How much does a chipboard sheet weigh. Chipboard: sheet size, thickness and cost of material from leading manufacturers How much does m2 of chipboard 16 mm weigh

How much does a 16mm chipboard sheet weigh

What is the size of a chipboard sheet 16 mm

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Few from modern people find it difficult to say what the word chipboard means. Most of us met with this material when choosing or assembling furniture - chipboard, just in case, we mention that this is the decoding of the mentioned abbreviation and is used in the production of furniture frames, shelves, doors and cladding elements. In our article, we will talk about what chipboard boards are and how they differ in their technical characteristics. Contents Main parameters of particle boards Formaldehyde emission class Geometric dimensions of chipboard Density of chipboard Packaging of chipboard Basic parameters of particle boards Despite the fact that at first glance all boards of equal dimensions look approximately the same, in fact they differ in a number of ways. parameters. The main requirements for chipboard are contained in a special GOST standard, according to which several different classes of these products are distinguished. At chipboard production phenol-formaldehyde resins are used, which can release highly toxic substances into the air that are harmful to human health. Modern technologies allow you to control the specific composition of these substances, therefore state standard limits have been placed on how much formaldehyde can be contained in a particle board composite: Around the environmental friendliness of panels from waste wood has long been fierce debate. Some authors argue that many manufacturers deliberately distort the data on their products - after all, it is possible to measure the level of formaldehyde or methanol emission into the air only in laboratory conditions. In any case, before buying chipboard is better approach the place of its storage: Deciphering the chipboard marking is determined by the above-mentioned GOST. In the generally accepted designation of the brand, the second character defines. Depending on the mechanical properties there are two brands: Dimensions chipboard sheet are also specified in GOST This document specifies:. It is easy to see that the linear dimensions of the chipboard are given by a discrete set of values, and the thickness of the chipboard can be almost any. The weight of chipboard is determined by the size of the sheet. The density of the material is almost always the same, so the weight is proportional to the area of ​​the sheet and its thickness. For example, the average weight of a 10 mm chipboard with a size of x mm is 37 kg. One of the most common misconceptions is that the denser the chipboard, the better. In fact, this misconception has its roots in the Soviet past, when the quality of manufactured particle board was quite low due to improper processing of the chips used. In those days, the shortcomings of technology were compensated high content formaldehyde resin. In fact, the main bearing element of a chipboard sheet is its surface. Only she is able to hold fasteners, while the inner layer is, by definition, very loose due to the characteristics of the material itself. Often when buying a large volume chipboard boards the question arises of how much m 2 is the area of ​​\u200b\u200bone sheet, how many sheets are in one pack and how much the sheet weighs. Of course, it all depends on what size each sheet has. Let's start with the sheet area. The following table provides a breakdown of the area values ​​for the most popular sizes:. Please note that the largest of the 32 mm thick sheets in question weighs over kg. It can hardly be lifted by two adults. The weight of a thin chipboard, for example, ten millimeter thick, can be easily mastered alone. For industrial shipment, chipboard is packed in bundles. The number of sheets in a pack depends on the thickness of the chipboard and is selected in such a way that the mass of the pack does not exceed the load capacity of industrial equipment. Here are some numbers showing how much a pack of chipboard weighs: That's all the main technical chipboard characteristics may be mentioned. There are, of course, special products, including moisture and fire resistant models, boards with a high content of formaldehyde and other exclusive models, but they are rarely produced. Choosing the required brand of chipboard, you get a reliable and inexpensive material for the production of the most different designs. From 16 mm to 38 mm - all about the characteristics of the chipboard sheet. Chipboard grades Depending on the quality of surface treatment, three grades of the material under discussion are distinguished: Chipboard sheets of the first grade.

How much does a chipboard sheet weigh?

Thick sheets of chipboard are used to make raised floors. How to cut chipboard without chipping? Sheet size Chipboard Egger. Fibreboard Chipboard MDF OSB Plywood. Calculate Area m 2:

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How much does a chipboard sheet weigh?

Furniture manufacturers who use chipboard as the main material pay attention not only to the dimensions of the chipboard and the thickness of each sheet, but also to its weight. Indicating the quality characteristics of a particular brand of wood-based panels, the manufacturer always provides data on the weight of the product. Most often, the weight is indicated in kilograms per 1 square meter of the slab. Respectively, how much does a chipboard sheet weigh, will be fairly easy to calculate.

Factors affecting chipboard weight

The total mass of particle board depends on several factors, among which are:

  • the type of wood used as a raw material in the production of chipboard.

    How much does chipboard weigh?

    Each type of wood has a unique structure and fiber density, which causes differences in the weight of chips and sawdust from pine, linden, oak, etc.

  • Density of pressing wood pulp in the process of plate formation. The more air remains between the wood particles mixed with the adhesive, the lighter the final board weight will be.
  • the size of each individual chipboard sheet - that is, the number of square meters in one plate. The smaller the length, width and thickness of the plate, the lower its total weight.

Chipboard weight from leading manufacturers

Analyzing the mass of wood-based panels, it can be noted that each manufacturer, depending on the characteristics of its technological process, offers products of different weights. In the table below, we have tried to systematize information on the mass of various formats of wood-based panels from leading manufacturers.

Manufacturer Plate format, mm Weight, kg
per 1 m2 on the stove
swisspan 2440x1830x25 16,16 72,2
2440x1830x22 14,22 63,5
2440x1830x18 12,82 57,2
2440x1830x16 11,39 50,9
2750x1830x22 14,22 71,6
2750x1830x18 12,82 64,5
2750x1830x16 11,39 57,3
2750x1830x10 7,8 39,3
Egger 2800x2070x10 7,09 41,1
2800x2070x16 10,36 60,0
2800x2070x18 11,65 67,5
2800x2070x19 12,3 71,3
2800x2070x25 14,69 85,1

The table shows that the weight of boards with the same format can vary significantly due to the difference in thickness. In addition, wood-based panels of the same thickness, but made by different manufacturers, also have a different weight per 1 square meter.

Thus, the indicator of how much a chipboard sheet weighs depends on many reasons. Experienced furniture manufacturers often focus on its importance when assessing the quality of a chipboard batch. Too much board weight may indicate a violation of the drying technology in the production of chipboard, and a board that is too light may turn out to be brittle and brittle.


Chipboard 16 mm thick - dimensions and manufacturers

Chipboard 16 mm 2500x1830

Chipboard 16 mm 2620x1830


16 mm Sheet format 2620×1830 mm Sheets per pack 36 sheets Leaf area 4.7946 m2 Sheet weight 55.75 kg Manufacturer Kronospan

Chipboard 16 mm 2750x1830

Chipboard 16 mm 2800x2070

Chipboard 16 mm 2800x2070

Any dimensions of laminated chipboard 16 mm thick from reliable manufacturers

The production of modern cabinet and upholstered furniture practically cannot do without the use of laminated chipboard sheets.

Furniture parts made of 16 mm laminated chipboard of various colors and shades look attractive and solid, withstand heavy loads, are resistant to most detergents, scratches and chips, and are easy to process. You can buy just such a chipboard with a thickness of 16 mm in our store. We offer you material from major manufacturers: IKEA, Kronospan, ShKDP, EGGER, Sveza.

What you need to know about LDSP

Before making a purchase of laminated chipboard sheets or finished furniture parts made of 16 mm chipboard, it is worth learning more about this material. This composition is made from wood sawdust and shavings impregnated with formaldehyde resins. Chipboard differs from chipboard in that it is coated with a paper-resin film.

Weight and density of chipboard

This film initially looks like ordinary paper, but after impregnation with melamine resin, it acquires hardness and rigidity, as well as a characteristic sheen, after which it is applied to chipboard and becomes inseparable.

Such a film can be applied to a chipboard in two ways: lamination and laminating. Externally and in price, such sheets practically do not differ. However, in the first case, the coating is forever inseparable from the base, and in the second, it can peel off and move away in the corners. For this reason, when buying, pay attention not only to the size of the 16 mm chipboard sheet, but also to the method of topcoating.

It is also worth checking with the seller the class to which the material belongs. Given that the composition of the plate includes formaldehyde resins, which it is extremely undesirable for a person to breathe, environmental standards in this case are of great importance. Remember: only 16 mm chipboard of class E1 is allowed for use in a residential area. If the sheets belong to class E2, then they are used exclusively for outdoor work and non-residential buildings. You can buy only E1 class plates from us.

The weight of 16 mm chipboard may also indicate the quality of the material. If the sheet is excessively heavy, then, perhaps, mistakes were made during its drying, and light products are too brittle and brittle due to the low density of sawdust in them. Small fluctuations in weight are normal for products from different manufacturers due to the use of different manufacturing techniques. For example, the optimal weight for EGGER 16 mm chipboard with parameters 2800 × 2070 mm is 67.5 kg. If the size of the EGGER chipboard is 16 mm smaller, then the weight, respectively, is also smaller. Chipboard Kronospan 16 mm will weigh the same due to the use of similar production technology by this company.

Chipboard 16 mm 3500x1750

The high rates of civil engineering require the use of materials that combine ease of processing, versatility, and affordable cost. All these qualities are noted in particle board. For a closer acquaintance, we will examine the most common type of non-laminated sheet of medium density with a thickness of 16 mm.

The main components of chipboard are natural sawdust and synthetic resins. The mixture is subjected to hot flat pressing, which results in strong and lightweight boards. The thickness of finished products varies from 8 to 38 mm. The most common sizes of chipboard 2.5x1.85, 3.5x1.75 m are classified as euroformat.

Low-value wastes of coniferous and deciduous trees are considered suitable raw materials for mass production. The performance of particle boards directly depends on the shape, size, particle density, as well as the volume and quality of the binder components. Due to the low cost of raw materials, chipboard has become the most widely used.


1. Physical and mechanical indicators show the strength of deformation, compression, bending and water resistance. Based on the data obtained, the material is divided into two grades:

  • P-A - a plate with a density of 700-900 kg / m3, covered with lamination (protective layer). It is used in the manufacture of furniture and interior decoration.
  • P-B - a sheet of reduced strength with a density of up to 650 kg / m3. Used for rough finishing of premises and auxiliary works. Sanded chipboard 16 mm is used for leveling surfaces, unsanded panels serve as insulation.

2. Sorting of finished products is carried out according to quality performance.

  • polished surface (Ш) of proper quality;
  • absence of defects;
  • accurate dimensions.

Grade II - unpolished slabs with acceptable defects: cracks, chips, heterogeneity, spots. Damage may result from a manufacturing defect or shipping.

3. According to the level of processing, chipboards with a regular and fine-structured (M) surface are distinguished.

4. The degree of safety is determined by international standards for the content of maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances. According to the level of formaldehyde emission per 100 g of pressed panel, the material is divided into classes:

  • Super E (up to 5 mg) - chipboard that meets international standards for the manufacture of children's furniture;
  • E-1 (up to 10 mg) - the sheet is suitable for furniture production;
  • E-2 (10-30 mg) - used for finishing as an intermediate layer;
  • E-3 (30-50 mg) - for non-residential outbuildings, attic insulation, container construction;
  • E-4 (over 50 mg) - used exclusively for technical purposes.

On the building materials market, the highest level of environmental safety is noted for chipboard 16 mm thick from German and Austrian manufacturers.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of using chipboard include:

  • good strength;
  • structural homogeneity;
  • uniform density;
  • ease of processing;
  • low price.

Chipboard securely holds the hardware connecting the structure. Due to its multiple advantages, 16mm chipboard is widely used in the production of economy-class furniture.

Chipboard panels have several disadvantages:

1. Weight of chipboard is higher than natural wood. The mass of one plate varies from 50 to 70 kg. The strength of chip sheets is also inferior to the parameters of lumber.

2. The presence of formaldehyde resins is harmful to human health. To reduce the negative impact of aggressive substances, it is recommended to carefully select products, use them strictly for their intended purpose in accordance with the specified safety class.


The price of a popular product consists of several components:

  • format;
  • thickness;
  • brand, density;
  • grade;
  • security class;
  • degree of water resistance;
  • purchase volume.

Most often, sellers indicate the cost of particle boards in two formats: the price per 1 sheet and per square meter. This greatly simplifies the calculations of buyers.

Chipboard polished I grade 16 mm thick domestic manufacturer:

Standard sheet size Price* rub/m 2 Price* rub/sheet
2440x1830 131-156 600-750
2500x1850 151-163 700-750
2750x1830 115-187 630-840
2800x2070 124-165 753-930
3060x1830 178-212 780-970
3500x1750 180-214 850-990

*Prices are indicated taking into account mechanical loading on onboard vehicles.

The listed types of materials can be bought cheaper if you contact the manufacturers directly.

If you decide to make furniture with your own hands, develop a design, calculate the dimensions of the parts, decide what you will build the furniture of your dreams from, then you can safely purchase the necessary parts. The most popular and sought-after materials for furniture are chipboard and OSB. Chipboard - chipboard - a material made by pressing wood chips with their fastening substances - organic resins. It is quite easy to use, resistant to mechanical damage, stable material. OSB (OSB - Oriented Strand Board) - oriented strand boards, also made from wood chips, in the same way, only in it each subsequent layer of wood is laid across the previous one. Basically, such a plate consists of four layers. Accordingly, OSB is a more durable, rigid, moisture resistant material.

It is very important to know how much a chipboard or OSB sheet weighs. There are several factors that affect the weight of chipboard, OSB. First, of course, the size. For example, a sheet is made in the following formats: 2750mm x1830mm and 2800mm x2070mm. And the OSB board has different sizes. For example, Kronopol firms have slabs of 1250mm x 2500mm or 2070mm x 2800mm. Secondly, the weight of the chipboard and OSB board is affected by its thickness. Using the same example from Kronospan, we have sanded chipboard with a thickness of 10, 16, 18 and 22mm. The third factor is the pressing density. It varies depending on the manufacturer and, accordingly, the method of pressing. An important factor is such a fourth factor as the raw material - the wood from which the material is made, with a binder, since it can be more or less dense, and, accordingly, heavy.

Given all these factors, it is easier to figure out how much a chipboard or OSB sheet weighs and why. For example, the weight of a chipboard sheet with a thickness of 12mm - format 2440mm x 1830mm is 39.1 kg; OSB board 10mm, format 2500mm x 1250mm - 20.6kg; weight chipboard 16mm, format 2750mm x 1830mm - 58.7kg.

Naturally, if all possible variants of plate formats are systematized into a certain scheme or table, then it will be quite simple for you to calculate the dimensions of chipboard or OSB sheets for organizing their transportation. Below we give such a “magic wand” - a table in which the weight of various plates has already been calculated, depending on their size and manufacturers.

Obviously, the weight of two sheets of the same thickness, the same length, but different widths, is significantly different. And this is important when transporting by means of transport that is not suitable for this. Since, for example, a plate that is too thin will be quite fragile and brittle, which makes it difficult to preserve during transportation. Or, depending on the way the wood is pressed, the sheet may not be quite stable, that is, bend.

We hope that with the above table we have greatly facilitated the task of transporting chipboard or OSB, and now you can easily calculate the total weight of the required material and select the method of its transportation. This is taking into account the weight of the chipboard, and the dimensions of the OSB, and the dimensions of both each sheet separately and all sheets in a pack.

Chipboard and OSB are widely used in the construction of cabinet furniture, they are easy-to-use materials. However, without practical skills and certain knowledge, it will not be easy for you to navigate the organization of quick and easy transportation of plates or finished parts of your furniture. And we will be happy to help you solve this problem.

Recently, the furniture industry is increasingly using another material instead of the usual wood - chipboard (chipboard), which have several varieties and are characterized by good performance.

The use of chipboard is not limited to the production of furniture, it has become widespread as a relatively light and cheap material for universal use. What are the types of chipboard, standard sizes and areas of its use - this is our article.

Reasons for the popularity of chipboard

The chipboard production technology is quite simple: with the help of a special adhesive, natural wood chips are tightly connected to each other. As the main “ingredient”, low-value coniferous wood waste is used, so such production is quite justified from an environmental point of view.

What furniture is better from chipboard or MDF, you can find out in this

Often such designs are limited in width to two thin sheets of laminated film. The thickness of the formed layer of the plate can be 8 - 38 mm. The most popular are chipboard with a width of 16-18 mm.

Advantages of DPS:

  • Ease of processing.
  • Low cost.
  • Light weight.
  • Good strength.
  • Structural uniformity.
  • Large selection of chipboard colors.

All these indicators make the plates very popular in various fields of construction.

Disadvantages of such plates are also present. They mainly concern the quality of the binders used. If the excess of formaldehyde resins is greater than the average, the use of such materials in residential premises is highly doubtful. To avoid harmful effects on the body, the boards should be chosen exactly according to the safety class, without using chipboard of unsuitable parameters.

The following types of chipboard are classified according to the type of surface:

  • raw chipboard they are used exclusively for black interior decoration, if in the future this area is planned to be sewn up with a finishing material. The surface is rough to the touch, the texture of the used chips clearly appears on it.
  • polished plate has a wider distribution, it is used even in the furniture industry, but not on the front surfaces. Outside, the plane of the plate is smoother, but its structure is also clearly visible. Sanded chipboard is often coated with a special water-repellent compound to be used in areas of high humidity, such as bathroom ceilings.
  • Keyed chipboard represents an external covering in the form of imitation of expensive breeds of trees. Such plates look more attractive and are highly valued for interior decoration.
  • Laminated boards instead of wood, they are covered with a layer of impregnated paper base. Such a surface is short-lived and highly susceptible to mechanical stress. When choosing laminated chipboard, care must be taken that the surface does not come into too much contact with surrounding objects and chemicals.
  • Laminated chipboard unlike the types described above, it has excellent strength and performance characteristics, as well as greater durability. The production process of laminated chipboard includes coating the paper base with a special film, which, under the influence of high temperatures and pressure, adheres tightly to the surface, forming a monolithic layer. Chipboards are widely used in the furniture industry, the abundance of colors and patterns creates the illusion of expensive materials at a much lower cost.

Recently, wood-based panels lined with special plastic coatings and polymer films have also appeared. This allows you to increase the moisture resistance of the material, but from a practical point of view, such plates are very fragile. The quality of such chipboard will vary greatly depending on the manufacturer, so before buying it is advisable to check all hygiene certificates that allow the material to be used indoors.

Chipboard - a great option for an environmentally friendly analogue of wood. There are a lot of varieties of chipboard to choose the right brand for any kind of rough finishing work, furniture manufacturing and other domestic and industrial needs.

Plates are produced in a sufficient range of shapes and colors, the most popular is a thickness of 16 mm, which allows you to make furniture of good strength and high performance. When choosing chipboard for interior work, you should definitely pay attention to the marking and composition of the material.

Chipboard is a wood particle board. It has a fine structure and is used for construction purposes for the manufacture of furniture. Strict parameters are applicable to chipboard, non-compliance with which can significantly reduce the price and quality of the final product. So, on a plate of the first grade, there should be no damage - blackouts, cracks and breaks. In addition to visible defects, the plate must necessarily meet high criteria - be durable, elastic, moisture resistant and contain a minimum amount of formaldehyde.

Types of chipboard and their physical characteristics

Chipboard is made from wood that is ground, mixed with resin and pressed. Wood is cut in different ways:

  • Petal shavings.
  • Needle chip.
  • Square stick.
  • Cutting wood with the last two methods implies a rougher structure. During operation, chips and cracks may form. For better bonding of the final product, more resin is added, which, accordingly, increases the density of chipboard.

    Today, environmentally friendly building materials have become popular. Therefore, manufacturers try to use less resin to bind chips. But, reducing the resin content leads to a decrease in the density of chipboard.

    Buyers prefer to purchase a denser material and make products from it. In this case, the products are stronger, they can be easily assembled and disassembled several times without damaging the fasteners. The disadvantage is the rapid wear of the mechanical tool. In addition, it is very difficult to cut such material without fractures. Although eco-fashion is doing its job - eco-friendly furniture and facade elements are becoming more and more popular.

    Weight and density of chipboard

    Specific gravity of chipboard, scope and main characteristics
    Chipboard thickness Format Humidity Corrosion Specific weight of chipboard kg/m³ Scope of application
    8 mm 3060mm x 1830mm 2750mm x 1830mm 2440mm x 1830mm From 5% to 7% Up to 0.5mm 650 - 850 For construction and repair purposes: floor, ceiling, ceilings. Production of furniture designs.
    10 mm
    16 mm
    18 mm
    22 mm
    25 mm
    26 mm

    The normal specific gravity of chipboard 16mm and 18mm is within 650 - 850kg / m³, but there are minor deviations from the norm. The greater the specific gravity, the denser the chipboard sheet, and, accordingly, its price is higher. There is a standard at which the weight of a 16 mm chipboard sheet is 58.7 kg, and the weight of a 18 mm chipboard is 71.4 kg. This standard provides structural strength and convenience when working with ground material.
