How to choose photo wallpaper: rules for choosing photo wallpaper, combination with ordinary wallpaper, recommendations when choosing an image. Wall mural on the wall Photo mural from which material to choose

We often puzzle over how to make the house more interesting and original. But do not forget: everything ingenious is simple. For example, for wall decoration, you can choose wallpaper. It will perfectly decorate any interior, focusing on its originality. Be sure to think in advance and imagine what kind of wallpaper you want and where you are going to place them.

What is photo wallpaper

Previously, the word "wallpaper" was associated with some kind of unnatural white birches or something like that. Thirty years ago, photo wallpapers were called cheap, glaring sheets of paper in the light. In times of general scarcity, even this was considered a luxury. Then for some time they went into oblivion, and here again they are at the peak of popularity. Other than their name, they have nothing in common with their predecessors. New photo wallpapers are realistic, quite often they can be embodied in 3D format, which creates the effect of being on the roof of a skyscraper or on the ocean. These wallpapers are made from high quality and environmentally friendly materials.

Exist various sizes photo wallpaper. If the wallpaper is large, then it is customary to divide them into separate panels. There are two, three, four panels - these are medium-sized wallpapers, and six-eight panels are wallpapers of large sizes. AT recent times murals for doors are quite popular, their standard size- 86 by 220 cm.

It is very important to choose the right color for the wallpaper. After all, wallpapers that are made in cold colors (for example, blue, blue, green, indigo color) can visually increase the space of the room. But warm colors (orange, red, yellow) create an atmosphere of coziness and comfort. They are ideal for those rooms where there is a problem with natural light.

When choosing photo wallpaper, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer. It is recommended to buy products only from leading manufacturers, because they monitor the quality of the wallpaper.

Types of bases for photo wallpapers

For the manufacture of photo wallpaper, one of the bases can be used:

- paper. This base is the most common. It holds the ink best. In addition, it is environmentally friendly and easy to use. The paper base can "breathe". The advantage of using such a framework is affordable prices;

— photowall-paper on a fabric basis;

- non-woven, vinyl base. All of these basics are certainly good, but they are significantly more expensive than the paper version.

Wallpaper texture

High-quality wall murals are usually made using European vinyl-coated paper base and Japanese eco-friendly inks. There is a wide range various kinds with a variety of subjects. The point is small - to choose a structure. There are 14 types of texture in total. Let's get to know each of them:

decorative plaster: wall murals with this texture imitate painting on the wall. This texture is quite versatile and will fit perfectly into any interior;

Coarse sand is a matte texture that is ideal for architectural landscapes. Perfectly fit into the interior of the loft;

Sand is the perfect texture for Art Nouveau. He is able to delicately convey colors and turn their tones into pastels;

- plaster - the texture is quite large and heterogeneous. It is ideal for vintage photos and old frescoes;

- satin is a texture with gloss. It is best used for panoramas and solid canvases, since joints may be noticeable during gluing;

- imitation art canvas. This texture is perfect for different styles interior - from minimalism to classics;

- painting - this texture perfectly emphasizes picturesque paintings, can imitate oil painting. It goes well with classic interiors;

- linen - this texture must be combined with wood, coarse textiles and bamboo wallpaper. It is ideal for art deco, ethno, Japanese and avant-garde styles;

- frost - the texture has small villi due to which the image is matte. Hoarfrost goes well with calm and soft colors;

- geometric ornament - such a texture has a pronounced relief and will well decorate even the most modest and nondescript image;

- tiles - this texture goes well with high-tech, loft and art deco styles;

- tree bark - the texture is suitable for wood, art deco, ethno and avant-garde;

- straws - the texture is able to imitate natural material. It will perfectly fit into the style of ethno, country and Scandinavian motifs;

- coral texture imitates the pattern of a coral reef and goes well with a marine theme.

Advantages and disadvantages of photo wallpapers

Wall murals are an excellent finishing material that has a lot of advantages. These include:

- a great appearance. Such wallpapers can easily imitate any landscape, pattern or photo. This creates coziness and comfort in any apartment;

— a rich assortment, as well as the possibility of making custom-made photo wallpapers;

- relative durability;

- relatively fast way sticking;

modern wallpaper moisture resistant;

— photowall-paper - an ideal variant of zoning of the room;

- rather low price;

- they meet the requirements fire safety;

- the photo wallpaper is practically not affected by the sun's rays, so the wallpaper does not fade;

— photowall-paper can be varnished therefore care of them is minimum.

Of course, the aesthetic properties of photo wallpapers are on top, but even they have their drawbacks. For example:

- photo wallpapers require a perfectly smooth and flat surface. Only under this condition will they look impressive and serve you for a long time;

- despite the fact that the process of gluing such wallpapers does not require special training, it will still require your attention, perseverance, patience and effort;

- there are quite poor-quality photo wallpapers, which can peel off over time;

- it is important not to miscalculate with the picture of the photo wallpaper, otherwise over time it will bring you complete annoyance.

The use of photo wallpaper

Wall murals visually expand the space, so they are ideal option for wall decoration in small apartments.

Too bright and colorful wallpaper should not be glued in those rooms where there is a lot of furniture. Also, do not choose wallpaper with the image of people. Most best option are landscapes. In addition, they have a positive effect on the psychological state of a person, are able to relieve irritation, fatigue, anxiety and create coziness and comfort.

Photowall-paper with the image of flowers and plants, exotic landscapes, antique urban plot are very popular. For children's rooms, cheerful and bright photo wallpapers with the image of cartoon characters are ideal. For older children, wallpapers with a sports theme or on the theme of fashion, idols are suitable. For the bedroom, it is better to choose wallpaper in soothing colors. But for the kitchen, choose murals depicting fruits or mouth-watering dishes.

The average cost of photo wallpapers in Moscow

You can buy photo wallpapers in specialized Internet and regular stationary stores. Them average cost is 1000-1200 rubles for a canvas measuring 175x115 cm, 1400-1500 rubles for a canvas 254x183 cm and 2000 rubles for a canvas 366x254 cm.

Tools and materials needed for gluing photo wallpapers

So, for gluing photo wallpaper, we need:

- roulette;

- ruler or level;

- pencil;

- rollers and spatulas for smoothing wallpaper;

- stationery knife;

- brushes for applying glue;

- stepladder;

- clean, dry rags or sponges (required to remove excess glue);

- a bucket for making glue;

- glue for heavy vinyl wallpaper with a paper base;

- wallpaper.

Photo wallpaper gluing technology

First of all, you need to prepare the walls. They should be perfectly even and smooth. Be sure to get rid of the remnants of the old coating. For example, old paint must be removed with a spatula. If there are any obvious defects on the surface of the walls (pits, cracks), they must be corrected with putty. Primer required deep penetration. After applying the primer, the walls should dry well. This is a prerequisite, because otherwise the wallpaper may peel off. The finished surface must be clean, dry, even, free from dirt, dust, grease, cracks and irregularities.

The next step is to check the photo wallpaper. Be sure to lay out all the components on the floor, fold the whole pattern and check if the picture fits. A marriage is considered: a discrepancy of more than 3 mm, the use of slightly different shades.

Then you can proceed to the third stage - to the preparation of the glue. Of course, if you purchased wallpaper on self-adhesive paper, then you do not need this step. So, for gluing photo wallpaper, you need glue for heavy vinyl wallpaper. Most often, such adhesives are sold ready-made, so you do not need to dilute them with water. Wall murals are pasted with room temperature and humidity about 40%.

And finally, you can proceed to the most important step - gluing photo wallpapers. First, mark up the wall. It is best to mark on the wall the place where the wallpaper will be placed if the picture is not on the entire wall. Use a regular pencil for marking. Consider the size of each fragment. Draw a grid on the wall to guide you when wallpapering.

Wallpapering should start from the bottom left corner. Apply glue to the wall in the place where you plan to attach the first fragment. Do not apply glue to the wallpaper itself. Carefully attach the fragment along the marks and glue it, starting from the top. In order to avoid the appearance of bubbles and defects, use a special non-sharp spatula or roller. Using these tools, make movements from the center to the edges, thereby expelling excess air and glue. Excess glue should be carefully removed with a cloth or sponge, it can be damp, but not wet. This should be done as soon as possible, since the glue can dry right on the surface of the photo wallpaper.

Photowall-paper can be glued both with an overlap, and end-to-end. The recommended method, as a rule, is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging of the wallpaper itself. Photo wallpapers that are glued end-to-end must be clearly aligned, and then the seam is rolled in with a roller so that it is minimally noticeable. Some wallpapers can be overlapped. After you glue the first canvas, you glue the second, matching the second. In this case, the edges overlap each other.

Ideal conditions for gluing photo wallpapers are 18-20 degrees. Drafts should be absent. After you finish the pasting work, it is better not to heat or ventilate the room for at least 24 hours. But it is better to wait 48 hours.

If you purchased self-adhesive wallpaper, it is advisable to take an assistant. After removing the paper protection, you need to act as quickly as possible, since the adhesive layer dries pretty quickly.

Protection of photo wallpapers with varnish

Of course, murals are not the most reliable material. Therefore, to give it a washing effect and greater durability, you can varnish them. You can use any varnish on water based. Lacquer should be applied with a brush in several layers. It is best to apply 2-3 layers. There must be at least 1 hour between each application. After the first layer dries, it can be rubbed with a soft brush. This is necessary in order to get a small spectacular shine of the wallpaper.

Photo wallpaper care

Wall murals, like any finishing material, can get dirty over time. Use a stationery eraser to erase pencil marks. And to remove dust, you can use a vacuum cleaner at minimum power. Large stains on vinyl or non-woven wallpaper can be removed with a sponge and soapy water. Rinse should be from top to bottom, and after removing the contamination, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the foam.

Do not use active detergents that contain bleaches and solvents, as they can damage the texture of the photo wallpaper.

If after pasting the walls there are traces of glue, be sure to wash them off warm water. In order for the wall murals to last as long as possible, do not lean furniture against them and do not allow direct sunlight.

If you decide to add photo wallpapers to the interior of one or more rooms of your apartment, then keep in mind: they can both decorate and visually expand the room, and make the room unsightly and significantly reduce it visually. To avoid common mistakes in the design of the apartment with photo wallpaper and give the rooms a zest and chic with the help of a printed photo image on the wall, you should know a lot of secrets and nuances.

Photo wallpapers are back in fashion

Wall mural today once again decorate the most modern design interior

The Russians had the opportunity to stick photo wallpapers in an apartment back in the mid-70s of the last century, the total fashion covered them from the beginning of the 90s, but by the end of the same decade it had almost completely exhausted itself.

It is known for certain that the first patterned wallpaper made from rice paper was glued to walls in China around 200 BC. From there, they became known in Europe (although paper wallpaper for a long time they were inferior to the usual fabric ones in terms of brightness, performance and price - almost until the middle of the 18th century). Today paper photo wallpaper with the stamp of High Quality and a variety of textures do not surprise anyone.

After the collapse Soviet Union people, tired of the shortage and the meager assortment of stores, rejoiced at everything new, bright and unusual. That is why the opportunity to see on the wall of your own living room or bedroom Niagara Falls, snow-capped mountain peaks or some Garden of Eden seemed fantastic original idea and, moreover, incredible beauty. True, it soon became clear that images of the same landscapes again decorate almost every apartment, the picture itself quickly fades, and even initially the print quality left much to be desired. From that moment on, sales of photo wallpapers began to decline rapidly until they completely disappeared.

Today, times have changed significantly, and the sign of a new era is, first of all, advanced technologies that provide, among other things, the possibility of high-quality printing of images of any shape and size according to reasonable price. With this opportunity, the demand for photo wallpapers has again revived, especially since even a landscape picture taken by oneself can now flaunt on the wall.

The landscape on the wall in the bedroom, which practically does not differ from the real one, is no longer a luxury and is available to anyone

The main task in the new conditions is to correctly select an image according to the realities and features of your own apartment, as well as your ideas about beautiful and unique design premises.

How to choose

In order for the photo wallpaper to decorate the room, and not vice versa, it is important to take into account a complex of factors. And the chosen plot, and color, and even more so the size of the picture should fit perfectly into the room, and the unusual texture should add zest original design premises.


The plot of the image on the photo wallpaper directly depends on the room in which you want to see it.

  • Beloved in the 90s, mountain peaks and waterfalls are most suitable for decorating the bedroom. Everything in this room should be conducive to comfortable rest and relaxation, and majestic landscapes are perfect for these purposes.

Mountain peak on the bedroom wall

  • In the living room where most of meetings, conversations and movement in general, an equally dynamic drawing, for example, a panorama of the city, will do.

Panorama of the big city in the living room

Also, the walls of the living room can be decorated with a huge family photo or a photograph enlarged several times, which is of value to a certain circle of people close to you.

  • An office or workshop will perfectly complement an image in retro or vintage style: a photograph of the beginning of the last century, which depicts Big city or, suppose, an antique shop, a frame from a cult black-and-white film, or, for example, an old geographic map.

Ancient geographical map in the office

  • A photo of an old transport or a brickwork of a real wall (for example, the famous wall of Viktor Tsoi on the Old Arbat in Moscow or the street art of a beloved courtyard in St. Petersburg) will fit perfectly into the corridor of your apartment.

Image brickwork on the wall in the hallway

  • In the kitchen, it is most logical to support a gastronomic theme and stick an image of products on the wall in any context close to you: real photo made by you in the country, children's drawing your son or a still life by a famous Renaissance artist.

Wall mural depicting food in the kitchen looks best

A typical mistake is to place on the wall of one of the rooms the so-called "universal" image of any colors, and in particular, enlarged many tens of times. Such a picture most often looks awkward (most of all due to the unrealistically huge size of roses or tulips). It is more logical to place any life-size images on the wall (including a flower meadow with many small flowers, if you so desire) than to glue a huge image of anything, which can sometimes even scare the person who enters, and not decorate the room at all .


When choosing the color of photo wallpaper, first of all, you need to decide on one of two color concepts that can easily get along in one room:


If your room is pasted over with soft plain or finely patterned wallpapers and furnished with simple furniture, you can safely stick photo wallpapers with a scarlet sunset or other image made in saturated colors on one of the walls - they will not overload the room and will set a certain mood.

Bright photo wallpaper to contrast with the interior

If the room as a whole is quite saturated with various, including color details, then the image on the photo wallpaper can be plain or even black and white, which, of course, will attract attention and will not argue with other things.

Black and white wallpaper in the interior with bright accents

  • Uniformity, consistency in one color and concepts.

If you like, say, the pastel shade of your walls, curtains and furniture and you would not like to disturb the harmony of the room, but there is a desire to bring novelty, then wallpaper of about the same color will let you bring the idea to life.

Photo wallpaper to match the color of the furniture and the rest of the interior

In a room whose design is based on bright colors and contrasts, photo wallpapers to match will also come in handy.

Bright wallpaper in a bright interior

When pursuing the goal of visually resizing a room, remember that:

  • White and cold colors (blue, green, lilac) visually expand the space, that is, a waterfall or mountain peaks of Everest will add space and air to the smallest room.

Wall murals that visually enlarge the space

  • Warm colors (yellow, orange, brown, red and their shades) will visually reduce your room, so a wallpaper with a desert or a retro shot of New York is best left for pretty. spacious room with large windows.

Wall murals that can visually reduce the room

The size

The main rule when choosing the size of photo wallpaper is simple - the picture on them should be fully visible! Neither furniture, nor paintings, nor any other decorative elements should cover and overlap the image on the wall that has appeared there to be admired.

Simply put, you need to literally estimate and measure the size of the exposed wall area in the room that you decide to decorate with photo wallpaper, and buy from a store or order a print to your exact measurements.

Remember that photo wallpaper does not have to occupy one wall from floor to ceiling. There are many options for the shape and size of a piece of photographic image:

  • a narrow vertical canvas (for example, filling the area between the cabinet and other furniture);
  • horizontal insert at eye level (for example, above the sofa);

Horizontal wall murals in the bedroom

  • inserts with an image on different parts of the wall, interconnected in meaning;
  • highlighting ledges or niches in the wall using photo wallpaper.


The choice of photo wallpaper texture is an extremely individual thing, and general tips and recommendations in this area are as follows:

  • In the living room, nursery or other room, where there is movement, and, consequently, the likelihood of fraying the coating is the most, it is better to choose a simple, not the most expensive photo wallpaper print without unnecessary frills. As a rule, this is a matte pattern without any texture.
  • Refinements, such as the texture "Hoarfrost", "Painting" or "Plaster", are most appropriate in rooms for serious pastime, namely in an office or library.
  • Brilliant glossy images, which go by the appropriate names "gloss", "gloss" and others, are most often used in offices and design studios, but are also great for a teenager's room or a pop art living room.

glossy photo wallpaper in the living room, decorated in pop art style

  • "Canvas" and "Linen" are recommended for the kitchen or living room, especially if the residents of the apartment are calm, peaceful people of the older generation.

According to Feng Shui, any image, whether it is a picture of a recognized genius or a photograph Bad quality, made by an amateur, carries a very specific energy charge. Each of us intuitively feels this charge, and that is why we like some pictures very much, others annoy, and others leave us indifferent. What exactly we will see every day on the wall in our own apartment is important for our mental health, therefore, according to Feng Shui, the criteria for choosing paintings for our home are very clearly defined (of course, this also applies to photo wallpapers):

  • The image should be liked by the owner of the house without reservations and assumptions.

That is why the designer does not have the right to single-handedly decide what and how will be located on the walls of the rooms on which he works. AT this case, the reasons why you don't like the image are not important.

  • It is desirable that the photo wallpapers do not depict animals during a hunt or people with weapons, since such pictures carry aggressive energy.
  • According to Feng Shui, photographs of the now deceased idols on the walls of the dwelling are unacceptable.
  • The picture should be as realistic as possible or with a minimum of abstract details.
  • The image must be completely clear and understandable to the owner of the house. Strange hieroglyphs, paintings and even photographs will bring confusion and subsequent strife to the house.

Photo wallpapers with images incomprehensible to the owner of the house, in particular, hieroglyphs, are unacceptable according to Feng Shui

There can be a lot of advice and opinions on the choice and placement of photo wallpapers, but the most important thing is the desire and feeling of beauty of the person who is going to decorate the room, and the recommendations given above will help to do without mistakes and obvious mistakes.

When we create an interior, we think over every little thing, every detail, wanting everything to be perfect in the room. We all want “zest” in our interior or “cherry on the cake”. Such an object can be 3D wallpaper. How to choose wallpaper? What should you pay attention to? And how not to make a mistake without the help of designers?

Combining photo wallpapers with other wallpapers is a simple and interesting task, the main thing is to follow the basic rules. Photowall-paper will harmoniously look in any room of your house. All you need is to choose the right wallpaper for the general background, following a few rules:

    The picture of the photo wallpaper should not stand out from overall design

    The image on the wallpaper should be harmoniously matched and fit into the allotted boundaries of the room

    Background wallpaper should fit the photo, emphasize the picture and not stand out from general style premises

Let's talk separately about each room and how it can be transformed using 3D wallpapers:

The first room of any apartment is the entrance hall, initially it is small and devoid of natural light sources. Therefore, it is better to choose light shades in the hallway. finishing materials. Wall murals will give the hallway a kind of uniqueness. For example, you can choose bright wallpaper that imitates the view from the window, you can choose wallpaper with a view of the streets, cities or natural compositions.

Care must be taken in choosing finishing materials for the bedroom. Give preference to calm tones. It is preferable to place photo wallpapers behind the bed, so the drawing will not distract your attention, if you want to relax. Floral and floral motifs of photo wallpapers, combined with the usual background ones, look original.

Pay attention to where the bedroom windows face. For the sunny side, it is better to choose cold tones. For the north - warm shades of wallpaper and finishing materials. For the southern and eastern sides of the apartment, wallpapers with three-dimensional drawings are suitable: sea, beach, park, forest.

Properly selected materials for the living room will help create an atmosphere in the room. The urban style of drawings with contrasting background wallpapers is considered fashionable today. An equally popular option is the floral theme - a vertical pattern of flowers and background wallpaper, combined with the general interior and emphasizing color scheme a photo.

A great pleasure is the choice of wallpaper for the children's room. Pay, initially, attention to the colors and saturation of colors. Suitable for children pastel shades: purple, yellow, blue, pink. And for them, choose wallpapers with your favorite cartoon characters, a fairytale forest, cars, pirates, robots for boys and princesses, fluffy animals for girls.

How to choose the right picture?

When sticking photo wallpapers on walls or ceilings, you must adhere to the general standards:

    Large elements and drawings in the dark color scheme visually reduce the room, so it is better to refrain from sticking such photo wallpapers in the corridor or living room;

    Light wallpaper will help visually expand the space and raise the ceiling, and panoramic images will create the illusion of additional windows;

    Bright macro shots look better in rooms with a minimum amount of furniture that will not obscure the picture;

    When buying 3D photo wallpapers, be guided by the planned style of interior design, do not forget about it.

How to combine with other wallpapers?

    Bright photo wallpaper should decorate only one wall or ceiling. At the same time, fill the rest of the space with plain materials, you can use appliqué or other designer stuff to organize space.

3. Photo wallpapers allow you to combine contrasting colors and create an individual room. The contrast is suitable for living rooms and dining rooms. See how red poppy wallpapers will look great on khaki backgrounds, and photos of orchids will look interesting on a soft blue background.

By purchasing goods from us, you are buying products from an environmentally friendly clean materials that will delight you and your loved ones for more than 10 years!

Answer the following questions first.

1. What is the purpose of the premises?

Any wallpaper is suitable for bedrooms and living rooms. If you want beauty and practicality, pay attention to non-woven and textile.

It is better to glue paper ones in the nursery: they are the most environmentally friendly and cheapest. If the child ruins the walls, it will not be a pity to re-paste.

In the kitchen or in the studio apartment, vinyl wallpaper and non-woven with moisture-resistant impregnation will last for a long time.

In rooms with high traffic and temperature changes (corridors, hallways,) vinyl wallpaper, paintable wallpaper or liquid wallpaper are also recommended.

It is better to zone the room with natural and photo wallpapers.

2. Are the walls even there?

Best of all, irregularities hide non-woven, vinyl and textile wallpaper. Worst of all - paper.

3. Is there a lot of light there?

The darker the room, the lighter the wallpaper should be. If the room is on the sunny side, you can take dark wallpaper but with high light fastness. To identify it, study the pictograms on the roll.

  • Half sun. Wallpaper is suitable only for darkened rooms.
  • Half sun plus. With constant exposure to ultraviolet radiation, the wallpaper will lose its brightness.
  • Sun. Wallpaper is suitable for rooms with windows on the sunny side.
  • Sun plus. Wallpaper does not fade even with constant exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

4. What is the humidity there?

In rooms where they deal with water, but ventilation works well, you can glue any wallpaper. The main thing is that they have moisture resistant impregnation.

In rooms with poor ventilation, you need to glue "breathing" wallpaper: paper or non-woven on paper basis. It is better to refuse vinyl and textile. In conditions high humidity can grow under them.

4. Will there be children and/or pets in the room?

If yes, then the wallpaper must be washable and resistant to mechanical damage.

According to the degree of resistance to moisture, wallpapers are divided into waterproof, washable and super washable.

  • One wave means that the wallpaper can be wiped with a slightly damp cloth, but not rubbed.
  • Two waves indicate that the wallpaper can be thoroughly washed.
  • Three waves - can be washed with detergent.
  • One wave and brush - allowed slightly wet with little friction.
  • Three waves and a brush - washable detergents and rub with a brush.

The pictogram with a hammer speaks about the strength of the wallpaper.

What material to choose

In the store you will see racks with hundreds of wallpapers. In order not to get confused, remember that according to the type of base, wallpapers are divided into paper and non-woven.

The difference is that they always apply on a paper base (sometimes they smear the walls), but not on a non-woven base (the walls are treated with glue).

According to the type of upper decorative layer, wallpapers are divided into paper, non-woven, vinyl and textile. There are also such unusual wallpaper like liquid or fiberglass. Strictly speaking, this is not a wallpaper at all.

Consider all types of wallpaper in more detail.

Made from different varieties paper and are single-layer (simplex) and multi-layer (duplex).

Simplex - thin and light (less than 110 g/m²) with printed printing.

Duplex wallpapers are heavier (the highest quality ones weigh from 140 g / m²), the pattern on them is not only printed, but also embossed.

Paper wallpapers are very popular, as they are diverse in prints, breathable and inexpensive. But they have many shortcomings.

  • Difficult to glue (soak, bubble, turn yellow from improperly selected glue).
  • They are afraid of moisture (even with a moisture-resistant coating they will not last long).
  • Easily damaged and rubbed off.
  • They lose over time.
  • Poorly mask the imperfections of the walls.

Flizelin is nonwoven fabric, consisting of cellulose fibers and polyester. Similar to paper, but heavier, denser and more durable.

Interlining can act as a base and as independent material for wallpaper. In the latter case, the pattern is applied by hot stamping. Non-woven wallpaper in its purest form is quite expensive and has a meager range of designs, but they have many advantages.

  • Resistance to mechanical damage.
  • Easy to stick and care (as a rule, they have moisture-resistant and sun-protective coatings).
  • Environmental friendliness.

One hundred percent non-woven wallpaper is quite small on the market. The most common non-woven vinyl wallpaper.

Vinyl wallpapers are called, the top, decorative layer of which consists of polyvinyl chloride (vinyl) or another polymer material. The base can be paper or non-woven.

Depending on the method of applying the pattern, vinyl wallpapers are divided into foamed (under the influence of high temperatures the vinyl layer is foamed and a textured pattern is created) and hot stamping (the vinyl layer is rolled under textured rollers in a high-temperature chamber). Compact vinyl, heavy vinyl, silk screen printing, inhibition are all hot stamping wallpapers.

Vinyl wallpapers: left - foamed, right - hot stamping

Wallpapers with vinyl coverings cause controversy. On the one hand, there are many advantages:

  • Excellent wear resistance.
  • Can be washed, including with the use of detergents.
  • Perfectly mask irregularities, cracks and other imperfections of the walls.

On the other hand, they do not breathe at all, they do not burn during the time, but smolder, releasing toxic substances. They are difficult to glue: they are heavy, they are glued only end-to-end (there will be bumps with an overlap). Plus, it's a pretty expensive option.

Textile wallpapers consist of several layers: a paper or non-woven base plus a decorative layer of linen, silk, cotton, felt, velor or jute.

Such wallpapers look luxurious, have good sound and heat insulation, and hide the flaws of the walls well. And jute and linen are still resistant to sunlight. But textile wallpapers also have disadvantages:

  • Expensive (often sold not in rolls, but in running meters).
  • Accumulate dust (not suitable for) and absorb odors.
  • Difficult to maintain (some can be vacuumed, for some a damp cloth is acceptable).
  • Difficult to glue.

Other types of wallpapers

They can have both paper and non-woven base.

The highlight is that the canvases make up a single picture. Wall murals are suitable for highlighting one or two walls. They are also often used to visually. They are environmentally friendly and not very expensive.

They use plain paper or foamed non-woven, as well as fiberglass wallpaper.

The latter are made from impregnated special formulations fiberglass threads and have a clearly defined texture. The choice of textures is small (Christmas trees, rhombuses, matting), but glass wall papers can be repainted many times. At the same time, they almost do not lose their appearance.

They consist of a paper or non-woven base and a decorative layer of foamed acrylic.

They are not as heavy and expensive as vinyl, but not as durable. The advantage is also that acrylic wallpaper freely passes air.

They are usually issued on a paper basis, and decorative coating serve natural materials A: bamboo, veneer, reed, straw, seaweed and so on.

Such coatings are very heavy - on a normal wallpaper glue don't stick. Usually they are used for decorating small sections of walls.

This is a cellulose mixture with glue and decorative inclusions.

Liquid wallpaper is applied to the wall with a spatula. This wall covering is suitable for hallways, corridors, balconies. When mechanical damage you can always tint them, but you should not wash liquid wallpaper.

How to choose the color and pattern of the wallpaper

Having decided on the type of wallpaper, considering what you need, and finding the appropriate rack in the store, you can choose a pattern and shade. We will not limit the flight of your imagination, but we will recall a few ground rules interior design.

  1. How less room, topics smaller drawing. Large compositions on the wallpaper will “eat up” without that small space. wallpaper in vertical stripe will make the room higher, and horizontally - wider.
  2. Monochromatic and more glossy wallpaper glue only on perfect smooth walls. Imperfect surfaces are best masked with variegated embossed wallpaper without shine.
  3. Photowall-paper or natural wall-paper on one wall - perfect solution for zoning and expanding space. The main thing is to choose the right picture and shade of background wallpaper.
  4. The shade of the wallpaper should be the room. So, for a bedroom where a person sleeps and generally spends quite a lot of time, it is better to choose calm pastel shades. In the kitchen, the walls can be pasted over in appetizing colors: orange, green, yellow.
  5. In small rooms, avoid black, white, and contrasts (blue plus orange, purple plus yellow, and so on). This enlivens the interior, but makes the space visually smaller.

Remember: the lighting in the store is brighter than at home, and the wallpaper on the roll always looks different than on the wall. Be prepared for a discrepancy between expectations and reality.

What else to look for before buying

Take the sealed roll in your hands and read the insert carefully.

So that during the repair there are no surprises in the form of a barely noticeable difference in shade or pattern, always take wallpaper from the same batch and with the same article number.

And the last. Be sure to specify under what conditions you can return the wallpaper if you suddenly stop liking it.

Wall murals how to choose and stick today we will figure it out. This material been used for a long time; there are several types. And first of all, you should pay attention to the material of manufacture and then choose the right one according to your interior.

First of all, you need to decide what you want to get in the end. The choice will largely depend on this. In the video in this article, you can choose desired material and after that, instructions will be given on how to glue the photo wallpaper.

What can be achieved using wallpaper

We decide which wallpaper (see) to choose at the first stage. After all, the effect can be different.

In addition to excellent aesthetic qualities, this type of finish has functional advantages:

  • bright spot. In the room where plain walls, photo wallpapers play the role of a certain accent and occupy a central place in the decor. Of course, such a decision will require a deliberate arrangement of furniture, as well as other items - it is impossible that they overlap the wallpaper or divert the person's attention to themselves;
  • Visual expansion of space. Panoramic wallpaper with a 3D effect is now on sale (see 3d wallpaper for walls: how to choose), which qualitatively deceives human vision. If you look at them, it may seem that you are really looking at the sea or at the city landscape that opens from the veranda of the house;
  • Specific direction in style. Properly selected wallpaper will set the tone for the design of the space. For example, an image with wild animals is suitable for simulating a hunting lodge, a fireplace will fit into classic interior, and urban landscapes will perfectly fit into high-tech.