How to paste wallpaper on the ceiling yourself. How to stick wallpaper on the ceiling - step by step instructions. Additional preparation steps

Ease of use, variety color solutions design and the affordable cost of wallpaper are often the reason for choosing this type of room decoration. Structure embossed wallpaper allows you to make a smooth ceiling with minor surface defects. Canvases glued for painting make it possible to periodically change the appearance of the room.

Before gluing ceiling wallpaper, you need to decide on their type, prepare the tool and the surface of the ceiling. Pasting a horizontal surface with this material causes some difficulties. These include the difficulty of matching the seams and the pattern between the canvases, as well as the complexity of the process itself.

Choosing the type of wallpaper for the ceiling

Wallpaper, as a finishing material, is not without flaws. Cloths accumulate pollution and odors from the air over time. Inexpensive wallpaper will not last more than 5 years without losing a decent appearance. The service life of non-woven ceiling wallpaper under normal room conditions can be up to 15 years.

For pasting the ceiling, it is better to use special canvases that are denser than wall ones. It is preferable for such a finish non-woven or vinyl wallpaper. These types of foamed vinyl materials do not change size or swell. When sticking, the canvases glide well over the surface, which allows them to be joined with high quality.

Fiberglass wallpapers, made of a material that is neutral to external influences, also differ in quality. They are non-flammable, resistant to changes in temperature and humidity. Lower cost material on paper and synthetic basis. Textile fabrics are distinguished by additional heat and soundproof properties. The composition covering them protects the surface of the ceiling from contamination.

When choosing an adhesive, follow the instructions for use of the type of material purchased. Generally Recommended adhesive composition for heavy wallpaper. When diluting it, it is better to increase the proportion of the powder a little for greater density. Paint for wallpaper is used acrylic or latex water-based.

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Preparation of the ceiling, material and tools

In addition to the wallpaper itself, for pasting the ceiling you will need:

  • brushes (wide and narrow) for applying glue;
  • container for mixing the adhesive composition;
  • metal and plastic wide spatulas;
  • tape measure, pencil, ruler, thread for beating lines;
  • rubber roller for sealing the edges on the seams;
  • ladder or construction table;
  • sharp knife, scissors.

Before pasting, significant irregularities in the ceiling are sealed with putty. It is desirable to cover the surface with an acrylic primer. After preparing the material and tools, lines are drawn on the ceiling along the width of the canvases. The middle of the ceiling (the middle of the central canvas) is determined, from which lines are drawn, parallel to the walls in the direction of the window. To beat the markup, you can use a dyed paint thread.

The chandelier is removed before work, and before pasting the area around the place of its suspension, the power supply is turned off. Glued along the drawn lines masking tape to reduce the visibility of seams. Installing a table of sufficient length and height will speed up the finishing of the ceiling. It is also possible to use two ladders.

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Glue ceiling wallpaper

Better with one or two assistants. Glue is applied to the main part of the canvas with a wide brush, the edges are smeared with a narrow one. Then the segment is folded in half with the smeared side inward. This will allow the adhesive to be evenly distributed over the canvas, which is left for 3-5 minutes to absorb. But it’s not worth overdoing the sheets until they swell.

Then the canvas is folded like an accordion; the edge that will be glued first is left free. The canvas rises to the ceiling and gradually overlaps from the corner of the room with the coincidence of the edge along the marked line. At the same time, one of the workers holds the folded canvas, and the second one levels the superimposed area with a plastic spatula.

Alignment is made from the middle to the edges. After sticking the next section, the joint of the non-woven fabric can be pulled out with your hands and rolled with a rubber roller.

Plain ceiling wallpaper is cut immediately and smeared with 2. While one is pasted, the other will have time to soak with glue. When preparing wallpaper with a pattern, the first canvas is cut to size, the subsequent ones are marked by applying them to the already pasted strip.

Ceiling wallpapers of any type are independently glued with the obligatory thorough coating of the ceiling surface with glue.

Cutting off excess web from fillets is carried out sharp knife with a wide spatula. If the wallpaper is glued before installing a baguette or other decoration element, an overlap of 2-3 cm is left on the wall. After the glue dries, the bend is cut off with a knife and a wide spatula. Upon completion of pasting, drafts should not be allowed in the room, the surface should dry evenly.

Non-woven and vinyl wallpapers are sometimes glued with only the ceiling coated with high-quality glue, without applying it to the canvas itself. With this method, gluing is carried out directly from the roll. In any case, carefully read the instructions on the roll regarding the gluing technology and the adhesive used.

Reading time ≈ 5 minutes

A beautifully designed ceiling, pasted over with high-quality ones, can become a highlight modern interior. However, not everyone understands how to competently and correctly glue wallpaper on the ceiling. Like all repair work This process can be divided into several main steps. Consistent execution of all work is the key to a successful result, therefore it plays a very important role.

When it comes to, come to mind various ways: installation of tension or suspended ceilings, painting, whitewashing or decorative plaster. But one of the most advantageous options is wallpapering. This option ceiling finishes opens up to designers endless possibilities, because with its help you can create any interior.

Features of this method

In addition to the elegant appearance, pasting the surface of the ceiling with wallpaper has a number of pleasant features:

  • There is no need for frequent repainting of the ceiling.
  • No need to spend money on the installation of structures, frames or fasteners, as, for example, in the construction of suspended or stretch ceilings.
  • It is possible to decorate in this way only part of the ceiling, without using the entire area as a whole. This is especially true for studio apartments, where it is necessary to zone the space.
  • Such a ceiling can create any visual effect in the room.
  • With wallpaper on the ceiling, you can visually expand the space and even stretch the ceiling in length or width.
  • If you use thick vinyl or non-woven wallpaper, this can be additional soundproofing.

Can also be easily glued to the ceiling, however, this case It is worth considering the type of wall covering. Not all wallpapers are suitable for ceiling decoration. There are special denser and heavier types designed specifically for such purposes. Ceiling wallpapers are presented in the following options:

For low or very low ceilings, wallpapers in light and pastel colors are suitable. A pale ornament or small drawing depicted on the canvas. For high ceilings photo wallpapers or canvases with a 3D effect are suitable. How to glue wallpaper on the ceiling, shown in this video.

Pasting stages

To beautifully decorate the ceiling space, you need to prepare well and purchase special tools:

  • Ladder.
  • Roulette for measurements.
  • Construction knife.
  • Spatula made of plastic.
  • Paint brushes of different sizes.
  • Rubber roller.
  • Container for dilution of the adhesive composition.


The durability of pasting can only be ensured by following the instructions step by step and proper preparation surfaces.

The joints between the ceiling and walls are easily closed with skirting boards, completing the design of the room. If you strictly follow the instructions and recommendations of specialists, you can achieve the best result.

In interior design, various finishing materials are used, with the help of which it is possible to visually increase the size of the room, create in the room cozy environment. Widespread popularity among consumers enjoy wallpaper, presented on the market in a large assortment. An impressive range of shades, patterns and patterns allows you to choose beautiful finish for any room. Therefore, many people are concerned about the question of how to glue wallpaper on the ceiling, because this process is more complicated than pasting walls.

From a decorative and aesthetic point of view, wallpaper in the interior is the best solution. Each person is able to independently carry out the work, which allows you to save on the services of a professional team. Even the most expensive samples are acceptable, so finishing costs will be minimal. The only difficulty is sticking to horizontal plane ceiling. But if you adhere to the gluing technology and properly prepare the surface, the wallpaper will hold tight and delight the household with a beautiful view for several years.

What nuances and difficulties arise when sticking wallpaper on the ceiling with your own hands:

  • The surface must be ideally prepared, free of defects, cracks, large drops, so that the material does not lag behind.
  • Structural products and wide rolls are undesirable to glue, under their own weight the webs may fall off.
  • Warm air rises to the ceiling, causing the adhesive to dry quickly, so there is little time for adjustments.
  • It is problematic to glue wallpaper on a horizontal surface on your own - you need helpers.
  • Ceiling lighting emphasizes pasting flaws, and nothing will be able to disguise them.
  • To get a whole composition, the seams need to be made almost invisible.

With wallpaper on the ceiling, you can create exclusive interior visually make the room more spacious and bright. At the right combination color scheme with walls, furniture and flooring The room transforms before our eyes. A montage lighting fixtures emphasize beautiful interior and put the right emphasis.

Important! If the ceiling is uneven, there are joints between tile floors, significant differences in height, the craftsmen advise leveling the surface with drywall sheets, and then glue the wallpaper.

How to choose wallpaper

The range of wallpaper products strikes with a variety of shades, textures, patterns. Dense products that are suitable for pasting walls cannot be used for finishing the ceiling. They are more difficult to glue, and under their weight the strips will lag behind. The rolls are marked with the weight of the products. For the ceiling, samples are suitable, the mass of which does not exceed 110 g / m2. The types of wallpaper that can be glued to the ceiling differ in the type of base, surface texture, color, width, and edge.


Budget option, quite suitable for the ceiling. Simple specimens have a smooth face and a slightly rough base. Paper copies come in a variety of shades, with and without patterns. According to the density of the product belong to thin wallpaper, therefore, when gluing, all surface irregularities are repeated. Before finishing, you need to carefully prepare the base. There are washable paper wallpaper and "non-wash", which are better to glue in rooms with a permanent temperature regime and low humidity - bedrooms, living rooms, children's rooms.


Structural wallpapers are made from thicker paper. Such products well mask minor defects - microcracks and small irregularities. The gluing technology is butt-to-butt, and it is necessary to connect the strips so that the seams are invisible. In the interior, samples with views of the starry sky look interesting; with the help of embossed wallpaper, complex multi-level structures can be played in an original way. If a drawing is used in the design, it is necessary to strictly combine the stripes so that the fragments of the artistic composition clearly match.


Vinyl products are made on a paper or non-woven basis, which affects the choice of glue and ease of implementation. finishing works. Depending on the texture of the front surface, flat vinyl is distinguished in the form of spraying with a slight relief on paper basis, filament screen printing, cold embossed foam vinyl, hard textured vinyl and washable polythin. Wear-resistant washable wallpaper can even be used to finish the ceiling in the bathroom.


There are two main types of finishing materials. Solid color options with embossing are suitable for subsequent painting, have an attractive embossed texture, give an effect gypsum plaster and visually make the room spacious. After painting, they do not lose their qualities. Two-layer specimens on non-woven base with vinyl coating on the front side have pronounced decorative properties, suitable for pasting ceilings in any room, including rooms with high humidity.

Important! Non-woven wallpaper has a translucent structure, so they are used for ceilings with a uniform color. If the surface is multi-colored, it must be covered with a layer of putty and primer.


Wallpapers with fabric coated on a synthetic or paper layer, they create a deep relief effect and look luxurious. The material is glued to the base according to the classical technology. Textile wallpapers with linen, silk and jute coatings are suitable for the ceiling, but they cannot be glued in the bathroom or in the kitchen due to humidity. Finishing can be applied on a perfectly even base. Application textile wallpaper improves acoustic characteristics premises, and the design looks expensive and original.


Finishing materials are not afraid of moisture, so ceilings in all rooms can be glued with liquid wallpaper. The texture of the product is a colored cellulose crumb. After soaking, the material turns into a plastic mass, which is applied to the base in a thin layer according to the principle of decorative plaster. With the help of liquid wallpaper, you can create an artistic composition, application, an unusual pattern. The material is well tolerated by any temperature conditions and has water-repellent properties.

Glass fiber

Alternatively, such wallpaper can be used for pasting the ceiling, but we must not forget that the material has a significant weight. Roll products are made in the form polymer coating applied to fiberglass. They are resistant to moisture, thanks to special impregnations, but are presented in a poor assortment of textures and colors. In spite of high density, cullet cannot hide significant defects in the ceiling, so they are glued to a well-prepared base. After gluing, fiberglass can be painted with woolen rollers.

When choosing finishing materials, take into account financial opportunities and your own taste. Most often, consumers prefer non-woven, vinyl and liquid wallpaper. You can use textiles or embossed patterns, but they are more difficult to work with because of the need to perfectly match the pattern. If the ceiling has custom shape, it is worth buying wallpaper for further painting.

On a note! When choosing a finishing material, it is not recommended to purchase wide rolls, bright wallpaper or options with an edge. If the design of the room does not imply an exclusive solution, options for finishing the ceiling are chosen in pastel colors, white wallpapers or plain products. Large drawings visually reduce the size of the room and visually make the room lower.

How to choose the right glue

Because the wallpaper is made from different materials, you need to select the adhesive that matches the specific type of finish. The composition must firmly fix the wallpaper on the ceiling, have the required consistency and good adhesive properties.

Wallpaper adhesives are classified depending on the purpose:

  • For paper wallpapers, starch-based compositions with the inclusion of antiseptic components are used.
  • For vinyl and non-woven products, mixtures of starch and methylcellulose are suitable.
  • Heavier finishing materials are glued to the same compositions, but with the addition of polymers and a biocide.
  • Glass fiber is best kept on classic PVA glue.

Available at specialized stores universal means, which are suitable for any version of wallpaper with a base of paper or non-woven. To choose the right glue, you need to carefully read the manufacturer's instructions, which indicate the characteristics, composition and purpose of the product. Adhesives are supplied in the form of dry crystals, which are diluted with water. After thorough mixing and "swelling" for 20-30 minutes, the product is ready for use.

Interesting! Manufacturers add a coloring pigment with a slight tint to the composition of some wallpaper adhesives. In the process of spreading, areas not treated with glue are clearly visible.

The technology for gluing non-woven and paper materials is slightly different. Strips of paper-based wallpaper are smeared with glue, like the ceiling. Products with a non-woven bottom layer do not need to be treated with glue - the composition is applied only to the surface of the ceiling, but the glue must be designed specifically for this type of wallpaper. When breeding adhesive mixture it is necessary to strictly maintain the proportions recommended by the manufacturer.

Preparing for the sticker

An important advantage of wallpaper over other types of finishes is its universal use. Wallpaper strips can be used for gluing plasterboard ceilings, concrete surfaces, multi-level structures made of plywood and OSB boards. The only prerequisite is that the ceiling must be even, free of flaws, cracks and significant differences in height within the same plane. It is recommended to eliminate the previous coating as much as possible, since the presence of old paint, plaster affects the adhesion in the ceiling-glue-wallpaper bond.

What does the preparatory stage include:

  1. The first rule of builders - the house must shrink - can be skipped if the property has been in operation for more than one year.
  2. Furniture must be removed from the room, carpets and other interior items must be removed.
  3. It is necessary to close windows and doors so that there are no drafts, to shield the windows from bright sunlight.
  4. Electrical equipment, hoods, air conditioners, ventilation systems turn off, dismantle the socket boxes.
  5. Assess the condition of the ceiling - cracks, joints of floors need to be covered and puttied, apply several layers of primer.

For preparatory and pasting work, the following tools and materials are needed: a stepladder (table, chair), brush, roller, clean rag, a bucket of glue, a tape measure and a clerical knife. If the ceiling has to be covered and puttied, you will need a trowel, a spatula and a primer brush. Substrate preparation is a prerequisite for high-quality wallpapering.


Ceiling decoration is not limited to the choice and gluing of wallpaper. If the base is concrete, you need to check the condition of the surface after removing the previous coating from it. If possible, tear off the old wallpaper, then moisten it with plenty of water and scrape off the paper-adhesive mass, carefully prying the strips with a spatula or knife.

Painted concrete ceilings(which is rare) freed from the old coating mechanically and with the help of special washes for the corresponding type of paint. If it is waterproof and holds very tightly, you can leave the ceiling in this form. The remains of putty are removed and cleaned such places sandpaper. Remove lime or chalk whitewash by eroding it with water.

Before gluing the wallpaper on the ceiling, all cracks and seams on the concrete surface close up with fresh gypsum putty. It is previously recommended to lay a serpentine mesh. Microcracks and joints of walls and ceiling are rubbed with starting putty, allowed to dry and sanded with sandpaper. To perfectly level the surface, a finishing mixture is applied with a thickness of 1-2 mm. After preparatory work the ceiling is swept from dust and primed for good adhesive adhesion. The primer composition can be applied with a brush or roller in two or more layers, making strokes perpendicular to each other.

From drywall

The best option for wallpapering - ceiling structures from drywall. Correctly installed sheets have a flat surface without differences in height. The only inconvenience is that it is necessary to seal the seams between the sheets.

How to do it:

  • Choose a suitable gypsum-based composition, for example, from Knauf.
  • Prepare the solution in the specified proportion and seal the joints and attachment points of the sheets - self-tapping screws.
  • If the cardboard base drywall material has a light shade, it is not necessary to completely putty the surface.

Before gluing ceiling wallpaper, drywall is treated with a primer layer. One application is enough so that the material is not very soaked and does not begin to exfoliate.

OSB or plywood

AT wooden houses to form a flat surface of the ceilings, OSB-plates or plywood are used. wood materials quite suitable for wallpapering. Preparation of the base is reduced to sealing seams and joints. Chipboards need to process start and then finishing putty. Plywood structures do not need to be completely puttied, it is enough to cover the seams and apply a primer layer after drying.

After preparing the base, the strips are cut taking into account the direction of gluing perpendicular to the wall with the window. On each canvas, a small margin is left for even trimming. Before gluing paper wallpaper on the ceiling, the canvas must be smeared with glue. The composition is applied different ways- chaotically, perpendicularly, in zigzags. The most common option is to apply glue to the central part of the web and distribute it to the edges of the strip. The edge of the cloth is wrapped by 30 cm and the part smeared with glue is placed on the main strip, which is folded like an accordion and glued to the ceiling.

Masters advise! If you plan to glue heavy wallpaper, you need to pierce the canvas with a needle in several places in increments of 20-30 cm so that air bubbles do not accumulate under the strip.

Wallpapering technology

When choosing the direction of pasting, you need to adhere to the placement of wallpaper in the direction of sunlight penetrating the windows during the day. Generally, technological process pasting identical to different types wallpaper, except for some nuances.

There is a slight difference in how to glue vinyl wallpaper on the ceiling, paper or liquid:

  • Lightweight paper materials are glued with an overlap, well lubricating the joints, the canvas and the surface of the ceiling.
  • Sticking vinyl wallpaper on the ceiling butt, you can glue the strip and the base.
  • Liquid wallpaper is soaked, kneaded by hand and applied with a wide float for textured plaster.

The finishing of the ceiling is a decorative plinth made of expanded polystyrene. Gypsum and polyurethane samples are not suitable - they are heavy and will pull the wallpaper down. Masters argue what to glue first - skirting board or wallpaper. If there is no experience, stick wallpaper, cut off the excess part of the strip as evenly as possible. And then decorative fragments are glued, which decorate the room and hide the ugly trimming edges.

Advice from the master! You can glue the plinth on glue or putty. You need to apply the material in a small amount - when you press down decorative item to the ceiling, part of the mixture may appear on the wallpaper.

Example of calculating the number of rolls

Before buying a finishing material, it is important to determine the footage of the ceiling and the number of rolls. It should be borne in mind that manufacturers produce products of standard and non-standard widths, and the length of the canvases also varies. Standard roll parameters are 53 and 106 mm wide and 10.05 m long. But there are paintings by foreign manufacturers on sale, the parameters of which are 70, 90, 140 cm wide, and the length can reach 15 m.

An example calculation is carried out for a room with dimensions of 3x4 meters, provided that the ceilings are pasted with standard wallpaper 53 cm wide - they are much easier to work with. By the same principle, you can calculate the consumption of meter products. Measurements of the room are carried out along two walls to get the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling. It is necessary to take into account the location of the windows, on which the direction of gluing depends. It is customary to place the canvases perpendicular to the windows, then the seams between the stripes will be almost invisible. Calculation:

The length of the canvas is 3 meters + 10-15 cm for trimming.

The standard roll width is 53 cm.

The length of the room is 4 m, for each meter there are two strips.

The number of strips is 8 pieces of 3.15 m.

If there are 10.05 m of wallpaper in a roll, 10.05 / 3.15 = 3.19 strips will fit in it.

It is necessary to round down - 1 roll = 3 strips. And in total it is required to glue 8 strips, which means 8/3 = 2.66 rolls, rounded off in big side. The result - with the given dimensions of the room for gluing the ceiling, you will need 3 rolls of wallpaper.

Important! Since wallpapers are different lengths and width, this point should not be overlooked when making calculations. Masters recommend buying a roll in reserve in case of unsuccessful wallpapering.

Step-by-step instruction

The process of sticking ceiling wallpaper is not that complicated, but it does require some skill and quick action. In order to clearly fix the stripes, you must not allow the glue to dry.

The technology for properly gluing wallpaper to the ceiling consists of several stages:

  1. Substrate preparation - cleaning of the old coating, washing, covering cracks and joints, if necessary - installation of drywall sheets to level the ceiling.

2. Surface priming special formulations. They form a thin film, which ensures good adhesion of the adhesive and a strong fixation of the wallpaper.

3. Marking. Useful step, but not always experienced craftsmen it is performed. "Beginners" are advised to make markings, placing the stripes perpendicular to the windows and marking the boundaries of each canvas.

5. Rolls of wallpaper are cut to a pre-measured length, taking into account the pattern, if any, and a small margin at the edges. The fabric must be rolled out on a clean surface with the right side down.

6. Glue preparation. The dry mixture is diluted with water. To prevent lumps from forming, glue is poured in a thin stream into the desired volume of water, stirring constantly.

7. Infusion of glue. The composition is mixed (some masters recommend 7-10 minutes) and left to infuse for up to half an hour so that the glue swells. Mix again and proceed to gluing.

8. Sticking the first strip. The prepared glue is applied to the base and to the strip, if it is paper wallpaper. When working with non-woven vinyl, only the ceiling is smeared with glue, but wallpaper is also possible.

9. The strip is glued without delay, carefully aligning it along the marking line. They press well against the ceiling and expel the air with a dry roller or a clean rag from the center to the edges of the canvas.

10. The stock is cut off without waiting for the glue to dry. To do this, apply a wide spatula to the edge and cut off the excess with a sharp knife along the working surface of the tool.

11. Gluing the rest of the fragments. If the wallpaper is overlapped, the edge of the first strip is smeared with glue and the next segment is pasted. When working end-to-end, you need to align the edges of the strips well.

The final stage of work is gluing a decorative plinth, and if wallpaper is chosen for painting, painting the pasted over ceiling. You can do the work alone, but it is better to glue the ceiling with an assistant. This speeds up the process and allows you to make the finish better. In the interior, the ceilings covered with wallpaper look beautiful and original.

Wallpapering on the ceiling (2 videos)

How to glue wallpaper on the ceiling (23 photos)

With the help of wallpaper, you can successfully emphasize the stylish interior of the room, refresh it with taste, add some kind of sophistication, modernity and originality. Make your home more comfortable and cozy. To give new life at minimal cost and time. But how to glue the wallpaper correctly and on what better surface, not everyone knows.

How to paste wallpaper on the ceiling correctly

The most common and sought-after finishing materials for today are ceiling wallpapers. You should know and distinguish between their types and properties.

  • Paper. More cheap option for cosmetic repairs apartments.
  • Non-woven. Very strong and elastic. The surfaces pasted over with such wallpaper have a deep and embossed pattern.
  • Vinyl. Quite popular today. They are distinguished by their moisture resistance and durability.
  • Liquid. Noble and original, seamless coating of ecological material.

Before you start pasting wallpaper, you should prepare the ceiling.

You can prepare cut strips of wallpaper immediately, or cut off the required length in stages during the gluing process. It is advisable to draw a line on the ceiling, relative to which the first strip will lie. Draw it with a tape measure and a pencil, clearly and evenly. Then you can start gluing the wallpaper itself to the ceiling. Depending on the type of wallpaper, glue the surface or a strip of wallpaper with glue. Glue it to the ceiling strictly along the strip marked with a pencil. Having done everything correctly and accurately, the subsequent strips will lie flat.

How to stick wallpaper on the ceiling alone

Being left alone with such a task is not scary, the main thing is to approach such an important process responsibly.

For do-it-yourself wallpapering, it is better to give preference to non-woven trellises. It is easier to work with such material, and even a beginner can handle it on their own.

Non-woven wallpaper - best material for the ceiling. When dried, they do not diverge and perfectly hide small flaws on the ceiling.

For wallpapering one will need:

  • Material;
  • Scissors;
  • Pencil;
  • Roulette;
  • Brush for applying glue;
  • Roller or plastic spatula;
  • Container for mixing glue.

To work alone, you will need to place a plane for movement, at least along one lane - these can be tables or bedside tables. Without such important point nothing will come of it. You should also thoroughly wash the floors in the room, so as not to stain the material during work.

Smooth and high-quality gluing of the first strip is the key to the success of the entire work process!

We made a choice in favor of non-woven wallpaper, then you need to distribute the glue on the ceiling along the width of the strip and then carefully, gradually, apply the cut strip to the ceiling. Glue the canvas from the middle of the strip to the edges. Discard any bubbles that form immediately. Remove excess glue from the edges also instantly.

If preferred paper wallpaper, then sticking will be more difficult and longer. The measured strip should be smeared with glue and folded with an accordion for 10 minutes for impregnation. Then, carefully, avoiding sagging, deformation and tearing of the canvas, glue the strip to the ceiling. After smearing the next strip with glue, remove the remaining glue from the surface with a damp cloth.

After gluing the first strip - cut off extra wallpaper along the edges, if necessary, re-glue the desired area with glue.

Having mastered the first strip, the next one will be much easier to glue.

Wallpaper or ceiling tiles: what to glue first

Deciding to make repairs in the room and update the already boring environment, profitable option wallpaper and ceiling tiles will look. First of all, the ceiling tiles are glued, then ceiling plinth and last but not least, wallpaper. This is how to do it correctly and rationally!

It is not necessary to prepare a perfectly flat ceiling, the tile will perfectly smooth out all the bumps.

Ceiling tiles are laid on special glue or putty.

Working with tiles takes place in several stages:

  1. Prepare the surface to remove debris and dust.
  2. Determine the location for the first tile.
  3. Using glue or putty, apply a thin layer around the perimeter of the tile and attach it to the ceiling. Hold each tile with your fingers for a few minutes.
  4. Inspect the entire ceiling and remove excess glue or putty before it dries.

After placing the tiles on the ceiling, a ceiling plinth is glued, and wallpaper will be brought under it. The plinth is glued to the same putty or glue, in the same way.

Focus on seamless ceiling tiles, visually the ceiling will look perfectly flat!

Is it possible to glue ceiling tiles on wallpaper and why

Physically, pasting ceiling tiles on wallpaper is possible, but from the point of view of practicality in operation, it is not recommended. Such a tile is glued only on an ideal ceiling in this regard. Old whitewash, wallpaper or paint are not suitable as a base. Everything is removed, blurred and stripped. At the end, the ceiling must be treated with a special primer.

There are several ways to glue ceiling tiles:

  • Starting from the corner of the room, in straight rows. This method is the most common and simple.
  • From the center of the ceiling - rhombuses. Rows lie diagonally. In this case, the material will be used up more.

The process of gluing ceiling tiles takes less time than others building materials. At the same time, the amount of garbage in the apartment is also minimal.

An excellent alternative to special tile adhesive is putty.

In general, ceiling tiles best option inexpensive and beautiful to decorate your ceiling.

How to glue wallpaper on a plasterboard ceiling without errors

The installation of the plasterboard ceiling is completed, now wallpaper should be glued on it. The process of sticking wallpaper on drywall is no different from sticking the same wallpaper on a “normal” ceiling. The only pleasant thing in this process will be a perfectly flat surface.

You can glue wallpaper on drywall:

  • On the surface of drywall (more simple, but not enough effective method);
  • Pre-apply a layer of putty and primer on drywall

Before wallpapering, paint over the drywall with white paint - this will visually enlarge the room. Just do not forget to go through the painted ceiling with a primer!

What wallpaper is better to glue on the ceiling in the apartment

The choice of wallpaper for the ceiling comes from their purpose and what you want in the end.

By purpose, wallpaper on the ceiling can be divided into:

  • Wallpaper with a finished embossed pattern.

Both in the first and in the second case, the wallpaper is made from different materials. It is this factor that should be given special attention. A more difficult option in the gluing process will be paper wallpaper. Much more advantageous - liquid or wallpaper on a non-woven and vinyl basis.

Important ceiling preparation before wallpapering

Preparing the ceiling before wallpapering correctly will make the further process easier.

What work should be done:

  • Remove plaster, paint, loose pieces of whitewash from the ceiling.
  • Clean the surface with coarse sandpaper.
  • Putty the joints between the plates and cracks.
  • Prime the ceiling.

These are the basic rules for preparing the ceiling. But there are a lot of nuances that should be taken into account with the characteristics of the material, conditions, time and budget.

Do-it-yourself wallpapering on the ceiling (video)

Wallpaper on the ceiling - good alternative expensive finishing materials. A variety of modern paintings and color schemes, allow you to decorate the ceiling exclusively according to the individual taste of each demanding owner. With the help of wallpaper on the ceiling, it became possible to divide the room into separate zones of coziness and comfort, to make it warmer and lighter.

Attention, only TODAY!

October 3, 2016
Specialization: facade finishing, interior decoration, construction of dachas, garages. The experience of an amateur gardener and horticulturist. He also has experience repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and much more, for which there is not enough time :)

Despite the fact that wallpapering is a fairly simple procedure, this work contains a number of nuances, especially when it comes to finishing the ceiling. After all, the wallpaper should be glued not only beautifully and neatly, but also reliably. To help in this matter, then I will tell you in detail how to glue wallpaper on the ceiling correctly.

Sticking technology

Wallpapering on the ceiling consists of several stages:

Stage 1: surface preparation

Preparing the ceiling for wallpapering is one of the most important steps. The durability of the finish, and even its appearance, depends on it..

The preparation process is as follows:

  1. First of all, you need to remove the old top coat. If it is whitewash, then it simply blurs. Another effective way to remove it is to stick it on the ceiling surface with a paste or wallpaper paste old newspapers, and then rip them off along with the whitewash.

Old wallpaper can be soaked with water, then removed with a spatula. If the old coating is vinyl, before soaking it, cuts should be made in the finish layer;

  1. thereafter the ceiling must be brushed and washed to remove the remnants of the old coating, as well as dirt and dust;
  2. then it is necessary to perform surface priming, which will increase the strength of the base, as well as improve the adhesion of the adhesive. The primer is applied with a roller in a thin even layer. After drying the ceiling, it is necessary to repeat;

  1. if there are chips and cracks on the surface of the ceiling, they should be slightly expanded and puttied.

This completes the process of preparing the ceiling with your own hands for subsequent finishing. It should be noted that such procedures are performed only if the ceiling is even and does not have serious flaws. Otherwise, you will need to plaster it or plasterboard.

Stage 2: marking

To simplify the work in the future, before sticking the wallpaper on the ceiling, markup should be applied to it. In this case, it is necessary to determine the location of the paintings on the ceiling.

So that the seams are not conspicuous, it is better to place the canvases along the direction of the light falling from the window. If the room has several windows located on different windows, it is better to glue the canvases along the length of the room. In this case, you will reduce the number of joints.

In the photo - marking the ceiling for wallpapering

Having decided how to glue the wallpaper, you should beat off a line on the ceiling along the location of the paintings. The line should be located from the wall at a distance equal to the width of one coating strip.

To get a straight line, it is best to use a special painting thread. The latter should be fixed at the beginning and end future line, then pull down and release, as shown in the photo above.

As a result, the thread will hit the ceiling, and leave behind a straight line. On it, in the process of gluing, you can align the canvas.

Stage 3: cutting material

Now you need to cut the material with your own hands, cutting it along the length. This procedure is not difficult, the only thing to keep in mind is that you need to leave a small margin.

If the canvases are plain, i.e. their pattern does not need to be joined, then a margin of 2-3 cm is enough. If the material has patterns, then the margin should be slightly longer than the step of the patterns. Thanks to this, there will be no problems when joining the pattern on the ceiling.

If you will be cutting on the floor, be sure to first cover it with a film so as not to stain the material.

The cutting itself is not difficult. To do this, you will need a ruler of sufficient length and a mounting knife.

Step 4: glue preparation

Before gluing wallpaper on the ceiling, you need to prepare the glue. It should be noted that Special attention must be given to the choice of adhesive composition. The fact is that there are currently on sale different types adhesives for different wallpapers and they have different prices.

Paper wallpapers are glued to the most regular glue for lightweight fabrics. If the material is heavy, for example, you are going to crate vinyl sheets or glass wall papers, you need to use a special adhesive that can withstand heavy coatings.

In addition, it is important to properly prepare the glue. As a rule, this procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. First of all, water must be poured into a clean container of a suitable volume. The temperature of the water and its volume are indicated on the package with glue;
  2. before adding glue, the water should be stirred so that a funnel forms in it. This is necessary so that the glue does not take lumps;
  3. further, continuing to stir the water with one hand, you should gradually pour in the dry mixture;
  4. then the glue must be continued to stir for another 10 minutes;
  5. then leave the mixture for 15-20 minutes, then mix it again. Now the composition is ready for use.

This completes the glue preparation process. It should be noted that the instructions for preparing the adhesive composition may differ slightly from the outlined scheme. Therefore, be sure to read the instructions on the package beforehand.

Stage 5: sticking

So, we got acquainted with the preparation, now we will consider how to properly glue the wallpaper. The only thing, before moving on to gluing, I will clarify one nuance.

The fact is that people are often interested in forums - what to glue first - wallpaper or glue a ceiling plinth? There is no definite answer to this question, since it all depends on the type of skirting board.

If the plinth is made of polystyrene foam, then you can first paste over the ceiling and walls, since the canvases will freely withstand the weight of this decorative element. If the plinth is heavy, for example, polyurethane or even gypsum, then the canvases will definitely not withstand it.

Therefore, many craftsmen argue what to glue first - a ceiling plinth or wallpaper. From personal experience I will say that it is almost impossible to glue the wallpaper in such a way as to provide an even line under the baseboard.

So it's better to do it like this:

  1. first finish the ceiling, leaving no space for the plinth;
  2. then mark the location of the fillet on the canvases and carefully cut them along the line with a sharp mounting knife;
  3. then glue the plinth to the walls and ceiling.

If you do not know how and how to glue the ceiling plinth on the wallpaper, use ordinary putty. The only thing is to apply it on the back side in a small amount so that it does not come out and stain the ceiling and wall finishes.

Thus, I believe that it is better to glue the wallpaper first, and then the baseboard, regardless of the type of the latter.

Home craftsmen, when they find out that it is possible to glue a light plinth on top of the finish, often ask - is it possible to glue ceiling tiles on wallpaper? Of course, you can glue it, but no one will give you guarantees that such a finish will be durable. Therefore, it is better to spare no effort, and first get rid of the old coating.

The very same pasting the ceiling with wallpaper is as follows:

  1. work should begin with the application of glue paint brush. If you are working with light canvases, for example, paper ones, then the back side of the material is covered with glue.
    Before gluing wallpaper, vinyl sheets or other heavy types of this material for painting, glue should be applied to the ceiling;
  2. then the strip is glued. If you are doing this work with an assistant, then you need to stretch the canvas, after which it is marked and pressed against the ceiling.

If you do the work yourself, the canvas should be folded like an accordion and put on left hand, wherein right hand you need to take the end of the canvas and press it to the ceiling. Then you just need to move along the gluing line and press the canvas to the ceiling;

  1. in the process of gluing, the canvases should be smoothed with a roller. With it, you need to squeeze out all the air bubbles and smooth out the wrinkles. You can also use a plastic spatula for these purposes;
  2. according to this principle, the entire ceiling is pasted over.

Home craftsmen are often interested in how to paste wallpaper on rounded ceiling. In fact, there is nothing complicated in this. You just need to decide on the height of the gluing (the level from which the ceiling wallpaper will start), and then stick the canvases according to the same principle as on the ceiling with even corners.

Here, in fact, is all the information on how wallpaper is pasted over the ceiling.


The process of wallpapering the ceiling itself is not as complicated as it seems at first glance, even if you do this work yourself. However, before gluing the wallpaper to the ceiling, it is necessary to properly prepare the surface, as well as perform some other equally important operations that we reviewed above.

For more information, see the video in this article. If you have any questions regarding this topic, ask them in the comments, and I will answer you as soon as possible.

October 3, 2016

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