Warm-up complex. Exercises for different muscle groups. Smirnova L.A. General developmental gymnastic exercises - file n1.docx Head tilts guidelines

Arm muscle training
is a very important part of the bodybuilding training system, but it is not the key and not paramount. Nevertheless, it is important to know the basic principles of exercise technique, the secrets of working out different bundles of biceps and triceps, the place of arm training in a training split, and other features of working out arm muscles. First of all, this training system is suitable for athletes whose hands lag behind, the same athletes whose hands do not lag behind will not be hindered by information on how to swing them correctly, but since they do not lag behind, it means that you are training them more or less correctly . On the other hand, if you want a hand not 42 cm, but 47 or 50 cm, then, of course, you won’t be able to pump them up at random.

This article will look at an arm training program, that is, a program that specializes in the development of biceps and triceps. The principles of training, technique and many practical recommendations can be used in your regular workouts, but in this case we will talk about how to build a system of training and recovery in order to level the backlog of hands. Why lagging behind, because maybe you just want to have big hands? The bottom line is that small muscle groups can only be pumped up if you already have a large muscle mass. And this first rule arm muscle workout! You can familiarize yourself with the rest of the basic rules, and now let's move on to the most important practical recommendations.

Key points of arm training

Arm muscles are subject to exactly the same biological laws as other muscles, so the stress and recovery scheme works in this case too. More than that, there can be no other scheme! What happens in practice? People do beautiful isolation exercises without progressing the load, and then wait for the arms to still grow. They won't grow! The growth of muscle mass is the most difficult process of adapting the body to an ever-increasing load. But progress should be made at the expense of a greater loading of the target muscle group, and since the arms are weaker than the back, legs, chest and deltoid muscles, all the more so if they lag behind, then there is a need for their high-quality isolation. In this connection, priority is given to technique during hand training, hands are lagging behind, most likely due to the fact that you violate the technique.

Recommended use elbow locks during biceps training, California bench press or reverse grip press during triceps training, and in both cases, manipulate not only the working weight, but also the number of repetitions. To fix your elbows, you can use the Scott bench, you can lean against the wall and rest your elbows on the wall, you can ask your partner to hold your elbows, there are also more special devices for fans that Arnold Schwarzenegger used, for example, a nylon belt. As for the technique of weight manipulation, it must be applied so that during the progression of loads one does not have to sacrifice technique. In practice, it will look like this: you work with some weight and perform 12 repetitions with it, gradually you reach 15-16 repetitions in a set with this weight, after which you take more weight and perform 10-12 repetitions with it, gradually progressing by increasing repetitions further.

You can train your arms quite often, about once every 3-4 days, since small muscle groups recover faster than large ones. But the duration of the workout itself, or rather, its volume, should be lower. To determine if you are overloading your arms during training, you can use muscle pain if krepatura present, this indicates acidification of muscle fibers, which prevents protein synthesis. If you do not want to specialize in arm training, but just want to train them correctly, you can use biceps and triceps workout , which we will offer you, but apply this workout once a week. The fact is that the triceps get the load during chest training, and the biceps during back training, so one specialized workout will be enough. But, if you want to specialize in the muscles of the arms, since the arms are lagging behind, then such a training should be done 2 times a week, and the rest of the muscle groups should be trained optionally, that is, in support.

Conclusion: must be respected principle of progression loads without violating the technique, that is, the increasing load should be accumulated in the target muscle group. Arm workouts don't have to be long, but arms can be trained relatively often as small muscle groups recover faster. If you train your arms more than once a week, then you train the rest of the muscle groups less, just to keep them in shape.

Anatomy of the muscles of the hands

The arms are made up of biceps, triceps and the radial muscle, as well as the forearm, but this is another topic, we will talk about grip strength in another article, so subscribe to updates so you don't miss anything. So, from the point of view of training, it is better to divide the arm into flexors and extensors. Arm extensor - this is a triceps, it consists of three heads, differing in their length and, accordingly, strength. The strongest head of the triceps is the medial, the weakest internal, so the emphasis should always be on the inside of the triceps, since two muscles are always stronger than one! Arm flexors - This is the biceps and the radial muscle. The biceps consists of two beams: internal and lateral, the internal one is larger, and the lateral one is smaller, but both of them must be trained, while it is better to do this with different exercises, that is, one emphasizes pumping the inner head of the biceps, and the second external. The radial muscle works during any bending of the arms, but it turns on more when your hand is pronated, that is, turned with your palms to the floor, or when it is in a neutral position.

In order to accumulate the load in the triceps, you must exclude the shoulder joint from work and shift all the work to the elbow joint. When you do narrow grip presses, then the amplitude of movement from the top of the press up is carried out only by extending the elbow joint, when you do french press, then the shoulders are in a fixed position. In order to load the inner bundle of the triceps, it is necessary to reduce the elbows, because if you spread them apart, the load will go into the lateral and medial bundles, as well as into the pectoral muscles. It is best to train triceps in a rep range large enough so that each set will take you 30 to 50 seconds, so 10-15 reps is optimal.

During biceps training, the position of the elbow depends on which biceps bundle you are training. If you are training the internal beam, then the elbows should be brought forward, pressing the hands against the pectoralis major muscle, so that the elbows are against the front of the obliques. If it is necessary to load the lateral bundle, then the elbows, on the contrary, must be pulled back so that a gap is formed between the elbow bend and the latissimus dorsi. The arms should be fully extended, stretching the biceps as much as possible, but bent to the point at which the peak contraction occurs, since further the load is shifted from the biceps to the elbow joint. In addition, in your arm training, you should also take into account the fact that the biceps still performs the function of turning the hand, so the arm must not only be bent, but also supinated.

Wrist supination is not necessary in all exercises, especially since this is only possible when you train your arms with dumbbells, but such exercises should also be used. The principle already known to you works here - two is always more than one! Since the biceps performs two functions, then by training them both, you will achieve more than by training only one thing. Moreover, the flexor function is mainly performed by the radial muscle, therefore, if you “do not have weights,” then you should include hammers and reverse curls with a barbell in your workout, and not try to “hammer” the biceps with concentrated flexions. However, such special isolating exercises also need to be included in the training split, it’s just that everything has its place and time.

Reasons for lagging hands

Well, let's say the athlete knows the basics of arm training and practices in practice, but why do the arms lag behind anyway? Here, of course, It's all about genetics! The same muscle group in different athletes can be very different in its structure. In some people, the biceps are long, in others, the biceps are short, and so does the triceps. Accordingly, if the muscle is short, then the tendon is long, so it is more difficult to use the muscle, and if it is more difficult, then the body tries to do the work at the expense of other muscles, since it is easier to do so. From here conclusion: if you have a short biceps, then it must be very well isolated. The same rule works with long triceps. True, in return for great efforts when training the triceps, the athlete will receive a more beautiful muscle, but the short biceps will not look very good in any case.

Muscular composition - second factor . Muscle fibers are subdivided according to the criteria of ATP-ase of myofibrils and according to the number of mitochondria. Accordingly, one athlete may have more slow muscle fibers, another more fast ones, so pumping is more suitable for one, and more power types of load for the second. Conclusion: it is necessary to individually select the main training methodology for yourself in order to determine what works best. Therefore, it is necessary to training diary , looking into which you can track your progress. There is another option to cut off a piece of muscle and hand it over for laboratory analysis, no, you don’t like it, well, then only with the help of a diary.

Third factor - this is a whole complex of various errors that are not related to genetics or any individual characteristics of the athlete. Such errors include an incorrectly built training split and the training itself. Hand training should be adequate, correct, suitable for the athlete. Such training should stimulate protein synthesis and allow progression. If an athlete overloads a muscle, then, of course, it does not grow; if he does not train it, then, naturally, it does not grow. Conclusion: it is necessary to observe the fundamental principles of bodybuilding, which we wrote about above. Biceps and triceps must be adequately loaded and given enough resources to recover, after which, in the supercompensation phase, they can be trained again.

Hand training with specialization

First of all, you should abandon the idea of ​​"I want everything at once", because in order to specialize in the hands, you will have to sacrifice the intensity of training other muscle groups. Why? Because resources are limited! We do not recommend completely stopping the training of other muscle groups, but they should be trained optionally and with emphasis on the hands. At the same time, you will train your hands as much as twice a week, but observing the principle of periodization. One arm workout will be pumping, and the other more strength. In other words, in one workout you will train fast muscle fibers, and during the other slow ones. At the same time, the program itself must be constant so that you can progress. Today you did curls with 40kg, a week later with 42kg, etc.

Workout biceps and triceps

It is most effective to allocate a separate day for training these muscle groups, as well as their training can be combined with training the shoulder girdle. That is exactly what you will do! In one workout, you will work out the arms separately, and in the next, combine them with shoulder training. During the second workout, you will train your arms first, as the target muscle group should always be trained first. The same rule applies to what you will pump first - biceps or triceps. If you want to progress more in the biceps, then you should train it first. On the other hand, sometimes the muscles should be swapped, as this will serve as an additional and, most importantly, unusual stress, under which the body will have to adapt.

There are three ways to train your arms: supersets, alternating exercises, and alternating muscle groups. Supersets are the most effective way to do 1 set of biceps, no rest set of triceps, and then rest for a minute. Pros: muscles recover better, are better washed with blood, and during the training of both muscle groups, the athlete has the same strength. The second method assumes that you perform the exercise on one muscle group, and then perform on the other. The advantage is that in this case, the athlete can perform dropsets and complex sets. A drop set is a long approach with a gradual decrease in weight on the bar, and a complex set is two exercises for one muscle group in a row. The alternation of muscle groups is such a training organization when the athlete first performs all the exercises for one muscle group, and then proceeds to training the second. The advantage is that you can devote more time to the target muscle, since the athlete has more strength at the beginning of the workout than at the end.

Workout Secrets biceps and triceps, as well as how to include arm training in a training split and, in general, itself training program, as well as professional arm muscle training systems, see the next page.

Hands either grow or they don't. And there's nothing to be done, in bodybuilding the ball is ruled by genetics. Popular gym arm workout programs that tell you how to quickly pump up biceps or triceps only work for those who are naturally gifted. Ordinary people are left to envy the lucky ones, avoiding wearing short-sleeved T-shirts. My arms have always grown poorly, so I was constantly looking for new ways to increase their volume, and I found something. I want to tell you about four unusual ways to pump up my hands that I have tried. The most interesting about training and sports nutrition on our telegram channel

I started training at a time when there was no Internet yet and to see whether Kai Green was a completely unthinkable thing. From the category of science fiction. It would seem that now what problems can there be with pumping up the biceps? Open the video on the channel of any athlete you like, and see how his arm training goes in the gym. And then recreate what you saw in the gym. And that's it, no secrets for you.

But why then are there so few people around with really large and proportionately developed hands, really? Of course, in it too, but not only.


It's just that most people who want to get fit take the path of least resistance, mindlessly copying the patterns of athletes with great genetics. They refuse to introduce any intrigue into their hand training program, being afraid to deviate from the accepted schemes and rules. Therefore, I propose to regard my art today as gourmet bodybuilding, which you still need to dare to try. So:

Method 6-12-25 | Shaking hands with trisets

The 6-12-25 method cannot be called frankly "frostbitten". I specifically begin my story with him, so that immersion in the abyss of non-standard hand training takes place gradually. The beauty of this way to swing your arms is that it always gives excellent results. And for both biceps and triceps.

Hand training according to the 6-12-25 method is as follows:

  • For each muscle group, a complex of three exercises is compiled, performed one after another without a break (triset)
  • In the first exercise, you need to perform 6 repetitions, in the second already 12 and in the final - as much as 25
  • The first exercise must be performed from a stretched position, the second along the full trajectory and the third - in a fast shortened manner of movement (pumping)

Hand day program 6-12-25

Biceps An exercise Position hiking repetitions
trisetLifting dumbbells for biceps sitting on an incline benchStretching4 6
Lifting the bar for biceps while standingComplete4 12
Lifting the handle of the lower block on the biceps while standingshortened4 25
Triceps An exercise hiking hiking repetitions
trisetFrench incline bench pressStretching5 6
Close Grip Barbell Triceps PressComplete5 12
Extension of arms with a block handle while standingshortened5 25

The effectiveness of arm training with trisets according to the 6-12-25 method is based on four factors:

  • Each exercise loads the muscles in its own section of the trajectory. loads it down. Bending the arms on the block - aimingly hits the upper section, and works out the entire muscle mass.
  • The range of repetitions from 6 to 25 allows you to intensively load, as in one set.
  • Training the arms with trisets drastically increases the time the arm muscles are under load.
  • Pumping in the final exercise increases the blood supply to the muscles and causes a burning sensation in them. This in turn raises the level.

I propose to see how Sean Stafford, a European fitness star and Oxford graduate part-time, shakes his hands in this way:

method 6-12-25

Training the arms using the 6-12-25 method is effective, but not easy. To pump biceps and triceps with trisets in one session at once is a feasible task only for a “chemist”. Therefore, I recommend that you pump your biceps hard in one workout, and triceps in another. This will allow the arm muscles to recover well and prepare for the hard work next week.

This manner of shaking hands gives a return to all who use it. But the use of the 6-12-25 complex is especially effective for women. Due to the characteristics of their body, it should be built exactly according to this scheme. The use of multi-rep training allows you to quickly improve the shape and volume of the arms, and at the same time reduce the amount of fat on the back of the triceps.

Conclusion: Rocking arms using the 6-12-25 method is hard, but very effective. If you have never pumped biceps and triceps in this way, I advise you to correct this omission. The result is worth it.

Marathon of abnormal | We swing our hands for a long time

Probably, this scheme has some name, but I call it that. And no one will call it a hand workout for girls, this is a real test for harsh men. My first and only coach knocked me out to try it out on myself. One of his friends found this technique in an American sports magazine, translated it and brought it to the hall for fun.

The author of the article claimed that such a technique can give an increase in the muscle mass of the arms by 2.5 cm in one workout. But my coach did not understand the joke and decided to try out this know-how next Sunday. I did a hand workout in the gym according to this scheme once in my life, and I don’t want to repeat it again.

The essence of such a shock technique is to train biceps and triceps for 4-5 hours according to the following scheme:

  • Arm training consists of separate segments, each of which is done three times per hour, every 20 minutes
  • The first segment is three supersets performed with a rest of 90 seconds, the second is already 2, and the third, final segment of the hour, includes only one superset
  • Exercises are exclusively basic, simulators are not used at all
  • Movements are performed under control, with a distinct delay in the phase of lowering the weight

Hand day program:

Superset 1 Approaches repetitions
Lifting the bar for biceps while standing3 8
Narrow Grip Barbell Press3 8
Superset 2 Approaches repetitions
Lifting dumbbells for biceps, sitting on an incline bench2 12
Incline dumbbell curls2 12
Superset 3 Approaches repetitions
Barbell Curls on the Scott Bench1 6
French bench press1 6

The next day after such a mockery, my whole body ached, not only my arms, even my legs were shaking from the transferred nervous tension, I felt sick, I did not show up at the gym all week. The hands, as the author of the article wrote, increased in volume by 2 cm. But after a day, only 0.5 cm remained of the gained volume. Although I was happy with such an increase. This shock technique can be really effective, but under 3 conditions:

  • Condition 1. Before such a marathon, hands need to rest for at least 12-14 days.
  • Condition 2.Training partner must have a similar level of training
  • Condition 3. At the beginning of the workout, you need a long and thorough warm-up of the whole body, joints, ligaments, tendons.

Conclusion: such a long arm training in the gym is not suitable for everyone; it cannot be called super-effective either. But if one day you decide to pump your arms in this way, unforgettable memories and muscle pain for a week are guaranteed.

Testosterone to help us | Shaking hands with squats

If the previous hand training technique seemed unusual, then this one will not leave you indifferent. Its essence is very logical: heavy exercises for the lower half of the body (squats and deadlifts) cause increased blood supply to the whole body, thereby increasing the level. Heavy basic exercises are strong and natural stimulants for the growth of muscle mass of the whole body, and hence the arms.

And then some smart guy came up with the idea to include biceps and triceps and deadlifts in the training. The idea, in its own way, is brilliant: start a complex arm training with basic exercises, increase the hormonal background, and then “polish” the effect obtained by intensifying the study of biceps and triceps, causing an increase in their muscle mass.

Such a hand training complex consists of two parts:

  1. Perform 4-5 sets of heavy barbell squats or floor deadlifts
  2. A set of exercises for biceps or triceps of 3-4 exercises

I tried to pump my hands using this technique, but I didn’t manage to get at least some noticeable effect. In addition, performing heavy exercises at the beginning of a workout is accompanied by a large waste of energy, and there is very little energy left to work out the hands. And this means that the training of the hands itself should take place in an accelerated mode using intensification methods (supersets, drop sets, trisets)

Conclusion: such an unusual hand training requires very thorough and thoughtful preparation. And although not everyone will like the biceps this way, this technique still has the right to exist.

Baltic power | We shake our hands twice a day

It is no coincidence that I called this system that way. Olegas Zhuras, a famous Lithuanian bodybuilder, spoke about her in one interview. Athletes from the Baltic States in the days of the Soviet Union have always been at the forefront of iron sports, noticeably different from their colleagues in the workshop with huge and well-developed hands. And it may well be that this way of building biceps and triceps played an important role in this. For myself, I called it "Double Impact".

Some of the previous schemes are quite exotic, but in real life they are not very applicable. But this technique is unusual, and effective, and practical. Personally, I like her more than the others. This way to swing your arms is to train them twice a day. And that's all. Original, right?

But this is only a framework, in fact, everything is much more complicated. In the morning, at the first arm workout, biceps and triceps are worked out on pump-style simulators to stone hardness, and in the evening they are “killed” with the help of heavy basic exercises.

Hand day workout program:

morning workout
Biceps An exercise hiking repetitions


Biceps Curls in a Smith Machine5 15-20
Lifting the lower block for biceps while standing5 15-20
Triceps An exercise hiking repetitions
Extension of the rope handle on the lower block from behind the head5 15-20
Extension with a wide reverse grip on the block while standing5 15-20
Extension with a narrow straight grip on the block while standing5 15-20
Evening workout
Biceps An exercise hiking repetitions
Lifting the bar for biceps while standing5 8-10
Lifting the barbell on the Scott bench4 8-10
Lifting dumbbells for biceps with supination3 10-12
Triceps An exercise hiking repetitions
Narrow Grip Barbell Press5 8-10
French bench press4 8-10
Push-ups on bars with weight3 10-12

I didn’t train my arms twice a day, I won’t lie. But I simplified this scheme and now I use it regularly and always with great success. True, only for triceps. But for some reason it does not work for my biceps. I execute it like this:

  • I don’t pump triceps for 10-12 days, bringing it to a state of mild training. And I even avoid during this period all kinds of bench movements in and, replacing them with others
  • In the evening, in one workout, I easily work out my arms, triceps and biceps on the simulators, as described in the table
  • A day later, in the evening of the next day, I intensively train triceps, performing basic exercises with maximum weights

I do not know the scientific explanation for creating such a training scheme, but whoever came up with it was both a genius and a maniac in love with bodybuilding. This is a rather non-standard, stressful and shock training technique. And resorting to it more often than once every 1.5-2 months is not worth it. But if everything is done correctly, the growth of arm muscle mass is almost guaranteed.

This scheme can be successfully applied as. Exercise machines can be replaced with an expander or elastic bands. In the morning, tire your hands with this simple equipment, and in the evening do exercises with dumbbells, do push-ups on the uneven bars or perform pull-ups for biceps on the horizontal bar. And the next day, your hands will thank you.

Conclusion: arm training twice a day for a person engaged in natural bodybuilding is not suitable. But you can and even need to shake your hands for two days in a row using such a system.


I hope my story will be useful and you, having gathered courage, decide to try one of the schemes I have voiced. And then the issue of genetics will fade into the background, and T-shirts with short sleeves will settle in your wardrobe for a long time. May the force be with you! And mass.











ORU (general developmental exercises) - are called accessible to those involved, technically simple movements of the body and its parts, performed with the aim of improving, educating physical qualities, as well as sports warm-up.

Representatives of all sports include outdoor switchgear in training as a means of warming up and developing certain physical qualities. A large number of ORUs is explained by the fact that the possible actions of the body and its individual parts are diversified by the degree of muscle tension, changes in speed, amplitude and direction of movements. Changing the starting and ending positions, the use of various weights and devices also expand the boundaries of the use of these exercises. Relative simplicity and the possibility of gradual complication make outdoor switchgear accessible to people of any age and fitness level.

ORU is a school of motor training. The plan of initial training in sports is also characterized by the use of a large amount of ORU. The value of outdoor switchgear is explained by the fact that they are easily dosed, allow targeted and selective action on certain muscle groups. The systematic implementation of properly selected exercises significantly contributes to improving the health level of those involved, improving metabolism, the work of the circulatory, respiratory, digestive organs, and strengthening the musculoskeletal system. It is necessary to especially note the beneficial effect of the outdoor switchgear on the formation of the correct posture of schoolchildren, as well as on the correction of its shortcomings (stooping, scoliosis, etc.). Undoubtedly, in the activities of a physical education teacher, knowledge, skills and abilities associated with the use of such a universal tool as an open switchgear should occupy a significant place. Proper use of outdoor switchgear in classes with various contingents involves:

  • possession of a large number of specific exercises (the ability to show, name terminological);
  • knowledge of the nature of each exercise, its focus;
  • the ability to compose sets of exercises depending on the tasks;
  • the ability to teach and conduct outdoor switchgear classes in various ways (according to the story, by showing, by assignment, in a game way, etc.);
  • possession of methods for organizing outdoor switchgear classes;
  • the ability to dose the load in connection with the state of those involved in the tasks being solved.


ORU is usually classified according to the anatomical feature, with the allocation of groups of exercises with a predominant effect on various parts of the body. As evidenced by scientific data and practical experience, when compiling the complex, it is necessary to be guided by the following provisions:

  1. The first exercises are given to develop the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle. They are usually performed at a slow pace.
  2. Neck exercises.
  3. This is followed by exercises for the development of the muscles of the legs, alternating exercises for the muscles of the legs and back muscles, abdominals and lateral muscles of the body - the pelvic girdle, performed from various starting positions.

Strength exercises should precede stretching exercises.

4. The last exercises in the complex are exercises where the main muscle groups of the whole body participate, performed with a large amplitude.

In conclusion, the so-called high-speed exercises are used (jumping or running in place), after which the load should be gradually reduced with a slowdown in pace. In each group, a number of exercises of a more local nature can be distinguished. For example, in the group of exercises for the arms of the shoulder girdle, there are exercises for the fingers, hands, forearms, shoulders;

In the group for the legs and pelvic girdle - exercises for the foot, lower leg, thigh;

In the group of exercises for the body, exercises for the muscles of the front or back of the body are distinguished, etc.

The classification of exercises according to anatomical features is supplemented by indications of the nature of their physiological effects on the body of those involved. This refers to the predominant effect of exercises on the development of strength, speed, flexibility, endurance.

The shape of the ORU is determined by the main movements in the joints: flexion, extension, adduction, abduction, circular movements, turns.

The nature of the exercises largely depends on the system of tension and relaxation of the muscles, the speed of movements and outwardly manifests itself as smooth, uniform movements or movements with acceleration or deceleration, jerks, swings.

In the introductory part of the lesson, you can use specially selected games or exercises that do not require much physical stress and activate the attention of students. Based on the specific conditions, the teacher must independently decide which exercises or games are most appropriate in this lesson.

If the lesson is held in cool weather outdoors, the teacher should offer the most effective exercises during the introductory part in order to warm up the body. To do this, open switchgears are performed at a faster pace, their number increases, and, consequently, the duration of the entire introductory part also increases. Practice has shown that for greater efficiency and emotionality of this part of the lesson, exercises with objects (skipping ropes, gymnastic sticks, balls, etc.) should be used.

From a psychological point of view, the use of objects of various shapes, volumes, masses increase the emotionality of classes, the activity and interest of the children, enrich them with new motor experience.

In connection with the foregoing, in the examples below, exercises for various parts of the body are also grouped on the basis of their predominant impact on the development of certain qualities.



  1. Finger and hand exercises:

a) strength training

Squeezing a tennis ball for each count;

Emphasis on the tips of the fingers against the wall, standing obliquely to the wall;

Also lying down:

Repulsion with brushes from the wall with emphasis with straight arms against the wall, standing at a distance of a step from it;

b) exercises to increase joint mobility:

Hands up, emphasis palm to palm, fingers up, lowering the arms along the body, without changing the position of the hands;

Clap hands in the position of the elbows to the sides, fingers forward, up;

In an emphasis lying, transferring the weight of the body from one hand to another, changing the position of the hands: fingers forward, inward, outward.

  1. Exercises for the flexors and extensors of the forearm:

a) strength exercises for flexors:

Bending the arms to the shoulders with stuffed balls (dumbbells), the same with a rubber shock absorber standing on it, grabbing the ends with the hands;

Pulling up in the hanging lying or hanging on the crossbar, rings, bars;

In emphasis lying on arms wide apart, bending one arm. Moving the body alternately in emphasis lying on the left or right hand;

b) strength exercises for extensors:

Extension of the arms (push-ups) in the lying position;

Extension of the arms in the lying position, behind with the support of the hands on the bench, the seats of the chairs;

Jumping on the hands in an emphasis lying down with cotton;

Extension of the arms up from the position of the dumbbell to the shoulders;

c) exercises to increase mobility in the shoulder joints:

One hand up, the other down. Change of hand positions with a jerk at the end of the movement;

Reduction of straight arms behind the back in jerks;

From an emphasis lying behind, bending legs, springy movements. Arms straight, fingers back;

Twists in the shoulder joints, moving the stick back behind the back and back, gripping the ends. The same with the rope, shock absorber.


a) exercises to increase mobility in the joints:

  • tilting the head forward, backward, to the sides;

Turning the head to the left, to the right;

  • circular movements of the head;

b) strength exercises:

  • hands on the back of the head, tilting the head forward and backward, overcoming the resistance of the hands;
  • kneeling with the head resting on the palms (on a soft support), rolls from the forehead to the back of the head;
  • from a prone position with bent arms (palms at the head) and legs wrestling bridge (on a soft support).


  1. Exercises for the foot and lower leg:

a) strength training

Raising on toes, also with dumbbells in hand;

Walking on toes;

Jumps on two and one leg in place and with advances;

b) exercises to increase mobility in the joints:

In the forward lunge position, springy movements, trying to touch the floor with the heel located behind the leg;

On your knees, sit on your heels. With springy movements, tear your knees off the floor;

Walking on the outside of the foot

  1. Exercises for the thigh muscles:

a) strength training

Squats on two and one leg, also with dumbbells in their hands, also with a partner on their shoulders;

Walking and jumping in a semi-squat;

Kneeling, tilts with a straight torso back;

Also, but forward with holding the partner's shins.

b) exercises to increase mobility in the hip joints:

Circular movements of the pelvis in the leg stance apart at shoulder width;

Springy movements in the position of a wide lunge forward. The same in the position of the contribution to the side;

Tilts forward in gray hair with straight legs (legs together and apart);

Semi twine, twine;

Standing on one leg, swing with maximum amplitude forward, back to the side with a straight leg;

Standing on one leg, the other rests on the rail of the gymnastic wall.

Tilts to a straight leg.


  1. Exercises for the front surface of the body:

a) strength training

From a prone position, lifting the torso into a sitting position;

Lying, raising straight legs, raising straight legs in a prone position on the shoulder blades bent over;

In the prone position, arms with dumbbells to the sides. Raising dumbbells forward.

Tilts back, standing legs apart, hands on the belt, to the shoulders, up;

Sitting with support on the lower back on a stuffed ball.

Tilts back, arms up;

Bridge push-ups from a prone position.

  1. Exercises for the back of the body:

a) strength training

Forward bends with a stuffed ball held by the hands at the back of the head;

Lying on the stomach, bending, hands up;

Forward tilt position, raising arms to the sides with dumbbells;

b) exercises to increase the mobility of the spine:

Springy bends forward bent over;

  1. Exercises for the lateral surface of the body:

a) strength training

From the gray-haired legs apart, leaning on one hand, with the turn of the emphasis lying sideways, the other hand up;

In a gray-haired position, legs apart (hook with your socks on the rail of the gymnastic wall or hold the partner’s legs, tilt back 45 degrees and turn the torso to the right, left, hands behind the head;

b) exercises to increase the mobility of the spine:

Springy torso to the sides in a leg stance apart, hands on the belt, to the shoulders, up.


  • crouching from an emphasis, go to an emphasis lying, then again crouching at an emphasis, stand up, the same but with bending the arms in an emphasis lying;
  • walking on your hands with the help of a partner by the legs;
  • in the leg stance apart, circular movements of the torso;
  • from a leg stand crosswise, without the help of hands, sit down, then lie down, sit down again and stand up.


  • from a standing position at the wall touching it with the back of the head, shoulder blades, buttocks, heels, move away from the wall, maintaining this position. Determine the difference between the usual posture and the posture of correct posture against the wall;
  • holding a gymnastic stick at the waist vertically behind the back, take a straight body position with the stick touching the back of the head and spine. Fix the pose, standing in front of the mirror;
  • standing with your back to the wall, perform squats and torso to the side, without lifting your back and pelvis from the wall;
  • in the supine position, hands behind the head, tighten the muscles of the back, rise to the o.s. Maintaining a straight body position with the help of partners.


When selecting individual exercises and compiling ORU complexes, it is necessary first of all to be guided by those for whom these exercises are intended and for what purpose they will be used. In other words, pedagogical tasks should be clearly defined. The most typical forms of outdoor switchgear, differing from each other in their target orientation and tasks, are morning exercises, industrial gymnastics, basic gymnastics, etc.

The forms of organization, as well as the pedagogical tasks of the classes, depend on with whom (the contingent) and for what purpose the exercises are carried out. It should be borne in mind that each exercise is universal in nature and should be applied taking into account the tasks that need to be solved with the help of this exercise. For example, squatting on both legs in a toddler class helps develop a sense of balance when changing postures. Squats in morning exercises or sports warm-up warm up the muscles of the legs, stimulate the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Squats during industrial gymnastics with persons engaged in labor processes involving mainly hands or in a sitting position will contribute to the active rest of the leg muscles, especially the hip extensors. Finally, squats with a dosed load in therapeutic exercises are used to restore the functions of the muscles and joints of the legs after injuries or diseases. Outwardly identical exercises (the same squats) will have different effects depending on the nature of their performance (fast or slow squats with or without weights, etc.). In order to correctly navigate in the choice of exercises, it is necessary to have an idea of ​​qualitatively different forms of manifestation of motor abilities. The most characteristic qualities are strength, endurance and flexibility.

  1. Multiple (8-12 times) lifting of the available weight or overcoming the weight of one's own body (during push-ups in the lying position, getting up from the squat, pulling up, etc.) to fatigue develop strength endurance, contribute to an increase in muscle mass. If the repetition (8-12 times) is not difficult, it is necessary to increase the weight of the burden or change the starting position (for example, push-ups with the legs resting on the elevation).
  2. Lifting near the maximum weight (1-3 times) develops maximum muscle strength and increases their mass. Isometric exercises (near the limit of muscle tension with external resistance such that there is no visible movement of body parts) also develop maximum strength.
  3. Performing movements at maximum speed develops the speed-strength qualities of muscles and speed.

ENDURANCE - using the ORU, develop local and general endurance (for example, lifting dumbbells to the shoulders, pulling up on the bar).

Exercises in which many muscle groups are involved for a long time and, therefore, the cardiovascular and respiratory systems work with an increased load, develop overall endurance (for example, general impact exercises, long running in place, jumping, squatting in combination with inclinations and lying down, performed repeatedly, until sweat)

FLEXIBILITY - Distinguish between active and passive flexibility. Active flexibility is associated with the demonstration of mobility in the joints due to the overcoming work of the muscles (holding the high leg, high swings of the legs). In this regard, the development of active flexibility also involves the use of exercises with an increased range of motion, as well as exercises to strengthen the muscles that fix the joints in extreme positions (highly raised leg, high angle, etc.). Passive flexibility is a manifestation of mobility in the joints due to the gravity of the own weight of the body or its parts, the actions of a partner or weights (lowering into a split, leaning forward in a sitting position with attraction to the legs with the help of a partner, tilting the torso to the leg with its support on the gymnastic rail walls, etc.).

Passive flexibility is developed by the method of repeated active or passive actions of a yielding nature (tilts with additional movements, the same with the help of a partner), by fixing systematic positions in poses where mobility in the joints is manifested (bridge, twine, tilt, etc.).

The amount of available range of motion depends on the development of flexibility. Classes only with strength exercises lead to limited mobility in the joints, to enslavement. Therefore, strength exercises must be combined with flexibility and relaxation exercises.

Relaxation exercises also form part of the ORU associated with rest and involuntary natural relaxation of the muscles. Using the method of contrasting actions: alternation of strong tensions and quick relaxations of this muscle group, it is necessary for those involved in active or voluntary relaxation of the muscles. This method is effective in the lying or sitting position. Swing movements with relaxation, shaking, self-massage techniques are used.


When selecting exercises according to the principle of their compliance with the main pedagogical tasks, one should be guided by the following rules:

  1. Exercises should have a versatile impact on those involved. This is especially important to take into account when compiling morning gymnastics complexes, sports warm-ups, which must include exercises involving movements of all parts of the body. It is necessary to alternate exercises according to a certain scheme, which makes up one series, for example, “arms-legs-torso”. There can be no forever established rules, since the range of tasks solved with the use of outdoor switchgear is very extensive.
  2. Along with the versatile impact on the body, those involved in ORU should be selected taking into account their local influence on the development of individual muscle groups or certain physical qualities. Outdoor switchgear complexes, compiled taking into account local impact, typical for athletic and basic gymnastics. The same rule should be followed when compiling a set of exercises for industrial and therapeutic gymnastics.
  3. The “progression” rule, widely used in sports, is also implemented when compiling the ORU complex in the form of an “increase” in the effect of the exercise by increasing the amplitude and speed of movements, the degree of tension, and the number of repetitions. This is also manifested during the performance of one exercise, and one or more outdoor switchgear complexes. Each exercise can be enhanced by additional actions. An increase in the load in the ORU complex is achieved by including more intense exercises in subsequent series and increasing the number of repetitions. Gradual addiction (adaptation) to the load from lesson to lesson with the same complex of ORU indicates the beneficial effect of exercises on the body and requires a change in the complex in the direction of its complexity.
  4. The gymnastic method of conducting outdoor switchgear is distinguished by strict regulation of movements, which is achieved with the help of clear indications of the starting position, direction and amplitude of movement and the nature of their implementation. When choosing exercises, you must follow the rule of gymnastic regulation of exercises. For example, when bending forward, it is important to clarify the position of the legs, since when the legs are placed together or apart, with toes outward or with parallel feet, the effect will be different. The nature of the exercise also changes depending on whether the slope is performed slowly or quickly. The basis should be the following exercises and their varieties: 1. Pull-ups with corrected bending of the body. 2. Circular movements of the hands. 3. Squats. 4. Tilts of the body forward, backward, to the side and circular movements. 5. Tilts and circular movements of the head. 6. Emphasis lying and push-ups in an emphasis lying. 7. Raising the legs in a sitting and lying position (or torso with fixed legs). 8. Swing your legs forward, back and to the side. 9. Multiple jumps (jumps). 10. Walking and running in place.


A feature of outdoor switchgear, in contrast to conducting applied exercises, is their stylization. Outdoor switchgear are carried out using items. When ORU exercises, objects are used with various efforts: as a pulling, as a means of restoring the accuracy of movements, as a means of increasing interest in classes, etc.

The gymnastic stick is used as a movement limiter specifying their direction and amplitude. In addition, it can be used as a support for exercises in supports and hangs when exercising with partners. Typical exercises with a rope are jumping with a drag over it: on two and one leg; with the rotation of the rope back and forth; for each rotation of the rope and with intermediate jumps; with double rotation; in the squat, etc. A rope folded in half, three times or four times is used as a stick. A long rope is also used - for jumping when rotating it by the ends by two partners.

INFLATABLE BALLS are used for throwing and catching in individual, group exercises. Small (tennis) balls are also used for throwing at a target.

PLUMBING BALLS of different weights, as well as limiters of movements and support when performing a row (for example, bending while lying with support, back against the ball).

DUMBBELLS of different weights are widely used as weights that enhance the effect during dynamic exercises of a speed-strength nature (low weight) and during power dynamic and static exercises (medium and large weights). For the same purpose, rubber and spring shock absorbers are used. Block devices, weights and rods are used for a special power stand in sports gymnastics and athletic gymnastics and are typical tools for outdoor switchgear. Exercises with wooden clubs are performed to develop strength and mobility of the joints of the upper limbs, coordination of movements, and are also used in games and relay races. Many outdoor switchgear can be performed using a gymnastic bench and on a gymnastic wall. The bench can serve as a support in a sitting position, in an emphasis lying down or an obstacle when jumping. Many exercises can be performed using a bench as a weight, lifting it with the hands or feet of a group of practitioners.

Thanks to the design of the projectile on the gymnastic wall, it is possible to perform specific exercises with the support of hands and feet on the rails at different heights, exercises in the hang and mixed hang. In addition, additional support with hands against the wall facilitates the implementation of a number of exercises (balance, squats), which is important when practicing with beginners.

It is also expedient to carry out outdoor switchgear with a partner. This expands the possibilities of using outdoor switchgear: the interaction of partners can facilitate or complicate the motor task, and in general increases the emotional background of classes. When compiling a training program, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of including exercises with objects and using gymnastic equipment in the complex.


As a rule, ORU is not for those involved in a complex motor task, and the learning process most often comes down to memorizing a sequence of exercises in a complex. The most effective ways of teaching ORU are the methods by showing, by telling and by divisions: 1. The method of teaching by showing.

By teaching the outdoor switchgear in the way of showing, at the same time instructions are given which movements are performed on which account. After 2-3 repetitions, together with the group, the conductor switches to counting and prompting. Finish the exercises on command: "Stop!" It is served instead of the next bill.

When teaching children of primary school age, not commands are given, but orders: “Take the starting position!” etc.

2. A method of learning from a story.

This method is used when teaching simpler exercises or in order to activate the attention of those involved. In the course, suggest the main actions instead of counting, but also in the rhythm and pace of the exercises. For example: "Tilt-straighten-crouch-stand." With a combined method that connects a show and a story, an exercise is shown at the beginning, and then prompts the campaign for its implementation.

3. Method of teaching units.

This method is used when teaching more complex ORUs in terms of coordination, as it allows you to make failures between individual movements in order to clarify them and correct errors. With this method, a high motor density of classes is achieved.


The regulation of physical load during outdoor switchgear exercises is carried out by changing:

  • the number of exercises (depending on the forms of outdoor switchgear training, it may be different);
  • the content of the exercises (movements of individual parts of the body have a lower load than exercises with the work of many muscle groups, strength and endurance exercises have a stronger effect than exercises for flexibility);
  • rest intervals between exercises (reducing pauses for rest increases the load);
  • the number of repetitions (when conducting simple ORUs that fit into the account “1-4” or “1-8” to music, as a rule, each exercise will be repeated 4, 8, 12 or 16 times. Exercises without music can be repeated within the same limits, not adhering to the exact amount dictated by the structure of the musical work);
  • pace (faster, the pace of exercises is usually more demanding);
  • starting position (the same exercise with different starting positions has a different load. For example: flexion and extension of the arms in the lying position with the support of the hands on the elevation or in emphasis on the uneven bars. Dose the exercise based on the general rules for taking into account the degree of preparedness of those involved, their age, gender and tasks solved with this contingent.In individual classes, adjust the load depending on the degree of fatigue.In group classes, the teacher can let students stop the exercise on their own, if you continue it with everyone together, it is difficult to stop.In strength exercises, the feeling of fatigue is easily felt and repetition to failure is acceptable. In endurance exercises, it is impossible to bring the body “to failure” to such a degree of fatigue, especially when exercising with beginners. In flexibility exercises, one should be guided by a feeling of slight pain, indicating the limit of the range of motion.

From class to class, the load should also be gradually increased, adjusting it due to the same factors and the number of days of classes per week.

Breathing is closely related to movement. The depth and frequency of breathing should correspond to the needs of the body at the moment. This complex physiological function of the body is carried out automatically, although it is possible and arbitrarily in the act of breathing. For healthy people, it does not matter when to inhale and exhale, moments of short-term straining are not harmful either. As far as possible, it is necessary to combine the pace of movements with breathing. When expanding the chest when moving the arms to the sides, extending the body, it is recommended to inhale, and when bending, bending, exhaling.

The emotional background, especially when working with children, is of great importance, it is recommended by the ORU in a playful way. Many outdoor games with rich movements that can be streamlined and used as outdoor equipment (walking, running, crouching, jumping, bending, etc.)

The competitive method of conducting outdoor switchgear also increases the emotional tone of those involved. For the same purpose, outdoor switchgear is carried out in various formations and with rebuildings: in a line, column, circle, in closed and open formation, in movement in pairs and threes. Especially useful outdoor switchgear (in the park, in the forest and on the beach).


  1. Gymnastics - a textbook for technical schools of physical culture. Under the editorship of P.T. Brykin and V.M. Smolevsky, M, f and sport 1975.
  2. Tips for trainers. Collection of exercises and methods, recommendations - Edition 2nd revised M, f. and sports in 1980.
  3. Physical culture and sports in a secondary school: a guide for a teacher / V.P. Bogoslovsky, M.N. Dovedenko, V.P. Drobyshev and others / Edited by M.D. (Library of Physical Education Teachers)


  1. Tasks, means of physical education
  2. General developmental exercises.
  3. Exercise requirements.
  4. Starting positions for the body.
  5. Starting positions for hands.
  6. Starting positions for the legs.
  7. Display requirements.
  8. Benefits for ORU.
  9. Physical education.
  10. Morning gymnastics.
  11. Questions for the analysis of classes.

Tasks of physical education in kindergarten.

1. Protection of life, health promotion, full physical development of the body, reduction of morbidity.

2. Formation of the correct skills of basic movements (walking, running, jumping, throwing, climbing).

3. Formation of the physical qualities of a person (strength, dexterity, endurance, etc.)

4. Education of moral and volitional qualities of character.

Means of physical education. Three groups.

  1. A set of hygiene measures necessary for a healthy life of a child in kindergarten.
  2. Hardening measures using the sun, air, water.
  3. Physical exercises.
  4. Physical activities.
  5. Morning gymnastics.
  6. Outdoor games.
  7. Sports games and exercises, entertainment.
  8. Excursions, tourism.
  9. Sports leisure.
  10. Sports holidays.

General developmental exercises

These are exercises for individual muscle groups.

  1. For the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle.
  2. For the rectus dorsi.
  3. For the oblique muscles of the back.
  4. For abdominal muscles.
  5. For leg muscles.

Exercise Requirements.

  1. We select exercises according to the age of the children.
  2. For each exercise, we select the appropriate starting position.
  3. Performing forward bends, do not bend your knees to the sides, do not move your legs from their place. After tilting, bending, require full straightening of the torso, arms, legs.
  4. Breathing - Learn to breathe through your nose. When tilting, bending - exhale, when straightening - inhale.
  5. Music in exercises. Under musical accompaniment, only well-known exercises are performed. New exercises are always without music.

Starting positions for the body.

Standing, kneeling, sitting, sitting on his heels, lying on his back, lying on his stomach, lying on his side, sitting in a semi-squat, squat.

Starting positions for hands.

Hands along the body; arms up, slightly apart; arms forward, slightly apart; hands behind the head, the hands touch the back of the head, the elbows are laid to the sides to failure (do not connect the hands into the lock, especially when walking on the heels); hands behind the head, hands are connected in a lock, elbows are laid to the sides to failure; arms to the shoulders - the elbows do not go out of the same plane with the body, do not lower the arms; hands in front of the chest, fingers do not touch each other (first spread the arms to the sides, then bend at the elbows; hands on the belt, elbows slightly apart back, but do not go out of the same plane with the body; hands behind the back (more often in young children).

Starting positions for the legs.

Junior group : legs together; feet to the width of the foot.

middle group : legs together; feet on the width of the foot; legs at the length of the foot; feet shoulder width apart.

Senior group : legs together; feet on the width of the foot; legs at the length of the foot; feet shoulder width apart; legs - heels together socks - apart. It is recommended to use this ip less often, because. the weight of the body falls on the inside of the foot, which leads to the formation of flat feet, for the same reason, walking on the inside of the foot is not given.

Methods of teaching children movements.

A method is a system of methods.

verbal method : exercise names, instructions, explanations, clarifications.

visual method : showing, helping, using a visual, auditory guide.

practical method: repetition of exercises.

Display requirements.

  1. The display must be correct. The teacher himself shows then, if during this show he can see the children, their reaction. If during the show the adult must turn away, bend over, then the child must be prepared to show such an exercise.
  2. The display must be visible to you, so the demonstrator must stand in front and between the rows.
  3. Exercises are shown standing facing the children, turned sideways or back. It depends on the exercise, how it is better viewed by children, how it is more visible to children.

in profile - squats, when a straight back is fixed and the heels are lifted off the floor, tilts and turns to the sides.

back - it is shown to children when there is a position of the hands behind the back, the position of the object.

Junior group.

P . When building in a circle, the teacher stands in a circle next to the children, without going to the center. The teacher does all the exercises with the children and explains as they go. The psychology of the child is such that he cannot wait long. All exercises are performed under verbal instructions ( out of account ). The image, comparison, imitation is widely used. Children are very imitative and this moment of the psyche must be used. Exercises are performed 4-6 times. The more difficult the exercise, the fewer times it is repeated, and exercises for oblique muscles and abdominals are performed at a more relaxed pace.

Middle group.

Exercises are performed in a circle, loose or letter P , links. The teacher or the child shows each exercise, both new and old. In the middle group, an account is introduced. Imitation, image, comparisons are widely used. The number of exercises is 6, the dosage is 6.

Senior and pre-school groups.

Building in a circle, links, several circles, in pairs, loose. Show only new exercises teacher or child. The teacher offers to perform old, familiar exercises on their own, names, explains, clarifies and the children perform on their own. We need to force children to think, to remember. Exercises are performed under the count at a brisk pace, music or pronunciation. The number of exercises is 6-7 in the senior group. Dosage - 6-8 times. The number of exercises is 7-8 in the group preparatory to school. Dosage - 6-12 times.

Benefits for ORU.

Junior group:

flags, rattles, sultans, cubes, bags, handkerchiefs, chair exercises, natural material cones, acorns, pebbles, leaves, etc.), massage balls, pipes, ribbons, colored balloons, balloons, small toys, skittles.

Middle group:

flags, rattles, sultans, cubes, bags, handkerchiefs, chair exercises, natural material cones, acorns, leaves, etc.), massage balls, pipes, ribbons, small balls, colored balls, balloons, small toys, skittles, hoops, cord, rings from the ring toss, serso.

Senior group :

everything that is in the middle group. Sticks, jump ropes, pigtails, small and large balls, a large hoop - halo hoop, long ribbons are added.

preschool group:

everything that is done in the middle and senior groups. Medicine balls, a pole or long sticks are added.

Physical education.

Physical education is the main form of teaching children movements. Classes are held in sportswear. Success depends on the knowledge of the material, on the possession of movements, each part of the lesson is justified by the goal.

Scheme for constructing a lesson.

The lesson consists of three parts.

part 1: introductory lasts from 2-5 minutes.

Tasks : organization of children, to collect attention, to prepare for more complex tasks, to exercise in quick orientation in space, in a quick reaction to a signal.

Practical material- this part consists of varieties of walking, running, jumping, jumping, breathing exercises. In this part there should be elements of building and rebuilding: in pairs, triples. Maybe an attention game: "Find your place", "Find your mate" ...

Running time : younger group - 20 seconds;

middle group - 30 seconds,

senior group - 40 seconds,

preparatory group for school - 60 seconds.

After running, always fast walking with a gradual slowdown in the transition to a calm walk. In older groups, start the introductory part with the team. Change the leader at almost every lesson.

part 2: main lasts from 4-20 minutes.

This part consists of general developmental exercises, basic movements and outdoor games.

General developmental exercises

Tasks : development of the main muscle groups. Exercises are carried out with and without objects, aids, from different starting positions, in different builds, at different tempos.

1 exercise - for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle,

2 exercise - for the rectus muscles of the back,

3 exercise - for the oblique muscles of the back,

4 exercise - for the abdominal muscles,

5 exercise - for the muscles of the legs, (jumps),

6 exercise - for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle.

Breathing exercises.

Basic movements.

Tasks :

a) the formation of skills of basic movements;

b) strengthening the skills of basic movements;

c) the formation of physical abilities and moral qualities


This part consists of 2-4 exercises in basic movements and an outdoor game. This part should contain 1/3 of the new material. Methods for conducting basic movements: flow, group, frontal, circuit training method.

mobile game should be familiar so as not to waste time explaining and learning. An outdoor game is the climax of the lesson, so we give it to increase the load, but it is better if the game contains those movements that were not taken in the lesson.

part 2 : final.

Tasks : calm the body, reduce the physiological load, bring the child's pulse to its original state.

Practical material: calm walking, walking with tasks, exercises, games of medium and low mobility, round dance games.

Entry in the plan of the teacher of physical education.

Describe briefly and most importantly: teach ..., continue to consolidate ..., quickly respond to a signal ..., educate ...

It would be better if the physical education instructor writes classes for teachers separately!

Benefits may be different.

Lesson progress:

Introductory part.

A complete description of the sequence: walking, running, types of walking, running, building, rebuilding.

Main part .

General developmental exercises. All exercises are described.

Basic movements. 1 part new material, 2/3 parts repetition. The method of performing basic movements is written.

Final part.

Calm walking around the room. The game of low, medium mobility, round dance games to calm music, relaxation exercises.

Methods of conducting basic movements in physical education classes.

inline - the main movements are performed in a stream, one after another. When one child has not yet completed the execution, and the other is already starting it. Streams can be several 2-3. The density of the lesson with this method is very high, but the control over the quality of the movement is difficult.

Complicated. Therefore, it is more often used on recycled material. Applies to all age groups.

Frontal - this is a way in which the movement is performed simultaneously by the entire group of children. The density of the lesson is high, control over the quality of the movement is difficult. Applies to all age groups. The variety of choice of basic movements is limited.

Group way- in which a group of children is divided into 2-3 independent subgroups. One subgroup, under the supervision of a physical education instructor, learns a new movement, and the other two subgroups, on assignment, independently repeat familiar movements. Then, on a signal, the subgroups change places, so that each child exercises on each projectile several times. This method requires great independence from children and is therefore used in the senior and preparatory groups for school. The density of the lesson is high, it is convenient to control the quality of the implementation of the main movements. The instructor must stand so that the children are in front of his eyes, so that no group is on the side or behind. It is better to arrange subgroups with the letter P . Or a task is given to subgroups that are well known, then the method is usedcircuit training.


Principles of planning basic movements.

  1. Use the program sequence of basic movements. For clarity of planning, it is recommended that each main movement be carried out on a certain week of the month. For example: 1 week - throwing;

2nd week - climbing;

3 weeks - jumping;

4 weeks - balance.

2. In the second session of the week, plan the same basic movements as

And at the first stage of the lesson. The main movements, as a maximum, should be carried out for two weeks in a row, sometimes it is possible to replace 2, 3, 4 basic movements with other familiar ones.

3. The last lesson of the quarter - final, test.

4. During the quarter, every major movement must be carried out

At least 4-5 times.

Morning gymnastics.

Junior group - 6 minutes;

Middle group - 8 minutes;

Senior group - 10 minutes;

Preparatory group for school - 12 minutes.

Morning exercises go well with musical accompaniment.


1. Morning exercises of a playful nature;

2. Morning exercises using an obstacle course;

3. Morning exercises with the inclusion of health jogging;

4. Morning exercises with musical and rhythmic movements;

5. Morning exercises using simple simulators.

Outdoor games and advanced game planning.

Outdoor games are a means to consolidate the skills of basic movements in a game situation. The teacher plans an outdoor game 2 times a day: in the morning, in the evening. The plan states the name and purpose of the game.

Advanced Game Planning

  1. Learning the game comes after learning the basic movements of the game.
  2. Learning the game, as a rule, in a week.
  3. Repeat the learned game within 1-2 weeks.
  4. In the younger group, the middle group for a week, the teacher takes 2-3 games and repeats them during the week.
  5. In the senior and preparatory groups for school, 3-4 games are repeated during the week.

Questions for the analysis of classes.

  1. Preparation of the educator for the lesson: the readiness of the educator, children, benefits.
  2. Compliance with the tasks of the lesson for the age of the children.
  3. Organization of the lesson: timely start and end of the lesson, distribution of time for separate parts of the lesson, methods of placing children in the lesson.
  4. Correspondence of teaching methods to the age of children: visual, verbal, visual.
  5. The pace of physical exercises: the dosage corresponds to the age of the children, whether the load is correctly distributed on all muscle groups, their number, the way of performing, whether there were moments of waiting, downtime.
  6. The place of the educator, the ability to see all the children, the quality of the basic movements. Methodology for conducting an outdoor game
  7. Whether the content of the final part, the task of which is to calm the body of children, corresponded.

List of physical culture benefits and sports equipment.

We use all the equipment that is available in the kindergarten.

The warm-up set of exercises is performed at an average pace, working through each muscle involved in the exercise, except for specially stipulated cases. All exercises must be performed with a large amplitude, but since. the body is not yet warmed up, do not bring to the maximum stretching of the muscles.

During the warm-up, it is necessary to monitor the posture, both in the starting position and in the process of execution. The acquired skill of maintaining posture should be transferred to the performance of technical actions in karate and aikido and everyday life.

Exercises are performed thoughtfully, paying attention to:

Ø the correctness of the exercise;

Ø direction of the exercise;

Ø involved muscles, ligaments, joints;

Ø posture.

Let us describe the main parameters of the initial positions, which will be used later in the description of the exercises of the warm-up complex. These requirements must be observed, because. they are the basic elements for karate and aikido. This starting position must be observed before going into any stance, especially when performing kata (a formal set of exercises in karate).

· Axial anatomical lines - must be maintained both in the starting positions and during the exercise. This is the basis for all movements.

Feet - parallel to each other along the lateral edge. The weight of the body is concentrated at the base of the fingers, from this position it is easy to move in any direction, and a psychological mood is created to perform actions.

Knees - slightly bent and parallel to each other along the sagittal plane passing through the middle of the knee joint and lower leg.

Pelvis - slightly forward, in order to transfer the weight of the body to the base of the toes; buttocks in good shape maintain and maintain the position of the pelvis.

Supracrestal plane - parallel to the plane of the floor and shoulders. It is necessary to keep these planes in this state in almost all warm-up exercises and in the technical actions of karate and aikido, except for specially stipulated cases.

Back - straight, with the help of the tension of the latissimus dorsi, lower the shoulders down and hold the position of the shoulders during the entire warm-up and technical actions.

The shoulder line is parallel to the floor line. The frontal plane drawn through the middle of the shoulder joints coincides with the plane of the pelvis.

Head position - stretch the top of the head, helping the body to maintain posture. The jaw line is parallel to the floor, this position helps to maintain a straight back and maintain balance during punching.

· Gaze - directed forward, calm, firm.

In the next chapter, a set of warm-up exercises will be given, which is considered in the framework of this thesis. Each warm-up exercise is described within the following structure:

ü Name of the exercise- may briefly describe the performance of the exercise, be a common term or use some allegory.

ü Starting position- this is the initial position of the body before performing the exercise.

ü Performing an exercise– a brief description of the execution of actions and their number.

ü - almost all the muscles of the body are involved, but we will highlight only those that are most actively involved in the work.

ü Guidelines- describes the features of the exercises.

ü Direction of the exercise the worked muscle groups, joints and ligaments are indicated; inherent in the exercise, the technical actions of karate and aikido.

Compliance with all methodological recommendations and the correct implementation of the warm-up set of exercises will lead to the improvement of the athlete's body, to an increase in overall flexibility, improvement of motor-coordination abilities, improvement of posture and, as a result, psycho-emotional state.

Warm-up set of exercises

For karate and aikido.

1. Clenching fingers

Starting position(IP): heels shoulder width apart, feet parallel to each other along the lateral part of the foot (photo 4.3); the knees are slightly bent and located on an axis perpendicular to the floor, passing through the nail phalanges of the thumbs; the pelvis is slightly forward due to the tension of the gluteal muscles; the back is straight, the stomach is pulled in, the shoulders are turned back and lowered down; the chin line is parallel to the floor, the crown stretches upward; the back of the head and tailbone are located on one imaginary line perpendicular to the floor (photo 2); the center of gravity is slightly shifted forward and is projected into the base of the fingers (IP No. 1). The arms are extended in front of you at the level of the shoulder joints, the hands are a direct continuation of the forearm, the fingers are spread out (photo3).

Performing the exercise: keeping the position of the body, we sharply squeeze our fingers into a fist (photo 4.1) and unclench your fingers to the IP (photo 4.2). The number of repetitions is 30 times.

Methodical instructions: use the maximum range of motion to straighten the fingers of the hand, followed by a strong clenching into a fist. Make sure that the hand is always located on an imaginary line passing through the middle of the shoulder, elbow, carpal joints and goes into the interphalangeal space of the II and III fingers.

The main muscles involved in the exercise: flexors and extensors of the fingers, brachioradialis muscles.

Direction of the exercise: We warm up the muscles of the forearm, hand, fingers; We learn to quickly and correctly form the position of the fist.

2. Hand rotation at the wrist joint

Starting position: IP No. 1. The arms are extended to the sides along the midline of the body at the level of the shoulder joints; the hands are clenched into fists and are a direct continuation of the forearm; shoulder blades, due to the tension of the latissimus dorsi muscle, are lowered down and connected along the upper edge ( IP No. 2) (photo 5)

Performing the exercise: with guarding the position of the body and hands, we rotate the fists forward 10 times and back 10 times, making the maximum amplitude in the carpal joint (photo 6).

Guidelines: to rotate only in the carpal joints, while maintaining the correct position of the fist.

The main muscles involved in the exercise: hand and finger flexors and hand extensors, long palmar, flexor carpi radialis, pronator square, brachioradialis and triceps muscles.

Orientation of the exercise: warm up the carpal joint and muscles responsible for movements in the carpal joint; increase the mobility of the wrist joint. Learning to control the body when working small muscle groups.

3. Rotation of the arms at the elbow joint

Starting position: IP No. 2 (photo 5) (see exercise No. 2)

Performing an exercise: Keeping the position of the body, rotate the forearms in the elbow joints 10 times towards you and 10 times away from you (photo 7).

Guidelines: keeping the position of the body, we make a movement with a maximum amplitude of rotation in the elbow joints.

The main muscles involved in the exercise: humeral, biceps brachii, triceps brachii, brachioradialis, deltoid, coracoid, small and large round shoulder, pectoralis major, pronator round, round arch support.

Orientation of the exercise: warm up the elbow joint and the muscles responsible for movement in the joint; increase the mobility of the elbow joint; preparatory exercise for hits "uraken", "urakenmawashi uchi".

4. Rotation of the arms in the shoulder joint

Starting position: IP No. 1. Hands are clenched into fists and hang freely along the body. (photo 8).

Performing an exercise: keeping the position of the body, we rotate the arms in the shoulder joints 10 times forward and 10 times back.

Guidelines: keeping the position of the body, we begin to make a rotational movement back with straight arms, trying to bring the shoulder blades together as much as possible. We raise our hands from behind the back to a vertical position above the head. Next, we begin to lower down, crossing the elbows. At the same time, in the phase when the arms are brought forward in front of you, the elbows should cross on the midline. We continue to lower the crossed arms down until the lower elbow touches the body. When performing the rotation, we try to “pull” the fists away from us as much as possible, keeping the shoulders in their original position. Rotation to another hundred
ronu, performed similarly (photo 9).

Maintaining the position of the body, we make a movement with a maximum amplitude of rotation in the shoulder joints. When performing rotations, the shoulder girdle must remain motionless (photo 10).

The main muscles involved in the exercise: biceps shoulder, triceps shoulder, brachioradialis, deltoid, coracobrachial, small and large round shoulders, small and large pectoral, superficial intercostal, trapezoid, subscapular, latissimus dorsi, longest, rhomboid, dentate, etc.

Orientation of the exercise: warm up the shoulder joints and muscles responsible for movements in the shoulder joint; warm up the thoracic spine and muscles of the upper shoulder girdle; we learn to maintain a motionless position of the body with a large amplitude of hand movement; we learn to connect the elbows along the anterior midline, maintaining posture and preventing the movement of the shoulder joints forward and upward; increase the mobility of the shoulder joints. Preparing for the block morote-gedan-uke».

5. Body rotation

Starting position: IP No. 1.(photo 11).

Performing an exercise: keeping the lower part of the body motionless, we rotate the torso around the vertical axis. The exercise is performed clockwise and counterclockwise 10 times in each direction. (photo 12).

The main muscles involved in the exercise: intercostal, rectus abdominis, oblique abdomen, transverse abdomen, serratus, latissimus dorsi, erector spinae, longissimus, gluteus, piriformis, quadratus, obturatoris, geminate, pectinate, adductor, medial/lateral/intermediate wide femora, lumboiliac, rectus femoris , thin thigh, biceps thigh, semitendinosus.

Guidelines: During rotation, the back remains straight, the cervical spine is a direct continuation of the thoracic region, the arms do not change their position relative to the body (photo 13).

Orientation of the exercise: warm up the muscles of the back, abdomen and lateral surface of the body, lumbar; we learn to maintain a straight line of the back in various positions; we learn to keep the lower part of the body motionless while the upper part is actively working.

6. Tilts left and right

Starting position: IP No. 1, hands up on the vertical axis of the body, linked. The fingers of one hand clasp the lateral edge of the open palm of the other (photo 14).

Performing an exercise: keeping the lower part of the body motionless, we perform springy inclinations towards the lateral part of the open palm (photo 15). The exercise is performed in both directions 30 times.

Guidelines: In the process of performing inclinations, the whole body is in the frontal plane passing through the middle of the carpal, elbow, shoulder, hip and knee joints, as well as the middle of the head. Shoulders rolled up and down (photo 16).

The main muscles involved in the exercise: intercostal, oblique abdomen, latissimus dorsi, levator scapula, rhomboid, deltoid, round shoulder, triceps shoulder, gluteus, pear-shaped, geminate, obturator externus, quadratus, lateral broad thigh, ilio-tibial tract.

Orientation of the exercise: warm up the intercostal muscles, muscles of the lateral surface of the trunk, back, abdomen and muscles of the lateral surface of the thigh and medial surface of the shoulder; we learn to keep a straight line of the back in various positions; we learn to keep the lower part of the body motionless while the upper part is actively working.

7. Hip rotation

Starting position: IP No. 1. (photo 17).

Performing an exercise: keeping the shoulder girdle motionless, we rotate the hips around the vertical axis. The exercise is performed clockwise and counterclockwise 10 times in each direction. (photo 18).

Guidelines: During rotation, the back remains straight, the cervical spine is a direct continuation of the thoracic region, the arms do not change their position relative to the body. The head does not change its position in space (does not move up/down, right/left). Rotation is performed with maximum amplitude.

The main muscles involved in the exercise: intercostal, rectus and oblique muscles of the abdomen, transverse abdomen, serratus, latissimus dorsi, erector spinae, longissimus, gluteus, piriformis, quadrate, obturator, geminus, pectinate, adductor, medial/lateral/intermediate wide femoris, lumboiliac, rectus femoris , thin femoris, biceps femoris, semitendinosus, iliotibial tract, anterior tibialis, peroneal, soleus, gastrocnemius, extensor digitorum longus.

Orientation of the exercise: warm up the muscles of the back, abdomen, lateral thighs and gluteal muscles; knead the lumbosacral joint; we learn to keep the upper body motionless while actively working the lower one (when moving from one stance to another, keep the upper body motionless).

8. Rotation at the hip joint

Starting position: feet together (heels together, thumbs pressed together ) (photo 20); knees slightly bent and tightly pressed to each other; the pelvis is slightly forward due to the tension of the gluteal muscles; the back is straight, the stomach is pulled in, the shoulders are turned back and lowered down; the chin line is parallel to the floor, the crown stretches upward; the back of the head and tailbone are located on the same imaginary line perpendicular to the floor; the center of gravity is slightly shifted forward and is located at the base of the fingers ( IP No. 3). Hands are clasped behind the head in a lock at the back of the head, shoulders are lowered, shoulder blades are brought together (photo 19).

Performing an exercise: we make a rotational movement in the hip joint with a bent leg at the knee joint. Rotation is performed with the left and right foot 10 times outward, 10 times inward .

Guidelines: the movement of the leg up in front of you begins with raising the fingers, the foot moves up, bending at the ankle joint, at the same time we sit down on the supporting leg, keeping the position of the iliac bones in a plane parallel to the floor (photo 21-22). The supporting foot does not change its position and the toes are relaxed. We continue to move the leg up, bending at the knee joint until the knee is above the level of the belt in a plane perpendicular to the body passing through the shoulder joint of the same name; the heel stops at the anterior midline of the thigh of the supporting leg with the maximum bend in the knee joint (less than 90°).

The main muscles involved in the exercise: intercostal, rectus and oblique muscles of the abdomen, transverse abdomen, serratus, latissimus dorsi, erector spinae, longissimus, gluteus, piriformis, quadrate, obturator, geminus, pectinate, adductor, medial/lateral/intermediate wide femoris, lumboiliac, rectus femoris , thin thigh, biceps femoris, semitendinosus, iliotibial tract, tibialis anterior, peroneal, soleus, gastrocnemius, long finger flexors, finger flexor retinaculum.

Orientation of the exercise: warm up the gluteal muscles, thigh muscles and trunk muscles; increase the mobility of the hip joint; improve coordination (stability on one leg); preparation for blocking actions with legs.

9. Raise knee to shoulder

Starting position: IP No. 3. Hands are clasped behind the head in a lock at the back of the head, shoulders are lowered, shoulder blades are brought together (photo 24).

Performing an exercise: raise the knee to the shoulder of the same name forward and to the side alternately 10 times from each leg. During the exercise, do not put your foot on the floor.

Guidelines: Movement of the leg up (see exercise No. 8). We lower the leg down along the same trajectory, without putting the foot on the floor, move the knee to the middle lateral line, raise it above the level of the belt with a maximum bend in the knee joint. The toes point to the side and up. We lower the leg down, without putting it on the ground, we transfer the leg to a position in front of us.

The main muscles involved in the exercise: intercostal, rectus and oblique muscles of the abdomen, transverse abdomen, latissimus dorsi, erector spinae, longissimus, gluteus, piriformis, quadrate, obturator, geminus, pectinate, adductor, medial/lateral/intermediate wide femoris, lumboiliac, straight femora, thin hips, long finger flexors, finger flexor tendon retinaculum.

Orientation of the exercise: Warm up the muscles of the lower body, thigh muscles, gluteal muscles; increase the mobility of the hip joint; improve coordination (stability on one leg); preparation for kicks (mae-geri, mawashi-geri, yoko-gerikekomi, yoko-gerikyagi, ushiro-geri).

10. helicopter

Starting position: IP No. 3. Hands on the belt, elbows are located on the lateral midline, fingers forward (photo 25).

Performing an exercise: raise the knee to the shoulder of the same name forward and rotate the lower leg in the knee joint 10 times clockwise and counterclockwise of each leg. During the exercise, do not put your foot on the floor (photo 26-27).

Guidelines: Movement of the leg up (see exercise No. 8). Maintaining the position of the body, we rotate the lower leg in the knee joint around the vertical axis with maximum amplitude, while the thigh is fixed and motionless. When changing the direction of rotation, the knee does not drop. Perform the exercise on the other leg in the same way. The foot assists the movement of the lower leg by rotating at the ankle joint. In this case, the foot passes through all the positions characteristic of kicks (yoko-geri, mikazuki, ura-mikazuki, ushiro-geri).

The main muscles involved in the exercise: straight and oblique abdomen, latissimus dorsi, straightening the spine, longissimus, gluteal, pear-shaped, square, obturator, geminate, pectinate, adductor, medial / lateral / intermediate wide hips, lumboiliac, straight thigh, thin thigh, anterior tibial, long finger flexors, finger flexor retinaculum.

Orientation of the exercise: warm up the knee and ankle joints, muscles of the pelvic girdle; increase mobility in the knee and ankle joints; improve coordination (maintain balance); preparation for kicks (yoko-geri, mikazuki, ura-mikazuki, ushiro-geri).

11. Movement of the leg back and forth

Starting position: IP No. 3. Hands on the belt, elbows are located on the lateral midline, fingers forward (photo 28).

Performing an exercise: we raise the knee to the shoulder of the same name forward and perform the movement of the lower leg in the knee joint back and forth 10 times from each leg. During the exercise, do not put your foot on the floor.

Guidelines: leg movement up (see exercise No. 8). Maintaining the position of the body, we move the lower leg back and forth in the range from straightening to the maximum bend in the knee joint. The thigh is fixed and motionless. When the lower leg moves forward, the foot is stretched, located on an axis passing through the middle of the knee, ankle joints and through the middle of the big toe, while the toes are pulled towards themselves. When the lower leg returns, the heel moves towards the buttocks. At the same time, we bend the ankle joint, and the big toe tends to the lower leg. Until the end of the exercise, the knee does not drop. Perform the exercise on the other leg in the same way.

The main muscles involved in the exercise: rectus abdominis, latissimus dorsi, rectus vertebrae, longissimus, gluteal, pear-shaped, square, obturator, geminate, pectinate, adductor, medial/lateral/intermediate wide femora, lumboiliac, straight femoris, thin femoris, biceps femoris, anterior tibialis, semimembranosus, semitendinosus, gastrocnemius, soleus, flexor digitorum longus, flexor retinaculum.

Orientation of the exercise: warm up the knee and ankle joints, muscles of the pelvic girdle; increase mobility in the knee and ankle joints; improve coordination (maintain balance); preparation for kicks (mae-geri, ushiro-geri).

12. Rotation at the ankle joint

Starting position: IP No. 3. Hands on the belt, elbows are located on the lateral midline, fingers forward (photo 29).

Performing an exercise: raise the knee to the shoulder of the same name forward and perform a rotational movement in the ankle joint clockwise and counterclockwise 10 times from each leg in each direction. During the exercise, we maintain balance, do not put our feet on the floor.

Guidelines: Movement of the leg up (see exercise No. 8). Maintaining the position of the body, we rotate the ankle joint in both directions with maximum amplitude. The foot goes through all the positions characteristic of kicks. The thigh and lower leg are fixed and motionless. Until the end of the exercise, the knee does not drop. Perform the exercise on the other leg in the same way.

The main muscles involved in the exercise: gastrocnemius, soleus, peroneal, flexor long/short, extensor long/short, calcaneal tendon (Achilles).

Orientation of the exercise: warm up the ankle joint, muscles of the lower leg and foot; increase mobility in the ankle joint; we improve coordination (maintaining balance and immobile position of the body when working with small muscle groups); learning how to properly shape the foot for basic kicks.

13. Foot rolls back and forth

Starting position: IP No. 1. Hands on the belt, elbows are located on the lateral midline, fingers forward (photo 30).

Performing an exercise: Rolling on our feet (photo 31.1) with "toes" (photo 31.2) on your heels (photo 31.4). and back 10 times (photo 32).

Guidelines: Keeping the axis of the body vertical, we move the center of gravity to the base of the fingers, raising the heels as much as possible, at the same time we bend the knee joints, which compensates for the change in the level of the body that occurs when lifting to the toes. Then through the entire plane of the foot (photo 31.3) we roll onto our heels, the fingers come off the floor, achieving the maximum bend in the ankle joint, the knee joint straightens. We continue to keep the axis of the body vertical (photo 29).

The main muscles involved in the exercise: gastrocnemius, soleus, peroneal, flexor long/short, extensor long/short, calcaneal tendon (Achilles), plantar interosseous, vermiform.

Orientation of the exercise: We stretch the muscles of the lower leg and foot; increase the flexibility of the ankle joint and fingers for flexion; learn to move the center of gravity without changing the level of the body; prepare the impact surface of the foot for kicks (mae-geri, ushiro-geri).

14. Foot rolls left and right

Starting position: No. 1 (see exercise No. 13). Hands on the belt, elbows are located on the lateral midline, fingers forward.

Performing an exercise: roll onto the side surfaces of the feet and back 10 times (photo 33).

Guidelines: keeping the body axis vertical, we move the center of gravity to the side (to the left), the left foot rolls over the entire surface of the outer rib, the left knee joint, loading, bends. At the same time, the right foot rolls onto the inner surface, the leg straightens at the knee joint. Do the same exercise on the other side. During the exercise, the iliac bones move in a plane parallel to the floor. (photo 34).

The main muscles involved in the exercise: gastrocnemius, soleus, peroneal, flexor long/short, extensor long/short, calcaneal tendon (Achilles).

Orientation of the exercise: knead the muscles of the lower leg and foot; increase the flexibility of the ankle joint in lateral flexion; learning to move the center of gravity to the side without changing the median axis; prepare the striking surface of the foot for kicks (yoko-geri, mikazuki, ura-mikazuki).

15. lunge

Starting position: (Photo 35) the left (right) leg is in front, the distance between the heels is the length of the leg, the width is one shoulder, the frontal plane of the hips and shoulders is perpendicular to the front leg. The forward leg - the toe is directed forward, the knee is bent so that the front of the knee joint is projected onto the base of the thumb, the rear leg - the foot is at 45 0 relative to the sagittal plane, the heel and the lateral part of the foot is firmly pressed to the floor, the knee is straight. The torso is on a vertical axis, the stomach is in good shape, we do not bend the lower back, the buttocks are tucked in, the shoulders are turned back and lowered down, the crown is pulled up. Hands on the belt IP No. 4).

Performing an exercise: avoiding deflection in the lumbar spine, perform springy movements on the front leg, trying to lower the center of gravity as low as possible 30 times with each leg (photo 36).

Guidelines: keeping the axis of the body vertical, when rolling onto the knee, we tightly hold the foot of the rear leg on the floor, avoiding tension in the toes of the front leg. The iliac bones of the pelvis during the exercise remain on a line parallel to the floor and perpendicular to the sagittal plane.

The main muscles involved in the exercise: rectus abdominis, latissimus dorsi, erector spinae, gluteus maximus, adductor magnus, semitendinosus, biceps femoris, lateralis latissimus, gastrocnemius muscles, calcaneal (Achilles) tendon.

Orientation of the exercise: we stretch the muscles of the entire back of the thigh of the rear leg, the Achilles tendon; improve mobility in the hip and ankle joints; learn to keep balance and body position; preparation for the zenkutsu-dachi stance.

16. Lunge on the toe

Starting position: IP No. 4, put the toe of the rear leg in place of the heel, the heel is vertically up, the knee is straight (IP No. 5) (photo 37).

Performing an exercise: avoiding deflection in the lumbar spine, perform springy movements on the front leg, trying to lower the center of gravity as low as possible 30 times with each leg.

Guidelines: keeping the axis of the body vertical, when rolling onto the knee, we keep the rear leg straight, avoiding tension in the toes of the front leg. The iliac bones of the pelvis during the exercise remain on a line parallel to the floor and perpendicular to the sagittal plane.

The main muscles involved in the exercise: rectus abdominis, latissimus dorsi, straightening the spine, gluteus, anterior (work less) - biceps femoris, semitendinosus; posterior - comb, adductor, rectus, sartorius muscles.

Orientation of the exercise: stretch the muscles of the back of the thigh of the front leg, the front of the thigh of the back leg; improve mobility in the hip and ankle joints; learn to keep balance and body position; preparation for the zenkutsu-dachi stance.

17. Knee drop

Starting position: IP No. 5, lower the knee of the rear leg to the floor, the heel vertically up (IP No. 6) (photo 38).

Performing an exercise: avoiding deflection in the lumbar spine, perform springy movements on the front leg 30 times with each leg.

Guidelines: keeping the axis of the body vertical, when rolling onto the knee, we move the pelvis forward, avoiding the tension of the toes of the forward leg. At the same time, we pull the thigh of the rear leg to the opposite knee, straining the internal muscles of the thigh of the front leg. The iliac bones of the pelvis during the exercise remain on a line parallel to the floor and perpendicular to the sagittal plane.

The main muscles involved in the exercise: anterior - biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus, thin muscles; rear - ilio-lumbar, comb, adductor, straight thigh, tailor; broadest back, straight abdomen.

Orientation of the exercise: stretch the muscles of the back of the thigh of the front leg, the front of the thigh of the back leg; improve mobility in the hip joints; learn to keep balance and body position; learning to strain the muscles of the inner surface of the reed; preparation for the zenkutsu-dachi stance.

18. Forward knee lunge

Starting position: IP No. 6, we put the foot of the forward leg on the lateral rib, take the knee outward at an angle of 45 0, tilt the body forward, hands pointing to the floor (the distance between the hands is one shoulder), the shoulders are laid back and down, the back is straight (photo 39).

Performing an exercise: without rounding the back in the upper thoracic spine, perform forward bends 30 times with each leg.

Guidelines: we bend forward, keeping the line of the back and lowering the lower abdomen to the floor. The iliac bones of the pelvis during the exercise remain on a line parallel to the floor and perpendicular to the sagittal plane.

The main muscles involved in the exercise: rear-standing - biceps femoris, lateral wide, large adductor, calf muscles, gluteal; back muscles - the longest, straightening the spine, the widest; anterior - ilio-lumbar, comb, adductor, straight thigh, tailor; straight abdomen.

Orientation of the exercise: stretch the muscles of the inner thigh of the front leg, the front of the thigh of the rear leg, back muscles; improve mobility in the hip joints; learning to hold the position of the body; preparation for the kokutsu-dachi.

19. In a heel squat, forward bends

Starting position: from a squatting position, feet together, heels on the floor (photo 40), pull the left (right) to the side (photo 41.1). The supporting leg is perpendicular to the extended one, the foot is on the heel, the weight of the body is evenly distributed over the supporting foot. The heel of the supporting leg is located under the ischial tubercle of the same leg. The toe of the outstretched leg is up and over. The torso is turned with the frontal plane to the straight leg. The back is straight, shoulders back and down, arms point-blank in front of you.

Performing an exercise: make tilts to the straight leg 30 times with each leg (photo 41).
