Do I need to impregnate the lining in the steam room. How and with what to process the lining in the steam room - tips from practice. Water based polyurethane varnish

Clapboard is an excellent option for the interior of the bath, but it needs to be protected. Before covering the lining in the bath in the steam room, you should decide on a protective composition.

To extend the overall life of its operation and provide reliable protection against the appearance of mold, fungus, discoloration and cracking, wood panels must be treated with special compounds. So, how can the lining inside the bath be processed, and what funds should be discarded?

Acrylic and scuba

If the question arose of how to cover the ceiling in the bath, then in this case preference should be given to acrylic varnish or scuba - in principle, both options are suitable for rooms with a high level of humidity.

Acrylic can be tinted or transparent. Positive sides:

  • possesses water-repellent and dirt-repellent properties;
  • prevents the formation of mold;
  • suitable for wood and .

If acrylic was chosen, then before covering the lining inside the bath with it, several nuances should be taken into account:

  • it is necessary to cover wooden panels with acrylic at a temperature of + 5 degrees (not less);
  • air humidity should be at least 75 percent;
  • before covering the lining in the bath in the steam room, you should prepare it: clean it of any dirt, moisten and sand it;
  • the composition should be applied in a couple of layers (if a tinted composition is applied for the first layer, it must first be diluted with water).

As for scuba lacquer, unlike acrylic lacquer, it does not emit an unpleasant odor. This option is also suitable for a steam room.

Proven lacquer manufacturers

If the question arose of how to process the lining in the bath inside, then in this case you can safely choose the following options:

  • Evrotex Sauna (semi-matte lacquer with antiseptic and wax that protects wooden panels at high temperatures up to +150 degrees);
  • Dulux Celco Sauna (suitable if the temperature in the steam room does not exceed +120 degrees);
  • Belinka Interier Sauna (in this case, the lining in the bath is treated with a varnish that does not have a color, which helps to preserve the natural beauty of the wood).

Oils and impregnations

The processing of the lining inside the bath with the help of impregnation must be carried out on both sides even before it is installed. If the question arises, how to process the lining in the bath inside from mold, then in this case, compositions on a neutral basis should be chosen.

Experts advise choosing oils based on flax with the addition of natural flavors for processing boards. Ordinary paint, like a simple varnish for covering wood panels, is not suitable.

The fact is that if the wood is treated with a simple varnish / paint, then it will stop “breathing”, it will begin to absorb moisture, as a result of which the service life of the material will be significantly reduced. In addition, harmful substances will begin to evaporate.

After the lining inside the bath has been processed with an optimally suitable composition, the steam room should be ventilated and dried.

Proven impregnations and oils

Inside the bath? Which manufacturer should you choose? One of the most famous and proven impregnations is the Finnish Supi Saunasuoja, which is soluble in water. Such impregnation in stores is presented both in a “colored” version and in a colorless one.

It should be noted that it is not suitable for shelves in the steam room, as it can provoke the formation of burns.

Also, for the treatment of wooden panels in the steam room, you can use the oil-based antiseptic Sauna natura (suitable for walls and ceilings, as well as for shelves in the steam room) from the Finnish company Teknos.

An inexpensive domestic version of antiseptic impregnation is Usadba U-409. It is designed to ensure that the walls, floor and ceiling do not darken over time. After applying the "Estate", a water-repellent film is formed that does not prevent the wood from "breathing".

If the question arose of how to impregnate the lining in the bathhouse in order to protect it from water and pollution, then Supi Laudesuoja oil impregnation would be best.

Wax is also suitable to protect the lining in the steam room. Despite the high cost of this material, it can perfectly protect the finish, while maintaining its original properties.

It should be noted that any acrylic impregnation for wall paneling in a bath is suitable for walls, floors and ceilings, but not for shelves in a steam room. Special oils are suitable for shelves - for example, Neomid (quick-drying substance) and Medera-180.

    1. A house built using this material will be cozy, comfortable and reliable, and the interior will delight with beauty and naturalness. Let's add here a simple installation of lining in the bath ...
    1. If you have already built a room where you are going to bathe, and now you have to finish the bath inside with a clapboard with your own hands, then you already know what for such ...

  • The main building material for a bath is wood. And there is nothing to say about its interior decoration. Traditionally, both the dressing room and the main part of the bath - the steam room - are sheathed with wood. But a comfortable and beautiful wooden finish must be protected and preserved, especially in conditions of high humidity. To do this, the wooden parts are impregnated, varnished, painted. Nowadays, it is not so easy to understand how to paint a steam room inside a sauna. Modern materials have appeared that reliably protect wooden structures and do not harm the health of bath visitors.

    All wooden surfaces inside the bath must be treated with protective compounds. Source

    Criterias of choice

    For all its merits, wood is susceptible to moisture. Over time, it shrinks, darkens and begins to rot. Mold and microorganisms can grow on it. All this is true for ordinary external conditions. And in the sauna steam room, the conditions are extreme. Even in the dressing room there are no such effects on the walls and floor. The influence of sudden changes in temperature and humidity in the steam room accelerates the destruction of the tree. Under the influence of high temperature, a conventional protective coating can release harmful substances.

    In addition, the steam room is not just a room in which a person is located. He stays there in the nude, touching the body with wooden surfaces. And on some it even lies. This means that for shelves and benches it is necessary to choose wood protection that will not be unpleasant when it comes into contact.

    Most often, in the steam room, they strive to preserve the natural color of the tree, choosing species that look beautiful for this. But if you want to paint part of the steam room, then you need to take this into account when choosing an impregnation. Not every impregnation is suitable for subsequent painting.


    It is clear that it will not be possible to find the same impregnation for the bath outside and inside. Even for different parts of the steam room, different protective equipment may be needed. Wood processing in the steam room should be carried out with compositions adapted to its conditions. The choice must be based on the following criteria:

      What part of the steam room is intended for

      Will it be the primary impregnation of wood, or re-coating of a previously protected surface

      The method of applying a protective substance to a wooden surface - with a brush, roller or spray

      Is there any further painting of the impregnated wood planned?

    Features of protection of different parts of the steam room

    Of course, you can soak the entire steam room and the furniture in it with one composition. And then cover with one varnish. Moreover, the tools currently being released are rarely limited to one protection function. They usually combine, for example, impermeability with antibacterial action. But the conditions affecting different parts of the steam room are still somewhat different. Therefore, the processing requirements are also different.


    This part of the steam room, perhaps, has the least requirements. It is exposed only to the temperature effect of steam. Water hardly reaches it. Therefore, it can simply be covered with a specialized bath varnish.

    The ceiling in the bath must be reliably protected from moisture and temperature. Source

    On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer bath construction services. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".


    Unlike the ceiling, all the water that is used in the steam room ends up on the floor. Therefore, the anti-water protection for the floor boards must be very good. In addition to antibacterial and anti-water impregnation, it is desirable to cover the floor with a protective layer of varnish. But not every varnish is suitable for the floor. The protective layer must not be slippery. To protect the floor, this is a must. Of course, the soles of the feet should not stick to the floor. Do not think that repeated coating of the floor with varnish increases its safety. The thick layer of lacquer cracks and the water reaches the wood. In addition, the tree cannot “breathe” through such a coating, and still deteriorates.

    When building a bath, do not forget about the impregnation of the logs on which the floor boards are laid. This, of course, is not the inner part of the bath, and there are no special protection requirements for them. But if water gets to them, then sooner or later the floor itself inside the bath will suffer, no matter how well it is protected.


    Most of the impregnation for the bath inside goes to protect the lining, which is usually sheathed on walls. Therefore, do not use impregnations and varnishes, which, when heated, are capable of releasing sharply smelling substances. And do not cover with a protective layer that does not allow the tree to "breathe".

    Improper use of protective compounds can lead to regular condensation on the walls of the bath Source

    Shelves and benches

    The shelf is the main part of the entire steam room, for which it is, in fact, being built. Lying on it should be comfortable, pleasant and safe for health. Wood is a poor heat conductor, so even at high temperatures you won’t get burned too much on it. Another thing is if it is covered with a protective film, which, if touched, can cause a burn. Therefore, it is not recommended to use paints or varnishes for it. It is better to apply a special impregnation for the bath. Often such impregnations are produced on the basis of wax.

    The requirements for safety and convenience of the surface of shelves and benches are so high that there are sauna lovers who believe that wood should be natural for them and not be covered at all. But it is still suitable for small baths, where a simple shelf can be replaced. And when real furniture masterpieces are being built, it is better to find a quality composition and ensure their durability.


    Protective compounds and their properties

    For the sake of order, it is necessary to mention such a tool as drying oil, which used to cover all the insides in the bath. It is used now, but it is not worth using it in the steam room. It will be cheap but cheerful. In terms of protective properties, this is yesterday, and the smell from it with good heating does not give pleasure.

    Water dispersion impregnation

    They are water-based, so they penetrate deep into the wood structure. Resistant to high temperatures, do not contain active chemical components and do not emit any harmful compounds when heated. Modern water impregnations contain antibacterial components. Available both colorless and with the addition of dyes.

    The disadvantage is their fragility. Over time, under the influence of water, they are washed out of the wood, so the impregnation must be renewed every two years.

    Oil impregnations and varnishes

    Well impregnate and protect the tree from moisture, forming a film. But their inherent smell is a significant drawback. Therefore, it is necessary to use them in the steam room with caution. For external impregnation and for protecting wood in the dressing room, they are quite suitable.

    Lacquer preserves the appearance of wood, giving it a mysterious sheen Source

    Acrylic-based varnishes

    Acrylic bath lacquer inside is considered safe. Modern means of polyacrylates and organic solvents. Environmentally friendly and more durable than conventional water-based products. Acrylic varnishes produced for baths and saunas necessarily contain antifungal components.

    Water based polyurethane varnish

    Combines the advantages of water-dispersed and alkyd varnishes. It appeared on the market relatively recently, so it should be treated with caution, like any new product. And yes, it has a hefty price tag.

    Wax-based impregnations

    Wax, like drying oil, has long been used to protect and add shine to wooden surfaces. Now purely wax impregnations are almost not used. It is practiced to add wax to the composition of protective agents based on other components.

    In addition to protective agents, special detergents for cleaning and bleaching wood are also produced. They are used both before applying protection, and for washing contaminated and darkened surfaces.

    Video description

    About the choice of impregnations for the bath in the following video:

    Protective equipment for baths from different manufacturers

    To process wood inside the steam room, you should not experiment much. It is necessary to choose varnishes and impregnations made specifically for baths and saunas. Those who produce such products take into account the conditions and requirements for such premises.

    The Finnish company Tikkurila is considered the leader of such products.

      Supi Saunasuoja is a water-based impregnation with acrylic. Suitable for temperatures over 100°C. All-purpose tool for internal protection of the steam room. It is produced both in a colorless version and in a form suitable for tinting.


      Supi Laudesuoja - oil impregnation suitable for covering shelves

      Supi Saunavaha is a wax-based varnish. It is also considered universal and suitable for any bath surfaces.

    Imported formulations have one drawback - this is the price. Domestic manufacturers provide cheaper means. Here are some designed specifically for bath conditions:

      Senezh sauna is an acrylate-based antiseptic to protect wood in baths. Contains antimicrobial agents, but has no smell.

      NEOMID 200 is an antiseptic for wooden sauna surfaces, including shelves and benches.

      NEOMID Sauna is a translucent acrylic-based varnish. For the protection and finishing of wood in rooms with high humidity.


    Video description

    Comparison of foreign and domestic varnishes for baths and saunas in the video:


    Of course, this is not a complete list of paints and varnishes and impregnations that can be used for baths and, in particular, steam rooms - there are other manufacturers and other means. What is better to use, it is more correct to discuss with the specialists of the company building your bath: there are a number of points that can only be determined directly "on the spot" - depending on the material used or the design of the bath.

    Most owners of private houses and summer cottages build steam rooms and baths. The construction of such facilities has become popular for many reasons. According to tradition, people in the bath cleansed their bodies, healed of many diseases. In order for a bath or steam room to become truly healthy, it is necessary to properly process the wood. What is recommended to process inside a bath or steam room, we will learn from the article.

    Why is impregnation of wooden walls necessary?

    The arrangement of such an object as a bath or steam room should be given special attention. The room must be resistant to high humidity, temperature changes. Traditionally, deciduous trees are used for the construction of baths, since they have a number of advantages:

    • low thermal conductivity;
    • environmental friendliness;
    • beautiful appearance;
    • pleasant atmosphere.

    To improve health and find peace of mind, you need a pleasant atmosphere close to natural conditions. Natural wood has everything you need and gives a person its energy, natural warmth, health. Wood in its technical characteristics surpasses many modern materials. The only drawback of natural material is that it cannot retain its natural qualities for a long time without special processing.

    In the old days, people used simple means for processing - oil or wax. From inexpensive oils, sunflower oil without a specific odor was used. More expensive oils were also used - anise, lavender, roses. Some expensive oils were added to the refined oil and a richer and more pleasant smell was obtained.

    Wood is highly hygroscopic, so it quickly absorbs moisture. The loose wood tissue becomes a favorable environment for the penetration of microorganisms. In such an environment, a number of insects can immediately settle. They quickly spread and destroy the structure of the tree. At a normal level of humidity in wood, tannins and resinous substances will serve as a reliable protection against various insects and fungal infections. Even under such conditions, wood must be impregnated with special agents. With high humidity a wooden structure will be constantly exposed to:

    What to be guided by when choosing?

    Modern manufacturers offer a wide variety of wood processing products. Before choosing an impregnation, you should indicate the purpose of its use for yourself:

    Impregnation for wood should have many qualities, the main thing is to provide the material with reliable protection and not reduce the ability to pass air. In the decoration of the interior of the room is very environmental friendliness is important. This quality is especially important if indoor humidity is high. Such conditions will provoke the release of harmful components of the impregnation.

    There are special requirements for wood impregnations. After covering the surface, no film should remain on it. When the temperature in the bath rises, the coating should not emit components harmful to health.

    Varieties of impregnation for wood

    All impregnations intended for coating wooden surfaces are divided into types, depending on the composition of the components and the method of their application:

    • gels;
    • solutions;
    • aerosols.

    All impregnations are produced chemical or organic based. Any of the varieties has a water-repellent effect. Most often they are universal means for coating wooden surfaces:

    • protection against moisture and high temperature;
    • resistance to damage by fungal life forms and harmful insects.

    According to their composition, they can be water-soluble and oily. There are also combined impregnations in the form of paints and varnishes, which have the effects of protection against moisture and harmful microorganisms. Many of them have additional qualities - fire resistance and dirt-repellent properties.

    Antiseptic impregnations contain toxic substances, therefore they are considered aggressive chemicals. When using them, you must follow the instructions for use.

    Water-soluble and oily products: their features

    All water-soluble antiseptics are produced on an acrylate basis. This composition has a complex effect on wood. in the form of protection against harmful influences:

    • moisture;
    • biological damage;
    • pollution.

    The disadvantage of such compositions is the rapid washing out of the structure of the wood coating. For this reason, it is necessary to coat the surface more frequently than with other products. To preserve the properties of the impregnation, it is desirable to cover the surface with additional protection in the form of a thin layer of waterproofing. It should not contain film-forming substances in its composition.

    The advantages of water-soluble formulations are the inability of the products to affect the color of the surface, its texture and the absence of an unpleasant odor. On sale, such a tool can be bought in the form of a dry mixture or solution.

    Oil-based impregnation penetrates deep into the surface of the wood. Wood protective oil retains the properties of wood for a long time, despite the frequent wetting of the surface. The composition of this oil has an unpleasant and pungent odor. This is the only downside.

    Due to the high toxicity of preparations, many of them are not recommended for impregnation of wooden surfaces indoors. However, subject to safety measures, certain types of oil can be used to treat baths. Impregnations based on wax and oils have the property of compacting the material. This allows the wood to retain its natural qualities for a long time and give the structure durability and strength.

    Impregnation on an alkyd-oil basis give a good effect. With their help, the hygroscopicity of the material is preserved, deformation, cracking of wood is prevented. After oil treatment, the wooden surface acquires good decorative qualities. Many of these products are well absorbed and are colorless primers.

    Oil-wax is suitable for processing various surfaces inside and out, although it is inferior in quality to synthetic products.

    To keep the wood in good condition, it is recommended to treat it with protective agents. at least 1 time in 2 years. Autumn is considered the best time for processing. In the spring season, the movement of tree sap begins. They provoke the formation of rot, so it is very important to treat the wood in a timely manner in order to maintain the integrity of the structure and protect it from rot.

    It is recommended to apply antiseptics only on new wood before starting to use a bath or steam room. The old surface must be cleaned of coating (paint, varnish), as well as dirt and dust. After that, using a soft wide brush or roller, the composition is applied. When everything is completely dry, you can use the bath.

    If you correctly approach the issue of covering the wood surface and apply the impregnation correctly, you can save it for many years and take a steam bath in a bathhouse with health benefits.

    A bath is a place where a person can completely relax, so nothing should distract him: neither third-party smells, nor the environment, so the decoration of the room is of great importance. It is customary to finish the bath with wood, but the question remains of how to cover the lining in the steam room and dressing room, since the tree can begin to rot.

    Requirements for finishing materials

    Materials in the steam room must be environmentally friendly and safe. Since the temperatures inside the room are quite high, a large load is also created on the material. There is a risk that the finish will become toxic and hazardous to health. To process the bath inside, you should use only natural wood, but plywood, plastic panels or chipboard are dangerous, so you should forget about them.

    Another important point when choosing a finishing material is its durability. You should not buy a cheap tree, because it will not last long. Inside, the finish in any case needs to be changed every 3-4 years, since the operating conditions are quite harsh.

    Finishing Tools

    Processing lining in the dressing room and the steam room itself requires the purchase of several tools:

    • brushes;
    • remote control for paint;
    • paint tray;
    • roller

    Working with paints and varnishes requires caution, so protective equipment is needed:

    • special clothing;
    • respirator;
    • rubber gloves;
    • protective glasses.

    There are no special requirements when choosing tools for finishing a bath, the main thing is that the products that will be processed do not get into the eyes, respiratory tract or skin, since they, in any case, contain toxins, and this will not have the best consequences for health.

    Rules for choosing solutions

    The sauna can be treated with paint, but it emits odors when heated. If you want the room to have a beautiful color, you can purchase a special acrylic-based paint. But the texture of the wood will be broken and the finish in the bath will have to be changed in a year or two, so varnishes are the best choice.

    Impregnation for lining is selected according to the following rules:

    • the material must be environmentally friendly;
    • the substance should not contain toxins;
    • finishing material should be easy to clean;
    • the color should be pleasing to the eye.

    Types of impregnation for finishing

    Sauna finishing materials are paints, varnishes and special solutions. It is better not to use paints, but if you really want to, then you should choose acrylic.

    There are several types of varnishes, they are classified according to their composition:

    In addition to varnish, processing can be carried out with wax compounds and special impregnation. The wax composition can be prepared independently, but you should be very careful, as the wrong combination of components can adversely affect the tree. It is better to purchase a ready-made composition and use it at least in a steam room.

    Specialized impregnation was created specifically to treat the surface inside the bath. The product is odorless, it is resistant to high temperatures and high humidity.

    The choice of means for processing the bath is a purely personal matter. But it should be borne in mind that a person must completely relax, so the impregnation should not emit an unpleasant odor. In addition, wood is an expensive material, and finishing products can extend its life.


    The choice of material for finishing is an important point in the construction of a bath, since a person should relax as much as possible in it. The material must be safe for health - this is the main requirement.

    Finishing materials can be of several types, their choice is a personal matter for everyone, but it should be understood that impregnation should not only create a beautiful appearance, but also protect the tree from damage.

    Each finishing master will say that it is ideal for cladding a bath. This is a natural and environmentally friendly material that easily withstands high humidity inside the shower and high temperatures in the steam room.

    Due to the low density of wood, the lining does not overheat and does not burn the skin even at a temperature of 80-100 degrees. Therefore, it is safe and comfortable to use. And when heated, linden gives off a pleasant sweetish aroma, which has healing and relaxing properties. It has a positive effect on the well-being of a person and clears the respiratory tract.

    Narrow and thin rails are easy to install. If necessary, they will level the walls and ceilings, close the wires and other communications. Lining will create good heat and vapor barrier. To prevent moisture from accumulating between the boards, it is recommended to lay the lining in the bath vertically. And the ceiling can be mounted diagonally. It looks beautiful and original. For more information on how to properly sheathe a bath with clapboard, read.

    However, wooden materials have one drawback. Wood is negatively affected by external factors, including exposure to moisture and insects. This shortens the life of the materials. To preserve the original properties and color of the lining, the surface must be treated with special protective agents. Let's find out how to cover the lining in the bath.

    Which tool to choose

    • Many people think that the lining in the steam room does not need to be covered with anything. But it's not. Without processing, the lining will have to be changed every 4-5 years, and with intensive use of the bath, the service life of the products will decrease to 2-3 years;
    • Previously, lining inside the bath was processed using natural materials, including wax, linseed and hemp oil. Today, manufacturers offer a lot of modern products that protect wood from moisture and pollution, rotting and fungus, and insect damage. Experts recommend taking materials from Russian and Finnish brands;
    • Do not use standard varnish or wood paint in the steam room, as they cannot withstand high temperatures. When heated, the products emit an unpleasant odor and toxic substances that are dangerous to humans! In addition, a tree with such processing will not be able to “breathe”, it will absorb moisture and deteriorate;
    • To process the walls inside the steam room, foreign manufacturers suggest using acrylic varnish. It creates a water-repellent surface that does not rot or change over time. Acrylic varnish easily withstands temperatures of 100-120 degrees, effectively resists the appearance of fungus and mold;
    • Russian manufacturers offer to treat the surface inside the steam room with a colorless varnish based on water and wax. This lacquer retains the natural color of the wood. After processing, the lining does not absorb, but repels moisture, which prolongs the service life of products. Antiseptics in the composition of the protective varnish prevent fungus and mold. In addition, such a varnish is environmentally friendly and does not emit toxic fumes when heated;
    • Experts recommend painting a shower or washing room, a rest room inside the bath with a semi-matt or matte water-based varnish. It effectively protects the wood from moisture, does not emit odor and does not fade over time. For a steam room in a sauna, take specialized odorless impregnations with a composition that is stable at especially high temperatures.

    Acrylic processing

    Acrylic lacquer is suitable for processing lining in the steam room. It does not emit an unpleasant odor, effectively protects wood from the negative effects of the environment and is safe for humans. Acrylic is colorless and tinted. You can choose the color and shade you like, or keep the natural color of the wood.

    Advantages of acrylic varnish:

    • Differs in the increased stability and small specific weight;
    • It has a dirt and water repellent effect;
    • Prevents the occurrence of mold and fungus;
    • Not afraid of high temperature;
    • UV resistant;
    • Dries quickly and does not crack;
    • Creates a smooth elastic and high-strength film on the wood surface;
    • You can choose a varnish of any color to give the desired shade to the wood. Lovers of natural wood can choose a clear varnish, which will retain the natural color and enhance the layered pattern of the wood.
    • You can process both wood and concrete structures.

    Acrylic varnish is applied at temperatures above five degrees above zero. Before painting, clean the lining from dirt and dust, sand the surface. Apply varnish to dry wood in two layers. Colored varnish is diluted with water up to 20%, transparent varnish is not diluted. To paint the lining in the bath without bumps and overlays, let the layer dry before applying the next one.

    Oil treatment

    Among the variety of oils and impregnations, experts distinguish linseed oil. It impregnates wood and makes products resistant to external factors. Linseed oil is especially suitable for porous woods. The oil forms a film that protects the wood from dirt and water.

    Flaxseed oil benefits:

    • Environmental friendliness and safety. Even wooden utensils are treated with linseed oil!;
    • A universal tool is suitable not only for processing walls, floors and ceilings inside the bath. The oil is used for painting and protecting shelves and shelves, bath furniture and cooperage products;
    • Deeply penetrates into the structure of the tree;
    • Repels dirt and moisture;
    • Retains the color of the wood and adds shine to the surface;
    • Protects wood from rotting and darkening, mold and mildew.

    Before processing, the surface is also cleaned of dust and sanded. The oil is heated to 50-60 degrees and applied in 5-6 thin layers with variable grinding, with each new layer being done after the previous one has dried. Linseed oil is used in its pure form or with wax or tar to improve performance.

    Both linseed oil and acrylic varnish are easy to apply. Even a non-professional can paint the lining inside the bath! After painting, ventilate and dry the room. Impregnation is recommended every 3-4 years. Note that acrylic is more expensive, but it also dries much faster than oil. As a rule, it takes two weeks for the oil to dry completely.

    If you don’t know which tool to choose for processing the lining inside the bath, the masters of the Drev-Market company will help you choose the right varnish, oil or paint and tell you how to process the lining. Ask a question online or call a company consultant! In addition, in the company's online store you will find high-quality and inexpensive lining from the manufacturer! Contacts "Drev-Market" you will find.
