Description and characteristics of chipboard EGGER. Everything you need to know about Egger Laminate Bloat Testing

Company foundation EGGER founded by Fritz Egger Sr. in 1961, when he opened his first chipboard plant in St. Johann in Tyrol. Gradually the company EGGER has grown into a group of enterprises with 17 factories located in seven different countries, with a total workforce of 6,500 people.

At present, the group of enterprises EGGER is owned by the brothers Michael Egger and Fritz Egger, who, being the owners of the company, determine its strategic objectives. The day-to-day management of the family business is carried out by the Group Management EGGER represented by Thomas Leissing, Ulrich Bühler and Walter Schiegl.

    From left to right:
  • Thomas Leissing - Head of the EGGER Group in the areas of finance, management and logistics (authorized representative of the Group Management)
  • Ulrich Bühler - Head of EGGER Group Marketing and Sales
  • Walter Schiegl - Head of the EGGER Group in the areas of production and technology

The company has a decentralized management, structurally it is divided into separate areas of activity and organizational units located in different regions.

Only those functions are under centralized control, in the performance of which it is possible to obtain a synergy effect or an increase in productivity, as well as functions caused by a strategic need.

Strategic management is carried out by the owners of the company with the support of the management and management units of the Group.

The goals that are set for the enterprises of the company are determined jointly, and are implemented independently.

In accordance with the basic principles, the company respects the traditions and customs of the countries in which it operates.

The Egger Group integrates into the life of the environment in which it is located, contributing to the involvement of qualified personnel - from ordinary employees to managers - from the regions where the company's plants are located.

The principle of careful attitude to raw materials is in the company EGGER paramount importance. This principle is brought to life by generating energy from our own biomass thermal power plants, as well as through the use of the most modern resource-saving production technologies and environmentally friendly logistics systems.

Company EGGER consciously invests in advanced information and communication systems. Thanks to this, the effective management of the company and the inclusion of partners in the relevant processes of product creation are carried out.

1961 Commissioning of the first chipboard press in St. Johann (Austria)
1966 Acquisition of the fiberboard plant in Wörgl (Austria)
1970 Commissioning of the chipboard plant in Unterradlberg (Austria)
1984 Acquisition and construction of a chipboard plant in Hexham (UK)
1989 Acquisition of the laminate plant in Gifhorn (Germany)
1990 Commissioning of the chipboard plant in Brilon (Germany)
1994 Acquisition of a factory for the production of prefabricated furniture elements in Bünde (Germany)
Acquisition of a chipboard plant in Rion-de-Landes (France)
1995 Acquisition of the thin MDF board plant in Bevern (Germany)
1998 Commissioning of the chipboard plant in Barony (UK)
1999 Commissioning of the "European plant" EGGER in Wismar (Germany)
Acquisition of a wood-based panel finishing plant in Marienmünster (Germany)
2000 Acquisition of a chipboard plant in Ramberville (France)
2002 Complete reconstruction and expansion of the chipboard plant in Unterradlberg (Austria)
2005 Commissioning of the chipboard plant in Shuya (Russia)
2006 Start of production of EUROLIGHT lightweight boards in St. Johann (Austria)
Start of production of laminate flooring using DPR direct printing technology in Brilon (Germany)

2007 Expansion of production capacity at the plant in Gifhorn (Germany) by investing in a new laminate plant.
Expansion and modernization of the plant in Hexham (UK)
2008 Start of chipboard production at the plant in Radauti (Romania)
Commissioning of the Group's first own sawmill in Brilon (Germany)
2009 Start of chipboard production at the plant in Radauti (Romania)
Start of design work for the installation of an adhesive production plant and a biomass thermal power plant in Radauti (Romania)

All text and graphic information provided by the company EGGER.

Chipboard is one of the most popular materials used in the furniture and construction industries. The largest manufacturer of these products is the world-famous Austrian company EGGER, which appeared on the wood products market in 1961. Its subsidiaries are located in fifteen European cities, they are also in Russia.

The range of products made of wood is striking in its diversity. In addition to chipboard, the company produces floor coverings, MDF, acoustic, combined and compact boards, paper-laminated plastics, as well as OSB. The chipboard product line is presented more extensively than other products. Egger chipboards are divided into the following groups:

  • laminated chipboard;
  • unlined wood products;
  • window sills and countertops;
  • chipboard thin boards;
  • light products.

For Egger chipboard production, coniferous trees are the main raw material. The structure of the fibers in the boards is quite fine, as this ensures an increased density of the middle layer of the product. Austrian manufacturers have made sure that their products are harmless. This became possible due to the use of unique wood-shaving adhesives of our own production.

In their composition, they contain a special component based on synthetic resins with an extremely low formaldehyde content. The high environmental performance of the products is also ensured by the use of chlorine-free hardeners.

Benefits of Egger products

The undeniable fact is that the company's products are of excellent quality and the production of Egger chipboard is carried out in strict accordance with European standards and Russian SNiP. Through the use of the latest developments and innovative technologies, the range of products is constantly updated.

The uniqueness of the technical and operational characteristics of the plates is ensured by:

  • using 90% coniferous wood as a raw material;
  • production of products from fine-grained materials;
  • the absence of debris and impurities, as well as a low content of sand;
  • ideal edges of chipboard and its surfaces;
  • high-quality durable coating film that prevents mechanical damage to the product.

Due to the high quality and environmental friendliness of Egger chipboard, it is used in various fields:

  • production of furniture for residential, industrial, office and other premises;
  • construction industry (construction of partitions, assembly of complex structures and sheathing of wall surfaces);
  • installation of window blocks with the installation of window sills and ebbs;
  • laying floor coverings;
  • production of internal doors.

The breadth and variety of applications of products is due to its resistance to force loads, external influences, changes in temperature and humidity.

The company's specialized design department creates new decors and color combinations. Today, in the arsenal of Egger, there are over 220 options for original solutions, which allows you to use the material to implement the most incredible design ideas. The manufacturer's catalog contains the following types of Egger chipboard decors:

  • white palette, presented in six mandatory options, which differ in the degree of gloss and mother-of-pearl additive;
  • 78 shades of a monochromatic range;
  • more than 90 basic and 12 additional reproductions with wood ornaments;
  • 60 types of designs decorated for various materials;
  • 12 creative drawings made using color photo printing technology.

In addition, talented designers have created fourteen varieties of slab plane relief, conveying the effect of living wood, fabric, and worn-out old material.

Egger chipboard production is based on a thrifty approach to raw materials. This concept is being implemented through the use of resource-saving, highly efficient technologies.

Chipboard is widely used in construction and for the manufacture of furniture. There is a wide variety of such plates on the market, differing among themselves not only in cost, but also in quality. One of the manufacturers is a company from Austria with a worldwide reputation - Egger. Her product range is very diverse. The company's product catalog contains more than 200 types of various plates, among which there are plain, colored, with a pattern, imitating the texture of wood and other materials, surfaces. Surfaces can be matte or glossy. Picking up the desired chipboard sheet, suitable for the interior of the buyer, is not difficult.

Distinctive features and properties of the material

Egger chipboards are of high quality, meeting all the requirements of standards (SNiP and EN). The range of products offered by the company is constantly increasing due to new technologies and developments. The following products are produced:

  • The sheet laminated by a chipboard Egger - is a part of the Eurodekor series.
  • Uncoated boards, countertops and window sills of the Eurospan series.
  • Light chipboard Eurolight.
  • Thin chipboards.

Chipboard has the following technical characteristics:

  • For their production, coniferous trees are selected (in 90% of cases).
  • Raw materials for plates are selected only fine-grained.
  • The raw materials do not contain debris, sand and other impurities.
  • The laminating film is more durable and resistant to mechanical stress (despite its smaller thickness) than that of Russian manufacturers.

The scope of Egger chipboard is wide:

  • as a material for the construction of furniture to be used both at home and in other premises (offices, restaurants, etc.);
  • for finishing walls, building partitions and all kinds of boxes;
  • as window sills and ebbs;
  • as a floor covering;
  • for the manufacture of interior doors.

Variety of species

Egger chipboard colors vary depending on the type of board. There are more than 200 of them. The catalog includes the following variations:

  • White, which differ in the degree of gloss and the presence of mother-of-pearl. This is the basic color scheme, presented in 6 different types: white, platinum, gloss, solid, premium, porcelain.
  • Monochromatic, which include 78 different colors. They can be glossy or matte, saturated or muted. The colors are chosen so that they can be combined in the design.
  • Wood reproductions - more than 100 options, of which more than 90 are considered basic, and 12 are designed specifically for the production of interior doors.
  • Fantasy chipboard Egger - imitation of materials. There are 60 variations that reproduce marble, textiles, leather, concrete, metal and minerals. Such plates are used for the manufacture of doors, countertops, furniture.
  • Color photo printing, which consists of 12 drawings on various topics.

Simultaneously with the decor, chipboards differ in their texture. Egger offers the following types:

  • Glossy ("Diamond", "Gloss Finish").
  • Matte ("Silk", "Office", "Perfect", "Matex").
  • Semi-matte fine-grained ("Granite", "Elegance").
  • Volumetric ("Wavelan", "Artwave").
  • Mosaic ("Velvet").

Eurospan series

Plates from this series are used for the production of high quality furniture. The Egger chipboard sheet consists of a high-density inner layer covered on top with fine-grained layers. This allows you to get a perfectly flat surface that holds its shape well. At the same time, the boards have an even cut and are easy to process (lamination, edge finishing, veneer, postforming).

This series has a standard width of 207 cm, a thickness of 0.8-2.5 cm and a length of 561, 411 or 280 cm.

Plates of the Eurospan series for worktops and window sills perfectly withstand mechanical loads and the effects of chemicals (acids, alkalis, abrasive detergents), without losing their aesthetic appeal. And they serve more than 10 years. You can damage the surface with a knife, hot dishes or a cigarette.

They have dimensions of 410x60, 410x91, 410x120 cm with a thickness of 3.8 cm.

Window sill dimensions: thickness - 1.9 and 2.2 cm, length - 410 cm, width - 16-10 cm.

Plates of the Eurolight series

Chipboard Egger Eurolight series, which are also called light boards, consist of two layers:

  • Internal, which consists of compacted cellular cardboard.
  • External, made of plates with a thickness of 3 to 8 mm.

This structure makes the plates light, standard fasteners and fittings are suitable for them. They are used for the production of furniture, interior decoration.

Chipboard Egger. Reviews

Wood chipboards have a number of advantages. But despite this, many consumers argue that laminated chipboard is harmful to health. They associate this with supposedly prominent ones, but this is far from being the case. Chipboard is an environmentally friendly material.

When choosing chipboard, give preference to the material that is produced directly by the Austrian company Egger. According to popular reviews, such material is much superior in quality to goods manufactured at other manufacturing plants. Naturally, the price of such products will be higher than those produced in Russia. But the choice always remains with the buyer.

Egger is a large European company specializing in the production of laminate flooring and many other finishing materials. The company's factories are located in Austria, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Russia and other European countries. Experts say that the total annual production of Egger-branded laminate is more than 30 million m2. Egger laminate can boast of high European quality, reliability, durability, variety of textures and decors.

Laminated floors of this manufacturer have been presented on the domestic market for more than 15 years. They are in consistently high demand among individuals and legal entities, because the laminate produced by Europeans is excellent for laying in residential premises, public buildings, and the commercial sector.

It is important to note that the company is engaged in the production of laminates of 32 and 33 wear resistance classes, which are exactly designed for use in residential premises of any type and in commercial areas with low and medium floor loads.

Modern manufacturing technologies using environmentally friendly raw materials and safe formulations, coupled with innovative high-precision equipment, allow Egger to produce high-quality laminate with a guaranteed service life of more than 15 years. All manufactured models have increased resistance to moisture from the outside and inside, as well as from the ends and the interlock.

Egger laminate is so safe and hygienic that it meets all international and domestic sanitary and epidemiological standards, so it can be installed in medical and childcare facilities. The manufacturer's laminated floors have the Blue Angel environmental certificate.

Egger has been operating on the European market for a long time, which allows it to dictate the fashion for certain floor coverings, create trends and introduce innovative solutions in laminate production technology. Key features of these laminate flooring include:

  • Panel production technologies are protected by trade secrets. Therefore, the product is guaranteed not to be counterfeited. Small producers will also not be able to produce products similar to the Egger;
  • The geometry of the laminate boards is so well processed and adjusted on high-precision equipment that after laying, if it was done by professionals, there are no gaps between the individual panels;
  • The panels featured in the Egger collections today feature the patented, unique JUSTclic locking system. Due to this, any person, even without much experience in carrying out installation work, can potentially quickly lay a laminate in any room. The original locking system is reliable, durable, not subject to mechanical stress (unlike analogues, the connection will not break if the panel is bent);
  • Egger laminate is considered one of the best on the market in terms of imitation of wood species, tiles and other materials. After laying, even up close it will be difficult to make out what is under your feet - a laminate flooring or a real tree. This is achieved through the use of a special technology that provides for special processing of the protective and decorative layers of the panel. The upper resin layer in a number of collections has a relief surface, which makes the imitation of wood more natural.


Laminate from Egger, like other manufacturers, consists of 4 main layers:

  1. The top layer is protective. Its main function is to protect the surface from moisture and mechanical loads of various kinds. The thickness and specification of this layer determines the wear resistance and class of the laminate as a whole.
  2. decorative layer. It is made from special high-quality paper on which the drawing is applied. The models of this manufacturer imitate a variety of wood species (from acacia to ash), as well as natural stone and designer parquet.
  3. The main layer, presented in the form of an HDF-slab. This is a high-density base that determines the main characteristics of the floor covering, its durability and resistance to moisture. In class 32 and 33 laminate, a board with a density of more than 800 kg/m3 is used.
  4. The bottom layer is stabilizing. This layer is responsible for the comfort of the floor covering, protection against moisture and some specific indicators. In a number of Egger collections, the lower layer provides for additional protection against moisture - the Silenzio substrate, the main function of which is not only to increase moisture resistance, but also to ensure the proper level of sound insulation. No wonder Egger laminate is considered one of the best on the market in terms of sound insulation.

Variety of models

Egger laminate flooring models are so diverse that people who can’t decide on a laminate for a long time find something suitable in the assortment of this manufacturer.

All models from the Austrian company on the market can be classified according to several criteria:

    1. Style. Many manufacturers produce laminate in the same style, so the panels often do not differ from one another (only by shade). Egger, in turn, offers models made in 4 main styles: Authentic style, Vintage, Natural style, Modern. This approach allows you to choose a laminated coating for a specific interior design of a residential building, office or cafe.

  1. The foundation. It is known that HDF-plate acts as the basis in the laminate, but each manufacturer makes it in its own way. Egger offers panels with two core board types: Quell Stopp Plus and Aqua Stop. If Quell Stopp Plus is a standard option with a beautiful name, then models marked Aqua Plus are designed for use in rooms with high humidity, as well as in places where floors are periodically exposed to a large amount of various liquids.
  2. Chamfer. For Egger models, the chamfer can be double-sided or four-sided. But you can find options with a completely missing chamfer.
  3. wear class. It has already been said above that the manufacturer produces a laminate of 32 and 33 wear resistance classes. If you are offered Egger coatings of 31 or 34 wear resistance classes in a store, you should know that this is a hoax.
  4. Guarantee period. Depending on the collection, specific model and operating conditions of the laminate, the warranty period on the panel can be 15, 20, 25 years.
  5. Panel thickness. Even decors from the same collection can vary considerably in thickness. The laminate is presented with the following indicators: 7, 8, 9, 11 mm.
  6. panel format. Egger manufactures laminate flooring in the following individual board sizes: Classic, Medium, Long, Large, Kingsize.

Scope of use

32 and 33 classes of laminate in the modern market are the most popular. That is why Egger laminate can be used in a wide range of spaces:

  • City apartments and country houses. With domestic use of the laminate, you can get the maximum possible life of the laminated coating (from 15 to 30 years), as well as an extended warranty from the manufacturer;
  • Office premises, conference rooms, reception rooms, workrooms. In the commercial sector, class 32 and 33 laminate is recommended to be used only in those rooms where there is a low level of floor load and average traffic;
  • Catering establishments, service enterprises, shops, etc. The manufacturer allows laying laminate in such premises, however, the service life of the coating can be reduced to 10-15 years. During this time, the laminated floor is guaranteed not to lose its appearance and basic performance.



Egger laminate flooring is one of the best on the market today. Despite the excellent performance, test results and a wide range of operation, the presented models have a fairly affordable price (middle price category). This allows the manufacturer to find many customers among private and corporate consumers.

Egger laminate catalog

  • Laminate Egger Flooring Classic White Cortina Oak

The German company EGGER began its journey as a small family business more than half a century ago. Today, the EGGER group of companies consists of 17 plants throughout Europe. The EGGER brand combines an extensive range of wood products: chipboard, chipboard, MDF, fiberboard and furniture elements. The Egger company has developed its official website, focusing on various countries. The main one is in the link.

Of the entire range of materials produced by the company in Russia, chipboard Egger is in the greatest demand, reviews of which are always extremely positive. Manufactured chipboards with a layer of moisture-resistant flexible laminate on top are distinguished by high quality workmanship and a wide variety of colors.

All products manufactured by this chipboard manufacturer in terms of the level of formaldehyde emission belong to the highest class of environmental safety E1. EGGER decors in various shapes and sizes are used in both public and residential areas.

Parameters of German laminated chipboard:

EGGER laminated chipboard is available as panels 8, 10, 16 mm thick. Its base is made of chipboard, and paper-laminated plastic is used as an outer covering.

Standard dimensions of chipboard sheet: 2800*2070 mm. But under the order "sawn" and other options.

Color range of laminated chipboard:

The range of colors is striking in its diversity. More than a hundred shades and patterns under the stone and different types of wood. The line has both plain and wood options with different structure and texture. Additional mother-of-pearl and metallic effects provide the designer with limitless possibilities in choosing interior decor in any style.

Acquisition of EGGER chipboard in Moscow:

Laminated chipboard is an excellent option for interior decoration of offices, hotels, and other premises. LightPlit will cut Egger panels(and not only) to the size required by the customer. Our experts are always ready to help you choose panels with a harmonious combination of colors and advise on their installation. German decors are suitable for offices and public spaces, as well as for private apartments.

Order decorative panels from EGGER laminated chipboard - get away from the standards and create your own unique interior.
