Warm masonry mix which is better. Warm masonry mortar. Warm mortar for ceramic blocks - basic properties

Many customers and builders are wondering whether it is worth buying a special warm mixture for laying ceramic blocks or limit yourself to the usual CFC mortar? Undoubtedly cement-sand mixture cheaper, but at the same time it lacks some important technical specifications.

Benefits of a warm solution

  • Specially designed for porous ceramic blocks to reduce heat loss through mortar joints
  • Due to the special composition with perlite, the mixture is very convenient to use, it is plastic and does not fall into voids.
  • Thermal insulation properties are 4 times better than conventional mortar
  • The output of the finished mixture from 1 kg is 1.6 times greater than that of a conventional solution
  • Easy to mix - just add water

Warm solution consumption

What problem does warm masonry mortar? According to statistics, about 15% of the heat in the house goes through mortar joints. By choosing a warm mixture for laying ceramic blocks, you will improve the thermal properties by 15%, respectively. Since the thermal conductivity of the solution is almost identical to the thermal conductivity of the ceramic block, the wall can be called monolithic.

In addition to the original Porotherm TM mortar, there have long been analogues on the market that are not inferior in quality to the original, for example, Perel masonry mixtures.

Although ceramic blocks have appeared in the field of private housing construction relatively recently, they have already managed to obtain the status of a promising and high-tech material. The hollowness of the structure provides a low level of thermal conductivity, which gave rise to the second name "warm ceramics" for the blocks. Like all materials for building walls, ceramic blocks require installation, it is performed quite traditionally - with the help of masonry. Only now it is advisable to use a special, warm mixture for masonry.

Warm mortar for ceramic blocks - basic properties

Since ceramic blocks are a heat-saving material, in order to obtain masonry with low thermal conductivity, it will be necessary to use special mixtures, in which light porous substitutes can serve as an obligatory additive, such as:

  • vermiculite,
  • pumice,
  • perlite, which are fairly effective heat insulators.

For laying ceramic blocks, a warm mortar is used, the composition of which is as follows:

  • Portland cement - as a binding component,
  • additives of polymeric origin - to improve the plasticity of the finished mixture, accelerate its hardening, increase frost resistance, water resistance,
  • porous fillers.

The area of ​​​​use of warm masonry mortars is quite extensive, except for the laying of ceramic hollow blocks, it is used in the construction of houses from aerated concrete blocks and large-format blocks of cellular concrete. The properties of a warm solution allow it to emphasize all the advantages of the indicated wall materials.


High-quality masonry completely eliminates the possibility of cold bridges, increasing the resistance to the heat transfer process by about 30%. In addition, light fillers make it possible to minimize the pressure exerted by the walls on the foundation. Significant savings can be obtained by reducing the consumption of masonry material.

Due to the high water-retaining capacity of the warm mortar, it is possible to use it in masonry using fine-joint technology. Filling the joints in the masonry with a mortar having a low thermal conductivity can significantly reduce the volume of heat flows penetrating through the masonry and reduce their speed.

At the same time, a warm solution is permeable to vapors, i.e. allows you to maintain optimal humidity characteristics for a person in the house, condensate on the walls in such a room will not settle. Thanks to the use of warm masonry mixtures, home owners will not be threatened by the appearance of fungal and mold cultures on the walls.

Naturally, the owners of the premises will receive savings on the maintenance of the house itself and its heating in the winter.

The consumption of warm mortar for ceramic blocks will be approximately 1.75 times less than conventional sand-cement, due to the low density of the former.

We watch a video about the properties of the solution on perlite, its preparation and application:

Features of the preparation of warm masonry mortar

In most cases, a warm mortar is used when laying exterior walls; for interior walls, a conventional sand-cement analogue is more often used. They prepare a warm solution with their own hands or with the help of a concrete mixer, if the volume is supposed to be large, then it is best to rent a concrete mixer - the speed of the work will increase significantly. You can prepare building dough from packaged ready-made mixtures - you just need to add water to them and then mix thoroughly. From a standard package weighing 35 kg, about 31 liters of the finished solution will be obtained.

If the components are purchased separately, then you will first need to mix all the components in a dry form, only then it will be possible to add liquid.

  • perlite or expanded clay sand is added to 1 honor of the cement binder - 5 parts,
  • For 4 parts of the mixture in dry form, you will need to use 1 part of water.

Water should be used from the water supply, mineral impurities in water from reservoirs can affect the balance of the components of the prepared solution.

The consistency of the finished solution should be medium thick - very liquid will fill the voids of the blocks and reduce them thermal insulation characteristics. Before use, the solution should be allowed to stand for 5 minutes.

If you create a warm solution thick, you will lose its ability to provide secure fastening- ceramic blocks absorb too much moisture - the solution will dry before gaining strength. An excessively liquid solution will lead to an increase in material consumption - losses will increase due to the presence of voids in the blocks. The use of ready-made mixtures will avoid the need to moisten the blocks - a warm solution is able to retain moisture for a sufficiently long period.

The best time for construction is the warm season, low temperatures cause too rapid setting of the mortar, which ultimately does not improve the quality of the masonry. When laying at a temperature below +5 C, antifreeze additives should be added to the solution, but they will not save the masonry from a decrease in strength.

Since perlite is the most popular binder thermal insulation materials, then when preparing a solution, it is customary to replace sand with it. Experts warn that such a composition should not be mixed in a concrete mixer for too long - perlite has a tendency to granulate and form into dense lumps. Having received a homogeneous mass, the mixing process should be stopped.

When laying a private house, tinting can be added to the composition of the solution, this will increase the decorativeness of the masonry, tinting does not have a negative effect on the quality.

To learn how to properly prepare a masonry mortar, watch the video:

Criteria for choosing a composition for the preparation of plaster

In specialized construction stores today you can find dry warm masonry mixes from different manufacturers, which differ in labeling. For buyers, this is very convenient - you can choose exactly the one that fits a specific building material and contains the desired percentage composition:

  • thickener,
  • plasticizer,
  • modifiers.

In 10 kg of dry mixture, from 150 to 200 g of various additives can be included. Ultimately, the quality of the solution, its strength and adhesion determines the balance of the number of modifiers.

Of course, using a warm mortar for ceramic blocks, the price of which far exceeds the cost of a conventional sand-cement, may be considered wasteful by some. Nevertheless, experts advise not to compromise and not to look for mixtures exclusively among cheap analogues - only manufacturers of warm ceramic blocks can usually guarantee the ideal product quality. Spending the same money without having confidence that the product will get enough high performance masonry mortar, it makes no sense.

If we are talking about how to get savings by using the usual sand-cement mixture, then you will need to make it thicker in consistency, and soak the ceramic blocks in water before laying. Only this option will make it possible to obtain a strong and reliable masonry. In this case, the consumption will decrease somewhat, and the amount of moisture absorbed by the ceramic block will also become smaller. To simplify the masonry process, it is recommended to add plasticizers to the mixture.

Experts advise: the thickness of a masonry joint from an ordinary mortar should not exceed 1-1.2 cm, otherwise cold bridges will form, therefore, there will be heat loss.

Watch a video on how to build warm house:

Of course, it is up to the owner of the house to decide whether to use a warm solution or a regular one when building a house. But does it make sense to save about 10% on the cost of the walls, so that later, throughout the entire period of operation, spend extra money on heating the house.

Excellence in any industry is achieved through research, trial, error, development, verification of compound formulas, selection right decisions. The appearance on the market of one building material attracts the arrival the best option for the best layout.

With the advent of hollow ceramic blocks in construction, the best blends for their installation. To date, there are mixtures with different names from different manufacturers, which are designed to connect ceramic blocks and foam materials similar in porosity.

Efficient mixture for hot ceramics

In order to minimize heat loss penetrating through the seams when laying porous blocks, it is recommended to use not the usual solution of cement with sand, but special mixtures containing material with low thermal conductivity (perlite, vermiculite, pumice) and all kinds of plasticizers. The creation of a productive warm mortar for laying ceramic blocks is carried out on the basis of developments and practical tests, evaluations of performance, efficiency and compliance with the required indicators. Developers, technologists of many manufacturing enterprises for the production of technological mixtures.

Special composition

Each manufacturer produces a mixture based on its own standards developed by specialists. All mixtures are sold dry. In a packaging unit (bag with a weight of 20-35 kg) collected required amount mixture that will guarantee the most high quality ready solution. 35 kg of dry mix yields 31 kg of mortar for laying ceramics. As in sand-cement mortar, the primary binding component in it is Portland cement.

An increase in plasticity, frost resistance, water resistance, hardening is achieved by including additives with a polymer base. Porous fillers reduce thermal conductivity. Most customers buy the finished dry mix from various manufacturers, guided by reviews from other consumers and recommendations from experienced builders. Some consumers make the mixture themselves from the necessary ingredients. For this, components are bought in the right amount and mix with each other.

warm solution for ceramic blocks

Heat-insulating masonry mixtures

Warm adhesive for ceramic tiles

Brick laying on a warm cement mortar

Solution preparation

Prepare the mixture by adding to the composition of the specified amount of ordinary, better tap water, at the construction site. Spring and well water may contain various minerals that will cause adverse reactions. Although the solution is called warm, this does not mean that it needs to be diluted. hot water. Mixing is carried out in a concrete mixer. It is not recommended to stir the mixture for a long time, since perlite turns into granulated bryla with increased whipping. Therefore, when a homogeneous mass is obtained, the mixing process is interrupted. A warm mortar for laying ceramic blocks is used for ceramic blocks, as well as in the construction of houses from aerated concrete and cellular foam concrete.

Significant advantages of a warm mortar for laying ceramic blocks

During construction, it is necessary to adhere to those components that are indicated in the approved project. In this case, a comparison with food products would be appropriate. Cake made with butter, vegetable fat, margarine will differ in their taste properties. So a house made of ceramics using a warm mortar will be better than the same building on a cement mortar. Benefits of using a warm solution:

    high-quality connection of blocks without the manifestation of "cold bridges";

    increase in energy efficiency (by 30% or more);

    high strength;

    long service life;

    environmental friendliness and safety for health;

    economy associated with the use of thin-seam masonry technology;

    high level of moisture retention;

    affordable cost.

Although the warm mortar for laying ceramic blocks is more expensive than ordinary cement and sand, its use guarantees the high quality of the constructed buildings. For a specialist, this will be visible immediately, and for a consumer it will manifest itself during the operation of the building.


In order to get a comfortable building, laid out of porous ceramics, aerated concrete, foam concrete, it is necessary to observe the manufacturability of processes and adhere to the guidelines for the use of materials. If experts say that ceramic blocks are best connected with a special warm masonry mortar, then this has significant practical and economic value.

The construction of buildings and structures from ceramic blocks has now become widespread. This is due to the fact that they can significantly save on construction. But few people know what maximum efficiency it is also necessary to use a certain masonry technology. So, for this it is recommended to use adhesive solution, but it can only be used if the thickness of the seam will not exceed 2 mm.

However, this requires a high degree of precision in the manufacture of ceramic blocks. Most common on this moment are products of the second category, which have a dimensional deviation of ±3 mm. Such ceramic blocks require a joint thickness when laying in the range of 8 to 12 millimeters.

If, with such a joint thickness, an ordinary cement mortar is used, this will significantly reduce the thermal insulation characteristics of the wall (by about 30%). Therefore, in this case it is necessary to apply a warm mortar with a low density (the masonry mixture in dry form should not be denser than 1.5 t / m 3).

Characteristics and scope of warm solutions

Today, cottages, residential complexes, administrative and office rooms. The high popularity of this material is associated with such technical characteristics as thermal insulation and high strength.

It is these properties that should be supported by the masonry mixture. Accordingly, the main requirements for it are:

  • Good fixing ability;
  • Low thermal conductivity.

That is why, in most cases, builders use the so-called warm solution, which has a low density, providing it with very high thermal insulation properties. The basis of the warm solution are polymer additives, special mineral fillers and high-strength cement.

Foreman's advice: in order not to miscalculate with the choice of masonry mixture for a warm mortar during the construction process, it is necessary to take into account such characteristics as the ability of the mortar to retain moisture, plasticity, thermal conductivity of the warm mortar and the yield of the finished masonry mixture.

Thermal conductivity will significantly save on heating, maintaining a constant temperature inside the room.

The quality of the masonry depends on the ability of the masonry mixture to retain moisture, because ceramic blocks have a high hygroscopicity. This will prevent the warm mortar from drying out before the blocks are in place.

Plasticity significantly increases the convenience of working with the masonry mixture, due to the fact that it fits very well on the surface.

The yield of a suitable masonry mixture determines how much warm mortar will be obtained during the preparation process. In order for this indicator to be maximum, it is necessary to buy a high-quality masonry mixture, otherwise, having saved on the purchase, you can miscalculate with the expense.

In a word, the difference in price between the cement-sand mixture and the warm mortar more than pays off in winter time year, when, having spent a much smaller amount of fuel, it is possible to maintain very comfortable conditions in room.


AT last years Many new types of wall materials have appeared that have high thermal insulation. However, the desired effect is not complete when using a traditional cement-based masonry mortar. The resulting seams do not have good thermal insulation, it is through them that the buildings are cooled and the cost of heating them increases. Also conventional solutions can cause mold to form on wall surfaces.

Heat-insulating masonry mortar will help to solve the problem. Special compositions help to maintain the thermal parameters of the wall and reduce the heat loss of joints between bricks or large blocks. In their manufacture, porous materials are used, one of which may be perlite.

Features of heat-insulating masonry mixtures

Thanks to the heat-insulating mixture, it is possible to obtain a homogeneous masonry. They possess special composition, which allows you to get a plastic and durable material with high strength. The heat-insulating masonry mixture prevents the formation of cold bridges. Thanks to it, good vapor permeability is ensured. Some manufacturers of ceramic blocks and other thermal insulation materials recommend using warm mixes for their masonry.

When choosing a heat-insulating mixture, it is necessary to take into account the following parameters:

  • density;
  • frost resistance;
  • compressive strength;
  • coefficient of thermal conductivity;
  • use temperature.

Due to the solidification of the porous material, the density decreases and the thermal protection of the material increases. The voids in it, which prevent heat loss, are created through the use of special substances in the composition - expanded clay, perlite, pumice or vermiculite. When preparing the mixture for construction site obtain a uniform distribution of the heat-insulating filler. This means that a high-quality composition can be made exclusively in the factory with careful adherence to technology.

The warm solution should have the following characteristics:

  • plastic;
  • high thermal insulation;
  • sound absorption;
  • good adhesion;
  • decorative attraction;
  • low density;
  • high-quality seam filling.

Preparation of heat-insulating mixture

The composition should be poured into a tank with warm water(About 10 liters of water is required for 25 kilograms of the mixture). After that, it is mixed until a homogeneous mixture is formed. The solution should stand for up to 5 minutes, then it is mixed again for several minutes. It should have a creamy consistency. Third-party substances or additives must not be introduced into the masonry mixture.

The Slavdom company offers to purchase heat-insulating masonry mixtures from such manufacturers as RAUF Therme, Porotherm, PEREL and OSNOVIT. They ship to all cities. Russian Federation. You can get to know the products better in one of our offices, which are located in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Contact us! Our staff will help you choose the best masonry mortar for your purposes!
