Country brook. Stream in the country. Creating artificial thresholds with your own hands

Every gardener can make speeches in the country with his own hands. This does not require financial investments and the use of heavy equipment. Do-it-yourself decorative stream is made using a simple technology using improvised materials. This article tells you how to make ornamental stream quickly and ensure uninterrupted water supply. Before you make a stream with your own hands, study the device of this artificial reservoir.

The stream in the garden looks cute, but before you start enjoying its gentle murmur and admiring the birds that the water will attract, you need to carefully plan everything, think over not only the location of the stream and the shape of its banks, but also the design of its beginning and end. If we forget about poetry for a while, then a stream is a water "band" flowing between its beginning and end (source and mouth).

Where artificial stream can it "leak out"? From under a large boulder or a crack in it, a pile of stones, a picturesque bush will also come up, the source can also be a waterfall, technically this is just a disguise of a hose in order to give the impression of a natural source. The end of the stream is most often a pond, it can also disappear under a large stone or a group of stones, under which there is a reservoir with a pump. You can arrange one or both ends of the stream so that they are “lost” in the garden. Of course, the stream is man-made, but it is quite possible to make it "natural", natural in appearance.

The device of the stream in the country and in the garden

First of all, the arrangement of the stream is his project, then its transfer to nature. Be sure to draw the lines of the stream, its beginning and end on the plan, then transfer it to nature with a hose, changing its configuration until it seems ideal to you from all possible viewpoints. If you don’t know how or don’t like to work with plans on paper, you can immediately try to “draw” it on the ground with the help of pegs and construction tape.

And then, to ensure the device of the stream in the country - dig the bed of the stream, tamp the ground, lay (or fill the bed with a small layer of sand), then lay the black pond film, cover it with gravel or pebbles, carefully pour water, spread the stones on the shore, hide the edges films and plant plants in the right places. Naturally, hostas, Siberian and marsh irises, loosestrife, astilbes, swimsuits, marigolds, ferns, sedges, etc. will look natural on the banks of the stream.

To carry out the water cycle, the device of a stream in the garden involves the use of an electric pump, with the help of which water will be supplied from the mouth to the source through a well-disguised hose. In the most natural way, the stream will flow where there is a difference in height, but it is quite possible to arrange it on a flat area.

Before starting work, you need to purchase everything necessary materials:

  • 0.5 mm or 0.8 mm black PVC film or much stronger and more reliable, although more expensive, butyl rubber (EPDM membrane), they can be glued and repaired with special tapes and adhesives if necessary;
  • sand or geotextile as an underlayment and shock-absorbing material;
  • submersible pump, which will be placed in the lower storage tank; the longer the stream, the louder its sound is planned, the more power the pump needs;
  • hose;
  • stones for decorating banks and channels;
  • plants for planting near the stream and in the channel itself.

Decorative stream: photos and rules of care

The photos of the decorative stream presented on this page show all the splendor of the flowing water:

Photo gallery

However, to maintain this beauty, timely care is required. The rules for caring for a stream include the following measures: in the spring, it is advisable to drain the water from the reservoirs using a drainage pump (by the way, think in advance where you will drain it in the spring), then you need to thoroughly rinse the stones with a strong jet from a hose and fill it with a new one. clean water, adding a little (a couple of buckets) of the old one, so that the biodynamic balance is established faster.

You can not wash the stones, but then they become covered with silt, become dark. After a couple of days, you can start the fish. In summer, you need to remove leaves that have fallen into the pond from the pond, feed the fish, remove green algae with a net or hands if they appear, sometimes you have to clean the pump if it is clogged with silt. At the end of September, you need to transport the fish to the aquarium, turn off the pump, wash it, dry it and clean it for winter storage V dry room. Water from the pond does not descend, the hose remains in the ground.

It is not known who first came up with the idea to make an artificial stream, but this idea itself is simply ideal in its simplicity. Everyone can build a stream in the country with their own hands. Everything will turn out beautifully if you follow the advice of experienced craftsmen exactly.

For this job you will need:

  • submersible pump;
  • water hose (for a stationary stream, you will need metal-plastic pipe, for the seasonal option, you can use a reinforced rubber hose that is used for irrigation);
  • crushed stone;
  • shovel;
  • polyethylene film;
  • concrete;
  • boulders or pebbles;
  • lumber;
  • hammer and nails.

Proper design

Artificial streams are best suited to areas that have an uneven surface.

We start building an artificial stream in the country with site planning. First, decide on the location of the artificial spring and reservoir. Water will circulate from the reservoir through a hose system to the source of the stream. From the outside, it will seem that the spring really beats out of the ground. And only you will know exactly how all this beauty works.

From the source of the stream to the reservoir, make markings by setting pegs and pulling a cord over them. IN vivo streams are rarely straight, so try to give the direction of the curve as natural as possible.

This is easy to do, since the existing plantings of the building can simply be surrounded by a stream bed. If your yard is uneven, then it's bad for the lawn, but perfect for a man-made stream. Indeed, in this case, you can provide it with a waterfall. The murmur of water will give the summer cottage a special aura.

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Digging the foundation and preparing the channel

According to the existing markup, you have to dig a pit. We will not talk about dimensions (width and depth), since there are no specific canons of construction here, and each master independently chooses these parameters based on overall design garden plot. It is advisable to carefully measure the resulting pit to ensure a certain slope. It will be enough for you to provide a height difference of 5 cm for every 2 m of the stream length. Due to the fact that the water will be continuously supplied by the pump, its movement will be ensured anyway, but such a forced flow of water will seem unnatural to you. It is better to bring the structure of the stream on the site with your own hands to the most natural parameters.

Place a pillow of river sand (about 5 cm) on the bottom of the stream and cover it with a film.

Such a measure will not allow water to freely penetrate the soil, the site will not turn into a swamp over time. The edges of the film should protrude to the surface along the stream, occupying a distance of 30-40 cm on both sides. Concrete up to 10 cm thick will have to be poured over the film (in the inner part of the pit). When concreting, do not forget to provide a height difference. At the same stage, you can place artificial stone barriers at the bottom of the future stream.

Concrete must dry for at least two weeks. It is desirable that it sets evenly, so it should be covered with a film. In the meantime, this process lasts, you can work on hoses, a pump and electrical wiring.

It is good if all the supply pipes and cables are invisible to an outside visitor. Electrical wiring can be run plastic pipe, veiling it under any structure (for example, under an arch).

The water pipe will be placed underground. There is no need to provide a certain depth that prevents the pipes from freezing, since for the winter period the electric pump is removed from the reservoir, and the pipes are freed from water. It is enough to place them under the turf layer.

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Decoration of the stream with decorative elements

And now you need to think over the details and arrange the stream. First, equip the bottom of your stream. Here you can use various materials. If you are convinced of the transparency of the water in your artificial stream, then place natural natural pebbles or large river sand. When organizing a sandy bottom, it is recommended to alternate this material with crushed stone or small boulders. Firstly, it will be beautiful, and secondly, the stones will prevent the sand from washing away towards the reservoir.

Along the banks of the stream, do-it-yourself is also made out with the help of boulders and landings. It can be reminded like alpine slide, and natural stream middle lane. In the first case, you use the maximum number of boulders and landings coniferous plants, in the second - any flowers that love moist soil. If the stream is located in the garden, then several blueberry bushes can be planted near it. Get the atmosphere of the Kola Peninsula. And in combination with Karelian birch, blueberries and mosses will look simply gorgeous near the stream. Suitable here are ferns planted mixed with roses, or any planting option that you personally like. Over time, natural aquatic plants may appear in the reservoir and at the bottom of the stream: lilies, reeds, water lilies. With such living decorations additional measures may or may not be needed.

Even a small artificially created stream on the site is able to transform the landscape beyond recognition, to give it a special appeal. Watching the calm flow of water and listening to its murmur, a person easily gets rid of a stressful state, gets the opportunity to restore peace of mind and take a break from everyday life and hustle and bustle. In order to create a stream on the site, you will need an artificial reservoir, pond or lake. Sometimes they are created specifically in order to be able to build a stream. The presence of a stream not only increases decorative qualities landscape design, it contributes to the improvement of the functioning of a reservoir with stagnant water.

How to make a stream on the site

The organization of the functioning of the stream, in principle, the procedure is not so complicated. It consists in the constant pumping of a small amount of water to the source of the stream by a pump immersed in a pond. Water is supplied through the most ordinary hose, getting into the channel, it returns back to the reservoir. As you can see, the technical side of the issue is very simple. More attention and effort will require planning and creating a channel and ennobling it - after all, the stream should become a decoration of the site.

To begin with, a place suitable for the stream is chosen on the site, while taking into account that the channel should look natural - it can be bizarrely curved, winding, it’s good if it goes around picturesque shrubs, decorative stones will look beautiful on the bank of the stream.

The direct form of the channel can be if the channel is located along garden paths. Of course, without appropriate refinement, such a stream will look a bit like a canal, but bizarrely shaped bushes and beautiful herbs or flowers planted along it will emphasize the beauty of the author's idea. You should also take care of ennobling the banks of the pond into which the stream will flow. Planning will require addressing the issue of additional nuances, in particular, the need to create a small waterfall.

The best place for the location of the stream will be a site with a natural elevation difference, possibly on a gentle hillside. The channel should have depressions and shallows, the exposed stones and islands located in it look beautiful.

To begin with, a place for the channel is marked on the site. This can be done with a rope. Then they dig up the soil, making elevation changes, the so-called. thresholds. The excavated ditch is cleaned of the remnants of roots and pebbles, well rammed. Not a thick layer of sand is poured into the trench, then the bottom is lined with geotextiles. It should cover the entire width of the stream with a margin. Geotextiles are fixed with stones, the channel is decorated with pebbles and stones of a larger fraction. The hose intended for water circulation should be laid along the channel, it can be masked with turf.

You should also arrange the entrance of the channel to an artificial reservoir. If this is not available, then instead of it you can use a container of sufficient size, or you will have to create a small pond yourself, laying out its bottom with a film.

The banks of the stream are planted with herbaceous plants, flowers and shrubs. Preference should be given to those that grow well in moist soils. Moisture-loving viburnum, hydrangea, shield tree, lilac, jasmine, honeysuckle, ferns look beautiful on the bank of the stream. Along the coast should be landed herbaceous plants, which will hide the materials used in the construction: creeping tenacious and coined loosestrife, they tolerate excessive moisture and shallow roots well. You can also plant meadow plants, such as crowberry, mosses, marigold, cuckoo flax. Plants should be planted in islands, as it happens in nature. Tailtail and water buttercup can grow directly in the water.

Features of the care of the stream

With proper design of a stream in a garden or in a special area complex care it will not be required.

  • Its maintenance will consist in water purification and filtration.
  • You will also need to periodically add water to the pond or container.
  • At least once a year, you will need to clean all hoses and filters from sludge, clean stones, and do pump maintenance. To do this, of course, you will need to drain all the water from the stream.
  • For the winter period, it is also desirable to drain the channel and remove the pumping equipment.
  • During the spring connection, do not be lazy to check the health of the wiring.

With correctly performed calculations, high-quality waterproofing and well-chosen pumping equipment special problems during the operation of the stream should not arise.

Having decided to build a water complex to decorate your site or garden, you should clearly understand that in order to maintain its attractiveness and decorativeness, appropriate care will be required.

Dry stream - what is its attraction

It is not always possible to build an artificial stream with water in a summer cottage - then they resort to creating a dry version. The designers borrowed this very idea from the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire, who are sure that the presence of a stream, even if created from sand and stones, is mandatory on every piece of land.

Creating such an option for decorating a garden is quite simple: you should save some sand and pebbles and arm yourself with imagination.

Having chosen a place for the channel, it is designated with sand, while the width of the channel should be different for separate sections, and the shape is sinuous. This will help to give the maximum resemblance to a natural source.

A positive point - the stream on the site will contribute visual magnification territory.

According to the marked outlines, a shallow ditch is dug (15 cm will be enough), its bottom is lined with a film or a dense non-woven fabric with geotextile) to exclude the possibility of grass germination. Then stones are laid on the bottom - it can be pebbles or stones that can be found in the area.

Looking at the artificial stream in the garden in the photo, you can see that its decorative effect largely depends on how beautifully its banks are decorated with flowers. Enhance the resemblance to the present and add attractiveness to the site constructed with my own hands picturesque bridge across the stream.

Spring is the time for landscaping, beauty and landscape design. The beauty of the stream in the garden is undeniable. And if you want to enjoy the gentle murmur of water, admire the insects and birds that are attracted to water, then you need to think through everything correctly. We are talking about the location of the stream, the shape of the banks and its decorative design from the beginning to the end. Are you afraid that the cost of arranging the stream will not justify itself? In this case, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the technology for making a dry stream that came to us from China. From this article you will learn how to make an artificial stream in the country with your own hands, both dry and water.

The source of a ringing stream can be a crack in a large boulder, a picturesque shrub and a waterfall. In fact, this is a small disguise of the hose, creating the illusion of a picturesque source created by nature itself. The logical end of the stream is a pond or body of water. The stream can also disappear under a pile of rocks, under which there is a tank with a pump. Another option is to make the beginning and end of the source lost in the garden. Of course, this is an artificial source in the country, but it can be made natural in appearance.

When arranging an artificial water flow, one principle is applied: in highest point a stream pump pumps water from a reservoir located at the lowest point on the site. After that, water from the highest point flows down a natural slope.

In order for the construction of the water stream to be successful, it is important to properly plan it: choose a place and make a slope that ensures the natural movement of water.

If you have plans to make a stream that would resemble a natural source, then use the existing terrain. The water flow can bend garden sculptures and flowerbeds, flowing near trees in the garden or places of rest, creating either small waterfalls, or quiet backwaters, or islands, or shallows. Observing natural forms, you can achieve the naturalness of the stream.

Replacing natural outlines with geometry looks unnatural. Such a stream will look more like a ditch.

Before you make a stream, think through all the details. For example, does the terrain allow you to create a waterfall? Is there a need for a second pond? Will it be a small stream or will it go around a decent part of the site? The longer the stream, the more equipment you will need to equip it.

The coast can be arranged flowering plants. In the list of those who love moist soil: hostas, sedge, bergenia, meadowsweet, swimsuit. As for the length and width of the channel, then it all depends on you. Standard sizes vary within: width - 0.5–1.5 m, and depth - 0.3–0.5 m.

Due to an incorrect calculation of the volume of water, the construction of a ringing stream may end in failure. It should be borne in mind that the pump pumps water for enough long distance, which is equal to the duration of the stream. On the way back, the movement of water slows down, due to the fact that it goes around stones and plant stems. In addition, water evaporates as it moves. According to some estimates, water in an artificial stream passes only 2 m in 1 minute. For example, when operating a stream having a length of 10 m, 200 to 300 liters of water should be in motion.

For uninterrupted operation of the stream, water should be added to it regularly. The need for this is due to the evaporation of water and the ambient temperature.

Suppose you have already decided on the topography of the source and its location. Now is the time to arm yourself with rope and pegs and walk along the bed of the planned source. Drive in the pegs close to each other, connecting them with a rope. Compliance with geometric shapes in this case is inappropriate.

On next step you need to dig the ground under the bed. If the slope allows, then add steps that will serve as small sills. If you have no desire to make them, then use large boulders as thresholds that can be fixed with concrete mortar. Clear the riverbed of stones and roots. Then tamp down the ground.

If you are making a large stream, then it is better to concrete the channel. In this case, in places of thresholds, lay flat stones. You can connect them together with concrete.

If you want to plant plants along the shore of the spring, then expose the waterproofing sheet, and then make a trench for the mouth. Sprinkle it with sand or gravel for 5–7 cm. Then cover it with geotextile with a margin around the edges. Then pour water over the canvas to moisten it. This is a necessary measure, because, otherwise, the geotextile will not tightly fit the mouth. And this, as one would expect, will spoil appearance structures.

Geotextiles should be fixed along the edges with large stones. In the middle of the channel is done masonry, consisting of flat stones And concrete mortar. Then another layer of concrete is laid, which is decorated, for example, with pebbles.

Now you need to dig grooves up to 10 cm deep parallel to the channel. Pipes from the pump will be laid in them. Fill them up, and then mask them with turf. Now you need to connect the pump and start the water. The stream is ready! There are other ways to build streams, for example, its dry counterpart.

This is one of original elements landscape. Making it is very simple. Time and money for the arrangement will go to a minimum, which is important. A dry streamlet will decorate the garden plot, hide the flaws in the relief and visually increase the area around the house. Mosquitoes like to swarm over real water bodies, but these insects have nothing to do near a dry stream.

If you properly equip a dry stream, then the effect of it will be no worse than from a water source. It seems that only yesterday crystal water flowed in it. It feels like a little rain will fill the stream with life-giving moisture, bringing it back to life.

Dry streams are quite popular in China. They are the centerpiece of rocky gardens, a symbol of water and perpetual movement. In the East, the landscape is considered unfinished without water or its imitation. A dry stream is a great alternative for gardens where it is not possible to build a real pond.

Some advantages:

  1. A dry stream is in harmony with any landscape design.
  2. It plays the role of a drainage ditch without the need to invest extra time, labor and money.
  3. The possibility of arranging on hills and hollows, in the sun or in the shade.
  4. An artificial dry stream can be made in just a few days.
  5. There is no need to level the landscape, lower the relief or deepen the channel.
  6. There is no need to purchase a pump and accessories for pumping water.
  7. The possibility of planting any, not just moisture-loving plants.

Another feature of dry streams is the possibility of arranging a dry lake. The bed of the stream and the bottom of the lake can be laid out with rubble, and the banks can be decorated with large stones.

First, decide on the shape and size of the stream, the place and materials for its construction. When choosing a shape and size, consider not only the relief of the garden plot, but also its area. A dry lake, for example, harmoniously fits into narrow section. And the winding stream looks great on a wide area, creating the effect of its lengthening.

A dry reservoir must have a mouth and a source. As for the mouth, it can be hidden behind big leaves hosts, bergenia or other plants, while the source should be on a hill. Make a small indentation by lining it with fine gravel. In such a simple way, you will create a semblance of a well, the illusion of a water source.

Most often, pebbles and gravel of a small fraction are used to equip a dry stream. You can buy them in any hardware store. They are not only affordable, but also have a fairly rich color palette. Tones of pebbles from gray-blue to gray. Color palette gravel: blue, blue, blue-green, etc. Slate and basalt can also be useful for these purposes.

To place accents, you can use colored granite. A better effect can be achieved using glass granules and blue-blue balls. They will sparkle in the sun and shimmer in cloudy weather, creating the illusion of living water.

Sand is perfect for marking the site. So, you can outline the contours of a dry reservoir. A man-made stream may consist of several channels or just one. If you want it to look natural, then change its width in different areas.

To prepare the surface, remove the sod layer and level the ground. You can use a regular garden rake for this. You should get a small depression (10-15 cm). Remember that an overly concave stream looks unnatural.

Lay a layer of sand (5 cm) on the bottom. To prevent weeds from growing on the surface of the stream, lay covering material on the bottom. It can be geotextile or polymer film. Now lay large stones that will outline the boundaries of the dry spring. Then cover the channel with pebbles or rubble. The stream is ready! It remains to plant plants along it.

So that the stream does not turn into an ordinary flower bed, you need to responsibly approach the issue of planting plants. Do not overdo it with planting tall varieties. Choose only those that you associate with water. These can be plants with blue-yellow leaves or blue flowers.

Decorative elements will help you effectively arrange a dry stream. It can be, for example, a decorative bridge thrown over a stream, etc.

If you have nowhere to make a stream, then do not despair. You can always make a small pond in your area. For its arrangement, you do not need a large area. One of the most simple options construction of a pond, make it out of tires.

The best option for arranging an artificial pond is a flat area without mounds, pits, shrubs and stones. If there is none on your site, then clear a place for a pond and, if necessary, level the site.

Tire sizes are different, so decide in advance on the size of the pond. If you have personal plot enough space, then make a complex of small ponds located on the same territory.

It is important to decide whether the pond will be buried or above ground. All this should be considered in advance. The choice of decor and the purchase of materials will depend on this.

The body of water can become worthy decoration garden and great place for family holidays. In addition, the pond should be made in the same style as the landscape. Otherwise, it will look ridiculous on the site. All this is important to determine at the stage of planning the construction of this structure.

When choosing a place for arranging a pond, consider the following points:

  • Soil structure and level ground water.
  • The size of the land.
  • Pond dimensions.
  • Landscape relief.

The place for the pond should be shaded. This is due to the fact that direct sunlight contributes to the reproduction of microorganisms in the water. And the water from the pond, located in the sun, will quickly evaporate in the summer.

Before determining the location of the tire pond, observe the solar activity on the site during the day. So, you will unmistakably determine the best place for construction.

If the pond will be illuminated or a fountain will be installed in it, then take care in advance that the electrical connection is near the reservoir.

The choice of tire depends entirely on the dimensions of the pond. A small pond is made from a car tire. For a larger pond, you will have to purchase a tire from KamAZ, a bus or a tractor.

To on installation work had to spend a minimum of time, collect everything in advance necessary tools. Among them:

  1. Level.
  2. Jigsaw / hacksaw for metal.
  3. Shovel.
  4. Roulette.

Clean the tire from dirt, wash it. cut off upper part tires. To do this, you should use a hacksaw / electric jigsaw. Measure tire diameter and height. If your pond is going to be dug into the ground, these measurements will help you determine the depth and diameter of the hole in the ground below it.

The recess must be wider than the tire size. Thanks to this, you will be able to fix the quality waterproofing material.

In order for the water in the tire pond to be filled evenly, the base under it must be perfectly flat. The evenness of the base is easy to check with a level. To prevent the pond from becoming contaminated with clay, place the tire slightly above ground level.

It is very important to pay due attention to the waterproofing of the pond. Otherwise, the water will simply go into the ground. The cheapest way to do this is with plastic wrap. But its quality leaves much to be desired, the film does not withstand heavy loads. For improvement waterproofing properties polyethylene, lay it in several layers.

More reliable waterproofing provided through modern material used for arranging swimming pools. It is distinguished by greater practicality, strength, and, accordingly, durability.

After the tire has been laid on the prepared place under the pond, lay the waterproofing along its bottom and walls. In this case, the waterproofing layer should extend beyond the edges of the pond by approximately 50 cm. In this case, it will not slip after filling the pond with water.

Upon completion of laying the waterproofing, fill the resulting bowl with water. Wrap excess material carefully.


To avoid tire movement and unfolding of the film, the edges of the pit under the pond must be covered with crushed stone fine fraction or sand. This, among other things, will protect the place near the pond from weeds that like to grow near the pond.

In the absence of sand / gravel, you can use the earth left after digging a hole under the tire. However, in this case, you will not ensure the protection of the pond from the growth of weeds in its circumference.

In order for the pond to harmonize with the landscape, it must be properly decorated. For this you can:

  1. Plant plants at the bottom of the pond. All that is needed is to put up special containers for deliveries. By the way, the supplies are located at the base of the reservoir.
  2. Arrange plants in tubs / pots on the shore. So, if necessary, you can modify the area around the pond at your discretion.
  3. Launch ornamental fish into the pond.
  4. Make flower and stone arrangements around the pond.

If you want to make the pond more functional, then you can make a mini-pool for swimming. For this you will need big tire from BelAZ. Fill the bottom with sand, install waterproofing. The same type is used as for the arrangement of the pool.

Ladder for climbing into the pool and the surface around the tire can be processed wooden elements pre-treated with antiseptics.

Water tends to stagnate, which makes it unsuitable for swimming. To avoid this, use special reagents designed for water purification. Such a mini-pool can be an excellent place for the whole family to relax.

As you can see, it is quite possible to make a pond / mini-pool out of a tire. To do this, you do not need to invest a lot of money in construction, and it will not take so much time. Using a thing unsuitable for its original purpose, you can ennoble your site.


You can learn how to make a reservoir, pond or stream in the country from the video:

Many people prefer to spend time in the summer summer cottages. To make the rest comfortable, the site is decorated and decorated different ways, using various structures. One of the popular landscape decorations, which pleases not only the owners, but also those around them, is an artificial stream. A moving water stream can be arranged in the most in an unusual way. If desired, fish can be bred in the stream. With all this, you can make an artificial stream with your own hands, which means saving money on the wages of specialists.

Having decided to make an artificial stream on the site, you need to decide on its type:

  • Natural. It is an excellent option if there is a natural reservoir / stream nearby, from which a groove is dug in its area, according to the plan, then it is simply led out of the fence and sent back to the reservoir.
  • Real. It is built if there is no natural reservoir / stream nearby or if the volume of water is limited. A closed stream is simply made, the water into which enters from the main water supply, the movement along the ditch is carried out using a pump, and then returns to the source.

To choose which type of stream is right for your site, you need to familiarize yourself with the terrain, find and study all possible sources of water nearby, then think over a plan.

Many people are faced with the problem of how to locate the stream on the site. To solve it, you must first pay attention to certain features:

  • the shape of the entire site;
  • dimensions of other landscape forms;
  • site topography.

The decorated stream should be combined with other elements of the site.

To make a beautiful and creative artificial stream on your site, you need to take into account some of the nuances:

  1. A narrow and winding stream will visually expand the site, making it larger and more spacious.
  2. If the territory is flat, then it is necessary to make a stream like a meadow, which will have enough a large number of convolutions.
  3. If the site has a slight slope, then it is best to model an artificial reservoir like a mountain stream with a cascading design.

The length, width and depth of the stream must be considered in advance. In this case, you need to rely only on fantasy or a personal vision of the landscape in the country. However, there are certain standard indicators that are taken into account during the construction of an artificial reservoir:

  • The width of the stream should be from 0.4 to 1.5 m. If this figure is less than 40 cm, then the stream will become invisible on the site, especially if quite a lot of plants are planted along it. If the width is more than 1.5 m, then such a reservoir will take up a significant amount of surface and will look like a natural pond.
  • The depth of the stream is usually taken from 0.3 to 0.5 m.

Before you make an artificial stream on your site, you need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • crushed stone, soil or other bulk materials that will be required for the foundation;
  • sand (it is necessary for arranging sand cushion in the stream bed)
  • waterproofing material;
  • fasteners;
  • concrete (required if the stream will have complex curved outlines);
  • OSB board for formwork;
  • pump, pipes or hoses;
  • decorative ornaments (the most popular are natural stones, coarse gravel and various plants).

After all the necessary materials have been prepared, you should proceed directly to the arrangement of the future reservoir.

If the volume of water required is incorrectly calculated, then the production of the stream will fail. When calculating, one should take into account the fact that the pump pumps water over a distance equal to the length of the stream. When the water returns from the end point, its speed decreases as it has to go around rocks and plants. Moreover, consider the fact that water tends to evaporate. According to some calculations, on average, water in a stream moves 2 m in 1 minute. So, if your stream is 10 m long, then the movement of water in it will be up to 300 liters. When calculating, also take into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe base of the stream, the volume of the lower pond and the diameter of the hose that supplies water to the highest point of the stream.

During the operation of the stream from time to time it will be necessary to add water to it. This is due to the ability of water to evaporate.

If all calculations preparatory work carried out, you can proceed to the direct construction of the stream. You need to start with its markup:

  1. Take pegs and rope and draw the outline of the future stream. However, it is not necessary to follow any geometric shapes. Try to give the stream naturalness due to smooth bends.
  2. After that, it is necessary to dig the earth under the channel. If the stream is on a slope, you can add steps or small rapids.
  3. The easiest method of making thresholds is to take boulders and set them on concrete.
  4. The bottom of the excavated channel should be cleaned of roots and compacted.
  5. Before laying the film on the bottom, fill up with a layer of sand up to 60 mm.
  6. In order for the canvas to fit snugly to the base of the stream, it is recommended to moisten it well after laying.
  7. And only after that it is possible to carry out the laying of polyethylene.

If desired, the bottom can be made concrete, but in this case it should be decorated by placing pebbles or cobblestones on it different sizes. Along the edges of the stream, geotextiles are fixed with large stones.

It is necessary to dig a trench along the stream, up to 10 cm deep. A pipe coming from the pump will be laid in it. After laying them, this place must be masked. Upon completion, it remains to connect the pump and start the water.

simple stream

We suggest you familiarize yourself with the stream, which everyone can do. For its manufacture it is necessary to prepare:

  1. Plastic bottles, 5–6 l.
  2. Black polyethylene film.
  3. Pond pump or hose pump.
  4. Plastic basin.
  5. Pebble or gravel.

In this case, the mouth of the stream will be made of plastic bottles that are cut lengthwise. First, they should cut off the neck and bottom. So, laying out the halves plastic bottles in a chain, cover them with dense polyethylene. The pump is mounted in the lower tank, which is also made from a bottle wrapped in film.

In conclusion, the stream bed remains to be decorated. To do this, you can use pebbles or gravel. To organize the lower tank, you can use a plastic bowl in which the submersible pump will be placed. As for the hose, it can be hidden at the mouth of the stream under the pebbles, bringing it to the source.

Other original landscape element, which is done quite simply and does not require so much money, is a dry stream. He will be able to successfully hide the flaws in the relief, as well as visually enlarge the local area.

The advantage of a dry stream over a pond is that midges, mosquitoes and other insects that love moisture will not swarm over it. It is for this reason that many refuse a real stream and prefer a dry one.

Dry streams are especially popular in China. In the East, it is even considered that the landscape is unfinished if there is no water or its imitation. In fact, such an element of landscape design can be the only right decision, because water does not always work. So, there are several advantages of such a structure:

  • Near a dry stream, you can plant any plants, not only moisture-loving ones.
  • There is no need to purchase equipment for pumping water.
  • There is no need to deepen the relief for the movement of water, respectively, land work will not take so much time and effort.
  • You can make a dry stream in 2-3 days.
  • A dry stream can be made on a slope, in a ditch, in the shade and in the sun.
  • At the same time it acts as a drain.
  • It goes well with almost any style of landscape design.

If desired, you can build a dry lake. In this case, the mouth of the stream and the bottom of the lake are laid out with stone and rubble. The shore of a dry lake is shaped with reeds.

First of all, you need to decide on the size, shape of the stream and the material used. So, when choosing a form, consider not only the terrain, but also the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site. If your site is narrow, then a dry lake can harmoniously fit in. If the territory of the site is wide, then you can build a winding stream. As for the device of the stream itself, it can have both a source and a mouth. The mouth can be hidden behind large leaves of bergenia or, for example, hostas. And to make the illusion of a stream, make a small depression in the intended place, laying out fine gravel.

If we talk about the material used, then in most cases it is gravel and pebbles of a small fraction. In this case, you can choose the appropriate tone of pebbles from gray-blue to gray. Gravel, in turn, can be used in such colors: blue-green, blue and blue. Often, basalt and shale are used to build a dry stream.

To place accents, you can use colored granite, blue-blue balls, glass granules. In the sun and even in cloudy weather, they will sparkle and shimmer. As a result, this effect will resemble a real stream.

The process of making a dry stream is as follows:

  1. Sand can be used for marking. They outline the contours of the future dry reservoir.
  2. If the size of the plot allows, then several channels can be made.
  3. In different areas, the width of the stream can be changed, so it will look even more natural.
  4. After marking in the indicated place, remove the turf layer and level the ground.
  5. As a result, the recess should be up to 150 mm.
  6. The bottom is covered with a layer of sand up to 50 mm thick.
  7. To prevent the germination of weeds, a polymer film or geotextile is laid on the bottom.
  8. After that, lay out large stones along the contour of the stream, and cover the channel itself with rubble or pebbles.

After these simple manipulations, your stream will be ready. In conclusion, it remains to plant plants along the stream. But do not overdo it with flowers. Otherwise, the stream will turn into an ordinary flower bed. It is better to choose plants that are associated with water, for example, with blue flowers or blue-yellow leaves.

Optionally, you can use some decorative elements for effective dry flow design. For example, you can install a decorative bridge.

Who, if not a Russian person, can instantly find a use for an unnecessary object? This is what happened with used tires. When they appeared in the yards of many Russians, fences, flower beds, curbs and children's rides made of tires appeared. You can safely add a pond and a pool of tires to this list. Their use in the manufacture of ponds and pools will be discussed further.

The area under the pond must be cleared of stones, shrubs and debris. The bumps need to be leveled. Ultimately, you should end up with a flat area. Tires come in different sizes, allowing you to determine the size of the pond according to the size of the tire. The complex of small ponds located close to each other will look original.

At this stage, it is also worth deciding on the location of the pond, whether it will be in the ground or on it. The choice of decor depends on this, and, accordingly, the purchase of the necessary materials.

The pond, like the stream described above, must be made in one style decision with the site landscape. Otherwise, it will be a ridiculous spot on the territory near the house.

When choosing a place for a pond, it is important to consider the following nuances:

  • the size of the pond and land;
  • groundwater level and soil structure;
  • terrain relief.

Water from a pond located in the sun will quickly evaporate in the summer heat. In addition, microorganisms multiply rapidly in the sun in water. It follows that before the final determination of the place for the pond, it is necessary to observe solar activity on the site.

Pond dimensions are the main determinant of tire size. A small pond can be made from tires from a passenger car. More overall - from a tire from a bus, KamAZ or tractor. If you have to equip a pool from a tire, then it is best to purchase a tire from BelAZ.

To work, you will need such a tool:

  • Hacksaw for metal / electric jigsaw.
  • Roulette.
  • Building level.
  • Shovel.

Initially, the tire should be cleaned of dirt and washed. After you need to cut off the top of the tire. To complete this task, use a jigsaw or, in its absence, a hacksaw for metal. Measure the height and diameter of the tire. These measurements will help you calculate the depth and width of the pit.

The pit should be slightly wider than the tire. This will allow you to secure the waterproofing of the pond.

The water in the pond should fill it evenly. To do this, it is important to make a flat bottom under the tire. Its evenness is determined by the level. To prevent clay from entering the pond during operation, the tire should be installed just above ground level. This factor should not scare you, since you can later decorate your pond with stones or plants, so that the edge of the tire will remain absolutely invisible against the general background.

To ensure that water does not go into the ground from the pond, it is important to carry out its high-quality waterproofing. Most economically advantageous material- polyethylene film. But she can't handle heavy loads. If you want to make a long-lasting pond, then it is better to use waterproofing used for pools.

If the tire is laid on the base, then spread on the bottom and distribute the waterproofing material on the walls. The waterproofing layer should extend beyond the edges of the pond by 50 cm. This will prevent the waterproofing from slipping when the pond is filled with water.

Carry out an experimental filling of the pond with water. If there are no leaks and the work is done with high quality, then the excess material must be carefully wrapped. The edges of the pit should be covered with sand or fine gravel. This will protect the area near the pond from weeds, as well as fix the tire and waterproofing.

It depends on the decoration of the pond whether it will be in harmony with the landscape or not. To do this, a number of actions should be taken:

  1. Plant plants in water. They can be installed on supplies at the bottom of the pond.
  2. Arrange plants in pots / tubs around the pond. This will allow you to change the vegetation near the pond if necessary.
  3. If you wish, you can breed ornamental fish in the pond.
  4. Stone / flower arrangements will look very organic near the reservoir.

If the building ornamental pond does not seem so interesting to you, then you can make a pool for swimming. But to implement this idea, you need to purchase a tire from BelAZ, as mentioned above.

After that, you also need to dig a pit, fill the bottom with sand, and compact it. Then you can lay the waterproofing material on the bottom and walls of the pool. The same waterproofing that is used for arranging concrete pools is perfect for this.

You can decorate the pool with decking. It does not rot, does not absorb moisture, is durable and strong. From the same material, you can make a path to the pool. A ladder for descending, or if the pool is ground, then climbing into it must be made from moisture resistant materials. It's easier to buy it, but here everything is left to your discretion.

The water in the pool quickly stagnates, as a result of which it becomes unusable. To avoid such a nuisance, you will need to use water purification reagents.

Such an inexpensive and quickly equipped pool is quite capable of being made by any master, a lover of homemade products.

So, we learned with you the technology of making a stream and a pond from tires. Following simple advice and recommendations, you will be able to do all the work yourself. And if you have fresh ideas in this direction, then write comments at the end of this article.


Useful tips on how to make an artificial stream are provided in the video:


The provided photo gallery will help you decide on the choice of the type of stream:
