How to make an arch from a wild stone. Arch decoration with decorative stone - basic rules and requirements. Ways to decorate interior arches

Arch of stone traditional way decoration and strengthening of passages and walls, which does not lose its relevance. The variety of types of constructions and finishing materials allow you to realize the most daring ideas, both indoors and outdoors. The arch not only emphasizes the style of the interior, but is also comfortable functional solution on every day.

Options for finishing arches with stone

The progenitors of architecture, the ancient Greeks, began to decorate the passages not in the form of a rough square or rectangle, but a smooth arc. They persistently built triumphal arches, decorated with stucco, framed with marble and mosaics, and dedicated these architectural objects to the winners.

To date, arched structures have firmly entered the everyday life as a popular element of interior and exterior design. Pasted over with wallpaper or finished with plastic, drywall, it looks advantageous both in work and home premises, and allows you to diversify the look of boring interior passages. The arch serves to separate zones and decorate walls.

But one of the most popular options for its cladding is stone decoration. Thanks to the rich variety modern materials and styling technician, the process takes less and less time and effort. But the result becomes a real reward for the customer - an aesthetic pleasure for the eyes and a practical household solution for many years.

Decorative rock

One of the popular ways to design portals is decorative decoration. gypsum stone. Firstly, its many variations allow you to imitate almost any natural surface. Secondly, it is cheaper than analogues, for example, natural stone. And, thirdly, it is a light decor, therefore it is suitable even for processing thin structures.

The photo shows an arch with a rough stone finish separating the living and dining areas. The furnishings in discreet sandy-brown shades organically combine the natural relief of the stone and perfectly smooth floor and wall coverings.


Natural (wild) stone is not often used for indoor surfaces due to high cost, significant weight and complexity of processing (hewn slate or travertine is required). However, for outdoor street work, this is the best choice. The arch lined with stone looks great, and the material itself has the highest strength and durability - when using a high-quality mortar, it can last for many decades.

If the goal when designing an arch is not the texture of a stone, but an imitation of a brick, then the choice is quite wide. Flat decor is sold in every hardware store, not expensive and weighs little (the thickness of the bricks is 5-20 mm). Laying by level is so simple that even a non-professional can handle it. As a result, the opening will be transformed, and a piece of trendy loft style will appear in the room.

The photo shows a modern interior with imitation brickwork, which decorates not only the arch, but also parts of the walls of the room.

imitation stone

But even if simple styling decorative stone / brick seems to be too long and painful process, there is a simple interior solution- finishing the arch with ceramic tiles and such "flexible" coatings as liquid wallpaper and decorative plaster. The process will take less time and effort, but with professional execution it will give a pleasant result.

Types of arches

There are several main groups of arches depending on the form of execution:


In the presence of large area walls, such an arch will expand the boundaries of the room, making it lighter and more "airy".

Pictured is a stairwell. The rough surface contrasts with the white wallpaper on the walls.


A traditional type of arch with stone used for decoration and fortification. doorways and other types of passes.

The photo shows a stone arched passage to the dining room. natural finish decorates not only the opening, but also part of the wall around it.


Usually this arch differs from the standard opening in its large size, it allows you to zone the space and looks organically in almost any setting, especially in the spirit of the classics.

In the photo archway rectangular shape and part of the wall with brick trim. The design combines warm shades of brick, door leaf and walls.


The optimal solution for small areas: it allows you to comfortably form the passage and strengthen it for a long service life.

Trapeze, angular, curly

  • A trapezoid-shaped arch can become one of the key art objects in a geometric interior - with an emphasis on clear lines and angular elements.
  • The corner one looks advantageous in a single design concept along with other elements with a clear geometry of forms.
  • The curly design option depends only on the imagination of the performer and is able to transform even the most boring traditional setting.

Decoration ideas and design of stone arches

If you want novelty in a familiar setting or if repairs are planned, but there is no clear vision of the picture yet, you should think about the design of the arch. Perhaps it is not enough to look at the home environment from a different angle.

The style, color and shape of the structure can set the general tone for the design project:

  • Ragged. Chaotic - oddly enough, one of the most popular techniques in the design of premises. Arch as well as a rough surface wooden furniture or fireplace stones, doesn't have to be perfect. Giving it a "torn", deliberately sloppy shape and adding the same "wrong" texture outer material you can get excellent results.
  • Carved. Borders for decorating arches in this case does not exist, or rather, they are determined by the imagination. Asymmetric images, flowers - any shape is acceptable.
  • With backlight. Able to take on the role of one of the central accents of interior lighting.
  • With columns. Roman-style decoration with neat stone vaults will organically complement a clear and elegant classic interior.

These are the main types of arches that should not be limited. The selected option may not be similar to them, which means it will become unique idea room decoration: corridor, kitchen, etc.

Photo of stone arches in the interior of the rooms

To "revive" the imagination, you can first get acquainted with completed projects arches that will be appropriate in the hallway, hall, kitchen, living room, bedroom, balcony, loggia and even in the bathroom.

Arches are diverse not only in shape and shade, they are also able to transform, thanks to the image and lifestyle of the owners of the house. They can be decorated with your favorite trinkets or photos to enjoy the informality of the interior.

In the photo, the arch in the apartment in scandinavian style. The design combines the abrasive surface of brick and lacquered wood flooring gender.

Making out the arch, it is important with special attention approach the choice of its color, as well as the shade of the finishing material around it. A light palette can be considered ideal, which will turn the element into a lighter, “non-pressing” design in the overall setting.

Arched openings are both constructive and decorative elements of the interior. They make the space warmer, more living and spiritual. Often it is the arch that creates the character of the room, but only where it is assembled correctly and tastefully. And even in this case, a knowledgeable question arises: how to finish the arch? Finishing arches can be extremely diverse:

Arches with wooden trim

Arches with wood trim make the room more significant. They are ideal for rooms decorated in classical style. Wooden elements perfectly emphasize the shape of trapezoidal, vaulted arches and interior structures in the shape of an ellipse. However, designers do not recommend resorting to wood trim where there are arches. non-standard forms, as well as in laconic interiors and during wet rooms. natural wood- an expensive material and the expediency of its use should be carefully weighed.

Arches finished with MDF and chipboard

Such arches are significantly cheaper than their wood-lined counterparts. However, from such plates, with right approach, you get even corners and beautiful arches geometric shapes. If additional lamination and veneering technologies are used, the material cannot be distinguished from solid wood, but only experienced professionals can accomplish this task.

Arches finished with facing bricks

This option is also not suitable for every interior. This is a rather laborious process, including 2 stages:

  • First of all, vertical poles are placed;
  • In the second - the vault of the arch is erected.

The arch is made using a template, which must not be removed until the solution has completely solidified. Corners and joints can be decorated with plastic.

Polyurethane finish

Thinking about how to finish the arch stylishly and inexpensively, it is worth remembering polyurethane. The polyurethane finish looks expensive, although it is quite affordable. This durable yet flexible and lightweight material has impressive performance characteristics, therefore, it is widely used for the manufacture of stucco, for finishing ceilings, corners, cornices and, of course, interior arches. The undoubted advantage of polyurethane is the ease of its installation - a completely unprepared person can do it with his own hands, with a little effort. In terms of execution, such arched structures are not inferior, and possibly even superior, to arches made of many other materials.

Arch decoration with decorative stone

This finish looks organic only when part of the wall is involved in the stone composition. At the same time, if natural stone is a very difficult material to process, then the decoration of the arch decorative stone does not imply great difficulties - it is very easy to mount it on special glue or ordinary liquid nails.

Plasterboard partitions, and walls made of light blocks, are not designed for heavy loads, so finishing the arch in the apartment will be more successful if you use artificial stone wisely. This material is based on binder such as gypsum or cement. In addition, the composition contains expanded clay or perlite, and modern technologies staining makes artificial analogues almost indistinguishable from natural stone. A big plus is the infinity of its shades and textures.

Decorative plaster

How to finish the arch without a lot of labor? Finishing arches with your own hands is easiest done by plastering them with decorative plaster. First, the irregularities and visible parts of the fasteners should be puttied, a primer is applied on top. After 4 to 24 hours have passed (the exact time is indicated in the manufacturer's instructions), you can start applying decorative plaster. The range of such a mixture allows you to choose any surface texture. If a relief is expected, it should be applied to a wet composition. In the case of using this method of finishing arches, it would be appropriate to use an arched corner, which will save the plaster from chipping.

Wallpapering the arch

As an option for finishing the arch, wallpapering is suitable. It should be taken into account that adhesive mixture should be a little thicker than for ordinary wall pasting. Corners will help protect the wallpaper from abrasion. You need to take those wallpapers that are stronger and bend better, suitable options:

Mirror tiles

Mirror tiles are specific facing material, which can be used to design the most different rooms. In the case of an arch, it will fit in the form of separate inserts from narrow strips. This tile goes well with all other finishing materials (plastic, wood, etc.) and can serve as a stylish separation different textures finishes, corners.


How to finish the arch to give a unique look to the room? Mosaic arch decoration is ideal for stylish interior with character. Mosaic can be:

  • From glass;
  • Ceramics;
  • natural stone;
  • Self-adhesive panels, etc.

In any case, fixing it is a delicate and time-consuming process. At the same time, such a finish is performed quite often, as it looks original and unusual. First, an adhesive solution is applied to the wall, all corners are well smeared, and then a mosaic is applied using a level, beacons are inserted between the parts, then they are pulled out, and the seams are processed with decorative putty.

In addition to the above methods, finishing the arch in the apartment can be carried out using a mass of other materials that can make the arch unique. For example, it is convenient to use flexible acrylic tiles for decoration, which repeats appearance natural stone, but can be of various sizes and colors. The strips of decorative molding, fixed " liquid nails". There are options with plastic - use plastic lining and panels can quickly and easily give the arch a neat and beautiful view. Plastic trim is very inexpensive and practical.

Wall decoration around the arch

A decorative arched corner serves to highlight the arches against the background of the rest of the interior. In addition to the design function, the corner allows you to hide irregularities in the arched doorway. This is especially true for those who make the arch with their own hands. But even an ideal doorway should match the style of the wall on which it is located. The main purpose of such a wall is to emphasize the beauty of the opening. This works well, for example, against the background of decorative embossed plaster. The wall lined with artificial stone. As elite finishes - compositions from Venetian plaster on the wall. If the arch is finished with plastic, then the wall section can also be pasted over with plastic. You can also decorate the wall with a tree - attach wooden panels on part of the wall. Even simple wallpaper, tastefully selected, will emphasize the beauty of the arch on the wall.

Decorative decoration of arches in the house requires great delicacy, at this stage it is easy to make a mistake that will disfigure even the most durable and neat arched structure. And yet, it’s quite realistic to finish the arch without the help of specialists - with your own hands.

Finishing the arch with decorative stone allows you to make the interior really stylish and bright. Such unusual openings always attract attention. They are associated with triumphal arches or mysterious cave entrances. If you decide to create an arched opening in the apartment and arrange it correctly, you can make the space visually wider.

Stucco, carving, forging or wood can be used for decoration. But perfect solution- decorative rock. Exist different types this material so it's very easy to find the right one. The arch, trimmed with stone, will perfectly fit into the interior and bring some zest to it. She looks truly great. At the same time, the material itself is durable and reliable.

The decorative stone has practically no flaws. It is made of a material that is not afraid of any corrosion. Also, it is not subject to rotting and fungus infection, which makes it truly reliable.

The composition of the decorative material includes:

  • expanded clay;
  • cement;
  • pumice.

All fillers are environmentally friendly. Pumice is a glass of volcanic origin, which is formed during the rapid solidification of lava. It has a porous structure and perfectly retains heat. Expanded clay is fired balls of clay. Perlite is also of volcanic origin.

Another advantage of artificial stone is the ease of maintenance. It can be cleaned with a mild detergent.

The widest range of artificial material allows you to find an imitation of any natural stone. Similarity is noted in texture and color.

Decorative stone arches in the interior

Today, interiors often use arches trimmed with decorative stone. With its help, you can easily embody any, even the most unusual design ideas. So, for example, if the arch is framed with stones of light and blue-green tones, it can resemble a fabulous entrance to an underwater grotto, and if you create an imitation of granite, then it can be in the form of a fancy entrance to a cave or an old castle.

At the same time, it must be remembered that in order to create the maximum harmonious design additional decoration required. Perfect solution- the plant and the masterful use of light. If the arch is stylized as a magical entrance to the underwater world, then plants are a must.

The backlight will give a special solemnity and some mystery. If you highlight the green arch with soft light, you can create the illusion of an aquarium.

The choice of material and decoration of the arch

Before you learn how to finish the arch with a decorative stone, you need to decide on the finishing material. It is worth noting that all types of artificial stone are quite easy to work with, so often the most important argument for choosing one or another option is its cost.

It is best to work with narrow tiles. In this case, finishing the bends of the arch is much easier. If plasterboard arches are decorated, you need to take into account the weight of the material. Too heavy - will deform or damage the surface.

How to decorate the arch with a stone with your own hands?

The stone laying process is very simple. No help needed for this job professional builder everything can be done by hand. Let's consider it in more detail:

  1. Before you start work, you need to clean the surface of the arch and prime it. Work must be done carefully so that no dirt or debris remains. This is very important, because in the future you will need to glue decorative stone elements, and they simply will not stick to an uncleaned surface. If the surface is very smooth, it is worth making notches.
  2. Then the solution is prepared cement base, the composition and proportions of which depend on the type of stone. On this stage it is extremely important to comply with the requirements that the manufacturer of the selected material makes.
  3. Only after that you can go directly to the masonry. First, a stone is laid on those places where the arch is in contact with the wall. Work is carried out from the bottom up. To keep everything smooth, use building level. You can also use plastic crosses. After the first row is laid, the second row is laid according to the checkerboard principle. An overlap is made in the corner.

Stone laying work should start from the bottom and then go up

To finish the arc-shaped section, you must first mark the stone itself. To do this, it is applied to the wall and cut off. At this stage, it is very important to maintain the radius of the arch. It is necessary to remember the need for grinding the cut points.

In order to cut the product as accurately as possible, you must first draw the markup, and then go through it several times with a special construction knife. Excess can be easily removed with simple pliers. Special tile cutters or a grinder are also suitable. For processing the cut surface, use sandpaper. The remaining elements, if necessary, are adjusted according to the same principle.

To remove excess decorative material, special tile cutters are suitable.

To lay out decorative material inner surface, should be similar actions. In this case, the elements are also adjusted in length. Used for cutting hand saw(suitable for gypsum-based material) or a circular saw. This is how the entire surface is covered.

When the laying work is completed, it takes a certain amount of time to cement mortar frozen well. It usually takes a day or two. Then it is necessary to process the seams using a special putty.

After everything dries well and the primary processing is completed, you can proceed to decorate the arch for a certain style or paint the stone. An airbrush is perfect for this job. It is enough to choose the necessary coloring mixture and also take into account your own taste.

As you can see, decorating the arch with decorative stone is as simple as possible. It can be done without the help of specialists. You can bring into the room stylish element. Even an amateur enthusiast will do it with incredible ease. You just need to do it very carefully and follow the entire sequence of work.

Interior arches - very original way decorate your interior. The arched opening always attracts, someone has an association with a triumphal arch, for someone it is the entrance to a grotto or a mysterious cave. Anyone who makes an arched opening in their apartment gets comfort and visual expansion of space. But it is very important to properly arrange such arches.

Eat different ways arch finishing: , forging. But none of the methods mentioned will look as natural and unobtrusive as decorating the arch with decorative stone. Firstly, there are different types of stone for every taste, and with each of them you can create a beautiful, unique interior. Secondly, the stone has a number of advantages, and the first of them is reliability and durability.

In this publication, "Dream House" offers to see how interior stone arches look in the interiors of apartments and houses, as well as how beautifully and in an original way they can be designed, so that the result is an interesting design object.

Methods for decorating arches with stone

Decoration of interior arches with decorative stone is used in modern interiors often enough. This type of decoration allows you to embody many design ideas. For example:

  • with a granite stone in the form of a brick, the arch is stylized as the entrance to a castle or cave;
  • an arch framed with blue-green, light stones looks like an entrance to a grotto or an underwater world;
  • there is at all unusual decision- stylized as a dragon's mouth, this option is suitable for a children's room, especially if he lives there.

Arch decoration with decorative stone photo

Arch made of decorative stone photo

Interior arches made of stone photo

And that's not all possible options finishing arches with decorative stone, but all these techniques often require additional decoration.

Illumination and flowers: additional decoration of stone arches

First of all, do not forget about such additional ways decorating, like the use of light and plants. Vegetation is indispensable when the arch is stylized as an entrance to the underwater world. It will not be superfluous in other cases.

Mystery and solemnity are given to the arched opening by illumination. With soft light, the "green" arch will look like an aquarium. And certainly not without the use of light in the case of the "dragon head".

Finishing arches with artificial stone photo

How to decorate the arch with a decorative stone

Decorative stone arch: only advantages

It is worth once again dwelling on the advantages of decorative stone and emphasizing that it has practically no drawbacks. The artificial material of which it consists is not subject to corrosion and decay, will not suffer from fungal diseases. In a word, he is very reliable.

Lovers of natural need not worry, because the decorative stone consists of cement, pumice, expanded clay and other equally environmentally friendly fillers. Pumice is a volcanic glass formed when flowing lava cools rapidly. The gas released at the same time leaves large depressions inside, making pumice frost-resistant, giving it valuable properties heat insulator. Expanded clay is fired clay balls or slate. Perlite is again a material of volcanic origin.

A reasonable question may arise: why is the real natural stone? The answer is simple: even if the customer has enough material resources to purchase natural stone, it is not a fact that it is suitable for an arched opening. Not every base (wall) can withstand the weight of such a cladding - natural stone is very heavy. For example, granite is 3 times heavier than decorative stone.

It is worth mentioning some more advantages of finishing the arch with a decorative stone:

  • Artificial stone is very easy to care for: a simple wash with any non-abrasive detergent is enough.
  • Manufacturers of decorative stone have mastered their production so well that it has become possible to create a stone that imitates any natural one. Moreover, similarity is achieved not only in color, but also in texture.
  • And the process of laying the stone is so simple that, if desired, it is quite possible to cope with the decoration of the arch on your own.

Decoration of arches with decorative stone photo

How to lay out an arch with a decorative stone

Decorative stone is today one of the most suitable materials for finishing surfaces both inside and outside buildings. This material is quite easy to process, it can not only be drilled, but also cut. But to get good result technology should be followed installation work, it will be presented below. You can use decorative stone for interior decoration, as one of the elements of which is the arch.

Instrument preparation

Decorative stone begins with the preparation of tools, among which are:

  • construction mixer;
  • cutting machine;
  • a bucket for mixing the adhesive solution;
  • paint brushes;
  • trowel;
  • grout syringe;
  • wedges of the same thickness.

Among other things, you will need a building level and a spatula. It is important to take care of the presence of a metal brush and with the help of the latter you will be able to adjust the elements on the surface after laying. To measure and cut the material, you will need a construction tape measure. In the process of work, you can not do without a household spray gun. Wedges can be made of wood and plastic, they will allow the formation of seams. You can replace the cutting machine with a cutting machine.

Preparation of materials

Decorative stone is carried out after preparation of all necessary Supplies, among them are:

  • glue;
  • primer;
  • grout;
  • water repellent.

When choosing a glue, you need to pay attention to its purpose. Available for certain finishes different varieties adhesive compositions, they are usually designed to hold the calculated weight of the material. Therefore, to begin with, you must choose Decoration Materials, and only then proceed to the acquisition of glue. If the work is supposed to be carried out at low temperatures, then the choice should be taken more seriously. adhesive composition, it must have the appropriate properties.

Surface preparation

Finishing with stone necessarily involves the preparation of walls. To do this, you need to get rid of the base from old whitewash, wallpaper or paint. The master will have to level using putty. The surface of the arch must be primed, this composition will fasten small particles together, so any finish will be held as tightly as possible.

On sale you can find primers for any surface. If you have to work with concrete wall, then it should be treated with Betonkontakt primer. When the conditions in the room are different high humidity or temperature, the back side of the decorative stone must be moistened before laying.

Finishing arches with decorative stone is carried out according to a slightly different technology, if we are talking about a drywall construction. To prepare for such work, you need a light stone. It is necessary to carry out such manipulations exclusively indoors. If the arch from the GKL is on outdoors or under a canopy, then it is impossible to decorate it with a stone.

The surface of the drywall is treated with a primer, which should be left until it dries, only after that you can proceed with the installation of products. The primer is applied with a roller, and not only the outer, but also the inner surfaces are treated with the composition.

Preparing the stone for laying

If you will be finishing arches with decorative stone (photos of design options are presented in the review for reference), for starters, it is recommended to mix all products from different packages first. On next step the stone must be laid out on the floor. Position individual elements is chosen in such a way that the texture looks the most advantageous. For example, you can distribute elements by shade or shape, as well as size.

Rules for applying glue

Before starting work, you must read the instructions and dilute the glue in the bucket according to it.

The composition is mixed with a construction mixer until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Using a spatula, the mixture is applied to the wall only in the place where the product is supposed to be installed. On the reverse side, the stone must also be treated with glue, which is applied with a spatula. The layer thickness should not seem more than 1 cm. If this parameter is exceeded, the product will slide down the wall.

The adhesive is applied to the entire surface of the stone, while avoiding voids that can cause condensation inside the masonry during operation. This recommendation also applies to walls, on their surface the adhesive should be applied in a uniform layer.

The method of installation of decorative stone

When finishing the arch with a decorative stone in the apartment, you must follow certain instructions. The stone is applied to the place treated with glue and pressed against the surface. In this case, it is important to use the building level, and with the help of a mallet, the products are aligned vertically. The stone can be moved from side to side to achieve its snug fit to the surface.

In order to check how good the masonry is, during installation it is necessary to tap the products with a screwdriver handle. This will allow you to understand whether voids have formed inside. If there are any, then the stone is removed, cleaned of glue, and the work is repeated anew. When finishing the arch with a decorative stone in the apartment, you should definitely consider the photo. They will allow you to understand which material is better to prefer. As soon as the finish is on the wall, you need to gently tap on its surface, the adhesive that has come out is removed with a spatula. If the mixture appears on the ends, it is not necessary to remove it, it will improve the quality of adhesion of the material to the wall. Work can be carried out using one of two technologies:

  • without seams;
  • with stitching.

Laying stone with seams

When finishing the arch with a decorative stone with your own hands, you can form seams between the products. Their grouting is carried out using a syringe filled with grout. The solution must be applied in such a way that it extends 4 mm from the outer edge of the product. This will form a clearly defined relief. To obtain a smooth texture, it is necessary to fill the seam at the same level with the front surface of the stone. 30 minutes after applying the grout, it is necessary to smooth the seams with a special spatula or spatula. When choosing a grout, you should be aware that the compounds can mimic the color and texture of a real grout. The grout may have a different color.

Chip treatment

When is the finishing door arch decorative stone, it may be necessary to process chips. The stone is cut to size, but if its edge remains even at the junction, then the wall will not look natural. You can perform a chip by outlining its outlines with a knife. At the next stage, the excess part is bitten off with pliers. You don’t need to bite off the products along the edge of the mark, you need to start with small pieces, otherwise the product may break in the wrong place. You can correct errors with a file, with its help you will give the chip smoothness. Additionally, the surface is treated with sandpaper. However, sometimes the chips do not smooth out.

Final decoration

Finishing the interior arch with a decorative stone can be completed by applying varnish or tinting mixture. The latter allows you to hide defects and cracks that have formed in the process. To apply the composition, it is better to use an airbrush, however, some masters manage paint brushes. The airbrush allows you to apply the mixture with long distance while holding the tool at an angle to the surface to be painted. You should not cover the entire area completely, it will be enough to toned the main protrusions and depressions, this will help to get a deep texture.

An interesting effect can be achieved if bronze or gold coloring pigments are used as the basis for the mixture. In this case, it is necessary to tint only the ends of the tiles. Metal with this finishing technique is not striking, but with a certain illumination of the ends, the masonry begins to play with golden highlights.


The arch is a rather small element of the interior, but its decoration sometimes takes several days. However, you should find time and effort for this work, because decorating this part of the room will allow you to decorate the house, making it more comfortable, and the interior more refined.
