Metal structures. Plastic and metal-plastic windows: which ones to choose? How and how to paint a metal-plastic door

PVC windows are installed in almost every house and apartment today, and this is not surprising, because with the advent of plastic windows on the construction market, consumers have the opportunity to make their home cozy, warm, energy efficient, protected from all kinds of external factors. As soon as they do not name windows, the design of which includes a system of PVC profiles and a double-glazed window. And PVC windows, and plastic / metal-plastic systems, and just "double-glazed windows". And now, when the time comes to replace old windows with new ones, we begin to think about what, in fact, besides the name, plastic and metal-plastic window structures differ from each other. The most interesting thing is that even Internet resources (the source of all knowledge) often give incorrect information that there is only one type of PVC windows - PVC profiles reinforced with galvanized steel, so there is no difference between plastic and metal-plastic systems. This opinion is fundamentally erroneous, and ignorance of the difference between the two main types of "new generation" windows can be used by unscrupulous distributors of these products, selling lower quality window units at an inflated price to the buyer. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary, first, to clearly know about the properties of each type of window; secondly, contact a reliable company, whose employees will spare no time and advise you in detail about a particular window. So, let's find out what is the difference between plastic and metal-plastic windows?

Windows with plastic frame

We want to say right away that ordinary purely plastic windows in our time can be called an anachronism: despite their relatively low cost, they are not popular and are practically not used anywhere today. The design of plastic window blocks is quite simple: PVC profiles hold a double-glazed window (single or multi-chamber). Polyvinyl chloride itself is a fairly strong material, but this does not mean that it does not need additional reinforcement, which is why, over time, simple plastic profiles began to be strengthened with strips of steel. Windows with plastic elements are not without drawbacks, the main negative aspects of such double-glazed windows are as follows:

  • Less strength compared to metal-plastic structures.
  • Shorter service life (plastic windows will last you 10-20 years).
  • Low ability to withstand external factors: gusts of wind, shock, hacking attempts.
  • Restrictions in terms of the shape of the future window. Using profiles without a steel frame, only standard rectangular windows of a standard size can be made.

As you can see, PVC windows have a rather limited functionality, however, they are still installed. This is done mainly by developers with large-scale glazing of new buildings. Therefore, if you have purchased an apartment in a new house, and the windows have already been installed in it, most likely they are an inexpensive plastic economy option. How to deal with such translucent structures is up to you. You can leave these windows, provided that your apartment is not located on the first or upper floors, where double-glazed windows can be subjected to very significant impacts (ball or stone hit, burglary attempt, gusts of wind and blows from tree branches).

Metal-plastic windows - the highest quality and versatility

Metal-plastic window structures have
increased strength and resistance
to mechanical stress due to
reinforcing steel layer

As the name implies, metal-plastic windows have the same plastic base - a profile, but reinforced in a certain way with a steel strip. Reinforcement of PVC profiles is one of the important stages in the manufacture of a window, and the quality of future products depends on its conscientious execution. That is why, when choosing windows, it is better to give preference to a reliable company that has its own production and controls the quality of each manufactured window block. Strengthening of the PVC profile cut according to preliminary measurements is carried out using galvanized steel and is carried out taking into account the following requirements:

  • The steel strip must be continuous, that is, not interrupted or perforated.
  • Reinforcement of the PVC profile is carried out along the entire contour (closed steel strip) or on three sides (U-shaped).

The advantages of metal-plastic structures make them an absolutely win-win option in comparison with simple plastic windows. PVC profiles with reinforced elements can be used for the manufacture of windows of any configuration: arched, triangular, round, trapezoidal. Increased impact resistance and wind resistance makes it possible to install metal-plastic windows in high-rise buildings.

Separately, I would like to note the durability of reinforced windows: their service life is at least 40 years. That is, you can spend money on high-quality windows once and “forget about their existence” for the next half century. Agree, the purchase of metal-plastic window blocks is a very profitable investment.

Some experts argue that the soundproofing and heat-saving properties of plastic and metal-plastic windows are the same, since they depend on the double-glazed window, and not on the profile. However, practical studies prove that the energy efficiency and sound insulation of inexpensive plastic structures are still somewhat lower than in windows with reinforced profiles.

New generation plastic windows

Composite metal-free profiles
REHAU GENEO - expensive high-tech
window designs of the new generation

Recently, new plastic window blocks without reinforcing elements, made using new technologies from a high-strength composite based on fiberglass, have appeared on the Russian market. According to their characteristics, these structures are not only not inferior, but also in some ways superior to metal-plastic windows. Here are their main advantages:

  • High strength and load resistance.
  • Ease of construction.
  • The possibility of using composite profiles for the manufacture of windows of various shapes.
  • The highest level of sound insulation and tightness, etc.

However, composite windows, whose profiles are reinforced with fiberglass during the production process, have one drawback - this is their cost. To date, the price of a composite window is much higher than the highest quality metal-plastic windows.

An important condition for creating a comfortable microclimate in a residential area is the installation of metal-plastic windows (MPO). The market is represented by a large selection of materials, different types of double-glazed windows, among which metal-plastic products are popular.

What is a plastic window

Such windows consist of a profile based on polyvinyl chloride, reinforced with a metal frame. Products made of ordinary plastic can change geometry due to heat changes.

From the transition of the cold season to the warm expansion or narrowing of the window profile made of non-reinforced plastic, it reaches 1 cm, depending on the size, which leads to a loose fit of the sash to the frame, as well as to sagging and the appearance of cracks.

The reinforcement of the metal profile gives additional rigidity to the structure. Deformation is prevented, the likelihood of sagging of the sash and the possibility of closing the window profile is reduced.

Varieties of MPO by:

Type of glazing (one, two, three, four chamber).

  • Glass properties (heat-preserving, impact-resistant, tinted, noise-insulating).
  • Sash varieties.

Windows are one, two, three and four chamber. The first option is considered the simplest, consisting of two sheets of glass and a void - a cavity between them 14-32 mm thick. This type is obsolete, so it is rarely used in residential areas.

When a window structure consists of two chambers, this means the presence of three glasses, two air chambers between them. The mounting depth is 30-58 mm, which greatly reduces the level of external noise. Double-glazed windows are sufficient for the local climate with thermal insulation characteristics.

Three-chamber double-glazed windows are less commonly used due to their cost and large mass. This option is suitable for installation in particularly noisy, industrial areas or near railway crossings, stations. Also, this glazing option will better retain heat indoors in cold climates, for example, for residents of the North.

The design of glasses from four chambers and above is not often used, because according to the main criteria for heat and noise absorption, they do not differ from three-chamber counterparts. According to the properties of glass, windows are: heat-retaining, tinted, shock-resistant, noise-insulating.

Heat-saving, keeping heat in the room are based on metallized spraying. It conducts visible rays but blocks infrared radiation. With good transparency through such glazing, heat does not leave the apartment in winter, and also does not come from the street in summer.

Glass tinting is the addition of pigments at the production stage, which makes it possible to obtain different shades of a double-glazed window. Shock-resistant are made of tempered glass (triplex) on the basis of several interconnected sheets. These products are durable and safe. When damaged, the fragments do not crumble, but linger, stick to a special polymer film.

To ensure a high degree of sound insulation, the distance between the chamber glasses is different. This characteristic dampens vibrational waves, and also reduces resonance. Other technological solutions are used - the chambers are filled with inert gases, the glass is covered with a film.

Sashes are deaf, folding, rotary or tilt-and-turn. A blind fixed structure in a living room is mounted along with opening doors. The folding version is used for glazing attic, veranda or for the purpose of safe ventilation with a panoramic version of the balcony. The hinged sash opens more often inward, less often outward, provides a large air flow, and is easy to clean. The tilt-and-turn version combines the advantages of the two types of sashes, therefore it is considered the optimal, more convenient design.

In addition to the basic parameters, metal-plastic windows come in different colors and shapes. In addition to standard rectangular, square, round, trapezoidal, triangular and other shapes are ordered. Different shades are chosen, and it can also be laminated with a durable film, for example, under the texture of wood. Fans of originality and everything unusual can order stained-glass windows, with the help of images of which real works of art arise.

Construction of a metal-plastic window

The design is standard, the sealed element is a double-glazed window consisting of several glasses, the distance between which is filled with air or an inert gas. The fixed part is the frame - this is a frame mounted in the window opening of the room. The sash is the opening part. Windows are glued along the perimeter by the manufacturer with special silicone inserts that perform a noise-absorbing function. Locks, hinges, handles determine the functionality of the window structure and opening system.

Manufacturers of metal-plastic windows

With the increase in demand for residential glazing, the number of manufacturers has increased dramatically. But not all organizations comply with the conditions, so window structures can function differently.

A metal-plastic window frame is a prefabricated structure, determined by the quality of the components from which the window is assembled.

It is better to choose a manufacturer who does not seek to earn money, but works conscientiously, values ​​​​his reputation. Manufacturers known all over the world, as well as functioning for decades, are a guarantee of quality.

Metal-plastic window: checking windows before installation

The client during the delivery of windows to installation work must make a visual inspection of each product. Attention is paid to the appearance - the integrity of the window, as well as the correspondence and uniformity of color. Chips, dents, scratches are unacceptable. The seams must be clean, stripped. It also swings double glazing. There must be no moisture or condensation effect in the middle of the double-glazed window. The presence of screws indicates reinforcement.

Installation quality control

After installation, the client checks the reliability of the frame fasteners. The opening window should not dangle, deviate or vibrate. The sash must fit evenly across the width of the frame, without deviations. Otherwise, drafts cannot be avoided, even if the other test criteria have been met.

It is important to check the operation of the fittings. To do this, open or close the window several times, checking the softness. If you have any comments, you need to ask the master to adjust or repair.

Caring for a metal-plastic window

Like any product, the window needs constant, delicate care. Twice a year, the fittings need to be lubricated; for washing, use soapy solutions or special products. Powdered products violate the structure of the plastic, injure the surface. While washing windows, rubber gaskets - heaters are gently wiped.

What to be guided by when choosing metal-plastic windows?

The market is replete with a large selection of manufacturers, but for the right choice, a number of factors are taken into account. For example, the features of the room, location are taken into account. Single-chamber double-glazed windows are suitable for similar, warehouse or cold balcony glazing. For apartments, houses and other residential premises, two, three-chamber windows are suitable.

For location on the first floors, protection is installed on the fittings, as well as impact-resistant glass. It is possible to install glasses with a special sun protection coating if the room is located on a high floor, not blocked by a neighboring building to block sunlight. When there is high humidity in the building, it is desirable to install built-in ventilation valves in double-glazed windows.

What is the basis for design choice?

The prefabricated structure represents each element separately. For example, ferrous metal is most susceptible to rust, corrosion and is used in cheap versions. A quality product consists of a galvanized frame that is resistant to moisture.

The sash with frame must be reinforced throughout the frame for rigidity, and not in places. The more glass, the better the properties of heat retention in the room and sound insulation. The quality of the fittings (hinges, closing locks or devices affect the properties and duration of use).

What PVC windows are by design?

A metal-plastic profile is reinforced PVC, from which a supporting frame is created - a frame and sashes. The main characteristics of the profile: heat transfer, profile width, number of chambers. The last variety is a partition inside the profile, each chamber has its own purpose.

Types of double-glazed windows:

  • energy saving. The inner glass is coated with silver atoms to reduce heat loss.

  • tinted.

  • impact resistant.

A popular profile is three-section. One part gives rigidity, the other produces an outflow of condensate, and the third is needed to fasten the fittings. There are 4 and 6 chamber sections. Their number affects the thermal conductivity of the frame. A double-glazed window is called several glasses, united among themselves by chambers from the air. Glasses can also have different thicknesses. The thicker the glass, the better the insulation. Firms: Rehau, Veka, KBE, as well as Siegenia-Aubi fittings.

Rehau in Russia has its own production, which allows to reduce the cost of goods. We offer customers a wide range of profiles, double-glazed models. Each option is distinguished by high technical parameters, quality, but prices may be higher than those of competitors.

The next well-known company in the whole world is Veka - Veka. The metal-plastic profile is focused on maintaining a comfortable temperature in the apartment. Products of this manufacturer are distinguished by high strength, reliability, and the high cost justifies the quality.

A responsible, conscientious company must have a certificate that is updated annually. A passport is issued for each window, as well as a warranty card.

The main parameters of popular window profiles

For the correct choice of profile, technical parameters are compared. During the installation of Rehau windows, the profile width is important - 60-150mm. The wider the profile, the warmer it is. The thickness of the double-glazed window, the number of cameras directly affects the main functions. Veka windows offer the consumer profiles with a width of 58-104 mm.

Choice according to the characteristics of the premises

When ordering windows from a specialized company, the client pays attention to the use of high-quality materials, details, to observe the technique of connection, seams, and the level of skill of the installers must be high.

Main selection factors:

  • Decent production capacity of the company.
  • Activity certification.
  • Positive reviews.
  • Long period of warranty service.

When ordering, they are determined with the type, size of sections, depending on the glazing area, purpose. The number and location of the tilt-and-turn sashes should provide access to all external surfaces of adjacent blind sections.

Double-glazed windows must be multi-chamber - at least three chambers for residential premises. The locking protection must work clearly. It is important to choose a conscientious, honest manufacturer. Don't skimp on supplies or parts. The high cost of the purchase will pay off in the future with cost savings.

Modern window manufacturers offer customers a wide range of translucent structures with different characteristics, operating parameters and external design features. Buyers are often lost in a variety of options, not knowing by what criteria to compare models, evaluate their advantages and disadvantages. Windows from are the most popular today, but not all customers know that there are two categories of these structures, each of which has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

What is the difference between plastic and metal-plastic windows

Ordinary plastic windows are structures, the frame and sashes of which are made of PVC profile without the addition of additional reinforcing elements. This type of windows has average strength and durability, but is beneficial for the budget due to the ease of manufacture and the relatively low cost of the finished product.

Metal-plastic windows do not outwardly differ from simple PVC products, however, if you look at such a profile in a section, the presence of an important additional detail will open to your eyes - an internal metal liner -. The internal metal framework increases durability and reliability of a design. It is made of steel with an anti-corrosion coating, placed inside the frame and sash chambers around the entire perimeter. The reinforcing frame can be closed - with a sectional shape in the form of a quadrangle or open - with a section resembling the shape of the letters G or P. The thickness of the steel plate, as a rule, is 1.2 -1.5 mm and depends on what load the structure must withstand . The main requirements for the quality of the material and the method of installing the frame are set out in GOST 30674-99, which is valid throughout the Russian Federation.

Advantages and disadvantages of plastic and metal-plastic windows

plastic windows

The advantages of plastic windows include their low cost (compared to reinforced counterparts) and low weight. These window systems are available to most consumers and perform their functions well for a certain period of time. The light weight of non-reinforced profile windows allows them to be installed on balconies, producing minimal reinforcement of the parapet.

However, as mentioned above, plastic windows without a reinforcing metal frame are less durable. Most manufacturing plants guarantee 20-30 years of serviceability of such structures when used under normal conditions. A heavy load is constantly placed on the profile: in addition to its own weight, it holds a heavy double-glazed window that can weigh up to 80 kg.

It is worth noting that even the highest quality plastic can be deformed by sharp temperature fluctuations and prolonged exposure to sunlight. For this reason, the service life of plastic windows in regions with an unstable or hot climate will be shorter.

Metal-plastic windows

Reinforcement gives PVC windows additional strength, prolonging their life and increasing their ability to withstand diverse loads. Metal-plastic windows are not afraid of strong winds, temperature extremes, their sashes rarely sag under the weight of a double-glazed window and work even in an ultra-intensive mode. The average service life of metal-plastic windows is 40-50 years. The metal reinforcement of the profile allows manufacturers to create structures of various shapes and not worry about their possible deformation.

Metal-plastic windows also have certain disadvantages that should be considered when buying:

  1. The appearance of "cold bridges". Metal elements, compared to plastic, have a higher thermal conductivity and reduce the thermal insulation characteristics of the entire structure. To minimize the influence of this factor, manufacturers have come up with the following: they reduce the contact area of ​​​​the frame with plastic by installing vertical ribs inside that hold the metal in the desired position.

  2. High price. Any windows made of reinforced profile (naturally, we are talking about high-quality products) are more expensive than similar models made of ordinary plastic. Galvanized steel is a rather expensive material, and therefore the price of structures increases in proportion to the amount of metal used.
When choosing windows with reinforcement, it must be taken into account that, along with an increase in the strength of the window system, the internal metal frame significantly increases its mass. Accordingly, metal-plastic windows are noticeably heavier than conventional plastic counterparts. Due to their severity, such windows are unlikely to be suitable for installation in buildings with dilapidated walls, and the front parapet must be reinforced.


Having studied the main characteristics, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of plastic and metal-plastic windows, you can begin to choose the most suitable option for your premises. Each case is individual, but there are a number of general recommendations of experts that you should listen to:
  • For rooms on the upper floors of "skyscrapers", as well as for installation in houses located in open space (with the maximum likelihood of regular exposure to strong winds), it is worth choosing metal-plastic windows.
  • Apartments in standard high-rise buildings in large cities located in central Russia (and other regions with a temperate climate) can be equipped with simple plastic windows.
  • Ordinary plastic windows are a worthy option for buyers with a limited budget.
  • For installation in buildings with large window openings or it is recommended to use only metal-plastic windows.
  • Windows designed according to individual projects, structures of non-standard shape, original models for designer interiors are made mainly of PVC profiles with reinforcement.
  • Glazing of structures that cannot withstand a significant load, for example, balconies with a fragile fence, should be performed with plastic profile products without a steel liner - they have less weight and minimize the likelihood of damage or destruction.

From metal-plastic there are the most bizarre shapes: round and arched certainly will not surprise anyone. Lancet windows are also not a novelty, and design designs are made to order, and embody almost any client's fantasies. But besides this, metal-plastic windows have the most important characteristics, the knowledge of which will help you choose high-quality structures for your balcony.

Window properties

A high-quality, good window must correspond to the declared characteristics.


  • the service life of such a window is at least 20 years;
  • high soundproof properties;
  • positive thermal insulation characteristics;
  • ease of maintenance and operation.

Once again, you can emphasize - absolutely any metal-plastic window should be like this, and its price does not matter.

A standard window block includes two elements - a window frame and sashes, either opening or fixed. Separately, it is customary to single out shtulp windows, they are distinguished by the engagement of the sashes with each other.

Types of sections of metal-plastic windows

After thinking about what kind of window will be convenient for your home, you have to choose and what type of section will be in the window.

Metal-plastic windows can be with the following sections:

  • Folding section. It is possible to activate the "ventilation" or micro-ventilation mode. This type is suitable for viewing windows located at a considerable height, as well as attic areas.
  • Turning section. The sash in it can open inward, which entails a large flow of air. Outward sash opens in rare cases.

  • Tilt and turn section. It combines both functions, which makes this type of section very popular.
  • blind section. The section cannot be opened as it is fully attached to the frame, but can nevertheless be dismantled.

Different rooms and rooms need different windows, so it cannot be said that there is any universal type of section.

How to choose plastic windows (video)

Features of the choice of metal-plastic windows

The most important thing in choosing is to take into account the features of the room where the window will be located.

  • Apartments, houses, offices require windows with two-chamber and three-chamber double-glazed windows - they are warmer, more comfortable, and in general, more perfect. Single-chamber windows are used for storage and various non-residential premises.
  • Reliable thermal insulation is the most important criterion for choosing a metal-plastic window if the building is located on the windy side.
  • Darkened metal-plastic windows are needed if the room is on the sunny side of the building, and other buildings do not block the house. Windows can be with a special film that has a reflective dusting, or with a silver-based coating.
  • If the building is located in the city center, or in an industrial area, they are not protected from dust. Therefore, a window with a mosquito net is a must in this case.

  • In the absence of natural ventilation, you need to choose a special profile. It is constructed in such a way that even with the doors closed, a small air circulation is maintained. Otherwise, you will have to keep the ventilation mode all the time.
  • If the apartment is on the lower floors, the owners are not immune from the attacks of the "windowers". So that they cannot cause harm, you need to arm yourself with additional locking fittings, which are usually installed on handles. A glazing bead is also used to close the gap between the impost and the sash.
  • If the double-glazed window is intended for shops or office buildings, then the windows on the outside can be pasted over with a special impact-resistant film. In some cases, armored glass is ordered.

These are just the main selection criteria, which, in principle, are enough not to miscalculate with the acquisition.

The quality of metal-plastic windows - what to look for

The seller can assure that the window is durable and warm, but you can verify this by looking at the construction yourself. Thermal insulation and strength depend directly on the wall thickness, as well as the width of the cross section of the profile. Usually, as already mentioned above, the average statistical conditions in our country suggest the choice of a three-chamber or two-chamber profile.

Narrow frames are also popular, but they only make sense in houses where there is external insulation. And, for example, in a panel house, this window will not be protection from the cold.

As for the color, the most popular is of course white. But even if the seller cannot offer a profile of your preferred color, today many of the most paste over it with a special film or acrylic varnish. But the window will definitely look better if a coloring pigment was added to the PVC during the manufacturing process of the profile.

How to choose a good seller

There are many companies offering window installation. And the flyers look promising.

In order not to miscalculate, it is advisable to pay attention to the following points:

  • Request certificates for components and finished windows.
  • Check what the seller includes in the total cost of metal-plastic windows, whether there is window dismantling in this list. This is especially important when it comes to installing balcony windows.
  • The warranty period should be long enough.
  • Do not be lazy to look at the showroom of the company that manufactures windows.

Nobody canceled word of mouth, so listening to the reviews is never superfluous.

Today, metal-plastic double-glazed windows open up more and more opportunities - for example, it is thanks to them that a balcony can be turned into a separate room. Whether it's a place with a bed and a lamp, where you can read and just relax. Or a mini-bar with a table for two and a beautiful view of the city. Or maybe the balcony will turn into a workshop of the hostess, where she will store everything that helps to make the house cozy. The main thing is that double-glazed windows make it possible to realize such attractive prospects.

Good choice!

Rules for choosing PVC windows (video)

Attention, only TODAY!

Double-leaf window with a window leaf, a transom or without

The designs and modifications of such profiles are different. Their key feature is the presence of an additional plastic bar. It increases the cost of the window block, when compared with the "deaf" counterpart. To increase the cost of construction lead to:

  • filling the chambers with inert gas for greater thermal insulation,
  • installation of glass of different thicknesses for maximum sound insulation,
  • applying a special coating that reflects ultraviolet light.

Experienced managers of our company will help you to choose an effective and attractive design solution. Call our managers to order professional glazing at affordable prices.

Prices for double sash windows

You can find out exactly how much it costs to insert a double-leaf plastic window only on the basis of measurements of window openings. You can find out approximate prices by contacting the window calculator on the website or by calling a company specialist by phone or e-mail.

  • Rehau Euro
  • Rehau Blitz New
  • Rehau Delight
  • Rehau Grazio
  • Rehau Geneo

Double window 1300×1400

Price from: 9 745 rub.

Double window 1300×1400

Price from: 9 680 rub.

Double window 1300×1400

Price from: 9 690 rub.

Double window 1300×1400

Price from: 9 400 rub.

Double window 1300×1400

Price from: 9 630 rub.

Double window 1300×1400

Price from: 9 800 rub.

Double window 1300×1400

Price from: 9 100 rub.

Double window 1300×1400

Price from: 9 130 rub.

Double window 1300×1400

Price from: 9 920 rub.

Double window 1300×1400

Price from: 9 400 rub.

Double window 1300×1400

Price from: 9 630 rub.

Double window 1300×1400

Price from: 9 800 rub.

Double window 1300×1400

Price from: 10 250 rub.

Double window 1300×1400

Price from: 9 380 rub.

Double window 1300×1400

Price from: 9 400 rub.

Double window 1300×1400

Price from: 9 670 rub.

Double window 1300×1400

Price from: 9 960 rub.

Double window 1300×1400

Price from: 10 570 rub.

Model range VEKA

Model Vhs 60 Vhs 72 Century Euroline Ages of Peace Century Softline Century Softline 82 Century Alphaline
Color White Profile lamination according to the RENOLIT scale and painting according to the RAL color chart.
Number of cameras 4 5 3 6 5 7/6 6
Seal Black Black, light gray
Coef. heat saving

(with reinforcement)

0,56 0,77 0,64 0,71 0,77 1,06 1,04
Coef. soundproofing 35 40 37 38 40 44 43
Winter ventilation + + + + + +
Mosquito net + + + + + + +
Child protection + + + + + +
solar factor + + + + + +
Price from 2 849 per sq.m. from 3 098 per sq.m. from 3 641 per sq.m. from 4,098 per sq.m. from 4 247 per sq.m. from 6 421 per sq.m. from 7 248 per sq.m.
Order Order Order Order Order Order

  • Plastic window profile Novotex
  • Single-chamber double-glazed window
  • Frame color white
  • Blind sash (window does not open)


  • Plastic window profile KBE Engine
  • Single-chamber double-glazed window
  • Frame color white
  • Swivel opening mechanism


  • Plastic window profile REHAU Delight
  • Energy-saving double-glazed window
  • White frame color or color of your choice (profile coloring in one of 300 colors or wood lamination with textured film)
  • Tilt and turn opening mechanism


Important: It is possible to add options to each of the packages or replace them at your discretion. .


  1. Typical window sizes may differ from the standard by several centimeters (up to 10 cm). So standard sizes are a rather conditional concept.

For high-quality installation of windows, it is advisable to first invite a measurer who will make measurements accurately and efficiently.
Plastic windows of non-standard sizes and shapes can only be purchased to order.

Keep in mind: the windows in the kitchen, in the living room (hall) and in the bedroom (children's room) are not the same size. Usually the kitchen window is the smallest.

Window sizes in a panel house are typical, window openings in brick houses may differ (due to shrinkage of a brick house).

Single sash windows can be

Deaf single-leaf plastic windows are designs with non-opening sashes. A blind window does not have a sash; a double-glazed window is installed directly into the window frame and is rigidly fixed with a glazing bead from the inside of the room. If necessary, the glazing bead can be easily removed to replace the double-glazed window.

Such windows are popular when the customer wants to install windows with minimal cash costs or when maximum light transmission of the window structure is required.


Pivoting single-leaf plastic windows are windows that open into the room, this option of opening a plastic window is as similar as possible to a typical, standard window opening.

The main disadvantage of this type of opening is that it is impossible to fully use the useful area of ​​​​the window sill, since when you open the window sash, you have to remove everything from it.


Single-leaf tilt-and-turn plastic windows, the most convenient option for opening a window, in which the sash can be opened inside the room in a classic way, or can be folded down like a transom. At the same time, the folded sash does not touch the curtains, does not open inward with a strong gust of wind, you can fully use the usable area of ​​the window sill, and most importantly, thanks to “child locks” or window handles with a lock, you can leave an open window without fear for children or for the fact that someone will open the window from the street and enter the room.

Fanlight single-leaf windows are windows that lean into the interior of the room, while the hinges are located on the lower part of the window, and the window handle is on top of the sash. If necessary, you can move the transom opening handle to the left or right side of the sash.

To wash a single-leaf fanlight window from the outside, you can remove the tilt limiter and tilt the sash to the end, gently holding it with your hands. It is better to do this operation together, so as not to break the sash when tilting.

Types of designs of double-leaf plastic windows

An important step in the repair of any residential space is glazing, and for this, windows that differ in size, design, thickness of the glass unit, design and other features can be used. A double-leaf window is a type of product that is most often used for glazing houses and apartments and combines optimal size, ease of use and moderate cost.

What is a double sash window?

This design consists of a pair of wings, one of which is deaf, and the second can be opened. This type of windows is the most popular for most buildings: glazing with their help is well suited for residential, technical and office premises equally. According to the type of opening, windows with two sashes are divided into the following types:

  • Swivel type. Double-leaf plastic windows have a sash that opens by swinging inward or outward, they are distinguished by moderate cost, simplicity of design and convenience. The disadvantage of products of this kind is the limitation of space inside: due to the swing mechanism on the windowsill, it becomes difficult to keep things or plant flowers, since the sash is fully opened when airing.
  • Tilt and turn models. These windows can not only swing open: the sash can be folded back to ventilate the premises. This design is more compact and convenient, the windows themselves are safer than the previous type, since the risk of pets or children falling out of the window is reduced. In the opening mode, the double-glazed window can be washed, and in the reclining position, the double-leaf plastic window allows for natural ventilation of the room. Such structures are installed in bedrooms, living rooms, private rooms, kitchens, etc.
  • Sliding windows. The model implies opening the sash by moving it parallel to the fixed part. Such glazing is typical for small rooms, loggias and balconies, where it is important to save personal space as much as possible. Tilt-sliding windows (Patio)

Bifold plastic windows: main advantages

The advantages of double-leaf structures include the following properties:

  • The fittings that allow you to open the sash are located inside, so the window is quite reliable.
  • Washing the opening structure is much easier than a deaf double-glazed window.
  • If the window has a micro-ventilation function, in the summer you can easily ensure the flow of fresh air into the room.

Plastic products are one of the most popular on the market, they are interesting due to the mass of positive qualities:

  • Long service life: bi-leaf windows retain their properties for 15-25 years, which is much longer than that of wooden counterparts.
  • High degree of reliability and resistance to mechanical stress, climatic phenomena (wind, precipitation, temperature changes).
  • Possibility of installation in any room.
  • Good indicators of sound and heat insulation, due to which, after installation in the room, maximum comfort is created.

What size should a double sash window be?

The dimensions of the structure depend on the type of building that requires glazing, the width and height of the opening. So, the size of a window with two sashes in a house of pre-revolutionary construction is 1150x1900 mm, in a Stalinist building - 1150x1950 mm, Khrushchev - 1280x1340 mm or 1490x1530 mm (series of houses 1-528). In new houses, there are more than 40 types of sizes, and when ordering, you should focus on the dimensions of the opening.

Conclusion: a PVC double-leaf window is suitable for glazing any premises, it is distinguished by maximum convenience, a modern look and a reasonable price.

What are the sizes of plastic PVC

The standard dimensions of a plastic window depend on the typical model of the house. There are a lot of standard models.

Let's look at the most common options.

  • The houses of the old fund are buildings of the pre-revolutionary period. These houses are characterized by high ceilings, high windows, strong walls, large rooms.

In the houses of the old fund, there are both very wide and narrow windows.

Single-leaf window - 1150 by 1900 mm; 850 by 1150 mm.

Double window - 1150 by 1900 mm; 1300 by 2200 mm; 1500 by 1900 mm.

Three-leaf window - 2400 by 2100 mm.

  • Stalinki. houses built during the reign of I.V. Stalin. Apartments in such houses are comfortable and beautiful: high ceilings, a large kitchen, spacious rooms, a separate bathroom. Such buildings were most often built of brick and covered with plaster; granite slabs were also used for cladding. The time of their creation is from the 1930s to the 1960s.

Double-leaf window - 1150 by 1950 mm; 1500 by 1900 mm.

Three-leaf - 1700 by 1900 mm.

  • Khrushchev. these buildings were built from the 1950s to 1985. The houses of this type have low ceilings, poor heat and sound insulation, one- and two-room apartments. The buildings of the "Khrushchev period" have flat roofs and a simple facade.

There are several series of houses of this type. I will describe the sizes of windows of 2 series.

Series 1-507: double-leaf window - 1280 by 1340 mm.

Series 1-528: single-leaf window - 690 by 1530 mm; double-leaf - 1490 by 1530 mm; tricuspid - 2080 by 1530 mm.

  • Brezhnevka- they are apartments of improved planning. "Brezhnevka" is more spacious than "Khrushchev" with a separate bathroom, garbage chute and elevator (in tall buildings). Buildings of this type are usually tall and varied (rounded, tall and wide, etc.).

Series 602 - double-leaf window - 1450 by 1210 mm; tricuspid - 2100 by 1450 mm.

Series 606 - double-leaf window - 1450 by 1410 mm; tricuspid - 1700 by 1410 mm.

A very common subtype is the "brezhnevka" series 600 - the so-called "home-ships". Tall and very long buildings look like liners. Large plastic windows are relevant here.

Three-leaf - 2380 by 1130 mm; 2380 by 1420 mm; 2690 by 1420 mm.

  • Typical new buildings very varied. There are about 40 episodes here.

Standard dimensions of a plastic window in a brick house:

Double-leaf - 1490 by 1530 mm; tricuspid - 2060 by 1520 mm.

Windows in the house of the 504 series (block nine-story building with 4 apartments on the site):

Double-leaf window - 1450 by 1410 mm;

Three-leaf - 1700 by 1410 mm.

Windows in the house of series 137 (block 16-storey building with 9 apartments on the site and 2 elevators):

Double-leaf window - 1150 by 1420 mm.

Three-leaf - 1700 by 1420 mm.

Choose windows? So many offers and prices are different everywhere? Find out what should be the cost per square meter of a plastic window. My personal review of prices on the Moscow market of PVC structures.

It is not always worth choosing windows with a folding sash, sometimes it is better to look at plastic windows with a window.

Types of double-leaf windows

The window system with 2 sashes allows you to open half of the window opening, leaving the second one closed if the latter is deaf or there is a vertical impost - a plastic profile in the center of the opening. In the absence of an impost, both doors open simultaneously. Double-leaf turn-tilt window is available in different modifications. Design options:

  • with one hinged, tilt-and-turn sash,
  • with a pair of tilt-and-turn doors that can be unlocked.

The type of construction is chosen based on the purpose and dimensions of the room. In offices on the upper floors, it is optimal to install systems with at least one swing-out sash - it is convenient to ventilate them. Windows on the outside are usually cleaned by washers, so it is not necessary that each sash be unlocked.

In the kitchen, living room, bedroom, it is preferable to mount 1-2 unlockable doors. They can be washed outside while indoors. With them, more fresh air enters the room.

Window sizes.

The design of buildings for any purpose is carried out taking into account certain window sizes depending on the requirements of the necessary lighting of the rooms. The data of the indicator of illumination depend on the dimensions of the building, its purpose, the level of natural light and other factors. Also of great importance is the ability of the window block to transmit light into the room.

The ratio of room size and window size is determined by a generally accepted formula based on established building codes and regulations. These standards define the permissible value of the lighting coefficient in public and residential areas located north of 45 degrees and south of 60 degrees latitude. For example, if the building is located north of 60 degrees, then a factor of 1.2 must be applied. If the building is located south of 45 degrees north latitude, then the illumination should be determined using a coefficient equal to 0.75. The indicators are calculated with the condition of mandatory window washing, depending on the location of the building. So, it is necessary to clean windows in buildings located not in polluted areas of the city at least 2 times a year, and in buildings located in industrial areas, windows should be cleaned at least 4 times a year. In addition, the ability of a window opening to transmit light is affected by the number of glasses and the distance between them. Since the light rays are refracted and absorbed (if there are more than 2 glasses in the frame), the illumination in the room is significantly reduced.

During the construction of certain buildings, standard GOST for window sizes. However, in some non-standard cases, indicators may be adjusted. Depending on the type of window frame, standard window sizes are distinguished for:

  • double glazing window unit;
  • triple glazing window unit;

In accordance with GOST 11214-86, 23166-99, standard sizes of window openings with a height of 60 are established; 90; 120; 135; 150 and 180 cm and 60 wide; 90; 100; 120; 135; 150 and 180 cm and provided for humidity of 8-12%.

Standard window sizes consist of a set of section elements and glasses directly. For example, if a standard window unit with a width of 1320 mm, a side section of 85 mm and an average section of 130 mm, then the width of the glass in each casement must be at least 525 mm. At the same time, approximately 7.5 mm of glass should be included in the window trim on all sides. After carrying out simple calculations, it turns out that the apparent width of the glass is 510 mm. The standard size of the window opening also depends on the construction of the walls and the dimensions of the quarter. Below are tables of typical window sizes with approximate prices.

Table 1. Standard sizes of single-leaf windows.

Schematic representation of one-, two-, and three-leaf windows.

Dimensions of plastic windows

Touching upon the dimensions of pvc windows, we note that they can be very different and depend solely on the size of the opening. Moreover, taking into account modern technologies, plastic windows can be made with any size and absolutely any complexity.

To date, there is a fashionable trend to make the size of plastic windows very large, based on aesthetic considerations, such a trend looks impressive and colorful, but do not forget about practicality. The opening sash should not exceed 900 sq. mm. Nobody forbids doing it more, but such manipulations will guarantee that the structure will simply fail soon. In the case of blind sashes, we note that it is better not to neglect the advice and not to make them more than 1000 square meters. mm. this is fraught with a significant load on the double-glazed window, which contributes to its deformation.

In conclusion, we note that nothing is impossible for specialists and non-standard sizes of plastic windows have become the rule rather than the exception. Concerning questions of economy, it is expedient to underline that the standard window costs less, than its analog made under the order. But whether such savings are justified depends entirely on the size of the window opening.

Standardization of window blocks and openings

As a rule, the process of designing buildings of any type involves determining the size of window openings, taking into account the requirements for the intensity of lighting in rooms. This indicator depends on the purpose of the building, its dimensions, and the level of natural sunlight in a particular geographical point.

Equally important is the light transmission of the window unit.

Based on building codes and regulations, the percentage ratio of the window opening area and the size of the room is calculated according to the generally accepted formula. The same standards give a normalized value for the illumination coefficient of public and residential premises, which are located south of 60 degrees and north of 45 degrees of latitude. All indicators should take into account mandatory glass cleaning at least twice a year for buildings that are not in polluted areas of the city, and 4 times a year for buildings with serious emissions of combustion products and similar elements. For example, if the building is located south of the generally accepted 45 degrees north latitude, then the illumination must be multiplied by a factor equal to 0.75, if the building is located north of 60 degrees, then the coefficient increases by 1.2 times. Among other things, the light transmission of the opening is affected by such indicators as the number of glasses and the distance between them. Due to the refraction of light rays and the absorption of light by more than two glasses, the illumination of the room can deteriorate significantly.

However, there are standard GOSTs for window sizes. Note that the dimensions indicated in GOST to the greatest extent correspond to the parameters of certain buildings and, if necessary, can be adjusted. Based on the types of window frames, typical window sizes are distinguished, which apply to:

  • double glazed windows;
  • triple glazing;
  • single glazing, terrace frames.

GOST 11214-86, 23166-99 provides for a humidity of 8-12% and standard dimensions for window openings with a height of 60; 90; 120; 135; 150 and 180 cm and 60 wide; 90; 100; 120; 135; 150 and 180 cm.

The generally accepted standard sizes of windows consist of a combination of sectional elements and glass directly. For example, let's take a standard window block, the width of which is 1320 mm, the side sections are 85 mm. the average section is 130 mm, while the width of the glass in each leaf must be at least 525 mm. Moreover, 7.5 mm of glass should be included in the window trim on each side. Based on simple calculations, we conclude that the apparent width of the glass is 510 mm. Also, the standard dimensions of window openings depend on the construction of the walls and the dimensions of the quarter.

Bifold window features, benefits

A bi-fold window or door has a series of about 2-7 windows that are hinged to allow them to fold. We use double glazing technology to create more efficient window and door systems. Double-glazed windows can completely change the lighting of a room. This is due to the fact that the window is a series of glasses. Thus, by opening the window, you can effectively illuminate the room. When these windows are opened, ventilation is improved, which ensures sufficient air circulation in the building. These windows and doors create space in the room. They allow more light to enter the room, making it feel more spacious. Double glazing for windows and doors have more versatility than conventional ones. They are waterproof, so they ensure that no water enters the building when it rains.

Some may think that having hinges can provide space for water to enter the house. However, windows and doors are designed in such a way that when they are closed, there are no gaps between them to allow water to pass through. Energy efficiency is guaranteed

The double glazing technology ensures that very little heat escapes from the building, which is important in the Moscow winter. Air spaces between panes act as insulators preventing heat loss through conduction and convection

A more efficient design has a coating that provides low emissivity. The coating reflects back long-wave radiation from the surface of the building and at the same time transmits short-wave radiation from the sun.
