Painting the ceiling with water-based paint over old paint. Is it possible to paint the ceiling with water-based paint without washing off the whitewash How to paint the ceiling with old paint

To qualitatively paint the ceiling with water-based paint, you need to know how to do it right. The effectiveness of the result depends not only on how much the emulsion used costs and what quality it is. It is also important to follow all technological rules.

Can the ceiling be repainted with old paint? The answer to this question can be either positive or negative. The fact is that it is permissible to paint over the old layer only if its condition meets the requirements of the prepared surface:

  1. There should be no cracks or irregularities on the ceiling.
  2. The paint must adhere firmly to the surface.
  3. The old layer has a small thickness.

If you notice areas with cracked or peeling paint on the ceiling, then you need to completely eliminate these shortcomings and achieve a smooth, even surface. Otherwise, if there are too many flaws in the previous layer of paint, you will need to completely remove it. This process is quite laborious and complex. It should also be borne in mind that it will not work to quickly remove the old layer. Therefore, at first it is worth trying to fix only problem areas. The same applies to situations where whitewashing was carried out as a previous finish.

Preparation for staining

In order to start work on surface preparation and working with water-based paint, you will need the following tools:

  • dye;
  • roller;
  • small brush or roller;
  • putty knife;
  • water container.

A spatula should be used to level the surface. This tool can also be used to scrape away the old paint where it has come off the base. All existing cracks must be repaired with putty, after slightly expanding them. Regardless of which surface the emulsion layers will be applied to, it is important to achieve an absolutely smooth structure, devoid of any irregularities and other flaws. You should also remove all furniture from the room or cover it with a film. When all these actions are performed, you can start applying the emulsion.

After the ceiling is leveled and prepared, you need to do water-based paint. To achieve the required consistency, the emulsion is diluted with water in the ratio: ten parts of the water-based emulsion substance, one part of water. It is important to thoroughly stir the substance before starting work.

See also: Rules for painting the ceiling with water-based paint for whitewashing


You need to start painting water-based paint from the corners. To do this, you need to take a brush and carefully, without getting on the walls, paint the corners. Next, with the same brush, you need to go through the entire ceiling along the perimeter. This is necessary so that when working with a large roller, you do not get on the ceiling plinth or wall. The width of the strip should be 4 or 6 centimeters. Then you need to take a roller and paint the entire ceiling. It is not recommended to make sudden movements, the roller must be rolled as carefully and smoothly as possible.

When working with water-based paint, it is very important not to apply a large amount of emulsion to the ceiling at once. You need to paint the surface with stripes. After every three or four strips, the roller should be lowered into the container with the emulsion again. In order for the substance to lay down evenly, you need to make several rolls with a roller on a clean surface (there are special paint trays on sale for this). This is the only way to get a ceiling without streaks after completion of work.

How to get the best result

It is important to allow the water-based paint to dry after each layer. This requires at least four hours, depending on the type of emulsion. During work, you should periodically move away at different distances in order to see in which places the substance has not been applied enough.

In order for the ceiling to retain its attractive appearance for a long time, it is necessary to protect it from sunlight for the first time after painting. It is also worth avoiding the formation of drafts in the room. This will not speed up drying, but will only destroy the structure of the emulsion.

To prevent the formation of traces from the roller in the form of stripes, it is necessary to make several rolls along the ceiling during operation after the paint has run out on the roller. It is also important to control the load on the tool. The pressure on all sides of the roller should be the same. If dents are found during painting, then it will not be possible to remove such an effect with water-based paint. In this case, you will have to remove all the old layers and putty the ceiling again. If traces from the roller are found in the form of stripes of different colors, it is necessary to carefully mix the paint again and, changing the angle of view, check if any areas have been missed.

The result is largely determined by the quality of the materials used. When choosing a water-based paint, you need to carefully study the label. It is necessary to select an emulsion specifically for ceilings, and also pay attention to the characteristics of the substance, such as composition and level of wear resistance.

step by step

The advantages of a water-based coating - the absence of a pungent odor and toxic properties, the formation of a durable layer that allows cleaning, wiping and washing, the possibility of tinting - have made it a popular material for decorating ceilings.

However, such staining, especially on a layer of old paint, has a number of features and mandatory preliminary operations.

Painting the ceiling with water-based paint over old paint

Tools and materials - a complete list for all occasions

To carry out the necessary preparatory work and high-quality painting of the ceiling with any composition of the previous coating and surface condition, you will need:

  • a wide, durable plastic film or oilcloth to cover the floor and furniture that could not be taken out;
  • sponge for soaking and washing off the old coating;
  • a steel spatula for removing the previous layer of paint (whitewashing) and applying putty when leveling the surface for painting;
  • sickle mesh for gluing the joints of ceiling tiles;
  • putty basic and finishing;
  • penetrating primer;
  • grating nets for leveling the puttied surface - larger preliminary and fine finishing;
  • special solutions to eliminate yellow streaks, rust stains, mold fungus;
  • water-based paint of suitable quality in the required quantity;
  • a medium-width brush with a fluffy edge for painting corners, joints with walls, areas around ceiling lights; soak it in water before use; the swollen wood of the handle will tightly hold the bristle hairs, so they will not remain on the surface covered with the coloring composition;
  • narrow brush to eliminate small defects in painting;
  • a paint roller in a fur “fur coat” with a medium-length pile and a handle with a telescopic extension to it; the width of the roller depends on the area of ​​staining - the larger it is, the wider the roller;
  • a rectangular bath with a corrugated sloping surface, on which the roller is rolled to remove excess paint.

Required tools and materials: 1. Film. 2. Sponge. 3. Spatula. 4. Grid-serpyanka. 5. Putty. 6. Primer. 7. Grid-graters. 8. Cleaning products. 9. Paint. 10. Medium brush. 11. Narrow brush. 12. Roller. 13. Special bath.

Surface preparation

An even monochromatic coating, which is provided by water-based coloring compositions, does not hide, but, on the contrary, makes all surface defects, irregularities and spots more noticeable. Therefore, the ceiling must be carefully prepared before painting.

Removal of the old coating

First of all, you need to cover the floor and the remaining furniture in the room.

Then, if the ceiling was whitewashed, you should:

  • gradually, in squares, moisten the old whitewash with a sponge with warm soapy water;
  • remove the soaked layer with a spatula, substituting a pallet to less dirty the floor;
  • finally wash off the previous coating with a sponge.

If there is old water-based paint on the ceiling, it will not be possible to wash it off. This coating should at least be removed where it has flaked off.

To identify and eliminate all such areas, you need:

  • moisten the ceiling abundantly with a roller;
  • let the water soak properly;
  • opening windows and doors, arrange a draft in the room;
  • use a spatula to remove the old water-based coating from all areas where it has exfoliated as a result of such a procedure.

Removing old peeling paint

Special processing

If there are rust spots or dark streaks, they are covered with one of the following compositions:

  • 3% hydrochloric acid;
  • thick lime "milk" with 50 ml of denatured alcohol;
  • 5% copper sulfate;
  • 20 parts crushed lime with one part drying oil.

If you have black mold (common in kitchens and bathrooms and other damp areas), follow these steps.

  1. Strip plaster to concrete. To reduce dust, it should be pre-moistened.
  2. Treat the concrete surface with an antiseptic primer. A budget alternative is a detergent containing chlorine, such as Whiteness.
  3. Cover the problem area with a penetrating primer and re-plaster it.

Special processing of the ceiling: 1. Stripping to concrete. 2. Applying an antiseptic primer. 3. Plastering.

Leveling the surface of the ceiling and its primer

If the ceiling is sufficiently level and even with side lighting no significant surface defects are detected, the following actions are necessary.

  1. Coat the ceiling with a penetrating primer. In this case, it is better to use a brush so as not to miss a single depression or irregularity.
  2. After the primer dries, remove the unevenness with a finishing gypsum putty.
  3. After 5-8 hours, level the puttied areas, first with a large, and then with a fine grout mesh.
  4. Prime leveled puttied areas.

Priming of leveled puttied areas

If cracks have formed at the junctions of the plates, and the old plaster is crumbling, then the algorithm will be somewhat different.

  1. Clean to concrete with a spatula or perforator. There will be less dust if the surface is pre-moistened.
  2. Coat with penetrating primer.
  3. Re-plaster, checking the quality of work with a level and a steel meter. Cover the filled cracks in the joints with a reinforcing mesh-serpyanka.
  4. After a day, putty and finally level the surface with grout nets.

Gluing mesh-serpyanka on the ceiling

After leveling is completed, the surface is primed with water-based paint diluted with water.


When purchasing a water-based coloring composition for the ceiling, it is especially important to be well versed in the assortment.

Currently, it is represented by five main types of products:

  • with acrylic;
  • with latex and acrylic;
  • with silicone;
  • with polyvinyl acetate;
  • with silicates;
  • with mineral supplements.

The cheapest water-based mixtures are with polyvinyl acetate, but the surface painted with them cannot be washed. The most expensive compositions with silicone - they fit well on plaster even without a primer, and the coating they form can withstand wet cleaning with detergents. Thanks to their good water vapor permeability, they are ideal for kitchen and bathroom ceilings. Medium in price and strength coatings - acrylic and latex-acrylic paints; they are the most in demand. Silicate compounds are designed for painting the surface of concrete and masonry, they are durable, but not moisture resistant.

The modern range of water-based paints is quite large

The main manufacturers of water-based paints entering the domestic market produce products that differ both in price and quality.

To choose the right water-based paint and purchase it in the right quantity, you should carefully read the informational text of the label. It contains the following important parameters.

  1. The purpose of the paint with a list of types of work.
  2. Consumption per square meter - allows you to calculate the required volume of purchase. In this case, the paint must be purchased with some margin, since the tone of different batches can differ markedly.
  3. Hiding power - the ability to completely, without a gap, paint over a much darker base.
  4. Abrasion resistance is the main indicator of durability and resistance to cleaning and washing.

In addition, additional inscriptions, often in the smallest type, should also be read.

  1. "Recommended for use in dry rooms." Such products are not suitable for either the bathroom or the kitchen.
  2. "Indelible" or "High Wear". The painted surface can be washed only with water without additional detergents.
  3. "Resistant to abrasion", "With dirt-repellent properties." The coloring composition forms a layer that can withstand wet cleaning with the use of detergents.

By carefully choosing a water-based composition that is suitable for its properties, manufacturer, price and purchasing it in the right amount, you can start painting the prepared ceiling surface.

When choosing paint, pay special attention to the informational text of the label.

The process goes in the following order.

How to paint the ceiling with water-based paint. Step-by-step instruction

If all the preparatory operations were carried out carefully enough, and the painting process went correctly, the new water-based ceiling coating will be even, uniform and durable.

Video - Preparation and painting of the ceiling with water-based paint

Painting the ceiling with water-based paint over old paint

One of the most popular finishing options today is water-based paint. But sometimes such a finish is hampered by the presence of old paint. This article will tell you what needs to be done in order to paint the ceiling with an old layer of finish.

Today, painting the ceiling with water-based paint is considered the most preferred and popular option. Gone are the days when a variety of chalk and lime mortars were used for finishing. Therefore, at the moment, coloring compositions are characterized by considerable diversity. The range of water emulsion, as one of the most popular types, is also quite large today. As a result, the process of painting the ceiling surface in the presence of an old layer should begin with the selection of a suitable finishing material.

Today, water-based paint is represented by the following compositions:

  • Acrylic. These are the most commonly used formulations today. They are characterized by high performance, as well as gradation for various types of premises. Therefore, among them, each person will find the best option. The cost of acrylic compositions will be slightly higher than the average among the offers of the market segment of paints and varnishes.
  • Latex. These compositions fit perfectly on a variety of surfaces. At the same time, the resulting finish washes perfectly. The only drawback of such compositions is the cost, which will be many times more than that of other products.
  • silicate. The basis of such products is liquid glass. An excellent basis for silicate compositions is a stone or concrete surface. At the same time, they are most often used for finishing in industrial premises, but for the home, silicone compounds are used extremely rarely. A feature of such paints is that they have elasticity, moisture resistance, and can also mask cracks up to 2 mm. But their cost is higher than the average market price.
  • Polyvinyl acetate. This finish cannot be washed, as the material has low moisture resistance. Therefore, it can only be applied to the ceiling in dry rooms.

As you can see, the range of paint and varnish products is quite extensive and is able to satisfy any requirements. Therefore, before buying a finishing material, it is necessary not only to know the parameters of the room where the repair will be carried out, but also to study in detail the possibilities of the available coloring compositions. But many experts recommend giving preference to a coating that, after being applied to the ceiling, can be washed. Such compositions will allow you to keep the surface clean, and not to make repairs every time for the purpose of updating.


If you decide to freshen up your ceiling with a new coloring composition, then for the success of painting work, you should conduct high-quality preparation. Even if the surface finish will be water-based paint, the old finish, whatever it may be, must be scraped off. This is due to the following reasons:

  • the paint layer has already lost its former attractiveness;
  • cracks appeared on the ceiling, due to which, after applying a new layer of finish to the surface, a collapse is possible;
  • mold may well develop under the old finish layer, which will lead to the fragility of the repair.

Removing the old layer of water-based paint from the ceiling surface is carried out as follows:

  • Wet the old coating with plenty of water. To do this, you can use a hand sprayer or roller.
  • Next, the surface is left for a while for better soaking.
  • After 20 minutes, repeat the wetting procedure. In this case, windows and doors must be open.
  • After about 30 minutes, bubbles will appear on the ceiling. We take an iron spatula and scrape off the old coating.

After removing the remaining finish, rinse the surface well with clean water. To do this, use a foam sponge. If there are defects in the starting surface (cracks, potholes, etc.), they should be covered with putty. When it dries, use sandpaper or sandpaper to level the surface.

For putty, many experts advise choosing universal polymer compositions. They are, of course, more expensive than cement or plaster, but it will be much easier for beginners to work with them.

Please note that in the presence of strong surface drops, it is not recommended to deal with the elimination of this kind of defect with your own hands. To do this, it is better to call an experienced plasterer or install suspended ceiling structures.

If the differences are no more than 3 mm, then there are two alignment options:

  • Application of plaster in the right places. For these purposes, it is necessary to constantly use the level.
  • Use of ceiling tiles. It can be painted very easily and quickly with water-based paint. At the same time, you can choose various decorative patterns with the help of such plates.

After all the above manipulations, in order for the painting to be successful, the prepared surface must be primed. The priming process itself is not difficult. But if it is not carried out, in the future the final finish may become stained, which will spoil its aesthetic appearance.

For a primer, you should use professional solutions that have deep penetration. In this case, for greater effect, a primer should be applied in several layers. It will be enough to prime twice.

Some people, in order not to spend money on buying a primer, prepare it with their own hands. For these purposes, purchased water-based paint, which is simply diluted with water, is suitable. By the way, any composition fits perfectly on itself, even when diluted.

Separately, it is worth noting that after removing the unusable finish, mold may be exposed. To combat it, you should use special antiseptics. They not only destroy the existing mold, but also prevent its occurrence in the future.

Instead of expensive antiseptics, you can also use self-prepared solutions (for example, a five percent solution of copper sulfate). Processing should be done after removing the old finish and before puttying or applying a primer.

Having correctly and consistently done the above manipulations, you will properly prepare for painting.

Staining technique

The staining technique includes two important steps:

  • choice of tool for painting work;
  • painting a previously prepared surface.

Let's consider each stage in more detail.

Painting ceilings always starts with the choice of a tool. Painting can be carried out with the following tools:

  • Tassels. In order to effectively paint any surface, you need to use brushes of different sizes. It should be noted that brushes are not very effective for large areas of work. At the same time, they do not allow applying the coloring composition in an even and thin layer. They can qualitatively paint over various decorative convex trim elements, as well as the junction of walls with the ceiling.
  • roller. It is considered the most effective tool, but only with the right selection. The dimensions of the selected roller directly depend on the staining area. The larger the area, the thicker and longer the roller should be. In this case, you need to pay attention to the material from which the skin of the roller is made. Different skins are suitable for different colors. For work with water-based compositions, you should choose velor skins and those that have a long pile. Also, for work with the ceiling, it is necessary to choose products with a long handle. It will allow, being on the floor, to effectively carry out painting work without using a ladder.
  • Professional spray gun. This tool is much more expensive than a roller and brush. Plus, not everyone can handle it.

Experts recommend using a roller for painting, since it can be used to quickly and efficiently apply an even coating over fairly large areas. But brushes in this situation will still be needed to paint over the corners. Please note that the paint tray should be selected depending on the size of the purchased roller.

Do not forget that you need to apply a water-based emulsion only when the base is completely dry after priming.

Painting the ceiling with water-based paint is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • We open a can of paint and mix it well, affecting the lower layers. This must be done in order to obtain a uniform color of the composition.
  • Next, pour the paint into the tray.
  • First, paint over the corners and all places that are inaccessible to the roller. For this we use a brush.
  • After that, we dip the roller into the poured composition.
  • On the relief platform of the tray, we squeeze the roller so that paint does not drip from it. As a result of this, the composition is evenly distributed over the surface of the roller.
  • The first layer should be applied parallel to the direction of natural light in the room. One place should be carried out with a roller several times to avoid dark spots and sagging. Staining is done with an overlap on the previous strip. Moreover, the entry should be half the size of the roller. It is best to make W-shaped movements.

The scheme of imposing layers of paint on the ceiling

To achieve an excellent aesthetic result, it is necessary to apply three layers of paint. Before applying the next layer, you must wait until the previous one is completely dry. This usually takes about 12 hours. Therefore, to obtain a significantly better result, the application of the subsequent layer must be carried out the next day. If dark spots appear on the surface after the second layer has dried, they can be sanded and a third layer applied.

For the application of water-based paint in the presence of outdated painting, high-quality surface preparation is necessary, as well as strict adherence to the painting technology. This is the only way you will get a quality finish that will last you long enough.

Video "How to remove the water-based coating from the ceiling"

Use this video and you will learn how to easily remove the old water-based coating from the ceiling surface for subsequent painting.

Painting the ceiling on old paint with water-based paint video

Most often, attention is paid to the beauty and decor of the walls, unjustifiably forgetting about the huge influence of the ceiling on the overall perception of the interior. If we consider all the volumes of the room from the point of view of the surface that is open to the eye, then, unlike the walls with furniture, the ceiling is completely open. Accordingly, it is the largest area of ​​​​the room or room available to the eye. Whatever the quality, design and amount of money spent on wall decoration, it is impossible to create a good interior without a beautiful ceiling.
Painting is the final part of the design of the ceiling surface. Of course, you should not consider lime whitewashing as a means of painting these days. As you know, it has the properties to crumble, is easily contaminated and is inferior to modern paints in all respects. The industry has long stepped forward, and the most modern means for painting the ceiling surface is water-based paint. In terms of decorativeness, the matte finish will suit any interior. You can easily give any shade to your ceiling using special pigments. For example, giving it a warm shade for the most complete impression and comfort of the room. Cool colors can be used to make the room feel more spacious and airy. And, of course, the eternal classic - a white matte ceiling. Next, we will talk in detail about the features of operation and application of water-based paint.

Ceiling paint features

The popularity of painting the ceiling with water-based paint is due to its properties:

  • non-toxicity;
  • no obvious odor;
  • the possibility of applying over the old coating;
  • high ease of use.

Even an inexperienced master can use it to paint the ceiling surface. The inventory required for the work is simple and easy to clean at the end of the work. If necessary, the paint can be thinned with water to obtain the desired consistency. It is acceptable to use specialized tinting pigments to give different color shades required by interior design. We also note the low cost of this product in the market of goods for finishing work. The combination of these properties has made water-based paint the most popular for many years.

Preparing to paint the ceiling

Before starting work on applying paint, a number of preparatory work should be carried out. This will help you avoid additional complications and wasted time. To begin with, a thorough inspection of the surface is carried out using special lighting “at an angle”. With this method, you can notice all the flaws and better assess the condition of the surface under study.

In case of severe defects, additional work must be carried out to level the surface. Rough bumps, potholes and cracks cannot be repaired using only paint materials. We will have to allocate additional time to eliminate such flaws. In this case, there will be additional costs for the purchase of leveling materials and related tools. Old paint must also be removed. Only after the process of leveling the ceiling and its drying is completed, it will be possible to proceed to the next step.

Painting over the old layer

It often happens that the old paint is in a satisfactory condition, does not peel off, but has only an unsuitable color shade. If the ceiling surface does not have visible cracks, potholes and waves, painting the ceiling can be carried out over the old paint, thereby significantly reducing the time and money spent on the entire complex of work. If the ceiling already had a layer of water-based paint, and at the same time there are islands of peeling material on the surface, do not be discouraged. Unlike whitewash, a layer of old water-based paint does not need to be completely removed. It is enough to limit ourselves to surface cleaning of the exfoliated segments, and you can safely proceed to the next step - painting over the old coating.

The stage preceding the direct painting of the ceiling is the application of a primer. There are no special requirements here. The stores offer a wide selection of primers suitable as a base for water-based emulsion. The price category of this product is also low and affordable.

The choice of water-based paint

The type of paint we are considering is a suspension of water-based particles. Simply put, a water emulsion is an aqueous emulsion consisting of pigment particles and a binder base. Such a composition is extremely stable in its form and is difficult to decompose from external influences. Consider the main types of water-based paint:

  1. Based on acrylic binder.
  2. On a silicate base;
  3. On a silicone binder basis;
  4. Mineral based.

Acrylic-based paint is the most common and in demand. As the name implies, this paint contains acrylic resins in its composition, providing a balance of price and quality. The addition of latex substances gives the entire composition the property of elasticity. This ability provides closing of cracks on the processed surface. The size of the cracks that such paint can cope with is no more than 1 millimeter. It is worth noting the price increase provided by the addition of latex.

The silicone binder base gives the paint an increase in waterproof properties and impermeability. Accordingly, this type of product should be chosen for surfaces of rooms with high humidity and dampness. For example, for the ceiling of the bathroom, it is ideal. As the name implies, silicone resins are added to the composition of the paint, causing these features. The size of the cracks that the product in question is able to cope with increases already up to 2 millimeters. The cost is correspondingly higher.

The most unpopular type of water emulsion is mineral-based paint. The flaw lies in the fragility of the surface created by this product. The reason for the composition is the content of slaked lime or even cement. The cost of goods is the lowest among other representatives of finishing materials.

So, the choice is not difficult. The modern industrial sphere provides every opportunity to find the most suitable option for your goals. When buying water-based paint, you should pay attention to the marking - hiding power. The higher this figure, the fewer layers you will need to apply to the ceiling to achieve the perfect result. On the label, the manufacturer often indicates the recommended rooms in which the painting can achieve the best result.

Stages of work

If we paint the ceiling over the old finish, the preparatory stage will take a minimum of time. It is only necessary to remove the exfoliated elements of the ceiling, if necessary, putty it, filling up all the cracks and crevices, potholes. Next, a layer of primer is applied, and after it has completely dried, we can finally start painting the ceiling.

If you applied a primer to the ceiling in the morning, after lunch is the time to start painting. By this time, the primer will dry completely. It is reasonable to apply the second layer of water-based paint in the morning of the next day.


Painting a ceiling is not at all as difficult a task as it is commonly believed. Doing this process yourself to repair and decorate your apartment will bring a sense of deep satisfaction.

A little time spent on choosing the right water-based paint, preparing tools and having the knowledge of this article - and a good result is guaranteed. Good luck and enjoy your renovation.

Today, the trend of painting surfaces is very common. But not always old surfaces are conducive to such actions. Many apartments still have whitewashed ceilings. About whether it is possible to paint such ceilings with water-based paint and how, our article will tell you.

Paint selection

Today, thanks to new technologies and finishing materials, it is possible to paint a whitewashed ceiling. But in order for the painting to be successful, it is necessary not only to properly prepare the surface, but also to choose the paint.

Most often, the ceiling surface is painted with a water-based emulsion. But in stores you can find several types of this paint, which can make it difficult to choose. So what kind of paint should be painted on the ceiling? In order to choose the most suitable option in this situation, you need to know the features of each type of water-based paint. It is of the following types:

  • Polyvinyl acetate. It is characterized by low cost itself, as well as high hydrophobicity. This water-based paint can be applied only in dry rooms. In this case, washing such a surface is excluded.
  • Compounds based on latex additives. The cost of such solutions will be the largest. But at the same time, with the help of such a water-based paint, it is possible to create a coating that is even and resistant to various external influences.
  • Acrylic. This type is characterized by high resistance to abrasion. Ceilings after processing with acrylic paint can be washed. The use of acrylic compositions is allowed in any premises. Another advantage of this paint is its affordable cost.
  • Slikonovaya. Before drawing this structure preliminary primer of a surface is not required. Such water-based paint is characterized by high vapor permeability. Therefore, the processing of ceilings with this paint is relevant in basements and bathrooms.

As you can see, there are a wide variety of types of water emulsion. To choose the right composition, you must carefully read the annotation before buying. It is always listed on the side of the can. Thanks to the annotation, as well as the help of a consultant or seller, you can quickly choose a composition for painting the ceiling. In addition, from the annotation, you can find out the material consumption per square meter and determine exactly how much paint you need for painting.


The ceiling must be prepared for processing it with a water-based emulsion. Moreover, experts recommend that when painting with any compositions, carefully remove the old finish. Only in such a situation can the surface be painted with high quality.

Whilst whitewash removal may seem like a difficult task, if the correct surface preparation methods are used, it can be removed relatively easily.

Removing the old coating from the ceiling occurs in two ways:

  • dry method;
  • wet method.

Let's consider both methods in more detail.

Dry way

In this situation, you will need the following tools:

  • electric drill equipped with a brush head;
  • grinder along with a grinding disc;
  • sandpaper;
  • Grinder.

The dry cleaning method, thanks to the use of the above tools, is carried out quite quickly. But it has several drawbacks, due to which it is used extremely rarely. The main disadvantage of this method is the huge amount of dust.

For dry cleaning indoors, it must be carefully insulated. This requires good ventilation of the room. Since a lot of dust will be generated during the processing of the ceiling surface, it is necessary to work only in personal protective equipment (glasses, respirator). After completion of work, all dust that has settled on the floor must be swept away. Then you need to rinse the floor well.

wet way

The main advantage of this method is the minimum of dust, which is much safer for human health. Although experts still recommend such surface preparation in a respirator. But the wet method is much longer in time.

To remove the finish in this way, you will need the following tools:

  • metal brush;
  • sharpened small spatula;
  • a roller having an average pile length;
  • spray;
  • container with water.

The wet method involves the following steps:

  • First, you need to remove the maximum layer of whitewash by wetting the surface with a spray nozzle or a simple roller. Please note that you need to wet a small area in order to have time to wash off the whitewash before it dries completely.
  • The solution should be applied liberally, as the lime will actively absorb it.
  • To increase the deoxidization of whitewash, add 5-6 tablespoons of ordinary soda and a few tablespoons of liquid soap to the water.
  • After the solution has been applied, it is necessary to wait a little (about half an hour).
  • Then you can start removing the old finish with a spatula.

If some areas of the old finish are not removed, do not focus on them. It will be possible to return to them after processing the entire ceiling and clean it with sandpaper. It can be replaced with a brush for working with metal.

Before painting, you should try to remove the main layer of whitewash from the ceiling surface. In this case, do not use very sharp objects (chisels, chisels, etc.), as they can lead to scratches and other defects in the base. This statement is especially important in the situation when there is a well-aligned layer of finishing putty under the whitewash.

If scratches and potholes are found on the ceiling, they should be covered with putty. After it dries, all the resulting roughness must be rubbed with sandpaper.

After the ceiling has become even, it is necessary to prime its surface before painting. A primer applied before painting will achieve greater adhesion and uniform distribution of the coloring composition over the ceiling surface.


After the preparatory work has been carried out, painting can be carried out. To achieve the maximum aesthetic effect, water-based paint must be applied in two layers. Please note that when applying the second layer, it is recommended to choose the direction of movement from the window and towards the opposite wall. Thus, the formation of dark spots after the ceiling surface has dried can be avoided.

The following tools can be used to apply paint:

  • Brushes of various sizes. Given the surface area, working with brushes all the time will be inconvenient and very time consuming. Brushes can be used to apply paint at the junction of walls and ceilings.
  • roller. In this situation, the roller will help to cope with the work much faster and more efficiently. For painting the ceiling, special products with elongated handles are sold. Special roller models are also sold for painting corners.
  • Airbrush. With the help of such a tool, you can paint any surface very quickly, efficiently and effectively.

It is believed that a roller is best suited for painting work. It is inexpensive and with its help an even layer of paint is obtained. At the same time, working with it is much more convenient and easier than with other tool options.

Painting the ceiling with water-based compositions occurs according to the following scheme:

  • Open the can of paint and mix it well.
  • Pour it into a special container - a tray.
  • We soak the roller in it and wring it out on the ribbed wringing platform of the tray.
  • We begin to apply paint from the far left corner of the room.
  • You need to move the roller from left to right. After that, we change direction. W-shaped movements are allowed.
  • The last layer must be applied with a new roller. Thus, it will be possible to achieve uniformity of the final finishing coating, without dark spots.

It is important to know that in the process of performing painting work in the room, any drafts must be excluded, as they can deform the applied layer.

The main key to success is a high-quality wash of whitewash and adherence to the technology of applying paint. As a result, the new finishing coating will be beautiful and will serve you for a very long time, without changing its qualities.

Video "Painting the ceiling with a water-based emulsion"

Use the advice of a professional, and you will learn how to paint the ceiling with a water-based emulsion so that it looks flawless.

Modern water-based materials can be used for painting any surfaces, including those in rooms with high humidity, where previously only oil paints could be used.

To obtain an even structure, it is necessary to qualitatively prepare the surface, for which the following steps are performed:

  1. Whitewash or old paint is removed. Before cleaning the surface of old materials with a spatula, it is necessary to treat the ceiling twice with hot water, after which the old paint is removed much easier;
  2. Water emulsion can also be applied on old paint, but before performing work, it is necessary to wipe the ceiling with a damp cloth to remove dust and fine dirt. However, it should be remembered that in this case it will not be possible to achieve a perfectly flat surface;
  3. After the ceiling is freed from old materials, small cracks and pits are puttied, large cracks should be glued with a special cloth and plastered;
  4. The prepared surface is leveled with special plaster compositions. Irregularities of the plaster are removed with sandpaper;
  5. The final stage of preparation is the application of soil.

After the primer solution has dried, proceed to the main work.

Necessary tools and materials

High-quality application of water emulsion is impossible without special tools. To perform work in the kitchen, room, bathroom or toilet, purchase:

  • Roller with faux fur skin;
  • Flute brush. Required for painting the corners and the surface of the ceiling adjacent to the wall. The width of the brush should be from 7 to 10 cm;
  • Rectangular container with ribbed cuvette. It is used to place a single portion of the material and roll out the roller;
  • Mixer. Required for mixing water emulsion;
  • Paper tape. With it, you can protect the surface of the wall from material ingress during work;
  • Overalls. You will need a hat, glasses and a set of clothes.

If it is necessary to apply different colors to the wall surface, it is recommended to use different tools for each shade.

Selection and preparation of water-based paint

There are several types of paint of this type. Their difference lies in the presence of the main substance, which determines the parameters of the use of this material.

  • Acrylic paints perfectly resist abrasion when washed, are odorless, suitable for painting almost all types of premises. The cost is average.
  • Latex paints are among the most expensive, but this disadvantage is covered by improved properties. Surfaces painted with latex materials can be treated using household chemicals.
  • Polyvinyl acetate paints are classified as inexpensive. Recommended only for dry rooms, do not use water for washing.
  • A water emulsion based on silicate compositions is recommended for application on plastered surfaces or concrete.
  • Silicone-based water emulsion is suitable for work in rooms with high humidity, as they have high vapor permeability.

Almost all of these paints are produced in two types: with the formation of a matte or glossy surface. To calculate how much paint is needed, you need to know the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling and the paint consumption indicated on the label.

Which roller to use

How to paint the ceiling with water-based paint without streaks? Here, first of all, you should carefully approach the choice of instrument. The simplest and most reliable device for obtaining an ideal ceiling surface is a roller. The following simple tips will help you decide which roller to paint the ceiling with water-based paint.

It is advisable to select a tool with a long handle, which allows you to work without using a ladder. The fastening of the device must be reliable so that when applying force, the tool does not change its position.

There are many types of roller skins, but it is recommended to use only faux fur skins (pile length from 10 to 12 mm) for painting the ceiling. The skin should sit tightly on the base, and the junction should not stand out, and it is good when it is done tangentially.


Painting the ceiling with water-based paint begins with the application of primer to a previously prepared surface. Many people ignore this mandatory process, which leads to uneven coverage and streaks.

The primer improves the adhesion of the water-based emulsion to the plastered surface, as a result, the appearance of bubbles, microcracks, streaks and mold can be avoided. Such preparation also increases the duration of the preservation of the appearance of the ceiling after painting.

It is necessary to prime the surface with special compounds (primers), which are selected based on the composition of the water emulsion. So, for acrylic paint, acrylic primer is used, for silicone - silicone.

At least three layers of soil are applied to the concrete surface, and for plastered ceilings it will be enough to walk over the surface twice.

If there are no special formulations, you can use the water emulsion itself to prepare the primer. To do this, it is required to dilute the material in proportion: water emulsion - 1 part, water - 2 parts.

Coloring instructions

There are several ways to whitewash the ceiling with water-based paint without streaks; various tools are used for this purpose.

Coloring with a roller

You can get excellent coloring of the ceiling using a roller. This option is quite economical, while even a beginner can cope with the whole process. It is enough to adhere to the following tips, which explain how to step by step paint with this tool:

  1. Before painting, the room is prepared for work. It is advisable to glue the wall at the junction with the ceiling with paper tape so that the water emulsion does not fall on the wall;
  2. Items in the room should be covered with paper or film;
  3. Mix the material thoroughly, especially if a color dye is added to the white base;
  4. For the initial layer, a material of a thicker consistency is prepared than for subsequent layers;
  5. If small particles are found during mixing, you will have to strain the entire volume of paint through cheesecloth so that the surface of the ceiling is flawless;
  6. A strip 8-10 cm wide is applied with a brush along the perimeter of the ceiling;
  7. The prepared material is poured into a container suitable for the size of the roller. For rolling, a piece of flat plywood is used, but it is more efficient to use special containers equipped with a ribbed cuvette, which allow the tool to be evenly impregnated with paint;
  8. Coloring is carried out from the corner in strips of 40-50 cm wide. The initial layer is applied parallel to the window, the subsequent perpendicular. When working, maintain an inclination angle of 45 degrees. The painting of the next strip is carried out with an overlap on the previous one (about 100 mm is captured);
  9. It is necessary to take into account the drying time of the material (up to 20 minutes), so the entire amount of work should be done quickly, without being distracted by rest;
  10. The quality of the painting can be checked in good light, and if there is not enough daylight, a powerful flashlight is used;
  11. Each new layer can be applied only after the previous one has completely dried, usually not earlier than 12 hours after completion of work;
  12. Irregularities are sanded with fine-grained sandpaper, after which another leveling layer of paint is applied.

Painting in 2 layers.
Painting in 3 layers.

Spray painting

Using a paint sprayer allows you to get even painting of the ceiling, while the worker makes a minimum of effort. The disadvantages of this technology include rather high requirements for the power of the spray gun or spray gun.

The apparatus for spraying water-based paint must have a special compressor that is able to create the necessary pressure to force a rather thick liquid through the nozzle.

How to paint the ceiling with water-based paint using an airbrush correctly:

  1. To facilitate this process, dilution of water emulsion with water is often used. The water-based emulsion should be diluted in a one-to-one ratio, as a result of which, in order to obtain a beautiful coating, it will be necessary to apply at least three layers of a more liquid paint;
  2. Before starting work, it is recommended to adjust the sprayer on an unnecessary flat surface (a piece of plywood or drywall) in order to achieve the required coverage;
  3. The noticeable boundaries of the joining layers should be rubbed with fine sandpaper so that this defect is eliminated when applying the second layer;
  4. Spraying of paint is carried out at a distance of 50-55 cm from the surface to be painted, it is desirable to maintain a perpendicular inclination of the nozzle to the ceiling;
  5. The material is applied in squares, covering the surface first along, then across. Move on to the next section without delay to prevent excessive accumulation of material in one place. It is better not to completely paint over the area, since this drawback can be eliminated by closing the marriage with the following layers, and the thick layer will have to be cleaned and the entire volume redone.

Coloring with a brush

It is possible to paint the ceiling using a brush, but the result will certainly be disappointing. It will not be possible to avoid stains and uneven coloring of the surface.

Repairs made with a brush are possible in non-residential areas, such as pantries, but you will have to put up with increased paint consumption, since drops of material, even with the most careful control, will drain from the tool to the floor.

How to avoid divorce

Obtaining an ideal ceiling structure during painting is achieved not only by the correct technique for applying the material to the surface itself, but also by preliminary preparation of the room. You need to do the following:

  • Turn off the heating or isolate the radiators by wrapping them with a dense material.
  • Close all windows to prevent drafts.
  • Good lighting should be organized to control the quality of work.

When painting with a roller, it is required to be at an angle of 45 degrees to the surface of the ceiling. This position allows you to control the uniformity of the application of the material. Each next strip should be slightly (up to 10 cm) on the previous strip, while the time between applying the first and second strip should not exceed 20 minutes. If you apply the material on a dried surface, the border will be visible.

The mistakes made are corrected with fine-grained sandpaper, after which the final coat of paint is applied.

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The most common way to decorate a ceiling is to whitewash or paint it. And the most used paint for this is water-based. Painting the ceiling with water-based paint at first glance seems to be a simple matter, but there are many subtleties, ignorance of which leads to the appearance of spots or stripes. How to avoid the appearance of such a nuisance, we will tell further.

Preparing for painting

In order for the independent painting of the ceiling with water-based paint to be of high quality and uniform, preliminary preparation of the ceiling is necessary. It is possible to achieve uniform coloring only on a flat, puttied surface. Therefore, before starting work, it is necessary to clean the ceiling from any previous coating (with the exception of a water-based emulsion, which holds very well).

How to remove whitewash

If you have whitewash on the ceiling - chalk or lime - you need to moisten the ceiling with water, and remove the coating with a spatula. Clean everything down to concrete. Even the smallest fragments must be removed. Sometimes it is very inconvenient to scrape small areas with a spatula, it is easier to do it with a wet rag.

In any case, after removing the whitewash, the ceiling should be washed with water and detergent. After complete drying, prime and putty with gypsum or cement (preferably white) putty to an even state, which is also called “under the egg”.

How to remove old water emulsion

If the ceiling has already been painted with a water-based emulsion, simply removing it will not work. The procedure depends on how the paint holds on the ceiling. If it just changed color and you need to update the ceiling, there are no swellings, cracks and other similar problems, you can get by with a little bloodshed. First - remove dust (with a cloth with water), dry, then primed. After the primer dries, you can paint. But once again we pay attention - this procedure is used only if the water emulsion is holding well and there are no defects.

Cleaning waterproof water-based emulsion from the ceiling is still a pleasure

If there are cracks, swellings on the surface of the water-based emulsion, it must be cleaned off. There are two ways - dry and wet. Dry is to clean with sandpaper (manually or using an angle grinder), wet is to wash off. This method has to be used for paint that is not afraid of water. But it is very difficult to clean off such paint. If the water-based paint holds well, no tricks help, but there are surface defects and putty is necessary, take coarse-grained sandpaper and make the surface rough. After that, you can putty. Further - according to technology: primer and then paint.

The ceiling painted with a water-based emulsion is washed off twice abundantly wetting with hot water. The water should be almost boiling water - about 70°C. After wetting part of the ceiling, wait 10 minutes, then again moisten the same area with hot water. After about five minutes, you can remove the paint with a spatula.

Removing old paint is a lengthy process

You can repeat this procedure several times, gradually removing lagging paint from the ceiling. Small residues can be cleaned with sandpaper, and then rinsed the ceiling, dried and primed. On the primer, it is already possible to putty, sand, leveling the imperfections.

Types of water-based paint

Water-based paint is a water-based emulsion that contains polymer particles undissolved in water. The composition also includes pigments and various additives that change the characteristics of the final product. After applying the paint, active evaporation of water occurs and a thin polymer film remains on the surface.

Painting the ceiling with water-based paint begins with the choice of composition. They use four types of polymers:

  • Acrylic. Aqueous emulsion based on acrylic resins allows you to get a smooth surface, has good hiding power, hides small surface defects, up to cracks up to 1 mm wide. Its disadvantage is the high price, but it is easier to work with it. In its pure form, acrylic compounds are hygroscopic and can only be used for dry rooms, but they do not interfere with the passage of steam. To create a waterproof film, latex is added to the acrylic emulsion. The same additive increases the elasticity of the dried film. Such compositions can be used in wet rooms.

    Acrylic-based water emulsion - a smart choice

  • silicates. This type of water-based paint is based on liquid glass. The coating is resistant to atmospheric precipitation and at the same time does not prevent the removal of vapors, has a long service life (10 years or more), and can be used for outdoor work.

    Silicate paints are vapor-tight

  • Minerals - lime or cement. Mineral water-based emulsions have good adhesion to any surface, but are quickly washed off. As a result, they are gradually losing popularity.

  • Silicone. Silicone-based aqueous emulsions are the latest in industry. These compositions are good because they "tighten" cracks up to 2 mm thick. As a result, the surface painted by them, even without excellent preparation, is even and smooth. The film is dense, but vapor-permeable. Silicone water emulsion can be used to paint the ceiling in bathrooms and other wet areas. The disadvantage of this type of paint is the high price.

Latex may be added to any of the formulations. Latex water-based paint is water-repellent. It is not afraid of moisture, can be used in wet areas.

Based on the main characteristics of these compositions, you can choose the best type of water-based paint for yourself. Each case requires its own properties and the “best water emulsion” is different each time.

What primer to use

The primer is necessary for better adhesion (adhesion) of the paint to the surface to be painted. It allows you to avoid the appearance of cracks and swelling after the paint dries. If there is no primer, this can happen. Everything will have to be cleaned and re-puttyed. Because in order for the painting of the ceiling with water-based paint to be of high quality, it is necessary to prime the surface well.

The base of the primer must match the base paint. Under acrylic paint, a water-based emulsion requires the same primer, under silicone - based on silicones, etc. Moreover, it is advisable not to save: the quality of this composition depends on how smoothly the water emulsion will lie on the ceiling.

There is an economical way of priming: the main paint is diluted with water (1 to 2) and the surface is painted over with this composition a couple of times. It's certainly better than nothing, but the primer gives a more secure grip.

How to paint the ceiling with a water-based emulsion with your own hands

Each of the water-based paints on the bank has instructions for use. It describes how it works. Some formulations just need to be stirred well before work: undissolved polymers can settle at the bottom of the jar. Some formulations require dilution. The amount of water added is also prescribed in the instructions and depends on the method of application. Under spray guns, they are bred more strongly; when using a roller, thicker compositions are required.

When diluting the water emulsion with water, it must be added in small portions. After mixing thoroughly, test on a surface area. If the paint lays down evenly, almost completely paints over the base, you can paint.

It is more convenient to pour the paint into a special container with a tray and a ribbed platform. You can use an ordinary bowl and a clean piece of oilcloth spread nearby. It's not as convenient, but it's less expensive.

Which roller to choose

A roller for painting the ceiling with a water-based emulsion is needed with a dense short pile. You need to examine it carefully. The pile should “sit” firmly and in no case should it “climb out”, even if you pull on it. Then look at how the seam is made. In no case should it stand out. It must be hard to find. It is best if it is made obliquely.

Devote maximum attention to choosing a roller: the quality of painting - the absence of stripes on the ceiling - largely depends on how good you have chosen the tool. It is more convenient to whitewash the ceiling with a water-based emulsion not from a ladder, but from the floor. To do this, the roller is planted on a long handle and well fixed.

How to paint without streaks

To avoid streaks on the ceiling, painting the ceiling with water-based paint should be completed no later than 20 minutes. Immediately after application, water begins to actively absorb / evaporate, and stripes appear at the junction of the dried and “fresh” color. Therefore, it is desirable to prepare the room. It is necessary to turn off (wrap) the radiators, to prevent the appearance of a draft. It is also advisable to wash the floor immediately before whitewashing, even if you work during the day, turn on the lights, this will allow you to better control the quality of the painting. After that, you can get to work.

Ready-to-use water-based paint is poured into a container, a roller is dipped into it, then it is well rolled over the site, achieving uniform distribution over the entire surface. When the roller has a solid color, they begin to paint.

The corners are painted over with the first brush. After applying a little paint, take a small roller and roll it well. Then they begin to paint the main surface. The first layer is applied parallel to the window, the second - perpendicularly.

It is necessary to stand so as to look at the painted place at an angle. This will give you a good view of how evenly the paint has spread, as well as where you have already painted and where you haven't. Move systematically, without jumping from one piece to another.

The width of the strip to be painted at a time is slightly larger than the width of the roller. After wetting the roller, place it approximately in the middle of the strip. Roll the paint quickly in both directions from one wall to the other. Don't waste too much time, you don't have much. On average, the water emulsion dries up in 10-20 seconds. We didn’t have time to put a strip next to it before - the border will be clearly visible, from which you will not get rid of. Having distributed the paint more or less evenly along the strip, dip the roller into the paint, and again roll it from the middle of the ceiling. At the same time, go into the already painted strip by about 10 cm. All this at a good pace without stops and smoke breaks. The edges of the dyed strip should not dry out. In general, these are all the rules.

After applying the first coat of paint, some places may be less well painted over. It is necessary to wait for complete drying, and paint a second time. This should already be enough to get a flat surface. If even after the third layer of water-based paint you have stripes and stains on the ceiling, you will have to redo it again. It is necessary to level the surface with sandpaper, prime again and paint again.

Which color

The easiest way to achieve perfect evenness of color is when using "snow white" paint. All pigments clearly highlight even small irregularities, so the process should be given maximum attention or use an acrylic or silicone-based water-based emulsion.

If you are going to paint the ceiling or walls, then before you start repairing your apartment, you need to decide on the choice of paint. Painting the ceiling is considered more difficult than whitewashing the walls, but even an unprepared person with no experience can easily cope with it. It is enough to watch a video on how to properly paint ceilings with water-based paint and you can do everything yourself.

If in the old days all surfaces in the premises were covered with whitewash or wallpaper was pasted, today manufacturers offer a variety of facing materials. Despite this, the repair of the ceiling with water-based paint remains one of the most popular types of finishing work. Nowadays, no one is engaged in whitewashing their own housing, because it quickly loses its original appearance. Yes, and the aesthetics of such a finish is not different.

Among other things, the modern technology of painting the ceiling with water-based paint is the simplest and most affordable way to repair a home. This is due to the fact that this composition is obtained from water, the smallest particles of polymers and coloring composite materials. Binder components influence the change in the properties of such paints. The coloring composition of this type fits well on any surface and adheres firmly to it.

The only paint option that does not resist moisture well is a composition based on PVA glue. It is used for decoration with low moisture content. If the basis of the paint are polyacrylates, then they are called acrylic. They have found their application in construction, painting and the textile industry.

Flow calculation

According to its composition, the coloring matter is a suspension. Its peculiarity lies in the rapid evaporation of water, after which a protective film forms on the surface. Thanks to this, the painting of ceilings with water-based paint becomes quite durable, reliable and able to withstand high moisture. This refers to the composition, which does not include polyvinyl acetate (PVA). Environmentally friendly material that does not emit harmful substances and does not cause allergies.

Water-based paint ideally lays down on any surface. The consumption of the product depends on the quality of the applied layers. Manufacturers indicate the optimal rate in the instructions. 1 liter of paint is required for 10 m². To avoid overspending, the following guidelines should be followed:

  • You can not use thick paint in the hope of covering the ceiling in one layer. It is diluted with water and applied in three thin layers.
  • Each subsequent painting is carried out after the previous one has completely dried.
  • This coloring composition has a unique ability to be absorbed into any surface, so you will need to apply an additional layer. This can be avoided if the ceiling is carefully treated with a primer.

Ceiling repair with water-based paint

Before buying such a mixture, you need to carefully read the accompanying documents. They usually have the following characteristics:

  • What kind of work is the paint designed for?
  • What is the consumption of the composition per square meter.
  • The ability of the composition to hide under white colors, a darker background.
  • Abrasion resistance. It can be wet or dry cleaning.

Particular attention should be paid to small print. It is in it that more detailed information about all the characteristics of a given coloring composition is often indicated. As for the consumption of water-based paint for walls and ceilings, it listed even on banks.

If the instructions say that this mixture has high abrasion resistance, then the painted base can be washed, but it is not recommended to use chemicals.

There are paints that do not have water-repellent properties, which means that walls covered with such compositions can only be vacuumed or wiped with a dry cloth.

The label for use in dry rooms speaks for itself. Kitchens, bathrooms and other rooms with high humidity, it is not recommended to paint with such compositions.

A high-quality video on how to paint a ceiling tile with water-based paint with your own hands gives a complete picture of the phased process of this work. Glossy and matte coloring compositions are in rather high demand. If the first paint option is able to visually expand the room and increase the height of the walls, then matte paint reliably masks minor defects. However, the glossy surface is not whimsical in care, which cannot be said about the matte finish.

Water-based paints are ideal for ceilings, as they dry quickly and do not emit unpleasant odors during operation. They are divided into three types: silicone, acrylic and silicate.

Before painting any surface, preparatory work is carried out. Thanks to endless information on how to paint the ceiling with water-based paint with your own hands, the majority of owners refuse the services of professionals. As a result, people save a significant amount of money.

No less attractive is the painting of the plasterboard ceiling with water-based paint. To do this, you will need the following tools:

  • Foam or felt roller and tray for coloring composition.
  • More experienced owners use brushes with a nylon or natural working surface. They are produced in different sizes and shapes. Such brushes are more suitable for processing relief areas that cannot be reached by a foam roller.
  • To process the most inaccessible places, miniature brushes are used, with a width not exceeding 3 mm.

Now many people understand that painting the ceiling with water-based paint with their own hands is not particularly difficult. The main thing properly prepare the surface. It needs to be cleaned of traces of previous repairs. To do this, you can use a spatula or scraper. You may also need warm water, soap and a rag. This is in case you need to wash off the old whitewash.

After removing all this, the surface must be carefully examined - putty the recesses, remove the growths. The best option for preparing the surface for proper painting of the ceiling with water-based paint is to clean it up to concrete floors. Only in this case, the coloring composition will firmly adhere to the surface and will be held on it for years.

Based on this, we can conclude that painting the ceiling tiles with water-based paint is quite easy, fast and simple. The main thing is to carry out such work consistently, without missing anything. Moreover, the choice of staining technology is affected by the condition of the ceiling and the type of its coating.

There are two options in total:

  • new painting of the ceiling, already painted with water-based paint;
  • applying a coloring composition to whitewash.

Both options differ in their technological process, but the essence of the task remains the same: the ceiling surface must be completely ready for painting.

All work is divided into the following stages:

  • A completely cleaned ceiling is plastered and then carefully puttied. In this case, the layers do not count, as with painting or priming. It all depends on what defects you find on the treated surface. Choose the highest quality plaster and putty.
  • The ceiling acquires ideal smoothness after processing with finishing putty.
  • After its application, the ceiling surface is treated with fine-grained sandpaper. This guarantees reliable adhesion of the primer to the putty. Prime the surface in three layers.

Upon completion of these works, proceed to direct painting. More attractive to professionals is deluxe water-based paint, designed for walls, ceilings and other surfaces. Corners and joints are treated with brushes, and in the main work it is better to use an airbrush. It can be rented.

Working with a foam roller or a wide paint brush, the layers are applied perpendicular to each other. The paint must dry completely before applying the next coat. In a warm room, this will take no more than 5 hours. If you do not know how many coats of paint can be applied to a ceiling or wall, then the optimal number is three coats.

Using a roller, it should be thoroughly impregnated with a coloring composition and rolled well in a tray. This will avoid smudges, streaks and dripping. You can also use a roller with a fur working surface. In this case, updating the painting of the ceiling will be of better quality. The fur distributes the paint more evenly, pushing it into the most inaccessible places.

The paint is applied with longitudinal movements. The first and last layers are directed perpendicular to the window. In this case, the slight streaks left by the brush will be less noticeable. Worst of all, when there are unpainted places. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to create bright lighting in the room. When working, you should periodically move away in different directions and inspect the surface to be treated. This will allow you to notice gaps and stripes.

In addition to full coloring, you can refresh the ceiling painted with water-based paint. In this case, her do not remove, but apply on top several new layers. Painting decorative elements, which are ceiling plinths, requires more accurate work. Here you can’t use a roller and a sprayer. In this case, use a small brush. If necessary, it can be equipped with a long handle. Then you do not have to climb on a table or stepladder.

Often the ceilings in the kitchens are covered with soot. It must be washed off and the surface primed. If this is not done, then the paint will not last long and will begin to peel off after a few months. In addition, blackness will show through the coloring composition, making the appearance of the ceiling completely unattractive.

If after applying three layers, the result of painting did not satisfy you, cover the ceiling with another layer of paint. It all depends on the condition of the concrete floors. Even qualified professionals often paint ceilings and walls more than three times. By the way, the choice of putty and primer affects the quality of painting. They are chosen according to the characteristics that are best suited for a particular surface: concrete bases, suspended plasterboard ceilings, wooden surfaces and others.

If, of all types of ceiling decoration, you prefer painting it with water-based paint, then this task should be taken quite seriously and do the job no worse than the masters do. By the way, even after professionals, completely dried paint often gives glare of different shades. However, when amateurs get down to business, this does not happen, because they work slowly but carefully.
