Insulation of sewer wells. How to insulate a well from concrete rings: methods of insulation, expert advice. Insulation of water wells

All-weather operation of the well for suburban area includes plumbing. And this means that the water supply in the house will entirely depend on the correct insulation of this communication. zealous hosts they lay a water supply system below the level of winter freezing of the soil, while paying attention to protection against severe frosts and the well itself.

Freezing water in a well is not only a cessation of water supply. In connection with the expansion of ice, concrete rings are damaged and the tightness of the mine is lost. And sometimes the rings are strongly displaced, forming soil dips. Suffer first water pipes and electrical cable connected to the pump. If there is a submersible pump below, it also fails. After such a winter trouble, in the spring, the owners are waiting overhaul well. It will be followed by the re-installation of the water supply and the purchase of new equipment. Because of what, it will be stopped for a long time.

Warm up or not?

The answer to the question of whether the well should be insulated is obvious. If you plan to use plumbing system, in which the well shaft itself is the most important technical unit, well insulation is vital.

However, we must not forget about the well, even if it is not actively used in winter. This is especially true for cold regions, where the freezing point of the soil is located at an impressive depth of 2.5 meters. In such climatic conditions (and especially when high level ground water The well will freeze to the very bottom. As a result, an ice plug is formed in the water, which destroys the lower rings.

Now it is rare to find traditional wells with log walls. Such sources were not afraid of frost. The water in them froze less often, and if ice did form, it could not harm the log house.

Age of iron concrete rings made wells vulnerable to frost whether they are used in winter or not.

Decide whether it is worth insulating an idle winter period well, each owner will be independently. But I would like to remind you once again - frost will equally quickly render unusable a well shaft that is not used in winter, like a well that regularly supplies water autonomous system water supply.

How to insulate?

There are quite a few options for warming, each of which will be able to perform independently with due care. But the most popular ways of warming are only five.

Warm lid installation

This method is good not only for its high-quality thermal insulation, but also for the ability to protect the well shaft from accidental ingress of debris (for example, fallen tree leaves in autumn).

You will need:

  • plywood sheet;
  • polystyrene (5 cm thick);
  • glue;
  • mounting foam;
  • a piece plastic pipe for arranging ventilation (it is necessary to prevent the occurrence of bad smell by the water).

Sequence of work

  1. Two circles are cut out of plywood, equal in diameter to the well rings (together with the walls).
  2. A foam circle is glued between the plywood circles.
  3. For ventilation, a hole with a diameter of no more than 6 centimeters is drilled, into which a prepared piece of plastic pipe is inserted. The tightness of the pipe is ensured with the help of polyurethane foam.
  4. With the help of a wire, a cover rim is made, and hooks are attached to it for installing insulation on the well shaft (the wire passes through the bottom plywood - small holes are drilled there).
The finished cover must be lowered into the shaft to the ground level.

decorative house

wooden house- not only a beautiful decorative detail of the courtyard, but also enough high-quality insulation. It is also often called a log cabin.


  • wooden logs;
  • crushed stone and cement (used for the construction of the blind area);
  • mineral wool as a heater;
  • roof tiles.

Work order

  1. A blind area is arranged around the mine - crushed stone is compacted and cemented. Optionally, you can put a tile on top.
  2. On the basis obtained, a log house is mounted. At this stage, you may need the help of specialists!
  3. The gaps between the house and the ring protruding above the ground are closed with mineral wool.
  4. The roof is double pitched.
  5. After that, the logs of the log house must be treated with a special impregnation to provide protection from moisture.
  6. The log house is closed with an insulated lid.

Top ring insulation

Fur coat - simple and effective method frost protection.

Necessary materials:

  • Styrofoam or Styrofoam shell (this construction material has grooves for tight
  • fixing the entire structure);
  • wood or plywood to create a protective box.

Work execution algorithm

A small trench breaks out around the first ring (the task of the owner is to get free access to the ring located in the ground along its entire height) - maximum depth 1.5 meters.

Around the ring is mounted thermal insulation material. If it is polystyrene, it can be attached with ordinary wire (wrap several times around the perimeter of the ring, and blow out the slots mounting foam).

The trench is filled with sand to ground level, and top part insulation material protected by a wooden box. It must be painted or wrapped in foil if polystyrene foam was used as a heater, which is afraid of direct sunlight (ultraviolet is harmful). Warming is completed by installing a warm cover on the shaft.

Special insulation and polyurethane foam

These types of heaters are used as a budgetary and quick material to install.

You will need:

  • roll type insulation (for example, based on foil);
  • mounting gun, if you plan to apply a polyurethane mixture.

Work procedure

  1. Digging a trench up to 1.5 meters deep.
  2. The first ring is insulated using roll insulation. If processing with a polyurethane mixture is carried out, it is necessary to adhere to temperature regime. Optimum temperature about +20 degrees. Under such conditions, the material dries quickly (applied in a uniform layer with a thickness of at least 3 centimeters).
  3. The trench falls asleep. The insulation remaining on the surface is covered with paint or foil.
  4. Be sure to mount the cover!

It should be noted that a warm cover is needed in any case. But without insulation of the upper ring of the mine, it will not be an effective enough protection.

On a note

Experts advise to conserve all wells that are not used in winter for the cold period. To do this, disinfection is carried out, and then water is pumped out of the mine. An insulated cover is lowered onto the upper ring. It is covered on top polyethylene film and plentifully covered with any heater of natural origin - fallen leaves, straw, sawdust. It is believed that the water in the well will arrive only in the spring. Although, in fact, this can happen much earlier if a well shaft is placed on a powerful water vein.

Wells with wooden walls instead of concrete rings, they are not insulated with anything other than the cover.

The best insulation for rings, polystyrene foam is rightfully considered. It is resistant to moisture and fungus, does not deform and can be easily dismantled if necessary. The only disadvantage of the material is the fear of ultraviolet radiation.

Covers are used to insulate durable materials. Mineral wool and other brittle material may pollute the water.

If the cover is above ground level for any reason, more thorough insulation of the upper and first ring is necessary.

Device air vent in the lid will help to avoid the appearance of a musty smell that spoils the taste of water. Length ventilation pipe should be no more than two meters, and a diameter of six centimeters. Its lower end cannot touch the water. Be sure to take this into account if the work is carried out by a third-party contractor.

If the water level in the well rises above the freezing level of the soil, in winter time year it can freeze. Insulation of the well helps prevent freezing of the source and the destruction of the well shaft. Used to protect the structure different kinds heat insulators and insulation methods that prevent deformation of the seams between the reinforced concrete rings of the source, as well as their depressurization.

Thermal insulation - reliable way protection of the well structure from destruction. In winter, the air temperature can drop to minus levels, at which the water begins to freeze. In the process of freezing, the water expands greatly, which creates considerable pressure on the walls of the well shaft. This leads to its destruction and depressurization of the structure.

What are possible consequences freezing source?

  1. Rupture of the power cable of the submersible pump;
  2. Icing of the pipeline suitable to the source;
  3. The impossibility of drawing water from the well;
  4. Displacement of the rings of the well shaft;
  5. Rupture of seams between reinforced concrete rings of the structure.

All of the above factors create emergency, at which it is no longer possible to use the source. Over time, soil can be poured into the well, which will block the flow of groundwater into the well shaft. To prevent such consequences, the structure is not only possible, but it is necessary to insulate it.

When is insulation necessary?

It does not matter whether the source is connected to the water supply system or not, it must be insulated. However, it is worth noting that not all types of wells need additional thermal insulation:

  1. Wooden structures can not be insulated, since wood has a low thermal conductivity. Due to this, the temperature in the well shaft is not released below zero;
  2. It is not necessary to do insulation if the water level is significantly below the freezing level of the soil. Even with severe frosts, the water in such a source will not be covered with ice.

What types of structures still need to be insulated?

  • concrete;
  • brick;
  • reinforced concrete.

All of the above materials have a fairly high thermal conductivity, especially for concrete. It freezes to the same depth as the soil. And if the water level is slightly above the level of its freezing, at sub-zero temperatures, the water in such a mine will certainly be covered with ice.

Thermal insulation methods

How to insulate a well for the winter? There are several effective methods thermal insulation of well shafts, which help prevent freezing of water in it. The main ones include:

  • Head insulation (basement). AT this case the part of the well shaft, which is above the soil level, is insulated with wood. It prevents the flow of cold masses into the source, which prevents the decrease in water temperature;
  • Insulation of the walls of the well shaft. This method of thermal insulation is more laborious than the previous one, since a trench is dug around the well shaft. The depth is chosen according to the level of soil freezing. Thereafter outer walls structures are insulated with materials with low thermal conductivity;
  • Cover insulation. Wells in the country often remain completely without covers or hatches. The construction of a heat-insulating cover in this situation will help to avoid freezing of water in the source.

Each of the methods has its own nuances of application, which you can learn more about in the proposed videos. To understand the intricacies of well insulation, consider the above methods of thermal insulation in more detail.

Basement and deck insulation

How to insulate a well from concrete rings? The considered method of thermal insulation consists in warming the above-ground part of the well shaft and the blind area. Proper head equipment will help not only prevent freezing of water, but also protect the entire structure from destruction. What material to use for work?

The easiest way is to border the base of the structure with a wooden frame, since it has good heat-insulating properties. A wooden structure will not only help prevent the source from freezing, but will also fit perfectly into the surrounding landscape. If it is difficult to make a log house on your own, replace the material MDF boards. They are not affected by water, but at the same time perform a good thermal insulating function.

To increase the depth of soil freezing, around the well, you need to make a blind area from a cement screed. It will perform several functions at once:

  • Prevents heat exchange between the well shaft and the environment;
  • Will not allow rainwater to destroy the plinth at the base.

How to make a blind area? In order to cement the site around the source, you must:

  1. Dig a small hole around the head of the well;
  2. Make a formwork around the plinth at a distance of about 60-70 cm from its walls;
  3. Fill up a layer of gravel or fine gravel with a thickness of 10 cm;
  4. Lay a reinforcing mesh to prevent the "spreading" of the cement mortar;
  5. Pour cement screed and cover it with polyethylene for uniform drying of the solution.

The process of insulating the head and pouring the blind area is shown in more detail in the video. When pouring the solution, you need to take into account the fact that the blind area should have a slight slope. In this way, it will be possible to prevent the accumulation of water on its surface during rain or snow melt.

Cover insulation

In winter, few people use the well in the country, but this does not mean that it does not need to be insulated. To prevent the destruction of the base and reinforced concrete rings in the structure, the source can be "mothballed". To do this, construct an insulating cover that protects it from the penetration of cold.

In this case, the insulation of the well with your own hands is as follows:

  1. In accordance with the diameter of the well shaft, two plywood discs with a thickness of 3 cm or more are cut out;
  2. One disc is coated with moisture-resistant paint to prevent it from getting wet;
  3. Then the painted disc is wrapped in polyethylene, after which suspension cables are attached to it;
  4. The prepared cover is lowered into the well shaft to a level that is slightly below the freezing level of the soil;
  5. A layer of heat insulator (polystyrene foam, foam rubber) is laid on top of the lid;
  6. The upper plywood disc is placed in the shaft at a height of half a meter from the thermal insulator;
  7. After that, another layer of insulation must be put on the top cover;
  8. From above, the well is simply covered with an ordinary lid made of metal, wood, etc.

The video clearly demonstrates the process of "preserving" the well for the winter. A plus this method It consists in the fact that an air cushion is formed between the two layers of thermal insulation. It will certainly protect the water in the source from freezing.

External insulation of a well shaft

It is worth noting that thermal insulation of only the head or cover will not give the desired results if the water in the source is slightly above the freezing level of the soil. How to be in such a situation? In such cases, it is required to insulate the well for the winter by insulating the outer walls of the mine, up to the level of soil freezing.

How to sheathe a well shaft with heat-insulating material? For this you need:

  1. Dig a hole around the reinforced concrete ring with a depth of at least 1 m and a width of 0.4-0.5 m;
  2. Sheathe the concrete ring with a layer of thermal insulator;
  3. Pour gravel into the dug hole with a layer of up to 0.5 m;
  4. Sprinkle the mineral pillow with a layer of soil with a thickness of up to 20 cm.

If everything is done correctly, even in severe frosts, the water in the source will not be covered with a crust of ice. Moreover, frost will not appear on the walls of the mine, which will significantly extend its service life. More detailed process insulation of a well shaft is presented in the video.

The best thermal insulators

In the process of warming sources Special attention must be given a choice heat-insulating materials. To the category of budget, but good technical properties, thermal insulators include:

  • Penoplex. artificial material refers to the number of extruded polystyrene foam heat insulators. He is not afraid of moisture and mechanical impact, therefore suitable for lining well shafts. The material has high vapor permeability, therefore, prevents the accumulation of condensate on the inner walls of the well;
  • Izolon. Heat insulator on a self-adhesive basis with outside covered with foil, which prevents heat loss in the well shaft. It can be used in the country for the insulation of reinforced concrete rings, the base and the source cover. It is not subject to corrosion and decay, since the outer side of the foil is covered with a thin polyethylene film;
  • Polyurethane foam. A liquid heat insulator that you need to be able to apply correctly. To do this, use a special spray gun, from which the outer walls of the well are treated with a flow of heat-insulating mixture. The monolithic coating has low thermal conductivity, therefore it perfectly protects the source and the water in it from freezing;
  • Styrofoam. This type thermal insulating material is represented by half rings, which have a "lock" connection system. It is convenient to sheathe the walls of the well with expanded polystyrene, because if necessary it can be dismantled and reused.

What to do if the water in the well is frozen?

If the winter turned out to be really very cold, but you didn’t have time to insulate your source, you will have to familiarize yourself with the features of its “defrosting”. What will be required for this?

  1. Assess the degree of freezing of water in the source;
  2. If the layer of ice is not too thick, break it with a crowbar;
  3. After that, remove large pieces of ice from the water;
  4. Cover the source with an insulated lid;

In fact, thermal insulation of a well is a way to extend the “life” of the entire structure. When the water freezes, the walls of the source begin to quickly collapse, as a result of which it is no longer possible to operate it. To insulate the structure, you can use materials such as foam, polystyrene foam, isolon and others. They will protect the well from freezing water, and the structure itself from deformation and complete destruction.

The question of how to insulate a well from concrete rings is of concern mainly to summer residents, owners of private houses and villagers. Most often, this issue is resolved even before the construction of the well, taking into account climatic conditions. But this is not always the case. It happens that they did not think about warming initially. And when faced with a problem and freezing of water in a well in winter, its owner is fully aware of his mistake. Thus, the answer to the question of well insulation can be divided into two specific guides. The first will tell you how to insulate a well from concrete rings immediately during construction. The second is about what can be done after the fact.

Why has no one insulated wells before?

Usage modern materials greatly facilitates the construction process. This is both speed, and durability, and economic feasibility. But the "old-fashioned" methods proven over the centuries have the right to exist. Previously, wells in Russia were built mainly from special types of wood. The excellent characteristics of such a well made it possible to use it for many years, and the low thermal conductivity of wood did not allow water to freeze even in the most severe frosts. But now such technologies are a thing of the past, and most often ready-made concrete circles are used for construction. By digging, they are gradually immersed in the ground, reaching the desired depth. In order for the water inside the well not to become ice, its level should not reach the level of soil freezing in winter. If this condition is met, then problems arise extremely rarely. But no one is protected from force majeure and natural disasters. In any case, it does not hurt to play it safe in advance, because it does not require much additional effort, and the funds spent on insulation are not so large as to take risks.

What happens if you do not create a thermal insulation layer?

Ignoring insulation can deliver not only inconvenience in the form of lack drinking water for some time. If the well is installed pumping station, and from it they go to the house, then the freezing of water will lead to the failure of all equipment. Its repair is a very expensive procedure, in addition, the matter is complicated by the fact that the soil freezes thoroughly in winter, and if the water in the pipes also freezes, this can cause them to burst. Restoration work will need to be done in difficult conditions Or put it off until spring altogether. The expansion of the liquid during freezing is also the cause of the destruction of concrete rings and the joints between them. In the spring, during floods, abundant runoff of groundwater, their pressure on the walls of the well increases significantly. And any gaps will lead to inevitable seepage dirty water with various impurities into the well. To avoid such a problem, you need to immediately learn how to insulate a well from concrete rings and do all the work correctly.

How deep should the insulation be installed?

When work is done during construction, the insulation must be laid around the well gradually, as it is buried. The depth of laying the insulation depends on the climate in the region. It happens that even very deep springs freeze, the depth of which exceeds 15-20 meters. Most often, it will be enough to lay the insulation to a depth of no more than one and a half to two meters. The technology of such a process is simple, the main thing is to follow the instructions on how to insulate the well. Ways to insulate a well largely depend on what kind of winter it is in the region.

External insulation

If the frosts are not very strong, the earth does not freeze deeply and for a long time, then you can protect the spring from above by installing wooden frame with tight-fitting lid. Such a house cannot just be put on the ground around the well. It needs to build a foundation. To avoid distortion and subsidence, the foundation must be arranged in accordance with all the rules, to a sufficient depth (not less than the average level of freezing of the earth) with a width of one meter. Before it is filled concrete mortar, at the bottom they create a pillow of layers of sand, gravel and soil, which will play the role of a drainage system. The pillow must be carefully tamped and then pour the solution. After installing a wooden log house, a heater should be laid in the cracks formed between it and the walls of the well. For this purpose, you can use mineral wool, foam sheets, expanded clay or penoizol. Residents of the southern regions respond well to this method, while those who live to the north are dissatisfied with the results.

Well insulation technology

How to insulate a well from concrete rings underground is a slightly more difficult question. This work is carried out in several stages.

  • Well rings must first be processed by special means to prevent groundwater infiltration. But when choosing, it is important to take into account environmental friendliness and the possibility of using the product specifically in working with wells.
  • The next layer is the insulation layer itself. How to insulate a well from concrete rings, consider a little further.
  • The insulation must be wrapped hydro- and vapor barrier layer. Most often, a film is used for this purpose. Such a measure will help to avoid contact of the insulation with the ground, deposition of condensate on it.
  • To fix the entire structure, a wooden formwork is installed around the rings, it holds all the layers together.
  • Finally, the trench must be covered with earth. For this process, experts advise not to use soil from the trench itself. It will be correct to alternate layers of two materials with different calibers. It can be sand and gravel or clay with expanded clay. Layers with fine fraction usually laid up to 15 cm thick, while others - 20 cm. Such a measure will help create a quality drainage system, this will reduce the risk of contamination of the water in the well and reduce the pressure on its walls.

This is a classic, time-tested method, and the reviews about it are the most positive.

What to do if the spring has already been built?

How to insulate a well from concrete rings for the winter, if it has already been built? The technology itself is the same as in the previous case, but the trench will have to be dug. Such work must be done manually with a shovel. The use of specialized equipment can lead to displacement of soil and rings, violation of the integrity of soil layers. The rest of the work is done according to the given technology. Separately, it is worth noting that it is very important to take care of good Heat loss due to its absence or poor fit to the edges will also cause water to freeze. When a wooden frame or other structure is installed above the well, its cover is made in the form of a multilayer panel, in the middle of which a layer of foam or mineral wool is laid. The well, unformed from the outside, is closed with a concrete hatch and a plastic plug. Those who live in areas with warm winters characterize this method as quite cheap and practical.

What types of insulation are commonly used?

To learn how to properly insulate a well from concrete rings, you need to know how this can be done. There are quite a few options. Among the newest is insulation with penoizol. The application of such material to the walls of the well eliminates seams, penoizol completely covers the entire space, eliminates leakage of cold air or water. This technology involves the use of special equipment; it cannot be done manually. And the cost of the service is not cheap, so it is not yet very common in our country. In warm regions, mineral wool is sometimes used on foil insulation. plus this option is the ability to wrap the insulation around the well as tightly as possible. But some experts warn that this material crumbles easily and over time can disintegrate into individual fibers and enter the well water.

Insulation with expanded polystyrene

To insulate a well from concrete rings with polystyrene foam is the most good option, experts say. The properties of this material are truly unique. It is an excellent barrier to cold air, and is also very durable and inexpensive. For these purposes, the most commonly used sheet material, which is not always convenient, because it is problematic to bypass the rounded shapes of the rings with sheets.

Manufacturers have found a way out of the situation and offer consumers ready-made insulation parts that have a semicircular shape. Standard sizes are produced, for the most common diameters. In addition, you can use bulk In this case, to create a frame, you need to use wooden slats attach a layer of roofing material to the soil around the walls of the crucible and pour granules into the resulting opening. In this way, it is possible to insulate the well not only but also with other loose heaters.

it effective method, and the owners of the wells, who chose it, confirm the reliability of such thermal insulation.

Well freezing is a very unpleasant event for residents country houses who use well water for water supply all year round. To avoid this is quite simple - to insulate the well with your own hands. And for a positive result, you need to know the specifics of performing thermal insulation and understand the materials. Do you agree?

We will tell you how to correctly choose a heater for thermal insulation of a well mine. Here you will learn all about the methods and nuances of the work. Based on our recommendations, you will be able to perfectly protect your water source from exposure to low temperatures.

Will the well freeze in winter? This can be predicted with a high degree of probability.

Firstly, if for the construction of the well was used natural wood, then it will not freeze even with prolonged exposure sub-zero temperatures. This property was used by our ancestors, constructing wells from wood.

Modern wells are built using reinforced concrete rings, and given that this material has a high thermal conductivity, the well will freeze in exactly the same way as the surrounding soil.

Secondly, you need to pay attention to the water level: if it does not exceed 1.1-2.2 m, then the risk of freezing is very high. If the well is deep, and the water in it is below the freezing level of the soil, then water does not freeze.

The third factor to consider is the depth of soil freezing in the region. In the southern regions, the freezing depth rarely exceeds 0.5 m, in temperate regions - 1-1.5 m, in the northern regions - below 1.5 m.

Thus, the question of how to competently insulate a well for the winter arises before the owners of reinforced concrete wells located in a temperate and northern climate. For residents of the southern regions, it is less relevant. There are enough minimal measures - the construction of an insulated cover, and the well itself does not need thermal insulation.

The freezing of a well made of reinforced concrete rings can be prevented by making high-quality insulation that allows uninterrupted use of water from it all year round.

Why is freezing wells dangerous?

It is a mistake to assume that well insulation is only necessary if it is used all year round. Many summer residents and seasonal residents of country houses sincerely do not understand why insulate a well, which no one uses in winter anyway. Meanwhile, these also need effective thermal insulation!

Otherwise, a variety of problems may arise that make the operation of the well difficult or even impossible:

  • the formation of an ice plug in the plumbing system;
  • the displacement of the rings resulting from the expansion of frozen water in the enclosing soils;
  • failure of the ice plug and damage to pumping equipment;
  • divergence of joints of reinforced concrete rings when water gets between the seams.

Wells unprotected from low temperatures are much more likely to require repair work. And in terms of financial costs, repair measures are often more significant than one-time insulation work.

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Insulation #1 - Styrofoam

Styrofoam is a synthetic polymer thermal insulation used for insulation of reinforced concrete wells, both under construction and already operating.

The advantages of polystyrene include:

  • high thermal conductivity;
  • low degree of water absorption;
  • deformation resistance;
  • ease of use;
  • low cost in comparison with other heaters.

One of the main advantages of polystyrene foam is that it is produced in the form of round and semicircular elements ready for installation of an insulation system, the diameter of which exactly matches the dimensions of reinforced concrete well rings.

This greatly simplifies the process of insulation, which is carried out using the following technology:

  1. Preparing the walls of the well for fixing the insulation. Preparation consists in cleaning the surface of debris, soil and other contaminants.
  2. Installation of thermal insulation (rings, half-rings or individual insulation boards) using glue applied to them for facade work.
  3. Strengthening the fastening of foam rings with special dowel-nails for concrete. Performed when necessary.
  4. Vapor barrier device. Any vapor barrier material will do here.
  5. Filling the trench around the well with soil, compacting and ramming it.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the technology of insulation work using foam. However, it should be noted that in addition to the advantages described thermal insulation has some disadvantages.
