styles of a one-room apartment

Choosing the style of a one-room apartment is an extremely important and incredibly exciting stage. The character and mood of the future interior depends on it. But there are so many directions, how can you stop at one and only? Play explorer. View visualizations and photos of interiors, and save your favorites. After analyzing the selection for common details, you can understand which style is best suited.

The design of a one-room apartment is primarily selected based on personal preferences and the possibility of maximum adaptation to the habits and scenario of life. Let's look at the most popular options according to the scheme: the main features, pros, cons.

To understand what it is - a one-room apartment in the Scandinavian style, it is necessary to highlight the main features of this direction. These include:

  1. dominant white color in tandem with rich color accents and pastel colors;
  2. natural materials in decoration, decor and textiles;
  3. furniture and free space as a percentage of 50 to 50;
  4. practical furniture;
  5. abundance of natural light.

Photo 33

Pros: lightness of space; simple elegance combined with practicality; does not require the use of expensive materials.

Cons: white color requires extremely careful use and thorough cleaning; it is necessary to think over a large number of "invisible" storage systems; creates a feeling of comfort during the warm seasons, but in winter its atmosphere may seem somewhat cool.

A one-room loft-style apartment has a masculine character. This is due to such characteristic features of this direction:

  1. rough finish (the most common materials: concrete, brick, metal);
  2. the minimum amount of decor;
  3. simple and practical furniture;
  4. maximum open space.

Pros: a feeling of psychological relief due to the brevity of the interior; ease of repair; cleaning does not take much time.

Cons: the integrity of the interior, which can easily be destroyed by new things or vending decor; the need for original design items that can cost a pretty penny; the need for arranging hidden storage systems.

One-room apartment in the style of minimalism is suitable for those who are tired of overloaded interiors, massive furniture in bright colors. The main features of the direction:

  1. lack of decorative elements;
  2. monochrome palette;
  3. furniture of laconic forms;
  4. hidden light sources.

Pros: free layout is ideal for creating any design project; an abundance of natural light; simple and functional space.

Cons: the atmosphere of the loft can hardly be called warm and homely; requires large financial costs; difficult to fit into a small space.

The main task is to use every centimeter of area with maximum benefit. For these purposes, transformer furniture is well suited. A coffee table that turns into a dining table with the help of lifting mechanisms. Wardrobe bed with a small folding table. There are many options on the market. The main thing is to choose models with high-quality fittings that will ensure a long service life.

Such furniture also has a significant drawback in the form of high cost. More affordable standard options. A folding sofa may well have several functional loads - a bed at night and a recreation area during the day. If the quadrature allows, it is better to give preference to a double bed with storage boxes at the bottom.

Furniture for a one-room apartment should be multifunctional. Since often it serves as a zoning tool. It is selected individually, based on the style of the interior and for specific needs.

Cabinets, if possible, are built into a niche or models with glass doors are selected. Do not forget about the decor elements. Mirrors in unusual frames and vases with glossy textures are well suited for small apartments. In a more spacious quadrature, you can enter a geometrically verified composition of your favorite photos, paintings and even voluminous paper sculptures.

When you have only one room at your disposal, you involuntarily forget about aesthetics, occupying your head with solving primary tasks: where to put a double bed, how many square meters to allocate for the living room and where in all this chaos to find space for storage? Not to mention free movement. In general, zoning a one-room apartment is not an easy job. The good news is that you don't need to "reinvent the wheel" - just get ideas from our article!

Basic zoning methods

Owners of one-room apartments can be proud of their housing, as open space, like studio apartments, is very popular today. In them, the number of partitions is kept to a minimum, while the emphasis is on space and freedom.

But in order to harmoniously organize the interior, it is necessary to resort to zoning. This is a kind of magic wand in the world of design, which allows you to divide the room into visible living areas, while maintaining its functionality. To do this, you can use anything: from fabric to furniture.


Traditionally, ladies hid behind screens to change their outfit and maintain their dignity. For a long time, this element was forgotten - either because even in the smallest apartment you can find a place to change clothes, or because of the variability of morals. But in vain, because this is the simplest version of the partition.

Screens are ideal for those cases when you need to divide the space into two squares. At the same time, they are mobile, do not require complex installation, do not take up much space when assembled. You can purchase products that fit into any style, hide part of the room from prying eyes or create light outlines, decorating the interior.

Curtains and curtains

To avoid a clear division of the room into zones, you can use curtains. They are best suited for enclosing the bedroom, creating an intimate, cozy environment inside that is conducive to sound sleep.

However, the effect depends on the material. For example, light tulle will only visually separate the area from the rest of the room, but will give it a feeling of airiness. More massive curtains will do an excellent job of zoning, but for small spaces it is better to give preference to light-colored textiles.

You can install a curtain-partition on a regular cornice inside the room or create a design like holders for canopies.

Drywall partitions

You can also visually zone a one-room apartment with the help of plasterboard partitions. It is problematic to remove them if necessary, such as, for example, a mobile screen, but in appearance you cannot distinguish them from a main wall.

Drywall construction is cheap, lightweight, easy to install and has good sound insulation. It can be flat, rounded, arched, helping to create a unique design. Depending on the needs of the space, it is made a bright accent in the interior or an inconspicuous part of the wall, which in any case will perfectly cope with the zoning mission.

Shelving and cabinets

We are used to placing bookcases and shelving along the wall, thus "taking" a huge part of the room. To save space and divide it into two zones, it is enough to place such furniture perpendicular to the wall.

For this, cabinets with through shelves are more suitable, but in the case of a closed structure, the back side can be made mirrored or used as a slate board, coated with special paint. Items that combine several functions at once are a modern solution not only for small apartments, but also for spacious rooms.


A small podium is another great way to zone a studio apartment. Holders of high ceilings can place a living room, dining room or study on it. But with low ceilings, you can only afford a bedroom, which involves minimal movement.

Such a hill can serve as additional storage space, thanks to drawers. For very high podiums, steps are recommended. The advantage of podiums is that they do not take up extra space and help to highlight some area.

Sliding partitions

Created on the principle of sliding doors, such partitions allow you to completely separate the area or make it open. Modern products in open form occupy a minimum of space, and thanks to different materials, they help create the right atmosphere.

For example, if there are no windows in the resulting area, it is better to choose a translucent surface that provides privacy, but allows some light to pass through. Ideally, this solution will fit into the Japanese style or minimalism.

A one-room apartment is a solution not only for bachelors. A married couple with a child can also comfortably accommodate here, if you choose the appropriate zoning option.

For a small child, you need to choose the warmest and brightest part of the room, which can be expanded or modified over time.

To be able to monitor the safety of the child, but at the same time providing him with personal space, you can use an ordinary screen, curtain or sliding partition.

Children of any age will like children's on the catwalk, and the higher, the better. To do this, you can purchase bunk furniture. Transforming structures with a table crossing two zones will help control the child's activities.

You can visually separate the nursery from the living room in a one-room apartment with the help of flowers. Often, children are greedy for everything bright and cheerful, so the children's corner will be easy to distinguish from the rest. You just need to make sure that the shades in the interior are combined.

For such a typical zoning option, any type of partition is suitable. You need to build on the features of the layout, design and the desired effect.

In square-shaped studio apartments, it is customary to allocate the bedroom area with dense partitions, which practically create the feeling of a separate room. This can be achieved by combining different types. For example, shelving on one side and curtains on the other.

Zoning ideas for a 1-room apartment - photo

Nothing better illustrates the theoretical material than the implemented projects of one-room apartments, in which the principles of zoning are involved. By studying them, you can draw interesting ideas for yourself and be convinced of the effectiveness of different solutions.

1. Wooden aesthetics in Moscow

Designers from the Welcome Studio in the Wood & Stone project managed to combine two opposite properties - intimacy and openness. Typical odnushka 49 sq.m. turned into a proportional space, divided into convenient squares. The apartment includes the following areas from the mandatory "set for a comfortable life": a bedroom, an office, a living room and a kitchen with a small dining room.

Zoning is carried out using wooden partitions, the design of which resembles blinds. They transmit light and are used everywhere, creating a holistic image, inseparable from the overall interior. Natural finishing materials create a light atmosphere in the home.

Housing of this type can hardly be called a dream apartment. The small size and low ceilings only complicate the redevelopment, limiting the choice of "tools". But the designer Alena Ganko was able to comfortably organize these apartments.

The initial layout required the dismantling of several walls, after which a functional zoning structure was placed between the bedroom and the hallway. It is both a niche for books, a wardrobe, and also separates the recreation area, making it as compact and comfortable as possible.

Located in the same space as the living room, the kitchen is visually separated by a narrow dining table. The neutral color scheme of the finishes is the perfect backdrop for bright pieces of furniture.

3. Bright apartment-vest

Designer Marcel Kadyrov turned this walk-through long apartment into a stylish studio.

It is difficult to design such an interior without resorting to zoning. After all, even in bachelor housing there should be comfortable boundaries.

In the center of the space are two closets, forming a small walk-in closet. She, in addition to the main purpose, helps to share the hallway with residential areas. For the same purpose, several pipes with shelves were installed between the sofa and the bed - a rack of an unusual design.
