Wallpaper for painting: which is better. Structural wallpapers: types, paper-based canvases, non-woven and fiberglass coatings, subtleties of gluing Structural wallpapers construction and repair

  • Some characteristics
  • Professional advice on the choice and the process itself

Structurally profiled wallpaper is a finishing material with a paper backing. It can be printed or embossed in a variety of colors. Products can imitate wood, metal or fabric.

Wallpaper designation scheme.

Some characteristics

  • products of structural profile type are 2-ply paper with a weight of 120 g/m². It is made by printing foam paste with preparation. Number of colors 1-6. During the production process, mandatory gelatinization is applied in a special channel at 16 degrees;
  • further, in an oven with a temperature of 200-210 degrees, PVC paste forms foam, which makes it possible to give relief to the material;
  • then the elements are cooled and formed into rolls for sale.

A variety of structural profile structures:

  • structurally profiled wallpapers of a simple type are light-colored elements with a coarse fiber, which can have the structure of a fabric or plaster;
  • a high-end product is a product with a pattern of many colors;
  • granular type - these are devices that, after the final printing, are sprinkled with various types of granulate.

Wallpapering scheme.

A distinctive feature of this type of material is good compatibility with any interior style and excellent decorative properties. Thanks to production technologies, such a finishing material is as convenient as possible for use.

In addition, such wallpapers can be repainted several times in a row, and they will not lose their properties. This is very important in terms of saving money. This finishing material has a very affordable cost. Gluing structurally profiled wallpaper is as easy as shelling pears.

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Structural profile wallpaper: how to glue?

Wallpaper of this type is produced on 2 bases: it is non-woven and paper. Therefore, with this in mind, it is worth choosing an adhesive for mounting the material.

For example, paper-based wallpaper for painting has a denser structure due to a special solution impregnation. Such systems pass steam.

The gluing process depends on the type of base.

The paper base involves applying glue to the walls and the material itself (for non-woven or vinyl products), after which the canvas is applied to the treated surface and smoothed to the sides with gentle movements.

The main thing is to properly dock the canvas. It is important that structural wallpaper should be glued carefully to avoid bubbles and creases that are difficult to remove. If the wallpaper has a non-woven base, then they are distinguished by a strong structure.

It is necessary to glue such elements (structural wallpaper) by first applying glue only to the working wall, on which then apply a dry canvas. You can achieve a perfect junction of the edges of the canvas - it's quite simple.

In order for wallpapering to proceed correctly and you get the desired effect from the new room, you should choose the right glue. The choice of glue is based on what is the basis of the wallpaper.

An important point of pasting is the surface treatment of the walls before installation:

The scheme of the necessary tools for wallpapering.

  • be sure to carefully remove the old wallpaper, align the walls. They must be dry and clean. This is a guarantee that the strips will adhere properly and will not fall off the next day;
  • when the wallpaper is completely dry over the entire surface, they can be painted, and in a few words of paint. The layering of the paint depends on the density of the canvas itself. The painting process should be carried out in stages to achieve uniform coverage. The paint is not smeared on the canvas, but rolled out. Do not press too hard on the roller, otherwise stripes may appear on the wallpaper. Each subsequent layer must be applied after the previous layer has thoroughly dried.

The scheme of wallpapering by one person.

There is some trick to coloring non-woven wallpaper. It is necessary to apply paint from the wrong side before gluing the canvas. Interlining will absorb paint, and vinyl spraying will not change its white color.

The ability of your wallpaper to wash depends on the choice of paint. For example, it is available with acrylic or latex consistency.

Structurally profiled wallpaper is a finishing material with a paper backing. It can be printed or embossed in a variety of colors. Products can imitate wood, metal or fabric.

Some characteristics

  • products of structural profile type are 2-ply paper with a weight of 120 g/m². It is made by printing foam paste with preparation. Number of colors 1-6. During the production process, mandatory gelatinization is applied in a special channel at 16 degrees;
  • further, in an oven with a temperature of 200-210 degrees, PVC paste forms foam, which makes it possible to give relief to the material;
  • then the elements are cooled and formed into rolls for sale.

A variety of structural profile structures:

  • structurally profiled wallpapers of a simple type are light-colored elements with a coarse fiber, which can have the structure of a fabric or plaster;
  • a high-class product is a product with a pattern of many colors;
  • granular type - these are devices that, after the final printing, are sprinkled with various types of granules.

A distinctive feature of this type of material is good compatibility with any interior style and excellent decorative properties. Thanks to production technologies, such a finishing material is as convenient as possible for use.

In addition, such wallpapers can be repainted several times in a row, and they will not lose their properties. This is very important in terms of saving money. This finishing material has a very affordable cost. Gluing structurally profiled wallpaper is as easy as shelling pears.

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Structural profile wallpaper: how to glue?

Wallpaper of this type is produced on 2 bases: it is non-woven and paper. Therefore, with this in mind, it is worth choosing an adhesive for mounting the material.

For example, paper-based wallpaper for painting has a denser structure due to a special solution impregnation. Such systems pass steam.

The gluing process depends on the type of base.

The paper base involves applying glue to the walls and the material itself (for non-woven or vinyl products), after which the canvas is applied to the treated surface and smoothed to the sides with gentle movements.

The main thing is to properly dock the canvas. It is important that structural wallpaper should be glued carefully to avoid bubbles and creases that are difficult to remove. If the wallpaper has a non-woven base, then they are distinguished by a strong structure.

It is necessary to glue such elements (structural wallpaper) by first applying glue only to the working wall, on which then apply a dry canvas. You can achieve a perfect junction of the edges of the canvas - it's quite simple.

In order for wallpapering to proceed correctly and you get the desired effect from the new room, you should choose the right glue. The choice of glue is based on what is the basis of the wallpaper.

An important point of pasting is the surface treatment of the walls before installation:

  • be sure to carefully remove the old wallpaper, align the walls. They must be dry and clean. This is a guarantee that the strips will adhere properly and will not fall off the next day;
  • when the wallpaper is completely dry over the entire surface, they can be painted, and in a few words of paint. The layering of the paint depends on the density of the canvas itself. The painting process should be carried out in stages to achieve uniform coverage. The paint is not smeared on the canvas, but rolled out. Do not press too hard on the roller, otherwise stripes may appear on the wallpaper. Each subsequent layer must be applied after the previous layer has thoroughly dried.

There is some trick to coloring non-woven wallpaper. It is necessary to apply paint from the wrong side before gluing the canvas. Interlining will absorb paint, and vinyl spraying will not change its white color.

The ability of your wallpaper to wash depends on the choice of paint. For example, it is available with acrylic or latex consistency.

The denser the material used to decorate the walls, the more stable such a finish is considered.

If there is no time for thorough surface preparation, use structural wallpaper: they are not only have improved performance, but also able to solve the issue of decorating space, since include many interesting patterns and textures.

Many textured wallpapers are also attractive due to the possibility of coloring: it will be much easier to transform the interior at any time if you can set the background color of the room yourself. Practical issues of choice and application, types of materials, as well as the prices of structural wallpapers, we have provided in this article.

Advantages and disadvantages

Do not assume that structural wall coverings are not capable of emphasizing a sophisticated and modern interior design. Today, walls are becoming increasingly popular, and such coatings can only be decorated with exquisite relief textures.

The main advantage of structural wallpaper for walls is precisely possibility of painting: wallpapers of this type are resistant to almost any type of coloring agents and withstand up to 12 such procedures.

Reliability of gluing is another useful property of structural materials. Despite the denser base and the difficulty of gluing the relief texture to the wall surface, if you follow all the rules of this process, you will achieve a high-quality result.

Attention! Many manufacturers produce meter-wide structural coatings to facilitate the gluing process and to create wall designs with a minimum number of seams.

Wallpapers that have a chaotic texture plot (e.g. grainy) are much easier to compose. Moreover, when purchasing structural coatings for painting, you get rid of the risk of buying defective products and do not have to worry about the fact that the color of individual roll fragments will be distorted. Take a look at the photos of structural wallpapers: they all have a rich and uniform hue.

There are a lot of positive quality characteristics of such coatings, and they depend on the chosen structure of the wallpaper. For example, they have breathable properties, tolerate moisture and scratches, mask uneven walls.

But such coatings also have disadvantages: thin paper sheets can be deformed by water, non-woven coatings, in most cases, are costly, and can quickly lose their appearance if used improperly.

The cost of wallpapers depends on their quality parameters: for example, paper structural coatings are considered the cheapest due to limited practical properties. The brand of production also affects the price: for example, the price of structural ones is 1000 rubles, they cost from 1300 rubles, Marburg - from 2500, - about 4000 rubles.

Variety of structural type wallpapers

Let's find out what specific properties each type of such material has. The easiest to use, but also the most short-lived coatings of this type are created.

Despite the fact that the paper included in their composition is quite dense, such coatings are the worst to tolerate any external influences. But gluing them is much easier, since smooth paper does not present an obstacle to setting with the wall.

Paper coatings can be structural and coarse. The first type is distinguished by the creation of an embossed pattern on a durable paper base.

In the second case, the texture is created by using wood chips that connect two layers of coating. The relief directly depends on its size. Such wallpaper can be repainted, Unlike .

Please note that more dense materials are also produced on the basis of paper. For example, profiles with a relief coating are more wear resistant and can be cleaned of dirt.

Attention! Structural foam-type vinyl wallpapers withstand moisture, but the surface of such materials does not tolerate mechanical stress, so glue them in impassable places for decorative purposes.

Another type of structural material that can be repainted is fiberglass wallpaper. These coatings are created by pressing (to obtain a structure in the form of having reinforcing properties), as well as by creating a web of threads that form a certain pattern on the surface.

The useful properties of such coatings include no risk of allergic reactions, resistance to moisture and chemicals(and, as a result, the possibility of unhindered cleaning of the surface), refractory properties, as well as the possibility of long-term repainting (about 12 times).

They are created by special printing or embossing of the vinyl layer.

Profile-foamed paper wallpapers are divided into three categories:

  • simple structural-profile coatings - differ in decorative properties: they have a light shade, rough to the touch fiber, can imitate textiles or decorative plaster;
  • high quality coatings- differ not only in texture, but also in visual properties, may include images from a variety of colors that cannot be repainted;
  • granular wallpaper– paper coverings, sprinkled with granulate to create a special texture, have properties similar to those of conventional structural materials for walls.

In addition to many useful practical properties, profile vinyl foam wallpapers are also attractive from the standpoint of decoration: they can be combined with other materials, they do not need to be tied to a specific style and can become a stylish accent with any home interior.

How to choose the type of coverage?

In order for the decoration of your walls to really last for a long time, as manufacturers guarantee, it is necessary to choose only proven structural coatings.

Carefully inspect the roll: it should have a stamp and a serial number, as well as basic information regarding the composition of the material.

When choosing a suitable roll of structural wall coverings, pay attention to the following features:

  • the relief pattern of the coating must be clear and visible through the packaging;
  • keep in mind that marriage is possible in any product, so purchase at least one spare roll;
  • check the tightness of the package: material damaged during transportation may have a distorted embossed surface that cannot be corrected after gluing;
  • when buying colored structural wallpaper, check the saturation of the shade under different lighting angles.

The process of gluing and painting materials

To figure out how to glue structural wallpaper, you need to decide on the basis of the material.

It is no secret that wallpapers with paper, non-woven and other bases are glued in different ways and have a number of specific features.

Paper based wallpaper is much easier to stick to the surface of the walls. To do this, it is enough to apply the adhesive mass only on the wall, and then firmly attach the canvas to its surface.

In the case of non-woven, vinyl and fiberglass coatings, it is recommended to treat the material itself with glue for better impregnation and faster setting. After gluing, the wallpaper is carefully smoothed by hand or with a soft roller (so as not to damage the relief layer).

Do not cover one canvas with another if you do not want to glue structural wallpaper with dark seams.

Attention! If you purchased a wallpaper with a pronounced thematic three-dimensional pattern, do not forget to connect the individual fragments correctly. Be sure to consider the need to trim excess canvas details in the corner areas of the room.

Since it is better to glue paper profile foamed wallpaper on even walls, do not forget prepare the surface(for non-woven and fiberglass coatings with a pronounced relief, this is not necessary). Preferably as much as possible level the wall, get rid of past materials, clean from greasy traces and dry the surface.

Adhesive for structural wallpaper is selected taking into account the basis of the material.

After gluing and completely drying the walls, you can proceed to. The denser the wallpaper roll, the more layers of paint will have to be applied to ensure a rich shade.

Structural wallpaper is painted evenly and smoothly. Do not put excessive pressure on the roller: keep the same pressure when painting the entire surface of the walls, otherwise noticeable stripes will appear on the wallpaper. The next coat of paint is applied only after the wallpaper has completely dried.

Non-woven wallpaper with a relief surface can also be painted from the wrong side. Staining of the material is done before gluing: the non-woven base will absorb the paint, but the relief layer will retain its light color.

If you have chosen a wallpaper that can be cleaned, give preference to or: it is more resistant to moisture and detergents.

Now you know how to give the interior a finished and stylish look with the help of modern structural materials. Choose wallpaper for the walls, focusing on the conditions of the premises in which gluing is planned. And do not forget that such materials are suitable not only for walls, but also for ceilings, so you can create a cozy interior using relief patterns in many ways.

The most popular ways of decorating rooms are wallpapering and painting walls. An alternative type of finish to them, which has its pros and cons, is wallpaper for painting.

What are the options?

Modern wallpaper for painting is a particularly durable multi-layer moisture-resistant material. According to the texture pattern, it can repeat hand-made decorative plaster, have an artistic ornament, or be almost smooth.

All types of wallpaper known today with the possibility of coloring come from linkrusta. This is a relief material made from natural ingredients.

Recently, linkrusta is gaining popularity again as a luxury paint finish.

Depending on the base material, there are roughly structured paper and whole-fibre non-woven wallpapers.

Sometimes vinyl wallpaper on a paper or non-woven basis is distinguished into a separate group.

Another type is fiberglass, or glass, produced using textile technology.

Wallpaper for painting initially has a white or cream color, which allows you to select the desired tone of paint with a "full hit". And some types can not be painted at all, if the desired color of the walls is already on the canvas.


Paper wallpapers consist of two, less often - of three layers. The bottom layer-base is impregnated with a water-repellent compound that provides strength and resistance to moisture.

The relief of such coatings is given by sawdust placed between the layers. Their chaotic placement can create the most bizarre texture, which is especially important for lovers of variety.

Structured paper models withstand up to five colors. But keep in mind that with little texture, their surface will become almost even after the third color change.

Among the advantages of such wallpapers are budget, a huge selection of textures, and environmental friendliness.

However, they must be glued with special care. Because the adhesive is applied to the fabric itself, it can stretch and wrinkle.

In operation, paper wallpapers are also quite whimsical. They require restoration in case of mechanical damage, which reduces their service life.


Non-woven wallpaper is most in demand due to its strength and aesthetic characteristics. In fact, these are several layers of pressed pulp, the top of which has a relief pattern.

Interlining is similar to a dense cushioning material used in the clothing industry. Its elasticity ensures ease of gluing and excellent masking characteristics.

The technology for the production of non-woven fabric is such that when stretched, it will not wrinkle and tear. It is fire resistant and not subject to mechanical damage.

This material is indispensable when covering a substrate subject to deformation or shrinkage. It does not shrink, does not change shape when pasted over, perfectly hides minor defects in the base surface.

The relief of the decorative layer of this wall covering is achieved by embossing. This allows manufacturers to create almost any pattern with different depths - from subtle to expressive.

When choosing the texture of non-woven wallpaper, one should proceed from the taste preferences of the owners, the expected effect and functional necessity.

The softly pronounced small pattern looks like a textile cover and creates an atmosphere of warmth and comfort. A large convex pattern will better hide the imperfections of the walls and serve to highlight certain areas.

Manufacturers guarantee the possibility of painting non-woven wallpaper up to seven times, but you also need to take into account the depth of embossing.

Interlining based coatings give many options for applying paint, in addition to the traditional solid:

  • spraying the pattern with spray paint;
  • giving the appearance of chasing gold with double painting;
  • with a convex vertical pattern - striped painting of patterns with a second layer;
  • drawing a stencil pattern on a smooth variety of wallpaper.

Among the undoubted advantages of this type of coating are environmental friendliness and hypoallergenicity. The porous structure of the material is breathable, which means it is loyal to temperature changes and changes in humidity.

Non-woven wallpaper is not subject to mechanical damage, does not deform and does not get wet, fireproof.

Among the disadvantages of such a finish can be called a significant width, which requires some professional skills in gluing.


Pure vinyl wallpaper for painting does not exist. Foam vinyl is sprayed onto the non-woven or paper base already known to us, which forms a textured pattern.

Vinyl coating is particularly fragile, easily scratched. Covering with a layer of paint is necessary, as it adds strength to them, although it does not completely eliminate the problem.

The peculiar texture of vinyl wallpaper makes it difficult to apply paint in an even layer. By painting the inside with latex paint that will show through thinner areas, you can create a two-tone pattern.

When painting vinyl wallpaper, you can choose any type of paint except oil, otherwise only stains will remain on the smooth outer surface.

Glass cloth

It sounds unexpected, but such wallpapers are made using weaving technology, only from glass threads of different thicknesses. Subsequent impregnation with modified starch gives the glass a stable shape.

The type of pattern coming out from under the loom depends on the number of threads:

  • ordinary - from two threads. As a result, the pattern is quite simple - herringbone, rhombuses, matting, diagonal, etc.;
  • jacquard - an original design pattern programmed by a computer. It is possible to manufacture under the order of glass wallpaper with corporate symbols or a family coat of arms.

Fiberglass roll coatings are distinguished by special strength and durability. They are often used for rooms with a high degree of wear - offices, hotels, sanatoriums.

Glass fiber is very easy to care for, because it does not attract dust and can easily tolerate cleaning with a stiff brush. They are unattractive to insects as food or building material, which also eliminates unnecessary problems.

Also, this decorative coating is distinguished by high fire safety. They do not burn and do not emit toxic substances when heated, and even prevent the spread of fire.

The composition of glass-woven wallpaper excludes any harmful effects on living organisms. They are made exclusively from natural ingredients - soda, quartz sand, clay and limestone.

To level the base for pasting, latex primers applied to the putty are used. You can use any paint on top, but for a perfect result, apply it in two layers.

When deciding which wallpaper for painting is better, you need to consider the following factors:

  • For the surface pasted over with glass wallpaper, careful preparation is necessary. The wall may not be very even, but uniform in color, otherwise stains will appear through the transparent fiberglass.
  • When working with glass cloth wallpaper, it is necessary to use protective equipment for hands and eyes. If you come across a poor-quality roll with crumbling threads, working with it can irritate the skin.
  • The usual textures of such coatings consist of only two threads and do not have a pronounced relief. After a few repaints, your "glass walls" can become quite smooth.
  • Dismantling such wallpaper will be a very difficult task. Most likely, they will have to be removed along with putty.

General pros and cons

Painted wallpaper has a number of undoubted advantages over other types of wall decoration:

In fairness, it is worth saying not only about the pros, but also about the cons in using wallpaper for painting:

  • It is quite difficult to make a uniform application of paint on some types of wallpaper yourself. Most likely, you will have to call the wizard.
  • The maximum number of stains declared by the manufacturer must be adjusted for the depth of the pattern.

Paintable wallpaper or just painting?

To be honest, in the photo it is not possible to distinguish rooms with the use of wallpaper for painting in the interior and painted walls.

Indeed, these two types of finishes have a lot in common. You can choose a special shade that is not found in the finished version.

On a smooth version of the wallpaper, as well as on painted walls, interior stickers will look good. It is also a good solution for those who are fond of artistic interior painting.

To decide which of the two types of finishes to choose, you can use the algorithm below.

With wallpaper, retouching and repairing damage is easier and faster. With minor damage, it is enough just to touch up the scratch, but if the defect is serious, replace the piece and paint it over.

True, there are cases when the whole course of reasoning according to the proposed order does not make sense. It happens that the tasks assigned to the owners are solved by the only type of finish.

For example, if we are talking about finishing a log wall, then the choice will be in favor of painting. If the repair is in a new building, then you should give preference to wallpaper for painting, which will hide the deformation of the walls during shrinkage.

Paintable wallpaper combines the functional advantages of painted walls and the availability of conventional roll coatings. This is the perfect combination of quality, functionality, budget and originality.

Nowadays, the construction market offers a variety of wallpapers of different types, textures and colors. Among them, a special place is occupied by models that can be painted. This property gives wearers the ability to change color effortlessly multiple times.

What it is?

Some still believe that any type of wallpaper can be painted, but this opinion is erroneous. Special types are produced for dyeing, with certain characteristics:

  • Moisture resistance. Wallpaper for painting is treated with special means, which increases their ability to hold paint.
  • No multicolor pattern. As a rule, initially the color is white or pastel shades.
  • The presence of a relief top layer, which is needed not only for decorative purposes, but also to enhance the adhesion of the coloring composition to the surface of the wallpaper. They have another name - structural.
  • The thickness is greater than that of ordinary ones, therefore, in addition to direct functions, wallpaper for painting can serve as thermal protection and sound insulation.
  • Environmental friendliness.

The cost of such finishing materials is available to a wide range of buyers. The advantage can be considered the possibility of repeated repainting of the walls without re-gluing the wallpaper.


Manufacturers offer several basic types of wallpaper for painting. They are completely different because different materials are used for manufacturing.


This type of finish is suitable for any surface, not just walls. As a rule, they have a two-layer structure, dense enough, which allows them to glue even surfaces that are not carefully leveled. It is believed that the paper form is the easiest. For its production, you can use waste paper impregnated with water-repellent substances. Relief is obtained either by embossing or by applying a texture composition of sawdust or shavings between paper layers.

When gluing to the ceiling, smooth types with a flat surface are usually used.

Based on all the above characteristics, we can distinguish 3 main types of paper wallpaper:

  1. Simplex is a single layer material with an embossed or smooth texture. It is simple, affordable, but has a short operational life.
  2. Duplex - a two-layer coating with a thick bottom layer as a base and a decorative top layer.
  3. Coarse-fibered - the texture resembles a rough canvas, since shavings are present in the composition.

The main advantages are low cost and environmental friendliness.

Among the shortcomings, one should take into account the low moisture resistance and fragility, so they must be handled carefully and not glued in wet rooms. Some users note the possibility of defects that appear during shrinkage. It is allowed to repaint paper wallpapers no more than 6-7 times.

Glass fiber

A fiberglass base, consisting of a mixture of quartz sand, dolomite, soda and lime, is applied to a paper or fabric backing. They are distinguished by increased durability and strength, however, unlike the first, they are not able to hide defects on the surface. Concerning walls or ceiling must first be coated with a primer.

Embossed glass wall papers are distinguished by unusual structural patterns and bright patterns, so they have excellent decorative capabilities.

Paintable fiberglass wallpapers are in demand in offices and hotels because they are durable, do not require frequent replacement and are easy to clean. Specialists pay attention to precautions when working with fiberglass materials, since when pasting small particles of glass can get on the skin and cause irritation. 10-12 repaints are allowed per material life cycle.


One of the most common types in recent years are non-woven wallpaper. They are the most dense, because they have 2-3 layers and are elastic. The relief structure is obtained by spraying polymers onto the base. Smooth wallpaper can be glued to any surface and repainted up to 15 times. Non-woven wallpaper is great for repairs in new buildings, because when the building shrinks, they will hold the cracks that have arisen, they will not tear or deform.

Smooth or fuzzy textured options are sometimes referred to as "washable" because they can be easily cleaned with a damp cloth.

One of the varieties is vinyl wallpaper. They are distinguished by a decorative top layer made of foamed or dense vinyl, so they have a pronounced relief. However, you need to keep in mind that the foam coating is quite fragile. The service life is usually limited to 10 years.

It is necessary to highlight a special type of non-woven wall covering that can withstand mechanical stress. People call them "anti-vandal". They can have a laminated outer layer that is resistant to abrasion. In this case, it is easy to remove any greasy stains, children's drawings and other contaminants.

Reinforced wallpaper will protect against animal claws, and is also suitable for use in public places: hotels, kindergartens, hospitals. For their manufacture, artificial and natural fibers are used at the base and a wear-resistant top decorative layer, for example, Teflon.


Premium coverage. Wallpaper is made from natural textile material, the surface of which is treated with a mixture of chalk, wax, rosin and wood flour. The section of the wall pasted over by them will please the eye for an infinitely long time.

The number of repaints by the manufacturer is not limited. However, when painting, it must be borne in mind that the coating dries within two months.


The dimensions of the wallpaper for painting are different from the usual ones, they are larger. Most often, the sizes are: 17x0.53 m, 25x1.06 m, 33.5x0.53 m and even 125x0.75 m.

Wide stripes allow you to reduce the number of joints, which makes the surface more monolithic. For this reason, meter wallpapers are most in demand among buyers. According to reviews, they are able to facilitate and speed up the gluing process, especially with heavy non-woven coating options.

The length of the rolls for painting is almost 1.5-2 times longer than that of conventional models, which allows you to save expensive material. The thickness of the wallpaper depends on their base. The thinnest, of course, paper single-layer.

The spongy structure of the non-woven material is so dense and thick that it allows you to hide wall defects up to 5 mm. Manufacturers always indicate the dimensions on the packaging.


A characteristic feature of structural wallpaper is relief. However, it should be noted that smooth options without texture are used a little less often. They usually have a fine-grained texture or are covered with a special "satin" composition.

The main advantage of a textured surface is that it feels seamless as the voluminous details make the seams invisible, and a large width allows you to reduce their number or hide them behind interior details. Texture solutions can be different, but it must be remembered that with the wrong choice, the relief can feel monotonous and boring.

The pattern can be chaotic, orderly, or repetitive. In the first case, a fine texture with rounded lines is better perceived. If the repeating pattern is complex and curved, then it will not get bored quickly. When choosing wallpaper for a strict classic interior, you should pay attention to simple and regular reliefs, with a low degree of repeatability.

When choosing structural finishing materials, experts recommend taking into account that a large ornament reduces the room, and a small one expands it.

Thin embossed paper wallpapers are easy to stick and easy to remove afterwards. As a rule, they are characterized by a small textured ornament that will be appropriate in small rooms.

Coarse-fiber thick coatings give the surface a heterogeneous, natural look, which is highly appreciated by designers in eco-styles. The textured pattern on such models is the largest. Such wallpapers do not glue in corridors and other enclosed spaces.

Structural cullets used for large public and office spaces often have a relief in the form of a cobweb, herringbone or matting. Dense non-woven models are able to visually imitate any materials: stone, brick, wood, textiles.

Design and colors

To give your own home an individual touch, you need to approach the design of the walls and ceiling with interest. You can experiment with different shades, reliefs, textures, patterns.

Combined painting

Wallpaper allows you to combine and combine colors, but you need to do it correctly, given the palette rules:

  • Neutral, gentle tones are best combined.
  • A gradient is one of the extraordinary methods of transitioning from one color to another or changing saturation with a uniform hue.
  • Bright colors can also be combined, such as orange and purple, yellow and blue, however, this is best done in spacious rooms.

For small rooms, you can apply a horizontal color border, which will visually expand them. It is generally accepted that the lower part should be 1/3 of the wall, however, no one forbids deviating from this rule.

With the help of vertical color lines, the space is divided into functional zones. In addition, this effect visually "raises" the ceiling. Clear and beautiful borders between color zones will help to decorate plaster or paper borders, mosaics or moldings.

A studio apartment will be transformed if three of its walls are painted in light colors, and the fourth one is accentuated with a rich, bright color. Structural wallpaper can be painted in two colors. To do this, the base is painted over with one shade, and on top of it, a paint of a different tone is applied to the protruding pattern. This method allows you to emphasize the relief structure and add variety.

If there is a lack of self-confidence when choosing contrasting colors, then experts recommend using the services of professionals who can choose the best combination.

Figures on the walls

Monograms, circles, rhombuses and other shapes are complex technology. In this case, the walls are pasted over with smooth wallpaper without a structural pattern. They are covered with light, almost white paint, over which colored patterns are applied. To mark the walls, you can use various improvised materials: masking tape, a stencil, or draw a chaotic pattern by hand with a brush.

Venetian plaster

Decorative plaster is one of the most sophisticated methods of wall decoration. It is expensive and requires skillful hands, so few can afford it. Wallpaper manufacturers offer an excellent way out - wallpaper under Venetian plaster. This is a non-woven coating with a vinyl coating applied to it. Since the top imitator layer is thick enough, the wallpaper perfectly repeats the multi-layered Venetian plaster with its unusual structure.

The advantages of the material are undeniable:

  • Low cost.
  • Self-applied to walls.
  • Moisture resistance.
  • UV resistant.
  • Wear resistance.
  • Wide range of colors.

Stylish accents

In a modern interior, designers widely use materials that imitate various natural textures. This has become a trend lately.

Style dictates the rules, so wallpaper manufacturers produce a wide range of similar types:

  • Loft-style wallpapers should convey the physical properties of the walls as much as possible. They can be concrete, brick, plastered. Brick-like surfaces are not uncommon in this interior direction, they are used more often than others. Usually the basis for wallpaper is non-woven. As a rule, the entire room is not pasted over with such material, since it looks hard. Choose a central wall that focuses on. In the living room, brickwork will look great next to the fireplace. Ledges and niches can also be designed as a brick accent.
  • Textured wallpaper "under the stone, leather and wood" will fit perfectly into the interiors of the country or the Middle Ages.

  • The natural beauty of eco-style design can be emphasized by wallpaper imitating various natural components: bamboo, papyrus, silk, wood. In particular, such types of glass wallpapers are popular, which have the texture of "gunny" or "canvas".
  • Office and public spaces are most often decorated with wallpaper in pastel colors, using all shades of light brown. They are characterized by the texture of the "herringbone" and "cobweb".


Before you start painting, you need to wait for the wallpaper to dry completely. To create drawings, it is advised to use a brush, for background application - a fur roller.


For each type of wallpaper, a different dye is used. It is better to paint paper options with water-based paint, but if it is applied to non-woven ones, stains may appear. Experts advise painting them with latex species. Acrylic or alkyd dyes are suitable for glass wallpapers.


You can apply paint however you like. On the Internet and on the pages of magazines, you can find simple options and intricate design solutions. The most common ideas:

  • Interesting drawings.
  • Background monochrome and multicolor solutions.
  • Graphic arts.
  • Geometric ornaments.

Smooth wallpaper allows you to create original wall panels using hand-painted. To do this, they are given the desired background shade, and then a certain pattern is applied with a brush or using stencils.


The color of the walls depends on the functional features of the room and the desires of the owner. It is believed that for the children's room and bedroom it is better to use pastel colors, fuzzy lines, restrained ornaments. However, this rule does not exclude bright colors in the children's play area or rich colors in the comfort zone. They can be combined, combined, which will embody any design ideas.


An ideal option that provides both ease of painting and obtaining an exquisite decor are stencils. The modern market offers a wide range of such products. The application technology is so simple that even children can draw. There are a lot of advantages - affordability, simplicity and ease of coloring, a variety of ornaments, the ability to get an interesting exclusive decor with your own hands.

3D effect

Modern technologies make it possible to use voluminous, almost holographic images in the interior. To do this, they produce wallpapers with a 3D effect. Models are quite expensive, but the sensations they create are worth it. It should be remembered that they are best used for only one surface in the room, as an accent.


Wallpaper goes well with other finishing materials, What can be used for decorative purposes:

  • For wall decoration in the bathroom or in the kitchen, ceramic tiles are most often used. When decorating walls with wallpaper for painting, details in the form of inserts, borders or ceramic wall panels look very impressive.
  • Natural materials (marble, gypsum, wood, stone) look beautiful as additional decorative elements and are wonderfully combined with wallpaper.

Pros and cons

Wallpaper for painting has some advantages, which distinguish them from conventional types of coatings:

  • High quality and environmental friendliness.
  • Even coloring and fast drying.
  • resistance to various factors.
  • A variety of shades that can be changed over time.
  • Masking and bonding of wall cracks during shrinkage of the house, as well as other surface defects.
  • Possibility of gluing both walls and ceilings.
  • There is no need for special thorough surface preparation before wallpapering.
  • The adhesive is applied to the wall, not the canvas, which saves money and reduces repair time.
  • Wear resistance and durability.

Some shortcomings can be noted:

  • Difficulties with painting surfaces with large relief.
  • Some types of wallpaper before staining have a fragile structure, so you need to glue it with care.
  • Glass fiber requires care when applied to walls, as their small particles can cause skin irritation.
  • Foamed vinyl wallpaper can crumble and scratch easily.

Which is better to choose?

The choice of wallpaper for painting largely depends on the functional features of the room, the surfaces to be pasted over and the nuances of the interior.

Depending on the room:

  • In offices and other crowded areas, when buying, it is better to give preference to durable and wear-resistant coatings that are resistant to mechanical damage. In this case, professionals recommend non-woven or fiberglass wallpaper.
  • For use in an apartment with a small number of residents, paper types are acceptable. However, in the corridors and in the kitchen it is better to give preference to "washable" options.
  • Apartments in which families with small children or animals live should be better decorated with anti-vandal non-woven wallpaper; laminated options will also be appropriate.
  • Fiberglass wallpapers will be appropriate for the bathroom, as they are the most moisture resistant and breathable, so they rarely get mold and mildew. It is better to paint them with acrylic or latex dyes, which are suitable for wet rooms. If you choose a coloring composition marked "washable", then you can significantly improve the technical characteristics of the canvas.

  • For a living room or a hall, wallpaper should be chosen based on the general concept of the room:
    1. Classic style - the coating is characterized by a large number of ornaments and reliefs. Surfaces can be glossy and matte. Coarse-fiber thick wallpapers with a large relief pattern and combined coloring are suitable for wall decoration.
    2. Art Nouveau uses a combination of discreet tones, smooth lines and graceful ornaments. In this case, glass and interlining look great.
    3. Provence is distinguished by its simplicity: small textured wall patterns with floral patterns, warm shades.
    4. Ethnic style is the most diverse, depending on a specific topic. For example, Japanese motifs suggest imitation of walls made of natural materials, so it is better to use fiberglass coatings that repeat the texture of rice paper, silk, bamboo, matting. More often, wallpapers are of a background color, drawings are applied manually using stencils in the form of hieroglyphs, sakura, cranes.

The production of materials is carried out in different conditions, so the characteristics of different types and manufacturers will be individual

Depending on the type of surface:

  1. Walls can be pasted over with any type of canvas. The main thing is that they correspond to the functionality of the room. It is very important to correctly choose the color scheme, depending on the location of the windows. If they are northern, then in the room, as a rule, there is a lack of sunlight, so it is better to choose wallpaper in warm colors: yellow, coffee, golden. With southern orientation of windows, give preference to cold colors: gray, blue and blue.
  2. Ceiling. As a rule, ceiling materials are represented by thick vinyl or non-woven wallpaper. They perform not only decorative, but also a protective function from the flow of water from the upper floor.
  3. Protrusions and niches. These areas will help to place accents, pay attention to individual details. Designers often use wallpaper for them that differs from the main coatings to emphasize style. From the point of view of practicality, it is better to decorate them with canvases with soft, stretching bases, since ledges and niches have complex surfaces with many edges and angles.

Choice features:

  • It is difficult to choose wallpaper in absentia, since the screen and photograph cannot accurately convey the relief and color. Structural patterns are sometimes best felt tactile.
  • It is better to clarify all the operational qualities of the material in advance with the representatives of the company.
  • Wallpaper for painting requires a certain type of dye, so this point must first be clarified.
  • If the product has a quality certificate, the manufacturer maintains its reputation, which means that you can hope to purchase quality material.
  • Experts recommend choosing wallpapers from the same collection, as they harmonize and combine better with each other.