Cedar looks like a tree. How to grow a stately handsome cedar on your site. Technical and operational properties

Cedar- This is a tree with evergreen needles from the Pine family. Botanical name - Siberian cedar pine. To cultivate a tree, grains are needed - pine nuts. The plant lives in the Urals, in Eastern and Western Siberia.

Thanks to nuts, the Cedar tree and its brethren have won the special interest of biologists and breeders.


The root system is powerful, which allows the plant to unbendingly withstand all natural disasters. Mature cedar does not require agricultural care. Its antimicrobial properties are priceless. The atmosphere around the tree is almost sterile. It does not grow in dry sandy areas, but chooses the earth from sandy loam or loam, damp and fertile.

All types of cedars in the forests bear fruit by 30-60 years, and in gardens where constant care and feeding - by 15-20 years and up to 250-300 years. A good harvest of cedars in those areas where two or three trees live, as they are cross-pollinated. The cycle of seed ripening in cedar lasts a year and a half.

  • Shoots and needles. The shoots are coffee-colored and covered with reddish hairs. Needles of a dark green color with a bluish bloom 6 - 14 cm in length. On the cut, it is trihedral and serrated. Feels plastic. It grows in bunches of five needles.
  • root system. It is represented by one central rhizome 40–50 cm long, small side hairs with root hairs with mycorrhiza on the edges stretch from it. If the soil is airy and sufficiently drained, then massive anchor roots are formed at the main root, going 3 meters deep, designed with basal branches to ensure the stability of the crown and trunk.
  • cones. The tree is monoecious and heterosexual: female and male cones grow on the same plant. The cedar plant is anemophilous - pollination produces wind.

In total, the genus of cedars has 4 types:

canadian thuja

The red Canadian cedar has no connection with the real cedar, it is a thuja folded from the cypress genus. The plant is known for its wood with strong properties. Alleys are equipped with this ornamental plant, dwarf plants are planted on siliceous lands. White Canadian cedar - called thuja western. In height 12-20 m, it has a compact pyramidal crown and is similar to other plants of the cypress genus. The wood is reddish, with a characteristic strength and fragrance.

Cones and seeds

. Male and female cones coexist on the same tree. The male ones are concentrated at the base of the processes, the female ones are at the edges of the growth processes, near the apical bud. The shoots are pollinated by the wind. The kidneys are conical in appearance. Mature cones are 15 cm in size, 8 cm wide. Young cones are lilac, over the years they acquire a coffee color, resemble an egg, then become rhombus-shaped.

The scales of the cone are compressed, it takes 15 months to fully mature. Cedar grains are ovoid, 1.5 cm long and 1 cm wide, dark, closer to brown. Giants bear fruit at the age of 60.

Landing and care

Maybe. He needs an intensive supply of potassium. Nitrogen is not added to the soil, it has a bad effect on the roots. Weed young cedars from weeds in a timely manner. Cedars are planted in the open, away from spruces, lovers of shade from the spreading crown of the cedar. Cedars look great with birch trees, but birch trees have a detrimental effect on their growth. Therefore, they maintain a distance when landing. Before planting a cedar, the territory is marked ahead of time to give the trees the necessary expanse, maintain a distance of 9 m.

Siberian cedar is mulched for direct ventilation and oxygenation of the soil. Mulch protects against freezing in winter, retains moisture. Mulch is added every year to increase adventitious roots.

Growing from seeds

To give the garden presentability and power, firmness and love of life, a cedar is planted. This tree does not require regular care, pruning, creating a crown, cleaning the fallen crown. Cedar revitalizes the atmosphere around it with the aroma of pine needles. Seedlings are planted in a permanent well-lit area at a distance of 5-6 m from each other. Between young cedars, low fruit trees and berry bushes are planted.

They create a crown on a low stem, spreading, with many peaks. Cutting or breaking out the lateral buds is done early in the spring. Rooted cedars in the first seasons grow by 5-10 cm.

Germination of nuts 2 years. After collecting it is 85%. Seeds are sown in autumn. Sprouts appear in early spring. But you can speed up the germination of nuts in damp sand, soak for a day and sow in the spring. Sprouts are shown in 14-21 days. They are dark malachite, with 10-12 cotyledons, 30 mm long. The next year, pairs of needles are born from them, and for the 4-5th season - whorls. The plants that emerged from the seedlings shade all the hot months for a couple of years.

Cedar grows well on sphagnum bogs, forming powerful adventitious roots. Roots grow at the same time as shoots grow. After 5-6 years, the intelligibility of the tree to the ground decreases. Undemanding cedar to the temperature of the atmosphere. Withstands continental climate, cold and land. But the death of the kidneys is likely during late spring frosts, which coincide in time with flowering. This threatens 30-year-old trees that have entered fruiting. For a long time we have to wait for the appearance of nuts, but the tree lives 500 years and brings generous harvests in 4-5 years.

Pine kernels are a storehouse of vitamins and fats, they are used in medicine and the food industry. The trace elements contained in the grains improve memory and are a source of vegetable proteins and fats. The restrained use of grains increases immunity to diseases, revives the nervous system, strengthens the heart and blood vessels.

Cedar wood kills bacteria. Pine nut milk from grated grains is used for tuberculosis ailments.

Cedar resin heals wounds, is used for colds and lung diseases. Pine needles are used as a cure for asthma and scurvy. Needles are the basis for healing tinctures.

Diseases and pests

The main danger for cedars is bark beetles, especially conventional engraver. In the first decade of May, the age of the engraver begins, beetles identify a weak plant by aroma and gnaw through passages under the bark. Females lay eggs in them, from which larvae are formed. As a result, the tissues of the trunk become dead, and by the end of summer the tree dies.

If you overlook the beginning of damage to the bark by pests and do not protect the tree, then the battle with pests will be useless. The appearance on the bark of small holes with droplets of resin indicates that the tree is inhabited by bark beetles. The fight with beetles is very difficult and only experts can do it.

Another pest... Hermes Siberian. Hermes pierces the trunk with a pointed proboscis, and sucks the juice. Because of the hair-like growths on the body, Hermes is like white fluff on the bark and needles. When trees are treated with preparations, droplets are retained by “fluff” and do not reach the insect, as a result, Hermes does not die. In growths and beetles and eggs. Therefore, only those insecticides that act through the sap of the tree are used to fight.

Like pests, diseases destroy the cedar. The most popular of them is needle rust, appearing in warm and wet seasons. Rust looks like the formation of orange and yellow bubbles on the needles. These droplets become a yellow powder, these are fungal spores that affect the tissues of the needles. As a result of the rust disease, the needles are dotted with yellow with brown marks, and then crumble. To combat the disease, weeds are weeded: sow thistle, coltsfoot, on them the rust goes through a share of the formation cycle.


People have long seen the beneficial properties of cedar and use them in different areas of life: they make housing, furnishings, wooden crafts from wood, use it in medicine and cooking: they make food and cedar oil from grains, from needles, resin, bark they prepare medicinal decoctions, essential oil.


Cedar oil is made by pressing from the grains of Siberian pine, it simultaneously contains the beneficial properties of olive, coconut, sea buckthorn and burdock oils. Cedar oil contains five times more vitamin E than olive oil. Essential oil is made from cedar, Siberian pine, Canadian thuja and other coniferous plants. By properties, it differs at least from each other, differs only in the ratio of components. Essential oil is made from crushed bark, wood, young shoots. Essential oil has antiseptic, soothing, antiviral properties, it is used in cosmetology. Essential oil is not used inside, it is inhaled, applied to the skin, and healing baths are prepared.


Resin (cedar resin) is also used, pre-treated, because in its present form it is not used, it rapidly turns to stone. Resin is used in solutions, they are made by yourself or bought in a store. It is not difficult to make a solution of resin: resin dissolves in vegetable oil at a temperature of 50 degrees, it does not lose its healing properties and, if used correctly, heals.


Pine nuts have nothing to do with real nuts, the fruits of shrubs and trees of the nut family. The grains of a real cedar are tasteless, and the nuts that are familiar to us are the grains of a cedar pine. Oil and tincture are also made from them, they are used in medicine, dietetics, cosmetology, and in aromatherapy sessions. Pine nuts are used to increase immunity to diseases, improve vision, prevent cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, diabetes, and anemia. Nuts are rich in vitamins A, B, C, D, E, P, have minerals: manganese, copper, magnesium, zinc, iron, phosphorus, iodine.

The nut kernel has fats, proteins and amino acids: tryptophan, methionine, lysine. Nut kernels are used for weight loss: they stimulate the hormone cholecystokinin, which sends a signal to the brain about satiety. Nut tincture treats diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Prepare tinctures and balms from kernels and shells. The resulting drug is anti-inflammatory.

Pine nuts also bring harm. You can not eat more than 50 g per day, it is forbidden to eat with meat and dairy products, the protein in nuts prevents the absorption of food. Nuts are not given to young children, in order to avoid blockage of the respiratory tract.

They buy only unpeeled kernels, when they come into contact with light and oxygen, they go rancid and absorb harmful substances. If the nuts and dishes from them are bitter, then the food is thrown away. Rancid oil is the strongest poison and it will take from a couple of days to a couple of weeks to restore the body.

Cedar as a unique building material

Cedar wood is an excellent heat and waterproofing, natural antiseptic, and it does not smolder. Housing made of cedar is durable, the premises are enriched with phytoncides, and resin and essential oil have a good effect on the health of the owner of the house.

Cedar is a strong and beautiful tree, but it needs care. With proper care, a tree can live for centuries. Siberian cedars are powerful giants, amazing with the beauty and beneficial properties of the atmosphere next to them and their fruits.

Cedar pine is a unique plant that adorns the forests and landscapes of our country and other territories. It has beneficial for the environment and healing properties for the body. Outwardly, this is a powerful, luxurious plant, stately, tall. Its wood, needles, nuts are highly valued. Many people call cedar pine cedar, but there are fundamental differences between them.


An informal group of cedar pines brings together several varieties of trees. In our country, Siberian pine is considered the most common. Siberian cedar pine is considered a symbolic plant for Russia, it is impossible not to admire its beauty and healing properties. This tree feels great in any frost. This coniferous plant is surprisingly organic. In height, it calmly grows up to 35 meters, and in girth - from one and a half to two. Pine grows slowly, but lives for a long time. On average, the duration of the active healthy existence of a pine tree is about 400 years. There are specimens that live up to 800-900 years. Pine needles release a huge amount of phytoncides into the air, so breathing in such an area is good for health.

The air in a pine forest of any variety has the following properties:

  • sterility;
  • healing;
  • powerful resistance to viruses;
  • It has a great effect not only on the state of health of the body, but also on the state of the nervous system, calming it.

Cedar pine is used to treat scurvy, neurosis, and strengthen the immune system. Pine has a wound-healing effect, wood actively fights bacteria. As for nut fruits, in addition to their exquisite taste, they are extremely nutritious and healthy.

The cedar pine looks impressive. Description of her appearance and properties:

  • branches grow compactly and densely, forming an elegant crown;
  • the needles are narrow and hard to the touch;
  • length of needles up to 13 cm, has excellent healing properties, full of minerals, vitamins;
  • the needles have a dark green tint, with a bluish interspersed, soft to the touch;
  • needles are formed in bunches;
  • thickened branches;
  • straight type trunk, gray-brown color;
  • the root system is powerful;
  • rod-type root with lateral branches;
  • the growing season is short - up to one and a half months;
  • this is a monoecious species of dioecious species, cones of both sexes are located on the same tree;
  • pollinated by the wind;
  • the kidneys are cone-shaped, up to 10 mm long;
  • flowering and pollination occurs in June;
  • the cones are large, egg-shaped, at first they have a purple hue, then brownish;
  • cone width from 5 to 8 cm, length - up to 13 cm, with dense scales;
  • cones begin to bear fruit after 60 years, not earlier;
  • maturation of cones lasts up to 15 months, after which they fall off on their own;
  • the tree blooms and abundantly seeds every 3-10 years;
  • in cones there are on average from 30 to 150 nuts, the weight of 100 pieces is 25 g.


Cedar pine grows (mainly Korean and Siberian varieties) in the natural environment of Russia in different regions of the Siberian district, in Primorye, Khabarovsk Territory. It takes root well in all latitudes with a temperate climate, so cedar pine is actively grown by gardeners from different regions. Pine trees are successfully bred in the Moscow region, the central regions of the country, in the Leningrad region, in the Altai and the Urals. This tree grows even in the Arctic.

If the plant is planted on soil with good fertility, actively fed, cultivated, then fruiting begins much earlier, about 3 times. For example, in nature, pine does not bear fruit before 40 years, with an intensity of once every 7 years. Under the conditions of cultivation in gardens, this happens after 15 years with an intensity of once every 2.5 years. Cedar elfin grows in Primorsky Krai, on Sakhalin, in Siberia, Mongolia. European pine is regionally distributed in the south of France, in the Alps, Switzerland, and the Carpathians.

Comparison with cedar

Cedar and cedar pine are often confused, despite all the differences. First of all, three types of Cedrus (cedars) grow in their natural environment: Atlas, Lebanese and Himalayan. Both of these trees are tall, large and are evergreen. But cedar grows in subtropical climates.

The main difference with pine is that cedar will not be able to grow in the middle lane. Cedar wood is more valuable. Pinus (cedar pine) belongs to the pine family, not the cedar family. Outwardly, it differs from the cedar in the formation of needles - bundle-like, in each bundle there are 5 needles. The needles of the cedar are formed differently - the bundles are denser, at least 30 needles.

Overview of species and varieties

In the nature of Russia, the Siberian species of cedar pine is common. There are several more varieties of cedar pine in nature:

  • Korean;
  • European;
  • elfin - more reminiscent of a shrub tree with a multi-topped crown.

The Korean species Pinus koraiensis is also called Manchurian, Far Eastern. This conifer reaches a height of up to 50 meters, with a diameter of up to 2 meters. Very resistant to winds, loves light and fertile soil types. Stagnation of water is a problem for them, it affects the development negatively. There are several varieties and varieties of Korean. We list the most common.

Soulange Korean

This variety grows up to 40 m, has green needles with a bluish tint. Bark of good density, openwork type. Fruiting begins after about 15 years. It takes root well in an urban environment with its unclean air. Often used to decorate parks and squares.

Pine "Silverey"

It belongs to decorative varieties. It has a pyramid-shaped crown, long curved needles. The color of the needles is blue with a silvery sheen. Already at 10 years old, the tree reaches a height of 2.5 meters and 1.2 meters in diameter. It tolerates cold well, but requires soil fertility, stagnant water leads to damage and disease. In the late 70s, this variety was separated into a separate one, until this period it was combined with glauca.

"Morris Blue"

The variety bred by Pennsylvania breeders is frost-resistant. It has a dense type of bark, blue needles with a silvery sheen. It grows up to 20 cm per year, the maximum height is 350 cm, the crown diameter is up to 1.8 m. In cities, it grows inactively, whimsical to the purity of the air and the sun, it does not tolerate stagnant water well. The maximum life expectancy is 120 years.

European cedar pine in Russia is most often represented by the variety Pinus cembra Glauca Compacta (“Glauca compacta”). This variety originated in the Netherlands.

This is a dwarf pine of a slow-growing type with bluish needles. It grows well in urban conditions, in its natural environment it can be seen in the mountains at least 1300 meters above sea level. Glauka grows up to a maximum of 2.5 meters, a diameter of about 1 meter. Lives very long - up to 1000 years.

Landing features

Cedar pine can be planted by growing from seeds. Three months are allotted for stratification, the seeds are disinfected with diluted potassium permanganate. This guarantees a greater resistance of the future seedling to diseases. The second way is planting a seedling, it is more comfortable. It is best to plant a five-year-old grafted seedling. Its maximum growth should be 1 meter, trunk diameter up to 2 cm. The vulnerability of pine seedlings is great, so planting requires accuracy.

Get a seedling with a large earthen clod or in a container, their root system dries out very quickly. They plant a pine in the spring, having previously selected the optimal place:

  • it should be well lit, with age the tree needs more and more sunlight;
  • areas with high gas content are not suitable for many varieties and types of pine;
  • if the soil is clay, drainage is necessary;
  • lime will help reduce acidity.

Drop off algorithm:

  • it is necessary to ensure weeding of the territory;
  • form a hole, focusing on the size of the earthy coma at the roots, it should be 2 times deeper;
  • place drainage (gravel, plugs, fragments of ceramics);
  • place the tree in a hole, enter soil with peat or humus;
  • rhizomes should be carefully untangled before planting;
  • it is necessary to moisten the soil after planting abundantly, it will take about 5 liters of water;
  • you will need a stake to which you can tie a seedling;
  • between cedar pines cannot be less than 6 meters.

You can accelerate the growth of pine trees in the garden by providing them with good nutrition and proper care. You need to take care of the tree by carrying out all standard procedures:

  • loosening;
  • weeding;
  • moisturizing;
  • fertilizer.

Feeding should be carried out with organic means, for example, diluted mullein. In the autumn, it is good to feed the plant with minerals. Well stimulates the growth of a tree planted nearby lupine.

Humidification should be done only as needed. In summer, more often, in all other seasons, the level of soil aridity is preliminarily checked. Excessive moisture adversely affects the development of pine, the root system begins to rot. Loosening is carried out as carefully as possible, since the roots are close. Another mandatory process is mulching, so the soil will be more breathable and water-retaining. You can use needles, humus, sawdust.

Crown formation is very important for beautiful pine growth. The garden form of the plant has a sprawling appearance with several peaks. The first decade, the lower branches are cut no more than 2.5 meters from the ground.

The cut must be treated with garden pitch. Any pruning is carried out in winter and early spring.


Methods of propagation of this plant distinguish two:

  • vegetative - when a cutting is grafted;
  • seed, that is, nuts from cones.

The seed method is the most fascinating and common. The main thing is that the nuts are of high quality. If you decide to use ordinary nuts from purchased cones as seeds, you need to increase the amount of planting material, since it is not known how many of them will sprout.

Pine is sown in mid-spring - until early May. Stratification, that is, forced cooling, is mandatory. This process perfectly stimulates the embryos to grow. Without this event, the seeds will sprout at best in a year, if they do not rot. After that, the seeds must be filled with water at a temperature of about + 45 ° C and maintained for three days. Next, the nuts are combined with wet sand or peat crumbs in a ratio of 1 to 3. There should not be too much moisture - this is an important point, the lump should form in the hand and keep its shape.

The mixture is introduced into a container made of plywood with holes, the height of the layer is not more than 20 cm. There must be air access to the holes, therefore, the container is installed at a height in a cold room of no more than + 6 ° C. Twice a month, this mixture must be kneaded and watered. Minus temperatures are unacceptable. After the sprouts hatch, they are planted in open ground and protected from birds, bad weather with boxes or rod products. After a month, they can be removed, the emerging seedlings are already quite strong for independent growth.

Diseases and pests

Most often, diseases of this tree have a fungal cause. Young trees can be infected with soil fungi and die. Fungi can cause tracheomycosis wilt, when the roots turn brown, nutrients stop flowing through the vessels into the trunk. Treatment of fungal diseases is complex, most often unpromising.

Cedar is a coniferous evergreen tree of the Pine family. Cedar has a pyramidal or umbrella-shaped spreading crown and a slender trunk with cracking dark gray scaly bark. The root system of the cedar is superficial, so it is often subjected to windblows.

Needle-shaped cedar needles, hard and prickly, three- or four-sided, silver-gray and blue-green. They are collected in bundles of 30 pieces. On elongated or shortened shoots, they are arranged singly or in a spiral. Cedar needles live from 3 to 6 years.

Cedar blossoms in autumn. Female and male cones are located throughout the crown. Male cones are solitary, surrounded by bunches of needles, and female cones are 10 cm long and about 6 cm wide. The shape of the cones resemble an egg or a barrel, 10 cm long and 6 cm wide, erect, solitary, ripen in the 2nd year, then crumble. Seed flakes broadly kidney-shaped. Seeds 12-18 mm long, resinous, triangular, with a wing.

Cedar is a giant plant. It can reach a height of about 60 meters, and their crown diameter is about 3 m. In addition, this giant is also a long-liver: its life expectancy is 3000 years.

As a rule, cedar grows in the mountains at an altitude of about 1500-3600 m, forming forests with fir, spruce, oak and pine.

There are only 4 types of cedar. In Africa, the Atlas cedar grows - a large tree about 60 m in height with a pyramidal crown, with silver-gray or bluish-green needles. In Syria, Lebanon, you can find the Lebanese cedar. In Cyprus, the Cypriot short coniferous cedar grows, but some scientists consider it a subspecies of the Lebanese cedar. In youth, the crown of the Cypriot cedar is cone-shaped, in mature age it is sprawling, in old age it is umbrella-shaped.

Some specimens of this coniferous tree reach a height of about 40 m. Its shoots are slightly pubescent or bare, tetrahedral green needles, 5-10 mm long. Cypriot cedar has single light brown barrel-shaped cones, from 6 cm long and 4 cm in diameter. In the Western Himalayas, the Himalayan cedar grows - a tree more than 50 m high with a pyramidal crown and gray-green needles.

Cedar is a tree healer. All parts of this tree have medicinal properties.

In addition to the called true cedars, on almost all continents there are many tree species that the locals call cedar. They can also be deciduous trees. In Africa, this is Thompson's guard, which is called fragrant cedar, in Asia it is Burmese cedar. In Russia, Siberian cedar pine is called Siberian cedar.

Landing and care

Cultivation of cedar is a very difficult matter. For example, in summer, he needs regulated watering - without drying out and without stagnant water.

Under natural conditions, cedars do not grow in the northern latitude, because these trees are very thermophilic.

Cedar loves fresh, well-drained, loamy soils. It does not tolerate maritime winds very well, and also suffers from chlorosis on dry calcareous slopes.

It is best to plant in early spring (before bud break) or autumn (after leaf fall). The place for the cedar should be spacious and open, light, because this tree likes to grow in sunny and free areas.

When transplanting cedar, seedlings of 9 years of age are more reliable. They need to be dug up with a clod of earth and transferred to the landing site, after wrapping the clod with a film or cloth. Landing pits must be prepared in advance. Mix the excavated soil with fertilizers (humus, peat, rotted manure, wood ash).

Under natural conditions, cedar reproduces by seeds. In culture, it is propagated by grafting.

More than 130 species of insects have been counted that harm cedars. The most significant damage is caused by: - ​​cone moth. Method of struggle: spray the plant at the beginning of flowering with Lepidocide. Repeat treatments in a week.

The variegated red rot of the trunk caused by the pine sponge causes great harm to the old cedar.

The roots of cedar are affected by the root sponge, which contributes to the windfall of trees. A tree with an affected trunk must be removed from the site.

To protect cedars from diseases and pests, it is necessary to use biological and chemical methods to combat them, buy only highly immune forms of trees, and also create normal conditions for their growth.

Silvery and blue forms of cedar are very often used to decorate gardens and parks. Currently, in the Crimea, as well as in the Caucasus, cedar is also used in forest plantations.

In particular, the drought-resistant Lebanese cedar is used in park construction in Central Asia, the Atlas cedar - in the Crimea. The cedar looks great in groups, stands out against the background of other plants with the contours of its crown and green needles. The cedar looks even more attractive in single plantings, and when creating avenue plantings.

Types and varieties of cedar

The wood of this cedar is very resinous, fragrant and durable. It is used in the furniture industry.

It occurs naturally in North Africa. It grows together with holm oak, stinking juniper and Aleppo pine in the lower belt of mountains; already higher, the Atlas cedar forms pure plantations.

Tree about 40 m tall, with a pyramidal, loose crown, stiff bluish-green needles and ovoid or cylindrical, shiny, dense, light brown cones. In youth, the Atlas cedar grows faster, in the spring it starts growing late. Atlas cedar is frost-resistant, withstands temperature drops of about -20 ° C, is very photophilous, dust-resistant. Poorly tolerates lime in the soil. Suffering from waterlogging. Has a number of decorative forms.

In nature, it grows in the Himalayas, Afghanistan.

Tree about 50 m tall, with a broadly cone-shaped crown. In mature trees, the crown is flat on top, with ramifications on the branches. Young shoots are pubescent. The Himalayan cedar has needles with a bluish tint, light green, longer than other species, in bunches. Cones 10 cm, ovoid, bluish when young, then red-brown.

A durable, fast growing cedar species. It tolerates shading well, likes high humidity of the soil and air. Undemanding to soils. Tolerates temperatures down to -25°C. Doesn't like windfall.

Himalayan cedar, as well as its forms, like a very beautiful tree, deserve wide use in the south of Russia in park construction. It looks great in group plantings, standing out in contrast with the characteristic contours of its crown and green needles. It also looks impressive in single plantings, when creating alley plantings. It tolerates a haircut perfectly, forming original hedges. Himalday cedar forms mixed forests with spruce, fir, pine, and oak. This cedar is especially valued in landscape plantings in the south of Russia. It is the most valuable breed in the Southern Crimea.

It grows naturally in Asia Minor.

Tree about 40 m tall. In youth, the crown is wide-spread, cone-shaped, in adulthood - umbrella-shaped. Shoots slightly pubescent or glabrous. The needles are dark green, about 4 cm, tetrahedral, hard, in bunches of 40 pcs.

Cones are light brown, solitary, 10 cm long, about 5 cm in diameter, barrel-shaped. It grows very slowly, photophilous and frost-resistant. Drought-resistant, undemanding to soils. Durable.

A majestic, beautiful tree, characterized by mighty growth, dense branching and a large trunk. Excellent in single plantings.

Its wood is strong and fragrant, quite soft and light. Due to this, its wood is used in shipbuilding, in construction, and for the manufacture of furniture.

Since ancient times, cedar has fascinated people with its natural power, beauty and healing power. He was called the breadwinner tree, a mystery, a gift from the gods. From ancient times, thickets of cedar trees were considered sources of miraculous energy that calms and enlightens thoughts, awakens the soul and directs feelings to everything beautiful that is on Earth. Over the course of several thousand years, during which people watched him, he not only did not lose his significance, but increased it, which was confirmed by many scientific discoveries.

Cedar is one of those rare trees, all parts of which are used for food or medicinal purposes.

Cedar forests have such intense phytoncidal power that one hectare of such forest would be enough to purify the air in the whole city.

The ancient Sumerians revered the cedar as a sacred tree and gave names to the most majestic specimens. Cedar wood served as a measure of exchange and was often valued more than gold. The Sumerian god Ea was considered the patron of the cedar, and no one could cut down this tree without the highest permission. These facts are confirmed by clay tablets found during excavations, which date back to the 5th-4th centuries. BC. A description of what a cedar looks like was inscribed on them.

The decoration of the tomb of the Egyptian king Tutankhamen is made of cedar wood. For 3 thousand years, it not only did not deteriorate, but even retained its delicate delicate smell. Due to its qualities, cedar resin was one of the components of mummifying mixtures, and cedar oil helped to preserve priceless ancient Egyptian papyri to this day.

The ancients built their ships from cedar wood, and the wonderful gopher tree from which Noah built his ark is a cedar growing in the valleys of Mesopotamia.

Tree Description

The majestic cedar belongs to the genus of the Pine family. These are monoecious, evergreen trees up to 45 meters high, with a wide-pyramidal spreading crown. They are long-lived and grow up to 400-500 years. The dark gray bark on young trees is smooth, on old trees - with cracks and scales.

The needles are needle-shaped, resinous, hard and prickly. Its color in different species varies from dark green to blue-green and silver-gray. The needles are collected in bundles. Cedar flowers, if you can call spikelets that way, up to 5 cm long with numerous small stamens and anthers. Cedar blossoms in autumn.

Cones grow on branches one at a time, arranged vertically, like candles. They ripen in the second or third year and disperse during the winter, scattering seeds in the wind. Once in favorable conditions, they germinate in 20 days.

Cedar seeds are not at all like nuts. They are small, with wings for better wind dispersal and are inedible.

Cedar needs light, not compacted from above and breathable soils. They are very sensitive to standing water. Prefer soils poor in lime. On mountain slopes made of limestone, they suffer from chlorosis and often die.

Feel better in open sunny places, but on richer soils grow well in partial shade.

Growth area

The places where cedar grows everywhere are the southern and eastern regions of the Mediterranean coast. Trees prefer mountainous areas with cool summers and mild winters. They are also found in the foothills of the Himalayas, in Northwest Africa, in Lebanon, where the cedar is one of the national symbols and is depicted on the state flag and coat of arms.

In Russia, cedar grows only on the southern coast of the Crimea, where it has successfully acclimatized and gives abundant self-sowing. In other regions, it is found only in botanical gardens and nurseries. And that tree, which is called the Siberian cedar, is actually a representative of the Pine genus and is correctly called Siberian, European or Korean pine. With cedars, these varieties are united by one family. But it is the Siberian pine that gives everyone's favorite and extremely useful "pine nuts".

Types of cedar

The genus of cedar has 4 species:

  • Atlas - Cedrus atlantica;
  • short coniferous - Cedrus brevifolia. In some sources, this species is classified as a subspecies of the Lebanese;
  • Himalayan - Cedrus deodara;
  • Lebanese - Cedrus libani.

The structure of the cones of cedars and pines is in many ways similar, so for a long time the listed species were considered identical. But recent scientific studies have refuted these data, and now both species are separated in the classification.


The Atlas cedar grows on the slopes of the Atlas Mountains in Algeria and Morocco. In its natural environment, it is found at an altitude of up to 2000 m above sea level. The tree is majestic, spreading. The largest specimens reach 50 m in height, and their trunk diameter is 1.5–2 m. The needles are collected in bunches and have a bluish-green tint. The wood is resinous and fragrant, smelling like sandalwood. The Atlas species tolerates frosts down to -20 ° C and copes well with drought.

In African countries, cedar wood is used as fuel. The oil has good antiseptic properties and is widely used for cosmetic purposes.

Atlas cedar as a cultivated plant is grown in the south of Europe, in the mountainous regions of the Caucasus and in Asian countries.

Commonly grown as a garden or houseplant is the Atlas cedar.


The Himalayan cedar grows in East and Southeast Asia, in the foothills of the Himalayan mountains, in Afghanistan, India, Nepal and Pakistan. In the mountains it occurs at an altitude of up to 3500 m. In terms of height and girth of the trunk, the Himalayan species is not inferior to the Atlas, in contrast to it, it has a more wide-conical crown. The branches of an adult tree are parallel to the ground. The wood is durable and has a strong aroma, it is light yellow with a red-brown heartwood. The needles are quite soft, light, with a gray-gray tint.

Cones ripen for more than a year, then crumble. Seeds are small, inedible, resinous. The Himalayan species tolerates shading better than others, although under natural conditions it occupies the upper tier of the forest. Some specimens live up to 1000 years.

The Himalayan cedar grows rapidly and is widely used in landscaping parks in southeastern Europe and the Crimea.


The Lebanese cedar is not inferior to others in terms of height and trunk power. The crown of young trees is conical, becoming more flattened over the years. The needles are blue-gray-green, live 2 years, collected in bunches.

At the age of 25–28 years, the tree begins to bear fruit. Cones are formed every two years.

This variety is characterized by slow growth, tolerates short-term frosts down to -30 ° C. Prefers well-lit areas, light drought, can grow on poor soils, but does not tolerate excessive moisture.

Lebanese cedar is valued for its light, soft, but at the same time durable red wood.

Types of cedar pine

Despite the fact that, according to the latest scientific data, the Canadian, Korean and Siberian species are only close relatives of the real cedar, the common names have remained among the people. Canadian cedar belongs to the genus Thuya of the Cypress family.

Korean cedar pine

Korean, or Manchurian cedar is a coniferous tree from the genus Pine, common in East Asia, China, Korea, Japan and the Russian Far East. A tall powerful tree has a dense cone-shaped crown and shallow roots. The needles are bluish-green, long, grow in bunches of 5 pieces.

Cones ripen within a year and a half and fall off in autumn or early winter. Each cone contains many nuts. The Korean species bears fruit every few years.

Siberian cedar pine

Siberian cedar, or Siberian pine, is an evergreen tree, only slightly inferior in size to its famous relative. It lives up to 500-700 years, it is distinguished by a dense, often multi-topped crown with thick branches. The needles are soft, long, with a bluish bloom. The tree builds up a powerful root system, and on light sandy soils it develops anchor roots that penetrate to great depths. Compared to shade-tolerant cedars, with a short growing season.

The plant has male and female cones. They ripen within a year and a half and fall off in early autumn. Each cone contains up to 150 nuts. Up to 12 kg of pine nuts are obtained from one tree. Siberian cedar begins to bear fruit late, on average at 50–60 years of age.

Nutrient squirrels and chipmunks take part in the dispersal of the tree, which spread the seeds over long distances.

The subtleties of growing cedar from nuts

Russian gardeners grow Siberian cedar pine, habitually calling it cedar. Nobody would refuse to have a fluffy Siberian beauty with fragrant needles and healing nuts on their site, and for modest possessions there are undersized varieties that do not take up much space. Learn how to grow cedar by purchasing a seedling from a nursery.

When choosing a place, it should be borne in mind that with age, the tree's need for sunlight only increases, so you should choose places without shading. If possible, cedar seedlings with a closed root system are purchased. It is best to take root specimens whose root system has not had time to dry out, so it is advisable to choose a seedling that has just been dug up. An earthen ball should be at least half a meter in diameter and packed in wet burlap and a plastic bag.

How to plant a cedar pine seedling

Before planting, it is necessary to dig up the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garden on which it is planned to plant seedlings. Landing pits prepare a little more than an earthen ball. The distance between the pits should be at least 8 m. Young cedars are planted immediately in light soils, and sand and peat are added to heavier soils.

A little soil is poured at the bottom of the pit and a seedling is placed, straightening the roots. The root neck should not be below ground level. If this still happened, the seedling is taken out and a little more earth is added. Then, next to the tree, a peg is dug in and the hole is covered with earth, slightly compacting it. The planting hole is watered abundantly, the ground in the trunk circle is mulched with coniferous litter, sawdust or crushed bark.

Within two weeks, while the seedling takes root, it is watered after 2-3 days, if there is no rain.

We grow cedar from a nut

If it was not possible to find a seedling in the nursery, and ripe pine nuts in a vase suggest a certain thought, feel free to choose the largest ones with a whole shell - we will try to grow cedar from seeds at home. The process of sprouting nuts is not quite simple, but very exciting:

  • seeds are placed in water and kept for 3 days, periodically changing it;
  • floating nuts are removed, and the rest are kept for several hours in a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate;
  • disinfected seeds are placed in a moist substrate and subjected to stratification for at least 3 months;
  • then the nuts are once again soaked in potassium permanganate for a day and dried;
  • sown in closed ground (greenhouse or film shelter) in prepared soil, which contains 20 parts of peat, 2 parts of ash and 1 part of superphosphate to a depth of 2–3 cm;
  • before the emergence of shoots, the grooves are watered.

Seedlings are grown indoors for 2 years. After that, the cover is removed. 6-8 year old trees are ready for transplanting to a permanent place.

Caring for a young Siberian cedar consists in mulching the near-trunk circle, surface loosening in the absence of mulch, and applying potash fertilizer three times a season. To do this, 20 g of potassium sulfate is diluted in a bucket of water and watered each tree.

Two varieties of cedar pine are popular with gardeners - "Recordist" and "Icarus". Both are highly decorative, compact in size, relatively unpretentious and bear fruit abundantly.

The cedar, which was grown from a nut, will soon become one of the most beloved trees on the site. And when he grows up, and in his shade it will be possible to rest, he will give many pleasant minutes, bringing coolness and refreshing the air with a delicate resinous aroma.

The formation of a cedar at their summer cottage - video

(Pinus sibirica) or, in the people, Siberian cedar - an evergreen tree, belongs to the genus Pine. How did the two names get so mixed up? According to one version, the pioneer Cossacks who came beyond the Urals to Siberia were so amazed by the beauty and power of the tree that they put it on a par with the famous Lebanese cedar.

Structural features

Cedar can grow up to 44 meters. Lives according to various estimates from 500 to 850 years. The natural habitat of the cedar is Siberia, it is also found in Altai, Mongolia and China. Compared to Scotch pine, cedar has darker and longer needles. In each bunch there are 5 needles (for pine - 2). The bark of the trunk is gray.

The root system is formed by a short tap root and lateral roots extending from it, on the root hairs of which the so-called mycorrhiza (connection with fungi) develops. If the soil in the place where the cedar grows is light, well-permeable to air, then the roots can penetrate a couple of meters deep. In this case, they are called anchors because they help the tree to remain stable.

In the taiga, under coniferous trees, the height of a 20-year-old cedar often does not exceed 30 cm. Both male and female shoots are simultaneously present on one tree. At the same time, they are arranged in tiers: in the upper part of the crown - a female tier, then a mixed one, even lower - a male one. Cones are formed only on female shoots. The length of the tiers of different trees is not the same.

The cedar is pollinated by the wind in June. The process of cone formation takes 3 years. Seeds (the same pine nuts) ripen in August-September and fall to the ground along with cones. Each cone can contain up to 150 seeds. Multiple trees of the same species are required for maximum yields, as cedar is better at producing cones when cross-pollinated. In nature, under natural conditions, it begins to bear fruit at the age of 20 years. Distribution of cedar is facilitated by animals, especially chipmunks and nutcrackers.

Growing conditions

Siberian cedar is a plant that can adapt to various growing conditions. However, he has his own preferences:

  • Air temperature. The great advantage of the Siberian cedar is its winter hardiness. It withstands temperatures below -40-50 °C and grows even beyond the Arctic Circle.
  • Light. Although the culture belongs to the shade-tolerant, nevertheless, as the cedar grows, the need for illumination increases. Young seedlings tolerate shading, because in natural conditions they develop under the crowns of adult trees. However, cedars growing in open areas have a more lush crown and are distinguished by higher yields compared to trees in continuous plantings.
  • The soil. The plant prefers well-drained loamy or sandy soils. It is very important that the earth is sufficiently moist. On sandy dry soils, the tree will not be able to grow - it will dry out. Cedar develops especially well on fertile soils containing lime.
  • Moisture. The culture is demanding of both air and soil moisture. However, when water stagnates in the soil, the access of oxygen to the roots is blocked, which is why mycorrhiza suffers.

Preparing seeds for sowing

Siberian cedar is propagated in two ways: by seeds and vegetatively (by grafting in specialized nurseries). Only fresh seeds of the current year are suitable for sowing. It is advisable to purchase seeds harvested in highly productive cedar forests.

This provides the seeds with the necessary stratification in winter. However, it is possible only in regions where the natural snow cover is stable and not less than 30-40 cm. Seeds are pre-soaked in water for 2-3 days and only full-grained (drowned) seeds are sown.

In areas with little snowy winters, sowing is carried out in the spring with a preliminary artificial stratification 3-4 months long. At this time, it is necessary to provide the seeds with an increased humidity of the substrate (about 40%) and a temperature of about 0 ° C. Suitable substrate - sawdust, sand, peat, snow, moss, etc.

At home and country conditions, stratification can be carried out in different ways:

  • In a snow pile. Pre-soaked seeds are mixed with a moist substrate and placed in a low box, wrapped with a fine-mesh rodent net. The box is placed on the ground on the north side of the house to prevent heavy snowmelt. They fall asleep from above, constantly tamping, with a pile of snow at least 1 meter high and cover with spruce branches.
  • In a refrigerator. Seeds are soaked for 2 days and mixed with a wet substrate. The prepared mixture is poured into containers with a layer of 5 cm and placed in plastic bags. One side is left open. The containers are placed in the refrigerator. Every 10-15 days, the seeds are checked, mixed and additionally moistened.
  • Accelerated . Held at the very beginning of spring. Seeds are first soaked in warm water for 6-8 days. Water is changed every 2 days. Then the seeds are mixed with peat or washed river sand, left at room temperature for a month and wait. The sown seeds are removed in the refrigerator and stored there until sowing.

Sowing seeds and caring for seedlings

In the spring, stratified seeds are sown a week after the snow cover has melted into open ground or a greenhouse. Before this, the substrate is removed, and the seeds are soaked in potassium permanganate for a day.

It is best to sow in ridges to provide air access. The distance between the grooves is 15-20 cm, 100-120 seeds are sown per 1 meter of line. Embedding depth - 3-5 cm, followed by mulching with sawdust or peat with a layer of 1-1.5 cm. During autumn sowing, the ridges are covered with spruce branches.

In the future, it is necessary to provide seedlings with high-quality watering:

  • within 2-3 weeks after sowing - 1-2 times a week
  • after mass germination - 1 time in 10 days
  • during the lignification of seedlings and until August - after 15-20 days

To speed up the development of seedlings by 1.5-2 times, they can be grown under film cover. To do this, beds 15-20 cm high are arranged in a greenhouse from a mixture of decomposed peat (pH 4.5-5.5) with mineral fertilizers. Prepared seeds are buried in the soil by 3-4 cm, sprinkled with peat-sawdust mixture on top, rolled and watered.

The temperature in the greenhouse must be maintained at the required level:

  • before germination - about 0ºС
  • when they appear - 5ºС, but not higher than 15-20ºС
  • during the growth of seedlings - 8-10ºС, but not higher than 25-30ºС

Optimum air humidity is 70-80% with constant ventilation. From mid-July, seedlings begin to harden. For this, the side parts of the shelter are opened, and at the end of August, the film is completely removed. Stop by this time.

Planting and further care of seedlings

If a gardener is not ready to wait until a seedling grows from a seed, he can buy ready-made planting material in a specialized nursery. When choosing, give preference to seedlings with a closed root system.

It is important to follow 2 rules: do not bury the root neck into the ground and make sure that the roots do not bend. The root neck during planting should rise 4-5 cm above the ground on light soils, 3-4 cm on heavy soils. After the soil settles, it should be level with the ground. If these rules are not followed, the tree may die!

The landing sequence is standard:

  • dig a planting hole, fill it with fertile soil with compost
  • form a mound in the pit and spread the roots of the plant along it
  • cover the roots with soil, compacting it a little
  • form a ring around the pit and water the seedling abundantly
  • mulch the surface after the water has been absorbed

Before planting, the roots twisted in the container should be well straightened, trying not to damage the small roots with mycorrhiza. The planting hole is made free, larger than the size of the root system. Sand is added to heavy clay soil to improve aeration. After planting, the soil around the seedling is mulched with a layer of 5 cm. The best cover is leaf litter, which must be added annually. During the dry period, young seedlings require additional watering. You can also spray the crown in the evening. It is impossible to dig the soil under the tree, only careful loosening is possible so as not to damage the delicate roots.

Cedar seedlings are fed 3 times per season with a solution of potassium sulfate (consumption 20 g per 10 liters of water for one plant), starting from the end of May 1 time per month. The following year after planting, nitrogen fertilizers can be applied. Cedar is planted in a permanent place, taking into account future growth. This means that the minimum distance from other large-sized vehicles should be 6-7 meters. When planning a placement, the behavior of possible neighbors must be taken into account. So, for example, birch inhibits the growth of cedar, as it greatly dries out the soil.

Diseases and pests

In the natural environment, the Siberian silkworm causes great damage to cedar forests. Its caterpillars eat the needles, causing the cedar to dry out. On one tree there can be up to 35 thousand caterpillars.

Also pests of cedar are Hermes aphid and cone moth. Hermes often affects young trees. An external sign of their appearance is yellowing of the needles. The pest itself looks like small cotton balls. Way of struggle - processing.

Young seedlings at an early stage are often affected by blackleg. Causes of the disease: low temperatures with high soil moisture, sharp changes in day and night temperatures.

Application in landscape design

Siberian cedar is a great option for landscaping a personal plot. It is decorative, able to bear fruit and has phytoncidal properties. For planting, you can use varieties bred by breeders, which differ in growth strength, crown shape and ability to tie cones.

Decorative varieties are placed 4-5 meters apart. The dark green cedar needles look spectacular against the backdrop of a bright house in a summer cottage. Plant this magnificent tree on your site, and it will delight the whole family for several generations. For the attention and care shown by you in the first years of its growth, the cedar will pay back many times over.
