Lego brick wall construction. Lego bricks: building is as easy as playing. Advantages and advantages over similar materials

Those who follow the latest in building materials and do not want to lag behind improved building technologies will be interested to learn about a new invention for building walls - Lego bricks. The name of the blocks is given due to their special design, which has grooves and protrusions (that is, locks) for high-quality and perfectly even connection of elements into a single structure. See our detailed video below to see how it works in practice.

Important: Lego brick is most often used for exterior decoration, interior walls of the house or for decorative buildings. But with the help of such blocks, you can build the whole house, if you follow the technology of laying elements. It involves laying out two parallel brick walls from Lego blocks and then filling the free space with self-foaming substances (polystyrene, polyurethane, concrete). As a result, we get a foam concrete house framed by Lego brick walls. Warm, comfortable and does not require additional exterior decoration.

Benefits of lego bricks

Blocks with a lock connection have parameters similar to standard bricks. However, this is where the similarity ends, which forms a number of advantages of the material. So, the main advantages of Lego bricks are:

  • High speed and ease of installation. For example, laying m3 of standard brick blocks takes about an hour of work. During the same time, you can lay 3 m3 of Lego bricks.
  • Low consumption of building materials. The installation of walls from Lego blocks does not require the preparation of a cement-sand mortar in large quantities. The blocks are mounted on a special glue, the consumption of which is 25 kg / 500 pcs. blocks.
  • The water absorption of lego blocks is only 5%, while the standard brick is more hygroscopic and absorbs water at a rate of 14%.
  • The density of Lego blocks exceeds the density of ceramic bricks twice. And this means that a wall erected from such a material will have an ideal appearance.
  • It is fashionable to carry out construction from new material in any climatic zone. Lego brick is able to withstand over 50 freeze-thaw cycles.
  • Special locking holes in the blocks allow you to easily reinforce the walls with the subsequent pouring of concrete into them.

Important: pouring holes with concrete should be carried out in stages. No more than 6 rows of blocks at a time. If you ignore this recommendation and pour the mortar in more rows at a time, then the masonry may lose its vertical or horizontal geometry.

In addition, the same locking holes make it possible to lay communications without additional wall chasing.

Installation of Lego blocks in a single wall

Preparatory work

In order to carry out the laying of Lego bricks, as shown in the video below, it is necessary to perform all the preparatory work with high quality, namely:

  • Prepare all the necessary tools for masonry, including a special gun for applying adhesive to the surface of the blocks.
  • Purchase the required number of blocks plus a margin of 5-10%. This will allow you to safely reject elements if necessary.
  • Purchase fittings in accordance with the project documentation. The reinforcement is taken with a section of 12-20 mm.
  • Prepare a special glue at the rate of one bag for 500-600 blocks.
  • In addition, all Lego blocks should be cleaned of construction debris and dust. Since it is recommended to lay only clean blocks.

Important: in order to avoid quick drying of the glue when laying Lego bricks, it is recommended to pre-wet the building elements. Lego blocks are laid on a prepared and waterproofed foundation.

Glue preparation

For laying Lego blocks, a special adhesive for ceramic tiles is required. It is diluted with water according to the instructions. The dry mixture is introduced gradually into the required amount of water and mixed with a construction mixer. The consistency of the glue should resemble sour cream.

Important: it is better to prepare no more than 10 liters of adhesive mixture at a time in order to prevent it from solidifying during work.

Bookmark the first row

The biggest difficulty in installing Lego bricks is the arrangement of the first row of blocks. It is he who will subsequently set the evenness of the entire masonry and ease of installation. Therefore, if possible, it is better to entrust this stage of work to professionals. They will lay the foundation, and then the master will be able to cope on his own. If the work will be done by hand from start to finish, then when laying the first row of Lego blocks, you should follow these recommendations:

  • Laying starts from the corners of the future building. On each side, three bricks should be laid in a row, carefully monitoring the evenness of each element using the building level.

Important: the laying of the first row is carried out on an adhesive composition, but of a thicker consistency. Next, the bricks are fastened with glue.

  • A control cord is pulled between the arranged corners, which will allow you to control the evenness of further masonry.
  • The ends of the blocks are connected by applying glue to the poke (side) of the block.
  • When laying bricks, make sure that the locks of each block converge under the locks of the upper bricks. You can adjust the blocks to each other with a mallet.
  • Professionals recommend immediately laying out the entire contour of the building in one row.

wall forcing

In order for the walls of Lego blocks to turn out smooth, it is necessary to adhere to the following masonry technology:

  • Bricks are laid in rows on the adhesive composition. That, in turn, is applied to the bed of the block and to the poke with a roller of 10-15 mm. It is important that the glue goes around all the lock connections.
  • The joining of brick locks is carried out with some pressure. That is, each upper brick is placed in a dressing and pressed a little on it so that the locks are connected according to the Lego principle. You can slightly customize the brick with a mallet.
  • The fully laid out row is controlled horizontally by the building level. If necessary, protruding blocks are upset with a mallet. A similar manipulation is carried out in the corners of the house and all walls in increments of 2 m. The control alignment of the row is performed using the rule.

Important: if for some reason the height of the blocks cannot be adjusted with a mallet, then special wedges can be used, which are installed in the right places and removed after the glue has hardened.

Wall reinforcement

Lego brick in monolithic construction requires reinforcement. If the house is small, then the fittings are installed in the key grooves only in the corners. After installing the rods, the vertical voids are poured with concrete mortar. Reinforcement in this way is carried out every 6 rows.

If the house is large, then in addition to the corners, you need to reinforce the central parts of the walls in the same way. Additionally, horizontal rows of bricks are also reinforced every 4-5 rows of masonry. To do this, strobes are made in the laid row, in which steel bars are laid. The holes are filled with concrete.

Without fail, the last row of bricks is also reinforced, that is, they arrange an armored belt. To do this, special blocks with longitudinal grooves in them are used as the last row of Lego. Reinforcement is laid here and reliably poured with concrete mortar.

Important: so that the poured mortar does not fall into vertical voids, it is necessary to install wooden plugs in them before laying the reinforcement.

Laying Lego blocks in door and window openings

When installing brick walls, you will definitely have to deal with the installation of ceilings in door and window openings. It is not difficult to do this with the observance of technology.

  • So, first of all, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe intended opening (above it), a removable wooden formwork is first installed and securely fixed.
  • A number of Lego bricks are laid in the formwork and curtains are made in them for laying reinforcement.
  • Reinforcement is mounted in the furrows and the next row of blocks is laid. Rods are again placed in the furrows.
  • 4-5 rows are laid in a similar way, after which the vertical voids of the locks are poured with ready-made concrete mortar. The masonry is left to dry completely, after which the formwork is removed. As a result, the wall above the ceiling is a monolithic structure made of brick and reinforced concrete.
  • Further, the construction of the wall continues according to the old scheme.

In order for the laying of Lego blocks to proceed competently and efficiently, professionals recommend adhering to some recommendations:

  • Masonry blocks must be exceptionally clean;
  • You need to buy Lego bricks for construction only from a trusted manufacturer who can provide quality certificates for products;
  • Dry laying of Lego bricks (as the manufacturer allows) is still not recommended. Since in this case the tightness of the wall will be doubtful, which means that the building will be purged.

Following these simple tips and following the masonry technology will allow you to get a beautiful and reliable house from Lego blocks.

When discussing such a building material as Lego brick, it is extremely difficult to isolate the grain of truth from multiple conversations about this product and find out its really truthful characteristics. The very name of this type of brick, borrowed from a popular company, has a simplifying task, which is often not in favor. This especially affects professionals in this activity and more experienced amateurs.

Let's break the fabulous image of such a wonderful building material as "lego-brick" and call the thing by its proper name. Translated from English, “interlocking brick” means an interlocking element or a blocking brick.

Ease of use and low cost

What are the positive characteristics of a building erected from such elements? The most obvious is the simplicity in the process of laying this kind of bricks.

Another plus that comes from this is the less time it takes to lay out a wall of Lego bricks. And this already leads to the biggest advantage - saving money that will be spent on the monetary allowance of the workers. After all, the less time spent on work, the less money will be paid! In addition, you do not need to call professionals for help.

But this does not mean that it will be necessary to involve completely newcomers in the work. An experienced bricklayer is required in any case. But with such routine activities as the transfer of building materials or the preparation of glue and its use, adequate laborers can handle it. After all, in any case, the quality of the masonry will be excellent, and a large amount of personal funds will be spent on professionals.

In the case when there is not much work and the term is not limited, you can independently feel the production process. This adds to the reduction in spending on workers and the pleasure of doing the work done by one's own hands.

When referring to the methods of making such Lego bricks, you can open a fairly easy scheme.

Pre-purchased items available:

  • sand;
  • screenings;
  • cement.

All these elements are thoroughly mixed, after which water is added and the mixing process continues again. After that, you can add a plasticizer and various chemicals. As a result, the resulting substance is molded using a matrix and a press to the desired size.

How are Lego bricks laid? Masonry features

This type of brick is suitable for laying even the most inexperienced worker, since in order to lay it in the wrong way, you will have to try hard. You just need to learn a little theory and try to work carefully and diligently. Anything else will not require your direct intervention.

Looking at the work on laying this type of bricks, you can see a short confident work, during which quite a lot of Lego bricks were mastered.

The most important stage in masonry work is the laying of the very first row, where it is required to observe the exact level of each brick. It is better for an inexperienced person to give this work to a professional. But later, you only need to follow the masonry scheme and that's it.

Of course, it will not be possible to master all the techniques for building brick walls, but with a great desire, this will become a reality.

"Lego-brick" against classic masonry

There are many enemies of this technology on the Internet who leave negative stories about the use of Lego bricks. But looking closely, it becomes clear that all their minuses do not carry the truth and have nothing to do with practice. All this is written by professionals, dissatisfied with the drop in demand for their services.

  1. With a similar strength, the mass of the Lego brick is lower and the cost of lifting the brick to the masonry site will be less, and the building itself will also be lighter. All this will positively affect the overall cost of the entire project.
  2. The water absorption of Lego bricks is quite low compared to conventional bricks. Therefore, their service life will be much longer. Especially in areas of unstable climate.

In other parameters, everything is pretty much the same and there are no special comments on the use of Lego bricks. Also, such a brick has one big plus - it can be made directly at the construction site. This will reduce shipping costs.

Can you make a lego brick yourself?

Before starting the cultivation of Lego bricks, it is necessary to adequately assess all the disadvantages and advantages of this method, as well as to study all the expenses and costs. It is necessary to realize the full scale of the future production, since this industry requires not small areas for production. But this is the case when the conversation is about business.

If you make it yourself, you will need to calculate the profitability and decide what will be easier - to make it yourself or order it in production.

According to the classical scheme, the ratio of elements in the contents of a brick is as follows:

  • Sand - 10%
  • Screening - 70%
  • Cement (M500) - 20%

From 1 ton of such a mixture, approximately 290 Lego bricks will be obtained. Costs will depend on the price of materials in your locality. Equipment for the manufacture of Lego bricks is available in large quantities on the Russian construction market.

The easiest and cheapest way is to purchase a hand press and a small concrete mixer. With active production with the help of a partner, no more than 800 of these bricks can be made in one shift.

The main advantage of such equipment is its low price, mobility and versatility. For example, this unit can be used to form sawdust briquettes for firing a stove or a fire.

More professional equipment, which produces bricks automatically at 10 thousand pieces per shift, will cost several million rubles, which is not suitable for independent production that is not aimed at their further sale.

They made a children's designer "Lego" and a building Lego brick - these are really "close relatives". But lightweight arguments on how to quickly and easily put together not a toy, but quite a real house from this material are inappropriate. After all, we are talking about serious things, which means that answers to important questions are needed: what are the properties of such a brick, how to work with it, how solid and reliable will a building made of it be?

Unlike ceramic, Lego bricks are made by hyperpressing. The composition of the mixture includes a filler in the amount of 80-90% (clay, clay-sand mixture, sand in combination with fine-grained screening of crushed stone or shell rock, limestone grains), cement binder (8-15%), water, as well as plasticizing additives and pigments . For the construction of capital walls and partitions, solid products with a strength of at least M150 are used. In comparison with ceramic bricks of the same brand, the material has a density comparable to it (1550 kg / m³ versus 1600-1900 kg / m³ for "ceramics"), a similar indicator of frost resistance (35-40 cycles; with the help of additives, their number is increased to 200) and almost the same weight - from 3.2 to 4 kg. But at the same time, it has a much lower water absorption - not 14%, but only 5.5-6%, which makes it more resistant to weathering and significantly extends its service life. The coefficient of thermal conductivity of Lego-brick is 0.4-0.56 W / m‧K, ordinary red - 0.5-0.8 W / m‧K, that is, the first one keeps heat better.

Lego brick size

The standard size of products is 250 (240) × 125 (120) × 65 mm. In addition to single, one-and-a-half and double bars are also produced. A characteristic feature, which, in fact, turns a simple brick into a "Lego" is the presence of a system for pairing elements based on grooves and protrusions. Both can have different shapes, but the most practiced option is two centered holes Ø 65 mm: on the upper side of the bar around them there are sides raised by 5 mm, and during installation, the brick of the next row is, as it were, mounted on these “rings”, lying down perfectly even and making it impossible to move the masonry. ( Note: according to the type of parts from the Lego constructor, not only pressed bricks are made, but also building blocks from polystyrene concrete, gas and foam concrete.) Mounting holes perform another important function - the channels they form in the walls serve for hidden laying of communications.

Due to the low water absorption of Lego-brick, the facades made of it do not become covered with dark spots from water, do not absorb pollution and do not lose their original appearance over time.

Lego brick production, prices

Lego-brick is available in various versions

In the manufacture of Lego bricks, manufacturers are guided by the requirements of GOST 7025-91 "Brick and ceramic and silicate stones" and GOST 6133-99 "Concrete wall stones". Fillers are crushed and combined with other components of the mass in the required proportion, after which the mixture is placed in special matrices and pressed. Roasting is not required. Finished molds are sent for a 72-hour exposure until they are fully cured. This technology makes it possible to provide the material with a calculated density and to obtain products with ideally precise geometry at the output, which determines the correct joining of bricks without any adjustment and guaranteed evenness and stability of the masonry. In addition to the usual smooth ones, they also produce bars with a textured front surface (in particular, under natural stone), and thanks to pigments, they can be given a different color, up to spotted. And the composition of the mixture itself affects the color of the products: for example, the addition of ash makes them gray, and kaolin and limestone “brighten”.

Like traditional bricks, "lego" are full-bodied and hollow (up to 60% "air"). Naturally, such a material is cheaper to manufacture, has less weight, but also a smaller margin of safety, but it has high thermal insulation capabilities. It is perfect for facing external walls and fireplaces, laying non-load-bearing partitions, for constructing gazebos, fences, etc.


Machine for the production of Lego bricks with two matrices

Construction equipment companies offer manual and electric machines for individual production of Lego bricks. At the same time, in order to obtain products suitable for the construction of capital buildings (that is, the corresponding strength grade), it is necessary that the press provides a pressure of at least 30 tons.

Small mechanical units with one die are capable of producing up to 500-800 bricks per shift and cost about 60 thousand rubles; productivity of semi-automatic lines - up to 2000 pieces, price - from 200 thousand rubles. But automated complexes equipped with a full range of functions (dosing ingredients, grinding the filler, kneading the mass, molding, pressing and steaming products) allow you to produce up to 10 thousand bricks per shift and cost about 7-8 million rubles. And here comes the question of profitability. It is clear that the use of powerful expensive machines is justified only if the process is put on a commercial footing.

Due to the emergence of semi-handicraft "garage industries", for which GOSTs and SNiPs are not a decree, when buying material, you should be careful and require the presentation of quality and safety certificates for raw materials and final products, as well as protocols for its technical tests. Reputable enterprises that guarantee the compliance of their products with all the declared characteristics always have such documentation available.

The price of a Lego brick depends on many factors - the brand of material, the type of filler, the shape of the docking lock, the size and color of the product, the volume of the lot, as well as the region and even the season of purchase. On average, standard bars with a strength of M150-200 with two mounting holes cost from 16 to 20 rubles per piece. for samples of neutral gray and from 20 to 38 rubles / piece. for colored (red, in shades of beige, yellow, blue, black). The cost of models with the original "marbled" color can reach up to 45-57 rubles. for a unit.

Hyper-pressed with a force of more than 30 tons, Lego-brick acquires high strength, wear resistance, as well as crack resistance, which firing technology cannot provide.

Benefits of use and features of masonry

In addition to high technical and aesthetic characteristics, Lego-brick has other advantages that directly relate to its installation.

First of all, such bars greatly simplify the laying process. Only the first row of bricks requires careful adjustment and constant level control. Due to the rigid mating system and precise geometry, in subsequent rows the elements will fall strictly into place, forming an absolutely even structure that does not allow any distortions or “blockages” along the axes. The result is a reduction in the time for masonry work, no need to hire highly qualified, and therefore highly paid masons (their services will be required only at the initial stage of construction and during the construction of especially critical masonry sections, since it is impossible to bring the wall crookedly over the ideally laid first row, even if you try) and naturally arising from here savings.

A house built from Lego bricks does not require plastering of the facade

Since Lego bricks are placed on a special glue (moisture and frost-resistant compounds for facade work), there is no need to prepare a cement mortar and all the difficulties associated with its use: first of all, strict adherence to the layer thickness. At the same time, the consumption of glue is relatively small (a package of 25 kg is enough for laying 500 bricks, which will come out half as cheap as when using a conventional building mixture), and the seams that are subsequently filled with tile grout are minimal. Thus, the elements acquire a double fixation - locking and adhesive (this increases the strength of the "lego masonry" by more than 1.5 times compared to the traditional one), but most importantly, there are no cold bridges in the wall structure, which significantly improves its heat-shielding properties.

The walls, built of Lego bricks, have smooth surfaces, and therefore, do not need plastering, which is another cost savings.

The presence of voids in Lego-brick walls should be taken into account when attaching heavy hanging objects to them, such as heating radiators. If you foresee their location in advance, the problem can be solved with the help of embedded parts in the masonry

Lego brick wall layout

Masonry is carried out with through vertical and horizontal reinforcement. The first is implemented by metal or basalt-plastic rods installed as stiffeners at the corners of the building, at the junction of walls, along the edges of openings, etc. Bricks are simply strung on them, making a mandatory dressing.

For horizontal reinforcement of the masonry, armored belts are used, which are cast after concreting the vertical reinforcement. They are performed on bars with a formwork profile through the design number of rows. The free channels formed by the mounting holes can also be filled with concrete up to the installation of armored belts to further strengthen the structure.

If, according to the thermotechnical calculation, the enclosing walls are laid out in two layers, the space between them is filled with a heat insulator, such as expanded clay or stone wool.

There are not many examples of capital houses made of Lego-brick, due to the relative novelty of the technology. But the characteristics of the material declared by reputable manufacturers give every reason to believe that in terms of reliability and durability, such buildings are at least as good as traditional stone buildings.

Lego brick wall technology

Lego bricks were invented quite recently, but quickly became popular among builders. The reason for this was that it is very convenient and easy to use and excellent even masonry can be done even without experience in this matter.
Thanks to the special shape of the brick, which resembles the bricks of the Lego children's designer (from which the name comes from), laying out a wall or other structure from it is very simple. For example, in order to get a fence post, you don’t even need glue, just fold five or six rows high. In the tunnel, which will be obtained from the internal holes of the brick, place a reinforcement bar and pour it with a thick concrete solution. It takes 5-7 minutes to install one such pillar.
Lego-brick has excellent characteristics of strength and frost resistance, besides it is aesthetic - all structures laid out of it acquire a noble appearance.

Preparation before laying walls.

The first thing you should pay attention to before starting construction from Lego bricks is the correct preparation of the glue. Make it too fat - it will be difficult to squeeze it out of the syringe, and too liquid will spread over the brick. When preparing the glue, you can experiment with its density by making a test solution with a small amount of powder. It is desirable to achieve the consistency of thin sour cream, and remember the ratio of water and powdered glue.
The only exception is the first row, it needs glue a little thicker. In this case, you should not be afraid that it will be very thick, on the contrary, by making the glue fatter, you can avoid that the bricks in the first row will float.
Also try to have all the necessary tools at hand during laying, as the glue dries pretty quickly and you won't have time to search. Therefore, prepare immediately:
level and lace (for leveling the first row of bricks);
construction syringe (for mounting glue);
a knife and an iron brush (for stripping excess glue);
grinder (for processing bricks);

The process of laying walls from Lego bricks.

The main thing you need to know when starting a construction site from Lego bricks is that the whole result of your work will depend on how well the first row is laid out!
To do this, spare no effort to make a good screed on the foundation, which could make it possible to lay out the first bricks perfectly evenly. Use a lace. Be sure to double-check the result with a level. If everything is done accurately, then the laying process will not be difficult, and the result will be impressive.
The laying of the second row should begin with the formation of a corner of two bricks. Lay them so that the joints of the bricks of the bottom row are exactly in the middle of the top. Then tie the cord so that it lines up with the top edge of the corner brick of the second row. Manufacturers promise that when laying all rows except the first one, you can do without a lace, but for a perfect result it is better to use it.
The glue is applied to the surface of the brick using a building syringe, in an even, uninterrupted layer on both sides near the rim of the hole in the brick. You don't need to squeeze out a lot of glue. But even if this happens, and the glue comes out of the seam, when it dries, it can be cleaned off with a knife, and if it paints over the brick, a metal brush will help. It is not worth smearing too many bricks in a row with glue at once, since it dries quickly, and it is better to lay the brick on a fresh mortar.
The side surface of the brick, which will join with the next in a row, must also be glued vertically with glue. You can make one layer, but for reliability, two parallel layers are better. Having missed everything carefully, we lay the next brick in this row on top and right next to the corner brick. It lays down quite easily and evenly, as its design contributes to this. Next, having smeared the wall with a layer of glue vertically, we lay the next brick. And so on to the end of the row. It is not necessary to tap and press the brick strongly, thanks to its design it lays down correctly by itself.
The subsequent rows of masonry technology are no different from the second row. To improve the strength of the Lego brick wall, it should be additionally fixed. If a separate building is planned from this brick, then it is imperative to take care of its reinforcement. And in the case of using it as a decorative finish for an already built house, it is enough to tie the masonry to the wall of the house.

Reinforcing the construction of Lego bricks.

Reinforcing a wall of Lego bricks must be carried out both vertically and horizontally. Vertical reinforcement, without fail, must be done at the corners of the building, and if you are not constrained in building materials, then, for greater strength, you can do it along the rest of the wall. The construction of Lego bricks is designed in such a way that when laying inside the wall in a vertical direction, tunnels with a diameter of 5 cm are formed. Vertical reinforcement is laid in them. Let's see how to do it.
After laying the first row of bricks, and letting it dry, you can proceed with the installation of reinforcement. To do this, with a drill through the holes of the corner bricks, we make holes in the foundation 10-20 cm deep and insert reinforcement rods into them. Mount the rod no higher than 1-1.5 meters, then it will not interfere with laying, since you will lay the next row by passing the brick through the reinforcement. When the wall rises to two-thirds of the height of the reinforcement, you can attach the next one. To do this, use plastic clamps or wire.
The next step in strengthening the walls will be pouring concrete into the vertical tunnels where the reinforcement is laid. This requires a medium liquid concrete solution. When pouring, use a watering can that is suitable in diameter for the hole in the lego brick. You need to insert it into the hole, passing it through the fittings. Concrete is poured after about 5-6 rows of masonry, most importantly, no more, since there is a risk of violating its integrity under the onslaught of concrete. Before pouring, be sure to let the glue that holds the masonry dry.
Every 1-1.5 m of the wall, it is also necessary to produce horizontal reinforcement. For this, reinforcement and concrete are also used. To lay reinforcement in a horizontal row, all the bricks of this row must be prepared in advance. On top of each brick, the grinder makes two parallel grooves for the size of the reinforcement. The main thing is to carefully mark the places for the furrows on each brick so that they match when laying. Then lay the prepared bricks in the structure and place the reinforcement in the furrows. At the corners where the reinforcement crosses, it can be fastened with clamps crosswise for better fixation.
For areas that require greater stability (above windows, doorways), use the same reinforcement, supplemented with concrete. This will require special Lego-bricks in the form of a groove. Due to the shape, they do not need to be additionally prepared. First, lay the bricks in a row, as usual, and in the resulting gutter, place two rebars along the edges and fill with concrete. In order not to interrupt the vertical tunnels with concrete that got into them, the holes in the brick are closed with ordinary plastic cups before pouring.

Binding lego bricks to the wall of the house.

Lego brick, having a beautiful and neat appearance, is also suitable for decorative wall cladding. At the same time, the masonry technology does not differ from the masonry of load-bearing structures, but it is no longer necessary to strengthen it with reinforcement. It is enough just through a distance of 1-1.5 m in height to bind the brickwork to the wall of the house with the help of aluminum hangers, which are used for profiles in interior decoration. To do this, using a screwdriver, attach the short part of the suspension to the wall with a dowel, and attach the long part with the next row of bricks. And everything is ready.
Using Lego bricks in construction, you will not only get an excellent result of your work, but also the pleasure of doing everything yourself and without much effort.

When discussing such a building material as Lego brick, it is extremely difficult to isolate the grain of truth from multiple conversations about this product and find out its really truthful characteristics. The very name of this type of brick, borrowed from a popular company, has a simplifying task, which is often not in favor. This especially affects professionals in this activity and more experienced amateurs.

So, the term Lego brick, in literal translation from English, sounds more detailed and complete - “interlocking brick”, which means “interlocking” bricks, a blocking brick, that is, a brick with a lock.

Lego bricks - characteristics and features.

The main characteristics of this brick product include:

  • strength - M 150,
  • density - 1550 kg / m3,
  • frost resistance - 35 cycles (for harsh climatic conditions, performance can be improved).

Advantages of Lego bricks:

  • The benefits are visible even to non-professionals. Due to the presence of grooves, laying them is faster and easier. The existing holes can be used for wiring. The weight of Lego bricks is less than that of other types.
  • Making Lego bricks does not require firing, which greatly reduces the cost. Instead of firing, strong pressing is used, which gives strength. It has not only different colors and shades of colors, but also a variety of textures.
  • Thanks to hyperpressing, this brick can be attributed to a variety of artificial stone. It can be successfully used for building cladding. And high strength allows you to lay out not only partitions, but also load-bearing walls.
  • Laying Lego bricks does not require special skills, it is enough to lay out the first layer correctly, and then the process will go quickly enough. Indeed, because of the existing grooves and spikes, they are ideally suited to each other. The adhesion of the layers does not take place with a traditional solution, but with the use of special glue, which can be applied with a brush or roller. The use of glue will not only reduce costs, but also does not require a lot of physical exertion as in the preparation of cement mortar. And the wall will look aesthetically pleasing.

One cube contains 500 bricks. To assemble 1 cube of Lego bricks, you need 15 kg. tile adhesive for outdoor use.

Lego brick production and equipment.

Before starting the cultivation of Lego bricks, it is necessary to adequately assess all the disadvantages and advantages of this method, as well as to study all the expenses and costs. It is necessary to realize the full scale of the future production, since this industry requires not small areas for production. But this is the case when the conversation is about business.

If you make it yourself, you will need to calculate the profitability and decide what will be easier - to make it yourself or order it in production.

According to the classical scheme, the ratio of elements in the composition of a brick is as follows:

  • Sand - 10%
  • Screening - 70%
  • Cement (M500) - 20%

From 1 ton of such a mixture, approximately 290 Lego bricks will be obtained. Costs will depend on the price of materials in your locality. Equipment for the manufacture of Lego bricks is available in large quantities on the CIS construction market.

Equipment for making Lego bricks at home.

To work at the start, it is enough to purchase a machine (hyperpress), an industrial mixer and other things - molds (matrices), pallets, shovels, etc.

The cost of equipment for the production of bricks depends on productivity:

  • machines with low productivity up to 1000 pieces per shift (manual or low power) - 90-300 thousand rubles;
  • middle class - about 2000 bricks per shift, price from 350 thousand rubles;
  • industrial equipment or a mini-factory make it possible to produce more than 750 pieces per hour, but the cost is high - from 2 million rubles.

The brick machine consists of the following parts:

  • bunker for bulk materials;
  • dispenser;
  • matrix for forming Lego bricks;
  • pump;
  • press;
  • bed;
  • electric motor (not available in manual units).

Do-it-yourself lego brick machine.

You can make a lego brick machine yourself. Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare certain materials that will become the basis for the machine.

These include:

  • channel;
  • sheet steel;
  • metal corner;
  • a pipe to create a handle and a piston;
  • bolts and nuts.

You will also need a tool. At least a grinder and a welding machine will come in handy. Cylinder racks must be made from channel sections, the length of which is approximately 1 m. The width of the cylinder will correspond to the length of the brick being made. Two metal rectangles must be welded between the uprights in the upper part, which will form a section.

A channel is applied to the resulting structure, the length of which is approximately 0.7 m. It must be placed with the ribs up. It should be welded on one side, and under the protruding part, fasten with supports. After that, a hole is cut above the cylinder, corresponding to its perimeter. The bunker will be welded from a metal sheet. It is important that its width and length fully correspond to the dimensions of the final form. The bunker is mounted on 4 legs, the basis of which will be metal strips welded to the protruding part of the channel. The piston is made of sheet metal. Two pipes should pass through this rectangle.

We make a handle from cutting a pipe and strips of metal, with which the lid will open and close. The handle is attached with long bolts. The corner will be needed to make the base for the machine. A home-made machine will allow you to make two types of bricks on your own. It can be either Lego with holes or full-bodied. It is not worth doing the manufacture of the matrix. Much wiser to buy ready-made.

Necessary raw material for making Lego bricks.

For the manufacture of this material, environmentally friendly substances are used. All components are widely used and available. There is no exact recipe for the preparation of raw materials - the ratio of ingredients depends on the required density and quality.

One of the options for the composition of the mixture:

  • filler - elimination of crushed limestone (up to 90%);
  • binder - cement (7-15%);
  • water (up to 5%);
  • plasticizers;
  • dyes.

Comparison of technical characteristics of Lego bricks against classic ones.

On the net you can find many opponents of Lego technology leaving negative reviews. But take a closer look - basically all the shortcomings of the Lego-brick are far-fetched and have nothing to do with practice. Most likely, these are the same professionals who are terribly upset by the price cuts and the arrival of new people in their business. Let's compare the Lego brick with the usual burnt counterpart in terms of the main technical indicators.

Data taken from open sources. As a starting point, we took the strength of the brick. It can be different depending on the production technology. M150 is the recommended minimum strength for the construction of load-bearing structures.


Currently, Lego bricks are considered as a material of a new generation. They are still treated with interest and wariness. But more and more often, “Lego” (brick) reviews from builders are positive due to the quality of the material and ease of installation, as well as favorable prices, practicality and impeccable appearance. And those are pretty strong arguments.

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