Instructions on how to sheathe the walls in the garage. Installation of OSB on the walls - recommendations for independent work Sheathe the walls of the OSB garage

Every car enthusiast dreams of a garage that will become not only a reliable "home" for their favorite car, but also a warm, well-equipped workshop for work at any time of the year. Finishing the garage inside is one of the most pressing issues, since it should not only give a neat and cozy look to this room, but also correspond to the features of the building, taking into account its operational orientation.

Today, there is no shortage of finishing materials on the construction market - there is a very a wide range of With different characteristics and cost levels. Therefore, from this variety it is quite possible to choose an option that is suitable in all respects for finishing a garage room. To determine which of the finishes is most suitable, it is necessary to consider the basic requirements for facing materials for such technical buildings. An important selection criterion will also be what kind of garage look you would like to get as a result.

For each of the surfaces inside the garage, you should choose a cladding that will be able to withstand a certain load, environmental influences, and the aggressiveness of the technical ones commonly used in this room.

Garage surface finish requirements can be summarized as follows:

  • Garage floors must be able to withstand high weight loads.
  • The wall decoration material is highly resistant to mechanical stress, including impacts of various strengths.
  • For facing the ceiling, a material is required that has a certain strength and resistance to various fumes.

General requirements for garage finishing materials consist of the following items:

  • Fire resistance of the cladding, as various flammable substances are usually stored in the garage room.
  • Resistance of surfaces to chemical influences.
  • Resist any, reduced or critical elevated level humidity.
  • Resistance to temperature extremes - this is especially necessary if the garage room will not have heating.
  • An important criterion is the ease of cleaning the cladding, resistance to abrasive effects, since quite strong pollution in the garage is not uncommon.
  • Long service life of the material.

In addition to the performance qualities mentioned, the finish should have at least a minimally aesthetic appearance, since it is always more pleasant to work not only in a safe, but also neatly decorated room.

Garage Finishing Materials

Based on the characteristics mentioned above, it is possible to analyze various cladding options and take into account their advantages and disadvantages.

concrete finish

Wall plastering and pouring concrete screed floors are a traditional finish for a garage space. This approach is consistent with most of the criteria discussed above, and the material itself is excellently kept on walls made of brick, concrete or aerated concrete blocks.

To the positive qualities of such the simplest finish include fire resistance, strength, durability, resistance to mechanical stress, ease of repair if such a need arises, the possibility of bringing to the intended form by coloring.

Of course, this method has its drawbacks:

  • These include, first of all, the complexity of mixing the solution and leveling it on the surfaces of the walls.
  • For wall and floor finishing cement-sand plaster, you need to have some finishing skills, since small flaws in such work can appear after a few months, at the first temperature drops - this is usually manifested by the appearance of cracks, swelling, flaking or crumbling of the material.
  • In addition to the laboriousness of applying and leveling the mortar and arranging the screed, it must be taken into account that this is a rather “dirty” process that requires large-scale cleaning upon its completion.
  • Having decided to choose this type of cladding, you should immediately take into account the fact that decorative finishing of plastered surfaces will also require costs, which will extend their service life and give them an aesthetic appearance.

Self-plastering walls is not an easy task.

Plastering walls requires good work skills and a certain skill. Therefore, if you decide to try your hand at carrying out such a decoration of the walls of the garage, it is recommended that you first familiarize yourself with the “basics” of the technology by clicking on the link to the article devoted to.

Concrete garage floor - a solid foundation

The concrete screed on the floor in the garage can play the role of the final coating, or act as a reliable basis for laying other material. How best to equip, including with high-quality ventilated viewing hole- read in a separate publication of our portal.

It will also be necessary to level the floor with a screed if ceramic or modular tiles are chosen as the floor covering, for the installation of which a flat, solid surface is required. However, for the wooden flooring of the garage floor, the concrete base will also not be superfluous.

The use of drywall

Instead of the “wet” plastering method, the so-called “dry plaster”, better known to everyone under the name, can be used to level the walls. GVL sheets can be fixed directly to the wall with a special adhesive or metal carcass. The latter option is used in cases where the surface has large distortions or if it is planned to be insulated. True, this will be at the expense of free space in the garage.

To finish the walls of the garage, moisture-resistant and fire-resistant drywall is usually used, which has the designation GKLVO - it belongs to the lowest flammability group G1. The sheets of this material are painted gray-green and have a red marking.

Drywall, like all materials, has its pros and cons.

The first ones include:

- relatively small weight of sheets;

- ease of installation;

- compared to the "wet" method of applying plaster, the process of fixing sheets on the wall and ceiling takes place without unnecessary construction debris;

affordable price for the material itself and for installation work;

- drywall, with a certain preparation, can become flexible, and they can sheathe not only flat surfaces, but also arched structures, as well as bunk ceilings complex configurations;

- gypsum, located in the sheet structure, tends to absorb excess moisture when high humidity air, and when it is dry, give it to environment;

- you can create partitions from drywall sheets by attaching it to the frame - this is important when it is planned to separate in the garage small room for changing clothes or for a mini-warehouse or workshop;

- on walls lined with this material, you can fix any decorative trim, ranging from embossed plaster to ceramic tiles.

The only disadvantage of finishing the walls with drywall installed on the frame is the low impact resistance of the sheets. If the sheets are veneered durable material, such as ceramic tiles, this drawback will be of little importance.

In the event that the garage is not planned to be insulated, or the thermal insulation will be mounted on the outer surface of the walls, and the interior is finished with drywall, it is better to use the frameless installation technology.

Is it difficult to attach drywall to walls without a frame?

In some ways, this is even easier than installing a frame crate. - read in a special publication of the portal, which describes both the technology itself and the necessary materials.

In addition to leveling and finishing walls, drywall is perfect for ceiling cladding. With it, it is enough to simply make the ceiling plane perfectly flat and smooth. For creating suspended structure, on which the cladding will be fixed, a special metal profile is used.

Smooth ceiling in no time!

This article contains not only instructions for mounting the frame elements to the main surface of the ceiling, but also for conducting electrical wiring, as well as installing lighting fixtures embedded in plasterboard construction.

Finishing the garage with ceramic tiles

Ceramic tiles almost perfectly meet the requirements that must be met when choosing a finish for a garage space.

Tiles give surfaces neatness, they are waterproof and fire resistant, and are also easy to clean both dry and with detergents, and it will not be damaged by the small abrasive particles that make up the cleaning compositions. Properly laid tiles will become a reliable surface coating that will withstand high loads.

For facing a room such as a garage, it is recommended to use clinker or porcelain stoneware variants of the finishing material, which have high strength and a matte non-slip surface. Of course, if you want to save money, you can use the usual ceramic tiles, matching it in color to the floor clinker. In addition, you can finish with high-quality tiles only lower part walls, which is more prone to dirt and damage, and leave the top plastered and painted, picking up the paint to match the tiles.

The disadvantage of ceramic wall decoration is its rather large weight and the relatively high price of both the material itself and its installation. Therefore, before planning a purchase, it is worth getting information about the cost of a tile in the region where the garage is located and calculating its required amount.

The finishing material is mounted on well-plastered surfaces and a perfectly equipped screed, therefore, in general, such a cladding and preparations it won't be cheap.

Interested in installing ceramic tiles yourself?

We will try to help our reader in choosing the optimal tile and calculating its required quantity, with the selection of glue and with a detailed description of the installation work. All these questions are in the publication of the portal.

Finishing the walls of the garage clapboard

Another fairly popular group of materials for decorating the walls and ceiling of a garage room is lining - made of natural wood or plastic (PVC).

This finishing material (according to its design data) has a number of positive qualities, which include:

- ease of mounting it on a wall or on a crate fixed on a solid surface;

- the ability to install panels both vertically and horizontally, at the request of the owner;

- the design of the crate for the lining allows you to create a gap in which, if desired, it can be installed - expanded polystyrene or mineral wool ..

The physical and technical characteristics of lining made of different materials differ significantly from each other. Therefore, before leaving your choice on one of them, you need to decide which one is more suitable for finishing the garage.

Wooden lining

Panels made from natural wood, when used as a lining of a garage room, have their own advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of wooden panels include their following characteristics (provided that the wood has undergone high-quality processing protective compounds- and flame retardants):

- frost resistance;

- flame retardants significantly reduce flammability to category G2;

- resistance to mechanical stress;

— durability;

— environmental cleanliness;

— a wide choice of natural calm color shades and textured patterns.

The obvious disadvantages of untreated wooden lining can be called:

- high hygroscopicity, and as a result - the likelihood of mold colonies and further destruction of wood fibers;

— susceptibility to damage by pests;

- difficulty in cleaning the surface from oil and gasoline stains;

- high combustibility of the material, determined by group G4;

- not too long service life.

Since wood is natural material, it has a higher cost, unlike PVC panels, regardless of whether it has undergone protective treatment or not.

It should be noted that if it is possible to purchase untreated wooden lining High Quality, then you can save a lot by “bringing it to mind” on your own. For this, a special impregnating composition is purchased, which includes fire retardants and antiseptic components. This tool will significantly reduce the combustibility of the material, keep it from pests, and also give it a pleasant warm shade. If a protective agent applied in two or three layers, it can replace even lacquer coating. Although, for the conditions of using wooden sheathing in the garage, a layer of varnish will also never be superfluous, as it will protect the lining from absorbing oil stains and allow wet cleaning of the walls.

How is a wooden lining installed?

Even a novice master who has not previously performed such operations should cope with such a task. All the details are described in a special publication of our portal.

It can be immediately noted that PVC lining, also used for wall or ceiling cladding, is mounted according to the same principle.

The floor of the garage can also be covered with plank flooring. Tongue-and-groove boards are also interconnected according to the tenon-groove principle, but, of course, they have a large thickness, which can vary from 35 to 50 mm, since the maximum pressure falls on the floors, taking into account the mass of the car and dynamic loads. boards the same as wooden panels for walls, must go through a pre-treatment cycle. However, it should be rightly noted that a wooden garage floor cannot be considered the best flooring option.

Plastic panels

PVC panels, like any building material, have their drawbacks and advantages, which you also need to know when choosing cladding for garage walls.

First of all, it should be noted that for the conditions under consideration, it is recommended to purchase material intended for facade cladding or specifically for a garage, since it has more suitable characteristics, especially given the fact that most often this room is unheated.

So, the advantages of PVC cladding can be called the following qualities:

- plastic lining is easily cleaned from various contaminants;

- the light weight of the panels simplifies their installation, which can be made on the frame crate or directly on the wall;

- low hygroscopicity, that is, the finish practically does not absorb water;

facade panels well tolerate temperature changes, except for extremely low ones;

- a variety of colors and patterns, including imitation of wooden texture;

- aesthetics of the material;

- does not require additional processing and coloring;

- sufficiently high strength;

- it is easy to replace single, accidentally damaged lamellas without dismantling the entire skin;

— low cost of finishing;

- the ability to independently carry out installation.

disadvantages plastic lining counts:

- at very low temperatures, the material becomes brittle, and may break under mechanical stress.

If you plan to install the lining on the crate, you need to take into account that the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garage will decrease by approximately 60 ÷ 70 mm on each side.

Installation of plastic lining - available to everyone

The most important operation is to correctly install the frame crate, and further actions are already reminiscent of playing a children's constructor. How installation work is carried out on - read in a separate publication of our portal.

Sheathing of walls and ceilings with OSB sheets

Garage walls insulated from the inside can also be sheathed with plywood, or even better - OSB (oriented strand board) sheets, consisting of several layers of thin wood shavings, which have a relatively large size.

As binders for shredded wood, manufacturers use different materials - these can be coniferous resins and paraffins, or formaldehyde resins. In any case, the polymerization of these substances is completed 2–3 months after the sheets are made, and therefore the evaporation harmful substances stops after about the same time, and they will no longer pose a significant danger in terms of formaldehyde emission.

Table of permissible characteristics of OSB panels (sheets):

Indicatorsunit of measurementSheet thickness in mm.
6÷10 10÷18 18:25 25÷30
Tolerances of nominal dimensions in length and±3±3±3±3
Squareness, maximum deviationsmmm2 2 2 2
Humidity% 2÷122÷122÷122÷12
Density spread within one sheet% ±15±15±15±15
Formaldehyde content according to EN-13986Class E1 maximum 8 mg/100 g;
Class E2 maximum 8÷30 mg/100 g.

OSB (in the foreign abbreviation OSB) is divided into several types and has a numerical designation from 1 to 4. For sheathing the walls and ceiling of the garage, you should choose OSB-3 or OSB-4 sheets, since their characteristics correspond to the maximum extent to the conditions of this room.

OSB-3 is the most used type of material. It has a fairly high strength and average moisture resistance, but if the sheets are used in unheated rooms, they must be pre-treated with moisture-repellent compounds.

OSB-4 is the most durable type that can be used for both interior and exterior finishes. The material perfectly resists external influences and tolerates temperature extremes well. True, the price of this type of OSB significantly exceeds the cost of all other varieties.

The positive qualities of OSB-4 also include the following advantages:

- Low level of moisture absorption, so the sheets do not deform, do not swell and do not become moldy under the influence of high humidity.

— Long service life.

- Light weight and in this regard - ease of installation.

- Good indicators of heat and sound insulation.

- Antiseptic additives included in OSB exclude biological decomposition, the appearance and development of microflora and insect nests.

- Affordability compared to many other types of cladding.

The disadvantages of OSB include the maximum flammability category of panels - G4, as well as the above-mentioned emission of formaldehyde, which is part of the binders. However, for garage conditions, even the E2 class will be quite acceptable.

OSB lends itself well to painting, but the panels must first be primed. In addition, walls sheathed with such material can be lined with ceramic tiles or "flexible stone" mounted on tile adhesive. Such finishing will become an additional protection against pollution for the walls and increase the overall fire safety.

Video: Another option for facing the walls of the garage - corrugated board

Floor modular covering

Modular garage floor coverings are one of the relatively new types of finishing materials that are produced in different basis- it can be plates made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and rubber.

PVC floor modules

The practicality of such a coating is undeniable, and this is especially true for PVC panels, since they are designed for heavy loads and any mechanical influences. Moreover, the modules can be laid not only in the garage itself, but also on the site in front of it, of course, if the building is located in a closed area, or the coating will have to be fixed to the surface with a special glue.

PVC modular boards are characterized by the following positive qualities:

  • The material is resistant to high and low temperatures from -30 to +50 degrees.
  • A big advantage is the complete inertness to petroleum products and technical fluids traditionally used in the garage.
  • Ease of installation and dismantling of plates - laying technology does not require special skills.
  • The garage can be used immediately after laying the coating, since it does not need any period of drying and curing (with the exception of the case of mounting the boards on an adhesive solution).
  • High coating strength - both to static, and to dynamic, and to shock loads.
  • Such a coating does not require special preparation of the base, the main thing is that it be even, stable and durable.

  • The plates are mounted on a concrete or wooden base, and the modules can be glued to a special glue or even laid without rigid fixation.
  • Modular PVC coating- this is an environmentally friendly material, so it is often used even in children's institutions to decorate the floors of halls or cover outdoor playgrounds.

PVC modules can have a pronounced relief or just a rough surface. In any case, it does not slip, which is very important for the floor of unheated premises when negative temperatures. Although many slabs have a textured surface, they are easy to care for using a dry or wet cleaning method.

A variety of colors of modular plates allows you to make the coating multi-colored, which makes it possible to design an exclusive garage. Bright colors, well matched to each other, will to a certain extent raise and maintain a working mood. In addition, the floor covering, made in this way, will add neatness and decorativeness to the garage room.

Rubber modules

Rubber modules have characteristics no worse than PVC plates. They are also used for flooring garages, as well as on sports fields and even for decoration. garden paths. Modules may have different connections or fit like puzzles, like some models paving slabs. The material is produced in different thicknesses, but any of them fits well even on a not quite flat surface, taking the form of small smooth depressions.

Rubber tiles, depending on its configuration, can be glued to the surface or simply laid by linking the modules together on special locking joints.

Rubber flooring has positive qualities that also meet the previously discussed requirements for garage finishing:

  • High wear resistance.
  • Environmental Safety.
  • Inert to various chemical compositions.
  • Ease of maintenance and repair.
  • The safety of the coating, as it does not slip at any temperature.
  • Principles of installation of modular floor coverings

    If it is decided to use PVC or rubber modules for facing the garage floor, then it is necessary to prepare a reliable solid foundation, and most often this role is assigned to a concrete screed.

    With a new screed - everything is quite clear, but in the case when it is planned to revet the floors of a garage that is already in operation long time, then you will have to first strengthen and clean the surface well.

    • If the old screed is painted, or there are oil or gasoline stains on it, then it is not necessary to remove them - they will not interfere with the installation of modules in a “dry” way, that is, without the use of glue.
    • In order for the modules to lay flat, it is necessary to remove various protrusions from the surface, and also check for the presence of metal elements sticking out of the floor - nails, crutches, studs, pins, etc. They will need to be cut to the general level.
    • If, after the revision of the screed, significant depressions, recesses or cracks are found, then it is recommended that they be carefully repaired.
    • The next step is to clean the floor surface of construction debris and dust, and this is best done with a powerful construction vacuum cleaner.
    • Since in the garage there is always the possibility of water getting on the surface of the screed, even if there is a floor covering, then concrete surface should be treated with a water-repellent penetrating primer.

    Installation of modular coatings, both rubber and PVC, is carried out in approximately the same way. To perform this work, you only need a wooden or rubber mallet. If the modules will be mounted on glue, then you need to prepare a notched trowel.

    The laying of modular slabs starts from the corner of the garage, and a gap of 5 ÷ 12 mm must be left between the walls and slabs - it is necessary to compensate for the linear expansion of the material during temperature changes.

    This gap, upon completion of the laying of the plates, must be closed with a plinth, otherwise dust and dirt will collect in this recess. It is possible to purchase special additional elements for framing the coating along the walls and at the entrance to the garage, on which connecting locks are also provided.

    If it is decided to do with an ordinary plinth, then from the plates laid in the first row along the walls, it is necessary to cut off the edge on which the protrusions of the connecting locks are located. Such cuts are easily made with an electric jigsaw.

    The shape of the connecting locks can be different, but always the protruding parts of one module are installed accurately, without distortions, into the grooves of another, laid next to it, and then tapped from above with a rubber hammer.

    In the same way, the entire floor covering is mounted, but if the last plates do not fit in size, they can also be corrected by cutting with a jigsaw.

    Modules can be stacked in different ways:

    • Without displacement, that is, the edge of one of them is attached to the other along its entire length. If this option uses plates of two colors, then it looks like a chessboard.

    • With an offset of half the module, when the connection of two plates of the previous row is located in the middle of the edge of the next plate. That is, in this case, the principle brickwork- in a dressing.
    • diagonally across the room. This laying method is more complicated, and with this installation too much waste remains, since the extreme modules will have to be cut.

    Caring for this type of flooring is quite simple. Regular cleaning of the floor in fashion is carried out with a vacuum cleaner, a broom, as well as with the use of ordinary wet cleaning.

    Finally, it should be noted that in our time there are quite a few interesting materials, and every year there are new ones that can also be used to decorate the walls and floor of the garage. When choosing a material, it is necessary to take into account the criteria mentioned above, the appropriateness of its use in a particular region and taking into account the specifics of the garage itself. The availability of installation work should be assessed on your own, and, of course, their financial capabilities.

    At the end of the article - another video in which the owner of the garage shares own experience finishes:

    Video: DIY Garage Experience

    Each car owner spends a significant part of the time in the garage, and the question of comfortable pastime in this case becomes relevant. You can make your garage more comfortable with interior decoration walls. Read an overview of the characteristics of the types of inspection pit in the garage.

    Skin features

    Due to the specifics of the functional use of the premises, the finishing material for sheathing the walls of the garage from the inside must have a number of certain qualities and performance properties:

    • finishing material, first of all, should have not only decorative properties, but also perform the practical function of protecting the wall surface from various kinds of harmful influences, for example, from moisture or temperature changes;
    • the finishing material must be resistant to the effects of specific substances that are typical for the process of servicing and operating a vehicle (gasoline, engine oil, etc.);
    • finishing material must be refractory;
    • finishing material must be resistant to mechanical stress;
    • in the case when the garage is not heated, the finishing material must be resistant to sub-zero temperatures;
    • in addition, the finishing material should not absorb odors and accumulate various pollutants, and in case of contamination it should be easy to clean;
    • the finishing material should be characterized by a long service life without losing its original qualities.

    How to sheathe the walls in the garage from the inside?

    You can sheathe the walls in the garage from the inside with the following materials:

    Each of these materials has certain advantages and disadvantages.

    Plastering walls used to be the most popular way to finish garage walls from the inside. To date, plastering is not so often used, but is the most accessible way wall finishes for the price.

    Gypsum board is in demand as a finishing material for walls, and garage rooms are no exception.

    Advantages of using drywall sheet:

    • uncomplicated mounting process drywall sheets on a frame base, which does not require special skills, is distinguished by the efficiency of finishing work;
    • affordable price;
    • light weight material;
    • with the help of drywall, you can level the walls, as well as hide various communications under the drywall.

    Benefits of using plastic panels:

    • light weight of the material allows you to quickly carry out work;
    • plastic panels, unlike drywall, are not at all afraid of moisture and have a longer service life;
    • plastic panels are easy to care for, just wipe them with a damp cloth;
    • prices for plastic panels are also very affordable.

    Benefits of using OSB boards:

    • OSB boards have higher strength characteristics than drywall and plastic;
    • Due to a certain treatment with special substances during production, OSB boards are characterized by a fairly high resistance to moisture.

    How to sheathe walls for warmth?

    Unheated garages are not uncommon, and when decorating the walls of the garage, it is recommended to use all possible ways to keep the above-zero air temperature inside the garage for as long as possible. One of these methods is the use for wall cladding, under a decorative and finishing layer, thermal insulation material.

    The most popular and affordable thermal insulation materials suitable for sheathing garage walls indoors:

    • Styrofoam;
    • penoplex;
    • expanded polystyrene foam;
    • mineral wool.

    To fix the heat-insulating material on the surface of the walls, you will need to first mount the crate. The crate can be made from wooden slats, and from a metal profile. Keep in mind that when using wooden slats, they must be treated with an antiseptic compound to prevent the formation of moldy fungi. In addition, before proceeding with the installation of the crate, waterproofing of the walls is mandatory. The heat-insulating layer is placed in the space between the rails, the insulation is attached, as a rule, on adhesive base and mechanically by means of self-tapping screws with a wide cap.

    The use of heat-insulating material in the process of wall cladding will significantly reduce heat losses.

    What to sheathe?

    One of the modern finishing materials, which is optimally suited for finishing the walls of an unheated garage, are sandwich panels, which are structurally a multi-layer sheet consisting of two outer layers that can be made of PVC, moisture-resistant plywood, wood-polymer materials and an inner thermal insulation layer.

    A photo

    A garage sheathed with wooden clapboard inside looks very impressive, but keep in mind that such a finishing material requires constant maintenance, that is, it is necessary to regularly treat the walls sheathed with wooden clapboard every two or three years with antiseptic and refractory penetrating primers.

    The use of plastic panels for the interior walls of the garage is very popular, as plastic panels are distinguished by their long service life and ease of installation (garage can be sheathed in one day). Range of plastic panels on the market building materials, will allow you to choose a finishing material for every taste.


    When choosing a finishing material, one should focus, first of all, on design features garage (the area of ​​​​the garage room, is there heating), in addition, it is worth considering such a nuance as the susceptibility of the garage to flooding.

    The arrangement of the garage and its insulation requires the observance of several recommendations, since this room most often exposed to the adverse effects of temperature changes. For example, whitewash on the ceiling of the garage from moisture can flake off and crumble. Therefore, first you need to decide what material you can cover the ceiling in the garage so that the work does not take a lot of time and effort. The cost of materials is also taken into account. to cover ceiling surface garage. Of course, due to the variety of building materials, it is not difficult to choose the most suitable one. Let's say a good option would be suspended ceiling. But for a more reliable ceiling finish in the garage, we recommend using OSB board, the average thickness of which is 6 or 8 mm.

    Why is it better to finish the ceiling in the garage with this material?

    Check out the benefits of this finish below.

    • The high strength of the plates will allow them not to sag.
    • For arrangement, there is no need to install a large number of carriers.
    • There is a high moisture resistance of OSB boards, which do not fall apart when moisture enters.
    • Due to the wood tone of the boards, sufficient aesthetics of the material is noticeable, which can be sheathed without subsequent painting.

    Stages of installation of OSB boards

    The ceiling in the garage is covered with a principle similar to the roof covering. At the first stage, crossbars are installed across the garage, to which ceiling sheets are subsequently attached. If the width of the room is 4-5 meters, then on load-bearing structure load will not be small. The presence of a future attic will require you to ensure sufficient strength of your structure. And therefore, for load-bearing crossbars it is better to use those placed on the ribs bars 100x50.

    They are attached to the walls by means of self-made brackets, which can be cut out of corners made on the basis of metal - 70x70. Segments must be cut 120-150mm in length. In one shelf we make holes of 11mm, and in the second - 7mm. Here it is necessary to make a sweat from the outside. With the first shelf we will fasten the corner to the wall, and to the second - a beam, using a furniture confirmation, which can be replaced with a thick screw.

    The length of the beams must be adapted to the dimensions of the installation site. In order for the plates to fit snugly against the beams, notches are made at the edges of the latter from below. It is in them that it is necessary to “drown” the corners of the brackets. The standard size of OSB boards is 2.5mx1.25m. This means that almost two sheets can be installed across the garage, taking into account the cutouts for fitting with uneven walls. Keep in mind that the distance between the extreme carriers must be accurate, since this is where the edges of the two sheets converge. They should be placed center line beams. That is, each sheet must be installed on three beams - one will go in the middle of the sheet, two - along the edges at a distance of 60 cm from the central one.

    Before installation, a support must be placed under the sheet, then screwed to the crossbars with a screwdriver at a distance of 15-25 cm from each other. Screws are better to turn at a certain angle to the center of the beam. To avoid errors with the steps between the beams, the subsequent ones can only be mounted after installing one strip of the ceiling slab.

    It is necessary to pay attention to one more detail. If the brackets are attached to non-plastered walls, then before installation ceiling tiles better stripe plaster between the brackets. This is the place where the ceiling plate is attached to the wall. Gypsum putty, thanks to white color visually increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garage.

    Ceiling insulation

    To increase the comfort of working in the garage, it must be insulated. By the way, to insulate does not mean to heat. Warming is organized so that after turning on the heating device in the garage, the temperature in the room rises faster. Warm as we know goes through the ceiling, the insulation of which will help to avoid such situations.

    Even before flashing the ceiling and its insulation, wind blowing under the roof is excluded. For ceiling tiles a certain number of bags of perlite are placed. This lightweight material has high thermal insulation properties. Its snug fit to the corners will provide reliable thermal insulation for a long time. The second way to insulate the ceiling in the garage is to lay mineral wool on the ceiling tiles. For these purposes, sheet rather than rolled mineral wool is used, since the first is more convenient to cut and stack. If this is not possible, then it is recommended to use another method of insulation.

    From the bottom of the vertical walls at a certain distance, we twist the screws into the transverse beams. Between them we stretch a polypropylene twine and carefully lay cotton wool directly on it with a strong fit to the beams. Then we carry out filing of ceiling tiles. Thanks to this design, an air gap is additionally provided between the insulation and the plate, which better retains heat flows.

    For lovers who spend everything by the car free time, is of particular importance inner lining garage. The article offers an overview of popular materials suitable for finishing a garage inside, and selection criteria for wall, floor and ceiling cladding in a garage room. After reading the article, you will be able to choose the material that is best suited for the conditions of your garage.

    The garage often performs several functions.

    Finishing materials: 6 operational requirements

    The modern construction market is overflowing with a variety of finishing materials, with a wide range of prices and characteristics. When choosing how to finish the walls of the garage inside, it is important to remember that the garage is a technical building, therefore, the cladding is selected in accordance with the specific use. Materials intended for interior decoration must meet the following performance requirements:

      Mechanical strength. Wall and ceiling coverings should be as resistant as possible to mechanical loads of any type, both to shock and to deformations (weight loads).

      Resistance to chemical agents. A garage is a place for storing and using a lot of fuels and lubricants (fuel and lubricants) intended for car repair and maintenance. Most of them (acids, oils, greases, fuels) are chemically active compounds and dirty the floor and walls more often than we would like. Chemical resistance - important condition material selection.

    Garage - a place to store a variety of auto chemicals

      fire resistance. Most car maintenance products are flammable. The logical step would be to choose the most fire-resistant cladding.

      At resistance to temperature fluctuations. A particularly important parameter if the owner does not plan to install heating. In this case, the cladding will have to withstand repeated fluctuations during one season, which not all materials can do.

      Ease of maintenance. Severe pollution is not uncommon for a garage room, so the weak absorption of dirt, auto chemical products and odors, as well as the ease of maintenance of the surface of the floor and walls (and sometimes the ceiling) becomes a valuable quality.

      Ease of upgrade. It's good if there is an opportunity to update or additional protection wall material with paints and varnishes.

    Finishing materials should not create problems during maintenance

    On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer turnkey services. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

    Wall decoration: choice of material

    Despite the severe restrictions on cladding, the question of how best to finish the walls in the garage does not cause great difficulties. There is a considerable amount of materials that meet all of the above requirements, allowing you to design a garage not only practical, but also aesthetically attractive. Facing garage walls can be done using the following materials:

    Ceramic tile

    Ceramic tiles optimally match the operating conditions in a garage box; Among its positive qualities are the following parameters:

      Physical Properties . Fire resistance, frost and water resistance.

      Strength. Tiled flooring adequately withstands high loads.

      Easy Care. Ceramics are easily cleaned from dirt dry and with the use of detergents (including compositions with abrasives).


      Wide selection. The best option is clinker (especially for the floor) or porcelain stoneware, the number of varieties of which is almost inexhaustible. The choice is limited to matte (non-slip) material.

      Aesthetic appeal.

    The use of ceramic tiles has its own characteristics:

      The weight. Ceramics is a fairly heavy material, so it is recommended to lay it on walls made of brick or concrete. The process of laying small piece material on cement mortar stretches in time.

      The price of the material and its installation. The main limiting factor when choosing the interior lining of the garage.

      Saving opportunity. High-quality clinker can be used as a floor covering, and for walls you can choose budgetary ceramic tiles (or make the lower, more vulnerable layer from clinker, and the upper one from porcelain stoneware). The walls are often tiled to an incomplete height (1.5 m), above them they are plastered and painted.

    Tile in dark shades - a practical solution


    When deciding how to sheathe a garage from the inside inexpensively, car owners sooner or later stop at the idea of ​​​​plastering. The method attracts with its efficiency and speed of implementation, and the surface of the walls acquires strength, fire resistance and durability. When choosing this method take into account the following features:

      Walls. Best of all, plaster keeps on walls made of concrete, brick, aerated concrete.

      Base selection. Preference is given to cement-sand-based solutions.

      Coloring. After the plastered surface dries, it is painted in the chosen color. It is recommended to use facade paints– they are dirt and water repellent, easy to clean and less susceptible to chemical agents.

    The limitation of the method is the need for professional skills in its implementation. Otherwise, the shortcomings of the work will appear at the first significant temperature drops (bloating, peeling and cracks on the surface).

    Wall decoration with plaster


    A popular way of interior decoration is paneling; it makes the room attractive, gives a lived-in look and is ideal if thermal insulation is needed. When you know how you will use the garage space, the choice of material is greatly simplified. If your garage will combine the functions of a service station and a workshop, you will need corrugated board with its strength and incombustibility. If you plan to carry out only simple maintenance yourself, you can opt for PVC. If the garage is a place of restoration of spiritual strength with parallel polishing on an iron friend, there are no restrictions on the choice of material. Finishing the garage is carried out by the following types of panel materials:

    PVC panel cladding

    Interior wall and ceiling finishes PVC panels has a wide distribution and suits many owners capital garages; Its advantages include the following qualities:

      Availability. Nice value for money.

      Physical Properties. The material is moisture resistant, does not require additional processing (coloring).

    Panels for every taste

      Easy installation and unpretentious care.

      light weight. Covering the gate with plastic does not increase the weight of the leaves, does not load the hinges and the frame structure.

      Using the framework for fixing panels. It can be used to insulate a building, for example, with mineral wool slabs.

      Cheap repair in case of damage. It is easy to replace one part without dismantling the entire structure.

    To the cons of using vinyl siding as a garage finish includes:

      Little mechanical strength. Upon impact, the panel is easily deformed.

      Sensitivity to temperature changes. You can purchase more reliable (and expensive) panels for facade work or special ones for the garage. Such material is designed for the fact that the garage is most often not heated, and therefore has improved characteristics.

    Video description

    O non-standard approach to the design of tiled walls in the following video:

    Wooden lining

    The main raw material for the production of natural lining is wood. conifers usually pine trees. Such material is cheap, easy to process, safe for health. Sheathing a garage room with a clapboard will justify itself if the wood has undergone a preliminary protective treatment with an antiseptic and flame retardant. The positive qualities of wooden lining include the following properties:

      Ecological cleanliness and durability.

      Availability for a wide range of consumers.

      Simple and reliable installation. The lining is laid on wooden crate or plastered wall. The parts have a notch-ridge connection system, due to which they fit snugly together.

      Strength and frost resistance.

      Resistance to mechanical stress.

      natural texture and a large selection of natural shades.

    Clapboard lining

    The disadvantages of wooden lining are its following features:

      High hygroscopicity.

      Bio Threat Exposure. In a room with high humidity, there is a high probability of mold and insect pests.

      combustibility. Decreases somewhat after using a flame retardant.

      Complex care. Cleaning the wall of oil stains can be difficult, so wood paneling it is recommended to cover with a layer of varnish that protects the wood from absorption.

    Plasterboard sheathing

    Thinking about how to sheathe the garage inside, many pay attention to drywall (dry plaster). For finishing the garage space, it is recommended to use a material with improved moisture and fire resistance properties. Such sheets have the designation GKLVO, a characteristic gray-green color and a red marking. The use of drywall has obvious advantages:

      Affordable price.

      light weight material. Sheets are attached to a special adhesive solution or a metal frame. The second method is convenient when the walls are uneven or insulation is needed.

    Video description

    About the decoration of the walls with wooden clapboard in the following video:

      Easy installation with a minimum of construction waste (compared to classic plaster).

      Use as a basis. On the material (if it was used to level the walls), ceramic tiles can be fixed or embossed plaster can be applied.

      Use as a partition. Drywall fixed to the frame is suitable if you want to allocate space in the garage for a mini-warehouse or a dressing room.

      Shape change. Drywall is suitable for forming not only flat, but also arched structure(after preliminary preparation).

    Facing garage walls and ceilings with plasterboard, mounted on a frame, has its drawbacks:

      Unfavorable for small room. The frame reduces the already small free space.

      Low impact resistance of walls. If cladding with a durable material (for example, ceramic tiles) is planned over drywall, the disadvantage disappears.

    Sheathing with moisture resistant drywall

    Sheathing with OSB sheets

    As an option for finishing garage walls, you can find plywood and other wood-based materials. OSB (Oriented Strand Board) sheets are well suited for the construction of insulated walls, which are made from a mixture of chopped wood and various binder additives. For sheathing garage walls (and ceiling) the best option are sheets marked OSP-3 or OSP-4. OSP-3 material is the most common choice for finishing a garage. It is characterized by good strength and medium moisture resistance, therefore it needs additional moisture protection treatment. OSB-4 - more durable option with the following advantages:

      Long service life.

      Durability and resistance to temperature extremes.

      Good moisture protection. The material is not deformed in conditions of high humidity.

      mold resistance(the composition contains antiseptic additives).

    Video description

    About the varieties of garage floor coverings in the following video:

    The interior decoration of the garage with OSB panels also has disadvantages:

      The material belongs to the highest category of combustibility(D4).

      Evaporation of harmful substances. The composition of the sheets includes formaldehyde resins, the evaporation of which is harmful to health, but, with ventilation, may have an acceptable level.


    One of the options for practical and cheap sheathing is corrugated board - profiled steel sheet protected by polymer or paintwork. Like lining, it is convenient to mount it on a wooden crate. Decking has the following features:

      Durability and incombustibility.

      Resistance to temperature changes and to aggressive environments.

      Quick installation provided with large material sizes.

      Main flaw corrugated board - susceptibility to corrosion.

      Replacement bent profiled sheet will cost expensive than repairing vinyl siding (PVC panels).

    Sheathing with corrugated board

    Floor and ceiling finishing

    The roof for garages is usually made flat. This saves money and effort, but along the way, the likelihood of leakage increases when water after rain lingers on a horizontal surface. Therefore, to decorative trim ceiling in the garage proceed after its waterproofing. One of the most common ways is plastering the ceiling with subsequent painting. Since the ceiling is not damaged, the choice is often made in favor of MDF or PVC panels. It's popular and practical option, allowing (when using a frame) to conduct insulation and hide communication systems.

    Video description

    About the intricacies of the self-leveling floor in the following video:

    For flooring in the garage are presented special requirements, it must withstand significant and regular weight loads from the car. The preferred floor coverings are:

      Painted concrete floor. Demanded option that can easily withstand the weight of the car. The concrete floor coated with a primer weakly absorbs spilled auto chemicals, does not collect dust and is resistant to abrasion. Although the process of arranging a concrete floor is not called a quick one, many motorists stop at it due to the low costs and simplicity of the technology.

      Tile. The garage floor made of ceramic tiles (or porcelain stoneware) looks neat and often original. The coating is advantageous for its durability, easy care and fuel resistance. The limiter for the use of tiles is their high cost and the rather laborious process of creating a tiled coating (including mandatory waterproofing).

    Ceramic tile flooring

      poured concrete. Impact-resistant coating with a perfectly smooth surface, which is not inferior in strength to the classic concrete floor. One of the most successful coatings for a garage space, because it has frost resistance and increased resistance to chemical environments. The disadvantage of the method is high price on the composition, which is why the self-leveling floor cannot be called an economical option. Another subtlety - the base for pouring should be perfectly even, which is not always achievable.

      Wooden floor. The choice in favor of a wooden floor covering (from a floorboard) is not often made, although the subfloor for such a floor does not need to be leveled. Many people think that such a floor has more minuses than pluses - flammability, a high degree of absorbency and low strength. Proponents argue that wood decking is much more pleasant and healthier to work on; in addition, wood (unlike concrete) does not form dust.

    Bulk polymer floor


    Interior decoration is an important part of the arrangement of the garage space. Correctly selected Decoration Materials maintain cleanliness and order, and also help to extend the life of the car.

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    Garage from OSB boards is one of the new technologies for the construction of this type of structures. Panels are produced by pressing wood-polymer chips with certain temperature. Due to the polymer in the form of resins, the fibers are glued together, resulting in durable plates. Consider the pros and cons of OSB slabs for building a garage.

    OSB slabs for the garage: the pros and cons of the material

    Panel benefits include:

    • Low cost in comparison with the construction of reinforced concrete slabs or a monolithic frame for a garage;
    • There is no need to additionally order special equipment, since the plates are easily mounted independently due to their low weight;
    • High characteristics of moisture resistance and strength;
    • OSB panels are easily amenable to any construction operations for grinding, sawing and drilling.

    Design disadvantages include:

    • OSB boards are one of the options for sandwich panels, the middle layer of insulation in which quickly rots at large temperature drops;
    • Additional wind, hydro and vapor barrier is required, since if moisture gets on the insulation, it will suffer thermal insulation characteristics frame;
    • Since so-called “cold bridges” can form at the joints of the sheets, you will need to seal the seams using shaped overlays;

    An OSB slab garage can be built in just 2-3 weeks. At a cost, the construction of a 3x6 garage box will come out within 70 thousand rubles (the price is indicated taking into account all the installation and construction of the frame with your own hands). Consider the stages of construction and sheathing of the garage with OSB panels.

    Do-it-yourself foundation and subfloor for a garage from OSB

    The garage of OSB panels must be installed on a strip concrete base. A trench can be dug no more than 60 cm in width, and in the region of 40 cm in depth. This is due to the fact that such wooden garage light enough and does not require a massive foundation. Along the perimeter, a trench must be dug according to the selected size of the garage box, adding 100-200 mm.

    After compacting the trench with sand, be sure to reinforce the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe future foundation and fill it with concrete. After 2-3 weeks, the concrete will set and it will be possible to lay the subfloor.

    The floor can be made using timber and unedged boards. The most important thing is to lay it perfectly horizontally - for this, use the level. The board is laid with small seams 5-7 mm for natural ventilation gender. If you are planning to make a warm garage for use in winter time years, then lay the boards close and additionally insulate with polystyrene foam 30-40 mm.

    Having completed all the work on tying the subfloor with the foundation, you can proceed to the second stage: erecting a frame from OSB panels on a tape.

    Installation of the frame and roof of the garage from OSB panels

    First, we put vertical racks made of timber, with a section of 150x150 mm. You can also build a frame from a metal profile. But then it is necessary to additionally paint and treat with a special rust solution. Racks are fastened with iron corners on bolts. Next, we drill holes for the horizontal beam in the middle and fasten it to the bolts. It remains only to fill the resulting openings under the wall opening with flooring from OSB boards.

    Important! Be sure to leave an opening on the end side under the gate. In addition, on the side of the garage, you need to cut holes for plastic windows and entrance doors. The sizes of technological openings can be peeped in projects.

    From the outside, insulation boards 20-40 mm in 1-2 layers are fixed to the sandwich panels. It all depends on what region you are in and whether you are going to use the garage in winter. For exterior decoration, you can use PVC panels or simply paint the walls in the chosen color. From the inside, the garage is mainly lined with clapboard and OSB boards are left unfinished.

    Attention! Since OSB is easily destroyed by moisture, it is necessary to lay a film for hydro and vapor barrier under the contour of the panels. This will help keep the OSB garage dry and warm for years to come.

    Do-it-yourself garage roofing from OSB panels is quite simple using hollow-core slabs. They have a relatively small weight, so lifting it yourself without the help of specialists is quite simple. In this case, the wall frame will not be subjected to serious load. After laying the floor slabs, it is necessary to lay out the logs and install the roof truss system. Then from planed board a crate is made, gables are sewn up and laid roofing material. In more detail, the process of erecting a roof on a garage is described in the corresponding section on the website.


    Provided that a garage is built from OSB slabs in a dry climate, such a building without reconstruction and finishing can last about 30 years. In a cold climate with a high temperature difference, a garage box will last 10-15 years.
