Which furniture is better chipboard or mdf. Which material is better for the kitchen: mdf or chipboard? MDF Furniture Pros and Cons

Kitchen furniture is exposed to temperature changes, high humidity, mechanical stress, household chemicals and other active reagents. To resist these negative influences and ensure a long service life, the material of execution must.

The most demanded in the manufacture of facades for kitchen furniture MDF and laminated chipboard. They have some similarities, but differ in composition, production technology, and performance characteristics. To determine which of these materials is best suited for the kitchen, you need to consider the features of each.

What is LDSP?

It is a kind of chipboard (chipboard) coated with a special film. The protective layer increases the strength and decorative qualities of the material. The manufacturing process of laminated chipboard boards is inextricably linked with the production technology of the latter.

Chipboards are obtained by pressing shavings and sawdust impregnated with formaldehyde resins. A distinction is made between E1 and E2 class products. The content of formaldehydes in the first is minimized. The attractiveness of the second lies in its cheapness, but it is not suitable for residential premises.

Moisture resistant laminated chipboard

Kitchen furniture is produced from moisture resistant material. It is obtained by adding molten paraffin or its emulsion to chips and sawdust. The top film is made from paper impregnated with melamine resin. Attach it to the plates in two ways:

  • 1. Caching

It consists in gluing the film on the plate. After some time, the coating most often begins to lag behind at the edges and in the corners of the product.

  • 2.Lamination

Fixing the film to the base is carried out under the influence of temperature and pressure. It is more durable, reliable, but also expensive.

Advantages of chipboard

The material is distinguished by increased resistance to harsh operating conditions that are typical for the kitchen. It tolerates humidity, mechanical stress, high temperatures well.

The top layer of the material - the film, as a rule, imitates various types of wood, including valuable ones. This allows you to achieve original color and texture solutions.

Has a low cost. A set of kitchen furniture made of laminated chipboard will cost much less than a set of MDF. The price depends on the thickness of the plates, which varies between 8-25 millimeters, and the decor.

Disadvantages of chipboard

The material has increased rigidity. This provides resistance to mechanical damage, but makes processing difficult. The inability to mill the surface significantly limits the range of products made from laminated chipboard.

The main disadvantage of laminated chipboard is not rigidity, but the presence of formaldehydes in its composition. These substances are toxic and are released into the environment during the operation of the material. To minimize the risk, you can opt for furniture made of class E1 boards.

Chipboard furniture for the kitchen

Headsets with facades made of laminated chipboard have a beautiful appearance. They can be made for any tree species. There are no restrictions in the choice of shades. The range of ready-made solutions or custom-made solutions allows you to choose a set for both classic and modern interiors.

Laminated boards are widely used not only in the production of furniture facades, but also in the production of work surfaces for the kitchen. The countertops are further protected by a high-pressure plastic (HPL) coating. Pay special attention to the seams. If they are of poor quality, moisture will begin to seep into the sawdust, and the countertop will deform.

Caring for laminated chipboard

Do not use chemically active products, which include liquids containing abrasive substances and cleaners. It is recommended to clean the surface with ordinary soapy water. To give shine to furniture facades, the use of polishes for plastic is acceptable.

To keep the product clean, cleaning is carried out at least once every two weeks. Be sure to monitor the absence of moisture accumulation at the seams. After cleaning the surface, wipe it dry with a napkin or a rag that absorbs moisture well.

What is MDF?

Fibreboard or MDF (MDF) is obtained from dried shredded shavings. Paraffin and lignin are added to it. The small size of the sawdust used in production gives the material and products made from it high strength, resistance to moisture and fire.

Advantages of MDF

The material is easy to process. Milling allows you to give products from plates a relief and patterned surface. It does not swell under the action of moisture, does not deform at high temperatures, and is fireproof.

The characteristics of MDF are closest to wood, and the cost is much lower. The ratio of strength and thickness of the plates (from 4 to 22 mm) is perfectly balanced.

A variety of applied special effects and coatings, an unlimited choice of colors open up wide possibilities in the production of original and beautiful pieces of furniture.

Disadvantages of MDF

The material is practically devoid of flaws. However, when choosing coated boards, attention should be paid to the quality of processing. If it is carried out at a low level, at a temperature of more than 75 degrees, the coating may begin to peel off.

Another downside is the cost. MDF products will cost less than solid wood, but more expensive than chipboard. The factor of underdeveloped production in the country also has an important influence on the formation of prices. The high price is easily compensated by the positive qualities of the material.

enamel coated MDF

The surface of the plates is primed, painted, dried, sanded, covered with several layers of enamel. The result is fixed with varnish. The dried slabs are polished again. The material obtained in this way of finishing is distinguished by a high decorative appearance and rich shades.

The disadvantages of MDF with enamel include high cost. Products from it are more expensive than furniture with film or plastic facades. The cover is not the most practical. On its surface, depending on the color, dust and fingerprints are noticeable, and the shade eventually loses its brightness under the influence of the sun.

MDF kitchen furniture

Facades made of MDF are refined, durable, reliable and safe. The latter is especially important for a room such as a kitchen. Carved surface, cornices, panels, pilasters can make them indistinguishable from an expensive array. Products from MDF, as a rule, are presented not in the budget, but in the elite category.

Like laminated chipboard, this tile material is used not only in the production of facades. It is widely used in surface finishing. MDF floor, ceiling and wall panels decorate both residential and commercial premises.

MDF Care

It is unacceptable to use chlorine-containing and abrasive products, hard devices, for example, sponges made of metal fibrous or plastic material, scrapers, hard brushes and others.

Glossy surfaces are best cleaned with a special polish. Otherwise, regardless of the type of plate coating, caring for it comes down to the use of any soap-based cleaners or detergents. It can also be an ordinary mild soap, which is dissolved in water.

Is there an alternative?

Manufacturers of kitchen furniture offer sets with another facade option. It's called frame. Only the frame is made of MDF, which is covered with veneer or PVC film on top. The profile is filled with various materials. These are glass, metal and chipboard.

The advantage of the frame facade is a very low price and unlimited possibilities in creating design options for kitchen furniture. The cheapness of the product is overshadowed by the complexity of care and fragility. Often the frames have a rather weak connection and are quickly loosened.

What to choose for the kitchen - MDF or chipboard?

All quality and performance characteristics speak in favor of MDF. It is safe for humans, durable, has an attractive appearance, makes it possible to give the kitchen a unique look. This material embodies practicality and quality, but it will also cost a decent amount.

Chipboard will be an ideal choice when buying expensive furniture for the kitchen is not a priority for the near future. The main thing when making a purchase is to make sure that the facades are made on the basis of chipboard with a minimum formaldehyde content.

Furniture for the kitchen should be not only functional, but also beautiful. In the manufacture of facades, MDF and chipboard are used, we will consider what is the difference between these materials and what is better to choose.

What is MDF and chipboard?

Materials such as MDF and laminated chipboard are actively used in the production of furniture elements for residential premises. What is better to choose MDF or chipboard? When choosing, it must be taken into account that the doors of kitchen furniture are mechanically affected, as well as moisture that gets from wet hands. It is better to choose the facades of cabinets from MDF, and the shelves can be made from chipboard.

Consider what these materials are, laminated chipboard is laminated chipboard, made by pressing sawdust, which is treated with formaldehyde resin. After that, the pressed material is laminated, that is, covered with a special film impregnated with melamine resin. Thanks to paraffin, as well as its emulsion, the material becomes resistant to moisture.

MDF board is made from wood fibers by pressing dry chips. During manufacture, paraffin is added to the material, which gives it strength and good resistance to moisture. Chips for the manufacture of MDF are used in a fine fraction, so MDF facades are many times stronger than chipboard.

Advantages and disadvantages of chipboard

The main advantage of laminated chipboard is its low price, it can vary from the thickness of the material. The cost may also vary depending on the structure of the surface. This type of material has low resistance to humidity, and high temperature conditions, and these are the main factors found in the kitchen. The color of laminated chipboard can be varied, and the structure imitates wood.
The material has its drawbacks, it is forbidden to mill it due to its rigidity. Also, the stove emits toxic substances, since it contains many different resins. When using, it is necessary to pay attention to the seams, if moisture gets there, the board will swell and finally deteriorate. Therefore, all connections must be closed.

Main characteristics of MDF

MDF boards lend themselves well to milling, their rigidity allows you to perform such procedures, as a result, you can make a beautiful embossed surface. When covering the plate with PVC film, you can make the surface more original. The surface of such a material is resistant to moisture, and household products, as well as products are considered fire resistant. MDF does not swell, which leads to destruction as a result of moisture ingress. Furniture items made of this material are distinguished by originality and beauty.
You can choose a different color scheme, and the structure that matches the interior of the room.

What is a frame façade?

Very often, a frame front side is used, that is, the frame is made of MDF profiles, and inserts are made of chipboard, glass or metal elements. MDF is processed with veneer or PVC film. At the same time, you can create an original interior, and save on materials. The disadvantages are fragility in use, and difficult care. In some cases, the frames are poorly connected, and the product begins to loosen.

enameled MDF

The product will have an original look if it is decorated with various colors using enamel. To do this, it is necessary to prime the plate, paint, dry, sand, and then apply the remaining layers.
When the last layer dries, it is varnished and then polished again. The main advantage is the originality of the facade of the furniture product. Compared to plastic, this material is expensive. Also, the disadvantage is that during mechanical shocks, chips are formed that cannot be repaired.

How to properly process the ends?

It is necessary to perform additional finishing of the ends to protect the product from moisture, and this also simplifies the cleaning process. If plastic is used, then it can be bent on both sides initially. If the product needs to be trimmed, then you need to glue a decorative PVC edge on the cut or process it with acrylic. The edge should match the color of the furniture. You can also process the cuts with cutters, and then glue the decorative film.

What is better to choose?

When all the disadvantages and advantages of materials are known, it is easy to independently determine what is better to choose for the kitchen. An excellent option for the manufacture of kitchen furniture is MDF, when choosing such a material, not only the facades, but also the shelves will be durable. Since the product is resistant to humidity and temperature changes. But the cost of items will be much more expensive, so the products are combined.
First of all, it is necessary to evaluate all the pros and cons of the material:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • moisture resistance;
  • appearance;
  • strength;
  • ease of care;
  • affordable cost;
  • durability.

MDF has a high density, it gives the product strength, does not allow the elements to loosen. Also, the surface can be decorated with a variety of patterns by carving. Such material is very close to wood, it contains practically no toxic elements. Thus, using this material, the furniture is durable, and does not collapse when exposed to moisture. The service life of such products is twenty years.

Varieties of finishing objects from MDF

The front side of the plate can have a different finish, which affects the strength and appearance of the product.

  1. Lamination with PVC film reliably protects the board from moisture. This method is great for furniture in the kitchen, where items are often washed or opened with wet hands, and water from dishes or other utensils can simply get on them.
  2. A thin wooden coating can be glued onto the surface, this is called veneer finishing. Items have a natural beautiful appearance, but the material will be too fragile, so mechanical damage should be avoided.
  3. Also, high resistance to moisture forms a layer of varnish, which is applied to the surface. Therefore, objects with such a coating are resistant to high temperatures, this is typical for kitchens. The disadvantage is that touch marks or product stains may appear on the surface.

The main advantages of MDF for the kitchen

MDF is actively used in the furniture industry, as it has many advantages.

  1. Easy to process the product, complex and original patterns can be cut from the material.
  2. Plates are made of environmentally friendly material, and do not cause harm to health, there is no release of toxic substances.
  3. Ease of care plays an important role, the furniture is easy to clean, as the surface has a smooth structure. Dirt is not absorbed due to the absence of pores and gaps, the boards are resistant to grease contamination. Also, there are no traces of household detergents that are used in the kitchen on the surface.
  4. The surface can be matte or glossy, depending on preferences, and the interior. The material can be suitable for any chosen style of the room.
  5. Compared with natural wood, the cost of such materials is much lower, and the strength is high. Items last about twenty years with proper use.
  6. Such products are original, the appearance indicates the high cost of items.

All the advantages and disadvantages allow you to determine which material is better to use for kitchen furniture, you should also rely on the cost of items so that the price is affordable.

In the modern market, MDF furniture is considered the best, and of high quality, but it also has a rather big cost. The cheapest material is chipboard, so that the cost is affordable, materials can be combined.
First of all, it is necessary to consider the environmental friendliness of the material so that the furniture does not harm health, and then on the quality and appearance. To save on material and choose a durable frame, you can combine materials, take the base from MDF, and the shelves from chipboard. Although the first material would be ideal, it will last a long time, does not loosen, does not collapse when exposed to moisture, and under the influence of high temperature.

Today, the market for repair and construction materials is not in short supply. Moreover, sometimes products similar in their characteristics are offered, the consumer properties of which are quite difficult to understand. For example, both laminated chipboard (“LDSP”) and “Medium Density Fibreboard” (“MDF” - “MDF”) - the panels are great for wall cladding and are the main materials in the manufacture of furniture.

Moreover, in recent years, both of these products have been used not only in the production of economy-class furniture products, but have also won their niche in the “premium” segment. Despite the similarity of the appearance of both types of building and finishing products, they have significant differences between them, which allow them to be used in some industries, while in others their use is undesirable.

However, before answering which of these two materials is better, in the production of which products it is better to use chipboard, and where MDF panels are more suitable, it is necessary to understand the raw materials used in the manufacture and production technology.

What is "MDF"

The Russian abbreviation "MDF" is a transliteration of the English abbreviated name "MDF" - "Medium Density Fibreboard". According to the manufacturing technology, it is a wood-fiber board produced by dry pressing, having an average density. The initial component is finely dispersed wood shavings, which are pressed under high pressure and elevated temperature. Various types of carbamide or lignin (non-phenolic) resins modified with melamine are used as a binder.

A patent for the manufacture of this building and finishing material was obtained in the United States in the 60s of the last century, at the same time production began on an industrial scale. In Russia, the industrial production of "MDF" panels was mastered in 1997.

What is "LDSP"

The manufacturing technology of chipboard - “DSP” (“DSTP”) involves hot pressing of wood particles (mainly medium-dispersed chips) based on mineral binders. Today, the production of single-layer and multilayer material has been mastered. The abbreviation "LDSP" means a laminated chipboard, for the decorative coating of which a melamine film is used. Manufacturing technology involves laminating the surface simultaneously with pressing the base material (plate). Modern products can have a smooth surface, or they can be embossed, quite accurately imitating the texture of natural wood.

Safety and environmental friendliness

If we carefully consider the manufacturing technology of these two products, then theoretically, MDF panels should contain less environmentally hazardous and harmful substances, which are resin vapors used as binders. In some grades of particle board, formaldehyde-containing resins are used as a binder, which are initially harmful to health, while in the manufacture of "MDF" panels, a more environmentally friendly and healthier urea-melamine resin is used.


During long-term operation and when the ambient temperature changes, volatile substances are released from the resins into the atmosphere. Of course, they do not lead to instant poisoning of a person, but with a long stay in a closed room, lined with chipboard, in the absence of ventilation, there is a deterioration in well-being.

Today, manufacturers apply the following safety rating for each of these products, which is widely used in their advertising and description:

  • "MDF" - the panel is the most environmentally friendly and safe for health, both in terms of emitted volatile harmful substances and because of the binders used - lignin, which is used in the production process, is absolutely environmentally safe when heating and pressing chips.
  • Particleboard "E1" - class for safety for health and environmental friendliness is in second place, and the amount of volatile substances emitted depends on the type of lamination.
  • Class E2 "chipboard" is initially harmful to health and poses a certain environmental hazard - in the West its production has been discontinued, and in Russia it is used only for construction and finishing works of non-residential premises, and the production of furniture products from it is prohibited.

Cost indicators

Considering that woodworking waste is used in the production of both types of these building and finishing materials, their final cost will be influenced by:

  • manufacturing technology, which for "MDF" panels is more complex and labor-intensive, and, consequently, more expensive;
  • brand (manufacturing country) - foreign analogues of the Russian "Medium Density Fibreboard"-plates are more expensive;
  • additional properties - fire resistance, moisture resistance, resistance to biological effects, which are determined by a specific brand and production technology;
  • type, type and quality of decorative cladding (lamination).

Due to the large number of finishes, products have a greater price range, which is determined by the type of decorative cladding. However, in general, the cost per square meter of products is higher than the price of laminated chipboard.

Comparative evaluation and application

It is impossible to answer the question unambiguously - “what is better than MDF or chipboard”. Each of these plates has its own purpose and, accordingly, the scope of use. Panels from "LDSP" class E1 and "MDF"-plates are widely used today in the manufacture of furniture. However, each of these building and finishing products has its own advantages and disadvantages, which to a certain extent limits and narrows the scope of their application.

Today, in the production of furniture for the mass user, the following practice is widespread:

  • facades are made of "Medium Density Fibreboard" - panels;
  • case elements - bottom walls, top panel and shelves are made of laminated or multilayer-colored chipboard.

The advantages of "MDF" panels in comparison with other types of material include:

  • greater moisture resistance, which makes it possible to use in the manufacture of furniture for bathrooms;
  • higher strength characteristics, which guarantees more reliable retention of furniture fittings;
  • the possibility of processing (sawing, grinding, milling) edges and surfaces without chips and delamination;
  • the possibility of using as a basis for the production of curved products;
  • more types of decorative finishes and higher quality lamination.

The disadvantage of this product compared to "LDSP" can be considered less resistance to temperature extremes and to high temperatures.

Various types of laminated chipboard, due to the lower unit cost, are more widely used for decorative cladding of interior surfaces of residential premises.

When choosing sheet products for interior decoration, one should also carefully consider its physical and mechanical characteristics.

"LDSP" is divided into:

  • moisture resistant, having a special paraffin impregnation, which complements the increased resistance to moisture, guaranteed by the manufacturing technology;
  • fire-resistant, impregnated with flame retardant additives that prevent fire.


The video made a comparison of two materials: MDF and chipboard. Watch and find out which is better.

Repair who has not encountered it? Almost everyone in his life did repairs in his own apartment or helped a friend. In the modern world, the range of building materials is diverse. Every year there are more and more improved ones.

The correct prioritization helps to choose the right one: in which room the repair is carried out, what characteristics the material should have, design solutions and of course the cost. As a result of repair and construction works, materials made from natural wood - MDF, chipboard and laminated chipboard - gained the most popularity.

Before proceeding to compare these materials, it is necessary to understand their essence.

MDF boards are the smallest sawdust glued together by dry pressing. This material is very often used for the manufacture of furniture. It has a number of positive characteristics:

  • Environmental friendliness
  • Homogeneous structure
  • Strength
  • Deformation resistance
  • moisture resistance

The disadvantages include exposure to high temperatures and high cost.

For the manufacture of chipboard, wood particles and a non-mineral binder are used. Under the action of a hot press, the chips are compacted and acquire a stable structure.

The advantages of this material are low cost, strength and moisture resistance. Among the shortcomings, the negative effect of the formaldehyde resins that make up the composition on humans is usually distinguished.

At its core, it is a chipboard plate, additionally processed with melamine films. The advantages of this material are strength "due to the additional layer", low cost, a wide choice of colors, ease of processing. The disadvantages were not spared. These include the difficulty in the implementation of figured cutting, low moisture resistance.

The presented two materials have many of the same characteristics. The cost of both satisfies market demands and is available to the average buyer. Strength indicators are at a good level. So what is the difference between chipboard and chipboard, which is better?

The first difference is strength. The laminated surface of the board, when exposed to harsh and critical conditions, allows the original shape to be retained to a greater extent.

The second difference is the breadth of choice of design solutions. The laminated chipboard can have a different texture, glossy or matte, and also has a variety of colors.

The third difference is resistance to high temperatures. Chipboard does not reach the chipboard index for this property.

The fourth difference is the increased moisture resistance. Thanks to the additional coating of the laminated board with a specific varnish, the scope of use increases "it is possible to install furniture made of this material in the bathroom."

Chipboard or chipboard, which is better to say is difficult. Both options are widely used in the construction and furniture industries. If we take into account only the main characteristics, then chipboard is superior in a small part.

These two materials are leaders in use in furniture production. Each takes its own place. When comparing laminated chipboard and MDF, it is necessary to remember their characteristics. Possessing softness and ease of processing, MDF allows you to produce carved details that can decorate any interior. Facades of cabinets, headboards, carved elements - everything is made of MDF.

Chipboard is a material that has the ability to withstand high temperatures and a good indicator of moisture resistance. Often in the furniture industry it is used for the manufacture of kitchen sets and bathroom furniture. The cost characteristic of this material is very attractive. A wide selection of color shades of laminated film allows you to use this material for the manufacture of various furniture. It will easily fit into any interior.

Differences between chipboard and MDF

  • Material density. MDF is soft and is used in the furniture industry for the manufacture of carved elements.
  • Price. Chipboard is an affordable material and allows you to make budget furniture options.
  • Environmental friendliness. MDV does not contain harmful components in its composition, unlike chipboard.
  • Design. Chipboard has a wide range of colors.

Bedroom furniture. The place where a person spends most of his life. Therefore, safety will be an important aspect. Based on this, chipboard is often preferred. As already mentioned, the cost solution to this issue will go beyond the average. An excellent solution can be a combination of several materials. This will save money and give the bedroom an interesting design look.

Furniture for kitchen. The second place where we spend a lot of time in the apartment is the kitchen.

The environment should be pleasing to the eye. But when choosing a material for creating a kitchen set, you need to take into account two nuances. One of the disadvantages of MDM is the instability to temperature effects. A high temperature for the kitchen is a daily manifestation. On the other hand, chipboard is afraid of moisture. In this regard, the use of this material in the manufacture of furniture under the sink becomes unacceptable.

An optimized solution and careful planning of all necessary cabinets will allow you to find the best solution in the choice of material. At present, the furniture industry has learned to adapt to the shortcomings of the material. In this regard, chipboard, which has increased moisture resistance, appeared on the building materials market. During its manufacture, a paraffin emulsion is added to the chips, thanks to which chipboard acquires an enhanced property.

Children's room furniture. For children, the safety and environmental friendliness of the material are the main properties that are absorbed when choosing furniture. If you can still be creative and combine in the bedroom, then you should not save for a child. It is preferable to choose MDF. But still, if the cost does not allow, you need to take the time to study the security certificates and choose the best option. According to environmental standards, there are two classes of chipboard:

  • E1 - highly environmentally friendly. The emission rate of harmful substances of this type of chipboard is minimal. Manufacturers are trying to reduce this mark to zero every year.
  • E2 - less environmentally friendly. The degree of formaldehyde emission from chipboard of this class is higher than the previous one. Elements made of this type of material are not allowed to be used for children's rooms.

Closet. This piece of furniture is used in almost every room. Furniture specialists have already found the best option. Often, curly cuts and curvilinear cuts are made of MDF, the internal filling remains behind chipboard and chipboard. Facades - preference in their manufacture, of course, with MDF. They can be ennobled with a pattern or sinuous lines.

Bathroom furniture. Based on the properties of the material, it would be preferable to use MDF. It is he who has a high degree of moisture resistance. But as mentioned above, for the manufacture of an economy option, chipboard with paraffin impregnation is suitable. If price plays an important role in choosing a material, you can consider this option.

Construction. These materials are used not only in the furniture industry.

Due to their properties, they have occupied their niche in the construction industry. With its good structure, chipboard perfectly withstands the impact of self-tapping screws, nails and bolts. Often it is used in the manufacture of partitions. The ease of processing of MDF made this material necessary for the installation of ventilation facades, roof elements.

Progress does not stand still. New technologies and materials fill the market of building and furniture materials all the time. Wood-based panels are an excellent alternative to natural wood. Their characteristics make it possible to make furniture of high quality and accessible to everyone. Undoubtedly, natural wood looks noble and expensive, but it also requires special care. Very often there is simply not enough time and money for this. A competent approach to the choice of material will allow you to stop at one that will satisfy all the required requests and will not disappoint during operation.

The usual first chipboard plates appeared in 1918. Thanks to the progress over the years, materials have become better, more reliable, moisture-resistant laminated boards are already available today for the production of various products. There are many types of boards made from wood. These include MDF and chipboard with different characteristics and their own characteristics.

In order for the choice of material for your own wardrobe or chest of drawers to be meaningful, you need to know the advantages and disadvantages of furniture materials.

Laminated chipboard based on thermosetting polymers is the main and frequently used material for the production of mass-produced furnishings in industry, and it is also widely used in construction. Such plates are sufficiently resistant to mechanical and chemical influences (gasoline, acetone, water, solvents, alcohol, acid, coffee and other substances). From this we can conclude that chipboard is an excellent raw material for the production of medical, laboratory, educational, household and office furniture.

Due to its low cost and excellent building properties, chipboard is the most widely used material for the manufacture of economy-class furniture.

Chipboard is a material that is made on the basis of natural wood. This is the same chipboard, but whiter polished, on the surface of which there is a resistant melamine film. That is, their main difference is the coating. When it is pressed into the very structure of the board, it makes it more moisture resistant and much stronger. This is a “loose” raw material, its cost is budgetary, in terms of design, due to the film and coating, it is possible to achieve various color schemes, including those with a pattern of natural wood. It is widely used in the production of cabinet products for kitchen, office, home, and other home furnishings as the main material. Stands for exhibitions, furniture for the interior of shops, pharmacies and supermarkets are made from it. With MDF, the same thing happens, but at the same time, such boards are more expensive.

Most office furniture is made from chipboard.

Chipboard lamination is made in various colors and different textures:

fantasy vector decors;

  • geometry;
  • ornaments;
  • plain papers;
  • drawings and imitation of wood.

However, this material also has its drawbacks - these are harmful formaldehyde emissions.

Decorative film for cladding is impregnated with resin, it is made of special decorative paper with a density of 60-90 g/m2.

Lamination is the process of applying a decorative coating under the influence of pressure and temperature.

Lamination takes place in the press. In the process of pressing, the paper becomes denser, in terms of properties it is on a par with plastic. A dense glossy film is formed on top, the same on the bottom, but of a different structure - adhesive. The coating of laminated boards is quite strong, it is formed due to the spreading of the resin over the entire surface of the chipboard at a pressure of 25-28 MPa and a temperature of 140-210°C. For production, their width cannot be less than 10 mm, but not more than 22 mm. When laminating from a chipboard, aldehyde vapors are not emitted, which are harmful to the environment.

Lamination is considered to be a more reliable and expensive way to manufacture laminated chipboard.

It is pressed into the structure of the plate, making it more durable and moisture resistant.

Manufacturers label the chipboard structure in different ways, but usually like this:

  • BS is office;
  • SE - tree with superficial pores;
  • SM - smooth surface;
  • MAT - matte smooth surface;
  • PR - porous structure;
  • PE - "orange peel".

Regardless of the method of application, such chipboard is called melamine-coated chipboard.

For production, the first two are most often used: BS and SE. PR - also popular, but less commonly used, SM is used in the production of internal partitions. Other markings may occur.

It is widely used for making furniture, filling compartment doors and other interior decoration items.

Advantages and disadvantages of chipboard in furniture

To choose a good raw material for a particular furniture, you need to know its features, including the pros and cons. Any chipboard material is made from sawdust and wood chips impregnated with formaldehyde resin as a binder. Chipboard emits formaldehyde, which is bad for the environment and human health, but chipboard has a protective film - a laminated layer that does not allow the substance to evaporate from the boards.

Variety of colors and textures, imitation of the texture of natural wood.

This is not plastic, not iron, but the same familiar wood.

To make a laminated film, paper of a certain texture and ornament is used. It is impregnated with melamine resin, as a result of which it becomes a certain level of rigidity and more loose. Then, under the press, the surface of the board is connected to the film - this is how a laminated sheet of standard thickness is formed.

Resistance to mechanical damage.

Chipboard is a fairly resistant material to mechanical and thermal stress with a wide range of textures and colors. It can be developed in the form of a valuable wood species. Due to the resistance to high temperatures, hot dishes can be placed on the countertops made of this raw material.

Thermal resistance (to hot coffee pots and pans).

Chipboard is a material made on the basis of natural wood.

The disadvantages include the lack of the possibility of fine processing and the presence of formaldehyde resins in the composition of chipboard, and the advantages are high mechanical and chemical resistance.

Chipboard is a representative of the old well-known particle boards (chipboard) in a more polished form.

MDF furniture - what is it?

MDF is an improved technology for the production of chipboard materials. The board consists of small compressed fractions of sawdust. Thanks to this method of bonding, the material is highly durable, uniform and harmless to health. Thanks to these indicators, it can be used for the production of any furniture, including for a children's room. Its cost is slightly higher.

The main difference between laminated chipboard and chipboard is the coating. It is pressed into the structure of the board, making it more durable and moisture resistant.

The main advantages are the high strength of the plates, uniformity, ease of processing, moisture resistance, anti-deformation abilities, a wide range and beautiful design.

MDF is a fairly dense material - this makes it indispensable in the manufacture of furniture that requires turning graceful lines, roundness, etc.

Cons: high price, boards are afraid of mechanical damage and shock, flammable.

MDF is an environmentally friendly material and has no restrictions on its use.

How to choose the right chipboard?

To date, there is a considerable amount of chipboard for various purposes. Their differences are in thickness, composition, wear resistance, density. Such features are associated with the use of plates in different areas of production. There is a stereotype about the density of the plate. It is believed that the denser it is, the better. But it is not so. The advantage of these boards is in budget raw materials (low-grade wood). It includes thinners, slabs, slats. The main thing is that these materials meet the following standards.

  1. Chip fractions should not be small.
  2. The cross section of the chips should be square, and the shape should be petal. If these requirements are violated, the physical and chemical properties of the finished slab will deteriorate (bending and resistance will suffer).

Chipboard has a wide range of colors, which is widely used in the production of cabinet furniture.

Consumers often ask questions: what kind of material is this for a bed - MDF? What is the difference between MDF and chipboard for furniture? Let's consider these nuances in more detail.

The film is paper impregnated with melamine resins, so you can often come across such a term as "melamine board".

Chipboard advantages:

  • low price;
  • does not dry out, does not exfoliate, does not grow moldy;
  • thanks to chemical additives, bugs do not live in the stove;
  • service life of more than 10 years.

Advantages of MDF:

  • acceptable price for consumers with average incomes;
  • strength;
  • moisture resistance;
  • includes all of the above advantages of chipboard.

Chipboard can be washed and cleaned - it is moisture resistant.

The choice of material depends on what is planned to be made. Chipboard can be used in the manufacture of furniture intended for office, home, shop, supermarket. MDF is better to choose for children's furniture.

He is also not afraid of high temperatures.

The production of fiberboards allows us to produce products at affordable prices for various interiors. Thanks to MDF and laminated chipboard furniture, each house will be filled with coziness, warmth and comfort.

Its advantage, in addition to all of the above, is its excellent ability to imitate various textures, most often - imitation of the texture of wood.

Pay attention to the norms of formaldehyde content in cabinet furniture.
