Compositions for concrete waterproofing. Waterproofing materials for concrete. Types of coating waterproofing

According to building codes, concrete waterproofing is performed to protect against the damaging effects of moisture.

Concrete structures are widely used in civil and industrial construction.

Many of them, such as a foundation or a well, are hidden by the ground, the other part is located in open space.

In both cases, concrete is exposed to external influences from which protection is required.

What is waterproofing for?

Concrete is an artificially created material that is not inferior to natural materials in terms of basic parameters.

These properties formed the basis for wide application concrete in the construction industry. Concrete has the necessary strength and durability.

Concrete consists of two main components - a binder and a filler. In the construction of residential buildings and factory buildings, cement is most often used as a binder.

The filler can be crushed stone, gravel and sand. In addition to traditional components, special additives are used in concrete for waterproofing.

New technologies for waterproofing concrete increase its resistance to the damaging effects of moisture.

Sometimes it is enough to add certain remedy into the concrete mix to provide the required characteristics.

Today, the following methods are used in construction for applying waterproofing:

  • application of coating materials;
  • painting with liquid insulating mixtures;
  • impregnation with penetrating substances.

There are other ways to protect concrete from moisture damage. This must be done with knowledge of the essence of the processes that occur at the molecular level.

To understand why concrete waterproofing mixtures are needed, you need to know the chemical formula of cement.

Without going into detailed description process, it is enough to bring the main ingredients of this substance - calcium oxide, silicon dioxide and aluminum oxide. In its original form, cement is a fine powder.

It is important to emphasize that the powder is very hygroscopic, in other words, it actively absorbs moisture from the atmosphere. Instructions for the storage of cement prescribes to protect it from moisture.

When cement is combined with water, a chemical reaction occurs, as a result of which the powder becomes a hard stone that serves as the basis for concrete.

Foundations and structures made of concrete gain design strength gradually.

It is important to emphasize that concrete does not "freeze" and does not "seize". These terms have the right to be used, but do not reflect the essence of the ongoing chemical reactions.

Concrete reaches its maximum density after all the cement has reacted with water. With further moisture fake diamond will gradually break down.

To prevent the degradation of structures, mastic is used for waterproofing concrete and other materials. Reliable protection can be achieved when coating concrete surfaces liquid glass.

If the waterproofing of concrete is carried out in violation of the technological regime, then moisture will constantly fall on its surface and gradually penetrate inside.

In this case, the penetration of moisture entails very serious consequences.

First, the binder is washed out of the concrete monolith, in other words, petrified cement.

Secondly, as a result of contacts between moisture and reinforcement, the process of metal corrosion begins. After some time, the reinforcing frame loses its strength.

So that concrete buildings and structures do not collapse before the standard period, moisture should not penetrate into the body of concrete blocks. To do this, a waterproofing layer should be applied to the concrete.

Concrete waterproofing materials

Today, in the construction of facilities, various technologies and materials are used for waterproofing concrete.

Among the most effective are the following substances:

  • viscous and liquid formulations;
  • roll and tile coatings;
  • penetrating mixtures.

The application of any waterproofing to concrete is carried out according to certain rules. Coating a concrete surface with liquid glass is carried out in the same way as painting.

Viscous materials are preheated and applied with a spatula. For more reliable waterproofing of concrete surfaces, combined methods are used.

Liquid and viscous waterproofing

In order for liquid waterproofing for concrete to perform its functions, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules for handling this material.

When processing concrete with liquid glass, the insulating composition penetrates into the smallest cracks and creates a water-repellent surface layer.

The protective film is firmly connected to the concrete base. It is important to note that liquid glass, as a rule, covers surfaces to which there is easy access.

In some situations, in order to prevent the destruction of the protective layer, it is reinforced with a coating of another material. Most often, a polymer membrane is used for this purpose.

It is possible to apply a waterproofing layer on concrete only after careful preparation of the surface.

This requirement must be met not only when working with liquid glass, but also when using viscous mastics. Coating waterproofing for concrete is most often prepared on the basis of bitumen.

The mastic layer is applied to the previously primed surface. As a primer, an emulsion based on a solarium or kerosene is used.

The mastic is applied with a brush or sprayer. To improve the reliability of waterproofing protective compound applied in two layers and reinforced with a polymer mesh.

Roll materials

When pouring floors in a garage or industrial premises, waterproofing must be laid under concrete. At such facilities, material is used in rolls or slabs.

For these purposes, roofing material is still most often used. Liquid glass for waterproofing in such situations is not suitable.

When waterproofing deep foundations, the roofing material is glued in several layers. Experts note that this is a laborious procedure.

In recent years, roofing material has been replaced by waterproofing materials based on fiberglass, which are characterized by increased strength and long service life.

Fiberglass, impregnated on both sides with a bitumen-polymer mixture, sprinkled with mineral chips on the outside.

In recent years, this type of waterproofing has been used to protect concrete roofs from moisture. It is impossible to work with liquid glass on such objects.

Penetrating waterproofing has a high cost and does not justify the expected costs.

The technology of waterproofing concrete with rolled materials is well developed, performed quickly and lasts a long time.

To perform the work, only a gas burner and a wooden trowel are required. The surface is thoroughly cleaned before laying the waterproofing.

Penetrating agents

New materials and technologies appear regularly in the construction industry. Penetrating waterproofing for concrete is a good example of this.

The principle of operation of this mechanism is that special crystals penetrate into the cracks and pores of the concrete structure and clog them.

This blockage occurs as a result of the growth of crystals. In turn, growth begins when the source material comes into contact with water.

In this way, the concrete base is strengthened. This method is used to repair dams, in cases where the level of concrete filtration exceeds the established norms.

When waterproofing concrete with a penetrating method, it is very important to follow the instructions for using the preparation.

The waterproofing composition is available in the form of a powder, liquid or mastic. The first step is to dissolve the powder with water in the proportion indicated on the package.

Then within 7 - 10 minutes it is necessary to apply the solution on concrete surface in two layers. The surface must first be wetted.

If the first layer is applied horizontally, then the second one is applied vertically, and vice versa. The final fixation of the solution occurs after three days. During this period, it is recommended to spray the concrete with water.

Scope of application

When preparing concrete waterproofing, the materials must be selected in accordance with the problem.

Many objects lose their original characteristics over time and require current or major repairs.

In everyday life, it is often necessary to carry out additional waterproofing of the basement.

Dampness in the basement can appear as a result of rising groundwater levels.

In this situation, penetrating type waterproofing would be the most appropriate method of protection.

The added component must be properly prepared and the procedure for additional waterproofing must be carried out strictly according to the instructions.

Concrete waterproofing works are divided into vertical and horizontal. It is more convenient to apply mastic and roll materials on walls.

For multi-layer waterproofing, polymer membranes, roofing material and fiberglass-based roll material are used.

When applying waterproofing to concrete floors and roofs, impregnating materials are used.

It should be noted that there are no strict restrictions on the use of a particular type of waterproofing for horizontal surfaces.

A particular type of waterproofing material has a universal application.

Concrete waterproofing is quite simple technological process, during which the hydrophobicity of a cast or block structure increases. In addition, waterproofing affects the frost resistance of concrete and the duration of the "life" of objects built from this building material.

Therefore, in this article we will consider typical methods for arranging waterproofing of concrete structures, offering our readers, as a bonus, an overview of insulators, with an analysis of their advantages and disadvantages.

The classification of waterproofing materials is most often built on the basis of the technology of applying an insulator to the surface to be protected.

And according to this principle, the range of such products is divided into the following types of insulating materials:

  • Penetrating substances that work at the capillary level, clogging even microscopic cracks.
  • Additives to the cement-sand mixture that increase the hydrophobicity of a cast structure or concrete block.
  • Liquid compositions that paint the surface to be protected. Moreover, after “coloring”, the liquid hardens, forming a solid film impervious to moisture.
  • Viscous compositions applied to the surface of concrete in a heated form, using a spatula. After cooling, the viscous composition partially hardens, and an elastic film appears on the surface, up to 2-3 millimeters thick.
  • Roll and tile coatings glued to concrete (or otherwise fixed).

Advantages and disadvantages of waterproofing

Due to their physical and chemical properties, all of the above materials for concrete waterproofing have a unique list of advantages and disadvantages.

penetrating compounds

So, penetrating materials are famous for their effectiveness. They protect concrete from ground moisture, and from atmospheric precipitation, and from pressure breakthroughs. And in any case, penetrating waterproofing for concrete "works" at the capillary level - dissolved in water active substances, applied to concrete by staining, penetrate into microscopic pores and grow in them, nourished by moisture and chemicals contained in concrete.

As a result, all capillaries and microscopic cracks are filled with strong crystals growing deep into the material by 10-20 centimeters! And such protection does not suffer from accidental mechanical damage: after all, it is located inside a concrete wall, which is very difficult to destroy. At the same time, penetrating insulators also increase the frost resistance of concrete, guaranteeing the longevity of the entire structure.

The only drawback of penetrating compounds is the slow process of forming a protective environment. Crystals grow very slowly in concrete.

Waterproofing additives

Additives and additives in concrete for waterproofing cast or block structures function on the same principle. Only this time, not a 10-20 cm layer near the surface is protected, but the entire concrete casting or reinforced concrete. However, waterproofing additives make it necessary to select the concrete formulation more responsibly.

However, neither penetrating insulation nor additives provide 100 percent protection. Both options are just "draft" means that it would be nice to apply before the main defense.

Liquid waterproofing

Liquid formulations are famous high efficiency and ease of application technology. After all, liquid waterproofing of concrete is applied to the protected surface with an ordinary brush. Moreover, such a "frivolous" approach to the application process does not affect the effectiveness of the insulating composition.

The range of liquid insulators can be divided into solvent based formulations and aqueous emulsions. The first option involves the introduction of a hydrophobic base into an organic solvent. After application to the surface, the solvent evaporates, and the hydrophobic base remains.

The second option - aqueous emulsions of hydrophobic materials - works on the same principle. Moreover, the aqueous emulsion is not subject to shrinkage during drying, hardens faster and practically does not smell. Therefore, most buyers purchase liquid emulsions.

Coating waterproofing of concrete

Viscous mastics and multicomponent polymers with a complex composition are applied to the protected surfaces, both in a "cold" and "hot" state. Moreover, in cold application it is very similar to painting, and in hot application it is very similar to plastering the surface to be protected.

However, in both cases, a multilayer coating is formed from the coating compositions, into the structure of which reinforcing fiberglass meshes are introduced. Therefore, in contrast to the results of the use of liquid insulators, coating compositions guarantee the formation of a truly strong barrier with a high degree of elasticity.

Such an insulator is not afraid of any blows or chips. After all, the thickness of the insulating layer can reach up to 40 millimeters.

However, such dimensions are typical only for horizontal or inclined planes. On the vertical, only a 20 mm layer can be formed from the coated waterproofing.

Pasting materials supplied in rolls and slabs make it possible to form a waterproofing layer of any thickness. Moreover, in addition to hydrophobic properties, the insulating plate can also be endowed with heat resistance. The result is a multifunctional coating that improves performance characteristics concrete walls and floors.

That's just such a product is much more expensive than conventional waterproofing. Therefore, in the format of glued materials, in most cases, the consumer is offered either polymeric membranes with one-sided permeability, or roofing material. These materials increase the hydrophobicity of concrete for a period of 5-6 to 50 years.

Of course, the most effective materials are more expensive and mounted on the wall with great difficulty. Therefore, pasting insulation is carried out either by amateurs interested in forming a temporary barrier, or by professionals who can offer reliable protection, which can "survive" the protected surface itself.

Waterproofing technologies

Modern technologies of hydroprotection allow increasing the hydrophobicity of concrete in several ways at once.

But most often, the following technologies are used to equip waterproofing:

  • Impregnation of concrete with penetrating compounds.
  • Coloring concrete with liquid insulators.
  • Application of coating compositions to concrete.

Penetrating concrete waterproofing - Penetron and its analogues

The composition of Penetron assumes the following scheme for arranging a waterproofing coating:

Moreover, such a sequence of actions is practiced when handling all impregnating compositions.

Waterproofing concrete with liquid glass

Liquid glass can be used both as a penetrating waterproofing, and as an additive in a sand-cement mixture, and as a basis for "rough" insulation of concrete, carried out before pasting with polymer films.

The process of applying penetrating insulation has been described above in the text. The introduction of "glass" into cement is a very simple operation, which consists in mixing the substance into the finished solution.

And the “rough” insulation with liquid glass is done as follows:

Bituminous concrete waterproofing

Mastics and other coating compositions based on bitumen are applied to concrete in hot or cold form. Moreover, liquid emulsions are applied cold, and softened bitumen is applied hot.

The process of waterproofing concrete with bituminous mastics is as follows:

  • Hot mastics are applied to a dry wall, and emulsions to a wet surface. Therefore, depending on the temperature of the insulating composition, the protected surface is cleaned of dust and dried (for hot mastics) or moistened (for emulsions).
  • After preparing the surface, it is primed with a highly diluted water or kerosene emulsion - a primer. The purpose of this operation is to increase the adhesion of the surface.
  • After priming, the mastic itself is applied to the surface, distributing it with a brush or sprayer. And first, the first layer is applied, on top of which a reinforcing mesh is glued. And after 5-6 hours, a second layer is applied to the “seized” surface of the first layer, and so on, until the dimensions of the insulating coating reach the desired thickness.

A similar technology works both when arranging a horizontal insulating layer on the surface, when the mastic can simply be poured onto the surface to be protected and leveled with a spiked roller, and when forming a vertical waterproofing layer, when the mastic is applied to the wall with a spatula, spray or brush.

The main event that can provide comfortable living conditions is the fight against dampness in the room. The first material used for waterproofing was animal fat. As an alternative to this expensive water-repellent material, over time, cheaper vegetable fats, tar - a resinous product of dry wood, and natural bitumens began to be used. Vegetable fats and tar became the founders of impregnating waterproofing, natural bitumens formed the basis for the technology for the production of coated and similar rolled waterproofing.

Types of impregnating waterproofing

Impregnation waterproofing, due to its ease of implementation, still has not lost popularity. Some materials of this group remained almost unchanged, for example, drying oil, which is a boiled vegetable oil, and tar.

AT modern construction a number of new high-performance impregnations are used: based on oligomeric, acrylic, silicone, epoxy and other synthetic resins.

  • As a cheaper alternative to oil impregnation, oligomeric waterproofing has been developed. Such an impregnation is made from products of oil refining and is a material similar in composition and properties to machine oil and diesel fuel. The protective effect of oligomeric waterproofing is based on the non-wettability of carbohydrates. The main difficulty in using such waterproofing is the need to apply it on dry surfaces, which is impossible in already operated damp rooms. In addition, these impregnations contain organic solvents that smell for some time.

Insulating emulsions have been developed to work on wet walls and to remove the smell of organic solvents. In such a waterproofing composition, non-wettable organic particles are distributed in small drops in an aqueous solution. When it hits a wet concrete structure, water carries greasy drops deep into the array. Inside concrete element organic particles stick together, making the concrete waterproof. The most common emulsions are acrylics and silicones.

  • Acrylic impregnations It is not entirely correct to call "impregnations". Part of the polymer in the form of a film remains on the surface. More effective are impregnations based on modified acrylic - acrylic-styrenes, methacryls, acrylic-butadienes and other copolymers. This group includes the compositions "Polyrem VD-1624", "Hard", "Elastic", "Folbit 800", "Ceresit ST 17". Close relatives of such impregnations are acrylic and polymer water repellents, which are characterized by deeper penetration into concrete and a less pronounced film on the surface.
  • To the group silicone impregnations it is natural to include silanes, siliconates, siloxanes, and other silicon-containing polymers. Despite the difference in the structure of these compositions, they are united by close properties. Silicones easily copolymerize with silicates - sand, cement, gravel, glass, as well as varnishes, paints and plastic materials. The following silicone impregnations are on the market: Aquasil, AC-10, Polyrem VD-1915, Ceresit ST 17. These compositions are recommended for surface application.

The main advantage of silicone impregnations is the ability to form a single whole with the mineral elements of the building, by covering the pores, cracks and capillaries of concrete from the inside with a continuous film.

Penetrating waterproofing: types and main characteristics

A new type of protection of concrete structures from moisture is waterproofing for concrete penetrating action. Impregnation can be a colorless liquid, paste or powder diluted with water, but their principle of operation is similar. Water-soluble waterproofing elements penetrate concrete to a depth of 100-300 mm, enter into a chemical reaction with lime, which is always present inside concrete, and other substances. The products formed as a result of this interaction have low solubility in water, so they begin to quickly crystallize out of solution. In this case, crystals of a special type are formed - bundles or brushes of needles, directed by the tips into the pores. The force of surface tension does not allow the liquid to spread, seep between the needles and wet them.

Crystals, occupying a small part of the pore, make it impervious to moisture penetration, but do not completely prevent the movement of steam. Such selectivity of the action of waterproofing leads to a rapid drying of the concrete structure and the formation of resistance to subsequent wetting.

Representatives of penetrating waterproofing: "Viatron", "Gidrosit BS", "Hydrotex", "Carat-P", "Osmosil", "Penetron", "Slurry", "Ceresit СR 90". Some of these materials combine the characteristics of impregnating and penetrating waterproofing.

The combination of Penetron and Penekrit materials is used to prevent water filtration through cracks, crevices, joints, conjugations and junctions. These waterproofing compounds include: cement, quartz sand with certain size granules, chemically active additives.

In this video, you can see how to apply waterproofing for Penetron concrete with your own hands, and understand the principle of its action (and the action of similar additives):

Coating waterproofing properties

At first glance, impregnating and coating waterproofing are similar: they are applied to the surface of a concrete element and penetrate into the body of the material. Their difference lies in the mechanism of their action. The role of impregnating waterproofing is to hydrophobize the surface of pores, cracks and capillaries. That is, the impregnation works in the volume of the concrete element.

The coating composition, on the contrary, works on the surface, penetrating into the material just enough to ensure reliable adhesion to concrete. A great responsibility is assigned to this thin layer, so the requirements for it are very stringent. These requirements are increased if the waterproofing layer is applied from the side that resists water pressure. In this case, the water does not press the waterproofing against the wall, but, on the contrary, tears it off. Therefore, waterproofing must have the following characteristics:

  • high adhesion to the protected layer;
  • waterproof and waterproof;
  • crack resistance and elasticity.

Many requirements, sometimes conflicting, for insulating materials of this group, led to the emergence of many specific types, differing from each other in the degree of modification, phase composition and type of binder.

Difference of coating waterproofing by binder

According to the type of binder, coating waterproofing is divided into mineral and organic.

  • Cement-based waterproofing compounds are produced and delivered to the consumer in dry form in bags or plastic buckets. Dry mixes in working condition lead to construction site by mixing them with water to form a paste. Work must be carried out immediately after the preparation of the mixture, until it solidifies. Coating waterproofings on a mineral binder include Polyrem SGi-605, Stromix - protection against dampness, Ceresit CR-65, Elastoliqvid, Seal Coat. For amplification waterproofing properties use a polymer latex dispersion. In this case, the waterproofing is called two-component. It goes on sale in a set of two units: dry powder in a bag or bucket and dispersion - in a bucket or canister. The expected effect is achieved only when both components are combined.

To eliminate emergency situations, apply special formulations, the main feature of which is a quick setting in contact with water, moreover, in the process of hardening, the composition expands. Such compositions are called filling, their family includes: Hydrotex B, Lakhta - water plug, Polyrem SGi-631, Ceresit CX 5, Carat-Fix.

  • In the group of coating waterproofing on an organic binder, bitumen-based mastics have been and remain leaders. To improve elasticity and increase adhesion to the base, synthetic rubbers and latexes are added to bitumen, which makes it possible to obtain modified mastics. These include Ceresit CL 51 and Ceresit CL 50, which are based on synthetic resins. Waterproofing "Asoflex-R2M-Boden" and "Hyper-Desmo" are made on the basis of polyurethane, "Germo-Butyl-2M-U" - on butyl rubber.

Materials for roll waterproofing

Rolled waterproofing is a bitumen-polymer binder applied to a fiberglass or non-woven polyester base. The upper surface of the waterproofing material is covered with a protective mineral dressing, polymer film or sand, the lower surface is covered with a polymer film.

Fiberglass bases have low elasticity and the ability to perceive a significant tensile force at small deformations. Polyester is a more elastic material and is able to elongate by almost 40% without tearing. Therefore, polyester-based rolled waterproofing is used in structures where its strong deformations are possible.

The substrate must be carefully prepared before applying the waterproofing layer. direct laying material - primed. The number of layers of rolled waterproofing depends on the strength and type of water load.

There are Russian-made waterproofing materials on the market - Steklobit, Technoplast and imported products - high and low pressure polyethylene geomembranes from NAUE, self-adhesive waterproofing Ceresit BT 21, BT 12, BT 85, BT 85 R, BT 85 SR.

Additives for improving the waterproofing of concrete

In addition to water-repellent materials applied to the surface building structures, for the development of a number of special additives in concrete for waterproofing. Such compositions, introduced into the concrete mixture during its manufacture, increase the water resistance of concrete. Additives of this group improve not only waterproofing, but also other properties of the material. They make waterproofing additives for concrete from polymers that have the ability to grow into concrete mix, closing the cracks and hydrotunnels formed during the hardening of the material.

Technologies for the use of additives are determined by their type. Many dry mixes for waterproofing are used in combination with other modifiers, such as frost-resistant additives and plasticizers.

The ratio of dry composition and water is indicated in the instructions supplied by the additive manufacturers.

The introduction of waterproofing additives into the concrete mixture during its preparation avoids extra costs for work on the protection of concrete and reinforced concrete structures from the damaging effects of moisture.

Waterproofing materials for concrete, 4.0 out of 5 based on 20 ratings

Traditionally, priority issues in construction industry There were issues of noise and heat insulation. Moisture protection aspects of concrete have generally received much less attention. Such an underestimation, especially in the conditions of the Russian climate, can lead to adverse consequences.

Neglect of waterproofing issues, lack of competent study of the zero cycle of buildings and structures (basement, foundation, basement) provokes the penetration of water into lower part buildings. From this, basement dampness develops, which contributes to an increase in humidity in other rooms. It.

Dampness in concrete is a fairly favorable environment for the development of mold, fungus

Plus, moisture negative action on the capillary-porous structure of artificial stone. Gradually penetrating the building from the bottom, ground water migrate through the pores, capillaries, contributing to the moistening of the enclosing structures. The walls begin to collapse from the alternating freeze-thaw.

In addition, the water contains impurities of salts, bicarbonates. These substances are capable of hydration and crystallization, a multiple increase in volume. In general, this leads to the destruction of the supporting concrete structures, delamination, and deformation of the finishing coatings.

Water is able to act from above, coming from atmospheric precipitation.. Such an impact leads not only to mechanical damage, but also to chemical consequences. For example, rainwater- this is a real chemical acid solution, especially in megacities. It acts destructively on an artificial stone, increasing the number of pores and capillaries, which further enhances the centers of aggression.

That is why not only residential construction projects, but also a significant number of other concrete structures need waterproofing protection. These can be cooling towers, tanks, waterworks, industrial floors, underground garages and swimming pools, not to mention facades, interior walls and floors.

Coating waterproofing for concrete

Coating waterproofing materials are gradually replacing bitumen-based roll varieties. This is because cement, polymer and mixed waterproofing mixtures provide a high degree of adhesion to concrete, that is, they form an almost integral whole with the base.

A wide range of similar materials is presented on the domestic market, but when choosing, it is better to respond not to advertising, but to the actual guarantee of a complex of waterproofing properties.

Coating waterproofing of concrete should provide:

  • water resistance to pressure, which is important in tanks and pools, and to separation. The latter property is especially active in recessed rooms and basements;
  • resistance to cracking against the background of dynamic loads;
  • vapor permeability;
  • strength in terms of adhesion;
  • ease of processing and technology, the ability to process wet concrete;
  • reliability, durability.

Mineral coating waterproofing (cement-based)

Such compositions provide a whole range of water and moisture protective properties. In fact, these are dry mixes based on special cement, quartz sand, and additives. After mixing with water, a homogeneous paste-like mass is obtained.

The material is applied to the base in 2-3 passes with hard brushes, after which smoothing with rollers can be carried out. When the composition hardens, a waterproofing rigid layer will be formed on the concrete. Cement coating waterproofing can be plaster and penetrating.

The average consumption of mineral coating waterproofing per cement base– 3.5 kg/m² per 2 mm layer

Scope of application: protection of vertical and horizontal concrete, incl. plastered surfaces, hydraulic structures, underground, above-ground structures, old buildings, floors, ceilings, walls, bathrooms. .

Brands: Aquafin-1K, Lakhta, Koster, Mapei, Hydrosmart


  • cement works for high adhesion with concrete;
  • the finished layer gives high strength, resistance to mechanical stress;
  • high-quality protection against moisture, including on critical structures.


  • mineral mixtures are not elastic, so the finished layer is poorly resistant to vibration loads.


The foundation Cement, sand, synthetic additives
The density of the finished solution 1.85 kg/l
Bulk density 1.438 kg/dm³
Mixing time 3 minutes
Viability 60 minutes
Operating temperature +5 +30 degrees
Waterproof Up to 7 bar
Tool cleaning water

Polymer-mineral waterproofing (cement-polymer)

This solution is in demand if the concrete structure is subject to dynamic loads, which is fraught with the appearance of cracks. Unlike the previous version, the composition contains modern elasticizers, most often based on rubber. The result is a unique material in its own way.

The composition obtained after mixing is similar to a paste, which is applied in 2-3 passes on a flat, matte-moistened surface with brushes. After curing, a continuous, seamless elastic waterproofing. By the way, the layer is able to cover cracks up to 1 mm. This type of mixture is compatible with tap water.

Scope of application: protection of concrete structures, structures various shapes and appointments, incl. reservoirs, pools. The material is used for prefabricated and monolithic reinforced concrete, screeds, plastered concrete. For conducting external and internal works, incl. in bathrooms, cellars, cellars, walls, tanks. Average consumption - 3.5 kg / sq.m. on a 2 mm layer.


  • monolithic waterproofing covering cracks;
  • the compositions differ in hydraulic setting;
  • application to all surfaces having a bearing capacity;
  • fast resistance to atmospheric precipitation;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • applying manually or mechanically;
  • vapor permeability;
  • frost resistance;
  • resistance to dynamic, static loads;
  • the basis for the finishing layers - tiles, plaster, under the screed;
  • water resistance - 7 bar.

The main brands of polymer-mineral waterproofing are Koster, Lahta, Hydrosmart, Ceresit


  • does not work on the roof.


The foundation Powder + dispersion
Density 1.5 g/cm³
Viability 1 hour
Adhesion 1.5 MPa
Tensile strength 1.3 MPa
Elongation at Break 42%
Vapor permeability 1000
Tool cleaning water

Polymer-bitumen, polymer, bituminous concrete waterproofing

Polymer-bituminous and polymer materials well behaved in outdoor waterproofing work. This may be the protection of the exploited roof, foundations, open terraces, balconies. The point is that the high elasticity of the finished waterproofing significantly reduces the risk of material deformation in conditions of serious temperature changes. However, purely bituminous coating waterproofing loses its frost resistance, which requires protection.


  • bituminous mastics of cold application on water based - the composition includes materials such as polymers, emulsifiers. Such emulsions are safer and more environmentally friendly than analogues;
  • bituminous mastics of cold application on solvents- one of the usual methods of coating waterproofing. These mastics are ready to use and are ideal for a variety of applications;
  • hot applied bituminous mastics- the most common method bituminous waterproofing, can be said to be fully time-tested. Before use, the material is heated to 160-180 degrees. Mastic in hot form is applied to the base, covered with a primer. When cooled, an elastic and durable coating is formed. It is gratifying that the material is one of the few that does not give subsequent shrinkage;
  • polymer elastic waterproofing- the material is designed to protect the roof, basements, foundations, bathrooms, swimming pools, technical rooms. The basis is water dispersions of polymers. This type gives high elasticity and can be used in almost any room, providing biological and chemical resistance. Consumption per layer - 0.200-0.400 kg / sq.m. This type of waterproofing can be tinted according to the RAL scale.

Brands: TechnoNIKOL, Lakhta, Koster


  • excellent elasticity;
  • operation up to 25-50 years;
  • spot embedding of the base or the formation of a continuous coating is possible;
  • resistance to negative influences;
  • quick readiness for operation.

Bituminous waterproofing agents allow you to do both spot embedding and form a continuous coating


  • the price is higher than that of analogues;
  • bituminous mastics do not like high temperatures;
  • low environmental friendliness.


Type of waterproofing Bitumen-polymer Bituminous Elastic polymer
Adhesion, MPa 0.6 0.1 1.0
Adhesion between layers, MPa 0.3
Elongation at break, % 500 110
Water absorption, % 0.4 0.4 0.4
Dry residue, % 50 65
Heat resistance, degrees 110 80 130
crack resistance There is There is There is

Tools and equipment

The choice of tools and equipment is based on the method of applying waterproofing and the tasks set for preparing concrete for work.

The standard set is formed as follows:

  • equipment for pre-training grounds- you can choose from sandblasters, grinders, high-pressure cleaners, jackhammers, hard metal brushes, construction vacuum cleaners;
  • equipment and tools for applying solutions- these are fur rollers, brushes, spatulas, doctor blades, brushes, sprayers, with a capacity of 120-240 m² / h, with a power of 0.9 kW;
  • tools and equipment for mixing solutions- a low-speed construction drill with a mixing nozzle, clean containers;
  • waterproofing material- most often used polyethylene film or any non-woven material;
  • overalls and personal protective equipment(glasses, gloves, respirators).

Surface preparation

If it is necessary to protect external concrete structures, interior spaces and basements with high humidity, advance preparation is required.

A number of operations are as follows:

  • removal of organic layers(fungus, mold). For this, biocides are used;
  • fluatation- as a result of this process, a transformation occurs soluble salts into insoluble ones. Work is carried out with the help of special liquids;
  • padding- primers act as a primer. This step is required when applying bituminous mastics(and their varieties), since without this the required adhesion will not be provided.

Primers additionally strengthen concrete, bind small particles and dust

Principles for the use of sanitizing solutions against mold, algae, fungi

Infected concrete is treated with a sanitizing material using a sprayer or brush. Depending on the conditions of the work, its activity occurs after 24-72 hours. If necessary, the processing is duplicated.

Heavily damaged concrete:

  • the biocide is applied with a brush or sprayed;
  • the base is left for several hours;
  • cleaning concrete with water high pressure;
  • apply a second layer of biocide, but without further cleaning;
  • after drying proceed to next step works.

On lightly damaged concrete, high-pressure water cleaning is first carried out, after which a sanitizing solution is applied. After drying, proceed to waterproofing. The tool after completion of the operation is washed with water.

Principles of concrete fluting

Fluate treatment is used in the repair of saline concrete walls as an accompanying measure for waterproofing. Before processing, areas with damaged, contaminated with efflorescence plasters are removed. Seams and walls are carefully cleaned with metal brushes.

Fluate is diluted with water 1:1 and applied to the base 1-2 times until completely saturated. Between the passes, a technological pause is maintained for 7 hours. After a day, the dried concrete is cleaned of the converted salts with brushes. When mixing fluate with water, do not use metal tools and containers. After coating, the equipment is washed with water.

Priming principle

The base is cleaned of dirt, loose layer, protruding and sharp edges, corners. The primer is mixed with a construction mixer until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The material is spread over the concrete with brushes or fur rollers. The latter method significantly increases the speed of work, providing the most uniform layer.

The composition dries from 10 minutes to 12 hours, depending on the type of primer, humidity, air temperature. The surface is considered to be completely dry if it is not sticky. The average consumption of bitumen, bitumen-polymer primer is 0.15-0.35 l / sq.m.

Technology of application of mineral (cement) waterproofing

The concrete to be processed must have a load-bearing capacity, be even, free from contamination. The pores must be open. The presence of foreign elements, sharp corners, nests is unacceptable. Sludge residues and cement paste are removed. Sinks and voids, more than 2 cm deep, cracks are repaired cement-sand mortar . On its basis, fillets are arranged in divergent corners. Moisten the surface before applying waterproofing.

Water escaping to the surface during working and curing must be removed.

Preparation of the composition:

  • the composition is prepared by mixing with clean water;
  • the material is placed in a clean container, water is added to the desired consistency. Proportions 25 kg of dry powder - 6.7 liters of tap water;
  • the composition can be spread with brushes or sprays;
  • waterproofing is applied in several layers at the rate of 1-2 kg / sq.m per pass;
  • fresh coating protect from frost, rain, drafts, sun.

Technology for applying polymer-mineral waterproofing

The outer surface of the concrete must be finely porous, without materials that prevent adhesion, even, with load-bearing capacity. If the base is large-porous, pre-filling with cement mortar is carried out. The surface is moistened to a matt wet state.

According to technology, it is impossible to work with strong solar radiation . If the concrete is too dry and dusty, it is dedusted construction vacuum cleaner and wetted, but without the formation of water films. When working with polymer-mineral waterproofing primer is not required.

Application of waterproofing:

  • surfaces not involved in the work are protected;
  • about 50-60% of the liquid component (polymer dispersion) is poured into a clean container;
  • with constant stirring with a low-speed drill, gradually introducing cement powder;
  • the mixture should not contain clots. The remainder of the liquid component is then introduced;
  • kneading continues for about 2 minutes, maximum 300 rpm;
  • waterproofing is applied with a roller, spatula or spray gun in two passes;
  • subsequent layers are applied after the previous ones have set. During the curing process, the concrete should not be subjected to water load;
  • the finished insulation can be plastered, coated with vapor-permeable paints without solvents.

During the implementation of work, the consumption is not more than 2 kg / sq.m per layer. Otherwise, there is a risk of cracking due to an excess amount of binder.

In the base-wall zone, fillets are laid using cement mortar. After hardening, waterproofing is arranged

If a fillet device is required, processing divergent corners, take a waterproofing tape. The tape is recessed into the fresh waterproofing at the "floor-wall" joints and in the areas of vertical corners. Fillets can serve as an alternative.

Treatment expansion joints monolithic foundation slab:

  • a waterproofing tape with a loop is also laid on the seams;
  • the material is glued with epoxy glue and seamlessly covered with surface insulation.

Protective plates, drains:

  • protection against mechanical damage and ultraviolet radiation is provided with a plastic film or other slippery non-woven material;
  • you can use special protective drainage elements. They are glued after the waterproofing has completely dried.

Technology for bitumen, polymer, bitumen-polymer waterproofing

The course of work depends on the place of work and the material used.

Roof protection

This option is in demand if the roof has a complex geometry, when the method of fusing rolled materials is excluded due to fire safety requirements.

Conducting work:

  • the cleaned base is primed with an emulsion or bituminous primer;
  • mastic is applied in 3-4 approaches. Use the method of pouring and uniform distribution of doctor blades or a brush;
  • to obtain a 2 mm thick waterproofing, apply about 4 mm of cold mastic. In fact, it's about 1-1.3 mm per layer;
  • if you want to save money, it is recommended to use the airless spray method;
  • between each approach, a layer of reinforcement is laid on the waterproofing layer - fiberglass, fiberglass. Each layer must be thoroughly dried;
  • the finished system is protected by a protective reflective mastic, which will protect it from temperature extremes and ultraviolet radiation.

Waterproofing of buried structures

This solution is optimal for protecting concrete that is constantly in contact with water. These are reservoirs, pools, basements, channels, foundations. The material forms a film that retains moisture. In this case, there is no deformation of the bases.

Work order:

  • the base is cleaned and primed with bituminous or emulsion compounds;
  • waterproofing is applied in layers, in two layers. Spatulas are taken to work;
  • observe the drying time of each layer - 1-24 hours (the surface should not be sticky);
  • the resulting layer is protected by insulating protective plates planted on adhesive mastic.

Technology of applying sprayed mastics

This type of waterproofing is effective for processing basements, balconies, floors of wet rooms. One layer consumes 4.5-5.5 kg / sq.m. Requirements for preparation and protection remain typical.

The material is applied by mechanized method using an airless spraying machine.

Waterproofing concrete screed and interior spaces

Here we are talking about the processing of all concrete foundations exposed to various fluids. These can be bathrooms, floors, etc.

Work order:

  • an emulsion primer is applied to the cleaned base;
  • emulsion mastic is applied in layers with a brush or roller. 2 layers are applied;
  • drying time of each layer - up to 5 hours;
  • in places of seams and joints use a self-adhesive sealant tape. Or they use geotextile, sinking it in the first layer of waterproofing;
  • when the layer is dry, you can carry out the following Finishing work on the screed device.


Waterproofing works are always carried out taking into account safety standards. Outdoor work is carried out mainly in dry weather.. If the material can be applied at negative temperatures, the base must be free of ice and snow.

According to GOST 12.3.040-86, SNiP 111-4-800, compliance with fire safety standards, industrial sanitation, and rules for working with electrical equipment is required.

Workers employed on machinery, mechanical devices, inventory must follow the instructions for use and safe operation. If work is carried out at a height of more than 1.3 meters, the installation of reliable scaffolding with a fence is used.

Persons over 18 years of age who have been instructed and have a medical examination are allowed to carry out waterproofing work. The place of work should be equipped with water, fire extinguishers, sandboxes and shovels.

The cost of coating waterproofing for concrete

The actual cost of waterproofing works depends on the characteristics of a particular object.

However, the average rates are as follows:

  • waterproofing of the roof, foundation, basements - 520-580 r / sq.m.;
  • waterproofing interior spaces- from 200-350 r / sq.m.

Minimum material costs:

  • cement - from 924 r / 10 kg;
  • polymer - from 2.8 tr / 10 kg;
  • cement-polymer - from 7 tr / 25 kg.


Coating waterproofing really wins over roll counterparts. These are universal materials that are convenient to apply on concrete of any configuration. Plus, the base gets cracked, and pre-priming is not always required.

Polymer coating waterproofing is used both outside and inside the premises. This type has frost resistance, high adhesion, water resistance and elasticity.

When choosing a mastic, you should pay attention to its basis - cement, bitumen, polymer. Bituminous varieties often used for interior work, as they are weak in terms of frost resistance and exposure to extreme heat (or appropriate additional protection). But at the same time, they demonstrate high adhesion and an excellent coefficient of water resistance. It is this material that successfully resists mechanical and chemical loads.

Cement mastics are sold in dry form. The solution is prepared immediately before distribution over concrete. The solvent is water or a special emulsion that comes with the kit. The material has high adhesion, is resistant to mechanical stress and is durable.

The principles of working with coating waterproofing and its advantages are highlighted in the video:
