We eliminate the blockage in the bath with our own hands. Ways to clear a clog in the bathroom - top effective methods Clogged pipe in the bathroom than to clean

The question of how to clean the blockage in the bathroom arises in almost every person. Both a jack of all trades and an ordinary housewife can face this - it's a common thing. If the water does not go away, or even worse - it whips back, emitting a stench, using the bathroom becomes not only not pleasant, but also impossible in principle.

This article contains comprehensive information on how to remove a blockage in the bathroom, what tools are best to use, and how to prevent recurrence of trouble in the future.

Reasons why the bath could be clogged

First you need to determine why the drain is clogged, and what options are available for cleaning pipes or a siphon. Most likely, the cause will be discovered in the process of troubleshooting the problem. However, if it is known for sure that a piece of jewelry, a hairpin or other necessary thing got into the drain, then not all remedies for clogs in the bathroom will be good. For example, some chemicals can ruin an awkwardly dropped item.

So, the causes of blockages in the siphon:

  • hair, animal hair;
  • spools, pile, threads from clothes;
  • trifle;
  • dirt;
  • small parts, accessories, decorations.

All of the above components form a dense lump in the pipe, which prevents the passage of water, or even completely slows it down. It is possible to remove such a blockage in the bathroom either with tweezers or a thin wire.

Effective methods for clearing sewer blockages

Good old plunger and cable. These two things are in almost every home.

A plunger is a stick with a rubber tip shaped like a large suction cup that can suck or push debris.

Using this simple invention, you can get the following results:

  1. Prevent blockages.
  2. Eliminate the causes of slow water drainage.
  3. Assess the extent of pollution.

Usually a plunger is effective when the pipe is clogged slightly - sharp flows of water and air will push through the obstacle.

  1. Install the device so that its rubber part blocks the drain hole.
  2. Draw a small amount of water into the bath (dry efficiency is reduced).
  3. Make a few strokes by moving the handle up and down.
  4. Check if the water is running out.
  5. Flush out the trash.

If this did not help and the blockage in the bathroom did not disappear, then what to do? Use rope:

  1. Insert it into the drain hole.
  2. Push forward into the pipes and scroll at the same time.
  3. When the voltage drops (the blockage is cleared), gently move the cable back and forth.
  4. Remove and wash the product.


The modern chemical industry has taken care to make the process of removing blockages as fast and comfortable as possible.

Almost all of them are equally effective, but when choosing a remedy, you should take into account the fact that not every remedy for blockage in the bathroom is suitable for the type of pipes that are installed in your house.

Manufacturers vied with each other to produce tools for cleaning pipes from debris and deposits. The form of release can be varied:

  • powder;
  • gel;
  • liquid.

The most common and inexpensive remedy is Mole - a domestic drug that perfectly eliminates odors, food debris and fat, and also breaks down fibers (hair, wool, etc.). Produced by different companies and may vary slightly:

  • by composition;
  • price;
  • action time.

Compatibility with the type of pipes is usually indicated on the packaging. Here is a far from complete list of effective drugs:

  1. Mister Muscle.
  2. Bugs.
  3. Pothan.
  4. Tiret.
  5. Flup.
  6. Mole.

Folk way to clean the blockage: soda and vinegar

If there is no plumbing, no plunger, no cable, no purchased funds at hand and the bath is clogged, it is worth trying the folk method. This will require:

Follow these instructions:

  1. Wipe the tub and metal drain ring dry.
  2. Pour baking soda into the drain hole.
  3. Pour vinegar into it.
  4. Pour in boiling water after 1 minute.
  5. After 2-3 minutes, turn on the water - it should flow freely.

If, nevertheless, there is confidence that a necessary or valuable thing has become the reason for the slow draining of water, it is worth learning how to clean the siphon in the bathroom. Thus, it will be possible to remove what got into the drain and caused a blockage.

Siphon cleaning technology:

  1. Lay a cloth under the siphon, put a basin or bucket.
  2. Slowly unscrew the lock nut so that liquid does not rush out.
  3. Remove the flask and discard the dirty water.
  4. Remove any debris, small parts, or clods that are causing the problem.
  5. Rinse the siphon and remove plaque.
  6. Install the siphon.
  7. Check tightness of connections.

Now, in case the bath is suddenly clogged, you will know what to do.

It is also worth remembering that prevention with the help of a plunger and cleaning the siphon once a month is the key to high-quality and comfortable use of the bath. Expensive chemicals may not be required in this case!

It is also worth watching a video on this topic:

Bathroom clogs are one of the biggest problems in any home. And not only in the apartment, in our age of modernization for convenience, it has become common to install bathrooms in private houses and cottages. If the sewage system has ceased to function normally, all kinds of problems immediately begin - this is the appearance of an unpleasant odor, and overflowing from the drain of dirty water. Even if all the rules of operation are observed, clogging still cannot be avoided. The article will discuss what to do if there is a blockage in the bathroom.

The bathroom sewer system begins to clog from the very moment it is used. From the first days of operation, organic and inorganic deposits settle on it. Therefore, the causes of clogged pipes in the bathroom are varied.

  • Most often, it is caused by accumulations of hair, pet hair, soap solutions and deposits of household chemicals, which over time are pressed and compacted. All this begins to rot, mold and a fungus may appear. Such blockages are simple and medium types in their complexity. Difficult types, the so-called blind blockages, include draining water after construction work.
  • They are also divided into local - this is when the blockage occurred in only one apartment, and general - when the central sewage system was blocked.

What causes blockage in the sewer

First, let's figure out what all the same is a sewer drain system.

Typically, sewerage originates from the kitchen and passes into the common riser through the bathroom and toilet.

  • In modern construction, plastic counterparts have replaced the old cast-iron pipes. They have a number of advantages:
    1. less susceptible to pollution;
    2. due to the properties of the material, there is no condensate on such a pipe;
    3. plastic pipes do not rust or rot.
  • The clogging of sewer cast iron pipes, first of all, does not depend on their predisposition to rust, but on the location. They are mounted at a slight slope in relation to the junction of the riser.
  • The sewer system on each floor has an auxiliary window designed for additional cleaning, as a rule, it is located 15 cm above the level of the bath or sink.

Tip: for prevention purposes, so as not to resort to time-consuming cleaning of the blockage in the bath, it is recommended to spill the sewer pipes in the bathroom with boiling water with the addition of soda or bleach. To prevent blockage, it is recommended to do this once every seven days.

Tip: there is another way using soda ash. One cup of soda is poured into the drain hole, followed by a cup of vinegar. At the moment when the reaction starts, rinse the drain with boiling water.

Tip: as a prevention of blockages, it is quite effective to use an elementary filter plug, which prevents hair and any debris from entering the sewer system.

How to clear a blockage in the bathroom

Siphon analysis

Before using chemicals and other cleaning products, you can try to disassemble the siphon. In this case, the likelihood of quickly eliminating the blockage increases and it becomes possible to clean the siphon itself from the resulting sediment (it does not harm the drain system, but it is from it that an unpleasant odor comes from the bathroom and bacteria are bred in it).

When disassembling, you need to take into account that it is easier to dismantle a plastic siphon than a metal one, since the metal corrodes and the parts are firmly connected to each other. Therefore, in an old house where a metal drain system is installed, it cannot cope without the help of a plumbing specialist.

For work you will need:

  • rag;
  • basin;
  • technical gloves.

Stages of work

  • It is necessary that the bath was without water, so if it is clogged and the water is standing, it must be scooped out.
  • Before removing the tightening nut and flask, it is necessary to substitute a basin or bucket.

  • After the inspection, the sewer pipe is cleaned mechanically. To do this, it is enough to rinse the drain with boiling water.

Tip: in the bathroom, dirt usually accumulates at the base of the drain, so it will not be difficult to clean it by simply removing the protective grill.

Using hot water

The first step is to determine the type of blockage, that is, to check where the pollution has occurred - local or the central pipe is clogged.

  • You need to pour boiling water into the bathroom drain, you can with soda. Such a method should help, especially with the accumulation of soap or chemical deposits.
  • This procedure should be done carefully so as not to scald with boiling water.

Plunger application

The most common and simple device for cleaning sewer systems is a plunger.

  • The rubber cup of the plunger should be larger than the drain hole and fit snugly against the drain in the bathroom to create a vacuum.
  • Holding the handle of the plunger, several sharp pushes are made in order to break through the blockage in the drain pipe. After that, the plunger must be sharply torn off from the bath.
  • If the first cleaning did not bring the expected results, then the same procedure is repeated several more times.

Cleaning with chemicals

Today on the shelves of stores there is a very diverse selection of chemicals for cleaning blockages. Of course, with their help there will be an immediate result, but do not forget that such chemistry contains acids and alkalis and must be used with extreme caution.

Tip: if the common sewer system is completely clogged, then you should not clean it with chemicals, as a caustic substance can go back into the bathroom and damage the enamel. Also, with frequent use, the sewer pipes themselves can quickly fail.

There are some rules when using chemicals:

  • Vapors of chemicals are very harmful to health and therefore cleaning should be carried out in a well-ventilated area in a protective mask and rubber gloves;
  • it is recommended to use drugs made only by industrial means. Homemade cleaners such as acid concentrate or kerosene can render the sewer system unusable;
  • in no case should you use several funds at once, this can lead to a reverse effect. There is a risk of a reaction, in rare cases with consequences;
  • when using chemical compositions, it is necessary to strictly follow the attached instructions:
    1. in the required amount, the agent is poured into the drain;
    2. waiting for the specified time;
    3. the drain is flushed with water.

The use of a plumbing cable

Also, for cleaning drain systems, a steel cable is widely used, which has a diameter of 4 mm, one end of which is equipped with a handle to simplify work, and the other has a brush or brush with hard bristles. It is not difficult to buy it, as it is sold in any hardware store. When buying a steel cable, you need to consider its length.

Tip: in the practice of specialists, the use of an electric spiral cable is common, but it will not work on your own.

Stages of work

  • When using a cable, you need direct access to the sewer pipe itself; for this, the drain hose or siphon is disassembled and removed.
  • The cable is slowly introduced into the sewer hole, at the same time rotational movements are made clockwise. Rotations should be slow to avoid bending the cable.
  • If possible, during cleaning with a cable, water should be poured in at the same time to facilitate work and soften the seals in the pipe. The advance of the cable continues until it hits a blockage.
  • After a blockage in the pipe is found, it is broken using the same rotations of the cable. This method takes much longer than the others.

Cleaning pipes with a vacuum cleaner

At home, you can use an ordinary household vacuum cleaner, which has a blowing hole, to clean the drain.

But before using the vacuum cleaner, you need to prepare it:

  • for work you need a small rubber ball;
  • it is cut into two parts, which should be one larger and the other smaller;
  • a small part of the ball is placed inside the large one and a hole is made in the center equal to the diameter of the vacuum cleaner tube;
  • the hose of the vacuum cleaner is fixed in the hole in the ball and fixed with electrical tape or a clamp. But before attaching the hose to the blowing hole of the vacuum cleaner, you need to remove the bag from the dust collector;
  • the resulting bowl is attached to the drain and the vacuum cleaner is turned on.

This simple and primitive method removes blockages very well.

Hydrodynamic method

It happens that the blockage cannot be removed by any of the above methods. Then more efficient equipment should be used.

  • Hydrodynamic removal of blockage is carried out using a high-pressure water jet. Thus, all deposits that have accumulated over the years are washed out very thoroughly.
  • It is used mainly for flushing pipes in hard-to-reach places, since it does not violate the tightness at the joints.

thermal method

Cleaning the blockage in the bathroom with a jet of hot water under pressure is called the thermal method.

  • This method is great for dealing with hard fat plugs.
  • If, in combination with hot water, chemicals are also used that destroy organic deposits and bacteria, then in this case disinfection is also carried out.

Preventive measures against blockages

In order to avoid the question of how to eliminate the blockage in the bathroom, it is necessary to periodically carry out preventive maintenance of sewer pipes, which allows you to keep the drain system clean.

  • To prevent the deposition of fat, twice a week, for 10 minutes, flush the sewer system with boiling water;
  • install protective gratings that protect pipes from various kinds of debris and dirt getting into them;
  • do not leave rags and all kinds of waste near the drain, getting into the sewer system, it is they who form an impenetrable plug in the pipe;

Only with proper care and compliance with the rules for operating the bathroom, it is possible to extend the life of the drain system. After all, with frequent use of cleaning products, the sewer system is subject to rapid wear.

Reading 5 min. Published on 11.09.2018

Sewer blockage is a very unpleasant phenomenon when water does not go down the drain, and a disgusting smell is felt in the bathroom.

There are many ways to fix the situation, although some housewives do not even know how to clear the blockage in the bathroom with folk remedies.

Usually blockages are formed due to improper use of sewers. Most often, pipes become clogged due to hair, animal hair, small debris and spools from clothes. All this turns into one big lump, because of which water cannot pass through the pipe.


This is a simple thing that is widely used to clear sewer blockages.
And .

It is believed that this method can be used as a preventive measure. The more often the hostess uses the plunger, the less often a blockage will occur in the bathroom.


  • The plunger must be installed so that the rubber nozzle completely covers the drain hole.
  • Before cleaning, it is worth filling the bathroom with a little water.
  • The plunger handle must be alternately lifted up several times, and then lowered down. Due to this, air will suddenly enter the drain hole and push through the resulting blockage. To wash it off, you just need to turn on the water.

Household chemicals

In fact, you can clear a blockage in the bathroom without a plunger. After all, you can just buy modern cleaning products.

If earlier only soda was used for this, today it is enough to visit the household chemicals department and choose the packaging you like.

It is best to choose the product, the instructions of which indicate that it dissolves hair and wool.

  • You can choose not only a special cleaning powder, but also a liquid product.
  • It is necessary to clarify in the instructions that the selected product is really suitable for a particular type of sewer pipes.
  • The agent must be carefully poured or poured into the drain hole. If this is a special powder, you should also pour a glass of warm water.

To definitely remove the blockage, you need to not use the bathroom for some time.

  • After a certain period of time specified in the instructions, it is necessary to turn on hot water in order to rinse the sewer pipes well and remove debris.

Folk remedies

In the old days, every self-respecting housewife knew exactly how to clean the blockage in the bathroom with soda and vinegar. Today, women resort to the use of folk remedies infrequently. However, at home, blockages can be easily removed in two ways:

  • In the drain hole of the bathroom, where there is no water, you need to pour half a pack of soda. Hot water should be turned on after 5 minutes.
  • Pour 4 tablespoons of soda into the drain and pour half a glass of vinegar there.

Then the hole must be covered with something so as not to interfere with the chemical reaction. After a while, you can turn on hot water. The easiest way to get rid of debris is with strong pressure.

Such methods are quite effective, but they can adversely affect the condition of the pipes.


A plumbing cable is a thick twisted wire coiled into a small spiral. For convenient rotation, a handle with a wooden or plastic nozzle is provided at the end.

Such a device is actively used to remove sewer blockages. And we are talking mainly about metal pipes.


  • The end of the cable must be carefully inserted into the drain hole.
  • It is best to do the work together. So, one person slowly rotates the handle, while the other gently pushes the cable forward.
  • When the cable is twisted, accumulated debris is removed from the pipes, that is, the blockage is destroyed.
  • As soon as the tension in the pipes decreases, you need to pull the cable back and forth several times.
  • The cable is carefully removed, washed and stored.
  • If the procedure was ineffective, it is repeated.

Before removing the blockage, you need to pay attention to the tension of the cable. Lack of tension can damage the cable.

Siphon cleaning

The male owners do not think long about how to clear the blockage in the bathroom. As a rule, they immediately begin to clean the siphon. This procedure allows you to get rid of debris accumulated in the pipes and an unpleasant smell in the room.

Cleaning procedure:

  • On the floor directly under the siphon, you need to lay a rag that absorbs moisture well.
  • A basin should be placed on top of the fabric. Such a simple measure will prevent dirty water from getting on the floor.
  • The lock nut must be unscrewed very carefully. After that, you need to remove the flask.
  • Immediately after this, the water that formed the water seal will flow into the basin.
  • The siphon itself should be thoroughly rinsed with water and all plaque removed from the walls.

The entire structure must be installed so that the drain pipe does not rest on the flask. This is very important, otherwise the water seal will be broken. To check the tightness of all connections, you need to open the tap and fill the water seal.

Such cleaning can also act as a preventive measure. For this purpose, the siphon is cleaned every 2-3 months.

How to avoid blockages

Of course, any blockage can be cleared using one of the above methods. However, it is much easier to worry about prevention in time.

  • It is necessary to install small nets in the drain hole to retain debris.
  • From time to time, pipe cleaners should be poured into the drain.
  • A plunger should be used periodically.

Thanks to the observance of all preventive measures, you no longer have to puzzle over how to clean the blockage in the bathroom with a cable or a plunger. Moreover, the bath will always be clean, and the air in the room will be fresh.

Before starting work on cleaning the sewer system, you should figure out what exactly led to the creation of a blockage. There are a number of reasons for its occurrence:

  • a design error is a problem that does not depend on the actions of the owner of the bath. It is due to the fact that even at the construction stage, the laying of pipes was not carried out in accordance with the technical requirements. As a rule, this is an insufficient slope of the drain. It can be cleaned, but after a while the problem will reappear. To eliminate it, you will have to redo the entire system, from the bathroom to the main riser;
  • pipe material - if they are made of cast iron or steel, dirt accumulation will occur more often. This is due to the fact that plaque is deposited on their walls in large quantities. Plastic pipes are not so prone to this negative moment, but they still cannot completely get rid of the problem;
  • foreign objects - before looking for an answer to the question of how to eliminate a blockage in the bathroom at home, it is necessary to determine whether bulky debris fell into the drain. It refers to food, construction and other waste, which belongs in a trash can, and not in the sewer. The so-called human factor in this case plays a significant role;
  • end of life - all materials have their own limitation regarding the time of their use. Do not exclude the possibility that the pipes simply became unusable due to long operation. Over time, they loosen, deform, growths appear inside. All this leads to the fact that the risk of blockages increases significantly;
  • improper care - regardless of whether the pipe in the bathroom is clogged or not, it should be cleaned regularly. It is enough to carry out this event several times a year, and the appearance of blockages can be avoided;
  • fat - its deposits provoke a decrease in the throughput of pipes, due to the fact that their diameter becomes smaller. Grease is a very dangerous enemy of bathroom drains as it can contaminate the entire pipe. Outwardly, the drain may look perfectly clean, but the flow of water will be weak.

mechanical cleaning

How to clear a blockage in the bathroom at home if it is located in the immediate vicinity of the drain? The best option here seems to be a mechanical method. It should be understood that it refers to the use of special tools, and not improvised means that can be poked into the drain hole, in the hope that in this way it will be possible to clean it.

Today, as many years ago, the plunger is the most effective tool. This is a rather primitive, but very effective device, which is a stick and a rubber hemisphere at its end.

Breaking through the blockage with the help of a plunger has an important drawback - it is quite a difficult task, from the point of view of physics.

The principle of cleaning the blockage with a plunger:

  • previously, the lower edge of the rubber part is lubricated with petroleum jelly or any other lubricant. This is necessary in order to ensure the most hermetic docking with the surface of the bath;
  • the working part of the plunger is placed directly above the drain;
  • then, with rhythmic movements, the plunger is compressed and straightened. Thus, pressure is created on the obstacle inside the pipe. The longer you work with a plunger, the faster it will collapse and be pulled up;
  • if the contamination does not lend itself, you can try to break it with water. To do this, hot water is drawn into the bath, after which it is pumped into the pipe with the help of a plunger. The acceleration given to it by the tools will allow the cork to be washed out.

Breaking through the blockage with the help of a plunger has an important drawback - it is quite a difficult task, from the point of view of physics. Therefore, it is recommended to perform it for men.

A plumbing cable is a newer tool than a plunger. Outwardly, it is a thick twisted wire, which is twisted into a kind of spiral. At the end of the wire there is a handle for convenient control of the cable inside the pipe.

A plumbing cable is a newer tool than a plunger.

This tool is most effective for cleaning deep contaminants located inside the pipe. The flexible body of the fixture allows you to reach the most secluded corners of the sewer in the bathroom.


  • the end of the cable is carefully inserted into the drain hole;
  • the cable is slowly pushed forward, while the handle is rotated. Thus, something similar to drilling is obtained. Due to the complexity of the procedure, it is desirable to perform it together;
  • as the cable is twisted, the deposits inside the pipe are subjected to strong mechanical stress and, accordingly, are destroyed;
  • when the resistance of the wire becomes minimal, it jerks sharply back and forth;
  • the cable is unscrewed back and thoroughly washed from debris adhering to it;
  • water is let into the pipe, which should wash the destroyed blockage.

This tool is most effective for cleaning deep contaminants located inside the pipe.

If necessary, this procedure can be repeated. In any case, it will be already much easier from a physical point of view.

A siphon is a part of plumbing fittings located on the outside of the bath, that is, under the drain, being its continuation and a kind of entrance to the pipe. A characteristic feature of the siphon is that it usually has a sharp bend. It is because of this that most of the blockages are deposited here. Timely cleaning of the device can reduce the risk of severe blockage.

Timely cleaning of the device can reduce the risk of severe blockage.

Work order:

  • on the floor, directly under the siphon, you should lay out a rag or put some kind of container. This will help to avoid getting dirty and even smelly water on the floor;
  • the nut is unscrewed, after which the flask is removed;
  • after all the water has drained out, the siphon is thoroughly washed with clean water, any deposits on its walls are removed mechanically. The same applies to foreign particles.

The disadvantage of this method can be considered that in the case of a bathroom, it is quite difficult to get to the siphon. This also leads to the fact that you will have to work in an uncomfortable position. Knowing how to clean the drain in the bathroom by washing the siphon, it will be possible to effectively avoid the appearance of any third-party deposits inside the drain pipe.

Folk remedies

Naturally, there are ways that have already been invented by the people. Most of them actually help to solve the burning issue of how to clean the bath from clogging. Despite the fact that such methods are used relatively infrequently today, some of them still deserve to be told in detail about them.

Perhaps one of the most versatile tools present in the kitchen. Natural or table vinegar, as well as vinegar essence, are capable of cleaning, dissolving, bleaching, eliminating odors, and performing many other functions that, as food products, should not be characteristic of them. It should be noted that vinegar alone will not be able to break through the blockage inside the pipe. To do this, it can be mixed with soda. This is done like this - four tablespoons of baking soda are poured into the drain hole, after which half a glass of vinegar is added. In order for the chemical reaction to proceed with a limited amount of oxygen, the hole is sealed with something airtight. After about half an hour, you can turn on a strong pressure of hot water, which will remove the remaining debris.

You can also use pure baking soda. It will need about half a pack. In this case, there should be no water in the drain. Five minutes after adding soda, turn on hot water.

How to remove blockage in the bathroom at home using the above tools, you already know. But you also need to understand that such substances can have an extremely negative effect on the technical and operational condition of pipes, especially if they are steel. Therefore, it is necessary to resort to the use of soda and vinegar no more than once a year.

Preventive measures

With the help of modern tools, mechanical devices and, in the end, changes in the design of the drain in the bathroom, any blockage can be eliminated. But its removal is associated with such negative aspects as physical effort, financial costs, spoiled mood, loss of time, etc.

Therefore, it is much easier to avoid the appearance of traffic jams than to deal with them later.

  • be careful. In order not to solve the question - how to get rid of a blockage in the bathroom at home, you need to ensure that third-party things do not get into the drain during bathing, washing and other activities in the bathroom;
  • installation of protection - it is enough to put a fine mesh in the drain to protect it from various small objects, as well as hair and wool;
  • regular care. Modern chemicals allow you to quickly and effectively carry out preventive cleaning. They will help not only prevent the formation of plaque, but also reduce the risk of corrosion. The same goes for the plunger. If you clean the bath with it once every few months, the appearance of traffic jams will be virtually impossible.

Preventive measures are quite simple, and therefore their observance will in no way complicate people's lives.

Every day in the bathroom at least once they are engaged in water procedures. Gradually, various debris accumulates inside the pipelines and you have to think about how to clear the blockage in the bathroom. There are a lot of options due to which the siphon or other water communications are clogged: human and animal hair, pieces of rags, grease, various contamination of the pipe system. Over time, the liquid leaves more and more slowly and a bad smell appears that the sink or bath emits. Something needs to be done about this.

The most serious reason why a sink or bath is clogged is an error during pipe installation. When making repairs, the "craftsmen" are mistaken with the angle of installation of sewer pipes, which, in turn, contributes to the occurrence of traffic jams. Cleaning in this case is possible, but meaningless. Troubleshooting must begin with the dismantling of old pipes and installing them again.

The second more likely option is carelessness and neglect of preventive measures by the owners. Various objects, hair and debris can easily clog the drain. Even with a small blockage, it is recommended to get rid of it so that the situation does not worsen even more. So, how to clear a blockage in the bathroom?

Ways to eliminate blockages

Mechanical Tool #1: Plunger

If the hole near the drain is clogged, then we take an object that most people have - a plunger. Then you should take a rag or cork and close the top hole to drain the water so that there is no air passage. Then we lubricate the rim of the plunger with petroleum jelly, so we will ensure a tighter fit. We put the plunger on the drain, sharply and intensively begin to drive out the pollution. It is quite possible that it will not work the first time.

Mechanical Remedy #2: Hot Water Plunger

If the previous method did not provide proper cleaning, then add hot water to it. We fill a third of the bath with water, pump it into the pipeline with a plunger, and then pull it out sharply. Continue until the drain is completely clear.

Mechanical #3: Rope

Doesn't take a plunger or hot water. What to do? Remove blockage in the bathroom with a cable. With this tool, you can remove serious blockages. But keep in mind that it is possible to break through thin plastic pipes if you are not careful.

Building a rope at home is quite easy. To do this, you need to get a flexible metal wire. Then bend one of its ends in the form of a small hook, and wind the fabric to the second, making a handle.

Stick the fixture inside the pipe to the expected clogged place and push the debris. After removing the main part of the blockage with a cable, pull out the "fishing rod" with the remnants of pollution. At the very end, rinse the container with hot water.


In some cases, it is appropriate to use chemicals if the tub or sink is clogged. The stores sell a large amount of chemicals in the form of a gel, powder, liquid or foam, which can remove all the bad things that are stuck in the pipeline in a few minutes. Organic contaminants are ideal for chemical removal.

  1. Be sure to read the instructions included with the kit before use.
  2. Use personal protective equipment to avoid unwanted consequences.
  3. Buy products that dissolve the hairline.

Folk method number 1: boiling water

Folk methods are no less popular and give good results. But, alas, removing a strong blockage in the sink or bath with the help of them is impossible. If pipes or drains have accumulated a large amount of fat, then this can be corrected with boiling water. Just pour boiling water into the hole until the water begins to flow better.

Folk method number 2: vinegar and soda

Baking soda and vinegar react with each other, so they are able to remove more complex pipe contaminants. At the very beginning, soda is poured into a glass, after which it is sent straight to the drain. Next, pour vinegar into a glass and pour it down the drain and plug it with a cork. Foam will begin to form if the vinegar and soda react. After 15-20 minutes, rinse with hot water to wash off the remaining vinegar and soda.

Folk method number 3: lemon

Folk remedies are beneficial and convenient to use at home, but they do not always give the desired effect. But lemon will help get rid of light pipe contamination. Squeeze the juice from one fruit down the drain and wait an hour or two. As time passes, the sink or tub is rinsed with hot water.

How to clean a siphon?

The siphon needs to be cleaned periodically, but if this is not done on time, problems may appear at the most inopportune moment. It is recommended to flush the siphon regularly to prevent the sink from emitting a bad smell. Now let's move on to cleaning.

Get an unnecessary soft cloth and put a water container under the siphon. Open the fasteners and remove the flask. After all the water has drained out, carefully clean the siphon. Then rinse the device and mount it back. Also, be sure to position the nozzle so that it does not rest on the flask. Do not rush to remove the basin, first open the water. If nothing flows, then the siphon is installed correctly.

  • Do not shy away from preventive measures. Doing them regularly will save you a lot of time in the future.
  • To collect any debris, install a metal mesh.
  • In some cases, it will not be superfluous to use compounds that prevent the appearance of blockages.

Now it became clear how to clear the blockage in the bathroom. After all, anyone agrees that it is pleasant and comfortable to be in a clean bath.
