Abbreviation used in official documents. Features of the style of business documents. Applying graphic abbreviations

How to abbreviate words?

What are the requirements for abbreviations?

    Abbreviations should be clear to the reader. A large number of uncommon abbreviations makes it difficult to read the text. When a word is truncated, the remaining part should allow you to easily and accurately restore the full word, for example: philosophic, philosophic, not Phil.

    Abbreviations that coincide in spelling with others are undesirable. Such abbreviations are allowed only if the context suggests exactly which word or phrase is abbreviated.

    Abbreviations must be uniform. The principle of uniformity is maintained when all words of the same type are reduced (or not reduced). The abbreviation must be the same.

Where can I find the abbreviation rules?

    Excerpts from "GOST R 7.0.12-2011 SIBID. Bibliographic record. Abbreviation of words and phrases. General requirements and rules (word abbreviation rules and a list of the most common abbreviations) in the "Official Documents" section on our portal.

    The rules for shortening words are given in the book by A. E. Milchin and L. K. Cheltsova "Reference book of the publisher and author" (2nd ed., M., 2003).

Many commonly used abbreviations can be found here.:

    N. N. Novichkov. Dictionary of modern Russian abbreviations and abbreviations. Paris-Moscow, 1995;

    Russian spelling dictionary / Ed. V. V. Lopatina, O. E. Ivanova. 4th ed., M., 2012;

Here is a list of some common abbreviations:

adm.-terr. administrative-territorial

acad. academician, academy

a/o joint-stock company, autonomous district, autonomous region

b byte

b-ka library

in. century, centuries century

wkz. railway station

in evening department

east-european Eastern European

G. year; mountain

gg. years; the mountains

G gram

G. And mr mister

gg. And sir gentlemen

G. And Ms. mistress

G. And mountains city

gg. cities

state state

state state

gr. And gr-ka citizen

gr. And grn citizen

gr-not citizens

dep. department; deputy

diss. thesis

before. And before Holiday House

before day department

USD valley

Doll. dollar

daily daily

well. And female female

well. d. And railway Railway

railroad And railway railway

app. And h. west

Western European Western European

zarub. foreign

h. to. And s/c a prisoner

s/o extramural

publishing house publishing house

in. And foreign foreign

in-t And inst. institute

And. about. acting; First and middle name

etc. and the like, and the like

cand. And to. candidate

kg kilogram

kg. skittle

m. And husband. male

m meter

MB And MB megabyte

mb millibar

min. minister

min And min. ministry

min. And m. minute (The spelling of this abbreviation with a dot is recorded in the Russian Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Academy of Sciences; according to GOST, this abbreviation should be written without a dot. - Approx. ed.)

min. And min. minimum

mm millimeter

Moscow Moscow

weeks a week

P. paragraph, paragraph

pp. paragraphs, paragraphs

per. And P. lane

mailbox mailbox

Ave., etc. And Ave Avenue

R. And rub. ruble

from. And sec. second

from. And page page

cm centimeter

cm. Look

SPb. St. Petersburg

T. volume, tt. volumes

T. And tel. phone

T. And comrade comrade

T. And thousand one thousand

t/c TV channel

st. the outside

FULL NAME. And f. And. about. Full Name

h. hour (The spelling of this abbreviation with a dot is recorded in the Russian Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Academy of Sciences; according to GOST, this abbreviation should be written without a dot. - Note ed.)

For a long time, the use of abbreviations in Russian was considered bad form and was used quite rarely. However, in the last hundred years, abbreviations have become an integral part of the language, an active way of word production. Especially often they can be found in a business and scientific style. There is even a whole regulatory framework that contains the rules for abbreviating words and a list of generally accepted abbreviations in modern Russian.

What is an abbreviation

Abbreviation in modern Russian is the truncation of a word while maintaining its original meaning. Also, sometimes a new word resulting from this truncation is called an abbreviation.

Abbreviations are mainly found in reference literature, official documents, personal notes, abstracts. They are practically impossible to meet in a literary text, unless the author deliberately stylized his piece under a different style of the Russian language.

Basic rules for abbreviations

There are several main rules for abbreviations that will help not to spoil the text and not confuse the reader. Most importantly, abbreviations, including those generally accepted, should be used only if it is justified stylistically. Their use in the text of artistic style is highly undesirable.

The second important rule is that the abbreviation should be understandable to the reader. In Russian, common abbreviations can be found everywhere, so any native speaker can easily decipher them. However, even if the author uses a special abbreviation, providing a list with a detailed transcript at the end of the text, it is worth taking care of the simplicity of the abbreviation so that the reader does not have to constantly return to this list, but he can easily remember the abbreviation. After all, the main purpose of truncating words in a text is precisely to save time.

The third rule: you should avoid abbreviations-homonyms that are spelled the same, but carry a different meaning. It may be difficult for the reader to decipher such abbreviations. Their use is still permissible, provided that it is clear from the context what exactly the author means.

The fourth rule: although it may seem complicated, it is worth paying attention to the neutrality of the form of reduction. Dissonant words can distract the reader from the content of the text, make him laugh, make it difficult to perceive, and cause unwanted associations.

Fifth rule: it is necessary to observe the unity of abbreviations, if words and phrases of the same type are present in the text, then it is unacceptable to abbreviate one and not to abbreviate the other. Also, if we are talking about periodicals, a text in several volumes, and so on, then it is imperative to follow the uniformity of abbreviations, it is unacceptable to abbreviate a word in one issue and leave it untouched in the next.

The sixth rule no longer refers to stylistics, but to the grammar of the Russian language. It is possible to abbreviate words according to generally accepted rules on the first letter, if we are talking about a generally accepted abbreviation that will be easily understood by the reader of the text, on a non-initial consonant, but in no case on a vowel.

The seventh rule: you can abbreviate words of almost any part of speech - a noun, an adjective, a verb, a numeral, an adverb, and so on. The abbreviation does not depend on the case, number, gender of the original word. If the truncated form of a noun belongs to the generally accepted abbreviations, then adjectives and participles formed from the same root are abbreviated in the same way.

The main types of abbreviations

Total reductions are divided into three main types. There are graphic abbreviations, initial and complex abbreviations. Some of them are also divided into subtypes.

In addition, in Russian there are so-called carved words (when some letters and syllables in the middle are removed from a word, for example, a billion - billion) and mixed abbreviations that combine several types at once. It makes no sense to dwell on them in too much detail, since they are used relatively rarely in modern Russian.

Graphic abbreviations

In graphic abbreviations, deleted letters or syllables are replaced graphically. For example, when cutting off the ending of a word, it is customary to use a dot (English - English). If the middle part of the word is omitted in the abbreviation, then a hyphen must be used, for example: production - production. The slash is used in abbreviations, where the final part of the phrase is cut off. For example: Rostov-on-Don - Rostov n/a.

And finally, the rarest and most complex type of graphic abbreviation, cutting off the initial part of a word. Such abbreviations are practically not found in modern Russian.

Initial abbreviations

The initial abbreviation or initial abbreviation is often found among generally accepted abbreviations and is familiar to every native speaker of Russian since childhood. They are formed using the first letters (sometimes sounds) of all the words of the phrase. When reading such an abbreviation aloud, it is not customary to decipher it, it is pronounced the same way as it is written.

Initial abbreviations are divided into alphabetic (CIS), alpha-sound (CSKA) and sound (ITAR). The differences between them are minor and mainly lie in the field of phonetics. It is also important to distinguish between them for successful declension of abbreviations, but more on that below.

Compound words

Among the complex abbreviated words, one can also find many generally accepted abbreviations, the explanation of which is often not required. They are formed by adding abbreviations of some or all of the words of the phrase. For example: a car factory, a collective farm.

Common abbreviations

Also, sometimes abbreviations are divided into three types according to their degree of prevalence. The most extensive and easiest to learn type are generally accepted abbreviations. A list of such abbreviations can be found in special regulatory documents. It can also be specialized specialized literature.

Common abbreviations of words in documents, reference literature, mass media can be used without special interpretation. An exception may be perhaps publications for children, since they may simply not yet know the meaning of these abbreviations.

Special abbreviations

Special abbreviations also do not need to be deciphered, however, unlike generally accepted abbreviations and abbreviations, they are used exclusively in trade publications, reference books, professional documents that are intended to be read only by specialists in a narrow field who should know perfectly well the decoding of these abbreviations.

Personal abbreviations

Personal or individual abbreviations are often found in only one edition, in reference books authored by one person, in personal notes, in abstracts. If the text is intended to be read by other people, then the author is obliged to provide, most often at the end of the text, a special list with transcripts of personal abbreviations, especially if their number exceeds 20 and they appear several times in the text. Otherwise, the author can provide a transcript directly in the text, next to the abbreviation.

The main requirements for abbreviations

There are generally accepted requirements in relation to generally accepted abbreviations and not only. You should not abbreviate less than two letters at the end of a word (although exceptions can be found in the lists of abbreviations). Also, abbreviations other than vowels cannot end in "ь", "ъ" or "й". The point is put in graphic abbreviations, however, there are exceptions here too, for example, in units of measurement it is often absent. Some nouns that are in the plural are on the lists of generally accepted abbreviations of the Russian language and, according to the rules, are transmitted by doubling the first letter, for example: years - "yy", centuries - "vv".

If the reduction occurs on a double vowel, then it is preserved, but in some cases, for example, at the junction of morphemes, this rule does not work. In addition, this rule is no longer observed in the media and some business documents today.

Also, according to GOST, generally accepted abbreviations are not allowed in titles, subtitles, abstracts and abstracts.

The main document regulating the rules for the formation of generally accepted abbreviations of words is GOST 2011. It is there that the basic requirements for word truncation are formulated, as well as an extensive list of special cases that do not lend themselves to the existing rules of the Russian language. Basically in this document you can find geographical, political, legal, economic and scientific terms. Drawing up generally accepted abbreviations according to GOST is the safest and most correct way, especially if the abbreviation is present in official documents.

You can also refer to the numerous abbreviation dictionaries to decipher unfamiliar words in text or to help you abbreviate words when writing text. But first of all, you should rely on your knowledge of the uniform rules for the abbreviations of the modern Russian language, so that there is no confusion. In addition, there are international lists of abbreviations that are constantly updated. You can refer to them when deciphering foreign abbreviations.

Using commonly accepted abbreviations in documents is a great way to save time and effort for employees in an organization. However, do not get carried away, you need to ensure that abbreviations are not found in the text of official documents too often.

Declension rules

Many people, when reading a text with abbreviations aloud or just in the process of speaking, often have problems with determining the kind of abbreviation and its correct declension.

If we are talking about a letter abbreviation, then you should first of all think about the main word in the phrase. For example, in the generally accepted abbreviation MSU, the main word is "university". Accordingly, the abbreviation will be declined as a masculine word.

The sound abbreviation is read by syllables, so it is easy to determine its type. Here the grammatical gender of the word is defined a little differently. If the abbreviation ends with a vowel, then it is declined according to the rules of the masculine gender, even if the main word is of a different gender.

In foreign abbreviations, you need to focus on the main word in the Russian translation and start from its grammatical gender.

The importance of abbreviations in modern Russian

Common word abbreviations are an important part of the modern Russian language. They have long been used not only when writing texts of a scientific or journalistic style. Almost every person in daily life is faced with filling out various kinds of documentation. Business style is considered today a mandatory requirement for a successful existence in society. And abbreviations, in turn, are an extremely important part of these styles of the Russian language.

Also, abbreviations and abbreviations are often used in colloquial speech, so any native speaker who strives to speak correctly and beautifully should be aware of the rules for their compilation and about special cases that are an exception to the rules.

In addition, even if you never encounter the need to use generally accepted GOST abbreviations in documents, the ability to quickly and easily truncate words so that later what is written is understandable not only to you, but also to the reader, is an excellent skill for any person receiving higher education. Taking notes quickly and efficiently is a practical and necessary skill.

Thus, generally accepted abbreviations and abbreviations, one way or another, are found in the life of any native speaker of the Russian language, so do not neglect the study of the rules associated with them.

Standard aspects of the language of business writing include the unification of abbreviations. As a rule, phrases characterized by a high frequency of use are reduced. Terms, names of organizations, well-known legal acts, codes of laws, nomenclature signs of various properties, text designations, etc. are reduced. All abbreviations of words and names in documents must be generally accepted and understandable. It should be remembered that the saturation of the text with abbreviated spellings generally reduces the official tone of the document. In order not to make a mistake in choosing a spelling, you need to use a dictionary of abbreviations.

Some private rules for the use of abbreviations and compound words:

    The names of geographical concepts, periods of time, quantitative definitions, etc. are abbreviated as follows:
    a) before the word to which they refer, for example: lake(lake) Deep, G.(Orel city ;
    b) after numerals, for example, 8 thousand(thousand) machines, 10 million(million) rubles.

    The names of academic degrees, titles or professions can be abbreviated in the text immediately before the surnames. For example: acad.(academician) Semenov, eng. (engineer) Kravtsov.

    Compound abbreviated names formed from initial letters are written in capital letters ( Moscow State University ).
    In names formed according to a mixed principle, letter abbreviations are written in capital letters, syllabic abbreviations - in lowercase ( NIIStroydormash - Research Institute of Construction and Road Engineering).
    Compound abbreviated words denoting the names of institutions and organizations are written with a capital letter, for example: Gosplan, Moscow City Council .
    All abbreviations read by no letter names are written in one capital letters, for example: the USSR(Union of Soviet Socialist Republics), MIA(Ministry of the Interior), Central Committee(Central Committee), MTS(machine and tractor station), all sound-readable abbreviations denoting such names of institutions or organizations in which at least the first word is capitalized, for example: MFA(Ministry of Foreign Affairs), TASS(Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union), UN(United Nations), as well as abbreviations read in one part by the names of letters, and in the other by sounds, for example: CDSA(read "tsedesa").
    If abbreviations of this type are declined, then their endings are written in lowercase letters back to back, for example: TASS, Ministry of Foreign Affairs .
    From letter abbreviations should be distinguished conditional graphic abbreviations, which are always read in full and are reduced only in writing.
    Graphic abbreviations (except for the standard abbreviations for metric measures) are written with dots at the place of the abbreviation and, in relation to uppercase and lowercase letters and hyphens, follow the full name, for example: s.-v.(southeastern), M-K. well. d.(Moscow-Kursk railway).

    When abbreviating words, you cannot abbreviate by a vowel, if it is not initial in the word, and by b; so, the word Karelian can be abbreviated: to., car., Karelian , and not in the form "ka.", "kare.", "karel.", but: about. Sakhalin .

    When two identical consonants collide, the reduction should be done after the first consonant, for example: walls. calendar, gram. mistake(and not "stenn.", "gram."). As an exception : ott.(according to GOST 7.12-93). When two or more consonants are combined, the reduction should be done after the last consonant, for example: national creation(not "people.") Russian language (not "Russian"), arts. silk(and not "art." or "art." or "art.").

    The abbreviated word must have a margin of safety so that it can be understood unambiguously when deciphered. For example, instead of the word obligation, you cannot write obligation. or ob-o, since this can be understood in different ways (duties, circumstance, etc.). The correct abbreviation for this word is: obligation.

    The abbreviation should be clear to everyone reading the document. Therefore, when the abbreviation is first used in the text, it must be deciphered in brackets, and then presented in abbreviated form. For example: Russian Academy of Public Administration (RAGS), then only the RAGS.

    You can't abbreviate keywords. For example, if the document refers to a business trip, this word is not abbreviated.

    The spelling of abbreviations should be unified within one text. For example, it is impossible to designate one word district either with the letter r, or with the syllable paradise. , then a combination of rn.

A period as a sign of abbreviation is a point when a word with a cut off final part, when read aloud, is pronounced in full, and not in abbreviated form. For example: g. - when reading, they say year, not ge. An exception is the designation of physical units. values: they are abbreviated by cutting off the final part of the word and are pronounced in full when reading, but, according to GOST 8.417-81, they are written without a dot at the end.

No dot:
1) at the end of the abbreviation, if the abbreviated phrase when read aloud is pronounced in abbreviated form: this means that the text uses an initial abbreviation or a compound abbreviation in which the abbreviation is not graphically indicated; e.g.: efficiency, not efficiency. , because it reads "kapede"; EMF, not emf (read "edes"), but: a.e. (read "astronomical unit");
2) at the end of the abbreviation, if the middle part of the word is omitted, replaced by a hyphen, and the abbreviation ends on the last letter of the full word; eg: Mr., publishing house, in-t, in-tov;
3) with a graphic designation of the abbreviation with a slash (so as not to graphically show the abbreviation twice); e.g.: n/n, n/a;
4) in the middle of a doubled one-letter graphic abbreviation (the abbreviation is written together, and a dot is put only at the end); e.g.: centuries, years, pp. ;

The following types of abbreviations have been standardized:

  • postal information (city, region, district, post office, st., department, etc.);
  • names of positions and titles (Professor, Corresponding Member, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head, Deputy, Acting, Assistant, etc.);
  • names of documents (GOST, technical plan, TK, special order, etc.);
  • word year (year, years, 1996/97 reporting year);
  • monetary units (2000 rubles; 80 kopecks, but 2000 rubles 80 kopecks; 4 thousand, 6 million);
  • text designations (etc., etc., see, etc., for example, other, s., ch., s. g.).

Examples of standardized abbreviations:

  • i.e. - i.e. (after enumeration),
  • etc. - and so on (after enumeration),
  • etc. - and the like (after enumeration),
  • etc. - and others (after listing),
  • etc. - and others (after listing),
  • see - see (when referring, for example, to another part of the document),
  • cf. - compare (when referring, for example, to another part of the document),
  • e.g. - for example,
  • in. - century (when numbers indicate centuries, years),
  • centuries - centuries (when numbers indicate centuries, years),
  • y. - year (when numbers indicate centuries, years),
  • gg. - years (when numbers indicate centuries, years),
  • t. - volume,
  • tt. - then we,
  • n. cm. - a new style,
  • cm. cm. - old style,
  • n. e. - ad,
  • city ​​- city,
  • region - area,
  • R. - river,
  • lake - Lake,
  • about. - Island,
  • page - page,
  • acad. - academician,
  • Assoc. - docent,
  • prof. - Professor,
  • well. d. - railway,
  • railroad - railway,
  • them. - name.

Examples of traditional text abbreviations:

  • adm.-terr. - administrative-territorial,
  • but. l. - author's sheet,
  • b-ka - library,
  • Mr. and Mr. - mister, Messrs. and Mr. and Mrs. - Mrs. and Ms. - Mrs. (index of politeness when addressing by last name),
  • state - state,
  • state-in - the state,
  • gr. and gr-ka - a citizen,
  • gr. and gr-n - a citizen, gr-not - citizens,
  • well. and wives. - female,
  • zarub. - foreign,
  • publishing house - publishing house,
  • in. and foreign - foreign,
  • in-t and inst. - institute,
  • And. about. - acting officer
  • m. and husband. - male,
  • min. - minute,
  • min. and min. - minimal,
  • million (without a dot!) - million,
  • billion (without a dot!) - billion,
  • mm - millimeter,
  • Ave. etc. - avenue,
  • R. and rub. - ruble,
  • from. and page - page,
  • cm - centimeter,
  • st. - the outside,
  • F. I. O. and f. And. about. - Full Name.

Nomenclature abbreviations denoting the legal status of enterprises:

  • AOOT is an open joint stock company,
  • AOZT is a closed joint stock company,
  • OJSC - open joint stock company,
  • CJSC - closed joint stock company,
  • LLC is a limited liability company,
  • LLP - limited liability partnership,
  • SE is a state enterprise,
  • MP - municipal enterprise,
  • PE is a private enterprise,
  • CHP is an individual private enterprise,
  • JV is a joint venture,
  • NPO - scientific and production association,
  • OO is a public association.

In any document, it is important to follow the rules of grammar, which is not only an element of culture, but also the most important condition for effective impact on the addressee. Errors in the text, typos, omissions - all this reduces the overall cultural level of the text, negatively affects the quality of perception of the information contained in the text.

The style of speech of a business document is also of great importance. In official documents, official business style is used. Formal business style - This is a functional type of language used in the field of official business relations and management.

Basic requirements for official business style

Consider the basic requirements for the official business style of business documents:

1. Standardization of presentation based on the use of a large number of terms, phrases, language formulas, which covers all levels of the language - vocabulary, morphology, syntax. Standardization of business speech significantly increases the information content of documents, contributes to their understanding and optimization of workflow in general.

2. Neutral tone of presentation - the norm of official business communication, which manifests itself in the most strict and restrained nature of the presentation. A neutral tone excludes the possibility of using emotionally colored language means, personal and subjective judgments and evaluations.

Emotions in business documents are allowed to a limited extent (invitations, corporate greetings, etc.). The purpose of most documents is to convince the addressee, to interest him to act in the right direction, achieved not by linguistic forms, but by content.

3. Clarity, precision, certainty, unambiguity and uniformity of wording . They are achieved mainly due to the correctness of the compositional structure of the text, consistency, thoughtfulness and clarity of wording, the absence of figurative expressions.

4. Conciseness and reasonable brevity in the presentation of the text associated with the requirement to reduce the amount of text. Excludes speech redundancy, unjustified repetitions, unnecessary details. At the same time, the content must be convincing and reasoned. Exact dates, indisputable facts and conclusions are a prerequisite for official business style.

5. Use of language formulas - stable (template) revolutions used unchanged. In addition to expressing typical content, they often act as legally significant components of the text, without which the document cannot have sufficient legal force . Examples of commonly used language formulas:

6. Use of professional and special vocabulary . The concept of "special vocabulary" refers to three categories of words:

  • Term - a word or phrase to which a specific or special concept is attributed. The set of terms of a particular field of knowledge or professional activity is called terminology. Terms used in management documentation must comply with current terminological dictionaries and GOSTs.
    It is important that the terms used are understandable to the addressee. In case of doubt, it is possible: to give an official definition of the term or to decipher its meaning in terms of neutral vocabulary, to replace the term with a generally accepted expression.
  • Professionalism is an informal substitute for the term. Professionalisms arise when a special field of activity does not have its own terminology. Such word formations can only be used in oral speech, their use in business documents is not desirable.
  • Jargon-professional words - a kind of professional vernacular and their use in any official cases is not permissible.

7. The use of lexical and graphic abbreviations . There are two main types of abbreviations:

  • Lexical abbreviations (abbreviations) - abbreviations formed from the first letters of words (words included in the phrase) and pronounced when reading in an abbreviated, not full form. For example: CIS, LLC, Ministry of Emergency Situations, GOST, GUM, chief accountant, pedagogical institute, special forces and etc.
  • If, when reading, the abbreviation is pronounced in full form (for example: i.e. - “that is”, and not “those”), then this graphic cut , formed by truncation of words and indicated by dots, slashes, hyphens. For example: million, billion, km, sq. m., p / n, s.-v. and etc.

In business documents, it is allowed to use only officially accepted abbreviations, designations and terms that are enshrined in GOSTs and the Dictionary of Abbreviations of the Russian Language (edited by D.M. Alekseev). Examples of common commonly used abbreviations are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 - Common abbreviations used in texts of business documents
ReductionWord (phrase)ReductionWord (phrase)
cm. Look gr., gr-n, gr-not citizen, citizens
cf. compare mr, mrs master, madam (recommended not to abbreviate)
copy. copy dep. deputy
page page state state
daily daily state state
and etc. and others blvd. boulevard
etc. etc m/r neighborhood
Doll. dollar region region
r., rub. ruble G. city
thousand roubles. thousand rubles per. lane
in., vv. century, century etc. Avenue
g., y. year, years st. the outside
railroad railway sq. area
publishing house publishing house settlement village

8. The use of constructions with sequential subordination of words in the genitive and instrumental case , for example:

  • Your proposed options for resolving the issue of reconstructing heating systems for residential buildings and office buildings ...
  • We fully share the need to discuss specific issues of further cooperation.
  • According to the schedule...

9. The use of phrases with verbal nouns with an action value, for example:

  • about vacation...;
  • nomination of candidates…;
  • …by establishing long-term relationships.

10. Simplicity of presentation consists in the predominant use of simple short sentences. A large number of participial and participial phrases should be avoided, preference should be given to the direct word order in the sentence - the subject precedes the predicate, the definition comes before the word being defined, and the introductory words are at the beginning of the sentence.

GOST 2.105-95

Group T52


Unified system of design documentation


Unified system for design documentation. General requirements for textual documents

For the text of Comparison of GOST 2.105-95 with GOST R 2.105-2019, see the link.
- Database manufacturer's note.

ISS 01.110
OKSTU 0002

Introduction date 1996-07-01


1 DEVELOPED by the All-Russian Research Institute for Standardization and Certification in Mechanical Engineering (VNIINMASH) of the State Standard of Russia

INTRODUCED by the State Standard of the Russian Federation

2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes No. 7 of April 26, 1995)

Voted to accept:

State name

Name of the national standardization body

The Republic of Azerbaijan


Republic of Armenia

Armstate standard

Republic of Belarus

State Standard of the Republic of Belarus



The Republic of Kazakhstan

State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Republic of Kyrgyzstan


The Republic of Moldova


the Russian Federation

Gosstandart of Russia

The Republic of Tajikistan



Main State Service "Turkmenstandartlary"

The Republic of Uzbekistan



State Standard of Ukraine

Change No. 1 was adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification by correspondence (Minutes No. 23 dated February 28, 2006)

The national standardization bodies of the following states voted for the adoption of the change: AZ, AM, BY, KZ, KG, MD, RU, TJ, TM, UZ, UA [alpha-2 codes according to IEC (ISO 3166) 004]

3 By Resolution of the Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization, Metrology and Certification of August 8, 1995 N 426, the interstate standard GOST 2.105-95 was put into effect as the state standard of the Russian Federation from July 1, 1996.

4 INSTEAD OF GOST 2.105-79, GOST 2.906-71

5 EDITION (April 2011) with Amendment No. 1 approved in June 2006 (IUS 9-2006), Amendment (IUS 12-2001)

INTRODUCED: amendment published in IUS N 2, 2012; amendment published in IUS N 1, 2018

Amendments made by database manufacturer

1 area of ​​use

1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes general requirements for the execution of text documents for products of mechanical engineering, instrumentation and construction.

2 Normative references

This standard uses references to the following standards:

GOST 2.004-88 Unified system for design documentation. General requirements for the implementation of design and technological documents on printing and graphic output devices of a computer

GOST 2.104-2006 Unified system for design documentation. Basic inscriptions

GOST 2.106-96 Unified system for design documentation. Text Documents

GOST 2.109-73 Unified system for design documentation. Basic requirements for drawings

GOST 2.301-68 Unified system for design documentation. Formats

GOST 2.304-81 Unified system for design documentation. Drawing fonts

GOST 2.316-2008 Unified system for design documentation. Rules for applying inscriptions, technical requirements and tables on graphic documents. General provisions

GOST 2.321-84 Unified system for design documentation. Letter designations

GOST 2.503-90 Unified system for design documentation. Rules for making changes

GOST 6.38-90 * Unified documentation systems. System of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements
* On the territory of the Russian Federation canceled without replacement.

GOST 7.32-2001 System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing. Research report. Structure and design rules

GOST 8.417-2002 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Units

GOST 13.1.002-2003 Reprography. Micrography. Documents for microfilming. General requirements and norms

GOST 21.101-97* System of design documentation for construction. Basic requirements for working documentation
* On the territory of the Russian Federation, GOST R 21.1101-2009 applies.

GOST 14236-81 Polymer films. Tensile test method

3 General

3.1 Text documents are divided into documents containing mainly solid text (technical specifications, passports, calculations, explanatory notes, instructions, etc.), and documents containing text divided into columns (specifications, statements, tables, etc. .P.).

Text documents are performed in paper form and (or) in the form of an electronic document (DE).

It is allowed to use word abbreviations in accordance with GOST 2.316 in text documents containing text divided into columns.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

3.2 Text documents are executed on the forms established by the relevant standards of the Unified Design Documentation System (ESKD) and the Design Documentation System for Construction (SPDS).

Requirements specific to certain types of text documents (for example, operational documents) are given in the relevant standards.

3.3 The originals of text documents are performed in one of the following ways:

- typewritten, while the requirements of GOST 13.1.002 should be followed. The typewriter font must be clear, at least 2.5 mm high, the ribbon is only black (bold);

- handwritten - drawing font according to GOST 2.304 with a height of letters and numbers of at least 2.5 mm. Numbers and letters must be written clearly in black ink;

- with the use of printing and graphic output devices of computers (GOST 2.004);

3.4 Copies of text documents are made in one of the following ways:

- typographic - in accordance with the requirements for publications produced by typographic method;

- by photocopying - it is recommended to reproduce by double-sided copying;

- blueprinting;

- microfilming;

- on electronic data carriers.

3.3, 3.4 (Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

3.5 Enter into text documents made in a typewritten way, individual words, formulas, symbols (handwritten), as well as illustrations should be done in black ink, paste or ink.

3.6 The distance from the frame of the form to the boundaries of the text at the beginning and at the end of lines is at least 3 mm.

The distance from the top or bottom line of text to the top or bottom frame must be at least 10 mm.

Paragraphs in the text begin with an indent equal to five strokes of a typewriter (15-17 mm).

An example of the execution of a text document is given in Appendix A.

3.7 Misprints, misprints and graphical inaccuracies found in the process of document execution may be corrected by erasing or painting over with white paint and applying the corrected text (graphics) in the same place in typewritten way or in black ink, paste or handwritten ink.

Damage to sheets of text documents, blots and traces of incompletely deleted old text (graphics) are not allowed.

After making corrections, the document must meet the microfilming requirements established by GOST 13.1.002.

3.8 To place approving and agreeing signatures to text documents, it is recommended to draw up a title page and (or) an approval sheet in accordance with Section 6 of this standard.

The obligatory nature and features of the execution of title pages are stipulated in the ESKD and SPDS standards for the rules for the execution of the relevant documents.

3.9 It is recommended to issue a change registration sheet for text documents in accordance with GOST 2.503 and GOST 21.101.

3.10 The content and requisite parts of the DE must comply with the requirements of the ESKD standard.

The structure and composition of the details of the DE should ensure its circulation within the software (display, modification, printing, accounting and storage in databases, as well as transfer to other automated systems) while complying with the regulatory requirements for the design of text documents.

4 Requirements for text documents containing mostly solid text

4.1 Building a document

4.1.1. The text of the document, if necessary, is divided into sections and subsections.

With a large volume of the document, it is allowed to divide it into parts, and parts, if necessary, into books. Each part and book is completed separately. All parts are given names and assigned a document designation. Starting from the second part, a serial number is added to this designation, for example: XXXX.331112.032F0, XXXX.331112.032F01, XXXX.331112.032F02, etc. All books are given a name and assigned a serial number. An example of filling in field 4 of the title page for a book is given in Appendix B.

Sheets of the document are numbered within each part, each part begins on sheets with the main inscription in the form of GOST 2.104 and form 3 of GOST 21.101.

4.1.2. Sections should have serial numbers within the entire document (part, book), indicated by Arabic numerals without a dot and written with a paragraph indent. Subsections should be numbered within each section. The subsection number consists of the section and subsection numbers separated by a dot. There is no dot at the end of the subsection number. Sections, like subsections, can consist of one or more paragraphs.

4.1.3 If the document does not have subsections, then the paragraph numbering in it must be within each section, and the paragraph number must consist of the section and paragraph numbers separated by a dot. Do not put a dot at the end of the item number, for example:

1Types and basic dimensions

Numbering of paragraphs of the first section of the document

2Technical requirements

Numbering of paragraphs of the second section of the document

If the document has subsections, then the paragraph numbering must be within the subsection and the paragraph number must consist of the section, subsection, and paragraph numbers separated by dots, for example:

3 Test methods

3.1 Apparatus, materials and reagents

Numbering of paragraphs of the first subsection of the third section of the document

3.2 Preparation for the test

Numbering of paragraphs of the second subsection of the third section of the document

4.1.4 If a section or subsection consists of one paragraph, it is also numbered.

4.1.5 If the text of the document is divided only into paragraphs, they are numbered by serial numbers within the document.

4.1.6 Clauses, if necessary, can be divided into sub-clauses, which must have serial numbering within each clause, for example:,,, etc.

4.1.7 Listings may be given within clauses or subclauses.

Each position of the enumeration should be preceded by a hyphen or, if necessary, a reference in the text of the document to one of the enumerations, a lowercase letter of the Russian or Latin alphabets, after which a bracket is placed. To further detail the enumerations, it is necessary to use Arabic numerals, after which a bracket is placed, and the entry is made from a paragraph indent, as shown in the example.


but) ______________

b) ______________

1) ______________

2) ______________

in) ______________

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

4.1.8 Each paragraph, subparagraph and enumeration is written with a paragraph indent.

4.1.9 Sections, subsections must have headings. Items usually do not have headings.

Headings should clearly and concisely reflect the content of sections, subsections.

Headings should be typed in capital letters without a dot at the end, without underlining. Word hyphenation in headings is not allowed. If the heading consists of two sentences, they are separated by a dot.

The distance between the heading and the text when executing the document in typewritten way should be equal to 3, 4 intervals, when executing in handwriting - 15 mm. The distance between the headings of the section and subsection is 2 intervals, when done by handwriting - 8 mm. When executing text documents in an automated way, it is allowed to use distances close to the specified intervals.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

4.1.10 It is recommended to start each section of a text document from a new sheet (page).

4.1.11 In a document (part, book) of a large volume, on the first (title) page and, if necessary, on subsequent sheets, the content is placed, including the numbers and names of sections and subsections, indicating the numbers of sheets (pages).

If the document is divided into parts (books), then at the end of the content of the first part (book) list the designation and name (if any) of the remaining parts (books). The content is included in the total number of sheets of this document (parts, books).

The word "Content" is written as a heading (symmetrically to the text) with a capital letter. The names included in the content are written in lowercase letters, starting with an uppercase letter.

4.1.12 At the end of the text document, before the change registration sheet, it is allowed to provide a list of literature that was used in its preparation. The implementation of the list and links to it in the text - according to GOST 7.32. The list of references is included in the content of the document.

4.1.13. The numbering of pages of the document and annexes included in this document must be continuous. Instead of continuous page numbering, it is allowed to use page numbering within each section of the document as follows:

3 15

section page

4.2 Statement of the text of documents

4.2.1 The full name of the product on the title page, in the main inscription and at the first mention in the text of the document must be the same as its name in the main design document.

In the following text, the word order in the name should be direct, i.e. in the first place there should be a definition (adjective), and then - the name of the product (noun); in this case, it is allowed to use the abbreviated name of the product.

The names given in the text of the document and in the illustrations must be the same.

4.2.2 The text of the document should be concise, clear and not open to different interpretations.

When presenting mandatory requirements, the text should use the words "should", "should", "necessary", "required that", "only allowed", "not allowed", "prohibited", "should not". When presenting other provisions, the words - "may be", "as a rule", "if necessary", "may be", "in case", etc. should be used.

In this case, it is allowed to use the narrative form of the text of the document, for example, "apply", "indicate", etc.

The documents should use scientific and technical terms, designations and definitions established by the relevant standards, and in their absence - generally accepted in the scientific and technical literature.

If a specific terminology is adopted in the document, then at the end of it (before the list of references) there should be a list of accepted terms with appropriate explanations. The list is included in the content of the document.

4.2.3 The text of the document does not allow:

- apply turns of colloquial speech, technicalisms, professionalisms;

- apply for the same concept different scientific and technical terms that are close in meaning (synonyms), as well as foreign words and terms in the presence of equivalent words and terms in the Russian language;

- use arbitrary word formations;

- use abbreviations of words, except for those established by the rules of Russian spelling, the relevant state standards, as well as in this document;

- abbreviate the designations of units of physical quantities, if they are used without numbers, with the exception of units of physical quantities in the heads and sides of tables and in the decoding of letter designations included in formulas and figures.

4.2.4 In the text of the document, with the exception of formulas, tables and figures, it is not allowed:

- use the mathematical minus sign (-) before negative values ​​​​of quantities (the word "minus" should be written);

- use the sign "" to indicate the diameter (the word "diameter" should be written). When specifying the size or maximum deviations of the diameter in the drawings placed in the text of the document, the sign "" should be written before the dimension number;

- use mathematical signs without numerical values, for example > (greater than),< (меньше), = (равно), (больше или равно), (меньше или равно), (не равно), а также знаки N (номер), % (процент);

- apply indices of standards, specifications and other documents without a registration number.

4.2.5 If the document contains explanatory inscriptions applied directly to the manufactured product (for example, on strips, plates for controls, etc.), they are highlighted in font (without quotation marks), for example ON, OTKL, or quotation marks - if the inscription consists of numbers and (or) characters.

Names of commands, modes, signals, etc. in the text should be enclosed in quotation marks, for example "Signal + 27 on".

4.2.6 The list of allowed word abbreviations is established in GOST 2.316.

If a special system of abbreviations of words or names is adopted in the document, then it should contain a list of accepted abbreviations, which is placed at the end of the document before the list of terms.

4.2.7 Symbolic letters, images or signs must comply with those adopted in the current legislation and state standards. In the text of the document, before the designation of the parameter, its explanation is given, for example " Tensile strength".

If it is necessary to use symbols, images or signs that are not established by the current standards, they should be explained in the text or in the list of symbols.

4.2.8 The document should use standardized units of physical quantities, their names and designations in accordance with GOST 8.417.

Along with the SI units, if necessary, the units of previously used systems allowed for use are indicated in brackets. The use of different systems of designation of physical quantities in one document is not allowed.

4.2.9 In the text of the document, numerical values ​​of quantities with the designation of units of physical quantities and counting units should be written in numbers, and numbers without designation of units of physical quantities and counting units from one to nine - in words.


1 Test five pipes, each 5 m long.

2 Select 15 pipes for pressure testing.

4.2.10 The unit of the physical quantity of the same parameter within one document must be constant. If the text contains a series of numerical values ​​expressed in the same unit of physical quantity, then it is indicated only after the last numerical value, for example 1.50; 1.75; 2.00 m

4.2.11 If the text of the document gives a range of numerical values ​​of a physical quantity expressed in the same unit of a physical quantity, then the designation of the unit of the physical quantity is indicated after the last numerical value of the range.


1 From 1 to 5 mm.

2 From 10 to 100 kg.

3 From plus 10 to minus 40 °C.

4 From plus 10 to plus 40 °С.

It is unacceptable to separate a unit of a physical quantity from a numerical value (transfer them to different lines or pages), except for the units of physical quantities placed in typewritten tables.

4.2.12 When citing the largest or smallest values ​​of quantities, the phrase "should be no more (no less)" should be used.

When citing the permissible values ​​of deviations from the specified norms, requirements, the phrase "should not be more (less)" should be used.

For example, the mass fraction of sodium carbonate in technical soda ash must be at least 99.4%.

4.2.13 The numerical values ​​of the quantities in the text should be indicated with the degree of accuracy necessary to ensure the required properties of the product, while in a number of quantities the number of decimal places is aligned.

Rounding numerical values ​​of quantities to the first, second, third, etc. decimal point for different sizes, brands, etc. products of the same name should be the same. For example, if the gradation of the thickness of the hot-rolled steel strip is 0.25 mm, then the entire range of strip thicknesses must be indicated with the same number of decimal places, for example 1.50; 1.75; 2.00.

4.2.14 Fractional numbers must be given as decimals, except for sizes in inches, which should be written ; (but not , ).

If it is impossible to express a numerical value as a decimal fraction, it is allowed to write it as a simple fraction in one line through a slash, for example 5/32; (50A-4C)/(40V+20).

4.2.15 In the formulas, the symbols established by the relevant state standards should be used as symbols. Explanations of the symbols and numerical coefficients included in the formula, if they are not explained earlier in the text, should be given directly below the formula. Explanations of each character should be given on a new line in the order in which the characters are given in the formula. The first line of the explanation must begin with the word "where" without a colon after it.

EXAMPLE Density of each sample, kg/m, is calculated by the formula

where is the mass of the sample, kg;

- sample volume, m.

Formulas that follow one after another and are not separated by text are separated by a comma.

4.2.16 It is allowed to transfer formulas to the next line only on the signs of the operations being performed, and the sign at the beginning of the next line is repeated. When transferring the formula on the multiplication sign, the sign "" is used.

4.2.17 In non-typographically published documents, formulas can be made in typewritten, machine-written or drawing font with a height of at least 2.5 mm. The use of typewritten and handwritten characters in the same formula is not allowed.

4.2.18 Formulas, with the exception of formulas placed in the appendix, must be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals, which are written at the formula level on the right in parentheses. One formula is denoted by - (1).

References in the text to the serial numbers of formulas are given in brackets, for example ... in formula (1).

Formulas placed in annexes should be numbered separately in Arabic numerals within each application, with the addition of an application designation before each digit, for example, formula (B.1).

The numbering of formulas within the section is allowed. In this case, the formula number consists of the section number and the ordinal number of the formula, separated by a dot, for example (3.1).

4.2.19 The order of presentation of mathematical equations in documents is the same as for formulas.

4.2.20 Notes are given in documents if explanations or reference data are needed for the content of the text, tables or graphic material.

Notes should not contain requirements.

4.2.21 Notes should be placed directly after the textual, graphic material or in the table to which these notes refer, and should be printed with a capital letter from a paragraph. If there is only one note, then a dash is placed after the word "Note" and the note is also printed with a capital letter. One note is not numbered. Several notes are numbered sequentially with Arabic numerals. A note to the table is placed at the end of the table above the line indicating the end of the table.

4.2.22 In a text document, references to this document, standards, specifications and other documents are allowed, provided that they fully and unambiguously define the relevant requirements and do not cause difficulties in using the document.

References to enterprise standards (STP) and other technical documentation must be specified in the product development contract.

You should refer to the document as a whole or its sections and appendices. References to subsections, paragraphs, tables and illustrations are not allowed, with the exception of subsections, paragraphs, tables and illustrations of this document.

When referring to standards and specifications, only their designation is indicated, while it is allowed not to indicate the year of their approval, provided that the designation with the year of approval is recorded at the end of the text document under the heading "REFERENCE REGULATORY DOCUMENTS" in the form:

4.3 Design of illustrations and applications

4.3.1 The number of illustrations should be sufficient to explain the text being presented. Illustrations can be located both in the text of the document (possibly closer to the corresponding parts of the text), and at the end of it. Illustrations must be made in accordance with the requirements of ESKD and SPDS standards. Illustrations, with the exception of illustrations of appendices, should be numbered in Arabic numerals through numbering. If there is only one figure, then it is designated "Figure 1".

The illustrations of each application are designated by a separate numbering in Arabic numerals with the addition of the application designation before the number. For example - Figure A.3.

It is allowed not to number small illustrations (small drawings) placed directly in the text and to which there are no further references.

It is allowed to number illustrations within the section. In this case, the illustration number consists of the section number and the number of the illustration, separated by a dot. For example - Figure 1.1.

When referring to illustrations, one should write "... in accordance with Figure 2" for continuous numbering and "... in accordance with Figure 1.2" for numbering within a section.

Illustrations, if necessary, may have a name and explanatory data (figure text). The word "Figure" and the name are placed after the explanatory data and arranged as follows: Figure 1 - Details of the device.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

4.3.2 If the text of the document contains an illustration that depicts the component parts of the product, then this illustration should indicate the position numbers of these components within this illustration, which are arranged in ascending order, with the exception of repeating positions, and for electrical and radioelements - reference designations established in the diagrams of this product.

The exception is electrical and radio elements, which are adjustment or adjustment elements, for which (except for the position number) the purpose of each adjustment and adjustment, the reference designation and inscriptions on the corresponding bar or panel are additionally indicated in the text below.

It is allowed, if necessary, to keep the number assigned to the component part of the product in the illustration within the document.

For the layouts of structural elements and architectural and construction drawings of buildings (structures), the marks of the elements are indicated.

When referring in the text to individual elements of parts (holes, grooves, grooves, flanges, etc.), they are indicated in capital letters of the Russian alphabet.

The specified data is applied to the illustrations in accordance with GOST 2.109.

4.3.3 On the electrical diagrams given in the document, near each element, its reference designation, established by the relevant standards, and, if necessary, the nominal value of the quantity, are indicated.

4.3.4 Material supplementing the text of the document may be placed in annexes. Applications can be, for example, graphic material, large-format tables, calculations, descriptions of equipment and instruments, descriptions of algorithms and programs for problems solved on a computer, etc.

The application is drawn up as a continuation of this document on its subsequent sheets or issued as an independent document.

4.3.5 Annexes may be mandatory and informational.

Informational appendices may be of a recommended or reference nature.

4.3.6 References should be given to all annexes in the text of the document. The degree of mandatory applications for references is not indicated. Annexes are placed in the order of references to them in the text of the document, with the exception of the informational appendix "Bibliography", which has the last one.

4.3.7 Each annex should begin on a new page with the word "Annex" and its designation at the top in the middle of the page, and below it in brackets for a mandatory annex, write the word "mandatory", and for information - "recommended" or "reference".

The application must have a title that is written symmetrically with respect to the capitalized text on a separate line.

4.3.8 Applications are designated by capital letters of the Russian alphabet, starting with A, with the exception of the letters E, Z, Y, O, Ch, L, Y, Y. The word "Appendix" is followed by a letter denoting its sequence.

It is allowed to designate applications with letters of the Latin alphabet, with the exception of the letters I and O.

In the case of full use of the letters of the Russian and Latin alphabets, it is allowed to designate applications with Arabic numerals.

If the document has one appendix, it is designated "Appendix A".

4.3.9 Applications, as a rule, are performed on A4 sheets. It is allowed to issue applications on sheets of A3, A43, A44, A2 and A1 format in accordance with GOST 2.301.

4.3.10 The text of each annex, if necessary, can be divided into sections, subsections, paragraphs, subparagraphs, which are numbered within each application. The number is preceded by the designation of this application.

Appendices should share continuous pagination with the rest of the document.

4.3.11 All attachments must be listed in the table of contents (if any) with their numbers and headings.

4.3.12 Applications issued in the form of an independent document are drawn up according to general rules - the first sheet with the main inscription in form 2, subsequent sheets - in form 2a according to GOST 2.104, GOST 21.101.

If necessary, such an application may have a "Content".

4.3.13 Applications or books issued in the form of an independent document are assigned the designation as part of the document, indicating their serial number in the document code. If an application or book has a title page, then under the name of the document, the word "Appendix" and its designation in the case of two or more applications, for example "Appendix B" or "Book" and its serial number, for example "Book 6" are indicated on it.

4.3.14* It is allowed to use other independently issued design documents (dimensional drawings, diagrams, etc.) as an attachment to the document.

The document, including the document to which applications are issued, is assembled into an album with an inventory of the album compiled for it. The inventories assign the designation of the product for which the main document was developed, and the OP code.

The inventory is compiled according to the form 8 and 8a GOST 2.106. First, a document is written into it, for which other design documents are applied as an application. Further, the documents are recorded in the order of their acquisition in the album. If necessary, a title page is made for the album of documents.
* See "Notes" label. - Database manufacturer's note.

4.4 Building tables

4.4.1 Tables are used for better clarity and ease of comparison of indicators. The title of the table, if any, should reflect its content, be precise, and concise. The title should be placed above the table.

When transferring part of the table to the same or other pages, the title is placed only above the first part of the table.

Digital material, as a rule, is drawn up in the form of tables in accordance with Figure 1.

Picture 1

4.4.2 Tables, with the exception of annex tables, should be numbered in Arabic numerals through numbering.

The tables of each application are designated by separate numbering in Arabic numerals with the addition of the application designation before the number. If there is only one table in the document, it should be labeled "Table 1" or "Table B.1" if it is given in Appendix B.

It is allowed to number the tables within the section. In this case, the table number consists of the section number and the ordinal number of the table, separated by a dot.

4.4.3 All tables of the document should be referenced in the text of the document; when referring, the word "table" should be written, indicating its number.

4.4.4 The headings of the columns and rows of the table should be written with a capital letter, and the subheadings of the columns - with a lowercase letter if they make up one sentence with the heading, or with a capital letter if they have an independent meaning. Do not put dots at the end of headings and subheadings of tables. The headings and subheadings of the columns are indicated in the singular.

4.4.5 Tables on the left, right and bottom, as a rule, are limited by lines.

It is not allowed to separate the headings and subheadings of the sidebar and the graph with diagonal lines.

Horizontal and vertical lines delimiting the rows of the table may not be drawn if their absence does not impede the use of the table.

Column headings, as a rule, are written parallel to the rows of the table. If necessary, a perpendicular arrangement of column headings is allowed.

The head of the table should be separated by a line from the rest of the table.

The height of the table rows must be at least 8 mm.

4.4.6 The table, depending on its size, is placed under the text in which it is first referenced, or on the next page, and, if necessary, in an annex to the document.

It is allowed to place the table along the long side of the document sheet.

4.4.7 If the rows or columns of the table go beyond the format of the page, it is divided into parts, placing one part under the other or next to it, while in each part of the table its head and side are repeated. When dividing a table into parts, it is allowed to replace its head or sidebar with the number of columns and lines, respectively. In this case, the columns and (or) rows of the first part of the table are numbered with Arabic numerals.

The word "Table" is indicated once to the left above the first part of the table, the words "Continuation of the table" are written above the other parts, indicating the number (designation) of the table in accordance with Figure 2. When preparing text documents using software, the inscription "Continuation of the table" is not allowed indicate.

Figure 2

If at the end of the page the table is interrupted and its continuation will be on the next page, in the first part of the table the lower horizontal line limiting the table may not be drawn.

Tables with a small number of columns can be divided into parts and placed one part next to the other on one page, while repeating the head of the table in accordance with Figure 3. It is recommended to separate parts of the table with a double line or a line of thickness 2.

Figure 3

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

4.4.8 The column "Sequence number" is not allowed to be included in the table. The numbering of the columns of the table with Arabic numerals is allowed in cases where there are references to them in the text of the document, when dividing the table into parts, and also when transferring part of the table to the next page in accordance with Figure 4.

Figure 4

If necessary, the numbering of indicators, parameters or other data, serial numbers should be indicated in the first column (sidebar) of the table immediately before their name in accordance with Figure 5. Before the numerical values ​​\u200b\u200band designations of types, brands, etc. serial numbers are not affixed.

Figure 5

4.4.9 If all the indicators given in the columns of the table are expressed in the same unit of physical quantity, then its designation must be placed above the table on the right, and when dividing the table into parts, above each part in accordance with Figure 2.

If most columns of the table contain indicators expressed in the same units of physical quantities (for example, in millimeters, volts), but there are columns with indicators expressed in other units of physical quantities, then the name of the prevailing indicator and its designation should be written above the table physical quantity, for example, "Dimensions in millimeters", "Voltage in volts", and in the subheadings of the remaining columns, give the name of the indicators and (or) designations of other units of physical quantities in accordance with Figure 4.

To shorten the text of headings and subheadings, the individual concepts are replaced with letter symbols established by GOST 2.321, or other symbols, if they are explained in the text or shown in illustrations, for example - diameter, - height, - length.

Indicators with the same letter designation are grouped sequentially in ascending order of indices in accordance with Figure 4.

4.4.10 The restrictive words "more", "not more", "less", "not less", etc. should be placed in one line or column of the table with the name of the corresponding indicator after the designation of its unit of physical quantity, if they refer to the entire line or column. In this case, after the name of the indicator, a comma is placed before the restrictive words in accordance with Figures 4 and 5.

4.4.11 The designation of the unit of physical quantity, common to all data in the line, should be indicated after its name in accordance with Figure 5. If necessary, it is allowed to place the designation of the unit of physical quantity in a separate line (column).

4.4.12 If the values ​​of the same physical quantity are placed in the column of the table, then the designation of the unit of the physical quantity is indicated in the heading (subheading) of this column in accordance with Figure 6. Numerical values ​​of the quantities that are the same for several lines may be indicated once in accordance with figures 4 and 6.

Figure 6

If the numerical values ​​of the quantities in the columns of the table are expressed in different units of a physical quantity, their designations are indicated in the subheading of each column.

The designations given in the headings of the columns of the table should be explained in the text or graphic material of the document.

4.4.13 The notation of the flat angle units should be indicated not in the headings of the columns, but in each row of the table, both in the presence of horizontal lines separating the rows in accordance with Figure 7, and in the absence of horizontal lines in accordance with Figure 8.

Figure 7

Figure 8

4.4.14 Limit deviations related to all numerical values ​​of quantities placed in one column are indicated in the head of the table under the name or designation of the indicator in accordance with Figure 9.

Figure 9

4.4.15 Limit deviations related to several numerical values ​​of quantities or to a specific numerical value of a quantity are indicated in a separate column in accordance with Figure 10.

Figure 10

4.4.16 Text repeated in the lines of the same column and consisting of single words alternating with numbers is replaced by quotation marks in accordance with Figure 11. If the repeated text consists of two or more words, at the first repetition it is replaced by the words "The same ", and then - in quotation marks in accordance with Figure 12. If the previous phrase is part of the next one, then it is allowed to replace it with the words "The same" and add additional information.

Figure 11

Figure 12

If there are horizontal lines, the text must be repeated.

4.4.17 It is not allowed to replace with quotation marks repeating figures in the table, mathematical signs, percent signs and numbers, designation of grades of materials and standard sizes of products, designations of regulatory documents.

4.4.18 In the absence of individual data in the table, a dash (dash) should be put in accordance with Figure 11.

4.4.19 When specifying in the tables consecutive intervals of numbers covering all the numbers of the series, they should be written: "From ... to ... inclusive", "St. ... to ... inclusive." according to figure 11.

In the interval covering the numbers of the row, it is allowed to put a dash between the extreme numbers of the row in the table in accordance with Figure 13.

Figure 13

The intervals of numbers in the text are written with the words "from" and "to" (meaning "From ... to ... inclusive"), if the unit of a physical quantity or number is indicated after the numbers, they represent dimensionless coefficients, or through a hyphen, if the numbers represent ordinal numbers.


1 ... the layer thickness must be between 0.5 and 20 mm.

27-12, Figure 1-14

4.4.20 In tables, if necessary, stepwise bold lines are used to highlight the range related to a certain value, group positions and indicate the preferred numerical values ​​\u200b\u200bof indicators that are usually located inside the stepped line, or to indicate which values ​​​​of columns and lines belong to certain deviations, in accordance with Figure 14. In this case, an explanation of these lines should be given in the text.

Figure 14

4.4.21 The numerical value of the indicator is put down at the level of the last line of the name of the indicator in accordance with Figure 15.

Figure 15

The value of the indicator, given in the form of text, is recorded at the level of the first line of the name of the indicator in accordance with Figure 16.

Figure 16

4.4.22 The numbers in the columns of the tables should be put down so that the digits of the numbers in the entire column are located one under the other if they refer to the same indicator. In one column, as a rule, the same number of decimal places for all values ​​\u200b\u200bof the quantities must be observed.

4.4.23 If it is necessary to indicate in the table the preference for the use of certain numerical values ​​​​of quantities or types (brands, etc.) of products, it is allowed to use conditional marks with their explanation in the text of the document.

To highlight the preferred nomenclature or limit the applied numerical values ​​or types (brands, etc.) of products, it is allowed to bracket those values ​​that are not recommended for use or have a restrictive use, indicating in the note the value of the brackets in accordance with Figure 17.

Figure 17

4.4.24 For products weighing up to 100 g, it is allowed to give the mass of a certain number of products, and for products made from different materials, the mass for the main materials can be indicated in accordance with Figures 18-20.

Figure 18

Figure 19

Figure 20

Instead of indicating in the table the mass of products made from different materials, it is allowed to give a reference to the correction factors in the notes to the table.

EXAMPLE To determine the mass of screws made from other materials, the mass values ​​given in the table must be multiplied by a factor:

- 1.080 - for brass;

- 0.356 - for aluminum alloy.

4.4.25 If there is a small digital material in the document, it is not advisable to arrange it in a table, but should be given in text, placing the digital data in the form of columns.


Limit deviations of the dimensions of profiles of all numbers:


across the width of the shelf

by wall thickness

by shelf thickness

4.5 Footnotes

4.5.1 If it is necessary to clarify individual data given in the document, then these data should be indicated by superscript footnotes.

Footnotes in the text are placed with a paragraph indent at the end of the page on which they are indicated, and are separated from the text by a short thin horizontal line on the left side, and to the data located in the table, at the end of the table above the line indicating the end of the table.

4.5.2 The footnote sign is placed immediately after the word, number, symbol, sentence to which the explanation is given, and before the text of the explanation.

4.5.3 The footnote sign is performed in Arabic numerals with a bracket and placed at the level of the upper edge of the font.

Example - "...printing device..."

The numbering of footnotes is separate for each page.

It is allowed to carry out footnotes with asterisks instead of numbers: *. More than four stars are not recommended.

4.6 Examples

4.6.1 Examples may be given where they clarify the requirements of the document or contribute to a more concise presentation of them.

4.6.2 Examples are placed, numbered and arranged in the same way as the notes (according to 4.2.21).

5 Requirements for text documents containing text divided into columns

5.1 Text documents containing text divided into columns, if necessary, are divided into sections and subsections that are not numbered.

5.2 The names of sections and subsections are written in the form of headings in lowercase letters (except for the first capital) and underlined.

The location of the headings for the statements is established by the relevant ESKD and SPDS standards.

Below each heading, one free line must be left, above - at least one free line.

5.3 Notes to sections, subsections or to the entire document are numbered in accordance with 4.2.21.

5.4 In text documents in paper form with lines, all entries are made on each line in one row.

To make it easier to make changes:

- keep a record at the bottom of the line field. Entries should not merge with lines delimiting rows and columns;

- leave free lines between sections and subsections, and in documents of a large volume - also inside sections and subsections.

When compiling documents for prototypes, free lines are additionally provided for recording documents and other data that can be entered into the documentation.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

5.5 If the text in several lines is written in the column of the document, then in the subsequent columns the entries begin at the level of the first line. If in subsequent columns the entry is placed on one line, then with the typewritten method of execution it is allowed to be placed at the level of the last line.

5.6 For electronic documents, when outputting to paper or a display device using software, deviations are allowed in the form of tables (frame sizes, columns, etc.) and text placement (field sizes, intervals, etc.) in compliance with these requirements for the design of text documents.

(Introduced additionally, Rev. N 1).

6 Requirements for the design of the title page and approval sheet

6.1 The title page is the first page of the document. The title page compiled for the album of documents is the first sheet of the inventory of this album.

6.2 An approval sheet (LA) is issued for documents on which, according to the terms of their use, the developer and (or) the customer considers it inappropriate to give the names of organizations, positions and names of the persons who signed these documents.

6.3 LU is issued for one document, for several documents, for an album of documents or a set of documents. It is allowed to issue a license for a separate part or several parts of the document.

6.4 The designation of the LU consists of the designation of the document to which it refers, with the addition of the LU code through a hyphen, for example XXXXX.ХХХХХХ.ХХХТУ-ЛУ.

6.5 If the LU is issued for an album of documents, it is assigned the designation of one of these documents with the addition of the LU code through a hyphen and is recorded first in the inventory of the album.

6.6 If the LU is issued for several documents, it is assigned the designation of one of these documents with the addition of the LU code through a hyphen and recorded in the specification, which includes this document.

6.7 If the license plate is issued for a set of documents, it is assigned the designation of the specification with the addition of the license code and recorded in the specification in the "Documentation" section first.

6.8 When recording the LU in the specification, it should be indicated in the "Note" column - "Propagate as directed".


1 LU is multiplied and distributed if necessary. The need to distribute copies of the LC is determined by the holder of the original LC in agreement with the customer.

2 They are not included in the list of operational documents, as well as in the list of documents for the repair of LU.

6.9 The title page and LU are performed on sheets of A4 format according to GOST 2.301 in the form shown in Figure 21:

field 1 - the name of the department, the system of which includes the organization that developed this document. The field is optional;

field 2 - on the left side - the code according to the product classifier, on the right side - special marks. To be completed for the title page only;

(Amendment. IUS N 1-2018).

field 3 - on the left side - approval stamp, on the right side - approval stamp, carried out in accordance with GOST 6.38, if necessary;

field 4 - the name of the product (in capital letters) and the document on which the title page or LU is drawn up. If the title page is compiled for documents divided into parts, indicate the part number and its name. For an album of documents, indicate the album number and the total number of albums, for example:



Dimensional drawings

Total albums 5

Figure 21 - Layout of the fields of the title page and approval sheet

field 5 - the words "Approval sheet"; the field is filled in only for LU;

field 6 - for the title page - the designation of the document (in capital letters), for the album of documents - the designation of the inventory of this album; for LU - LU designation;

field 7 - number of LL sheets. The field is not filled in if the LU is made on one sheet;

field 8 - for the title page: signatures of the document developers, performed in accordance with GOST 6.38. If the document is subject to approval by several officials, then in addition to the signatures indicated in field 3, the remaining signatures are placed on the left side of field 8.

The signatures indicated in the main inscription of the title page must not be repeated on the title page and the approval sheet.

For LU: on the left - approval stamp (if necessary), on the right - signatures of the developers and the normative controller in accordance with GOST 6.38 in the manner established at the developer enterprise.

With a large number of signatures, field 8 is increased by issuing a second sheet. At the same time, it is indicated in the upper right corner: for the title page - "Continuation of the title page", for the LU - "Continuation of the approval sheet" and then the name and designation of the document. In this case, at the end of the first sheet indicate: "Continuation on the next sheet";

field 9 - columns 19-23 according to GOST 2.104, placed on the field for filing. It is allowed to place field 9 on field 10 according to GOST 2.004;

field 10 - columns 14-18 according to GOST 2.104 (it is allowed to set the dimensions arbitrarily; the lines separating columns and lines are not applied; the name of the column is not indicated). The field is filled with lines from bottom to top. The field is filled only for LU.

6.10 In case of issuing a license for several documents, in field 8 below the signatures indicate the designation of the documents covered by this license.

6.11 When approving one or more documents with an approval sheet, on the title page in the upper left corner for text documents or above the main inscription for graphic documents, the inscription is made:


LU designation

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

6.12 A change in the license plate is made in accordance with GOST 2.503 and reflected in additional columns in accordance with GOST 2.104 or GOST 2.004.

Examples of the design of the title page and the approval sheet are given in Appendices B-E.

7 Documentation requirements for two-sided copying

7.1 For double-sided copying, the sheets of the document are doubled with a fold line in the middle. The main inscription is given on both halves of each sheet (Figure 22), with the exception of additional columns, which are placed only on an odd page.

Figure 22

7.2 In the main inscriptions, the name of the column "Sheet" is changed to "S.", and the name of the "Sheets" (on title sheets) to "Pages".

7.3 Separate sheets of the document (for example, the title page or sheets with annexes of graphic content) are published without filling in the reverse side of the copy; odd page numbers are indicated on such sheets, and even page numbers corresponding to them are not indicated, but are included in the total number of pages of the document.

7.4 For documents made by double-sided copying, the format and number of sheets are indicated as follows:

- the format is written as a fraction, where the numerator indicates the format of double sheets of the document, and the denominator - the format of copies, for example A3 / A4;

- the number of sheets is also recorded as a fraction: in the numerator - the number of double sheets of the document, and in the denominator - the number of pages, for example 45 / s.90.

Annex A (informative). An example of executing a text document


*Second example in the appendix. Probably a mistake in the original. It should read "Main inscription according to GOST 2.104-2006 (form 2a)". - Database manufacturer's note.

Appendix B (informative). Example of filling field 4 of the title page per book


(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

Annex B (informative). An example of filling out an approval sheet for one document



Annex D (informative). An example of filling out an approval sheet for several documents


Note - Since 2000, the designation of the year in the date is indicated by four digits.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

Annex D (informative). Title page example


Note - Since 2000, the designation of the year in the date is indicated by four digits.


Annex E (informative). An example of filling out the title page if there is an approval sheet


Electronic text of the document
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official publication
Unified system of design documentation.
Basic provisions: Sat. GOSTs. -
M.: Standartinform, 2011

Revision of the document, taking into account
changes and additions prepared
