Landscaping of a narrow area of ​​6 acres. Combining vegetables and flowers

Often you want to somehow change or transform the living space. If it is reasonable to use every corner with benefit, then six acres will not seem like such a small area.

So, any plant can be transplanted to another place, demolish an unnecessary barn, or an old arbor and it is beneficial to free up space.

Relief features - a profitable solution

Any lack of relief (pit, depression, failed soil) can be turned into advantage with profit!

That is, a deep hole can be completely turned into a beautiful functional pond, overlaid with gravel and live fish in it.

In too windy and damp corners of the garden, which rarely get the rays of the sun, you can quite successfully place unpretentious structures and plant moisture-loving plants.

A steep ravine on the site will help to successfully separate the recreation area, or an outbuilding.

On any site there are special infertile places, with a lack of plants. It is reasonable to decorate them with a sculpture, a small fountain, placing armchairs nearby.

Flowers are an excellent antidepressant.

A garden plot is hard to imagine without blooming greenery! Flowers, undoubtedly bringing joy and delight, should be everywhere: flower beds with luxurious plants, flowering shrubs, all kinds of flower pots, etc.

As an example: crocuses, snowdrops, daffodils delight the eye in early spring, then, in summer, lilies, roses, gladioli bloom, and asters, dahlias and colchicums bloom in late autumn.

Break flowerbeds of various sizes around the entire perimeter of the site, beautifully decorating their edges with decorative stones, bricks, or a special plastic fence.

Site planning - the main initial task

On a land plot of six acres, of course, I want to place as much as possible: living quarters, a garden with trees, a bathhouse with a steam room, a spacious garden, a recreation area with a fountain, etc. Everything is possible!

The most important task is to correctly plan this rather modest area. To begin with, it is necessary to competently study the normative indicators of garden construction, the number of outbuildings, the maximum allowed dimensions of the house and the utility block.

The next step will be to submit documents for registration of individual buildings to the regulatory authorities, which will help determine the distances between the buildings, their correct location, as well as sanitary and fire safety standards.

In order to reasonably accommodate the entire future economy, it will be correct to draw up a layout plan (sketch), on which to distribute everything in accordance with the norms. Numerous Internet programs will help to cope with this work, which even an ordinary user will understand.

There are three groups of factors that must be considered when planning a site:

The location of the world. The sun's rays should not fall directly on the facade of the house, and obscure the area from the light is also unacceptable.

Site relief. Most often, the house is located at the highest point of the site, if this, of course, is possible. In any situation, there is no limit to design imagination!

Creation of a garden. On the garden plot, it is imperative to place a decorative garden for relaxation and a garden with beds (strictly individually, if desired).

The scope of the imagination of the interior and design of the garden plot must be planned based on the financial capabilities of the owner.

Garden path as a decorative element

The paths on the garden square fulfill not only their functional mission, but are also an independent decorative element that sets the style for the entire site.

There are a huge number of design options for garden paths: they can be made from wooden beams, sprinkled with fine special gravel, laid out with paving slabs and natural stone.

Paving stones laid with an original pattern will serve for a long time and faithfully, which will emphasize the tone of the buildings.

It is not at all difficult to try to equip a standard six-acre plot with your own hands, turning it into your favorite vacation spot.

And if you also include a garden with environmentally friendly products, then this is absolutely wonderful!

Photo of landscape design of a plot of 6 acres

Planning a plot of 6 acres correctly is not an easy task. After all, on a very small area you need to place a garden, a vegetable garden, a recreation area, outbuildings and, of course, the house itself. At the same time, you should try to make the site as convenient and beautiful as possible.

Where to begin?

So, you have purchased a small plot (6 acres). Its layout will certainly turn out to be much more successful if a detailed plan of the territory is previously drawn up. The scheme can be drawn simply on a piece of paper or using some specialized computer program. Mark the boundaries of the site, taking into account the cardinal points. Indicate the location of the centralized communications passing through the site and in the immediate vicinity of it: power lines, gas mains, water supply and sewerage, if any.

It would also be very good to put neighboring buildings and plantings adjacent to the territory on the scheme. Of course, you should pay attention to the elevation differences on the site.

Where to build a house and hozblok

What is the most rational way to equip a plot of 6 acres? Planning should begin, of course, with determining the location of the residential building. The composition of the territory, including a small one, according to the rules, is built around it. A house is usually erected at the highest point of the site with a gable to the street.

At the same time, it is worth deciding where the outbuildings will be located. They are usually placed in such a way that they are not visible from the street, from the windows of the house and the recreation area. You can only leave the bathhouse in plain sight. It will be even more convenient to place it closer to the house. However, in this case, you will have to pay maximum attention to the decoration of its walls.

In total, various kinds of buildings, including the main building, should account for about 10% of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe entire territory. Below in the photo you can see examples of the layout of the site (6 acres).


So, the location of the main buildings on the site is determined. Now you can think about where the garden and vegetable garden will be laid out. Under and shrubs in small areas usually allocate about 60% of the area. Experts recommend planting 2 pears, 5-6 apple trees and the same number of cherries, 15-20 raspberry bushes and 6 currants on six acres. You can also arrange a small garden bed with strawberries (about 250 roots) in the garden.

Another 17% of the area can be taken under the vegetable garden. Beds for tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, onions, garlic, etc. should be done in the sunniest place.

Rest zone

Of course, this is a very small area - 6 acres. Its layout, however, should be carried out in such a way that the owners of the dacha could rest comfortably somewhere.

The most suitable place for this is, of course, a gazebo. Where exactly to collect it is up to the owners of the dacha to decide. If in the future the gazebo is supposed to be used only for family vacations, it is better to put it somewhere in the depths of the garden. Nearby it would be very nice to arrange a small pond or install a decorative fountain.

SNiP regulations

So, now you know how to equip a small suburban area (6 acres). Its planning, however, must be carried out with the obligatory observance of the norms of SNiP. As you plan, consider the following points:

  • The distance between buildings with wooden roofs should be at least 8 m.
  • Between houses made of timber, logs or panel houses - at least 10 m.
  • The toilet is located at least away from the residential building.
  • To the bath from the house should be at least 8 m.
  • To the barn - 12-15 m.
  • The well is dug at least 20 m from the toilet.
  • It is possible to build a residential building on the site no closer than 3 m from the neighbor's fence, a barn - 4 m, a garage - 1 m, sanitary facilities - 2.5 m.
  • Low trees and shrubs are planted at a distance of at least 2 m, large - 4 m, bushes - 1 m.

Some requirements will have to be met in relation to the fence itself. Its height, if it serves as a border with a neighboring site, should not exceed 1.5 m. Otherwise, it will obscure neighboring landings. The height of the fence from the side of the street can be any.

decorative landscape

What else is the layout of the garden plot? 6 acres is actually very little. However, sometimes the owners of such dachas still choose not a practical "garden" layout, but a much more spectacular decorative one. In this case, it will be necessary, of course, to pay maximum attention to the design and the harmonious combination of all elements.

To decorate a small summer cottage area of ​​​​6 acres, when choosing a decorative design, experts advise using two styles at once: strict geometric and free. In this case, the territory will look very neat and at the same time spectacular. It is not necessary to break the entire site completely into small pieces of a strictly geometric shape. This will make it visually even smaller. Using only one free style will give the territory an untidy, abandoned look.

The most successful solution would be to arrange a place in front of the house in accordance with the rules of a strict design direction, and a recreation area - free.

A tree in a small area is best planted large enough and only one. In order for the territory not to resemble a lattice box, a picket fence must be lined with wide rows of shrubs.

Paths are best made winding. Straight lines visually bring objects closer, making the garden visually even smaller. Flowers for flower beds in this case usually choose quite bright, contrasting ones. Pastel shades for small areas do not fit too well.

Site layout options (6 acres)

The suburban country territory, among other things, can have a different shape. When planning, this, of course, will also have to be taken into account. Country plots can be:

  • Rectangular. In this case, problems with the breakdown of the territory will certainly not arise. The house can be located approximately in the middle, and outbuildings can be placed in the corner of the fence. In this case, the recreation area is equipped on the other side of the site or opposite the house. From the side of the hozblok, a garden is laid out, and next to the gazebo - a garden.
  • Stretched out. In such a territory, it is better to place the house on the short side of the fence, and then plant a vegetable garden, a garden and collect outbuildings sequentially along the site. The layout of a narrow plot of 6 acres is usually carried out with the location of a recreation area and a playground in the immediate vicinity of the house.
  • L-shaped. In the protruding zone of such a site, a cozy seating area is usually located. A house is being built nearby, and outbuildings are being built on the opposite side of the summer cottage.

As you can see, following some design rules, you can make a small plot of 6 acres as functional or very beautiful as possible. In this case, it all depends solely on your own preferences. The only thing - you should definitely remember that the layout of the garden plot (6 acres) must be carried out in compliance with the standards prescribed by SNiP. In this case, you will not have any problems with neighbors or inspection organizations in the future.

If you have completed the construction of a country house, then you need to think about the surrounding area. The easiest way is to make a country landscape design. But what if you have a limited area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe adjacent territory of six acres? In this case, we will share with you interesting tricks and secrets on how to independently plan and implement landscape design on 6 acres. This will help you avoid common mistakes, only beginner summer residents.

Planning is the key to success

So, in order for the country landscape design on 6 acres to come out as in the photo in this article, you need to clearly think through everything so that nothing gets out of your attention. And given that the area is limited to only 6 acres, it is important to make a good zoning of the summer cottage.

First of all, you need to understand what kind of area is in front of you. 6 acres will take 600 m 2. This area can have a different shape. For example, a square or a rectangle. In fact, there are a large number of options for how to make landscape design on 6 acres so that it is practical, functional and beautiful. Therefore, of course, first of all, it is necessary to make a project of a landscape plot of 6 acres.

The design project should include the following important elements:

  1. Location on the site of your house.
  2. Outbuildings. It must be clearly indicated whether they are adjacent to the house or stand as separate rooms.
  3. Bathroom on the street.
  4. Summer shower.
  5. Car parking. Be sure to indicate whether it is open or closed. Also where it will be, at the gate or in the back of the yard.
  6. Leisure area. There may be several such zones at once. This includes a gazebo, benches, benches, a pond, a rocking chair and the like. That is, all the places where you can take a breath.
  7. Decorative buildings. The landscape design of a summer cottage of 6 acres may not include such structures, but their presence will give the entire landscape design some zest.
  8. Decorative plantings on the site. Be sure to indicate on the project the places where bushes, trees and other plants grow. Or where you want to drop them off.
  9. Flowerbed. Landscaping on 6 acres must necessarily include a flower bed. She will decorate the entire local area, like a cherry on a cake. You can plan so that the color does not stop all year round.
  10. Garden. Immediately think about whether you need a garden. If yes, then allocate a separate place for it. Perhaps you decide to take advantage of current trends by making a vertical garden.
  11. Trees. Here it is important to consider the fact that the existing trees on the landscape design of a summer cottage photo of 6 acres do not obscure the whole picture.

As you can see, the project will consist of many elements. You can draw a landscape design project for a summer cottage of 6 acres on a special computer program or on a large landscape sheet.

Advice! Draws up a landscape design project on 6 acres, be sure to observe the proportions. So that everything you have conceived without any problems can be transferred to the land.

Secrets of competent planning

So, having considered the features of creating a project, let's get acquainted with some tricks for the competent planning of a house adjoining territory with an area of ​​​​6 acres. So, first of all, you need to think about whether something can be modified in your territory. You may be able to expand the usable area for a recreation area, a children's corner, or just for planting a lawn. That is, if several buildings for different purposes are planned at the summer cottage, then think about whether it is possible to combine them or build them on one side of the summer cottage.

Among other things, you can resort to other original solutions. So, if you want to plant trees with a spreading crown, then do it on the north side of the summer cottage. Thanks to this, such trees will be a shield from cold winds. Plus, a source of natural vitamins. If you are looking for a shade, then plant an apple tree on the east side, because after lunch you will definitely have a shade, and you can put benches or a gazebo in it. As for dwarf trees, plant them so that they visually separate your house from the street.

You should carefully consider and design a place for leisure activities on a landscape summer cottage of 6 acres. Beautiful shrubs will look original near the playing area. As for the play area for children, it should be as close to home as possible. This is important as the children will be in control. Near the children's area, you can also plant beautiful plants in boxes.

Advice! Near the game part, plant those plants that children can actually take care of without the help of adults. So, children will simultaneously play and learn how to care for plants.

On the edge of the suburban area, you can install a barbecue, gazebo. A lawn or beautiful flowers are planted around. As you can see, there are many simple tips on how to beautifully design the landscape design of a summer cottage on 6 acres. However, with all this, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules. This will be discussed further.

Norms in landscape design

If you are at the stage of planning a house adjoining territory of 6 acres, you need to familiarize yourself with the existing standards. For example, SNiP 2.07.01-89, SNiP 2.01.02-85. The first SNiP refers to the planning of the local area, and the last SNiP allows you to comply with fire safety techniques. Let's take a look at some of these requirements.

  • Residential buildings should not be located closer than 3 meters from the border of a neighboring suburban area. As a result, when developing a landscape design project on 6 acres, be sure to consider this fact.
  • Residential buildings should not be closer than 5 meters from the street.
  • Outbuildings from the neighboring territory should be no closer than 1 meter.
  • Residential buildings must be constantly exposed to sunlight for at least two and a half hours a day.

Plus, it is necessary to plan the landscape design in such a way that the windows from the bedroom, kitchen, living room overlook a beautiful area of ​​​​the adjacent territory.


An important role is played by the quality of lighting in the landscape area and the overall design. Considering that the territory is only 6 acres, it is extremely important to think over everything so that the lighting is functional and zoned. Plus, do not forget about the installation of decorative lighting. The lighting method should also be included in the design project.

So, if you correctly think over the lighting design, you can achieve the following results:

  • Make an expressive emphasis on any individual zones. For example, you can highlight paths, paths, a pond, and the like.
  • Highlight beautiful plants. For example, you have planted an exotic tree, so why not highlight it against the general background with original lighting, and possibly colored lighting.
  • The presence of lighting in the landscape design of the suburban area allows you to observe the entire surrounding area. As a result, you will feel much safer, because thieves are more likely to get into dark places.

As for the quality of lighting, it is important to understand one point here - you should not buy those light sources that are very expensive to maintain. For example, you can buy solar-powered lamps. These are the ones that accumulate energy during the day and release it at night. You can also purchase energy-saving lamps. As a result, you will be able to save on light and indulge in creating a special effect in the local area.

So, with regard to the choice of lighting fixtures, here are some useful tips:

  • For landscape design of a summer cottage on 6 acres, buy light bulbs of lower power. In most cases, on the street you just need to organize the backlight.
  • Be sure to think about how the lights will turn off. It would be nice if separate switching off / on is provided. Due to this, it will be possible to save money, because it will not always be necessary to highlight the entire territory of the summer cottage at once. Therefore, switches can be divided into zones.
  • All wires conducted along the street must be reliably protected from the negative effects of moisture. It would be nice to hide the wires underground in a special sleeve into which moisture will not be available.

How to visually expand

On the one hand, 6 acres is quite a lot. But if you are used to space, then you should pay attention to the possibilities of how to visually expand the landscape design of a summer cottage on 6 acres. To do this, there are several original tricks at once.

First of all, straight lines should be avoided. Their presence will not cause a very pleasant visual impression. After all, straight lines emphasize the isolation and limited space. As a result, landscape design professionals advise using smooth lines, curves, for example, the shape of a flower bed can be round or oval. This also applies to trails. They can be twisty. In no case should the paths be made square, triangular and similar shapes. The emphasis is on fluidity.

Advice! If a gazebo is being erected or a pond is being made, then give them smooth lines, perhaps a round gazebo will look good.

Another secret of how to visually expand the space is to eliminate blind fences. Rectilinear walls, blind fences create the effect and the illusion of isolation. Therefore, in order to visually expand and prevent all this, there should not be high and deaf fences on the site. For example, replace large fences with decorative fences, which will serve as an additional decoration for the created landscape design on 6 acres. Alternatively, plant a hedge. As for its shape and height, here you can build on personal tastes and preferences. So, a hedge can be 500 mm or the full height of a person. Some replace the live fence with an imitation. For example, a chain-link mesh is installed. You can pull special strings. At its base, a climbing plant such as grapes or something else is planted.

Among other things, when planning landscape design on a summer cottage on 6 acres, it is better to avoid high saturation in plants. Greens and flowers are good, but the abundance of plants will create a cluttered effect. Perhaps, instead of abundant plants, plant a beautiful lawn and take care of it. And if there are plants, they should be ideally combined with lawn grass.

But what if you like floral ensembles and you dream of a lot of flowers? In this case, it is necessary to think over such compositions that will create the effect of lightness and space.

Another interesting technique is to create a major focus in the preparation of a landscape design project for a summer cottage of 6 acres. But you need to do it wisely. These accents should be catchy and large. Their goal is that the gaze, willy-nilly, rests on them. For example, these could be the following elements:

  • Alcove.
  • Water.
  • Flowerbed.
  • Openwork arches.
  • Liana plants.
  • Alpine hill and the like.

You can focus on these and other elements with the help of lighting. Spot diffused light on landscape design of 6 acres will also visually expand the space.


So, as we have seen, creating a landscape design for a summer cottage on 6 acres is not an easy task. It is necessary to pay special attention to the design, because it will turn out to achieve such a desired effect. This article also revealed the secrets of zoning and planning. And if you want to avoid isolation, then use the tips on how to visually expand the space on 6 acres.

We hope that this article was useful for you and you were able to get useful information for yourself regarding how to make a beautiful landscape design on a summer cottage of 6 acres. In addition, we offer you to view the prepared video material. If you have your own ideas on this issue or have already completed a similar project, you can share your experience at the end of this article. This will help beginners to make a beautiful and unique landscape design of the site on 6 acres.

The breakdown and planning of a summer cottage is a process that requires knowledge of land management, construction technology, landscape design, and also includes your creative fantasies. Competently connecting both sides of the issue, you can achieve the result that so far is only in your dreams. Do-it-yourself site planning makes sense to start with preparatory work.

To get the cottage of your dreams, it is important to plan the right place

Discuss preparatory work

We start with a visual inspection of the site to determine the type of relief, general outlines, the presence of buildings and their location. Perhaps your site has a slope or pond. Any of these natural objects should be included in the plan, it can be interesting to beat it, tied to the general concept of landscape design. Pay special attention to the conditions for the location of your allotment: forest - steppe, lowland or hill.

Based on a general assessment of the situation, the improvement of the territory should be planned. Additional preparation may include backfilling or removing soil, laying gutters. Proper placement and design of summer cottages will facilitate the zoning of the site and the placement of other landscape objects. A detailed space assessment includes:

  1. Relief. The scheme for laying engineering communications depends on the features of the relief. Hilly or perfectly flat, with ravines and slopes, it requires the owner to take into account all the features.
  2. Priming. The quality of the soil is important for planning the garden, laying out flower beds and planting ornamental plantings. The soil can be clay, sandy or high in humus. For vegetable crops, increased soil fertility is necessary. Soil acidity is important for the selection of flowering plants.
  3. Shape and size. Find out what shape your site has: square, triangular or rectangular in order to correctly fit all the planned objects into it.
  4. Ground water. Knowledge of the groundwater level will help to solve the issue of drainage and water drainage, if necessary.
  5. Climatic conditions. Influence the choice of plants, thermal insulation of buildings.
  6. Illumination. An important parameter for the placement of buildings, plantings and decorative objects. Tall trees and buildings are recommended to be placed on the north side of the site in order to reduce the effect of shade on vegetation.

This is how a bathhouse with a pond may look like in the country

Territory zoning is a smart decision

It is impossible to plan a summer cottage without first determining the necessary zones. The number of zones is determined by many factors and is always calculated strictly individually, applicable to a specific site and the desires of the owners. We list the standard set of zones, which includes:

  • living sector;
  • recreation area;
  • various outbuildings;
  • garden area;
  • garden.

When performing zoning, you should calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach zone. Professionals express zoning areas as a percentage of the entire area of ​​the site. As a rule, the residential area accounts for 20%, outbuildings occupy 15%, and 75% is left for the garden. Such a plan will allow you to fully reveal and ensure the optimal "cutting" of the site and will allow you to implement a competent landscape design.

When planning the site and zoning, it is necessary to take into account the needs of all family members

Subject features of zoning:

  1. The house on the plan is placed in the center of the site. Ancillary buildings are located in the depths of the territory. Green spaces can be used to camouflage a barn or toilet.
  2. A place to stay is chosen according to the principle of convenience and a beautiful location relative to all buildings. The zone can be made in a combined form or scattered in separate corners. Read also:
  3. Garden beds are laid out on the most illuminated part of the territory. Buildings should not obscure them. Read also:
  4. For a bath and a pool, a place is allocated near the fence so that they do not take up too much free space in the center.

An example of zoning a territory using trellises

Plot shapes are different.

Most suburban areas are a rectangle, which is ideal for creating any design pattern. However, there are territories with non-standard geometry. So, for example, complex L-shaped sections that require a carefully thought-out approach to their planning. The protruding part of such a territory can be used for the improvement of a playground or recreation area.

Get it right on paper

When planning an independent breakdown of a summer cottage, get ready for the fact that all your thoughts and ideas will need to be transferred to paper. If you are good with a computer, you can use a special program to develop a project. A simpler option is to transfer all objects to paper. The ideal solution is to make a drawing of the site on whatman paper at a scale of 1:100. For convenience, first draw the entire sheet with a grid with 1 cm cells.

The next step is the direct transfer of the intended objects to paper. For drawing, you can take felt-tip pens, pencils, magazine clippings, and so on. We proceed to work with the scheme, given the following sequence:

  • we place the house on the drawing, taking into account the entrance doors;
  • allocate space for utility buildings;
  • we mark the recreation area and mark the reservoir, if any;
  • we reserve a place for a children's town;
  • we connect all the objects with the necessary paths;
  • mark the location of the fences;
  • we reflect flower beds, rock garden;
  • draw lines of engineering communications.

Site sketch will help to plan the area

When engaged in independent planning, one should take into account the requirements of the law for the norms for the location of various objects on the site. Today they are:

  • from the main housing construction to the "red line" - 5 meters;
  • from the house to the neighboring fence - 3 meters;
  • space between brick buildings - 6m, wooden buildings - 15m, between mixed buildings - 10m;
  • from the fence to the wall of the house - 3m, buildings for animals - 4m, outbuildings - 1m, trees - 4m;
  • from the windows of your house to neighboring outbuildings - 6m.

This is what commercial buildings might look like.

Buildings and decor in assortment

It's time to elaborate on the future site plan. Schematically, we have already considered the main buildings and decorations, but did not go into details. Let's categorize all objects:

  • the central object is a residential building;
  • outbuildings - garage, summer kitchen, cellar, sheds, water well;
  • recreation area - patio, swimming pool, gazebo, terrace, outdoor shower, playground;
  • the territory of vegetable plantings - beds, a greenhouse, a front garden, flower beds.

Toilet and pond can be nearby

Each of these points involves the choice of material, shape, location. It is necessary to decide on these nuances before the start of construction. Of course, when you put something into practice with your own hands, it is difficult to take everything into account, but mistakes should be avoided. We have prepared for you some useful tips that will help you competently equip all areas.

Do-it-yourself children's sports town in the country

Let's start with the rules for arranging the proposed buildings. Let's find out where it is more rational to place them and how to combine them with each other:

  1. Garage or parking. The area under the car should be allocated with a small margin if you are going to receive friends. The garage is right to build in the foreground. If there is not enough space for a garage, you can build a canopy from a metal frame and polycarbonate. For the stability of the structure, one of the walls of the canopy is attached to the wall of the house.
  2. Bath. When laying the bath, we take into account the degree of illumination of the site. The south side is not suitable for such construction. The building should not obscure your garden and flower beds.
  3. Outbuildings. It is appropriate to place a shed and a toilet next to the bathhouse. In addition, they can be installed along the fence or become part of it. Make sure that the toilet is not located near the house, recreation area, playground and neighbor's house. We make the barn compact in size, because there you will store only garden supplies, so there is no need to inflate it in size.
  4. Rest zone. When locating a seating area, make sure that it sits next to the decorative elements of your landscape, creating a beautiful view. If you plan to build a barbecue or gazebo in the recreation area, try to keep them away from the neighbors' house. Thus, you will be able to relax without disturbing anyone. It is undesirable to plant trees near the pool. Anything that falls from them will certainly end up in the water, and you will have to clean it often.
  5. Children's or playground. A special object that requires your constant attention, so place it in a zone of good visibility. Remove it from the large pool if it is planned to be built, and place it closer to the recreation area in order to be able to control children. The use of improvised means is encouraged.

This is what the beds might look like

We have not forgotten the decoration elements

Having decided on the location of the buildings, we proceed to the placement of the garden, garden, flower beds and other decorative elements. They also have their own rules:

  1. Garden. For good yields, we break the beds in the southern or southeastern side of the site. Be sure to take into account the depth of groundwater and the terrain (it is better not to break the beds in the lowland). We plant fruit trees away from the beds, excluding their shading. When planning for a large garden, it is worth "scattering" trees throughout the territory, they will add romance to your site.
  2. Flowerbeds. It is advisable to flaunt them, that is, equip them where they will be clearly visible. Correctly surround them with a recreation area, place them along the paths, near the porch. If there is not enough space for voluminous compositions, you should pay attention to vertical flower beds. It will be great to complement the design of a small area and a well-equipped rock garden that does not require large areas.
  3. Water. We introduce an artificially constructed pond or lake into the landscape, in accordance with its decorative significance. Some can be seen in the photo.

A solid site - a solid body of water

What plot, such and layout

Whatever grandiose ideas you have, their transition into reality depends on the size of the site. Agree, it is difficult to squeeze a huge swimming pool or a double garage into the same 6 acres. We have to reckon with the available meters in order to correctly plan the entire territory. We will present you the most common layout options for various areas.

Plot 6-8 acres

Small lot needs more planning

The traditional size for an ordinary cottage. What can be placed on the territory of 6-8 acres:

  1. Country house with an area of ​​​​not more than 20 square meters.
  2. Outbuildings. Toilet, outdoor shower, hozblok - allocate 15m² for them.
  3. Garage or carport - 12m² (ideally 4x3m).
  4. Recreation area and children's playground - 70m².
  5. Open beds and greenhouse - 130m².
  6. Garden paths and paths - 38m².
  7. Flowerbeds, shrubs and trees - 310m².

Four views of a small suburban area

The small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe country house is explained by the fact that there is a need for it only in warm weather. Fruit trees in such a plot are usually represented by apple, cherry, plum, pear, and apricot. Currants of all kinds, raspberries, gooseberries are suitable for berry bushes. Household buildings are best hidden behind the house and away from the recreation area. Free areas are planted with a green lawn and garden figurines are used as decorations.

Put on 10-12 acres

Even in a small area, with proper planning, you can place everything you need.

Creating a landscape design for a summer cottage of 10 acres with your own hands is much easier than accommodating all your dreams on the usual 6. Approximate parameters for objects with 10-12 acres are as follows:

  • residential building - 160m²;
  • buildings for household needs - 40m²;
  • recreation areas and a children's playground - 180m²;
  • garden area (with a greenhouse and beds) - 220m²;
  • garden area - 540m²;
  • paths and paths - 55m².

Summer kitchen on a plot of 10 acres

The order of the location of buildings in the landscape design of a summer cottage of 10 acres with your own hands remains the same as when working on 6 acres. However, with 10 acres you get additional areas for landscaping. The number of fruit plantations is increasing, there is freedom in choosing forms for flower beds, it is possible to build a pool, gazebos, terraces. Evening lighting of the site can also become a decorative effect in the design of 10 acres. Approximately the same plan is suitable for 9 acres.

Ownership of 15-20 acres

A plot of 20 acres opens up a wide field for fantasy

Owners of 15-20 acres do not need to limit their flight of fancy, a lot will fit on such an area. An example plan looks like this:

  1. House - 200m². The area is given taking into account the presence of a veranda and an attic.
  2. Summer kitchen - 35m².
  3. Guest house - 45-55m².
  4. Bath - 40m² (means a sauna or a hammam).
  5. Outbuildings - 75m².
  6. Garage and parking - 30-40m².
  7. Recreation area (including barbecue, children's playground, barbecue area, gazebo, benches) - 280m².
  8. Decor objects (pond, fountain, garden figures) - 120 m².
  9. Flowerbeds, flower beds - 75m².
  10. Garden area - 400m².

It makes no sense to give detailed advice when designing such a site. Remember what we said about linking to the terrain of communications, but otherwise rely on your desires and capabilities. The main thing is that as a result everything is harmoniously combined. Find time for a thorough study of plant species and their growing conditions, so that your site is buried in greenery all season long and pleases with bright colors.

Any summer resident who has acquired a plot of land without buildings knows how difficult it is to create a successful layout. In our country, plots of 6 acres are especially loved, where you can place everything you need without overpaying. If there is a question regarding the planning of an area of ​​​​600 square meters, then the information from this article will be extremely useful.

The value of the layout

Preliminary planning is a troublesome and long business, but only if you do not know anything in this matter. If a person is already savvy, then he can easily create everything so that he and his loved ones feel comfortable spending time in the country. During the construction process without preliminary planning, you may encounter the following difficulties:

  1. Inconsistency of the development of the site with the existing GOSTs, which may affect the operation and even be dangerous for the owner, his relatives and guests.
  2. Irrational use of free space. For example, if it is wrong to choose the dimensions of a residential building and place it illiterately, then you can lose space for outbuildings or baths in the future.
  3. Undesirable location of the elements of the site. So, for example, not planned, you can do harm, and create not very convenient conditions for yourself. This, for example, can be a cesspool or compost pit, which is located under the window of the kitchen or bedroom.

This is only part of the problems faced by the owners of summer cottages who did not want to plan the space.

Start planning

So, a plot of 6 acres purchased. The desired layout of its layout can be drawn simply on a piece of paper or reproduced using a specialized computer program. Even if the owner does not have artistic skills, he will be able to create a drawing on his own. The main thing is to adhere to a scale of 1:500, carefully draw lines in accordance with the requirements of the standards. It is worth talking in more detail about how the planning of summer cottages is regulated.

Building codes and standards

The layout of any site should be carried out in strict compliance with SNiP. To do this, when drawing up a plan, the following points must be taken into account:

  • All buildings on the site can only be arranged at a distance of more than 5 meters from the main line of the street.
  • Buildings with wooden roofs require a distance of 8 meters between each other.
  • Residential buildings are removed from the neighboring area by at least 3 meters.

    Tip! If the area allows, then it is better to move the house exactly 3 meters from the neighbors in order to get a spacious courtyard.

  • Outbuildings cannot be located closer than 1 meter to the neighboring plot.
  • There should be 6m of free space between a house, a bathhouse, a garage or a shed and neighbors.
  • When planning, the toilet should be located 15 m from the residential building.
  • From the country house to the bath should be at least 8 meters.
  • A well can be dug at a distance of more than two tens of meters from a compost pit or cesspool.
  • Low shrubs are planted at a distance of at least 2 m, high - 4 m, and bushes - 1 m.
  • If there is a corral with cattle on the neighbors' plot, then the distance of buildings from it should be at least 15 m.

Advice! If you want to put buildings on the site close to each other, then it is better to build their walls from ceramic bricks or aerated concrete. These materials are not capable of spreading fire and supporting combustion, which will ensure fire safety.

Some requirements also apply to fences. The height of the fence, if it acts as a border with neighbors, cannot exceed 1.5 meters. Otherwise, artificial shading of neighboring plantings may be created, which will not please the site owners very much. From the side of the street, the height of the fence can be any.

The location of the site relative to the cardinal points

Residential premises located on the site must receive the largest amount of natural light during the day. In a one-room and two-room house, at least one room should be illuminated for 2.5 hours a day. Multi-room buildings require natural light from at least two rooms also for 2.5 hours a day.

Thus, when planning in the northern part, there are sanitary rooms, a wardrobe, a pantry and other premises that do not need constant natural light and are not used constantly.

It is also important when arranging the windows of the house to calculate the presence of a panoramic view from them. It will be very unpleasant to watch a blank fence at the window of the bedroom or living room.

Location of zones on the site

When planning a plot of 6 acres, it is necessary to correctly distribute the places in which this or that functional zone will be located. First of all, they always equip a residential building. Subsequently, the rest of the composition is built around it. Usually they build it on the elevation of the site so that the pediment faces the street.

After that, you can start choosing the location of outbuildings. They usually try to hide them and put them where they will not be visible from the windows of the house, from the street and from the recreation area. Only a bath can be in sight, but only one whose exterior finish is aesthetically pleasing.

Important! On the site, different types of buildings should account for only 10% of the total area.

Garden and planting area

After determining the location for the main buildings on the site, you can think about where to set up a garden and create a vegetable garden. Fruit-type trees and shrubs in small areas can occupy up to 60% of the total area. For example, you can make a garden from several pear trees, 5 apple and cherry trees, several dozen raspberry bushes and 6 currants. For 6 acres, this is the best layout option that can be applied. And also in the garden a small-sized bed with strawberries can be equipped.

In the place where the most sun falls, within 17% of the area of ​​​​the entire plot, you can take a small garden, where it is easy to place beds for carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes and greens, as well as a place for planting potatoes.

Leisure area

Of course, a plot of 6 acres does not belong to the category of large ones, but still you need to plan the space so that the owners have the opportunity to spend their free time in comfort. The most convenient place for this is the gazebo, which can be placed anywhere on the site, where it is only convenient for the owners.

Advice! To maintain a relaxing atmosphere next to the gazebo, it is better to create an artificial pond or a decorative fountain.

If in the future it is planned to often receive guests, then it is best if the gazebo is placed next to the house. This will allow you not to go far when taking food to nature. Inside or outside the gazebo under a canopy, a barbecue or barbecue will be useful. If there is very little space, then you can use a portable brazier.


For those families with children, it is very important to equip the site with a playground for their leisure time. Be sure to do it in such a place that the entire area is clearly visible from the windows of a residential building. You need to equip the site on a flat place, where the sun stays for a sufficient amount of time. It is also important to pay attention that during the day some of it is in a small shade.

Decorative landscape and flower beds

To improve the appearance of the site, it is worth giving some part of it under the front garden, which is usually located next to the house or along the fence. It is best not to plant tall trees and shrubs that will shade large areas. The best options for planning will be flower beds and neat lawns.

If you want to create something individual on a plot of 6 acres, then you can advise decorating its landscape decoratively. To do this, designers are advised to choose geometric and free styles. Thus, you can achieve a spectacular appearance and accuracy of the entire territory.

It is best to arrange a place in front of the house using a strict style, and a recreation area in the free. Such a solution will make the site aesthetically attractive and convenient to stay in it. Only free design can give the site area an abandoned look.

There should be only one tree on a small plot of 6 acres if it is quite massive. And to improve the appearance of the fence, its perimeter is decorated with shrubs or weaving plants.

The tracks are laid out in a sinuous shape, as straight lines will make the area visually even smaller. For flower beds, flowers are chosen in bright, contrasting shades. Pastel shades for a site that cannot boast of dimensions are not suitable.

Planning examples

The territory of the suburban area during planning can take a different form, which is important to consider. So, the area of ​​the site can be:


Even a small summer cottage of 6 acres can be very beautiful and comfortable to live in, if you follow some planning criteria. It all depends on the preferences of the owner, but you should not forget about the standards and ergonomics either, because thanks to them, you can create such a summer cottage that will become a reason for pride.
