How to remove black or white background from an image in photoshop. How to remove background in photoshop

Hello dear readers!

Photoshop is an interesting thing that everyone should be able to use! I will not explain here what it is and how, I will just give useful lessons in an understandable language.

As many say, I will write for dummies!

For some, Photoshop is a hobby, for others it’s a way to earn money, or just entertainment… And for me, Photoshop is another indispensable tool, without which there is no way for me and my blog!

He helps me make cool unique pictures (I’ll write about this later - I have my own chips there, I advise you to subscribe to my blog. And then suddenly the article comes out, and you don’t know about it ...)

Make various 3D boxes and covers, inscriptions, etc.

Therefore, I gradually began to master this knowledge, and I want to start teaching you too! These will not be another dull and abstruse lessons for professionals - everything will be for dummies in an interesting format (friends, no offense here).

On this occasion, I am creating another section on the blog called "Photoshop Lessons"!

Yes, I have too many sections, and even one is empty - but you don’t look at it! Soon I will correct myself and fill everything with useful articles ...

You just need to subscribe to my blog and wait for them to appear on your website. e-mail! And your subscriptions are like a beacon in the wilderness, they will motivate me and show me the right path, and then there will be no place for laziness!

Well, we are finishing with such a fabulous introduction and it's time to start the topic of the post ...

In this short article, we will reveal such little secret:How to remove the background from an image in Photoshop?

Recently, I myself asked myself such a question and was looking for an answer to it ... But now, I do all this in a matter of seconds and even blogger friends ask me for help (I didn’t reveal the secret to them and said that I’d better write an article about this - they will rejoice)

How to remove the background from an image in Photoshop!

But first we need program entitled Photoshop ( more precisely - Adobe Photoshop)…

It doesn't matter what version, but the main thing is that it be! Or you can use online Photoshop, finding it through any search engine - its capabilities are not particularly inferior to those of the installation program!

Opening our Photoshop...

Now we need to add our background removal image: File - Open... (I think the screen is not needed here)

I will use this image as an example I’ll take the blog libraries as well, so as not to load too much):

P.S. But a small note: the picture must be in the format JPG, with formats PNG and gif such a chip will not work ... But if your picture is not in the format jpg, then this is not a reason for frustration - we just need to change the image format!

How to change the image format?

Everything is simple here! You can use for example the program Paint(this is a standard program that is on every computer - or at least should be)

Open the image and just save it in the format we already need ( jpg) without any changes!

With Photoshop, such a feature does not work: it does not want a picture of the format PNG and gif save in jpg

By the way, I am using Adobe Photoshop CS6 Portable… (p.s. I really good version caught)

After adding the picture, in the window " Layers"double click and in the window that opens, click" OK» ( so we can create a new unblocked layer and subsequently make changes):

Now we need to select the tool called " Magic wand" (works more accurately than " Quick Selection“) and use it to click on those parts of the image that we want to delete ... (we made a left-click, thereby selecting the area and pressing delete):

After removing the background, you need to save ( File - Save As...). The image must be saved in the format PNG, only then the background will remain transparent!

Basically here is my result:

Maybe I have some errors, but I was just in a hurry - all this can be corrected with more attention! But the main thing is that you catch the very essence ...

Now this picture can be easily placed on any background!

Photoshop lessons - how to remove the background ... The second option!

And here is the second option! To be honest, I don't like it!

Everything remains the same, only we use a different tool, namely the “Pen”. Basically, look at the picture:

I hope the meaning of the picture is clear! We need to select the object with dots until the contour closes ... If you set the point incorrectly, don't worry - you can cancel it (in the tab: Window - History, well, or by right-clicking on it - Delete anchor point)

For convenient marking of points, you can use the magnification of the picture.

When you put down all the points and the contour closes, right-click - Create Selection Well, then look at the picture:

After all these actions, the background will become transparent, all that remains is to save the image in the format PNG.

Why don't I like this option?

  • very long (especially if the picture is not a circle or a square =)
  • the outline of the picture sometimes changes its appearance

And since I don’t like the second option, I decided to record a short video tutorial on the first one only ... In general, we look:

Well, yes, I could not resist and wrote about two ways =)

On the video, the cursor is not visible while working in the program - something is frozen ... But, I think the point is clear! Also, I didn’t add any captions, but the above is a great article, and I’m waiting for you with my questions in the comments!

That's all! Bye everyone!

When working with images, very often you have to remove background in photoshop at the picture. The ability to do this is one of the basic basic skills in Photoshop. There are several ways to do this. In this lesson we will get acquainted with one of the most simple and quick ways performing such an operation. You will probably ask how to remove background in photoshop quick and easy? So let's get started.

Before proceeding to the lesson, First, let's get acquainted with the tool with which we will remove the background from the image. This tool is called the Magic Eraser. Principle of operation this instrument is as follows: "Magic Eraser" removes pixels that are similar in color at the point of mouse click, it also automatically converts the background layer to normal. This tool is great for instantly removing large areas of solid color.

To competently and skillfully use the Magic Eraser tool, let's get acquainted with its parameters:


1) Tolerance.This parameter sets the sensitivity of the tool and determines the range of similar colors (in percent). The higher the tolerance, the wider the range of colors that will be erased.
2) Smoothing.Softens the borders of the area being erased.
3) Adjacent pixels.If you want to erase pixels that are in contact with each other, leave this box checked. If you want to erase pixels of a similar color no matter where they are in the image, clear this check box.
4) Sample from all layers.Check (Use All Layers) to have the Magic Eraser erase areas of the active layer based on the color of the pixels on all visible layers. If this option is disabled, the tool analyzes only the colors of the active layer, only the pixels of the active layer will be erased.
5) Opacity.Sets the transparency of the eraser. If you want to control how effective the Magic Eraser is, you can enter a value (in percentage) in this field. For example, entering the number 50 will cause it to erase 50 percent of the image's opacity, entering 100 will remove the entire image.

My settings for the parameters of this tool, you can see above in the screenshot, highlighted in red.

So, let's move from words to deeds. To delete White background from the alarm clock, take the Magic Eraser tool and left-click 2 times on a white background. Once outside the alarm, the second time at the top inside the alarm. For example, I highlighted in red the places where I clicked with a magic eraser.


P.S. That's all for today. I hope you learned something new for yourself and this lesson will be useful to you. Liked the article? Then tell her about in social networks by clicking on their buttons below.

Photoshop has a number of tools whose task is to independently determine the boundaries of selected objects. One such tool is the Magic Eraser. It is available in all versions of Photoshop.

This method is suitable if you need to remove the white background of the image. The eraser does not accept other background fills:

  1. On the toolbar, open the Rubber Band Tools tab. Then click on the "Magic Eraser" element;

Rice. 1 - selection of the tool "Magic Eraser"

  1. Now you should double-click with the mouse pointer on the white background of the open image. The eraser will automatically detect all the borders of the background and main photo. Press the Delete key to delete the selected area. In some assemblies of the Photoshop editor, just click with the pointer and the selection will be deleted automatically.

It is worth noting that in earlier versions of the program, the magic eraser may not perfectly determine the boundaries of the object. In this case, after removing the background, it will be necessary to zoom in on the image by 200 percent and erase all errors with a regular eraser. In some cases, white pixels that are not part of the background may be removed.

Rice. 2 - the result of using the "Magic Eraser"

As you can see, the eraser removed the part of the sword painted in White color and parts of the costume. This effect can be easily removed. Use the following methods:

  • Open the Magic Eraser options panel. Check the Adjacent Pixels (or Contiguous) item. It should be ticked. The presence of this item in the settings of the magic eraser allows the tool to select and delete only those sets of pixels that are in contact with each other. Thus, other elements of the picture will remain intact. To apply the tool again, undo the previous result of removing the background and with the new eraser parameters, remove the background;

Rice. 3 - location of the "Adjacent pixels" parameter

  • Adjust the "Tolerance" parameter in the eraser settings. The location of this settings item can be seen above in Figure 3. The higher the value of this item, the more likely it is that the eraser will delete more quantity detected background shades. Increase the tolerance parameter and gradually the eraser will stop highlighting the elements of the object in the picture. If for some reason this method fails to remove the border, try selecting the “Layer” window on the main menu bar. Then click on "Edge" and select "Unborder".

The result of removing the background using the described parameters:

Rice. 4 - the result of removing the background with the "Magic Eraser"

magic wand"

Another popular background removal tool is the Magic Wand. This element can be found in most graphic editors, including Photoshop. To remove won, first open the required image as new project in Photoshop. Wait for all toolbar items to load. Now select the quick selection option. In the drop down list you see two available tools. Click on the "Magic Wand" as shown in Figure 5.

Rice. 5 - the location of the element "Magic wand"

Now all actions will be the same as if we used the "Magic Eraser": just hover over the background part of the picture and click on it. After selection, the background area will have clear borders. Press the Backspace button to remove the fragments found by the wand.

Rice. 6 - the result of the selection of the area "Magic wand"

Important! Before you start removing the background with the Magic Wand, make sure you unlock the background layer. This is necessary to “detach” it from the main drawing. If the layer is not unlocked, the wand will not be able to select it correctly. As a result of deletion, white spots may remain, or a non-background part of the photo may be erased.

To unlock the background, go to the Layers panel. Click on the lock icon to set it to the "Open" position. Only then use the Magic Wand tool.

Fig.6 - Detach the back layer in Photoshop

If the Magic Eraser is often used to remove the white background from images, then the Magic Wand is more appropriate to use to remove the colored parts of the background.

Removing the background inside the image

Often users need to remove the background, which not only intersects with the boundaries of the main part of the picture, but is also inside it. This method of background removal is useful if you are working with black and white images or scans of drawings.

As a result of removing the background, we should get a completely transparent image, with a clearly defined outline of the car. First you need to create a copy of the blue channel of the picture. To do this, press the hotkey combination Ctrl-L. The Levels window will appear. Move the sliders until all gray colors began to resemble a black shade as much as possible. That is, all those elements of the contour that we want to leave should be painted black, and all parts of the background that will be deleted should become white.

Rice. 8 - change the image levels parameters

Click on the channel copy thumbnail that was created at the very beginning. While clicking, hold down the Ctrl key. As a result, a selection image will appear. Invert by pressing the keyboard shortcut Shift-Ctrl-I. Now press the Backspace button on your keyboard to remove the extra layer. You can create a copy of it by pressing Ctrl-J. After removing the background and adding a new texture instead, this is the result:

Rice. 9 - the result of removing the background inside the picture and on the outside

Adding another background

Typically, users remove the background to add one picture to another, or to replace the color/texture in the background of a photo. Consider how you can change the background of an image that has had its previous back layer removed.

Add an image with a texture and an image with a background removed in one project:

Rice. 10 - adding pictures to the project

Go to the layers panel and place the structure on top. Specify the overlay option as Eclipse or Multiply. As you can see, the element appeared on top of the texture, however, some of the white parts of the image also took on the color of the texture:

Fig 11 - the result of the initial image overlay

Add an additional layer mask to the topmost layer:

Rice. 12 - adding a layer mask

After adding the mask, erase the remaining texture colors from the object using the Brush tool. The resulting result:

Rice. 13 - background replacement result

Often, when working with graphic files, it becomes necessary to remove the background around some object. This may be due to the desire to change the background of the picture or insert given element photographs into a composition. As a result, a completely logical question arises: how to remove the background of a photo in Photoshop?

Removing a plain background

When considering the issue of cleaning up the background in a photo, it is necessary to consider separately the question of how to quickly remove a background in Photoshop that has a uniform hue. This will allow you to avoid the extra work that is required when removing the multi-colored part of the picture. Before deleting the desired fragment of the photo, you must first select it. You can do this with various ways. If you need to highlight a specific shade, then Photoshop has a special tool for this purpose that helps speed up this process. To do this, select the "Select" menu item in the Quick Access Toolbar, and then find the "Color Range" item. In the window that opens, you will need to select the Eyedropper tool, and then click on the background that you want to select. With the help of the sliders, all that remains is to adjust the selected area and click "Yes". As a result of these actions, all areas of the photo containing the selected color will be selected. To delete them, you must press the "Del" key on the keyboard. This method allows you to simply and efficiently solve the problem associated with removing the background in Photoshop.


As an analogue of removing the background, you can use the Eraser tool. It will allow you to complete the action even faster. It is enough to select the "Magic Eraser" and double-click on the background. As a result, a chess background will appear, which will symbolize the presence of a transparent part of the photo. The disadvantage of this approach is that there is no control over the area that will be removed. To provide control over background removal in Photoshop without affecting the rest of the photo, you can use another “magic” tool that works like an eraser, but instead of removing it, it makes a selection. There are two such tools in Photoshop, and both do the same thing. We are talking about "Quick Selection" and "Magic Wand". The only difference in this case is that the "Magic Wand" requires step by step selection shade. Selection allows you to move the cursor immediately over large space Pictures.

Quick mask mode

The approaches described earlier allow solving the issue related to the removal of the white background. In addition to single-color backgrounds in Photoshop, there is the possibility of cleaning and multi-color. Such a need may arise if the background depicts a landscape that does not meet the requirements. How to remove the background in Photoshop? There are several methods you can use to precisely remove the part of the photo you want. The first way is to use the Quick Mask. A mask is a special mechanism that allows the user to use the drawing tools to paint over the area that needs to be selected. To access the Quick Mask tool, just press the letter Q on your keyboard. After that, with the help of an eraser and a brush, you need to paint over the part of the photo that should be deleted. By switching to normal mode by pressing the same key, you will be able to notice that the required area of ​​the picture will be selected. To delete it, just press the Del key that you already know.

How to remove the background using Lasso?

If the object around which it is necessary to highlight the background has sufficiently clear boundaries, then there is one very convenient way remove background. To do this, you need to use the "Lasso". This tool is provided to the user in three versions. The first option has the same name. The Lasso tool makes it possible to arbitrarily draw lines for the future selection of an area. With this tool, it is quite difficult to select the necessary part. Therefore, users usually use the other two variants of this tool. The next option we'll look at is the Rectilinear Lasso. With it, you can draw a selection area using only straight lines. So you can draw a clear border around the angular geometric shapes and buildings. For more complex elements, such as silhouettes of people, it is better to use a tool called "Magnetic Lasso". This tool, thanks to a special algorithm of actions, can move along the contour of an object, determining the difference in colors. You only need to approximately move the mouse cursor around the photo element. As a result of using the Lasso tool, you will be able to select the element itself. To remove it, you need to invert the selection by pressing the key combination Ctrl + I. Now you can remove the background of the photo.

other methods

It is worth noting that there are other ways to remove the background in Photoshop. Most of them are very difficult to perform, but they allow you to more clearly carry out the removal. At the same time, it is possible to achieve good result and more simple means, spending more effort and perseverance for this purpose and perhaps even saving a little time.

The developers at Bonanza have spent over two years creating a program to automatically remove the background from images. The task turned out to be much more difficult than initially thought. As it turned out, automatic background removal is one of the classic problems computer vision, known since the 80s.

As is often the case, if the developers understood the complexity of the task, they would not have taken it at all. But then it turned out that there was no going back, and yet they managed to achieve some success. On April 11th, they launched the Bonanza Background Burner Converter, which cleans up the background in random photos pretty well, with little or no help. Access through the API is free for now, but in the future, the owners of the service will come up with something.

The service is intended primarily for online stores. It is known that a product on a white background is sold at least 10-15% better than without it. So a simple automatic procedure immediately brings a material effect. By the way, for this reason, Amazon and some other online stores require products to be presented on a white background without fail.

However, the program is also useful for everyone else who sells things and publishes product photos, for example, on the forum. After processing, several options for removing the background are offered. You need to choose the best one and, if necessary, correct it manually. The fragments to be deleted should be roughly marked in red, and the fragments to be saved in green. The converter can remove the white background as well, saving the PNG with a transparent background.

The result of processing in Bonanza Background Burner is shown in the examples below.

The authors of the program say that they took OpenCV as a basis, wrote a Ruby layer to set up the "engine" and tried more than 100 combinations various techniques image processing. Now the converter works in 8 passes and successfully removes the background on 70% of photos. Taking into account manual refinement, this percentage rises to 85%. By the end of 2014, they intend to bring the efficiency to 90% to double the performance, that is, to a maximum of 5 seconds per photo.
