Well design: ideas and options. Making a well in the country: six unusual design ideas Making a country well

It is difficult to imagine a suburban area without a well - a source that gives life-giving moisture in the summer heat. Naturally, well water cannot always be used as drinking water, and digging a full-fledged source to create a landscape ensemble is difficult and expensive. But if you know how to make a decorative well from inexpensive materials, with your own hands you can create an alternative to a real source in a couple of hours. Simple design useful in the garden and in the country:

  • To hide the outlet for irrigation, hide the pump and hoses, the sewer hatch.
  • As a thermally insulating cap for a well.
  • For storing small garden tools.

Possibilities of using a mini-well in landscape design limited only by the imagination of the owner. Craftsmen equip flower beds and fountains in decorated in the form of classic log cabins or stone houses.

What can a decorative well be made of: an overview of materials

The choice of building materials for a decorative well in the country, which you can make with your own hands, depends on the size of the product. For miniature decorations, it is enough to collect the remains of boards, roofing. If there is a house on the site, then it is better to choose materials for walls and roofs that are identical or similar to those used for construction - this way it is easier to achieve stylistic unity on the site.

Harmony of style: a house and a decorative well in a single color scheme

The choice of base material may be limited by the shape of the planned product: round wells are much easier to make from concrete, stone, brick. Classic rectangular - made of wood.

Fountain well: wooden structure with built-in faucet

Classic houses: shapes and materials

To make a traditional decorative well with your own hands, you need minimal woodworking skills and the appropriate tool. As building material can be used:

  • Round logs (remains) of small diameter, if it is planned to build a scenery “under the frame”.

Well made of round logs

  • Draft boards for making jewelry in country style.
  • Short floor, roofing boards - suitable for polygonal structures of complex geometric shapes.

Wooden miniature from the remains of the flooring

  • A cheap pine lining can be turned into a house with a door.

Well from lining

Round wells: what can be used to make the base and lining

The easiest solution for building a decorative garden well is to use a concrete ring as a cap. The structure can be installed directly on the lawn without forming a foundation. Concrete has excellent compatibility with all facing materials, good adhesion to tile adhesives, cement mortar.

Another advantage of the concrete head is its weather resistance. If outer coating wooden product will have to be updated almost every season, then a decorative well made of stone, concrete and mortar, made by oneself, will only be covered with a layer of natural patina over time.

Cladding materials that can be used on a concrete wall:

Round cap lined with old stone and brick

Supports and roof: how to save on expensive coverage

A decorative well for a garden requires much less investment than a classic one. You can build a roof with your own hands, saving on material: there is no need to make long overhangs that completely cover the perimeter of the structure. A small visor is enough. From materials for roofing use:

  • Remaining soft cover: shingles, roofing sheets.

Soft roof from the remnants of shingles

  • Do-it-yourself wooden tiles.
  • Sheathing from lining, pieces of boards.

Wooden lining with rounded edges, painted in the color of tiles

  • Natural (straw, moss) and coatings imitating natural materials.

The base is performed traditionally: rafters and logs of suitable size. If a soft roof is being equipped, a rigid base is formed under it. Some models do not require the construction of a visor or roof.

Instructions for the manufacture and installation of a wooden decorative well

Before planning the selection and purchase of materials, spending time looking for instructions on how to make a decorative well, you need a drawing. If you need to make a standard quadrangular house, you can use the scheme for a standard size well: inner space enough to accommodate pumping station, piping, hose storage, and the walls can be insulated for the winter.

Dimensions can be reduced or enlarged by simply maintaining proportions

simple circuit creating a geometrically complex polygonal shape: instead of a square, you need to draw a circle, divide it into even parts - you get a drawing of a hexagonal decorative house.

Creating a geometrically complex polygonal shape

Foundation: foundation preparation

To make a decorative well with your own hands, which will be used as a permanent shelter for the pumping group, you need to prepare solid foundation: Equipment must not be left on the ground. A quick solution is pouring a concrete foundation.

Dig a hole the size of the future house. Assemble a crate from draft boards. The bottom can be isolated from moisture with PVC film. The recess is filled with a solution.

Square concrete base

If there are remnants of the stone after construction works, it is advisable to make a small elevation - a platform for decoration. Stones are laid on the solution in 2 - 3 layers.

A stone podium will not let the house get lost among the plants

When there is little material for the walls, you can raise the structure due to an inexpensive base made of bricks, cinder blocks.

High foundation made of facing two-color bricks

Assembly of the structure and wall cladding

To make a decorative well for a garden that looks like a real log house, you will have to use special carpentry tools: a saw, a chisel, a jigsaw, a planer, sanding attachments for drill.

Start by assembling the frame. The basic design will be completely hidden under decorative trim, so any durable boards, bars are enough. Connect the frame with self-tapping screws, strengthen and stabilize the structure metal corners. Limiter strips are nailed to the corner vertical supports, to which decorative sheathing material will be attached.

Construction base: frame and vertical supports with slats.

After assembling the frames, they begin to form walls from a block house or lining. Sanded floor materials of small thickness are also suitable. The lining is screwed to the planks with a screwdriver.

Frame with sheathing - finished walls

On top of the wide and smooth board equip the collar-shelf. Roof supports with an assembled frame are attached to the inner surfaces of the walls.

The corners of the collar board will have to be cut at an angle of 45o

The structure is almost ready. It remains only to fill the boards end-to-end on the roof frame. The assembled well is carefully polished. The walls and roof can be varnished, impregnated with natural oil, painted acrylic paint.

The assembly technology is radically different if the well is stylized as a log house. The frame is not formed, and the logs are laid according to a strict pattern.

Connection diagram: how to make a decorative well-log house in the country with your own hands

In addition to how to make a decorative well in the country, there are interesting idea- glue a bucket from the same material, as in the photo. Of course, decorative. The rest of the boards are aligned in length, glued end-to-end and fixed with a wide tape until the glue dries. The bottom is glued to the finished bucket.

How to make a decorative well even faster? Buy 1 concrete ring. Sell ​​products different diameter- from 50 cm. The advantages of organizing a small round well is that the concrete ring does not require special preparation of the base: it is enough just to deepen its edges by 5 - 10 cm into the ground for stability. The walls can be decorated with any materials: tiled, stone, or simply painted.

A chic well: a white-lime-painted concrete head and bright blue metal structure

Flowers and garden figures: creating a harmonious ensemble

How to do homemade well really decorative? Create a harmonious space around the structure. Planted near the base climbing plants. If you pick up evergreen ivy, then the well will be bright even in late autumn. Ampelous plants, annuals in flowerpots - an excellent decoration for the roof and gate. You can create a whole flower garden by equipping a well in the center of the flower bed.

An example of good taste: multi-colored sulfinias, petunias in flowerpots do not dissonate with discreet lining of the well

Garden figures also give uniqueness to landscape design. The main thing is to choose a decor that is not too bright to complement the ensemble, and not divert attention from the man-made well.

Cute "live" stones can be installed at the head or on the collar

5 fresh design ideas: extraordinary decorative wells

Designers offer a lot of fresh and extraordinary ideas for decorating country wells. Sometimes a simple house with accentuated casual joints and a darkened roof looks more stylish than a perfect lacquered well.

Aged, cracked logs in a log house are in harmony with the hedge vine

  • Interesting concept: conical hipped massive roof on almost weightless supports. Two decorative wheels complete the picture. The round base in light stone perfectly matches the color and shape of the stones on the path.

Inside such a well, you can equip a fountain or a bright mini-flower bed

An example of how old materials find new uses: the roof of the house is made of old dark tiles, the base is finished with stone.

Skillfully disguised as antique decorative source

  • Scenic area: a crane from a well is mounted in a high base of river boulders. A well made of beams and bent lacquered branches reliably hides downhole equipment.

Used natural stone, light wood and glossy lacquer

  • Good and beautiful: decorative multi-layer plaster in the form of an expensive light-colored stone under a real red tile roof. The rafters and sheathing are painted to match the roof.

The flat cover of the base allows you to use such a well as a table

Video: decorating a decorative well with wood

A complete video instruction in 3 parts: how to make and sheathe a decorative well with your own hands with a tree.

If the manufacturing process seems too complicated, you can make a project to order according to a unique sketch, or buy a ready-made well house made of plaster, wood, metal.

Each owner of a summer cottage tries to equip the landscape in such a way that it pleases the eye. When constructing a well, it is necessary to remember the rules for designing garden structures. It must fit into the overall picture of the site. Finishing a well requires creativity. For the external design of the well, brick, wood, stone can be used. You can entrust this work to professionals, or you can do everything yourself. Finishing wells in the country is usually done according to the design of the site. The subtleties of the process should be considered in more detail.

material requirements

When decorating the outer part of the well, any material can be used. The main requirement is to give the design a beautiful look. The lining material must also perform another function of protecting the well from negative influences.

There are several features of using different materials:

  • Brick is often used to finish wells, as well as traditional tree or stone. Often, when decorating such structures, flowers are chosen.
  • If wood is used for finishing, it is better to choose harder varieties. The cladding must long time withstand exposure to bad weather and temperature changes.
  • The selected material must be wear resistant.
  • The decorative component is no less important when lining the well. Finishing material usually painted or plastered.
  • One condition can be attributed to the main requirement - the base must have high moisture resistance.

For selection optimal material you should understand the features of each product. Help to choose a certain material will help beautiful photos decorated wells. A lot of unusual and attractive photos of wells in the country and their finishes are presented in the article.


Finishing the well with your own hands can be done using a variety of materials. They differ in properties and installation features. Each of them deserves more detailed consideration. WITH different materials worth looking into in more detail.


Quite often for decorative finishes wells, time-tested material is selected - brick. Any of its varieties can be used for this purpose. The red material looks great. Such a cladding can give the well house a special originality, an unusual and attractive look. A well with such a lining becomes bright element site design.

Silicate or ceramic bricks are perfect for decorating a house. The latter has a number of advantages:

  • distinctive strength;
  • density of the material structure;
  • variety of colors;
  • durability of operation in various conditions;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • resistance to shock and mechanical pressure.

However, this material has a serious drawback - it absorbs moisture. In order for the lining of the ceramic brick well to last longer, the surface should be treated with a special composition. Usually, hydrophobic varnish is used for such purposes. If processing is not performed, the brick will collapse over time. The brick cladding process is quite simple, but for better understanding it is worth reading some instructions:

  • There are several features of wells that are made of brickwork. Do not take products with voids. A full-bodied brick is better for making a head. It can be laid on edge or flat.
  • Masonry from facing brick built round. This allows you to significantly save on material.
  • The masonry walls are 25 cm thick.
  • To make the surface more durable and resistant to various influences, it should be plastered.
  • The cladding should be ironed out, which will increase the life of the cladding. For this task, cement powder is rubbed into the plaster, which has not yet dried.

When using bricks, it is important to remember these rules.


The tree represents traditional material used for cladding many structures. Shaft finishing is one of its most common uses. With the help of this material, an interesting decorative finish is created. Since ancient times, wood has been chosen as the material for the head. The application of carvings to wooden elements made it possible to give such structures a special appeal.

Finishing, which is made of wood, has several features:

  • Wood cladding is very easy to do on your own. This is due to the ease of working with the material.
  • If a wooden structure is built with your own hands, it should be remembered that such material is susceptible to moisture. For this reason, wooden elements should be dried well before finishing. After that facing material treated with a special compound. It usually contains antibacterial components.
  • Some wells made of wood are lined with clapboard or siding. However, this work will take a lot of time and will be quite laborious.

Many builders advise building a full-fledged roof over well houses that will protect them. In addition, such an element can give the design a unique look.


When choosing a natural product, a beautiful and stylish structure is obtained. One of the main positive qualities of such products is their high wear resistance.

There are several subtleties of finishing wells using stone:

  • In the process of work can be used not only small pebbles, but also medium-sized cobblestones.
  • If you carefully select stones by color and shape, you can get quite beautiful view well. Fastening is best done with a special glue.
  • If the stones that are selected for finishing the well shaft have different color shades, an original drawing is made from them.
  • A path of stones is often laid out to the well. This will make the landscape of the suburban area more noble.
  • A roof should be made over the mine. It is installed on supports installed in the sides.

To determine the intricacies of arranging a well using stone, you should see a photo of finished structures.


In addition to finishing with various materials, the well can be decorated with flowers. If the mine is buried in bright plants, the well looks especially attractive. This decoration is easy to create with your own hands.

There are several subtleties that should be considered when planting flowers around the well:

  • Flowers decorate the territory close to the well, the foot of the mine and the roof.
  • Colorful flowers can be placed in a planter. To create an attractive appearance of the well, various pots with lush flowers should be placed at its base.
  • On the sides of the house, it is better to make several ledges in order to install flower pots on them.
  • You should use those varieties of flowers that bloom in turn.
  • Weaving plants can be planted. Over time, they will braid the well house and create an attractive design.

When facing wells with flowers, wood, cement and stone are used. Quite often, soil and pebbles are used.

Surface painting

After finishing the well, the well is plastered and painted. This stage becomes final when creating beautiful design well. Plaster is very often used when facing brickwork. The space between the middle and lower frames of the shaft is subjected to plastering.

Features of plaster:

  • For plaster, a mixture of cement is prepared. It should have a consistency close to sour cream.
  • The solution is applied only once. It should be applied from top to bottom. It is necessary to level the plaster with a trowel, and smooth it with a trowel. To get the most even and smooth surface, wooden beacons should be installed on the sides. They are usually created from slats 5-6 cm thick.
  • As soon as the first strip is plastered, the beacons should be rearranged, and then the second strip should be filled with mortar again.
  • When constructing a shaft from wood, plastering is not performed. If necessary, install on the surface metal mesh. It will help hold the solution.
  • After that, the lowering of the structure is performed. In this case, be sure to follow the process.
  • At the end of the work, the bottom should be cleaned of dirt. Then the sand and gravel mixture is poured.

In addition to plaster, paint is often used. She is being treated front part well. Painting is done for wooden houses. In addition, wood is often varnished to reliable protection from external influences. Additionally, different colors are used to create a specific pattern. Shafts with several parts painted in different colors look very attractive.

Which method is more suitable for creating a well lining? Everyone answers this question based on their preferences and capabilities. Someone loves antique wells. In this case, wooden elements should be chosen for cladding. To create more durable construction you need brick or stone.

If the decision on finishing the well has not yet been made, you should decide on design preferences. There are several attractive ideas worth looking at. Each of them has certain features that must be considered.

Chalet-style well

While creating country house in the style of a chalet, it is better to choose this style when decorating a well. Such structures are usually erected in Switzerland. The decoration is usually made of stone. It is better to pave the path to the well. Before starting work, you should view several photos of such structures.

Country style

The appearance of a classic Russian well is familiar to everyone. It is made from logs. The main details include the rotator. It is worth familiarizing yourself with several characteristics of rustic-style wells:

  • The log house has a log structure. It should have four corners and linking corners.
  • To give designs original look, sometimes it is cut into five or more angles. To build such a head, you will need to use a rounded log. Such material allows you to build the most accurate structure.
  • A log house is often arranged around the ring. Expanded clay is used to fill free space.

To create a real rustic style the design should be supplemented with different ethnic elements:

  • threaded columns;
  • rustic water tub;
  • openwork cornice;
  • straw roofing.

Such elements allow you to build an original well, which will decorate the site.

East style

When choosing an oriental style, they usually rely on the appearance of the house. If clearance various designs coincides on the site, you can use just this method of finishing. Such a structure should be covered with a canopy. The eastern well is decorated with various figurines and amulets.

Making a well in the backyard and in the country is very affordable option independently ennoble the village landscape and arrange landscape design based on financial capabilities and creativity.

Currently, there are several basic, most popular and popular species:

  • ascending key;
  • descending key;
  • mine wooden;
  • mine concrete;
  • mine brick;
  • mine stone;
  • pipe structures;
  • drilling or tubular structures.

A variety of materials can be used for the arrangement, including:

  • clay;
  • wood;
  • rubble stone;
  • cobblestone and boulders;
  • brick;
  • flagstone;
  • gravel or gravel;
  • concrete mortar;
  • reinforced concrete.

Most often, wells or wells on the site - best option water production in the absence of centralized communications, therefore it is very important to determine what types of water supply sources are suitable for each specific site. When choosing, you will need to take into account the type of soil, the depth of the aquifer and other important factors.

How to make a well with your own hands (video)

Well Design: Design Techniques and Solutions

When designing wells, both classic natural materials and modern, unusual elements can be used. Beautiful well houses are a great opportunity as harmoniously as possible to fit the source of water supply into the overall concept of the landscape, and also allows you to make the design an original and very individual architectural solution.

Decoration in accordance with the general style of the garden

Most often, country wells are made of wood, which is very organically combined with garden plantings and wooden households. natural materials and wood trim in our time are highly valued not only for external aesthetics, but also for environmental friendliness and reliability. As a rule, even a base made of concrete rings is lined with planed boards. In this case, it is also possible to cover the well with wood in the form of a gable, three-slope and four-slope roof with a weather vane or a decorative ridge.

You can close the roof not only with boards, but also with cement, ceramic or soft tiles, as well as sheet metal, especially if the same coating was used for roofing on the home and outbuildings. Designs look very impressive in oriental style. The Japanese well used to be covered with a lid, which is woven from bamboo and fastened with palm ropes. In Japan, the Tsukubai water source can be observed quite often in the territories of Buddhist temple complexes. Nowadays, such wells perfectly complement the landscapes and japanese gardens, and their decoration are figures of animals and mythical creatures.

If the backyard is designed in country style, then you can supplement the source of water intake with the help of neatly arranged carts and wheels. Fits well with landscaping decorative windmill and wicker fences.

Color solutions

Today, concrete rings are most often used to equip a water supply source., which have a not too presentable appearance and a dull gray color. The wooden head and the roof also need to be treated with varnishes and paints, which will make the structure not only more presentable, but also significantly extend the service life. In this case, it is recommended to use contrasting combinations for coloring the surface. colors, as well as juicy and clean shades.

Artistically gifted homeowners can design concrete rings in any direction, using ready-made or custom sketches. You can also do stencil painting, or create geometric and abstract patterns. It should be remembered that wooden log cabins must be treated before painting special formulations aimed at protecting wood from rotting and burning.

DIY decorative finishes

Do-it-yourself decoration largely depends on the characteristics of the material from which it is built.. The simplest, and at the same time popular way of finishing is represented by natural stone decoration in the form of small cobblestones or large pebbles, which must be selected in size, basic coloring and shape. With color differences in the material, a beautiful and very original ornament is laid out around the head of the well on the mortar. Artificially "aged" appearance perfectly complements the "retro" style.

Many homeowners prefer wood trim to mimic the look of a natural quadrangular or multifaceted log house that complements the green lawn perfectly. A combination of various finishing materials was also recognized as successful. Colors match well brickwork and wood hard rock, as well as brick and siding panels. It is allowed to perform spectacular illumination of the area around with beautiful lanterns suspended from the roof of the structure, and spotlights located on the branches of garden plantations or shrubs.

How to decorate a well with a tree (video)

What plants to plant near the well

An interesting solution would be to use a gabion or a budget alternative to factory mesh to form a mesh frame around the above-ground part of the well structure.

Further design depends on the surrounding landscape design. If a significant part of the garden area is represented by alpine slides and a recreation area, then the space between the base of the well and the mesh frame can be filled with decorative stones. If it is necessary to make the decoration the most flourishing and picturesque, then the mesh holding the stones is used as a support for the arrangement of climbing vegetation.

One of the most beautiful and popular ways among domestic homeowners decorative design well construction is the environment of a water source with densely growing plants. As flower beds, in this case, the roof of the well is often used in autumn, but it is allowed to place hanging planters and containers with ampelous plants at the ends of the well. Also, flower pots with plants can be placed around the entire perimeter.

How to make a decorative well functional

The direct purpose of a conventional well is to obtain autonomous water supply. However, very often such decorative options do not fulfill their main goals, but are used as decorating elements. storm wells, borehole pumps, barrels for irrigation activities and other communications. Buildings like this are good. original item in landscape design.

decorative design or, the so-called shaduf, most often equipped with a “crane”, and consists of a system of logs, for fastening which hinges are used. A functional structure is characterized by the presence of a log cabin or a reinforced concrete shaft, as well as a chain, which is attached to a wooden drum or brace attached to two posts. A bucket is attached to the other end of the chain for taking water by rotating the drum. Also, the functional structure can be installed above water wells of various depths.

Ascending, tubular and shaft functional structures are especially popular, over which decorative structures are erected. It is very important that the sheathing is not only a decoration, but also serves as protection against moisture and freezing. According to the type of water lifting, structures come with a gate or a crane. The head can be open, from the base, rack and roof, or closed, like a "house". An open well post is closed with a lid, and the "houses" are equipped with a door located on one of the roof slopes.

How to make a well from concrete rings

The cheapest solution to the question of how to qualitatively and beautifully equip upper part adjoining well system on their own - this is the execution of the cladding concrete ring water intake structure. To carry out the work, you will need to purchase masonry mortar, as well as facing material in the form of stone, river pebbles and substandard ceramic tiles or decorative artificial stone.

If necessary, the cladding solution is replaced with conventional frost-resistant adhesives for working with tiles. It is best to prepare a working facing solution using an electric nozzle on a drill. Finishing material is glued over the entire surface of the concrete ring. In the upper part, it is recommended to expand to accommodate decor elements.

How to install a house for a well (video)

Choosing design decision to design a well system or a well, it is not at all necessary to strive to acquire and use the most expensive and modern finishing materials. The main thing is a great desire, as well as a little imagination and competent execution when decorating an individual source for water supply.

Problems with water in summer cottages make many people think about building a well.

Cause shortage water is especially acute in summer, when it is necessary for watering the garden and vegetable garden.

Drilling a well will help find a solution in this case, but this will require special equipment.

In its turn, construction a do-it-yourself well will save money and solve problems with water supply.

Choose a place

When choosing a place for the construction of a well, it is important to correctly determine its quantity and quality, as well as its composition. soil. For the well, you need to choose a place away from possible sources of household pollution that enter the soil.

If there is an autonomous sewage system, it will need to be improved and made sealed. The fact is that groundwater will gradually get into household drains, after which the taste of pure water will deteriorate, and it will become unsafe for health.

It is better to install a well on sublime location, and for convenience - closer to home.

In the spring there is a high probability of getting on top water. As far as soil is concerned, it should be noted that large availability sand and earth will make it easier drilling wells, and clay soil And a large number of large stones, on the contrary, will create many difficulties.

Well types

There are three type wells: shaft, key and tubular. Let's take a closer look at their features:

  • cap(located above the earth's surface);
  • trunk well;
  • intake component.

Mine wells are convenient in that during droughts they always have water at the expense of additional reservoirs (zumrov).

For guaranteed reserve you need to make the lower, underwater part of the building a little wider, make it a tent.

  • Tubular.
  • This type of well is also called Norton - a kind of artesian structure, which consists of pipes. Its diameter should be equal to 25-45 mm, equipped with a sieve tip.

    It is used to supply water. The tube is inserted using a drill. It is installed in aquifer.

    With absence water pressure the pipe is supplied with a pump, in the pressure water layer it can be used without a pump. For the construction of a tube well, it is necessary to carry out drilling work.

    A well of this type is much more expensive than a mine well, since the soil is drilled. In turn, it is much more profitable because the water does not stagnate and is always usable.

    Tools for the job

    To build a well, you will need the following tools:

    • scrap (preferably two: short and long);
    • all types of shovels;
    • sledgehammer;
    • scoop (required for a liquid layer of soil);
    • rope;
    • tub (with its help the soil rises);
    • several buckets;
    • trolley (for transporting soil);
    • rope ladder (for descent and ascent into the pit);
    • pump (for pumping water);
    • portable lighting fixtures;
    • winch.

    With the help of a winch it is very convenient to raise and lower materials, only in order to use it you need a tripod. It will need to be installed above the well.

    From the materials for the well you will need: cement, sand and gravel

    Stages of work

    The construction of a well is not an easy task and therefore, in order to facilitate and speed up the work, it is recommended to invite assistants.

    Digging a pit

    After the place for the construction of the well is determined, he digs pit. Digging a hole for the well is carried out by one person, the rest of the assistants are at the top. They will lift the soil, transport it and lower the materials down.

    First, a hole is dug to the depth of one ring. After that, one is placed in it ring, and all the soil is removed from under it, gradually deepening this ring. Going further a little further, it is established second ring.

    The rings are placed on top of each other (the second on the first, the third on the second, etc.), increasing the shaft column. Under its own concrete weight, the column will slide down to the same depth as the soil is removed from under the first ring.

    Approaching aquiferous the layer will be determined very easily, a strong drop in temperature will be felt in the pit and high humidity underlying ground.

    This stage of the construction of the well is the most time-consuming and responsible, so it will take a lot of effort and patience. Wet priming must be removed very quickly. You may need a powerful mud pump.

    If it is not at hand, then reaching the aquifer, you will need to make every effort and dig very quickly 2-4 m in depth (the speed of the flow of water in the well depends on it).

    At the very bottom of the well, as a filter, you will need to lay gravel(layer up to 30 cm). The gaps formed between the soil and the rings ( concrete slabs) are also filled with gravel. The last laid ring will remain on the surface (it is not buried in the ground).

    To prevent leaks into the well of high waters, will help linen cord placed between the rings. The joint of the rings must be cemented. On the surface of the well (around it) is laid clay castle . Wet clay, taken out of the pit during digging, is laid around the well and rammed with a log.

    When the well is filled with water, it will need to be pumped out until it is replaced clean and transparent.

    We make blind areas

    Blind areas protect the well from falling into it contaminated upper and melt waters. In addition, with blind areas, the structure looks much prettier and more convenient for collecting water.

    Blind areas are installed one year later after the construction of the well

    Time is needed for the rings to settle well and compact. If the blind areas are built upon completion of the structure, bias upper rings may damage them.

    To perform the blind area, clay or concrete is required. Permissible thickness blind areas - from 20 to 30 cm, width - 1.2 -2.5 meters. A clay pavement is a compacted clay layer laid in a recess of a certain size.

    However, it has one drawback: if water gets on the surface of the layer, a sticky layer forms. dirt. As a result, additional expenses for protective coating.

    Performance concrete blind area: initially a gravel pillow is laid, a formwork is installed on it, into which concrete is poured. To increase the service life of the blind area will help a reinforcement mesh embedded in the formwork.

    Concrete pavement requires waterproofing outer walls well. This will help to avoid rigid adhesion of the last ring of the well to the frozen surface of the blind area.


    The arrangement of the roof must begin with roof trusses , which is a rigid structure to which the crate is attached. A solid board (3 cm thick, 180 cm long or roof height) is suitable for this. Installation of the crossbar and jib should be carried out using a board (2.5 cm).

    Material for the roof, you can choose at your discretion: a board, a metal sheet, roofing felt, and so on.

    decorative option

    Decorative well is in fashion today. He is country decor and some summer residents equip it with all the details so subtly and accurately that it cannot be distinguished from a real building. Below are photos of decorative wells in the country, which you can do with your own hands.

    Decorative wells are made of wood, tires and other materials. It all depends on how sharply the owners approach its production and what zest they put into it.

    A decorative well is great for decorating a well with electric pump. Some summer residents, using tires to complete the well, plant flowers there, and they perfectly complement each other with their unusualness.


    A beautiful well always catches the eye and gives the cottage an unusual look. Regardless of whether a decorative well is installed or real, it should look like a well, and design fantasy can be used at your discretion.

    Consider a few styles designing a well in the country with a photo:

    1. Country- a wooden hut, inside which you can create any conditions and even install household appliances (that is, the natural look of a wooden well made of logs with a canopy);

    2. Well - crane evokes old times. Distinctive feature such a well - a mechanism for raising water, resembling a crane's head on a long neck;

    3. Chalet. Some designers suggest building a chalet well. However, there are two nuances: firstly, the house must be built in the same style, and secondly, this style is characteristic of Switzerland.

      Buildings are decorated with natural or artificial stone. And why not build such beauty on your site and it doesn’t matter that in Russia !;

    4. East style. A bright, colorful structure should have canopy. Often it is decorated with various amulets - figurines.

      The head can be made of stone or wood. For the roof it is better to use soft tiles with pagoda (raised corners in oriental style). The well must have a wooden bucket;

    5. Modern style. Wells of such a plan are made of polycarbonate, tiles, concrete. Many summer residents use metal or brick in construction.

    Content Rules

    The very first and most important rule must be observed when building a well, choosing drilling site wells. The constancy of water quality depends on this, the absence possible pollution bacteria and chemicals, etc.

    • in the next 20 m from the well it is forbidden to wash cars, water cattle, rinse clothes, etc., which may contribute to pollution water;
    • the head of the well must be equipped lid(de-reinforced concrete floor with a hatch);
    • around the well should stand fencing;
    • warming and protection of the well from freezing must be done with straw, hay or sawdust. It is completely forbidden to insulate with glass wool and other synthetic materials;
    • if necessary, a well is needed clean(remove leaves, mosquitoes and other debris);
    • after cleaning must be carried out disinfection structures;
    • in a timely manner replace worn out equipment.

    A well in the country is extremely necessary and irreplaceable, therefore the construction of such a plan is necessary.

    However, if you have never had to deal with structures of this type, then before starting work, it is recommended to look through a lot of literature, turn to friends who have already installed a well, or come to the help of special people involved in drilling wells and building a well .

    Each of us makes the choice himself, the main thing is that the well should stand!!!

    For a country house, a well is an indispensable thing. In some summer cottages, the water supply is stopped for the winter, and that is why many owners are thinking about creating own water source. Some order a well project from specialized companies, while others develop the project themselves. This material provides a number of recommendations that will allow you to independently make a well and choose its design.

    Finding water

    It is worth starting with a search for water, finding out where underground resources are located, and determining the depth of the well. Where does water come from underground? Underground water arises from precipitation, and can also be from lakes, rivers, ponds.

    Groundwater is divided into 3 categories:

    Verkhovodka cannot be used as drinking water due to poor cleaning. This layer is closer to the surface. When building a well, it is necessary to insulate this layer so that water from it does not enter the well.

    Groundwater is located below the perch and is suitable for drinking. In nature, groundwater occurs in springs.

    Artesian waters are located at the greatest depth. Waterproof layers squeeze the water, and it comes out as a fountain.

    Location selection

    Preparing a site for a well is a very important process. You need to know where wells should not be installed. So, the structure of wells cannot be produced:

    • near houses;
    • Next to the drain Wastewater, near compost pits;
    • In marshy area.

    Sources of pollution must be located more than 25 meters from the well. With an inclined section, it is necessary to install a well at a level higher from contaminated sources.

    When to dig?

    It is best to excavate a well in autumn or winter, because at these times of the year the level ground water much lower. Undoubtedly, the reduced cost of reinforced concrete rings in the winter will be a plus. However, everything is not so simple, the desired time depends too much on:

    1. soil type,
    2. weather and climatic conditions.

    It is widely believed that the best time is summer and autumn (due to the soil freezing in winter and water spilling in spring). In any case, you should focus on the minimum level of groundwater.

    The best option is to consult with neighbors who are already well acquainted with the behavior of groundwater in this particular place.

    Manufacturing features

    How to finish a well? Arranging a well with your own hands is not an easy task. You should choose a material for wall decoration - it can be wood, stone, or reinforced concrete rings. Reinforced concrete rings are more popular, because. they are very easy to install and have high strength.

    How to make a mine? When using rings, 2 installation methods can be used:

    • Gradual;
    • Mine.

    First way suitable for those who have not yet been involved in the installation of wells, since it is the safest. A hole is dug under the reinforced concrete, then a person is placed inside the ring and begins to dig the ground under it. Gradually, the ring sinks down and a second one is placed on it. This method is the most reliable and common. The disadvantage of this method is that you constantly have to control the level of the rings so that there are no distortions. If this is not done, then the ring may jam in the ground and it will be impossible to get it. The time for making a well with your own hands using this method is from 2 to 4 days.

    Second way suitable for dry and firm ground. This method is used by professional construction teams. A hole is dug under the well to a layer of water. The diameter of the shaft must necessarily match the diameter of the rings. Further, the structure in the form of all rings is attached to the winch and lowered into the prepared shaft. This method is used only by professional teams, because. it requires precision and certain skills.

    After installing the rings, it is required to seal all seams. It is not worth saving, because at the time of off-season floods, or when the snow melts, the walls of the well will begin to flow if the design is not done correctly.

    At the bottom of the well must be installed filter, unless of course the bottom soil consists of dense clay. Bath stones, pebbles, quartz sand. If there is loose dusty sand at the bottom, or if water flows too quickly in the well, then a shield with holes is required.

    In order to protect the water from the ingress of dirt from outside, a cover is installed on the well.

    The main materials that will be required to install the well:

    • Reinforced concrete rings;
    • Purifying filter;
    • Lid;
    • Sealing agents.

    Depending on the preferences of the owner, or on external influencing factors, the list of materials can be replenished.

    budget well

    Not everyone is suitable for the option of using reinforced concrete rings due to the high cost. Perhaps make wall decoration using minimal cost. As finishing material it is worth using the usual car tires. The principle of making a well from a tire is practically the same, only instead of sealing, the tires must be processed bituminous varnish and glued together with a special rubber glue . Crushed stone is poured from the outside of the tires to make a waterproof coating.

    Installation cost

    The cost of installation depends on the depth of the shaft and on its diameter. Reinforced concrete rings 1m in height and 1m in diameter cost about 2,000 rubles, and a diameter of 1.5 meters is already estimated at 3,000 rubles.

    We will make calculations using the example of a well 10 meters deep and 1 m in diameter.

    Rings will cost 20,000 rubles. It is worth considering who will excavate the well, if workers are hired for this, then payment is made approximately 2,000 for 1 ring. That is, you will have to pay about 20,000 for the work. It is also worth considering the cost of sealing materials, the use of a cleaning filter and a cover. It turns out that self-installation a well will cost about 30,000 rubles, and with the use of working class people, 50,000 rubles. It is also possible to use machine technology to use the shaft installation method, which will cost even more.

    Installing the well is only half the battle, now you need to arrange it so that it decorates the summer cottage. Decorative wells have always been popular.

    well finishing

    To finish the well, you can use various materials. Each material has its own advantages in use.


    When using wood, various forms can be given if the creator knows how to handle it.


    Stones are always easy to find. An economical option and looks very organic.


    A simple material to use, because almost everyone knows how to make brickwork. However, it looks very impressive.

    In order for the design of the well to match the landscape, brick and stone materials are usually used and a path is created around the perimeter of the site, which will lead to a water source.

    An example of a well in perfect harmony with the surroundings.

    Well design

    A decorative well is a very active element of the decor of the site. He alone can become a highlight. Everyone will be pleased when guests, coming to his summer cottage, take a photo with decorative well asking about prices, terms, materials and admiring the construction.

    For those who like to independently engage in the creation of various buildings, you should not talk about how to sheathe a well. A frame is created from the boards, and for sheathing, it is possible to use plywood or lining.

    How to decorate your water source, each owner chooses for himself. Some make it in the style of Russian villages, while others create a roof similar to the roof of a house, cover it with slate or metal tiles. You can put around the source various decor: trees, birds (flamingo, heron), animals.

    Before creating a well, you should definitely describe the whole process step by step, paying attention to the cost of materials. You need to think carefully about whether the well will be dug on your own, or a special team will be hired. Will the technique be used for faster creation. After all this, it is worth calculating the cost of the work. Having allocated the budget for creation, it is worth taking care of the design of the source of water supply. It is much more pleasant to look at beautifully designed wells than simple ones. After calculating the cost of creating and designing, you can get to work.

    A selection of options:

    Masonry from cut wooden beams.

    The same masonry, but a completely different decorative, more solid solution.

    Monastic style. The draft well - since it is without a roof and lets rain through - however, the elegant forging and the solidity of the masonry create a grandiose impression.

    A very good option with the use of cobblestone and textured wooden elements. This option will require remarkable artistic taste.

    Rustic style detail - thatched roof.

    A selection of 65 photos

    See the video below for an extensive selection. decorative solutions well house.
