Do-it-yourself mansard roof assembly. How to make a mansard roof of various types - rafter schemes. Insulation, vapor barrier and waterproofing of the attic and its construction with drawings and visual photos. Calculation of the truss system

During the operation of a private house, country cottage or country house, often the question arises of increasing living space. It is usually solved by means of an extension or add-on.

Building a house is a tricky business. In addition, the residential extension has one significant disadvantage- "steals" the useful area of ​​the site.

Therefore, a popular way to expand living space individual home is the device of the second floor or attic, i.e. attic roof. The design of the mansard roof allows you to use the resulting space as a living space.

What is better attic or second floor

The following facts speak in favor of the attic: lower construction costs, better insulation of living space, less load on the foundation. In general, the attic is the highlight of the house, giving it a certain flavor.

If in essence, then a full-fledged 2nd floor is more practical and easier in terms of implementation than an attic one. It all depends on the situation, if the house is being designed, then it is better to immediately provide for the second floor, because. arranging an attic is a more troublesome task. And if the house is residential and has a roof attic type, then it would be wise to equip in it living room instead of an attic "for the right things."

Types of mansard roof

The optimum angle of inclination is 40°. The slope should be located on the leeward side. Allows you to equip a small attic above the attic. Due to only one acute angle increases effective area premises.

Double pitched mansard roof

A simple gable (pitch or gable) consists of two slopes connected at a certain angle. The advantage of a gable roof is the ease of manufacturing the rafter part and finishing. The disadvantage is the appearance of a "deaf" area (at the junction of the roof to the wall), which is usually not used. Often attics with a gable roof are erected along with the walls. A 45° pitched roof is ideal for houses up to 6m wide.

Asymmetrical gable roof. A private house with such a roof will be original and functional at the same time.

The complexity of building a roof with asymmetrical slopes is to carry out calculations.

Broken mansard roof. Its difference is that each slope has two components. The sloping roof device allows you to get a higher attic room. And also reduce the unused area. Such roofs are most common, due to the possibility of attaching a garage or summer kitchen under one roof.

Four-pitched mansard roof

Hip mansard roof. In this design, the roof slopes play the role of walls.

One of the varieties of hip mansard roof is Danish hip roof. Its construction is distinguished by the presence of gables that allow you to mount ordinary, and not roof windows(attic).

Semi-hip mansard roof (two-slope, four-slope). Complex design, low slopes protect the gables of the house from precipitation.

Pitched roofs can be single or multi-level.

Non-standard solutions are also quite possible for a mansard roof. Their device requires careful calculation of loads, stability, etc. Without special education, installation is difficult, so the cost of work is higher compared to classical designs.

Some examples of the original mansard roof are in the photo.

We have decided on the species, it remains open question how to make a mansard roof with your own hands.

Brief instructions contain the main stages of work and draw your attention to some of the nuances of their implementation.

Stage 1 - Design and calculation

The choice of the appearance of the mansard roof, and the calculation of its parameters is made taking into account such factors as:

  • slope angle;
  • finishing material;
  • A reliable assistant in the calculations will be SNiP 2.01.07-85 "Loads and Impacts".

    Nuance. The larger the angle of inclination, the lower the height will be. attic room(minimum ceiling height of a room on the attic floor is 2.2 m). Accordingly, the smaller the angle of inclination of the mansard roof, the larger the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room will be. If the slope is insufficient, then precipitation can collect on the roof, which will lead to additional loads on it.

    Closer attention is paid to the calculations if a non-standard mansard roof is being built. For example, an asymmetrical gable mansard roof has a displaced center of gravity. This affects the uniformity of load transfer to load-bearing walls and foundations.

    At this stage, such an issue as a way to access the attic floor is also solved. Choosing a location for the stairs to the attic important decision. The internal location allows you to use it at any time of the year. External allows you to save the usable area of ​​the lower floor.

    Advice. Ceiling folding staircase for the attic floor is the most economical option, but the least practical.

    Mansard roof truss system

    Choice truss system affect:

    1. attic dimensions;
    2. span parameters;
    3. roof shape;
    4. construction of the first floor;
    5. location of load-bearing walls and additional supports;
    6. roofing weight.

    Mansard roof truss system design

    There are two types of roof rafter system with an attic:

    • hanging rafters. The walls of the house serve as the basis for the rafter legs. During the construction of hanging trusses, a mauerlat is not always installed (depending on the wall material);
    • layered rafters. IN this case additional support is required. which are used as ridge run or attic wall reinforced with reinforced concrete. The device of a layered truss system is allowed with a distance between the bearing walls of up to 7 meters.

    The structural difference between the device of the roof with hanging and layered rafters is shown in the diagram.

    When building a mansard roof, a combined type is more often used - hanging rafters on top of the system, and layered on the sides.

    At the same time, drawings must be made indicating the location individual elements and the distance between them. An example is shown in the figure.

    The material was prepared for the site

    Calculation of the rafter leg for the mansard roof

    The choice of wood species and the rationale for its optimal thickness.

    The amount of material required for the truss system depends on its type and all the factors listed above.

    Nuance. The gap between the rafter legs depends on the lumber used.

    The step of the rafter legs under the mansard roof will be 60-90 cm.

    As a material, glued timber (80x80, 100x100 mm), a board (for slate and metal tiles section 50x150, for ondulin 50-200) can be used.

    Nuance. The length of the spans increases the diameter (section) of the rafters or reduces the gap between them.

    As for the breed, it is recommended to use pine. Its wood is characterized by high strength, flexibility, ease of processing, and the absence of knots. Commercial timber must be at least grade 2. Solid beams can be replaced with glued timber, it has higher quality characteristics.

    The thickness of the board for the manufacture of rafters (section of the rafter leg) must be at least 50 mm. The width of the board for the rafter leg is from 150 mm (if the length of the rafters is up to 6 meters, if more, then 180-200 mm). On the one hand, this requirement is due to the fact that it has a load, on the other hand, a heater is placed between the rafter legs.

    Council - any construction or restructuring must be legalized in the relevant authorities.

    Stage 2 - Installing the Mauerlat

    Mauerlat - additional wooden trim along the upper perimeter of the building.

    The purpose of the Mauerlat is to create conditions for secure fastening of the lower part of the rafters. As well as the redistribution of the load, which is created from the pressure of the roof on the load-bearing walls and the foundation of the building.

    Installation of a simple gable mansard roof requires the installation of a Mauerlat only on those walls on which the rafter legs will rest. A four-pitched roof requires its installation around the entire perimeter of the building.

    Advice. IN wooden frame the role of the Mauerlat is played by the upper crown. This can be done, but subject to the installation of rafter legs on sliding fasteners. Because due to the load on the truss system (wind, snow) is created horizontal pressure and the top logs may move outward. In addition, if the material for the truss system is not properly dried, then over time, with rigid fastening, the roof is deformed.

    Nuance. A stone cottage and house requires the arrangement of a Mauerlat around the entire perimeter of the outer walls. In brick, you can install its links only under the rafters.

    Mauerlat parameters for logs - diameter 150 mm, for timber - 100x100 mm.

    The breed is pine, but larch is better.

    The Mauerlat mount must be reliable, because this is the basis for the entire truss system.

    There are several ways to fasten the Mauerlat: with anchor bolts, studs or reinforcement (fixed at the base of the load-bearing wall);

    Advice. If the building is erected from foam concrete or other porous material, only long bolts or reinforcement can be used, the length of which is 3 times the width of the Mauerlat beam. This is due to the fact that any other fasteners are pulled out very easily from a porous material.

    • annealed wire (embedded in brickwork);
    • wooden dowel (used when installing a Mauerlat in a log house).

    Nuance. To prevent the destruction of the Mauerlat, it is necessary to provide proper waterproofing, for example, put roofing material, and treat the beam itself with antiseptic solutions.

    If the width of the attic matches the width of the house, the rafter legs rest on the base of the load-bearing wall. But, it’s better to install a Mauerlat anyway.

    Stage 3 - Mansard roof construction

    Mansard roof frame device

    Cover beams. Installed on the Mauerlat. In the future, they will serve as the basis for the device floor in the attic.

    Mansard roof truss system

    For a simple roof, the manufacture of rafter legs consists in the formation of simple triangles. They can be assembled on the ground and installed in the form of ready-made triangles.

    For a gable sloping roof, a U-shaped frame is first attached, and the rafter part is already fixed on it in a hanging (for the top) and inclined (for the sides) way. The diagrams below show this more clearly.

    The lower ends of the rafter leg must be sawn down and attached to the Mauerlat with nails or metal staples (movable fastening).

    Nuance. Wash down the legs must be very accurate to ensure a snug fit to the Mauerlat.

    Rafter legs are installed at the same distance from each other. Otherwise, the load on the system will be unevenly distributed.

    Installation starts from the extreme legs. Then between them you need to pull the rope. So the horizontal will be maintained when installing the intermediate legs.

    After all the rafters are installed, they are interconnected. The step of the lathing depends on the chosen roofing material.

    Advice. Places intended for the installation of roof windows are reinforced with a transverse beam. Thus, the window will be securely fixed.

    With a significant width of the mansard roof, you need to install a ridge beam. It will serve as an additional support. And part of the load (from the weight of the roof and snow) is redistributed to it.

    With a considerable length, the ridge beam is supplemented by a support.

    Mansard roof waterproofing

    A hydrobarrier film is attached to the crate. The peculiarity of its fastening is to make an overlap of 100 mm. Most manufacturers mark the overlap with a bright stripe.

    The waterproofing film is fastened with a construction stapler. And in case of rain, it will reliably protect the structure even in the absence of roofing material.

    Mansard roof insulation

    The insulation is placed under the waterproofing. Professionals recommend using flexible heaters for these purposes - mineral and basalt wool. Their advantage is flexibility, the ability to fill any voids.

    Laying the vapor barrier

    Vapor barrier film protects roof insulation from steam penetrating into it from the attic living quarters.

    Advice. It is important to provide the necessary gaps between the roofing material and the insulation. Their presence and parameters are determined by the type of insulation, the class of films used and the roofing material.

    Mansard roof construction - video

    Stage 4 - Installation of skylights

    The area of ​​windows, for sufficient daylight penetration, should be at least 12.5%.

    Due to the design features of the mansard-type roof, special skylights. The installation technology provides for the installation of windows before completion finishing works. At the same time, windows must be opened to allow fresh air to enter. In bad weather, they, of course, should be closed.

    Stage 5 - Mansard roof roof

    Filimonov Evgeny

    Reading time: 10 minutes

    A A

    How to build a mansard roof with your own hands. Stages of construction. Heater installation. Creation of a truss system. Construction technology.

    After building the frame of the building, many want to save money and do the construction of a mansard roof with their own hands. However, in order for this process to go "without a hitch," you need to know all the nuances of installation at each stage.

    Stages of work. Roof device. Types of roofing materials. Features of the truss system. Installation of lathing, waterproofing and insulation. Roof types. The correctness of the work.

    Use the entire possible area, give the house originality and significantly reduce heat loss through the roof - these are the tasks that the attic solves. If there is a certain margin of safety at the foundation, in this way you can turn cottage into two levels. It is also attractive that a do-it-yourself mansard roof can be built even without special building skills.

    It is important not to make a mistake with the choice of materials and do everything according to the rules.

    Windows in the usual floor are located in the walls. There are no or almost no walls in the attics. Roofing replaces them. That is why windows are made special: they not only have to let in enough light, but also withstand wind and snow loads, which are much more on the roof than on the walls.

    When planning an attic, it is worth considering the recommendations of SNiP. They recommend that the window area be at least 10% of the floor area. So if the attic is divided into several rooms, each should have a window.

    Of all the methods shown in the photo for arranging skylights with an attic, it is the easiest to implement inclined installation. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure the proper degree of waterproofing of the junction, as well as to use special models with a reinforced frame and reinforced glass - the load on the surface can be significant.

    Benefits of a sloped roof window:

    • more light, not so sharp borders of light and shadow;
    • the roof surface remains flat, its relief is not complicated;
    • relatively easy installation.

    When planning such a window, it must be remembered that its area increases with an increase in the angle of inclination.

    The width of the window frame should be 4-6 cm less than the pitch between the rafters. Then it can be easily installed without disturbing the structure of the frame. If the window is wider, you need to do reinforced beam over it, calculate the load.

    If you need to have a larger window, it is easier to put two narrow ones side by side. They look no worse than one big one, and there will be fewer problems.

    Expert opinion

    Filimonov Evgeny

    Professional builder. 20 years of experience

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    When installing a dormer window, the geometry of the roof becomes more complicated: a valley appears on top and on the sides. Because of this, the truss system becomes more complex in both planning and assembly.

    The complexity of installation also increases. roofing. All valleys are the places of the most probable occurrence of leaks. That is why it is necessary to do everything very carefully. In regions with big amount snow, it is advisable to install snow retainers above such windows: so that they are not blown away during a sharp descent.

    The advantage of such a window: you can stand near it in full height. But they let in less light, the terrain becomes more difficult and the roof becomes more problematic.

    A recessed window is usually used if an exit to a balcony is made through it. In other cases, this method of device is not the best option: little light enters, the shadows are very deep, which is tiring for the eye, the geometry also becomes more complicated, although not to the same extent as in the previous version.

    The easiest way is to make a window in the end part of the attic. In this case, a reinforced frame or reinforced glass is not needed. Quite simply high-quality glasses are enough. It is this option that can most often be seen in country attics: this is the most inexpensive option, which is easily implemented with your own hands.

    truss system

    At self construction private houses with an attic usually choose a sloping roof. It allows you to get a room of a significant area, larger than under the gable.

    The design of a broken mansard roof is such that the overhangs can be lowered quite low, giving the house interesting view. But a long roof overhang is performed not only decorative role. They are still closing upper part walls from precipitation and divert the bulk of the water away from the foundation. Although when planning, you need to keep in mind that in strong winds they increase the windage. Because of this, it is necessary to use more powerful boards and beams. Therefore, the size of the roof overhang is chosen based on several considerations, the main of which is weather conditions.

    Tilt angle

    Depends on the roofing material, but most of all - on the region and weather conditions. The classic version is shown in the figure: the lower slopes in relation to the plane of the attic floor are inclined by 60 °, the upper ones - by 30 °. Based on these data and the parameters of your building, all lengths can be calculated. Just keep in mind that according to SNiP, the ceiling height in the attic cannot be less than 2 m. Then, by definition, this is an attic. A person will feel comfortable if the ceiling is raised to a height of at least 2.2-2.3 m. Based on this, according to the rules of geometry, calculate the required lengths.

    At classic version rain load on side surfaces may not be taken into account. Precipitation can only be held on the upper part, the angle of inclination of which is less than 45 °.

    In general, the slope of the side surfaces usually ranges between 45° and up to 80°. The steeper the slope, the greater the windage it has, this must be taken into account: in regions with strong winds it is better to make more gentle roofs. Then wind loads will be much better received.

    Types of rafter systems of broken roofs

    For the manufacture of a sloping roof frame with their own hands, pine lumber is most often used, the grade is not lower than 2. The choice of the section of timber and boards depends on the size of the roof, the selected roofing (its weight), wind and snow load in the region, step installation of rafters. All these parameters are taken into account in the calculation. The technique is prescribed in SNiP 2.08.01-89 and TCP 45-5.05-146-2009.

    For a small-sized building, the roof frame can be generally simple: at the top there are two hanging rafter legs, a puff, floor beams, racks and side rafters

    The attic floor is a more spacious and well-prepared attic for life. Features of the room dictate their own conditions in relation to the roof. The arrangement of the mansard roof does not require the performer to have any special knowledge and skills. enough to prepare necessary tools read the instructions in detail and follow their recommendations in everything.

    There are several types of mansard roofs. Familiarize yourself with the features of each of these roofs and choose the most suitable option. The main points of the construction technology are common to all types of construction.

    The simplest option is a shed mansard roof. This design is carried out with some bias. It is used quite rarely, because. due to the slope, the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe attic space decreases.

    The most popular option is a gable mansard roof. Inside the roof space will be comfortable and spacious. The gable roof is simple and profitable in arrangement.

    It is a type of duplex design. In this case, the slopes will not be even, but broken. Typically, broken roofs are used in cases with small houses.

    hip roof consists of four slopes. The truss system of the hip roof is somewhat more complicated.

    Half hip roof is a variety hipped roof. In this case, a half-hip is usually understood as that slope, which, as it were, cuts off part of the end side gable roof. The cut can pass from below and form a trapezoid, or at the top and create a triangle.

    Interesting varieties of hipped mansard roof are pyramidal and conical roofs. These designs look best on polygonal houses and buildings. round shape. Perfectly combined with other types of roofs.

    They are used quite rarely. Similar design has a smooth parabolic or circular shape. Previously, such roofs were widely used in the arrangement of rectangular houses.

    What is the structure of the attic roof?

    mansard roof in the context it represents a "pie" consisting of several layers.

    Mansard Roof Calculation Guide

    The attic roof is calculated according to an extremely simple scheme. It is important to take into account not only the useful, but also the deaf area. attic space. In this case, a zone in which the distance between the ceiling and the floor is more than 90-100 cm will be considered useful. The rest of the places are traditionally considered a dead zone. It is impossible to live in such areas, but in their place you can install a variety of shelves and other household items.

    Calculate the total area of ​​the roof. At this point, you will need a roof plan. Divide the space into several simple figures, calculate the area of ​​each of them, and then sum the obtained values ​​\u200b\u200bto determine the total roof area.

    Before you start building a mansard roof, pay attention to a number of important little things, which include features of the thermal insulation of the structure, the order of placement window openings etc.

    Deserves special attention allowable angle roof slope.If the slope exceeds the permissible value, the area of ​​​​the attic space will decrease significantly. This moment is individual and is selected taking into account the attic area and other important parameters.

    Select suitable type rafter systems. Rafters, as noted, contribute to an even distribution of the load on the walls. Additionally, thanks to the truss system, reliable protection of the house from different kind adverse weather conditions.

    The simplest version of the attic roof is the construction triangular shape. The most difficult thing is to make a mansard roof with a break. In the absence of relevant skills, it is strongly not recommended to take on independent arrangement complex roofs.

    Step-by-step instructions for building a mansard roof

    There are no super complicated steps in the construction of a mansard roof. You just need to carefully read the instructions and follow all the recommendations step by step.

    First step. Calculate the strength of the building. The attic increases the load on the walls and foundation of the house. It is better if qualified specialists are engaged in the calculation. If you do not plan to carry out work to strengthen the house, you can skip this step.

    Second step. Calculate the attic and prepare a project for the future attic and roof. It is also recommended to involve specialists in this work. If you wish, you can try to create a project yourself or use some turnkey solution from available sources.

    Third step. Do this as carefully as possible, try not to damage other structural elements of the house.

    Fourth step. Make a truss frame. This is the most time-consuming stage of the instructions in question. It is better if at least 3 people are involved in arranging the frame at the same time.

    Fifth step. Place and fix the Mauerlat. To assemble this element, use wooden bars size 10x10 cm.

    Sixth step. Install the frame for the roof space. The frame elements will simultaneously act as supports for the rafters. First secure the vertical posts around the edges of the building. Racks must be attached to long beams. Self-tapping screws and ordinary metal corners will help you with this.

    Seventh step. Attach a jumper to the posts.

    Eighth step. Make sure that the elements mentioned above are installed correctly. Any cord will help you with this - simply pull it between the formed arches. If the cord is strictly horizontal position you did everything right. If the cord deviates from the horizontal, trim the mismatched arches or even replace them with new elements.

    Ninth step. Fix the arches together. Nail plates or stamping corners will help you with this.

    Fasten the first rafters where roof slope will have the maximum slope. For getting required slope you just need to cut the bars to the required length.

    The first step is preparing the rafters. Cut the bars in advance to the desired length and required angle. At the bottom of the rafter legs, select the grooves for connecting to the Mauerlat. Grooves can be made with a chisel.

    Second step. Fasten each bar to its designated place.

    Third step. Proceed to the installation of the upper rafters. At this stage, be especially careful. Observe the desired slope angle and overall alignment of the structure.

    Fourth step. The crate can be made from plywood sheets or ordinary wooden planks. The type of lathing must correspond to the selected roofing material. As a rule, continuous flooring is made. This is the most versatile and most reliable option.

    Laying of protective materials and completion of work

    Mansard roof requires organization quality protection from various adverse factors.

    The first step is laying the vapor barrier material. The vapor barrier must be fixed on the inside of the truss system. The material is attached to the bars with the help of special building brackets.

    The second step is laying the insulation. Traditionally used for insulation mineral wool. If you wish, you can opt for a more modern and expensive material. Insulation plates should fit snugly together and also fit snugly against the rafters.

    The third step is the device of the crate. On the laid insulation you need to fill the crate. Use ordinary wooden blocks. Fasten the elements of the crate in increments of about half a meter. Thanks to this system, the insulation will remain in place.

    The fourth step is laying the moisture-proof material. Attach the waterproofing to the outside of the truss system. Most often used as a moisture barrier polyethylene film. Waterproofing will protect the elements of the roof from atmospheric moisture.

    The fifth step is laying the finish coat. Roofing material choose at your discretion. The best option in terms of cost and quality characteristics is a metal tile. From budget materials we can recommend slate or its more modern counterpart ondulin.

    After you fix the selected roofing material, the construction of the mansard roof can be considered complete. Thus, there is nothing complicated in arranging the considered system with your own hands. Understand the instructions, and you will successfully cope with all the tasks without outside help.

    Video - Do-it-yourself mansard roof step by step

    The cost of building a roof is 25-35% of the cost of building the entire house, and the cost of work is 50-80% of the price of materials, so if you build a mansard roof with your own hands, then the savings can be 15% of the total estimate.

    Mansard refers to any roof under which there are rooms suitable for habitation in height (attic, or attic floor).

    The device of a mansard roof is a complex and painstaking work.

    In industrial construction, the installation of the roof is carried out when the drawings display each node, the fastenings of the parts and the parts themselves with the dimensions taken out.

    Builders do not think about the roof structure, about whether the load is calculated correctly, their task is to build a frame by sawing out templates of parts and fastening them together, while the system for fixing roof elements is also indicated.

    To figure out how to make a mansard roof, you will have to study the video, photo and master the theoretical part.

    Comfortable ceiling height for living quarters from 2.5 m and above. The walls of the attic floor are most often roof slopes, so it is necessary to ensure their thermal insulation.

    The top of the mansard roof is a ridge, a beam that lies parallel to the floor plane of the house, and is the most high point roofs. The ribs of the roof are called rafters.

    Ridge (upper) rafters descend from the ridge. beams attic floor connect the bases of the left and right ridge rafters of the same roof section.

    Racks (bars with a section of 100x100) are fixed on the interfloor ceiling at a right angle at a distance of 0.8-1.5 meters from the outer wall.

    The higher the racks and the closer they are placed to the walls of the house, the larger the attic living space will be.

    Side (lower) rafters go from the attachment point attic beam to Mauerlat. Each section of the mansard roof consists of two ridge rafters and two side rafters on each side.

    The system of the rafters of the same name forms a slope - ridge or side.

    The most used version of the mansard roof is a broken one. gable roof. In this case, the ridge and side rafters form an obtuse angle at the connection points.

    If they lie on the same straight line, then outwardly it looks like a classic gable roof.

    When calculating the slope of the slope, the materials of the future roof are taken into account and climatic conditions, it can be from 15 to 45 degrees. The greater the slope, the less snow will linger.

    In regions with little snow, the sloping roof of a house can be quite flat.

    The standard slope of the slopes is 30-35 degrees.

    Preparatory work

    A mansard-type roof is planned even before laying the floor between the first and attic floors.

    If you will use wooden beams, then it is necessary to provide for the cross section of the beam and the distance between the beams so that they withstand permissible load for residential second floor.

    Usually these are beams with a cross section of 150 cm and above with a length of 6 m. Such beams are located at a distance of 80-90 cm from each other.

    The system is such that the longer the beam, the more load it will experience in the middle. The pressure will be created by the floor of the attic floor itself, the furniture and, in fact, the residents.

    Even if the attic is planned for unfurnished lounges, floor beams with a cross section of less than 120 cm, laid at a distance of 100 cm from each other, are undesirable.

    A reliable device will provide the right materials for the mansard roof.

    The harder it will be roofing materials, and the longer the frame of the sloping roof, the larger the section needed for the timber from which it will be possible to build the frame.

    Usually, sections 60x120, 60x100 cm are used.

    In many photos, there is no reinforcing belt device along the external load-bearing walls when a sloping roof is planned.

    The weight distribution system is such that the entire weight of the roof rests on the floor beams, and they, in turn, transfer this and their weight to the walls.

    gable roof one-story building much lighter than a broken attic, so a mauerlat (wooden sheathing along the perimeter of the walls below the floor beams) is quite enough.

    If the walls are made of timber or brick, then the Mauerlat will make sure that the mansard roof device is reliable. It is important at the stage of building walls to provide a device for fixing the Mauerlat.

    The system must be reliable. In the case when a hollow cinder block or porous foam concrete is used as a material for the walls, it is difficult to secure the Mauerlat to the wall.

    A good solution would be a reinforcing concrete belt, in which, at the level of pouring, rods are placed to install the Mauerlat.

    It is placed on a substrate of roofing material or other insulating material and aligned with the inner edge of the wall.

    Before fixing, make sure that the bars forming the Mauerlat lie strictly parallel. Even a deviation of 2-3 cm will cause the slope to sag.

    If the house is up to 6 meters wide (maximum allowable size unsupported interfloor beam), then the floor beam rests on the Mauerlat with both edges.

    If the width of the house is more than 6 meters and the house has load-bearing walls perpendicular to the beams of the floors, then the floors are installed according to the following system: one edge of the beam is attached to the Mauerlat, and the second to the inside bearing wall, on which the Mauerlat is already installed.

    In continuation of this line, the next beam is laid from the inner wall to the opposite outer Mauerlat. The gap between the beams should be at least 3-4 cm.

    If the preliminary work is done correctly, then you have a completely finished floor between the first and attic floors. Now it's time to draw the future frame.

    Start studying the theory with a photo of a sloping roof and with a video that shows the installation of a mansard roof.

    Draw the house from the front side, the racks on the left and right, bring out the rafters and calculate the angles of inclination. Increase or decrease the height of the posts to change the slope of the slope.

    Calculate the length of the rafters (the cosine of the angle of inclination multiplied by the distance from the rack to the projection of the ridge - for the ridge slope, and the cosine of the angle of inclination of the side slope, multiplied by the distance from the Mauerlat to the rack - for the side rafters).

    Watch the video various options fastening the bars to each other. High-quality fastening will provide a reliable frame.

    If climatic conditions unduly overload the high broken roof winds, and the width of the house does not allow to allocate a lot of space for unused space behind the racks, then you can reduce the height of the racks and, after construction is completed, install built-in wardrobes around the entire perimeter of the side walls of the attic.

    Frame assembly procedure

    Make the roof frame only from high-quality wood. The main sign of a "stale" tree is a dark color.

    If you can not buy dried in drying chamber wood, then get raw, but still at the stage of building walls.

    Fresh wood cannot be used for the frame - under the influence of loads, it will lose its shape and bend.

    Raw timber can be dried naturally one and a half to two months.

    To do this, we lay it out clearly in level with a distance between the bars of up to 5 cm. No two bars should touch. Every 75-100 cm, the beam should rest on a flat surface.

    As support points, you can use a cinder block laid out on a flat area, but in no case should you use another beam intended for the frame.

    In sunny and warm weather, the bars dry naturally, and in rainy weather they need to be covered. The manufacture of the frame is allowed only from completely dried wood.

    Start the installation by making sure that the racks and rafters are straight wooden bars and there are no cracks or knots.

    Pattern-sawn wooden blanks of the same type must be processed fire fighting agent and a mixture that prevents the formation of fungus.

    Processing should be done twice with an interval of 1-2 days. Installation can begin when the tree has dried after the treatments.

    The procedure for assembling the frame step by step:

    • Rack installation. On top of the floor beams, we put 5-6 boards, 5 cm thick, without fixing. They form a floor on which you can safely move. Beams of the same size are installed on the floors according to the level. First put extreme. Be sure to make sure that the opposite distances between the racks are equal. Then a cord is stretched between the extreme bars. It performs the function of the level at which all others are set. A harness is placed on top of the racks and fixed. Now we have a rectangle in which all other supports are mounted. To reduce the precariousness of the design of the rack, it is necessary to unfasten it with jibs to the floor beams. It is the racks that are the weakest point in the frame system, so we will pay Special attention their fixation. The rack with the floor beam must be fixed with construction bracket size 12-14. When all the racks are installed, wedge them with an overlap using a beam with a section of 50-60 cm. It is worth additionally fastening them on the outside with each other using an unedged board;
    • Installation of upper slopes ( gable roof). IN top point the rafters are fastened together with staples. The ridge rafter rests on the strapping of the racks and is fixed to the beam of the attic floor. The installation of the upper triangle of the attic must be carried out only on the ground and the fully finished structure should be raised. The triangle is laid on the racks and attached to them with brackets. As soon as the installation of the second triangle is completed, it is necessary to connect them in several places to each other. When all the structures are exposed, you can fix them with a crate;
    • At the top of each side rafter, a groove 3-4 cm deep is cut out, and the racks are tied into it. Groove angle equal to the angle slope slope. A groove is also made at the bottom of the side rafter for installing it on the Mauerlat. Due to these two grooves, the unloaded rafter can stand without fixation. Before applying the load that the crate will carry, you need to fix the side rafter with a bracket to the strapping and to the Mauerlat. Additional fixation should be carried out with self-tapping screws, twisted at the attachment points of the rafters, at an angle;
    • Lathing - edged or unedged board or OSB plate- fixed to the rafters with self-tapping screws. The edges of the slopes should be even. The distance between the components of the crate depends on the roof. For slate, a distance of 3-4 cm is allowed, and for shingles a solid crate is required;
    • It remains to build the gables and insulate the slopes and the broken mansard roof is ready.

    Take photos and videos as you go through each step. This will help to understand the errors in case the result obtained does not satisfy you.

    To work you will need tools:

    • hammers of different sizes;
    • screwdriver;
    • a circular saw;
    • pliers and small carpentry tools.

    You will also need consumables:

    • staples size 12 or 14;
    • wood screws 45-50 cm long for battens and 150 cm long for additional fixation of rafters;
    • hydrobarrier;
    • construction stapler;
    • as insurance - the installer's belt.

    It is better to call 2-3 assistants for help (it is really possible to cut the cut yourself on the ground, but the installation of structures at a height cannot be done alone).

    Everyone dreams of expanding the usable area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe home. But not always the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house allows you to equip, for example, an extension. One of best solutions in this case - the construction of a mansard roof - additional footage with minimal investment.

    Such a roof is built quite easily and quickly. And by enlisting the help of a few friends, you can save on labor.

    To build a mansard roof on your own, you need to arm yourself with knowledge in this area to the maximum. Read more about the mansard roof device. So, mansard roofs are:

    − in 1 level - the building has remote consoles, a large area and vertical windows. An attic with a single-level roof extends beyond the level of one of the sides of the house;

    - in 2 levels - a project with a mixed type of support. This type of roof - the most difficult at all stages of construction, is designed together with the house;
    − gable - add-ons for the attic in one level, easy to install. The main downside is small area and low ceilings

    - double-slope broken lines - buildings with 4 pitched planes at different angles. Somewhat more complicated than the previous version, but among the advantages is a full-fledged interior.

    Different projects of mansard roofs almost do not differ from standard pitched roofs and include the following elements:

    • roofing - appearance and protection from precipitation;
    • crate - the base for roofing and insulation materials;
    • ridge - the crown of the truss structure;
    • rafters - inclined stiffeners of the entire structure;
    • mauerlat - base beams for installing a truss system;
    • diagonal bevels - connections for longitudinal beams and vertical racks;
    • internal beams - supports for the ridge run and / or rafters for structural stability;
    • insulation - a structure of layers of vapor, hydro, heat and sound insulation.

    Mansard roof in a private house - photo under construction

    To build, for example, slate roof this type will need:

    • wood - bars (15, 12, 10), unedged boards, boards 40-50mm by 150mm;
    • nails - 80 and slate;
    • wire - annealed (3-4mm) and for stretch marks;
    • slate;
    • insulation;
    • hydrobarrier.

    Tools for building a mansard roof, most likely, do not even have to buy:

    • roulette;
    • axe;
    • hammer;
    • construction stapler;
    • plumb;
    • hacksaw.

    The slope of the roof provides precipitation, but takes the height of the room. That is, the smaller the angle of inclination, the larger the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room itself will come out. Partially useful attic area is also reduced due to roof insulation. Read what exist and how to properly stack them.

    Mansard roof construction technology

    The technology for erecting a mansard roof has some subtleties:

    − the thickness of the rafters must be more than 250 mm. This is necessary for comfortable laying of an insulating layer of 20 cm. The rafters can be made from glued laminated timber;

    - for thermal insulation it is better to use foamed polystyrene or glass - they retain their properties even with increasing humidity;

    - between the heat-insulating layer and the roof, it is necessary to install ventilation in accordance with all the rules - with exhaust hoods and air ducts, so that the air circulates freely under the surface of the building;

    In order for the roof to turn out to be of high quality and reliable, it must have excellent ventilation, thermal insulation, and a high-quality truss structure made of treated wood.

    inner side thermal insulation needs vapor barrier layer over the entire surface;

    - a layer of hydro-, if necessary, sound insulation is laid out under the roof from the outside of the rafters;

    - wood for the entire structure must be treated with special means from microorganisms and fire, according to the requirements of SNiP;

    - if the mansard roof is installed in windy areas, it is worth reducing its angle of inclination;

    - if the house is in a quiet, windless place, you need to increase the angle of inclination;

    - such roofs are covered with ceramic tiles or slate. Metal, due to its low thermal insulation properties, Not recommended;

    - for thermal insulation it is necessary to use non-combustible materials;

    - the mansard roof provides for the presence of a ladder.

    The external staircase will not take up the area of ​​​​the house, but it will be possible to get into the attic only from the street. Internal - much more convenient, but takes up space in the house. To solve this problem, you can install ceiling ladder on a swivel or screw structure. And how, according to GOST, to pick up on the second floor, read our instructions.

    Phased construction of a mansard roof

    Before building a roof, you must:

    • Conduct an examination of the building to identify the maximum load for walls and foundations.
    • Develop an attic project.
    • Obtain permits:
    1. from city authorities to construction and reconstruction;
    2. expert opinion about the house;
    3. permission from all owners.

    Rafters of a broken mansard roof - diagram

    After designing the roof and preparatory process, you can start building:

    1. We lay and fasten the Mauerlat along the perimeter of the house - a bar 100 by 100.
    2. Installing the frame. The supports of the truss structure will serve as frame racks. For its device, a beam with a section similar to the section of the longitudinal beams is taken. Vertical racks are placed along the edges of the building and attached to the longitudinal beams with the help of corners and self-tapping screws. We make a jumper on top of each rack.
    3. We mount the remaining arches. Between the two arches formed at the previous stage of installation, we stretch the cord strictly horizontally. The remaining arches are installed with a guideline for the cord and a step for the rafters. We connect the arches with stamped corners or nail plates as jumpers.
    4. Let's move on to the rafters. We cut their upper ends at a certain angle. On the bases of the bars we cut out grooves for mounting on the Mauerlat. The rafters are fixed to the base structure. Then, according to the template, we cut the upper rafters and also install them in their places. Also check out more detailed information for the attic.
    5. We mount the crate with boards or plywood sheets.
    6. We lay a layer of vapor and thermal insulation. Layers are installed from the inside of the rafters. We stuff the crate over the insulation.
    7. From the outside of the rafters we mount a layer of waterproofing.
    8. The last step will be the installation of roofing from the selected material. The roof layer is mounted on top of the waterproofing.
    9. Do not forget about ventilation windows, as well as window openings. Of course, the window can only be installed in the gables, but two windows are unlikely to provide sufficient lighting.

    How much will it cost to build a mansard roof

    Consider the prices for materials for a mansard roof, given that the construction will be done independently.

    The price of insulation (mineral wool) depends on the density per cubic meter and the base:

    • on fiberglass - 1400-2500 rubles. per cubic meter;
    • on basalt fiber - 1100-2000 rubles. per cubic meter;
    • on jute fiber - 10-16 rubles. per running metre.

    Roofing materials do not differ much in price:

    • shingles - about 340 rubles. per square;
    • metal tile - about 250 rubles. per square.

    Calculations of the final cost of the building are made on the basis of the area of ​​​​the mansard roof.


    About the construction of a mansard roof with your own hands on the video. About the technology itself clearly and some useful tips.

    Mansard roof - perfect solution to expand the area of ​​the house. With the support of several people and armed with the knowledge of building a building, you can quickly build a functional and reliable mansard roof for many years of use.
