Brown warm or cold color. Color in the interior - we create a unique comfort in the room. Cool purple blends

Cold or warm yellow determines the composition of a given tone: if there is even a small admixture of blue (green) in it, it is considered cold, if there is an admixture of red (orange, brown) - the color is considered warm. Sometimes in a complex shade of this tone there are both echoes of blue and red, then it is weighed: which subtone is more.

Yellow - is considered a warm shade relative to other tones of the spectrum. The wavelength of this spectrum is in third place in terms of value (see color physics). The next color in the spectrum is green, which is borderline in temperature gradation. Orange, which stands above it, is considered the warmest shade of the spectral palette. Like the most light tone, it is highly sensitive to impurities, so adding even a small amount of red (yellow + red = orange), blue (blue + yellow = green) makes it much darker, so even a small amount of impurities creates a noticeable change to the eye. And if we are sensitive to halftones, then we can classify them by temperature.

If we take spectral yellow conditionally as a neutral tone (for consideration within the framework of this color), then its light shades will be closer to cold ones, by analogy with white (winter). An admixture of black, gray, or blue will give off green and transfer color in the same direction as white.

Cold and warm yellow have a wide range of shades.

Cold yellow and its shades

Cold yellow is almost the entire pastel range, with the exception of light orange-yellow tones.

The cold tone has a restrained coloring: less intense than the spectral one, due to which it is widely used in clothing and interiors.

Conventionally, they can be divided into the following groups:

- creamy yellow - pastel colors from white-lemon, white-lime-yellow, to white-sand-yellow.

- yellow-green: cold colors, in which one way or another there are green notes: due to blue or black.

- beige-yellow, where the blue undertone outweighs the red.

- golden: instead of blue, they contain black (maybe along with blue) and in a smaller amount - red.

Cold yellow photo

(1) pale yellow, (2) gray yellow, (3) champagne, (4) vanilla, (5) wheat, (6) gold, (7) honey, (8) sand, (9) straw, (10) ) golden blond, (11) fawn, (12) pear, (13) yellow green (14) curry (15) dark yellow (16) tan.

Warm yellow color and its shades

Warm shades of yellow are brighter than cold colors. Saturated, full of energy and solar power, they evoke joy, a feeling of summer or spring. There are as many such colors as cold ones, they are designed to decorate this world and give us a positive attitude.

These include:

- salty tones - shades of yellow with a very small amount of red. These are bright yellow and moderately bright, but rich and flashy.

- yellow-orange - where the presence of a red subtone turns into the perception of orange. These are sweet and spicy. They are more restrained than sunny ones: they can be very light, saturated or even dark.

- yellow-brown - these are yellow-orange tones with a drop of blue, which makes the color darker, more restrained, but leaves it in this temperature category.

warm yellow photo

(1) sunny, (2) apricot, (3) banana, (4) yandex color, (5) corn, (6) signal, (7) mustard, (8) golden, (9) golden oak, (10) saffron, (11) amber, (12) lemon, (13) bright yellow, (14) yellow-orange, (15) canary.

Warm yellow combined

Sweet, juicy, sunny combinations with warm yellow are mostly built on contrast: warm-cold, bright and restrained. Yellow-green tones, brown, red, orange, purple support the riot of true lemon colors. Blues, blues, whites, greys, blacks enter into thermal contrast to varying degrees, enhancing the luminous qualities of the main color.

Cold will be different in combination:

Cool yellow color is combined

Cold shades of a dawn-yellow winter morning do not like to argue with a yellow-orange palette, although sometimes you can see such a combination. And yet next to cold colors, such as gray, blue and even green, they look warmer. Light contrast is the main concern of this spectrum. This range is not annoying, it is moderately saturated, inspires a sense of roundness and harmony.


A person is very receptive to color, perceiving it as a zone of comfort or, on the contrary, discomfort. Conventionally, colors are divided into cold and warm tones. It should be noted that the color temperature is determined only with the help of our associations.

The human perception of warm tones is connected intuitively with the sun, fire, burning sand, because the base in all cases is yellow. Warm tone evokes positive emotions, inner joy, a state of comfort and bliss. It all feels like summer. And who among us does not love summer, the hot sun, warm and golden sand, a riot of various colors?

How to distinguish warm tones from cold

Distinguishing a warm tone from a cold one is quite simple. The fact is that everything around us is based on three basic colors. Warm tones are yellow and red, blue is cold. The rest of the palette is formed by mixing the base colors.

Due to the predominance of a particular color, unique shades are created. Therefore, the colors that occupy the honorable middle in this gradation, namely green and purple, can turn out to be both warm and cold.

Calm warm tones have a therapeutic effect, help relieve stress and avoid depression.

But in nature, everything is much more complicated - it is simply impossible to meet a perfectly pure color. In reality, we see and use a range of shades that only emphasize the true depth and beauty of the primary color, making us unique in it. It is the shades that help to adjust the color within the framework of cold-warmth.

It is interesting! A well-known experiment different groups people were placed in rooms with the same temperature, but painted red and blue. After a while, the people whose room was painted in the first one began to complain about the coolness, and the second, in the red room, it was hot.

warm colors

  • Red.
  • Orange.
  • Yellow.
  • Brown.

Popular shades of warm colors


  • Marsala.
  • Milling cutters.
  • Charlach.
  • Cowberry.
  • Tango.
  • Orange.
  • Wine.
  • Hollywood.


  • Apricot.
  • Peach.
  • Orange.
  • Mandarin.
  • Carrot.
  • Copper.
  • Custard.
  • Pearl.
  • Pale yellow.
  • Cream.
  • Citric.
  • Straw.
  • Canary.
  • Sand.


  • Terracotta.
  • Coffee.
  • Chocolate.
  • Chestnut.
  • Walnut.
  • Golden brown.
  • The color of coffee with milk.
  • Champagne color.

Warm tones and shades are applied:

  • In decor.

The most popular for decorators are yellow and orange warm tones, which are used as colorful accents. Experts believe that these colors have magnetism, attract attention, make interesting solution bring the idea to life. And the combination of warm tones with cold ones creates interesting and unexpected solutions. For example, turquoise furniture upholstery blends beautifully with a warm brown floor.

  • In makeup.

Warm tones are allies of all women, because they have the ability to visually rejuvenate the image. This amazing ability of warm shades is used by makeup artists, taking off women for a dozen years.

A few tips:

  1. If your skin seems pale, you can improve it with creams, powder, blush of a light golden hue, like a sun kiss. They will be invisible on the face, but will create a feeling of freshness.
  2. Happy owners of delicate make-up are recommended to use the entire line of shades of gold. will make the image complete and bright.
  3. The secret of a perfect face is in the golden glow.

Modern make-up techniques can correct your face type with gold or bronze-based products. A few strokes of the brush on certain areas, and you can lift the eyelid, highlight the cheekbones, thin the nose, and give plump lips. It will be 100% hit in the desired image.

And remember that warm tones in makeup need to be matched with warm shades of clothing!

When choosing clothes

A man in red looks stylish, attracts attention. This color in clothes is chosen by strong, independent, courageous people. It is believed that optimists use bright shade red color is much more common than pessimists.

Wearing yellow clothes, you will feel lightness and sunny mood. At the same time, if you have a serious mental load, then it is the yellow color that will relieve you of tension. This is the recommendation of a psychologist, listen to it!

If you are psychologically stable, you can emphasize this brown. Perfect for a business setting. Very elegant.

Used in the interior

The emotional load of the interiors of apartments in warm colors is diverse and interesting. It's all about the chosen color. Red color will suit to create a creative atmosphere, increase appetite, attraction to the opposite sex.

You need positive, movement, joy, so the combination of orange is your ideal choice.

Feel hearth, comfort, tranquility will give a yellow interior.

Brown color will create a feeling of fundamentality, solidity, security.

It is interesting! Objects that have calm warm shades visually seem much closer. An amazing feature, isn't it?

Of all the warm tones, the most joyful and elegant, of course, is orange. The main association with this color is orange, juicy and invigorating in taste and color. In fact, orange is the warmest color in this category and just pairs perfectly with other colors.

The final decision on the combination and compatibility of shades will help you in which all colors interact in a certain pattern. And you will understand that in order to do it with taste, there is no need to receive a special education.

The most successful orange color combinations

with white ( different shades) is a very bright and joyful combination.

Orange with black unmistakably suits almost everyone.

The combination of orange with shades of green is unexpected, but stylish and elegant.

In life, there are often situations when you need to muffle or, conversely, emphasize a color. In this case, a great many in a palette of warm tones come to the rescue. The main thing is the ability to competently find the use of this beauty and live in harmony with oneself, enjoying and bathing in warm colors. The statement of specialists who call to learn how to use the cold and warm tones of flowers for good is true, and then the negative mood and poor health will forever recede.

The concepts of "warm" and "cold tones" are widely used in a wide variety of areas of life and especially in art. Almost all books related to painting, fashion or interior design mention color shades. But the authors mainly dwell on the fact that the execution of a work of art in one tone or another. Since the concepts of warm and cold colors are widespread, they require more detailed and careful consideration.

Arnheim's theory

There is one theory created by R. Arnheim that explains warm and cold tones as a phenomenon. According to this theory, any shade can be both warm and cold. If any color deviates in the direction of another, then it may become different in terms of heat load than it was at the beginning. For example, yellow or red with a touch of blue will look cold, while yellow and blue with a hint of red will look warm. From this we can conclude: an initially warm color with an admixture of a cold shade will also become cold. But this theory is not undisputed. After all, you need to take into account the entire system where a particular color is located. Everyone can become warm or cold, depending on what admixture is added to it. In painting, the shade is considered more important than the color itself. After all, the original pure color always looks strictly and impartially.

Saturation and severity

Color "temperature" also depends on saturation. If the color has optimal saturation, then it will always look colder than a less saturated tone. Beauty, in which everything is observed with rigor, is characterized as cold. Architecture, where geometric proportion and clarity are clearly expressed, strict symmetry of form, is always called cold. And vice versa, if errors, fuzziness, deviations from rigor are noticeable in any work of art, then it is considered warmer, spiritualized, close to everything earthly.

Color purity

Considering warm and cold tones, one must also take into account the concept of color purity. There are some tones that are traditionally considered mixed, for example, yellow or orange. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to determine the main pure colors that other shades can form by mixing. The predominance of red or blue is an indication of the temperature of the mixed hue. If the color approaches red, it is considered warm, and if it approaches blue, it is considered cold. We can say with confidence that in painting the concept of warmth and coldness of color does not carry any meaning. It is important to divide the shades into “colder” or “warmer”.

Lightness and its effect on color temperature

First you need to determine what colors are black and white. It is believed that white denotes all colors at the same time, that is, it contains all existing shades. Balance and temperature neutrality are the main qualities of white. Interestingly, green is closest to white in its properties. The absence of color means black. It does not have its own color wave, where shades are indicated from light to dark.

dark cold

Dark cold tones always remind a person of the winter cold. These include green, blue, purple, lilac. These colors and some of their shades look cold if they are not too saturated. They also have a slightly ashy hue. The main thing in a cold color is the absence of a red tint, which is traditionally considered warm.

Light cold

Light cold tones include pink, blue, light green color. They are not saturated and not too bright. When looking at such a tone, there is a feeling of cold and the breath of winter. If there is more yellow in the color, then it will turn into a warm range of shades, and if blue - into a cold one.

How to determine what tone is right for a person?

To find out what color and its tone will suit a person, the main thing is to determine the shade of his skin. Cold and contrasting winter colors will go to someone, to another - bright colors spring, the luminous warmth of summer. For yellowish skin with a golden hue, it is better to choose. A combination with cold colors can be unsuccessful, as the skin will take on a sickly yellow appearance. If the complexion has a slight grayish undertone and casts a little blue, then a person will always look to win by choosing cold tones. Against the background of warm shades, the skin will look faded and may even lose its healthy appearance. When determining suitable tones, a person must also take into account contrast. Some people don't go saturated and bright colors, because against their background the personality can simply be lost. In this case, you need to stop at gentle and calm color schemes Oh. They will help emphasize the type of face and skin, make a person more noticeable and brighter.

Looking dignified and confident is easy

Will become excellent choice for people who belong to the winter type. That is, for those who have fair skin, pronounced eyes and not faded hair. For example, cool shades of blue, red and green are suitable for people with a dark shade of hair. They emphasize the virtues and hide the flaws. The person will look memorable and will be able to stand out from the crowd.

Owners of light hair should focus on such cold tones as purple, blue, light red. They will become indispensable assistants if a person wants to look confident and beautiful. Such colors set off blond hair and enable a person to be bright and outstanding. People will pay attention not to a person's clothes, but to his face, which is very important, for example, when applying for a job. It is extremely important to determine your tone, which will help and emphasize dignity. To look great and always be on top is the desire of everyone. The main thing is to be able to use colors and their shades correctly.

What is color temperature and what does it affect? The concept of warm and cold colors in color is different from the generally accepted in the study of the exact sciences, it defines not real physical properties, and its perception by a person, the impact on well-being and mood. Although this knowledge is subjective, it has been verified by many years of practice in areas such as art, design or color therapy. In addition to color temperature, stylists and makeup artists work with shade temperature. The temperature of color and shade are often confused, so we will analyze them separately.

Color temperature.

It has long been known about psychological impact colors on people and some animals, especially if large areas are painted. Therefore, to distinguish between warm or cold color relevant when choosing colors for interiors.

This experience is backed by research. It turned out that cold colors lower, and warm ones increase blood circulation. For example, the room was painted in specific color and people were asked to determine the temperature. In rooms painted blue and green, people felt the temperature was 2-3 degrees lower than in a room painted red and orange. Not accidental designations in the everyday life of cold in blue, hot - red on taps with water, thermometers, and other items. These household designations further fix the temperature-color associations in the mind. Reinforce associations and natural phenomena. Sky, ice, water, have blue shades. The sun, fire, sand are orange.

How to determine warm or cold color?

Color temperature is easy to determine with . It is absolute and relative.

Absolute color temperature.

Divide the color wheel into two halves. At the top pole is the warmest color - orange. It is considered the warmest, because it does not have cold shades, later we will consider this property in more detail. At the lower pole is the coldest color - blue. On the sides of the color wheel are the temperature-neutral colors green and magenta. Both are formed by a mixture of cold and warm colors, green - yellow and blue, purple - red and blue. All the colors of the upper half are considered warm, and the lower half are considered cold.

Achromatic colors: white, black and gray are neutral.

relative temperature. Cold and warm shades of colors.

Understanding relative temperature is important when working with multiple colors and a color palette. It helps, for example, to convey space and volume in an image or surface using color.

In addition to orange and blue, all colors can be both warm and cold relative to others at the same time. Using the color wheel, this is as easy to determine as absolute temperature. Warmth decreases as it approaches the lower pole and blue, for example, red or yellow will be colder than orange, and lemon or magenta will be colder than red and yellow. The same principle works in increasing warmth: cyan and violet will be warmer than blue, turquoise and purple even warmer. Temperature gradations are especially evident in and palettes.

A color can be warm or cold not only in relation to other colors, but also to its own shades.

Cold and warm shades of colors.

With the determination of the temperature of the shade, difficulties most often arise. Such concepts as cold red or warm red have become firmly established in everyday life, but not everyone understands the same thing by them. First, relative hue temperature is often confused with color temperature. Secondly, subjectivity: there is no precise definition of where red begins and ends. Meanwhile, the ability to determine cold and warm tones is important when working with a person’s appearance, for example, determining color types and selecting individual color palettes. This skill can be developed through experience and understanding of a simple principle.

Any color other than orange can have warm, neutral, or cool undertones. How to determine the temperature of a hue using the color wheel?

We take any color and define its boundaries. Then we find the approximate center. Shades of color lying on the side of orange will be warm. From the blue side - cold. Intermediate colors without impurities of warm or cold are called local or neutral.

Let's start with green. It is formed by warm yellow and cold blue colors. A cold or warm green tint is obtained due to the predominance of blue or yellow. Moving up to yellow, we get warm shades, down to blue - cold.

The same principle applies to other colors, such as yellow. Approaching orange, the color warms up. Going down, yellow acquires a greenish, lemony, cold hue. Neutral yellow does not have a clear greenish or orange cast.

The orange color stands out in particular. This is the warmest and only color that does not have cold undertones. In addition, it spreads warmth to the surroundings. The nearest colors: yellow-orange and orange-red are also exceptionally warm.

Red. The same principle applies here: the upper shades, highlighted by yellow, are warm, the lower ones from the purple side are cold.

Purple itself is neutral, like green, it is formed by a mixture of cold and warm colors. A large proportion of red makes it warm, blue - cold. From the point of view of use in warm or cold scales, this is a rather complex color. The differences between warm purple and cool red or cool purple and violet are difficult to distinguish. It is also difficult to isolate the local magenta color.

The same boundary difficulties apply to purple. When adding red, it warms up, blue - it gets colder.

The difficulty in determining the temperature of a shade is that there are no exact and generally accepted distinctions where the warm shade of one color ends and the cold shade of another begins. There are no clear boundaries and local shades. Usually, when we are dealing with primary colors: red, blue, yellow and green, this division is intuitive, experience helps to distinguish between other colors.

The blue color is the coldest of the entire palette, it is the opposite of orange. But if orange makes neighboring colors exceptionally warm and does not have cold shades, then blue does not have similar properties. It is conditionally possible to distinguish warm Blue colour. Some people think that blue, by definition, cannot be warm, but a warm range of colors can contain blue, if you choose its right shade. Its cold, they are local shades are located in the middle, and warm at the edges: on the one hand, blue is highlighted with yellow, on the other with red. These shades will be warmer relative to cold blue.

Blue-green colors stand out separately. Here, warmth-coldness is conditional and depends on whether they are singled out in a separate group with their own local color or considered as part of green and blue shades.

So, we come to the influence of lightness and saturation on the color temperature. Up to this point, we have considered the properties of warmth-coldness on pure colors and one parameter - tone. But this is not enough, since most often you have to deal with complex colors in which there is an admixture of achromatic, that is, take into account all three parameters. Lightness changes with the addition of white and black, saturation - with the addition of gray.

Temperature of achromatic colors.

Pure are neutral. However, in nature it is difficult to find absolutely neutral gray, white or black, they always have an advantage in one direction. Yes, cold or warm White color obtained from the admixture of other tones. Yellow-red make it warm, blue make it cold. The same applies to gray and black.

The temperature of the mixed colors.

For clarity, it will be convenient here to return to and look at its vertical slice. Along the edges are the cold and warm poles of the color wheel, in the center are neutral colors. Moving from the extreme temperature characteristics to the middle, the color approaches the opposite pole and is thereby neutralized. In other words, as saturation decreases, lightness increases or decreases, the color will mix with neutral achromats and become neutral itself.

Warm group - reds, yellows become less warm, their diluted shades seem colder.

Dilution with gray and black most quickly changes the character of light yellow and lemon shades, they seem greenish and cold.

Orange color does not acquire cold shades, but becomes more neutral. With dilution, it quickly ceases to be recognizable and turns into brown.

Blues and purples with the addition of white and gray lose their cold properties and seem warmer.

As you can see, with the help of the color wheel it is easy to distinguish cold shades from warm ones. Difficulties arise with the definition of blue-red and blue-green shades, it all depends on which color is considered local. Complex and mixed colors more difficult than pure ones in determining heat-coldness. Here it is necessary to distinguish nuances and see how the same tone changes along with lightness and saturation.

Color in painting is a very important and complex concept. This follows from the physical nature of light and from the device human system vision, from the process of color perception. It has long been known that there are no two people who see the same objects and landscapes in the same way, but with all the richness of colors in the color sensations of artists, there are common principles.

The division of the pictorial palette into warm colors and cold colors is one of such concepts.

Spectrum separation

The great physicist Isaac Newton (1643-1727) was the first to figure out the color composition sunlight. The beam, passing through a glass prism, decomposed into seven basic shades. Further scientific developments led to the creation of a color wheel of twelve primary colors, from which, by mixing, you can get that color variety that surrounds us, that richness of shades that has long inspired painters. This color wheel is named after the Swiss painter and scientist Johannes Itten (1888-1967).

The color spectrum and the color wheel are usually divided into two parts - from green to red are warm, from blue to purple - cold. Green is considered by some to be a cold color, while others give it a special concept - neutral.

Such a division is clear to everyone, everyone agrees with it, but the objectivity of the reasons for such a division has long been argued, putting forward their own versions.

The main criterion is temperature associations

Of course, the first thing that can be accepted when discussing the origin of the division into warm colors and cold colors is natural associations. Yellow, red, orange are the colors of the sun, fire. No wonder there is a phrase in Russian that explains the heating of the metal: red-hot. Such temperature changes in color can be seen in a fire or in a fireplace, although some gases during combustion can turn into seemingly cold colors: how not to remember the bluish burning of household gas fuel. And yet, bluish and bluish colors evoke a logical feeling of coolness: this is the color of the sky, water, ice, snow.

Day-night, summer-winter

The “temperature” of color is clearly related to the time of day: the rising sun, warming the world, paints the sky in a blazing range: red, pink, orange shades, and the night coolness is more clearly felt in the bluish moonlight, which gives the natural environment a muted and soft color, although the evening dawn - sunset - can also flare up with a hot range.

It is interesting that before the onset of cold weather, in the pre-winter period, the warm colors of summer flash brightly in the fiery colors of autumn to give way to the bluish and bluish color of snow, ice and cold sky.

Bottom line: the defining meaning of the concept of color "temperature" has an emotional component, which makes it more subjective, although agreement with the generally accepted division into warm colors and cold colors among all those dealing with color characteristics items is global.

close - far

Since the Renaissance, a well-established theory of aerial perspective has emerged, which is based on yet another emotional and psychological characteristics warm and cool colors: an object painted in a cold color seems to be further away than yellow, red, orange or their shades. Not even a landscape, but simply a table containing warm and cold colors can give an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthis.

It is clearly seen how one of the titans of the Renaissance Titian Vecellio (1488-1576) uses this property of color in the painting “Bacchus and Ariadne”.

The master clearly divides color space diagonally into two parts in full accordance with the Itten color wheel, which will appear four and a half centuries later. Cold and warm shades of colors are used to build a huge picture space. Warm colors dominate in the foreground, the bluish whitened colors of the sky, the sea and the land receding into the distance are in the background, and on the border is the greenery of the trees, which according to all theories is considered neutral, and the cold-colored drapery of the main character and the warm color of the cloak of the central character make color solution refined and harmonious.

Everything is relative

It must be understood that the “warmthness” of colors in painting is not an absolute concept, that is, it cannot be measured, and this property can be correctly assessed only in comparison with another color.

The use of spectral, unequivocally warm or definitely cold colors is an exotic thing in painting, paintings from planes that are significant in area, painted with one color, are more of a conceptual thing, for example, the abstract painting of Mark Rothko.

In more traditional painting, the relationship of colors of different “temperatures” occurs at the level of a combination of small strokes, due to optical mixing, making neighboring colors warmer or colder. It is impossible to understand which colors are warm and which are cold, considering the areas of the pictorial space containing them separately from the environment.

Hue is more valuable than color

One of the most obvious qualities of high pictorial skill is the ability to see and apply to the canvas those millions of shades that are contained in every element of the nature around us. The ability to distinguish warm notes in cold colors and vice versa gives a special expressiveness to the image. Here it is important to mention the principle of color modeling of volume: if light, colored with a warm color, falls on an object, the shadow should be cold and vice versa. Not all painters agree with him, but this law is applied very widely.

Some researchers talk about the incorrectness of the expression "warm and cold colors". The table shows colors that are very rarely used without mixing with other shades, and for a more accurate definition of colors, one should say “warmer” or “colder”. For example, Prussian blue and ultramarine are shades of the blue sector from the cold part of the color wheel, and each of these colors will be clearly colder than any shade of red, but even a novice artist will say that blue is warmer than ultramarine.

The use of complex color combinations and shades obtained by mixing, allows you to enrich the palette, even if it contains predominantly neutral colors. So, you can make the desired "temperature" green color - warm or cold - by adding to it desired paint from blue or red.

Saturation and purity

In the process of creating paintings, artists take into account some more properties of sensations of warmth or coolness in color. So, to "raise the temperature" by desired area in the space of the picture, an experienced painter uses less pure and less saturated shades, which will approach achromatic white or gray. Accordingly, the purest and most saturated shades are colder.

Such a definition goes back to questions of psychology: we consider colder everything that looks stricter, more correct, more concise, more symmetrical, more logical, etc. More soulful and warm always contains some kind of irregularity, reticence, incompleteness. This can be used to characterize not only painting, but also architecture, design, printing and other similar branches of art.

Theory is just a help

The historical experience of those masters of the past who used warm and cold colors in painting shows the importance of this aspect of color perception. Knowledge about him, but only in combination with experience and talent, helps contemporary artists in their work.
