What is more environmentally friendly than mdf or chipboard. We study which is better: MDF or chipboard? Comparison of properties and cost of materials. Characteristics of plastic facades, their advantages and disadvantages

For finishing works, the manufacture of doors and furniture are often used wood Construction Materials. Existing Choice allows you to determine the optimal solution for construction or repair, but does not remove questions about the appropriateness of using wood sheets. Popular sheet materials include chipboard and MDF, which can largely replace each other when carrying out a number of works.

We will conduct a comparative study of these materials, paying attention to characteristics that are important from an operational point of view.

Environmental properties

MDF is considered the most harmless and non-toxic material. This is due to the use of natural binders based on paraffin or lignin in its production. Their combination with wood dust does not cause allergic reactions and other negative consequences in people.

There is a gradation of chipboard according to toxicity classes, while the least dangerous class is not limited in the scope. Features of the domestic trade sphere do not always allow you to reliably know the class of the purchased material. Try to avoid chipboard applications to decorate a child's room.

Labor costs in processing

Despite its greater strength and mass, MDF is much easier to machine and give desired shape. This is especially important when sawing the canvases to the specified dimensions of the floor or furniture. Chipboard has greater hardness, which is explained by rigidity adhesive base and larger wood chips.

To get chipboard required sizes and forms, it is necessary to apply automatic equipment and be sure to protect the respiratory organs with a respirator. At MDF processing it is enough to use a hacksaw for wood, spending the most fine work hacksaw or jigsaw.

Working with MDF is more tedious, due to its more high density(by 0.1-0.2 kg / m 3) and the mass of the canvases. In small volumes of work, the difference is not so noticeable and is felt only with a large processed surface.

Tendency to mechanical damage

The strength characteristics of both materials are quite high. If compared in relative terms, then the fine-mesh structure of MDF tends to withstand higher loads (for bending and torsion). The downside of the coin is the lower hardness of the material, which leads to relatively easy crumbling.

Chipboard sheets have less strength, but are not so sensitive to point loads like MDF. Higher hardness allows the material to be used in a less gentle mode, in terms of mechanical impact.

Combustibility of sheet materials

Despite the fact that chipboard is made from wood, it will be quite difficult to set fire to it. Of course, chipboard's resistance to fire is not as high as that of drywall, since all particle boards are subject to combustion. The essence of its heat resistance is a longer exposure open fire required for ignition.

If you quickly extinguish the flame that has spread to the chipboard, it will leave minimal damage. They will be easy to clean and paint over from above, while getting rid of bad smell. MDF has a significantly greater fire hazard, although sometimes there are boards impregnated with fire-fighting compounds. In case of fire MDF harmful the impact of combustion products on a person will be much less than that of chipboard.

Application in furniture production

If any sheet material can be used for finishing the facade and laying the floor, then furniture assembly has its own limitations. In products made entirely of chipboard, there is a risk of cracks in the places where self-tapping screws or screws are attached. When metal elements fasteners pop out of their places, they uproot a significant part of the material.

That's why old furniture from chipboard is not durable enough. This leads to the practical impossibility of its high-quality and long-term use. In addition, the crumb of material from the attachment points does not have a very good effect on the ecology of the room. This is especially true when storing food in cabinets made of chipboard.

The advantages of using MDF in the manufacture of furniture are its greater flexibility and viscosity. Unlike chipboard, which is almost impossible to bend and not break, MDF is well suited for interior decoration.

Completely made furniture from MDF is quite expensive, while its external surfaces will not be durable enough. At self assembly or ordering cabinets, it will be optimal to make the fixed parts of the structure from chipboard (frame), and the movable parts (doors, shelves) from MDF. This will increase the life of the product and make it more repairable.

If you are planning to use wood boards for

There are two types of boards that are difficult to distinguish, especially if their ends are sealed - these are particle boards and MDF (fine wood fraction). Due to the difference in production, their properties are different, and, accordingly, the boards have different quality.

What is the difference between chipboard and MDF

The names themselves already tell how they differ from each other. Wood-shaving material is made from sawdust and shavings impregnated with glue by pressing. Typically, formaldehyde resin is used as a binder. Pressing is carried out at high temperature.

MDF boards are also made from wood waste, but unlike chipboard, all raw materials for them are ground by a refiner, steamed and ground. After rubbing, the raw material becomes like felt. It is dried, a binder is added and pressed.

The big difference compared to particle boards is the presence of lignin in the composition of the binder. It is much better than formaldehyde in terms of environmental friendliness, since it is obtained from wood after strong heating.

The plates also differ from each other in the state of the surface. If chipboard is most often laminated, then MDF boards can be painted, laminated, or veneered. This is due to the fact that their surface is much better - it is dense, uniform, even and smooth.

The difference between these boards is also in strength: chipboard is considered a product of increased strength, MDF - medium strength. This fact directly affects the scope of their application.

What to choose?

Individual developers often wonder what is better - MDF or chipboard, and what should be followed when choosing? The answer will depend on which of the characteristics will be important to achieve the desired result when used:

  • chipboard is durable, but it can not be used in places with high humidity;
  • a finely dispersed plate tolerates well even 80% humidity, but it is more fire hazardous;
  • in MDF, all components are natural, except for paraffin, but it is neutral, while in chipboard, formaldehyde is used, the fumes of which are harmful to people;
  • it is generally impossible to fasten chipboard with nails, and with screws it is possible only at a right angle, and then only once. MDF boards are easy to install, and due to the density of 700-870 kg / m 3, it becomes possible to process it with milling machines;
  • the cost of chip material is much lower than the cost of MDF, this is to a large extent the result of transportation costs, since these industries are still few;
  • MDF is much more durable than chipboard, which is ensured by the fact that this type of wood-based panels practically does not deform from fluctuations in temperature and humidity;
  • Chipboard is more impact resistant than MDF.

As you can see, both types of plates have their pros and cons. Therefore, the use of a particular type depends on each specific use case.


Since chipboard is afraid of moisture, it is mainly used indoors. In construction, such a plate most often goes to the installation of partitions between rooms. It can be drilled, sawn, painted. Therefore, it is always in demand in interior design. Other area of ​​use particle board― production of cabinet furniture.

Doors, platbands, facades are made from MDF. Arrangement of rooms, including in the manufacture of partitions, is also best done from this material due to its environmental friendliness. The exception is floors - here it is better to use chipboard due to its greater strength.

Partitions, floors, large interior items in children's rooms, as well as furniture in children's rooms, should be made exclusively from MDF in order to completely eliminate toxic fumes from formaldehyde resins.

Common materials from which furniture is made are chipboard. However, there are differences between them in structure, density, they also differ in resistance to moisture, appearance, a number of other characteristics.

What is better suited: MDF or chipboard material for furniture and which type should you choose for a bedroom, kitchen or other living space?

MDF properties

First, consider the most important properties each material separately. As for MDF, this is a board made from a fine fraction of wood. It is dense and resistant to mechanical influences, the thickness varies from 2 to 60 mm. The name MDF comes from the English abbreviation MDF, which means "medium density wood board".

Note! MDF is absolutely safe for health, does not emit toxic fumes, which is similar to natural wood.

distinctive MDF feature– plasticity and the possibility of processing by cutting, drilling tools. It is easy to make holes, grooves in plates, cut out patterns on the surface, chamfer with a milling cutter. Sheets can be bent, getting radius facades. This allows you to make furniture of various configurations.

The surface of the plates can be polished, covered with PVC film, painted with glossy or matte enamel of any color. When pasting with natural veneer, the material is difficult to distinguish from solid wood, outwardly it is very similar to it, and even surpasses it in strength.

MDF furniture can be installed in rooms with humidity up to 70%. There are also more moisture-resistant modifications with special impregnation; boards with fire-resistant properties are produced. Furniture made of this material is great for kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, children's room.

Chipboard properties

Laminated chipboards (LDSP) are characterized by low cost, resistance to temperature extremes and a wide range.

Laminate coating can be made in almost any color and texture, which allows you to choose furniture from chipboard for the interior in any style. It belongs to the economy class, because it has a democratic price.

Furniture made entirely of chipboard has straight lines, looks more concise even with a beautiful image on the film.

It should be noted that on the basis of chipboard do durable material lined with plastic, which is called postforming. He goes to the production of countertops. However, this is not chipboard in the usual sense.

Among the disadvantages of laminated particle boards, there is a tendency to form chips on the surface and the impossibility of milling. The latter property makes it impossible to obtain smooth corners and bevels, a relief surface.

Chipboard differs from MDF for the worse also in that it is less resistant to moisture. Although there are also moisture resistant types of panels, their price is much higher.

If a part of the laminate has broken off from the chipboard, then the plate may emit harmful fumes. This is also a disadvantage, since one should not forget that formaldehyde glue is used to adhere the chips in the boards. Melamine film can protect against fumes of toxic formaldehyde. This is what lamination is made from. Manufacturers make sure that the film sticks to the surface as firmly as possible, completely covering it. The safety of chipboard largely depends on its quality.

Note! If the question arose of what is better to choose for the bedroom: chipboard or MDF, then you should opt for the second one or prefer the combined option.

However, certified products that comply European standards(class E1 specified in official documents), it is quite safe to use in any residential area. It is best to choose (if possible) products made in Austria, Germany. At the same time, it is important to properly care for it, avoiding damage.

General requirements for care and operation

When choosing a place for furniture made of MDF or laminated chipboard in the kitchen, it should be borne in mind that both materials are afraid of temperatures above 75 ℃. When heated, the coating begins to flake off. For this reason, heating devices should not be placed in close proximity to furniture.

If a furniture set constantly illuminates the bright sun, then it can corny fade, lose its attractiveness. Chipboard lamination is especially prone to fading.

Strong wetting of the plates is undesirable, although they withstand short-term exposure to water, so they are used for sinks and other kitchen furniture. In this case, much depends on the quality of the material. There are frequent cases when sheets of laminated chipboard begin to absorb water, swell, crumble. Such furniture acquires a terrible appearance, collapses, completely becomes unusable.

The general rules of care are:

  • wipe the dust with a dry cloth or special composition for plastic;
  • timely remove moisture from the surface with an absorbent sponge;
  • do not overload hooks, shelves, so that fasteners do not break out;
  • do not use waxes and mastics intended for polished wood.

The last point is worth focusing on. Wood polishes are not suitable for MDF and chipboard. The laminated film can change color under their influence and even peel off. It is also impossible to use acids, alkalis, abrasive substances.

Both types of plates are resistant to pests and mold. In a dry room, they can stand for decades without any additional processing, without collapsing. They make beds, tables, cabinets, chests of drawers, whatnots, shelves, all kinds of cabinets for the kitchen.

External differences of materials

Many are interested in how MDF differs from chipboard in appearance, how to determine them? The difference is clearly visible on the cut. In MDF it is dense, fine-grained, in chipboard or chipboard it is more heterogeneous, rough, chips are visible. On the surface of chipboard without lamination, fibers and chips are clearly visible, while MDF is more uniform.

If we take MDF and chipboard boards of the same size (in terms of area and thickness), then the weight of the chipboard will be less than finely dispersed.

If there is a milled, carved surface on the material, we can definitely say that this is not chipboard, since nothing can be cut on it. Small parts you can’t make it out of it either, because the material will crumble.

Advantages of MDF over chipboard

So, comparing two types of wood-based boards, we can conclude that, in general, MDF differs from chipboard in better side. Advantages of MDF the following:

  • no chips are formed at the edges, in places where screws are twisted;
  • differs in high density, durability;
  • the material is environmentally friendly;
  • more resistant to moisture than laminated chipboard;
  • MDF can be bent, milled, therefore, create beautiful shapes, drawings.

Advantages affect the price. Typically, the cost of fibreboard is higher than particle board. If MDF is combined with metal, glass, made according to the original design solution, decorated, then its price increases even more. At the same time, such furniture, whether it is in the kitchen or in the bedroom, requires more careful maintenance.

Combination of materials

In order to somewhat reduce the price of furniture, while maintaining its strength and aesthetic characteristics, manufacturers combine MDF and chipboard or chipboard. Beautiful impact-resistant facades are made from MDF, and chipboard is used for the base of the structure. Fine slabs are extremely rarely used for the frame, since such furniture turns out to be quite expensive and massive. Combined designs installed in apartments, offices, private houses, public places.

Very popular frame facades that do at individual orders. From MDF sheets they cut out frames with grooves and insert tempered glass or a mirror into them, sometimes they use the same 8 mm thick wood boards, decorated with milling. Wherein color scheme and the configuration can be absolutely anything.

The building materials market offers the consumer a very large range of products, which is quite difficult to understand without certain skills. However, indispensable in the production of repair and construction works are materials made on the basis of natural wood- MDF and its laminated version of chipboard. With some similarities, the materials have significant differences.


MDF- a finely dispersed fraction of a tree, or to be more precise, it is a board made from wood fiber by drying, followed by hot pressing. It should be noted that wood fibers are treated with special binders before pressing. For this, they are used natural products lignin and paraffin that do not emit harmful substances.

MDF panel

chipboard- this is a representative of a series of chipboard chipboard, more precisely, it is a polished chipboard. The main difference between laminated chipboard and chipboard is the presence of a special facing film made on the basis of paper and melamine resin. The protective film is pressed into the chipboard structure, making it more durable and moisture resistant.

Chipboard panel


Considering such popular building materials in comparison, it can be noted that they have wide application, but each of them occupies a certain niche. The main differences are presented in the table:

Considering MDF and chipboard, it is necessary to pay attention to their main specifications and their scope in this regard. Given the fact that both materials are made from natural wood, it is worth noting the main scope of their application - furniture production. Moreover, MDF is a very soft material which is easy to handle. This is very much appreciated in the manufacture of luxury furniture, which requires elegance and subtlety of lines. Carved cabinets and headboards are all made of MDF.

Regarding laminated chipboard, a high degree of protection against harmful effects, such as high humidity and heat. This made the material indispensable in the production of kitchen and bathroom furniture. Now most of cabinet furniture of economy class is made from chipboard. Particularly valuable is the fact that, thanks to the film, laminated chipboard has many color options.

Naturally, MDF and chipboard in construction are no less in demand. In this regard, we can note the fact that chipboard, due to its structure, perfectly holds self-tapping screws and nails. The material is very effective in the manufacture of partitions, individual elements roofs, various interior details. As for MDF, the ease of its processing has made the material indispensable for the construction of ventilated facades. Partitions and roof elements are also made of MDF.

Findings site

  1. MDF is a very soft material, which makes it indispensable in furniture production.
  2. Chipboard has a wide color scheme, which is widely used in the production of cabinet furniture.
  3. MDF is eco-friendly material and has no restrictions on use, while chipboard is not recommended for use in children's and medical institutions.
  4. MDF, in comparison with laminated chipboard, is a more expensive material, which is associated with small volumes of domestic production.

A variety of furniture products does not always have positive aspects for the buyer. A simple layman sees in front of him a lot of products, beautiful and durable in appearance. At the same time, he does not know how they will serve in everyday life. First of all, because he does not understand what they are made of. Knowing the information about the materials, you can quickly and accurately navigate the choice of furniture.

The structure of MDF and chipboard boards

In furniture production, two types of working raw materials are popular - MDF and chipboard panels. Despite the fact that both technologies are based on the use of natural wood, the differences in the structure of the materials are obvious.

MDF- a slab of finely dispersed wood fraction. To obtain a panel, wood dust is dried, impregnated with binders and subjected to hot pressing. Impregnations are based on natural fillers paraffin and lignin, which do not emit toxins.

chipboard- chipboard with laminated coating. The wood-replacing panel is formed by pressed shavings and sawdust. The contents of the plate are bonded with formaldehyde resins. In high-quality products, three layers are provided: an inner one, which consists of large fractions, and two outer ones, of small ones.

The laminated film is pressed into chipboard. Coating makes wood structure stronger, protects from moisture and at the same time serves as a lining. Film includes paper base and melamine resin (a synthetic compound with the properties of formaldehyde resins).

Difference between panels

Despite the popularity of both types of plates, each of them occupies its own niche in the furniture business. The materials are different:


  • MDF- tight and moisture resistant material. Its structure is strong and lends itself to fine processing. Used in carved cabinetry, headboards, and other places where finesse and fine lines are required. MDF products are durable and massive.
  • chipboard- loose material that strongly draws moisture. Has a strong facade surface, but inferior to MDF in fracture strength. The material suffers in places of fasteners with frequent disassembly and assembly or dragging of furniture. Chipboard is 2 times inferior in strength fibreboard. At the same time, laminated protection makes the wood chip structure stronger, while protecting it from moisture and temperature. That's why chipboard boards popular in the manufacture of kitchen sets and bathroom furniture.

By environmental friendliness

  • MDF by naturalness it is close to a tree, it is allowed for all rooms.
  • chipboard contains toxic components (formaldehydes), which limits its use in rooms where children and patients stay.

By design

  • The design of MDF panels is limited.
  • Chipboard has many colors and textures due to the laminated coating. From chipboard panels make cabinet furniture with imitation of any tree.

By cost

  • MDF is expensive. It is used in the manufacture of luxury furniture.
  • The price of chipboard is more affordable. From laminated boards, facades of cabinet furniture of the "economy" class are mainly assembled.

In which living rooms to put furniture from MDF, and in which from chipboard?

In common rooms

For the hallway, living room, hall, headsets that use both materials are suitable. For example, furniture facades and the shelves are made of MDF, and the rest of the structures are made of chipboard. Furniture completely made of MDF is extremely rare. And for the price, not everyone can afford such a purchase.

In the bedroom

We spend a large part of our lives in sleep. Therefore, the safety of the sleeping area is in the first place. This requirement is met by furniture made of MDF. But as noted above, their cost is much higher than the average options from chipboard. An alternative would be furniture with a partial combination.

In the nursery

A room for children is not a place to experiment with the quality of furniture and its environmental friendliness. In children's preference is given to MDF. However, a room can be furnished with chipboard furniture if:

  • confident in the quality of the panels (you know what kind of impregnation the manufacturer used);
  • the cuts on the panels are covered protective film;
  • all connections and joints fit snugly together.

The flimsy design of the product and low cost indicate the dubiousness of the product, which is better to refuse immediately.

In the kitchen

AT kitchen sets Both materials successfully complement each other. For the inside of tables and cabinets, chipboard would be better. And for facades, cabinets for sinks, sliding doors- MDF. The material does not deform, which is important for large doors. close to water kitchen fronts from MDF there is nothing to be afraid of. But to be next to hob highly undesirable - MDF does not tolerate heat.


In furniture production, both MDF and chipboard are equally in demand. And yet they are suitable for different different materials. When choosing pieces of furniture, they start from the upcoming operating conditions - the expected load, thermal effects, humidity.

An important role is played by the naturalness of the future environment. If possible, it is better to abandon the wood chip option in favor of wood fiber. Even in the highest quality laminated chipboard, albeit in small quantities, volatile formaldehydes are still present.

Finally, the decision on the choice of furniture is largely affected by the price. Factory MDF is 1.5-2 times more expensive than chipboard. And when facing a fiberboard panel (paint, film), its cost will increase significantly.
