Ventilation happens. Types of ventilation, its device. Ventilation installation. Features of artificial ventilation

Ventilation of premises is classified according to the following main features:

Natural and mechanical ventilation

Natural ventilation is a ventilation system that does not contain electrical equipment (fans, motors, drives, etc.). The movement of air in it occurs due to the difference in temperature, pressure of outdoor air and air in the room, wind pressure. Natural ventilation exists in all high-rise buildings is a system vertical channels(air ducts) with ventilation grilles in kitchens and bathrooms. The air ducts are brought to the roof, where special nozzles are installed on them - deflectors, which enhance the suction of air due to the force of the wind. The inflow of fresh air should be carried out through the cracks in the doors and window openings, open vents. The efficiency of natural ventilation depends very much on random factors - wind direction, air temperature. In addition, over time, air ducts become clogged with dirt, dust, debris, and the flow of fresh air is noticeably reduced after plastic windows are installed in apartments.

Mechanical ventilation systems use equipment and electrical appliances that allow air to be moved over considerable distances, as well as, if necessary, to clean and heat it. Mechanical systems are able to provide the desired level of air exchange, regardless of external conditions, but they are not cheap, and the cost of electricity for their operation can be quite large.

In practice, the so-called mixed ventilation is often used, that is, both natural and mechanical. So, for example, sometimes it is enough to install small fans in the ventilation ducts in the kitchen and in the bathroom. There are "smart" fans with automatic control, for example, a bathroom fan that turns on when the humidity level exceeds a set limit, a toilet fan that connects to a light switch. And to improve the supply ventilation, you can install double-glazed windows with supply valves, through which, due to the difference in pressure and temperature, air from the street will flow. The valve is usually equipped with a diaphragm that regulates the amount of incoming air. It may also contain a filter to purify the incoming air, reduce the noise level.

In each specific project, only a specialist will be able to determine which type of ventilation is the most efficient, more economical and technically rational.

Supply, exhaust and general ventilation

Supply systems - one of the types mechanical ventilation, serve to supply clean air to ventilated rooms instead of the removed one. Supply air, as a rule, is subjected to special treatment (cleaning, heating, humidification, etc.) with the help of appropriate additional equipment.

Exhaust ventilation removes polluted or heated exhaust air from the room (workshop, building). In the general case, the premises are provided with both supply ventilation systems and exhaust systems. Their performance must be balanced, taking into account the possibility of air entering the adjoining premises or from adjoining premises. The premises may also be provided with only an exhaust or only supply system ventilation. In this case, air enters the room from outside or from adjacent rooms through special openings or is removed from this room outside, or flows into adjacent rooms. Both supply and exhaust ventilation can be arranged at the workplace (local ventilation), or for the entire room ( general ventilation).

Local ventilation is called such ventilation, in which air is supplied to certain places (local forced ventilation) and polluted air is removed only from the places of formation of harmful emissions (local exhaust ventilation).

Local ventilation is less expensive than general ventilation. In industrial premises with the release of harmful gases, moisture, heat, etc. Usually, a mixed ventilation system is used - common throughout the entire volume of the room and local (local inflows) to supply fresh air to workplaces.

Local exhaust ventilation is used when the places of release of harmful substances and secretions in the room are localized and it is possible to prevent their spread throughout the room. Local exhaust ventilation in industrial premises ensures the capture and removal of harmful emissions: gases, smoke, dust and heat partially released from the equipment.

For local extraction, local exhausts are used (shelters in the form of cabinets, zones, side exhausts, curtains, shelters in the form of casings near machine tools, etc.)
Local exhaust ventilation systems are usually very effective, as they allow the removal of harmful substances directly from the place of their formation or excretion, preventing them from spreading indoors. Due to the removal of a significant concentration of harmful substances (vapours, gases, dust), it is usually possible to achieve a good sanitary and hygienic effect with a small amount of air removed.
However, local ventilation systems cannot solve all ventilation problems. Not all harmful secretions can be localized by these systems. For example, when harmful emissions are dispersed over a large area or volume, air supply to individual rooms cannot provide the necessary conditions air environment. The same is true if the work is carried out on the entire area of ​​the premises or its nature is associated with movements, etc.

General ventilation

General exchange ventilation systems - both supply and exhaust, are designed for ventilation in the room as a whole or in a significant part of it. General exchange exhaust systems relatively evenly remove air from the entire serviced premises, and general exchange supply systems supply air and distribute it throughout the volume of the ventilated premises.

General supply ventilation

General exchange supply ventilation is arranged to assimilate excess heat and moisture, dilute harmful concentrations of vapors and gases not removed by local ventilation and general exhaust ventilation, as well as to ensure design standards and free breathing of a person in working area.

With negative thermal balance, that is, with a lack of heat, general exchange supply ventilation is arranged with mechanical stimulation and with heating of the entire volume of supply air. As a rule, before supplying the air is cleaned of dust. When harmful emissions enter the air of the workshop, the amount of supply air must fully compensate for general and local exhaust ventilation.

General exhaust ventilation

The simplest type of general exhaust ventilation is a separate fan (usually of an axial type) with an electric motor on one axis, located in a window or wall opening. Such an installation removes air from the room zone closest to the fan, performing only general air exchange.

In some cases, the installation has an extended exhaust duct. If the length of the exhaust duct exceeds 30-40 m and, accordingly, the pressure loss in the network is more than 30-40 kg/sq. m., then instead of axial fan a centrifugal fan is installed. When harmful emissions in the workshop are heavy gases or dust and there is no heat release from the equipment, exhaust ducts are laid along the floor of the workshop or are made in the form of underground channels.

In industrial buildings, where there are heterogeneous harmful emissions (heat, moisture, gases, vapors, dust, etc.), and their entry into the room occurs under different conditions (concentrated, dispersed, at different levels, etc.), it is often impossible to get by with any one system, for example, local ventilation or general exchange. In such rooms, to remove harmful emissions that cannot be localized and enter the air of the room, general exchange exhaust systems are used.

Ducted and non-ducted ventilation

Ventilation systems either have an extensive network of air ducts for moving air (duct systems), or air ducts may be absent, for example, when installing fans in a wall, in a ceiling, with natural ventilation, etc. (channelless systems).

Stacked and monoblock ventilation systems

The most common are type-setting ventilation systems. They are assembled, like a constructor, from individual elements(fan, filter, silencer, air ducts, etc.), and the elements can be from different manufacturers. The typesetting system can be designed for any room, from small apartment up to the whole building, but only a specialist can correctly calculate and design it.

A monoblock unit is a complete ventilation system located entirely in one housing. In a monoblock system, a heat exchanger is often installed - a device in which heat exchange of cold supply air with warm air removed from the premises, which saves from 30 to 90% of electricity. Installation of a monoblock system takes several hours and does not require a large number of Supplies, but it will not be possible to fit it into every room.

Agitation ventilation and displacement ventilation

There are two main types of ventilation commonly encountered: mixing ventilation and displacement ventilation.

Before considering these two types in more detail, it is necessary to review the most commonly used air quality terms.

Ventilation efficiency

Ventilation efficiency is a measure of how quickly polluted air is removed from a room.
It is determined by the ratio of the concentration of harmful impurities contained in the exhaust air to the concentration of harmful impurities in the room.
Ventilation efficiency is often used as a qualitative measure of a system's ability to deliver comfortable conditions for air purity. This indicator depends on the geometry of the room, the relative position of the supply and exhaust openings, and the distribution density of sources of harmful impurities in the room.
Displacement ventilation makes it possible to obtain ventilation efficiency values ​​above 100%, while mixing ventilation does not exceed 100%.

Air exchange coefficient

This parameter characterizes the rate of air replacement in the room.
It depends on the conditions of air distribution in the room, the location and size of diffusers, the location of heat sources, etc.
When applying the displacement method, it is possible to obtain values ​​of the air exchange coefficient from 50 to 100%, while with mixing ventilation they do not exceed 50%.

Displacement ventilation

This is the most effective method traditionally used in ventilation industrial facilities. In addition, this method of ventilation has found wide application in so-called comfort ventilation systems. With a properly calculated scheme, this method allows you to effectively remove excess heat and achieve maximum efficiency ventilation.
For more detailed description of this method, it is necessary to distinguish the following concepts: working area and adjacent area

Work zone

The part of a room occupied or used by people.
The working area is considered to be a space spaced 50 cm from walls and window openings, and from 10 cm to 180 cm above the floor.

Surrounding area

This is the space around the supply low-velocity diffuser, where it creates a certain local air velocity. For comfort ventilation systems, it is generally accepted that the local air velocity in the adjacent area should not exceed 0.2 m/s.
Such requirements are imposed in order to reduce the adjacent area around the diffusers as much as possible.

Displacement ventilation draws air to the lower level and flows into the work area at low velocity. The supply air must be somewhat colder than the room air for the displacement principle to work.
For comfort systems, the supply air temperature must be 1 °C below room temperature, and for industrial or special systems this value is between 1 and 5 °C.
If the temperature on the inlet is too low, there is always a risk of the formation of a so-called. convection currents.

Advantages and disadvantages

Displacement ventilation is very convenient for use in industry, where there are many harmful impurities and heat emissions.
Properly designed displacement ventilation systems provide very good quality air, but this principle has some limitations:

  • Supply diffusers require more space;
  • Supply diffusers can mistakenly cover something;
  • The adjacent area becomes much larger;
  • The vertical temperature gradient becomes very high.

When designing these systems, it is also necessary to take into account the relative height and power of heating devices, which affect the dynamics of air flows inside the room. When combined with extraneous air currents in the room, uneven heating in height in some cases causes the heated layers of air to move down. In practice, this leads to the functioning of the ventilation system according to a different principle - mixing

Agitation ventilation

During mixing ventilation, the supply air is supplied in one or more streams to the working area, entraining a large number of indoor air. The working area lies in the return flow zone, where the air speed is 70% of the main air flow speed.

Jet length

Under the length of the jet, the distance from the air distributor to the cross section of the air jet is taken, in which the velocity of the flow core decreases to 0.2 m/s.


Ejection is the ability of diffusers to mix adjacent room air into the jet.
Jet-type diffusers (where air is swirled as it passes through nozzles at high speed) are prime examples. supply devices with a high degree of ejection. Diffusers for displacement ventilation have low degree ejection.
To eliminate the feeling of draft when the supply jet temperature is below room temperature, it is necessary to use supply diffusers with a high degree of ejection.

Covering effect

When the ventilation hole is located close enough to a flat surface, the outgoing air current is deflected towards it and tends to flow directly over the surface. This effect occurs due to the formation of rarefaction between the jet and the surface, and since there is no possibility of air admixture from the surface, the jet deviates towards it.
For a layering effect to occur, the distance between air inlet and the ceiling should not exceed 30 cm.

Air speed and temperature

The acceptable air speed in the working area depends on such factors as: room temperature, type of activity in the room, interior design. It is noted that the feeling of draft is eliminated when the air speed is less than 0.18 m/s and the temperature is from 20 to 22 °C.


The airflow is likely to change direction when there are obstacles hanging from the ceiling, such as lamps, ceilings, etc. If the protrusion does not exceed 2% of the height of the ceiling, then the airstream will go around the obstacle.

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What is ventilation?
This is an organized exchange of air flows in residential, public or industrial buildings. Ventilation is organized using natural conditions to maintain sanitary and hygienic and technical requirements to air parameters. Sources of indoor air pollution – Appliances, lighting and devices gas stoves, electric ovens, drying and oven ovens and so on, so the types of ventilation are different.

Often they emit a lot of heat, dust, products of incomplete combustion of gas that cannot be removed in one way. For more effective organization air purification and removal of waste air masses are used completely different types room ventilation.

Existing types of natural ventilation are based on the use of the difference in atmospheric pressure, wind strength and temperature difference in the room and on the street. The pressure created by the wind is directed to one wall of the building, "forcing" the air into the building, and on the other side the air is sucked off due to less pressure.
To enhance the operation of the natural ventilation system, it is recommended to ventilate the premises more often.

For the same purpose, special exhaust ventilation ducts are laid in buildings. For residential buildings, this is a kitchen, a toilet and a bathroom. At the end of the channel, a deflector is installed, which is an air suction. But natural types of ventilation do not always remove the exhaust air with high quality, and the draft often overturns, that is, the return flow of air into the premises. Dust begins to penetrate into the apartment, unpleasant odors from the street and cold air. In such situations, various types of mechanical ventilation are used.

How mechanical venting works

Electric fans, electric motors, air heating appliances, systems automatic control appliances, dust collectors and other equipment is the basis of mechanical ventilation. Since this type of ventilation is very energy intensive, it is often used in conjunction with natural ventilation. What are the types of ventilation of industrial premises based on a mechanical system:

  • Exhaust type ventilation system.
  • Forced ventilation.
  • Supply and exhaust (according to the principle of recirculation, that is - reuse air after cleaning to save electricity and coolant in the cold.)
  • general exchange system.
  • Local (local) ventilation, which organizes the exchange of air flows in the workplace.
  • Combined system - general and local ventilation work in the same room.
  • Channelless and channel ventilation system.

The exhaust ventilation system involves the simultaneous use of a supply system, since instead of the exhaust air being removed, clean air from outside must be supplied to the room. The work of both systems must be balanced.

Exhaust and supply ventilation systems can operate both for the entire room and locally - at the workplace. Then the ventilation is called local. The table shows the values ​​​​of the minimum air exchange for one person in different rooms:

All existing systems ventilation and their types have one purpose - to carry out air exchange in the room. Supply ventilation is a type of mechanical ventilation system. The supply air flow is processed in a special way (heating, purification, humidification, etc.).

When organizing a local supply and exhaust ventilation clean air is supplied locally, and polluted air is also removed only from the zone of harmful fumes and emissions. local system ventilation allows you to quickly eliminate the source of air pollution and stop the spread of harmful impurities in the air throughout the room. At workplaces, for the organization of mechanical exhaust, protective covers for equipment, side exhausts, fume hoods, air curtains etc.

Equipment of the general exchange system of air movement

Effective types of industrial ventilation include a general exchange system. The general exchange exhaust system is able to evenly remove polluted air from all rooms and evenly supply clean air flow. The simplest type of general ventilation is a free-standing axial-type fan installed in a wall or window opening.

In production facilities with a large percentage of harmful impurities and emissions (moisture, heat, gas, dust, water and other vapor), their presence in the air volume of the room can be diverse - dispersed, concentrated, multi-level.

Therefore, the operation of any one system does not bring the desired result. Under such conditions, industrial ventilation of its types is used to remove harmful emissions from the premises, for example, an exhaust general ventilation system.

General exchange ventilation is used for assimilation (dilution of harmful impurities of gases or vapors) that the local ventilation system or general exhaust ventilation could not remove. Supply and exhaust ventilation can meet design standards for clean air in the work area.

Channelless and channel systems

ventilation channel system It is built in the form of an extensive network and serves to move air masses through the duct. If there are no air ducts, then such ventilation is called channelless.

Types of ventilation are represented by a wide variety of systems various kinds and appointments. Systems are divided into several types based on common features. The main ones are the methods of air circulation in the building, the service area of ​​the unit, and the design features of the facility.

Natural way of air exchange

Considering Types ventilation devices, you should start with this type. In this case, air movement occurs for three reasons. The first factor is aeration, that is, the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor air. In the second case, air exchange is carried out as a result of the influence of wind pressure. And in the third case, the pressure difference between the room used and exhaust device also leads to air exchange.

The aeration method is used in places with high heat release, but only when the incoming air contains no more than 30% of harmful impurities and gases.

This method is also not used in cases where treatment of the incoming air is necessary or the inflow of outside air leads to the formation of condensate.

AT ventilation systems where the basis for air movement is the pressure difference between the room and the exhaust device, the minimum height difference must be at least 3 m.

In this case, the length of the sections located horizontally should not exceed 3 m, while the air speed is 1 m/s.

These systems do not require expensive equipment; in this case, exhaust hoods are used, located in bathrooms and kitchen areas. The ventilation system is durable, for its use it is not required to purchase additional devices. Natural ventilation is simple and cheap to operate, but only if it is set up correctly.

However, such a system is vulnerable, since it is necessary to create additional terms for air intake. For this purpose, cut interior doors so that they do not interfere with air circulation. In addition, there is a dependence on the air flow that blows the building. It is from him that the natural ventilation system depends.

An example of this type is an open window. But with this action or the tie-in of the hoods, another problem arises - a large amount of noise coming from the street. Therefore, despite its simplicity and economy, the system is vulnerable to a number of factors.

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Means for artificial air exchange

The artificial system, which is also mechanical, uses additional devices for ventilation that help air enter and leave the building, thereby organizing a constant exchange. For this purpose, various devices are used: fans, electric motors, air heaters.

A big disadvantage in the operation of such systems is the cost of energy, which can reach rather big values. But this type has more advantages, they fully pay off the costs of using the funds.

The positive aspects include the movement of air masses to the desired distance. In addition, such ventilation systems can be regulated, on the basis of which the air can enter or be removed from the rooms in the right amount.

Artificial air exchange does not depend on environmental factors, as is observed with natural ventilation. The system is autonomous, and additional functions can be used during operation, for example, heating or humidifying the incoming air. With the natural type, this is impossible.

However, it is now popular to use both air supply systems at the same time. This allows you to create the necessary conditions in the room, reduce costs, increase the efficiency of ventilation in general.

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Supply air supply

This type of ventilation system is used to provide a constant supply of fresh air. The system can carry out the preparation of air masses before they enter the apartment. For this purpose, air purification, heating or cooling is carried out. Thus, the air acquires the desired qualities, after which it enters the room.

The system includes supply units and air outlets, and the unit that provides air supply, in turn, includes a filter, heaters, a fan, automatic systems and soundproofing.

When choosing such devices, you should pay attention to a number of factors. Of great importance is the volume of air entering the building. This indicator can be equal to several tens or several tens of thousands of cubic meters of air entering the room.

An important role is played by indicators such as the power of the heater, air pressure and the noise level of the device. In addition, these types of ventilation devices have automatic control, which allows you to adjust the power consumption and set the level of air consumed. Devices with timers allow you to set the unit to work on a schedule.

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Combination of two methods: supply and exhaust type

This system is a combination of two ventilation methods - supply and exhaust, which allows you to use positive traits both systems at the same time and leads to improved air exchange.

As in the previous version, there is a means of filtering and regulating the incoming air masses. This type can create the necessary conditions in the room, adjust the humidity level of the incoming masses, create the desired temperature by heating or cooling the air. Filtration of air masses received from outside is also included in functionality unit.

The supply and exhaust system will help to reduce costs, which is achieved by removing the heat that is used to heat the incoming air. This process takes place in a heat exchanger - a special-purpose heat exchanger.

Exhaust air masses having room temperature, enter the device, after which they transfer their temperature to the heat exchanger, which heats the air entering from outside.

In addition to the above advantages, supply and exhaust ventilation has another quality that is well suited for people suffering from changes in blood pressure. We are talking about the ability to create high and low pressure compared to the environment.

The device is autonomous, independent of conditions environment so it can be used all year round. However, the system is not without negative qualities. Among them is the need for fine-tuning. If both methods - exhaust and supply - are not balanced with each other, then a person using this type of ventilation risks getting drafts in the house.

In this article I will analyze all possible types of ventilation systems. Consider when and what ventilation to apply. Looking ahead, I will say that the most effective method ventilation of any building - mechanical general ventilation with the use of fans. All other options are significantly inferior in their performance. We will analyze all 3 options so that you can understand exactly what ventilation to do.

By “efficient” I mean providing the right air exchange for people to breathe. The efficiency of ventilation directly affects human productivity.
There are 3 types of ventilation systems

natural ventilation exhaust ventilation shafts in the bathrooms and kitchen + inflow through the windows. Such a system is equipped by default for all buildings;
– natural ventilation with mechanical stimulation– exhaust ventilation in bathrooms and kitchen + wall / window air inlets or mini air inlets under the window;
– supply and exhaust air ventilation system- supply and exhaust ventilation units with a network of air ducts.

Natural ventilation of premises

Natural ventilation is the default in all buildings. The cheapest, simplest and obligatory type of ventilation according to Sanitary Norms(SanPin).

Principle of operation: due to the difference in temperature and air density inside and outside the building, natural draft arises in the exhaust ducts of the toilets and the kitchen.Air flow is carried out through open windows and transoms in bedrooms, offices, etc.There are no forced fans in the system, so its efficiency depends entirely on weather conditions. During the warm season the system will not work. The rules for the device of such a system are in.

Benefits ✓
no mechanisms;
independent of power supply;
does not require maintenance;
cheap and simple system.

Xunstable work during the warm periods of the year (summer, spring);
Xunstable air flow through the windows;
X no air filtration and preparation;
X drafts;
X high requirements for exhaust ducts.

Additional features
To enhance the draft, roof deflectors (turbo deflectors) or wall fans in the bathrooms are used. In apartment buildings are installed roof fans to the common mine.

Turbo deflector

Applies in any building by default. Only effective for removing odors and moisture from toilets and kitchens.

Natural ventilation is equipped by default in any building. There is no question of any regulation, maintenance of temperature and air preparation. Provides only an extract from bathrooms and kitchens. Effective only in the cold season.

E natural ventilation with mechanical stimulation

The disadvantage of natural ventilation is the unstable and unregulated air supply. Windows and transoms are most often closed, so natural ventilation simply does not work. No inflow - no exhaust.

Hybrid ventilation is used to solve these problems. Hybrid ventilation - different types of supply devices. The air flow is carried out through the outer wall with the help of valves different designs. The valves are operated by natural draft or by a fan. The valve with a fan, in addition to the filter, is equipped with an electric air heater.

For exhaust, all the same natural exhaust shafts in the bathrooms and kitchen are used.Air is supplied through the valve into the room and flows into the bathrooms and showers, where it is removed into the exhaust shaft.

There are 3 types of valves:
1 TO lapan overpressure or KIV - valve in the wall without a fan. ~3000r including installation work for 1 room.
2. P inlet window valveAir box - a thin gap in the plastic window. ~2000r including installation work for 1 window.
3. Wall air handling units ECO Freshness , Selenga , Breezer - a valve in the wall with a fan. From 20 000 rubles including installation. Possibility of automatic control from the remote control.

1. Air overpressure valve

It must be remembered that for beautiful words manufacturers worth the prose of life.
Supply KIV valve - neatly made "hole in the wall". The only plus of such a “hole” is an adjustable and uniform air flow in winter, i.e. without drafts, but only due to the natural (read - fickle) traction.

Overpressure valve and its scheme

Supply air producersvalves indicate different air flow rates at different pressure drops and assure us that "a valve is a cool thing."
In practice and according to calculations, completely open supply valve KIV normally works only 4 months a year, from November to February. For the remaining 8 months, we get a "graceful hole in the wall", which is not just a "bridge of cold", but a whole "tunnel" for freezing.

Supply air infiltration valves effective only when installed above the 3rd floor of a building, for this reason, ventilation in cottages and country houses such valves cannot be provided.My arguments are supported by calculations that I can provide upon request.

with grief in half provides normative air exchange in winter.

hole in outer wall- a bridge of cold, freezing of the wall. Effective only 4 months out of 12.

Conclusion I don't recommend an overpressure air valve.

2. Supply and exhaust valve for plastic windows

Adjustable slot in the window. It is ordered from the manufacturer of windows and mounted in a finished plastic window with cutting seal.The window supply valve does not provide standard air exchange, but in fact it is an “adjustable transom” and protects the room from drafts. The effect of the operation is the same as the position of the window in the ventilation mode (open vertically). The composition of the supply window valve includes a manual air flow regulator and a simple filter.

primary filtration;
draft protection;
ventilation efficiency, as with the usual opening of the window in the "transom" mode.

does not provide normal air exchange.

Conclusion Supply window valves do not provide air exchange, but the main plus is draft protection and convenient manual adjustment. I recommend in the absence of mechanical ventilation and wall air handling units.

3. With supply ventilation shade valve

The main difference is the presence of a fan, a small heating section and the possibility of automatic control.

This system is on a par with a full-fledged mechanical ventilation system with only one exception - a wall-mounted supply unit (supply wall valve) effectively works only for one room. Each room must have its own setting.

provides standard air exchange;
fully controlled air flow;
good filtration,
draft protection;
the possibility of automatic regulation and heating of air in winter.

works only on the room where it is installed;
requires an electrical connection.

Conclusion Effective and economically justified in apartments and offices up to 5 rooms, cottages up to 600m2, used in cafes, shops, beauty salons up to 150 m2, where it is not possible to equip a full supply and exhaust ventilation.

Air supply and exhaust ventilation systems the most efficient and, as a rule, the most expensive engineering systems. The cost of equipment (supply + exhaust) starts from 230,000 rubles and consists of a supply and exhaust unit. You can read about supply and exhaust ventilation in a private house in .

Principle of operation: the system of mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation is equipped in the overhead space of corridors, storerooms or in a separate room of the ventilation chamber. The unit filters the air from dust, heats it during the cold season and delivers it to the room through a network of air ducts. For the placement of ventilation shafts in cottages, see the article.

Installation options:
outdoor version (with the possibility of mounting on the outer facade);
floor (ceiling) sectional design " rectangular shape". Length from 2.5 to 3.5 meters, height up to 0.5 meters (for installation in a technical room);
floor compact execution of "square form". Length from 1 to 1.6 meters. Height up to 1.5 meters, depth 0.6 meters.

The exhaust unit removes polluted air from the room to the street through a network of air ducts. The equipment consists of a fan and and exhaust installation equipped with silencers to ensure quiet operation.

the main problem mechanical ventilation - air heating in winter. The supply unit takes air from the street and is equipped with a heater for operation in the cold season.

A supply is required for heating the air in winter process water or electricity.Heating air with electricity is extremely expensive.

For example, to ventilate an apartment, we need about 3-4 kW of electricity to heat the air in the most severe cold, for a cottage up to 500 m2 - from 5 to 12 kW, for a store and office up to 800 m2 - from 25 to 40 kW.

*Process water is hot water from a central heating point or a private boiler room with a temperature of 80 to 105 degrees. Hot water from water supply and heating systems for heating air in the inflows is not suitable.

For thermal energy savings often used recuperators of plate and rotary type(with a spinning disk), but the size is ventilation unit extremely rarely allows you to mount it in a false ceiling.

Important to remember that the air flow indicated in the brand of the supply unit is the air flow at a pressure of 0 Pa. those. if the air is not diluted through the air ducts, but immediately after installation it will be supplied to the room.

efficient and fully adjustable ventilation;
a lot of additional features and configuration options;
air supply to all necessary premises.

high price;
it is required to heat the air (water or electricity);
lowering the ceiling for ducting (minimum 300mm);
service maintenance 2 times a year (~ 10,000 rubles);
space for installation (minimum 3.5 x 1.2 meters for 1 installation, height - from 300mm).

Additional features
recuperator section (saving heat for air heating in winter);
air cooling section summer period;
fine filter or HEPA filter (from pollen);
bactericidal filter;
air humidification section;
air drying section for swimming pools;
units with the VAV function allow you to smoothly adjust the air supply in each room.

Below I have compiled a summary table for clarity.

Mechanical supply ventilation is designed individually. Dimensions of air ducts, laying of routes and ventilation grates must be calculated by the design engineer. You can order a ventilation project from me. I will design the system myself, without intermediaries. The cost of the project is from 20,000 rubles. Call +7-963-729-71-20, Alexey Goltsov.

Ventilation is the main engineering system in buildings, after power supply and heat supply. It is created in public institutions and factories according to relevant standards. What are ventilation systems, and how do they differ from each other? We will talk about this further.


Ventilation is designed to provide optimal aeration in any room. It can be classified according to:

  1. pressure supply and movement of air particles (natural and artificial ventilation, as well as combined);
  2. scope (general exchange and local);
  3. sphere of work (organized and unorganized);
  4. principle of operation (exhaust, supply and combined);
  5. the nature of the distribution of air (room and dispersed);
  6. air exchange method (regulated and unregulated);
  7. purpose (working and emergency).

Looking through each view, you can find out what are the pros and cons of the systems, find out the characteristics of ventilation systems, and apply this information to create and maintain the required microclimate.

Classification by pressure supply and air displacement

Natural or central ventilation refers to traditional ways building ventilation. It occurs due to changes in temperature and atmospheric pressure.

To organize this natural process, air ducts are installed. They are laid inside the building at the stage of its construction or mounted during the next major overhaul.

It is important that the operation of such a system depends on the materials chosen for the construction of the building. So, brick or wood walls “breathe” better than concrete ones.

mechanical or artificial system ventilation is required when the usual is not enough. It works thanks to special processing devices (filters, dust collectors, heaters, fans and air ducts) that replace polluted air with fresh air, as well as humidify, purify, heat or cool it. It should be noted that the artificial system does not depend on the weather and purifies the air by any means, however, it also costs more than the natural one.

The mechanical system is divided into two subspecies - general exchange and local.

The combined type of ventilation includes elements of the natural and mechanical systems. So, in an industrial building or a private house, windows (elements of natural form) and hoods (elements of a mechanical system) can be present at the same time.

Organized and unorganized look

Natural ventilation is divided into two types. There is a spontaneous kind (unorganized) and an organized kind. In the first case, the room is ventilated with the help of windows and wind, and in the second case, with the help of special holes that are located at the top of the room.

As for the organized type of ventilation system, it can be general and local, and is also divided into three more subspecies. Today it is possible to install tiered, gravitational and aeration organized ventilation.

Unorganized ventilation system is divided into infiltration and ventilation.

General exchange and local (local) ventilation systems

General exchange supply and exhaust ventilation works everywhere, hence the name. Installations give oxygen in portions and remove all carbon dioxide from the room.

General ventilation with variable air flow can be comfortable and industrial. The first is used in residential buildings, and the second allows you to organize the production process.

Local ventilation works in a particular area or zone. It is created to organize a local supply of oxygen to workplaces and remove carbon dioxide in places where it appears. For example, it is used in the kitchen above the stove.

Tiered, gravity systems and aeration

Tiered autonomous ventilation is used in high-rise building. ventilation pipes laid in tiers, hence the name.

The gravity system is used both in a private house and in production. It works according to the following principle: clean air enters through the windows, enters the rooms through door cracks and diffusers and displaces carbon dioxide, which rises up through special gratings and leaves the building.

The aeration system can be channel and channelless. Channelless works from aeration lamps installed in the roof and transoms. The principle of its operation is simple: through the opening of the transoms, fresh air enters through the lanterns and carbon dioxide exits.

Channel aeration works thanks to deflectors on the roof and ventilation shafts. Oxygen enters through the first devices, and polluted air leaves through the second.

Attention! When designing a residential building, you should take care of the natural ventilation system and calculate its location. A ventilation plan can help with this.

The system itself has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are ease of operation and low cost. The disadvantages include dependence on the weather.

Infiltration and ventilation

Infiltration always works. The principle of its operation is simple: through small cracks in the wall, air circulates under the action of atmospheric pressure.

Ventilation occurs through windows and doors. Just as in the first case, air circulation occurs under the action of air currents of the atmosphere.

Classification according to the principle of action

According to the principle of operation, supply and exhaust ventilation, as well as combined ventilation, are distinguished. The supply air operates on the same principle as the mechanical one: with the help of cleaning devices, oxygen enters the room and creates a favorable environment in it.

Supply ventilation works thanks to:

  1. Supply fans providing oxygen supply;
  2. Noise suppressor;
  3. The heating system, which is relevant in winter, when the thermometer drops below 0. If the system is heated from the network, then it is called electric. If it is heated from heating pipes, then it is called water.

Attention! It is important to note that supply ventilation is divided into forced and natural, and it is possible to combine natural and forced ventilation.

Forced ventilation functions thanks to:

  • Air intake grille, which is needed to filter mechanical contaminants from the street;
  • A filter that purifies oxygen from various dust particles and other elements (it can be hard, thin and the thinnest);
  • A valve that does not allow air to pass through if the system is in the off state;
  • An air duct serving as a single center through which oxygen and carbon dioxide circulate.

The natural supply system functions thanks to exhaust fans, serving as its main components.

Combined or general exchange supply and exhaust ventilation is one of the cheapest ventilation systems. From the name it is clear that it works due to the action of air handling units and exhaust hoods. Thanks to them, you can create a healthy climate in a private house or in an industrial workshop. However, only them right job will give the desired effect.

This system is divided into two types. It works on the principle of displacement and mixing. The first kind occurs according to the law of physics. The devices are mounted below and when fresh air enters from them, it displaces the polluted air and pushes it through the upper valves.

The mixing takes place in the building itself. Oxygen enters the room through diffusers and mixes with carbon dioxide. Then, together with him, he leaves through the air valves.

Room and distributed

The room ventilation system is localized in a certain area and works there thanks to filters, exhaust and supply fans. It is effective in a small room in which you want to create a pleasant microclimate for living or working.

A dispersed ventilation system is localized in two or more areas. Works on the principle of supply and exhaust system. Her work is aimed at creating a pleasant atmosphere in several locations.

Working and emergency

Working ventilation occurs with the help of filtering and local installations. For example, in the workshop, exhaust systems are installed that remove excess harmful substances emitted during production. The working type of ventilation mainly refers to the forced variety of ventilation systems, consisting of many air ducts and fans. Gas analyzers are included with conventional fans. They show breakdowns in the system and the concentration of gases in the air. Thanks to the calculated air exchange, sanitary working conditions and fire safety rules are maintained.

The emergency type of ventilation is designed to guarantee the safety of people during a fire.

Emergency ventilation is activated by signals from fire or smoke detectors. It consists of fans for overpressure and smoke removal, as well as special valves. Due to the presence of air overpressure, the safe evacuation of people is ensured and the spread of the fire inside the buildings is hindered.

fan ventilation

To modern species ventilation is referred to as a fan. Experts note the high efficiency of such systems and the validity of its use in small buildings.

Fan ventilation is used to create favorable microclimate in a private house or building and clean the air from the smell of sewerage. The principle of its operation is based on the removal of gases from the sewer pipeline network and maintaining a constant pressure in the pipes.


The classification of ventilation systems allows you to choose correct option arrangement engineering network, because thanks to their parameters, you can set the required ventilation characteristics in a residential building or industrial organization, saving energetic resources for the entire network.
