What colors are better to make a stretch ceiling. Selecting the color of the stretch ceiling is an important task. The combination of colors of stretch panels

Modern technologies allow us to quickly and easily transform our homes in accordance with fashion and our own ideas about comfort. Today you can choose any colors of the stretch ceiling, photos of which the customer liked. Harmony of colors, skillful "play" with color and texture provide unlimited possibilities to satisfy the most demanding taste.

The main thing is the combination of the color of the ceiling, walls and floor

Stretch ceilings radically change the appearance of any room. These film stretch marks can add height and light to it, fill it with bright energy or create an atmosphere of relaxing comfort and peace. You just need to choose the right color scheme for this avant-garde element and competently “fit” it into the overall interior.

The starting point in the design of the ceiling is usually the color scheme that will prevail in a particular room - on walls, floors, furniture, textiles. The tone of the future "stretch" is selected based on what is already available or planned to be purchased.

In this case, 12 basic tones are considered to be reference - from radiant white to light-absorbing black. Conventionally, the colors of the stretch ceiling can be divided into three groups:

  • airy, pushing space;
  • intense and dynamic colors of the stretch ceiling;
  • deep, soothing.

All the rest are derivatives of them or their combinations.

The first subgroup includes all light whitened tones - boiled white, milky, ecru, light blue, sunny green, pale pink, pale lemon, etc.

To the second - yellow, orange, red, burgundy, raspberry, turquoise, fuchsia.

The third group includes deep blue, purple, chocolate, malachite, black stretch ceiling.

This division is rather conditional. But such knowledge facilitates the selection of the most suitable paint for walls, windows, doors, floors. Their palette is also very diverse, but noticeably inferior to the ceiling. Especially when it comes to flooring. Otherwise, it would be difficult to avoid excessive variegation, which can spoil the impression of both the house and its owners.

Classic, modern, avant-garde

  • silk;
  • satin;
  • matte velvet.

In addition, the “plasterboard box” design perfectly sets off the main canvas and allows you to give it an unusual shape. Such an impeccably clean and airy "top" of the living room will push its walls apart, favorably set off any furniture - from classic to high-tech. A crystal chandelier or a multi-colored plastic lamp will be equally appropriate on a white background, which will show all the advantages of bold color schemes.

Steel-colored stretch ceilings are no less popular. They do not overwhelm other colors and go well with most colors. Pearl gray, smoky shades are just as easy to perceive as white ones, but they look more modern, sharper. The steel-gray, asphalt color of the stretch ceiling requires a more careful attitude to the selection of "companions". In order to add “air” to it, it is recommended to frame it with snow-white drywall.

A blue stretch ceiling in the interior can be called a symbol of stable peace. He seems to be talking about the clear weather in the house, the friendly relations of those who live in it. This color is associated with spaciousness, eternal values, and therefore it goes so well with white furniture, gold fittings, matching silk fabrics. At the same time, it is quite demanding on textiles and coatings under its “cover”.

Stretch ceiling colors: modern

Bright dynamic shades of blue - azure, turquoise - perfectly fit into the interiors of swimming pools and home bathrooms, are appropriate in children's and spacious halls. Such ceilings are often combined.

An incredible scope for imagination is provided by polyvinyl chloride films with a metallic effect. The golden stretch ceiling looks impressive.

Experimenting with this plastic "gold" you can achieve a different impression - from stunning wealth and abundance to sophisticated aristocracy. At the same time, it is worth remembering that the interior overloaded with gold turns out to be not luxurious, but vulgar.

Therefore, this literally expensive film with an almost mirror shine is usually combined with multi-level curly structures, matte wallpaper and wall paints in beige or ecru shades. In a living room with such a ceiling, antique or similar furniture looks good, a lot of white or cream textiles that dilute the heat of the solar metal, slightly cooling it.

Bold burgundy or even black inserts help to break the classicism of the golden ceiling. They immediately transform the space in a sharply modern way.

Everyone has their own selection criteria.

However, the overall interior range is not always decisive. Often the colors of stretch ceilings, examples of which clearly demonstrate all the color diversity of these products, depend on the nature of the customer, his psychological attitudes.

Energetic and purposeful people subconsciously strive to reflect this in the decoration of their homes, boldly choose active tones. They demand red, orange, bright yellow colors and their derivatives - coral, pomegranate.

A calmer option from the same row is a burgundy-colored ceiling. It has an amazing quality: to give the room a royal majesty and at the same time make it more intimate, suitable for confidential communication. Great for the bedroom.

Cheerful optimists often choose green colors for ceiling coverings. She is extremely versatile. Marsh and malachite palettes are quite suitable for a living room, library, emerald color for a nursery, light green for a kitchen or dining room.

Soaring stretch ceilings of lilac color will be appreciated by romantic natures. They are preferred by creative, outstanding people. They are good in girls' rooms, havens for young poets. And deeper tones can become the organizing beginning of a stylish interior of an office, a living room. You can read about how to install a frosted ceiling here.

When choosing the color of the stretch ceiling, keep in mind that noble, mood-stabilizing decors include film coatings in brown and chocolate tones. A solid ceiling of this range is rare, but such inserts are very popular. They emphasize the beauty of the curves of plasterboard structures, make niches embossed, and show the advantages of light colors.

The brown-chocolate surface perfectly sets off the elegance of recessed and pendant lamps. The combination of a white ceiling with a chocolate "inset", in the center of which a white lamp is located, creates a feeling of cleanliness, spaciousness and harmonious peace, which we value so much in our homes.

So we looked at the most fashionable colors for a stretch ceiling.

The colors of stretch ceilings must be selected even before the overall design of the interior of the home. Previously, when designing a fashionable interior, it was customary to give preference to white tensile structures, which, in principle, is a universal solution today.

But when an unimaginable assortment of paintings appeared on sale, designers began to create interesting exclusive interiors with film ceilings. With the help of an excellent selection of photos, we offer you to get acquainted with the flight of their creative imagination.

Shades and their characteristics

The emergence of diversity has led to lower prices in the market for tension structures. Today, almost every homeowner can afford to install such a structure in his home. The main thing is to correctly select the color of the stretch ceiling.

  • Initially, it may mistakenly seem that this is a simple task, but it should be remembered that an incorrectly selected range can pretty much spoil the interior.
  • It turns out that not all colors are equally useful, and not everyone knows how strong the effect tone has on mood and well-being.

Advice. It is best to listen to the opinion of experts even before decorating a home. Depending on the purpose of the room, the designer will choose the right color palette that will create a harmonious atmosphere in the room.


You can never say for sure: this shade is good, and this one is bad. Absolutely any tone can be harmonious if it is correctly combined with other shades.

  • White has always been a neutral classic option that soothes and relaxes.

Tip: Having chosen, you should not paint the walls in the same background, but rather add a little bright colors or contrasts - and then the room will flourish significantly. Alternatively, against the background of matte walls, the glossy surface of the ceiling looks good, which we see in the example below.

  • Colored stretch ceilings from red to yellow palette will give the room a charge of energy and optimism. This range is suitable for the office and living room, but should be used with caution in the children's room.

Note. When decorating a room with these colors, it is worth considering that they love free space.

  • Where can I use a soft shade of stretch ceilings? This palette will be a great decor for a bedroom or a place to relax. The highlight of the design will be the interweaving of the colors of the walls and ceiling.
  • Using blue and gray stretch ceilings(cold shades), you can visually "raise" the room.
  • Canvases with shades of soft blue and green shades can be used in the bathroom or.
  • , characterizes confident and courageous owners who are not afraid of experiments. White and black tone is quite versatile, so the combination of shades will perfectly complement the living room and emphasize the aristocracy of the owners.
  • The combination of shades of stretch ceilings will allow you to create a bright interior in a room of any complexity.

Attention: It should be noted that the color of the ceiling plane must necessarily match the interior and vice versa. If everything is done correctly, then the necessary details will be emphasized, and somewhere the shortcomings will be hidden.

Colored ceilings: all about harmony

Please note: It is always necessary to remember that the choice of the optimal color is not something that catches the eye, but something that will be in harmony with the surrounding objects. If there are doubts about which color stretch ceiling to choose, then you can safely give preference to beige. You definitely won’t go wrong with it, and you can always make a bright accent with the help of textiles or lamps.

What you need to consider when applying:

  • When decorating a room, you should not make the interior completely in one color.
  • The contrasting solution of the ceiling and walls is the best option for decorating the room.
  • And repeated use of the same color will lead to the suppression of the room with one tone.

Advice. You should pay attention to the characteristics and area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room before using several shades at once.

  • In a room where mental work is planned, bright colors should be used.
  • The monotonous shade of stretch ceilings can cause a feeling of freshness.
  • Greenish-blue and sea shades perfectly stimulate brain activity.


Stretch ceiling: colors and texture

There is one more feature for ceilings: there are colors that are able to reflect and absorb light. Satin and matte textures tend to reduce the depth of the room and narrow it. Therefore, in the case of a small room, it is better to use a matte ceiling structure, and for large rooms - glossy rich dark colors of stretch ceilings.

  • The glossy surface is a mirror and deep effect. This texture is able to give light and expand the boundaries.
  • If we talk about the bedroom, then the suede ceiling is best suited here. This option cultivates comfort and warmth. Although, as you can see in the picture above, black gloss also fits perfectly into the bedroom.
  • The color palette of stretch ceilings and the texture of the metal of wood and stone are perfect for spaces such as a kitchen, hallway or bathroom. And it will also be the right choice for styles such as hi-tech, fusion or loft.

Canvas with "streaks" - an option for a loft-style design

Advice. When decorating a room, it is especially important not to use more than 50% of a dark background, as the color will press and act depressingly. Also, dark tones should not be used in places of rest and sleeping place - light shades are conducive to rest and relaxation. Although there are exceptions to every rule.

What to look for when choosing a color

Today, there are not only matte and glossy surfaces of stretch ceiling structures, but also art ceilings are very popular, thanks to which you can create real masterpieces in the room. There is such a coloring of stretch ceilings, which, under the influence of natural light, behaves like a chameleon.

How to choose the color of the stretch ceiling?

You just need to use little tricks:

  • Before you decide on a color, you should remember that some colors muffle each other.
  • Other colors make the room brighter and richer, and create a unique play of shadows.
  • To date, picking up multi-colored stretch ceilings is not difficult, thanks to the variety of palettes.
  • Absolutely any room and interior will suit beige stretch ceilings. For lovers of a strict style, monochrome colors can be offered.

Advice. For those who are afraid of gloom, a gray stretch ceiling is quite suitable - especially since in daylight the ceiling will shimmer and gently turn into a blue tint.

Wall color selection

In order for the ceiling not only to improve the visual perception of space, but also to harmonize with the rest of the interior, you need to take into account:

  • Wall decoration color. The color scheme of the room should be harmonious so that it is pleasant to be in it. Correctly combining colors is a whole science, and not everyone manages to master it. That is why those who make repairs without the participation of a designer often fall into two extremes: either they don’t take risks and leave the ceiling white, or they don’t think for a long time how to choose the color of the ceiling and end up with color chaos.

Advice. The so-called color circles and color combination palettes are very helpful in such cases.

Look at the examples:

Conclusion: if you are not sure that you can cope with the right choice of color on your own, and no instruction helped you make a decision, stop at one of the most neutral and calm shades that are already present in the interior.

  • Style unity of the interior(cm. ). If you decide to install stretch ceilings - the choice of color for them should be such that this color is repeated in the decor of other interior details - lamps, furniture upholstery, curtains, paintings, etc. But you should not overdo it, especially with bright shades, so that not get the result like the following picture.

Often after installing the ceiling, the question arises: how to choose the color of the ceiling plinth. As a rule, it is selected either to match the color of the ceiling or the color of the walls.

But if the design of the room is built on contrast, then it will be ideally emphasized by a wide white or dark plinth that delimits the bright surfaces of the walls and ceiling.

Stretch ceilings color selection and design

Ceiling tension structures in themselves make a great contribution to the interior design of the room, especially since the price for them is affordable for each user. They are able to emphasize important interior details or draw attention strictly to themselves, as is done in the interior below.

Polyvinyl chloride tension structure is perfectly combined with drywall. And at the same time, you can use stretch ceilings in two colors and choose different effects with the help of lighting fixtures.

In addition, PVC film has more than 300 RAL colors. Tension structures are also found with photo printing, which allows you to create interesting modern interiors.

What are the structures of PVC ceilings:

  • If you choose a matte option, then there will be no light and color reflections in the room, and the design itself will not be reflected.
  • The matte canvas itself is a classic, since the interior of the room will immediately come to the first step. Also, a matte surface is often used for rest rooms. It does not draw attention to itself and creates a feeling of comfort.
  • Satin tensile structures are also very similar to matte materials, but their surface is smoother, this effect allows you to make the surface more contrasting. And if there is excellent natural lighting, then a pearlescent shade is very well traced.
  • The design of this design provides for many combinations, including two-color stretch ceilings.

To date, the most popular option are glossy tensile structures. The mirror surface contributes to the visual expansion of the room, as the entire interior is reflected.

Gloss looks great in a combination of vinyl film with drywall. Instructions for installing multi-level structures are also on our website.

Design tricks with PVC ceilings

Considering that multi-colored canvases are produced on machines with high-frequency current, it is important during installation that the border zone does not succumb to deformation, especially if the installation is done by hand.

Designer designs:

  • With the help of special photo printing, you can produce various films depicting the sky, animals and birds, portraits will also look great - it all depends on your interior.
  • A great design can be created when designing a multi-level structure with different colors and textures. How to do it yourself, you will be shown a training video.
  • It is best to make a multi-level structure from PVC film and drywall. Due to the rigidity of the GKL, you can create unique patterns, including design with lighting fixtures.

It will very favorably emphasize the interior and the magnificence of the design of lamps that can be installed both under the material and from above, for example, imitating the starry sky or creating another unique visual effect. In the rest room, it is best to use a matte design and a calm tone, when looking at the ceiling, there should be no negative and thrilling sensations.

We think that from what has been said and shown above, it will become clear to each reader that the color palette of stretch ceilings allows you to implement almost any solution.

Traditionally, ceilings in houses were painted white. Today, with the advent of new technologies and modern materials, it has become possible to give these surfaces the most diverse shade, apply drawings and photographs, make them of various shapes and even perforated. Such a variety of decor involuntarily poses a difficult task for the owner of the house, how to choose the color of the stretch ceiling.

What affects the choice of ceiling color

It is recommended to choose the appearance and shade of the ceiling surface at the stage of designing the interior of the room. Naturally, the chosen tone should be in harmony with the decor of the walls and flooring. In addition, the choice is influenced by:

  • geometric dimensions and functionality of the room;
  • the presence and area of ​​​​windows;
  • type of planned artificial lighting;
  • interior style;
  • ceiling material.

The color of the future stretch ceiling will delight for a long time if all the components are taken into account.

The room where it is supposed to build a suspended structure can visually increase or decrease if you choose the right color for the coating material. Cold colors, for example, blue, blue, greenish, white, will visually make the room more spacious.

Warm tones, on the contrary, can visually reduce the space.

In the same way, different coatings have an impact on the perception of the size of the room. Large drawings, ornaments or photographic images in excess visually reduce the ceiling surface and create the feeling that the upper part of the room is pressing on the people in the room. In small buildings with a standard height of two and a half meters, it is better to abandon coatings with a large and bright color pattern. The most optimal option for the color of the ceiling is traditional white or a coating in pastel colors.

In a room of a large area and height, you can make multi-level ceilings in various colors. But the pure white surface of the coating in large rooms will look bad. The surface, made in cool colors, emphasizes the solemnity and pomposity of the room, which is suitable for large living rooms in a country house. Warm shades, on the contrary, will create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere even in a large room.

The saturation of the color of the ceiling also affects the visual perception of space. Saturated shades reduce it, a lower color intensity helps to create a feeling of more space.

The dependence of the color of the ceiling surface on the purpose of the room

It has long been known that the color of surrounding objects, the decor of enclosing structures has a different effect on the emotional state of a person. One color has a stimulating effect, another has a calming effect, a third helps with better concentration, and so on.

Therefore, the colors of stretch ceilings for each room are selected based on its functionality.

Choose a shade for the nursery

The room where small children live is simply obliged to be bright, interesting and attractive for its small inhabitant. If a child is involved in choosing furniture for his room, textiles or some other accessories, he invariably focuses on bright colors. But with regard to the ceiling surface, you need to be more careful. You should not make it too bright in the nursery so as not to overload the interior with an abundance of colors.

For the nursery in which the girl will live, a ceiling covering in shades of pink or blue, with images of clouds, flowers, fairies, is preferable. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the room so that the images do not visually reduce its space.

For a room intended for a young knight, you can use a cloth with a marine theme, images of a geographical map of the world, aircraft or sailboats.

The general tone of the ceiling surface for the child's room is recommended to be chosen in various green, pink, blue or yellow colors.

What color is the ceiling in the living room?

The living room is usually the largest room in an apartment or house. And if the height allows, then multi-level colored stretch ceilings are often arranged. The shape of the ceiling surface in this case can be very different - from a flat surface to sea waves and domes. For example, the central part can be colored, while a white plasterboard box will run along the perimeter, in which communications are hidden or LED lighting is arranged.

When using a translucent canvas in a suspended structure, the LED strip can be placed in the inter-ceiling space in various ways, while creating luminous figures, patterns or abstract patterns. In the living room, colored stretch ceilings look best, which can be made up of several canvases of different shades.

For the bedroom

This room is designed for a calm rest of a person and sound sleep. Therefore, the color of the suspended structure should not excite the nervous system of the vacationer, but, on the contrary, soothe. The recommended shade in such a room is pastel warm shades. Here you can also choose a colored canvas, combining, for example, a blue tint with pale green, or a peach-colored canvas with a white pattern.

Colored ceiling in the kitchen?

According to experts in the field of design, the kitchen is just the place where bright saturated colors are used more often in the decor of the ceiling surface and walls, causing appetite and cheerful mood. And in this case, the best option is to use a coating made of PVC film, since only film material can convey the saturation of any shade.

If the hostess chooses a suspended structure in a certain design, then such a coating should be in harmony with the colors of the facades of kitchen furniture, textiles, and other interior attributes.

for bathroom

Considering the high cost of suspended structures using textile or film material, as well as high air humidity, such structures in rooms such as a bathroom or a bathroom are extremely rare. However, if it is possible to make high-quality, highly efficient bathroom ventilation, stretch ceilings as an additional decorative finish will give the interior more color and attractiveness.

The selection of color for the ceiling surface in the bathroom is not a problem. As a rule, it is tied to the existing wall decor, to the tone and design of the tiles. Most often, a glossy canvas in shades of blue, light blue, greenish, reminiscent of sea or river water, is used for the device of a tension structure. On the surface of the material there may be images of a marine theme, floral ornaments, clouds, and so on.

Experts advise using canvases in blue-green tones for a suspended structure in an office, motivating that such shades contribute to better brain activity, while a rich bright color will distract attention and reduce productivity. But the canvas in this case is selected without a reflective effect. The best option would be to use fabric panels, if the choice is on a PVC film, then a satin or matte material should be used.

For the hallway

Hallways in standard high-rise buildings, as a rule, do not differ in large dimensions. It is rare when these rooms have windows, with the exception of country cottages. And even artificial lighting does not always help to illuminate all corners of this room. Therefore, when arranging a tension structure in a corridor or hallway, a glossy PVC film is most often used, which is able to reflect light fluxes, visually increasing the space of the room.

If the hallway area is small, then it is better to use a film of light shades. More saturated, bright colors will visually reduce the height of the room and reduce its space.

Whatever shade of the material of the tension structure is chosen for a particular room, it should always match the color of furniture, textiles and be in harmony with the overall interior design.

Influence of light

The color of the film material or fabric panel can be perceived differently under the influence of daylight, the sun and room lighting fixtures. Therefore, when choosing the color of the panel for a suspended structure, it is necessary to take into account the duration of insolation, the power and type of lighting devices, as well as their location on the ceiling surface.

In those rooms where there is little or no sunlight at all, it is better to use the material of the ceiling surface in shades of yellow, orange or peach. In rooms where there is a lot of daylight, material of various colors can be used. But the main choice of design and color of the suspended structure depends on other factors.

Influence of texture

The visual perception of the color of the ceiling covering can be visually perceived differently due to the different texture of the material. If glossy panels reflect light, enhancing the saturation, brightness of the color scheme and visually expanding the space of the room, then matte materials act the other way around. The matte ceiling surface of light shades does not cause irritation, like glossy, and is ideal for a classic interior style.

If a satin material is used, it is better to choose its color in light pastel shades.

A surface with a suede texture in light shades is best used in large rooms and with a sufficient amount of insolation.

The effect of color on the psyche and emotionality

Red causes activity, excitement, a surge of energy. This color scheme can be used to decorate the surface of the ceiling surface of the living room, kitchen room.

All shades of yellow can be used when decorating the ceiling in a children's room, bedroom, study, as they reduce fatigue and stimulate nervous activity. Yellow color as an analogue of the sun contributes to the joyful mood of a person, activates muscle activity.

Blue color has a calming and relaxing effect on the body of the inhabitants of the house. Suitable for decorating the ceiling covering in the bedroom, nursery and bathroom.

A blue saturated hue, despite its proximity to a blue tint in the spectral table, has a depressing effect on a person. This color scheme can be used when decorating the ceiling surface in the bathroom and bathroom. If a person stays in a room with an interior designed in blue tones for a long time, the latter may develop depression.

Violet color is formed from mixing blue and red colors. In terms of its effect on the psyche, it is close to the characteristics of the above shades, depressingly affecting the emotional and mental state of a person.

The main essence of the article

When choosing the color of the material for the suspended structure, it is necessary to take into account many factors, ranging from harmonious entry into the interior design of the entire room and ending with the effect of color on the psycho-emotional state of people living in the house.

One of the main stages in interior design is the selection of the color and texture of the stretch ceiling fabric. The coating should become the background for the rest of the decor elements and emphasize the uniqueness of the design. And well-chosen shades will visually transform the room.

Criteria for choosing the color of stretch ceilings

To choose the color of the stretch ceiling, you need not only to take into account personal design preferences, but also the characteristics of the room where the canvas will be installed:
  • Room height. Cold tones visually increase the height of the ceiling, while warm ones, on the contrary, make it visually lower. Color saturation is affected in the same way. The lower its intensity, the higher the ceiling will appear.
  • Lighting. For dark rooms, into which little light penetrates, the best option is the warm colors of stretch ceilings. With their help, the room will become brighter and sunny. If the room is bright, then when choosing, be guided by its other characteristics.
  • Purpose of the premises. Some colors are able to invigorate, others to relax, and still others to induce appetite. Therefore, considering the color palette of stretch ceilings, you need to choose the appropriate shade for each room. In the bathroom, for example, invigorating cold shades - blue and gray will look harmonious. But for the bedroom, calm, soft and warm pastel colors are more suitable.
  • Room size. Stretch ceilings are able to expand and reduce space. In small rooms, it is better to give preference to a traditional white canvas. If it seems very boring to you, then choose pastel colors. In large rooms, you can use almost the entire range of colors, but it is not recommended to make the ceiling completely white.

Please note: if the color of the ceiling matches the color of the walls, then the room seems visually lower. It is important that the stretch fabric "resonates" in color with curtains, furniture or other decorative elements in the room.

The purpose of the room when choosing the color of the stretch ceiling

The purpose of the room must first be taken into account when choosing the color of the stretch fabric, let's take a closer look:
  1. Bedroom. Pastel warm colors (yellow, coffee, peach, cream) will create a relaxing atmosphere. They can also be combined with calm blue or light green.
  2. Children's. Contrary to popular belief that bright colors should be used in the nursery, we still recommend choosing neutral green, white, blue, yellow or pink. These shades will not distract the attention of the child. The ideal solution is the image of sea waves or the sky.
  3. Kitchen. Bright red, orange, rich green - these colors excite the appetite, and therefore harmoniously fit into the interior of the kitchen. Do not forget about the need to combine the color of the ceiling with the rest of the interior details (kitchen cabinets, chairs).
  4. Bathroom. Invigorating cold shades (blue, gray, green, indigo) are best suited for these rooms.
  5. Living room. Here the possibilities are greatly expanded. You can install a translucent plain canvas with hidden lighting or a multi-level two-color ceiling. In this room, you can make any stylistic idea come true.
  6. Hallway and corridor. These rooms are usually without windows, so it is better to give preference to light colors. Ideal - cream and chocolate glossy surfaces. It is worth remembering the rule that the dark color should be less than half the area. Furniture for the hallway should be chosen a few tones darker than the ceiling.
  7. Cabinet. Intellectual activity can be stimulated by solid green and blue hues. In this case, it is better to choose a texture that is matte, satin or imitating metal. But it is not recommended to use bright colors on glossy canvases to organize the working area. Such a coating will constantly distract and scatter attention.

With a skillful combination, art ceilings, canvases with interesting patterns, multi-level structures will harmoniously fit into the design.

The main characteristics of the colors of stretch ceilings

Each color has a kind of psychedelic effect on a person, and this factor should not be overlooked when creating a design:
  • White. Classic, neutral, calm & relaxing. If you settled on this option, then be sure to make a bright accent on the walls. Originally combined with black. Oversaturation with white causes apathy and boredom.
  • Black. Stylish, versatile, aristocratic, suitable for combination with different shades. Ideal for use in the living room. It is not recommended to use black in large quantities, unless you are trying to create an exclusive themed design.
  • Chocolate. Noble color. Has the same properties as black. Pairs well with warm tones. Suitable for cabinets, as it is associated with reliability.
  • Cyan and blue. Does not irritate the eyes, pacifies, promotes reflection. A good option for sunny areas.
  • Lilac. Soothing, but difficult to perceive and heavy. Suitable for living rooms and hallways. It is not advisable to use in rest rooms, as it can cause bouts of depression.
  • Grey. Associated with stability and harmony. Emphasizes a strict environment.
  • Pink. Fresh, original, romantic & feminine. Excites sensitivity. In different degrees of saturation, it is used in the design of children's rooms, kitchens, bedrooms.
  • Green. A calming, cheerful color associated with harmony. Optimal for ceilings of large rooms, suitable for bedrooms, as it improves sleep.
  • Red. Passionate, fiery, dynamic, exciting sexual activity and appetite. Suitable for hallways and kitchens. It is highly undesirable to use in rest rooms, as the color is very annoying.
  • Yellow. Positive, sunny and mentally neutral color. It is recommended to use for organizing the work environment, as it helps to improve concentration. Also good for decorating children's rooms.
  • Orange. Cheerful, invigorating, warm, cheerful, appetizing. It will harmoniously fit into a room with insufficient lighting. The place for its application is the kitchen, dining room, children's room.

Please note that when installing dark and bright stretch ceilings, it is important to organize good lighting.

Features of the combination of texture and color of the stretch ceiling

The wrong combination of color and texture can ruin the overall design idea. Depending on the texture, the canvas will absorb or reflect light, because this aspect also affects the choice of color for the stretch ceiling:
  1. Matte finish. Makes the room narrower and reduces its depth. Matte stretch ceilings painted in light colors do not irritate the eyes. It is often used for photo printing, because the image in this case is not distorted by glare.
  2. satin material. Such a texture is able to gently scatter light, shimmering in an interesting way. Mother-of-pearl shine of cold tones harmoniously looks in a large room.
  3. Glossy ceiling. Due to its mirror properties, it is able to significantly increase the height of the room, expand the space and give off a lot of light. The warm colors of the glossy stretch ceiling are the best option for small and dark rooms.
  4. Suede fabric. Suitable for installation in a bright bedroom. It completely absorbs light and creates a cozy atmosphere. It is not recommended to choose too dark colors. Otherwise, the ceiling will look heavy.
  5. texture surface. Imitation of wood, leather, stone and metal is an excellent solution for compact spaces such as a corridor, bathroom, kitchen. In combination with plain canvases, ceilings with imitation of textures will make the space wider and the room more comfortable.
  6. Translucent coating. Traditionally applicable in rooms with organized hidden lighting. In this case, a monophonic canvas will look advantageous.

When choosing stretch ceilings in two colors, keep in mind that dark shades should occupy less than half the area of ​​​​the room, as they exert oppressive pressure on a person.

How to combine colors when installing a two-level stretch ceiling

With the use of a monophonic stretch fabric, it is easier to figure it out. It should be combined with interior details - furniture, decor elements. Another thing is the combination of colors in tension two-level structures. They need not only to be correctly combined with the rest of the decor, but also among themselves.

Therefore, it is important to know which shades are in harmony with each other, and which ones are obviously losing:

  • Different tones of the same color are well combined with each other. For example, light green and bright green, blue and dark blue.
  • Red and orange colors will harmonize well with white, gray, black and yellow tones.
  • Light brown, yellow, orange and white patterns look great on green ceilings.
  • The yellow ceiling can be diluted with black, light green, blue, brown and green patterns.
  • The combination of pink with purple, gray and chocolate looks advantageous.
  • Beige canvas is in harmony with yellow and white.
  • Blue can be complemented with turquoise, pink, burgundy, gray and purple hues.
  • On a gray background, black, light green, white and pink look spectacular.
  • A black and white combination is considered successful, especially when there are red details in the interior.
The following combinations are not recommended to be combined with each other: blue and red, pink and yellow, brown and purple, dark green and burgundy.

By following the rules of color, you can choose the most harmonious combination of colors for the stretch ceiling yourself, and you do not need to resort to the services of a designer.

You can create an original interior design and transform the room beyond recognition, taking into account simple tips:
  1. It is not recommended to decorate the walls and ceiling in the same color.
  2. It is necessary to correctly combine not only colors, but also tones. Canvases of different colors and the same tones can muffle each other.
  3. Monochrome design is considered one of the most successful design options. Well-chosen beige and gray shades will look spectacular with properly organized lighting.
  4. Ideally, the stretch ceiling should become a kind of backdrop for the rest of the interior.
  5. It is desirable that there is a contrast between the ceiling and walls. If the stretch ceiling is light, then the walls should be darker and vice versa.
  6. It is not recommended to use more than two bright colors in the decoration so as not to overload the interior.
  7. Longitudinal contrasting stripes visually lengthen the room.
  8. You can visually expand the room with transverse color drawings on the stretch fabric.
  9. The diagonal pattern figuratively enlarges the space.
How to choose the color of the stretch ceiling - look at the video:

Such a simple at first glance question of what colors of stretch ceilings to use in interior design, in fact, requires taking into account many nuances. Harmoniously selected shades will not only emphasize the originality of the design, but also help create a unique atmosphere.

The advantage of a stretch fabric over the usual ceiling design is that it can not only hide flaws and emphasize interior design, but also create various visual effects. They can "expand" the space of a narrow room, "raise" a low ceiling. But all this is possible only when choosing the right color. As a rule, it depends on the texture of the canvas, the “temperature” of its tone, the presence of an ornament, and such features of the room as illumination and size.

Features of the shade of the canvas

Cold shades (a mixture of blue and red) are suitable for rooms located on the south or east side. They significantly refresh the room, bringing the necessary coolness.
Warm (from sunny yellow to bright red) are necessary to create coziness in rooms whose windows are located on the west or north side.

Neutral colors (mainly green) create a feeling of comfort.

Light and cold tones can visually expand the space, while dark and warm tones can narrow it.

Any of the selected shades should be supported by accessories or interior items. This will give the design a unity of style.

The nature of the texture of the canvas

The texture of the canvas is able to change the geometry of space. Glossy surfaces reflect light well, which creates the illusion of a high ceiling. Even made in dark colors, they help visually add up to twenty centimeters in height. Textures stylized as suede, marble, wood, leather "weight" the ceiling. With their help, you can visually make high walls lower.

The presence of an ornament

The drawing of the canvas and its character can significantly "change" the size of the room. A small ornament increases the space, and a large ornament reduces it. A vague pattern adds volume, while a clear pattern tightens it.

Room lighting

The degree of illumination of the room can change any shade, giving the interior an undesirable look. A dark space can make even bright colors muted, and pastels can turn boring and featureless. The situation can be corrected with artificial lighting. For example, an intense overhead light can add warm tones to a room.

Some types of lighting can create an additional shade. Halogen lamps or incandescent lamps give the canvas a yellow-orange color. If the canvas is blue, then a green tone will form at the junction with the lamps. Ordinary energy-saving lamps have several types of glow, each of which gives its own shade to the stretch fabric. The natural glow of the lamps does not distort the color of the ceiling.
