Canned saury: the benefits and harms of a famous seafood. Canned fish soup - a low-calorie quick lunch Canned saury soup calories

Soup with canned fish and rice is not only affordable, but also a healthy dish. Canned fish do not contain harmful impurities, soy, such as meat. Fish contains many useful substances and vitamins A, B, D, proteins and amino acids necessary for any organism. Eating saury will have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, heart function and brain activity.

This dish is prepared very quickly and does not contain products that can harm the body. In addition, it is not at all high-calorie - suitable even for those who monitor weight. In one serving, the calorie content of soup with canned fish and rice is 132 kcal standard sizes (about 250 ml).

Energy value per 100 grams of product:

Calories: 52.8 kcal
Proteins: 2.3 g
Fat: 3.5 g
Carbohydrates: 3.2 g

But no matter how many calories are in food, I want to reduce it further: for this, you can change the recipe a little and not put potatoes, but find an alternative product for it, for example, grated carrots or red peppers and drain the oil from the fish, then there will be very few calories.

I really love canned fish, I like their taste in pies, in salads, in soups ... Among my friends there are many who also love them - for ease of use and taste. Even a child can cook soup from canned food. And I will calculate approximately the calorie content and reveal my cooking secrets.

Main products

  • Saury (canned fish) - 200 g
  • Potato - 200 g
  • Carrots - 60 g
  • Onion - 60 g
  • Boiled rice - 100 g
  • Olive oil - 10 g
  • Salt, spices, bay leaf

Designed for a 1.5 liter pot.

How to make canned soup

  1. Pre-boil the rice, but not to the end, but so that it remains slightly harsh.
  2. Put the pan on the fire, pouring water into it a little more than half.
  3. Grate carrots.
  4. Finely chop the onion.
  5. Fry onions and carrots in a small amount of vegetable oil, until slightly golden. Don't overcook!
  6. Peel potatoes and chop finely. I use a shredder and cut the potatoes into very small strips (3-4 mm).
  7. Throw potatoes, rice and sautéed carrots and onions into a pot of water at the same time
  8. Boil vegetables for 10 minutes.
  9. At this time, open the canned food and drain the brine and oil from them. Leave only the fish.
  10. As soon as the alarm clock squeaks the measured 10 minutes, put canned food, spices (I have Provence herbs) and bay leaf into the soup. Stir, taste and season to taste. Pour boiled water to the top of the pot.
  11. Cook for 2 minutes, then turn off.

The soup will take no longer than 20 minutes to cook. If you do not like finely chopped potatoes, then the soup will cook longer. I get a thick soup, but the vegetables in the puree do not fall apart, this is not a puree soup. 60 g of onions and carrots, this is about 3 tbsp. spoons, grated and chopped. A small onion with a diameter of 4-5 cm weighs about 30 g.

As for canned food: there is a doubt what kind of oil the fish is filled with, the composition simply mentions vegetable oil. But it can be any vegetable fat (rapeseed, soy, any), because the jar does not indicate “sunflower”, but vegetable oil. Therefore, I drain it, but add olive oil when sautéing vegetables.

By the way, the calorie content of canned fish is considered not by the fish, but by the entire contents of the jar. The saury fish itself is not too fatty, and the high fat content of canned food is just due to vegetable oil. Therefore, in calculating the calorie content, I recalculate canned saury without brine, with which it is filled.

Rice for this and other soups (for example, pickle) I use long-grain, steamed. It took about 870 g of water for a 1.5 liter pan.

Nutritional value of products:

Products Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates kcal
Potato 1,68 0,1 13,3 62,3
Carrot 1,3 0,1 10 47
Onion 1,4 0,2 8,5 41
Rice (steamed) boiled 2,24 0,32 22,7 105
Saury canned 19 12 0 184
Vegetable oil 0 100 0 900

Canned saury soup, nutritional value.

Saury soup can be safely called tasty, healthy and quick to prepare. It is especially popular among busy housewives who do not have much time to cook dinner. High-quality canned fish cooked in tomato sauce or in its own juice is an excellent basis for whipping up a delicious first meal.

An outstanding feature of saury canned fish soup is the simplicity of the cooking process. The classical algorithm can be changed, supplemented at will. For a thicker consistency and bright taste, it is boiled with rice, millet, pearl barley, and other cereals. From vegetables, onions, carrots, roots are used, which are fried in oil. More often, yushka is cooked with potatoes, but there are recipes without it.

The dish will be useful for the whole family, even for children, because. contains a lot of useful substances needed by the body. Indeed, in high-quality canned food, almost all the nutritional value of fresh fish is preserved. But it is better for a child to cook without frying, and lay everything raw.

Below we present to your attention the recipes for saury soup with photographs, which will detail the entire cooking process. Following it, you can easily cook any of the presented dishes.

How many calories in saury soup

If you use canned fish in oil, then the calorie content of canned saury soup will vary between 50-70 kcal per 100 g. But if you cook the first one with saury in your own juice, then the calorie content will decrease significantly.

Servings: 6.

Time: 40 min.


  • 5 potato tubers;
  • 1 can of canned food (250 g);
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 1-2 leaves of laurel;
  • 4-5 black peppercorns;
  • 0.5 bunch of greens;
  • a little table salt.
  • Cooking fish soup from canned saury is not difficult at all. The main thing is to use natural products, then there will be maximum benefit.

    Rinse, clean all the listed ingredients. Onion finely cut into cubes, and carrots into three medium chips. Fry the prepared root crops until a soft transparent state.

    We cut the potatoes into medium slices, lower them into boiling water, adding larushka, peppercorns, salt. When the contents boil for 5 minutes, add the roast, mix, cook until tender.

    Open the canned saury, take out the pieces on a plate, chop with a fork. If desired, we remove the bones, the remaining juice can be left in a jar or poured into a saucepan, but then it will become fatter.

    When the pieces of tubers become soft, we continue to prepare the recipe for canned saury soup. We lay the pieces from canned fish, mix, and after 5 minutes of slow boiling, turn off the heat. Serve the classic soup, as in the photo, hot, sprinkled with chopped fresh herbs.

    Recipe for saury soup with rice and potatoes

    Servings: 6.

    Time: 0.5 hours.

    Calories per 100 gr.: 68 kcal.


  • 3 tbsp white polished rice;
  • 1 jar of canned food;
  • 1 beam head;
  • 2-3 potato tubers;
  • 50 g capers;
  • 1 medium carrot;
  • 2-3 lemon slices;
  • 2 laurels;
  • 1 small bunch of greens;
  • 1-2 pinches of pepper and salt;
  • 0.5 tsp sweet paprika;
  • 2-3 liters of water.
  • We start cooking soup with canned saury and rice by peeling root crops. My tubers, clean, cut into cubes. Fill them with cold water, send them to the stove, cook after heating for about 12 minutes.

    In the meantime, prepare the onions and carrots for frying in the usual way. We pass everything to a slightly ruddy state. Add the finished frying to the canned fish soup. Next, we fall asleep washed raw cereals. Cook with rice should be no more than 10 minutes. At this stage, season the soup from canned saury with rice with spices, salt to taste.

    Continuing to cook with rice, open a jar of fish, knead its contents with a fork, put it in a saucepan. After 3-5 minutes of low boiling, add capers, lemon, chopped greens to the soup recipe with saury and rice. Before serving, it should be thoroughly insisted under the lid for 15 minutes, otherwise it will not work deliciously.

    This step-by-step recipe will help novice cooks prepare a delicious and nutritious treat with rice.

    Recipe for saury soup with rice without potatoes

    Servings: 4-5.

    Time: 0.5 hours.

    Calorie content: 62 kcal per 100 grams.


  • 1 can of tomato (in its juice);
  • 1 jar of canned food;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 3 tbsp long rice;
  • 1 can of beans (white canned);
  • 50 ml vegetable oil;
  • a little salt and spices;
  • 2 liters of water.
  • This soup with canned saury and rice is prepared with tomatoes, which give a beautiful shade and a pleasant subtle tomato flavor. We start cooking fish soup with rice by putting some water in a saucepan on the stove. When it boils, add the juice from the can of tomatoes.

    While the contents are boiling, open a jar of beans, throw it into a colander. The beans themselves are dipped into the pan along with the washed cereals. Because this is the first with canned fish prepared without potatoes, then the beans will come in handy here. Next, lay the pieces of fish, mix, simmer over low heat for five to seven minutes.
    Then we add sautéed onions, stewed for 5 minutes with peeled tomatoes from a can, to the rice soup with canned saury.

    Ready rice soup, as in the photo, season with spices, serve hot with black bread.

    Saury soup recipe with potatoes

    Servings: 5-6.

    Time: 0.5 hours.

    Calorie content: 52.3 kcal per 100 grams.


  • 4 boiled eggs;
  • 1 jar of peas (green);
  • 1 can of canned food;
  • 2-3 medium potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 0.25 kg of seaweed;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • 30 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 1 bunch of greens;
  • some salt and spices.
  • Cooking soup with potatoes and saury is as easy as shelling pears, but for gourmets we suggest cooking it with seaweed, egg and green peas. Next, step by step consider the recipe with a photo of this first dish.

    So, first, heat the water to a boil in a saucepan. We clean the root crops, cut the onion into small cubes, three carrots. In a frying pan, fry the chopped onion for a couple of minutes, then add the carrot, simmer everything until soft. Cut the tubers into medium slices.

    As soon as the liquid boils, we send the potatoes to boil. Meanwhile, peel and chop hard-boiled eggs. To the finished root crops, add pieces of fish, roast, chopped seaweed and pea grains. Season everything with spices to taste.

    Ukha without rice is cooked for another 5 minutes at low heat, seasoned with chopped eggs and chopped herbs.

    Using the same algorithm, you can cook soup with millet and potatoes, excluding peas and cabbage.

    Recipe for a delicious saury soup with millet

    Servings: 4.

    Time: 40 min.

    Calorie content: 78 kcal per 100 grams.


  • 200 g of cheese (processed);
  • 1 can of canned food;
  • 3 potato tubers;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 100 g of millet groats;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 1.25 liters of filtered water;
  • a little salt and black pepper.
  • Fish soup with millet and melted cheese will be a hearty addition to any family meal. Of course, the calorie content of the fish dish will increase slightly with cheese, but the taste will become soft and rich. So, let's start cooking the recipe with a photo step by step.

    Cooking cheese soup from canned fish with millet is extremely simple. We clean the carrots, onions and potatoes. We cut everything as usual. We heat water to 100 degrees for saury soup with millet. We start cooking fish soup with the laying of raw chopped root crops.

    In the meantime, sorting, scalding millet, because. without this procedure, it is often bitter. After 10 minutes of cooking vegetables, we continue to prepare a recipe from canned millet and lay the prepared cereal.

    We put the cheeses for a short time in the freezer to make it easier to grind them, then we take them out, remove the wrapper, rub them. To the contents of the pan with vegetables and millet, add grated cheese, chopped fish. We cook a canned fish soup with millet for about 5 more minutes and turn off the heat. Serve hot with greens.

    Recipe for fish soup from canned saury in oil

    Servings: 4-5.

    Time: 45 min.

    Calorie content: 65 kcal per 100 gr.


  • 2-3 large potatoes;
  • 1 can of canned food (in oil);
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 1-2 laurels;
  • 1 tbsp sunflower oil;
  • 1 bunch of fresh herbs;
  • 2 liters of clean water;
  • a little sea salt and pepper.
  • We are starting to cook soup from canned saury in oil, and the photos will help you quickly navigate all the processes. The step-by-step recipe starts with peeling the tubers. We clean them, coarsely chop, lower them into a pan with cold water. We heat the contents to 100 degrees, cook the root crops until half cooked.

    In the meantime, we clean the onions and carrots, cut the heads into medium cubes and the root crop into thin half rings. To make the soup from canned fish in oil delicious, it is better to brown the vegetables. And in order not to add extra calories, we use quite a bit of oil.

    Put the browned vegetables into the boiled contents, mix, cook for a quarter of an hour. At this stage, the recipe can be supplemented with buckwheat, green peas or vermicelli.

    We take out the fish from the jar, select large fragments of the ridge, and divide the fillet into large pieces. Fish in oil is added at the very end, when all the other ingredients are ready. Do not forget to add the gravy from the can, as it will give you the right taste and aroma. We also put lavrushka, salt, pepper and after 3-4 minutes we remove the dish to the side, adding chopped greens.

    Step-by-step recipe for canned saury soup with barley

    Servings: 7-8.

    Time: 0.5 hours.


  • 5-6 medium sized potatoes;
  • 1 jar of canned food;
  • 0.5 st. barley;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 3 laurels;
  • 3 tbsp sunflower oil;
  • 6 peppercorns;
  • 2 liters of settled water;
  • 1.5 tbsp sea ​​salt.
  • Before preparing the first one with canned fish and pearl barley, it is necessary to soak well-washed cereals for a couple of hours. Then the barley recipe will require less cooking time. Then we boil water with salt, lower the swollen pearl barley thrown into a colander there.

    In the meantime, clean the vegetables. We cut the tubers into a medium cube, and the onion into a small one. Three carrots on a medium grater. Fry the onion with carrots until golden brown, so that the soup with saury and barley turns out tastier.

    We wash the chopped potatoes under running water to wash off the starch, and add them to the pan with barley, which has reached half readiness.

    When the root crops are almost ready, lay the entire contents of the jar of fish. We also add roast, lavrushka and spices to the canned food dish with pearl barley. Simmer the dish for another 5 minutes, remove to the side.

    As you can see, it is not difficult to cook a yushka with canned fish.

    Canned saury fish soup for children

    Servings: 7-8.

    Time: 30 min.

    Calorie content: 59 kcal per 100 gr.


  • 1 can of canned food;
  • 6 potatoes;
  • 1 medium carrot;
  • 1 small onion;
  • 1 lavrushka;
  • 2 liters of settled water;
  • 2-3 sprigs of dill;
  • sea ​​salt.
  • If you doubt whether a child can have soup with canned saury, then without a doubt offer such a dish to your child. The soup is very simple and dietary, and cooking does not take much time. The main thing is to always make a choice in the direction of a quality product from a trusted manufacturer.

    To prepare a delicious soup with canned food, wash, clean vegetables, put a pot of water on the burner. In the meantime, you need to cut potatoes into cubes, cut carrots into thin circles, and onions into small fragments.

    In boiling salted water, lower the cut, lavrushka, cook for a quarter of an hour. We open the canned food, take out pieces from the jar (pink salmon is also suitable), divide into medium fragments. We supplement the first canned food for the child with pieces of fish, cook for another 10 minutes, remove from heat, adding chopped dill. We serve saury soup for children with parsley croutons or white bread. If desired, the recipe for canned saury soup can be supplemented with pasta or any cereal.

    Fresh saury soup

    Servings: 4.

    Time: 35 min.

    Calorie content: 44 kcal per 100 gr.


  • 300 g of fresh fish;
  • 1 onion;
  • 50 g vermicelli;
  • 2 laurels;
  • 5 g of dried dill, black and allspice;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 15 g fresh dill.
  • If we cook from fresh fish, then, first of all, it is necessary to defrost the seafood in a gentle way, gut it, and cut it into portions. To prepare fish soup, bring water to a boil in a saucepan, send chopped tubers with onions and spices there.

    When the potatoes are completely ready, we supplement it with vermicelli, mix. Next, lay the pieces of fish. Cook yushka with fresh saury for another 5-7 minutes. Then season with dry dill, bay leaf and pepper. And after a couple of minutes, remove from heat, insist before serving for at least 10 minutes.

    Servings: 6.

    Time: 40 min.

    Calorie content: 54 kcal per 100 gr.


  • 1 can of fish in tomato;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 handful of noodles;
  • 2 tsp tomato paste;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 1 pod of sweet pepper;
  • 1 bunch of greens;
  • 1 lavrushka;
  • 1 pinch of salt and black pepper;
  • 2 liters of water.
  • It is very simple to prepare soup, as in the photo with canned saury. First, rinse, peel, cut potatoes into slices. We put the root vegetables in a saucepan with cold water, quickly bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and cook.

    In the meantime, clean, grind the rest of the ingredients separately. Saute the onion in a frying pan. After 5 minutes, throw the grated carrot, mix, bring everything to a soft state.

    We add the roast to the tomato soup along with the tomato paste diluted in water. After a couple of minutes, we take out canned food in tomato sauce and send it after the vegetables.

    Bon appetit everyone!

    Here are some helpful tips to help you make your soup tastier:

  • add not only the fish, but also the gravy itself, because. all taste and aroma are concentrated in it;
    to speed up the cooking process, chop root vegetables and carrots as small as possible;
  • the vitamin version can be cooked from nettles and other vitamin greens;
  • if you stew canned food with frying, then the dish will come out much more aromatic.
  • Among the hearty, tasty and healthy dishes that can be quickly prepared, soup with canned saury is one of the simplest and most loved by many. This fish, even after canning, retains a rich mineral composition, contains valuable fatty acids and antioxidants.

    Let's figure out how to cook delicious Saira canned fish soup, list the dietary effects of this dish and all kinds of additions to its composition.

    Recipe for canned fish soup "Saira"

    The general cooking technology is short and uncomplicated - the base of the potato soup is cooked with fried carrot and onion dressing, and shortly before the vegetables are fully cooked, the contents of the can are added to the pan.

    To make the dish a success, when choosing canned saury, pay attention to:

    • The shape and integrity of the jar, as well as the state of the label. The metal container must be free of dents, swelling and rust, and the label must be intact, not worn, with legible inscriptions. Inconsistencies in this paragraph indicate a violation of storage and / or preparation conditions.
    • Shelf life. The end date of use and the date of manufacture are stamped on the lid. In this case, the numbers can be squeezed out or applied using laser printing. In the first case, you need to keep in mind that the product with guaranteed quality is in jars with a convex date squeezed out from the inside. In the second - the print should be clear, not smeared and not washed off.
    • manufacturer information. Fresh Pacific saury can be preserved only at fishing floating bases and in Primorye. If the manufacturer is comfortably located in the Moscow region, the product is made from lower quality, deeply frozen and stored fish.
    • The degree of filling of the jar. Canned food made in accordance with GOST contains at least 70% of fish. When shaking such a densely packed container, gurgling is not audible.

    Having acquired the main ingredient in the right metal can, you can start making soup according to the following basic recipe:


    • Put a pot of water on fire.
    • While the water comes to a boil, peel and wash the vegetables. Cut the potatoes into small cubes, cut the onion into small squares, grate the carrots on a grater with large cells.
    • Load potatoes into boiling water, reduce heat.
    • Fry the chopped onion until transparent in vegetable oil in a pan, then add the grated carrots to it and simmer, stirring, for 3 minutes.
    • Add the prepared carrot-onion mixture to the pot with the potatoes and cook for 10 minutes.
    • Open a can of canned saury, send all its contents to a saucepan, season with bay leaf, pepper and a moderate amount of salt. Cover with a lid and cook on reduced heat for another 10 minutes.
    • Sprinkle the finished soup, poured into bowls, with washed, dried and finely chopped herbs.

    The resulting dish has a low energy equivalent - up to 40 kilocalories in one hundred grams.

    Application in diets

    Canned saury in the finished soup has undergone a double heat treatment - in a jar at the factory and in a pot in the home kitchen. However, it contains:

    • , which have an anti-inflammatory effect, improve the condition of blood vessels, strengthen the immune system;
    • antioxidants - substances of youth;
    • - the main builder of bones;
    • fluoride that protects tooth enamel;
    • - the basis of hematopoiesis;
    • , normalizing pressure, relieving edema;
    • , strengthening bone tissue, restraining allergic reactions;
    • phosphorus is a necessary component of bone tissue, an indispensable participant in metabolic processes.

    In combination with a low calorie content, a soup with such a bouquet of useful substances can rightfully be included in the diet of those who lose weight, even though it is prepared with a canned product.

    Contraindicated dishes with saury from a jar only for inflammation of the duodenum and insufficient liver function.

    Round dance around saury - composition options

    In addition to the minimum set of vegetables and the most common spices, the soup with canned saury includes:

    • Cereals -, and. These ingredients slightly increase the calorie content. For example, rice raises it by about 10 units.
    • Other vegetables - sweet peppers, green peas, parsley and celery root, and even pickles, if you are preparing fish hodgepodge with canned saury.
    • as a thickener, as well as pasta. In slimming diets, such supplements are undesirable.
    • Cheese, including processed cheese. added at the end of the boil.
    • White wine that gives fish dishes a new shade of taste and aroma.

    Fish is considered one of the key components of the human diet. However, many housewives who do not want to spend time cutting it, deliberately deprive their loved ones of the pleasure of eating this or that dish, which contains this product. This article tells you what the calorie content of canned food is and how to cook it properly.

    With saury

    This popular budget dish is easy to digest and does not cause digestive problems. Therefore, it is equally suitable for both adults and growing up eaters. It contains only useful ingredients that do not require long-term heat treatment. Therefore, it will appear more often in the diet of your family.

    To cook a delicious fish soup from canned Saira for dinner, the calorie content of which is not so high as to affect the harmony of the figure, you will need:

    1. Large carrot.
    2. Bow head.
    3. Bank of saury.
    4. 5 potatoes.
    5. Salt, water, herbs, vegetable oil, parsley and peppercorns.

    You need to start cooking fish soup from canned food, the calorie content of a portion of which is 72.1 kcal, with the processing of vegetables. Peeled onions with carrots are rinsed under a tap, chopped and sautéed in heated vegetable oil. As soon as they change color, they are sent to a saucepan with salted boiling water, which already contains parsley, chopped potatoes and peppercorns. All this is cooked until fully cooked over low heat. Shortly before the completion of the process, canned food is added to the total container. Before use, each serving is sprinkled with chopped herbs.

    with rice

    According to the method described below, a very fragrant and quite nutritious canned fish soup is obtained, the calorie content of which is increased by adding cereals. To feed your family a hearty meal, you will need:

    1. 80 grams of rice.
    2. 3 potatoes.
    3. Bow head.
    4. Juicy carrot.
    5. Canned food bank.
    6. Salt, herbs, water, parsley, pepper and vegetable oil.

    In order for you to get a truly delicious canned fish soup with potatoes, the calorie content of 100 grams of which is 117 kcal, you need to strictly adhere to the recommended algorithm. Pre-washed rice is loaded into a saucepan filled with salted boiling water. Almost immediately, slices of potatoes, lavrushka and pepper are sent there. All this is boiled for ten minutes, and then supplemented with passivated onions and toasted carrots. Then canned food is added to the common pan and brought all this to full readiness. Immediately before use, the soup is sprinkled with chopped herbs.

    With cream

    Those who love simple first courses should pay special attention to another interesting recipe. Canned fish soup prepared according to it, the calorie content of which is regulated by changing the fat content of the cream, has a very delicate taste and pleasant aroma. To make this lunch, you will need:

    1. 200 ml cream.
    2. 3 potatoes.
    3. Bank of canned pink salmon.
    4. Juicy carrots.
    5. Salt, ghee, water and dill.

    Potatoes are boiled in salted boiling water, and then supplemented with passivated carrots. All this is simmered for a short time on the weakest fire and crushed with a blender. The resulting mass is diluted with cream, combined with pitted pink salmon and sprinkled with dill.
