Acrylic wallpaper harm. What glue to glue acrylic wallpaper. Acrylic paper wallpaper

Paper wallpapers are one of the most difficult materials to work with. Their high-quality sticker requires considerable experience. This is due to the fact that paper wallpapers "show" all the flaws in the preparation of the walls and lose strength when wet. In addition, wet paper loses its linear dimensions. Therefore, it is important to follow the instructions for the preparation of glue and to dose its amount very accurately.

PRIMARILY: Before starting work, make sure that the installation instructions are fully understood. Make sure that the article of the received wallpaper corresponds to the one ordered and the batch number matches on all rolls.

BEFORE CUTTING carefully check the wallpaper for quantity and quality. All discrepancies must be identified before work begins. Claims for the difference in shades or the difference in the article numbers of the received materials, after cutting the rolls into strips not accepted. If a defect is found, immediately stop work and contact the supplier. Marriage claims after wallpapering not accepted. Wallpapering confirms that the goods have been accepted.


The surface of the wall must be smooth, clean, dry, free from dirt and dust. The surface should not be varnished, have areas that do not absorb moisture and greasy spots. Painted surfaces should be rinsed to remove dirt and salt stains or deposits. Surfaces painted with oil paints should be treated with sandpaper. It is impossible to paste over surfaces covered with fresh plaster without prior drying and priming.

To make sure that the wall surface is ready for wallpapering, you can conduct a test: run your hand along the wall, there should be no chalk and other foreign particles left on the palm. Stick a piece of plastic film of any size on the wall, securing it with tape on four sides. If after a day there is no condensation under the film, then the surface is ready for gluing. In Russian climatic conditions (strong temperature fluctuations during the change of seasons), for better wallpaper fixing, we recommend additionally applying paper wallpaper glue or universal glue to the wall surface (as a primer).


Cut 3 strips from the first roll along the height of the ceiling in the room, taking into account the fit of the pattern and an allowance of 5-10 cm. to each lane. The allowance is necessary to align the edges of the wallpaper on the ceiling and floor. For pattern-matched wall coverings, align the next strip of wallpaper with the previous strip (already cut off) until the pattern matches exactly. Do not cut the next strip until you have this sure match. Mark each cut strip pencil on the reverse side in order. It is necessary to glue the strips strictly according to the marking.

3. STRIPE DIRECTION: The sticker of some types of wallpaper is sometimes made by the reverse method (counter sticker). For European wallpapers, this is indicated by the icon:


DROP MATCH- the second sheet of wallpaper when fitting is shifted to the full height of the picture.

HALF-DROP- the second sheet of wallpaper when fitting is shifted by half the height of the picture.

STRAIGHT MATCH- the second sheet of wallpaper, when fitting, shifts relative to the first one to the full height of the pattern with a flip.


RANDOM MATCH- decal without fitting.


Important! Stick no more than 3 strips of wallpaper following the instructions and stop working until the wallpaper is completely dry (48 hours). After that, carefully inspect the surface of the strips, the joints between the canvases and the combination of the pattern. If you are satisfied with the quality - continue to work. Do not continue pasting the remaining rolls if you are not satisfied with the quality of the pasted 3 strips. Keep labels from all rolls until the end of the repair.

Cellulose-based glue (Kleo and similar) is recommended. It is necessary to dilute the glue strictly in accordance with the instructions on the package (the amount of water is for light wallpaper). Glue is covered with wallpaper. Apply glue to the back of the wallpaper in the amount indicated in the instructions. Make sure that the entire canvas is evenly covered with glue, especially the edges. Don't use a lot of glue, it's better to add it to the wall when pasting the strip. If there is too much glue, it will come out at the joints and can get on the front side, which should not be allowed.

After applying the glue to the canvas, it must be folded with the glue inside and allow the glue to soak the base material. This takes 5 to 15 minutes depending on the type of wallpaper. Fold the strip as follows. Fold the top third of the strip towards the center, and fold the remaining 2/3 towards the center so that the top and bottom edges of the strip are in contact. When folding wallpaper, avoid kinks! When folding the strip, make sure that its edges lie flat. The strip smeared with glue should not be left for more than 20 minutes so that the glue does not dry.

After pasting the top half of the wallpaper strip, begin to unfold and align the remaining bottom part so that the previous strip fits into the newly pasted one. Make sure the drawing lines up correctly. Gently smooth the canvas with a special roller or wallpaper brush (do not use a wallpaper spatula, you can damage the wet surface of the wallpaper) in order to eliminate the formed bubbles. This defect can only be completely eliminated immediately after gluing, in a very short period. The appearance of small bubbles under the wallpaper is normal, they will disappear during drying. Try not to use force when smoothing the wallpaper, do not press hard on the surface, gently smooth the canvas from top to bottom and from the middle to the edges, do not stretch the wallpaper strips along the length and width. This can stretch the wallpaper, cause misalignment of the pattern along the edges of the rolls, or cause gaps between the strips after the glue dries. Press down all seams lightly with a seam roller. Repeat the procedure with the remaining wallpaper strips.

Seam the edges of the wallpaper with a tapered seam roller to get good seams. The edges protruding from above and below are cut off with a knife and a metal spatula. When gluing, do not allow glue to get on the surface of the wallpaper, stains are difficult to remove and their complete removal is not guaranteed. Residues of glue should be removed with a dry sponge, without rubbing the glue over the canvas. All protruding adhesive must be removed before the surface dries. During wallpapering, avoid drafts in the room.

Periodically check already glued strips for air bubbles. Remove large bubbles as above. Small bubbles can be removed by gently pricking them with a thin needle and squeezing the air out of them.


The manufacturer recommends wallpapering first. It is preferable to glue the borders after the base coats have dried. Drying time depends on air temperature and humidity in the room. Use a special border glue to stick borders. Glue is applied to the back of the border.


Don't use too much glue.

Do not allow adhesive to come into contact with the surface of the material.


acrylic coating

Do you want to choose an inexpensive, aesthetic and attractive finish for your walls? You should buy paper wallpaper with acrylic coating. The material is supplied in rolls and consists of a paper base coated with a thin acrylic substance.

Acrylic coating is applied pointwise, so that the material fully retains the ability to "breathe". In addition, thanks to this spraying, the wallpaper acquires additional volume and decorativeness - looking through paper wallpapers with acrylic coating in the photo in the interior, you will see the most expressive design solutions.

Features of paper wallpaper with acrylic coating

The catalog of acrylic coated paper wallpapers includes many different solutions:

  • colored and plain canvases;
  • with a pronounced texture or applied pattern;
  • in the style of classic, ethno, minimalism, country, hi-tech, modern and so on.

It is important that the price of acrylic-coated paper wallpapers remains affordable - this is one of the cheapest wall coverings, which is distinguished by wear resistance, durability, and hygiene.

Acrylic wallpaper for the home - advantages and disadvantages, application.

Acrylic wallpaper is an analogue of foam-type vinyl wallpaper, only in this case the vinyl is replaced with acrylic coating. This decorative material is widely distributed in Russian stores, and, due to its beauty, is dearly loved by our citizens. What exactly are such wallpapers, I will tell in this article.

History of acrylic

The term "acrylic" means the colloquial name of a special polymer used in the production of high-tech finishing and building materials (paints, sealants, etc.). Also, acrylic can be used to create sanitary ware, kitchen countertops and more. Acrylic was invented in Germany in the 30s of the last century. True, in those days it was organic glass without special additives, which had worse characteristics than modern acrylic. Over time, organic glass has been actively used to create various polymers, united in a group called "acrylic".

What is acrylic wallpaper?

Speaking of acrylic type wallpaper, they mean paper wallpaper with acrylic coating. That is, the canvas has a paper base, on which a layer of foamed acrylic is applied on top. The applied layer forms a relief pattern on the surface. I note that the application is carried out not with a continuous film, but with a special point method. This allows the acrylic-coated wallpaper to receive such an important characteristic as breathability. Good ventilation guarantees the normalization of the microclimate of the room, as a result of which you may well buy them for the walls of the living room.

Pros and cons of wallpaper with acrylic coating

In principle, if you know about all the disadvantages and advantages of vinyl wallpaper, then you will understand the pros and cons of acrylic without any problems. But there are still differences.


Firstly, acrylic wallpapers have less wear resistance and moisture resistance, which affects both their durability and the difficulty of caring for them. Secondly, with regard to decorative qualities, they are more limited for the wallpapers considered in our article. As a result, when buying them, it is necessary to focus on the harmony of the combination of such wallpapers with the rest of the interior. Fortunately, you can choose the right wallpaper for the photo without leaving your home. Thirdly, the thickness of the foam layer for acrylic wallpapers is 1.5-2 millimeters, while for vinyl wallpapers this layer reaches 3-4 millimeters. And if you take acrylic wallpaper for painting, then the number of possible stains will be sharply limited.


Firstly, vinyl wallpapers are more expensive, which means they are less affordable than acrylic wallpapers. Secondly, acrylic-coated wallpapers are durable and practical, which allows them to be used in any room, in any conditions, regardless of the level of humidity. Thirdly, acrylic wallpaper can be washed frequently, without much difficulty and fear for their safety. Fourthly, the wallpapers are protected from mechanical damage, as a result of which they can be used in homes with pets or small children. Finally, fifthly, acrylic-coated wallpaper is absolutely safe for health. The question “are they harmful” is not raised by experts at all, so you don’t have to worry about harmfulness.

How to clean acrylic wallpaper?

Cleaning acrylic wallpaper has its own characteristics, but if everything is done correctly, then you will not experience any difficulties in the process. As practice shows, one cleaning is enough for quite a long time. Remember that the use of abrasive substances for care is prohibited, as they can ruin the canvas without the possibility of its subsequent restoration. It is best to clean with a soft, damp cloth, without detergents. Pure water for wallpaper will be quite enough, but you cannot be responsible for detergents, or rather, for their composition. Careful cleaning leads to the fact that the acrylic wallpaper acquires a perfect appearance.

Aesthetics of wallpaper with acrylic coating

On the surface of the wallpaper, you can find pronounced relief elements. The drawing is more like strokes with a wide brush or raised dots. The canvas, by the way, may not contain any pattern. This is also allowed. As for the aesthetics of the canvas, it is unlikely to affect its value, with the exception of any wallpaper from the collections of famous designers. Therefore, choose the look of your choice. In a classic interior, it is better to take wallpaper to match the color scheme of the room, with the appropriate pattern. And if your room is decorated in a modern style, acrylic wallpaper in a bright contrasting shade that does not contain a pattern, or liquid wallpaper, will do. In other words, acrylic wallpaper will suit not only innovators, but also conservatives.

Acrylic wallpapering

As for how to glue acrylic wallpaper, the recommendations here are similar to gluing vinyl wallpaper. Prepare the wall, walk on it with a primer, hiding large and small cracks and bumps. And only after that start the process. At the end of gluing, you can use paint for aesthetics or varnish to increase durability.

Other "non-standard" wallpapers:

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  • What kind of paper wallpaper for walls (paper-based) for painting is better to buy?

  • Application of concrete contact primer - characteristics, application, consumption.

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Acrylic has been used in construction for a long time and is densely used - it is a good sealant-putty for floor coverings, and glue, and paint, and decorative plasters, putties, and much, much more. Moreover, the scope of use of this material is constantly expanding - wallpaper has become the latest novelty using acrylic. According to the manufacturers, they are quite capable of replacing their structural counterparts, made from weak foamed vinyl. Compared with them, acrylic wallpapers have a lot of advantages - it is with them that we will deal in this article, in which, together with the website, we will study their features - we will get acquainted with the advantages and disadvantages, varieties and gluing technology.

Wallpaper acrylic on paper basis photo

Acrylic wallpaper: advantages and disadvantages

By and large, if we compare vinyl and acrylic, then the latest wallpapers can have a lot of advantages, which are expressed both in performance and in some useful properties. If we talk only about the main advantages that acrylic-coated wallpapers have, then among them the following points can be distinguished.

And this is not all the advantages of this finishing material - among the smaller ones, one can mention rather high strength, low weight, which in itself eliminates the need to use strong adhesives, as well as a simple gluing technology that everyone can handle. As for the shortcomings, here one can only single out their ability to attract dust, which is due to the deep structure of the wallpaper. In principle, this can be put up with, taking into account the high aesthetic characteristics of this coating.

Types of acrylic wallpaper and their features

Another disadvantage of this material (not very significant) can be called a small number of varieties. There are two of them, but this in no way indicates a limited choice - here it is just the opposite. There are few specific types, and the variety of colors, shades and structures, as they say, is a great many.

That's all. All other varieties of acrylic wallpaper are due to the structure (in most cases, this is a drop of different sizes) and a pattern that can have both an abstraction and a completely artistic design. By the way, the simplest and cheapest acrylic wallpapers have a pattern in the form of a multi-colored drop - with a hopper (special spray gun) at hand, such a drop can be applied directly to the wall, and it will cost even less than buying such wallpapers. Naturally, if you do not hire a master for this work.

Paper wallpaper with acrylic coating photo

How to glue acrylic wallpaper: features of working with them

As you understand, the two subspecies of acrylic wallpaper described above have slightly different gluing technologies - the difference is due to the properties of the base, which all master finishers are familiar with. But these are not the only subtleties and nuances associated with decorating walls with acrylic wallpaper - there are not so many such nuances. As they say, one, two and miscalculated.

In principle, this and all the so-called subtleties. In all other respects, the technology of gluing acrylic wallpaper is no different from applying other types of paintings to the wall. This is the same process of leveling the walls, the same, the same vertical for gluing the first strip and the same principle of joining the canvases. In general, nothing unusual and super complicated.

In conclusion of the topic about acrylic wallpaper, it remains to add only one thing - to say a few words about the proper care of this decorative wall covering. It should be understood that competent care is a service life at least twice as long. Caring for such wallpaper is not very problematic. As mentioned above, such wallpapers do not tolerate abrasive treatment - they love a soft, damp cloth. Although we mentioned above that detergents can be used to clean the acrylic surface, it is still better not to do this - if you replace them with ordinary laundry soap, then the cleaning efficiency will not suffer from this.

Acrylic has established itself as an excellent component in the composition of a huge number of building and finishing materials, including adhesives, plasters, paints, putties, and various sealants. In addition, it is used in the manufacture of sanitary ware. Acrylic wallpaper has become an interesting option for its use, but not everyone knows what kind of wall coverings it is.

Structurally, this is an analogue of vinyl wall coverings, except that it is acrylic spraying that is used for the decorative layer. Therefore, on the shelves of stores they can be found as acrylic vinyl wallpaper.

Types and characteristics of acrylic wallpaper

The process of making canvases with acrylic is almost identical to the production of vinyl. It consists in the point application of an acrylic polymer to the base. The blanks go through a stage of high-temperature exposure, as a result of which acrylic, like polyvinyl chloride, foams and forms a beautiful relief.

Externally, the canvas is a surface dotted with many dotted swellings. Structurally, acrylic-coated wallpapers consist of two layers - a base and a decorative layer. Depending on the type of base, two groups are distinguished:

Acrylic paper wallpaper

This happens as a result of prolonged contact of the wallpaper with a moist adhesive environment. Moreover, water has a detrimental effect not only on the paper base, but also on the spraying elements. Therefore, freshly glued paper acrylic wallpaper should be immediately glued to the wall.

The advantages of such material are many. This is both a longer service life and less exposure to impacts. At the same time, non-woven fabric is an excellent reinforcing base.
