Cesspool of tires with their own hands. How to make a cesspool from car tires for a summer residence? The simplest drain hole

When you need to quickly organize a simple and reliable storage of wastewater in a summer cottage, you can make a cesspool from the tires of a car or tractor. Old tires will make a capacious wastewater tank, which is easy to do with your own hands. "Plumber Portal" will describe in stages the technology of how a cesspool is created from tires with your own hands, so that you can independently make such a sewer in the country.

Before starting the construction of such a sewer structure, you should carefully consider all the pros and cons.


  1. To build a cesspool of tires, old tires are perfect.
  2. High economy. The minimum cost of materials for the construction of such a structure.
  3. There is no need to contact qualified specialists and pay for their work, and special equipment and equipment are not needed for the work.
  4. The speed and ease of doing all the work. A couple of people can easily equip a cesspool from car tires in a day.
  5. Relatively long service life. The tire material is not subject to deformation, and moisture and insects that live in the ground cannot damage it. The service life of such a pit is approximately 10-12 years.
  6. It is allowed to use tires of any diameter from any cars or tractors, even Kamaz or Belaz.


  1. If a not very reliable sealant is used during the installation of slopes, there is a possibility of leaks.
  2. An unpleasant odor may begin to spread from under the hatch that covers the tire pit.
  3. If the structure is damaged during its active use, it will be quite difficult to repair or dismantle the tires.
  4. A similar design is best used in a house inhabited by no more than 2 people, since this structure is not designed for more people.
  5. Such a design is not the best solution, in the case of a high location of groundwater.

A pit for a toilet made of tires requires a comparison of the features of the arrangement, the efficiency of work with the expected operating conditions and the “loads” on the sewer system.

Where is the best place to place a waste pit?

The installation of the drain collector must be planned in a place where a sewage truck can easily drive up. Since periodically the contents of the pit will need to be pumped out.

Also, a cesspool of tires should not be located near water wells and wells with drinking water. This is done so that the feces do not get into the groundwater, this distance should not be less than 30-50 meters.

A house with a deep foundation will also create some problem when arranging a drain. The distance to the septic tank should not be less than 5 meters, otherwise there is a possibility of violating the integrity of the walls. In simple words, the house can "lead".

The minimum distance from the fence should be 2 meters. The best option for the location of the pit in sandy soil - in this case, it is possible to call vacuum trucks less often.

When calculating volumes, they are guided by a simple formula: on average, 0.5 cubic meters of wastewater is taken for each person using the system. It is also taken into account that the liquid level in a fully filled pit must necessarily be 1 meter below the soil level. If this requirement is not observed, the waste can overflow over the edge of the pit, which will lead to quite serious problems.

How to dig a pit?

Digging a pit for a drain collector is within the power of one person, without the help of special equipment. The width of the pit should not be much larger than the diameter of the tire, otherwise more rubble may be required for backfilling.

  1. When working, it is necessary to work with two shovels of different configurations. It is easy to loosen the ground with a bayonet shovel, and a scoop shovel will simplify the task of picking up the ground. The second type of shovel can be made with your own hands, for this you need to take a shovel shovel and bend it 80 degrees relative to the handle. The handle of such a shovel must be at least 2.5 meters in order to be able to get the earth from a sufficiently large depth.
  2. At the beginning, you will need to outline the contour of the future pit. This is done as follows, a tire is placed on the ground and surrounded by a peg, making a small indent equal to approximately the width of a matchbox.
  3. The gap is necessary in order to facilitate the introduction of tires into the finished pit. At the first stage, you can use ordinary short shovels, but when deepening, you will need to use long-handled ones.

While digging a hole, it may be tempting to go down into the hole in order to simplify the work, in this case it is necessary to take all safety measures, since the probability of soil collapse is very high. When digging, the diameter of the pit can gradually narrow. To prevent this, it is necessary to measure the diameter of the drain collector from time to time.

Tire laying technology

Before the construction of a cesspool of tires, it is required to evenly and carefully fill the bottom of the pit with large gravel, with a layer of at least 30 centimeters. This must be done in order to reduce the likelihood of bottom silting.

Before laying the tires in the pit, they need to be processed. Using a jigsaw, you need to cut along the inner rim, this is necessary so that debris and sewage do not collect in the roundings.

In addition, it is necessary to make a hole for the sewer pipe.

Rubber tires are fastened together with a sealant and hot bitumen, in addition, the entire structure is additionally wrapped with roofing felt or fairly dense polyethylene.

What to do so that the cesspool of tires does not stand out? Everything is extremely simple. It is simply covered with a lid made of thick plastic and sprinkled with earth a little. You can even plant a flower garden on top. It is very convenient to use a wheel cap as a cover.

How to pump out a "rubber" hole?

All cesspools need periodic cleaning. The drain collector from tires is cleaned of contents by several methods:

  1. Scooping up drains with a bucket on a rope. Rather time-consuming and unpleasant work, but it does not require anyone's help or financial costs. The main problem is the export of waste outside the boundaries of human habitation.
  2. Pumping out with a drain pump. The operation of the pump requires constant monitoring and there is also the problem of the removal of runoff masses.
  3. Call for a sewer machine. This method is the fastest, most effective and aesthetic. True, this will have to be spent, and this method also requires the provision of passage for a car of sufficiently large dimensions.
  4. The use of biological drugs. They can be found freely in gardening stores. The agent must be poured or poured into the sewer. Live bacteria will quickly process the contents, separating the dirt from the water. With this method, although less often, but, nevertheless, you will have to call the sewers.

This design is an economical option for organizing comfort in the country.

Based on their own experience, site site consultants have prepared some useful tips:

  1. Place the tires in such a way that the top one rises slightly above the surface. This will prevent the pit from overflowing when melt water enters it.
  2. It is better to make a hole for the pipe directly during the laying of tires in order to more accurately determine the optimal level of pipe penetration.
  3. Fill the gap between the tires and the walls of the pit with crushed stone during the construction of the structure, and not after all the tires have been inserted.
  4. Under the top cover, install a 60 cm high ventilation pipe.

Most users who have mounted such a pit on their sites speak positively about the simplicity and convenience of such a sewer system. In the event that they do not live permanently in the country, but are only short-term, then small diameter tires can be used. When installing a cesspool in the yard of a private house, it is necessary to take tires of a larger diameter, or use a different sewer system.

The main arguments in favor of a drain well from old car tires:

  1. Low cost. Used tires can be obtained free of charge - a lot of old tires are left for recycling at a car service or a trucking company. In extreme cases, worn-out car tires can be purchased for almost a penny at a flea market. The main item of expenditure is the arrangement of the supply pipeline.
  2. Ease of installation. Preparing the material, installing and connecting the drain tank is a feasible task for one person. The work does not involve the use of expensive tools and equipment.
  3. Rubber does not corrode, so the pit will last longer than a structure made of metal barrels. The average service life is 10-15 years.

A do-it-yourself cesspool of tires completely copes with the task. Thanks to it, the stable operation of the sewage system in summer cottages or small private houses is ensured. And despite the fact that its potential is limited to serving a small number of people, low financial costs and the speed of construction of this design make it very competitive.

The charm of a country holiday is estimated even higher in the presence of the elementary benefits of civilization, which include sewerage. For the disposal of wastewater from a small country house, visited only periodically, a cesspool is a good option. It can be built from various materials. But in the mode of austerity, with non-permanent residence and a volume of effluents of less than 1 m3, a cesspool is mounted from tires.

Advantages and disadvantages of a drain pit from used car tires

Local sewage from car tires is an option that should be used when there is no other possibility.

After all, it has many shortcomings:

  • The operational period does not exceed 15 years. This is due to the fact that tires were not produced for the purpose of arranging sewers and are destroyed under the aggressive influence of effluents.
  • The tightness of the walls can also be broken at the joints of the tires.
  • Rubber can't withstand ground pressure.
  • The structure is difficult to repair. It is easier to abandon the old structure and mount a new one.
  • Cleaning a sewer well from tires is quite difficult due to the special configuration of the walls.
  • A stench spreads around any cesspool.
  • To use a drain pit without a bottom, there is a limitation on the volume of drains, which should be no more than 1 m3 per day.
  • A sewer well made of tires can be installed at a distance of 20-50 m from a drinking source. Distance depends on the type of soil.
  • This indicator should be maximum for sandy, peat or loess soils, minimum for clay.
  • A cesspool of tires cannot be built at a groundwater level that does not go deeper than 2-2.5 m.

But a drain pit made of used car tires has significant advantages that determine the popularity of such a structure:

  • ease of arrangement;
  • low price.

In some cases, you can save a lot by getting old tires for free or for a nominal price at auto repair shops. At the same time, the cost of a cesspool can be further reduced through self-assembly, which requires the simplest and most affordable tools.

What tools and materials are needed

To equip a cesspool of tires does not require special equipment or complex materials.

You will need:

  • shovel;
  • a piece of perforated plastic pipe with a length of 1.5 to 4 m;
  • fine-mesh mesh for pipe winding;
  • crushed stone for backfilling at the bottom of the pillow with a thickness of 20-30 cm;
  • plastic pipe for ventilation;
  • sealant;
  • roulette;
  • bolts and nuts;
  • bucket with rope;
  • garden drill;
  • a ladder with a length corresponding to the depth of the pit;
  • ruberoid;
  • a tire cutting tool, such as a jigsaw or a hacksaw.

The main thing is to buy tires. Their number is determined by the volume of the well. Usually 10 pieces are enough. It all depends on the chosen tire diameter.

What to look for when choosing tires for a cesspool

Any old tires are suitable for arranging a drain pit:

  • from a car,
  • truck,
  • tractor.
The size depends on how much the well needs to be recreated.

Light tires are suitable for a drain pit that collects drains only from a kitchen sink. If the volume of wastewater is large, then it is worth purchase wheels from MAZ, ZIL, tractors, etc., the diameter of which is about 1 m. According to user experience, it is better to choose tires from American long lengths, since these rubber products have a thick wall.

When buying, inspect the tire, the integrity of its wall should not be compromised.

Purchase of tires

Based on the experience of many cesspool owners, it can be concluded that getting old tires is not always easy. In addition to ads on specialized Internet sites or from periodicals, you can go around auto repair shops and tire shops. You're more likely to find old big tires suitable for a cesspool at truck service centers.

The price depends on the size of the product and the impudence of the seller and ranges from 50 to 400 rubles. In some cases, tires are given away free of charge.

Step by step installation instructions

Having acquired all the materials and prepared the necessary tools, you can begin to equip the cesspool.

  • First, a place for installation is chosen not only taking into account the location of drinking sources, but also buildings. From the cesspool to the house there should be at least 3 m, but not more than 10 m. If the latter indicator is exceeded, then a manhole must be installed on the sewer pipeline.
  • The cesspool must also be removed from the road.
  • Having chosen a place, proceed to earthworks. The pit for the future sewer well made of tires in diameter should slightly exceed the size of the tires. The depth is almost the same as the height of the future rubber shaft, since there will be crushed stone backfill at the bottom, and the top tire should rise above the ground.
  • At the stage of excavation, they dig a trench for the supply pipeline, given that it must pass with a slope of 2 cm per linear meter.
  • The bottom of the pit is leveled and a mine is drilled in it with a garden drill, passing through the aquifers.
  • A perforated pipe is inserted into the resulting recess. From the free end to the bottom of the pit should be about a meter. This section of the pipe is wrapped with a fine mesh, closing the upper hole with it.
  • A layer of coarse gravel 20-30 cm thick is covered at the bottom of the pit. A sand cushion is prepared in the ditch for the pipeline, taking into account the slope.
  • At tires with a jigsaw or a hacksaw, a metal cord is cut off. This is necessary to avoid the accumulation of air and pollutants under it. Sometimes they just make holes in the cord without cutting it off.
  • Tires one by one are released into the pit. They are bolted to each other, pre-lubricating the mating surfaces with sealant. The top tire should rise 20-30 cm above the ground.
  • Cut a hole for the inlet pipe in the wall of the rubber column.
  • Lay a sewer pipeline and connect it to a well of tires.
  • As the sealant dries, they close the pillar of tires with roofing material from the outside, backfill the pit with crushed stone and soil. At the same stage, the pipeline is covered with sand and soil.
  • The top tire is covered with a metal sheet, plastic hatch or other waterproof material, in which a hole is made for a ventilation pipe to help get rid of an unpleasant odor. The closer to the house the pit, the higher it is worth making the ventilation riser.
  • The cesspool cover can be hidden by planting ground cover plants. If necessary, the hatch can be raised along with landings.

The simple design is ready to use.

Operating rules

A cesspool made of tires is not the most successful construction in terms of ecology and power.

It is not suitable for large volumes of stocks. Strict sanitary standards are imposed on the location of such a sewer well relative to a river, pond, lake and underground water source. In addition, it is desirable that the wastewater be gray, that is, it does not contain fecal matter, or the flow of the latter is minimal.

The cesspool will have to be serviced infrequently. The whole procedure comes down to pumping out the sediment, which gradually accumulates at the bottom. To slow down this process, you can add special bacterial preparations to the rubber drain well. This procedure will save the crushed stone filter from rapid silting and, accordingly, prolong the filtration efficiency.

The construction of a drain pit from tires does not require special construction skills and large financial costs: all work can be done by hand, without the participation of special equipment, and the main building material - old tires - is free. Although the process of building a pit is simple, before starting work it is important to learn about some rules that will save you from common mistakes and help create a durable structure.

Pros and cons of a tire drain pit

Before starting work, it is worth learning about all the advantages and disadvantages of the pit, the nuances of its use.

The advantages include:

  1. Ease of construction - 2 people can fully manage in a day, work without assistants will take a little longer.
  2. Cheap - you can use old tires of any size.
  3. Relative durability - a properly constructed structure will last about 10 years. Rubber withstands prolonged contact with water, insects do not damage it.

The cesspool of tires also has disadvantages:

  1. Repair and dismantling is quite laborious.
  2. The place for the pit must be carefully chosen, taking into account sanitary standards.
  3. There may be an unpleasant odor in the area.
  4. Only a certain amount of water is allowed to be drained. If the allowable volume is exceeded, the liquid entering the soil will not have time to be processed, groundwater contamination will begin.
  5. It is undesirable to pour household chemicals into the pit - it has a detrimental effect on bacteria that process sewage.

A do-it-yourself drain pit made of tires is the best solution for a summer cottage where the owners visit on weekends and holidays. It is not advisable to arrange it in a private house for permanent residence - there are too many restrictions that reduce the comfort of living.

Choosing a place for a hole

When choosing a place for a cesspool, sanitary standards should be taken into account.

Photo: pit location norms

So, it should be located no closer than 5 m from residential buildings and no closer than 2 m from the fence.

When building a pit from tires without a sealed bottom, it should not be placed closer than 30 m from the water source; if there is a sealed bottom, the distance should be at least 15 m.

If the site has a slope, you should not place a hole in the lowland - during rain it will be filled with water.
From the house to the pit, water must be drained through a plastic pipe with a diameter of at least 100 mm. The pipe itself must be laid evenly, without sharp transitions and bends. It is advisable to lay the pipe so that there are no trees and shrubs along its route.

The pipe is located below the freezing point of the soil. If this is not possible, the pipeline is wrapped with a heat-insulating material that does not allow water to pass through.

Calculation of the optimal volume

The ease of use and durability of the structure depends on how accurate the calculations are.

You can calculate the required volume using the formula:

Vpits= 200*3*N,

where 200 is the number of liters consumed daily by one person; 3 - the number of days necessary for bacteria to process sewage; N is the number of people living in the house.

Necessary materials and tools

To make a hole with your own hands, you will need:

  • several car tires of the same diameter;
  • shovel and bayonet shovels;
  • plastic cover;
  • crushed stone;
  • silicone sealant or hot bitumen;
  • plastic pipes with a diameter of 100 mm;
  • tape measure, twine and pegs;
  • polymer mesh;
  • garden drill and jigsaw.

If the groundwater on the site is high, it is impossible to dig a deep hole. You can achieve the desired volume of the pit if you take tires of large diameter.

Photo: cesspool scheme

Work order

A tire is placed on a site selected taking into account sanitary standards, then, stepping back from its edge for a certain distance, marking is carried out with pegs and twine. The indentation is necessary to make it easier to place the tires in the pit.

  1. In the designated place, they begin to dig using a bayonet shovel. It should be remembered that the bottom of the structure should have a slight slope.
  2. When the depth of the pit reaches the required value, the walls and the bottom are leveled, the earth is removed to the surface with a shovel. In the center of the bottom, a drainage well is made with a garden drill, with the help of which water will be drained through the waterproof layers of the soil.
  3. Prepare plastic pipe. Its length is determined individually and depends on the depth of the well. In this case, the pipe should protrude 1 m above the bottom of the pit. From the other end of the pipe, in a section 1 m long, holes are drilled to let water into the soil, wrap the treated area with a polymer mesh, and insert this end into the well. A polymer mesh is also fixed on the upper hole.
  4. Crushed stone is poured into the bottom so that a layer 10 cm high is obtained.
  5. All tires use an electric jigsaw to cut off the inside of the rim to prevent dirty water from stagnation.
  6. Prepared tires are placed in a pile in the entire height of the pit. The area of ​​​​contact of the tires with each other is carefully insulated with hot bitumen or silicone sealant. It is best to pour crushed stone into the space between the outer side of the tires and the walls of the pit gradually, as the tires are laid.
  7. In the tire, which will be at the level of the inlet of the drain pipe, you need to make a hole with a jigsaw. The pipe is inserted into the hole made, the entrance is carefully sealed.
  8. The top tire should protrude slightly from the ground. A plastic cover with a ventilation hole is installed on it. A pipe 60 cm high is inserted into the hole.

Photo: finished pit without a lid

Pit device with overflow

A tire pit with overflow is made according to the same principle, but has several differences.

The thickness of the crushed stone layer at the bottom is increased to 30-40 cm, and a drainage well is not made. In the center of the structure, after laying the tires, a concrete pipe is installed with a diameter less than the diameter of the tires by 2 times and a height of 15 cm below the top of the pit.

The lower end of the pipe is sealed with concrete. On the upper segment I make a hole for the sewer pipe and several small holes for overflow. After summing up the sewer pipe inside the concrete, the entry point is sealed.

Making a pit with overflow with your own hands is more difficult than a regular one, but it will also last longer, and the quality of water purification will be higher.

The times when a trip to the dacha meant living for several days in semi-primitive conditions are gradually passing away. Increasingly, summer residents are acquiring the benefits of civilization: a comfortable toilet, running water, a bathroom, etc.

Sewerage is necessary to ensure the functioning of all this. Capital structures made of concrete, stone or brick are very expensive, and you need to spend a lot of time on them. Much easier - a cesspool of tires with your own hands. Old tires can be obtained at any car service station, and the technology for creating a cesspool is available even for a person without certain skills.

Before proceeding with the construction of such a sewer structure, it is necessary to carefully weigh the pros and cons.


  • Maximum economy. The cost of materials for the manufacture of such a sewer pit is very low. There is no need to attract qualified specialists and pay for their work, it will not be necessary to attract special equipment and machinery.
  • The speed and ease of doing all the work. A couple of people will cope with the equipment of a cesspool from tires in a day.
  • relative durability. The tire material is not deformed or damaged under the influence of moisture and insects living in the soil, but a cesspool of tires serves for about 10-12 years.
  • You can use tires from different machines with any diameter.


  • If insufficiently reliable sealant is used when installing tires, leaks may occur.
  • An unpleasant smell may appear from under the hatch covering the tire pit.
  • In the event of a structural failure during a period of active use, it will be very difficult to repair or dismantle the tires.
  • Cesspool of sewer tires justifies itself only when 1-2 people live in the house. For a large number of people, this design is not designed.
  • This option of a cesspool is not recommended if groundwater is high.
  • Place the tires so that the top one is slightly above the ground. So there will be less danger of overflowing the pit in case of melt and rainwater entering it.
  • It is better to make a hole for the pipe directly when laying the tires in order to determine for sure the optimal level of pipe penetration.
  • It is better to fill the gap between the tires and the walls of the pit with rubble not after the introduction of all the tires, but as the object is erected.
  • A 60 cm high ventilation pipe must be installed under the top cover.

The desire to add urban comfort to summer cottage life encourages many summer residents, and owners of suburban real estate, to engage in arranging a water supply system on their own site. But the full-fledged operation of the water supply system is impossible without sewerage, right?

It turns out that you can make an autonomous sewer yourself from improvised materials. One of the most popular makeshift structures is a tire drain pit used to collect and filter wastewater. The device and installation of the structure are very simple, but the efficiency and safety of the system operation is achieved only with strict observance of technological standards.

In this material, we will talk about how to choose a place for a cesspool, and what needs to be considered. Also, here you will find step-by-step instructions for building a cesspool from car tires. The material is accompanied by arrangement diagrams and videos with expert advice on the construction of drain pits.

Cesspool - the simplest arrangement option. With the advent of highly efficient septic tanks and local treatment systems, the use of drain collectors in private households and cottage villages has decreased. However, among summer residents this method of wastewater disposal remains in demand.

The most budgetary and easy-to-execute local sewage system is based on the use of old tires. In this case, the walls of the drain collector are reinforced with rubber tires, the bottom of the tank is missing.

There are two possible options for organizing a drain pit: 1 - an absorbing well without a bottom, designed for the processing and disposal of gray effluents and clarified water that has been treated in a septic tank, 2 - a sealed storage tank arranged for collecting mixed or brown waste masses. Both methods are simple and easy to implement.

The basis of the absorbing, or otherwise filtering option is a drainage layer of crushed stone and sand. The stability of the structure is achieved due to the weight of the tires themselves, the earth filling and the accumulated wastewater.

In the upper part of the "tower" of tires, a sewer pipeline is provided. The entire structure is covered with a lid, which prevents the spread of unpleasant odors and clogging of the pit.

The principle of operation of the absorbing pit:

  1. Waste liquid enters the tank through the pipe.
  2. Heavy, solid suspensions settle on the surface of the "cushion" of crushed stone.
  3. Semi-purified water seeps through the drainage layer and goes deep into the soil.
  4. The accumulated sludge is periodically pumped out of the tank.

To improve the quality of filtration and accelerate the drainage of effluents, a hollow perforated pipe is installed inside the tire tank.

Stage #4. earthworks

One of the tires is used as a template for marking the boundaries of the pit. The tire must be put in the chosen place and pegs should be set along the perimeter of the circle. In order for the tires to fit freely into the pit in the future, the diameter of the ring must be expanded by 20-40 cm.

At first, it is convenient to dig the earth with a bayonet shovel. A fertile soil layer (the first 50 cm) can be evenly distributed throughout the garden, deeper earthen layers can be used for backfilling.

It is easier to continue digging a deep pit with a shovel with a long handle - the compacted soil is loosened by a "digger", then it is collected with a shovel and loaded into buckets. To descend into the ditch and lift the filled containers to the surface, a ladder is lowered into the working.

Working together, the digging process can be accelerated and a primitive lifting mechanism can be built - tie a rope to the buckets.

The pit is further deepened by the thickness of the drainage cushion (20-30 cm). The walls of the pit are freed from the roots of the trees so that as they grow, they do not damage or move the tires

For safety reasons, land work at depth should be carried out with a partner. One person is engaged in digging, and the second helps on the surface and insures against the collapse of the walls of the pit. This requirement is especially relevant when arranging a pit in unstable soils.

Stage #5. Procurement of car tires

Regarding the technology of preparing tires for a cesspool, the opinions of the performers were divided. The first group believes that it is not necessary to do any manipulations with the tires, since the complete or partial removal of the tread will adversely affect the stability of the segments and the tightness of the structure as a whole.

However, the preservation of tire bead impairs the operation of the absorbing pit - the useful volume of the tank is significantly reduced, and waste accumulates very quickly in the formed "pockets". At the same time, it is almost impossible to clean the sludge from the relief walls with high quality - the tank quickly overflows with sewage, and the sewage system fails.

The optimal solution is a partial cut of the rim. On wheels, side ends of 5-7 cm should be left for fixing with adjacent segments

In one tire, you need to cut a hole for connecting a sewer pipe.

Stage #6. Formation of a drainage well

At depth, very often the soil is heavy, clayey, poorly absorbent and permeable to moisture. To increase the suction area of ​​the waste liquid and improve the efficiency of the absorbing trench, one or more drainage channels are installed.

Work progress:

  1. Drill the deepest well with a garden drill - the channel must pass through dense rocks that slow down the outflow of filtered water. The depth of the trench from the bottom of the pit is up to 3-5 m.
  2. Prepare a pipe corresponding to the length and diameter of the drainage channel. To prevent the filtration pipe from silting up, its upper edge must be 1 m higher than the base of the drain pit.
  3. The side walls of the pipe, starting from the top and not reaching 50 cm to the bottom, are drilled. The top of the channel is closed with a fine mesh polypropylene mesh.

After casing the drainage well, i.e. installation in a drilled shaft of a perforated pipe, a layer of crushed stone and gravel is poured onto the bottom of the pit - the thickness of the filter pad is about 20-30 cm.

A sewer plastic pipe with a diameter of 110 mm can be used as an outlet channel. A more affordable alternative - asbestos-cement pipe

Stage #7. Tire laying and wall sealing

The first tire is placed at the bottom of a kind of mine, passing through it. Similarly, the second tire is lowered into the pit, and the sides of adjacent wheels are connected in a convenient way.

Having compared and aligned both tires, it is necessary to make through holes in the treads. Pass a metal wire or plastic tie through them, and twist tightly.

During the construction of the tower, the external joints are sealed - the joints of the tires are treated with concrete mortar or bituminous mastic. After setting the mixture, you can start backfilling the pit.

Fixing and strengthening the walls of the tank from tires in the ground is carried out in different ways: backfilling with a sand-earth mixture, pouring concrete or filling the space with the remaining tires. Vertically laid tires will immobilize the structure

The end of the last tire should rise slightly above the ground. At the end of the laying of all tires, the walls of the tank are covered from the inside with a waterproofing material. The most affordable option for a hydrobarrier is a suitable sealant.

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