Sizes of skylights: description, types and features. Calculating the ideal size of roof windows

Recently, the construction of houses with an attic floor is gaining more and more popularity, which makes it possible to use the usable area as economically as possible. In the space of the attic, bedrooms, offices, children's rooms, as well as kitchens, bathrooms and dressing rooms are equipped. With large attic areas, the windows in the gables of the house are not able to provide sufficient space lighting. This problem can be solved by installing skylights into the slope of the roof. Experts say that a properly selected and installed roof window allows 40% more light to pass through. In addition, the ventilation of the room is improved. And the attic itself looks more aesthetically pleasing, more attractive. Many homeowners are interested in the question of how to install a roof window. We will make a reservation right away, this is not an easy and very responsible business. The tightness of the roof will depend on the correct installation. Therefore, if you do not want surprises in the form of window leaks or cold air penetration, it is better to contact certified specialists with extensive experience for installation. If for some reason you cannot or do not want to involve professionals, try to strictly follow the instructions of the window manufacturer. In this article, we will tell you how to choose windows, and the general technology for their installation.

Types of skylights

On the attic floor You can install windows of various types. Simplest - vertical windows, which are not much different from conventional front-glazed windows. They are installed either in the pediment of the house, or in the slope of the roof in a special remote structure, it is also called a house or a birdhouse. Such windows look aesthetically pleasing, enliven the appearance of the roof, but let in little light.

Inclined skylights- a modern challenge to the elements of nature. They are mounted flush with the roof slope, let in 30 - 40% more sunlight and differ in design, material and opening method.

For the production of skylights, high-quality wood, PVC profiles or aluminum are used. Wooden windows are recommended to be installed in bedrooms, offices and other rooms with a normal level of humidity. But in bathrooms and kitchens it is better to install plastic windows, as they are more resistant to moisture, mold and aggressive environments.

The design of the roof window may have some features, according to which they are classified:

  • standard rectangular windows or square shape. They are used most often, they consist of a frame and a sash or a blank double-glazed window. By the way, dormer windows with solid double-glazed windows are produced only on order, but the market is saturated with windows with hinged sashes in various modifications.

  • balcony windows they are a structure of an inclined window in the roof slope and a vertical window below it and sometimes even on the side. Both windows open: slanted - up, and the lower vertical to the side (as usual) or down. This allows access to the balcony.

  • Bottom element under tilted window . This is a blind window under the opening sash. A similar design is used if the slope height is not enough to install two windows: one above the other, and one window does not sufficiently illuminate the space.
  • Extensions - top element. As a rule, this is a decorative element above an inclined window, having a rounded or triangular shape. Used for a more harmonious combination.

  • Cornice windows are installed in the event that there is a high wall in the attic, which does not allow normal viewing through an inclined window. Then under the window is installed vertical window which also opens. This design allows you to view the landscape in the skylight, as in the usual.

  • light tunnel we rarely use it yet, but it also has a place to be. It is installed in a place of a slope that does not have direct contact with the room, for example, an attic. From the window there is a reflective tunnel, most often a pipe, leading to the place to be illuminated. Here a ceiling is installed that evenly scatters light.

All types of skylights are manufactured at specially equipped factories and tested for strength in special installations. Quality materials, high manufacturability, fittings that provide rotation and opening, but do not allow leakage, all this guarantees functionality and safety. Yes, the cost of such windows is rather big, but it’s not worth making roof windows with your own hands. They will not be able to provide proper comfort and tightness.

According to the way of opening roof windows are divided into:

  • With a central axis of rotation of the sash. Can be rotated 180°, making it easy to clean the outer glass.

  • Raised pivot. The axis is located approximately at a distance of 2/3 from the bottom of the window.

  • With combined axis of rotation. Includes both central and raised axle. The upper axis allows the window to be opened outwards up to an angle of 45°, while the central axis allows it to be rotated completely.

  • With side pivot. They open like ordinary windows, they are also called roof hatches, because they are used to exit to the roof.
  • With bottom pivot only sashes for balcony windows are produced. They open forward.

  • with remote control. In high attics, where it is not possible to open the window manually, a remote control powered by the mains is used. In this case, before making a roof window, it is necessary to bring a separate line to the installation site.

When choosing a roof window, you should be guided by the design of the roof, the ease of use of the window and the parameters of the attic room. For example, the height of the attic and the angle of the roof slope affect how high the window should be installed and what kind of view it will provide.

Roof window installation

The roof window is a complex structure, because it will have to be operated in difficult conditions: rain, wind, hail, snow, and even the location at an angle. To ensure the strength of the window, manufacturers use special heavy-duty glass that can withstand a lot of pressure.

The skylight consists of frames and sashes, as well as fittings, allowing you to rotate the sash to different positions and fix it. In the sash there is a double-glazed window filled with an inert gas.

But in addition to this, the kit also includes waterproofing and vapor barrier aprons, drainage gutter to avoid leaks, thermal insulation so necessary in our harsh climate, and protective salary, protecting window elements from damage and directing water down onto the roofing material, as well as internal slopes.

The cost of installing a roof window largely depends on the amount of work that will have to be done, and on the availability of certain elements in the kit.

Before ordering a roof window, you should consult with a professional, choose the right salary for it, depending on the type of roof, and accessories for sun protection in summer, roller shutters, roller blinds and more.

Do-it-yourself installation of skylights

We repeat once again that it is better to order the installation of skylights from certified specialists so that it doesn't hurt later. If you want to entrust this task to the roofers or construction team building your house, ask them if they have done this before. It often happens that builders, having no experience, take on skylights, and then they have to redo everything.

Certified specialists, whose coordinates you can find out from the representatives of the window manufacturer, will do everything soundly, observing the technology. The price for the installation of skylights depends on whether the roof is already covered with roofing material, whether all roofing work has been completed or is just under construction. If the roofing material has not yet been laid, interior work are not met, installation will be cheaper.

Well, if you have already decided to do everything yourself, the general for different manufacturers skylight installation technology.

Roof window selection and installation location

The size of the roof window is selected taking into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe attic and the distance between the rafters. It is better if the window is installed between the rafters, without changing the design.

According to general rules, the window should be at least 10% of the attic area in area. The width of the window should be 4 - 6 cm less than the distance between the rafters. If your distance is too small, for example, 60 cm, and you need a large window, install two windows side by side, in adjacent sections between the rafters.

Important! Two windows always give more light than one large one.

The height of the window depends on the angle of the roof slope and on the location of the handle on the window. So on steep roofs, it is better to place windows at the bottom, and on gentle ones, on the contrary, at the top. The optimal height of the roof window is 80 - 130 cm from the floor. If the handle on the window is located at the top, the window is set at a height of 100 - 110 cm, and if at the bottom - 120 - 130 cm. More specifically, the type of roofing material affects the height of the window. For example, if this ceramic tiles, it cannot be cut, the window must be placed strictly above the row of tiles. And if the material is sheet, you can cut a hole in it anywhere.

Important! Do not forget to foresee that in order to protect the roof window from icing, fogging and condensation, it is necessary to install a heating device under it.

Choose the type of opening of the roof window based on ease of use.

After you have decided on the number of windows, their size and location, mark these places from the inside of the attic.

Choose the right salary for the roof window. Despite the fact that all skylights seem to be about the same, each manufacturer has its own characteristics, different equipment. Select all accessories of one manufacturer of one line (this will be indicated on the label), discuss with the manager by phone in advance, clarify whether you are ordering, whether the kit will work, or something will not work for something.

Site preparation for skylight installation

Consider the option when the roof is already ready, but there is no interior decoration. In this case, on the waterproofing film from the inside of the room, we outline the location of the window. The distance on the sides should be 2 - 3 cm from the rafters on the right and left. The window will be mounted on the rafters and on the lower mounting beam. We outline the lower location of the window, retreat 9 cm for profiled roofing materials or 4 - 6 cm for flat ones. We mark the top point of the window and set aside another 9 - 15 cm up.

We cut out the waterproofing material, leaving a margin of 20 cm on all sides. For now, we wrap the remaining canvas inside the attic. We remove the roofing or cut it out.

We cut the crate, stepping back from the rafters 2 cm.

We fasten the lower edge of the waterproofing with a stapler to the mounting beam. Top edge - to the top crate. Pull the side out.

Frame (box) installation: adjustment, alignment

In the delivery set you will find instructions for installing roof windows specifically from your manufacturer. Follow her. The problem is that windows are different. In some, the mounting brackets are rectangular and are attached only to the rafters, in others they are coal and are attached to both the rafters and the batten. And most importantly, they are attached to the window frame in different positions. Therefore, it is so important to discuss this issue with the manager of the company.

The installation of Velux, Fakro, Roto and other roof windows, although similar in general terms, is very different in particular.

For example, on Fakro windows, there are grooves on the frame marked V and N, indicating the depth of the window. It depends on the type of roofing material and salary.

For ease of installation, the sash will have to be removed. How to do this will be indicated in the instructions for your window. Also, if there is a salary on the window, we also remove it. We leave the bare frame.

We install the mounting brackets on the frame in the places intended for this. Then we put on thermal insulation on the upper part of the frame ( mineral wool) and secure with a stapler.

At the bottom of the window, we lay the thermal insulation on the mounting beam and then install the frame in the opening, press the insulation against the beam.

We fix the lower brackets firmly, and the upper ones not completely, we still have to slightly trim the frame. We install the sash in place, close it and see if there is a skew. We adjust it with the help of the top fastening. It is important for us that the window stands perfectly even, the sash fits the same on all sides, and the gap is the same. In the future, this will not be corrected.

After adjustment, we tighten all the fasteners tightly, as well as the side ones to the rafters. They are made differently by different manufacturers. We fix the side waterproofing to the window frame, cutting off the excess. Next, we put insulation in the side openings.

Installing waterproofing around the roof window

A skylight always comes with an insulating apron. If you wish, you can use home-made, from your own purchased material.

At the top above the future window, we cut out a piece of the crate on both sides, equal to the width of the drainage gutter. We cut in this place, in the middle, the waterproofing film. We start a drainage gutter under it and install it in the gap between the crate. Thus, water from above will drain from the waterproofing into the gutter, and not onto the window.

We unfold the apron and lay it around the window so as to protect the structure and the roof from leaks. We fix it with a stapler to the frame, the mounting beam, the rafters and the upper crate, we start the edges under the crate. We put the upper edge of the apron under the drainage gutter.

Installing a roof window flashing

The installation of the salary starts from the bottom up. First of all, we install the lower corrugated apron, then the side parts, the upper one, and lastly the window lining.

Salaries from different manufacturers have their own installation features, so follow the instructions. For example, Roto windows have a special rubber compressor on the frame, under which the salary is wound up and fixed. This ensures exceptional tightness. But Fakro windows do not have such a seal, the salary is attached directly to the frame, and is covered from above with additional elements of the salary, which hide the junction of the frame and the salary.

We carefully join all parts of the salary and fix them to the frame and crate.

We fasten the lower apron from above to the roofing material.

Lastly, for the installation of roofing material on the salary, we attach a special element to which the roofing material will adhere closely.

Everything, you can hang the sash and remove the protective coating. The skylight is ready. In conclusion, I would like to note that in no case should polyurethane foam be used to seal the joints between the frame and the opening, only special sealants. And inside the attic it is necessary to install slopes, the lower one must be vertical, and the upper one horizontally. This will ensure the best circulation of hot air coming from the heating radiator. Washed with warm air, the window will not fog up. And do not forget about the insulation of the slopes.

Roof window installation: video instruction

Consider what the combinations of beech and numbers mean in the markings of the roof window using the example of a window VELUX line OPTIMA (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Window marking GLR MR06 3073BIS

The combination of the first three characters is the window model. Next is the size of the window. Overall dimension encoded by a letter according to the table (Table 1).

Table 1. Code table for VELUX OPTIMA roof windows

Letter in window size

Width, see

The number in the window size

Height, see

Window size given in a box. Do not forget that the opening should be + 2–2.5 cm to each side of the window for laying thermal insulation along the contour into the gap.

Wooden windows are always covered with three layers of colorless varnish, the first number 3 in the code indicates this, if the first number is 0, this means that the roof window is made of plastic.

From the outside, the roof window is protected from external environment metal overlays, the second digit 0 in the code indicates that the overlays are made of aluminum, painted in the standard color according to the RAL scale - 7043.

double glazing - an important component of the window. The larger the window, the larger its glass area, which brings more light into your attic. In the Optima line, double-glazed windows are installed in Standard class windows with code 50 – single-chamber double-glazed window with tempered outer glass (hail protection). Windows of the Comfort class Optima line have double-glazed windows with code 73 - a single-chamber double-glazed window with a triplex system, the outer glass is tempered, and the inner glass is glued from 2 glasses with a film. When such a double-glazed window is broken, the glass does not crumble, but remains on the film, which gives the right to consider it safe, it is better to install windows with such a double-glazed window in children's, billiard rooms.

Letter B - means that the lower handle is installed on the window, if the letter is added T , i.e. BT - there are 2 handles on the window (upper and lower), however, only one can be used, the second handle is blocked. If after the double-glazed window code letter missing - the window has a top handle for opening.

Combination letters IS - on this model of a window the heater "SNOW+" is installed.

VELUX windows PREMIUM line

Let's consider the marking of a roof window on the example of a window VELUX line PREMIUM (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Window marking GGU FK04 016621

The first three Latin letters indicate the window model. Last letter U - the window inside is white, because the wood is coated with white polyurethane.

The overall size is coded with a letter according to the table (Table 1).

Letter K in the window coding indicates that the window belongs to the VELUX Premium line. Why do we need this letter? To choose the right salary for the window. Each VELUX line, be it Optima or Premium, has its own window frames, they also contain this letter in the encoding.

Table 2. Coding table of marking symbols placed after the size

First marking character


wooden window covered with white polyurethane

wooden window painted white

wooden window, covered with 3 layers of varnish

Second marking symbol

Metal decoding

external lining at the window - aluminum RAL 7043

external lining at the window - copper

external lining at the window - titanium-zinc

Third and fourth characters

Deciphering the characteristics of a double-glazed window

single-chamber double-glazed window with the "triplex" system, the outer glass is tempered

double-glazed window with triplex inner glass system, anti-dew coating on the outer glass (tempered). This double-glazed window is removed from production, replacement - 86.

double-glazed window with a triplex inner glass system, anti-dew coating on the outer glass (tempered), SNOW + sealant is installed on the window

Fifth and sixth characters

Deciphering control characteristics

The absence of numbers in the marking after the characteristics of the double-glazed window

the window has manual control. If there are numbers, they mean:

electrically operated window VELUX INTEGRA®, touch control

VELUX INTEGRA® solar window, touch control

This article will cover two questions:

  1. How to choose roof windows for your attic? Step by step recommendation.
  2. What points need to be addressed Special attention when installing skylights?

Selection of skylights

We offer you a number of simple rules-tips that will simplify your choice of roof windows for your home.

No. 1. Glazing area

The first thing you need to decide when choosing roof windows is what is the area of ​​attic glazing. The proportion of "1 to 10" is the basic rule. It reads: “For every 10 sq.m. floor area should be 1 sq.m. roof window area. Exceptions: in the nursery, in the living room (if you decide to place it on the second floor or in your living room "second light") and in the studio, this proportion should be "1 to 8". The proportion "1 to 10" or "1 to 8" - depending on the purpose of the room - must be respected for each room;

No. 2. At least one window in one room

Exceptions may be bathrooms and technical rooms (cloakroom, pantry);

No. 3. Location of skylights

The location of several skylights in one room in different places(on different slopes of the roof) gives more light than one window of the same area.

No. 4. Height (length) of the roof window.

If you want to be able to look at the surrounding landscape from the roof window, it is important to place the lower edge of the roof window at a height of 90-120 cm from the floor, and the upper one at a height of 200-220 cm. , the longer the window you need.

Height (length) of the roof window

No. 5. Roof window width

Decide how many and which skylights you will have in your attic at the stage of designing a house together with your designer. Why is it important? The width of the roof window and the pitch of the roof truss structure are interdependent things. At the design stage, it is possible to discuss with the designer what window width you want to use. He will either confirm your choice and design roof structure, taking into account the size of your windows, or - if it is impossible to make a truss structure to the dimensions of the windows you have chosen - he will advise you on what sizes you should use.

No. 6. Standard sizes of skylights

Unlike facade windows, roof windows are made in standard sizes. Each manufacturer has its own size range. Usually it consists of 6-14 basic sizes, which are always in stock from trading companies. Considering rules 1-5, you will have to choose which specific window sizes you will purchase.

No. 7. Roof window series

Each of the manufacturers has several series of windows. A series is understood as a type of roof window with a certain set of characteristics: material of manufacture, double-glazed window, location of the window opening axis, presence / absence of micro-ventilation function, etc. It is best to write down all the functions and characteristics that manufacturers offer, and check the boxes next to those that you really need, and then decide which series of windows from which manufacturer suits you best.

No. 8. The material from which skylights are made

The usual material for the manufacture of skylights is glued beams. These windows are suitable for any type of premises except bathrooms and toilets. Because of high humidity in these rooms it is recommended to install either plastic windows or wooden windows covered with a special protective layer of polyurethane.

No. 9. Roof window opening axis

It happens:

Opening a roof window with an axis in the middle is the most common. Such models of skylights are the most inexpensive in price. The beauty of all other options for opening a window comes down to one advantage - to provide more convenient and safer (danger: hitting your head on an open sash) access to an open skylight.

No. 10. Double-glazed windows

Basic for all skylights is double-glazed window with outer tempered glass and argon filling. Tempered glass is stronger than ordinary glass, which is why it is used in skylights. Argon (inert gas) - provides thermal insulation. In addition to this basic double-glazed window, roof window manufacturers offer many varieties of double-glazed windows in expensive series windows. What they can be:

  • other filler gas (with better thermal conductivity);
  • safety inner glass (if the window is broken, it shatters into small non-sharp pieces);
  • various coatings on glass (as an effect - reflection of thermal radiation either outside or inside the room);
  • greater internal distance in the double-glazed window (better thermal conductivity coefficient);
  • thicker outer glass (increases strength).

What to choose depends on your needs and possibilities. We can only make a few comments about double-glazed windows:

  1. the basic double-glazed window provides a sufficient level of safety and thermal insulation;
  2. choosing a "screwed" double-glazed window, you choose a different series of windows, and hence other additional functions. Check if you need them and if you are ready to pay extra for them;
  3. if the heat-insulating ability of the window is important to you, pay attention to the thermal conductivity coefficient Total windows, not just double-glazed windows.

No. 11. Handle for opening and ventilating the window

It is located either on the bottom of the frame or on the top. Each of the manufacturers gives arguments in favor of "their" location of the handle. From our point of view, the position of the handle is purely a matter of personal preference. The only “but”: if you have small children, make sure that windows with a lower handle position have a blocking function to prevent accidental opening of the window.

No. 12. Remote control

It happens: mechanical (poles) and electric / pneumatic (various wall switches or control using a mobile remote control). Again, in our opinion, this is only a matter of your taste and financial capabilities.

No. 13. Blocks of skylights

Use this solution only if you really want to. From a practical point of view, this solution adds complexity in installation and maintenance, increases the likelihood of troubles (for example, freezing of structures and the formation of condensate at the slightest installation errors).

No. 14. Accessories

Curtains, mosquito nets, roller shutters, etc. it is better to buy branded, exactly the manufacturer whose windows you decide to purchase.

No. 15. Trademark

On the markets of both Ukraine and Russia, there are three manufacturing companies that produce roof windows under the names of the same name. trademarks - Velux, Fakro and Roto (meaning a permanent significant presence in the market). In our opinion, all three manufacturers represent products decent quality. The choice of one or another manufacturer will most likely depend on:

  • a set of window functions that you have identified as significant (see paragraph 7);
  • the presence of a representative office (dealer) of the manufacturer in the region of your residence;
  • availability of the windows you need in the warehouse of the representative office (dealer);
  • prices;
  • and your personal predisposition to a particular brand.

At the end of this part of the article, I would like to give general recommendation how to use these rules:

I. To get started, do the calculations proposed in p.p. 1-5 and make decisions regarding the number of skylights in each room, their height and width. As we said above, it is better to make such a decision together with the designer. As a result, you will receive a tablet, approximately the following content:

II. Follow the recommendation given in paragraph 7: “It is best to write down all the functions and characteristics that manufacturers offer, and check the boxes next to those that you really need, and using this list, decide which series of windows, which manufacturer suits you best. » It is best to make such a list separately for each room in which skylights will be installed.

III. Decide on accessories.

Features that you need to pay attention to when installing skylights.

Most of the problems with roof windows - freezing, leaks, condensation - are due to improper installation, and not because of low-quality windows. So:

  1. Never install windows yourself unless you have roofing experience.
  2. Always ask for a warranty, not only from the manufacturer, but also from the installer. Hire roofers, immediately stipulating this moment.
  3. ALWAYS read the window installation instructions on the manufacturer's website. This will allow you to check the correct installation.

What you need to check when installing skylights:

  • Verticality and horizontality of the frame.

How to check: using a level and a tape measure.

When to check: after the installation of the frame and always after completion of all installation work and hanging the sash.

Vertical and horizontal frame

  • Adjacency of hydro- and vapor barrier. Tapes.

How to check: only visually.

When to check: after the installation of the frame and before the installation of the waterproofing flashing, the installation of the adjoining waterproofing and vapor barrier films to the window will be carried out.

What to control: that all joints are glued with adhesive tape.

  • Installation of water drainage from the window (installed on the waterproofing film above the window).

How to check: visually.

When to check: Any time during installation prior to installation of flashing and roofing around the window.

What to control: the presence and correctness of installation (slope, taping of cuts on the waterproofing film).

  • Installation of a waterproofing salary.

When to control: when setting the salary.

What to control: the flashing must be mounted without gaps and mechanical fastening (nails, staples) on the working surface (surfaces in direct contact with the external environment).

  • Slopes.

How to control: using a level or visually.

When: after installation of slopes.

What to control: the bottom slope should be perpendicular to the floor surface, and the top slope should be parallel.

Slope control

  • Window sill (if you have window sills under the skylights).

How to control: visually.

When: after installing the window sill.

What to control: between the wall under the window and the window sill there should be a gap of 2-5 cm for the flow of warm air.

  • Batteries under the window.

This recommendation refers to the design stage. Heating appliances in your attic should be planned in such a way that there is a heating radiator under each window. This is necessary to create a direct current of warm air along the roof window in winter, which will avoid the appearance of condensation on the double-glazed window.

Batteries under the window

The use of space under the roof as an additional living space is at the peak of popularity today. It's easy to explain.

For quite a long time, compatriots used the attic instead, storing old and unnecessary things there. Fortunately, homeowners have realized that this space can be put to much better use. This is perfect place for arranging a bedroom, a billiard room, an office, a nursery or a workshop there. Well-equipped in terms of its performance, it actually does not differ from other premises of the dwelling, and is a completely full-fledged additional floor.

Like any other living space, the attic needs natural, and, accordingly, in.

The device and installation of windows with their own hands often allows the owners of the building to noticeably carry out the necessary manipulations. Those who like to do everything with their own hands can study the features in theory, and cope with it on their own.

With a thorough study of the theory and a competent approach, such an installation is considered not such a difficult event. If the homeowner completely lacks the skills of construction work, then it is better to entrust this event to professionals.

Illumination of windows from roofs

If the attic has a large enough area, then the windows in the gables will not be able to provide quality lighting. This problem is solved by installing special roof windows in the roof slope.

Experts are convinced that a well-made and selected window increases the amount of light transmitted by up to 40%. Among other things, the ventilation of the room is noticeably improved. Windows ennoble the room, make it more habitable, cozy and elegant.

Skylights: types and types

On the attic floor it is quite possible to use different kinds windows. The simplest design- ordinary windows are vertical, in fact not much different from traditional front windows. They are located on the pediment of the house itself or in a special remote structure, in the slope of the roof (often called a birdhouse). These windows look quite aesthetically pleasing, decorate the appearance, but are not very functional: they do not let in much light.

Roof windows are slanted.
This is a kind of challenge to the natural elements. They are able to transmit 40% more light.

They are mounted on the same level with the roof slope, among themselves they are divided according to the type of construction, method of opening and material. Wood is used to make windows. High Quality, aluminum or PVC profile.

Windows made of natural material are preferred for rooms with normal humidity- offices, bedrooms, living rooms, etc. In the same place where the level of humidity is significantly increased, it is better to use plastic products, more resistant to aggressive environments, . Roof windows can differ markedly in their designs. Depending on their characteristic features, they are classified as follows.


Windows are standard square or rectangular. These types are in particular demand, and are chosen most often.

The window consists of a blank double-glazed window, and may consist of a frame with a sash. The market is saturated with various modifications of products with rotary shutters, and products with blank double-glazed windows are usually made to order.

The windows are balcony. This is a special design, it looks like an inclined window in a slope, on the side of which or under it there is a vertical window.

Both of them can open: vertical - down or to the side, as usual, inclined - up. Such a cunning design makes up a balcony that you can go out to.

The lower element under the window is slanted. Represents a small blind window under the sash that opens. It is used when the height of the slope is not enough to install two windows, one above the other. One is clearly not enough for full coverage.

The top element is extensions. It is most often used as a special decorative element located above an inclined window. It can be triangular or rounded. With the help of extensions, more harmonious combinations are achieved.

The windows are cornice.

Their use is appropriate in cases where the wall in the attic is too high, and it does not allow you to look into the sloping window. The situation is corrected as follows. An opening vertical window is arranged under the window, the design of which opens the landscape in the located roof window.

Light tunnel. Used in our country is still quite rare. It is mounted in the place of the slope, which does not have direct contact with the room. A reflective tunnel (usually a pipe plays its role) connects it to the room that needs additional lighting. There is a special, light-scattering ceiling.

All existing species skylights are manufactured industrially, on special factory equipment, undergo quality control and strength testing. High-quality materials and fittings, high manufacturability, ensure the safety and functionality of products.

Roof windows are also divided according to the method of opening:

Which window in mansard roof preferred?

attic windows

When choosing, one should proceed from the design features, the parameters of the attic room itself, as well as the requirements for ease of use.

For example, the height of the room, and the slope of the slope, directly affect where the window will be installed - in what place, and at what height. Accordingly, and which of it is possible to review.

Size and arrangement of skylights

Any roof window- a rather complicated design, and this is understandable. It will be used in the most different conditions often quite rigid and complex. The impact of snow, wind, rain, hail can be enhanced by the specific location of the window plane at an angle. To provide the device with the necessary strength, manufacturers use a special, heavy-duty glass that easily withstands high pressure.

Existing window sizes

What is a regular window made of? These are sashes, a frame and ensuring its functioning. A double-glazed window is inserted into the sash, which contains an inert gas inside. In addition, the kit includes a vapor barrier and aprons, a drainage gutter to avoid leaks, which is necessary for our climate, a special protective salary that directs water down and protects the elements from damage, and internal slopes. The final cost of installing such a window depends on the amount of work to be done, and on the availability of certain components in the kit.

Choosing suitable type products, it is advisable to consult with a specialist who is more aware of the most suitable salary and protective accessories for him.

How to install a window in the attic

What size window is better to choose for the attic? It depends on the distance between adjacent rafters of the building, and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe entire attic space. There are rules according to which the area of ​​​​windows should be at least one tenth of the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe entire attic space. Its width is determined by the distance between the individual rafters: it should be six centimeters less than the last.

If it is too small, a little over half a meter, and you want a large window, you will have to make two windows side by side: between the rafters, in adjacent sections. By the way, two windows can give more light than one large one.

The height at which it is planned to place the future window depends on the location of the handle on it, as well as on the slope of the slope to the roof.

If it is steep, then the windows located below are more suitable for it, but if it is flat, then it is better to make windows at the top.

The most optimal is the height of the window in the attic from 80 to 130 centimeters from the floor. When the handle is located at the top, it is mounted at a distance of 110 centimeters, if the handle is at the bottom, then at 120-130.

Also, the height of the planned window depends on the type of roofing used.

The type of opening is selected based on the desires of the owner and his requirements for ease of use. After calculation required amount windows, their location and size, from the inside of the attic the place of their future location is marked.

The salary for the window must be chosen correctly. Although all roof windows seem similar, different manufacturers produce products of different configurations and with different features.

Roof window installation: preparation for installation

Imagine that our roof is ready, but there is no interior decoration yet. Inside, on the film, the location of the window is marked. It should be between the rafters, the distance to them should be about three centimeters.

The window is mounted on the mounting lower beam and on. To mark the lower boundary of the window location, it is necessary to step back from the timber by 6 cm up for flat materials roof covering, and 9 for profiled covering. After finding top point windows should be set aside another 9 to 15 centimeters.

Waterproofing material is cut out with a margin of 20 cm on all sides. The remaining canvas is temporarily wrapped inside the room. Cut or remove roof covering. Stepping back a couple of centimeters from the rafters, we cut off the crate itself. A mounting bar from five centimeters thick is nailed at the bottom of the window, about 10 centimeters from the crate, strictly according to the level. The distance indicator depends on the type of roof covering used. waterproofing film with the help of a stapler, it is attached with its lower edge to the beam, and its upper edge is attached to the crate. The side parts of the insulation are pulled out.

Roof window box installation

In the delivery set there is always an instruction for the competent installation of the roof window. When installing, be sure to use it. Windows of different manufacturers are somewhat different from each other: mounting brackets can be attached to the rafters and be rectangular, or they can be coal and attached to the crate and rafters. They are attached to the frame in various positions. Therefore, this issue should be discussed in advance.

Roof box and installation

To facilitate the installation procedure, it is better to remove the sash before starting it. If there is a salary on the window, it is also removed. Only one frame remains, without everything. On it, in the intended place, special mounting brackets are placed. Then it is attached to the upper part of the frame with a stapler, which is placed on the mounting at the bottom of the window. The frame is inserted into the opening, the insulation is pressed against the beam.

roof window insulation

The upper brackets are not fully tightened, but the lower ones are tightly: The frame still needs some trimming. The sash returns to its place, its work is checked, the absence-presence of skew is determined. The top mount is adjustable.

The window should be positioned perfectly straight, its sash should fit evenly on all sides, the existing gaps should also be equal.

All this must be adjusted immediately, because it will be impossible to fix it later. Then all the fasteners are tightened to the stop, the lateral waterproofing is attached to the frame, the excess is cut off. inserted into the side openings.

Installation of waterproofing

Waterproofing attic windows

A special insulating apron must be included with the window.. But you can make it yourself from the right material. Above the future window, at the top, on both sides, a layer of lathing is cut out, equal in width to the size of the drainage gutter. The waterproofing film in this place is cut in the middle. Under it, a drainage gutter is started, which is installed in the gap of the crate. Water from the waterproofing will not drain onto the window, but into this gutter.

In a private house, every meter of usable area counts. The owners are thinking about how to rationally use free and utility rooms. A striking example of turning a useless empty attic into a cozy living space is the arrangement of the attic. In the second half of the 17th century, the famous French architect Francois Mansart, after whom the attic was named, drew attention to abandoned attic spaces and suggested using them as living rooms for the poor.

Since then, the concept of using these areas has evolved so that today the attic is a cozy, bright, warm and comfortable place to relax and live, equipped with all necessary communications and beautifully decorated. If you carry out the necessary work on insulation, insulation and decoration, then the attic can act as a full-fledged residential floor, in which there will be bedrooms for residents, and bathrooms with bathrooms, dressing rooms. AT high-rise buildings the most expensive real estate are luxuriously finished attic rooms - penthouses.

This solution gives the house a lot of advantages:

  • increase in living and usable area;
  • excellent overview of the site and surrounding landscapes;
  • improving the design and appearance of the building;
  • reduction of heat loss, heating costs.

When designing one of important tasks is the correct placement of skylights to ensure maximum daylight.


During the construction of the attic, it is necessary to strictly observe the current building codes and regulations. According to SNiPs, the glazing area should be at least 10% of the total footage of the illuminated room. It should also be noted that the sun rotates during daylight hours and will shine through the windows for only a few hours. Every room must have at least one window.

Dormer windows are mounted directly into the roof slope, so they differ significantly from the front windows both in terms of technical characteristics and design.

Attic frames have the following advantages:

  • A tilted window increases daylight penetration by 30-40% compared to vertical glazing, saving energy and lighting costs.
  • A specially designed system allows you to ventilate the rooms and provide sufficient ventilation and fresh air in any weather.
  • Together with the light in the rooms, comfort is added, a comfortable and warm atmosphere of a lived-in home is created.
  • Frames have increased heat and sound insulation, in closed they are sealed.
  • Frames do not rot, do not fade, do not require re-painting.

  • Glass made of special triplex withstands high mechanical loads; when broken, it does not spill out, but is covered with a network of cracks, remaining in the frame.
  • Triplex has the ability to scatter light rays, which prevents furniture and things from fading and creates comfortable lighting for the eyes.
  • If you have building skills and knowledge of technology, you can install windows on your own.

If there are no such skills, it is better to entrust the installation to experienced professionals in order to avoid errors and problems during use.

During the installation and operation of such double-glazed windows, disadvantages and difficulties may appear, which have the following solutions:

  • In the warm season, in summer, the temperature rises above the norm, it becomes very hot. This problem can be solved by installing a window on the north slope of the roof or by hanging special reflective curtains or film, blinds. You can also increase the layer of thermal insulation and make a visor or overhang that shade the window.
  • Violation of tightness, leakage, formation of condensate, ice. Buying non-certified or fake cheap double-glazed windows, installation errors, can lead to such problems. Frozen water creates an increased load on the frame seals, over time, deformation occurs in the seals and it becomes possible for moisture to seep into the room. The solution is strict adherence to technology and proper window care. It is recommended to clean the seals and treat them with liquid silicone grease.
  • High cost, which is twice the price of conventional plastic windows. A more complex device, materials and accessories of increased strength increase the price of the product. Proper quality and reliability in use are guaranteed only by large well-known brands for their products.

Windows purchased with a guarantee will last a long time and will not cause trouble for the owners.

Types of structures

Roof windows differ in the material of manufacture and in design. There are deaf closed double-glazed windows that can be made to order, or a standard version with opening doors. The double-glazed window consists of a double layer of triplex with an interval of a special film that prevents fragments from flying around the room. Upper layer The double-glazed window is made of tempered glass, which has a large margin of safety.

Double-glazed windows for regions with different weather and temperature conditions are produced with different technical characteristics. For cold northern regions, it is preferable to choose a multi-layer double-glazed window, in each chamber of which an inert gas is pumped to retain heat. For hot and sunny countries, it is recommended to buy double-glazed windows with reflective films, mirror and tinted coatings.

The frames are wooden - they are made of glued laminated timber, impregnated with antiseptic compounds and varnished for outdoor use.

Wooden beams are covered with polyurethane for strength. natural material fits perfectly into the interior of the country house and country house.

Frames are available with plastic profile from PVC. This plastic is light and has fire-fighting characteristics, frost-resistant.

Aluminum metal profiles are wide application in public and office spaces.

rove attic structures Armored frames are also available - they are heavier and stronger than standard frames and withstand extreme mechanical and weather loads.

Opening mechanisms are available with manual or automated remote control. There are windows with an upper axis of rotation, with a central one, with a raised axis. There are also two axes of rotation on the frame, controlled by one handle. Opening occurs in two positions - folding and turning.

"Smart" windows are controlled using a remote control or a wall keyboard, which are also connected to blinds or shutters, roller shutters, curtains. It is possible to program it to close when it begins to rain, then the window closes to the "ventilation" position. Window automation can be integrated into the " smart home", climate control system. With a critical increase in temperature in the room, the doors will open electrically, and at the first drops of rain, a special sensor will give the command to close. The program controls the processes during the absence of the tenants of the house, maintaining the set humidity and temperature indicators.

Facade or cornice double-glazed windows are placed at the junction of the facade and the roof, they combine the characteristics of ordinary windows and attic windows. They look very original and increase the flow of light entering the room.

You can buy a structure in the form of a dormer window, only with transparent walls for more illumination.

The transforming window, when opened, turns into a small comfortable balcony; when closed, it has a standard look.

Anti-aircraft windows are designed for installation on flat roofs and constructed with a special slanted frame to prevent the sun from hitting it directly.

Light tunnels are placed in the presence of an attic space above the attic. The window itself is mounted in the roof, a corrugated pipe is attached, which transmits the rays to the ceiling, which scatters the flow of light.

Sizes and shapes

The shape of a standard slanted window is rectangular, it can also be square. The design consists of a frame and a sash, a sealant, fittings, a salary. Standard frames are mounted on inclined flat roof slopes.

Arc or arched frames have a curved shape. They are designed for slopes of the appropriate shape, vaulted roofs.

Round windows are produced that look original and romantic in the interior.

Combined frames consist of two parts. The lower part is usually rectangular shape. The upper window is called an extension and can be both rectangular and triangular, semicircular.

The sizes of windows and their dimensions depend on various individual parameters, angles and dimensions of the room and roof:

  • the width of the frame is determined by the distance between the roof rafters;
  • the height is calculated by placing the lower and upper levels of the window so that it is convenient to open and look into it;
  • the angle of inclination of the roof is also taken into account.

The factories produce a wide range of products of standard dimensions.

If no option suits the client or he wants an exclusive, then there is the possibility of ordering. A measurer will come from the office and take measurements for free, calculate the parameters, draw up drawings. Large and curly shapes are made to order and various sizes frames.

In addition to the drawing, the attic arrangement project requires a window layout, a working estimate.

Necessary tools and accessories

In addition to the frames and double-glazed windows themselves, manufacturing companies produce various additional accessories and components for installation, protection during operation, opening control, maintenance. These accessories are indoor, outdoor, they change the characteristics, add functionality, decorate and complete the composition. Installation is possible after installation of windows or during it.

External accessories:

  • The flashing is mounted on top of the frame and protects the joint between the window and the roof from rainwater and other precipitation. For different types roofs, salaries of various prices are selected, therefore salaries are not included in the cost of windows. To ensure maximum waterproofing of the window, the salary is recessed into the roof covering by 6 cm. They are made in various shapes, including for cornices and skates. For different types of roofs, corresponding salaries are issued. The higher the wave of roofing, the higher the salary is bought.
  • Awnings shade the window opening and reduce light transmission, create coolness on hot summer days, protect from ultraviolet radiation, taking up to 65% of the light. Other advantages of awnings are noise reduction, rain effect. At the same time, the view when looking at the street through the awning mesh is not distorted.
  • Roller shutters completely close the opening and are an effective barrier to intruders, as well as significantly reduce the level of noise penetrating from the street. Models of roller shutters are sold, manually operated by a rod or using a solar-powered remote control.
  • Drives for automatic opening and closing are mains operated or solar panels. They allow you to automate the process of controlling the movement of the valves.
  • The mortise lock is an additional means of home security.

Internal accessories:

  • The mosquito net is made of fiberglass and aluminum frame and is installed on special guides that prevent the product from being torn off by strong gusts of wind. The mesh is completely transparent sunlight but keeps dust, insects, fluff and debris out.
  • Blinds are available in a wide range of colors and allow you to change the angle and degree of illumination, or they can completely darken the room. Equipped with remote control systems.
  • Roller blinds shade the room and are a decorative element of the interior of the rooms, hiding the room from prying eyes. Pleated curtains look very attractive, giving the interior airiness and modern look. Coating applied on top roller blinds, reduces the temperature in the room in the summer heat. To control and move curtains, telescopic retractable rods are used.

Curtains can be installed and fixed in any position thanks to special guides. Curtains are easy to care for, they are easy to clean with detergents.

Additional accessories and fittings:

  • The lower handles are placed for the convenience of manually opening high-lying frames, while the upper handles are blocked. The handle is usually equipped with a lock.
  • The telescopic rod and stick are manual means for operating shutters, blinds, mosquito nets and curtains. Intermediate elements for rods are sold, the prefabricated structure reaches a length of 2.8 m.
  • Vapor and waterproofing kits are produced ready for installation, making installation faster and easier.
  • Ready-made slopes made of PVC are easy to mount with inside rooms and do not require painting.
  • The factory equipment often includes corners for installation, fastening materials - galvanized nails. Also on the list is a vapor barrier apron, special sealant and adhesive tape.
  • The drainage gutter, which must be mounted above the window opening, serves to drain rainwater and condensate.

Films for gluing on glass with a mirror or tinted effect reduce the temperature in the attic in summer and shade the room.

For installation work, you will need the following tools:

  • linear or circular saw or hacksaw;
  • construction stapler;
  • roulette and level;
  • screwdriver and fasteners;
  • electric scissors for cutting metal;
  • pincers "corrugation";
  • drill.

How to install with your own hands?

Installation of roof windows is recommended to be carried out at the stage of construction of the truss system. This is a complex and time-consuming process that is best left to professionals, but if necessary, installation can be done on your own, having essential tool, skills and experience in the field of construction, knowledge of technology. The designs of various manufacturing companies are installed in different ways, they have separate features of the installation technology.

Location is a very important aspect that affects the overall composition of the building, specifications, proper functioning and service life of not only windows, but the entire roof. It is necessary to take a house project with detailed dimensions, it will be possible to make accurate calculations from them.

Exist certain rules to select the optimal and safe location.

  • at the junction of horizontal surfaces;
  • close to chimneys and ventilation outlets;
  • on the slopes of the so-called valley, which forms internal corners.

In these areas, the maximum accumulation of precipitation and condensate occurs, which greatly complicates the operating conditions and increases the risk of fogging and leakage.

The height of window openings from the floor level is determined by the height of the handle. If it is located at the top of the sash, then the optimal window height is 110 cm from the floor. At this height, it is convenient to open the sash manually. If the handle is located at the bottom of the glass, the height cannot be less than 130 cm, especially if children are in the attic, and maximum value the height is 170 cm. The middle position of the handle assumes the installation of a window at a height of 120-140 cm. The presence of heating points - radiators under the windows should also be taken into account. They are placed there to prevent condensation. The steepness of the slopes also affects the location of the structure - the smaller the angle of inclination, the higher the window is placed.

The type and properties of the roofing material also determine the location. Soft or rolled material can be cut in the right place, but the tiles must be solid. In this case, the opening is placed above the row of tiles.

The window landing depth has three standard values ​​provided by the manufacturer. Outside the window structure, special grooves are cut, marked with the letters N, V ​​and J, indicating different planting depths. Flashings for each depth are made separately, supplied with the appropriate marking, where the depth is indicated by the last letter, for example, EZV06.

Installation of frames is carried out in the intervals between the rafters at a distance of 7-10 cm from them in order to lay thermal insulation material. The truss system provides the strength of the roof, so it is undesirable to violate its integrity.

If the frame does not fit into the rafter pitch, it is better to install two smaller ones instead of one large window. When the removal of a part of the rafter is still necessary, it is imperative to install a special horizontal bar for strength.

To calculate the dimensions of the opening, you need to add to the size of the window a gap of 2-3.5 cm for laying insulation on four sides. heat insulating material mineral wool often appears. A mounting gap is left between the opening and the cutout of the roof, the width of which is determined by the type of roofing material. For tiles, for example, it should be 9 cm. To avoid skewing the window when the house shrinks, the gap between the upper beam and the roof is 4-10 cm.

Installation is desirable on the rafters, but it is also possible on a special crate. The lathing bars are installed between the rafters strictly horizontally in level. Outside, a drainage gutter is attached above the planned opening. It is mounted at an angle so that condensate flows freely onto the roof, bypassing the window. You can make such a gutter with your own hands by folding a piece of waterproofing sheet in half.

When all dimensions are calculated, you can draw and cut a drywall opening layout. On the finished waterproofing of the inside of the roof or on the finish, it is also necessary to draw an outline of the opening, drill several holes to relieve stress and prevent deformation. Then saw through with tape or circular saw crosswise two strips and cut the resulting triangles, adjust the edges strictly according to the outline. The waterproofing is cut with the same envelope and wrapped outward, attaching to the crate.

If metal tile, slate, corrugated board or sheet metal, then with outer side cut an opening using a similar technology. If the roof is covered with tiles, you should first disassemble the coating, and then cut it out. Lay the heat insulator and shoot with a stapler to the mounting bars. After all work is completed, the dismantled elements of the roofing are returned to their place.

Before mounting the frame in the prepared opening, you need to remove the double-glazed window and remove the salary. Mounting brackets are included and vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. They are also fastened in different ways: some on the rafters, others on the rafters and on the crate. Mounting brackets are also included in standard kit, they are equipped with a measuring ruler for the correct adjustment of the position of the frame in the opening. Screws and galvanized nails are used as fastening material.

The frame without a double-glazed window must be installed in place in the window opening and correct the position of the lower edge of the box, screw the bottom brackets to the stop. It is better to leave the upper mounts with play and not completely tighten to facilitate subsequent adjustment. Experts advise inserting the sash into the frame to check for a snug fit and correct gaps. At this stage, all levels, angles and distances are checked, inaccuracies are corrected, the frame is adjusted into place using plastic corners. In the future, the correction of distortions will be impossible. After adjustment, the sash is carefully dismantled again so as not to damage the hinges.

After adjusting and fitting, the brackets are twisted tightly and a waterproofing apron is laid around the box, the top of the apron is placed under the drainage gutter, one edge of the apron is shot with a stapler to the frame, and the other is led under the crate. Thermal insulation is attached along the side parts of the frame.

The installation of the salary must be carried out strictly according to the manufacturer's instructions. For different brands, it varies, and their equipment is also different. In any case, the lower part of the salary is mounted first, then the side elements, and then the upper part, and only at the end are the overlays installed.

Performed on the inside finishing windows and installation of prefabricated slopes. Their correct position is such that the lower slope should look horizontally, and the upper one - strictly vertically, otherwise the convection of warm air around the window structure will be disturbed, and unwanted condensate will appear. The slopes are fixed mainly by snapping onto special locks.


Mansard window structures plastic pvc profiles are offered by all major well-known manufacturing companies. Due to the properties of plastic, a line of such products is used in rooms with high levels of humidity, in regions with a humid climate. good decision is the installation of a PVC transformer window. When opening the lower sash, a small balcony is formed. plastic frames also glaze complex structures, for example, balconies and loggias in gables, if desired or available beautiful views you can make glass the entire section of the pediment from floor to ceiling.

These frames have several fixation positions, their opening mechanism is along the central axis. Double-glazed windows with tempered glass withstand significant mechanical loads and even the weight of a person. For comfortable ventilation, ventilation valves with special removable filters are provided; they are designed to clean the air in the room with the windows closed.

The service life of plastic frames with regular inspection and preventive care is at least 30 years. You don't need to constantly paint them.


The most popular material for attic frames- wood. Since the tree absorbs moisture, swells, and dries out under the influence of the sun, such material is not used without special protective measures. Basically, they use northern pine, the reliability and strength of which has been tested for centuries, solid or glued laminated timber. It is impregnated with antiseptics and coated with a double layer of varnish. In this case, the tree does not rot, does not deform, and acquires durability. Some manufacturers cover the wooden pine beam with monolithic polyurethane. This coating increases the service life of the box and gives it extra strength.

The main advantage of wood is environmental friendliness, safety for human health. Thanks to the beautiful natural texture, reinforced with varnish, it looks natural and harmonious in the interior, emphasizing the atmosphere of a country house. These windows are the most affordable and have the widest range of models and varieties, fixtures and opening mechanisms. These frames can be both vertical and installed in a dormer window in the roof, and inclined for installation on roof slopes at an angle. They are perfect for offices, bedrooms, living rooms and children's rooms.


Aluminum roof frames are mainly used in offices, hospitals, administrative buildings for various purposes. They have a rigid, durable construction, relatively light weight, withstand strong and sharp temperature fluctuations - from -80 to + 100 degrees.

The metal profile is cold and warm type.

You can choose the most suitable shade from a rich palette of colors that are painted metal profiles. During operation, they do not require any preventive maintenance, except for washing the glass.

Installing roof windows is a time-consuming and responsible business. Experienced professionals share many years of experience and give valuable advice for their correct installation in order to avoid errors and errors during installation, as well as for preventive care of them so that they serve reliably for as long as possible.

  • Failure by the buyer to comply with the manufacturer's instructions when self-assembly may void your warranty rights.
  • Upon acceptance of a window delivered from the factory or from the store, it should be carefully inspected for integrity and conformity with the configuration, dimensions, visual defects and packaging damage. In case of non-compliance with the requirements, the acceptance certificate should not be signed.
  • It is not recommended to use mounting foam for installation. In this case, only special insulating sealants are needed. Mounting foam will not provide waterproofing, and when it hardens and expands, it will create an additional load on the frame and can move structural elements and jam the sash.

Before mounting the box, be sure to remove the sash from the frame so as not to damage the hinges. After the box will stand in the opening in its place, its position will be adjusted, the sash is put back.

  • After installing the box, it should be insulated, carefully tucking mineral wool around the window and be sure to lay it under the slopes.
  • Adjustment is made at the stage of baiting the box, and only then are the fasteners tightened to the stop. At the subsequent stages of installation, the correction of the position of the box is not possible.
  • When buying, be sure to check the complete set, the compatibility of all components and components of the structure, compare the dimensions with the project or drawing, draw up an agreement in which you indicate all the nuances of the order.
  • Products must be certified and have all accompanying and warranty documents, as well as detailed instructions for installation and proper operation.
  • Mounting the box on the rafters is much stronger, but when mounted on the crate, it is easier to align the frame.

Famous manufacturers and reviews

The most well-known and large companies that are leaders in the construction market of roof windows and accessories for them offer customers high-quality certified products, as well as additional accessories and means of preventive treatment of windows during the entire period of operation.

Danish firm Velux has been working in Russia since 1991. Unique developments and inventions have made this manufacturer one of the leaders of brands represented in Russia. In addition to the main products, the company offers customers a full range of components and accessories that are fully compatible with windows. The innovative material used by the company for the production of wooden frames is northern pine, proven for centuries in Europe, impregnated with antiseptic compounds and covered with monolithic polyurethane or a double layer of varnish.

Among the numerous patented inventions, one can note the unique ventilation system equipped with fine filters and a special window-valve built into the opening handle for comfortable ventilation.

On the "warm perimeter" glazing, which uses energy-saving double-glazed windows filled with argon, a steel dividing bar is placed. Thanks to it, condensation does not form along the perimeter of the window.

No drafts and gaps, a three-level sealing system, silicone instead of a sealant, only innovative and proven materials - all this is provided by the company's products. According to the results of examinations, Velux windows adequately withstand frosts down to -55 degrees and are recommended for installation in the northern regions.

The main line of Velux models is produced in large and medium sizes.

german windows Roto first appeared in 1935. The products of this company are manufactured from high-quality plastic multi-chamber PVC profile. The windows of this company are distinguished by small and medium dimensions. Standard sizes are 54x78 and 54x98. All best properties The materials of Roto products are ideal for the climatic conditions of our country, sudden changes in the weather, a large abundance of precipitation.

It is possible to install piston electric actuators on Roto sashes, which prevent the window from slamming, you can control the sashes using a remote control or the “ smart House". Installation is allowed not only to the rafters, but also to the crate, models are available that are mounted without first removing the sash. The products of this company receive excellent reviews from both professional builders and owners of private houses who have been using German windows for many years.

Company fakro For 10 years, it has been producing structures that undergo more than 70 different checks and tests before being sold. Strength and other parameters are also tested for raw materials and components. Outside, the design is protected by overlays.

You can decorate the frame from the inside by snapping the factory-ready slope to the branded locks. Control is possible using a wall keyboard, remote controls, from a smartphone via the Internet or manually.

For the convenience of working with its products, this manufacturer has developed mobile applications, conducts regular training seminars for builders, review TV shows. To perform custom-made qualified installation of windows, there are certified teams, as well as official service centres repair and preventive maintenance of products. There is a lifetime warranty on the glass unit and spare parts. Replacement of these components is absolutely free, regardless of the service life and the cause of damage. The creation of such an infrastructure for the convenience of purchase and maintenance allowed the company to gain well-deserved popularity and become one of the leaders in the Russian market.

Successful examples and options

​​​​​​Designers and architects create impressive buildings - real works of architectural art, which combine imposing and modern openness and lightness of interiors. The variety of complex fantasy shapes and the boldness of skylight solutions are amazing. The rapid development of building technologies and innovations makes it possible to design unusual attics that reflect the individuality and taste of the owners.

Making repairs in the attic, the owners think through and decoration window openings. Hanging heavy and curtains in such interiors is undesirable. It's better to prioritize light curtains, blinds, roller shutters. Harmonious combination shades will create a modern, light and cozy interior.
