The partition between the sink and the steam room in the bath. Important tips on how to make partitions in the bath Partition in the steam room with your own hands

The partition between the washing and steam room of the bath can be made in several ways. The most common option is the manufacture of a wooden frame, in second place is a solid timber partition, the manufacture of which is quite expensive. And the last way to separate two rooms involves the arrangement of a solid brick wall half a brick thick.

Optimum partition design

We will consider a wooden frame partition as the easiest to manufacture. Metal racks are also used as the basis of the frame wall, but this option is used much less frequently, since the metal is prone to destruction under prolonged exposure to high humidity.

A wooden partition is made quickly enough and does not require large financial and labor costs, in comparison with solid walls made of timber or bricks. At the same time, the air space in the voids between the frame elements causes condensation to form at the points of temperature difference between the heated steam room and the colder air inside the partition.

An important question when choosing the type of partition is to insulate it or not? Here again we can return to the comparison different types pier. Before a solid partition made of timber, brick or block, this question is not at all. By itself, the dense material of such walls will, to the necessary extent, protect the washing compartment from overheating. At the same time, it does not have sufficiently high heat-insulating performance to prevent heat from passing into the washroom at all.

How to make a partition with your own hands?

First of all, it is made wooden frame, during the arrangement of which Special attention you need to pay attention to its attachment to the walls. This is important in the case when the bath is made of fresh timber or logs. These types of buildings inevitably shrink over time, which must be taken into account when creating any internal partitions.

The partition in the photo above is installed on the walls using special metal fasteners designed to create the so-called "sliding partition". The corner is fixed motionless on the wall bar, and to the wall of the log house, installation is carried out on stainless self-tapping screws so that they can move inside the vertical fastening groove.

An alternative would be a wooden sliding structure, without the use of metal corners.

The partition is fixed to the ceiling metal mount with vertical slots. By analogy with wall corners, stainless self-tapping screws are screwed into them, which over time will move along these grooves.

A foil vapor barrier on kraft paper is laid on top of the wooden frame from the side of the steam room. All joints of the material are glued with foil tape. There should not be any open holes and damage in the vapor barrier layer so that moisture does not penetrate into the wall.

As you can see in the photo, the wall surface near the floor has a small tile plinth. The tile is mounted on top of LSU or DSP boards with a special adhesive. The plates are attached directly to the frame or to a sliding structure, if there are adjunctions to the walls of the log house.

On the crate, the finishing of the partition is mounted on the side of the steam room, in this case this is a wagon.

An important point is the place where the walls adjoin the floor. Here it is necessary to carefully monitor that the vapor barrier layer is continuous.

Warm up or not?

About frame insulation it is worth saying that here you should look at the circumstances, taking into account the characteristics of a particular bath. First of all, it is necessary to determine how much the washing room needs to be warmed up. If in the design of the bath washing room along the perimeter external walls has good thermal protection or a brick shield or part of the brick oven of the steam room is placed in the wall between the washing room and the steam room, then it is obvious that the washing compartment does not need additional heating.

If there is no need to additionally heat the washing room, thermal insulation can be laid in the frame between it and the steam room. This will make it possible to store more heat in the steam room, as a result of which it will warm up faster and cool down more slowly. In addition, the use of an insulated partition guarantees protection of the sink from overheating, which often happens in baths that have good thermal insulation of the outer walls of the structure.

In the bathhouse and the washing and steam rooms have high humidity and in each of these rooms, as a rule, a vapor-proof film is installed to protect the wooden frame from a large number moisture in the air of both compartments. If there are mineral wool slabs in the pier, then even if they create an airtight protection against moisture on both sides, they will still collect moisture, and there is nowhere to evaporate it.

Thus, we can conclude that if sufficient thermal insulation of the washing room from overheating is needed, it is necessary to install a solid partition from a bar or a thick board without slots and free space inside the wall. This design will allow isolating the washing room from the active heat coming from the steam room and will not create the danger of excessive condensate.

The lack of insulation in the wall in most bath buildings is rather a necessity. This is due to the fact that it is the steam room that actively warms up the entire building and the washing room needs heat no less than other rooms, but rather even more. The washing compartment is usually colder than we would like, and the heat coming from the steam room just compensates for this shortcoming.

The partition between the sink and the steam room in the bath - the optimal design

The partition between the sink and the steam room in the bath can be made in several ways. The most common option is the manufacture of a wooden frame, in second place is a solid timber partition

How to make a partition in the bath

A partition is a special structure that divides a common room into its separate parts, such as rooms or compartments. At the same time, the materials for the manufacture of the main frame and its walls can differ significantly from each other. Proper manufacture of bulkheads provides for the preservation of the basic style of the structure.

Design of partitions in the bath

Before you make partitions in the bath, you need to determine the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe planned premises. Their size depends on the size of the building and the number of regular visitors. Based on these data, on the plan, bulkheads are tied to existing walls baths with indication of axial dimensions. Then the position is determined doorways and the amount of material needed.

  • Transformable structures - sliding, soft folding, rigid folding, retractable and screens.

The type of the planned partition depends on the requirements for it. If the bath space is divided for a long time with the provision of reliable thermal and sound insulation of the premises, a solid stationary partition structure is used. In other cases, you can get by with its mobile or collapsible options, for example, to separate the locker room from the bath room combined with it.

Features of a brick partition in the bath

Advantages and disadvantages of brick partitions for a bath

Their advantages are due to excellent physical characteristics:

  • Brick partitions have good soundproofing properties. Half-brick bulkhead structures have a “noise” insulation index of 47dB.

The disadvantages include:

  • Significant weight of the partition: with its thickness of half a brick, the mass of 1 m 2 of masonry is approximately 280 kg.

The device of a brick partition in the bath

For the construction of such a partition, laying in half-brick or brick is used. Before starting work, you should stock up: a sand sieve, a container for preparing a solution, a shovel, a hammer, a plumb line, a level and a trowel.

  1. The place of work is freed from unnecessary items, supplied with lighting and necessary materials.

If a brick partition located in the bath is to be plastered, you can ignore the masonry seams. But if it will serve as a natural element of the design of the room, it is required to perform masonry jointing with special care with a special tool.

Features of a wooden partition in the bath

Pros and cons of wooden partitions for a bath

The advantages of such partitions are very significant:

  • Their material is environmentally friendly.

There are also disadvantages:

  • Wooden structures are afraid of water, so they need waterproofing.
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Device wooden partition in the bath

Consider the device of a wooden partition between the steam room and the sink in the bath. The step by step process looks like this:

  1. Assembly and fastening of the frame. This is the most laborious stage of work. For the frame, a beam of 50x50 mm or 50x100 mm is used, its assembly is carried out on site. Two bars for the ceiling and floor, each with a length corresponding to the width of the partition, are fixed to the respective structures with dowels. The same should be done with the bars for the walls. They are cut along the height of the room and fixed between the floor and ceiling bars in increments of 600-120 mm. With the help of transverse bars, a doorway is made. For rigidity, it is additionally supplied on both sides with intermediate racks.

Such a wooden partition in the bath can be installed in one day.

Features of the glass partition in the bath

Advantages and disadvantages of glass partitions

Modern glass partitions in the bath can be made of glass blocks - a kind of transparent "bricks" made of glass 6-10 mm thick. Their surface can be corrugated, smooth, matte, transparent and colored.

  • Partitions effectively look, are durable, rather strong, fire-resistant.

Despite the outstanding advantages, the disadvantages of glass bulkheads also take place:

  • The inner surface of the partitions excludes the laying of any communications - electrical wiring, plumbing, etc.

The device of a glass partition in the bath

Installing a glass partition for a beginner is not an easy task. For laying glass blocks, cement-sand mortars with fine fraction filler or "liquid" nails. There are two ways of installation: on adhesive cement mortar and in modular cells.

  1. The base is cleaned of dust, debris and dirt, and then leveled.

The second way is faster. Cellular gratings made of plastic, MDF or wood are attached to walls, ceilings and floors. Then they are filled with blocks using sealant or rubber gaskets.

The issue of bath partitions is quite extensive. We hope that the information provided in the article will help you choose the material and even make a partition in the bath with your own hands.

Partition in the bath with their own hands

Separation inner space bath construction is carried out using partitions. We will tell you about their types, features and device in this article. Contents: Design of partitions in

Since the steam room and the sink perform completely different missions, special attention should be paid to how to make partitions in the bath.

First of all, you need to decide on the material from which the intermediate wall will be built, whether it be wood, brick or foam block.

The choice of material for the partition depends on the style in which the entire bath room is made and what type of heating is used in it.

wooden partition

Wooden partition in the bath

If the main material that was used in the construction of the bath is wood, then a partition should also be built from it.

To perform this work, you will need bars that are up to five centimeters thick, with a section of at least 5x5 centimeters.

This will provide good insulation of moisture and heat, and not just a screen that blocks visibility into the next room.

To make a wooden partition with your own hands, you need to follow the step-by-step instructions:

  • First of all, you need to take measurements and mark on the surface of the walls and ceiling, using straight lines, where the middle of the partition is located.
  • Then the main frame is made from the bars. Unite wooden planks in the design, and attach them to the walls, it is better with the help of spikes and a drill. If this is not possible, ordinary wood screws or nails that do not have hats are also suitable. Between the bars you need to leave about eighty centimeters of free space.
  • Wooden boards are attached to the frame. For this, the same materials are used as for the manufacture of the frame - self-tapping screws or nails without caps (another option is wooden lining).
  • Sheathing with boards should be done on both sides of the frame. To provide better insulation heat and moisture, you can fill the empty space of the partition with mineral wool. Thanks to her, the dressing room will be a cool room, and the steam room will retain valuable heat.

To build a partition in the bath, it is better to use boards from deciduous trees such as aspen or linden. They need to be processed before use. by special means antiseptic action.

The most important thing in the construction of a wooden partition is to correctly assemble the frame. The stability and functionality of the entire structure depends on how even and proportional the frame frame is.

To make the partition more stable and durable, at the very beginning of its construction, you can make a small concrete threshold, reaching no more than fifteen centimeters in height and twelve in width. If you make a solid frame and securely beat it with boards, you can attach hangers to the partition and place towels, bathrobes and other things on them.

brick partition

Brick partition

If you wish to make a brick partition, you can use the masonry of the whole material or the spoon method of placing blocks (0.5 bricks).

So that the wall is not too heavy, you can use a hollow brick.

However, it must necessarily be resistant to high temperatures and high humidity.

Therefore, in the construction of a bathhouse and partitions in it, it is better to use red bricks, rather than silicate ones.

How to make partitions in the bath with your own hands is explained in the following step-by-step instructions:

  • First, if the floor is covered with boards, they must be removed to reach the foundation. The entire surface on which the work will be carried out must be cleaned of excess things and swept with a damp broom.
  • The room is being prepared for work - good lighting is supplied, working tools are being prepared.
  • The contours of the partitions are being outlined.
  • The solution is mixed. To do this, you need to use a sieve, grinder, shovel and container for kneading. The mixing ratio is 3:1 (for example, three buckets of sand and one bucket of cement). Water should be added until the mixture reaches a creamy consistency. In order to avoid premature hardening of the solution, it should be stirred regularly, but no more water should be added.
  • A partition is erected with the help of a level, a pickaxe, a trowel, a plumb line and a rule. To make the wall smooth, you should stretch the twine. First, two layers of mortar are applied to the floor, and then you can begin to lay out the brick. You need to start work from the wall. In order for the structure to be more durable and firmly connected to the main walls, metal strips or reinforcement bars should be used during masonry.
  • The second row should start with a half brick. And the third - from the whole, and so alternate them constantly.

In case when Brick wall plays an integral role in maintaining the interior of the room, it should be laid out carefully, always removing excess mortar in time to prevent it from drying out. But when the wall decoration will completely cover the brick base, then you can not worry too much about appearance seams between rows and individual blocks.

When it is planned to apply a layer of plaster on a brick partition, even a used brick can be used for construction, which will save a lot of money.

If doors are provided in the partition, their frame should be installed before bricklaying begins.

Partition from foam block

One of the generally accepted options for making partitions in the bath between the steam room and the sink is to lay it out of the foam block.

Advantages of using foam blocks:

  • They are much lighter than bricks.
  • Foam blocks are made in large sizes, due to which the laying of walls with their use progresses very quickly.
  • This material has a fairly low cost.

The standard dimensions of the foam block are 30x60x30 centimeters. There are also other solutions for the width, height and length of the blocks, depending on which room they plan to use.

The process of creating a foam block partition is similar brickwork. But it also has some differences. The work process is as follows:

  • The surface of the floor and walls should be prepared in the same way as for brickwork. Then you need to stretch the cord along which the wall will be oriented, and outline the contours of the doorway.
  • The first row of blocks should first be laid out dry. In order for the width to be as necessary in the bath room, the foam blocks can be sawn with a grinder or a hacksaw.
  • As an adhesive mortar for laying a foam block, it is used special composition, which is bred according to the instructions. For its mixing, a construction mixer is used.
  • Approximately three millimeters of adhesive mixture should be applied to the surface of the block. After that, it is installed in its place in the row. For the strength of the partition, the second row should be started with a half block, and the third - with a whole, and alternate them to the very top.
  • To more firmly connect the partition to the main walls, you need to use fittings or large nails. They should be inserted into holes in the wall (made in advance), lubricated with adhesive. The length of the reinforcement must be at least five centimeters.
  • When the partition is laid out to the level of the upper crossbar of the door jambs, two reinforcement bars (1.6 centimeters in diameter) should be laid. They should be at least ten centimeters larger than the width of the opening. Then, on top of these metal additions, the next row of foam blocks is laid, right up to the ceiling.

You can plaster a foam block partition with the same adhesive mixture that was used to connect the rows. If there is such a need, you can create paths for installing communications, such as electricity or plumbing.

When the work with the plaster is completed, the partition must be dried, puttied, painted and tiled, which will decorate the bath room and make it as comfortable as possible.

If the partition is not constructed from a single foam block, but from a half-block, then its weight will be small. In this case, it is possible to install the structure on wooden floor without tearing the boards down to the foundation.

In order for the construction of a foam block partition to be successful, it is advisable to take into account a few more valuable tips:

  • When purchasing foam blocks, you should pay special attention to their surface. If it is even and smooth, the finish will be faster and more efficient.
  • The calculation of block sizes depends entirely on the type of room in which they will be used. When constructing a partition in the bath, it is better to use light and less wide blocks. In this case, the density of this material does not matter.
  • Blocks that are obtained by cutting are considered to be of better quality. This manufacturing technology is now more developed and progressive.
  • To make the masonry more dense, before starting it, it is better to moisten the blocks with water.
  • In order for the partition to be strong and durable, it should not have continuous vertical seams. To do this, in each new row, blocks or bricks should be shifted.
  • At the top of the structure, between the last row of the foam block and the ceiling, it is better to leave an opening up to ten centimeters wide. At the end of the work, it should be closed with mounting foam.

Finishing the partition with stone

In many ways, the choice of material for the partition depends on the method of heating in the bath.

If this is a brick oven, then it must be supplemented with a wall of the same material.

If the bath is heated iron stove, then a wooden structure is also perfect.

But in this case, it must be located at a distance of more than ten centimeters from the center of heating.

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Partition in the bath between the steam room and the sink

It is good if all the walls are immediately erected during the installation of the box. But more often the room is divided after the roof is covered and windows and doors are inserted. The partition in the bath between the steam room and the sink performs a very important function, so the approach to its manufacture must be very thorough.

Material selection

The partition can be made from almost any building material that is able to withstand high temperatures without releasing harmful substances. It could be:

  • Frame structure made of wood. This option is perfect for both a bath, assembled in the same way, and for a brick structure. It builds quickly enough and is the easiest to insulate.
  • From a log house. It is better to plan and install a partition of this kind during construction. This is important because it is necessary to carry out dressing with the entire structure. After that, it is almost impossible to do this.
  • From the foam block and aerated concrete, it can be mounted in brick buildings, as well as wooden ones, when the foundation for the partition was planned in advance.
  • From brick. For these purposes, it is better to use red brick, which is refractory and retains heat well.
  • From glass. To do this, you will have to order a design for specific dimensions from a temperature-resistant material. This is the most effective option.

This type of partition is one of the best. Does not require additional care. There is also no need to perform insulation, because. Wood itself is an excellent insulator.

  • When laying the foundation, it is necessary to provide an additional jumper on which the partition will stand. If it will be piled or columnar foundation, then supports should be located under the partition every 1–1.5 m.
  • Logs are being prepared that will fit the future wall. The length must be calculated taking into account the presence of a doorway.
  • The method of articulation with load-bearing walls will correspond to that chosen for the general structure. If this connection is "into the bowl", then the partition will be mounted in the same way.
  • The first crown is specially cut a little from the side of the base in order to be more stable. After strengthening the crown crown, the installation of the partition wall immediately begins.

This option will require edged board. Its size should be equal to the width of the future partition. It can be 200x100mm, 200x150mm, 150x100mm, 100x50mm. The thicker the partition, the better the heat will be retained. In order to calculate how much total material is needed, it is necessary to calculate the perimeter of the partition. Next, add as many more supports as you need, if they have to be placed in increments of 60 cm.

  • If, when laying the foundation, a support part was provided for inner wall, then before starting installation it is necessary to perform waterproofing. To do this, a double layer of roofing material or bicrost is laid.
  • For brick building it is necessary to additionally make a threshold that will prevent the flow of water from one room to another. The height of the threshold must be at least 10 cm. In order for it to be securely bound, it is necessary to drill holes with a diameter of 8 mm along its length and lay pieces of reinforcement in them. After setting the formwork and pour the solution.
  • Next, the bottom board is laid in size. It is mounted to the base with dowels. At the same time, it is desirable to comply horizontal plane. You can determine it with a building level or a laser level.

It is better to stock up on all the necessary material in advance. Masonry can be done in half a brick. This will save money and also reduce total weight the whole structure. It is desirable that the sand that will be used to prepare the solution is dry. This will help to correctly calculate the ratio and will contribute to a good setting.

  • The level of the surface on which the laying will be carried out is checked. Using a laser level, a line is projected onto two walls and the distance to the floor is measured from it. If the difference is up to 10 mm, then it can be compensated by thickening the seam in some places of the first rows. If the difference is larger, then alignment will need to be done.
  • A wooden frame is installed in the shape of the future door. It will serve as a guide.

Foam block, aerated concrete

A partition of this material is built according to the brick principle, but there are some nuances.

  • When buying, choose a material whose sides are as even as possible, so you make the whole process easier for yourself.
  • For the solution, it is better to use a special glue, which is more plastic and dries faster. If you want to cook it yourself, then the proportions will be 4: 1, in addition to sand and cement, you will also need a plasticizer and a foam additive (they need 50 grams per batch).
  • The first row is tried on without glue. If one of the blocks needs to be cut, then it is better to cut the two extreme ones to the same size in order to get a good dressing.
  • In the same way as in the previous case, ligation with load-bearing walls is carried out using reinforcement or metal plates.
  • After two rows, a metal mesh is laid into the seam.
  • The doorway and the partition above it are planned in the same way as in the previous version.
  • Finishing is done with facing material or putty.

Now you know how to make a partition in the bath. There are no barriers to trying to build it yourself.

Partition in the bath between the steam room and the sink - how to make a partition

Learn how to build a partition between a steam room and a sink. Partition made of bricks, foam blocks, log house.

The construction of the main structural elements of the bath (external walls and partitions) is often carried out simultaneously.

But sometimes finished premises require division into functional areas after the installation of the roof, windows and doors. In this case, an additional partition can be installed in the bath, which will allow more rational and efficient use of interior spaces.

The need and features of the construction of the partition

The baffle is functional and decorative element any bath. Such a design has the following advantages:

  • aesthetic appearance;
  • strength, wear resistance and durability;
  • high sound absorption rates;
  • ease of installation;
  • availability of building materials.

Choice suitable way pier construction is determined design features baths. In brick buildings, it is logical to build brick partitions, in wooden baths - frame or timber.

The partition between the steam room and the dressing room has two main openings: a doorway and for heating equipment.

Internal bath partitions are built from cinder blocks, bricks, gypsum, concrete and wood. Available in double or single design. For increase thermal insulation characteristics during the installation of the structure, a technological gap is provided for the installation of insulating and waterproofing material.

Important! Installation of the structure should be carried out before the final laying of the floors, observing the rules fire safety.

Construction of a frame partition

Frame partition - the best option for ready-made baths erected from logs. Installation involves the preliminary assembly of a wooden frame from beams or boards with a section of 5 × 5 cm.

For thermal insulation of the structure, a foam slab, basalt or mineral wool is used.

Construction technology frame partition do it yourself:

  1. Marking is made on the surfaces of walls and ceilings using a plumb line, cord or building level. Vertical lines are marked to indicate the middle of the structure.
  2. A wooden frame is being assembled. Individual elements are fixed to the walls with spikes, the holes for the spikes are drilled with an electric drill. To simplify the process, you can use self-tapping screws for wooden base or nails without caps. The bars are fixed at a distance of 80 cm from each other.
  3. To the finished frame, boards or lining are mounted on nails without hats. Facing is carried out on both sides of the frame to increase heat and soundproof characteristics designs. The distance between the sides of the skin is filled with the selected insulation.

Important! The wood material for the construction of the frame is pre-treated with antiseptics to prevent possible decay and destruction. For decorative cladding it is worth using hardwood lining.

Building a brick wall

The brick partition is relevant for brick and stone baths. To obtain a lightweight construction, hollow bricks can be used for masonry.

The process of bricklaying the pier is carried out step by step:

  1. Markup is carried out with the definition of the border for the future partition.
  2. Preparation of materials and working tools. kneaded masonry mortar based on cement (M 400 or 500), construction sand with the addition of water. First mixed bulk materials with the gradual introduction of water. The proportions of the components are 1: 3 (for 1 part of cement, 3 parts of sand).
  3. A string is stretched along the drawn line to maintain an even plane of order. Masonry starts from the wall, a small part is applied to the base of the floor cement mortar and the first brick row is laid. To increase the strength of the structure, metal strips and reinforcement are used in the process.
  4. The first row is processed with a connecting solution, on which the next row is laid.
  5. Similarly, the laying of all rows of the structure is carried out. Above the doorway, a wide metal strip or reinforcing bar is installed along the entire length, after which the brickwork continues to the ceiling.

Decorative finishing of a brick wall is carried out with plaster after the masonry mortar has completely dried.

Construction of a partition from foam blocks

In a brick bath, the partition between the steam room and the rest room can be made of foam blocks - a more accessible material for installation and operation.

The main advantages of blocks are:

  • light weight compared to brick;
  • large dimensions, due to which the construction of the structure is faster;
  • convenience and ease of installation;
  • low cost.

The installation technology of the material is similar to brickwork, it provides next steps works:

  1. The preparatory stage is carried out in the same way as in the previous version. Performance necessary markup, fixing the cord to determine the contours of the future design.
  2. Dry laying of the initial block row. If necessary, the blocks can be cut with a grinder or a hacksaw to obtain the required width.
  3. For connection individual elements special adhesive solution for foam blocks, prepared according to the instructions.
  4. The adhesive mixture is applied evenly in a thin layer, after which the foam blocks are installed in a row. For additional structural strength and reliable connection with the walls, reinforcing bars or nails up to 6 cm long are used. They are installed in holes previously prepared in the wall.
  5. After the partition is erected to the upper level of the doorway, several reinforcing bars are installed above it along the entire length as a base, after which the blocks are laid up to the ceiling.

For plastering foam blocks, the same adhesive mixture. After drying, the wall is primed and puttyed. As a decorative material, a coloring composition or ceramic tile is used.

Features of a wooden partition

The partition in the bath between the steam room and the sink is the simplest and most affordable option design, requiring minimal time and money investment.

To ensure sufficient thermal insulation of the washing room from the steam room, it is better to build partitions from wide board or a bar. Such a design does not provide for the presence of technological gaps in the inner part of the wall, which helps prevent the accumulation of excessive moisture in the room.

In this case, the rejection of the heat-insulating layer in the walls is explained by the fact that during operation, the bath structure requires maximum heat accumulation in all functional premises. Since the washing department supports more than low temperature air heating, the lack of heat is compensated by a heated steam room.

Features of glass partition

In a wooden bath, glass partitions can be installed, which are durable, aesthetic and functional. Similar designs provide heat maintenance, durable, easy to install and operate.

The walls are built near the stove due to the fact that they are made of high strength tempered glass. Such material is resistant to deformation, overheating and mechanical damage.

The following types of glass partitions are used in the steam room:

  • stationary;
  • compartment;
  • radius;
  • suspended;
  • folding;
  • transforming.

Compared to traditional piers, glass structures are heavier and require a retaining frame. During the construction of partitions, various surface design techniques are used: laser engraving, photo printing, stencil, sandblasting and stained glass application.

Glass structures have the following advantages:

  • aesthetics and attractiveness;
  • resistance to temperature extremes and high humidity;
  • long service life;
  • fire safety and environmental friendliness of the material;
  • the possibility of visual zoning of premises;
  • variety of styles and colors;
  • ease of installation.

A serious disadvantage of glass products is the formation of condensate in conditions of high humidity. It is especially detrimental to sliding mechanisms with which the frame is equipped.

To protect against high humidity, it is recommended to use impregnating compounds on silicone. The high cost of manufacturing a partition is also considered significant disadvantage, which is offset by the quality and durability of the design.

The construction of various partitions in a log cabin, brick or foam blocks bath is a serious and time-consuming process that requires technical knowledge and skills. But subject to a thorough study of information on how to make a partition, even a novice master will be able to correctly perform the installation work.

A standard log house of a bath (five-walled) consists of two rooms: a steam room and a washing room. It has 4 load-bearing walls and one partition. There are more voluminous buildings, it all depends on financial opportunities and owner requirements. But in any case, initially installed frame baths can be partitioned off at your discretion, increasing or decreasing the area.

The only question is what material and how to make partitions?

This is how the frame of the wooden partition between the washing department and the steam room looks like.

Partition in a brick bath

The easiest option is to install a frame partition inside brick bath. Consider the option of distinguishing between the washing department and the steam room. First, a frame made of dried and treated wood is assembled in place. A heat-insulating layer of foam or mineral wool is laid inside. It is better to additionally protect it from moisture with a plastic film or a foil membrane used specifically for this purpose.

After the partition is finished according to the inner wall cladding. From the side of the steam room, this is a lining that matches the overall design, and the washing compartment is also finished accordingly. If the wall is to be plastered, a layer is first filled unedged board, then a reinforcing mesh is fixed along it, after which the corresponding work is carried out.

The lining for finishing the steam room must comply with the overall design. Material dried and better from one batch. Mount it on kleimers or small nails in hidden places. In the washing department, the plaster is applied in several layers, after the latter has dried, it will be possible to lay tiles.

This is a variant of the partition, if the redevelopment was outlined after the construction of the bath. You can do it in another way, and even at the time of designing the bath, delimit the interior spaces, having thought through the layouts of all rooms. According to the type of foundation chosen, in addition to pouring it under the load-bearing walls, it is also laid in the places where the partitions pass. After the construction of the bath, they can be made of bricks without bothering to assemble the frame and insulate it. But this option is more expensive, so for small baths from brick, you can make prefabricated partitions.

Brick partition separating the stove from the dressing room.

Advantages of internal frame walls

This option of partitions has its supporters and haters. Someone says that it is like clothes for cabbage. On the one hand, it is. But on the other hand, relatively quickly and inexpensively, you get a warm and reliable partition. After all, pouring the foundation is more expensive. And what to do if you suddenly decide to re-plan the location of the internal walls? Break the foundation?

This is the only possible option for partitioning technical rooms in the bath, such as a toilet or a rest room. Frame structures you can separate the dressing room from the rest room or make a separate room for installing the mounting block, from which the electrical wiring will go to the bathhouse. We can safely note the relevance and demand for frame partitions, in any type of baths.

Waterproofing of frame partitions with membrane film. It is laid on both sides.

Partition of timber or logs

In this way, bath spaces are delimited only in structures made of the appropriate material, and their location is worked out even at the stage of building a bath. They lay it together with the crowns of the bearing walls, making a dressing. Under the internal partitions of a bath from a bar, a foundation is definitely needed. They don't last long on weight.

The use of partitions of this type is in demand in several cases: firstly, in a large bath, it is necessary, not only to divide the room, but also as an additional support for ceilings. It's kind of another bearing wall. Secondly, the method of assembling the “five-wall” log house will allow you to connect the structure internal partition. And thirdly, to create general interior. Agree in a bath from a bar, will a brick wall look ridiculous?

Brick partition separating the oven from the washing compartment with a tank for hot water.

When is the best time to use a brick?

Brick partitions are applicable in any baths lined with similar material. The width is chosen at the discretion, but given that this is a non-residential premises and sound insulation is not particularly needed, masonry in one stone is enough. More attention is paid to quality masonry mixture. It must correspond to indicators resistant to moisture. Partition wall connection bearing wall produced by reinforcement. Every 4–5 rows, reinforcement is driven in and then masonry is carried out in accordance with all the rules.

Often brick partitions are also used in wooden baths. This is acceptable when the stove is heated from the waiting room, and it is necessary to overlay it with stone in order to create maximum fire safety conditions without compromising the temperature drop. In order not to interfere with the overall decor, the partition is placed from decorative stone, and in some cases it is combined with a heater stove. Thus, the wall will also heat the dressing room.

Very often they also practice a partial partition of the furnace with a brick. By the way, work on the installation of partitions is carried out only after the complete shrinkage of the bath, regardless of what material it is made of.

We are talking about a frame partition in a log cabin bath that separates the dressing room and the washing compartment. The choice in favor of these rooms was made in order to be able to show how to make a partition with your own hands between such seemingly different bath rooms.

The wooden partition, which will be discussed in this article, is a wooden frame, insulated mineral wool and lined with clapboard.

Considering that in the washing department there is an insulated and reinforced concrete screed 150 mm thick, then a concrete curb 125 mm wide and 100 mm high was made to install the base of the frame. In addition, a concrete curb will allow ceramic tiles to be laid along the partition, isolating wood paneling water walls.

A concrete curb can be made both during the pouring of the screed, and during the installation of the partition, using home-made wooden formwork. For a better bond between the poured concrete and the floor, its surface should be treated with deep soil and concrete contact, for example, from Knauf.

The vertical racks of the frame and are made of planed bars: internal - 50x100 mm, and extreme and in doorway– 60x100 mm. Horizontal tie bars (upper and lower) have a section of 60x100 mm. All lintels are made of 50x100 mm bar.

The base is fixed to the concrete curb with 16 mm anchors. The end posts are installed in the groove in and fixed to it with 8x90 mm hex screws. In order for the frame not to interfere with the settlement of the log house, oval longitudinal grooves. This will allow the screws to slide along with the wall and not create excessive stress on the frame, and with it on the entire partition.

The upper tie bar does not reach the ceiling by 30 mm. This gap serves to compensate for settlement or expansion of the log house as a result of atmospheric phenomena and the change of seasons. The groove in the wall is carved to its full height, starting from the floor in the dressing room and ending with the ceiling.

Mineral (basalt) wool 100 mm thick is used as a heater, for example "Rockwool". Some frame cells have dimensions of 600x1200 mm, which corresponds to standard sizes produced cotton. The cotton wool is closed and fixed with a stapler on both sides of the frame with a polyethylene film, which prevents the penetration of moisture into the cotton wool, thereby maintaining all its heat-insulating sound-absorbing properties.

Eurolining is fastened with kleimers along the crate of slats 25x50 mm. The crate itself is mounted on top polyethylene film and attached to the frame with wood screws. The direction of laying the lining is from the very corner of the partition using the “thorn in the groove” method, and not vice versa. From the side of the waiting room the most bottom bar the crates are additionally fixed to the floor, and in the washing department it is placed on a concrete curb and attached only to the vertical racks of the frame.

The final finishing of the partition is made after installation. door frame. First, skirting boards are installed, which at one end are inserted into the groove of the wall. Then the edges of the partition are closed with a board (platband), which are also inserted into the same grooves.

The upper casing is attached directly to the ceiling with the condition that it will move freely with it during the log house settlement, without affecting the partition itself. The gap between the ceiling and the top of the partition is sealed with cotton wool or other heat-insulating material.

Connections wooden elements manufactured using galvanized wood screws. exposed parts are also fastened with self-tapping screws. So that the screw heads are not visible, you can pre-drill a stepped hole, and after screwing in the self-tapping screw, close it with a wooden dowel (pin) of the same diameter.

From the washing side, the bottom of the wall is finished ceramic tiles, and then a lining is placed on it butt. A plank (plinth) is attached to the bottom of the lining along the entire partition to the frame racks, which closes both the lining and part of the tile.

The order of work on the construction of a frame partition with your own hands

Perhaps I should not have described the design of the wooden partition in such detail, but start immediately with the order of work for its installation. However, what is done cannot be taken back. And to whom it will not be interesting, he can immediately go to this section of the article, using it at the beginning.

Preparing the concrete base and log walls

Installation of a wooden partition frame

Note: at this stage of work, special attention should be paid to the accuracy of the alignment of the frame frame, as this will affect the quality of the entire inner wall. Verticals, horizontals, flatness, dimensions - all this will affect how we get a partition.

Insulation and installation of crates on the frame

Note: the film can be placed under the base of the frame already at the stage of its installation. Then the issue of fixing it in the lower part will be immediately resolved.

Installing a door frame in a partition wall

Ceramic tiling in washroom

This operation can be performed both before lining the clapboard, and after it. The main thing is that the junction of the forcing and the end of the ceramic tile should be done accurately and without gaps. As for laying tiles on the floor, this can be done at any time.

Sheathing clapboard on the crate

You have to start from the very corner. The clapboard is sheathed according to the "thorn in the groove" method. That is, the last fixed element must have an open groove. Each subsequent element is inserted with a spike into the groove of the previously fixed lining, and with the help of metal clamps (fastening brackets) it is fixed to the crate. The last lining is cut under right size and secured with self-tapping screws. You can see details on how to fix the lining.

Installation of platbands, skirting boards and sealing the edges of the partition


This version of the design of the wooden partition is intended for the log cabin of the bath, which stood for the allotted time and gave a full draft. The compensation gap (30 mm) between the partition and the ceiling is designed only for changing the dimensions of the log house under the influence of atmospheric influences and weather conditions.

If there is a need to build a partition in the bath until the log house is completely settled, then this gap should be increased to 60-80 mm.

On the side of the washing compartment, the frame sheathing can be made of waterproof drywall. In this case wooden crate should be replaced metal profile. Such a partition can be easily lined with ceramic tiles and easily equipped there.

It should be remembered that the cut grooves in log walls reduce their strength. Moreover, the deeper and wider the groove, the lower the strength of the wall. To protect the logs from rolling (deformation), it is necessary to tie the logs at the place of the intended partition already at the stage of wall construction wooden dowels usually 30 mm in diameter. How to do this, you can read in the article about.

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