Recommendations on how to cover the walls in the apartment instead of wallpaper: modern types of coatings. How to finish the walls in the apartment, except for wallpaper? How best to finish the walls in the apartment

The largest number problems during repairs, the owners, as a rule, create walls in the apartment. How to finish them so as to hide the flaws, and the interior turned out to be unusual, not like that of the neighbors. In addition, I want it to be practical, and not very expensive. Wallpaper is usually the first thing that comes to mind. We will not argue. With the current diversity of their species, it is quite possible to pick up suitable option for any room. Well, then what about the creativity and originality of the interior? And functionality should not be overlooked either. After all, let's say, being in search of an answer to the question: "How to decorate the walls of the kitchen in the apartment?", You begin to understand that the wallpaper is far from the best the best option for this room. Something else is needed, more practical and durable. However, fortunately, the current owners of apartments and houses will not have to puzzle over the problem for a long time. Market building materials so diverse that finding a suitable solution is not difficult. We, in turn, will try to help with valuable advice.

So, what do the walls in the apartment decorate, except for the wallpaper?

General principles

Choosing the right material for the walls, first of all, you need to consider in which room the decoration will take place. This is what you need to get away from. If this is, say, a bedroom or a nursery, then here you need to opt for environmentally friendly clean materials, in the manufacture of which a minimum amount of chemical components was used. If we are talking about the hallway, then you need to understand that a more durable material is best suited for it, because this is the room where the walls are most often touched with hands, so the ability to quickly remove traces of the same hands from the walls without consequences for finishing great value. As for, say, the kitchen, it will require materials that can withstand temperature extremes, the presence high humidity. Talking about how you can finish the walls in the apartment, we will, first of all, touch on the issues of practicality and functionality. As for the interior design specifically, this is not the topic of our review, however, based on our advice, you, due to the abundance of all kinds of colors and textures of the materials we describe, will be able to choose the right option for yourself.

We decorate with plaster

Do you have, to put it mildly, walls in the apartment that are far from ideal? How to finish them quickly, efficiently and inexpensively? Consider the option with decorative plaster. If you accept it, you will deal with two birds with one stone - you will hide defects and ennoble the interior. Yes, and there will be no problems with the design, since the decorative plaster is covered with paint after being applied to the surface. So suitable color it won't be hard to find. And, besides, with the word "plaster" there is absolutely no need to imagine a gray surface, all speckled with sand. Not at all. Today, decorative plaster is so diverse that it can be used to make a textured surface, both antique and marbled. The only drawback of this type of finish, perhaps, is that, without having good skills, it is unlikely that you will be able to make a high-quality finish on your own. However, if you are not particularly wise, and purchase a solution of the "bark beetle" type, then it is quite possible to get by on your own. Well, if you want the walls to be finished or their surface to imitate a stone coating, then here, of course, it is advisable to turn to specialists.


This material is quite well-known and, it seems, can surprise nothing. However, everything is not so simple. Today, ceramic tiles are so diverse that they are used not only in bathrooms and toilets, but sometimes decorate the walls of living rooms and hallways. Well, for the kitchen, this is almost the most suitable option. Its mirror varieties will serve as excellent bedrooms.

PVC panels

Quite often, such coverage is found in offices. However, who said that they should not decorate the walls in the apartment. How to finish the surface if you want the work to be quick and painless, and the coating itself turned out to be durable, beautiful and easy to clean? Of course, you should pay attention to PVC panels. They are just perfect for the kitchen, great for bathrooms and hallways. For budget repair- a great option. Especially considering that all the work can be done independently, it is enough to be able to hold a drill and a screwdriver in your hands. In addition, today plastic panels are produced not only in plain colors, but also with a pattern, which is sometimes so beautiful that you can easily create an amazing interior. Cheap, practical and original.

MDF panels

In appearance, they are similar to plastic, but not as moisture resistant as the second ones. In addition, they are produced, as a rule, only in a single-color version and most often imitate a wooden coating. Nevertheless, if you are looking for an apartment, and even for the material to be not very expensive, then this option is the best fit. These panels are quite resistant to loads, wash well, in addition, you can not only install them yourself, but also hide all communications and surface irregularities under them.


Considering relatively budget options wall decoration, you can not ignore the painting. At one time it was extremely fashionable and was considered a very sophisticated finishing option. Today, painting is not so popular, even though many modern materials have appeared. Indeed, at the very beginning, when such finishing options had just begun to appear (we, of course, do not mean the panels in old Soviet apartments, covered with a nasty green color), they took an ordinary water-based emulsion and added dye to it to get the desired shade. It was far from always possible to achieve the desired result, and such a coating was difficult to clean. No, now there are enough ready-made paints on the market, some of which contain lacquer in their composition, so dirt is simply washed off from them. This finishing method is rapidly losing popularity for another reason.

The fact is that in order to obtain a high-quality result, the desired surface must be carefully leveled and made perfectly smooth. That will require large material costs and the involvement of specialists. Besides, this method considered one of the dirtiest. Tip: to reduce costs and speed up the process, you can first paste over the plastered walls with special wallpaper, and then apply paint on them.

All of the above options are the most common and, by and large, publicly available. And the better to finish the walls in the apartment, if the owners of it are not constrained by funds and can afford to fork out for expensive materials. Let us consider further the most promising options in this regard.


Great option. Natural will create an atmosphere of comfort in the room and will allow you to create any desired interior design, because on this moment it is produced painted in various colors, and at the same time, its inherent character is preserved. In addition, the cork will insulate the walls and will contribute to their sound insulation.

Decorative rock

Another expensive finishing option. But on the other hand, it is also durable, in addition, incredibly refined and emphasizing the status of the owners. And if you do not know how to finish the walls in the hallway in the apartment, consider it. Thus, you will make the interior of this room not only original, but also functional, because such a coating is not afraid of any “injuries” and dirt. Tip: I must say that today on construction markets you can easily purchase a magnificent fake - not a natural, but an artificial decorative stone. And, we dare to say, it was made so high quality that not even every specialist can determine its unnatural origin. Such material will cost you an order of magnitude cheaper, which, by the way, will practically not affect its quality characteristics.

3D panels

A great option for those who do not know how to decorate the walls in the apartment, except for wallpaper. After all, this is a super novelty on the modern market, so it is ideal for those who want to create a creative, “not like everyone else” interior. As for the coverage itself, it is, of course, expensive, but all costs will be covered by its amazing appearance and stunning visual effect that such panels create. In addition, a huge plus is that the installation of such panels can be done by hand. Yes and special pre-training surface is not required. So, don't lose sight of it when choosing the right wall decor.


We told how in the apartment. How to finish them - you choose, of course. But in conclusion of the article we want to give one more piece of advice. Don't discount wallpaper. If you don't want to decorate the walls with them - no need. The choice of materials, as you can see, is more than great. But remember: sometimes a combination of wallpaper and, say, the same decorative stone looks much more interesting than just walls covered only with the latter. In general, fantasize. And you will certainly succeed.

The house has been built, and it would seem that a trifle remains - to complete the interior decoration and you can import furniture. But in order to order the right finish, you need to know the rules for the combination and use of basic materials.

Basic finishing rules

Although the stage itself finishing works comes in the final construction, plan what materials for interior decoration The walls of the house will be used, and in what capacity, preferably from the start. In addition, it must be taken into account that the department itself is divided into start and finish. This means that even before choosing, for example, wallpaper, you will need to finish the walls with drywall sheets or putty. The first method is called "dry", the second - "wet" (because the putty requires work with water). In any case, produced preliminary work:

    The walls are pre-disposed of as much as possible unnecessary elements(self-tapping screws, extra guides), rust is burned out, old elements (if any) are also removed;

    Walls are degreased and are additionally processed if necessary (for example, they are impregnated with a fire-resistant compound or treated for fungus).

Which method to choose depends on the availability of time and money. "Dry" will also require plaster to be applied over drywall, but rather in a single coat.

At a minimum, you will have to putty the joints between the drywall sheets and the recesses left by the self-tapping screws

By the way, with a dry finish it is not necessary to use drywall - it can be MDF sheets or other smooth material. "Wet" is initially inapplicable in some cases - for example, a house made of foam blocks.

Important nuances when choosing a finishing material

Under the final finish is good to have finished design project. If there is none, then it will be more difficult to figure out how many materials are needed, and how you can replace them if necessary. For example:

    If you live indoors all year round , then it is better not to choose MDF panels and plastic. Despite the high class of these materials in current production, they are still not among the most fire resistant and environmentally friendly.

    It is best to pay attention also to material class– any package will be marked with the letter “E” and a number. Anything that does not have a value equal to "1" refers to materials not for residential premises ("E3" is not used at all in a residential building).

    Under no circumstances apply products for exterior cladding inside houses (this is not only impractical, but also harmful).

    For foam block construction option plasterboard finishes from within is the only correct one.

    Under certain conditions (unpretentiousness, first of all), you can the same material finish the ceiling, floor and walls at once. At the same time, it is worth knowing that rack materials are best suited for such use, they can immediately finish the wall and ceiling, but tiles, for example, for floors and walls should have different density and abrasion resistance.

    Thermal insulation, treatment against fungus, moisture and mold perform up to direct finishing internal walls at home, regardless of the characteristics of the laid material that will go on top.

    Materials for wall decoration inside the house, such as wallpaper, tile or paint, will require careful initial preparation and alignment of the walls. If this is not possible, it is better to look at sheet materials.

    When choosing a putty, it is worth evaluating not only the work, but also the approximate drying time all required layers (application will most likely require more than one pass).

    For use in damp rooms(for example, a bathroom) you should not use the same options as in residential ones. Here the requirements are higher.

Behind the beauty of the bathroom is a fairly thick protective "pie"

    For those premises where daily operation associated with mechanical pollution is expected (for example, a kitchen or an entrance hall), it is better to think over the issue in advance additional cleaning surfaces. Do not choose a finish with patterns or corrugations. Most likely, it will look very nice, but it will be difficult to clean.

    Wooden coverings will require the presence of a room with stable indicators of humidity and temperature all year round.

Types of finishing materials

By themselves, materials for wall decoration inside the house have the following general classification:

    Rack(all kinds of lining, cutting boards, PVC and MDF panels) - convenient and inexpensive option in order to quickly close large area. Washes well, easy to repair. There is only one minus here - wooden lining is demanding on temperature and humidity, and plastic parts– not as environmentally friendly as we would like;

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer home finishing and insulation services. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

    Diverse covering(textile, vinyl or linoleum) - wash well, are practical and durable enough, and do not cost as much as panels or shields. Of the minuses is the need to combine with other types, since textiles, for example, collect dust and moisture well, and vinyl and linoleum, when pasted, will not allow the surface to “breathe”. Both options are poorly suited for a bathroom or kitchen;

    Roll polymeric(wallpaper) - a way in which it is possible to imitate almost any surface. Unpretentious, with a rich choice of patterns, wallpapers on the market have long and firmly occupied their niche - and if you have to choose between ordinary or cork or bamboo, it is better (albeit less profitable) to choose the latter option. The most inexpensive paper version, in addition, paper wallpaper do not close the air exchange for the wall, which is very convenient in rooms with a low level of natural light or not an ideal level of humidity. This also includes silk and textile wallpapers, velor, as well as photo wallpapers that make up the picture. Cons - if they are not paintable, it will not work to repair a separate section, you will have to re-paste everything;

    Coatings(acrylic, silicate or silicone paints) - there are a lot of advantages here. For starters, the paint repels dust easily, washes well, has a long service life (over 10 years), and can be used on any type of substrate. But - it requires almost perfect alignment, otherwise any roughness will be noticeable immediately;

Some manufacturers offer not individual colors of paints, but coloring bases to which pigment is added - this way you can get any shade

    Plaster(including decorative) - very demanding on the hands of the master. They are completely different - embossed, Venetian, mineral or structural, simple smooth, textured. They can create any kind of wall effect, and can even be applied to a not-so-well-leveled area. From nice bonuses- plaster usually increases the sound insulation of the room and slightly warms it. Such wall decoration in the house requires additional specification and great experience, so it may not be quite budgetary;

Decorative plaster allows for customization

    Slab(natural and artificial stone and brick, tile itself) – convenient option, but it will require the involvement of skilled labor and the preliminary layout of the pattern, in addition, the tile will be quite fragile not on the walls or floor, so it is not worth storing it for a long time. Laying out the entire room with a stone will also not be very appropriate, designers advise using the coating only for small areas of the room;

To get a good result when finishing with stone, you will need a highly qualified mason

    leafy materials for wall cladding inside the house (this includes, for example, cladding panels for interior decoration, usually having dimensions on one side of no more than 1 m, made of wood or plastic) - easy to operate, reliable, hide wiring or communications inside, and they can be mounted in an extremely short time. The only negative here is the same as in the case of the use of rack structures - plastic is not always optimal, but wooden panels for finishing - the most expensive thing on the market;

Variants of decorative wall decoration in the interior of the house

The finishing material for the walls inside the house looks unusual and beautiful, which is used in relation to the general design idea. So, wooden lining is unlikely to be good decision in the urban version, and embossed putty - for finishing a nursery with a small child.

    A good way to create practical classical bedroom, living room or dining room - use natural wood panels. Oak, pine, maple - all the variety of options will look good;

    In style high tech it is best to use smooth finishing structures: textured putty, plastic, paint will look organic, in addition, designers often suggest not even hiding communications in such solutions (air ducts and pipes are put on display);

In high-tech style, only one finishing material is rarely used.

    Retro and country, on the contrary, deny the use of paint. Here it would be appropriate to look lining or other natural option, as well as artificial stone;

    Provence, baroque or rococo will look great with decorative putty or wallpaper.

Video description

An overview of popular materials for wall decoration, see the video:


Often, when choosing the final finish inside the premises, they are primarily guided by the budget and deadlines. To get the most out of it, contact the professionals in their field and they will help you choose which finishing material for the walls inside the house will be best in your case and make up detailed plan works, including starting finishing.

Repair is not an easy task: everything needs to be foreseen, and at the same time you want it not to drag on for a long time and at the same time, after completion, please you and your loved ones. Therefore, you need to choose materials carefully, guided not only by the appearance, but also by the practical side. In the article we will consider what are the ways of wall decoration.

What can be used to decorate the walls? This question will invariably arise during the repair. The choice of materials depends on your personal preferences, purpose of the room, budget.


The most common finish is wallpaper. The price of the material will depend on the quality. So paper wallpapers are the cheapest. Other types are more expensive. What are the types of wallpaper?
1. Paper. Cheap but safe. They do not contain toxic substances. Just glue them on. But they are short-lived: subject to any mechanical impact. Pets can ruin such a coating very quickly. They are afraid of water.
2. Vinyl. They can be stuck on any type of surface. But they do not allow air to pass through, which means that a fungus or mold can form under the lining.
3. Non-woven. Very dense, they do not need to be glued to a flat surface. They will last a long time and will not lose their appearance over time. But the price for them is much higher than for other types.
4. Fiberglass. This species is not afraid of moisture and temperature changes. They are not afraid of mechanical influences and wet cleaning. But it will be difficult to remove them later. They are very expensive.
5. Textile wallpaper. Made from natural materials, completely safe and will not harm humans and the environment. But they are not easy to care for, they are very picky and dirt and dust accumulate on them.
6. Liquid wallpaper. Although they are called that, they are more like plaster. The application principle is fundamentally different. But such a coating is almost nothing to fear, except for moisture.


Along with wallpapering, cheap materials include paint. Many do not like paint, but modern varieties paints can give your walls a decent look compared to older types of paint.

Paints differ in their composition:
1. Oil. They are practically not used for decoration inside residential premises. They take a long time to dry and smell bad. They are also not entirely safe.
2. Enamel. Suitable for interior and exterior decoration. Wear-resistant and able to withstand any atmospheric conditions. But they have bad smell.
Painting requires significant surface preparation. The walls must be perfectly flat.


GKL sheets are often laid under the cladding to level the walls, but they themselves can also become the cladding material. Before their installation, it is not necessary to achieve an ideal surface condition. Drywall will hide all the imperfections, and you will get an even coating.
Drywall has heat and soundproof characteristics. You will hear less noise from behind the wall and your room will be much warmer. The sheets are easy to install by yourself. However, drywall does not tolerate moisture, which means that it is only suitable for a dry room. The material itself is light and it is almost impossible to install something heavy on it.


Tiles are considered the most common material for the kitchen and bathroom due to their versatility, but they have long been used to decorate other rooms. Design decoration tiles represent a wide choice: it can be any pattern, plain surface or imitation of natural materials.

Wall panels

Paneling has been used for a long time. Only materials change, adding more and more to the list of new raw materials from which they can be made. Panels are chosen for their ability to hide wall imperfections and ease of installation.


PVC panels are more budget types of finishes. They are not afraid of moisture and are very cheap. But the appearance leaves much to be desired. Over time, they will turn yellow and fade. In addition, they are not entirely safe.


Wood is a natural material, it is absolutely environmentally friendly. Just take care of them. Suitable for wall decoration in a private house and apartment. But you will have to pay a considerable amount for material made of wood.


Most often it is used to finish some areas, for example, an apron in the kitchen. But they can cover the walls completely. The design possibilities of glass are innumerable.


Previously, decorative stone was used only for exterior finish, but now they began to use it as a material for interior wall decoration. The main thing is not to overdo it, you should not lay all the walls in a small apartment with a stone. The stone is not afraid of anything: temperature changes, water, nothing is afraid of it. The stone surface is easy to care for. It seems that it is difficult to work with him, but in fact it is not. Robots can be done independently, without the experience of this kind of work.

Decorative plaster

Plaster is known to everyone as a roughing material, but decorative plaster is suitable for front finishing. Plaster is a durable material that will protect the surface of the walls. Decorative plaster is different in its composition. Some types are cheaper, others more expensive.
Plaster is made from natural ingredients, it does not pose a threat to health. The material is quite expensive. Applying plaster is quite difficult, and some types are completely impossible on their own. That's why you have to hire craftsmen.

How to choose materials for wall decoration

Earlier separate view finishing materials were not used in any premises. Now designers are coming up with new combinations and examples of use. It is difficult to choose among such a variety. There are two types of materials on the modern market: natural and artificial.

For decoration in residential premises, of course, natural materials are better suited. But they are much more expensive. Then, when using artificial ones, the main criterion becomes safety for humans. Here the choice depends only on personal preferences. Materials are selected based on the characteristics of the room.

Watch for the presence of toxic substances in the composition. Check product certifications. In addition to harmlessness, materials should also carry a decorative function.


A place of high humidity, accumulation of dirt and constant temperature changes. The kitchen is necessarily divided into two zones: an apron (cooking zone) and a dining area. In these two zones and materials will be different. The apron is trimmed with especially durable materials that are easy to clean.


We do not spend much time in the bathroom, but usually the morning begins with it. So the room must charge on good mood. At the same time, materials should not be afraid of moisture and direct contact with water.

Living spaces

We sleep in the bedroom, so for its decoration it is better to select materials with additional heat and sound insulation. In the nursery, it is better to use natural materials, but at the same time it is necessary that everything is washed well from them. Often children draw on surfaces. There are no special requirements for the living room, the main thing here is the decorative function.

Comparison of different materials

If you are spending repair work independently, it is important that the process does not take a lot of effort and is not difficult.

So during installation, it is easiest to work with wallpaper. It is unlikely that at least someone did not come across them. Another simple option is GKL sheets.

Price. IN price category the cheapest are painting, wallpaper and plastic panels. However, when working with paint, you will have to spend money on other materials for surface preparation.

Moisture resistance. This parameter is key when decorating the kitchen and bathroom. Not afraid of moisture - PVC panels, glass panels, tiles, paint. Other types of finishes will have to be additionally treated with moisture-repellent compounds.

Strength. What could be stronger than stone? He is not afraid of almost anything. Slightly less durable tile. She is only very afraid strong blows, something heavy. But all these materials are easy to repair, dismantling only the area that is damaged. There is no need to disassemble everything.

Life time. Tiles and stone will stand for decades and you will have time to get bored. Plaster and paint will also last for years. GKL sheets will have to be periodically updated by painting.

Care. By and large, it’s easy to take care of any kind of material, it all depends on the variety you choose. So paper wallpapers, for example, will not save anything if dirt gets on them, and washable ones can be wiped off. You can paint as much as you like wet cleaning but only if it is waterproof. The plaster does not collect dust, it can simply be vacuumed or wiped with a dry cloth. Any kind of dirt can be removed from the tile.

Temperature regime. Wallpaper usually withstands small drops, the glue you use may not withstand it. But PVC panels should not be exposed to overheating.

The initial stage of any repair includes finishing the "box" of the room: walls, ceiling and floor. Only after carrying out these works in the room can you arrange furniture and decor. The design of the walls in the apartment is represented by numerous options: from ordinary painting to the original combined finishes modern stone imitation and textured plaster. Surfaces play the role of a canvas against which the decor of the room can play in a special way. After completion of the main work on the design, they are applied finishing touches in the form of decor: paintings, photographs, bas-reliefs, panels. Let us consider in detail the features of choosing a suitable finishing material, the rules for using each of them and decorations that will look unusual in the interior.

What to consider when choosing a finish

Finishing materials for each room must be selected separately. When buying, there are a number of factors to consider:

  • Eco-friendly and hypoallergenic. Naturalness is now in vogue, although the development of technologies for the production of imitations has reached its peak. High-quality PVC is no longer considered unhealthy material, but its fake, concocted on hastily, may release toxic substances into the air when heated. A similar situation has developed with chipboard, fiberboard, MDF. Shredded wood waste must be fastened with a special glue. If earlier they used a synthetic composition, now manufacturers are trying to resort to natural resins.
  • Price. The price plays an important role when choosing a material for finishing, as repairs are limited by the budget. Expensive options, as a rule, are natural, have a long service life. Those materials that are cheaper are not suitable for every interior, and can quickly become unusable.
  • Thermal and moisture resistance. These indicators are of particular importance when choosing materials for finishing a bathroom or kitchen.
  • Terms of operation. Of course, any apartment owner wants the interior for a long time retained its luster and attractiveness. The only exception will be creative people with a changeable mood, who like to change the situation every few years, but this is expensive.
  • Material care. External beauty requires constant care. Before purchasing a finishing material, be sure to familiarize yourself with the intricacies of caring for it. It may be too sensitive to abrasive products or household chemicals. In this case, each time you have to buy expensive compounds or polish the surface with gentle sponges. Not everyone has time for additional work at home.
  • Compatibility with specific rooms. This nuance is extremely important especially for the kitchen and bathroom. They are perfectly combined with tiles, washable wallpaper, brick or stone, but are completely unsuitable for wood, which without special treatment will quickly turn into a rotting hotbed of fungus and mold.

The aesthetic characteristics of the material are also taken into account: color, texture and texture. They are selected in accordance with the chosen style of the decorated room.

Methods and types of finishing

  • Sheathing, that is, fixing any elements on the surface. This includes decorating with tiles, PVC panels, wooden modules (lining or timber), artificial and natural stone, brick, drywall.
  • Finishing by applying a composition that changes the natural texture or color of the wall surface. This group includes painting, plastering or painting.

Now let's look at each method in detail. This information will be useful for those who intend to make repairs with their own hands, but do not know what type of finish will look beautiful and original.


Wallpaper decorate the surface of the walls in any room. The material has no restrictions due to the large range of species. It arose in parallel with the classical style and went hand in hand with it until the beginning of the last century. At this time, new technologies for the production of wallpaper appeared, which made it possible to adapt them to various areas: constructivism, modern, art deco, provence, ethnicity. If earlier the material was not intended to be used in rooms with an unstable microclimate, then its new types have become more durable. Wallpaper is classified into the following types:

  • Paper. The simplest and shortest option. It is produced in two types: simplex and duplex. The first wallpapers are single-layered and serve at most for several years, as they are quickly rubbed and frayed. Duplex wallpapers consist of two layers, and sometimes have a relief. They have a reasonable price, are easily fixed to the surface and allow the walls to breathe, as the paper allows air to pass through. Unfortunately, wallpapers absorb odors, are afraid of moisture and quickly fade. It is not recommended to use the material for finishing the kitchen, bathroom, hallway.
  • Non-woven. They are made from the same paper, but with a slightly modified structure. To make the wallpaper denser and stronger, fabric fibers were added to them. Non-woven wallpaper lasts much longer than paper, but at the same time retained all their advantages.
  • Vinyl. The wallpaper has two layers: the bottom is made of paper or non-woven, and the top is made of foamed vinyl. The option is durable, strong, can have a relief texture that will hide surface flaws. Vinyl wallpapers can be washed, their colors burn out very slowly, and thanks to the paper back, they also easily fall on the wall.
  • Acrylic. They are created using a technology similar to that for vinyl. The surface of the wallpaper is decorated with foamed acrylic. Since the method of its application is spot, the material can pass air. The acrylic layer is slightly thinner than vinyl, so it is considered less durable.
  • Linkrust. A special kind of two-layer wallpaper. It is made by applying a mixture of crumbs of natural materials to a fabric or paper base, which is brought to the state of a liquid paste with the help of alkyd resins. Linkrust can be dyed. It is durable, but does not allow the walls to breathe.
  • Foil. original version double layer wallpaper. Their front side is covered with foil, on which an unusual pattern is applied. Foil wallpapers are very capricious, they are difficult to glue. They emphasize wall defects due to the metallized surface and are expensive.
  • Fabric. They are considered wallpaper classics, the use of which is still relevant today. Matter passes air, but is very capricious in care. It collects dust and absorbs odors, does not tolerate high humidity, so wallpaper is used only in the design of living rooms and bedrooms.
  • Fiberglass. Wallpaper has a relatively low cost and is very hardy. Due to the presence of long fiberglass in the structure, the material allows the walls to breathe, does not accumulate moisture and is slowly covered with dust.
  • Liquid. Innovative wallpapers are sprayed over the surface of the wall and after a certain time freeze on it, forming a neat crust. Wallpapers are very easy to use, because you no longer need to dilute glue, splatter them not only on walls, but also on the floor, and carefully align each sheet.
  • Natural. These include wallpaper upper layer which is made of cork, bamboo, seaweed, reed, straw or jute. They are environmentally friendly, have a pleasant to the touch texture, repel dust, thanks to special compositions on the surface, and allow air to pass through. However, natural wallpapers do not withstand constant contact with moisture, and their cost leaves much to be desired.

Separately allocate photo wallpaper. They can be represented by almost any of the above types, except for liquid, natural and linkrust. The surface of the photo wallpaper is decorated with a print.
It is important to know. There are special types vinyl wallpaper, which are designed for coloring. Their color can be changed up to 10 times.

wall painting

Although staining is considered one of the easiest finishing methods, it is readily used even in expensive interiors where conciseness is valued above all else. The paint is suitable for loft, classic, provence, pop art, Scandinavian, Spanish, rustic, Mediterranean, colonial styles, country and eclectic. It looks great both in the kitchen and in the children's room. In modern styles, a combined method is usually used when a room or studio is zoned using different textures: smooth paint and embossed plaster, wallpaper, brickwork or masonry. All types of coloring compositions are divided into four large groups:

  • Adhesive. These include casein and dextrinated. This is a special kind of ecological clean paint, which is made exclusively from natural ingredients, without harmful chemicals. They do not tolerate contact with moisture, therefore they are only suitable for interior decoration. For example, painting a facade from the outside with adhesive paints will inevitably lead to their cracking and “sliding” from the surface.
  • Water or emulsion. These include acrylic, latex, dispersion, silicone and polyvinyl acetate. The composition of paints contains pigments, a binder base and water, which form an emulsion. It is easily washed off hands and clothes until completely dry, but it does not react to contact with water in a hardened form. Emulsion paints fit well on any surface except glossy, and they are also not recommended to be applied to unprimed metal, as it can lead to corrosion. The paints dry quickly and do not emit an unpleasant odor. They are not resistant to frost, therefore, compositions for decorating external walls in private houses cannot be used. Paints almost do not fade, allow the surface to breathe.
  • silicate. Mineral compositions are made on the basis of glass. They are mainly used for external works due to increased resistance to temperature extremes. silicate paints do not lay down on smooth surfaces: ceramics, metal, glass, stone, plastic. Their application to the plaster of the same name is considered ideal. Silicate paints are almost not washed off. Their service life will be calculated in years. Of the shortcomings of the composition, only the lack of the ability to protect the surface from moisture is noted.
  • Alkyd. Paints are used to color plaster, metal and wood. They are non-toxic and allow the surface to breathe. Compositions are made on the basis of alkyd resins. The group includes only two types: oil and enamel. The first ones are created on the basis of olive and are used for external work, since during prolonged drying the composition releases harmful volatile substances. Enamel is made from lacquer. They can be used in any room, as the composition is not afraid of moisture. The colors have a nice sheen.

Coloring is considered the most simple option decorating walls on a par with plaster. It is also often seen as a quick and cheap way to make temporary repairs.

Decorative plaster

Although initially plaster was used only to correct the surface of walls before applying the base material, now it has also been used as a finish. It is classified into the following types:

  • Mineral. The material has high vapor permeability, does not allow moisture to pass through and is durable, since it is based on cement, lime or gypsum. It is recommended to use mineral plaster for decorating concrete, brick or stone walls. Only the basic White color composition. If you need to get a certain shade, then pigments are added to the plaster when diluted. In addition, special additives with sparkles or stone chips for texture are sold.
  • Acrylic. It is based on synthetic polymers. The plaster has elasticity in the hardened state, therefore, when the walls are deformed, it does not crack. High moisture resistance allows the material to be used for finishing wet rooms (kitchen, bathroom). Initially surface acrylic plaster smooth, the texture can be given to it manually or with the help of special additives that are sold in construction stores. Unfortunately, it ignites easily, so it is not recommended to apply the composition to wood.
  • Silicone. Relatively new material, which does not allow moisture to pass through, has high elasticity and vapor permeability, is capable of self-cleaning when used outside the house. The plaster is based on silicone resins. It has a high cost, which pays off with a long service life (more than 20 years). In terms of the number of color variations, the composition has become a champion, since there are more than 6 thousand of them.
  • silicate. It is based on liquid glass which hardens quickly. Working with the material will require skill. Silicate plaster is durable, elastic, does not allow moisture to pass through, but at the same time it is expensive and has a limited range of colors.

Now Venetian plaster is considered relevant in interior design. It is sometimes also called "seamless marble", as the composition imitates the surface of this particular stone. The plaster can be acrylic, silicate or silicone. It belongs to the textured types, which are applied by spraying, using a roller or spatula. You can get a relief thanks to mineral crumb fillers, or by working with special tools. Stucco is considered a stylistic all-rounder and suits most trends in design.

Wood wall cladding

Wall cladding with wood is only suitable for rooms with a stable microclimate. It is not recommended to trim the kitchen and bathroom with wood. Of the variety of varieties of material deserve attention:

  • Plywood. It has a rather dull surface texture, so it needs to be painted.
  • Clapboard. Long modules are suitable for Russian, Scandinavian or Scandinavian themed decor. country style, provence, chalet.
  • Veneer. Represents thin sheets tree. It has flexibility, original texture and color, used as a final finish.
  • Cork. Soft, pleasant to the touch material allows you to create an incredibly cozy, homely interior.
  • Bar. The material has a rough look, so it is used exclusively in a rustic style.
  • An array of wood. Differs in high cost. Strong and durable material suitable for a range of classic styles.

You can even sheathe the walls with different-sized boards, which will have the original, textured look. A similar design is suitable for eco-style and Provence. In rare cases, surfaces are trimmed with thin wood cuts. complement unusual decoration using the "track" in the room.

Ceramic tile

Ceramic tiles are traditionally used to decorate kitchens and bathrooms. The material is moisture resistant, durable, resistant to household chemicals and abrasive compounds. Depending on the production technology, tiles are classified into two large groups:

  • Bicottura. The tile is subjected to double firing due to the application of an additional layer of enamel. Use material for interior decoration.
  • Monocottura. Subjected to one firing. Some types are used for exterior decoration, as they have frost resistance.

The tile may have a protective and decorative layer of glaze. Such material has an attractive appearance and has a reflective effect. There are also varieties such as cotto, monoporosa, porcelain stoneware, majolica, clinker. The latter option has a particularly dense base, which is obtained by pressing. Clinker is one of the most durable types of tiles. Porcelain stoneware or gres is obtained from several types of clay and fireclay bricks. It is considered a high quality alternative to natural stone.

Decorative rock

Decorative stone is used for finishing kitchens, bedrooms, living rooms and hallways. The material has no restrictions in use. Quartz, acrylic look and porcelain stoneware, conglomerate have high strength. Gypsum decorative stone is considered the only imitation that is afraid of moisture and mechanical stress. The material, in comparison with the original, has a lower weight, which allows it to be used both for decorating the entire wall and for partial decoration (the area around the doors, window openings, niches or accent elements). Decorative stone is flexible, has a rich assortment of colors and textures. It can even be used to finish plasterboard partitions. The stone organically flows into a number of ethnic styles: Spanish, English, French, Italian, Mediterranean.

Wall panels

Panels are considered to be a universal material used to decorate walls, ceilings and objects of complex configuration (columns, pilasters, partitions, arches, niches). They are easy to mount, provide an opportunity to replace a damaged module with a new one without violating the integrity of neighboring ones. If the panels were not damaged, then it is allowed reuse. Depending on the form, the material is divided into three groups:

  • Sheet.
  • Tiled.
  • Rack.

They make panels from wood, plastic or mixtures based on forest industry waste (MDF, chipboard, fiberboard). In the first case, the material can be used in rooms with high humidity only if a layer of protective wax is applied to its surface. Fiberboard and MDF can be used for finishing kitchens, but chipboard is better leave for living rooms and bedrooms. PVC panels are universal, they are characterized by durability, lack of sensitivity to moisture or temperature changes and low cost. Of the minuses, only fragility and possible toxicity are noted if the plastic was made with violations of technology.

PVC panels are suitable for modern styles where plastic would look appropriate. MDF, chipboard and fiberboard harmonize in technical areas in which the use of wooden surfaces is encouraged: classic, modern, minimalism, provence, country.


The use of drywall is advisable in cases where the walls have obvious irregularities or you need to give the surface a special configuration. The material is easily cut, mounted, and the work itself is considered clean and does without a protective film on the floor and soiled clothes. After finishing, drywall can be painted, plastered or wallpapered, covered decorative stone. You can not use only heavy materials as a finishing design, since the base itself is light in weight. For cladding the bathroom and kitchen, a special moisture-resistant type of drywall is used. Material finishing is used for various styles: minimalism, high-tech, colonial, Scandinavian, modern, fusion and even gothic or Moorish. Versatility comes from the freedom to choose a secondary surface.

Modern wall decoration in an apartment is the use of various materials. Today there are a huge number of them - for consumers with different incomes. Of course, their quality is also different. Therefore, before choosing a specific material, it is worth studying their characteristics and features.

Types of wallpaper

Wallpapering the walls is the most common way of finishing. On the market of finishing materials there are an uncountable number of them, different in color, texture, characteristics. To choose best option, you need to figure out what the wallpaper is.

The cheapest and most rustic in appearance are paper wallpapers. They are well suited for gluing wooden walls because they are excellent breathers. However, high humidity in the room can adversely affect their operation.

Vinyl wallpapers are more durable than paper ones. They are not so afraid of humidity. The main advantage of this coating is that it can be washed with a damp cloth. However, vinyl is not suitable for a nursery or bedroom as they are not breathable at all. For gluing such wallpapers, some skills are also needed - you need to work quickly and accurately enough. If the glue contacts longer than it should, the canvases will increase.

Photowall-paper is on sale already ready, and it is possible to order an individual product according to own photo. So, an important event in life can be placed on the entire wall in the room. Just keep in mind that any furniture placed in front of them will block the drawing. Also, a significant disadvantage is that murals can quickly get bored, and will not be included in the nearest plans.


When it is decided which materials to choose, you can move to the market or to the store to buy. After returning home, before starting work, the walls need to be prepared. Old wallpapers are removed (you can leave only paper ones - they will not play special weather). The glue on which they were held must also be removed. All layers of plaster, paint, whitewash that could have been applied to the surface must also be eliminated. This can be done with a metal bristle brush or spatula. After cleaning the wall, it must be leveled, puttyed to give it a smooth state, primed over the entire area.

When the primer is completely dry, you can start pasting. You need to start from the place that is least conspicuous. For example, from behind a door. If the wallpaper is chosen without a pattern, they must be cut into equal strips with gaps of 2-2.5 cm above and below. If they have a certain pattern, it will have to be combined. Then the consumption of materials will be more.

Wallpapering process

Cut wallpaper is smeared with wallpaper glue and superimposed on the wall. You need to smooth them from top to bottom. You need to carefully follow the pattern. When the wallpaper sticks to the wall, it must be carefully smoothed out, removing bubbles and air underneath. Finally, you need to wipe off the remaining glue from the front side.

Wall paint

Another favorite way is to paint them. The main types include the following:

  • alkyd paints;
  • adhesive;
  • water emulsion.

The first type includes Oil paint and enamel. They are suitable not only for interior decoration, but also for exterior. They are not afraid of the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, moisture. However, acid can corrode them, and they can also accelerate the spread of fire throughout the living space in the event of a fire. Such paints are applied over plaster or directly onto wood, plastic, metal. Application method alkyd paints also has options. This can be done with a brush, roller, sprayer. The main difference between oil and enamel paints is the solvent that is needed to dilute them. So, the first is diluted with drying oil or turpentine, and the second with white spirit. It is very important to ventilate the premises well during and after working with these materials.

wall painting

The composition of the adhesive paint is more gentle for the body in the process. It consists of a solution of casein, polyvinyl alcohol, starch, cellulose ethers, etc. They perfectly pass air, remove moisture from the room. However, such paint does not tolerate direct exposure to water (splashes or rubbing with a wet cloth). This is, in fact, the only characteristic that distinguishes adhesive paint from water-based paint, the main components of which are dissolved in water. It lays down perfectly in a dense and even layer on matte surfaces. However, the water-based emulsion will not adhere to the walls opened with adhesive paint or varnish.

Surface painting

Wall painting instruction consists of the following items:

  1. Free the wall from any obstacles (furniture, paintings, clocks, shelves, etc.). At the joints with the floor and ceiling, glue the strips masking tape to protect them from contamination;
  2. Wall preparation. The concrete panel must be cleaned of the remnants of the past coating, cracks repaired, coated with a primer. When the latter dries, assess the condition of the surface, walk sandpaper in the places where it is needed. Remove the formed dust with a damp cloth;
  3. After diluting the paint to the desired consistency, you can proceed directly to the application. You can do this either from left to right, or from top to bottom, or crosswise. Any of these options will allow you to lay the paint in an even layer. The main thing is not to mix these three types, and also make sure that there is no excess paint on the brush. If there are no skills in painting large surfaces, it will be more convenient to use a roller or sprayer instead of a brush.

creative wall design

Creative finishes

IN Lately more in demand creative options. One of them is drywall decor (two sheets of cardboard connected with plaster). It is very convenient to use. Maintains a permanent percentage of humidity in the room, "breathes" well. It does not emit any harmful fumes, so it can be used even where very young children live. Depending on the purpose, drywall has several modifications.

For example, in places with high humidity (such as kitchen, bathroom) use moisture resistant material. It has a greenish tint. On such drywall, fungus and mold will never appear.

In the bedroom, sheets insulated with polystyrene foam will be appropriate. It has soundproofing properties and also holds warm air indoors.

A sheet of gypsum fiber is considered universal. It is strong enough, tolerates moisture well, and will not cause a fire. It is considered an environmentally friendly material.

In the sauna or in the area near the fireplace, fireproof drywall is used. It comes in red. It uses special impregnation modern materials that are not affected by fire for a long time.

In order to cover the wall with drywall, you need to screw metal or wooden profiles to it. Or sheets can be put on glue. It must be applied to the wrong side of the sheet and firmly attached to the wall.

It turns out to be very effective in an apartment or ceramic tiles. The latter is more often used for zoning walls in the kitchen or facing the bathroom. The stone is able to turn the walls in the entire apartment literally into a work of art. This decor looks very good in close proximity to the fireplace. Imitation of naturalness just asks to "settle" next to greenery, forged or porcelain accessories. The interior with such decoration is incredibly romantic.

The disadvantage of this finish is its difficulty to perform independently. Also, in addition to its rather high cost, it requires additional costs for the purchase of varnish for coating and enamel. Plus Special attention should be given to the preparation of the walls. Otherwise, such a finish will not make the proper impression.

It would be useful to dwell on ceramic tiles. It is divided into five types:

  1. For wall decoration (exclusively);
  2. For flooring (without walking on it in street shoes);
  3. For residential and office space(where there is no frequent congestion a large number of people);
  4. For areas with heavy traffic ( public places and organizations)
  5. Universal ceramic tiles (can be laid anywhere, has a very high level of wear resistance).

The first type of wall tiles, in turn, is divided into 8 subgroups. This gradation is determined by the ability to withstand moisture. So, the most practical in this respect is the first, which can absorb no more than 3% moisture. While the second category absorbs already 6%, and the third - 10. It is not difficult to guess that it is most rational to use the first type of such tiles in the bathroom or in the kitchen.

Another criterion for dividing the wall ceramic tiles is chemical resistance. According to this indicator, it is divided into classes:

  • AA - not amenable to the destructive action of chemicals;
  • A - under the influence of chemistry slightly changes in appearance;
  • B - average resistance to such influence;
  • C - weak chemical resistance - loses its presentability at the slightest contact.

Thus, you can be sure that modern wall decoration in an apartment is, first of all, the price of the issue and a matter of taste. Having decided on the overall picture of interior design, it will not be difficult to select the appropriate materials. Moreover, the domestic market is increasingly offering goods High Quality and at an affordable price.
