How to glue baguettes. On what glue to glue the ceiling plinth: the choice of professionals. Non-standard options for finishing stretch ceilings with skirting boards

With the help of baguettes it is possible to create original design and hide some flaws, but during the repair the question arises - how to glue them to the ceiling?

Types of baguettes and their purpose

On sale there are products of different shapes, sizes and materials. Most often found:

  • polyurethane foam;
  • foam;
  • plastic;
  • plaster;
  • wooden.

Polyurethane foam moldings are often used because they are lightweight and can have complex shape. Their analogues from foam are also used, but PPU has the best performance strength and appearance. You can easily stick a baguette to a stretch ceiling, wall or other surface.

Wood products are used when the design of the room implies the presence of this material. Plastic baguettes help to unobtrusively decorate the perimeter of tension structures.

As for plaster parts, they are heavier than others. Large samples are additionally reinforced and mounted on a special solution.

This option is suitable for finishing ceilings in classical style, baroque and the like.

Baguettes are used for the following purposes:

  • masking defects at joints and flat surfaces;
  • organization of stepped structures;
  • design of the transition between the wall and the ceiling;
  • creating an additional decorative effect.

Compositions of adhesive masses

Different mixtures are used, much depends on the size, weight and material of the molding.

There are options for adhesive masses:

  • Putty solution. A composition that is suitable for the installation of baguettes of any type, including plaster. It is applied in a thin layer so that there is no large gap between the product and the surface. It seizes gradually, so it is necessary to provide temporary support. The rest of the finishing work is carried out after the solution has dried. Excess should be removed immediately with a spatula and a damp brush.
  • Polymer adhesive. Mostly this mixture is chosen for the installation of tiles on the basis. Although the curing time is reduced, you still need to hold the moldings a little so that they do not move under their own weight.
  • Sealant. These are silicone or acrylic compounds that quickly and efficiently connect light baguettes to the surface. Additionally, with their help, gaps and joints are processed.
  • Liquid Nails. Even large elements are glued with this substance. It is enough to apply a few dots or stripes of glue and press the molding well for 30 seconds.

When buying baguettes, find out in advance which adhesive material will be optimal in your case.

Preparatory work

Installation is divided into several stages. The first of these is the preparation of the base, which consists in cleaning the remains of putty and eliminating obvious defects, for example, voids and cracks, bumps, etc.

The adhesive adheres well to the surface, on which there is no dust and dirt. If the installation is carried out before the final decorative finishes, you can safely use a primer.

At the same time, the corners are aligned to get a value close to 90 degrees.

After you need to prepare baguettes. I produce them with a length of 2 meters, so there will be no problems with the installation of straight parts, and the corner elements need to be cut to 45 degrees. The moldings are leaned against the ceiling to check the joint. If it turned out to be uneven, the joints are corrected sharp knife.

Mounting Features

The process is similar for all types of materials, but it is worth noting how to glue baguettes on a stretch ceiling. In this case, the adhesive is applied only to lower part products, so as not to spoil the canvas.

Some conditions must be met:

  • the surface must be prepared in advance;
  • the most viewed corner of the room is taken as the starting point;
  • products are joined as closely as possible to each other at the same level;
  • the joints are additionally smeared with white adhesive, the excess is removed immediately;
  • if necessary, moldings are painted.

When installing on multilevel ceiling structures drywall is no problem. Here the angles and planes are drawn up to ideal parameters You don't have to worry about cleanliness. When designing plots along the walls, many more questions arise. One of them: what to glue first?

Pasting to wallpaper

This method is considered more correct, as it avoids the risk of staining the finished coating. Action algorithm:

  1. The surface is levelled.
  2. Walls and ceiling are primed.
  3. Moldings are glued on.
  4. The baguette is smeared at the joints.
  5. After drying, irregularities are corrected, the sealant protruding in the seams is cut off.
  6. The ceiling and baguettes are painted in at least two layers.

Wallpaper sheets are taken with a margin to make an overlap on the baguette. Then a flat spatula is substituted, and all the excess is cut off with a sharp knife along the junction line with the molding.

Installation over wallpaper

If the decorative elements have a complex figured edge, it is more advisable to stick after the wallpaper has dried.

In this case, it is necessary to mark the installation line of products. Glue is applied both to the part adjacent to the ceiling and to the one adjacent to the wall. It is necessary to slightly clean the wallpaper from the vinyl or other coating, without going beyond the markup, then they will quickly grab the glue.

Before painting the molding, it is better to additionally protect the wallpaper with a film or other material. The single color of the ceiling and baguettes will create the effect of solidity and visually expand the space.

To date, one of the popular design moves to create beautiful interior rooms of an apartment or house is the installation of decorative products called baguettes on the ceiling. They look really good. In the article we will tell you how to properly glue baguettes on the ceiling, and also show visual photos of this process.


Since it is very difficult to glue baguettes to the ceiling without the appropriate tools, it is worth preparing:

  • miter box,
  • sharp knife,
  • putty knife,
  • brush.

Note! Before purchasing baguettes in a store, you need to take into account the features of the interior of the room, because the decorative element should be in harmony with the renovation of the apartment and its furnishings. You always need to buy material with a margin, because in the process of work that is performed for the first time, it is not known how many meters of the product will go into marriage.

Working materials

To work on the sticker of decorative products, you need the following materials:

Note! If the question is, on which adhesive to plant a baguette, then you can choose between special glue polymer-based or finishing putty. It should be borne in mind that the glue dries for a long time and the baguette will have to be pressed with your hands to the surface for the required time. To make it more convenient to stick a baguette, it is better to buy a special gun that can be used to apply silicone glue to the surface.

Cutting ceiling moldings

To cut the material, you can purchase a special tool called a miter box. But keep in mind that even when using a slicing tool, baguettes do not necessarily converge in the corners perfectly evenly. The explanation for this is simple - in apartments it is rarely possible to find walls and ceilings that would be located at an angle of 90 ° to each other. In any case, the use of a miter box will reduce the possibility of a gap between the ends of the baguettes to a minimum.

If there is no such device at home, any rectangular box can play the role of a fitting sample. Using its geometric characteristics, you can avoid frequent fitting under the ceiling and then repeated trimming of the baguette at the right angle. Much easier to apply, try on and cut construction material, using a handy three-dimensional model, than to climb each time along the ladder to the ceiling for repeated monotonous action in the hope that the ends of the baguette will close for the last time without forming a gap.

Ceiling baguette sticker

After cutting ceiling baguettes, which are already ready to fit correctly in the corners, you need to clean the walls and ceiling of dust. After cleaning the working surfaces with sandpaper, the places of the future sticker must be primed.

After priming, the fastening of baguettes to the ceiling will be much better. Stick on decorative item You can use glue or putty. The choice of fastening material for the quality of the connection will not make a big difference, since baguettes are very light, especially foam or polyurethane products.

Wooden baguette can be fixed with self-tapping screws.

Now let's talk about how to glue baguettes on the ceiling correctly, so that they complement the interior of the room qualitatively.

Gluing baguettes starts from the left corner of the room. For correct installation product, the connecting mixture is applied to its surface in a continuous even line. The adhesive must be applied in the optimum amount. If you overdo it - when pressing the baguette to the surface, the mixture will be squeezed out from under the product, if you use an insufficient amount of the mixture, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bgluing surfaces will decrease and the connection will be less reliable. Next, the baguette must be firmly pressed to the place where the wall converges with the ceiling and forms a right angle. If the connecting mixture has gone beyond the baguette, it must be removed with a spatula or a brush dipped in water.

After gluing the ceiling baguettes, small gaps will be visually noticeable at the junctions of the ends in straight sections and in the corners. If the surfaces of the walls and ceiling are uneven, gaps between the baguette and the planes will also be visible. In this case, again you need to use the adhesive. For this work, the most convenient to use will be a special gun, with which you need to close up existing gaps. Again, excess adhesive must be removed. known way, otherwise, after painting the baguettes, it will spoil the look of the decorative element.

Note! For large cracks and gaps, you need to apply putty and give it time to dry a little. Otherwise, it will wash out with water, and you will have to putty again.

So that the joining of individual fragments in horizontal directions is not so noticeable, the ends of the baguettes are connected with pins, which allows you to create a temporary stationary even connection, which will not be affected by the movement of the parts during the setting of the adhesive. After some time, the pins are removed, and small punctures are sealed with putty.

After completion of work, the mounting baguette structure is left for 12 hours in a calm state until the putty and glue have completely set. At the end of this time, you can proceed to the next work.

The idea of ​​a good repair is rapidly changing with the advent of new design ideas and techniques. Previously, evenly glued wallpaper with a correctly selected border in the form of a multi-colored paper strip, and sometimes even an ordinary tape, was considered the pinnacle of skill. Today, high-quality finishing of walls and ceilings is impossible without the use of baguettes. Agree, competently combine two planes into a single ensemble - a guarantee of comfort and beauty in the room. In the article we will look at how to properly glue baguettes to the ceiling so that the repair looks complete.

Baguettes in the interior emphasize the sophistication of the design of the room.

The use of baguettes in the interior

The material has several significant advantages:

  • allows you to hide visible defects in walls and ceilings - bumps, roughness, drops;
  • decorates the junction of the wall and ceiling;
  • easy to install, does not require special skills;
  • light and flexible material;
  • rich design choice;
  • allows you to significantly save money due to an affordable price.

Before choosing a ceiling molding, you should know that it can be made from various materials, be different in texture, width, be smooth and patterned. Not only the price depends on this, but also its purpose, features of use for different interiors.

Baguette, aka molding, ceiling plinth or frieze, can be made of foam, polyurethane, plastic, wood or plaster. Most often, the first two types of baguettes are used, while plastic ones, for example, are used only for stretch ceilings, and wooden ones are used in conjunction with the same ceiling.

Wooden baguettes are perfectly combined in the interior, where there is already a tree.

Surface and tool preparation

In order for the ceiling plinth to stick well and hold securely, you need to properly approach the preparation of the surface and the preparation of the glue. Professional builders It is believed that there are two ways to glue baguettes. The most common and proven method, when ceiling plinths are first glued, all gaps and differences are eliminated, and then wallpaper is glued. Some masters apartment renovations baguettes are glued on top of the wallpaper, although this method is more complicated, because it will be difficult and inconvenient to process gaps and irregularities with putty.

In order for the baguettes to hold well, you need to treat the surface. First you need to remove the roughness, bumps with sandpaper, then be sure to clean the ceiling and walls from building dust, and then treat with a special primer.

It is on their availability and quality that the success of gluing baguettes depends. Professionals advise to have the following tools with you:

  • putty knife
  • sharp knife with interchangeable blades
  • miter box
  • paint brush
  • pencil
  • roller

You will also need a foam sponge, adhesive mixture, finishing putty. Armed with everything you need, you can safely proceed to gluing baguettes to the ceiling.

Step-by-step instruction

Proper marking and cutting of baguettes

Before gluing baguettes to the ceiling, you need to calculate required amount slats, so as not to look for the missing later or throw away the unused. The calculation is simple: we calculate the perimeter of the room (here the school curriculum for grade 2 will help you). We divide the resulting number by 2, since this is the standard length of ceiling moldings. For marriage, cutting corners, we throw 2-3 strips. It should be remembered that in prominent places it is advisable to use whole strips of baguettes so as not to spoil the overall look in small pieces.

Now you know how to properly glue baguettes on the ceiling. But remember that the material must be properly cut. So that the pancake is not lumpy, and a good half of the materials are not in the trash, it is better to use a special device for cutting baguettes - a miter box. With it, you can make the corner joint almost perfect, because in ordinary apartments rarely found perfect smooth walls and ceilings.

You can evenly and accurately cut baguettes using a special tool - a miter box.

There is no miter box - it does not matter. We offer step by step instructions for cutting baguettes without using a miter box:

How to glue a baguette on the ceiling

You can glue the ceiling plinth using finishing putty or special glue.

If you settled on the first option, then the mixture must first be prepared. The procedure is simple: putty is poured into a container with water, mixed with a mixer. Some add a little PVA glue to enhance strength.

Then the mixture is applied to the edges of the baguette in an even layer with a spatula. The plinth is applied between the ceiling and the wall and pressed. With a spatula and a sponge, remove excess putty, cover up cracks, bumps, joints.

Most often, for gluing baguettes to the ceiling, polymer adhesives such as Titanium, Moment, or the so-called liquid nails are used. The disadvantage of these compounds is that they smell unpleasant, they are afraid of moisture. In order for the baguette with the applied adhesive to “grab”, you need to press it against the wall and ceiling for several minutes. The glue will securely hold the baguette long time, but it will not work to mask the joints, cracks and irregularities.

Stretch ceiling adhesive

For many, the issue of gluing baguettes under a stretch ceiling causes fear and certain difficulties. But the wolf is not as scary as it is painted. The procedure has its own characteristics, which you will now get acquainted with.

Features of gluing baguettes under a stretch ceiling are as follows.

  1. Cutting should be carried out not under the ceiling, but on the floor, so as not to damage the film
  2. The baguette is glued only to the wall, so the adhesive solution is applied only on one side that is in contact with the wall
  3. A strip of paper is inserted into the gap between the baguette and the stretch ceiling, and then the baguette is painted.

Baguettes organically look under the stretch ceiling.

Having adopted all the tips presented, you can easily solve the problem of how to stick baguettes on the ceiling without extra costs. Good luck with the repair!

How to glue baguettes on the ceiling: methods and instructions

Despite the seeming simplicity, gluing a baguette (plinth, fillet) to the ceiling can be a serious undertaking. In order not to slow down the repair for a couple of days and not spoil the material, you should read the detailed instructions on how to glue the baguette to the ceiling.

How to glue baguettes on the ceiling

Let's start with the fact that baguettes are decorative ceiling plinths with different widths and appearance which are made of various materials: wood, gypsum, plastic, polyurethane different density. As a result, they harmoniously decorate the junction of the wall and ceiling, giving the room an aesthetic look and completeness.

Baguettes are glued close to the ceiling or indented from it, if it is planned to carry out led lighting. They can be different colors, laconic form or decorated for modeling. Baguettes are easily painted during operation. Under the ceiling plinths, you can hide the wiring and wallpapering flaws in case uneven walls(for these purposes, wide ceiling borders are usually chosen). Wall decoration will look good only if the baguettes are glued evenly and correctly.

Types of ceiling plinths

Table. Key features different types ceiling plinths.

Note! Gypsum skirting boards are often glued in in public places(restaurants, hotels); look perfect in rooms with high ceilings, but for low ones - below 3 meters - it is better not to use them.

What is required for gluing baguettes

To glue the ceiling skirting boards neatly and evenly, you will need a sharp knife, a hacksaw and a miter box, a pencil and special glue for polystyrene foam (or other material from which the baguettes are made). Other adhesive materials are also available.

Sealant as an alternative to glue

Surface preparation

It is assumed that the gluing of baguettes is started after the walls are leveled and painted or wallpapered. If the walls are uneven, they need to be leveled (with putty, plaster, etc.), especially if gluing is planned. plaster moldings or wooden skirting boards. Styrofoam products can be pressed in such a way that they hide the unevenness.

Alignment of walls with putty. Dilute the dry mixture with water according to package directions. Then, picking up a little putty on a spatula, fill in all the recesses you see with it. For perfect surface putty is applied to the entire surface. Level the last layer with a wide spatula, leading it along the entire length of the wall.

In the same way, a section of the ceiling is prepared to which the baguette will be glued (read about leveling the ceiling with your own hands). If the ceiling is completely leveled and painted, then no finishing works do not need to be carried out. If you plan to first sticker the baguettes, and then paint the ceiling with them, then you can prime the area where the baguette will be glued.

You can meet objections that the baguette needs to be glued in front of the wallpaper. This procedure also has the right to life, but still it’s easier to stick the wallpaper first, and then the baguette on top. If planned further painting baguette, wallpaper can be covered with polyethylene.

If the baguette will not be glued end-to-end to the ceiling, but with a margin for styling led strip, for convenience, you can mark the bottom line of gluing. To do this, in each corner at a certain distance from the ceiling (for example, 3 cm), small nails should be nailed around the perimeter, to which a strong thread should be tied. On this thread, applying a baguette, you need to mark the bottom line of gluing with a pencil.

Ways to install a ceiling plinth

Baguette preparation

The skirting board can be cut to length during the gluing process. It is better not to do this in advance, especially in the absence of experience, so as not to make mistakes in measurements.

The first baguette and all the others that reach the corner will have to be cut with a miter box. You can, of course, cut a polyurethane baguette with a sharp knife, but this requires the appropriate skills.

How to cut a corner

Cutting a baguette at an angle is not as easy as it seems at first glance. The problem is not the difficulty of evenly cutting corners at 90 or 45 degrees (everything is simple here, especially with the use of a miter box), but that the corners in the room are often crooked and do not reach those same 90 degrees. Therefore, it is necessary to seal the cracks with putty.

If possible, you can use decorative inserts for decoration. Decorative inserts are sold for both external and internal corners. It's easy to put them on. The baguette is cut at an angle of 90 degrees and joined with the inserts. The only disadvantage of this method is the extra costs.

Corners for ceiling plinth

Most craftsmen use a miter box. To decorate any corner, you first need to attach a baguette to the corner of the room and visually see where the cut line will be located. The fillet is placed in the miter box so that the edge of the ceiling is at the bottom. The product is held by hand, the excess part is cut off. Right inner corner cut from left to right, and the left - vice versa. So you need to cut the inner corner. To cut an outside corner, the cutting direction is reversed. Here, the edge should be longer, which will be attached to the ceiling. It is necessary to cut for the right corner from the right - to the left, for the left - vice versa (this process is described in more detail in the article on how to properly cut the corners of the ceiling plinth).

Using a miter box to cut baguettes

Ceiling plinth cutting pattern

If at the end of the work a gap nevertheless formed, it can be covered with putty.

Trimming baguette corners using markings

Step 1. Gluing a baguette should start from the corner of the room, located at the entrance. Immediately stock up on wet wipes to remove excess adhesive mass. Glue is applied along the edges of the baguette and at the joints, dotted or lined. The baguette is applied to the markup and pressed tightly against the wall. The pressing time must first be viewed in the instructions for the glue. Excess adhesive must be removed wet wipe.

Step 2. Next, you should move along the perimeter of the room, each time measuring the required length of the next segment and cutting off the excess. The corners should match and adjoin as much as possible. You need to press the baguette against the wall with the entire surface of the palm, and not with your fingers, otherwise dents may remain.

How to glue a polyurethane baguette

Step 3. After the baguette is glued around the entire perimeter, the joints must be puttied and the glue and putty must dry completely. Then everything is carefully rubbed with fine sandpaper. Baguettes along the entire length can be painted.

After the putty dries, the places where it is smeared or protruded can be wiped with a damp cloth.

Painting in the same color as the ceiling will achieve a visually uniform composition. Wallpaper during painting can be protected with a plastic film with adhesive tape.

If it is decided to glue the wallpaper after sticking the fillet, then the overlap of the upper cut of the wallpaper with a spatula is pressed against the baguette, and the excess is cut off construction knife. This is a very labor intensive procedure.

Be careful when finishing

Wooden ceiling plinth is used for decoration classic interiors, country, chalet, etc.

Wooden plinth has a number of advantages - in particular, it:

As for the disadvantages, then, when compared with polyurethane, a wooden plinth:

But these are all surmountable difficulties, which are more than covered by the stunning appearance of the room, finished with a natural wooden baguette.

To fasten a wooden baguette, you will need a screwdriver, wood screws, a miter box, sandpaper, and a pencil.

Step 1. First, the condition of the walls is checked - they must be even.

Step 2. The markup is in progress.

Step 4 If the baguette is not wide and light, it can still be attached to liquid nails.

Step 5 If the baguette is wide and heavier, it is attached to self-tapping screws. For convenience, you can first attach a wooden baguette to the glue to hold it, and then fasten it with self-tapping screws or screws. The latter must be fastened flush so that the hats do not rise above the surface. Each subsequent baguette is measured in length, cut with a hacksaw or into a corner using a miter box.

Step 6. After the entire perimeter of the room is decorated, you should process the joints and places of the caps of the screws with wood putty, wait for it to dry, and clean it with fine sandpaper.

Step 7. Then all joints are varnished to match the color of the baguette.

Often a wooden baguette is attached to the same wooden corners, which are attached to the wall with self-tapping screws at a distance of 30-50 cm from each other. First, such support platforms are attached, then a plinth is attached to them. Everything else is described above.

PVC skirting boards are light, functional and aesthetic, they help to create unique interior solutions. Such baguettes are used when finishing the ceiling or walls with plastic panels, which is most often found in bathrooms and kitchens. They have a special groove for mounting. Baguettes usually come complete with panels and are designed to mask joints with walls and ceilings.

Plastic plinth is different in that it:

Installation features depend on how they go plastic panels- on the ceiling or wall. First, the frame is attached. The frame rail on / under the ceiling will be the basis for the plastic baguette. Pay attention to the device of the PVC baguette - one of the sides is made in the form of a tongue, into which the lining will be inserted.

The ceiling fillet is installed on the subceiling rail. It is fastened with brackets or self-tapping screws to the frame (if it is metal, then with metal screws). For the design of corners and for joining parts, special connecting parts are used, which can be additionally attached with glue. If gaps remain after fastening, they are smeared with silicone.

Here it is immediately necessary to make a reservation that in this case the baguette closes the junction of the ceiling and the wall, but is not attached to the canvas. There is always a small free space between the baseboard and the canvas (or large if the backlight is mounted there).

For decoration, you can use any fillet: foam, wood, plaster. When choosing a model, it is better to take into account the features of the attachment and stop at the option with a wide vertical side. The installation of skirting boards does not differ from the traditional one, except that only a vertical surface is glued. You can find out more about this at the link below.

Thus, any plinth can be attached independently, decorating your home inexpensively and tastefully.

  • home
  • Accessories
  • Skirting boards and baguettes

1. Materials and tools

Ceiling baguette serves not only to hide the gaps between the ceiling and walls, it is also decorative element capable of giving the repair a finished look. You can see how the surface of the ceiling with a ceiling plinth looks like in the photo. Many do not even think about how to glue baguettes to the ceiling. It seems to them such an easy task that they do not think about any of the nuances that exist in this work. But in order for the result to be pleasing for a long time, some rules must be followed.

Before moving on to how to glue baguettes on the ceiling, you need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • hacksaw for metal;
  • pencil;
  • sponge;
  • miter box;
  • soap solution;
  • sandpaper;
  • level;
  • tassel;
  • glue or liquid nails.

As for how to glue baguettes to the ceiling, this can be done with both glue and liquid nails.

How to glue baguettes on the ceiling, in detail on the video:

How to glue a ceiling baguette correctly

Sticker baguettes on the ceiling

This article will tell you how to glue baguettes to the ceiling, how to cut it, how to glue the material in the corners. If earlier the angle between the walls and the ceiling was covered with a panel or a strip of embossed paper, now the curvature of the walls and ceiling smooths out the baguette or ceiling plinth better. It gives the room a unique look, hides some mistakes during repair work. How to glue ceiling baguettes?

Features of using baguettes

When installing ceiling plinths, there are several of their advantages:

  • The ceiling molding hides visible defects that may be on the walls and ceiling:
  1. small irregularities;
  2. some roughness;
  3. grade fluctuations.
  • Decorate the joint between walls and ceiling.
  • Simple and easy to install, no special skills required.
  • The material is lightweight and flexible.
  • Wide design choice.
  • Affordable baguette price.

Tip: Before gluing baguettes to the ceiling, you need to know what is used to make it. various materials, With different texture, wide, can be smooth and patterned. This affects the cost, purpose and application features for different interiors.

For the manufacture of a baguette, molding, ceiling plinth or frieze, the following are used:

The most popular foam and polyurethane products, plastic products, for example, are used only for stretch ceilings (see PVC baguette for stretch ceilings- differences in species, their advantages and disadvantages), and from wood - with a device wooden ceiling.

What glue is used for mounting baguettes

For each master, when installing ceiling moldings, there is a glue that has been tested in work, which can be:

  • Polymeric. Such a composition has a weak adhesion. In order to glue a foam baguette with polymer glue, it will need to be held in the required position for a sufficiently long time, which is not very convenient for a two-meter product.
  • Acrylic.
  • Based on silicone.

Acrylic and silicone adhesives allow you to quickly and conveniently mount the ceiling plinth. They go on sale in tubes for a pistol. The composition is applied quite easily, and the diameter of the outlet nozzle controls its consumption.

When purchasing a ceiling molding, how to glue it with acrylic and silicone adhesives will tell you detailed instructions applied to the material. The disadvantage of such adhesives is the high cost, this is especially noticeable when performing work in a large apartment or house.

The cheapest option for gluing a baguette with your own hands is the usual finishing putty or glue used for drywall, if used during repairs. Such a composition is more reliable, hardens faster, which allows you to paint the ceiling and baguettes in half an hour, without fear of damaging them with a roller.

The disadvantage of using putty as an adhesive is the lack of convenience when working with it:

  • Such building mixtures it is not very convenient to apply a thin layer on a baguette with a spatula.
  • After gluing, the remaining putty or drywall adhesive will need to be carefully removed with a wet brush. Otherwise, clots of dry mixtures will become visible from under the paint.

How to glue the skirting board on the ceiling

Tip: Installation of the plinth should be started from any corner of the room.

Ceiling baguette can be attached in two ways:

Tip: Baguettes are usually white in color, so be sure to wash your hands well with soap and water before handling to prevent product contamination.

The process of gluing a baguette is quite simple, but problems arise with trimming corners.

The subtleties of the technology of work:

  • Special attention should be given to cleaning the ceiling and walls from the presence of traces of glue. Acrylic and silicone compounds are removed rubber spatula and a damp cloth. When sticking a baguette on putty, the excess is removed with a small brush, well moistened with water.
  • All gaps between the baguette, ceiling and walls must be carefully filled with glue. The same should be done with the connections in the corners of the ceiling plinth.

Tip: You can’t expect that such cracks can be masked with paint or gluing wallpaper on the ceiling, this will not work. Glue smeared on the ceiling and walls must be carefully removed.

  • When joining straight sections, often when the glue dries, the edge of the baguette floats down and a step is formed. To avoid this, the joint of two adjacent skirting boards must be chipped in the desired position with needles. After the glue dries, the needles are removed, and the resulting small holes and dents are carefully covered with the same glue or putty.
  • Baguettes are painted several times. The first layer - primer, allows you to hide all putty joints, and all the rest - decorative layers, are performed simultaneously with painting the ceiling.

Sealing gaps between ceiling and skirting
  • Excess glue on the baguette is cut off as shown in the photo.

Ceiling plinth is an important building element. It serves to design the joint between the wall and the ceiling. With it, you can hide minor flaws in the repair, create a feeling of completeness and integrity of the interior. To properly make repairs with your own hands, it is important to know how to properly glue baguettes on the ceiling.

What are baguettes

Frieze, fillets, baguette - these are all the names of the ceiling plinth. It is used in decoration interior spaces, goes well with various types wallpaper, polyurethane tiles, paint. When choosing such an element of decor, they are guided by the size of the room. The larger the parameters, the more massive the plinth on the ceiling should be.

In deciding how to glue baguettes on the ceiling, in addition to the shape and size of the products, the material from which they are made matters. The decoration uses wooden, polyurethane, gypsum baguettes, which are attached to the wall or ceiling. Friezes are chosen in accordance with the texture of the ceiling. Under the corner wooden surface mount skirting boards of the same material. Plastic friezes are attached to the stretch ceiling.

When decorating joints with friezes, it is important to know how to glue baguettes to the ceiling. Choice liquid composition also depends on the material from which the ceiling plinth is made. When buying friezes, they immediately acquire glue that is suitable for the component composition.

The process of gluing skirting boards to the ceiling

Preparation of tools and surfaces

Manufacturers promise that the baguettes will hide the defects of the walls and ceiling. In practice, a large curvature cannot be hidden. Before gluing the ceiling baguette, it is important to level both surfaces as much as possible. Stretch ceilings are used to mask the main surface with its significant defects. But even in this case, it is necessary to make the walls perfectly even.

Plastered, smoothed surfaces are coated with a primer. This will provide better adhesion of finishing materials to the base. Before gluing the baguettes to the ceiling, the junction and a narrow strip in the upper part are also primed. So the adhesive composition will not be able to quickly absorb and reliably connect the material to the base.

To work with ceiling plinths, tools are stocked:

  • with a sharp knife or saw for trimming extra centimeters, forming corners;
  • putty knife;
  • glue gun;
  • drawing machine.

Sticking a ceiling plinth from the floor will not work. Therefore, you will need a stepladder or any convenient stand. Experienced craftsmen they know that you should first mark the surface, beat off the reference line along which the baguette will have to be glued.

Gluing a polyurethane baguette to the ceiling

  • start work from the corners. Take two short pieces of frieze and cut off their edges at 45 degrees. Combine 2 parts with each other. You should get a perfectly even joint. Glue is applied to the edges of both elements and pressed into the corners of the ceiling. It is necessary to lightly press the parts and hold for a few seconds so that the composition adheres to the base;
  • when the work in the corners is completed, you can glue baguettes along the walls of solid products;
  • glue can get on the frieze glued to the ceiling. It is best to remove it immediately with a wet cloth. When it dries, it will become more difficult to do;
  • after the glue has completely dried, the joints and the resulting recesses are puttied with a rubber spatula, lightly cleaned, primed and painted (if necessary).

Attention! Gluing baguettes to the ceiling is a simple task. One person can handle it. However, working together is more reliable and more fun.

Gluing baguettes on a stretch ceiling

Modern apartment renovation involves the use of the latest construction developments and technologies. These include stretch fabrics PVC or fabric. When mounted on rails, narrow gaps are formed near the wall. They are masked, covered with plastic friezes. People who make repairs on their own have a problem of how to glue a baguette to a stretch ceiling and not damage the canvas.

To hide the joint between the surfaces and not to spoil the PVC film (fabric), the baguette is mounted on the wall. Glue is applied to the rib, which will be adjacent to vertical surface. The other is to stay dry and clean. It is pressed as much as possible to the guide holding the PVC film or fabric.

Watch the video to better understand:

When the wall is painted, glue is applied to the baseboard. If it is covered with decorative canvases, the question arises of what to apply the bonding composition to: on a baguette or wallpaper. Masters lean in favor of the first object. There is a reason for this:

  • glue can come out over the edge of the baguette and yellow spots will become noticeable on the wallpaper over time;
  • it is very difficult to paint the baseboard on the wallpaper and not stain them;
  • when cutting wallpaper along the edge of the guide, you can inadvertently damage the stretch fabric.

Sticking baguettes on stretch ceilings has its own characteristics. If you take them into account, you can easily cope with this work.

Installation of baguettes for wallpaper

Now in many apartments you can see the ceilings covered with wallpaper. These are special canvases white color with relief embossing. To frame such surfaces, polyurethane friezes of different widths and thicknesses are used, simple and with an ornamental image. Masters know how to properly glue baguettes on a ceiling covered with wallpaper:

  • first, friezes are fixed in the corners. From the ends of each, the edge is cut at an angle of 45 degrees. Combine both edges;
  • glue is applied in a thin layer on both ribs;
  • the plinth is applied to the wall exactly along the line of the ceiling and gently pressed;
  • the glue that has come out of the edge is removed with a cloth;
  • the formed joints are filled with a transparent hermetic composition;
  • after mounting the baguette, the ceiling is painted together with the plinth in one color.

Before gluing the baguettes on the wallpaper, the excess parts of the canvases are cut off. If the edges are crooked, uneven, do not worry. The ceiling plinth will hide all the flaws at the joints of the surfaces.

From the video you will understand even better:

Attention! The masters have a rule: light, flexible friezes are glued on the wallpaper, heavy ones on the wall.

Gluing a baguette is possible before finishing the surfaces with wallpaper. Professionals prefer this particular decoration option. It consists of the following steps:

  • walls and ceiling are carefully leveled, smoothed, primed. If they are covered with drywall, the task is simplified;
  • the ends of the friezes are cut along the miter box;
  • putty or liquid glue is applied to both edges of baguettes;
  • the product is pressed immediately to two surfaces and held for several seconds until the plinth is fixed on them;
  • excess bonding composition is removed with a spatula and a dry cloth;
  • after the glue dries, the gaps and joints between the elements are sealed and the glued baguette is primed along with the wall and ceiling.

If the walls and ceiling are then covered with wallpaper, their edges are cut exactly along the frieze line. In this case, a wide spatula is used, which is inserted into the joint between the surface and the plinth and carried out with a sharp knife exactly along its blade. Then the cut is perfect.

Properly glued ceiling plinth creates a feeling of completeness. The interior takes on a neat presentable appearance.

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Baguette for wallpaper: how to glue correctly

Decided to stick a baguette on the wallpaper, but don't know how to do it right? I will tell you how to do the installation with your own hands and what is required for this. In addition, you will learn about the pros and cons of gluing a baguette over wallpaper.

Pros and cons of wallpaper baguettes

Arguments for:

  • Baguette provides additional strength to the joints on the wallpaper. It would seem that at the junction of walls and ceiling, the decoration has an additional load. However, if the installation is done properly, the glued baguette holds the joints of the wallpaper strips on the very trouble spot- at the top, where the canvas eventually begins to move away from the base.

Arguments against:

  • Wallpaper glue is not designed for additional load. Baguettes are installed at the junction of the ceiling and walls, and it is at this place that the glue that holds the wallpaper dries out over time, and therefore the coating can move away from the base along with the baguette.
  • The gaps between the wallpaper and baguettes can not be repaired. If the wall is not even enough, gaps will be visible between it and even baguettes. During normal installation, the gaps are filled with sealant, which is then painted over. When mounted on wallpaper, the sealant will be visible.

So, is it possible to glue a baguette on the wall to the wallpaper? You can, but if you decide to install ceiling plinths on top of an existing finish, consider the following requirements:

  • Choosing the right ceiling plinth and glue. Skirting boards too heavy and not strong enough adhesive composition will not ensure the reliability of the connection with the wallpaper.
  • Installation is carried out on non-textured wallpaper. textured coatings have a smaller adhesive area compared to smooth surfaces. Therefore, installation on a coating without a pronounced relief will be better and more reliable.
  • We fill the gaps at the joints with sealant only if the finish is light. If there are gaps between the wall and the ceiling plinth, they can be filled with sealant, which is most often white. On light finishes, the white sealant will be less noticeable, while on dark wallpaper it will stand out a lot.

Baguettes - what are they and what to choose

Illustrations Varieties by type of configuration

Ceiling plinth. These are profiled planks that imitate stucco molding and are installed along the junction line between the ceiling and walls. On sale are varieties of solid and with the possibility of installing backlight.

The main distinguishing characteristic of the plinth is the width. As a rule, the larger the footage of the room, the wider the plinth used.

Molding (border). This is a profiled bar, as in the photo, which is installed as a border in the center of the wall. The molding can be used as an alternative to the ceiling plinth.
Illustrations Varieties by type of production material

Plinth polyurethane. Such products are elastic, and therefore they can be mounted not only along straight walls, but also along columns and other architectural structures with complex configuration.

The disadvantage of polyurethane baguettes is not only high price but also more weight. Therefore, for installation on wallpaper - this is not the best option.

Styrofoam skirting board. The advantage of foam products high density- light weight and ease of machining.

Flaw foam baseboards, in comparison with polyurethane counterparts, this is rigidity and the impossibility of deformation. That is, foam baguettes are preferably glued around the perimeter of even walls.

Plinth wooden. Wooden baguettes are used extremely rarely, as the price of products is high. Such products can only be installed on perfectly flat walls.

wallpaper panels. These are not baguettes, but their paper imitation.

The advantage of such finishing material- cheap price and ease of sticking. The disadvantage of the solution is the budget unpresentable view.

What to choose from the listed options? Due to its low weight and ease of installation, the best choice- This is a plinth made of expanded polystyrene. By the way, as an alternative, you can use paper panels, with the installation of which there are no difficulties at all.

What to glue

Illustrations Glue recommended for baguettes

Mounting adhesive on acrylic base . Such compositions on sale are represented by “Baguette glue”, “ liquid nails" etc.

Adhesive based on acrylic resins does not corrode polymer materials, and therefore suitable for mounting any ceiling plinths and borders.

The disadvantage of acrylic compositions is that they are white, which means they will be noticeable on dark wallpapers.

Cyanoacrylate adhesive. These compounds include Akfix 750, Hencel Moment, Loctite 454, etc. Distinctive characteristic cyanoacrylate adhesives - this is a quick drying, which simplifies the installation of the plinth on weight.

Like acrylic adhesive, cyanoacrylate compounds do not corrode polymer surfaces, and therefore can be used to install foam and polyurethane products.

Styrofoam adhesive. Mounting tools such as "Titan" Wild are traditionally used for gluing foam cornices.

After drying, the product forms a hard, colorless or transparent layer with excellent adhesive properties. Adhesive setting at room temperature, on average, occurs in 20 seconds.

Sticking technology

Illustrations Step by step instructions

Trimming skirting boards. Since the installation starts from the corner, you need to cut it in advance corner connection, as shown in the diagram. For these purposes, we use a miter saw or a miter box with a hacksaw.

The proposed scheme is relevant if the angles between the walls are straight. If there is curvature, trimming will have to be corrected with a knife.

The factory edge of the foam baguettes is always deformed, so be sure to cut the edges at a right angle and only then adjust them to the desired size.

Installation. Glue on the wrong side of the plinth is applied in accordance with the type of ceiling. If the ceiling is stretched, then we apply glue to the part that is adjacent to the wall, and if the ceiling is ordinary, then we coat both sides.

We stand the prepared skirting board for a minute, after which we put it in place. Having attached the bar, gently press it along the entire length, but at the same time try not to damage it.

We seal the joints. To make the joints between the pieces of the plinth look solid, we coat the ends of the cuts with acrylic sealant and then connect them with a little effort. During the drying of the sealant, the connected joint is fastened with pins or toothpicks, which will not allow the seam to disperse.

Removing excess glue. With the angle of the spatula, we pass along the longitudinal edge of the glued plinth, removing the excess glue that has come out. If whitish marks remain on the wallpaper before it's too late, they must be wiped off with a clean foam sponge dipped in water.

Summing up

Now you know how and how to glue baguettes on wallpaper. You will find more interesting information on the topic by watching the video in this article. If you have any questions or have your own thoughts on working with baguettes, write about it in the comments.

July 5, 2017

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