Schemes of patterns for window platbands. Carved architraves on windows in a wooden house. Creation of platbands from sheet iron

Production of carved platbands for windows natural wood, as well as decorative carving by the masters of the company "Stavros" is made using selected materials of the highest quality. Basically, glued solid pine grown in the Leningrad region is used for such purposes. This material fits decorative elements just perfect:

  • well amenable to processing;
  • it can be given absolutely any shape and size;
  • long time retains its properties and characteristics;
  • not subject to cracking.

Natural wood for manufacturing is carefully selected. At the same time, they use the best varieties material, which allows you to get truly exclusive products with unique characteristics. The use of special processing technology gives finished products strength, durability and makes them resistant to external influences.

Carved platbands on the windows: a beautiful home decoration

In our company "Stavros" you can buy products wholesale and retail at very favorable prices and with quality assurance.

In this collection of Stavros house carvings, only the most beautiful products with an exclusive look. If you wish, you can buy carvings for decorating cottages from the outside and from the inside. The range of decorative elements in the collection is extremely extensive. It includes several key product types:

  • carved platbands on the windows (photo);
  • balustrades and stairs;
  • decor for the facades of cottages and gables;
  • furniture fittings;
  • partitions for zoning rooms made of natural wood.

Wooden architraves on windows: trust the masters!

We are ready to offer our customers the most profitable terms; the price is the most affordable, and the quality is the highest. House carvings made of natural wood from the masters of Stavros will decorate any home, make it exclusive and comfortable. We can buy wooden architraves for every taste. Experienced and skilled craftsmen companies will make them exactly in the style that will look as harmonious as possible in the customer's home. All products are decorated with carvings by hand, they must pass quality control, and comply with environmental standards.

Our carving is a truly exclusive window decoration of any building. Exquisite and luxurious accessories give windows a finished look and protect the space between the frame and the building wall from moisture and dirt.

Carved wood cornices on the roof of the house: exquisite exclusivity

Stylish carved wood cornices on the roof of the house look especially good on buildings built in the traditional Russian style. Such cornices perform two functions at the same time - decorative and practical. Our own production base and a team of professional specialists allow us to create real masterpieces, individually select cornices for any building.

The creation of the front of the house should be treated with full responsibility. Indeed, from how the building looks externally, the first opinion about the owner of the house is formed. This is the "face" of the whole structure. That is why caring owners try to make it unique and individual. Thanks to the decoration of not only walls, but also windows, it is possible to obtain unsurpassed results. Platbands are able to create the integrity of the composition, visually increase or decrease window openings. With their help, you can achieve any visual effect.

Platband - a traditional element of facade decor

Platbands have been used since ancient times. These are traditional and beloved. Naturally, on apartment buildings platbands are not mounted. They are designed to decorate precisely. With their help, it is possible to change the appearance of the house beyond recognition. Simple design creates a fabulous effect.

Platbands for windows wooden house, photos of which can be viewed on the Internet, clearly show how these elements are needed. Beautiful and original products complete the building and make it look complete. With their help, it is very easy to create an ensemble of all structures in the yard. That is why many years ago they were used in the most expensive houses. They were proud of them and presented them to guests, because once upon a time own house treated quite differently. "My home is my fortress" - the ancient people believed and created strong and individual buildings.

The functions of platbands in wooden houses, their advantages

But the elements are famous not only for their beauty and noble appearance. facade decor. Window frames perform different functions:

  • decorative element that serves as a real decoration. The platband emphasizes the windows, makes their features more expressive and noticeable. With it, you can give the window a different shape;
  • visual change of the window opening. This great option in cases where the window wants to be narrowed or, conversely, enlarged. For example, small windows are very easy to enlarge by framing them in openwork lace trims;
  • highlights the style of the house. With the help of such products it is very easy to create a real ensemble of buildings in the yard. If you correctly approach the design and decorate all the windows in the courtyard in the same style, you can achieve the integrity of all structures;
  • reliable seam protector. IN wooden village houses the window is placed in the same plane with the wall. With the correct installation of the platband, the product also slightly closes the wall, thereby reliably covering the joint. Thanks to this placement, the seam is reliably protected from cracking, dust and harmful effects environment. It will always remain airtight, will not let the cold into the house.

Modern platbands are beautiful products that reliably protect the structure. That is why it is worth buying platbands for windows in a wooden house. So in a simple way you will not only decorate your home, but also reliably protect openings from destruction, especially since modern market building materials a huge number of varieties of such an element of facade decoration are provided for choice.

Cons of wooden architraves

In addition to the advantages of platbands, it is worth remembering their shortcomings. Although they are insignificant compared to the advantages, it is still necessary to know about them:

  • Apprentices are very responsive to weather because they are not protected by anything. This applies primarily wooden products. To avoid such troubles, wooden platbands are treated with special substances that contribute to their long-term service. Products from artificial materials less demanding to care. Modern technologies allow you to create them outwardly similar to natural, but many times greater than their functionality.
  • They require increased attention. require constant care. They need to be painted or varnished. Cracked architraves look ugly on the building, they adversely affect the entire appearance, making it untidy and sloppy.
  • The mismatch of the material can be detrimental to the appearance of the house. The choice of platbands should be approached with an understanding of style and design. It is best to entrust the choice to a professional who will help you choose the most advantageous decor option.

Types of platbands

Today available to consumers different types architraves:

  • Slotted, which impress with their beauty and grace. Openwork patterns emphasize the individuality and peculiarity, indicate the excellent taste of the owner of the house. Such products are made as a solid canvas with a beautiful pattern. The windows decorated with such platbands give the impression that the window openings are crowned with elegant lace. platbands on windows in a wooden house are best view decorations and a reliable protector from the harmful effects of the environment on the joints.
  • Overheads that are over complex design. Such products are superimposed on a special plate. They have a variety of patterns. Thin lines are perfectly visible on the “lining”, they impress with their transitions. Such an element can be placed on the platbands that are already on the windows. This The best way update . In addition, if the front material and the openwork trim itself are painted in different colors, then you can get the effect of a three-dimensional pattern.
  • Simple. They have a smooth surface. They do not have any patterns. The product can have different shapes, rounded edges. As a rule, this type of trim is installed in order to protect the seam. They also give facade finished look. The choice of such platbands can also be an element of stylish design.

Whatever shape and appearance no matter the casing, it must withstand adverse weather, temperature changes, and not react to humidity. That is why special requirements are put forward for such products. architraves on windows in a wooden house allow you to create such an element that will meet the requirements of the owner of the building.

Do-it-yourself window trims are a wonderful decoration for the facade of the house (ready-made stencils and templates will be given in the article below). They make the house look like no other, visually change its proportions.

Today, having certain skills, you can independently create elegant platbands for windows in wooden building. Moreover, they can be made not only from wood, but also from other materials.


When the owner decides to mount the platbands, he seeks to arrange traditional decor in his possessions.

Platbands have the following advantages:

  1. Excellent decorative function. So the building visually increases.
  2. Complementing the overall style of architectural design.
  3. The space between the window opening and the wall plane is protected from moisture and dust.
  4. Reduced heat loss and noise levels.
  5. stand out personality traits houses and the style of the chosen era.

There are platbands and shortcomings:

  1. Wood needs some processing from high humidity and deformation.
  2. Products need regular care and processing.
  3. They do not harmonize with metal-plastic windows. In this case, the platbands are made in the same color scheme.

Self-creation of templates

Today there are many platbands. Their types are determined by the way they are mounted to the window. There are two types of this criterion:

  1. Telescopic. Their specifics: L-shaped protrusions, coinciding with the grooves of the window frame.
  2. Overhead. Installation takes place on window frame. Fasteners - construction glue or nails with screws.

For your information: finished samples are created in full size. They are printed according to the required parameters.

An elegant solution is the installation of carved products. Such plans can be realized independently only with special equipment.

Popular materials

  1. The most common material for platbands is wood. Products from it have an elegant and harmonious appearance.
  2. Plastic versions are often used as well. They are characterized by powerful resistance to temperature changes and ultraviolet radiation. Plastic options are sold ready-made.
  3. Another popular material is MDF. It is made from wood waste. It is more environmentally friendly than plastic. In addition, products made from it are characterized by a look reminiscent of natural wood.
  4. Polyurethane. Variations from it are highly practical. Facade stucco molding is often made from this material.

The nuances of choosing the right wood

As already noted, wood is the most popular material for platbands. AND performance characteristics wooden platbands depends on the type of wood used.

Here, attention is usually paid to such options.

  1. Hard deciduous. These varieties include oak and beech. They are very durable. But it is quite problematic to create patterns on them.
  2. Soft leafy. These are: linden, aspen and alder. They are easier to process. On their surface patterns are created even by hand. And such surfaces are thoroughly processed by special means.
  3. Cherry and apple tree. They are optimal for creating small components that can be attached to the base.
  4. Pine and birch. They are also easy to handle. And they have excellent working qualities.
  5. Various combinations of wood types. Application here of special protective compounds for a powerful impregnation is required.

With the help of wood High Quality it turns out a beautiful original design of the window opening.

The nuances of creating templates with your own efforts

The basis of the work is to create stencils and design.

Self-printing stencils is quite feasible for everyone. It is important to achieve a combination of the selected ornament with the whole style. Mixing geometric and floral patterns is not allowed.

When working on platbands, the following subtleties are taken into account:

  1. There must be harmony color palette walls and decorative items.
  2. Be sure to select the correct parameter. The platbands should not be very wide or small.
  3. A high-quality version of the coating is selected. Special paints are used.
  4. A template is needed for the manufacture of external carved components.
  5. The drawing is correctly positioned on the workpiece. Details follow along the wood fibers.

When you can achieve color combination architraves and the plane of the walls, it turns out a holistic and harmonious facade.

Manufacturing stages

Before creation window decor carved platbands are selected from photographs. You need to make a template first. It should turn out the same for the design work of all openings.

Typically, the following methods of creating patterns are used:

  1. Applied thread. It has isolated elements of the pattern. They join the same base.

Installation of overhead components should be on the base in compliance with the template pattern.

  1. slotted thread. Here they make a through ornament. It looks like wood lace.

With all methods of work, the presence of stencils is mandatory. This is how they look:

Advice: for simple patterns, it is not necessary to make a large-scale stencil. Enough of the notebook paper.

You also need to have the following tools:

  1. Jigsaw.
  2. Hacksaw (oriented for wood).
  3. Knives and chisels.
  4. Drill.
  5. Milling technology

Platbands must be created from prepared materials. The working stages are:

  1. Rigorous measurements are taken.
  2. The selected tree must be dry. If it is wet or damp, it must be brought to dry conditions. The width of the boards is determined by the parameters of the window opening. The thickness of the material reaches a minimum of 3 cm if a slotted thread is made, and at least 1 cm when an overhead thread is made.

All blanks are pre-treated with a protective compound.
Their cutting is done using templates. And the cutting of ornaments takes place using a jigsaw. This tool is best used different types files.

For work electric jigsaw requires certain skills and special care. The created holes must be overwritten. Excellent remedy for this - sandpaper. After powerful grinding, the part is treated with a special impregnation.

Next comes the installation of all prepared parts to the base. Here you need to use glue or special nails. In such work, it is better to refuse the use of self-tapping screws. They will cause cracking of products.

Installation specifics

The created platband can be attached to the desired position using the following methods:

  1. On a dull thorn. The installation of such parts is inside. Especially for them, holes should be made in the frame. Glue is applied to the spike and distributed evenly. The spike is inserted into the groove. This fastening protects the platbands from dust and moisture.
  2. With the use of a through spike. The butt section here is thoroughly treated with varnish.

These techniques are justified when working with a wooden window. To attach to the metal-plastic, a special powerful liquid glue is used.

Care Required

Installed platbands need constant attention and care. For processing, special preparations are used - powerful impregnations. They create quality protection from:

  • tree pests;
  • the appearance of cracks;
  • sudden fire.

Carved options are necessarily covered with a primer, then varnish or paint. The intensity of such treatments is 1 time in 3-5 years. So the operational life of the products will be seriously developed, and at the same time their attractive appearance will be preserved.

When installing plastic or metal products no extensive maintenance is required. For products, it is necessary to arrange high-quality protection against corrosion. Periodic updating of the paint is also required.

Thus, it is very possible to make platbands of extraordinary beauty with elegant patterns on your own. Certain carpentry, carpentry and tool skills are required. So you decorate with a very original method window openings and add an elegant twist to the chosen architectural style.

How carved platbands are made by technology slotted thread see the following video:

Platbands are special strips for hiding assembly seams between window frame and wall. In addition to their direct purpose, platbands can be used to decorate the window and the facade of the house. To choose the right platbands and produce them correct installation check out our article.

The main rule when choosing platbands is that their material matches the material of the window. If you have a wooden window, then the casing should be wooden, if plastic, then plastic. Although there are exceptions, in the form of a successful combination of platbands and windows made of different materials.

Wooden architraves

Wooden platbands - made from planks with a thickness of at least 30 centimeters. The width of wooden architraves can be different, depending on the profile pattern and design. The profile pattern of simple wooden architraves is made using milling machine.
Advantages : affordable price, easy installation.
Disadvantages: poor design, poor resistance to moisture and temperature changes, the need for regular painting or varnishing.
Release form: rounded or beveled planks with a convex pattern, or smooth, 1.5-2 meters long.
Application area: hiding mounting seams on wooden windows. Additional protection seams from environmental factors.

Carved architraves

Carved wooden platbands are made manually or using a jigsaw. There are many options for the pattern of platbands: from a simple ornament to sacred symbols that protect the house from evil spirits. Self-manufacturing carved platbands is a job that requires skills in carpentry. If you want to make platbands with your own hands, but do not have experience, choose a pattern without complex elements.
Advantages: very beautiful appearance, the ability to ennoble the facade of the house without significant financial investments.
Flaws: high price, manufacturing complexity, fragility, the need for regular painting.
Release form: depending on individual order or manufacturer's design.
Application area: decoration of windows and the facade of the house, hiding assembly seams.

Plastic architraves

Plastic architraves is a common name for slats made of plastic, polyvinyl chloride and foam. Platbands made of plastic are often included in the kit of the installed plastic window. Due to the specifics of the production of this type of platbands, they cannot be made at home. Plastic platbands can have a regular and carved pattern. Installation of planks is carried out on special fasteners, liquid nails, glue or double-sided tape.
Advantages: resistance to moisture, long-term operation, easy installation.
Disadvantages: the fragility of some products, a small choice of design when imitating carved platbands.
Release form: smooth, carved or profiled strips, 1.5-2.5 meters long.
Application area: hiding mounting seams on plastic, sometimes wooden windows. Additional protection of mounting joints from environmental factors.

Platbands from MDF

Due to the weak resistance to moisture, platbands from fibreboard medium density is recommended to be used only for interior window decoration. MDF planks are great for wooden windows, especially if they repeat the color and texture of the tree. Platbands are fastened with nails, screws or glue.
Advantages: low price, good appearance.
Disadvantages: poor resistance to moisture, inability to use for exterior decoration.
Release form: smooth, rounded or profiled strips, 1-3 meters long.
Application area: interior decoration wooden or plastic windows.

Aluminum architraves

Aluminum platbands are mainly designed to hide assembly joints when installing windows and stained-glass windows made of the same material. In appearance and design, aluminum architraves strongly resemble plastic trims. Fastening of aluminum platbands is carried out on a special profile or latches.
Advantages: strength, durability.
Disadvantages: poor combination with windows made of other materials.
Release form: aluminum strips with different kind drawing except carved, 1.5-2.5 meters long.
Application area: external and internal finishing of windows and stained-glass windows from aluminum.

Making platbands with your own hands

You can make platbands yourself only from wood. To do this, you will need a special tool and wooden planks.

simple platbands

To make simple wooden platbands, you will need:

  • Electric jigsaw.
  • Planer (simple or electric).
  • Sander.
  • Mill (manual or machine).
  • Fine-grained sandpaper.
  • Wooden planks with a section of 30x100 mm.

Manufacturing technology simple architraves:

  1. Treat all sides of the wooden planks with a planer.
  2. Install the profile drawing attachment on a manual or stationary machine.
  3. Process the front side of the casing with a cutter.
  4. Make the final polishing of the platbands with sandpaper or a grinder.

In the absence of a milling machine, platbands with a smooth surface can be made. To do this, using a planer, bevel the front side of the plank at an angle of 20-30 degrees and sand it with sandpaper.

Carved architraves

If you are going to make wooden architraves with a carved pattern, keep in mind that this is not a quick job and requires “iron” patience. To create carved platbands, in addition to the basic tools, you will need a set of special chisels with different blade shapes and manual jigsaw. To make it easier to navigate large selection patterns, below are a few templates for cutting:

There are two ways to make carved platbands - conventional and overhead. IN the usual way, the pattern is cut directly on the casing itself. In the overhead method, the pattern is made in the form of overlays, at least 10 millimeters thick, in which case the overlay is attached to the main casing. For beginners, it is recommended to use the overhead method, because in the case of an unsuccessful pattern, the overlay can be replaced with a new element.

The right choice of wood species for carved platband is very important. Easier to carve conifers wood because they are soft. Architraves from hard rock larches will last longer.

If you have not done wood carving, for the first time choose a very simple pattern and as your skill increases, move on to more complex ornaments.

Stages of manufacturing a carved platband in an overhead way:

  1. Prepare the basis for the platband, for this, process the planks with a thickness of 30 millimeters.
  2. Make overhead strips with a thickness of at least 10 centimeters.
  3. Draw on thick paper or cardboard the elements of the future pattern.
  4. Cut out the pattern elements with scissors.
  5. Install the cut out stencil on the overlay bar and transfer the pattern to it.
  6. Using a drill and a jigsaw, make notches according to the markup.
  7. Finish the edges of the recesses with chisels, round the edges and finish the contours.
  8. Grind the finished lining element.
  9. Install the overlay on the main casing, securing it with glue or nails.
  10. Having collected all the overhead elements in one composition, proceed to install the platbands on the window.

Platband installation

Installation of wooden platbands

You can install wooden platbands on the window using nails, screws or glue. Planks are attached to the sides and top of the frame. In some cases, the platband is installed on lower part windows, if provided by the design.
For a beautiful docking of simple platbands, their edges are cut at an angle of 45 degrees. This can be done with a hacksaw and a miter box.
In the case of a deep location of the window in the opening, the platbands can be placed on the wall using extensions.

The fastening of the platband to the wall depends on the material from which it is made. For wooden wall it will be enough to use nails or screws, for concrete or brick - dowel screws.

Installation of carved platbands mainly depends on their pattern and composition. Docking carved platbands produced in such a way as not to disturb the overall pattern.

After installation, the platbands are treated with impregnation for wood, then painted or varnished.

Installation of plastic and aluminum platbands

Correct installation plastic and aluminum platbands, requires a special installation profile, which is attached to the frame. The platbands are installed in a groove located on the profile. In the absence of a profile, platbands are installed on fasteners-latches attached to the frame or wall. In rare cases, plastic architraves can be fixed with glue, but this species attachment is unreliable.

When using telescopic architraves, fastening is carried out by inserting the edge of the bar into the groove, which is located on the frame.

Foam platbands, fastened only with glue.

Reading time ≈ 4 minutes

Making the facade of the house is an important step. Since ancient times, people have tried to make the face of the house unique, covering the space near the door and windows with intricate carvings. Our ancestors attached sacred significance to each turn they made and hoped that these golden laces would protect the dwelling from the penetration of dark forces. The fashion for antiquity leads to the fact that today ancient traditions have become again in demand. In this article, we will talk about how do-it-yourself window trims are made.


Any business should start with a project. First, the front part of the building is drawn, taking into account all the details that are actually available. Then you need to make a drawing of carved platbands on the windows. You can also use the drawings and diagrams presented on the site.

Using a visualization program, if any, you can make a 3D project at home. He will show everything in a complex, will allow you to evaluate how appropriate your favorite wooden platbands are for windows.

When the design documentation is ready, they prepare a set of tools that will be useful for the upcoming work.

  • screwdriver;
  • feather drill for wood (12 mm);
  • a jigsaw, preferably with a soft start, without it it will be difficult to cut complex elements;
  • Sander.

You should take care of the material for future platbands. Traditionally, high quality pine boards are taken, on which there are a minimum number of knots. If the knots are on the surface of the boards, then it is necessary to carry out cuts in such a way as to prevent the knot from falling into place.

Sawing platbands

The manufacture of platbands for windows begins with cuts that need to be made from the inside. First, holes are drilled along the contour of the pattern, where it is supposed to make openwork patterns in the future. The video shows that when working, the drill must be held perpendicular to the surface of the board.

When the through patterns are ready, cut out the outer contour.

The tool must be led from one end to the other, the direction does not matter. Pre-cuts are made in the middle part.

The result is a finished piece for window decoration. Next, they make a similar one in mirror image to use it on the opposite side.

Surface grinding

To give the wood an optimal appearance, it is processed using a grinder, emery wheel which should have a grain size of 80. The result is smooth surface ready for painting.

Priming and painting

Before painting work wood is treated with an antiseptic that will protect it from decay, from bark beetles. This composition must be applied to the entire surface, not even skipping hard-to-reach places. Scrupulousness in work will allow platbands to last for many years.

When the composition is applied, it is necessary to dry the blanks thoroughly, and only then begin painting the parts. The best option- paint on water based designed for woodworking. The platbands on the windows in a wooden house are painted in the color that is declared in the project. For this project we use paints of two colors: white and cherry.

Work is carried out using 2 brushes: wide (50 mm) and narrow (20 mm). The first is for painting external surfaces, the second is for internal ones.

It is necessary to carefully paint over the details, leaving no uncovered places. After the first layer dries, apply the second.

One layer is enough. At work, they are careful. Smudges can completely spoil the overall picture. Products must dry in normal conditions- on open air.


It is better to assemble blanks into a single composition on a horizontal surface. This is much more convenient than directly on the window.
