How to glue wallpaper of two types. Combining different wallpapers in the interior: features of wall pasting and photo wallpaper in home interiors. Why use a combination of wallpaper in two colors in the hall

In order to create a unique style of the room in accordance with current trends designers offer to combine wallpapers with each other. Thanks to this approach to gluing, it is possible to significantly change the perception of space. Using various combinations of both patterns, colors and textures, it is possible to create a pleasant and cozy atmosphere in each room.

Combination features

Combining wallpaper with each other is a great way to decorate living rooms, bedrooms, nurseries or kitchens. It allows not only to create unique design, but also hide some wall errors, visually balance the parameters of the room and work on lighting. Its feature is to create visual effects. How to combine black and white colors with each other is shown in the photo:

If you combine wallpaper correctly, it has many advantages. Allows you to realize not only the plan, but also to correct some shortcomings. You can transform a room in various ways. For example, geometric zoning, all kinds of color combinations, etc. are often used. To divide a room into functional areas also use the approach of focusing attention on individual objects, elements.

Advice! To get a harmonious combination various wallpapers, it is necessary to give preference to overlapping colors, shades.

The combination of wallpaper is characterized by such features:

Combination rules

To properly glue the walls, you can use various types of combined canvases. These can be items from collections or selected independently. Thanks to the wide variety of wallpapers, you can combine and glue different types together, achieving excellent results.

The combination process is carried out according to certain rules, namely:

Combining photo wallpaper

If you glue photo wallpapers - this makes it possible to visually expand the room. Combine them with ordinary wallpaper allows you to transform the room, giving them a unique charm.

To combine beautifully, you must adhere to certain rules so as not to violate general concept design solutions. The most important and basic requirement is the selection of colors and their correspondence to the room. Everything else is left to fantasy within, of course, their own financial opportunities. Pay attention to the photo:

In order for photo wallpapers to be harmoniously combined with wallpaper, you need to choose the right material. To do this, select a picture, link it by color, quality, and you also need to calculate required size and volume.

When combining photo wallpaper with wallpaper, several approaches are used: vertical zoning, highlighting horizontal lines, ledges in the wall, inserts with patterns, as well as using flaps to create separate parts of the image, as, for example, in the photo:

Black and white wallpaper

Black and white wallpaper on the walls is a classic that has remained popular for many, many years. You can glue these colors both together and separately.

When choosing black wallpaper, many people are afraid to make a mistake, because the wrong accents and shades of color can make the interior gloomy and uncomfortable. But do not be afraid, pay attention to the photo below. How beautifully black and white wallpapers are combined, as well as photo wallpapers among themselves.

In order to correctly and harmoniously combine black and white wallpapers, you must adhere to certain selection principles. First of all, you need to decide which color will dominate, taking into account the purpose of the room and its dimensions. It is known that White color can visually enlarge the room, and black - vice versa. Dark color can give coziness and "warmth". Light - gives light, space with a slight sense of "coolness".

Correctly combining black and white wallpapers is easy. Rate on the photo:

According to psychologists, black and white background not suitable for the faint of heart. It will be unbearable for them. But the rest can fantasize and experiment on a wide scale.

Combination methods

In order to get an excellent result from wallpapering different colors among themselves, it is necessary to know a number important points. Combining wallpapers with each other is a certain process of selecting the most optimal combinations both in color and in texture itself.

Before gluing and combining, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with various methods. This will make it possible to dwell on a specific method, which will eliminate problems with a negative perception of the room in the future. Each specific approach has its own characteristics, which take into account both the area and the desired result.


Combination of two wallpapers different textures. The combination of smooth and embossed materials has gained quite a lot of popularity. It is allowed to combine from two to three plain types of wallpaper, as well as with the presence of a pattern. This should be done very carefully, as it can lead to a radical change in style.

The functional division of the room into zones is carried out by combining wallpaper. With proper selection by color, it is possible to artificially divide the room into optimal parts. Bright colors in the photo:

Accents on the walls

The next method is to focus on individual objects. Often these are either adjacent or opposite sides. In such cases, wallpaper with bright patterns, rich color, large and conspicuous patterns is glued to the walls. Pay attention to how beautifully pasted the wallpaper in the bedroom:

Another trick to properly combine wallpaper with each other is focusing on individual parts of the wall. This is possible due to the special arrangement of furniture or playing around with part of the interior. Thanks to this approach, it is possible to make separate zones. For example, this could be the area of ​​a fireplace, table, bed, etc. To emphasize individual pieces of furniture, the method of changing patterns comes to the rescue. Wallpaper that can smoothly transition to the ceiling. So harmonious combination is very good option. good example on the picture:

As a decorating element, it is allowed to glue panels and panels. This approach is typical for the classical style.

To change the length of the room, there is some way to reduce it. This result can be achieved by decorating some doors with large drawings. This will visually bring the object closer.

In a situation where one of the walls does not imply the presence of furniture or decorative parts, then it would be correct to glue wallpaper with patterns on it. In the meantime, the rest are made in plain colors or with small flowers. Black wallpaper with a white pattern is shown in the photo:

You can achieve a reduction in the length of the wall by alternating stripes and a small pattern, or plain wallpaper with large ornaments. The use of two shades of the same color allows you to bring dynamics to the interior.

The classical style differs from others in its horizontal reception. It consists in gluing on the wall on top of some, and below the other wallpaper. The connection points are hidden behind the curb strip. The use of certain wallpapers depends on the amount of furniture that is directly in the room. So with a small fullness of the room tall cabinets will go well with large patterns. One example is shown in the photo below.

Thus, any type of canvas can be combined, be it dark or light, with patterns or drawings, Scandinavian wallpaper or photo wallpaper, etc. If you combine different types, it is necessary to take into account their characteristics, properties and affiliation. It is recommended to avoid abrupt transitions between two types of wallpaper. Otherwise, you will not be able to get a comfortable and soft atmosphere.

How to combine wallpaper with each other is shown in the video:

November 2, 2016
You can talk about design canons for a long time, but every day the existing canons become less and less stable. Aesthetics and harmony, balance, colors, materials, brought together in order to get such a long-awaited result are the essence of your knowledge, practice and self-development. My motto is to learn, see, touch something new every day, and I am sure that this is the only way to keep the right course in “high design”.

The combination of wallpaper of several colors, textures and prints has long ceased to be designer novelty, which means that it's time for us, ordinary people, to learn how to paste two types of wallpaper.

Is the game worth the candle or what is the combination capable of

Let's start with the expediency of such actions. My inner designer, with every fiber of his soul, tends to combine. The only case when I would have abandoned the idea is the presence in the interior a large number decor and original furniture.

What is the combination of wall decoration capable of?

  1. Zoning. Owners cannot do without several types of wallpaper small apartments. Various shades, textures and prints will help to visually highlight individual zones, set conditional boundaries and focus on the main thing. How more contrast wallpaper, the brighter the separation will be.

  1. Accentuate. To highlight one or two walls in a room, you can use bright wallpaper. The same technique is relevant for underlining architectural elements, for example, columns and niches.

  1. Change the perception of the shape of the room. The ability to change the geometry of a room is based on 3 basic rules: bright hues for small rooms accent wall For square room, two dark narrow walls for an elongated area.

  1. Additional decor. If you are not a fan of a lot of accessories, make wall decoration a decorative component of the interior. Explore designer wallpaper collections with unusual colors and exclusive textures.

Combination rules

Don't know how to hang wallpaper beautifully? I offer you some tips and universal combinations that are appropriate in any style and room.

  1. When combining paper and non-woven fabrics, be sure to consider the thickness of the material. The difference is especially noticeable in geometric patterns that require a clear joint of the seams.

  1. If your walls cannot boast evenness, choose thick main wallpapers and the same companions.

  1. Combination bright colors among themselves, leave it to experimental designers, in conditions real life It is better to combine bright and neutral shades.

  1. The most common way to combine is to select different colors. If you are an amateur designer, take no more than 2-3 shades.

For the main background, you can take both pastel (beige, blue, pink, gray) and saturated (not bright!) Wallpaper, for example, brown, burgundy, emerald, blue.

Instructions for choosing colors:

For an accent, you can use wallpaper with classic prints: damask, flowers or paisley.

  1. When combining textures, try not to meet on the same plane various options.

As a basis, it is better to take smooth paper or textile wallpapers, but for contrast, you can use embossed or metallized canvases.

  1. To diversify the interior, photo wallpapers will help, which can also be smooth or embossed, natural textile or voluminous PVC.

  1. If a bright characteristic pattern is used for the accent, choose the most neutral background. For the seascape, the use of white, blue is relevant; a green lawn will not mind being next to beige or peach.

Types of combination


The method is relevant for rooms with low ceilings. With the same width of the canvases, a 2: 1 ratio looks great, assuming that there will be one contrasting strip for two stripes of the main color.


A technique that visually stretches the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is more often used in living rooms, corridors, hallways and offices.

To determine the line of intersection of two types of wallpaper, divide the wall into three equal parts, give the top two basic wallpaper, trim the bottom with a contrasting companion.

A bottom with a large pattern or flowers is suitable for a solid top, but if you have opted for a strip, give power to wallpaper with a small pattern at the top of the wall.

Inserts and patchwork combination

The reception will appeal to those who are looking for a non-trivial solution for wall decoration. Within one panel, up to 10 can successfully exist. various kinds wallpaper. To obtain the effect of a single surface, select a common color scheme, and the texture background and patterns may change.

Wallpaper inserts involve the use of contrasting fabrics.

If you want to zone the space in this way, use moldings and trims.

Combination errors

  1. If you choose shades and prints yourself, do not use more than two ornaments in one room.

  1. The selected shades should not duplicate the color of the ceiling, floor and furniture.

  1. If you have chosen a photo wallpaper, the background should remain neutral, preferably pastel.
  2. In a small room, avoid dividing the walls. For small spaces, it is best to use the principle of an accent wall.

  1. Don't forget about the style of the room. Hi-tech is unlikely to get along with floral and floral motifs, modern and - with a large strip and a cage, and country - with metallized canvases.

The modern method of decorating a hall or bedroom with wallpaper is the active use different colors on multiple walls. This is a way to diversify the design and draw attention to a specific part of the room. If necessary, correct the shortcomings of the layout, apply different variants wallpaper pasting. There are tricks that help to give the interior its own style. Wallpaper is used to implement the design intent. various textures, shades, with different ornaments.

Combination principles

To make the combination look harmonious, certain parameters should be taken into account. Many wallpapering options are used to mask the flaws in the layout of a kitchen or hall and achieve a certain decorative effect, for example:

Before you combine different wallpapers, for example, in a hall or bedroom, you must:

  • evaluate the functions and elements of the layout;
  • take into account the size and geometry of the room.

Ceiling height

The choice of the type of coatings, features of the ornament, texture, color depends on the height of the ceilings. If the walls are below 2.5 m, then calm tones, soft texture and medium-sized patterns are chosen. The combination of a light background with a weak texture or a vertical ornament helps to visually raise the ceiling. You can apply an image or stick stripes of different colors, placing them on one or more walls, as can be seen in the photo.

If the ceilings are higher than 3 meters, then a different approach is used. A large, horizontally stretched pattern is selected. It is permissible to apply division by color, horizontal combination, as in the photo. In order for wallpapering in this way to be modern, you should carefully choose colors and ornaments.

Room dimensions

In a spacious room, you can safely use fairly saturated colors and / or dark shades. This approach makes it possible to visually reduce its size. When monotonous dark walls are not suitable, then you can choose a coating with a large light-colored ornament - floral patterns, abstraction, geometry. In compact rooms, it is strongly recommended to use light shades, it is possible with a weak texture, small pattern. Rooftop bedroom example:

The geometry of the room also plays an important role. Sometimes it needs to be visually aligned. If the room is very narrow, and even long, then the gluing option saves the situation, in which light wallpapers are glued to short walls. Non-standard layout and a combination of wallpaper in the hall:

When the entrance is located on long side, then the center of the opposite wall should be pasted over with a coating of a different color. On the sides, leave the same wallpaper with which the short ones are covered. The room will be perceived differently, it will not look so narrow and long. Design option for small hall On the photo:

A small bedroom can also be made stylish by properly wallpapering the walls:

Features of choice

When gluing several types of canvases, you should carefully choose their texture, quality and thickness. When combining, it is recommended to choose the same type of canvas. When the wallpaper is joined exclusively at the corners, then you can purchase coatings of different thicknesses and textures. If the canvases are connected on a smooth wall, then these differences emphasize the transition. This is shown in the photo of the hall:

In a room well lit by the sun, you can glue dark-colored wallpapers on the wall opposite the window, and light ones on the rest. To make it lighter, it is enough to cover the wall opposite the window with light wallpaper.

Existing wallpapering options can be used separately or several approaches can be combined. It is important to know what effect you want to achieve. An interesting example of wallpapering a kitchen with companions:

Vertical Combinations

Vertical stripes that visually increase the height of the room do not have to be evenly spaced. Today, one wall can be pasted over with striped canvases, the rest can be covered with plain or with a modest pattern. Vertical stripes can be safely placed on several walls. It is allowed to arrange them with the same step or different intervals. One option for wallpapering in the hall is shown in the photo below.

Stripes may vary in color, pattern. With this combination, texture and quality should match. This type of combination is best done using covers from the same collection. Many campaigns produce a range of matching patterns, in certain colors. There is an interesting technique that allows you to make the ceiling visually higher. This is to bring the wallpaper to the ceiling, and perform a blurry transition. The photo shows the option of pasting the bedroom different wallpapers:

Horizontal division

Acceptance refers to classical methods designs that have been around for a long time. This option is well suited for small rooms where ceiling height allows. You can divide the room simply by a horizontal strip around the perimeter. The plane is divided into 3 parts, and the line can be located at the bottom, for example, placed from the windowsill, or at the top. The strip is sometimes performed at eye level, where various decorative objects are hung, but then the rule is violated. This is usually done in corridors and hallways.

Traditionally, the bottom with such a division is made darker, the top is lighter, the rule can also be broken. The transition point is determined before gluing, where a line is drawn parallel to the floor. First, the top is glued, and then the bottom, the joints can be closed with a border or a special tape, as in the photo.

The traditional methods of wallpapering companions with horizontal division include:

  • the bottom (1/3) is covered with striped wallpaper, the top is made plain (or a small pattern is applied);
  • wallpaper is glued to the bottom (1/3) in a small pattern, a large ornament goes to the top (it can be covered with plain canvases);
  • 2/3 of the bottom is pasted over with wallpaper with a large ornament, up - plain.

The option of pasting the kitchen with wallpaper of two types is shown in the photo:

color accents

Often in the bedroom draw attention to the bed or the wall opposite it. The photo below shows one of the options.

Formed in the kitchen dining area. This method is often used in studio apartments in order to visually separate zones of different functionality. Here it is allowed to use coatings of different textures and qualities.

In the hall you can paste over as follows:

For classic interiors you can decorate the wallpaper in the form of a panel, which is logical to limit the frame. This option is perfect for Provence and country styles. Similar panels can be safely placed in modern style, but the frame should be made of wallpaper, where the color and collection should match. Alternatively, you can paste over a niche. Then the image, pattern, pattern with texture is selected according to the style. It is recommended to use canvases from the same collection. The option of pasting the kitchen is shown in the photo:

The accent can be done:

  • vertical stripe, which is often found with low ceilings;
  • horizontal stripe in high room.

Niches, ledges in the room are more interesting to highlight with other canvases, turning this detail into a highlight, to bring a special personality to the design. An interesting design option for a niche in the bedroom:

Or different wallpapers in the kitchen:

original design

The original version of wallpapering in the bedroom - using wallpaper inserts. First, you should stick a soft, plain background canvas. Next, you need to make inserts from, for example, non-woven wallpaper. They can be done different size and forms:

The combination helps to visually highlight different functional areas in the room. In the hall, an accent is often used when the wall behind the TV or fireplace is highlighted in a color that contrasts with the rest of the room. In the photo in the hall, such an area behind the TV is highlighted.

You can use a patchwork combination when the walls of the room are covered only with inserts, without a background. The main thing is to respect the harmony of materials when implementing this method. You can glue multi-colored blocks randomly, but you need to combine these inserts into a pattern or pattern.

Option for wallpapering in the kitchen:

If there are many niches or arches in the room, then they must be used when creating original interior. Designers recommend highlighting and playing with such places. Wallpaper in contrasting colors or bright embossed canvases should be glued:

  • if light wallpaper, then make a dark niche;
  • a small main pattern, and decorate the protrusion with a large pattern.

The photos below show wallpapering in contrasting colors in the hall and bedroom:

Different options for pasting the kitchen with wallpaper are shown in the video:

However, the use also carries many advantages: such a design not only looks richer and more interesting, but also performs additional practical functions, providing protection for the walls. For example, interior decor made using textile inserts from or imitation of protective panels from will be perceived more effectively and stylishly, and you will be able to protect the room from premature loss of its original appearance.

2 types for combination for every taste and according to different prices– and enjoy a pleasant, comfortable and bright environment in your home.

What types of wallpaper can be combined?

In many photos of combining wallpapers, pasting walls with different wallpapers does not create an imbalance in the overall environment. What is it connected with? When choosing materials for such a finish, it must be remembered that from harmonious combination wallpaper in space will depend on the success of your design and the degree of comfort in the room.

It is advisable to choose materials with a similar texture, which match each other both in color and in the thickness of the canvas, otherwise joints will be visible on the walls, and sharp transitions between shades will further focus on these shortcomings.

To decide how to decorate a room with two types of wallpaper, think about what parameters such materials should have, depending on the type and size of the room. For example, it is imperative to comply with refractory properties, in the bathroom - resistance to moisture ingress, and - environmental friendliness.

Room size can be one of the key imbalance factors as not all textures look harmonious in cramped spaces. For example, wallpaper with a pronounced, in the form will reduce the already cramped interior.

As most suitable for finishing materials in different rooms You can choose the following types of wallpapers:

Speaking about the combination of such materials, one should not lose sight of their harmony. For example, textile materials combined with liquid wallpaper will look contradictory due to the lack of common elements and completely opposite textures. But with the right combinations, they can create an original and cozy design.

Remember! When combining different wallpapers in the same room, wallpapers with a more pronounced relief will play the role of an accent, so the design layout should depend on the nature of the main materials in your interior.

Many people wonder if it is possible to combine wallpaper with a glossy and matte texture. Although such materials may not look harmonious enough, in the interiors modern type you can get rid of the disadvantages of such a combination. Eg, glossy wallpaper can decorate only one of the walls, due to which the space of the room will expand.

In addition, from glossy materials you can create original inserts with moldings, which will provide decorative effect. We will tell you about the common types of wallpaper combinations further.

Horizontal wallpaper division

You can combine different wallpapers in the room by horizontal principle. The wall is divided into two or more parts and drawn up straight lines stretching the space in breadth. Horizontal combination wallpaper is most often implemented in residential premises in order to visually expand the area and lower the level of ceilings.

Horizontally, there are several ways:

  • textured horizontal stripes on the entire wall they are framed with moldings or special strips and play the role of solid decorative inserts;
  • wallpaper different type with similar stories and divide the wall into two parts and are separated using auxiliary devices;
  • textured wallpaper are glued only on the lower part of the wall, creating the effect of a protective panel for the walls.

Advice: the horizontal division of the walls can be easily transformed into a complex combination: the border of the wallpaper is cut out in a wavy or zigzag shape. To ensure an easier process of creating such a composition, liquid combined wallpaper can be used.

In order for the interior to be perceived harmoniously, pay attention to the shade of the purchased materials for combining. As a rule, with horizontal divisions, walls are used for gluing in the lower area of ​​the surface, while coatings decorate the upper part, providing a light and comfortable environment.

Vertical Combination

A room with two wallpapers will look taller and brighter, especially if the textured wallpaper has a darker shade.

To ensure that the transitions between materials are not conspicuous, choose similar textures, and also focus on one subject of drawings.

Eg, paper wallpaper, decorated in spring floral prints on a snow-white background, will look beautiful and gentle next to textured wallpaper or shade.

With the help of vertical inserts, you can create an accent on some walls. x or their separate parts: ledges, niches, small decorative structures. Quite often, vertical stripes are glued on both sides of the fireplace or directly above it to create an accent effect.

Strips from can be glued next to the sofa, in the kitchen - in the window area, and - on both sides of the wardrobe or mirror.

Remember! When creating vertical stripes from embossed wallpaper it is advisable not to use materials of excessively bright colors. The texture itself will attract attention anyway, and when combined with a bright colors such a composition will spoil appearance rooms.

Creating accents

In order to highlight the main zone by using two types of wallpaper in one room, it is enough choose a material that will stand out from the rest of the walls.

When decorating a room with wallpaper in delicate shades, dark and contrasting materials are used for these purposes (moreover, embossed or vinyl materials are also suitable for you), and in the case of decorating a dark interior, you can create an accent using light colors.

Advice: you can also glue catchy wallpapers on two walls or extend the composition to the ceiling. Since such an area will immediately catch your eye when you enter the room, design it in accordance with the color features and common style interior.

Another way to create an accent is to combine another type. They can be glued in a niche, placed on the entire wall, or pick up small canvases with realistic drawings to highlight individual parts of the walls. It is desirable that the color scheme of the photo wallpaper matches the rest finishing materials , a , and other accessories were harmonious.

If you like bold and bright ideas, you can implement the patchwork technique (patchwork combination). But, since small fragments of wallpaper of different types can be perceived inharmoniously, the process of selecting such materials should be approached very carefully.

Think about how hide joints and create a composition without significant contradictions. For example, use with shades from the same palette, or try to divert attention from their differences with wallpaper tapes designed for seams.

Liquid wallpaper combinations

combination liquid wallpaper can be distinguished into a separate category, since the special composition of such materials allows you to realize any or plot in space without resorting to traditional ways combination. Such wallpapers can be combined, starting from their color differences and texture features, and the borders between different wallpapers can be created in any order.

The combination of liquid wallpaper with other types of wallpaper products is extremely rare: usually harmonious combinations involve use of this type of material. Often this combination is implemented in the form of mosaics and three-dimensional fragments.

You can combine liquid wallpaper in the form of ordinary stripes or apply them to different walls, starting from the lighting or layout. , or you can create unusual drawings by first sketching on the wall itself with a regular pencil.

Advice: To create decorative inserts in classic and strict interiors, you can use it, which will significantly save your money. When decorating such panels using frames or moldings, you can create a stylish and spectacular composition.

Creative individuals can combine liquid wallpaper in bright colors in the style of a patchwork combination, but such a procedure requires high accuracy, since the applied layers of wallpaper must match each other, and the boundaries between the shades must be made perfectly even and proportional.

The main step to the successful implementation of any idea will be right choice materials and their shades.

The combination of colors can be checked while in the store itself, and the harmony of the combination of textures and the coatings themselves of different types will have to be judged, focusing on own experience or expert opinion.

If you are not sure that your idea will actually turn out to be stylish and effective, look for similar designs.

The content of the article:

Two types of wallpaper on the wall is an excellent design solution that allows you to transform any room, visually dividing it into zones. Thanks to this method of pasting, you can mask the flaws of the room or emphasize its advantages. Wallpaper may have different colors, textures and drawings, and the future result of the work can be assessed in advance by rolling two rolls on the wall nearby.

Types of combined wall decoration with wallpaper

The combination of wallpaper of two types on the wall can be vertical, horizontal, inset and patchwork. The option of vertical division of the wallpaper is great, for example, for the living room. For him, they often select material that has different patterns and colors, but the same width, texture and, most importantly, thickness. Design solutions can use a contrasting option with different colors or monochrome, which involves pasting the walls with wallpaper that is similar in shade.

With horizontal division, you can combine wallpapers of different thicknesses. For example, make the lower part of the wall embossed, and paste over its top with lighter textile wallpaper. In such cases, the joint between wallpaper of different types is upholstered with a decorative border.

Wallpaper inserts are designed to emphasize a certain area in the room, for example, you can paste over a corner in a nursery with one color of wallpaper.

Patchwork wallpaper combination involves the use of the same background, but different patterns. Such pasting begins with shreds, and the main color is already adjusted to them.

The advantages of wall decoration with two types of wallpaper

Using the above-described types of wallpapering the walls with two types of wallpaper, you can get different effects of interior design.

Vertical stripes of wallpaper visually enlarge the room. If it has high ceilings, which is primarily characteristic of the private sector and Stalinka apartments, you can divide the walls with wallpaper in a horizontal direction so that the level of structures is not very conspicuous, especially with low furniture.

A visual increase in the space of the room can be achieved by pasting its corners with a darker material compared to the general background.

In addition, this design is quite economical. Often, many stores arrange a sale of leftover material at reduced prices. Therefore, the combined gluing process can reduce the final cost of the repair without sacrificing quality.

Choice of two types of wallpaper for wall decoration

Before buying wallpaper, you should make a calculation of their number and plan possible options for combining paintings on the walls. First of all, you should take into account the features of the room: whether it is cold or warm, large or small, light or dark. Using options for combining wallpaper for wall decoration, certain rules must be observed. They take into account the height of the ceilings, the lighting and dimensions of the room, as well as the texture of the material. Let's consider them in more detail.

Ceiling height

This room parameter affects the choice of wallpaper pattern, and also largely determines their color and texture. With a room height of less than 2.5 m, canvases of a soft texture and light colors are used. You can visually raise the ceilings by combining the main light background with a subtle pattern or texture and vertical stripes in the form of canvases of a different color, which can be located on two or three walls.

Ceilings over three meters high require a completely different approach. Here, the canvases should have a large pattern stretched across the width. You can apply the division of the walls in the horizontal direction, using different colors of wallpaper for pasting the lower and upper parts of the structures. This technique is considered a classic, so that such a design looks decent, you should try very hard when choosing patterns and shades of canvases.

Room dimensions

In rooms of large areas, wall pasting can be done with wallpaper that has dark shades, which visually reduce the space. If dark plain walls are undesirable, you can choose wallpaper with a large light pattern that has a floral theme, geometric figures or abstraction.

IN small spaces the opposite is true: light colors are used. Wallpapers are selected with a medium-sized texture and not a pronounced small pattern.

The geometric shape of the room for pasting walls with wallpaper of two types is also of great importance. In a long and narrow room, lighter wallpapers should be pasted on short walls, and some of them should be turned around the corner. In this case, the difference in the size of the room will not be so noticeable.

There is another method used if the input to narrow room located in one of its long walls. In this case, the middle part of the opposite wall is highlighted with wallpaper of a different color, and the corners are pasted over with canvases intended for the short sides of the room.

Invoice selection

Combined wallpapering requires a careful approach to the selection of the thickness of the material and its texture. In combinations, it is recommended to use canvases of the same type. With their angular docking on the texture and thickness of the wallpaper special attention may not be converted. But if the connection of the canvases occurs on common wall, then the transition will be emphasized by the difference in their thickness.

If, nevertheless, a decision is made to glue wallpapers of different types, then for this you should use the glue that suits them. For example, non-woven wallpaper is glued on one composition, and paper - on another. The way out of this situation may be to buy universal adhesive, it's on sale.

Room lighting

If the room is bright or its interior seems too monotonous, it is not at all necessary to glue dark wallpapers on absolutely all the walls. One of them, located opposite the window, can be slightly darkened, and the rest left light. As a result, there will be no oppressive atmosphere created dark background, and the light will not become so intrusive.

This technique can also work in reverse. For a dark room, it is enough to stick light wallpaper on the wall opposite to the window. It will be much lighter.

The style of the room design must be chosen based on its functional purpose. Only after that you can select the colors of the wallpaper and decide on the method of decorating the walls with two types of wallpaper.

Combined canvases must be in harmony with the interior and furniture of the room. Selection of wallpapers for the best combination recommended when purchasing. For this canvas, you just need to attach to each other and determine their suitability for the intended wall design.

If any wallpaper in rolls is available at home and you need to pick up a pair for them, for example, for flaps or inserts, then a piece of the canvas should be taken with you to the store for a sample.

Wallpapers of the same texture, but different colors are most often combined with each other. Combinations of plain materials with a pattern from one collection are also popular. In addition, combinations of canvases that differ in texture and color are possible.

Options for pasting walls with wallpaper of two types

There are several techniques for combining wallpaper on the walls, which can be used both in its pure form and in all sorts of variations. Here it is important to have a good idea of ​​the desired effect.

Vertical trim

Vertical stripes that visually increase the height of the room are not necessarily located in right order. One wall can striped wallpaper, and the rest - coloring or a barely noticeable pattern. But such a decision is not always made. Vertical stripes can be distributed along different walls, and they can be duplicated at a constant interval.

Stripes may vary in pattern and color. This combination requires the same wallpaper texture. In this case, it is most convenient to use one collection of products. It can have 2-3 plain backgrounds and various patterns. It is very difficult to arrange wallpapers of different textures.

There is an interesting trick vertical combination, which allows you to visually increase the height of the room: one of the strips goes up to the ceiling, the transition border becomes fuzzy, which gives a feeling of increasing space.

Horizontal wrapping

This technique is a design classic. It has been used for a long time, but with today's variety of textures and colors of wallpaper, it has acquired a completely new quality. Horizontal division is often used in small rooms with high ceilings.

It can be a horizontal strip encircling the room, which is often located at the height of the window sills. In addition, such a strip is carried out in cases where the plane needs to be divided into three parts, while the border can be located in the upper or lower third of the wall.

There are violations of this rule: sometimes the strip is performed at eye level and decorated with decorative elements. This technique is often used in the design of hallways and corridors.

The division zone may be upper. Bottom part walls are traditionally decorated in dark tones, and top part- light.

Zoning of premises

Canvases of different colors, pasted on the walls of one room, can conditionally divide it into functional areas, for example, recreation and dining.

A similar principle applies in the children's room. Here, gluing walls with two types of wallpaper can serve when dividing the room into zones for games, a table or a bed.

With this combination of wallpaper, the use of canvases of different textures is allowed, but the separation of their sections by moldings is almost never used. They try to make docking in the corners of the room or select wallpaper in such a way that the joints are not particularly noticeable.

Wallpaper in the form of a panel

These types of wallpapers have been around for a very long time. Once upon a time, this material was made only from fabric, was framed, was insanely expensive and was available to rich people. From that time to the present day, this interior design has become a classic. For inserts, embossed, textured and silk-screened wallpapers are now used.

If the style of the room allows, wallpaper elements of a different color are placed in a frame made of molding. This performance fits well with the classics, country styles or Provence.

IN modern style modern similar panels can be made too. The frame in this case is made of material cut from the wallpaper.

Another option is to paste over the wall in a niche. At the same time, the selection of texture and pattern is made according to the style, and the wallpaper is used from one collection.

The selection of wallpaper can be carried out by a professional decorator, using his experience or flair. It is much more difficult for amateurs to do this.

Highlighting wall sections with wallpaper

This approach uses color accents material, it is applied according to two principles. One of them is designed to divert attention from an unsightly interior element, such as curved walls. So that such a defect does not catch the eye, the opposite wall is pasted over with canvases of a different color so that they immediately attract the eye.

Another technique involves highlighting the location of any piece of furniture. In bedrooms, this is usually the bed or the opposite wall. In kitchens, a table is often allocated, marking the eating area in this way. Partly this can be called zoning, partly - an accent.

Ordinary apartments do not have high ceilings, so the emphasis on their walls can be expressed by a vertically directed stripe. In a high room, accentuation can be done with a horizontal wide strip or some part of the wall.

Some rooms have niches or various protrusions of the walls, which the owners often try to disguise. But this should not be done. If such areas are highlighted with wallpaper of a completely different color, you can get an excellent design that will give the room a personality.

How to glue wallpaper of two types - look at the video:

With the help of skillful combination and use of many contrasts of wallpaper, you can easily beat the flaws of any room in terms of its geometry, ceiling height, size, and also divide the room into functional zones. With a huge range of wallpapers, create interesting design its accommodation is very nice and easy. Good luck!