What is the best way to process a wooden house? Treatment of wooden walls with protective compounds How often should a wooden house be treated with an antiseptic

Wood due to its natural purity, availability, numerous advantages in terms of ease of processing and good operational qualities, from time immemorial is one of the main materials in the field of construction. However, it also has its drawbacks, which can lead to a decrease in the durability of both individual parts and the entire building as a whole. The main "minus" can be considered the low resistance of most wood species to biological damage. The tree undergoes natural decomposition, is a good breeding ground for various forms of microflora and for many insects. In order to avoid rapid damage to the material, to maximize the durability of wooden parts and structures, lumber must be processed in advance with special means, and then, if necessary, the finished structure must also be processed.

Manufacturers offer for this purpose a wide range of solutions made on various bases - it is not so easy to figure it out from a "swoop". Therefore, consumers often have a question - which wood preservative is better to choose? To determine which protective compounds exist, and which of them are used in a particular case, it makes sense to consider them in more detail.

General classification of antiseptics for wood processing

Antiseptics can be divided into types according to several criteria - this is according to the components on the basis of which they are made, according to the scope of the compositions, and according to their functionality.

  • So, antiseptic impregnations are basically divided into aqueous, oily, organic and combined solutions.

A few words should be said about their characteristics:

- Water-based antiseptics are used for protective impregnation of wood of any species. For their manufacture, components such as sodium fluoride, sodium silicon fluoride, as well as borax and boric acid (BBK3) are used. Water-soluble compounds are most often used to impregnate wooden surfaces, which in the future will not be exposed to intense moisture.

- Oil antiseptics can be called the most popular, as they are able to protect wood from high humidity and the penetration of moisture into the fiber structure of the material. When applying an oil-based solution to the wooden elements of the building, they acquire one of the rich dark shades.

This impregnation option does not dissolve in water, since it is based on shale, anthracene or coal oil. It must be remembered that oil antiseptics do not protect wood from rapid ignition, that is, they are not flame retardants. They have a very sharp specific smell, so they are most often used to impregnate the external surfaces of the building.

- Organic solutions most often used for impregnation of facade surfaces. As a rule, they are used in cases where wooden walls are planned to be painted, as they create a thin film on the surface, which reduces moisture absorption wood and increases the adhesion of coatings.

Prices for Pinotex antiseptics

Antiseptic for wood Pinotex

However, it must be said that they are also suitable for processing internal wooden surfaces, so they can be used for pre-treatment of timber or logs from which walls will be built.

Organic solutions give the wood a greenish tint and increase the porosity of the structure. In addition, they can negatively affect the metal elements that are fixed to the facade and will come into contact with its surfaces, so the chemical composition can contribute to the activation of corrosion processes.

  • According to the field of application, antiseptics can be divided into solutions intended for external and internal works, for dry and damp rooms.

- Solutions for external work. This category includes antiseptics for preparatory and decorative work, which are highly resistant to aggressive environmental influences, such as ultraviolet radiation, high humidity, freezing, sharp temperature changes with a pronouncedly large amplitude. Due to the fact that the compositions very often have a sharp unpleasant odor, they are not recommended for use on internal surfaces.

- Antiseptics for interior work. These solutions are made from environmentally friendly components, they do not have unpleasant odors and do not emit toxic fumes into the environment. At the same time, it must be remembered that for the premises of a house or apartment with different levels of humidity, different antiseptics will also be required. Manufacturers always place information about their specific purpose on the packaging.

  • In addition, antiseptics are divided into therapeutic and prophylactic solutions:

- Therapeutic compositions are used in cases where the wood is already affected by fungus, mold, rot or insects. However, this version of the solutions can also be used for preventive work. Especially in cases where it is planned to operate wooden structures in an aggressive environment, for example, in bath rooms or bathrooms (showers). They are also suitable for preventive treatment of facade surfaces.

- Prophylactic solutions- the most common. It is clear that they are used, as a rule, for the processing of lumber before the start of construction or during its implementation. And it is recommended to impregnate wood immediately after its acquisition.

Antiseptics can be colorless, that is not altering the natural a shade of wood, or pigmented, giving surfaces a certain shade. That is, many compositions can be used both for a primer preparatory layer for painting or other finishing, and as an independent tinting decorative coating.

Classification of protective compositions for wood by functionality

Antiseptics are also divided according to their functional effects on wood. There can be many reasons for “starting” the processes of biological damage to a tree - this is the lack of proper ventilation, timely processing with appropriate compounds, improper storage of lumber before the construction of the building, poor-quality insulation of the structure, exposure to moisture on the surface, and more. In addition, many compositions also have a directed action - for example, restoring the normal color of the tree or giving the material a higher resistance to fire.

Whitening antiseptics

In order to provide protection and at the same time restore the original color of the formed or affected wood, “rejuvenate” it, special bleaching antiseptic solutions are used. The most popular of them include the following.

  • "Bioshield 1" and "Bioshield 2" - these impregnations are designed to prevent surface putrefactive processes occurring in wood under the destructive influence of pathogenic microflora. In addition, they are able to preserve the physical and technical characteristics of the processed material, as well as restore the healthy natural color of unpainted wood.

If wood damage is at an early stage, then Bioshield 1 can be used. After the treated surfaces have dried, they can be painted or finished with other decorative materials.

In case of severe damage to the tree by mold or lichen, it is necessary to use the "Bioshield 2" tool.

Both of these compositions are well suited for processing wood used in the construction of log cabins for baths and houses.

  • "Procept 50" is a domestically produced whitening antiseptic "medical" agent for wood. The composition perfectly removes the foci of biological damage, including gray plaque, restoring the healthy color of the tree, literally in 25-30 minutes, while maintaining its structural structure.

The penetration depth of this composition is 3 mm. And already 12 hours after applying the antiseptic to the wood, it can be painted or pasted over with insulating material or wallpaper.

"Procept 50" is an environmentally friendly solution, so it can be used for both external and internal processing of wooden surfaces. In addition, even wooden pallets are processed with it, on which food products are transported and stored.

Prices for wood bleach Prosept 50

Wood bleach Prosept 50

In order to keep the solution as long as possible in the structure of the material, it is recommended to additionally cover the surfaces with a preservative antiseptic Neomid 430 eco or Neomid 440 eco. These funds will exclude the possibility of recurrence of the occurrence of foci of biological damage.

  • "Neomid 500" - this whitening antiseptic is similar in its characteristics to the previous remedy. However, its cost is much higher, so it is not so popular among builders.

The solution is an environmentally friendly product and can be used for internal impregnation of wooden surfaces. The tool is most often used by professional builders for processing wooden log cabins of bath houses and residential buildings. Its drying time after application is 24 hours.

  • Sagus whitening antiseptics are water-based. They are designed to radically remove any kind of damage caused by black mold and wood staining fungus from unpainted wood. Solutions are also used to impregnate logs and timber for the construction of baths and houses.

Sagus produces three types of whitening compounds - Standard, Profi and Light :

- "Standard" is a solution of deep and fast penetration into the structural structure of wood fibers. It is used at the first manifestations of mold, the appearance of lichen or moss, as well as the darkening of the material as a result of exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

- "Profi" is a composition that is able to cope with more serious damage to wood. In addition, it is suitable for impregnating surfaces built from mineral building materials (brick, gas silicate blocks, etc.).

The tree is a favorable environment for the emergence and development of colonies of fungus and mold. The risk of their occurrence is especially great if the wood is constantly exposed to moisture. When a lesion appears, getting rid of it is not easy, since it penetrates the structure of the wood fibers, destroying their integrity.

To prevent this process, a protective composition is used that prevents or stops the growth of fungal colonies. If microorganisms have captured large areas of wooden surfaces, then antiseptics should be used only after therapeutic measures, which are carried out using special agents - fungicides.

In addition to protecting against such lesions, this type of product is able to scare away insects harmful to wood, which can turn it into dust in a very short time. It should be noted that there are a lot of varieties of tree beetles. But if preventive measures are taken in time, none of them will be terrible for wooden products.

Below we will consider the most popular of protective antiseptics from various manufacturers.

  • Senezh is a domestic manufacturer that supplies the construction market with excellent woodworking compounds. A wide range of such products is offered, for wooden parts in any area of ​​the building and with various functionalities, including a purely protective antiseptic effect.

Such means include the Senezh Bio solution, which is able to fix the natural protective qualities of wood. The compositions are made on a water basis, they impregnate the wood structure well, forming a three-level protective threshold. Fully suitable for both external and internal surfaces of the building.

In addition to solutions that make the material resistant to mold and the appearance of a wood beetle, this manufacturer makes compounds that make wood more resistant to fire, high moisture and ultraviolet rays.

  • "PAF-LST" is an antiseptic water-soluble paste of domestic production, made on the basis of fluorine and lignosulfate. The manufacturer promises that the tool is able to increase the operational life of wood up to 30 years or more.

The paste is intended for processing wood used for the construction of load-bearing and enclosing structures. Moreover, even raw wood can be processed. The drug is odorless, and when applied, it stains the wood in a dark pistachio color, creating a rough layer on its surface. This version of the antiseptic is selected if the elements processed by it are not planned to be painted.

- "Homeenpoisto +" - these are special tablets that are used to prepare a solution to remove mold foci and prevent their formation. The composition can be used for the treatment of old and new, external and internal, wooden or mineral surfaces.

The treatment process with this substance is carried out before staining. The tablets are dissolved in ordinary water, and then the resulting solution is applied to the surface with a spray gun. The tool is given a certain period for a more intense effect on the affected areas of the material. Then the surface is treated with a brush or foam sponge, after which it is washed with clean water and dried. After drying, the surface must be painted immediately.

- "Homeenpoisto 1" is an antiseptic jelly-like agent designed to remove lesions from wooden surfaces and further protect parts from recurrent processes. The solution is made on the basis of hypochlorite, so it is intended for external use only.

    A high-quality and reliable antiseptic "MOKKE" is offered by the Russian manufacturer of coatings-color. Means is intended for processing of wooden facades and other external surfaces. The reliable composition of the antiseptic guarantees effective protection of wood from decay, damage by fungus, lichens, and various insects for up to 45 years.

Flame retardants - fire retardant solutions

Due to the fact that wood is a highly flammable material, it requires a special fire retardant treatment that will increase the resistance of lumber to fire. Compositions for these purposes are called flame retardants, and they are produced in liquid, paste and powder forms.

  • Impregnations are aqueous solutions intended for deep penetration into the wood structure.
  • Lacquers form a protective transparent and thin film on the surface, which will protect the wood from rapid heating and ignition.
  • Paints and enamels perform two functions at once - it is protective and decorative.
  • Coatings are pasty compositions that are not decorative, they are intended only to protect surfaces from open fire.
  • Powdered flame retardants are applied to surfaces using special equipment by spraying.

Flame retardants are also divided into compositions for surface treatment and deep penetration into the wood structure, as well as solutions for outdoor and indoor use. Used for facades weather resistant compositions, and for the interior - environmentally friendly and resistant to aggressive environment solutions, especially if wooden surfaces are impregnated in baths or bathrooms.

Another important distinctive feature flame retardants is their principle of action, which can be active or passive.

  • Active substances are called substances that, when heated, emit non-combustible gases that prevent the access of oxygen to the combustion source. Thus, the possibility of flame propagation is reduced.
  • Passive flame retardants are solutions that, when the wood surface is heated, form a layer that protects the wood structure when exposed to fire. The compositions have the ability to melt at high temperatures, creating a non-combustible "crust", for which, by the way, a lot of thermal energy is wasted, which increases the overall thermal stability of the wooden structure.

Flame retardants include in their range manufactured by the same companies that produce other wood protection products.

  • Compositions "Senezh Ognebio" and "Ognebio Prof" are intended to increase the resistance of wood to open fire and protection against biological damage. These preparations are used to treat exterior walls before painting them. If the protective layers formed by such fire retardants are left uncoated, the substances will quickly weather.
  • "Neomid 450" and "Neomid 450-1" are highly effective solutions for protecting wood from biological damage and fire. They are used for application on external and internal surfaces that have been machined, but unpainted and not impregnated. film-forming formulations. If fungal infections are found on the surfaces, then they should be treated with bleaching agents before applying the fire retardant.

  • "Pirilax" is a bio - and fire retardant solution designed to impregnate wood and materials made from it, which can be used for outdoor and indoor work. The composition perfectly protects the tree from wood-staining and mold fungus, wood-boring beetles. And besides this, it enhances its resistance to open fire. In general, thanks to this treatment, the service life of any wooden parts is extended, the risk of cracking is reduced, and decay is slowed down.

The composition is compatible with other paint and varnish solutions, therefore it can be used for coloring. The manufacturer of Pirilax indicates on the packaging that it provides antiseptic protection for wood for up to 20 years, and fire protection for up to 16 years. At the same time, the composition is an environmentally friendly material, safe for people and the environment.

On sale you can find flame retardants and other domestic and foreign manufacturers. When purchasing any of them, it is recommended to carefully study the characteristics of the solution and instructions for its use.

Compounds providing UV protection

Structures built of wood lose their attractive original appearance over time, as they are constantly exposed to destructive ultraviolet radiation. To protect the facades of wooden houses or baths, it is necessary to treat surfaces in time with preparations specially designed for this purpose.

Protective products, which are designed to prevent the harmful effects of sunlight, contain pigments and special additives that reduce the destructive effect of ultraviolet radiation.

A wooden surface treated with a special agent will be protected from UV damage for 8-10 years, after which the treatment will need to be renewed. If a colorless version of the solution is chosen for the coating, then the coating will have to be renewed every 3-4 years.

If blue or mold damage is found on the lumber, then before coating them with protective compounds must be treated with strong antiseptics.

The following compositions can be cited as an example of this type of funds.

  • "Senezh Akvadecor" is a decorative composition, which is not only an excellent antiseptic, but also includes special components - UV filters that absorb solar radiation. thanks to these ingredients. wood does not darken, retaining its original appearance. "Senezh Aquadecor" is produced in a wide range of colors, which allows you to choose the most suitable shade for coating external or internal surfaces.
  • « Biofa 2108" - This is a special solution made in Germany. The composition of this tool includes microparticles of white pigment, they are protection for wood from UV rays. The product can be used to coat interior and exterior wooden surfaces. When applying the solution to wood, the natural color of the material does not change.

The composition is made on the basis of linseed oil, which is well absorbed into the wood without creating a film on the surface. Due to the fact that the product is oil-based, it is not compatible with aqueous solutions. Biofa 2108 - it is an environmentally friendly product, so the coating from it is breathable and does not emit toxic fumes into the environment.

Protective solutions for wood operated in a humid environment

Parts of wooden structures in contact with the ground, buildings located in regions with traditionally high humidity, as well as internal wooden surfaces of baths and saunas require the use of products specially designed for their treatment.

The oil is quickly absorbed into the structure of the wood, emphasizing the beauty of its texture. In addition to oil, the composition of the product includes a special wax, which is a water-repellent component.

Wax does not exfoliate from the surface, increases the wear resistance of wood, gives it hydrophobicity, and also prevents mechanical damage. The manufacturer has provided the possibility of tinting the product, the color scheme for which has 39 shades.

To protect surfaces in baths and saunas, special compositions are also provided, designed for exposure to high temperatures, steam and moisture. Therefore, if it is necessary to treat surfaces in these buildings or individual rooms, it is worth choosing products whose packaging indicates their specification:

  • "KRASULA® for baths and saunas" is a decorative and protective solution containing natural wax in its composition, used to treat both dry and wet surfaces. The function of this tool lies in its following actions:

- protection of wood from the penetration of moisture, dirt, soot, grease, soapy water, as well as from the formation of stains from adhering leaves;

– destruction of the wood lesions caused by mold, algae and prevention of recurrence;

- protection against damage by harmful insects, such as wood-boring beetles;

The product has been tested for safety operation at high temperatures. It does not change the natural appearance of wood and retains its natural aroma. It is important that the composition does not clog the pores of the material, allowing it to "breathe".

It is especially important for the conditions of the bath that it is an environmentally friendly solution safe for the environment and people. It is convenient that it is possible to carry out processing in a humid environment, without waiting for the surfaces to dry.

The manufacturer gives a guarantee for the protection of wood for a period of 7 years in the rest rooms of baths and saunas, as well as 5 years for the surfaces of washing and steam rooms.

  • "PROSEPT SAUNA" - a composition that is a composition of synthetic biocides, made on a water basis. It is used to protect the internal wooden surfaces of baths and saunas from wood-staining and wood-destroying manifestations. Prevents the appearance of colonies of fungus and pathogens on healthy wood. The solution provides reliable protection against moisture penetration into the wood structure at high temperatures.

PROSEPT SAUNA can be used not only to protect new surfaces, but also to stop existing destructive processes. The active components of the antiseptic quickly penetrate into the wood structure, binding to its fibers. Thus, a special resistance of the material to the penetration of moisture and washing out of the agent itself is created.

This tool is used as a base for surface treatment with oils intended for bath rooms, for painting or tinting.

  • "Senezh Sauna" is another solution designed for the treatment of wooden surfaces in rooms where high humidity and high temperatures prevail. The impregnation has an environmentally friendly composition that does not emit toxic substances into the environment.

Prices for antiseptics Senezh

Antiseptics Senezh

Preservatives for unbarked wood and wood with high natural moisture

If fresh wood is purchased for construction, not dried out, or a log that has not been peeled from the bark, then before laying the material to dry, it is necessary to process it. For this purpose, it is recommended to use specially designed products that will reliably protect the wood during its natural drying period.

The preparations used to impregnate such wood have the property of deep penetration into the structure of the material, allow it to "breathe" and create unacceptable conditions for the appearance of fungal formations and insect damage. Such solutions include Neomid 420 and Neomid 46, Senezh Insa and Senezh Trans, Prosept-42 and Prosept-46, Eurotrans, BS-13 and others.

Protection for the ends of timber and logs

A specific area of ​​lumber that requires enhanced protection is the end of a beam, board or log. Due to the fact that the butt has a more porous structural structure, moisture is intensively absorbed into the wood through it, penetrating into the depth of the products. As a result, in the created favorable microclimate, mold that destroys the material is easily formed. In addition, waterlogging in these places leads to the appearance of deep cracks, which sharply reduce the quality of the acquired material, becoming vulnerable to further wood damage. Therefore, for processing of this area of ​​wooden products were special antiseptic agents have been developed that are applied to the material being prepared for construction or sheathing, or to the ends of a log or beam of an already finished structure of a house or bath.

The most popular tool for protecting the ends of lumber is Senezh Tor, which has all the necessary qualities. And, the processing process must be carried out not only for new materials, but also for objects already put into operation, with a frequency of every three to four years.

Preservatives for old painted wood

It is more difficult to save painted wood from biological damage, since it is not at all easy to get rid of the old paintwork. And, even in cases where the coating has cracked and begun to flake off.

In order for the protective agent to show its effectiveness, all layers of paint will have to be removed from the wood. This process can be done in several ways - mechanically, using a spatula or grinder with a metal brush nozzle, and chemically, when special compounds are applied to the surface that soften and peel off the old layers of decorative finishes.

Antiseptics can be applied only after complete cleaning of the surface from paint layers.

Protective measures are carried out both before the subsequent painting of wooden surfaces, and when the cleaned material is left in its natural form.

For the treatment of cleaned surfaces, antiseptics such as Valtti Techno and Homeenpoisto 1 are used, which are able to penetrate deeply into the structure of previously painted wood and protect it from problems that have arisen. If the surface is completely cleaned of old paint, if desired or necessary, it can be bleached to a natural color, at the same time making the necessary "treatment". The name and description of the whitening compositions have been provided above.

What to look for when choosing a wood preservative?

Regardless of the purpose for which an antiseptic is chosen, it is very important when choosing it to pay attention to some points that will determine the quality of the composition and the duration of its protective action.

  • Manufacturer. It must be correctly understood that protective compositions that meet all the established criteria can only be manufactured using high-tech specialized equipment, which is available exclusively from large profiled companies.

As a rule, such enterprises have been operating for more than a dozen years and have already gained a certain prestige among consumers. Therefore, in order not to purchase a low-quality product that will not work properly, it is best to buy a well-known brand solution. Of course, you won’t be able to save on such products, but you can be sure that the protective qualities of the purchased solution will correspond to the description given by the manufacturer on the package.

  • Duration of effective protection. As established empirically, antiseptic protective coatings can operate effectively for no more than two to seven years, depending on their quality. That is, in any case, they will need to be updated over time.

If the manufacturer indicates a service life of 20 ÷ 40 years, then such a characteristic should hardly be unconditionally trusted. Any, without exception, even the highest quality protective agent under the influence of external factors gradually loses its original properties. In the characteristics presented above, the operating periods given by the manufacturer are indicated. However, when purchasing one or another version of an antiseptic, it is necessary to carefully study the packaging and find out the conditions under which such a period is possible.

  • Consumption of a protective composition. Many consumers immediately pay attention to the cost of an antiseptic and try to save money by buying a more affordable solution. However, it is necessary to look at the material consumption indicated by the manufacturer, since many of them, having a low cost, require a large consumption and application in two or even three layers. To be able to navigate in this parameter, you need to know that the average varies from 200 to 250 g / m². Only flame retardants can have high consumption - here it can be 400 ÷ 600 g / m².

If large-scale work is planned, then it would probably be useful to immediately calculate how much antiseptic solution will be needed for the treatment. Calculate the consumption for any area (for example,) - usually does not cause problems. It is more difficult when you need to process lumber, timber or a board - in these matters, many begin to get confused.

To make this calculation as easy as possible, below is a calculator that will carry out the necessary calculations in just a few seconds.

Calculator for calculating the amount of antiseptic composition for processing lumber

The program will calculate the consumption of antiseptic for processing in one layer, taking into account the traditional stock of 10 percent. Important - the amount of the finished solution is calculated, since many formulations go on sale in the form of concentrates, which must be diluted before use in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

To simplify the task, the amount of lumber can be indicated both by the piece and by volume, that is, "cubes", as they are often purchased at the bases.

Consumption is indicated by manufacturers either in milliliters per m² or in grams - alas, but there is no unity on this issue. It's okay - the principle of calculation does not change in any way from this.

In this article, we will tell you how to process a wooden frame to protect it from environmental influences.
How to cover garden furniture and terraces in a country house, how to give the surface the color you need and how much material you need to buy for finishing.

As well as about all materials for outdoor work.

Why treat a wooden house?

Wooden surfaces in the open air, whether it is a wooden facade, decking, gazebo or pergola, are constantly exposed to the environment. Precipitation, UV radiation, wind, various fungi and microorganisms, constant fluctuations in humidity and ambient temperature can quickly render wood products and surfaces unusable.

For example, under the influence of sunlight, UV - radiation, the process of graying of wood occurs (one of the components of wood, lignin, is destroyed), it becomes rough and porous. In this state, the ability of wood to absorb moisture from the environment increases dramatically. When the temperature and humidity conditions change, wood changes its geometric dimensions both up (swelling) and down (shrinkage). As a result, both the appearance of the wooden surface and the structure as a whole deteriorate (pulling out fasteners from the board, etc.).

How to process a wooden house?

The processing of a wooden house consists in high-quality protection of wood - which is a necessary condition for maintaining an attractive appearance and a long service life of wooden surfaces in the open air.

In each case, check the stages and sequence of coating with our specialists - they may differ, since the type of wood and tasks are different for everyone!

1. Holzwachs Lasur wax coating

Based on urethane oils and natural wax, this coating penetrates deep into the wood and provides reliable protection against UV radiation, weathering and pests.
Holzwachs Lasur forms a matte, abrasion resistant film that looks natural and does not give the effect of an artificial varnish. The material has a mild solvent odor.

The coating is used as the first step before oil in creating an individual color, in painting a wooden house or other structures, whether it is a bathhouse or a utility building.

Has a transparent option and a row colors : is also possible tinting according to RAL catalog !

Buy wax coating you can category Waxes in the Online Store .

How to apply:

Wax coating is applied in 2 layers with an interval of at least 8 hours, complete drying in 24 hours.

Wax impregnation has the form of a liquid and is sold in the following standard containers: 0.75 ml., 5 l., 20 l.

2. Teak and tung oils

These are natural oils without chemical additives that impregnate the wood and protect it from UV radiation and weathering.
The oils form an almost imperceptible natural film that does not change the color of the wood. The material is odorless.

How to apply:

Teak oil is applied in 2-3 layers with an interval of at least 12 hours, complete drying in 24 hours.
Application method: roller, brush or spray.
The oil is ready for use, if necessary, can be diluted with an oil solvent or turpentine.

When applying the first layers, tung oil is recommended to be diluted with turpentine or a solvent in a ratio of 4/1 solvent / oil, subsequent 2/1 and 1/1.
Fully tung oil dries out for a very long time, sometimes drying time is 3 weeks. However, it is already possible to apply subsequent layers after 12 hours.

Oils are in the form of a liquid and are sold in the following standard containers:
Teak oil: 0.5 l. and 5 l.
Tung oil: 1 l. and 5 l.
Consumption: 1 liter per 10-12 sq.m. / 1 layer.

How to process a terrace, deck?

For surfaces subject to wear or floor coverings, we recommend Danish oil. This material has a fairly high dry residue and is resistant to wear.
If you want to use solvent-free materials, we recommend teak oil. You need to apply 3-4 layers.

3. Danish oil

This oil is formulated with urethane resins specifically for outdoor applications. When applied, it creates a clear coat with a higher solids content than teak and tung oils. The material has a mild solvent odor. The coating has a transparent base option is also possible tinting !

How to apply:

Danish oil is applied in 2-3 layers with an interval of at least 12 hours, complete drying in 24 hours.
Application method: roller, brush or spray.
The oil is ready for use; if necessary, it can be diluted with an oil solvent or turpentine.
The oil is in the form of a liquid and is sold in the following standard containers: 1 liter. and 5 l.
Consumption: 1 liter per 10-12 sq.m. / 1 layer

Buy oils for outdoor work you can in the category

All photos from the article

Everyone has different tastes, but most still agree on one thing - a wooden house has its own unique aura. It is no coincidence that many seek to have on their site, if not the main building, then at least a bathhouse. The tree, due to its naturalness, attracts the eye like a magnet, from which it is difficult to break away. However, most of the advantages of such a structure can be degraded due to improper processing of the building material.

Our task today is to explain to readers how to independently carry out such work at a professional level so as not to violate the technology. It will also talk about how to process a wooden house inside and out.

Features of a wooden structure

Before continuing the article, it is necessary to understand what special characteristics of the material we can encounter and not violate them:

Environmental friendliness Most developers prefer wood because it is a "breathable" material that can maintain an optimal microclimate in the room.
Moisture absorption The naturalness of wood is the reason for the often excessive absorption of moisture from the atmosphere. As a result, the structure of the material is destroyed and it shrinks, swells or rots.
Susceptibility to microorganisms A tree is a great place for various microorganisms, including mold and fungi, to establish their colonies. Because of this, dark spots appear on the surface of the material, which indicates the beginning of the destruction of the structure.
fire hazard Fire is capable of completely destroying wooden property in a short time. Therefore, the material needs special protection.

Wood is one of those materials that needs special care. Processing a wooden house is required, otherwise the walls will fade, become saturated with moisture and begin to rot, and a fungus will appear inside the house. Consider what means to choose to preserve the quality of the tree outside and inside the house. How to process a wooden house?

Wood, as a material for building a house, helps to create a special atmosphere and comfort. It allows the walls to breathe and promotes air circulation in the room. In addition, wood has high energy saving rates. The wooden house looks very beautiful due to the naturalness of the material.

But, the tree is very whimsical to care for. Its features include:

  1. It absorbs moisture well. Temperature fluctuations and high humidity affect it especially adversely, it either swells or shrinks, as a result of which it loses its structure, can crack and rot. And this leads to the destruction of the walls.
  2. Another feature of wood as a natural material is its susceptibility to the action of microorganisms such as fungus, insects and algae. Dark or gray spots, as well as mold, may appear on the surface of the walls. The fungus can lead to the destruction and deterioration of the tree in a very short time.
  3. Under the influence of UV radiation, the wood begins to lose its color, it turns gray, the structure becomes porous and rough, which increases the ability to absorb moisture.

As you can see, the tree is exposed to any weather conditions and quickly becomes unusable. In order for wood to retain its appearance and last for many years, it must be treated with protective agents. Consider how to process a wooden house.

What processing aids are available?

Processing a wooden house is needed to protect against adverse factors. The effectiveness of protection depends on the quality of the selected means. This issue should be taken with particular seriousness, especially if you choose means for processing outside. To preserve the appearance of the house, oil-based protective agents are best suited. They will significantly extend the life of the coating.

Consider high-quality materials for processing outside:

  1. Holzwachs Lasur wax coating. Formulated with natural waxes and urethane oils, this coating provides UV, weather and insect protection. The agent forms a protective film, which in no way spoils the view from the outside and does not look artificial. The tool can be chosen transparent or colored. There are 8 colors.
  2. Oils Borma Wachs. This agent is suitable for treating terraces, as well as flooring, which is constantly subjected to wear and friction. Danish oil has excellent wear resistance. For processing, you can choose oils without solvents, for example, teak or tung. They do not contain any additives, are well absorbed into the wood and protect it from UV radiation and weathering.

Undoubtedly, it is products based on wax and oil that best protect a wooden house from the outside. And how to process the walls inside a wooden house?

For interior work, you can choose water-based antiseptics or special chemicals.

Popular antiseptics

How to process a wooden house? There are a huge number of antiseptics. It will be very difficult for a person who understands little in the processing of a wooden house to decide on the choice of means. We offer the most popular and proven antiseptics to protect the house inside.

It is possible to single out the antiseptic company Senezh, produced in Russia. This tool increases the fire resistance and moisture resistance of wood. Also, with the help of the tool, you can bleach already damaged areas on the surface.

If the tree has already been treated with varnish or drying oil, then an antiseptic cannot be used.

In second place in terms of their protective characteristics, one can single out the antiseptics of the Neomid company, also of Russian production. They perfectly protect wood from microorganisms and increase fire resistance. Moreover, such tools are suitable for both finishing inside the house and for outdoor work.

Firm Neomid presents washable and non-washable antiseptics, as well as oil paints.

Antiseptics of the Belinka trademark will protect from atmospheric influence. They are more used to protect the house from the outside. The products allow you to preserve the natural color of the tree and are suitable for any species.

To impregnate wood and protect it from moisture, you can use Aquatex paint. Moreover, the color scheme is represented by 15 colors. The paint is environmentally friendly, since it does not contain harmful substances, so it is ideal for treating walls inside the house.

A good choice of protective antiseptics that increase the fire resistance of the coating is presented by Rogneda. The funds provide protection for at least 15 years. It is important that antiseptic agents can stop the development of the process of decay that has already begun as a result of damage by mold or fungi.

For treatment inside the house, water-based antiseptics from Aquacolor are suitable. They are inexpensive and allow you to lighten the darkened wood.

Tikkurila antiseptic is suitable for outdoor work. It protects against moisture, mold and UV radiation.

Processing inside and outside the house

For the treatment of wood inside the house, as a rule, water-based antiseptics are used, they do not have a strong odor and are absolutely harmless. They also do not allow moisture to pass through, but allow the tree to breathe.

The processing technique is as follows:

  1. Apply antiseptic in one layer. Complete drying occurs after 9-18 days.
  2. After the antiseptic has dried, apply an impregnation that increases the fire resistance of wood.
  3. If there are dark spots on the wood, then a bleaching agent must be applied.

Impregnation for wood can be salt and non-salt. Salt ones provide a lower degree of protection against fire, but are cheaper. Non-salt ones are more reliable. It is possible to distinguish the impregnations of Pirilax and Neomil firms.

After treatment with an antiseptic and impregnation, the walls can be painted. To do this, you can choose a varnish or paint, they will also provide additional protection against mechanical damage.

External processing is slightly different from internal, because the tree outside the house is exposed to weathering and more dampness.

Processing outside:

  1. Applying a water-based antiseptic. It is best to choose a tool for deep processing, it penetrates well deep into and protects against dampness and decay.
  2. Application of flame retardant. Two weeks after applying the antiseptic, the tree is treated with impregnation. It is better to apply the product in 4 layers.
  3. Finishing. It can be produced using top coats that hide the structure of wood and glazing antiseptics, acrylate or oil paints. Walls can also be plastered. Before applying finishing compounds, the surface must be sanded, a solution to remove tar stains should be applied and cracks and irregularities should be puttied.

By adhering to all stages of processing and choosing only high-quality products, you can preserve the natural look of the tree for a long time.

Treatment of wooden walls with protective compounds

The owners of wooden houses are well aware of their "diseases" - mold, fungus, insects, rot, etc.

Do not believe those who claim that in Russia wood products were not treated with protective agents. Linseed oil, resin, saturated saline solutions, and lime were actively used.

In Soviet times, they were replaced by drying oil, blue vitriol, waste oil. But progress does not stand still. The modern chemical industry offers a huge range of products for treating a wooden house from the outside.

Why does wood deteriorate?

The first enemy of a new house made of timber is water in all its manifestations.

Rains, snow, ice destroy the fibers, rot appears, fungi and antimycetes multiply.

And if mold and moss can be actively fought, then decomposition processes cause much more harm - a rotten log is no longer good for anything.

Wooden frame, struck by the "blue"

Another issue is ultraviolet light.

Under the influence of sunlight, the wooden surface on the outside begins to darken, acquiring a dull grayish tint. However, most still prefer the soft amber-golden or dark honey hue of a freshly cut tree. And it does not matter that the effect is actually achieved artificially with the help of appropriate processing. It is not only fashionable, but also really very beautiful.

The next group of problems is related to wood moisture. The fact is that rarely is a house built from dead wood.

The used wooden beam reaches the "condition" in the finished building for almost a year. During this period, the logs crack, twist, dry out, gaps appear between them, etc.

The process is natural, but who said that it cannot be influenced?!

Thus, processing becomes not only desirable, but a necessary means of protection against all sorts of problems.

How to process a wooden house - types and types of compositions

Home processing is the application of special protective and priming compounds that ensure the safety of the tree for many years.

The main goal is to improve performance and extend service life. There are 4 groups of funds:

  1. Antiseptic - primers containing fungicides that prevent or destroy mold spores, blue stain, bugs and bark beetle larvae, woodworms, and other insects that destroy wood. They contain acids, alkalis, special concentrates in small doses. They are divided into washable (transport) and non-washable.

Antiseptic impregnations are most often produced in cans

Common brands: Neomid, Senezh, Belinka, Remmers. Treatment with an antiseptic is carried out in 1-2 layers, it is advisable to observe personal safety measures (gloves, glasses). Re-treatment of the house (if no decorative coating is applied) is recommended after 3-5 years.

  • Fire retardant - special compositions with flame retardant additives.

    Prevent instant ignition, allow you to resist open fire for several hours.

    How to process a wooden house outside

    In practice, a tree impregnated with fire protection simply smolders. Produced under the brands Pirilax, KSD, NORT, Glims Ognestop. Apply generously in one layer in accordance with the instructions.

    Pyrilax protects the tree from fire

    Finishing protective compositions produced by Belinka and TEX

    It should be noted that recently the so-called vapor-permeable protective and decorative products (Tikkurilla, Dulex) have been actively promoted.

    That is, a layer of paint allows the tree to “breathe”, while at the same time protecting it from water.

    Separately, it is worth highlighting the painting material with a hydrophobic effect. It is applied to the ends in a dense layer and forms a durable waterproof film.

    For the convenience of buyers, manufacturers of paint and varnish products have developed tools that can be combined into a separate group - universal primers for processing a wooden house from the outside. These are complex products containing fungicides, flame retardants, saline preservative solutions, etc.

    "Fire bioprotection" from CJSC Rogneda, a series of "XM" from the Yaroslavl antiseptic and many others. Although, according to experts, it is better to use narrowly targeted formulations.

    In what order are the ingredients applied?

    If the wood is in good condition, you need to start with fire retardants, then preservative treatment, preservatives are used before applying the finish coat. If the tree is damaged by bark beetles or mold, then a primer with active fungicides (Neomid, Pufas) is applied first, then flame retardants (although some prefer to do without them altogether).

    If the tree is already affected by insects and there are probably bark beetle larvae in the depths, this scourge must be fought radically.

    It is not enough just to brush with an antiseptic. Firstly, a separate agent is required (Antizhuk, Lignofix concentrates), and secondly, the application methods are different - injection or intensive spraying.

    Of course, we did not include tinting, putty and other products responsible for decorative design in the list.

    Their use is dictated only by the taste and needs of the owners of the house.

    The order of work on the processing of walls

    External processing of a new building begins after the erection and installation of the roof.

    Desirable wood moisture content is not more than 25% (measured with a contact or non-contact moisture meter). It is carried out in 4 stages.

    The fact is that some products have tinting properties, that is, the house can acquire a completely unexpected shade (from pistachio to brown). This rule must also be observed in relation to glazing (transparent) paints and varnishes.

  • Apply the selected product with a brush, spray gun or roller with the interval between layers indicated in the instructions. It is advisable to choose dry, cloudy weather with an air temperature of at least +5 ° C.
  • For a painted house, the process is different:

    1. Surface preparation begins with the removal of the old paint layer with sandpaper, a spatula, a grinder, special gel products - paint washes;
    2. The cleaned surface must be dusted with a vacuum cleaner and wiped with a damp cloth;
    3. Prime with a composition with fungicidal additives in 1-2 layers;
    4. Carefully move the varnish or paint, add thinner if necessary and apply 2-3 times with an interval of at least 48 hours between coats.

    Complete exterior processing of a wooden house is an incredibly time-consuming process.

    This takes a lot of time and money. But you should not be sorry and lazy - the service life of the building, its safety and beauty depend on your actions.

    Based on materials from the site: http://all-for-remont.ru

    Wooden housing construction is gaining momentum in our country, because it has become clear to many people that living in a wooden house is much more profitable than in cages of multi-storey high-rise buildings. Today it is prestigious and reasonable to have even an inexpensive country house. The acquisition of an ecologically impeccable ark outside the aggression of the metropolis for many generations of the same family is the main trend of recent years. Only the house needs to be protected, taken care of, and the main issue in this matter is the need to protect it from decay.

    What is wood decay

    This is the process of destruction of cellulose under the influence of wood-destroying fungi and microorganisms.

    The better to process a wooden house and an extension from the outside

    On the other hand, in warehouse sheds, felled wood is threatened by warehouse fungus and sleeper fungus, and in areas by house mushrooms. These latter readily destroy organic materials, including reeds, fiberboard and others.

    The most dangerous among them has a beautiful name - the white brownie, the diaper mushroom and other pests rush to join it. They can be defeated only by creating conditions unfavorable for their existence.

    Rotting control methods

    Mushrooms love moisture, which means that the building material must be thoroughly dried before construction.

    The built house needs to be protected from moisture, waterproofing is required with paints, varnishes, enamels. For constant ventilation of wooden structures, a natural ventilation system is required.

    Rains and frosts, and then wind and heat do their bad deed. The wood is moistened, destroyed, to prevent this, the use of antiseptics is required. Chemical preparations, antiseptics, are harmless to humans and animals, but merciless to fungi and mold.

    Water-soluble preparations are used for the outer surface of the walls. Such products do not reduce the strength of wood and do not cause corrosion.

    Some structural elements that are intensively exposed to water are treated with oil antiseptics. Surfaces located in close proximity to the ground are treated with antiseptic pastes, the paste is applied to the surface and covered with roofing felt, roofing felt and other waterproof materials.

    Impregnation is applied with brushes, sponges, spray.

    Sealants and fire retardants

    The house should be protected from the wind, and from snow, and from any vagaries of the weather, climatic troubles. To do this, seams, joints in a log house are sealed with sealants. By the way, the sealant can, if desired, become a decorative element, it is enough to give the desired color shade using acrylic paints.

    Fire retardants are applied over the antiseptic using rollers, spray guns, brushes in several layers.

    After such processing, the house is no longer afraid. Protection against decay can be a high base, waterproofing of the lower crown, but the main means of prevention. A wooden house should be processed at least once every five years.

    Building your own wooden house is a pleasant and important event. A wooden house is environmental friendliness and unity with nature, the best choice for those who care about their health and the health of their loved ones. However, this is a very big responsibility. After all, wooden structures require much more care and attention than, say, stone buildings. Anyone who has built their house from wood, or those who are just about to do it, are thinking about how to treat a wooden house outside and inside in order to protect it from negative external influences, to make its operation long and comfortable.

    Why is it important to protect wood?

    Natural wood has its own specifics, like other materials, so they must be taken into account when using. In addition to a number of advantages, natural wood has a number of disadvantages, for example:

    • combustibility;
    • The possibility of decay;
    • Susceptibility to the negative effects of certain insects;
    • Drying out over time;
    • Cracking;
    • Dependence on ambient temperature.

    These factors have caused the need to protect the wood from which the wooden house is made. First, wood is a natural material that easily absorbs moisture. Any slight fluctuations in air humidity can lead to swelling, cracking and rotting.

    Secondly, various microorganisms become another enemy of natural wood. It can be mold, a large number of varieties of fungi, insects and algae. Mushroom spores, which are especially abundant in humid air, enter the tree and germinate in just a few hours. The main signs of such an infection are blue spots, darkening, plaque and high humidity. There are also types of mushrooms (for example, white brownies) that can "eat" a thick 40mm. oak board within one month!

    Another danger that the owners of wooden structures are exposed to is fire. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure maximum fire safety in such a house and minimize any fire risks.

    How to properly protect wood

    To protect wood from damage by microorganisms, a variety of methods are used.

    Wood protection methods:

    • Structural methods - isolating wood from the ground, stone and concrete, installing special ventilation channels, protecting the building from rain, fog and moisture;
    • Chemical methods that involve the treatment of wood with special protective agents. These include antiseptics and flame retardants, which protect the tree from germs and fires, respectively. This is the most common way, and also the most inexpensive and effective.

    The protection of a wooden house is achieved through the use of special water-soluble products, compositions based on volatile chemical compounds, oil antiseptics, special pastes and other products. In the modern market, water-based antiseptic and fire-bioprotective solutions are most widely used.

    It is worth noting that a water-based antiseptic for a wooden house is environmentally friendly and non-toxic materials, which is very important, especially during internal processing. Processing a wooden house to protect it should take place in several stages - from its construction to finishing. At the same time, its protection from the inside and outside has certain differences.

    How to process a wooden house from the outside - the main stages of processing

    Processing the log house from the outside takes place in several stages:

    1. 10-14 days after bringing the structure under the roof. If the house was built in the warm season, then after 2 weeks it is necessary to carry out treatment with special compounds - first with antiseptics, and then with flame retardants, or with complex fire and bioprotective agents. It is processed necessarily in 2 stages, applying an antiseptic in two layers. If the log house was erected in winter, then you should wait until the temperature rises to + 10-12 ºC, after which impregnation begins, using an airbrush. However, this will only protect the house for 3-5 months;
    2. 3-5 months after the initial treatment with an antiseptic and flame retardant, it is necessary to use a finishing color coating, which will provide additional protection against rot, insects, and also preserve the primary layer.

    Internal processing of a wooden house

    Inside such a house, treatment with water-based solutions is carried out and it should be done at the same time as the first external treatment. After that, after 14 days, the finishing stage of the coating is carried out.

    What we need for this:

    • Fine brush;
    • natural bristles;
    • Finishing protective varnish, for example, Capacryl Impragnier - Lazur from the German company Lacufa.

    Recommendation. If blue or gray spots, darkening have begun to appear, then they should be treated with special chloride-based wood protection products, for example, Pinotex Wood Oil. The agent is applied to the affected areas with a thin layer, and after a few minutes the wood will acquire its original appearance.

    Wooden house processing technology

    The described stages were considered in general terms, and much more difficult. If you want to process a wooden house in winter , then you should choose materials with a wider temperature range of operation, but in general the technology will not differ much:

    1. The first treatment with special compounds that provide deep antiseptic protection and penetrate deep into the structure of the tree. It is produced to protect wood from mold, fungus and decay. Here you can apply Pohyuste from Tikurilla or Teknol Aqua 1410 from Teknos;
    2. Next, it is necessary to process the ends to protect against moisture. By applying a special moisture protective agent, you stabilize the moisture balance of the wood, thereby slowing down the drying process of the wood. It gives moisture gradually and evenly, without sudden changes in humidity, and, accordingly, cracking. Teknol JRM material is better suited here;
    3. Deep penetration primer that fills the microcracks in wood and provides a reliable level of adhesion of the following layers of materials;
    4. Finishing - several layers of surface materials (paint and varnish or others) are applied. They form the final coat and provide maximum preservation and saving of operational properties, as well as imparting a finishing color.