What should be the ideal sink for the kitchen. Black kitchen sink Beautiful kitchen sink in the interior

For every hostess, the aesthetics of the kitchen is no less important than its convenience and functionality. The choice of basic elements of the working area - important task for everyone who wants to make their kitchen at the same time beautiful, practical and conducive to creativity in the culinary field. The main elements of the working area are a stove or hob, cutting board and sink.

The choice of the latter is undeservedly made last by many, considering this element not so important compared to the stove. But the sink can perform several important functions in the work area. The black sink is one of the popular options that modern consumers choose instead of the boring and trivial metal sink.

Black can easily be used as a contrasting design element in combination with other colors.

Advantages of color over others

While an ordinary sink made of galvanized stainless steel without a color coating looks rather boring and banal, kitchen sink black color looks quite elegant, regardless of the style in which the rest of the kitchen interior is decorated. One of the advantages of this color is its versatility.

Black sink will fit perfectly into any interior

You can install a black sink in absolutely any kitchen - classic, modern or vintage, modern minimalist, high-tech. It will successfully fit into the work area, without distracting attention from the steel elements.

A black sink is also good because defects and dirt are less visible on it. It is easier to wash and clean with conventional improvised chemicals.

But one should not think that such a sink in the interior of the kitchen is an inconspicuous element that has a purely practical function. The modern kitchen sanitary ware industry offers many truly sophisticated and very beautiful options.

Designers rely on the quality and quality factor of products, using expensive natural materials.

Wash out quality materials keep perfect condition for years to come

Use of natural stone

For dear ones designer interiors a kitchen sink made of expensive natural stone, impressing with its noble weight and age-old service life, can become a key element in the work area. If you can afford this option, then you will get a very durable look of plumbing that does not break down, tarnish or rust, unlike simple metal sinks.

Natural stone is distinguished by its durability

But such a product requires an appropriate frame. A heavy kitchen sink made of marble, granite and other rocks, embedded in a cheap chipboard countertop with a velvet rubber coating, will look ridiculous. Solid materials require an appropriate neighborhood.

When choosing an expensive black sink for the kitchen, order also:

  • countertop made of solid wood or a stone similar in structure;
  • beautiful and quality tiles for finishing the apron;
  • high-quality and expensive furniture in the working area;
  • good and functional faucet of a well-known brand.

An example of what it looks like design decision on a wooden table

Use cases in the work area

The black kitchen sink fits well into almost any surface, harmonizing with both dark and light shades. The installation is currently being mortise sinks when the sink bowl is installed in the functional hole in the worktop.

The material from which the countertop is made can be natural or artificial stone, wood, as well as porcelain stoneware slabs.

Stone countertop

This is a very beautiful and expensive option that looks very impressive. The combination of a sink and a worktop made of natural or similar in structure and color artificial stone creates a feeling of solidity, which looks unusually beautiful, stylish and status.

In this way, you can create a whole set using, for example, a black marble sink with a top made of similar material. Paired with a black hob, tempered glass built-in panel, the black countertop will look as good as in fashionable interior design magazines.

Black kitchen looks stylish and expensive

A black sink will look great in a worktop made of stone or porcelain stoneware in light gray, graphite, anthracite. The neutral yet sophisticated shade of wet asphalt blends perfectly with the dark shade of the sink, creating a stylish and elegant tandem.

A black stone sink is perfectly combined with a countertop made of a similar material in beige, milky, pearl or sand color. This is an equally sophisticated design solution that is perfect for a kitchen in a modern and classic design.

Combination with dark wood top

But wanting to create more original design, you can go with the principle of contrast and install a black sink in a light-colored countertop. A high-quality white countertop made of marble, granite or even artificial stone in combination with a black sink - good decision which looks original and very elegant.

A black sink, embedded in a white countertop, creates a visual impression of depth and volume, attracting attention and at the same time looking quite concise. On a white countertop, dirt is more visible, which is the only drawback of this design solution.

Wooden table top

array natural wood- Another successful companion for black natural or artificial stone. For the kitchen, this solution will be successful, especially if you choose a countertop made of the same wood as the furniture in the working and dining areas. Only real solid wood is needed to be combined with natural stone - chipboard is not suitable, because. will create a sense of misalliance.

Most often, a black sink is combined with dark wood tones, less often with light ones.

You can use wood of any shade - from light oak, alder, pine, to dark noble oak Belfort, wenge, walnut and other types of wood. The lacquered wood surface combined with the polished texture of the stone sink is an incredibly effective and attractive combination.

Metal sink

If you decide to prefer lighter and more affordable metal to heavy natural or artificial stone, this does not mean that you lose in style or sophistication of kitchen design. This is a more practical and affordable option, and many manufacturers of sanitary ware for the kitchen offer many types of sinks.

You can choose a kitchen sink different size, shapes and modifications, and combine it with faucets of different style and functionality. Pay attention to the options with functional elements - an additional side surface for drying dishes or vegetables, with a grate for convenient washing of food.

Be sure to choose a model with a stopper that closes the spout - so you can save water while washing dishes.

High gloss metal sink

Majority metal options It is made of stainless steel and coated with a special polymer compound that paints the product black and at the same time protects it from corrosion. The advantage of metal sinks over stone products is their lighter weight, which makes it easy to transport and install.

The main types of sinks that you should pay attention to are the following:

  • rectangular;
  • round;
  • double.

rectangular shape sinks is classic version for kitchen

The rectangular shape is suitable option for the correct working area geometric shape and spacious enough to accommodate the rest household appliances. It is installed in the countertop in a straight part. kitchen set, while round sinks usually cut into the corner to save work space.

If space permits, choose a sink that is wide and deep enough so that splashes of water and detergents do not fall on surrounding surfaces when washing dishes.

Two bowls are convenient for a kitchen without a dishwasher

A very convenient and rational option is sinks with two bowls, one of which can be smaller in size. This is a functional design that provides the ability to quickly cope with the main work in the kitchen during cooking, washing food and dishes in different bowls.

Another convenient way to use the double sink is to wash dishes in hot water in one compartment, and rinse with cold - in another. So the hostess gets the opportunity to save both water and time.

Two bowls save water and time when washing dishes

Most housewives will agree with the fact that the sink in the kitchen is an indispensable assistant in cooking, facilitating not only the process of preparing the components of the dish for consumption, but also being a complementary element of the overall interior.

This article brings to your attention material that will allow you to learn more about the sinks of modern manufacturers who are trying in every possible way to please the desires and facilitate the work of housewives in the kitchen, offering variety of options executions of sinks that fit perfectly into any design.

To help facilitate the choice of purchase, so that it meets all the criteria of functionality, convenience and practicality.

For a visual conviction in the variety of shapes and materials, just look at the presented photos of kitchen sinks, which are not only comfortable and practical to use, but look perfect against the general background of the kitchen interior.

Washing and its dimensions

When choosing this plumbing product for the kitchen, you need to pay attention to the shape and dimensions.

For example, you already have a set with a cabinet for the sink, then this will be your starting point, in search the best option this kitchen utensil.

When going to the store for a purchase, you need to remember the dimensions of the existing cabinet or the planned space for washing, followed by an individual order for the entire kitchen set as a whole.

The standard cabinet is designed for sinks with dimensions of 0.5x0.6 m. custom size tubes exceeding 0.9 m, a corner sink is a viable option.

The size of the kitchen itself also affects the choice of sink sizes, because you must admit that it would not be rational to have a huge two-cup sink in a small and narrow kitchen, or vice versa, in spacious kitchen with a large work surface to have a standard sink with small dimensions.

Note! Kitchen set - 105 photo ideas for modern design cuisine

Variety of sinks according to the installation method

Currently, there are four ways to mount the sink.

Overhead type

In this version, the sink itself is installed in the cabinet. To the advantage this option can be attributed to the ease of installation and dismantling, which is quite within the power to do it yourself.

The disadvantages include the fact that moisture can enter the gap between the sink and the countertop.

Mortise type

This option is gaining more and more popularity among housewives.

It has a number of advantages, the sink is easily installed with your own hands, it is possible to build it into a countertop made of a variety of materials.

Integrated type

The sink in this version has a significant difference from those described above in that its working surface is located in the same plane with the countertop or slightly higher.

Such sinks are almost impossible to install with your own hands. The advantages of this option include its sophistication and ease of maintenance, preventing the development of fungal cultures due to the lack of hard-to-reach places accumulation of moisture.

underbench type

This option is one of the varieties of the integrated installation. It is mainly used in cases where the countertop into which the sink is mounted is made of stone.

The main difference between this type and the one described above is that the working surface of the sink is located slightly below the level of the countertop plane.

This type is used for the purpose of visual concealment. given element working area and emphasizing the beauty of the stone countertop itself.

It is impossible to say which option is better. Since it all depends on the kitchen set used, the design style and the personal preferences of the housewife.

The materials from which sinks are made

Modern manufacturers present sinks in three versions, depending on the material used:

The choice in favor of one or another material depends on the chosen interior of the kitchen, personal preferences of the hostess and financial capabilities.

Photo of the design of the sink in the kitchen

A kitchen sink is an essential element of any kitchen. Without it, it is impossible to perform any type of work related to cooking, washing food and dishes. It is believed that the hostess spends even more time at the sink than at the stove. Manufacturers of kitchen furniture, sanitary ware and accessories are trying their best to make their products more comfortable, attractive and functional, so the choice various models sinks today just rolls over. Let's see together what a modern kitchen sink is - which one to choose, how to be guided by this, and also study the reviews of the owners.

Which sink is better to choose for the kitchen so that it meets all the requirements of the owners? The choice is made according to several criteria:


On sale you can find products with a different number of bowls. Their number should be chosen based on the ease of use of the sink. If your family consists of more than three people, then the most acceptable option would be to purchase a sink with two bowls. One of them is usually used for washing dishes, and the other bowl will be useful for placing fruits and vegetables in it, defrosting food, and other actions.

A three-bowl sink is used if space permits. But this option requires complex installation and a special retractable mixer.

Pictured is a kitchen sink with two bowls

Also, the comfort of work increases if there are additional devices on the sink: a cutting board, a place for dishes, a compartment for detergent.

Size and capacity

How to choose the size of a kitchen sink to ensure ease of use? You need to pay attention to the size of the kitchen set, as well as the kitchen itself. AT big kitchen and the sink may well be installed wide and deep.

sink material

In the manufacture of sinks are used:

  • stainless steel;
  • a natural stone;
  • faience, porcelain;
  • composite material. The basis of the product is granite or marble chips, quartz.

Installation method

The choice of installation method for the sink depends on the design of the kitchen furniture. The sink can be integrated into the furniture, cut into it, located below the level of the cabinet, or stand on top of the cabinet.


Because the appearance sinks, its stylistic solution can be completely different, it is important to ensure that this item is in harmony with another kitchen furniture. The sink should complement the interior, organically fit into it.

Read also: and its characteristics.

Types of materials

How to choose the right sink for the kitchen so that it fully meets all the needs of the owners? An important place here is occupied by right choice the material from which the product was made.

We list the most popular materials from which modern kitchen sinks are made.

Stainless steel

This material is the most popular, has an acceptable cost. For the manufacture of sinks, steel is used, which contains 18% chromium. The composition also contains 10% nickel. The thickness of the steel can be from 0.9 to 1.2 mm. The surface can be matte or glossy, or anti-graphic. The latter option is the most preferable, since such a surface hides traces of water and various scratches well.

Standard single bowl

The main advantages of this sink:

  • environmental friendliness. Stainless steel is a safe food material;
  • resistance to very high temperature, corrosion and acid. She is not afraid of any solvents and aggressive substances;
  • easy care is provided;
  • goes well with any kitchen furniture;
  • durability;
  • has a low cost. It depends on the size of the sink, the thickness of the metal, the availability of additional devices and the specific manufacturer.


  • too noisy. To eliminate this drawback, special gaskets are placed under the sink;
  • if the surface is glossy, then over time it may become covered small scratches, having lost its original appearance.

Tip: To check the quality of stainless steel, you need to test with a magnet. High-quality steel will not be magnetized.

A natural stone

Such products are made from granite, onyx, marble and other materials. They belong to the most expensive options and therefore are rarely used.

Their main advantages:

  • beauty and unique design;
  • high degree of sound absorption;
  • durability;
  • impact strength, resistance to mechanical influences;
  • Choice of material, color and design.


  • significant weight;
  • the need for special care;
  • very high cost.


Porcelain or faience products are covered with a layer of enamel, which performs protective functions. Porcelain products are more expensive than faience, but also much stronger.

Advantages of ceramics:

  • a wide selection of colors;
  • scratch resistance;
  • the ability to successfully withstand the effects of high temperatures;
  • they need minimal care.


  • too fragile. When falling into a sink heavy object cracks may occur;
  • big weight;
  • the complexity of self-installation.

Composite material

Such products consist of 80% natural stone chips, and 20% of a binder polymer composition.

The composite has the following advantages:

  • it perfectly absorbs the sound of flowing water;
  • there is a choice of any color option;
  • the durability of the material is several decades;
  • he is not afraid of high temperatures. It easily withstands 280 degrees;
  • does not require maintenance.

Among the shortcomings are a lot of weight and high cost.

Note: There are also acrylic composite sinks for the kitchen. They differ from those described above in higher maintainability, but at the same time they are less durable and not resistant to high temperatures.

Types of kitchen sink installation

Before you choose a kitchen sink, you need to decide on how to install it. There are sinks of the following types:

Mortise type

Such sinks are inserted into the slots made in the countertop. All joints are sealed, so we can talk about the convenience of its use. The tabletop can be chosen from any material. These products are among the leaders in their popularity.

Overhead type

The sink is installed on a separate cabinet, which usually has a slightly lower height than the countertop. As a rule, it is used if the kitchen set includes separate furniture items. Easy to install by yourself. Since there are gaps between the sink and adjacent cabinets, water can get into them.

Integrated type

This type of sink is used relatively rarely, as it requires professional installation and significant costs. The sink is not just mounted on a cabinet or mounted above the countertop, but cuts into the material of the countertop, representing a single whole with it. Such sinks are used in combination with, composite and plastic. Chipboard and wood countertops are not suitable for this.

underbench type

This type of sink is installed below the level of the main countertop. Most good option countertop is composite, artificial and natural stone, plastic. Such a sink does not stand out against the background of the countertop, emphasizing its beauty. The ease of use of the undercounter type sink is noted.

What is the best sink for the kitchen according to the installation method - you decide. We only provide recommendations for the selection and operation of these products. The choice of a specific type depends on the characteristics of your headset, as well as on your personal desires.

Construction and forms

Kitchen sinks differ in their shape and design, as well as in size. Let's dwell on this in more detail:

The form

When choosing a kitchen sink, which shape to choose? She may be:

  • oval;
  • round;
  • rectangular;
  • square;
  • polygonal (angular).

The choice of form is made in relation to the size and shape of the kitchen itself. The most popular are square and rectangular designs. They take up little space, look good in combination with kitchen furniture. round shapes are the most accommodating.


We list the main types of sinks by design:


My dimensions are influenced by the dimensions of the kitchen. In a spacious kitchen, a wide sink may well be installed. She may even have additional wings for dishes and cutting food. If the kitchen has small size, a roomy round or compact corner model would be appropriate.

The depth of the wash should also be taken into account. The deeper it is, the more convenient it will be to work with it. A depth of 15-20 cm is considered optimal, since using deeper sinks, you will already have to bend over, which is not comfortable.

Tip: If the cabinet for installing the sink is of considerable size, it is advisable to equip it with additional devices: cutting board, baskets for washing and drying products.

When considering a kitchen sink, which one to choose, reviews various people can have a significant impact. For example, recommendations are given to purchase a kitchen set with a sink at the same time, so as not to look for this device separately. If you have big family, and you often have to wash large baking sheets and ovens, choose the size of the sink so that you can do this without difficulty.

Popular manufacturers

Speaking about how to choose a kitchen sink, it should be noted that now many manufacturers produce high-quality and beautiful kitchen sinks. They are forced to this by high competition in the sanitary goods market.

Nevertheless, I would like to mention several manufacturers from Germany, Spain, Holland and Italy, whose products meet the highest requirements of international standards. These are Smeg, Villeroy&Boch, Franke, Foster, TEKA, Ukinox, Blanco, Polygran, Alveus, Schock, Florentina, Reginox, Longran.

Reading 8 min.

Every housewife has to deal with washing dishes in the kitchen every day, which is sometimes a tedious task. So that the process does not cause inconvenience, you need to carefully consider all the nuances in the working area, making the place for the sink and the sink itself as comfortable and practical as possible.

About what nuances you should know and take into account when choosing a durable, comfortable and suitable for the style of the interior, sink, read further in the article.

Classification by type of material of manufacture

The initial and one of the main selection criteria is the material of the product. It must meet the increased requirements for regular mechanical stress, not be afraid of constant humidity, and not lose its well-groomed appearance during operation.

The quality is also evidenced by resistance to chemical detergents, because the washbasin will have to be cleaned several times. And, of course, everyone style decision kitchen design own materials and color schemes, which should be combined with each other in a common harmonious composition.

Get to know the most common modern types of materials to know all their strengths and weak sides for further selection.

Stainless steel sink

Stainless steel products lead among all other options due to some significant advantages, one of which is affordable price so anyone can buy them.

High-quality material is a durable steel alloy with the addition of chromium and nickel, with a thickness of up to 1.2 mm. There are no harmful impurities in the composition, it is environmentally friendly and safe for health.

The surface texture can be glossy, with a matte effect. Also, they produce modern coating anti-graphics, able to hide accidental scratches and water stains. This will keep the novelty longer, provide a well-groomed appearance in the kitchen.

Stainless steel is quite elastic, plastic, not afraid of accidental impacts from fallen objects. Such a sink will not rust over time, will not be damaged by high temperatures, if poured into it hot liquid. Of the minuses - loud noise when opening the tap, you will need to take care of a special lining. Salt deposits may also disturb; after washing the dishes, wipe the bowl dry.

The stainless steel washbasin has a wide variety of shapes and designs and will fit perfectly into most modern species design. High-tech or loft style kitchens provide for the presence of chrome, steel elements. Such a material with a metallic sheen in gray will harmoniously emphasize the interior.

Composite material for sinks

Composite material is a base of stone chips, and a polymer serves as a binding component. The strength and wear resistance of the product directly depend on the type of base.

Granite sink with quartz sand provides the sink with high strength, exceeding the parameters of natural materials, but its cost is quite high. A marble sink is a little cheaper, but it is characterized by sensitivity to mechanical stress, and does not tolerate temperature extremes.

Quality composite bowls can last up to 10 years, which is much longer than ceramic and stainless steel. It is easy to care for them, you just need to rinse the surface with a damp sponge, removing plaque, food residues. Artificial composite is not afraid of heavy dishes, sharp knife, falling small objects. At minor injuries repair will not cause trouble, you will need to polish the flaws sandpaper.

As for the disadvantages, apart from high price, aggressive abrasives should not be applied to such a product, so as not to damage upper layer. It is better to purchase a soft gel and use it carefully.

Attention! If you put hot dishes, just removed from the stove, into such a sink, you can get deformation, so avoid contact with hot objects.

These instances of composite material are suitable, both for classic and modern interior in the kitchen. rich color palette allows you to choose a model to match the kitchen set or contrast it, at the request of the owner.

A natural stone

Natural stone is incredibly attractive, it will give the interior presentability, nobility, high cost, but the price of the model is not cheap either. They make natural products from granite, basalt, marble, carving a solid shell from the rock manually. natural models have solid foundation, are not destroyed by high temperatures, and are also environmentally friendly when used.

In the kitchen they will look very beautiful, attracting the views of others. Some options on the surface have brilliant blotches of mica, graceful stains created by nature.

Various colors will allow you to create an interior for every taste. In the kitchen at classical style or Art Nouveau style, such a bowl will be a highlight of the design, but it is important to combine it with furnishings also made of natural stone such as countertops or bar counters.

Of the minuses - careful care without the use of harsh detergents, as well as the obligatory coating with special impregnations that repel water and grease. It must be applied at least once a year.

ceramic sink

Ceramic sinks have their own characteristics. They make bowls of porcelain stoneware, shock-resistant, easily tolerating temperature changes, shocks. There are also options from porcelain, faience.

Strength is determined by the method of production from clay, additives and water. This composition is heated, pressed, and then coated with special components to improve performance. Next, a coating or decorative paint is applied to the sink.

In the process of washing dishes, the noise of water is almost inaudible. Material does not emit unpleasant odors, food safe. Among the disadvantages are the large weight of the product, which can collapse when dropped, the high price, and abrasive detergent compositions that destroy the coating should also be avoided.

The ceramic material of the sink has a wide range of shapes and colors. On request, you can order a model with an individual pattern or original color. For country style, you can buy a sink with the effect of artistic aging.

What types of washing installations exist

When choosing an installation method, pay attention to its complexity, as well as to design features kitchen set and the overall style of the room. The choice of option depends on the personal preferences of the owner, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen, and the furniture model.

Get to know existing types settings:

  • Countertop sink mounted on a stand-alone module in the form of a pedestal, without entering the common working area. It is desirable that all furniture be of the same height. Convenient type for corner layout kitchens. It is easy to do it yourself. Of the minuses - the gaps between the cabinet, which can get water.
  • Mortise type can be mounted instead of a countertop. The one-piece product is distinguished by quality, protection against damage and from the penetration of contaminants. Installed with standard furniture fasteners.
  • Underbench version mounted under the countertop, diversifying the design, allowing you to observe the beauty of the material, often made of natural stone, on the cut. This sink is easy to use, maintain hygiene at a high level.
  • Integrated type sink is mounted at the level of the countertop, thereby creating a single surface with working area. Difficult to install, service required experienced craftsman. But the interior is created chic, incredibly attractive, taking into account fashion trends design.

Different product shapes: how to choose the right geometry

The shape of the product is classic, that is, rectangular and square, as well as rounded geometry in the form of an oval, circle. Classic type sinks is more common, as it is practical, it can be of any size, with various designs. Round sinks are relevant for modern styles, fit perfectly into the corner of the layout, but their dimensions must be roomy.

Advice! If you have a small kitchen, and you have to wash a lot of dishes, then it is better to refrain from installing a small round sink on it. During operation, frying pans with long handles may not fit in the sink if the dimensions of the sink are small.

Competent approach to choosing a constructive solution for washing

There are models of sinks equipped with more than one bowl. There may be two, three or more. Of course, this is very convenient, because you can wash vegetables in one, dishes in another, and defrost food in the third. The question is whether such a design will fit in your space. Therefore, base your choice on the basis of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

We equip the kitchen sink with additional accessories for convenience

Before buying a sink for the kitchen, you need to pay attention to the availability of components. Optional equipment simplifies work processes, saves time, adds convenience and comfort.

A mixer with a removable watering can is indispensable when planning a sink by the window. When opening, it is easy to turn or remove, which will not interfere with the ventilation of the room. A useful accessory is the holder for washcloths and cleaning agent, which allows you to place everything you need at hand.

Also, built-in dispensers for liquid soap will come in handy. With their help, you can quickly wash your hands. Indispensable for the kitchen sink is a removable strainer that retains large food residues. All these details greatly simplify life, they will certainly be appreciated by every housewife.

How to achieve an ergonomic kitchen sink: a few tips from experts

To organize the most comfortable, functional place for washing dishes, it is important to correctly determine the dimensions of the product that are suitable for your headset, kitchen layout and area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

The height and depth of the bowl is selected taking into account the number of family members and dishes. Do not forget about the size of the mixer, because it should be moderately high so that everything you need can fit under it. The place for washing is most often determined next to hob separated from it by a countertop.

A thorough analysis of all factors, including the convenient location of the sink in the kitchen, will make optimal ergonomic workflows in the kitchen, which will significantly save your time and effort.

A kitchen will never be complete if there is no place for a sink in it. This unit serves as a place for washing dishes, cutlery, food, and all this is far from its only purpose. Modern kitchen sinks have an attractive appearance, thanks to which they fit perfectly into the interior of the surrounding space, as well as emphasize its character and indicate the sense of style of homeowners.

Manufacturers of sanitary products offer models created from all kinds of materials, colors and textures. The most common and familiar to many are enameled products. white color and stainless steel sinks. However, only black kitchen sinks can make the interior truly luxurious and unique.


Features and Benefits

The black kitchen sink is one of the most best solutions for installation in any kitchen. it original combination functionality and aesthetic beauty. Created in a simple style, its appearance resembles exquisite anthracite.

As a basis for the manufacture of black kitchen sinks, mineral granite, quartz or marble chips bound by polymers. As a result, a product is obtained that, in all its properties, corresponds to natural stone.

Advantages of crumb products:

  • Long service life. A sink made of artificial material lasts at least ten years. This indicator is slightly less than that of products made from natural raw materials, but more than that of ceramic models. Manufacturers also note that with careful use, the sink will last even longer.
  • Hygiene. Thanks to a special manufacturing technology, the surface of the sink will always be protected from the occurrence of pathogenic bacteria and other microorganisms. From such a sink never comes bad smell and there is no mucus.
  • Strength. In terms of mechanical performance, artificial stone is twice as superior to natural stone, so even when falling from a height, the sink will remain intact.
  • Ease of restoration. Over time, even the most durable material wears out, loses its beautiful appearance, cracks, chips and other unpleasant moments appear. But, a black kitchen sink is easy to “refresh” if you treat its surface with sandpaper and then polish it. The broken piece is easily glued with acrylic glue.

  • Resistant to chemicals and sudden changes in temperature.
  • The beauty.
  • Safety for people.
  • Impact resistance.
  • The ability to complement any interior.


The modern market is different a wide range kitchen plumbing. The main differences between kitchen sinks are:

  • Color.
  • Form. There are shells round, square, rectangular, triangular, trapezoidal and others;
  • The presence or absence of drying.
  • Type of installation: angular, upright.

If the sink is made to order, then its shape can be the most unpredictable. But, it is the round units that are the most capacious, and the opinion that the square sink is the largest is erroneous.

The most common washing option is a single bowl device. However, today manufacturers offer customers a variety of sinks. The most common is double, where in one bowl is collected dirty dishes, and in the other it is washed. There are also sinks with three bowls - convenient fixture for a big family.

Operation features

Although black artificial stone sinks are resistant to a number of chemicals, prolonged surface contact with chemicals is still undesirable. Solvents, acids, alkalis, acetone-containing substances should not be on the surface. If contact occurs, all chemicals must be immediately removed from the sink by washing it off. large quantity water, then you need to wipe the sink with soapy water and rinse again clean water. If this incident is ignored, damage may appear on the surface that is difficult to remove.

The material from which black sinks are made is non-combustible, however, its structure is influenced by very high temperature, can change. Therefore, just removed from the fire kitchen utensils(pots, pans and other utensils) cannot be placed on stone plumbing, in the same way temperature changes (hot-cold) must be avoided. Before pouring boiling liquids (water or oil) into the sink, you need to open the cold water tap.

Composite stone is highly durable, but it can also be damaged by the fall of a heavy object or swipe sharp tool. As a result, cracks and chips may appear. Scratches also occur from prolonged use, which are very noticeable on dark products. To prevent the appearance of small defects, the entire surface of the sink should be cleaned only with non-abrasive cleaning products, a soft washcloth and, of course, you should not use the sink instead of a cutting board.

Choosing and buying a black sink is a rather difficult task. It is necessary to choose this product so that it fits perfectly into the space allotted to it. You will also have to look for a mixer that matches the color.

But the most important thing consumers need to know is this:

  1. The top layer of kitchen dishwashing utensils should be thick and strong. This nuance greatly affects wear resistance. And you need to check with the seller before purchasing.
  2. The depth of the container should be at least 19 cm. According to experts, these are the most optimal dimensions.
  3. Based on the number of residents, the number of bowls is selected (one, two, three). For small kitchen one will be enough, but for a larger kitchen room - you can think about two or three bowls.
  4. Form also plays an important role. Thanks to the features of artificial stone, you can create the most unusual and extraordinary forms. Therefore, what the sink will be, is influenced by the general style direction of the room.
  5. Products made of granite chips must comply with radioactive safety standards, this point must also be clarified with sales representatives. You need to buy such goods only from trusted sellers and manufacturers - they care about their reputation, so they will not violate technological processes to reduce the cost of their products.