Laminated chipboard and mdf boards. Which kitchen material is better to choose: we evaluate plastic, chipboard and mdf. MDF in the decoration of kitchen facades

The use of modern finishing and building materials greatly facilitates the repair problems. It also helps to choose best option to create durable and visually attractive furniture for a wide variety of purposes. Among the good fibreboard Laminated chipboard and MDF have earned great popularity, which, in some quality characteristics, are closest to natural wood, and in some aspects even surpass it.

Material differences

Laminated chipboard

Everyone is familiar with the concept of chipboard House master. Use of chipboard It became widespread even during periods of severe shortages and a small selection of suitable building materials. Over time, a thin and unreliable plywood plate was invented to be covered with a special layer, so to speak, laminated.

This made it possible to increase the properties of the board by dozens of times and provided a second youth to similar wood-substituting materials. there is something for every taste, which is a big plus.

Advantages of chipboard

  • Less cost compared to MDF.
  • Light machining.
  • Large selection of colors.
  • More durable surface, resistant to mechanical damage and moisture, for example, for the floor.


Among the shortcomings, low moisture resistance should be noted, which automatically excludes chipboard from the list of possibilities for use in bathrooms, which does not apply to. The production of curved contours can be very difficult due solely to the larger particles in the composition, which will not allow you to get a smooth and clean cut.

The video tells which is better: chipboard or mdf:

It should also be borne in mind that laminated chipboard is manufactured using two technologies in which formaldehyde is used in different proportions. This volatile chemical compound is very dangerous for humans and can even lead to poisoning and death. Usually chipboard with great content formaldehyde is not used in the production of furniture, but is used for purely technical needs. When buying furniture from chipboard is better get acquainted with the certificates and check the hygiene certificate, otherwise there is a high risk of becoming a victim of low-quality goods.

When choosing furniture for the kitchen, it is important to choose an apron and choose what material it will be from MDF or HDF, and how to do this can be read in

bed material

First of all, such furniture should be safe, because in a dream we spend more time than in the kitchen. Therefore, it is better to prefer furniture groups made of MDF. as mentioned earlier, the cost of such purchases will be much higher than the average chipboard option, so this will not seem acceptable to everyone. Also often used for the bedroom. Thus, the output will be a partial combination of materials and a strict rule of preliminary acquaintance with quality certificates before purchase.

For children's furniture

The children's room is the least suitable for experimenting with the quality and environmental friendliness of furniture, so sympathy is entirely on the side of MDF. Despite this, there are also several pitfalls here.

You can buy children's furniture, focusing on the following indicators:

  • Quality assurance MDF boards. Some manufacturers are also trying to save money and replace the original and safe impregnation composition with their own recipes.
  • If the slices of chipboard are reliably protected by a film, there are no poor-quality joints and connections, it is quite possible to purchase furniture from chipboard.
  • Anyway low price and the fragility of the design should arouse suspicion and force you to abandon a dubious acquisition.

On the video - which is better for the kitchen: mdf or chipboard:

Read about what is suitable for a child's room.

The use of fibreboard gives wide opportunities in creating beautiful and accessible furniture groups. If natural wood is an elite option requiring special care and caring attitude. Another thing is furniture made from affordable and common chipboard and MDF, which differ in better side Not only affordable price, but also more resistant to mechanical and thermal stress, and also less susceptible to pests and fungi. By making a wise and informed choice in favor of this or that material, you will not only save yourself from unnecessary disappointments, but you will also not risk buying low-quality or dangerous goods.

5116 09/18/2019 6 min.

Among the finishing decorative materials a special place is occupied by chipboard and MDF. These abbreviations are quite common when it comes to choosing furniture or doors. And a common person, cannot immediately understand which one is better, there are no clear characteristics of these different materials in front of him. Many are repelled only by pricing policy, but this is the wrong decision. To facilitate the choice, it is necessary to understand the differences between these materials.

What are the differences

For comparative characteristics it is better to start by defining their abbreviations.

Chipboard is a wood chipboard, which is formed as a result of hot pressing. For its production, shavings and sawdust from coniferous and hardwood low value trees. Their binders are formaldehyde resins. Due to their presence in the material, I do not recommend using it for the production of children's furniture. This material has high noise and heat insulation, water resistance and strength. you can find out by reading the article.

The photo shows how MDF differs from chipboard:

MDF is a fibreboard. It has an average density and consists of small sawdust. For the production of such boards, waste from the woodworking industry or wood residues after deforestation are used. MDF panels are obtained as a result of dry pressing, which takes place under high pressure and temperature. Paraffin or lingin acts as a binder, so this material is considered environmentally friendly. The surface of such plates is easy to process and has smooth sides. They are used for the manufacture of furniture of any configuration and complexity, as well as for the production of doors, floors and numerous moldings.

On the video comparison: which furniture is better from chipboard or MDF:

What is best for the kitchen

Having considered all the pros and cons of each material above, as well as their application, we can conclude that both of them can decorate kitchen spaces. When choosing one of them, you need to consider your financial opportunities, and which properties are top priority for you. Here are a few characteristics that will help you make a choice and pay attention to important points use of the kitchen set:

It is impossible to say unequivocally which material of chipboard or MDF is better, each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, and only the buyer has to find for himself convenient solution by their choice. At the same time, he is based on his desires and preferences, which he must fulfill. kitchen set or bed. Before the final choice, you should familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the material and be prepared for possible nuances during its operation.

Today on construction market special demand began to enjoy such Construction Materials like chipboard and MDF. What are they? To begin with, chipboard and MDF are chipboard, which is made from small chips. The material can then be subjected to various types processing and purchasing required type surfaces. Both of these products are actively used in the manufacture of furniture, so let's try to figure out which product is considered the best.

Which is better advantages

Before deciding on the most best material and start doing something, it is worth considering the pros and cons of each.

In the photo - chipboard and MDF:

Pros and cons of chipboard

Let's start with chipboard and its positive characteristics:

  • moisture resistance;
  • strength;
  • ease of processing;
  • securely hold the screws and nails that are used to fasten the structure;
  • plates can be painted and glued;
  • in certain physical and mechanical qualities they surpass natural wood;
  • low cost.

Not without such material and cons:

  • the presence of components harmful to health;
  • high hardness of the material does not allow for fine processing;
  • although the product is characterized by high hardness. For this reason, for decorative finishes kitchen furniture from, however, after grinding, the structure becomes loose.

You can learn about what is better than MDF or chipboard for furniture from this

Pros and cons of MDF

Now consider the advantages of MDF:

  • high environmental friendliness;
  • the material can resist moisture and temperature changes;
  • long service life;
  • MDF can be subjected to even the finest machining;
  • optimal ratio between hardness and thickness;
  • the presented product has a flat, smooth, uniform and dense surface, due to which the external processing of the plates is much easier;
  • MDF boasts all the advantages of wood, but the price is much lower and the service life is longer.

You can find out chipboard or mdf which is better for a cabinet by reading

The video tells what is better than MDF or chipboard for furniture:

Choice for the bedroom

For such a room, it remains a very important accessory. For this reason, the choice of the material from which it will be made is a very responsible process.

Today, very often people order furniture for the bedroom from chipboard or MDF, but they still don’t understand which is better. Let's look at chipboard first. The presented product is obtained from chips, which are then treated with a binder, namely formaldehyde resins.

DPS today is very relevant in the manufacture of cabinet furniture, or rather bedroom sets. The main advantages chipboard material can be considered: easy processing, strength, excellent water resistance, the material perfectly and firmly holds all fasteners and is not expensive.

Let's take a closer look at MDF. They have a medium density and a wood-fiber structure. For its production, small sawdust of wood is used. The bonding process is carried out using paraffin. In terms of environmental friendliness, this material is the most suitable for children's furniture. A similar material is used for the production of backs for chairs, beds, tables. Also, MDF boards are indispensable for obtaining lockers, shelves and various details.

bathroom material

To be honest, none of the materials in question are suitable for making furniture in the bathroom. Unless, of course, there is not much choice, then it is best to use an MDF board, which has a laminated surface. But to the general misconception, you can choose a good one.

As a rule, such processing is present only on one side. If we consider chipboard plates, then they are generally not suitable for installation in the bathroom. You can, of course, also purchase a laminated product, then only over time the furniture will begin to delaminate and deteriorate, and furniture set will begin to lose its attractive appearance. Both options can be planted on the corresponding ones.

How to install kitchen apron from MDF with your own hands you can find out

There is only one conclusion here: neither MDF nor chipboard are suitable for the bathroom, but for those who choose from these materials, laminated MDF enjoys a great advantage.

What is more harmful

If you choose the material under consideration according to the criterion of environmental friendliness, then MDF is in the winning position. As has been repeatedly mentioned, formaldehyde resins are used in the production of chipboard. During evaporation, they emit harmful components and thus adversely affect human health. MDF do not imply the use harmful substances, therefore, in terms of environmental friendliness, they can be compared with natural wood.

How furniture is made from two materials

MDF can be amenable to various types of mechanical processing, due to which they are actively involved in the manufacture of facades for cabinet furniture. In this case, CNC machines are used during production. Thanks to this equipment, it is possible to make various patterns, curly drawings.

The MDF production process involves the use of a thermal vacuum press, as a result of which various PVC films can be applied to the surface of the board. For this reason, the cost of MDF board is much more expensive than chipboard. In order for the final product to be of excellent quality and price, the furniture production process can be based on a combination of these materials. As a rule, it is possible to make not only facades for furniture, but also table tops.

It is the low content of harmful components that allowed MDF boards to be used in the manufacture of cribs. Today there is a large number of PVC films, on the surface of which many children's drawings are applied. As a result, it is possible to obtain a strong and practical furniture which is very easy to care for. In addition, edge milling avoids sharp ends, which is important in the manufacture of furniture for a children's room.

Chipboard and MDF are very popular products today, which are actively used in the manufacture of furniture. To say unequivocally which material is better will not work. Indeed, in terms of environmental friendliness and beauty wins MDF material. But the cost is lower and the chipboard has a long service life. When choosing furniture, pay attention to the purpose for which you buy it and under what conditions it will be used.

Ask a specialist to name the two most popular materials for making furniture, and he will confidently name chipboard and MDF. They have long been successfully used as substitutes for wood. Although the technology of their production has similar features, the properties of the materials are different. If you know these differences, it will be easy to answer the question which one is better.

LDSP - laminated chipboard. Its basis is wood shavings, firmly pressed and impregnated with formaldehyde resin. The additive resin is not safe, and there are two environmental standards - E1 and E2. The second allows more harmful substances, so the chipboard of the E2 standard is not used for children's rooms and medical facilities. The surface of the plates is covered with a laminated paper film with the addition of melamine resin, which increases the strength of the material.

MDF - wood fiber board. It is made from sawdust, the binder for which is lignin or paraffin. This board is safe to use. The board is stronger and more resistant to heat and water than chipboard due to smaller and more uniform particles.

Properties of MDF boards

are safe;

resistant to water and high temperatures, mechanical damage;

· soft, fine processing and finishing is possible;

The price is higher than chipboard;

Perfectly hold hinges and other fittings;

· more diverse in the types of finishes - in addition to a smooth color coating with enamel, plastic, panels, carvings, cornices, pilasters are widely used;

have practical advantages natural wood(and are cheaper).

Looking at the fine products made in different styles, it can be hard to believe that they are made of MDF. In appearance, they are completely indistinguishable from natural wood furniture.

Properties of chipboard boards

limited safety;

resistant to temperature extremes, moisture, mechanical impact;

Solid, which excludes fine finishing;

· cheaper;

· limited in finishing - covering with a laminated film, although with a wide range of colors and textures.

It should be noted that in most difficult conditions operation is furniture for the kitchen and bathroom, so it needs to be given special attention. In addition to temperature and humidity, accidental shocks, frequent opening of doors, it is exposed to means household chemicals, boiling water and oils. Therefore, experts recommend choosing MDF for such furniture.

Comparing properties of laminated chipboard and MDF, we see what is important advantage of chipboard - attractive price. Do you need economy-class furniture at the lowest cost? Then LDSP is what you need. Need beautiful facades threaded? Fine trim? Beautiful, durable and safe furniture? Then the choice is for MDF.

In the 21st century, big consumer demand uses chipboard furniture. chipboard- this is a unique invention of the German entrepreneur Max Himmelheber that made life ordinary people comfortable and allowed to save up to 60% of the wood that was recycled. It's not only concern for people with average incomes, but also an exemplary example of careful attitude to natural resources.

Furniture factories have been producing cabinet, upholstered and kitchen furniture for a long time. furniture made of laminated chipboard, CDSP and MDF. These materials in some characteristics have properties similar to natural wood, and in some parameters even surpass it.

Furniture from laminated chipboard

Chipboard is laminated chipboard. With the help of lamination, chipboard improves its properties: it becomes more durable and water resistant, which cannot be said about ordinary chipboard.

Furniture from KDSP

KDSP is laminated chipboard. The difference between laminated chipboard and CDSP is only in the application technology decorative coating: when laminating, it is glued to the chipboard, and when laminating, it is created during pressing due to chemical processes and inseparable from the base plate. Operational properties and characteristics are the same, but Chipboard is the most moisture resistant. Therefore, KDSP is much cheaper than both chipboard and MDF.

MDF furniture

MDF is finely dispersed fraction of a tree. The structure of MDF is more homogeneous, andTwice as strong as chipboard . And he's better behaved humid environment more resistant to fire. But the cost is more expensive than chipboard.

Pros and cons of furniture made of chipboard and furniture made of MDF

Chipboard and MDF - modern materials which have both their pros and cons. Consider operational properties according to the main parameters - moisture resistance, safety, strength, aesthetics, cost.

moisture resistance

The structure of laminated chipboard is more susceptible to moisture penetration than MDF. Why is this happening? Due to the density of the plates, but this does not mean at all that MDF is not at all afraid of moisture.


Chipboard is more toxic than MDF. The concentration of formaldehydes (E 240) in chipboard is higher, but formaldehydes are also present in MDF. Permissible and safe material for the manufacture of furniture are plates that comply with GOST 10632-2014. When choosing furniture for your home, keep in mind that the Russian GOST has much higher requirements than the European one. So it is better to give preference to Russian-made furniture. Furniture factories with which our online store cooperates have ALL certificates of quality and safety. Certificates can be found on official websites, for example Stolline, or by contacting us, we will send or provide them upon request.


MDF has a density 2 times higher than that of chipboard. MDF can be milled, make inclined holes. The material "holds" fasteners better.


Color solutions for both MDF and chipboard are on the same niche - any color is possible, at the request of the client. As for curves and shapes, it is only from MDF that curved facades can be made.


MDF is noticeably more expensive, due to the quality parameters of the material. However, judging by the service life, MDF lasts longer than laminated chipboard.
