Wall decoration with liquid wallpaper - material consumption and detailed instructions for use. Calculation of liquid wallpaper Liquid wallpaper 1 square meter

Wall cladding with wallpaper provides for accounting for material consumption. While roll finishes are fairly easy to calculate, powder or pre-mixed materials are more difficult to calculate due to several factors. Of course, in the world of modern technology, you can use a special online calculator, but its indicators are approximate and do not always speak correctly.

To understand what is the consumption of liquid wallpaper per 1 sq. m, you need to know the features of the material and the subtleties of the cladding.

What's this?

Liquid wallpaper is a unique finishing material with a three-dimensional surface texture, which is sold in packaged form based on a dry or raw mix. The second name of the cladding is "wet wallpaper". The method of applying a creamy mass resembles wall cladding with decorative plaster, although liquid wallpaper does not belong to them, since they do not contain sand and gypsum.

Depending on the degree of density they are applied with a construction roller, a plastic spatula or a special gun. The finished mixture does not need to be adjusted in consistency; warm water is added to dry sawdust-like fibers with adhesive impregnation and soaked for the time indicated on the package.

Usually the process of swelling of the mass takes about 12 hours.

This material is an excellent sound insulation: this lining is the densest in comparison with its counterparts. In addition, liquid wallpaper, which can be colored or white (for painting), makes the walls warm, which is especially noticeable in the cold season. The uniqueness of the material is the possibility of combining individual shades with each other, the inclusion of original additives, among which marble chips, mother-of-pearl, mica flock are especially popular. If desired, the components are added to the mass, varying the degree of concentration.

They allow you to add a special appearance to the texture of the coating.

What does it depend on?

The calculation of the amount of material will allow:

  • eliminate the lack of material;
  • meet the planned budget;
  • choose a quality type of material, taking into account your own preferences.

Accounting for the amount of the planned lining area is carried out in advance. In doing so, it is important to consider:

  • application technique (often the material is applied twice: a background layer, then a pattern layer);
  • layer density (from 3 to 6 mm);
  • skills of the master (uniformity of the lining layer is of great importance);
  • experience: often newcomers take more raw materials.

An important factor is the preparation of the walls: wallpaper is considered a fairly unpretentious material in work, with which you can even out small cracks, pits, and smooth out bumps. The type of surface matters: on a smooth sanded wall, it is more difficult to control the uniformity of the cladding layer. If the base is too uneven, the material consumption per square meter will be greater. In this case do not rely on the properties of the material to level the surface: it is important to treat the wall with putty, and then prime all surfaces to be processed for maximum adhesion to the wallpaper.

In addition to the features of the walls, it is important to consider the method of preparing the solution. If the technology indicated on the packaging is violated, the material is diluted with cold or hot water in the wrong proportions, poorly mixed, differing in mass with lumps, this will change the volume of the material, changing the calculation rate accordingly. It is important to take into account such a factor as decoration: if wallpaper creates drawings, this will require an increase in the amount of material.

The tool for applying liquid wallpaper to the wall matters. If it is a pistol, the lining will be economical and more comfortable. In this case, it will be possible to save from one pack to 1 sq. m of glued area. The mechanical method is simple, it allows pasting faster.

Manually (using a roller or spatula) will have to be transported longer, and more material will be used.

How much to take?

To correctly calculate the amount of raw materials needed, you need to build on the type of material. Usually the powder is sold in 1 kg bags. Following the correct technique of mixing the mass, per 1 sq. m cladding should take no more than 300 grams. This means that a pack of dry material is enough for 3.3 square meters. m. walls. That is, there is a margin for marriage or leveling of the layer level.

If we take liquid wallpaper as a basis, 1 kg of the finished mixture covers about the same amount: 3-4 square meters. m walls. Some talk about the cost-effectiveness of such material and describe the consumption in half, believing that the mass is enough for 6-7 square meters. m. However, in reality the situation is different. You should not make the layer too thin: this way you can expose the wall, it will look ugly, creating ripples instead of lush lining. It is worth considering that often manufacturers, being reinsured, add 10% more material to the package. So they beat the lack of raw materials in their work and attract the attention of buyers to their products.

Control batch

The actual material requirements may differ from the calculations made. The calculation is not so important for budget varieties of liquid wallpaper (based on cellulose). However, for wallpaper with silk fibers, each package matters, because such a lining is not cheap. For this decorative coating, a control batch is performed with a test application of wallpaper on the surface of a specific wall of the selected room in a place that will be covered by furniture.

This technique will allow you to understand how much material is still needed, and buy it, if necessary, while it is available in the same batch.

Calculation without errors

In the first and second cases, the calculation is simple: you need to multiply the length by the width, then correlate the number of square meters with the amount of material at the rate of 0.3 kg per 1 sq. m. If the cladding is performed on all walls of the room, it is important to measure the dimensions of windows and doorways, subtracting from the main area of ​​​​the room. For example, if it is planned to decorate a room with an area of ​​​​20 squares minus windows and doors, the calculation will be as follows: 0.3x20 \u003d 6 kg. In theory, if the correct technique for preparing liquid wallpaper is observed, this amount will be enough. However, taking the material back to back, especially if it is a ready-made mixture, and the master is a beginner, is fraught with a shortage of raw materials.

Do not forget that the manufacturer indicates approximate data.

It makes sense to make sure that after facing there is some material left for possible dismantling. This is due to the fact that without the treatment of the dried surface with a special acrylic varnish, the lining may suffer from accidental mechanical damage and moisture. If you need to correct the damaged area in the future, the remainder will come in handy: it will be an identical shade from the same batch and batch.

Moreover, there is no need to worry that the material will dry out and deteriorate: it is perfectly stored after drying in a closed plastic bag, and To work, it just needs to be diluted with plain water.

It is unacceptable to store a wet mixture: it will deteriorate.

Do not be afraid of excess mixture, soak the mass in partial portions. This is appropriate only for decoration, in which the material is diluted separately, adding special additives and a coloring pigment before dilution with water.

If there is not enough raw material, it is difficult to dilute exactly the same mass with the same shade saturation.

In a previous publication, we reviewed such a popular modern finishing material as liquid wallpaper.

Now you know that this material for finishing interior walls is made on the basis of cellulose with the addition of silk fibers, binders and antiseptics that prevent rot and mold.

The porous structure gives liquid wallpaper high thermal performance, as well as soundproofing ability.

Such "wallpaper" is produced in the form of a powder packaged in plastic bags. The dry mixture is completely ready for use, you just need to dilute the powder with water to the desired consistency.

Let's see how to "glue" liquid wallpaper so that they serve for a long time, pleasing the eye with their beautiful appearance.

liquid wallpaper colors

Today, on sale, you can choose mixtures for wall decoration, having almost any desired shade. In the absence of a ready-made mixture of the desired color in the store, liquid wallpaper is very easily tinted by adding dyes.

A variety of colors of this finishing material is shown in the photo below:

As you can see, the choice of colors is very large.

The decor with liquid wallpaper allows you to finish the walls, suitable for any style of interior, giving it a finished look.

How to calculate how much liquid wallpaper is needed?

Before you go to the store to buy the required amount of dry mix, you need to determine how much liquid wallpaper is needed for wall decoration.

The consumption of the mixture is usually indicated on the packaging. Therefore, determining the required number of packages comes down to calculating the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls, followed by dividing the resulting area by the amount of mixture required to finish 1 sq. meters of wall.

For example, let's calculate how much liquid wallpaper is needed for a room of 12 meters (3 x 4 m).

Let's take the ceiling height of 2.5 m. Then the wall area will be 2.5x3x2 + 2.5x4x2 = 35 sq.m.

As a rule, one bag of mixture for the preparation of liquid wallpaper is enough to finish 4-5 sq.m. walls.

Then in our example, 35 sq. m. and the consumption rate of the dry mixture is 1 package per 5 sq.m. we need 35: 5 = 7 bags of dry mix for the preparation of liquid wallpaper.

Preparing walls for liquid wallpaper

The wall for liquid wallpaper is prepared in almost the same way as for pasting with ordinary wallpaper. The only exception is that cracks before applying liquid wallpaper do not need to be sealed up as carefully as before painting or finishing with glass.

Due to their matte and slightly rough surface, they are able to hide fairly large irregularities. But still, before applying the “silk plaster”, the walls should be puttied and primed to ensure the best adhesion of the applied composition to the surface of the walls.

Starting compounds can be used as putty. Their slight unevenness after drying will contribute to better adhesion of the finish to the wall.

Primer for liquid wallpaper using acrylic white or colorless. Colored primers should not be used, as this can lead to stains on the surface of the walls.

Ideal for preparing walls for decorative finishes Ceresit CT 17 super.

The primer should be applied twice with a break for the complete drying of the first layer.

The primer is applied to the walls with an ordinary paint roller. In this case, the second layer should be applied in a direction perpendicular to that in which the primer of the first layer was applied.

For example, if the first layer was applied with vertical roller movements, then the second layer must be applied with a horizontal motion.

To prepare the composition, which will be applied to the wall, you will need a container sufficient to dilute the required amount of dry mixture volume.

Pour warm water into the container and pour the dry mixture. The amount of water required to dilute 1 packet of dry mix is ​​indicated on the package. For example, to prepare Bioplast liquid wallpaper, 7 liters of water are required per 1 package of the mixture.

If you purchased liquid wallpaper with glitter, then first a bag of shiny particles is poured into the water, and only after that the contents of a large bag are poured.

The powder should be thoroughly mixed until no lumps or dry spots remain. You need to mix with your hands. The use of mixers is not allowed so as not to disturb the structure of the finishing material.

After that, the solution must be left for at least 8 hours, covering the container with polyethylene to prevent moisture from evaporating. Also, the prepared mixture can be transferred from the container back to the bags and, tied tightly, left overnight.

The technology of applying liquid wallpaper consists in the gradual leveling of the plastic composition over the prepared surface.

Work with liquid wallpaper starts from the corners. First, the surface of the wall is smeared at the junction with the adjacent wall and the junction with the ceiling.

Once the contour is marked, you can gradually move from the edges to the center of the wall.

For leveling liquid wallpaper, a plexiglass spatula is often used. Such a transparent tool allows you to clearly see how the mixture lays down and, if necessary, correct the resulting irregularities:

You need to hold the tool lightly, squeezing with two or three fingers at the base of the handle.

It is this grip that allows you to better feel the layer. Do not clasp the handle with all five fingers, holding it firmly in the palm of your hand.

When leveling the mixture, the spatula should be held at an angle of 10-15 ° to the wall.

In hard-to-reach places, the mixture is applied with a small trowel, as shown in the photo below.

Interior wall decoration is a trivial task that can be solved in various ways. The main criterion on which the quality of surface decoration depends is the material. Today, paper and fabric canvases have gained immense popularity. Among this variety, modern liquid wallpaper can be distinguished.


Liquid wallpaper is a type of plaster applied to walls to decorate them. This product is presented in the form of a mixture that evenly covers the base.

The composition of this substance includes several main components:

  • cellulose flakes;
  • natural cotton;
  • silk fiber;
  • foil and special glue.

Please note that all of these components may not always be present in a particular type of material. The substance has a low density, which affects the weight of the product. Please note that one pack has a mass of only 1-5 kg, depending on the manufacturer and type of wallpaper.

Bases and application technology

Ideally, manufacturers expect that the wallpaper will be applied to even walls without cracks, depressions, bumps and other defects. If all these nuances are present, then the amount of flakes will increase by an indefinite value.

How to properly apply liquid wallpaper on the wall, you can see in the next video.

As for the technology for applying these materials, it is worth noting that walls can be covered with liquid wallpaper using a spatula or a special gun. The first option is more labor-intensive and unpredictable, since it is difficult to control the uniform alignment of the layer manually. If you use specialized sprayers, then the material will definitely lay down in an even layer. It should be noted that this method reduces the consumption itself by about 30-50%, depending on the quality of the surface and other factors.

Material consumption

Calculation of the required volume of material per 1 sq m is an important step, allowing you to purchase the right amount. The consumption of liquid wallpaper is not a constant and depends on several features:

  • Uniformity of the solution. Wallpaper is prepared by mixing the components with water. With the wrong approach, you can get a composition whose density can vary significantly. With inaccurate application, the mixture will be distributed unevenly, which will affect the fill factor per square meter;

  • The amount of liquid. Water is the main component of the wallpaper, without which the mixture will not be applied to the wall. Here it is also important to observe the correct ratio of liquid and flakes, since the plasticity of the product depends on this. If the substance is too thick or liquid, then it will not be possible to evenly distribute it over the surface;
  • time after cooking. If you use the mixture only after a few days, then it will already lose its plasticity. Also, this fact will negatively affect the consumption of material. Calculating the amount of such a composition will be very difficult.

Theoretical calculations

One way to find out the number of wallpapers is to calculate their volume depending on the unit area.

  1. First of all, you should find the flow rate indicated by the manufacturer. This value is often printed on the packaging itself. It may be specified in terms of weight or unit area;
  2. When you know the consumption, you should increase the resulting value by about 10%. Such an algorithm allows you to approximately find out the real amount of the mixture that will cover a square meter.

If the packaging does not indicate the consumption, then you can calculate it based on the weight of the product. Often 200-350 g of dry mix is ​​enough for a square meter of wall. But this is taking into account the fact that the material will be applied evenly and in a layer 1.5-2 mm thick. Based on these data, we can say that one bag weighing 5 kg is enough for about 15-20 sq.m.

Overall volume

Consumption calculations are carried out in order to find out how much material will have to be spent on a particular wall or room.

To calculate this indicator, you can use the following algorithm of actions.

  • Initially, you should find out the general dimensions of the room or a particular wall. To do this, measure their length, width and height;
  • After that, based on these indicators, the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach individual base is calculated. As a result, all the received data should be summarized;
  • At this stage, you need to calculate the area of ​​​​windows, doors and other elements that will not be covered with plaster. The calculation algorithm is the same and involves multiplying the width by the height;

  • To get the real area of ​​​​the room, you need to subtract the size of unused surfaces from the total value. When the dimensions of the room are calculated, you can find out the volume of the mixture. To do this, the area is simply multiplied by the flow rate, and then the resulting value is increased by about 10-15%. Please note that the stock should be taken without fail, since you will not be able to calculate the specific volume of the solution with an accuracy of a gram.

A similar algorithm can be used for cases where each of the walls is covered with a separate type of mixture. If several color shades are used that are needed to form patterns, then it is desirable to take into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthese elements in the calculation.

Counting in practice

The consumption indicated by the manufacturer is not always a real value and can drastically differ when applying the substance to the wall. Therefore, to find out this indicator more accurately, you can calculate it yourself.

This process is quite simple and involves the implementation of such sequential operations.

  • Initially, you need to find a flat wall on which you can apply wallpaper. To do this, 3 pieces of the same area are marked on its surface. To better calculate, you can use elements of 1 sq. M.
  • After that, prepare the mixture according to the manufacturer's instructions. To do this, weigh about 300 g of flakes and add the right amount of water there - soak. The resulting solution is weighed in order to further calculate the flow rate.

  • Then plaster is applied to one of the pieces of the wall with a spatula. When the surface is completely covered, the remaining mixture is weighed again and the amount of mortar used for plastering is obtained.
  • To find out the consumption, the weight of the material should be divided by the area covered by it. It is important to bring the values ​​​​to square meters, since in such units it is best to calculate the flow rate.

After that, a similar procedure is carried out on the remaining two sections of the wall. All the values ​​obtained should be calculated and divided by 3. Thus, you will find out the average figure, which will indicate the actual wallpaper consumption.

Please note that if this value exceeds the manufacturer's recommended by more than 10-15%, then you need to look for another method of application. This suggests that the product was poorly prepared or the wall is too crooked.

We reduce consumption

Applying liquid wallpaper is a complex procedure that requires certain skills and experience.

But there are ways to reduce costs:

  • Application of the solution with special sprayers. They more evenly distribute the composition over the surface, while minimizing physical effort;
  • Wall alignment. The smoother the base, the thinner the layer must be applied to it. Therefore, it is important to level the walls with plaster and several types of putties;
  • Surface treatment with special primers. Experts recommend using deep penetration mixtures that reduce the absorption of wallpaper material by the wall;
  • Puttying with white solutions. This is necessary in almost any case, since the wall is visible through the liquid wallpaper, and it should be of a neutral color.

There are a large number of finishing materials for construction work. One of them is, consumption per 1 sq. m of the surface should be determined in advance, so as not to be distracted later by searching for the missing material.

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Carrying out calculations

This type of wallpaper allows you to get durable and beautiful. Suitable for wall and ceiling decoration in various rooms. Its consumption per 1 square meter of surface depends on several factors.

These include the following:

  • mixture manufacturer;
  • application method;
  • the condition of the walls;
  • the thickness of the applied layer, a thinner layer of 1.5-2.5 mm will reduce consumption;
  • production skills. An experienced worker will be able to apply a thin, even layer, which a novice can not always do.

When purchasing material, the consumption of 1 package per coverage area must be calculated in advance. One kilogram of a mixture of "economy" and "standard" classes is enough for 5 m2 of surface. Mixtures of a higher class "shine", "relief", "prestige" in the same amount will cover an area of ​​3.5 m2.

The consumption of liquid wallpaper per 1 square meter of surface depends on several factors.

Depending on application method

With the manual method, the consumption increases. This is due to the fact that it is difficult to manually maintain a constant thickness of the applied layer. This requires a constant uniform pressure on the tool, which is not always possible.

If you use a texture hopper gun for work, you can apply a coating on surfaces of any curvature and shape. This reduces the thickness of the layer, which reduces consumption. Savings are up to 40% compared to manual application. In this case, it is necessary to determine exactly how much mixture is needed for 1 kg of liquid wallpaper.

If you use a texture hopper gun for work, you can apply a coating on surfaces of any curvature and shape.

Surface preparation

The walls must be of a homogeneous structure, cleaned of foreign inclusions. Uneven surfaces should be leveled, potholes and recesses should be puttied. Another indispensable condition is that the surface of the wall must be of the same color, without spots. Better yet, paint it to match the wallpaper.

This is due to the fact that irregularities lead to an increase in the consumption of the initial mixture.

Attention! It is possible to reduce the consumption of the decorative mixture if it is applied in a thin layer on a previously leveled surface.

A uniform shade does not shine through under a thin layer, does not violate the integrity of the color.

It is important to correctly determine the amount of water in the finished product. With its lack, the mixture will be too dry and therefore poorly applied. Excess liquid will lead to spreading and prolonged drying of the coating. Here you should strictly follow the attached instructions.

The surface of the wall must be of the same color, without stains.

Number of finishing materials

To determine the required amount of building materials, accurate measurements should be made: the width, length and height of the room. We calculate the perimeter of the room by adding the length of all sides. When this value is multiplied by the height, we get the surface area of ​​the finish. We break complex geometric shapes into rectangles and triangles. We summarize everything. Subtract the size of windows and doorways from the total area.

The following formulas can be used for calculation:

S turn = P x h,

where P is the perimeter of the room, h is the height of the walls.

The perimeter is calculated by the formula:

P \u003d (A + B) x 2,

where A is the length, B is the width. If there are protrusions or niches, add their dimensions to the total perimeter.

How to calculate the amount of liquid wallpaper per room. For this, the packaging indicates the consumption of 1 kg of the mixture per square meter. Dividing the received by this indicator, we determine the required number of kg (packs) for the room.

Always keep a dry mix stock of 10%. Unforeseen expenses always occur, so you should protect yourself from unnecessary hassle during work. Excess dry material can be left to repair minor damage during operation.

Here is an example of a calculation:

  1. The calculation is based on . Let's assume that it is equal to 50 square meters. m.
  2. We cover the surface with one layer of 2.5 mm using products of the Eco-decor brand.
  3. The packaging indicates the consumption of 3.5 kg per 1 sq. m. The package weighs 1 kg, so you need 14 packages of dry mix. Add 10% and get 15.7 bags of 1 kg.
  4. As a result, we buy 16 packages. The rest will always come in handy.

Produce calculation of the amount of material needed should always be.

To determine the required amount of building materials, accurate measurements should be made: the width, length and height of the room.

Preparing the working mixture

The starting material for the coating is a dry mixture consisting of fibers, cotton, silk or cellulose, dyes and binding components. Usually such a mixture is packaged in 1 kg bags. During the preparation of liquid wallpaper, the consumption of 1 package will require 6 liters of water at a temperature of 40 degrees. You should get a homogeneous mixture, similar in consistency to sour cream of medium density. The amount of water for the solution is indicated on the packaging.

Mixing of the composition should be done manually so that the tool does not damage or crumble decorative fillers. The resulting solution must be infused for 12 hours before being applied to the surface. Before use, the composition is again mixed until a homogeneous mass, the remaining lumps will increase the cover layer and, accordingly, for liquid wallpaper, the consumption will increase by 1 sq. m.

Depending on the fiber present in the composition, there are such types of liquid wallpaper:

  • silk,
  • cellulose,
  • cotton,
  • silk-cellulose.

Attention! For one wall, you should use the powder from one package, the material from different packages may differ slightly, and the coating will be uneven.

With a silk fiber base, the best, high-quality walls are obtained that are not afraid of sun exposure, and retain their original color for a long time. The higher price is offset by a longer service life.

During the preparation of liquid wallpaper, the consumption of 1 package will require 6 liters of water at a temperature of 40 degrees.

Application methods

You can apply the paint manually using a spatula or a roller with a special nozzle. To apply more liquid wallpaper compositions, you can use a Hopper spray gun. In this case, the consumption of material per 1 sq. m.

With any method of work, the coating is applied from the corner of the wall or its edge. The movements of the tool during manual laying must occur in one direction. The pressing force of the spatula must be chosen in such a way that a beautiful textured layer is obtained. Light pressure will result in an uneven thick coating and will increase material consumption.

First, a thin layer is applied, and after it dries, the main coating is applied. To create a textured surface, the first layer is rolled immediately. The coating will be ready for use after complete drying. This happens within 12-72 hours, depending on the type of wallpaper, layer thickness, humidity and room temperature.

To evenly distribute the material over a large area, it is rational to use a spray gun. It is convenient for them to work in the presence of complex surfaces: niches, smooth transitions, roundings. It is appropriate to use it with a large number of decorative elements - bas-reliefs, stucco moldings.

The coating is carried out in two steps. First, the first (rough) layer is sprayed, as it dries, the second is applied - the finishing one. This eliminates the sliding of a thick layer of material.

Light pressure will result in an uneven thick coating and will increase material consumption.

Popular manufacturers

In this area, the French - the inventors of this coating - are still leaders. French stamp Senideco is very popular in the world. Manufacturers This material is called decorative trim. The product is of high quality, various colors and textures.

They include mica, cellulose, dyes, glue. In terms of quality and decorativeness, the products of this company occupy the first line of the rating. They have a high price, but the quality justifies it. If you know how to calculate the amount of liquid wallpaper, you will not have to overpay.

Decorative coating Cotex. It is based on cotton fiber, the manufacturer is also France. Any surface is suitable for their application, but they must first be well treated with an oil primer. This will prevent absorption. Wallpaper can be cleaned using cotton stain removers. The quality is high, the price too.

silk coat. Turkish company product. This is an environmentally friendly material, has good quality, does not fade in the sun, many different shades and textures are produced. Acrylic primers are preliminarily applied, water-dispersion compositions can be used.

To make the coating moisture resistant, a fixative varnish is needed. The possibilities of using these wallpapers are more modest, but the price is also lower. Before buying, you should calculate the amount of liquid wallpaper for the required area.

From Russian manufacturers brand Silk Plaster 15 years known in the market building finishing materials quite widely. Products are made on the basis of silk fibers. It is resistant to light, not afraid of moisture. It is characterized by a wide variety of colors. Designer types are produced that are more expensive than the main line. In general, it turns out good quality at a low price.

Useful video: what is liquid wallpaper and how to work with them

This material has a number of positive characteristics. This is an eco-friendly and hypoallergenic coating. Seamless decorative finishes of various colors and structures will give the room a respectable look. Coating works are simple. It is easy to maintain and easy to repair.

The disadvantage is the high price. In order not to buy extra material, you should know how many square meters are enough for 1 kg of liquid wallpaper.

Liquid wallpaper is a new type of material for finishing work. This now popular material consists of cotton or cellulose, which is mixed with dye and glue. Liquid wallpaper is eco-friendly, easy to use and decorative. When deciding to decorate the walls with liquid wallpaper, you must definitely find out how much material is needed to finish the room. There are certain formulas for this, and on some sites users are offered special calculators for calculating such wallpapers for a room or an apartment. For successful work, it is important to calculate the correct amount of material.

If the decision to decorate the walls was made in favor of liquid wallpaper, the walls will look stylish, and the repair will be quick and pleasant. In order to start repairing, you need to calculate how much wallpaper will be needed to cover the walls of the space.

Reasons why the amount of work needs to be calculated in advance:

  • With an insufficient amount of purchased material, there is a danger that the wallpaper may end in the midst of the repair process.
  • There is an option to purchase wallpaper with a certain margin. Then you don't have to buy them. In case of surpluses, you will have to spend time on their return.
  • If you make all the calculations, the total amount of repair costs will be immediately known.
  • When calculating the amount of material per square meter, it is possible to calculate the exact material consumption for a specific section of the wall.

How to properly measure the material per 1 sq. m:

  • Measure the height and width of the walls;
  • Height and width of windows;
  • Height and width of doorways.

How to correctly calculate the total area of ​​wallpaper application:

You need to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach wall in square meters. This is done according to the formula: multiply the length by the width. These calculations should be used to determine the area of ​​windows, doorways and decoration-free areas.

It is necessary to add up the resulting area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls and subtract from it the total area of ​​​​windows, doorways and untouched areas.

When calculating, it is important to calculate not only the total area, but also factors that directly relate to your repair. These are the following factors: the condition of the repair surface, the tool used, a spare version of the wallpaper and experience in finishing work (a non-professional often uses more materials).

Very often, wallpaper manufacturers have consumption tables on packages. And on many sites there are special calculation calculators. So for calculations you will need to know only the data of a certain room or the entire living area.

Applying liquid wallpaper (video)

Liquid wallpaper consumption of one package

In order to understand how long one package of liquid wallpaper will last, you need to choose liquid wallpaper in advance and find out what affects the consumption of the source material.

Factors that affect the consumption of materials:

  • Thorough mixing of the material. Insufficient mixing results in clumps that increase the area to be covered.

  • The amount of water. If more water is added, the material will slide off, which will affect the flow rate.
  • Long-term wallpaper storage. If the wallpaper is kept mixed for more than three days, it will become less elastic.
  • The presence of potholes and cracks in the wall, the amount of consumables will be greater.

The thickness of the wallpaper layer to a large extent affects the consumable area of ​​materials.

Liquid wallpaper: how much packaging is enough

The consumption of wallpaper packaging depends entirely on professionalism and awareness of the correct application of the material. Material costs are also affected by a properly prepared surface.

With the right calculation, the use of liquid wallpaper will be quite economical. One package of wallpaper is enough for approximately 4 square meters. m., applied by hand.

When using a spray gun, the amount of costs is reduced to the use of one package per 6 square meters.

Liquid wallpaper, 1 kg: how many squares

The consumption of the package with the material depends primarily on the skill of the worker. If this is a professional craftsman, the consumption of materials will be minimal. If a beginner, more materials will be used up. However, a beginner can improve performance after a couple of hours of work.

Consumption of 1 kg will occur as follows:

  • If you apply wallpaper manually, 1 kg of weight is enough for 4-5 square meters. wall surfaces, if the layer thickness is 1.5-2.5 mm. Material consumption will also increase if the walls contain bumps and potholes.
  • If you apply the material with a spray gun, 1 kg is enough for 6-7 square meters. m. Thanks to the gun, it becomes easier to control the thickness of the layer, as a result, the wall covering will be very uniform, each meter will save costs. A good option to save wallpaper would be to pre-paint the walls in a color similar to the wallpaper.

In order for the gun to work smoothly, it is important to monitor the condition of the mixture. To do this, it should be diluted in accordance with the instructions on the package.

How to calculate the amount of liquid wallpaper per room

If you are doing repairs in one room, the first step is to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls in it. Wallpaper consumption depends on many factors, including the type of wallpaper. Most often, the manufacturer indicates the estimated material consumption for the wallpaper he produces.

To do this, make clear calculations for each meter:

  • Multiply the height of the walls in turn with the width and length of the room.
  • Calculate the area of ​​windows and doors. The values ​​​​that turned out must be subtracted from the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls on which they are located.
  • Calculate the area of ​​the ceiling. To do this, multiply its length by its width.

It is necessary to add the resulting areas of the walls and ceiling. With this calculation, you can easily determine the amount of material, whether it is a room of 18 meters, 36 meters or even more.

How to store diluted liquid wallpaper

It often happens that after applying liquid wallpaper to the walls, the consumable remains in an already diluted form. You can store it, but you need to know some of the nuances for proper storage, which will not spoil the wallpaper.

If you plan to use the material in the near future, then it must be stored in a leaky closed container, otherwise the mixture will become unusable.

Under the condition of long-term storage, the mixture must be applied to the film and dried for 48 hours and broken into pieces. Store in plastic bags.

Instructions for applying liquid wallpaper (video)

If it was decided to refresh the walls with liquid wallpaper, be sure to read the instructions for their use. It is very convenient and pleasant to use such wallpapers, but some nuances should be taken into account. In order to avoid incidents with the number of wallpapers, you first need to make the correct calculations for their use. Next, decide on the method of applying them to the walls. The application procedure itself is pleasant and will not cause much trouble. If consumables are left, do not throw them away. If properly stored, they will serve in good stead.
