How to paint an old slate roof. How to choose a paint for slate and how to paint a slate sheet with your own hands - we extend the life of the coating several times. Step by step painting tutorial

There is a huge selection of roofing materials on the modern construction market, but despite this, ordinary gray slate has not lost its popularity. This is explained by its good performance, resistance to temperature fluctuations in the external environment, long service life and low price.

Houses covered with slate in the last century still serve their owners faithfully, however, the roof surface, while maintaining performance, has an unsightly appearance. Coloring slate helps to correct the situation. Painting slate with your own hands is quite possible, you just need to know how to do it right.

Perhaps painting slate is an interesting and even enjoyable activity.

Why do people paint old slate

Painting slate allows you to get rid of these negative phenomena. People paint old slate for the following reasons:

  • the release into the environment of finely dispersed asbestos particles harmful to health is reduced;
  • improved waterproofing qualities;
  • increased resistance to temperature fluctuations in the external environment;
  • significantly increases the operating period;
  • the development of pathogenic microflora is prevented;
  • the painted surface has high decorative properties.

Painted roof harmonizes well with the color of the walls

Of course, it is easier and easier to paint at the stage of installation of the roofing. In this case, the slate can be painted on the surface of the earth and then installed in its place.

However, it often happens that the owners of private houses think about performing this procedure after several years of operation, when the surface that has turned green from moss absorbs moisture and creates an increased load on the truss system. At the same time, green paint is very popular.

Preparation for painting is an important and considerable work.

An important step in the performance of work is the preparation of the surface for painting. This ultimately determines the long service life and high performance of the finish coating. All technological subtleties of the staining process should be observed.

Before starting work, the surface must be thoroughly cleaned. The simplest way to perform this manipulation, which does not require the use of special tools, is mechanical cleaning with a metal brush.

It is very convenient to clean the slate with a high pressure car wash

Work should be done in dry weather, as the wet coating reduces mechanical strength. Cleaning in this way requires a lot of time and physical effort. A grinder or a drill with a brush installed on it allows you to reduce the physical effort to do this work, but it requires a faithful eye and a steady hand in order not to damage the coating.

The surface is cleaned most quickly and effectively with a high-pressure water jet. Such devices are used for washing vehicles. The optimal pressure will be from two hundred to two hundred and fifty atmospheres, with a lower value it will not be possible to remove pollution qualitatively, with a higher value, a directed water jet will break through the coating.

When performing all manipulations, individual respiratory and eye protection should be used, as asbestos dust will rise into the air. You need to work in a suit made of dense fabric, a respirator and goggles.

What paint and primer is better to paint the roof of the house

Before you start painting the surface of the slate with your own hands, it must be impregnated with a special composition that prevents the development of pathogenic microflora. Apply it with a wide brush, paint roller or spray gun. To ensure high-quality protection, antiseptic treatment is performed in several layers.

There are special primers for slate

Then a composition is applied to the coating that prevents the penetration of moisture. Due to the porous structure of slate, its premature destruction occurs precisely from the aggressive action of water. After antiseptic and moisture-repellent treatment, a primer layer is applied. It provides high-quality adhesion of paint to the base and reduces its consumption. The primer should be purchased from the company that produced the main paint material, and it should contain components that prevent the development of pathogenic microflora.

The paint-and-lacquer material used for painting must resist the aggressive effects of the external environment, heat from direct sunlight, and have water-repellent properties. Acrylic and alkyd paints, polymer and silicone-based coatings have such qualities. Which one is better, we'll figure it out a little later.

Coloring is performed in two layers, the first of which is the main one. You can apply the paint with a paint roller, a wide brush or a spray gun. Of course, painting the surface of the slate is carried out in dry calm weather.

Acrylic paints

The most widely used water-soluble acrylic compositions. They do not emit pungent odors and toxic substances, due to the water base, do not ignite when exposed to an open flame, do not need the use of solvents and form a waterproof coating, the service life of which is about five years. The acrylic paint applied to the surface dries within sixty minutes. The disadvantage is the liquid consistency, and stains can form on the coating.

Slate paint options

Silicone based coatings

Silicone-based coatings are considered the most reliable and durable. Due to their high elasticity, they are able to fill rather deep cavities, they can be used without applying a primer layer. Silicone surface has high mechanical strength, excellent properties to repel dirt and moisture.

Well filling the pores of slate, it prevents the development of pathogenic microflora in them. The material does not support the combustion process, does not emit harmful substances and an unpleasant odor into the environment. The service life of the coating is about fifteen years.

Alkyd paints

Alkyd paints are characterized by a short drying time, while forming an elastic surface that is not subject to cracking. They have excellent adhesion to the slate surface, high resistance to aggressive environmental influences and atmospheric moisture, and do not require mandatory priming of the base before application. The average service life is about five years.

Polymer based coatings

Polymer-based coatings, which include vinyl, polyurethane or polystyrene, form a glossy or matte plastic layer when applied. It completely blocks the penetration of moisture to the surface of the slate, is inert to chemicals, does not fade from ultraviolet radiation, does not support the combustion process and is environmentally friendly.

Polymer-based coatings are well resistant to negative temperatures, application is possible without mandatory priming. The period of operation is about fifteen years.

Choose color and color

The most common colors for roofing are green, brown and red. However, the color palette offered by the manufacturers of this type of product can consist of more than a hundred colors and shades. A green slate roof painted by hand is very common.

Green roofing is very popular.

What to do if you want to paint the surface with a non-standard color that is not in the company's catalog? What color to choose? The desired shade can be created by adding tinting paste to the paint and stirring it well. Most companies provide for the possibility of tinting, that is, obtaining any tones of the color palette. When choosing a color, one must take into account the surroundings, while the green roof will be lost in a dense garden.

When finishing a slate roof with your own hands, you should listen to the advice of craftsmen. In order to feel safe when working at height, you should use a safety belt. Cleaning, priming and painting the surface must be done in a protective suit, goggles and a respirator.

If a spray gun is not available, flat surface slates should be painted with a paint roller rather than a wide brush. To dry the first layer, you need to leave more time than indicated in the instructions, most often it considers ideal conditions that differ from reality.

You can paint slate even before installation or directly on the roof with a brush or spray

Before performing work, you need to familiarize yourself with the weather forecast for several days in advance: the coating will last longer if it does not rain after the final stage. On a steep gable roof, it is better to work together with an assistant. A well-painted roof surface will delight the owners with its appearance for many years, the coating will not peel off or crack over time.

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Whatever one may say, the correct painting of something is ensured by two things - the right choice of coloring agent and, of course, thorough adherence to the technology of its application. Such roofing material as slate is no exception in this regard - with the right approach to business, it is possible to enhance its aesthetic characteristics for a long time, and this can be done using various materials. In this article, together with the website, we will deal with the question of how to paint slate - we will study the materials used for this purpose and get acquainted with the technology of painting it directly.

How to paint slate on the roof photo

How to paint slate: why you need to do it

There are not so many reasons that prompt a person to paint, and in most cases this is the desire to get a decent-looking roof with high aesthetic characteristics. At least, this is how a simple person thinks, who wants to reduce the cost of manufacturing or at home. In fact, painting slate also has other goals - using this process, you can achieve a significant increase in operational parameters and a host of other technical characteristics of this roofing material.

It is also possible to note such a fact as the reduction of emissions of toxic substances into the environment - it is no secret to anyone that the asbestos contained in this roofing is by no means beneficial to humans and all living things. In general, painting slate is not only possible, but also necessary - many modern manufacturers of this material already offer even painted slate with improved characteristics. But, as they say, why pay more if the coloring of slate can be done quite easily with your own hands? The main thing is to know how to do it and how to do it correctly.

How to paint slate on the roof: materials

In most cases, acrylic or enamel is used to paint slate. These are special paints designed exclusively for slate. They are able not only to give this roofing material some shade, but also to strengthen it, reliably sealing every pore and microcrack formed during operation. What exactly to choose for painting slate? Enamel or acrylic paint? By and large, both options perfectly cope with the tasks assigned to them - both acrylic compositions and enamel form a thin protective film on the surface of the slate after drying, which is a reliable protection.

There is a third option for solving the issue of painting slate - these are modern polymer compositions, which today can be called universal. They perfectly withstand almost any operating conditions - polymer paints operate on a dual principle. They are both glue and - they penetrate deep into the pores and cracks of the slate and at the same time stick to its surface. In this way, a reliable coating is formed, which, in terms of its characteristics, is not much inferior to the protective polymers used to protect the metal in the production of corrugated board or metal tiles.

What paint to paint slate and application technology

Before starting to learn how to paint slate, the first thing to note is that it is best to paint on new roofing - protection done from the start is the best protection. In principle, paint can also be applied to old slate, but for this it will have to be thoroughly cleaned of all kinds of contaminants, including moss and lichen overgrowth. Moreover, the surface layer of the old slate needs to be cut off, as it were, since it, as a rule, is the main problem in the process of painting slate - this can be done with a metal brush or a soft cutter installed on.

In general, do-it-yourself painting of slate can be presented in the form of the following sequence of actions.

In principle, painting slate is not a difficult task, and the most important thing here is to fully comply with the requirements of paint manufacturers. As a rule, the entire technology for applying a particular coloring composition can be found on its packaging.

And in conclusion, the topic of how and with what to paint slate, I will say a few words about the manufacturers of such coloring compositions - there are quite a lot of them, and it is quite difficult to make a choice here. The only right decision in such a situation would be to trust the reputation of the manufacturer. VGT slate enamel has shown itself well in business - it is a weather-resistant paint with antiseptic additives. A good choice would be Shikril acrylic paint. Alternatively, you can use another paint - most importantly, do not buy too cheap and everything will be fine!

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The simplest slate (gray) after painting in another color suitable for your roof, it looks completely different.

The latest technology makes it possible to repaint the gray slate sheets and transform the roof of your house, making it bright and attractive.

How to paint a slate roof?

First, let's ask ourselves the question, why do you need to paint a slate roof? Slate is a very durable roofing material and it has proven it with its durability and endurance for decades. But one has only to look at the monotonous gloomy gray roof, as the question of its painting immediately becomes in the first place.

Painting slate not only gives it a beautiful look, but also protects the surface of the material from environmental influences, thereby reducing moisture penetration and increasing frost resistance.

From this it should be concluded that painting slate increases its service life for an even longer time and gives it a beautiful and natural look.

Now let's look at how you can paint a slate roof. There are three types of paints for painting this roofing material:

  1. "liquid rubber" acrylic;
  2. quick-drying;
  3. "liquid plastic".

liquid plastic is one of the least suitable paints for this type of roofing material. Since it has low weather resistance compared to the other two types. This paint emits a characteristic and rather unpleasant odor.

Quick dry paint has excellent decorative properties, and also has a strong resistance to sunlight and weather. The paint has a low consumption, depending on the shade you need - only 100 to 150 grams per square meter. The paint retains its properties on the coating for about five years.

acrylic paint has the greatest durability of all types of paint, besides it is a cleaner and less harmful product. This paint forms a water-repellent surface on the surface of the slate, which retains its properties for more than a dozen years (of course, if it is applied correctly).

Due to its slippery surface, which is formed after paint treatment, snow flies off the roof faster, thereby reducing the load on the roof lathing and its rafters. This is one of the important points, since slate is a very heavy roofing material.

The consumption of this paint is twice that of quick-drying paint and is about 300 grams per square meter.

Preparing slate for painting

It is absolutely realistic to paint even the slate that is already on your roof. If such a roof was installed a long time ago, then with 100% certainty we can say that moss has formed on it, especially on the north side of the house.

Naturally, paint cannot be applied immediately to such a slate. First you need to remove all dirt and the moss itself. And this can be done in several ways:

mechanical way. Using iron brushes to remove moss from the surface of the slate. To facilitate this work, the slate is moistened with water. This method is the most time-consuming and least effective in its application.

You can use a drill with a special iron brush for this method, but only without the use of water.

The best way to remove moss from a roof is with a washer (ordinary household). With the help of a strong pressure of water, moss and other natural phenomena seem to be cut off from the surface of the roof. After cleaning in this way, the slate must be dried. The next step will be to inspect the slate with the replacement of damaged sheets with new ones.

After removing natural contaminants from the roof, the slate must be treated with a chemical composition that helps protect it from fungus and mold. This composition is applied both manually and by spraying. Remember to take precautions when working with hazardous substances. Use a respirator and protective clothing.

Next, you need to prime the surface of the slate. Priming the surface will not only provide it with good adhesion for the paint, but also extend its life. The primer will also help you reduce paint consumption, as slate absorbs any paint like a sponge.

Choose a primer that matches the paint that you are going to paint the surface of your roof with. Carefully apply the primer to the surface, not missing a single place, this contributes to the uniform laying of the slate paint on the surface of the entire sheet.

If you just decided to cover the roof with slate and do not want to spend money on a finished painted one, then the same painting steps can be performed with new sheets of your roof - it will be even easier and more convenient than doing all this at a height.

We paint the slate on the roof

Experts recommend painting the roof in the spring. The most favorable temperature for painting a slate roof is from 15°C to 25°C (despite the fact that manufacturers allow painting from 5°C to 30°C).

For the most correct drying of paint on slate sheets, the best weather is cloudy.

You can paint with the most common brushes for painting walls and other types of work. Although this method is not ideal, as it often leaves stains and streaks on the slate, and is also very long in time for its implementation.

If you have covered your roof with flat slate, then use a roller. The roller will better distribute the paint over the surface with an even layer and without streaks. Due to the thickness of the paint, spray compressors are unlikely to be used. They will simply kill you.

There is a special machine designed for airless painting, but you shouldn’t buy it for everyday life, as it is very expensive and you probably won’t need it in the future, unless of course you are going to work in this direction.

Therefore, for painting the roof, it is better to use the first two tools or hire workers with special equipment.

Under the heading |

Standard gray slate absolutely does not attract attention with its appearance. However, by painting it in certain colors that suit your exterior, you can radically change the opinion about this material. Paint for slate must have certain properties, among which, first of all, its resistance to moisture and discoloration. How to choose the right paint for slate, consider below.

Features and scope of slate

Slate is a fairly popular roofing material. In addition, with its help it is possible to build fences for the site and even small outbuildings. For the manufacture of wave slate, asbestos cement is used. With the help of special fibers, the mechanical resistance of slate increases.

Slate sheets have a standard gray color. However, you can paint this material in almost any color or shade. This will improve not only its attractiveness, but performance.

In order to learn more about this material, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with its advantages and disadvantages. Let's start with the advantages:

  • the successful combination of cement with asbestos significantly improves the strength of the slate coating;
  • this version of the roof heats up less from the sun than metal;
  • the material is not amenable to rust, perfectly resists moisture and does not conduct electricity;
  • during combustion, the material does not emit toxic substances;
  • slate has a long service life;
  • the cost of such material is much lower than that of an alternative roof made of metal or corrugated board;
  • slate is an excellent sound insulator - in heavy rain, no noise is heard inside the house.

Among the disadvantages of slate, we note:

  • slate is quite fragile, it is easy to damage during transportation;
  • the total weight of one sheet is about 18 kg, so a minimum of two people will be required to lift it onto the roof.

In the process of exposure to moisture and temperature fluctuations on the slate, it eventually begins to become covered with asbestos crumbs, as a result of which microcracks and moss are formed, which reduces its attractiveness.

In order to prevent this unpleasant factor, it is recommended to paint the slate. The paint will provide additional protection of the material from moisture, the formation of moss, and also increase the attractiveness of the appearance of the slate coating. Modern paints also contain antiseptic substances that prevent the development of mold and fungus in them. With their help, biological protection of the roofing is provided.

When planning to replace an old roof finish with a new slate one, we recommend that you first think about painting it. At the same time, it is recommended to carry out these works before installing the slate on the roof.

Paint for slate - features of choice and characteristics

In relation to the main active ingredient of paint for slate, they are:

1. Acrylic or water-dispersion - this paint option is applied to the slate surface previously coated with a primer. Acrylic paint for slate protects it from moisture and destruction, increases its sliding characteristics, thanks to which atmospheric precipitation flows down the roof more easily. Acrylic-based paints dry quickly and come in a wide range of colors.

2. Paint for painting slate on an enamel basis - it has a high content of binders in its composition, has moisture-proof properties, and is resistant to atmospheric precipitation. The coating, after staining, acquires additional strength characteristics. The pigments contained in the paint protect the coating from fading.

3. Roofing paint on slate in the form of liquid plastic - is a synthetic material having a bituminous, polystyrene or polyvinyl chloride base. These paints are affordable, however, compared to acrylic paints, this material has lower moisture-proof properties. In addition, the composition of such paints quite often contains substances harmful to human health.

4. Slate rubber paint is a fairly popular roofing material. Among the advantages of rubber-based paint, we note:

  • high elasticity properties, with the appearance of small cracks on the surface, the paint is stretched without damage;
  • the composition of the paint does not contain substances harmful to human health, it is not amenable to combustion and has a high level of fire safety;
  • provides protection against slipping, especially important when arranging a flat roof;
  • it is highly resistant to wear, able to serve on the coating for many years;
  • improves the performance of slate - it is resistant to external irritants, fungus, corrosion and wetting;
  • versatile in use and has a diverse color palette, so it will suit any exterior.

The use of rubber paint for finishing slate extends its life several times. Slate becomes pleasant and attractive in texture. In addition, the paint perfectly waterproofs microcracks on slate. To ensure the durability of the coating, it is recommended to apply a rubber-based paint in at least two coats. It takes a few hours for the paint to dry.

In relation to slate paint manufacturers, we note:

1. DachbeSchichtung - paint of German origin, has a high cost, which fully justifies its performance. The paint also has high adhesive properties, good strength, and durability. However, this paint is suitable for covering natural tiles or slate.

2. Polyfarb is a dispersion-based Polish paint that dries quickly and has a rich color palette. The paint has good resistance to moisture and UV radiation.

3. Aqua - Finnish-Swedish paint, dissolves with water, is resistant to aggressive alkaline environments. It is used not only for coloring the cipher, but also for applying to a concrete base.

Tikurila paint for slate: features of use and characteristics

“Tikkulira” offers “KILPI” slate paint. It is an acrylate-based, water-thinnable coating that allows you to paint not only slate, but also bituminous roofing or concrete tiles.

With the help of this paint, it is possible to significantly extend the life of the slate. In addition, it is highly resistant to solar radiation, moisture and other atmospheric influences.

Acrylate-based paint reduces the impact of moisture on the slate coating, thanks to this, it is possible to maintain its original appearance for many years. The paint contains special components that prevent the development of mold and mildew. The coloring composition does not lose its elasticity both at high and at low temperatures.

With the help of paint for slate "Tikkurila" it is possible to create a beautiful matte finish that resists the accumulation of dirt and dust on it. There are many colors for painting slate, which will harmoniously suit any exterior.

Is slate painted with paint: features of applying rubber paint

Before you start coating the slate with rubber paint, you should prepare the surface. If there is dirt, grease, dust on the slate, they must be removed. Since slate is a porous surface, it is necessary to coat it with a primer in several layers. Thus, it will be possible to reduce paint consumption.

Use white spirit to degrease the surface. If the slate has already been painted before, try to remove the paint. For applying paint, the air temperature should be from 15 to 30 degrees Celsius. At the same time, the maximum humidity allowed for the performance of work is 75%.

Before starting work, read the instructions for use of the coloring composition. Next, open the container and mix the paint. Please note that diluting the paint with drying oil or any other thinner is unacceptable.

If the paint has a high viscosity, then it is possible to add superprimer 100 to it, and then in a very small amount. To mix the paint, use a drill with a mixing attachment or a construction mixer.

To apply paint to the surface of the slate, a roller or pneumatic sprayer is used, in which case the surface is covered in several layers. In the process of work, periodically stir the paint.

Features of the choice of paint for flat slate

Asking the question of what paint to paint the slate on the roof, you must first decide on the type of slate used for roofing. Most often it is a wave or flat slate. For one or another option, the following types of coloring compositions are suitable:

1. Acrylic-based paints - they are environmentally friendly, dry quickly, adhere well to the coating, and also contribute to the creation of a smooth surface. With the help of this material, it is possible to quickly and easily paint any type of slate. The main rule for the high-quality operation of such a coating is compliance with all conditions from the manufacturer for applying the coloring composition.

2. Bituminous coloring compositions are less popular due to their toxicity, although they have an affordable cost.

3. Liquid plastic forms a protective coating on the surface of the slate, which significantly improves the life of the slate.

4. Among the main advantages of silicone-based paints, we note:

  • absolute harmlessness;
  • long-term operation;
  • good adhesion with slate.

At the same time, such compositions are quite expensive and are characterized by high consumption.

5. Oil-based enamels are also used in the slate dyeing process. They do not lose color over many years of operation, they have quite rich and bright shades, but they take a long time to dry, approximately 5 hours.

6. Paint for slate on a silicon-limiting basis - consists of silicone with the addition of dyes and various kinds of flooring substances. The material is strong enough, resistant to mechanical substances.

Which slate paint is better for you to decide, but remember that in the process of choosing a paint, you must take into account the individual characteristics of the work.

How to paint slate with your own hands

Before starting work, you should prepare the surface for painting. If the slate has not yet been laid on the roof, then paint it before performing installation work. If you do not follow the recommendations for preparing the surface for painting, then the life of the paint will be significantly reduced.

Before you start painting, do the following:

  • thoroughly clean the roof for dirt, to remove moss, if any, use a stiff brush, carry out all work with extreme caution to avoid damage to the slate;
  • check the roof for integrity, if there are gaps, they should be repaired using a special compound; to prepare it, combine PVA glue, cement, water and asbestos together;
  • dust the surface of the roof, for these purposes you will need to use water and a brush, upon completion of the work, the roof must be completely clean, and you should wait until it dries before painting;
  • then the surface is treated with a primer, which will reduce the risk of the spread of fungus and mold on it.

In addition, the use of a primer allows you to increase the level of adhesion between the slate and the paint, while reducing the level of paint consumption. Otherwise, if the slate is not primed, the paint will peel off after a while.

Try to carry out work on painting slate in calm and dry weather, while the optimum air temperature is 22 degrees. The easiest way to apply paint to a surface is with a spray gun. However, the amount of paint, when using a sprayer, increases slightly in consumption. Be sure to apply the composition in two or even three layers, after waiting for the previous one to dry.

All information on the drying time of the composition is in the instructions, so be sure to read it before starting work. The maximum strength of the coating will be acquired in a day or two after applying the paint. Using a roller, it is not recommended to paint the slate, as it is inconvenient and takes a very long time. The roller is suitable exclusively for flat slate. At the same time, follow the safety rules for staying at height. Wear non-slippery shoes and insurance.
