Striped walls in the kitchen. Striped wallpaper in the kitchen: photo ideas for walls. Unique ceilings and floors

The kitchen is a room that is visited more often than others in any apartment, any private house. This is where appetite comes in. Therefore, how efficiently and competently the design of the kitchen will be done, the appearance of a feeling of hunger and the same appetite is so possible.

Psychologists have long known that the digestive system is stimulated by warmer colors, and therefore these colors should be used when designing a kitchen.

Striped wallpaper for the kitchen interior

Currently, striped wallpaper in the kitchen is gaining more and more popularity. Striped kitchen walls are turning into an obsession with a lot of designers.

As for striped wallpapers, if you choose them yourself, then you need to highlight a few important points:

  • Everyone knows the rule that says that vertical lines visually raise the ceiling. So, it is true only if the ceiling height is 2.5 meters and above.
  • If furniture is too active in your kitchen interior, then wallpaper with neutral shades and wide stripes will help mitigate this influence. Whereas the material, in which there is an alternation of different shades and stripe widths, is itself able to play the main roles.
  • The brighter the color of the stripes and the narrower they are, the more they attract attention. Of course, this ability can be used, for example, if there is a desire to disguise a door, to make it so that it is not conspicuous. On the other hand, you need to remember that wallpapers of this kind are a powerful tool and after a while you may get bored with a striped kitchen.

  • If the kitchen has low ceilings, then you should not use horizontal stripes. There is a visual division of the wall into parts, so this material lowers the ceilings.
  • If you are going to use gray and beige wallpapers of this kind, then you should refuse to use kitchen furniture, as well as accessories made in dark colors. The fact is that such a combination will give the interior a completely neutral look.
  • A striped kitchen with green and white wallpaper combined with wood furniture looks very good. Also, not all walls can be pasted over with striped material, but, for example, only one or two. You can also focus on them by combining with other materials.
  • Special attention deserves a combination in which wallpaper in a striped kitchen design is combined with tiles. Even better would be the presence of the color of the tiles in the wallpaper strips.

Basic rules for choosing colors for the kitchen

  1. The presence of a large pattern can visually reduce the size of the room.
  2. On the contrary, using a small pattern will make the room appear larger than it really is.
  3. The use of geometric patterns on the walls, which are intersecting stripes, similar to the ornament on Scottish kilts, will create the illusion of a continuous space.
  4. The texture material looks very extraordinary. While it gives the walls a completely different quality, it creates an extra dimension in the room. Thanks to the possible play of shadows and penumbraes, various color nuances, interesting color nuances, a lot of interesting effects are obtained.

Wallpaper as an element of kitchen design

They serve as a backdrop for kitchen furniture and accessories, and it is also quite possible to turn into the main decoration of the room. The fact is that the presence of a huge variety of colors, textures of this finishing material can amaze the imagination of almost any person.

Wallpaper for wall design

Traditional for the kitchen interior are plain material with a fine texture. It is an excellent backdrop for furniture. Suitable for those kitchens that have original bright furniture or an unusual apron.

Using wallpaper inserts that are contrasting in pattern or color will decorate the room and make it unusual. Coatings with a bright graphic pattern will dilute the monochrome kitchen interior.

If your kitchen is dominated by a minimalist style, then the use of bright material will make the atmosphere look very advantageous.

Attention: There is a general rule that says that if the wallpaper pattern looks bright and catchy, then it should be balanced by simple and concise furniture.

If you want to experiment with wall design, then the furniture should have light shades or white, a smooth facade and a minimum amount of fittings (see also the article on the white kitchen).

Striped wallpaper in kitchen design

The presence of neat stripes on one wall or on all of them not only makes the room look sophisticated, but also provides designers with an opportunity to visualize the room. At the same time, the stripes can be completely different - moderate, sophisticated, intricate, fantasy.

The most important thing is that the design must be chosen specifically for this particular room. Wide stripes are able to bring the spirit of modernity into the kitchen interior. The colors of these bands can have matte or metallic shades.

Choice of wall strips

Wide and contrasting stripes look elegant on the one hand, and sophisticated on the other. Moreover, the wider they are, the less visual compression of the room.

If the stripes are narrow, then at some distance they merge into one color and, accordingly, will be invisible. On the contrary, wide stripes are able to draw attention to themselves, they look fashionable and spectacular. In this case, the colors of the stripes can belong both to the same color scheme and be contrasting.

When implementing such an idea as striped walls in a kitchen interior, you need to remember that a combination with all interior details is possible. The exception is the few styles that, by definition, do not have straight, straight lines.

Some unusual solutions for the kitchen

  • wallpaper apron

Beautiful wallpaper can serve as the basis for a kitchen apron. It can be material that has thematic kitchen drawings, imitation of various surfaces, enlarged flowers, fruits and vegetables, or views of cities.

Such a kitchen apron may well be made by hand and its price is relatively low. You just need to choose the right material, suitable for colors and sizes, stick it on, and fix tempered glass on top or it can be plexiglass.

  • furniture decoration

Shelving or open shelves for the kitchen can be covered with wallpaper. For example, you can paste over the most common and inexpensive white kitchen rack with wallpaper from the inside.

This wallpaper does not have to be cut from one roll. Rolls can be different, the main thing is that they have one color scheme.

Summing up

There are many options for using wallpaper in the kitchen, and our portal offers a large number of photo and video materials on creating a kitchen interior and it is not at all necessary to resort to the help of a professional designer.

Instructions for using these materials are simple and the design of your kitchen, which you end up with, will delight you for a long time.

Currently, the strip is not just a fashion trend in clothing, but also the main trend in interior design. It is used very often simply as a decorative technique that sets a certain rhythm, making the interior more dynamic and lively.

Striped walls

Such "touches" on the walls, like stripes, can be used in almost any interior. Neat stripes on the main wall in a room or on all walls not only look sophisticated, but also allow designers to experiment with the visualization of space.

Stripes can be completely different - moderate, sophisticated, intricate, fantasy. The most important thing at the same time is to choose a design that is suitable for your room, so that every detail looks harmonious, like a picture painted by the hand of one artist.

One of the most common design choices is the use of blue stripes in the bedroom.

This graphic linearity goes very well with the straight lines of your furniture. You can also use striped patterns in bedding.

Wide stripes will bring the spirit of modernity into the interior of the room. For such stripes, you can use paints in matte or metallic shades.

The success of any design project involving striped walls depends on choosing the right color. Here is an example of a very effective combination - olive greens and a light metallic gray emulsion perfectly complement each other. And in order to achieve an even "dividing line", you can use masking tape. And first apply a metallic sheen, and then paint. When painting, brush from the center of the tape to the center of the strip, but not vice versa.

Choosing stripes for the walls

Vertical stripes on the walls will bring symmetry into the room, as well as visually “stretch” it in height, while horizontal stripes, on the contrary, will make the room wider, but the ceiling will visually appear lower.

Wide and at the same time contrasting stripes look not only elegant, but also elegant and unhackneyed. Moreover, the greater their width, the more insignificant will be the visual "compression" of space.

Remember that narrow stripes at a certain distance can merge into one color, so they may not be noticeable. Wide stripes, on the contrary, will attract attention, will look impressive and fashionable. At the same time, the colors of the stripes can be either from the same color range or contrasting.

If you want to use wallpaper for painting, then your walls must be perfectly even, otherwise you will only emphasize all the flaws with such a design.

If you want to implement such an idea as striped walls in the interior, then remember that they are combined with almost all interior items, with the exception of those few styles that, by definition, do not have straight, even lines.

If you wish, you can “decorate” only one wall (the stripes should be wide and not contrasting). This design will make your interior more solid. The design will look harmonious if it contains wallpapers in the same color scheme or stylish accessories.

How to paint striped walls. Step-by-step instruction

  1. In order to make your walls striped, you will need: masking tape, matte varnish, paint, a narrow brush, and a roller.
  2. First you need to mark with a pencil on the wall where you will have the stripes, then stick masking tape so that the pencil marks are subsequently painted over.

3. After that, apply a matte varnish with a narrow bone. This is done to secure the tape. Also, varnish will help prevent paint from getting under the tape.

4. Then, between the strips of adhesive tape, you can safely apply paint with a roller.

5. Take your time! Remove the adhesive tape only after the paint has completely dried, so that there are no streaks.

Combining striped wallpaper with other patterns and colors

Striped wallpaper can create a chic interior with a different print:

  • the more active the palette, the more it needs to be supported by a similar shade in the decor. In this case, the interior will be harmonious. Do you have bright wallpaper in the room? Then pillows of the same shade should be laid out on the sofa;
  • if you want to create a soothing interior, alternate striped wallpapers with flower companions. The furniture in this room should be in tone with the stripes or contrasting in color;

  • beige color in wall decoration is universal. It will fit perfectly in any room, whether it is a bedroom or a living room. On a light background, furniture looks more successful in both modern and classic form;
  • wallpapers with a wide stripe are combined with a floral wall, but it is better to postpone experiments with “peas”. They are too bold and require professionalism and excellent taste;

  • the combination of stripes and oblique lines was recognized by the designers as ideal. However, it is worth considering in advance the proportions of the drawings in the interior.

Striped walls. Photo in the interior: stripe stripe strife

When creating your interior, do not be afraid to experiment. Sometimes the most daring design solutions look especially elegant and beautiful!

For several years in a row, striped wallpapers have remained in fashion in the interior of most styles. Designer accents periodically shift to one or another classic color, but then the linear pattern again remains in demand. Any interesting solution can leave a lasting impression, even a simple color scheme in the form of frequent or rare stripes.

Striped wallpaper helps to hide architectural flaws and create beautiful effects in the space of the room.

There is nothing simpler than a striped wallpaper pattern, but it is precisely in this simplicity that a huge variety of unsurpassed solutions lies. It is surprising to an ignorant person how easy it is to create a memorable and stylish environment with the help of combined combinations, using a simple horizontal or vertical, parallel or gracefully meandering line.

The variety of patterns on the wallpaper allows you to choose the perfect combination of the width and direction of the stripes for any interior.

Designers are increasingly offering wallpapers with diagonal and combined stripes in the interior of the hallway and living room, bedroom and kitchen. It does not matter whether wide or narrow fragments of the same color alternate, contrast or blurry. With such a "line" it is easy to transform any space and adjust its visual perception.

The most “boring” or classic interior is easy to diversify, add dynamism and bold accents. To do this, it is enough to decide on experiments with striped wallpaper in a residential interior. This traditional coloring is quite friendly to be combined with plain surfaces and any recognizable pattern. You can try to combine a cage, polka dots, floral ornament, abstraction or graceful geometry on one wall, connecting it with wide horizontal lines, as in the photo.

Alternating vertical stripes with geometric patterns in a single color scheme

Striped floral ornament adds romantic motifs to the interior

What is "stripe" used for? Not only for variety, but purely for practical purposes - the combination of stripes easily transforms any space, up to the spectacular illusions of "moving" walls. Visually, you can make a small room with low ceilings a little higher and wider, as if “adding” volume and footage.

Accent wall in a narrow room

A few bright stripes will dilute the monotony of white walls

Interestingly, it is not necessary to change the entire interior if it turned out to be nondescript after the repair. It is enough to add dynamism with striped wallpaper in the living room using stripes on one accent wall:

  • vertically and horizontally;
  • diagonally and differently.

Horizontal lines push the room wide, so it's best to use this technique on the end wall. When combining horizontal and vertical stripes, unexpected effects can be created, including “running” walls.

When wallpapering in horizontal stripes, the room will visually become wider by at least a couple of squares.

Vertical stripes will “raise” a low ceiling

Extensive vertical stripes, like columns, "raise" the top, especially when combined with layered designs and a glossy canvas. But even with an ordinary white ceiling there will be a noticeable effect, as in the photo.

However, you should not “dazzle” with contrasts “everywhere and at once” - an incorrectly chosen combination can tire, especially in a nursery.

A skillful combination of a linear pattern with something inconspicuous, floral ornament and weakly expressed spots will activate consciousness, encourage creativity. This is especially valuable in a teenager's room or in a student's office.

The wallpaper in the nursery can be in gray-blue, gray-white or gray-pink stripes

Practical in any style, you can use striped wallpaper. They are easy to combine with another linear pattern:

  • vertically and horizontally;
  • variations of shades in one color and contrasting;
  • modest and colorful;
  • only stripes or with inserts (winding lines, flower, ornament);
  • wide and narrow fragments;
  • weakly expressed and catchy (such as "zebra");
  • wide rolls and narrow ones.

Large pattern with stripes in different directions on the wallpaper in front of the console table

If you get creative with the choice of line combinations, it's easy to make a creative design in any living space.

However, it is important to take into account the wishes of all family members - perhaps someone will be categorically against graphic stripes in their room.

Adherents of a calm interior are better off choosing wallpapers with monochrome stripes without sharp contrasting transitions.

Which strips are best for living space?

The arrangement of parallel lines can be arranged in different ways, but the most popular arrangement of a linear pattern is in classical ways:

You can choose diagonal stripes for a separate area in the room or to create a wall panel from wallpaper

All of these options are applicable in every living space:

  • hallway;
  • living room;
  • bedroom;
  • kitchen;
  • bathroom;
  • corridor or stairwell;
  • children's or teen's room.

Smooth wide stripes of contrasting colors are ideal if you want to draw attention to any wall or piece of furniture.

Attention! In a recreation on 2 floors in a duplex apartment or a two-story house, a vertical method is undesirable, which will visually raise the ceilings even higher. Here it is better to use a horizontal or combined pasting with striped wallpaper.

Bold space play on stairs with paint and black and white striped wallpaper

In a long corridor, avoid wide horizontal stripes on a solid wall, which will make it "infinitely long". This solution is suitable only for the end wall or the design of accent walls at interior doors.

When choosing a linear pattern, decide in advance which is better - narrow lines or wide fragments? The choice depends on the size of the room, its lighting and furniture. Mild styles will not irritate the eyes, but will slightly lengthen the living room (another space). But the motley-striped version will perfectly cope with such tasks:

  • masks curvature and bulges;
  • levels the difference in height;
  • hide cracks under the wallpaper and many other defects.

The wide striped print highlights the hollows and bulges of the walls, so the surface should be carefully prepared before pasting

The alternation of a wide and narrow linear pattern looks good in beautiful delicate shades. This is a great choice for any living room or bedroom, kitchen-living room or studio apartment, as in the photo of wallpaper with vertical stripes in modern interiors.

Thick stripes in soothing pastel colors create a soft ambience, perfect for a bed.

Important! Psychologists emphasize that non-contrasting narrow lines can activate vitality, therefore they are recommended for people with chronic overwork and loss of strength. It is better for irritable and depressive people to abandon the "zebra" and sharp contrasts.

Calm and discreet interior created by narrow stripe print

The choice of colors is individual, but do not forget that nothing in your personal space should annoy, on the contrary, create a favorable atmosphere. And color variations are a vast topic that can be discussed endlessly, good taste is needed here.

Classics of the genre for the bedroom - lilac, blue or beige stripes of various thicknesses

Advice. Keep in mind that the “favorite” color, for example, lilac or turquoise, is perceived differently in a plain and striped design.

Contrasting black and white "zebra" will not go out of fashion, but it is not appropriate everywhere. If we are talking about the correct two-tone design of the living room with a piano and upholstered furniture in leather, then the strip is appropriate on one wall. For example, it can be placed behind a sofa or as a background for a musical instrument. Elegant monochrome interior - for connoisseurs of conciseness and minimalism.

Inappropriate "ripple" of contrasting stripes will tire if you do not think through everything in detail. It can spoil the impression of the most expensive repairs.

How to combine stripes in different styles?

From the point of view of designers, a win-win combination is considered to be a linear pattern plus plain rolls of a common color, as in the photo of striped wallpaper in the interior of the living room.

The blue background with golden monograms looks very beautiful - a hit of historical stylistics. These wallpapers look great with monochrome turquoise and white inserts for mirrors and paintings. Such an exclusive design is for a chic bedroom with light furniture on gilded elegant legs in the Baroque or Rococo style.

Classic chooses non-contrasting solid color combinations of stripes on the wallpaper

Non-contrast lined with floral inserts will decorate any a-la-country setting, Provence or retro style. The only condition is a natural range with a recognizable floral pattern. Such combinations are suitable for other styles:

  • ethnic;
  • romantic;
  • shabby chic;
  • vintage;
  • boho.

Stripes with flowers are suitable for a casual, rustic bedroom style.

Gray stripes in the decor of the bedroom in country style

A thin contrasting stripe alternating with metallic wallpaper for a modern and exclusive interior. A combination with a wall imitating stone or brickwork would be spectacular.

Extravagantly painted walls in combination with an irregular stripe will be a real "find" for lovers of stylistics:

  • Art Deco;
  • pop Art;
  • modern.

Pastel stripes on a neutral background are used in Scandinavian style or in minimalism.

The motley-striped format will emphasize the eclectic atmosphere - kitsch style or ethnic interior in a new rethinking.

At a time when the English classic was in fashion, pearl gray wallpaper with an emerald stripe was produced, which went well with the green cloth of the pool table and mahogany furniture. This "hit" periodically returns to fashion.

A discreet stripe on a beige, red and green background emphasizes the aristocratic interior of the English style with dark furniture

For a living room and a bedroom with an imitation of palace "boudoir", a soft pastel line with white or golden monograms is suitable. For the hallway, the burgundy background with an elegant golden pattern remains a “classic”.

For the Empire style and neo-baroque, neoclassical and interiors in the spirit of the Renaissance, weakly pronounced lines of delicate shades are selected.

To decorate the walls in the Renaissance style, stripes of delicate shades are selected.

Suitable rolls of such tones:

  • light beige;
  • lactic;
  • cream;
  • pearl gray;
  • light pink;
  • peach;
  • mint;
  • pale lilac;
  • powdery;
  • grey-pink;
  • pale blue.

The minimalist interior suggests modest colors, but contrasting stripes are acceptable. They can be placed in any direction.

Vertical colorful stripes in a minimalist kitchen

Expressionism and futurism are styles where you can experiment, let's say emotional creative design. Combinations of bright colors and black and white "zebra" are appropriate here.

As you can see in the photo examples, not only life can be striped like a zebra, but also an exclusive interior, and this is a great way to inimitably decorate your living space.

Video: trendy striped wall interiors

Photo: 50 options for bright striped interiors

The striped pattern is not as simple as it seems at first glance. He is able to bring colors, mood and style to the interior. When used correctly, they can turn into a real work of art and create a spectacular and luxurious interior. No wonder they are back in fashion. We offer 20 simple and stylish ways to make the kitchen stylish, trendy and modern.

Especially stripes will come in handy in modern homes, where a neutral background and unpretentious decor dominate. Multi-colored stripes will bring bright colors, an atmosphere of elegance and exclusivity. In the 90s, they were abandoned in favor of monotonous beige and cream tones. They are now experiencing a rebirth. They are considered an essential attribute of retro, vintage and art deco styles.

Multicolored accents

For some reason, it so happened that striped accent walls can be found more often in the bedroom or living room than in the kitchen. Perhaps the reason lies in the fact that all the kitchen utensils, all the shelves and cabinets detract from the beauty and uniqueness of the accent wall. But if the kitchen is decorated predominantly in white, and furniture and other elements dissolve into a neutral background, then stripes are a great way to add color and color, creating a compositional center with their help. The more neutral and minimalistic the interior, the stronger the impression produced by the stripes.

striped tiles

Kitchens and bathrooms provide one important advantage that other rooms don't have - tiling. Thanks to her, stripes can also be introduced into the interior. Creating colorful belts from tiles is quick and easy. If the pattern becomes boring over time, you can remove a few tiles and change the color scheme, or abandon the usual stripes and lay out a more complex pattern.

Striped decor

Remodeling a kitchen takes effort, time and money. If a new tile backsplash or a painted accent wall doesn't feel like it right now, the best way to change up the interior is with new decor. Bar stools, blinds, nightstands and a striped kitchen counter can be the missing piece.

striped walls

A striped accent wall would be the best choice for modern styles, but fans of farmhouse, vintage, traditional and retro styles can use another way. You can limit yourself to half a painted wall, which will help create a balance between playfulness and austerity. Colors can be chosen matte and not very bright. You can choose stripes from the same color scheme. There are a huge number of options.

Unique ceilings and floors

Kitchen apron with chevron pattern

Perhaps the zigzag does not quite fit the definition of “stripes”, but it will help bring variety to the interior. A kitchen apron with a chevron pattern, which knowingly entered into, will look wonderful.

The interior with striped wallpaper is often found in the decoration of any room, it performs not only a decorative, but also a constructive function in terms of the perception of the size of the space. Depending on the design of the wallpaper, the brightness of the stripes and the combination of colors, you can create an individual delicate or bold style.

Features and Benefits

Wallpapering has such advantages as price, the ability to independently update the walls, a wide selection of types and colors. Striped wallpaper, as one of the varieties of design, is used when there is a need to visually enlarge or expand the room. The strip also performs a decorative function.

For example, in a Scandinavian or minimalist style, such a finish may be the only decor. Striped wallpapers are combined with plain walls and are suitable for any interior.

Types of strips

Geometry and stripes on the wallpaper perform the function of visually distorting the perception of the room in its favor.

vertical stripe

Stretches the room and raises the ceiling. The final look of the interior depends on the color of the stripes, their alternation and size.

horizontal stripe

Expand a narrow but long room with a high ceiling. Not recommended for interiors with a low ceiling, where the cross strip will make it even lower.

The photo shows a striped green-beige room interior with red accents, which is not overloaded with wall decor.

Diagonal stripe

Suitable for an interior with walls of irregular geometric shape, a room in the attic. In this case, one wall can be made striped, and the rest plain.

Types of wallpaper

Each type of striped wallpaper has unique characteristics due to the composition, which plays an important role in the final look of the interior.

Type of wallpaper Characteristic
Paper By density, they are single- and double-layer, embossed and smooth. Easily glued, absorb odors, let air through. Suitable for children's and bedrooms due to environmental friendliness. Budget option for wall decoration.
non-woven They have a woven base, increased strength, easy to glue, do not shrink, tolerate light wetting, let air through, hide small cracks on the wall. Used for ceiling decoration.
Vinyl They are on a paper and non-woven basis, repeat any texture, relief, and are also smooth. They do not absorb moisture, tolerate wet cleaning and rubbing with a sponge. Do not fade, well hide the defect of the walls. They do not let air through and are not desirable for the bedroom and nursery, but are the only option for the kitchen.
For painting They are available on non-woven or glass base with an embossed or embossed herringbone pattern, matting or with a plain design. Allow repainting up to 12-15 times.
silkscreen Wear-resistant and resistant to fading, have a vinyl-paper base. They are distinguished by their reflection and soft surface effect due to hot stamping with the addition of threads.

Band size and design

The interior with striped wallpaper looks spectacular, beautiful and functional.

Wide strip

Suitable for rooms of any size, but such wallpapers are best revealed in the spacious interior of the living room or bedroom.

Narrow strip

It happens frequent and rare, contrasting or monophonic. When choosing wallpaper in a small strip of furniture and decor, there should be a minimum, combined with plain curtains.

Stripes with flowers

Suitable for rustic, Provence style, children's rooms and non-strict bedroom or living room interiors.

The photo shows a striped interior with a floral pattern, where the wallpaper is combined in color with textiles and furniture upholstery.

plain stripes

They look calm and unobtrusive. From afar, they look like plain wallpaper. Do not cause tension in the eyes and do not bother for many years.

Suitable for a children's interior, accent wall or with a combination of plain walls.

They are selected for the living room, wide dining room, bedroom, the ornament can be geometric, floral, with monograms of a contrasting or similar color.

They look voluminous due to the vinyl relief layer. The raised stripes add movement to the design. They can cause fatigue, so they are used in combination with monochrome walls.

Shiny stripes

They symbolize dynamism, energy and attract attention. Glitter can be textile, gold or silver. There are thin and large stripes.

The photo shows the interior of the living room with shiny stripes that shine with a velvet sheen at a certain angle.

Color solution


White striped wallpaper is suitable for a small space, a large room is expanded even more. Universal color for any interior. White and blue or white and blue stripes are suitable for the bedroom and nursery.


Gray stripes look spectacular on any bright or neutral background. Wide gray stripes will suit the bedroom, nursery or kitchen. The gray-white room is complemented by bright textiles.


Beige color looks neutral on a white, brown background, balances a bright background.

The photo shows a milky beige interior with striped medium-sized wallpaper in a classic style that matches the curtains.


The brown strip is suitable for the homeliness of the living room, bedroom, looks good on a white, coffee, orange background.


Black striped wallpaper looks strict, depending on the size of the stripes, it greatly affects the perception of the room. The black and white room is diluted with bright decor.


The red strip looks spectacular on textile wallpaper, suitable for an accent wall.


Burgundy stripes create the grandeur of a classic interior and a bright accent in a modern design, a bold choice for the living room.


An orange bright strip brings a note of warmth without an abundance of color, suitable for gray, black, white backgrounds.


Golden striped wallpapers come in different intensities, combined with black, white, beige colors in the interior.

The photo shows the interior of the bedroom with golden striped wallpaper in a classic style.


Green stripes relieve tension, set you up for relaxation, fit under a red, white, black, brown background.

light green

Light green stripes arouse interest, attract attention, combined with other patterns of orange, red.


The blue color looks solid when combined with different shades, suitable for a nursery in combination with white, gray.


Blue stripes in combination with white, gray look classic, often used for interior bedrooms and bathrooms.

The photo shows a white and blue striped interior, where the wallpaper is illuminated with soft decorative light and complemented by paintings in the same frame.


Turquoise stripes look bright and discreet at the same time, combined with vanilla, gray, brown.


Pink striped wallpapers are suitable for a girl's room, the combined white and pink stripes complement each other in contrast.


Yellow stripes are best combined with other bright stripes, should be combined with the same textiles.


Violet stripes are suitable for a light background, creating the effect of a bright and dynamic interior.


Lilac stripes are used in medium and large rooms, combined with lemon, gray, pink, white.


Multi-colored striped wallpapers can be of different widths, combine up to 5 colors, where one goes into another, or all lines are colored and of different shades.

The photo shows a multi-colored striped wall at the head of the bed, which is combined with a gray base color.

Photo in the interior of the rooms

Striped wallpaper will fit into the interior of any room and will favorably emphasize its advantages with the right choice of color, size and location of the strip.

Corridor and hallway

For this room, it is better to do it in a white stripe to compensate for the lack of daylight in a darkened room. A combination of white with beige, gold, yellow, pistachio, light green, orange is suitable.


Most often cluttered with a set and other furniture, vertical two-tone stripes of different sizes or neutral wide stripes will be combined with a mosaic or apron tile. Curtains are matched to the color of textiles.

Living room

Can be pasted over with striped wallpaper of any size. Pastel stripes on a light blue or neutral background will suit a Scandinavian or minimalist style, a classic interior can be done with wide and medium stripes in green and white or red and white.


It can be gray-pink, gray-white, gray-blue striped. For a teenager, a combination of lilac-violet, white-violet, blue-white colors is suitable.

The photo shows a striped multi-colored interior in a modern style with a bright sofa and a hanging chair.


Allows a combination of white with pale blue, pale pink, light green tint. Striped, you can make an accent or two parallel walls. Plain walls are additionally decorated with paintings.

The photo shows a white and beige bedroom interior in a modern style with an accent striped wall.

Choice of curtains

Textiles should be in harmony with the wallpaper, so there are several options for choosing curtains.

  1. Curtains and the main color of the wallpaper in one tone. This solution is suitable for a small room and a neutral interior without an emphasis on the window.
  2. Bright curtains are suitable for a large living room and a hall where you need to "bring closer" the window, while the strip is selected to match the main tone of the walls.
  3. Curtains that differ in tone do not violate unity, but draw a line between walls and curtains.
  4. The size of the stripes, their position and color on the wallpaper can be combined with curtains.
  5. By the type of curtains, short ones, curtains, Roman blinds, blinds, pleated blinds are suitable.

Wallpaper combination

If the room is small, then you can select zones and delimit the space using companion wallpapers.

You can combine striped wallpaper in the interior with plain wallpaper that repeats the color of the background or stripes, it can also be a neutral or bright contrasting choice.

Striped wallpaper can be paired with patterned wallpaper in spacious rooms to avoid overwhelming the decor on the walls. Pattern and stripe are beautifully combined in identical shades.

In the photo, striped wallpaper is combined with wallpaper with ornaments in the interior of one room to increase the space of a narrow room.


Striped wallpapers are widely used in different interior styles, from classic to modern designs.


Recognizable in pastel shades, pistachio, lilac and pink shades of wallpaper with white or gray stripes of medium or small size, which can be combined with the image of birds, floral wallpaper.

Classic style

Classic chooses plain or non-contrasting combinations of stripes on the wallpaper. Most often, this is the average size of identical bands with equal spacing. Pastel shades of white, green, blue, beige are used.

Modern style

It can be with contrasting black and white or minimalist plain stripes. A wide strip is used, a multi-colored combination on one wall, a combination with plain walls.

Sea style

Marine style with a blue-blue or turquoise stripe is combined with yellow, white, sand wallpaper and a red accent in the decor.

On the picture

English style

The English style and discreet stripe on a green, red, beige background emphasizes the aristocratic interior with dark furniture and a leather sofa. The strip is selected in medium size.

Photo gallery

The stripe in the interior performs an active function of decoration and visual expansion, a combination of different stripes and colors in one design is acceptable. Stripes are suitable for a bright interior, a narrow room, a conservative design and a spacious room. Below are photo examples of the use of striped wallpaper on the walls in rooms for various functional purposes.
