Bituminous waterproofing is a reliable protection of concrete, metal structures and pipelines from corrosion. Bitumen waterproofing of the foundation Is it necessary to cover the foundation with bitumen

The construction of buildings, structures for various purposes and degrees of complexity always involves the implementation of waterproofing works to protect against the effects of groundwater. Materials for these purposes are special mastics or impregnations that ensure the watertightness of structures.

At the stage of the zero cycle, before driving metal piles, they are treated with anti-corrosion treatment. The use of bituminous mastic for the foundation is the most common method of waterproofing. The laying of sewer pipelines is often made of cast iron pipes with a protective layer of bitumen applied at the factory. It is indispensable for the installation of rolled roofing, underlying floor layers in wet areas of apartments and artificial reservoirs, for gluing heat-insulating boards on vertical surfaces.

Types and properties

There are many varieties of mastics on the building materials market, differing in preparation methods, application methods, and the properties of the additives used.

The use of cold applied bituminous mastic has a number of advantages: it does not require heating, it is more convenient to apply, resistant to ultraviolet radiation, and the choice of color. After applying such a material to the surface, the solvent included in the composition evaporates, the coating layer hardens and provides the required functional qualities. Hot-applied mastics require pre-heating before application, they are more elastic and allow work at low temperatures.

One-component mastics - such a composition is used without prior preparation; it hardens quickly, so an opened package should only be used at one time. Two-component products must be mixed with thickeners or solvents before use. Their shelf life is longer.

In the manufacture of mastics, various components are added to the base material - bitumen, obtained in the process of oil refining, to impart certain properties. These are modified latex, synthetic rubber, various fillers of mineral origin in a dusty state, fine-grained rubber. They provide good adhesion, elasticity, resistance to mechanical stress and temperature extremes.


Application of bituminous mastic by coating is carried out on previously prepared surfaces. They are cleaned of dust, dirt, sagging. Joints, cracks and chips of foundation structures are carefully sealed with cement-sand mortar. If necessary, primers are applied. After its complete drying, the first layer of waterproofing material is applied in horizontal directions.

With the manual method of applying bituminous mastic, ordinary paint brushes, rollers and brushes with a short pile are used. The mechanized method is possible with a special atomizer that provides sufficient pressure for viscous liquids.

The thickness of the protective layer can be from 3 millimeters to several centimeters. Vertical surfaces are processed in two layers. The next layer is applied after the previous one has dried in continuous vertical stripes without gaps.

The use of our own production of bituminous mastic for foundations will reduce material costs and obtain material of the required quality. For this, heating equipment or a simple brick hearth is needed at the construction site.

Bituminous briquettes are crushed and heated in a metal container to a liquid state. The liquids contained in it are evaporated during boiling and constant stirring, the resulting foam must be removed. When foam ceases to form on the surface, heating stops. The mastic of the required consistency is directly obtained by mixing in certain proportions the bitumen obtained during cooking and solvents - gasoline or kerosene. In this case, liquid bitumen is added in small portions to a container with a solvent and vigorously stirred until a homogeneous state. As a thickener, ordinary cement can be added in small doses.

During the manufacture of bituminous mastic with your own hands, strict adherence to the rules for the safe handling of fire and combustible substances is required. It is necessary to use personal protective equipment - shoes, glasses, gloves, a protective suit.

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The most affordable and effective waterproofing has always been bituminous treatment of both brick and concrete structures, and tanks, wooden beams, metal pipes and other building materials. This is a universal type of insulation.

Previously, there were frequent difficulties during application - the bitumen had to be melted and applied while it was still hot. Now such problems are absent due to the use of solvents. Mastic consumption during waterproofing works is about 2-3 kg / m 2, it is produced in finished form. No more than two people are required to apply.

It is also worth noting that this coating used to crack and break at low temperatures. Now this problem has been solved with the help of various polymer additives and plasticizers. So the development of chemistry had a positive impact on the quality of the product and the performance of work.

Types of mastics

Bituminous mastic for is divided into many different types. They have differences in solvents, binders, application methods, composition and scope. Conventional polymer options are rarer and, in terms of their characteristics, lose to bituminous ones. The main types include the following:

  • Primer, or emulsion composition, is an aqueous mass of bituminous finely divided dust, the main application is the preparation of surfaces for roll material or other types of mastic.
  • polymer mass, which includes fillers of various types, such as minerals, rubber crumb. Polymer elements are mandatory components, which can be polyurethane or polystyrene.
  • rubber mastic It has high heat resistance and excellent elasticity with low viscosity, due to which it is possible to thoroughly wet the concrete base.
  • Rubber insulation contains a dispersed emulsion or rubber crumb. In some cases, hot application is necessary.
  • Construction bitumen requires heating to a certain temperature to give the required elasticity.
  • Mastic with mineral additives, asbestos, ash, cement or chalk may be present in its composition.

Why is waterproofing necessary?

The house itself and the materials used must be protected from melting snow, dampness, capillary and groundwater, regardless of which foundation technology was used. Bituminous mastic will make it inexpensive and practical. Such a measure will help to avoid moisture ingress into the basement and extend the service life.

The porous structure of concrete quickly absorbs water, due to which dampness penetrates the building and causes mold and mildew. In addition, over time, reinforcement begins to corrode, contributing to the occurrence of cracks in the structure. A high-quality foundation, protected from moisture, is a guarantee of long-term operation of the whole house.

Dampness can have a different degree of influence on the foundation, it depends on the presence of a basement, soil type, water level. Special protection is required for structures in the following cases:

  • when erecting a building on water-resistant soil;
  • if the foundation has a lower mark at the water level;
  • if the distance to groundwater is less than one meter.

Bituminous mastic for waterproofing the foundation: features of working with the material

White spirit, gasoline and toluene are the most common solvents. That is why indoors, when working with such means, compliance with safety rules is required, in particular the use of glasses and respirators. The use of the latter is also desirable outdoors in hot weather.

Bituminous mastic for waterproofing the foundation is made mainly without the use of organic solvents, which is undoubtedly convenient, since this allows contact with thermal insulation coatings made of polystyrene foam and foam plastic. Also, they do not emit toxic and flammable fumes.

The material may contain reinforcing particles: fiberglass elements, various fibers. By appointment, you can find universal mastics, for repairing roofs, for working with paving, for fixing rolled material, for waterproofing.

What you should pay attention to

In stores, mastics of a universal type are mainly presented, suitable for various jobs. But for an optimal result, it is desirable to select a material that is designed for the expected operating conditions. It can be a waterproofing tape, a mastic for coating bricks or steel pipes, a composition for or a foundation, and others.

They have the best performance characteristics, they have excellent adhesion to various materials, whether it is roofing felt, stone or wood, and also form an elastic, reliable film coating that does not change its chemical and physical properties over a wide temperature range.

It is worth noting the durability and increased resistance to mechanical stress, because of this, such waterproofing of the foundation is somewhat more expensive. The price differs for different manufacturers, but on average it starts from 360 rubles per package (17 kg).

The amount of material needed

Mastic consumption is one of the important indicators. This parameter can be found on the product packaging. In its absence, the minimum recommended layer should be marked, which will allow you to calculate the approximate amount of composition for work. Mastic usually contains 20 to 60% solvents, respectively, shrinkage after spreading will be a similar percentage variation. Consumption can reach up to 4 kg / m 2; if the foundation is waterproofed, the price of the work increases because of this, especially considering that the hot mastic is spent somewhat faster. To achieve the required coating thickness, the material is rolled in several layers, each of which is applied after the previous one has completely dried.

Sealing tape

The waterproofing tape is an elastic, water-resistant material that is not affected by negative temperatures and can withstand significant water pressure. The basis is polyester knitwear coated with a thermoplastic polymer. The mesh structure of the jersey provides a secure fit.

The combination of veneer and tape forms a surface unaffected by salt solutions, acids and alkalis. The material is resistant to aging and has an excellent level of stretch. Can be used for both outdoor and indoor work.

Self-adhesive tape

The use of tape for waterproofing self-adhesive type is possible in bathrooms, bathrooms and other interior work. It consists of a non-woven material with an insulating polyethylene coating and an adhesive one-sided surface with an acrylic base. It is also used together with waterproofing compounds in places of possible cracks and stress concentrations, at seams, at the junction of floor and wall, at external and internal corners.

Preliminary work

The surface of the foundation after the concrete has fully matured is thoroughly cleaned of dirt, dust and sand. To improve adhesion, the place of the intended application of the mastic is processed with the help of one more layer is required if the main part of the existing composition has been absorbed into the material. The density of the coating is determined by the intensity of the black tone in which the treated surface is painted. With the help of a roller or maklovitsa, a layer of primer is distributed.

Processing technology

The main layer can be applied after a day after using the primer. Any bituminous mastic for waterproofing the foundation is suitable for work. Too thick can be thinned with mineral spirits using a drill and mixer to stir. If work is carried out at negative temperatures, the composition is heated in a metal form to 40-60 degrees. Extreme care must be taken to avoid contact with open flames and the resulting fumes.

Waterproofing with bitumen is carried out using a spatula, roller or a special brush. The layer should be moderately thick, without the formation of streaks. To facilitate the work, you can use the long handle for the roller.

When using a bitumen-polymer agent that does not contain organic solvents, an insulation made of extruded polystyrene foam or polystyrene can be fixed on top. These materials are glued to the mastic with solvents only after it has completely dried, otherwise the structure of the plates will corrode and warp at the joints.

Benefits of cold application

Modern bituminous mastic for foundation waterproofing, GOST 30693 2000, has a number of advantages, among which it is worth noting a long shelf life, ease of application and reasonable cost. This material forms a sealed single seamless coating, which, due to the presence of plasticizers and other additives, does not collapse with a decrease in temperature and has sufficient durability and strength. But if the application of the composition is within the power of everyone, then in each case only a specialist should determine the applicability. This also applies to the period of operation, the thickness of the layer and the type of material.

Water wears away a stone, and it makes concrete completely unusable, and not only concrete. To build a house for at least decades, it must be well waterproofed. First of all, it concerns the foundation. Bituminous mastic is one of the most comfortable in application, reliable in operation, high-quality and durable materials to protect the foundation from moisture.

Bituminous mastic of cold application and hot

Bituminous mastics are divided according to the method of application into cold and hot. In private practice, cold ones are more often used, because you can work with them without special tools and skills. And when it comes to bituminous mastic for the foundation, in 95% of cases it is the cold application mastic that is meant.

Cold-applied bituminous mastics come in 2 types: water-based and polyester-based. The latter can be simply bituminous, or with the addition of polymers. Bitumen-polymer mastics based on polyesters can be used at sub-zero temperatures. According to builders from the Far North of Russia, such mastics have proven themselves when applied in frost -40 ° C. However, this applies only to high-quality materials with a guarantee from the manufacturer.

On sale you can find one- and two-component mastics. One-component are already ready for use, they only need to be mixed. The latter require the components to be connected before use. Two-component bituminous mastics have a longer shelf life and service life. However, they must be used immediately after preparation, because they quickly seize on the surface.

Hot applied mastics are used when it is necessary to strengthen the base and create protection for the foundation in particularly difficult conditions. Hot mastics are applied after they have been preheated to 300°C. This process is complex and requires compliance with safety standards. Therefore, if you do not have the necessary tools and experience with hot mastics, it is better to turn to bituminous mastics for a cold application foundation.

Properties of bituminous mastic for the foundation

Bituminous mastic is used for foundation waterproofing. Sometimes it is used as an adhesive layer between rolled waterproofing and the foundation. But more often it acts as an independent protection against moisture.
The main properties of bituminous mastic for the foundation:

  • Creates an impermeable continuous film, hydrophobic, does not absorb moisture.
  • Prevents the formation and reproduction of mold, fungus.
  • Clogs small pores, chips and cracks on the base.
  • Perfectly tolerates sub-zero temperatures, does not break, does not crack.
  • Differs in good adhesion to any bases.
  • The film on the surface remains elastic during its entire service life, which allows it to withstand various impacts and not crack.

Mastic consumption

How much mastic is needed to cover the foundation depends not only on its quadrature. What matters is the material (brick, concrete, wood) of the foundation, the density of this material. Consumption depends on the brand of mastic, its composition, quality. Mastic consumption can vary from 300 to 900 g per m2 of base.

For gluing rolled waterproofing, one layer of mastic 1 mm thick is sufficient. If the mastic is the main material for waterproofing, the layer should be thicker, up to 3 mm. Moreover, you need to cover the foundation in several layers, their number depends on the operating conditions of the foundation.

On the packaging of bituminous mastic for the foundation, the approximate consumption is necessarily indicated. Having an average figure, you can understand how much mastic is needed to waterproof the foundation. One layer of material is not enough; the foundation is covered with mastic in at least 2-3 layers. Sometimes, to save money, you can use a primer mastic, which will fill the cracks and prepare the surface for coating with bituminous mastic.

Instructions for using cold mastic

All work with mastic must be carried out in protective clothing. To prevent damage to the eyes, you need to wear construction glasses. At high temperatures, protect the respiratory tract with a respirator. Close exposed skin. It is impossible to apply bituminous mastic on a damp surface. Avoid working in an unprotected area during rain or snow.

  • The preparation of the base for the application of all types of mastics is the same. The foundation must be cleaned of dust, dirt, it is desirable to dry, degrease. Visible cracks, chips, dents are sealed with cement mortar or other compounds. After the repair compositions have dried, the surface can be coated with a primer mastic (primer). It is sold ready-made, or it can be prepared from mastic by mixing it with a solvent.
  • Before application, after opening the package, the mastic should be mixed well for 4-5 minutes by hand, or 1 minute with a drill with a mixing attachment.
  • You can apply bituminous mastic with your own hands with a roller or a hard nylon brush. The primer has a lighter consistency, you can use a paint brush for application. It is easier to apply mechanically, but special equipment is required. Special qualifications for applying mastic are not needed. The peculiarity of using bituminous mastic according to the instructions is only in observing the layer thickness and uniform surface coverage.

On vertical surfaces, the material should be applied starting from the top, moving down.

  • When the first layer is dry. The next layers are applied in the same way. To achieve a denser ball of waterproofing, layers should be applied sequentially without taking long breaks in work.
  • All tools that have been used for work and are stained with bituminous mastic should be cleaned immediately upon completion of work. To do this, use a solvent, for example, white spirit. In some cases, hot water and soapy water may help.

How to choose high-quality mastic?

When choosing mastic, there is one good way to find quality material without even opening containers. The fact is that mastic, although dense, is lighter than water. Therefore, in a bucket of 5 liters there can not be more than 5 kg of mastic. Different types of mastic have different weights, but it is still less than the weight of water. During production, hot mastic is poured into the container, which increases its volume. It is impossible to pour 22 kg of mastic into a bucket of 20 liters.

If the weight of bituminous mastic comes across, which exceeds the volume of containers, we can confidently speak of handicraft production of the material. Where conventional bitumen is used, filled with a solvent, or more often with diesel fuel. Such mastic does not look different from high-quality, but it will last no more than a couple of years, after which it begins to crack, crumble and fall off.

Their structures are treated with bitumen. Although this material in its pure form has certain disadvantages - the material is quite difficult to apply, and under the influence of external temperature changes, its protective film may crack. The composition of modern bituminous mastics contains substances that increase the hardness and durability of the waterproofing outer coating.

Below we will consider in more detail the technical and operational properties of bitumen, as well as what technology must be followed when applied to the surface of this material.

  • mastic "Hydroizol";
  • bituminous roofing mastic Technomast (21);
  • waterproofing mastic (24);
  • water-based mastic (33);
  • hot mastic "Eureka" (41);
  • bitumen-rubber mastic (20);
  • TechnoNIKOL (31);
  • aluminum mastic (57);
  • hot mastic "Izhora";
  • bitumen-polymer cold mastic "Slavyanka".

Mastics from companies such as Remmers Elastoplast and Bitumast are also in good demand.

Calculation of the consumption of bituminous mastic

This indicator is usually indicated on the packaging. If the expense is not indicated, then you can easily calculate it yourself, based on the following recommendations:

  1. The mastic consumption will directly depend on the percentage of volatile solvents. This figure is in the range from 25 to 70%. With a higher indicator, the consumption of bituminous mastic will be several times less than with a lower indicator.
  2. When calculating the consumption of mastic, you should take into account the consumption rates for performing various jobs.
  3. When applying mastic on vertical surfaces, it is applied in several layers. Moreover, the second layer is applied only after the complete drying of the first layer.

Having considered the classification, we can say that there are two main ways of applying mastic: hot and cold. And cold bituminous mastic is applied manually and mechanically. Below we consider in more detail the methods of applying mastic:

  1. The manual method uses large paint brushes with short and stiff bristles. Usually these are flute brushes. You can also use a short-haired seaming roller. When processing horizontal surfaces, the emulsion is carefully leveled with a doctor blade, and then rubbed with a roller or brush.
  2. must be carried out in dry, clear weather, at a temperature not lower than -5 ° C.
  3. All vertical surfaces must be treated in several layers.
  4. Bituminous mastic is stored in a closed container, away from sources of open fire.
  5. Apply mastic from bottom to top in parallel strips of equal thickness.
  6. For high-quality mixing of the mastic, a drill with a special mixer nozzle is used.
  7. The bituminous primer is applied with a regular paint brush.
  8. Upon completion of all work, rinse all tools and brushes with white spirit or solvent.

When the foundation of any structure is erected, care must be taken to protect it from the influence of soil and atmospheric moisture, which can eventually destroy even the most reliable building materials. Therefore, the long-term operation and strength of the entire building depend on the choice of protective composition.

The most common and affordable protective agent is bituminous mastic for. This material, like all other types of waterproofing, has its own physical, technical and operational characteristics, application features, its own advantages and disadvantages, which must be kept in mind when choosing it for subsequent work.

"Pros" and "cons" of bituminous mastic

It should be immediately noted that the advantages of this material are much greater than the negative qualities. Of the "pluses" of such waterproofing, the following can be distinguished:

  • Due to the high elasticity of bituminous mastic, excellent adhesion is provided between it and the surface of the foundation walls, and in this regard, the material reliably protects the building structure from moisture penetration and erosion caused by it.
  • In addition, elasticity keeps the waterproofing layer intact during shrinkage of the structure and cracking of the material during a long service life.
  • Bituminous mastic prevents the occurrence and development of corrosion processes of the metal elements of the foundation, which also significantly extends the life of the building.
  • The composition protects the material of the foundation walls from the appearance of mold and other colonies of unwanted microflora.
  • Mastic penetrates well into the pores of the wall material and fills its cracks.
  • The ease of applying this composition to the walls allows you to do this work yourself, since the waterproofing process does not require special skills. The main thing is to make sure that even very small areas that are not covered by processing remain on the surface in the course of the work.
  • The advantage of mastic over other waterproofing materials can also be called the speed of coating.
  • Bituminous mastic can also be used as an adhesive for mounting rolled waterproofing material.
  • With the right selection of this material, it is possible to work with it at almost any temperature.
  • All bituminous mastics have an affordable price, so you don’t have to find large sums to purchase them. In addition, the mastic is consumed quite sparingly, and it will not take too much.

Among the shortcomings of this waterproofing material, one can single out the duration of the polymerization of the composition applied to the surface, which makes it necessary to transfer subsequent operations until the waterproofing layer has completely solidified. However, this factor can hardly even be called a disadvantage, since having provided for it, you can plan in advance the time for performing insulation and finishing at a later date.

Another possible “minus” is that some low-quality mastics can dry out and crack over time. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right material, guided by not only price criteria.

Varieties of waterproofing mastics

The main types of bituminous mastics

Bituminous mastics are divided according to various criteria, therefore, when choosing this material for waterproofing the foundation, it is necessary to carefully study the attached instructions, which contain information about its composition and application technology.

1. Mastics on a bitumen basis are divided according to the features of the technology of their application to the surface. There are two main varieties of this process - "cold" and "hot" application.

  • On sale you can find many brands of "hot" bituminous mastics, but they are united precisely by the fact that before applying to the wall they must be warmed up, brought to a certain temperature. "Hot" mastics can differ in heat resistance, that is, in the maximum temperature to which they need to be heated to reach the desired state in order to be used as an adhesive for rolled material, or as an independent coating waterproofing. It should be noted that the manufacturers of this material are not recommended to mix mastics with different characteristics.

The so-called "hot" mastics are used mainly by professional builders, since it is necessary to adhere to a certain process technology and, in order to avoid serious injuries, strict adherence to safety regulations. If there is no experience with such compositions, then it is better to contact specialists or use the “cold” version of the coating material to create a waterproofing layer.

Goodhim bituminous mastic prices

Mastic bituminous Goodhim

You can also notice that this type of waterproofing is most often used when the building is being built in regions with harsh winter conditions.

  • Cold bituminous waterproofing compounds are also produced in various versions, but all of them are applied to the walls without much preliminary preparation of the mastic, except perhaps for thorough mixing. However, for work in the cold season, at low temperatures, some variants of such mastics still require a certain amount of heating. In addition, it must be taken into account that only high-quality, preferably bitumen-polymer compounds produced by trusted companies are suitable for working in such conditions.

2. Bituminous mastics are produced both on the basis of organic solvents and water-soluble, depending on what components are included in their composition. In this regard, it is possible to dilute them to a more liquid consistency only with those liquids on which they were initially mixed.

3. Waterproofing mastics are one-component and two-component.

  • The first option is ready for use, that is, it is enough to open the package, then mix the mixture well - and it can be applied to the wall surface prepared for this.

  • Two-component mastics consist of two components that are combined in certain proportions immediately before application. Such compounds quickly set and harden, so after mixing them, you need to work with them quickly enough. Two-component mixtures have not only a longer shelf life in the closed state, but also high durability in operation. This option is convenient when work needs to be done quickly. But, I must say that, due to the high cost and complexity of use, such formulations have not won wide distribution.

4. Mastics are also divided according to the state of their hardening, since, after application, they can harden completely or remain in a semi-solid state.

5. Finally, bituminous mastics are also subdivided according to their constituent components. Today on sale you can find the following options for waterproofing compounds based on bitumen:

  • Bitumen-mineral mastic includes substances such as chalk, cement, dolomite, asbestos, quartz or limestone, crushed to a fine powder - these substances make up up to 20% of the total mass of the mixture. In addition to minerals, this mastic necessarily includes a plasticizer - according to the production technology, it must be at least 5%. In cold mastics, an oil solvent or lacoil is used as a plasticizer - this is a waterproofing composition that does not harden in air, which can withstand any mechanical, vibrational and hydraulic loads without damage. In this regard, such mastic is used to protect the recessed parts of the foundation walls.
  • bituminous rubber the composition, in addition to oil bitumen, contains fine rubber powder or synthetic rubber, which make the mastic more elastic. In addition, mineral fillers are included in the mastic, as well as special mineral oil as a plasticizer. Such compositions are made on the basis of an organic solvent.

This type of mastic can also be sold in powder form, and its consumption, depending on the thickness of the coating, is 1.5 ÷ 2 kg / m². The dry mixture is heated to the temperature indicated on the package before application. To do this, it is poured into a container and put on fire. This type of mastic can be called one of the most affordable, and the service life of waterproofing is 15÷20 years.

  • bituminous rubber the mixture has a good viscosity, due to which the material forms a dense, elastic and reliable protective coating against moisture. This version of the mastic, like the previous one, is diluted with a solvent if necessary. The drying time of each of the layers of this coating is from 6 to 12 hours. Material consumption depends on many factors, which can include the porosity of the base material, the thickness of the applied layer, humidity and ambient temperature parameters. In general, consumption can vary from 0.75 to 1.5 liters per square meter. For better adhesion to the base and the formation of a high-quality film coating, it is recommended to moisten the concrete wall a little. Priming with a primer for rubber mastic is not required.
  • Bitumen-polymer water-based mastic includes one or more modified polymers. It does not contain organic solvents, therefore it does not have strong odors and can be used not only for outdoor but also for indoor use. Compounds containing polymers are not only an excellent waterproofing for building structures, but also become an excellent protection for walls and interiors from the penetration of radon, which is harmful to human health, from the soil. The drying time of this mastic on the walls is 6÷8 hours.
  • bituminous latex mastic is made on a water emulsion. Latex is industrially synthesized rubber with improved performance. In most cases, this type of mastics is used in a cold state and is sold ready-made, that is, they are a one-component composition. It is advisable to prepare the wall surfaces before applying bitumen-latex mastic by treating them with a primer that can be made independently by diluting the same mastic composition with water in a 1:1 ratio. Latex mastics can be used even at low temperatures without heating.
  • bituminous oil frost-resistant mastic is excellent for waterproofing external and internal recessed structures, the walls of which can be built from any materials. This mastic is diluted with gasoline, white spirit or solvent. The consumption of the oily waterproofing compound is 1÷1.5 l/m².
  • bituminous primer differs from mastic in its more liquid consistency, as it is used to prepare surfaces for applying the main waterproofing layer of mastic. The primer can be made from mastic by diluting it with a solvent or water, depending on the base, to the desired consistency. This surface preparation composition is applied with a roller, brush or sprayed using a special spray gun. The drying time of such a composition on the walls, depending on the base, can be from 1 to 5 hours.

Requirements for mastics

In order for the waterproofing coating to be strong and durable, the composition of the bituminous mastic must be of high quality, and the date of its manufacture must correspond to the warranty periods declared by the manufacturer.

Therefore, when purchasing this material, it is imperative to study the label on the package, where all the necessary characteristics and information about the date of its production should be presented.

In addition to these criteria, it is necessary to take into account the following qualities of mastic:

  • The waterproofing mixture must have a uniform consistency without foreign inclusions, which can create air bubbles in the applied layer, which weaken the waterproof properties of the material.
  • The mastic should be flexible and easy to apply.
  • The mixture during application and during operation should not release substances harmful to humans into the environment, which means that it should not contain toxic components.
  • The bituminous waterproofing composition used for waterproofing the foundation must have a heat resistance of at least 70 degrees.
  • Complete water resistance is one of the main qualities for any bituminous mastics.
  • High adhesion of the mixture is necessary not only for good adhesion to the base, but also for reliable bonding of waterproofing rolled sheets.
  • The hardened waterproofing layer must have constant physical and mechanical characteristics that remain throughout the entire operational period, within the operating temperature range indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer.

The main technological methods of applying waterproofing mastic on the walls of the foundation

The process of creating a waterproofing protective layer on the walls of the foundation is simple, but it will take a lot of time if you work manually, that is, with a brush, roller or spatula, especially in cases where the structure goes deep into the ground, which means it has a large height and total area .

IllustrationBrief description of the operation to be performed
Starting work on the waterproofing of the foundation, it is necessary to revise it for the formation of cracks.
If such flaws are found, they must be repaired, and if necessary, tightened with metal ties, consisting of reinforcing brackets with a diameter of 10-12 mm or strips 3 ÷ 5 mm thick.
If cracks are left on the base, then it is useless to waterproof it with a coating, since moisture will penetrate deep into the wall through these gaps, continuing to destroy the concrete.
You need to start the repair by expanding the cracks and deepening them as much as possible.
If the crack is small, then it must first be filled with a deep penetration primer, dried, and then filled with a sealant for outdoor use.
If the gap is large, then tightening elements are fixed on the wall, and then, after treatment with a primer, the crack is filled to the full depth and width with concrete or concrete-adhesive mortar.
If the foundation is made of brick, then it is recommended to reinforce the entire surface with a metal mesh, then plaster, and only after that proceed to waterproofing work.
Further, before applying the waterproofing material, the cleaned walls are primed with a bituminous primer, consisting of bituminous mastic and a solvent.
This composition can be purchased ready-made or made independently by mixing the two components in a 1: 1 ratio.
The primer layer is necessary, first of all, in order to create a good basis for applying the main waterproofing material.
The primer will strengthen the surface by binding the remaining dust on the wall surface. It will fill the pores and small cracks, eliminating the excessive absorbency of the structure of the foundation material - this will reduce the consumption of bituminous mastic and create a smooth waterproof surface for its application.
Since the primer has a liquid consistency, it is convenient to apply it with a soft brush or brush, mounted on a long handle for the comfort of work.
The primer is applied to the surface evenly, and when it is completely treated with a preparatory composition, you need to give time for the primer to dry.
This process will take from 3 to 12 hours, depending on the composition of the solution and the characteristics of the base.
After the primer-primer dries, a waterproofing coating is applied with one of the selected mastic compositions. It can be applied in one or more layers.
Waterproofing applied in four layers, between which fiberglass is laid, is called heavy, and it will not only protect the walls from any moisture, but will also become a kind of additional reinforcement for their surfaces.
Bituminous waterproofing mastic often has a fairly thick consistency, so it is often applied with a wide spatula or trowel.
The mass must be evenly distributed over the wall, creating an even layer.
If it is planned to apply several layers, then each of them, before moving on to the next, must be well dried. The drying time of the mastic must be indicated on the packaging of the material.
Another option for using bituminous mastic for waterproofing the foundation is to stick roofing sheets on it.
In this case, one layer of mastic is applied to the primed walls, which is usually heated before applying the canvases to it for better adhesion of the materials to each other.
Further, before carrying out further construction work, the waterproofed and dried foundation walls must be covered with thermal insulation material.
It will fulfill both its immediate purpose and, at this stage of work, will become a good protection for the waterproofing coating from damage.

If there is a need to carry out such work in the winter, then for waterproofing a mixture is used that can withstand application to the surface at an ambient temperature of up to -30 degrees, for example, bitumen-nairite mastic. In order to work successfully during this difficult period, it is recommended to fulfill some requirements:

  • When using bituminous mastic as the main waterproofing material, that is, without the use of roll materials, the surface of the treated wall must be heated to positive temperature. Heat guns are usually used for this, although heating with a gas burner can also be used.
  • The mastic itself should be prepared in warm rooms located at a short distance from the place of its application.
  • It is impossible to arrange the waterproofing coating of the foundation in high humidity, fog, rain or snowfall.
  • If it is absolutely necessary to carry out these works in the cold season, it is recommended to arrange special structures - greenhouses, which will help to achieve a positive temperature of the foundation walls.

The teplyak is a structure erected at the place of work made of timber or metal, which is tightened with a dense plastic film. Inside this building for air heating, heaters without open fire are switched on, in order to avoid creating dangerous conditions for the health and life of builders.

  • When mixing mastic in equipped greenhouses, electrically heated mixers are used to heat the mixtures.
  • Due to unfavorable winter conditions for work, the application of all layers of waterproofing is carried out by the so-called grips, that is, the process of applying all layers is completely carried out on one section of the foundation. Then, the greenhouse is moved to the adjacent section of the building, and work is fully carried out on it - and so on until the entire task is completed.
  • The results of all work carried out in the winter period must be checked with the onset of the warm season, for the manifestation of certain defects that should be immediately eliminated.

The very process of creating a waterproofing barrier in this publication is considered briefly, but only for the reason that a separate detailed article is devoted to this issue on our portal.

Foundation waterproofing is important!

A big mistake is made by those builders who, after pouring the foundation, lose sight of the problem of creating protection for it from the effects of ground moisture. What is needed for, what requirements it must meet, and how it can be carried out on its own - read in a special publication on the pages of our portal.

Popular brands of bituminous mastics

A fairly wide range of waterproofing bituminous mastics from different manufacturers is presented on the Russian construction market, but still some of them are extremely popular.

Products of the company "Technonikol"

Mastics "TechnoNIKOL" are today, perhaps, the most popular consumers involved in private construction. These compositions are made from high quality products on the most modern equipment and meet all international quality standards.

Prices for TechnoNIKOL bituminous mastic

TechnoNIKOL bituminous mastic

Bituminous waterproofing mastics are made on the basis of solvents and water emulsions, for hot and cold application, as well as for application using special equipment and by hand.

This table lists the physical and technical characteristics of the compositions of the TechnoNIKOL brand:

Physical and technical indicators of bituminous mastics "TechnoNIKOL"№20 №21 №24 №31 №33 №41
Adhesion strength with the base, MPa:
- with concrete0.6 0.1 0.45 0.6 0.2 0.6
- with metal0.9 0.1 - - 0.25 0.9
Flexibility on a bar with a radius of 5.0 ± 0.2 mm 0С-15 -35 -5 -15 -25 -
Elongation at break, %100 500 - 700 900 1100
Moisture absorption during the day,% by weight2 0.4 0.4 1 0.4 1
Water resistance during the day at a pressure of 0.1 MPa+ + + + + +
Mass fraction of non-volatile substances, %73÷9350 65 50÷7053÷65100
Thickness of one layer, mm1.5 1 1 1 2 2
Consumption per layer, kg/m²2.5÷5.72.5÷5.72.5÷5.72.5÷5.73.5÷5.52.5÷5.7
Drying time of one layer, h, at +20°C and 50% humidity.24 24 24 5 5 4
Temperature range of application, °C-20 to +30-20 to +40from +5 to +30from +5 to +30-20 to +40-20 to +40
Humidity of the base by weight, no more than, %4 4 8 8 4 4

More detailed information about TechnoNIKOL mastics is presented in the table below:

Bitumen "AquaMast" is produced by Technonikol for use in various areas indoors and for outdoor construction work.
The packaging indicates the purpose of a particular composition - it can be waterproofing the foundation, pools and floors in bathrooms, roofing and other operations.
AquaMast mastics contain oil binder bituminous substance, mineral fillers, industrial oils and solvent.
Waterproofing bituminous mass for the treatment of foundations is a ready-to-use composition used for application to structures built of concrete, metal, reinforced concrete, wood, brick, buried in the ground and in direct contact with moisture.
In order to create good adhesion between the waterproofing layer and the foundation material, the manufacturer recommends impregnating the surfaces with the AquaMast bituminous primer before applying it, and this is especially true if a porous building material is being waterproofed. Moreover, following this advice, you can significantly save on mastic and facilitate its application.
The drying time of one layer of mastic is from one hour to one day, depending on some factors, which include the material for building the foundation, the temperature and humidity of the environment, as well as the thickness of the applied layer.
The mastic is considered dry if its surface is no longer sticky.
So that during further construction work, the waterproofing layer is not damaged, immediately after it dries, it should be covered with protective boards or heat-insulating mats.
This mastic is packaged by the manufacturer in metal buckets of 3, 10 and 18 kilograms.
The mastic consumption is 1 kg/m².
"TechnoNIKOL No. 20" is a bitumen-rubber mastic, ready for use.
The waterproofing material consists of several components - modified crushed rubber, petroleum bitumen, mineral fillers, processing aids and an organic solvent.
After final drying, this mastic creates a high-strength coating capable of being used in a wide range of operating temperatures in various areas, from applying protective layers to roofing material and ending with waterproofing various building structures, including foundations.
The consumption of "TechnoNIKOL No. 20" for the roof varies from 3.8 to 5.7 kg / m², and for waterproofing the foundation from 2.5 to 3.5 kg / m².
It is possible to carry out work on applying this composition at temperatures from -20 to +40 degrees, the drying time of the waterproofing layer is 24 hours at temperatures above +5 degrees.
It is impossible to carry out work close to sources of open fire, contact with the mass on the skin and mucous membranes should be avoided.
Storage of bitumen-rubber mastics should be carried out at a temperature of -20 to +30 degrees, in a place protected from light. The shelf life from the date of production is 18 months.
Sold mastic "TechnoNIKOL No. 20" in metal buckets of 20 liters.
"Technonikol No. 21" ("Technomast") - this mastic is designated as roofing, but is successfully used not only for repairing any type of roofing in combination with rolled coatings, fiberglass and as an independent waterproofing, but also for protecting all building structures from moisture . Such areas include basements, piles, foundations of houses and other parts of buildings buried in the ground and in direct contact with water.
In addition, this composition is suitable for anti-corrosion treatment of surfaces made of metal - these are car bodies, pipes and other components and structures.
Technomast is a ready-to-use mastic consisting of modified artificial rubber, mineral fillers, processing aids, organic solvent and petroleum bitumen. Coating layers of this material have high elasticity, heat capacity, adhesion strength, resistance to moisture.
You can work with Technomast mastic at an ambient temperature of -20 to +40 degrees. If the air is heated to a temperature below +5 degrees, then before applying the composition must be kept warm for at least a day.
Under favorable conditions, the drying time of the mastic layer is no more than 24 hours.
It is impossible to work with this composition if there is an open fire nearby, and also when applying mastic, it is necessary to protect the eyes and open areas of the body.
The solution is sold in metal buckets of 20, 10 and 3 liters.
The consumption of mastic when used for roofing is 3.8 ÷ 5.7 kg/m², and for protection against moisture of foundations 2.5 ÷ 3.5 kg/m².
"TechnoNIKOL No. 24" ("MGTN") - this waterproofing mastic is a mixture consisting of bitumen, mineral fillers, solvent and technological additives.
This type of mastic does not contain polymers, therefore its elasticity is somewhat lower and there is no relative elongation, therefore the mastic belongs to rigid waterproofing coatings and is not suitable for working with metal.
Mastic is designed specifically for the protective coating of wooden, concrete and reinforced concrete surfaces. Other data on this material are given in the table above.
"TechnoNIKOL No. 31" is an aqueous emulsion of petroleum bitumen, technological additives, modified artificial rubber, and mineral fillers.
The material has high adhesion to any surfaces, resistant to moisture, elastic and heat resistant. Since the composition is made on the basis of water, it does not contain mineral solvents. In this regard, such mastic can be used for indoor waterproofing works - balconies, bathrooms, pools, basements and others.
However, the material is also used for the repair of roofing, as an independent waterproofing, and in combination with roll sheets or fiberglass.
TechnoNIKOL No. 31 is also excellent for protective coating of foundation walls and other structures buried in the ground.
This waterproofing mastic, ready for use, has some application features. The solution must be mixed well before starting work, and then applied to a dry or slightly damp surface cleaned of contaminants - the main thing is that it is not wet. Coating surfaces can be done with a spatula or a wide brush.
An aqueous solution is applied at an air temperature of +5 to +30 degrees, and drying of one layer of waterproofing takes no more than 5 hours. The final coating will gain strength after seven days.
The consumption of the "TechnoNIKOL No. 31" composition is 3.8 ÷ 5.7 kg / m² when waterproofing the roof, and 2.5 ÷ 3.5 kg / m² when applied to the foundation walls.
The mastic goes on sale in metal buckets of 18, 9 and 2.7 kg.
"TechnoNIKOL No. 33" is a bitumen-latex mastic made on the basis of an aqueous emulsion, which also includes modified polymers. The composition does not contain mineral solvents.
This type of material is also suitable for waterproofing both foundations and roofs, as well as for indoor floor areas.
Mastic does not require preparation before use and is suitable for manual and mechanical application.
When deciding to use special equipment for surface treatment, spraying is possible only in conjunction with a 10÷12% solution of calcium chloride, which means 4 kg of crystalline substance per 25 liters of water, which is added to the mastic in proportions of 1:8.
Mastic is sold in barrels of 200 liters, and its consumption is 4.5 ÷ 5.5 kg / m² for roofing, and 3.5 ÷ 4.5 kg / m² for waterproofing foundations.
"TechnoNIKOL No. 41" - this "hot" waterproofing mastic is considered roofing, but it is quite possible to use it for sealing potholes and cracks in concrete screeds and reinforced concrete slabs, coating foundations made of concrete, metal, various blocks, as well as for protecting pipelines.
This version of the mastic is made from modified polymers, mineral fillers and petroleum bitumen. When applied, it creates a durable one-piece coating, providing reliable waterproofing of the structure.
Before starting work, "TechnoNIKOL No. 41" must be prepared. To do this, dry mastic is placed in a container and heated to 160 ÷ 180 degrees, after which it is applied to the surface primed with a bituminous primer with a brush.
Application works are carried out at air temperatures from -20 to +40 degrees.
This product is sold in paper bags with a siliconized inner layer inside. The net weight of the bag is 30 kg.
The shelf life of the material from the date of manufacture is 18 months.
Bitumen-polymer mastic MKTN is a composition used in a cold state. It consists of petroleum bitumen, modified artificial butadiene styrene thermoplastic elastomer or its modifications, solvent, filler and technological additives.
Mastic is used for arranging and repairing roofs, as well as for waterproofing basement walls and foundations, as well as other building structures that are buried in the ground and are constantly exposed to moisture.
The material has not only waterproofing qualities, but also anti-corrosion, so it is often used for protective treatment of metal structures and parts, not only in construction, but also in car repairs.
Mastic consumption is 3.8 ÷ 5.7 kg/m² for roofing, and 2.5 ÷ 3.5 kg/m² for foundation waterproofing.
The material is designed for use in the temperature range from -200 to +300 degrees, and its drying time under normal conditions is no more than a day.
The warranty period of mastic from the date of manufacture is 18 months. It goes on sale in metal buckets and barrels of 20 and 50 liters.

Bituminous mastics from other manufacturers

In addition to the well-known domestic brand TechnoNIKOL, other manufacturers also present their products on the Russian market, which include Oil Bitumen Plant, GidroLux, Icopal, DonIzol, Grida and others.

The characteristics of some of them will be presented in tables.

Physical and technical indicators of bituminous mastics"MGH-G""MGH-K""MGH-T""Darkie""MEBIS"
Moisture absorption during the day, no more,% by weight0.5 0.5 1 0.2 0.5
Conditional viscosity, not less than, seconds21 15 15 20 14÷28
Adhesion strength with concrete, not less than, MPa0.3 0.4 1.5÷3.00.15÷0.10.4
Softening temperature, °С70 130 100 80 100
Drying time of one layer, hours24 12÷2424 12÷2412÷24
Depth of needle penetration at 25ºС, 0.1 mm15:2012÷2015:2015:2012÷15
Mastic consumption, liter / m², with a layer thickness of 2 mm1 0.8÷1.00.8÷1.02.5÷3.00.25÷0.5

And about the same compositions - a little more:

IllustrationBrief description of material features
Mastic MGH-G "Grida" is a composition that is ready for use and does not require heating. The homogeneous mixture consists of petroleum bitumen, mineral filler and organic solvent.
A similar composition is intended for external waterproofing of various building structures, including those buried in the ground, except for those that will be exposed to a thermal effect exceeding 70 degrees during operation.
Work on applying this composition is carried out at an air temperature of at least +10 degrees, on a surface that has been previously cleaned and primed with a bituminous primer.
MGH-G mastic is quite thick, and is often applied with a spatula. If it is planned to work with a brush or roller, then the mixture must be diluted with an organic solvent, the amount of which should not exceed 25 ÷ 50% of the mastic volume. As a solvent, you can use petroleum solvent, white spirit, turpentine, xylene and similar organic compounds.
If the mastic for waterproofing is used without additional materials, such as roofing material, then it is recommended to apply 2 ÷ 3 layers of the composition to the foundation walls, allowing each of them to dry from 6 to 24 hours if the ambient temperature is at least +20 degrees. Complete drying of the coating occurs one day after the application of the last layer.
If the work is carried out at low temperatures, then the drying time increases.
Mastic goes on sale in metal buckets of 20 liters.
MGH-K "Grida" is a ready-to-use bitumen-rubber composition, which consists of crushed rubber crumb, petroleum bitumen, resin acids, synthetic thermoplastic polymer and organic solvents. The ingredients that make up the mastic in the complex give it elasticity, which is not lost at temperatures from - 35 to + 130 degrees.
Waterproofing material is used for application to the roofing surface, foundations, and other parts of the outer parts of the building. Due to its balanced consistency, the mastic penetrates well and covers various surface imperfections, such as chips, cracks and crevices.
If the damage is wide, then the mastic is used in combination with a reinforcing fiberglass mesh.
The strength and adhesiveness of this type of mastic is so high that it is used even for patching the road surface. A complete list of jobs that can be done with this waterproofing material can be found on the package label.
If it is necessary to obtain a more liquid composition, the mastic can be diluted with one of the organic solvents. It must be remembered that the solvent can be added in a volume of no more than 25÷50% of the total mass.
To protect the foundation walls from moisture, it is recommended to apply two to three layers of mastic on their surface, and each of them is best reinforced with fiberglass or fiberglass mesh. Each of the layers must be dried for at least 6 hours at a temperature not lower than 20 degrees. The final drying occurs within a day after applying the last layer of mastic.
This mastic is sold in metal buckets with a volume of 2, 20, 50 liters.
MGH-T "Grida" is a rubber-bitumen mastic, ready for application, consisting of petroleum bitumen, mineral fillers, fine rubber crumb, solvent and synthetic rubber. Mastic has excellent adhesion ability, therefore it creates a durable, waterproof, elastic coating on the surface of concrete and metal, which can be operated at temperatures from -40 to +100 degrees, that is, it is inert to temperature extremes.
The material is suitable for waterproofing any surface, from roofing to basement or pool floors.
The mastic is applied with a spatula, brush or roller, but in the latter applications it must be diluted. The application of this waterproofing composition is carried out according to the same principle as MGH-K "Grida".
If you have to work at low temperatures, then the mastic needs to be slightly heated in a steam bath to a temperature of 30 ÷ 50 degrees.
Mastic is packaged in containers of 2, 20 and 50 liters.
"MEBIS" is a water-based bitumen-polymer mastic used cold for waterproofing works.
It is used to protect the roof, as well as other building structures, including those buried in the ground.
This waterproofing composition does not contain organic solvents, so it can be safely used not only for external, but also for internal work. Mastic is suitable for protecting not only concrete and metal, but also materials such as drywall, brick, wood and plaster.
In addition, this mastic is an excellent primer for preparing surfaces for further waterproofing.
If "MEBIS" is used in this capacity, then it is diluted with water, in proportions of 1: 1. To prepare the surfaces, it is enough to apply a primer on them with a layer of 1 mm.
Waterproofing is applied to the prepared wall in two to three layers, between which fiberglass is laid. Drying of each layer will take 3÷4 hours, and the final drying occurs after 12÷48 hours, depending on the temperature and humidity of the environment.
The operating temperature of the material varies from -35 to +100 degrees.
Material consumption depends on the quality of surface preparation, its porosity, structure and hygroscopicity.
Sold "MEBIS" in plastic buckets of 5, 20 and 50 kg.
The plant "MPK KRZ" in Ryazan produces mastic "Smuglyanka".
This waterproofing material consists of bitumen, fine rubber crumb, organic solvent and technological additives.
The presence of rubber in the composition of the mastic makes it more elastic, increases the adhesive qualities of the material and its resistance to temperature extremes, ground and atmospheric moisture. Therefore, this type of material is suitable for waterproofing various areas of the building, including roofs, buried foundations, and pools.
If necessary, the bituminous mixture can be diluted with such solvents as gasoline, nefras, solvent, white spirit and other similar ones. This process will have to be carried out if the work is supposed to be done with a brush or roller.
The consumption of such a mastic when applied to the walls of the foundation with a layer of 2 mm will be 2.5 ÷ 3 kg / m².
It goes on sale in a metal container with packing of 18 kg.

Video: bituminous mastic "Bitumast" - reliable waterproofing from the foundation to the roof

At the end of the topic, it must be emphasized once again that when choosing a material for waterproofing, it is worth giving preference to well-known proven manufacturers who comply with the established quality standards for the manufacture of their products. However, no matter what mastic is chosen to protect the foundation, the waterproofing coating will be truly reliable only if all technological requirements for applying the material to the surface are met.

Learn about the various ones from a new article on our portal.
